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Cebu, San Isidro, Isabela


Grade & Section: ____________________________________Date:________ ______________

Test I: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter
on the space before the number.
___1. It refers to filing in all organizational job positions and keeping these filled.
a. Controlling b. Leading c. Staffing d. Managing
___2. This is all forms of pay given by employers to their employees for the performance of
their jobs.
a. wages b. payment c. check d. money
___3. These are techniques used for measuring an organization’s financial stability, efficiency,
effectiveness, production output, and organization member’s attitude’s ang morale.
a. Control System b. Control Method c. Control panel d. Control list
___4. It is the process of inspiring and influencing a group of people to achieve a common goal.
a. Leader b. Leadership c. Motivation d. Leading
___5. The process of attracting, training, developing, and maintaining an excellent work force.
a. HRMM b. HIM c. HEIR d. HRM
___6. It includes workers’ salaries, incentive pays, bonuses, and commissions.
a. . Nonfinancial Compensation c. Indirect Compensation
b. Financial Compensation d. Direct Compensation
___7. It involves the independent review and evaluation of the organization’s nontactical
operations, such as accounting and finances.
a. Audit b. Budget c. Finance d. Accounting
___8. The process of choosing individuals who have the required qualifications to fill present
and expected job openings.
a. Recruitment b. Interview c. Selection d. Application
___9. A management function that involves inspiring and influencing people in the organization
to achieve a common goal.
a. Managing b. Leading c. Staffing d. Controlling
___10. A rewards which pertains to money, finance, or currency.
a. Monetary rewards c. Non monetary rewards
b. Money rewards d. Check rewards
___11. A series of action initiated by employee groups tending toward an end or specific goal.
a. Employee Relation. c. Employee Movement
b. Employee Act d. Employee Performance
___12. A business that has fewer workers, independently owned, operated, and financed; not
always entrepreneurial in orientation and does not dominate its industry; capital is low but
capable of producing goods or rendering services designed to satisfy particular needs of
a. Small Business b. Large Business c. Big Business d. Company Business
___13. A business entity involving five or more persons owning it.
a. Cooperative b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Sole Proprietorship
___14. A reward which do not pertain to money, finance, or currency.
a. Monetary rewards c. Non monetary rewards
b. Money rewards d. Check rewards
___15. A group enterprise made up of several traders, consumers, or producers who are interested to
produce or trade as a group.
a. Cooperative b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Sole Proprietorship
___16. A set of activities designed to attract qualified applicants for job position vacancies in an
a. Recruitment b. Interview c. Selection d. Application
___17. Management marketing resource includes:
a. Sales peopleb. advertising c. Marketing research d. All of the above
___18. The typical control process involves establishing standards, measuring and reporting
actual performance, and comparing it with standards and _______.
a. Taking Picture . Taking Action c. Taking Goald. Taking Process
___19. A business owned by one person only.
a. Cooperative b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Sole Proprietorship
___20. The connection created among employees/workers as they go about their assigned tasks
for the organization to which they belong.
a. Employee Relation. c. Employee Movement
b. Employee Act d. Employee Performance
___21. The best known for control device.
a. Audit b. Budget c. Finance d. Accounting
___22. A management function that involves ensuring that the work performance of the
organization’s members are aligned with the organization’s values and standards through
monitoring, comparing, and correcting their actions.
a. Managing b. Leading c. Staffing d. Controlling
___23. A business formed when two or more partners formally agree to be joint owners of a business.
a. Cooperative b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Sole Proprietorship
___24. It makes use of data and different quantitative tools for monitoring and controlling
production output.
a. Qualitative Method c. Nonquantitative Method
b. Quantitative Method d. Nonqualitative Method
___25. A learning given by organizations to its employees that concentrates on short-term job
performance and acquisition or improvement of job-related skills.
a. Development b. Seminar c. Training d. Assessment
___26. it refers to psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior.
a. Motivation b. Recruitmentc. Selection d. Training
___27. The process of working with and through other to achieve organizational objectives
efficiently and ethically amid constant change; deals with planning, organizing, staffing, leading
and controlling.
a. Managing b. Leading c. Staffing d. Controlling
___28. The study on how goods and services are produced in organizations.
a. Operating Management c. Financial Management
b. Human Resource Management d. Marketing Management
___29. These methods use tools such as inspections, reports, direct supervision and on-the-spot
checking and performance evaluation or counseling to accomplish goals.
a. Qualitative Method c. Nonquantitative Method
b. Quantitative Method d. Nonqualitative Method
___30. The management and custody of the organization’s funds, seeing to it that these are
effectively and efficiently utilized in order to provide for all the needs of the organizations
various operating units.
a. Operating Management
b. Human Resource Management
____31. This theory states that intrinsic factors (achievement, recognition, growth, and
responsibility) are associated with job satisfaction.
A. Intrinsic Factor B. Theory Y c. Extrinsic Factor d. Theory X
____32. a negative view of workers
A. Intrinsic Factor B. Theory Y c. Extrinsic Factor d. Theory
____33. This theory states that individuals have three needs that serve as motivators at work.
They are referred to as the need for achievement (nAch), the need for power (nPow), and the
need for affiliation (nAff).
A. Maslow’s Hierarchy Need Theory b. Mc Clelland ‘sNeed Theory
c. Equity Theory d. Expectancy Theory
____34. It refers to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Five Human Needs: Physiologically, safety, social,
esteem, and self-actualization.
A. Maslow’s Hierarchy Need Theory b. Mc Clelland ‘sNeed Theory
c. Equity Theory d. Expectancy Theory
____35. A theory which states that behaviour is a function of its consequences.
A. Reinforcement Theory b. Job Design TheoryA
c. Equity Theory d. Expectancy Theory
____36. A theory developed by J. Stacey Adams which states that employees assess job
outcomes in relation to what they put into it and then compares these with their coworkers.
A. Reinforcement Theory b. Mc Clelland ‘sNeed Theory
c. Equity Theory d. Expectancy Theory
____37.It states that an individual tends to act in a certain way, based on the expectation that the
act will be followed by an outcome which may be attractive or unattractive to him or her.
a. Reinforcement Theory b. Global Setting Theory
c. Job Design Theory d. Expectancy Theory
____38. A positive view of workers
A. Intrinsic Factor B. Theory Y c. Extrinsic Factor d. Theory X
____39. A theory which states that employees are motivated to work well by combining tasks to
form complete jobs.
a. Reinforcement Theory b. Global Setting Theory
c. Job Design Theory d. Expectancy Theory
____40. A theory which states that employees are motivated to work well by combining tasks to
form complete jobs
a. Reinforcement Theory b. Global Setting Theory
c. Job Design Theory d. Expectancy Theory

ILLUSTRATION: Give what is asked:

1. Make a diagram of horizontal communication flow. Use arrows to indicate directions.

2. Prepare a budget Plan based on your daily or weekly allowances and put it in a chart.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher II School Head

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