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Founded in 1965 by the Oblates

Owned by the Archdiocese of Cotabato
Managed by the Diocesan Clergy of Cotabato (DCC)
“Service for the Love of God through Mary”
Amare Est Servire


Name: ________________________Strand / Section: _____________ Score: _____Rating:_____
Teacher: ________________________________ Date: _____________________________________
GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and answer all the questions carefully. Use black ball point pen and use extra clean
sheet of paper if needed. Avoid erasures.
I.IDENTIFICATION: Identify the correct answer described by each statement. Write your
answer on the space provided.
_____________1. He defines sin as an utterance, a deed.
_____________2. The third dimension of sin is called _________.
_____________3. It is a place or state of suffering inhabited by the soul of sinners who are
expiating their sins before going to heaven.
_____________4. According to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke in the New Testament.
She was a 1st century Jewish woman of Nazareth.
_____________5. It is a historic valley surrounding Ancient Jerusalem from the west and
_____________6. Refers to the third notion of sin.
_____________7. It is a common religious cosmological or transcendent supernatural
place where beings such as gods, angels, souls, and saints.
_____________8. The message of ______ calls men to conversion.
_____________9. He is also known as Saint Augustine of Hippo.
_____________10. The word pravitas means ______.
_____________11. He was a theologian and Philosopher of Berber origin and the Bishop
of Hippo.
_____________12. Refers to another notion of sin that defect the character or disorder
that weighs the sinner down.
_____________13. It is one of the three notions of sins that focuses on God and His
_____________14. Peter means _______.
_____________15. This dimension enslaves us in a contagious habit of vice that acts like a
II. TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided.
_____16. Roman 13: 13 tells us about the conduct of ourselves properly.
_____17. The more we get hooked to vices, the more we become slaves to sin.
_____18. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
_____19. We have to deny ourselves because is in dying to ourselves -our selfish wants.
_____20. Jesus instituted the sacraments to help us in our walk in the Holy Trinity.
_____21. John 3: 16 talks about the loved God to human.
_____22. God is love and because we are born in His image and likeness.
_____23. Through Jesus, we can enter the narrow gates of Heaven.
_____24. Purgatory is an expression of God’s love and mercy.
_____25. The Eucharist is not only a memorial of Christ’s passion and death.

IV. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

26. How many sons of Aaron died?
A. 1 B. 3 C. 2 D. 4
27. Who installed Aaron as High Priest?
A. His son B. His Father C. His brother D. His sister
28. What is unique to Israel's treatment of infectious persons?
A. Isolation B. Identification C. Reintegration D. Avoidance
29. Where does God command Jonah to go preach repentance?
A. Nineveh B. Israel C. Edom D. Judah
36.Which offering requires restitution?
A. Peace offering B. Guilt offering C. Burnt offering D. Grain offering 30.
One thing about Burnt offering is ________.
A. sin against God C. sin against another person
B. offered completely D. offering of thankfulness, also involves sufferings and perseverance
31. What does "being holy" mean?
A. washes ourselves daily C. have a halo on our heads
B. wear clean clothes all the time D. live a life different to other people of the world
32. What does the feast of unleavened bread represent?
A. Easter Good Friday C. Jesus second coming
B. Jesus has taken our sins away D. Jews will see the Lord and repent
33. What does Feast of Pentecost represent?
A. Easter Good Friday C. the Holy Spirit came down 50 days after Jesus returned to heaven
B. Jesus second coming D. new heaven and earth - Jesus will rule over the earth again
34. What does Day of Atonement represents?
A. Jews will see the Lord and repent C. Jesus has taken our sins away
B. Jesus second coming D. Jesus first to rise from the dead
35.What is NOT a characteristic of Leviticus?
A. Law given so we can be Holy C.Words are mostly God spoken.
B.Very little narrative accounts D.God calls us to be Holy
36.Which offering cannot be eaten?
A. Grain offering C. Peace offering
B. Burnt offering D. Sin offering
37. Why sin offering for childbirth?
A. Eve is first to sin against God C. All are sinners
B. For the woman who gave birth D. For the child who is born
38. What is NOT required of infectious persons?
A. Cover their mouth when speaking C. Wear torn clothing
B. Comb hair neatly D. Shout to warn others
39. Why is eating of blood forbidden?
A. It can cause infection C. It is despicable to eat
B. It is for making atonement D. It is for vampires only
40. High Priest enters the Most Holy Place on __________.
A. Day of Atonement C. Sabbath Day
B. Holy days D. Sacrificial days
41. Which feast does NOT required travel to Jerusalem?
A. Feast of Weeks C. Feast of Unleavened Bread
B. Feast of Tabernacles D. Feast of Trumpets
42. What cannot be dedicated to God?
A. Any girls C. Firstborn animals
B. Secular things D. Wild Birds
43. One thing about Peace/fellowship offering is _______.
A. offered completely C. share feast with God, worshippers and guests
B. sin against God D. sin against another person
44. What happened in Nineveh when Jonah finally preached repentance to them?
A. They ignored him C. They didn't believe him
B. They attacked him D. They repented
45. What is the scapegoat?
A. Goat that is killed for our sin C. Goat that is used to excuse our sin
B. Goat that carries away our sin D. Goat that makes us holy to God
46. What are the offerings mentioned in Leviticus?
A. Burnt, Grain/meal, Sin , Atonment and Peace/fellowship offerings
B. Burnt, First fruits, Sin , Guilt and Peace/fellowship offerings
C. Burnt, Trumpet, Sin , Tabernacle and Peace/fellowship offerings
D. Burnt, Grain/meal, Sin , Guilt and Peace/fellowship offerings

48. One thing about Grain/meal offering is ________.

A. sin against God
B. sin against another person
C. offering of thankfulness, also involves sufferings and perseverance
D. offered completely
49. One thing about Sin offering is _____.
A. sin against another person
B. offered completely
C. sin against God
D. offering of thankfulness, also involves sufferings and perseverance
50. One thing about Guilt offering.
A. sin against God
B. share feast with God, worshippers, and guests
C. offered completely
D. sin against another person

“Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy
others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper”

God bless

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