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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* Unique Engineering Works Company
Site location* Karachi, Pakistan
Number of workers 1600
Unique Engineering Works Company manufactures steel buildings, pressure vessels
(drums, columns, and separators), mill heat exchangers, boilers, and power plant
turbines. Due to the current energy crisis, construction on wind towers has begun. raw
material imports from another country. Heavy machinery was operating in the plant
including automatic welding machine, crushing machine and cutting machine. In the plant,
typically, activities were undertaken including performing welding activity that were all
General description of the organisation
five types of welding used (gas, arc, resistance, solid state and newer welding. Workers
were cutting metal sheets and moulded it for the boiler manufacturing.

Employees work in two shifts from 9:00am to 05:00 pm, 05:00 pm to 01:00 am and in
each shift 800 workers work there. Mostly workers are of mature ages. Plant is closed on
Description of the area to be included in the The risk assessment will cover fabricating area, manufacturing section, cutting area,
risk assessment welding unit and designing section and electrical control room.
Plant Manager and HSE team are responsible for health and safety related issues in
Any other relevant information
Unique Engineering Works Company.

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* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Outline how the risk assessment was carried International Labour Organisation (ILO) has internationally safety standards, I go through
out this should include: it and got some important codes of standards related to the mechanical manufactures.
 sources of information consulted;
 who you spoke to; and en/index.htm
 how you identified: Beside this HSE has some specific codes related to it
- the hazards;
- what is already being done; and
- any additional controls/actions that
may be required.
within it, I read some important codes and safety measures from International Labour
Organisation (ILO) related to welding and cutting
and arranged meeting with the Health and safety Manager related to safety arrangements
in plant. After conduct the meeting for further information, I went through the organisation
for identify the hazards and conduct interview to the supervisors and workers leader
related to their health and safety related issues, welfare facilities and safety culture, From
the meeting I observed that there is lack of positive safety culture in workers and lack of
monitoring and communication between employee and employer.
After this, I read organisation audit report, inspection report, work procedure, absence
and ill health data and previous accidents reports. I analysed that they’re this lack of
training and guidance about positive safety culture. The maintenance of machinery was
also not proper according to standards. I analyse the reasons for ill health and absence
due to fatigue and stress due to work burden and lack of break time. At the welding and
cutting workplace, Glasses and gloves were provided to all workers for controlling the
welding fumes and radiations was not proper at standard suitable for work. After
analysing the control measures, for eliminating fumes and radiation hazardous. I provided
HSE approved document.

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: Unique Engineering Works Company

Date of assessment: August 29, 2022
Scope of risk assessment: Fabricating area, manufacturing section, cutting area, welding unit and designing section and electrical
control room

Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Noise Workers, visitors and PPE like Ear buds provided 1 Make it strictly sure that workers 1 week Safety
area in-charge might be to all workers but not and visitors use comfortable PPE officer
harmed. comfortable. (ear buds or ear muffs).
Cutting and
grinding of Cutting and grinding of Noisy section of plant 2 Close area should be construct 2 months Finance
bulk bulky machinery for separated from other plant for cutting and grinding operation Manager
equipment, as constructing steel sections. to reduce noise level.
well as the structure produce high
fabrication of exposure of noise 3 Use a noise metre to conduct a 1 week Supervisor
steel which can affect noise survey and identify
structures, workers working their or machinery parts that produce high
make a lot of visitors or clients whose noise.
noise. visit there for projects.
That noise can affect 4 There should use some modern 1 month Plant
on their ear drums and cutting machines whose have less manager
can become hearing sound.
disability, physiological
effects and 5 The timing of cutting and grinding
occupational stress. should be separate to the other

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
duty work timing. 1 week Area
6 Proper monitoring and inspection
of machinery and area to maintain HSE
low sound. 1 week Manager

Movement of Drivers and others 1. All the vehicle drivers full 1. Provide banksman and instruct 1 week Plant
people & workers that are in the trained and have licensed. him about hazards associated with Manager
vehicles work area could be his activity.
harmed. 2. Walkways for pedestrians
With an should be clearly marked. 2. Attach Reversing alarms and 2 weeks Plant
elevated load, Reversing a FLT in a train the driver. Manager
the driver was storage and stacking 3. Site speed limit should set
reversing FLT area with a high load at 5kmph. 3. A safe speed limit must be set, 1 week HSE
in the storage and no revering alarm and speed limit signs must be Manager
and stacking will result in the FLT mounted.
area with no overturning due to the
reversing high load and no 4. Pedestrian and vehicles 1 Month Finance
alarm revering alarm, causing crossing bridges must be Manager
attached. a pedestrian to be hit constructed at main locations.
by the FLT, resulting in
serious injury. 5. All vehicles should be proper 1 Week HSE Officer
inspected before use and size of
vehicles according to load.

6. PPE`s like visible jackets should

be provided to the workers of entry Plant
routes 1 Week Manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Work Workers and 1. The machine inspected 1 1. To protect staff who deal with 2 weeks Mechanical
Equipment technicians who month ago. machinery, a fixed and adjustable Engineer
and operate cutting and guard should be installed on the
Machinery grinding machines can 2. Emergency buttons cutting machine.
be harmed. placed on machinery.
Operating 2. All machinery should be 1 weeks HSE Officer
cutting inspected before the use.
machinery Workers on cutting
without machines were not 3. To ensure that good working 2 Week HSE
wearing wearing robust gloves. practises are followed, monitoring Manager
inappropriate The cutter of the and supervision should be
PPE and machines can touch the implemented.
machinery hand or body of the
guards were workers and they get 4. Robust gloves should be used 1 week Area
missing. harm. While during all workers during work. supervisor
cutting machinery,
cutting blades could cut 5. Weekly training should be 2 weeks HSE
or damage workers conduct for safe system of working. Supervisor
body parts especially
fingers, hand or arms.

Electricity Workers, Staff, as well 1. High voltage sign placed 1. All machinery should be proper 1 week Electrical
as anyone else who beside the Machine. earthed. Supervisor
may be present, may
High voltage be affected. 2. During work, an over voltage, 1 week Machine
mechanical . 2. Proper training was over current and over-heating Worker
manufacturing provided to the workers. metre should be constantly
machinery Working on a high- monitored.
were not voltage machine

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
earthed. without an earthing can 3. To avoid electric shocks, 1 week HSE Officer
result in extreme appropriate PPE such as rubber
electric shock and even gloves and safety shoes should be
death can cause by worn.
high-voltage access to
critical body parts. 4. All other non-working staff, 1 Week Plant
Muscle cramps, electric visitors not allowed to visit that Manager
burns, numbness area.
and nervous system
damage are all 5. Before starting the machines, 1 week Electrical
potential side effects. make sure that all of the equipment Technician
and wiring are in good working

6. All staff should be trained and 3 Week HSE Officer

given instructions about how to
treat an emergency.

Health, Workers, supervisors Proper ventilation for natural 1. Local lighting, such as spot 1 week HSE
welfare and and client might be light. lights, LED lights located above the Supervisor
working affected. machinery.
Workers, drivers and 2. All damaged lights should be 1 Week Finance
supervisors working for replaced, and LUX should be Officer
Inadequate a long time period achieved.
lighting in the under the inadequate
production lighting which may 3. Lights should be inspected and 3 Weeks HSE Officer
Area. causes change in their maintained on a regular basis, and

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
attitude, , fatigue, eye the best practise is to use natural
strain and headaches. light.

4. Provide portable electrical 2 Weeks Plant

devices to the workers for personal Manager
lighting use.

5. Add the monthly inspection 1 Month HSE Officer

method to the lightening
Working at 1. Scaffolding and mobile 1. Their must strictly order to wear 1 Week Area
height Workers, visitors, tower appropriate work. PPE and use full body harness supervisor
structure frame and while working on height.
materials could be
working on harmed. 2. Personal protective 2. Proper monitoring and checking 1 week Maintenance
mobile tower equipment (PPE) were by the supervisor at working time. staff
scaffold for Workers was working provided to all workers but
the on height without full they not using that. 3. Scaffolding and mobile tower 2 Days Area
maintenance body harness which should not be overloaded. Supervisor
in the steel may cause fall of
structural workers from the 4. SSOW must be developed and 2 Weeks HSE
area, they height. The implemented for safety of all height Manager
working Consequences of work activities
without full falling from height are
body harness broken of bones, 5. Arrange and install safety nets 1 Week Plant
and head permanent disability and air bags. Manager
protection even death can occur.
6. Permit to work system should be 3 Weeks HSE
develop and also must be followed. manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)

Electricity Workers and supervisor 1. The electrical 1. Ensure that all flammable 1 week HSE Officer
and other people that infrastructure is in place. materials are kept a safe distance
Insulation of are in the area might be away from electrical boards and
cable was harmed. circuits.
damaged 2. Trained first aiders are
found in Workers may come into available who can deal with 2. All old wiring components and 1 Month Plant
electrical contact with the minor electric shock. cables will be repaired or replaced Manager
control room. damaged cable, putting with new ones.
themselves at risk of
electric shock, skin 3. For cable safety, wrap flexible 2 weeks Plant
burns, and death. pipes around all tool cables. Manager
Electricity can cause
severe electric shock,
which can lead to 4.Safety shoes should be provided 1 Week HSE
death. It can also cause to the workers. Manager
muscle cramps, electric
burns, discomfort, 5. All workers should train to report 3 Weeks HSE Officer
fatigue, limb pain, and spot electrical damages in
numbness, tingling, and equipment’s and in workplace.
nervous system
damage, as well as 6. All workers should aware of 2 Weeks HSE
memory loss and emergency arrangements. Supervisor
chronic tremors.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Hazardous Workers, materials and 1.Personal protective 1. Proper standard respiratory 1 week Plant
substance visitors might be equipment (PPE) provided to protective equipment’s (RPE) Manager
harmed. workers but they not using provided to workers.
welding the them.
machines and Workers working in 2. All the burning materials should 1 week Area
equipment welding unit producing 2. Work training delivered to be hide and clean the area, Supervisor
without any large number of fumes. workers 1 month ago.
proper PPE, They were not using 3. Proper ventilation in area to 1 Week Finance
and there was respiratory protective 3. Ventilated area but not remove any toxic gases or dust Manager
no proper equipment (RPE). proper separation for materials and inspected regularly
ventilation to During breathing fumes welding.
prevent toxic irritating them they 4. A method of job rotation and rest 3 Week Plant
welding inhaling fumes which breaks should be enforced. Manager
fumes. cause lung damage
and various types of 5. Before beginning work, worker 5 days HSE
cancer, including lung, should check their preparation to Manager
larynx and urinary work and ensure that their health is
tract. Health appropriate for the work.
effects from
certain fumes may
metal fume fever,
stomach ulcers, kidney
damage and nervous
system damage.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Work related Workers and staff might 1.Ergonomics risk 1. Conduct an ergonomic risk 1 week HSE
upper limb be harmed. assessment was last carried assessment of the workstation to Manager
disorders out when the area was first ensure the appropriate level of
Workers and set up (4 years ago) comfort.
Staff employees who were
members and expected to work in 2. Monitoring on regularly 2. Provide staff with risk and 1 week Plant
in-charge of front of a computer basis by the Staff manager. precautions knowledge and Manager
construction screen on a daily basis preparation.
were It can cause health
frequently problems such as 3. If necessary, include eye exams 2 weeks Finance
working in tension, exhaustion, and spectacles. Manager
front of eye strain, back pain,
display and WRULD. 4. To allow for a comfortable head 1 week Plant
screen position, the screen height should Manager
equipment, be adjustable.
making prints
for steel 5. Ascertain that the lighting is 1 week HSE Officer
structures. suitable for the job (brightness or
lux level should be relatively for
fine detail work).
6. Provide training to workers on 2 Weeks Executive
risk and precautions.

Fire Maintenance workers 1. Safety sign boards 1. Management should develop 1 Week HSE
and supervisor to be installed. and enforce a safe system of work Executive
using a gas harmed. for hot work.
cutter to cut a
metal for Carrying out hot work 2.Emergency procedures 2.Fire Extinguisher should be 1 week Plant

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
shelter near flammable are for fire tested regularly. provided on all hot work activities. Manager
maintenance, materials will result in
and oxygen significant physical and 3. Flammable material removes 2 week Area
and acetylene economic damage due from place and proper ventilation. supervisor
cylinders to fire and explosion.
were right 4. Follow permit system, daily hot 1 Week Area
next to them. work check list. Manager

5. Conduct tool box talks for 1 week HSE

storage of combustible and Supervisor
flammable materials.

6. On-site, a permit-to-work system 1 Month HSE

for hot-working activities in the Executive
workplace should be created.

Slips and All the workers working The walkways were 1.Spill kits must be available on the 2 weeks Finance
trips in the workshops can designed. workplace. manager
be harmed Safety signs were installed.
There was oil Workers moving around 2.Arrange the floor to be HSE
spillage in the this spillage can get degreased as soon as possible. 1 week supervisor
maintenance slipped and can get
workshop due fallen on the floor they 3.Spill resistant Matts must be Plant
to fault in can get injury like head available. 1 week manager
machine injuries, broken bones,

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
internal and external 4.Good housekeeping must be
injuries etc. decided. 1 week Activity

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial Moral:
arguments Unique Engineering Works Company have a moral obligation of preventing workplace
accidents so employees can come home safely. Staff are the backbone of every
organisation, and they operate solely on the basis of the organization's will. Organizations
must also take appropriate precautions to keep their employees safe. It is socially immoral
for staff to be injured or killed on the job. Since the worker's family is dependent on him, the
company should take care of his workers' welfare. Furthermore, employees have a moral
responsibility to take good care of their own safety as well as the safety of those who might
be injured as a result of their actions, and they should comply with their employers.

Unique Engineering Works Company could face regulatory compliance measures such as
prohibition (Stopping all work on a specific activity) or improvement notices relating to these
activities. If these activities could not be carried out properly, the financial burden on the
company would be immense, and even these activities could limit their certification
achievement in all fields and local Government can also take an action against delay of
work. The government of Pakistan imposes various obligations on employers, including the
requirement that working machines, working practises, and work environments be suitable
to the nature of the work, that all work equipment be inspected and maintained, and that all
high-risk activities be regulated by a permit-to-work system. Under the International Labour
Organization's (ILO) Safety and Health Convention, a firm is legally required to safeguard

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its employees (C155)

If a major accident happens at work, the company may suffer significant financial losses.
These financial implications may be categorised into these groups. Cost associated with
injured employee (sick pay, replacement worker allowance, medical costs, lost working
time), Costs associated with new worker recruitment, Costs related to civil lawsuits, The
cost associated with a rise in insurance premiums, The expense of getting regulatory
authority. When an accident or unwelcome occurrence occurs, it often damages the
organization's property. Beside it the reputation of the company will be down and the result
they loss their client. Furthermore, the organisation must bear the losses of his estate. A
large sum would be required to rebuild and repair damaged buildings, as well as to install

Justification for action 1

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Close area should be construct for cutting and grinding operation to reduce noise level.
assessment) (Hazard category: Noise)
Specific legal arguments ILO C148 - Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Convention, 1977
(No. 148) article 8 required that where this is not feasible, technological measures applied
to new plant or processes or installation in design of new close area or added to existing
plant or processes shall be used to keep the working environment free of any danger due
to noise or vibration. And The employer must provide and maintain appropriate personal
protection equipment. The employer does not expect a worker to work without the personal
protective equipment required by this Article.
Similarly, ILO Recommendation R156 recommended for controlling noise in the workplace
should be replaced as much as possible in new areas by processes that produce little to no
pollution, noise, or vibration. In appropriate cases, the competent authority should authorise
requirements for the emission levels of machinery and installations (design, built-in
equipment, or technical measures during installation) in terms of air emissions, noise, and

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Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of hearing loss to the worker is high.
I set the category when suggesting the severity in following way:
 types of injury or ill health Minimal: no injury or damage happened.
 number of workers at risk Minor: injury happened requiring the first aid treatment and/or unimportant damage to the
 how often the activity is carried equipment and machinery.
out Major: injury happened requiring the hospital treatment, requiring recovery time, and/or
 how widespread the risk is important damage to equipment and machinery.
Fatal: injuring which causing disability or death, and loss of equipment, machinery or
The Severity of this hazard is set as Major. Because due to working long period in high
frequency noisy area, workers could need hospital treatment for hearing disability or
physiological effects.

There are ten workers working in this area and are at risk.

Cutting and grinding of bulky machinery for constructing steel structure produce high
exposure of noise. Workers work in this area in two shifts.

The risk is present in the Cutting and grinding and affect workers only that are working in
this section.
How effective the action is likely to be in Construction of separate close area for the noisy place is very helpful for control the noise
controlling the risk. This should include: level. The noise will not travel outside the close area and close area will reduce the
 the intended impact of the action; frequency of noise. As a result, I proposed the creation of a separate close area for the
 justification for the timescale that noisy area, which would have a positive effect on the workers, improve industry morale,
you indicated in your risk and minimise the risk of noise hazards and accidents. Cost associated with the
assessment; and implementation of the action will be less than the cost of injuries to workers.
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk I've assigned it a two-month time scale for this to be completed because I'll discuss it with
the HSE chairman, executives, and finance manager before authorising the budget. I'm
hoping that this will take the longest period of time to complete.

This action 80% maximum reduce the risk of noise pollution among workers during the

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construction of a separate close area. Action with suitable controls can help to provide the
fully control of the risk.

Justification for action 2

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Pedestrian and vehicles crossing bridges must be constructed at main location or main
assessment) gates. (Hazard category: Safe movement of people and vehicles)
Specific legal arguments ILO C167 - Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167) article 28
required that All vehicles and earth-moving or material-handling equipment must be
operated by workers who have received proper training in compliance with national laws
and regulations, and all safety requirements in vehicles must be maintained, and traffic
layout on all sites must be transparent and in accordance with a secure work system. The
ILO code of practice ‘Safety of the Movements vehicles and Pedestrian’ gives specific
advice to appropriate control measures that employer must make to protect his employees
against the risk identified by an assessment of risk. The ILO’s code of practice ‘recording
and notification workplace accidents’ requires employers to report cases of major
workplace vehicles accidents to our country’s health and safety regulator.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of serious injury is high due to collision.
Please see the justification 1 for severity category. The severity of this is set as Major
 types of injury or ill health because if an accident happens when vehicles are travelling, a severe personal injury will
 number of workers at risk occur, and it is possible that the injury will require medical care, such as a head injury or a
 how often the activity is carried bone fracture. This may be damage building and another vehicle.
 how widespread the risk is There are twenty worker working in this area and are at risk.

Driver reversing a FLT in a storage and stacking area with a high load and no revering
alarm will result in the FLT overturning due to the high load and no revering alarm, causing
a pedestrian to be hit by the FLT. Workers work in this area in two shifts.

The risk is present in the storage and stacking area and affects workers only that are
working in this area.
How effective the action is likely to be in Pedestrian and vehicles crossing bridges must be constructed to reduce the risk of collision

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controlling the risk. This should include: vehicle with pedestrians and another vehicle. This will reduce the severity rating. This
 the intended impact of the action; action will decrease the likelihood of serious personal injury. This will also decrease the risk
 justification for the timescale that of hit by other vehicle and will also reduce the cost of maintenance of the damaged
you indicated in your risk machinery. This will major impact on the organisation. Cost associated with the
assessment; and implementation of the action will be less than the cost of injuries to workers.
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk I've given a 1 month to be completed for this because construction of the crossing bridges
will take time to be completed and I hope finance manager will agree the action.

The action will 80% control the risk of collide with workers and other vehicles while
construction of crossing bridges. This will also decrease the severity level. Action with
suitable controls can help to provide the fully control of the risk.

Justification for action 3

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk To protect staff who deal with machinery, a fixed and adjustable guard should be installed
assessment) on the cutting machine. (Hazard category: work equipment and machinery.)
Specific legal arguments ILO`s C119 - Guarding of Machinery Convention, 1963 (No. 119) article 11 require that
dangerous parts of the machinery during operation shall be fully guarded and shall be
ensured that guards are placed in right positions and are appropriate to machinery also
required that every machinery that are working in the workplace, should be guarded with
fixed and moveable guards and there should be placed use of safe machinery method.
Emergency button of the machine should also be installed at machine and the machine
operator should be competent. Supervision and monitoring system should be performed to
check the effectively operating.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of serious personal injuries is high.
Please see the justification 1 for severity category. The severity rating for this hazard is set
 types of injury or ill health as Major. If accident happen in the workplace about machinery. It may be probably that
 number of workers at risk injury of the worker will require hospital treatment. E.g., cut injuries
 how often the activity is carried
out There are four workers working on the machine and are at risk.
 how widespread the risk is

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Worker operating cutting machinery in machinery section without wearing inappropriate
PPE and machinery guards were missing. Workers work in this area in to shift.

The risk is present in the machinery section and affects workers only that are working with
How effective the action is likely to be in Fixed and adjustable guards could be mounted on each machine to limit the number of
controlling the risk. This should include: machine-related injuries. Set and reversible guards have a huge effect because they
 the intended impact of the action; minimise the risk of entanglement, slashing, and abrasion, as well as the incidence of
 justification for the timescale that fractures and broken bones. Cost associated with the implementation of the action will be
you indicated in your risk less than the cost of injuries to workers.
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will I have given 2 weeks’ time scale for this to be completed. I have given this time because
fully control the risk finance manager and Plant manager will discuss it with the mechanical engineer and
mechanical engineer will make an assessment of layout the machinery and hire a
competent maintenance member for this to be completed so this will take time.
This action will 70% control the risk of serious injuries while fixed and adjustable guard will
be installed on the cutting machine and this action will also have decreed the severity level.
Action with suitable controls can help to provide the fully control of the risk.

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with The company has a policy that requires a one-year review of the risk assessment. As a
reasoning result, I've set a one-year review period. On August 29, 2023, the risk assessment will be
reviewed. I also ensure that the risk assessment is reviewed before the date when the
following events occur If the number of employees changes, Process Modification, a
change in machinery and any major accident occurs in the plant.
How the risk assessment findings will be I'll schedule a meeting with the HSE manager and the finance director to discuss and agree
communicated AND who you need to tell on the risk-assessment measures I proposed, and then I'll provide a list of conclusions and
risk-area actions (this meeting will have emailed initially with follow up if required). The

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results of this risk assessment will be included in the training plan and posted on notice
boards in the department. I'll communicate these findings to all relevant departments via
email or company intranet, where I'll also advise the staff about what actions to take. The
finding of the risk assessment and recommended measures will be posted on the company
intranet and notice boards so that all employees can see it. The results of the risk
assessment will be included in the next tool box talk so that every worker will understand
the hazard finding and control measure.
How you will follow up on the risk I will set a small board in my office attach the written form of risk assessment on this board
assessment to check that the actions along with date and timescale for which action is be taken. I will mark the date and action
have been carried out before 20 days of that action due date and set a remainder in my phone with specific ring.
On due date I will call the responsible person and investigate about the progress of
completion. I will identify the reasons if targeted action is not seen to be completed on due
date. If It is due to financial resources or workers behaviour that could create a hurdle in
implementing new controls. I will arrange a meeting with financial manager to give some
funding to implement the necessary controls. I will also arrange the meeting with Plant
Manager and HSE Manager to deal with poor behaviour of workers and try to sort-out with
best agreed actions. If any actions look, they are not to be completed on time I will speak to
managing director to see what additional sources available.

Learner number: 00704652 Learner name: Ahmad Munir Page 19 of 19

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