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Name: Taha Riaz

Group: 187
Faculty: 7th
Topic: Biosafety

 Bioethics Definition and Introduction

 Biosafety
 Bio risks
 Biosecurity
 Bioterrorism
 Life Sciences
 Conclusion
The discipline dealing with the ethical implications of biological
research and applications especially in medicine.
The study of the ethical and moral implications of new
biological discoveries and biomedical advances, as in the fields
of genetic engineering and drug research.

Bioethics is concerned with a specific area of human conduct

concerning the animate (for example, human beings and animals)
and inanimate (for example, stones) natural world against the
background of the life sciences and deals with the various problems
that arise from this complex amalgam.
Bioethics is a rather young academic inter-disciplinary field that has
emerged rapidly as a particular moral enterprise against the
background of the revival of applied ethics in the second half of the
twentieth century. The notion of bioethics is commonly understood
as a generic term for three main sub-disciplines: medical ethics,
animal ethics, and environmental ethics. Each sub-discipline has its
own particular area of bioethics, but there is a significant overlap of
many issues, ethical approaches, concepts, and moral
considerations. This makes it difficult to examine and to easily solve
vital moral problems such as abortion, xenotransplantation, cloning,
stem cell research, the moral status of animals and the moral status
of nature (the environment). In addition, the field of bioethics
presupposes at least some basic knowledge of important life
sciences, most notably medicine, biology (including genetics),
biochemistry, and biophysics in order to deal successfully with
particular moral issues. This article also contains a discussion about
the vital issue of moral status—and hence protection—in the context
of bioethics, that is, whether moral status is ascribed depending on
rationality, harm, or any other feature. For example, it might well be
the case that non-sentient beings such as plants and unique stone
formations, such as the Grand Canyon, do have a moral standing—at
least, to some degree—and should not be deliberately destroyed by
virtue of either their instrumental or intrinsic value for human
beings. The last part contains a discussion of the main bioethical
theories including their main line of reasoning and complex
challenges in contemporary philosophy.
Historically speaking, there are three possible ways at least to
address the history of bioethics. First, by the origin of the notion of
bioethics, second, by the origin of the academic discipline and the
institutionalization of bioethics, and third, by the origin of bioethics
as a phenomenon. Each focuses on different aspects concerning the
history of bioethics; however, one can only understand and
appreciate the whole picture if one takes all three into account.
The application of knowledge, techniques and equipment to prevent
personal, laboratory and environmental exposure to potentially
infectious agents or biohazards.
The prevention of large-scale loss of biological integrity, focusing
both on ecology and human health.

These prevention mechanisms include conduction of regular reviews

of the biosafety in laboratory settings, as well as strict guidelines to
follow. Biosafety is used to protect from harmful incidents. Many
laboratories handling biohazards employ an ongoing risk
management assessment and enforcement process for biosafety.
Failures to follow such protocols can lead to increased risk of
exposure to biohazards or pathogens. Human error and poor
technique contribute to unnecessary exposure and compromise the
best safeguards set into place for protection.
Biosafety in agriculture, chemistry, medicine, exobiology and beyond
will likely require application of the precautionary principle, and a
new definition focused on the biological nature of the threatened
organism rather than the nature of the threat.

When biological warfare or new, currently hypothetical, threats (i.e.,

robots, new artificial bacteria) are considered, biosafety precautions
are generally not sufficient. The new field of biosecurity addresses
these complex threats.

Biosafety level refers to the stringency of biocontainment

precautions deemed necessary by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) for laboratory work with infectious materials.

Typically, institutions that experiment with or create potentially

harmful biological material will have a committee or board of
supervisors that is in charge of the institutions biosafety. They create
and monitor the biosafety standards that must be met by labs in
order to prevent the accidental release of potentially destructive
biological material.
With the potential future creation of man-made unicellular
organisms, some are beginning to consider the effect that these
organisms will have on biomass already present. Scientists estimate
that within the next few decades, organism design will be
sophisticated enough to accomplish tasks such as creating biofuels
and lowering the levels of harmful substances in the atmosphere.
Scientist that favor the development of synthetic biology claim that
the use of biosafety mechanisms such as suicide genes and nutrient
dependencies will ensure the organisms cannot survive outside of
the lab setting in which they were originally created. Organizations
like the ETC Group argue that regulations should control the creation
of organisms that could potentially harm existing life. They also argue
that the development of these organisms will simply shift the
consumption of petroleum to the utilization of biomass in order to
create energy.
The risk associated with biological materials and/or infectious
agents, also known as pathogens.

The term has been used frequently for various purposes

since the early 1990s. The term is used by regulators,
laboratory personnel and industry alike and is used by the
World Health Organization (WHO). WHO/Europe also
provides tools and training courses in biosafety and
biosecurity. An international Laboratory Biorisk Management
Standard developed under the auspices of the European
Committee for Standardization, defines biorisk as the
combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the
severity of that harm where the source of harm is a biological
agent or toxin. The source of harm may be an unintentional
exposure, accidental release or loss, theft, misuse, diversion,
unauthorized access or intentional unauthorized release.
Harmful biological agent used as a weapon of war is defined
as Bioweapon.

A bioweapon is a virus, protozoan, bacterium, parasite, or

fungus that can purposefully be turned into a weapon and
deployed against fellow humans during war. Self-replicating
toxins and pathogens can also be turned into bioweapons with
devastating effects. To date, there exist an estimated 1,200
different kinds of bioagents that have already been
weaponized or possess the potential to be turned into a
bioweapon. More than 500 million people have died of
infectious diseases in the past century, and most have been
attributed to bioweapons. The first time pathogens and toxins
were deployed in the war was 1763 when the British Army
used smallpox against the Native American Indians during the
French and Indian war. Another occasion popped up during
WWI when Germany attacked its enemies with biological
weapons. The impact was not that great, but the act alone laid
the groundwork for future use of bioweapons. Here are the
most dangerous Bioweapons ever created by humans.

The procedures or measures designed to protect the population
against harmful biological or biochemical substances.
The security from exposure to harmful biological agents

Increasingly globalized food systems increase risk for the spread of

infectious disease in animals and zoonotic transmission to humans.
Greater international harmonization for measures and governance in
the area of biosecurity for infectious disease is needed.
Biosecurity measures for controlling animal infectious disease consist
of strategic and integrated approaches for analysis and management
of risk to human, animal, plant and environmental health. ILT is a
notifiable disease and DAERA have provided a biosecurity checklist
for bird owners to assess risk on their facilities, highlighting that
poultry litter must be securely stored on their premises for as long as
possible to allow the virus to reduce over time. Other measures
follow avian influenza biosecurity protocols: limiting movements of
animals, people and equipment in and out of facilities; following
strict disinfection protocols using approved disinfectants; keeping
domesticated birds enclosed, separate from wild birds and vermin;
and keeping accurate records of all activities on-site, including any
changes in poultry health or behaviour. In food systems, the first line
of defence against animal disease exists behind the farmgate.
Beyond the farmgate, policy, regulatory frameworks and education
are essential for ensuring that biosecurity measures are clearly
outlined and implemented. But whilst biosecurity consists of routine
animal husbandry tasks on farms, policy and regulation is linked to a
wide range of political affairs — national security, budgets, current
political priorities, public interest, loopholes and lack of ownership
can contribute to a situation where biosecurity measures are not
sufficiently supported at governmental level. The World Organisation
for Animal Health (OIE), the FAO and the WHO are responsible for
coordinating many biosecurity measures at a global level — yet
worldwide coordination of livestock, aquaculture and fishery
biosecurity remains a substantial challenge. Initiatives such as CABI’s
Invasive Species Compendium form important hubs of information,
providing science-based guidance on animal diseases in an accessible
manner — informing policy makers and the public about how animal
diseases at farm level not only impact farm productivity, but with
zoonotic transmission could significantly affect human health. The
recent ILT outbreak demonstrates that vaccines alone are not the
pathway to eradication; biosecurity is essential — and that requires
harmonized action including all players in the system.
Why developing biosecurity tools?
Interest in managing these risks through biosecurity has risen
considerably over the last 20 years with the rise of several trends:
 The increasing trade in food, plant and animal products, more
international travel, new outbreaks of transboundary disease
affecting animals, plants and people;
 The awareness of biological diversity and greater attention to
the environment and the impact of agriculture on
environmental sustainability;
 Changes in the way food, plants and animals are produced,
processed and distributed, and the use of new technologies,
 The need to comply with global agreements governing the
trade in agricultural and food products.

The terrorism involving the use of biological we Terrorism using
biologic agents that are harmful to humans.
Terrorism using biologic agents that are harmful to humans.

The intentional release or threat of release of biologic agents (i.e.

viruses, bacteria, fungi or their toxins) in order to cause disease or
death among human population or food crops and livestock to
terrorize a civilian population or manipulate the government in the
present scenario of increased terrorist activity has become a real
possibility. The most important step in the event of a bioterrorist
attack is the identification of the event. This can be achieved by
generating awareness, having high degree of suspicion and having a
good surveillance system to assist quick detection.
Bioterrorist attacks could be covert or announced and caused by
virtually any pathogenic microorganism. Bioterrorist agents of major
concern have been categorized as A, B and C based on the priority of
the agents to pose a risk to the national security and the ease with
which they can be disseminated. The five phases of activities in
dealing with a bioterrorist attack are preparedness phase, early
warning phase, notification phase, response phase and recovery
A bioterrorism attack in a public place is a public health emergency.
Early detection and rapid investigation is the key to contain such
attacks. The role of public health epidemiologist is critical not only in
determining the scope and magnitude of the attack but also in
effective implementation of interventions.
The threat of biological warfare seems remote to most industrialized
and developing nations. However, the threat of bioterrorism, in
which biological agents are used by extremists as weapons against
civilian populations, is a matter of concern. Nations and dissident
groups exist that have both the motivation and access to skills to
selectively cultivate some of the most dangerous pathogens and to
deploy them as agents in acts of terrorism. Although a bioterrorist
attack is difficult to predict, the consequences of a successful attack
could be devastating and cannot be ignored.
Bioterrorism and its effects can impose heavy demands on the public
health care system which will be called upon to handle the
consequences. An effective public health care system with strong
disease surveillance, rapid epidemiological and laboratory
investigation, efficient medical management, information, education
and communication (IEC) will be required to counter any act of
covert or overt bioterrorist attack.
Export controls on biological agents are not applied uniformly
providing terrorists a route for acquisition.[49] Laboratories are
working on advanced detection systems to provide early warning,
identify contaminated areas and populations at risk, and to facilitate
prompt treatment.[50] Methods for predicting the use of biological
agents in urban areas as well as assessing the area for the hazards
associated with a biological attack are being established in major
cities. In addition, forensic technologies are working on identifying
biological agents, their geographical origins and/or their initial
source. Efforts include decontamination technologies to restore
facilities without causing additional environmental concerns.
Early detection and rapid response to bioterrorism depend on close
cooperation between public health authorities and law enforcement;
however, such cooperation is lacking. National detection assets and
vaccine stockpiles are not useful if local and state officials do not
have access to them.
Aspects of protection against bioterrorism include:

Detection and resilience strategies in combating bioterrorism. This

occurs primarily through the efforts of the Office of Health Affairs
(OHA), a part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), whose
role is to prepare for an emergency situation that impacts the health
of the American populace. Detection has two primary technological
factors. First there is OHA's BioWatch program in which collection
devices are disseminated to thirty high risk areas throughout the
country to detect the presence of aerosolized biological agents
before symptoms present in patients. This is significant primarily
because it allows a more proactive response to a disease outbreak
rather than the more passive treatment of the past.
Implementation of the Generation-3 automated detection system.
This advancement is significant simply because it enables action to
be taken in four to six hours due to its automatic response system,
whereas the previous system required aerosol detectors to be
manually transported to laboratories. Resilience is a multifaceted
issue as well, as addressed by OHA. One way in which this is ensured
is through exercises that establish preparedness; programs like the
Anthrax Response Exercise Series exist to ensure that, regardless of
the incident, all emergency personnel will be aware of the role they
must fill. Moreover, by providing information and education to public
leaders, emergency medical services and all employees of the DHS,
OHS suggests it can significantly decrease the impact of bioterrorism.
Enhancing the technological capabilities of first responders is
accomplished through numerous strategies. The first of these
strategies was developed by the Science and Technology Directorate
(S&T) of DHS to ensure that the danger of suspicious powders could
be effectively assessed, (as many dangerous biological agents such as
anthrax exist as a white powder). By testing the accuracy and
specificity of commercially available systems used by first
responders, the hope is that all biologically harmful powders can be
rendered ineffective.
Enhanced equipment for first responders. One recent advancement
is the commercialization of a new form of Tyvex™ armor which
protects first responders and patients from chemical and biological
contaminants. There has also been a new generation of Self-
Contained Breathing Apparatuses (SCBA) which has been recently
made more robust against bioterrorism agents. All of these
technologies combine to form what seems like a relatively strong
deterrent to bioterrorism. However, New York City as an entity has
numerous organizations and strategies that effectively serve to deter
and respond to bioterrorism as it comes. From here the logical
progression is into the realm of New York City's specific strategies to
prevent bioterrorism.
Excelsior Challenge. In the second week of September 2016, the
state of New York held a large emergency response training exercise
called the Excelsior Challenge, with over 100 emergency responders
participating. According to WKTV, "This is the fourth year of the
Excelsior Challenge, a training exercise designed for police and first
responders to become familiar with techniques and practices should
a real incident occur."[54] The event was held over three days and
hosted by the State Preparedness Training Center in Oriskany, New
York. Participants included bomb squads, canine handlers, tactical
team officers and emergency medical services.[55] In an interview
with Homeland Preparedness News, Bob Stallman, assistant director
at the New York State Preparedness Training Center, said, "We're
constantly seeing what’s happening around the world and we tailor
our training courses and events for those types of real-world events."
For the first time, the 2016 training program implemented New
York's new electronic system. The system, called NY Responds,
electronically connects every county in New York to aid in disaster
response and recovery. As a result, "counties have access to a new
technology known as Mutualink, which improves interoperability by
integrating telephone, radio, video, and file-sharing into one
application to allow local emergency staff to share real-time
information with the state and other counties."[55] The State
Preparedness Training Center in Oriskany was designed by the State
Division of Homeland Security, and Emergency Services (DHSES) in
2006. It cost $42 million to construct on over 1100 acres and is
available for training 360 days a year.[56] Students from SUNY
Albany's College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and
Cybersecurity, were able to participate in this year's exercise and
learn how "DHSES supports law enforcement specialty teams."[55]

Life Sciences
Any science that deals with living organisms, their life
processes, and their interrelationships, as biology, medicine,
or ecology is defined as Life Science.

This list of life sciences comprises the branches of science that

involve the scientific study of life – such as microorganisms, plants,
and animals including human beings. This science is one of the two
major branches of natural science, the other being physical science,
which is concerned with non-living matter. Biology is the
overall natural science that studies life, with the other life sciences as
its sub-disciplines.
Some life sciences focus on a specific type of organism. For
example, zoology is the study of animals, while botany is the study of
plants. Other life sciences focus on aspects common to all or many
life forms, such as anatomy and genetics. Some focus on the micro-
scale (e.g. molecular biology, biochemistry) other on larger scales
(e.g. cytology, immunology, ethology, pharmacy, ecology). Another
major branch of life sciences involves understanding
the mind – neuroscience. Life sciences discoveries are helpful in
improving the quality and standard of life and have applications in
health, agriculture, medicine, and the pharmaceutical and food
science industries.

A bioterrorism attack in a public place is a public health emergency.
Early detection and rapid investigation is the key to contain such
attacks. The role of public health epidemiologist is critical not only in
determining the scope and magnitude of the attack but also in
effective implementation of interventions.
The next step in preparing yourself for disaster is to make a plan. You
should identify the responsibilities for each member of your
household and plan to work together as a team. Finally, one of the
most important aspects of disaster preparedness is remaining
informed about the situation. You should identify in advance how
local authorities will notify you during a disaster and how you will get
formation—whether it is through local radio, TV or Weather Radio
To improve detection, it is essential that physicians and other health
care workers be trained to recognize unusual disease or clusters of
symptoms that may be manifestations of a bioterroist attack. This
must also include strengthening the relationship between medicine
and public health so that physicians understand their responsibility
to report disease or unusual symptoms to the public health
department. Physicians must know whom to call and be confident
that their call will contribute to the overall goal of providing
information, guidance, and support to the medical community.
Health care professional organizations, academic medical
institutions, and public health officials must come together to
develop appropriate training curricula, informational guidelines, and
most important, the working partnerships that are critical to success.

 Bioterrorism : A Public Health Perspective (
 Medical Definition of Bioterrorism (
 Bioterrorism, Disaster Education and Awareness - red cross
 Medical Definition of Bioterrorism (

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