VLIW Architecture

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1. Problems with Superscalar Architectures

2. VLIW Processors

3. Advantages and Problems

4. Loop Unrolling

5. Trace Scheduling

6. The Itanium Architecture

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What is Good with Superscalars?

 The hardware solves everything

 Hardware detects potential parallelism between instructions.
 Hardware tries to issue as many instructions as possible in parallel.
 Hardware solves register renaming.

 Binary compatibility
 If functional units are added in a new version of the architecture or
some other improvements have been made to the architecture (without
changing the instruction sets), old programs can benefit from the
additional potential of parallelism.
Because the new hardware will issue the old instruction sequence in a
more efficient way.

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What is Bad with Superscalars?

 Very complex
 Much hardware is needed for run-time detection. There is a limit in how
far we can go with this technique.
 Power consumption can be very large!

 The instruction window is limited  this limits the capacity to detect

potentially parallel instructions.

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The Alternative: VLIW Processors

 VLIW architectures rely on compile-time detection of parallelism  the

compiler analysis the program and detects operations to be executed in
parallel; such operations are packed into one “large” instruction.

 At execution, after one instruction has been fetched all the corresponding
operations are issued in parallel.

 No hardware is needed for run-time detection of parallelism.

 The instruction window problem is solved: the compiler can potentially

analyse the whole program in order to detect parallel operations.

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VLIW Processors

op1 op2 op3 op4

instruction - 1

op1 op2 empty op4

instruction - 2

op1 empty
po op3 op4
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VLIW Processors

Memory Reg. File




Register Files
Instruction Instruction
fetch decode FU-3
unit unit


Execution unit

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Advantages with VLIW Processors

 Simpler hardware:
 Does not need additional sophisticated hardware to detect parallelism,
like in superscalars.
 Power consumption is reduced, compared to superscalar.

 Good compilers can detect parallelism based on global analysis of the whole
program (no instruction window problem).

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Problems with VLIW Processors

 Large number of registers needed in order to keep all FUs active (to store
operands and results).
 Large data transport capacity is needed between FUs and the register file and
between register files and memory.
 High bandwidth between instruction cache and fetch unit.
Example: one instruction with 7 operations, each 24 bits  168 bits/instruction.
 Large code size, partially because unused operations  wasted bits in
instruction word.
 Incompatibility of binary cod
 For example:
If for a new version of the processor additional FUs are introduced 
the number of operations possible to execute in parallel is increased 
the instruction word changes 
old binary code cannot be run on this processor.

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An Example
Consider the following code in C:
for (i=959; i >= 0; i--)
x[i] = x[i] + s;

Assumptions: x is an array of floating point values

s is a floating point constant.

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An Example
Consider the following code in C:
for (i=959; i >= 0; i--)
x[i] = x[i] + s;

Assumptions: x is an array of floating point values

s is a floating point constant.

This sequence (for an ordinary processor) would be compiled to:

Loop: LDD F0, (R1) F0 ← x[i] ;(load double)

ADF F4,F0,F2 F4 ← F0 + F2 ;(floating pnt)
STD (R1),F4 x[i] ← F4 ;(store double)
SBI R1,R1,#8 R1 ← R1 - 8
BGEZ R1,Loop

Assumptions: R1 initially contains the address of the last element in x;

the other elements are at lower addresses; x[0] is at address 0.
Floating point register F2 contains the value s.
Each floating point value is 8 bytes long.
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An Example

Consider a VLIW processor:

 Two memory references, two FP operations, and one integer operation

or branch can be issued each clock cycle.

 The delay for a double word load is one additional clock cycle.

 The delay for a floating point operation is two additional clock cycles.

 No additional clock cycles for integer operations.

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An Example


8(R1),F4 R1,Loop

The displacement of 8, in 8(R1),

is needed because we have
already subtracted 8 from R1.

 One iteration takes 6 cycles. The whole loop takes 960*6 = 5760 cycles.
 Almost no parallelism there.
 Most of the fields in the instructions are empty.
 We have two completely empty cycles.
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Loop Unrolling
Let us rewrite the previous example:

for (i=959; i >= 0; i-=2){

x[i] = x[i] + s;
x[i-1] = x[i-1] + s;

This sequence (for an ordinary processor) would be compiled to:

Loop: LDD F0, (R1) F0 ← x[i] ;(load double)

ADF F4,F0,F2 F4 ← F0 + F2 ;(floating pnt)
STD (R1),F4 x[i] ← F4 ;(store double)
LDD F0, -8(R1) F0 ← x[i-1] ;(load double)
ADF F4,F0,F2 F4 ← F0 + F2 ;(floating pnt)
STD -8(R1),F4 x[i-1] ← F4 ;(store double)
SBI R1,R1,#16 R1 ← R1 - 16
BGEZ R1,Loop

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Loop Unrolling

F0,(R1) F6,-8(R1)

F4,F0,F2 F8,F6,F2

16(R1),F4 8(R1),F8 R1,Loop

 There is an increased degree of parallelism in this case.

 We still have two completely empty cycles and empty operation.
 However, we have a dramatic improvement in speed:
Two iterations take 6 cycles
The whole loop takes 480*6 = 2880 cycles

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Loop Unrolling

Loop unrolling is a technique used in compilers in order to increase the

potential of parallelism in a program. This allows for more efficient code
generation for processors with instruction level parallelism (which can execute
several instructions in parallel).

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Loop Unrolling
Let us unroll three iterations in our example:
for (i=959; i >= 0; i-=3){
x[i] = x[i] + s;
x[i-1] = x[i-1] + s;
x[i-2] = x[i-2] + s;

This sequence (for an ordinary processor) would be compiled to:

Loop: LDD F0, (R1) F0 ← x[i] ;(load double)
ADF F4,F0,F2 F4 ← F0 + F2 ;(floating pnt)
STD (R1),F4 x[i] ← F4 ;(store double)
LDD F0, -8(R1) F0 ← x[i-1] ;(load double)
ADF F4,F0,F2 F4 ← F0 + F2 ;(floating pnt)
STD -8(R1),F4 x[i-1] ← F4 ;(store double)
LDD F0, -16(R1) F0 ← x[i-2] ;(load double)
ADF F4,F0,F2 F4 ← F0 + F2 ;(floating pnt)
STD -16(R1),F4 x[i-2] ← F4 ;(store double)
SBI R1,R1,#24 R1 ← R1 - 24
BGEZ R1,Loop
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Loop Unrolling
F0,(R1) F6,-8(R1)
F4,F0,F2 F8,F6,F2


(R1),F4 -8(R1),F8 R1,R1,#24
8(R1),F12 R1,Loop

 The degree of parallelism is further improved.

 There is still an empty cycle and empty operations.
 Three iterations take 7 cycles;
The whole loop takes 320*7 = 2240 cycles

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Loop Unrolling

With eight iterations unrolled:

for (i=959; i >= 0; i-=8){

x[i] = x[i] + s; x[i-1] = x[i-1] + s;
x[i-2] = x[i-2] + s; x[i-3] = x[i-3] + s;
x[i-4] = x[i-4] + s; x[i-5] = x[i-5] + s;
x[i-6] = x[i-6] + s; x[i-7] = x[i-7] + s;

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Loop Unrolling
F0,(R1) F6,-8(R1)
F10,-16(R1) F14,-24(R1)
F18,-32(R1) F22,-40(R1) F4,F0,F2 F8,F6,F2
F26,-48(R1) F30,-56(R1) F12,F10,F2 F16,F14,F2
F20,F18,F2 F24,F22,F2
(R1),F4 -8(R1),F8 F28,F26,F2 F32,F30,F2
-16(R1),F12 -24(R1),F16
-32(R1),F20 -40(R1),F24 R1,R1,#64
16(R1),F28 8(R1),F32 R1,Loop

 No empty cycles, but still empty operations

 Eight iterations take 9 cycles
The whole loop takes 120*9 = 1080 cycles

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Loop Unrolling

 Given a certain set of resources (processor architecture) and a given loop,

there is a limit on how many iterations should be unrolled.
Beyond that limit there is no gain any more.

 A good compiler has to find the optimal level of unrolling for each loop.

 Loop unrolling increases the memory space needed to store the program.

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Trace Scheduling
Trace scheduling is another technique used in compilers in order to exploit
parallelism across conditional branches.

 The problem is that long instruction sequences are needed in order to

detect sufficient parallelism  block boundaries have to be crossed.

 Trace scheduling is based on compile time branch prediction.

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Trace Scheduling
Trace scheduling is another technique used in compilers in order to exploit
parallelism across conditional branches.

 The problem is that long instruction sequences are needed in order to

detect sufficient parallelism  block boundaries have to be crossed.

 Trace scheduling is based on compile time branch prediction.

Trace scheduling is done in three steps:

1. Trace selection

2. Instruction scheduling

3. Replacement and compensation

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Trace Scheduling

if (c != 0)
b = a / c;
b = 0; h=0;
f = g + h;

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Trace Scheduling
This (for an ordinary processor) would be compiled to:
if (c != 0)
b = a / c; LD R0, c R0 ← c ;(load word)
else BZ R0,Else
b = 0; h=0; LD R1, a R1 ← a ;(load integer)
f = g + h; DV R1,R1,R0 R1 ← R1 / R0 ;(divide integer)
ST b,R1 b ← R1 ;(store word)
BR Next
Else: STI b,#0 b←0
STI h,#0 h←0
Next: LD R0, g R0 ← g ;(load word)
LD R1, h R1 ← h ;(load word)
AD R1,R1,R0 R1 ← R1 + R0 ;(add integer)
ST f,R1 f ← R1 ;(store word)
End: ---------------

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Trace Scheduling
LD R0, c

BZ R0,Else

LD R1, a
Else: STI b,#0

DV R1,R1,R0
STI h,#0

ST b,R1

Next: LD R0, g

LD R1, h

AD R1,R1,R0

ST f,R1

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Trace Scheduling
LD R0, c Trace selection:
 Selects a sequence of basic
BZ R0,Else
blocks, likely to be executed
most of the time. This
LD R1, a sequence is called a trace.
Else: STI b,#0

DV R1,R1,R0  Trace selection is based on

STI h,#0 compile time prediction
ST b,R1 - The prediction can be
based on profiling:
Next: LD R0, g Execution of the program
with several typical input
LD R1, h sequences and collection
of statistics concerning
outcomes of conditional
AD R1,R1,R0

ST f,R1

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Trace Scheduling
LD R0, c

BZ R0,Else
Instruction scheduling:

LD R1, a  Schedules the instructions of

Else: STI b,#0 the selected trace into
DV R1,R1,R0
parallel operations for the
STI h,#0 VLIW processor.
ST b,R1

Next: LD R0, g
LD R0,c LD R1,a
LD R2,g LD R3,h BZ R0,Else
LD R1, h DV R1,R1,R0
Next: ST b,R1 AD R3,R3,R2
AD R1,R1,R0 ST f,R3 BR End

ST f,R1 We assume the same processor as

described earlier with Loop Unrolling.
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Trace Scheduling

Replacement and compensation:

 The code for the entire sequence is produced by using the schedule
generated for the selected trace.

 However: In the generated schedule, instructions have been moved

across branches

In order to keep the code correct, regardless of the selected branches,

compensation code has to be added!

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Trace Scheduling
LD R0, c
In the example:
BZ R0,Else
 the load of g and h is moved up,
from the next sequence, before
LD R1, a the conditional branch;
Else: STI b,#0

DV R1,R1,R0
STI h,#0

ST b,R1

Next: LD R0, g
LD R0,c LD R1,a
LD R2,g LD R3,h BZ R0,Else
LD R1, h DV R1,R1,R0
Next: ST b,R1 AD R3,R3,R2
AD R1,R1,R0 ST f,R3 BR End

ST f,R1

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Trace Scheduling
LD R0, c
In the example:
BZ R0,Else
 the load of g and h is moved up,
from the next sequence, before
LD R1, a the conditional branch;
Else: STI b,#0  the load of a is moved before the
DV R1,R1,R0 conditional branch;
STI h,#0

ST b,R1

Next: LD R0, g
LD R0,c LD R1,a
LD R2,g LD R3,h BZ R0,Else
LD R1, h DV R1,R1,R0
Next: ST b,R1 AD R3,R3,R2
AD R1,R1,R0 ST f,R3 BR End

ST f,R1

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Trace Scheduling
LD R0, c
In the example:
BZ R0,Else
 the load of g and h is moved up,
from the next sequence, before
LD R1, a the conditional branch;
Else: STI b,#0  the load of a is moved before the
DV R1,R1,R0 conditional branch;
STI h,#0  the store of b after the division is
ST b,R1 now part of the next sequence.

Next: LD R0, g
LD R0,c LD R1,a
LD R2,g LD R3,h BZ R0,Else
LD R1, h DV R1,R1,R0
Next: ST b,R1 AD R3,R3,R2
AD R1,R1,R0 ST f,R3 BR End

ST f,R1

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Trace Scheduling
LD R0, c Simply merging the code for the two
sequences does not work!
BZ R0,Else

LD R1, a
Else: STI b,#0

DV R1,R1,R0
STI h,#0

ST b,R1

Next: LD R0, g LD R0,c LD R1,a

LD R2,g LD R3,h BZ R0,Else
DV R1,R1,R0
LD R1, h
Next: ST b,R1 AD R3,R3,R2
ST f,R3 BR End
AD R1,R1,R0 Else: STI b,#0 STI h,#0 BR Next
ST f,R1

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Trace Scheduling
LD R0, c Simply merging the code for the two
sequences does not work!
BZ R0,Else
store in the next
sequence over-
LD R1, a writes STI in else
Else: STI b,#0 sequence (store
DV R1,R1,R0 of b is moved
STI h,#0 down into the
next sequence!).
ST b,R1

Next: LD R0, g LD R0,c LD R1,a

LD R2,g LD R3,h BZ R0,Else
DV R1,R1,R0
LD R1, h
Next: ST b,R1 AD R3,R3,R2
ST f,R3 BR End
AD R1,R1,R0 Else: STI b,#0 STI h,#0 BR Next
ST f,R1

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Trace Scheduling
LD R0, c Simply merging the code for the two
sequences does not work!
BZ R0,Else
store in the next Value assigned to
sequence over- h in the else se-
LD R1, a writes STI in else quence is ignored
Else: STI b,#0 sequence (store for the addition
DV R1,R1,R0 of b is moved (load of h is
STI h,#0 down into the moved up from the
next sequence!). next sequence)
ST b,R1

Next: LD R0, g LD R0,c LD R1,a

LD R2,g LD R3,h BZ R0,Else
DV R1,R1,R0
LD R1, h
Next: ST b,R1 AD R3,R3,R2
ST f,R3 BR End
AD R1,R1,R0 Else: STI b,#0 STI h,#0 BR Next
ST f,R1
Compensation is needed!
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Trace Scheduling
LD R0, c

BZ R0,Else

LD R1, a
Else: STI b,#0

DV R1,R1,R0
STI h,#0

ST b,R1
That’s the correct code:
Next: LD R0, g LD R0,c LD R1,a
LD R2,g LD R3,h BZ R0,Else
DV R1,R1,R0
LD R1, h
Next: ST b,R1 AD R3,R3,R2
ST f,R3 BR End
AD R1,R1,R0 Else: STI R1,#0 STI h,#0
STI R3,#0 BR Next
ST f,R1 End:

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Trace Scheduling
LD R0, c
LD R0,c LD R1,a
LD R2,g LD R3,h BZ R0,Else
BZ R0,Else DV R1,R1,R0
Next: ST b,R1 AD R3,R3,R2
LD R1, a ST f,R3 BR End
Else: STI b,#0 Else: STI b,#0 STI h,#0 BR Next
DV R1,R1,R0
STI h,#0

ST b,R1
That’s the correct code:
Next: LD R0, g LD R0,c LD R1,a
LD R2,g LD R3,h BZ R0,Else
DV R1,R1,R0
LD R1, h
Next: ST b,R1 AD R3,R3,R2
ST f,R3 BR End
AD R1,R1,R0 Else: STI R1,#0 STI h,#0
STI R3,#0 BR Next
ST f,R1 End:

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Trace Scheduling

 Trace scheduling is different from speculative execution:

 This is a compiler optimization (and not a run time technique!) and
tries to optimize the code so that the path which is most likely to be
taken, is executed as fast as possible.
The price: possible additional instructions (the compensation code) to
be executed when the less likely path is taken.

 At program execution always the correct path will be taken (of course!);
however, if this is not the one predicted by the compiler, execution will be
slower because of the compensation code.

 Independently of trace scheduling, at the hardware level, a VLIW processor

can also use branch prediction and speculative execution, like any
processor, in order to improve the use of its pipelines.

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Some VLIW Processors
Examples of successful VLIW processors:

 TriMedia of Philips
 TMS320C6x of Texas Instruments

Both are targeting the multi-media market.

 The IA-64 architecture from Intel and Hewlett-Packard.

- This family uses many of the VLIW ideas.

- It is not "just" a multi-media processor, but a processor for servers
and workstations.
- The first product of the family was the Itanium processor.

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The Itanium Architecture

The Itanium is not a pure VLIW architecture, but many of its features are typical
for VLIW processors.

Particular features with Itanium:

 These are typical VLIW features:
- Instruction-level parallelism fixed at compile-time.
- (Very) long instruction word.

 Other interesting concepts:

- Branch predication.

Intel calls the Itanium an EPIC (explicitly parallel instruction computing)

processor: the parallelism of operations is explicit in the instruction word.

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General Organization

128 Registers
Instruction Instruction
fetch decode & 64 predicate
unit control unit registers

128 Registers
(float. pnts.)

 Registers (both integer and floating point) are 64-bit.

 Predicate registers are 1-bit.
 8 or more functional units.
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Instruction Format
Operation1 Operation2 Operation3 Temp-
 3 operations/instruction word (40 bits/operation)
 This does not mean that max. 3 operations can be executed in parallel!
 The three operations in the instruction are not necessarily parallel!

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Instruction Format
Operation1 Operation2 Operation3 Temp-
 3 operations/instruction word (40 bits/operation)
 This does not mean that max. 3 operations can be executed in parallel!
 The three operations in the instruction are not necessarily parallel!
 The template (8bits) indicates what can be executed in parallel.
 The encoding in the template shows which of the operations in the
instruction can be executed in parallel.
 The template connects also to neighbouring instructions  operations
from different instructions can be executed in parallel.

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Instruction Format
Operation1 Operation2 Operation3 Temp-
 3 operations/instruction word (40 bits/operation)
 This does not mean that max. 3 operations can be executed in parallel!
 The three operations in the instruction are not necessarily parallel!
 The template (8bits) indicates what can be executed in parallel.
 The encoding in the template shows which of the operations in the
instruction can be executed in parallel.
 The template connects also to neighbouring instructions  operations
from different instructions can be executed in parallel.
 The template provides high flexibility and avoids some of the problems with
classical VLIW processors
 Operations in one instruction have not necessarily to be parallel  no
places have to be left empty when no parallel operation is available.
 The number of parallel operations is not restricted by the instruction
size  processor generations have different number of functional
units without changing instruction format  binary compatibility.
 If, according to the template, there are more parallel operations than
functional units available  processor takes them sequentially.
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Predicated Execution
Operation1 Operation2 Operation3 Temp-

Op Pred Reg Reg Reg

code reg


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Predicated Execution
Operation1 Operation2 Operation3 Temp-

Op Pred Reg Reg Reg

code reg

 Any operation can refer to a predicate register
<Pi> operation i is number of a predicate register (between 0 and 63)
 This means that the respective operation is to be committed (the
results made visible) only when the respective predicate is true (the
predicate register gets value 1).
 If the predicate value is known when the operation is issued, the
operation is executed only if this value is true.
If the predicate is not known at that moment, the operation is started; if
the predicate turns out to be false, the operation is discarded.

<P3> ADI R2, R2,#1

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Predicated Execution
Operation1 Operation2 Operation3 Temp-

Op Pred Reg Reg Reg

code reg

 Any operation can refer to a predicate register
<Pi> operation i is number of a predicate register (between 0 and 63)
 This means that the respective operation is to be committed (the
results made visible) only when the respective predicate is true (the
predicate register gets value 1).
 If the predicate value is known when the operation is issued, the
operation is executed only if this value is true.
If the predicate is not known at that moment, the operation is started; if
the predicate turns out to be false, the operation is discarded.
 If no predicate register is mentioned, the operation is executed and
committed unconditionally.
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Predicated Execution
Predicate assignment

Pj, Pk = relation j and k indicate predicate registers (between 0 and 63).

 Sets the value of predicate register Pj to true and that of predicate

register Pk to false if the relation is evaluated to true; Pj will be set to
false and Pk to true if the relation evaluates to false.

P1, P2 = EQ(R0, #0)

Predicated predicate assignment

<Pi> Pj, Pk = relation i, j and k indicate predicate registers.

 Predicate registers Pj and Pk will be updated if and only if predicate

register Pi is true.

<P2> P1, P3 = EQ(R1, #0)

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Branch Predication

 Branch predication is a very aggressive compilation technique for

generation of code with instruction level parallelism (code with parallel

 Branch predication lets operations from both branches of a conditional

branch to be executed in parallel.

 Branch predication is based on the available hardware support: instructions

for predicated execution provided by the Itanium architecture.

The idea is: let instructions from both branches go on in parallel, before the
branch condition has been evaluated. The hardware (predicated execution)
takes care that only those instructions are committed which correspond to
the right branch.

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Branch Predication
Branch predication is not branch prediction:

 Branch prediction:
Guess which branch is taken and then go along that one; if the guess was
wrong, undo all the work;

 Branch predication:
Both branches are started and when the condition is known (the predicate
registers are set) the right instructions are committed, all others are discarded.

There is no lost time with failed predictions.

Datorarkitektur Fö 9-10 49 of 53
Branch Predication
Example: Assumptions:
The values are stored in registers, as follows:
if (a && b) a: R0; b: R1; j: R2; c: R3; k: R4; m: R5; i: R6.
j = j + 1;
else{ This sequence (for an ordinary processor) would
if (c) be compiled to:
k = k + 1;
else BZ R0, L1 branch if a == 0
k = k - 1; BZ R1, L1 branch if b == 0
m = k * 5} ADI R2, R2,#1 R2 ← R2 + 1;(integer)
i = i + 1; BR L4
L1: BZ R3, L2 branch if c == 0
ADI R4, R4,#1 R4 ← R4 + 1;(integer)
L2: SBI R4, R4,#1 R4 ← R4 - 1;(integer)
L3: MPI R5, R4,#5 R5 ← R4 * 5;(integer)
L4: ADI R6, R6,#1 R6 ← R6 + 1;(integer)

Datorarkitektur Fö 9-10 50 of 53
Branch Predication
Example: Assumptions:
The values are stored in registers, as follows:
if (a && b) a: R0; b: R1; j: R2; c: R3; k: R4; m: R5; i: R6.
j = j + 1;
if (c)
k = k + 1;
k = k - 1;
m = k * 5}
i = i + 1;

Let us read it in this way:

if not(a == 0) and not(b == 0) ADI R2, R2,#1
if not(not(a == 0) and not(b == 0)) and not(c == 0) ADI R4, R4,#1
if not(not(a == 0) and not(b == 0)) and not(not(c == 0)) SBI R4, R4,#1
if not(not(a == 0) and not(b == 0)) MPI R5, R4,#5
Datorarkitektur Fö 9-10
ADI R6, R6,#1 51 of 53
Branch Predication
Example: Assumptions:
The values are stored in registers, as follows:
if (a && b) a: R0; b: R1; j: R2; c: R3; k: R4; m: R5; i: R6.
j = j + 1;
else{ With predicated execution:
if (c)
k = k + 1; (1) P1, P2 = EQ(R0, #0)
else (2) <P2> P1, P3 = EQ(R1, #0)
k = k - 1; (3) <P3> ADI R2, R2,#1
m = k * 5} (4) <P1> P4, P5 = NEQ(R3, #0)
i = i + 1; (5) <P4> ADI R4, R4,#1
(6) <P5> SBI R4, R4,#1
(7) <P1> MPI R5, R4,#5
(8) ADI R6, R6,#1
Let us read it in this way:
if not(a == 0) and not(b == 0) ADI R2, R2,#1
if not(not(a == 0) and not(b == 0)) and not(c == 0) ADI R4, R4,#1
if not(not(a == 0) and not(b == 0)) and not(not(c == 0)) SBI R4, R4,#1
if not(not(a == 0) and not(b == 0)) MPI R5, R4,#5
Datorarkitektur Fö 9-10
ADI R6, R6,#1 52 of 53
Branch Predication
Example: Assumptions:
The values are stored in registers, as follows:
if (a && b) a: R0; b: R1; j: R2; c: R3; k: R4; m: R5; i: R6.
j = j + 1;
else{ With predicated execution:
if (c)
k = k + 1; (1) P1, P2 = EQ(R0, #0)
else (2) <P2> P1, P3 = EQ(R1, #0)
k = k - 1; (3) <P3> ADI R2, R2,#1
m = k * 5} (4) <P1> P4, P5 = NEQ(R3, #0)
i = i + 1; (5) <P4> ADI R4, R4,#1
(6) <P5> SBI R4, R4,#1
(7) <P1> MPI R5, R4,#5
(8) ADI R6, R6,#1

 The compiler can plan all these instructions to be issued in parallel, except
(5) with (7) and (6) with (7) which are data-dependent.
 Instructions can be started before the particular predicate on which they
depend is known. When the predicate will be known, the particular
instruction will or will not be committed.
Datorarkitektur Fö 9-10 53 of 53

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