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Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 1

B arangay Bula is one of the 26 barangays of General Santos City, which became

a separate municipality from Buayan District in 1940 by virtue of EO# 250.

Barangay Bula derived from the “Bula” which literally means “bubbling or filled with

bubbles”. This is so because when the early settlers came to this place, they found the sea

filled with bubbles or bubbling especially during low tide. A possible explanation for the

concurrence of bubbles is that the sea was rich with fishes and other marine life. When

fishes abound, it is normal to find bubbles on the surface of the water as the fishes breathe.

Because of its fishery resources, Bula became a favorite destination of migrants who came

from other fishing areas in the country such as Cebu, Bohol and Leyte islands.

Barangay Bula was established on September 7, 1959 by virtue of Municipal

Council of General Santos (now General Santos City) Resolution No. 79, series of 1959.

It is one of the original barangay that comprises the then Municipality of General

Santos, now General Santos City. It is about 3.5 kilometers from the city proper. Barangay

Bula has a total land area of 323.18 has. It is composed of 25 purok/zones with a total

population of 34,697 (2007 NSO). Barangay Bula is classified as an urban barangay.

Among its major resources of living are fishing, trade and industry. Mostly of the inhabitants

of Barangay Bula is mainly into fishing provision (small scale) and labor to large

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 2
commercial fishing operators in General Santos City who were also a resident of Barangay

Bula. It is interesting to note that most of the successful commercial fishing ventures traced

their humble beginning in Barangay Bula. From its foundation in 1959, it has become one

of the productive and self-reliant barangay of the City of General Santos.

Self-reliance is the primary goals of every LGU of the country. With the

implementation of RA 7160 otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991,

bringing every LGU to a self-sustenance through devolution and decentralization. Barangay

Bula at present soars high in terms of competitive development on its infrastructures,

economic, social, political and effective governance by the officials.

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 3

Figure 1: Barangay Bula Map

B arangay Bula is located in the coastal lines of General Santos City. Its boundary
on the west is Barangay Dadiangas South, East is Barangay Baluan, North is Barangay
Lagao and on its South is the vast ocean of Sarangani Bay.

Province : South Cotabato

Municipality/City : General Santos City
Barangay : Bula
Date Created : 07 September 1959
Legal Basis : Municipal Council of General Santos Resolution
No. 79, series of 1959
Number of Purok/Zone : 24

Patron Saint : Sr. Sto. Niño de Bula

Date of Fiesta : every 15th of January
Anniversary Celebration : every 27th of October (Araw Ng Bula)

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 4
Total no. of registered voters : 19, 464 (Jan 2019)

Total no. of polling precincts : 105

Population Density : 10,228 person/sq. mts.

Distance from City proper : 3.5 kilometers

Graph 1: Distribution of Land Area (323.18 has.)

Land Area Percentatge

Fishponds; 2% Agricultural; 1%
Beaches; 6%

Institution; 8%

Commercial; 17%
Residential; 66%

As shown in Graph 1, Barangay Bula is considered a residential area despite the

fact that is it a coastal Barangay. Comprises 66% of its total land area of 323.18 hectares is
residential, 17% is residential, 8% institutional land, 6% Beach area, 2%
Aqua-culture/Fishpond area and 1% Agri-land. Thus, it is a strategic place for businesses.

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 5

Punong Barangay Hon. Nicanora T. Vargas

Barangay Councilors Hon. Roel L. Granfon

Hon. Marisol Saligumba
Hon. Dante C. Granada
Hon. Edison D. Tulio
Hon. Jerny B. Pilapil
Hon. Christian F. Gonzales
Hon. Antonio M. Talle

Barangay Secretary : Clennil P. Sustraido, LPT

Barangay Treasurer : Ms. Maria Elena Ycong


SK Chairperson Hon. Kian Alfred I. Balcita

SK Councilors Hon. Shandy N. Gabales

Hon. Beatrice Faye S. Ballos
Hon. Ian Kenneth C. Corales
Hon. Charlene Mae C. Galo
Hon. Freche E. Feleciano
Hon. Edgar L. Donaire II
Hon. Gerven P. Muyong

SK Secretary : Llewelyn Zealor

SK Treasurer: Ian Dave Tolentino

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 6
The City Government of General Santos directed by
the City Mayor Ronnel C. Rivera has set the date to
commence the implementation of the Community Based
Monitoring System (CBMS) on November 19, 2018.

The Community Based Monitoring System is a tool for

collecting the socio-economic profile of households at the
barangay level. It aims to help local government units plan and
implement programs that cater to the needs of the people. It is
also designed to ensure transparency, accountability and
prudence in the use of government resources.
CBMS serves as an instrument for evidence-based planning,
budgeting and project beneficiary prioritization. Also, it can be
used in conjunction with hazard maps to better identify
constituents at risks or the vulnerable to disasters.

The first phase of the CBMS was data gathering survey

that will was implemented for 45 days (excluding Sundays)
which commenced on November 19, 2018.

Field enumerators visited households and barangays to

gather information on health status, income and livelihood,
education and access to basic services and facilities. The data
was then processed and used for the program planning and
implementation of the City Government as well as to Barangays.

The enumerators and supervisors training on Community-based monitoring system

was conducted on November 12 -15, 2018.

~Source: LGU-Gensan

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 7
An Executive Summary
The 2018 CBMS Survey Partial Results for Barangay BULA provided a vivid
picture of the current state of the barangay across various indicators.

Health and Nutrition showed that Children 5 years old and below records out of
1,965 individuals, there is only 18 children that are categorized as overweight,
underweight and severely underweight which is only 0.9% portion of the whole. Further,
on water and Sanitation, the main source of water is mostly on owned faucet from
water district with a percentage of 53% while 0 is recorded to have no avail in drinking
or potable water while on toiletries, 54% of the households uses a water-sealed sewer
and exclusively used by the household but sad to say, in Purok 2 topped the 43
households with no toiletries with a record of 23 households who only uses public
spaces and places.

CBMS partial results also revealed that 71.9% of 3-24 years old individuals are
attending high school and that 28% of households at the same age are not attending
school anymore. Several participants during the validation stated that poverty and
different mindset of parents are the main factors in the big number of out-of-school
youths. They said that some parents need to be given some kind of counseling to make
them understand the importance of education for their children

As to income and Livelihood, out of 6,811 partial record of CBMS for

unemployed individuals, the topped reason is family duties with over 2,589 responses.
This means that these households have no sufficient income to provide for their basic
needs such as food, basic education, shelter, clothing, etc. Ergo, based on the income
per households, CMBMS result shows that 4,726 are recorded with 80,000 and below
per annum income which means under Philippine Statistics Authority’s Category of
Indigent and under Poverty Threshold; a family should have at least 7,000 more or less
to provide a family of 5 members the monthly basic needs.

In general, the following table presents a summary of results for the basic indicators of the

Table 1: Summary of Results

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 8
Children’s Weight 5 years old and below
Overweight 6
Underweight 8
Severely Underweight 4
Normal 1,947
TOTAL 1,965
Per Purok
With access to drinking water 4,865
Without Access 0
TOTAL 4,865
Ages 3-24 years old
In-school 5,581
Out of School 2,181
TOTAL 7,762
Per Household
Below 80,000 per annum 4,726
Above 80,000 per annum 139
TOTAL 4,865

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 9

Based from the official Census data of 2011 and

projected by the Barangay on 2018, Barangay Bula has
10,263 estimated households with a total population of
42,285 or an average household size of 4. Gensanville
Phase 1 has the highest number of households with 6,712
and Zone 1B registered as the smallest number with 8
households. Thus, Table 2 presents a more detailed
description of household and population situation per purok
of Barangay Bula based on the actual counting conducted
by the Barangay.

Table 2 Number of Households and per Purok/Zone

Number of Household
Male Total
Asai Village 1471 1417 2888
Calsanter 1498 1614 3111
Fishermen's Village 1165 1136 2301
Gensanville P2 1174 1174 2348
Gensanville Subd. P1 3229 3483 6712
Gonzales Subd. 217 253 470
Pearly Shell 685 656 1341
Rajah Muda - Prk. 3 486 528 1015
Rajah Muda - Prk. 4A 736 674 1410
Rajah Muda - Prk 4B 779 821 1600
Rajah Muda - Prk. 5 451 451 901
Rajah Muda - Prk. 6 725 723 1448
Sagrada Corazon 407 384 791
San Pedro 138 126 264
Zone 1-A 432 431 863
Zone 1-B 492 451 942
Purok Number of Household

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 10
Male Female Total
Zone 2-A 233 254 487
Zone 2-B 986 947 1933
Zone 2-C 1215 1108 2323
Zone 3,4,5 148 147 295
Zone 6 818 783 1601
Zone 7 428 441 869
Zone 8 1108 991 2098
Zone 9 571 538 1109
TOTAL 21,233 21,052 42,285
Percent 50.21% 49.79% 100.00%

Table 2 shows that the barangay is slightly male dominated with 21,233 males and
21,052 females or an overall sex ratio of 100.9, meaning there are 101 males for every 100
females. It clearly depicts that Gensanville phase 1 among others has registered the most
populous Purok in Barangay Bula with a total Number of HH 1,605 while Purok San Pedro
records as the least Purok with only 80 households.

Table 3: Total Population by Age and Gender

0-9 years old 2798 2590 5389
10-24 years old 2945 2863 5809
25-39 years old 2131 2204 4335
40-54 years old 6881 6644 13525
55-69 years old 3973 4037 8010
70-84 years old 1980 1995 3975
85 years old and above 525 717 1241
TOTAL 21,233 21,052 42,285

Table 2 indicates that majority of the people in the barangay belongs to the working
age group (18-35 years old) with 6,810 of the whole population. Old dependents (66 &
above) are very few with only 497 of the entire population, however, young dependents (0-
17 years old) are many getting 5,079 in total from the entire population.

Ethnicity/Culture and Tradition

Graph 2 shows that most of the people in 30%
Barangay Bula are Cebuano compromising
the 40% of the Total Population. While Ilongo, 10% Ethnicity
10% 5% 5% 3% 3% 3%
Boholano, Muslim, Ilokano, Waray, 1%
Kapangpangan and the like follows 0%
consecutively. A manifestation of diverse o o o n g
uan lan kan n ga galo
b o o a
culture melted in a pot to unite in making a Ce
h Il p Ta
Bo ang
livable society. p
Graph 2: Distribution of Ethnicity

Graph 3: Distribution data of Occupational Skills

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 11
Occupational Skill

20% 20%

15% 13% Occupational Skill


5% 3%
l s g g
na er in in try di
ng in
g ed
is o bo
r m iF sh en iv loy
es La Fa
r r p Ve
n Dr p
of Ca ss em
Pr e Un

Graph 3 shows the occupational skills of the residents of Barangay Bula, it shows
that Fishing is the main source of its income thereby saying that 32% of the working
population is involved in agri-fishing while significantly, laborers and businessmen are
emerging at both 20% in percentage in the total working population.

Table 4: Percentage distribution of Religion

Aglipayan 0.29%
Asso. of Fundamental Baptist Churches in the Philippines 0.12%
Asso. of Baptist Churches in Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao 0.11%
Bible Baptist 1.60%
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints 0.24%
Convention of the Philippine Baptist Church 0.08%
Evangelicals 0.49%
Iglesia Evangelista Methodista en Las Filipinas 0.28%
Iglesia ni Cristo 1.97%
International Baptist Missionary Fellowship 0.04%
Islam 4.90%
Jehovah's Witnesses 0.39%
Lutheran Church in the Philippines 0.04%
Missionary Baptist Churches of the Philippines 0.14%
Other Methodists 0.03%
Other Protestants 1.28%
Pentecostal 2.15%
Roman Catholic 83.14%
Seventh Day Adventist 0.78%
Southern Baptist 0.21%
Tribal Religions 0.10%
United Church of Christ in the Philippines 0.31%
Assembly of God 0.06%
Foursquare Evangelical Church 0.03%
Alliance Church 0.12%

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 12
Table 4 shows as to religion, influence of the Spanish Colonization is highly
evident. This also be proven during the Fiesta celebration of our Patron Saint, Sr. Sto. Niño
every 15th day of January annually. Thus, Bula residents is composed of 83.14% Roman
Catholic devotees followed by Islam with 4.9% of the total population.

Topography, Climate, and Resources

Barangay Bula is generally plain. Bula and the rest of General Santos City,
generally, have tropical monsoon climate that borders on a tropical rainforest climate
because of its proximity to Mount Matutum and Daguma Mountain Range. Rainfall is evenly
distributed throughout the year with an average annual rainfall of 1,000mm. As a coastal
community located along the Sarangani Bay, fishing is the main source of living.

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 13
T his chapter describes and showcases the summary of the results of the data
which tackles on the foreseen issues and strengths, problems and concerns on health &
nutrition, water & sanitation, shelter, education, peace and order, and environment sectors
in Barangay Bula. Thus, it intends to be a turning point of assessment and basis of the
cycle and paradigm of this Barangay Development plan.


The data on the Total no. of population who visits the

health facilities for any health related concerns shows that
21% out of the 42,285 total population is visiting the
Barangay Health Center of the Barangay. While it is way
higher of 6% to the population of those who visits a private of
other rural health facilities which is only 15%, thus, 64% did
visit any health facilities at all.

As to the data presented by CBMS 2011, an increase

of 1.43% is significantly recorded to the estimated data of
2018 to the total number of persons with chronic diseases
and special needs which yielded to over 1,500+ individuals though it only slice a portion of
3% in the total population of the whole Barangay.

Furthermore, as per data recorded, the top five (5) causes of death recorded in this
Barangay is first, Cardiac Arrest, followed by complicated illness, diabetes, high blood and
cancer. As per data also, those recorded deaths in the past 3 years are in the age bracket
of 65 years old and above with 33% proportion and followed by 50-59 years old with 25%

Relatively, over the years, averages of 600 individuals are born annually as
recorded and observed in the records. Thus, as shown in the Table 5, there are still more
mothers who opt to give birth at home prior to the passing of the Health Care Law
aggregating a percentage of about 24%. Thus, the record shows that the trust of the
mothers is still evident at 14.71% who opted to give birth at our Rural birthing home.

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 14
Table 5. No. of infants by place of delivery in 2011
Government clinics
Your Other Government Others Private Other Other Don't
RHU or (e.g.
home home hospital public hospital private facility know
health center midwife
156 7 185 98 17 78 87 7 6 25
23.42% 1.05% 27.78% 14.71% 2.55% 11.71% 13.06% 1.05% 0.90% 3.75%

As to the nutrition side, giving of vitamins and vaccination is always in placed at our
rural health center. In 2018, graph 6 shows the total number of infants from zero (0) to
eleven (11) months old who were given the following vaccines:

Graph 4: Infants age 0-11 months vaccinated

800 754

600 578 568
522 510
500 467






In the other hand, children below 8 years old totalling to roughly 5000 individuals
received a vaccine for measles and roughly estimated of 4200 children aging below 5 years
old and below were given attention through our operation timbang (OPT) of our Rural
Health Unit.

With the triumph of the records that we have in the Barangay, the Barangay council
will always continue and support programs on the health and nutrition sector and shall be
always given priority for the welfare and good of our constituents.


Table 6. Main Source of Drinking Water of Households

Own Shared, Own use,
Shared, Total
Spring, use, faucet, faucet, Purified/
Dug tubed/ Households
river, Peddler tubed/ community community bottled
well piped
stream piped water water water
well system system
18 77 207 2608 651 3009 2614 1011 10195

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 15
Table 6 shows that out of 10,195 households who respond to the question on
identifying the main source of Drinking Water of Households, community water system
through shared faucet records the highest with 3009. Followed by community water system
through own faucet with 2614, shared tube/piped well with 2608 and 1011 uses purified
drinking water.

This shows that LGU-Barangay Bula has greater access to drinking water in the
communities. Through the efforts of its constituents, it is continuously blessing them the
access of drinking water up to this date.

Likewise, Table 7 shows that there are still 94 households (estimated based on the
2011 CBMS results) in the barangay that has no access to sanitary toilet. The participants
in the validation stated that these households cannot afford to construct a sanitary toilet
and mostly, they are in the coastal areas whose toilet is just a room with a floor hole whose
depository is direct to the vast waters of the Sarangani Bay.

Table 7. Puroks/Zones without sanitary toilet

Asai Village 768 5 0.65%
Purok Calsanter 818 5 0.61%
Purok 2 Fishermen Village 593 6 1.01%
Pearly Shell 303 17 5.61%
Purok 6 305 10 3.28%
Zone 3,4,5 394 6 1.52%
Zone 6 821 30 3.65%
Zone 8 469 15 3.19%


The illustration shows that there are 2102

households who are living as squatters or informal dwellers
that are in the coastal areas of Barangay Bula, with Zone 6
having the most with 246 households. These households
are highly vulnerable especially during typhoons or storm
surge and can be considered as those that needs
immediate attention for evacuation during calamities.

Also, the table shows that 32% of the households in

the Barangay is owned by the family living therein, thus,
maybe because our area is a good geographical location
from nearby malls and business establishments in the metropolis, Barangay Bula is having
a total percentage of 20% renters while 18% are caretakers and 9% are common
Figure 2. Heat Map of the informal settlers/dwellers
The heat map of the
informal dwellers or squatters
as shown in figure 2 signifies
that the darker the colour, the
more informal dwellers are
living in the said purok or Sarangani Bay
zone. Thus, one thing that can
be observed in the map too is
the darker portions are most
likely those that are in the

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 16
coastal Puroks such as Purok 1 Pearly Shell, Zone 8 and Zone 6 compromising the 32%
proportion of the total data of the informal dwellers in the barangay. Thus, with the 9
coastal Puroks/Zone in Barangay Bula namely: Pearly Shell, Purok 2 Fishermen Village,
Purok 4B, Purok 5, Purok 6, Zone 1A, Zone 3,4,5, Zone 6 and Zone 8, they proportioned a
total of 68% wherein most of these households are within the 20 meter zone from the
highestb high tide level.


In Barangay Bula, Education is valued most for it is

indeed the key towards a greater path for all our constituents.
The data of 3-22 years old in Barangay Bula, Male is 8,727
and Female is 8,705 with a total population n=17,438.

With the said data, 31% of which is not enrolled

despite the fact that there are schools within the territorial
jurisdiction of the Barangay and is accessible for all from
Public to Private institutions such as Jose Divinagracia
Elementary School (Public) and Bula Central Elementary
School (Public), Bula Baptist Christrian School (Private); we
also have secondary schools such as Bula National School of Fisheries (Public) and
Stratford International School (Private) and also we have 11 day care centers from 11
Puroks namely: Purok 1 Pearly Shell, Sagrado Corazon, Asai Village, Zone 6, Gensanville
Phase 1, Gensanville Phase 2, Purok Calsanter, Zone 7, Zone 5, Purok 2 Fishermen
Village, and Purok 4A Rajah Muda.

During the validation, participants said that the reason for out of school children
and youth is mainly due to poverty and poor judgment of parents. A suggestion was
also raised saying that the parents must be given counseling and that the Barangay
Council for the Protection of Children with the help of the Sangguniang Kabataan of
Barangay Bula must be strengthened. Thus, there must be scholarship programs or
any educational assistance be offered or for referral in order for these young genes to
be at school and learn the value education.

Meanwhile, about 68% is enrolled in the school from ages 3 to 22 years old.
Thus they are currently enrolled in Public and Private Institutions. As shown in table 10,
students/pupils who are enrolled in a Public institution is 73.4% and 26.6% are in the
Private institution.

Table 7. Population of ages 3-22 years old enrolled in Public/Private institutions

8819 3189 12 008
73.4% 26.6%

Table 8. List of Schools in Barangay Bula

Jose Divinagracia Sr. JDSES Primary/ Public Zone 8, Bula
Elementary School Elementary
Bula Central Elementary BCES Primary/ Public Zone 8, Bula
School Elementary
Bula Christian School BCS Primary/ Private Zone 2B, Bula
Bula National School of BNSF Secondary Public Zone 7, Bula
Stratford International School SIS Secondary Private Zone 1A, Bula
Alternative Learning System ALS Secondary Non Formal Barangay Bula

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 17

The presence of Protective Services in Barangay Bula

is evident. Currently, we have 20 Barangay Tanod/Pulis, 15
Lupon Tagapamayapa Members, 9 Bantay Dagat, and 100
Civic Volunteers Organization (CVOs).

These Protective Service Group are the ones who

helped the Barangay in the delivery and implementation of
Peace and Order services. As such, their presence is a must
to maintain each Purok the low crime rate and violence.

Barangay Pulis are subdivided into 3 groups in order

to efficiently deliver the service. Per group will render a rotational 24-hour duty wherein part
of their services is to guard the vicinity of the Barangay; facilitate the traffic and safety of
the students in the schools during morning, lunch and afternoon together with the traffic
aides, facilitate the order in every puroks to minimize the occurrence of violence and a lot
more as needed.

While the Lupon Tagapamayapa serves as the judiciary part of the governance in
the Barangay. Headed by the Lupon Chairman, the Punong Barangay and its Lupon
Members, caters cases such as unjust vexations, threat, ejectment, and more as stated in
the Katarungang Pambarangay Law. Further, their main goal is to mediate and stop the
growing issues by both parties and settle within the Barangay level before the court. Thus,
for the past years, Lupon Tagapamayap is serving the community well through their
advocacies and strategies which put them in the triumphant pedestal garnering the 3rd
place in 2016, 2nd place in 2017, 6th place in 2018 during the LTIA City-wide evaluation, and
2nd Place in 2019.

Bantay Dagat is our arm in the protection of the coastal areas of the Barangay.
Together with our Mangrove watchmen, they report and does foot patrolling in the coiastal
areas to insure the safety of not just the people but the community and our marine
biodiversity away from terrorism, perpetrators and in any form of violence that can harm the
facets and faces of the Barangay.

Civic Volunteers Organization or CVOs serves as the arm of the Barangay in the
Puroks/Zones on issues of Peace and Order, Drugs, Violence, and more. Each Purok is
consist of 4 members.


Table 9. Manner of Kitchen Garbage Disposal of Households

Picked up Dumping in
Feeding to
by garbage individual pit Burning Composting Burying Others
truck (not burned)

73.50% 4.82% 1.63% 1.33% 0.43% 17.59% 0.70%

*based on 2011 CMBS data

Table 9 shows that most of the household at 73% proportion form the total
household population as shown in table 1 is picked up by garbage truck. Weekly, we have
Mondays to Fridays and sometimes including special collections on Holidays and
Weekends, the collection is on-going for both biodegradable and non-biodegradable

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 18
wastes. Thus, own MRF is what the Barangay is looking forward to build. But, as of the
moment, we are tied with a Junk shop as our Material Recovery Facility.

Table 9. Household Population Who Had Usual Activity/ Data projected from 2011
Occupation in the Past 12 Months by Purok 15 years old and up. Census Result
PUROK/ZONE With Job w/out Job Total Table 9 shows that
Asai Village 1130 863 1994 for past 12 months, out of
Calsanter 1214 865 2079 the 15 years old and above
Fishermen's Village 935 666 1601 population, 15,851
individuals are doing usual
Gensanville P2 901 733 1635
job/occupation, thereby
Gensanville Subd. P1 A/B 2555 2122 4677
saying that on rough
Gonzales Subd. 188 155 343 estimation, Barangay Bula’s
Pearly Shell 451 406 856 employability rate is at 54%
Rajah Muda - Prk. 3 343 359 702 from age 15 and above.
Rajah Muda - Prk. 4A 554 428 982
Rajah Muda - Prk 4B 565 520 1085
Rajah Muda - Prk. 5 362 290 651 FISCAL INFORMATIONS
Rajah Muda - Prk. 6 523 461 983 As of 2020
Sagrada Corazon 292 261 554
San Pedro 103 85 188 EXTERNAL SOURCES
Internal Revenue Allotment
Zone 1-A 291 321 612 Php 25,002,575
Zone 1-B 332 324 656
Zone 2-A 174 144 318
Php 1,000.00
Zone 2-B 757 603 1361
Zone 2-C 911 681 1592
Php 250,000.00
Zone 3 106 92 198
Zone 4 103 96 199
Zone 5 407 315 722 RPT Share
Zone 6 1207 1118 2324 Php 830,000.00
Zone 7 365 263 627 Fees and Charges
Zone 8 716 699 1416 Php 20,000.00
Zone 9 365 404 769 Others:
Total 15851 13274 29125 Php 300,000.00

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 19
Percent 54.42% 45.58%
Table 10. Kind of Business / Industry Engaged in by Employed Household Population
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 310 1.93%
Fishing 1842 11.48%
Mining and quarrying 31 0.20%
Manufacturing 692 4.31%
Electricity, gas and water 199 1.24%
Construction 756 4.72%

Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, etc. 3917 24.42%

Hotels and restaurants 259 1.61%

Transport, storage, communication 1301 8.11%
Financial intermediation 253 1.58%
Real estate, renting and business activities 522 3.25%
Public administration and defense, compulsory social
784 4.88%
Education 465 2.90%
Health and social work 439 2.74%

Other community, social and personal services activities 4229 26.36%

Private households with employed persons 36 0.22%

Extra-territorial organization and bodies 4 0.03%
Don't know 3 0.02%
Total 16,042 100%

Table 10 shows that social and personal services ranked as the topmost industry
that our constituents is mostly engaged with garnering a more than 26% of the 16, 042
household population who are working aged 15 and above. Thus, second is on the
wholesale and retailing business with 24% and as the 3rd highest source of income-
engagement of our constituents.

Graph 5. Estimated Nature of Electricity Supply in the Households

No Connection; 143; 1%

Own Connection; 5353;


Shared Connection;
4767; 46%

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 20
Graph 5 shows the distribution of the estimated nature of electric connectivity of the
10,263 households of BLGU-Bula. Thus, 52% or 5,353 of the total estimated households
have their own electric connection while 47% or 4,767 households are sharing electric lines
and only 1% has no electric connection. This shows that significantly, Barangay Bula is
improving through the years of governance and will strive harder to continue on improving.

With our dynamism in this governance, we have to provide mechanisms in order to

create a liveable and resilient community for all. Thus, many skills and household
endeavours that can help a certain community grow and address the issues on hunger
provides greater arena to have a meal in the tables of our “Bula-anons”.

Table 11. Households that Plant Vegetables in the Vicinity of the House
Households with vegetable
gardens in their backyards 1533 8730

Table 11 shows that despite of the Sandy loam soil-type within the territorial
jurisdiction of the Barangay, 15% of the estimated total population of Barangay Bula made
a move to plant vegetables in their backyard. A manifestation of a positive outlook that
even at your own home, food can be reap and be served in one’s table.

Graph 6. Number of Households who own transport vehicle

Graph 6 shows
Bus 0 the distribution of
households who own
transport vehicles. Thus,
Cart 21
2,205 households own a
motorcycle, 697 own a
Jeepney 31 car, 631 own a bicycle,
445 own a Tricycle, 252
Banca (non-motorized) 55 own a mini-tricycle, 136
own a multicab and
Truck 78 others.
Throughout the
years, the growing data of
Banca (motorized) 97
ownership of
transportation vehicles of
Multicab 136 the residents, be it land or
water, manifests a
Mini-tricycle/trisikad 252 positive impact of the
socio-economic profile of
Tricycle 445 the Barangay.

Bicycle 631

Car 697

Motorcycle 2205

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 21
As stipulated in the Local Government Code of the Philippines, the Barangays are
mandated to perform a variety of roles and functions translated into basic services,
programs and projects. Bula for one dutifully performs these functions by providing basic
services and implementing various programs, projects and activities geared towards
elevating the general welfare of its constituents.

As defined in the Barangay’s Citizen’s Charter, Bula provides the following services
classified into frontline services and other services, to wit:

Frontline Services:

1. Issuance of Barangay Certification

2. Issuance of Barangay Clearance

3. Issuance of Barangay Business Tax Clearance

4. Issuance of Barangay Business Permit

5. Issuance of Community Tax Certificates

6. Issuance of Barangay Protection Order

7. Individual Voluntary Statement for Pre-marriage Counseling

8. Issuance of Special Permit

9. Issuance of Endorsement Letter

10. Issuance of Certificate and Resolution certifying the conduct of Public consultation

11. Issuance of Certification for Free Patent Application


Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 22
1. Use of barangay facilities and equipment

2. Livelihood Skills Training

3. Processing of IDs for Senior Citizens, Solo Parents and Persons with Disability

4. Enrolment to Philhealth through FRAME and Point of Care (POC)

5. Maternal Care (Pre-natal and Post-natal)

6. Immunization and vaccination

7. Medical and Dental Services

8. Operation Timbang

9. Patak Polio Program

10. Garbage Collection

11. Services of the Katarungang Pambarangay

12. Processing of Certification of Indigency or Low Income

13. Mortuary assistance to Senior CItizens

14. Educational financial assistance for poor but deserving students

15. Emergency Assistance (Disaster Preparedness)

16. Supplemental Feeding Program

17. Deworming

18. Alternative Learning System

19. Ronda System

20. Bantay Dagat

21. Coastal Clean Up Drive

22. Mangrove Tree Growing

23. Road Clearing Operation

24. Enforcement of Curfew Hours

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 23
CBMS Survey results also showed that estimated 12,123 voting-age
population in the barangay, 11,365 or 93.75% are registered voters. However,
validation participants said that this is probably 100% now since an intensive campaign
was made for people to register in connection with the past elections.

As to tenurial status, Table 12 indicates that majority (2,562 of the 4,865

households) of the households have owner or owner-like possession of their house and
lot. However, it can be noted that a large number of households (706 households or
14.51%) in the barangay own their house but uses the lot for free. This can also be
attributed to the culture of close family ties of the people.

Table 12. Tenurial Status

Number of
Tenure Status
Owner owner-like possession of house and lot 2562
Rent house/room including lot 577
Own house/rent lot 20
Own house rent-free lot with consent of owner 706
Own house rent-free lot without consent of owner 277
Rent-free house and lot with consent of owner 435
Rent-free house and lot without consent of owner 37
Living in Public Spaces 251
Others 10

As to electrical connection, 4,763 or 97.9% of the 4865 households have

electrical connection and the remaining 92 households uses kerosene for their lighting.
Poverty is again seen as the main reason for this condition.

As to the Number of Households who has disaster preparedness kit in LGU-

Barangay Bula, it is sad to note that 98% of the 4,865 households do not have any
disaster preparedness kits. As shown in Table 13 below, majority of the Puroks
recorded 0 in the said item.

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 24
Table 13. No. of Households has disaster preparedness kits
With Preparedness Without Preparedness TOTAL
Disaster Kits Disaster Kits
87 4767 4865

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 25

To provide our constituents with valued public and social services using our expertise and
passion. Ergo, inseminating quality services and delivering quality projects that are
beneficial, necessary and practicable for human and nature development.


LGU-Barangay Bula by the year 2025 is a wealthy and healthy Barangay whose facets and
faces are molded by quality education with a sustainable environment.



Goal: To improve the delivery of basic services in the barangay through the
proper allocation and maximum utilization of resources.

Specific objectives:

· To conduct an updated count of the barangay’s
· population Shelter
· To facilitate the provision of low-cost housing to marginalized sector

· To increase citizen’s awareness on sanitation, nutrition, family
planning and health care
· To provide basic hygiene education and trainings for households
· To facilitate the provision of supplemental feeding to identified
malnourished children and regular conduct of operation timbang
· To conduct training for Contact Tracers and Protect Team for any
disastrous pandemic
· To conduct series of trainings for barangay brigades so as to
enable them to become effective agents in the maintenance of
peace and order in the community

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 26
· To undertake massive IEC and advocacy campaign, especially
on Drug Addiction, Prevention and Control
· To provide assistance to the indigents in the barangay
· To promote literacy program to school age children and matured
· To improve and maintain the Day Care Center
· To support school brigade skwela and other related activities
· Support to the DepEd initiated Programs
· Heightened Scholarship Programs
· Support to OSY Related Activities and ALS Program
Children, Youth and Parents Support Programs
· To conduct advocacy campaign to parents
· To improve sports facilities in the barangay and
· To conduct sports clinic and competitions to hone the talents of
the people


Goal: To increase the income of the households in the barangay

Specific objectives:
1. To conduct skills trainings to capacitate the constituents on
small scale businesses
2. To provide farmers and fishermen continuous technical
support and other forms of assistance needed to increase
their harvest (provision of vegetable seeds)
3. To promote backyard gardening
4. To conduct advocacy campaigns on household food security


Goal: To construct additional infrastructure facilities in the barangay

Specific objectives:
1. To provide facilities for the Barangay


Goal: To ensure Environmental Sustainability

Specific objectives:

1. To rehabilitate, protect and maintain the riverbank

2. To enforce laws, rules and regulations on environment
3. To formulate and implement a 5 – Year Barangay Solid
Waste Management Plan
4. To establish Barangay Material Recovery Facility
5. To conduct massive information campaign on solid waste

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 27
Goal: To ensure Institutional Resilience and improve functionality to become

Specific objectives:

1. To capacitate the Barangay-based Institutions

2. To capacitate the Barangay Officials
3. To create and implement laws and Ordinances
4. To hire Job Order Personnel as wings in the Barangay
Services implementation

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 28
1. Continuation of the Supplemental Feeding Program and OPT
2. IEC on Health Protocols
3. Provision of multi-vitamins and medicines for illnesses
4. Regular Check-up for babies and pregnant women
5. Dental Services and TBDots Functionality
6. Acquisition of Ambulance
7. Completion of Health Facilities


1. Facilitate Low-cost Housing Program


1. Protection of Marine Biodiversity

2. Conduct Bayanihan and clean up drives


1. Provision of school supplies, and materials

2. Scholarship Program by SK to deserving and poor youths in Bula
3. Dialogue with OSY
4. Support to Daycare Center Programs
5. Support to ALS Program


1. Livelihood Trainings
2. Intensification of Agricultural Production like backyard gardening, etc.
3. Facilitation to market the products
4. Coordinate with City Agri for free seedlings


1. Advocacy Campaign
2. Conduct of Foot Patroling every night
3. Conduct of CBDRP and PDL Sessions

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 29
4. IEC on Drug Addiction Prevention & Control
5. Monitor new residents


1. Protect the Mangrove Area
2. Pass ordinance or resolution protecting the hunasan
3. Allocate funds for the Japanese Bunker Beautification Project
4. Support all tourism activities

1. Procurement of Dump Truck
2. Acquisition of Lot for MRF

1. Conduct Revenue Enhancement Activities
2. Include income generating programs in the tax ordinance

1. Procurement of Fire truck
2. Procurement of Emergency Response Vehicle
3. Conduct of Rescue and Surveillance for Minors
4. Support to Women, Men, LGBT, Senior Citizen and PWD programs
5. Support to youth activities

1. Capacity Development for the different BBIs
2. Capacity Development for the Barangay Officials
3. Hiring of Job Order Contract Employees
4. Create and Implement Laws and Ordinances for the welfare of the Bula

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 30
YEAR 2021-2025

A. Name of the Barangay: BULA D. Land Area: 323.18 has.

B. District: __________________ E. Population: 18, 961 (partial)
C. City: General Santos City F. Dominant Land Use: Residential, 66%

Project Name of Description Location Output/ Project Cost Funding Period of Implementation Remarks
Category Project (3) (4) Benefits (6) (7) (8) (9)
(1) (2) (5) Personal Materials Equipment Others Total Sour Amount 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Services (6b) (6c) (6d) (6e) ce (7b) (8a) (8b) (8c) (8d) (8e)
(6a) (7a)
Health and Supplemental Conducts 24 Puroks with
Nutrition Feeding feeding program undernourished
Program and and OPT children availed 500,000 500,000 BF 500K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K
OPT. the program.
IEC on Health Disseminate 24 Puroks
Protocols and educational received IEC
Purok foot information for Materials and 50,000 100,000 150,000 BF 150K 50K 50K 50K
patrol Health “iwas “covid19 information on
Program campaign Health Protocols
Pandemic and Provided needs Provided needs
Epidemic for control, for control,
Control mitigation and mitigation and 5,000,000.00 BF 5M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M
Programs decrement of decrement of
pandemic and BULA pandemic and
epidemic control epidemic control
Provision of Purchase drugs Purchased
Medicines and and medicines Medicines and
Multivitamins Vitamins 2,500,000 2,500,000 BF 2.5M 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K
Regular Conduct regular 24 Puroks with
Check Up for check-up and babies and
Babies and provide medical preganant 150,000 200,000 150,000 500,000 BF 500K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K
Pregnant apparatus women availed
Women needed the service
Dental Purchase dental
Services and and TBdots 24 Puroks
TBDots needs and availed the 150,000 200,000 150,000 500,000 BF 500K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K
Functionality facilities. service
Acquisition of Acquired 1 24 Puroks
Ambulance/R Ambulance/ availed the 2,500,000 2,500,000 CF/ 2.5M 2.5M
escue Vehicle Rescue Vehicle service
Rehab and Completion of Completed the
Construction Health Facilities health facility of 2,000,000 2,000,000 BF 2M 2M
of Health Rural Health
Facilities Unit
Housing Facilitate Low- Facilitated low-
cost Housing cost housing 251 residents
Program from the living inj public
National BULA spaces availed 10,000,000 10,000,000 BF/CF 5M 5M
Housing the program
Programs for

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 31
needy Bula
Water and Protection of Passed Hunasan areas
Sanitation Marine ordinance were protected 1,000,000 1,000,000 BF 1M 1M
Biodiversity BULA

Conduct 24 Puroks Lessen health

Bayanihan, conducted BULA risk and 250,000 250,000 BF 50K 50K 50K 50K 50K 50K
Mangrove bayanihan illnesses in the
Planting & barangay to 70%
Clean up
Education Provision of 3 DepEd 3 DepEd
Program School Schools were Schools were
Supplies and given supplies given supplies
Materials to and materials and materials 750,000 750,000 BF 750K 150K 150K 150K 150K 150K
Public thru BRIGADA
Schools SKWELA/Donati
ons in kind
Scholarship 100 Bula Youth 100 deserving
Program to availed the youth availed the 2,500,000 2,500,000 SK/ 2.5M 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K
deserving scholarship scholars. BF
Youth program BULA
Dialogue with Conducted OSY Profiled and
OSY dialogue and conducted 100,000 100,000 BF 100K 20K 20K 20K 20K 20K
profiling dialogue for
Support to Procured 11 daycare
Daycare supplies and centers were
Center materials for 11 supported 5000,000 500,000 BF 250K 50K 50K 50K 50K 50K
Programs daycare center
Support to Procured ALS program
ALS Program supplies and was supported
materials for 250,000 250,000 BF 250K 50K 50K 50K 50K 50K
daycare center
Income Livelihood Conducted 500 members of
and Trainings livelihood Women 100,000 300,000 400,000 BF 400K 80K 80K 80K 80K 80K
Livelihood trainings Organization
availed the
of Agricultural Intensified 24 Puroks and
Production campaigns on BULA its households 100,000 300,000 400,000 BF 400K 80K 80K 80K 80K 80K
like backyard Backyard availed the
gardening, Gardening Program

Facilitation to Facilitated Guso Farmers

market the marketing to were 100,000 100,000 BF 100K 20K 20K 20K 20K 20K
products existing coordinated with
organizations market outlets

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 32
with City Agri Coordinated with 500 households N/A N/A CF
for free City Agri for free were given free
seedlings seedlings seedlings

Peace and Conducted

Order Advocacy 24 Puroks were
Advocacy campaign on visited for the 100,000 100,000 200,000 BF 200K 40K 40K 40K 40K 40K
Campaign Peace and BULA Peace and
Order related Order Advocay
programs Campaign
Conduct of Conducted foot 365 days Foot
Foot Patrolling patrolling every BULA Patrolling 20%
every night night activities 100,000 1,500,000 100,000 1,700,000 LDF/ 1.7M 1.54M 40K 40K 40K 40K
Conduct of 100% of the
CBDRP and Conducted drug
PDL Sessions CBDRP and surrenderers 50,000 50,000 BF 50K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K
IEC on Drug PDL Sessions to graduated in the
Addiction our Drug CBDRP and
Prevention & Surrenderers BULA PDL sessions.
Monitored Monitored new
Monitor new residents in each residents in 24 N/A N/A
residents puroks Puroks
Tourism Protect the Protected the Protected the
and Marine Mangrove Mangrove Area Mangrove Area 1,000,000 1,000,000 BF/ 1M 200K 200K 200K 200K 200K
Life and Area CF/
Aquatic Outs
Resources ource
Pass Passed Passed
ordinance or ordinance for the ordinance for the
resolution protection of protection of N/A
protecting the Hunasan BULA Hunasan
Allocate funds
for the Allocated funds Allocated funds
Japanese for the Japanese for the Japanese 1,000,000 1,000,000 LDF 1M
Bunker Bunker Bunker 20%
Beautification Beautification Beautification
Support all Supported Supported 5,000,000 5,000,000 BF 5M 1M 1M 1M 1M
tourism tourism Activity tourism Activity

nt Procurement Procured heavy Procured 1 unit 3,000,000 3,000,000 LDF 3M
of Heavy equipment BULA dump truck 20%

Acquisition of Acquired 100 Acquired 100

Lot for MRF square meter lot square meter lot 2,000,000 2,000,000 LDF 2M
for MRF for MRF 20%
Revenue Conduct Conducted Conducted
Collection Revenue revenue revenue 100,000 100,000 BF 100K

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 33
Enhancement enhancement enhancement
Activities activities activities
Include BULA
income Included income Included income
generating generating generating N/A
programs in programs in the programs in the
the tax ord. tax ordinance tax ordinance
Services Procurement Procured 1 unit BULA 1 unit fire truck 2,800,000 2,800,000 LDF 1.8M 1.8M
of Fire truck Fire Truck procured 20%

Social 1 unit
Services Procurement Procured 1 emergency LDF
of Emergency emergency response vehicle 4,000,000 1,800,000 20% 2.0M 2.0M
Response Response procured
Vehicle Vehicle
Support to the Supported to the Supported to the
conduct of conduct of Child- conduct of Child-
Children related programs related programs 1,000,000 1,000,000 BF 1M 200K 200K 200K 200K 200K
empowerment (BCPC) (BCPC)
Support to Supported the Supported
Women, Men, Women, Men, Social Services
LGBT, Senior LGBT, Senior Sectoral 1,000,000 1,000,000 BF 1M 200K 200K 200K 200K 200K
Citizen and Citizen and Programs
PWD PWD programs
programs BULA
Supported Youth Conducted
Support to Activities such Youth Activities
youth activities as sports and such as sports 2,700,000 13,500,000 SK 13.5M 2.7M 2.7M 2.7M 2.7M 2.7M
socio-cultural for and socio Fund
talent and skill cultural.
Institutiona Conduct Conducted 24 Conducted 24
l Services Regular and regular Sessions regular Sessions
Special with 2-5 with 2-5 4,000,000 4,000,000
Session to ordinances, and ordinances, and BDP 4M 4M 4M 4M 4M 4M
create laws 50-90 50-90
and resolutions resolutions
Ordinances annually annually
workshops, Conducted/ Conducted/
benchmarking Attended Attended 1,000,000 1,000,000 BDP 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M
locally about Seminars for Seminars for
ordinance, Barangay Barangay
resolution Officials Officials
making and
procedures BULA
attend Conducted/ Conducted/

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 34
meetings, Attended Attended
seminars, Seminars to Seminars to 1,000,000 1,000,000 BDP 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M
workshops, capacitate our 9 capacitate our 9
benchmarking BBIs BBIs
locally for the
Hire Job Order
Contract Hired 180 Job Hired 180 Job
Employees for Order Order
the delivery of Employees to Employees to 8,500,000 8,500,000 BDP 8.5M 8.5M 8.5M 9M 9M 9M
Basic Services carry out basic carry out basic
of the services in the services in the
Barangay Brgy. Brgy.

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 35
Signed by:

Punong Barangay SB Member SB Member SB Member

SB Member SB Member SB Member SB Member

SK Chairman Barangay Secretary Barangay Treasurer Barangay Administrator

NGO Representative/Youth NGO Representative/UBAS NGO Representative/CYMPHIL NGO Representative/APC

Local Government Unit of Barangay Bula, GSC | BDP 2021- 2025 Page 36

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