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Compendium i
Cover Design and Internal Layout: Steven Meyer-Rassow

Rangers of Shadow Deep: Adventure Compendium I is copyright Joseph A. McCullough, except for the
illustrations which are copyright Barrett Stanley. No part of this Book may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without the express written permission of the author and
publisher, except where specifically permitted by law.

The author and publisher give permission for the purchaser of this PDF to print out one copy for personal
Table of Contents
Blood Moon 4

Temple of Madness 29

Ghost Stone 94

Incinerator 180

Thanks for picking up Rangers of Shadow Deep: Adventure Compendium I. This book collects the
first four supplements I wrote for the game. The adventures are presented in the suggested order of
play, with one exception. The final supplement, Incinerator, is designed to be played whenever one
of the earlier missions has been failed. So, if your entire party is taken out in Temple of Madness
or Ghost Stone, then I suggest you pause those missions, and play Incinerator. If you complete
Incinerator, you can then return to the earlier mission at the point you left it. If you manage to make
it through the first three missions successfully, then you can go ahead and play Incinerator anyway.
The supplements have been presented here in the same form they appeared independently
with the exception that the page numbers have been changed for ease of reference.
I hope the eleven scenarios presented in this book will give you many nights of gaming fun!


Joseph A. McCullough
Kent, England, 2021

Blood Moon
A Mission for Level 0–5
or Level 6–10 R angers
Special thanks to Marty Race and Dan Ellingham

Cover design & internal layout: Steven Meyer-Rassow

Rangers of Shadow Deep: Blood Moon is copyright Joseph A. McCullough, except for the illustrations which are
copyright Barrett Stanley. No part of this Book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic
or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without the express written permission of the author and publisher, except where specifically permitted by law.

The author and publisher gives permission for the purchaser of this PDF to print out one copy for personal use.
Table of Contents

Introduction 8

Companions 9

Auxiliary Companions 10

Mission 1: Blood Moon 13

Scenario 1: Claw and Fang 14

Bestiary 24

Lycanthropy 26

Blood Moon Stat Sheet 27

Thanks for picking up Blood Moon, the first micro-supplement for Rangers of Shadow Deep. This booklet
contains a single mission with a single scenario, in which the rangers are called upon to investigate the scene
of a werewolf attack, in the hopes of rescuing any survivors, identifying the guilty party, and destroying the
threat. Unfortunately, the rangers will not get to work with all of their regular companions in this mission;
instead, they will be joined by a group of local auxiliary fighters, one of whom might just be the werewolf…
This mission is designed to work for rangers that are either level 0–5 or level 6–10. To play
with higher-level rangers, simply use the Blood Moon Event Cards II Table as this will make for a more
challenging game.
As always, pop onto the Rangers of Shadow Deep Facebook page, or your favourite group or forum
and let us know how the scenario went for your ranger!

The rangers do not have access to their full complement of companions for this mission. Instead, refer to
the chart below to see how many companions they can take, and the maximum Recruitment Points they
can spend.
In addition to their normal companions, the rangers also receive the four auxiliary companions
listed below. These auxiliary companions follow all of the normal rules with two important exceptions.
Auxiliary companions may not interact with clue markers. If one moves next to a clue marker, nothing
happens. Additionally, if an auxiliary companion is reduced to 0 Health during the game, lay the figure
on its side, but leave it on the table.
The players should decide amongst themselves which player will control which auxiliary

Number of Players Total Recruitment Points Calculation Maximum Number of

1 = (BRP x 0.7) 3
2 = (BRP x 0.3) 1
3 10 1
4 0 0

* BRP = Base Recruitment Points

Auxiliary Companions
All of the auxiliary companions have been given a Recruitment Point cost. This is not relevant for this
mission, but can be used if players want to include them in future missions.


A hulking bear of a man, Seb spent most of his life as a lumberjack in the forest of Nar. Once the Shadow
Deep appeared, however, he shouldered his axe and joined up. He is very dishevelled looking and his
clothes are badly torn.

Seb RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +3 +0 10 +2 14 Two-Handed Weapon,
Strength +4


Covin served in the standard army until he lost three fingers on his left hand in a knife fight. He had
been living in retirement for several years before the Shadow Deep appeared, and he once again picked
up his sword.

Covin RP 15
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +0 11 +1 12 Hand Weapon, Light Armour,
Leadership +3, Perception +3


The fifth son of an aristocratic family, Nicolan failed at every trade his family set up for him. The coming
of the Shadow Deep was almost a blessed excuse for him to escape from his family and strike out on his
own. Nicolan is noticeably better dressed than the others, and wears several expensive rings on his fingers.
His smile is marred by a missing tooth.

Nicolan RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +3 +0 11 +1 12 Hand Weapon, Dagger, Light
Armour, Ancient Lore +3,
Armoury +3, Read Runes +2


At just eighteen years old, Orla is young to be serving in the auxiliary, but in this time of crisis, anyone
who can shoot a bow or wield a sword is welcome to join. Despite her youth, striking red hair, and slender
build, Orla is an experienced hunter.

Orla RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +2 11 +3 10 Bow, Quiver, Dagger, Light
Armour, Track +4, Stealth +3

Mission 1: Blood Moon
Your captain summoned you in the middle of the night, and gave you a letter that must be delivered to an army
unit camped towards the northern end of the border with the Shadow Deep. With limited time to gather your
companions, you set off immediately, racing through the rocky hills and valleys. You sped on through the dawn, and
stopped only briefly for a quick meal and rest, before you set off again. Pushing your weary legs onwards, you watched
as the sun slowly sank behind the hills. Thankfully a full moon shone in the night sky and helped guide you onward.
You were just about to call for another rest, when you stumbled upon a small group of auxiliary troops, huddled
around a fire.
The troops looked up at your approach and you saw hope alight on their grim faces. A tall man, well
dressed, stood up to speak for the group.
‘Your arrival could not be more fortuitous, as we gravely need your help. We are all that is left of a
small garrison set to defend High Rock, a little village just over this hill. Last night, a pair of werewolves
descended on us. They tore through the village and the rest of our company. We did our best, but we were no
match for them. We last saw them heading for the manor house. There might still be survivors, but without
help, we have no chance.’
While you were loath to delay your task of delivering the letter, you could not ignore such a call for aid.


For this mission you will need the following miniatures.

• 2 Werewolves
• 5+ Wolves (or Grim Wolves)
• 4+ Giant Rats
• 5+ Giant Flies
• Giant Snake
• Old Man
• Young Girl
• Young Boy
• 4 Auxiliary Companions

Scenario 1: Claw and Fang

Following the lead of the four auxiliaries, you move quietly over the rocky hill, and look down upon the dark
village and looming manor house. Everything is shadows and gloom. For a moment, nothing seems to stir, no
wind, no life. Slowly, though, as you study the darkness, you see movement near the manor house and decide
to investigate.


This scenario is played on a 2.5’ x 2.5’ table. One corner of the table is designated as the player’s entry point. In
the opposite corner sits a large, square manor house. The manor house is divided into four rooms, each about
5” square. Each room has doors to both of the rooms adjacent to it. Rooms A and C also have doors that lead
to the outside. One clue marker should be placed in each room, in the corner where the four rooms meet.
Between the entry point and the manor is a large pond, approximately 12” in diameter. A small
boat is floating in the middle of the pond. One clue marker sits in the boat.

In the corner to the left of the entry point stands a barn, with a broken fence marking off a small
pen in front of it. Place one clue marker in the corner of the barn furthest from the player’s entry area. In
the corner to the right of the entry point is a small woodland. Place one clue marker in the centre of the
woods. Between the woods and the manor house is a large wagon. Place one clue marker in the wagon.
Place three giant flies in the pen in front of the barn. Place two giant rats in front of the wagon. Place
one wolf on the edge of the woods. All of the heroic figures should begin within 6” of their entry point.

? Manor
(B) (C)
Barn House
? ?
Giant Flies (x3)
? ?
(A) (D)

? Rats (x2)

Entry Wolf


If playing this scenario with either three or four players, the threat-level should be increased. Increase the
number of giant flies to four and the giant rats to three, and all of the wolves – both those on the table and
those that appear during the game – should be upgraded to grim wolves. Auxiliary companions cannot
activate in the Ranger Phase.


This whole scenario takes place at night, and while the full moon is out, it is still dark. The maximum line
of sight for this scenario is 14”.
None of the creatures will activate on the first turn of the game. After this turn, they will activate
as normal.
There are eight clue markers in this scenario. These are divided into two groups, ‘Manor House
Clues’ and ‘Outside Clues’. Whenever a figure (except an auxiliary companion) moves into contact
with a clue marker, its activation ends immediately and it should roll on the appropriate clue marker
table. Each result from each table can only be obtained once, so duplicates should be re-rolled. Many of
the results on the clue tables will contain a note that looks like this: ‘Increase Investigation Score by 2
(Seb)’. Players should keep a running tally of their Investigation Score during this scenario. If they ever
uncover a clue that pushes their Investigation Score to 10 or higher, they should immediately replace the
auxiliary companion listed in that note with a werewolf. They should do this even if that figure has been
reduced to 0 Health. Once the werewolf has been revealed, the players can cease keeping track of their
Investigation Score.
The exterior doors of the manor house are locked. A player must move adjacent to a door, spend
an action, and make either a Pick Lock (TN10) or Strength (TN12) Roll to open the door. All of the
doors in the house are unlocked and standing open.
The pond counts as deep water. Any figure that moves adjacent to the boat may climb into it as a
free action. A figure may paddle the boat at half of its own movement rate.
The barn has one, large open door to its front.
There is no Target Point in this scenario. All creatures outside the house are assumed to have line
of sight to all heroic figures outside the manor house. All creatures inside the house are assumed to have
line of sight to all heroic figures inside the manor house. Creatures that are inside the manor house, and
have no line of sight to heroic figures, will not activate.
Draw one event card during each event phase. If the event deck is exhausted, reshuffle it and keep
drawing events; however, if you do this, treat any event containing either the old man or a child as ‘no
event’ instead.

This scenario continues until two werewolves have been killed, or all of the rangers and companions
have been reduced to 0 Health. The game also ends immediately if only auxiliary companions remain on
the table and the second werewolf has not been revealed.

Outside Clue Table
d20 Roll Result
1–4 You discover a corpse that has been savagely mutilated. There is a scrap of clothing clutched
in the corpse’s bloody hand. Increase Investigation Score by 2 (Seb). Make a Perception
Roll (TN6). If successful, the figure is now carrying a treasure token.
5–8 You find a corpse with a long, curved fang embedded in its shoulder. Increase Investigation
Score by 2 (Nicolan). Make a Survival Roll (TN6). If successful, Increase Investigation
Score by 3, instead of 2.
9–12 You find an old man, cowering under a blanket. Treat this old man as one of your
companions for the rest of the scenario. Use the stats for a civilian, but he only has a
Health of 8.
13–16 You discover a horribly mutilated corpse. However, some of marks don’t seem to have the
right number of claw marks. Increase Investigation Score by 2 (Covin).
17–20 You find the body of a dog. Its jaws are filled with long red hairs. Increase Investigation
Score by 1 (Orla).

Manor House Clue Table
d20 Roll Result
1–4 You find the remains of a man lying in the ruins of a wardrobe. It appears the wardrobe was
destroyed by a large axe. Increase Investigation Score by 2 (Seb).
5–8 You find a living, but very scared, little girl hiding under a bed. Treat the girl as a companion
for the rest of the scenario. She has the civilian stats, except she has a total Health of 6.
9–12 You find a headless corpse, flung across a bed. From the tan lines on its fingers, you notice
that it wore several rings that are missing. Increase Investigation Score by 1 (Nicolan). Make
a Perception Roll (TN8). If successful, increase Investigation Score by 2 instead.
13–16 A bloody hand print has been smeared down the wall, seemingly missing a finger or two.
Increase Investigation Score by 3 (Covin). Make an Armoury Roll (TN6). If successful,
the figure finds a large silver dagger. The figure can use this dagger in place of its normal
weapons for the rest of the scenario, even if it has no item slots available, and doesn’t
normally use a dagger. After the scenario, it may be given to any figure that has an item slot
and can normally use a dagger.
17–20 This room is covered in discarded clothes that have been torn out of a wardrobe. All of
the clothes are covered in red hairs. Increase Investigation Score by 2 (Orla). Make a Read
Runes Roll (TN8). If successful, the figure spots a pair of boots with strange embroidered
runes. These are a pair of Boots of Soft Tread. They may be worn by the figure, if it has an
item slot available. Alternatively, they may be given to any ranger or companion after the


This scenario ends the mission. If the rangers killed both werewolves, then the immediate threat in
the area has ended, and the surviving villagers will be able to rebuild or relocate. The heroes are free to
continue their task of delivering the letter. If all of the heroic figures were killed, then they may regroup
and make another attempt by playing the scenario again.
Rangers gain the following Experience Points for this scenario.

+2XP for each giant fly, swamp zombie, wolf and grim wolf killed.
+10XP for each werewolf killed.
+20XP for revealing which auxiliary companion was the werewolf.
+10XP for each auxiliary companion (other than the werewolf ) and villager (the old man and
children) that is on the table at the end of the scenario.

Blood Moon Event Cards (Level 0–5 Rangers)

Card Number Event
Red Ace Place a werewolf in the barn in the corner opposite the clue marker. If a werewolf has
already been placed due to a random event, place a wolf instead.
Red 2 Place a werewolf in Room B in the corner opposite the treasure token. If a werewolf
has already been placed due to a random event, place a wolf instead.
Red 3 Place a werewolf in Room D in the corner opposite the treasure token. If a werewolf
has already been placed due to a random event, place a wolf instead.
Red 4 A bone-chilling howl echoes all around. All heroic figures must make a Will Roll
(TN12) or receive a maximum of one action next turn. Additionally, place a giant rat
adjacent to a random corner of the manor house.
Red 5 A bone-chilling howl echoes all around. All heroic figures must make a Will Roll
(TN12) or receive a maximum of one action next turn.
Red 6 A swamp zombie crawls up out of the pond. If there are any heroic figures in the
pond, or in the boat, place the zombie in combat with a random heroic figure in the
pond. If there are no heroic figures in the pond or boat, place the zombie adjacent to
the pond at the point closest to a heroic figure.
Red 7 The heroes hear a scream and suddenly see a young boy pop up from under the
wagon. Treat this figure as a companion for the rest of the scenario. The boy has the
stats of a civilian with a Health of 6.
Red 8 A giant fly explodes out of the mutilated body of an animal nearby. Randomly select
one heroic figure. This figure should make a Move Roll (TN14). If successful, place
the giant fly anywhere up to 3” away from this figure. If the roll is failed, place the
giant fly in combat with the heroic figure.

Red 9 A giant fly explodes out of the mutilated body of an animal nearby. Randomly select
one heroic figure. This figure should make a Move Roll (TN14). If successful, place
the giant fly anywhere up to 3” away from this figure. If the roll is failed, place the
giant fly in combat with the heroic figure.
Red 10 Choose one heroic figure to make an Armoury Roll (TN10). If successful, the figure
finds a silver-plated sword lying in the grass. This figure may use this weapon for
the rest of the scenario, even if it neither has the item space nor usually uses a hand-
weapon. At the end of the scenario, it may be given to any heroic figure that has item
spaces and could normally use such a weapon.
Red Jack Place a wolf in one randomly determined corner of the table.
Red Queen Place a wolf in one randomly determined corner of the table.
Red King For a moment, the moon seems to turn a deep crimson colour. Next turn, all wolves,
grim wolves, and werewolves receive +1 Fight.

Blood Moon Event Cards II (Level 6–10 Rangers)

Card Number Event
Red Ace Place a werewolf in the corner of the barn opposite the clue marker. If a werewolf has
already been placed due to a random event, place a grim wolf instead.
Red 2 Place a werewolf in Room B in the corner opposite the treasure token. If a werewolf
has already been placed due to a random event, place a grim wolf instead.
Red 3 Place a werewolf in Room D in the corner opposite the treasure token. If a werewolf
has already been placed due to a random event, place a grim wolf instead.
Red 4 A bone-chilling howl echoes all around. All heroic figures must make a Will Roll
(TN14) or receive a maximum of one action next turn. Additionally, place a giant rat
adjacent to a random corner of the manor house.
Red 5 A bone-chilling howl echoes all around. All heroic figures must make a Will Roll
(TN14) or receive a maximum of one action next turn. Additionally, place a giant rat
adjacent to a random corner of the manor house.

Red 6 A pair of swamp zombies crawl up out of the pond. If there are any heroic figures in
the pond, or in the boat, place both zombies in combat with a heroic figure. If there
are no heroic figures in the pond or boat, place the zombies adjacent to the pond at
the point closest to a heroic figure.
Red 7 The heroes hear a scream, and suddenly see a young boy pop up from under the
wagon. Treat this figure as a companion for the rest of the scenario. The boy has the
stats of a civilian with a Health of 6. Additionally, place a giant rat directly in front
of the barn door.
Red 8 A giant fly explodes out of the corpse of an animal nearby. Randomly select one
heroic figure. This figure should make a Move Roll (TN16). If successful, place the
giant fly anywhere up to 3” away from this figure. If the roll is failed, place the giant
fly in combat with the heroic figure.
Red 9 A giant fly explodes out of the corpse of an animal nearby. Randomly select one
heroic figure. This figure should make a Move Roll (TN16). If successful, place the
giant fly anywhere up to 3” away from this figure. If the roll is failed, place the giant
fly in combat with the heroic figure.
Red 10 Choose one heroic figure to make an Armoury Roll (TN10). If successful, the figure
finds a silver-plated sword lying in the grass. This figure may use this weapon for
the rest of the scenario, even if it neither has the item space nor usually uses a hand-
weapon. At the end of the scenario, it may be given to any heroic figure that has
item spaces and could normally use such a weapon. Regardless of whether the figure
successfully makes the roll, place a giant snake in combat with it.
Red Jack Place a grim wolf in one randomly determined corner of the table.
Red Queen Place a grim wolf in one randomly determined corner of the table.
Red King For a moment, the moon seems to turn a deep crimson colour. Next turn, all grim
wolves and werewolves receive +1 Fight.


Grim Wolf
With careful handling, a wolf can be taught to hunger for human flesh, a fact that the agents of the
Shadow Deep learned long ago. Often these wolves grow larger and more aggressive, and their fur turns
a darker shade of grey. The rangers refer to these creatures as grim wolves, and do their best to slay them,
wherever they are found.

Grim Wolf XP 2
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
8 +3 +0 10 +0 10 Animal

Werewolves are twisted combinations of men and wolves. They occur in two forms. The vast majority
of werewolves spend their entire lives in a ‘wolf-man’ form, and appear to be either born or (perhaps
more accurately) bred in the normal fashion. However, it is also possible for a human to be infected by a
werewolf, and thus switch between human and werewolf form. This is comparatively rare, as werewolves
rarely leave their victims alive. Any figure that is reduced to 0 Health from fighting a werewolf, and
survives, has a chance of contracting lycanthropy. See the text box below for full rules.
Werewolves have amazing regenerative powers. Whenever they are activated, they gain back two
lost points of Health. However, they also have an intense allergic reaction to silver. Anyone wielding a
silver weapon against a werewolf receives +2 Fight and +2 damage in addition to any other bonuses or
penalties the weapon normally has.
Werewolves are immensely strong, and thus they do +2 damage in combat. Werewolves are
extremely fast and agile and expert climbers. They suffer no movement penalties for climbing.

Werewolf XP 10
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +4 +0 12 +5 18 Infection, Regeneration,
Silver Allergy, +2 damage,
Expert Climber

If a figure is reduced to 0 Health while fighting a werewolf, the player should roll for the figure’s
survival as normal after the scenario. If the figure survives, the player should immediately make
a Will Roll (TN8). If the figure fails this roll, it has contracted lycanthropy, the disease that
causes a person to turn into a werewolf. This should be noted on the Ranger Sheet.
Any time a figure with lycanthropy is called upon to make a Will Roll during a
scenario, and a ‘natural 1’ is rolled, that figure should be immediately removed from the table
and replaced with a werewolf model. This werewolf is treated as an evil creature using the stats
for werewolves given above. If the scenario ends with this werewolf still on the table, it returns
to human form and can be used in the next scenario or recruited for further missions. If the
werewolf is reduced to 0 Health during the scenario, the figure must roll for survival after
the scenario as usual. If it survives, it returns to human form and can participate in the next
scenario or be recruited for further missions.
If the ranger goes on a mission, but does not take a companion suffering from
lycanthropy, he should roll a die after the mission. On a roll of a 1, the companion disappeared
while the ranger was gone and is never seen again. This companion may not be recruited for
any future missions.
The only cure for lycanthropy is a brew made from the wolfsbane herb. After any
mission, the player may select one figure to search for this herb. That figure should make a
Survival Roll (TN18). If successful, it has found one dose of wolfsbane, which it may brew
and give to any figure suffering from lycanthropy. The figure with lycanthropy should make
a Will Roll (TN10). If successful, the lycanthropy is cured and should be removed from the
Ranger Sheet. If the roll is failed, the brew has no effect. The figure continues to suffer from
lycanthropy, but may attempt further Will Rolls anytime a wolfsbane brew is consumed.

Blood Moon Stat Sheet

Covin RP 15
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +0 11 +1 12 Hand Weapon, Light Armour,
Leadership +3, Perception +3

Nicolan RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +3 +0 11 +1 12 Hand Weapon, Dagger, Light
Armour, Ancient Lore +3,
Armoury +3, Read Runes +2

Orla RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +2 11 +3 10 Bow, Quiver, Dagger, Light
Armour, Track +4, Stealth +3

Seb RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +3 +0 10 +2 14 Two-Handed Weapon,
Strength +4

Civilian XP 0
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +0 +0 10 +0 10 Dagger

Giant Fly XP 2
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +0 +0 6 +0 5 Animal, Flying, Disease (TN8)

Giant Rat XP 2
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +0 +0 6 +0 1 Animal, Disease (TN8)

Giant Snake XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
5 +2 +0 8 +0 10 Animal, Amphibious (giant water
snake), Poison (giant viper)

Grim Wolf XP 2
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
8 +3 +0 10 +0 10 Animal

Werewolf XP 10
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +4 +0 12 +5 18 Infection, Regeneration,
Silver Allergy, +2 damage,
Expert Climber

Wolf XP 2
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
8 +1 +0 10 +0 6 Animal

Temple of Madness
A Mission for
Level 5–15 R angers
Cover design & internal layout: Steven Meyer-Rassow

Rangers of Shadow Deep: Temple of Madness is copyright Joseph A. McCullough, except for the illustrations which
are copyright Barrett Stanley. No part of this Book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic
or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without
the express written permission of the author and publisher, except where specifically permitted by law.

The author and publisher gives permission for the purchaser of this PDF to print out one copy for personal use.
Table of Contents
Introduction 33

Spellcasters 35

Swapping Spells 35

Heroic Abilities 36

Spell List 39

Companions 44

Equipment 47

Mission: The Temple of Madness 49

Scenario 1: The Laughing Columns 53

Scenario 2: Pit of Ghouls 57

Scenario 3: The Incantation Lock 62

Scenario 4: The Mirror Enduring 65

Epilogue 69

Bestiary 71

Notes 75

Welcome to Temple of Madness, the second supplement for Rangers of Shadow Deep. This booklet
is divided into two main pieces. The first part contains expanded rules for magic, including a greatly
expanded Spell List, new Heroic Abilities that relate directly to spellcasting, a few pieces of new
equipment, and even a few new magically-inclined companions. All of these are designed to bring
greater variety to the game, and to increase the player’s options when designing a new ranger or when
gaining new abilities when levelling up with an existing one.
The second part of this book is a four-scenario mission for rangers level 5–15. In this adventure,
the rangers descend into the Shadow Deep in an effort to destroy an evil spellcaster who is sending
his spells over great distances to plague the soldiers of Alladore. The mission also contains a short
bestiary with a couple of unique creatures to plague your heroes.
As always, I appreciate any feedback about this supplement: what you liked and didn’t like, and
what you would like to see expanded going forward. If you do play through the mission in this booklet,
I’d love to read a report of how the games went. Please share all of your thoughts, and game reports on
the Rangers of Shadow Deep Facebook page. If you want to keep up with what is new for Rangers of
Shadow Deep, and all of my games, please check out my blog:

The term ‘spellcaster’ applies to any figure that is capable of casting a spell. So, in the case of rangers,
any ranger that knows at least one spell is a ‘spellcaster’. Companions can also be spellcasters, if they
know one or more spells, as can creatures, although this will be listed in their notes. This distinction
is important, as it will be seen throughout these rules that there are certain abilities and equipment
that only spellcasters can employ.
Presented below are new options for Heroic Abilities, Spells, and Equipment. All of these
items are available to starting rangers, or can be added to an existing ranger whenever he or she gains
a level with an appropriate reward. There are also a few new companion types. These can be recruited
by a ranger before any mission following the standard rules for companions.

Swapping Spells
In the main rulebook, a ranger acquires Spells in the same way as Heroic Abilities, and these Spells
are then fixed in the same way. However, as Spells are often more specialized, and there are times
when they aren’t that useful, this new rule allows rangers a limited ability to switch Spells.
Whenever a ranger gains a level, he may swap any one Spell he knows for any other Spell. He
may only swap one Spell per level regardless of how many Spells he knows. This rule has no effect
on any new Spells or bonuses that a ranger receives for going up a level.

Heroic Abilities
All of the Heroic Abilities presented here can only be taken by a ranger (or companion) who is also
a spellcaster.

This ability can be used at any time. The figure regains the use of any one spell that it has already cast
during the scenario.

This ability may be used any time a figure casts a spell that generates a shooting attack. For each
shooting attack generated, the figure may roll three dice for the shooting attack and pick the best
one. The player must decide to use this ability before any dice are rolled. This Heroic Ability is an
exception to the rule that only one Heroic Ability or Spell can be used per activation.

A figure that activates and has two or more actions may use this ability. During this activation it may
use two actions to cast Spells. This overrides the normal rules that only one Spell may be cast during
a figure’s activation, and that one action must be movement.

This ability may be used any time a figure casts a spell that has a specific target figure or target point.
The caster may choose two different targets for the Spell, resolving the full effect of the Spell on both
targets. For example, if the figure casts Heal, it can heal two figures within 6”; if it casts Smoke, it
may place two bands of smoke, etc.

The Cascades
Far in the north of Alladore, deep in the rocky mountains that lead out into the desert
wastes, sits the ancient monastery known as The Cascades. The monastery sits atop a
natural spring that has been incorporated into the architecture. The water from the spring
flows down a channel through the heart of the main building, the cloister, and down the
front steps, before once again disappearing into the ground. It is the water flowing down
the steps that gives the monastery its name.
Apart from its unique architecture, The Cascades is mainly known as the largest
centre for magical studies in Alladore. Over forty spellcasters live there at any given
time, a mixture of old masters, administrators and students, and every year it sends forth
a handful of journeymen to aid the kingdom in various matters. With the coming of the
Shadow Deep, the monastery has announced that it will be increasing both its intake of
new students, and the number of journeymen it sends out to help battle the encroaching
darkness. Given the slow rate of teaching the mystical arts, it is unknown if these moves
will truly be of any help, as the casualty rate among spellcasters is already outstripping
the rate at which new ones can be taught.
Considering the magical nature of the Shadow Deep and many of its servants, it is
clear that this knowledge will be crucial if there is any chance of achieving anything even
resembling victory.

Spell L ist
This Spell List includes the ten spells from the main Rangers of Shadow Deep rulebook as well as
twenty new spells. These lists have been combined so that players will not have to flip between the
two books looking for a specific spell. All of these spells are available to both starting and experienced
rangers as well as conjurers.

The target of this spell automatically passes all Swimming Rolls for the rest of the scenario.

The caster may immediately cast this spell anytime he is called upon to make a Perception Skill
Roll. It can be used either before or after a scenario, but will be counted as having been cast for that
scenario. The caster automatically passes the Perception Roll.

The target of this spell receives +1 Armour for the rest of the scenario.

Make a +3 shooting attack against all undead creatures within 8” and line of sight of the caster.

The caster may place a glowing rune anywhere within 6”. As soon as any evil creature moves
within 2” of this rune, it explodes. All evil creatures within 2” of the rune suffer a +5 magic
shooting attack.

Creates a 2” diameter circle of caltrops. Any figure moving through this circle suffers 2 points of
damage and must make a Will Roll (TN12). If it fails, its activation ends immediately. Undead
creatures are immune to this damage.

The caster may immediately cast this spell anytime he is called upon to make a Navigation Skill
Roll. It can be used either before or after a scenario, but will be counted as having been cast for that
scenario. The caster automatically passes the Navigation Roll.

The target of this spell must make an immediate Will Roll with a Target Number of 16. If it fails, the
caster may move the figure up to 5” in any direction. This may not move the figure off the table, or
into or through anything that would cause it damage (such as walking it off a cliff or through fire). It
cannot be cast on a creature that is currently in combat.

The caster imbues one melee weapon with magic power. For the rest of the scenario, the weapon
counts as a magic weapon with +1 Fight.

Pick a point within line of sight. All figures within 2” of that point suffer a +3 shooting attack.

For the rest of the game, all shooting attacks against the target of this spell are at +3.

This spell may target any figure within 6” including the caster. The target figure regains up to 5 points
of lost Health.

The target creature must make an immediate Will Roll (TN16). If it fails, it may not force combat for
the remainder of the turn, and it loses its next activation. This spell has no effect on large creatures
or undead.

The target of the spell does not suffer any movement penalty when climbing. In other words, do not
count distance climbed as doubled for this figure. The figure receives +10 to all Climb Skill Rolls for
the rest of the game.

The caster may place a magical ladder against any vertical or nearly vertical surface. The ladder can
be any height the caster wishes. Any figure may climb this ladder without any movement penalty for
climbing and without needing to make any Climb Skill Rolls. As long as there is no figure on the
ladder, the caster can end the spell at any time as a free action.

This spell may only be cast on a ranger or companion. That figure may immediately make a 6” move
in any direction, including up. It may not be cast on a figure currently in combat.

If the maximum line of sight for a scenario is below 24” because of darkness, this spell increases it
back up to 24”.

The caster makes a +5 magic shooting attack against one figure within line of sight. This attack
ignores penalties for cover and intervening terrain.

The caster may immediately cast this spell anytime he is called upon to make a Pick Lock Skill
Roll. It can be used either before or after a scenario, but will be counted as having been cast for that
scenario. The caster automatically passes the Pick Lock Roll.

The target of this spell will activate in the Ranger Phase next turn. In addition, the target receives +1
Move for the rest of the scenario.

This spell may be cast on any figure within 8” and line of sight. All shooting attacks against this figure
are at -3 for the rest of the game.

The target of this spell must make an immediate Will Roll (TN18). If it fails, it suffers -3 Move (to a
minimum of 1) for the rest of the scenario.

The caster may place a thick cloud of smoke, 3” in diameter, anywhere within 3”. The smoke blocks
all line of sight but does not inhibit movement.

The target of this spell does +1 damage in hand-to-hand combat for the rest of the scenario. In
addition, it receives +5 to any Strength Skill Rolls it makes.

This spell may be cast against any figure within 8” and line of sight. The next time this figure must
make a Will Roll it does so with a +5 modifier. The time after that, it receives +4, and so on, down to
+0 when the spell’s effect ends.

The caster summons a crow (or other large bird) to his aid. At the end of the turn, place a bird in
contact with the caster. This bird has the same stats as a raptor, except it only has Armour 10 and no
skills. Treat this bird as a companion. At the end of the bird’s activation each turn, roll a die. On a 16+
the bird flies off and is removed from the table.

Make a +8 attack against one giant fly or giant spider in line of sight.

The caster may immediately move up to 9” in any direction, including up. This may not take the
figure off the table. The figure may take no actions for the rest of the turn after casting this spell.

The caster may immediately cast this spell anytime he is called upon to make a Read Runes Skill
Roll. It can be used either before or after a scenario, but will be counted as having been cast for that
scenario. The caster automatically passes the Read Runes Roll.

Immediately switch the places of any two rangers or companions on the table. Either or both of these
figures may be in combat.

The target of this spell must make an immediate Will Roll (TN18). If it fails, it suffers -1 Fight, -1
Shoot, and -1 Armour for the rest of the scenario.



The so-called battle-mages are a small order of martial warriors, who have also learned the art of
mystical fire. While they are neither the best fighters, nor the best spellcasters, the diversity of their
training can prove extremely useful against the dangers of the Shadow Deep.

Battle-Mage RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +0 11 +2 10 Hand Weapon, Light Armour,
Spell: Fireball


Generally, those blessed with the magical powers of healing tend to practise their art either in large
hospitals or near the armies, trying to save those wounded on the battlefield. From time to time,
however, a ranger convinces a healer to go out on a mission, or the healer feels a calling to ‘do more’
for the war effort. A simple healing spell can often mean not just life or death for the individual, but
the difference between the success or failure of an entire mission.

Healer RP 15
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +0 10 +3 10 Hand Weapon, Spell: Heal, 2nd
Heal Spell (+5RP)


Even those who once performed on the stage, and spent their time practising simple tricks and
illusions, must answers the kingdom’s call. Although few in number, the magicians and illusionists of
Alladore are masters of simple magics and can often prove useful on dangerous missions.

Illusionist RP 25
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +0 10 +2 12 Hand Weapon, Spells: Smoke,
Teleport, Transpose


Like every other nation, Alladore employs a group of agents to go out and gather information on
other kingdoms, both allies and enemies. At present, though, only one ‘kingdom’ really matters, the
Shadow Deep. Most of Alladore’s spies have been recalled to aid in collecting information about this
greatest of foes.

Spy RP 25
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +3 +0 11 +4 12 Hand Weapon, Pick Lock +3,
Stealth +3, Spell: Distraction

The kingdom of Alladore maintains a small ‘armoury’ of magical equipment for its spellcasters. Since
this equipment is both rarer and more expensive than conventional weapons, it is stored in separate,
more heavily guarded, locations. Rangers are allowed to draw upon these stores, but with limitations.
Any ranger that is also a spellcaster (but not companions) may take one, and only one, of these items
at a time. After any mission, he may trade the item for another, or replace the item if it was lost. It is
possible that a ranger may acquire one of these items during his adventures. In this case, the item will
be considered his personal property (this should be noted on the Ranger Sheet), and will not count
against his limit of one of these items.

If a figure carrying this crystal casts a spell that forces the target to make a Will Roll, the Target
Number for that Will Roll is increased by 2. For example, if a ranger casts Hold Creature, the creature
will have to make a Will Roll with a Target Number of 18, instead of the normal 16.

Whenever a figure carrying a holy icon casts Heal, the target recovers 6 points of Health instead of the
normal 5. Whenever it casts Burning Light it makes +4 shooting attacks instead of +3, and whenever
it casts Shield of Light all shooting attacks against the target are at -4 instead of -3.

If a figure is carrying a spellbook, and it reaches the end of a scenario with uncast spells, it may
select one of these uncast spells to be ‘saved’ in the spellbook. This spell may then be cast in a future

scenario following the normal rules for spellcasting. Once the spell is cast, it is removed from the
spellbook. A spellbook can never hold more than one spell at any given time.

While carrying a wand, a figure can add +1 to the roll for any shooting attack generated by a spell it
cast. For example, if a figure carrying a wand casts Fireball, then all figures within 2” of the chosen
target point will suffer a +4 shooting attack, instead of the normal +3.

This item follows all of the rules for the ‘staff’ weapon, with the following additions. If a figure makes
a Will Roll while carrying this staff, it may trade its own Health to increase its roll on a one-for-one
basis. For example, if a ranger makes a Will Roll (TN12) and rolls an 8, he may reduce his current
Health by 4 in order to increase the Will Roll to a 12. He passed the roll, but it hurt. Additionally,
whenever a figure carrying a wizard’s staff is activated, it may spend one point of Health to make the
staff count as a magic weapon until its next activation.

The Temple of Madness
For the past two weeks, the soldiers of Alladore have lost nearly every battle and skirmish they have
fought against the forces of the Shadow Deep. The army has been forced to fall back along nearly the
entire front and almost every beacon tower has been lost. While cultists, gnolls, and undead continue to
pour up out of the shadows, it is not their number or their fighting prowess that has caused these defeats,
it is something else. There is dark sorcery at work that is sapping the strength and the will of the soldiers.
In all of these battles, soldiers have reported a few creatures carrying ‘shields’ of polished glass.
These creatures stay behind the front lines, slowly waving these shields back and forth. Thankfully,
after one skirmish, a brave group of rangers recovered one of these shields and sent it back for
study. Eventually, the answer was found deep in the library of The Cascades. The shields were ‘spell
mirrors’. Somewhere within the Shadow Deep, an evil mage used these mirrors to see and cast his
spells during the battle. Although the wizards of The Cascades could find no way to counteract these
mirrors, they did discover a spell that could track the evil sorcery back to its original location.
The next time the forces of Alladore and the Shadow Deep met in battle, a conjuror stood nearby
and waited. As soon as she saw a cultist carrying one of the mirrors she cast her spell, and received a
vision of a long, dark road, leading to an earthen mound with a dark cave entrance. Inside the cave,
everything was madness and confusion and the conjuror could understand nothing more. Still, before
exhaustion overwhelmed her, she wrote down everything she had seen and drew a rough map of the road.
This precious map has just been given to you. Your captains have tasked you with taking a
small team down in the Shadow Deep in an effort to find this mound and to locate and destroy the
sorcerer who must dwell within. Your mission is crucial to the war. If you fail, then there is little doubt
that the forces of Alladore will continue to suffer defeat after defeat.

Mission Specific Rules
The Temple of Madness is a four-scenario mission. Due to the difficult nature of the mission, and the
power of some of the evil creatures that will likely be encountered, it is suggested for rangers level
5–15. To play this mission, begin by reading ‘The Journey’ section and following the instructions
contained therein. After this, proceed to Scenario 1: The Laughing Columns. From that point on,
events in the scenario will dictate the order in which the remaining scenarios should be played.
It is suggested that one player read through all of the scenarios before attempting to play the
mission so that it is known what terrain will be required. This player should not, however, read any
of the notes. These should only be read as the scenarios are played.

This mission uses Points of Interest and Notes as seen in Burning Light in the Rangers of
Shadow Deep Rulebook. Please refer to the instructions in that mission if you are unsure how to
use these mechanics. Because the scenarios in this mission fall directly after one another in time, a
ranger may not reorganize his companions after each scenario, nor do the figures necessarily regain
all of their lost Health. After each scenario, all heroes gain back up to 8 points of lost Health. (Badly
Wounded figures still start a -5 to their starting Health). Figures may use any healing potions or
unused healing spells from the last game before the start of the next.
This mission calls for the use of a ten-sided die. If you don’t have a ten-sided die, simply roll
a d20 and ignore the first digit (so a 13 = 3, 15 = 5, 20=10).

Figure L ist
This list contains all of the figures that are likely to be needed during this mission. Where a figure
has a ‘+’ it means a variable number of these creatures are possible, so more than the given number
could be needed. For creatures not found in the main rulebook, see the short bestiary at the end of
the scenarios.

• Blood Bat
• Ghouls 10+
• Ghoul Fiends 1+
• Ghoul Rotters 1+
• Giant Spiders 2+
• Greviks, Man-Beast
• Shadow Knights 1+
• Skeletons 6+
• Skeletal Knights 2+
• Temple Guardians 6+
• Temple Guardian Archers 3
• Trekatis, Evil Sorcerer

The Journey
Despite the losses suffered in recent weeks, there are still a few roads down into the Shadow Deep
that are accessible to the rangers. Along with your team, you descend beneath the black clouds, down
into that twilight world. The map leads you over a long rocky plain that has few plants and animals
and very little water. Thankfully, patrols also seem a rarity. The journey takes nearly six days of rough
Choose one figure in the party to make a Navigation Roll (TN16). If this roll is failed,
immediately select one figure in the party to make a Survival Roll (TN18). If this roll is also failed,
then every figure in the party is suffering from Hunger and Thirst. Figures may not use any Spells or
Heroic Abilities when making these rolls.
Eventually, after much toil and hardship, the party comes within sight of the mound and sees
the dark opening in its side. After a quick scout around, you discover no signs of any guards or of any
other entrance to the mound. There seems no choice but to proceed directly into the cave mouth.

The Price of Failure
If the players fail in any of the first three scenarios, they have failed the mission entirely.
However, these are difficult scenarios, and a little bad luck can sometimes prove disastrous.
Players should feel free to play any scenario they fail a second time (making sure to start
their figures back at whatever Health they started that scenario). The first attempt can be
written off as an evil vision, placed into the head of one of the rangers by the evil sorcerer
who dwells deep in the mound.
If you fail the scenario a second time, don’t look at me, you are on your own.

Scenario 1: The Laughing Columns

Inside the cave, the darkness quickly becomes absolute, and you are forced to uncover your lanterns.
Although this may announce your presence, it is better than allowing some creature to sneak up on
you in the dark. From the entrance, a tunnel leads down at a gentle angle. You walk for nearly ten
minutes, seeing nothing but more tunnel and hearing nothing but the soft tread of your companions’
feet. Then, the walls to either side of you disappear. Apparently you are in some kind of chamber. As
you take a few more steps, you make out the shadowy outline of heavy stone columns reaching from
floor to ceiling. A little further and you see even more columns, stretching out in every direction,
organized in neat rows.
Suddenly, bright runes flare to life on each of the columns, perhaps offering some clue to this
strange complex. Then, a whispered laugh echoes from all around, and then another, and another. As
you turn about, trying to locate the source, the columns seem to move and shift positions about the
chamber. Probably this is just some trick of the light, but it is enough to make you dizzy and confused
as to direction. Suddenly a new sound comes to your ears, heavy footsteps. Figures advance out of
the gloomy darkness, wicked polearms in their hands.

Treasure Token Treasure Token
Temple Guardian Temple Guardian

Temple Guardians (x2)

Entry Point


This scenario should be played on a 2.5’ x 2.5’ table or as near to that as is feasible. The table represents
one large chamber. All of the table edges are considered impassable walls. In the middle of one table
edge, place a doorway, which serves as the hero’s entry point. Twelve columns should be placed in
the chamber, so that they form three rows of four columns, running parallel to the side containing
the doorway. Each column should be 6” from the columns to either side of it, or to the sides of the
chamber. The first row of columns should be 8” from the table edge containing the doorway. The
second row should be 8” behind that row, and the third 8” behind the second row.
Two treasure tokens should be placed on the table, one in each of the corners furthest away
from the doorway. Four temple guardians should be placed on the table. Place one adjacent to each of
the treasure tokens. Place the other two adjacent to random columns.
Place all of the party members within 3” of the entry point.
The Target Point for this scenario is the centre of the table.


At the start of the scenario, the only way off of the table is the doorway through which the party
entered. Other doorways may be revealed during the game. Treasure tokens may only be secured by
a figure that exits the table by a revealed doorway, not the doorway through which it entered.
The chamber is completely dark so that the maximum line of sight for rangers and companions
is 6”. The temple guardians can see in the darkness; they have no maximum line of sight for this
The combination of the laughing and the shifting perspective on the columns makes moving
around the chamber, and maintaining balance, difficult. The first time a heroic figure activates during
the scenario, it must make a Will Roll (TN12). A figure that has the Navigation Skill can add this to
its Will Roll. If the figure fails this roll, it becomes momentarily confused and spends its first action
moving in a random direction. The figure will move up to its full Move Score, unless it moves into
something, in which case it will stop. If the figure has actions remaining, it may use them as normal.
This confusion only affects heroic figures on the first turn; afterwards they activate as normal. Temple
guardians do not have to make this roll.
Each of the columns has a glowing rune engraved in it. Any time a figure is in contact with
a column it may make a Will Roll (TN8). If it has the Read Runes Skill, it may add this to the roll.
If successful, the column has been ‘engaged’; roll a ten-sided die and record the result. Figures may
make as many attempts on a column as they wish, but when they are successful, this column becomes
engaged and no further attempts can be made. Whenever a figure rolls the ten-sided die and the result
is the same as a result received previously in the scenario, stop and immediately read the note that
corresponds to that result repeated three times. For example: your ranger makes his Will Roll while
standing next to a column and rolls a 3 on the d10. This is the second time during the game that you
have rolled a 3. So, you should immediately stop and read Note 333.
Additional duplicate results after the second have no effect; however, it is possible to have
multiple duplicate results, and thus end up reading Notes 000, 222, and 888 for example.
At the end of each turn, one more temple guardian appears. Place each temple guardian in a
randomly determined corner of the table.


If the players revealed a doorway and exited at least one figure through it, they should proceed
to the next scenario as instructed. If they did not reveal a doorway, then their mission has failed, and
ends here.
Players gain the following experience points in this scenario, plus any mentioned in the notes:
+3XP for each temple guardian killed (to a maximum of +30).
+3XP for each number generated from a column.
+3XP for each heroic figure that manages to exit through a revealed doorway.

Scenario 2: Pit of Ghouls
Despite your wounds and fatigue, you must move quickly, as the noise of battle has probably alerted
the entire mound to your presence. Still carrying your lanterns, you advance down a long tunnel that
slopes ever downward. Then, up ahead, you see the glow of a light, and suddenly you are standing
on a high ledge, overlooking a chamber filled with stone statues. The entire room is illuminated by a
massive, wooden chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and several heavy ropes angle down from the
chandelier and are tied to the wall nearby. Across the chamber is another ledge, similar to the one you
are standing on. On the wall behind this ledge is a large metal door and four metal wheels. As you
watch, all four of these wheels slowly begin to turn. You hear the clink and rasp of unseen chains, and
watch as four trapdoors open up in the floor of the chamber below.
Then, before you have decided what to do, a pack of ghouls crawls up out of the trapdoors,
and more descend from the ceiling. The only obvious way forward out of the chamber is the metal
door on the other side, but with ghouls closing in on all sides, how are you going to get there?

Ghoul Wheel Wheel Doorway Wheel Wheel Ghoul

(1) (2)

Ghoul Ghoul


Ghoul Ghoul

(3) (4)

Ghoul Rope Rope Entry Point Rope Rope Ghoul


This scenario is played on a 2’ x 2’ table. One table edge should contain a doorway in the exact centre.
This is the entry doorway. This table edge, and the one opposite it, both consist of a 3” wide ledge
that runs the length of the edge. The rest of the table consists of a chamber sitting some 4” below the
two ledges. There are two ladders, one in the centre of each ledge, that allow access from the ledges
to the chamber.
On the table edge containing the entry doorway, place four tokens adjacent to the table edge
representing the ends of the chandelier ropes. Two of these should be 3” from the entry doorway on
either side, the other two should be 6” from the doorway. On the opposite table edge, place a large
metal doorway so that it is directly opposite the entry doorway. Then place four markers against that

table edge to represent the metal wheels. The first two wheels should be 5” from the metal doorway
on either side, the second two should be 10” from the metal doorway on either side.
Down in the centre chamber, place four trapdoors, one in each corner. These should be
numbered one to four. Place three statues in the chamber – one in the exact centre of the chamber, the
other two 4” to either side of the first so that they form a line parallel to the ledges.
One ghoul should start on top of each of the trapdoors. One additional ghoul should be placed
in each of the four corners of the table, so that they are up on the ledges. The players should place all
of their figures within 3” of the entry doorway.

Multi-L evel Tables

Despite the set-up for this scenario, players shouldn’t worry too much about trying to
construct a table with multiple levels. It’s great if your terrain collection allows that, but
if not, just put a low wall or some other marker to delineate the edge of the ledges and
just imagine that the centre of the table is below that level. You will need to remember to
count all of the movement needed to move up and down between the levels, but otherwise
the scenario should play fine on a completely flat table.


To successfully complete this scenario, the players must exit at least one figure through the metal
doorway. This doorway begins the game shut and locked. The only way to open it is by turning the
four metal wheels. To turn a wheel, a figure must be adjacent to the wheel, spend an action, and make
a Strength Roll (TN10), with a +2 for any friendly figures that are in contact with the figure making

the attempt. If the Strength Roll fails, nothing happens, but further attempts can be made. If the
Strength Roll is successful, remove the wheel marker from the table and immediately roll a d10. Take
the digit from the d10 (X) and immediately read Note X23. For example if you roll a 4, read Note
423. If you roll a 7, read Note 723.
Any figure that is in contact with a chandelier rope token may attempt to use the rope to swing
across the chamber. The figure must spend an action and make a Move Roll (TN12). A figure may
add its Acrobatics Skill to this roll. If successful, the figure may immediately move to any point on
the line that runs from that rope token through the centre point of the table. Thus, a figure may use the
rope to swing all the way across the table, from one ledge to another. This move may leave the figure
in combat. If the figure fails its Move Roll, roll a d20. Move the figure that many inches along the
line containing the rope token and the centre point. This figure immediately takes 6 points of damage
from falling, and its activation ends immediately, even if it had actions remaining.
Figures may climb up or down the ladders at their normal rate of movement. The walls of the
ledges are very smooth and difficult to climb. Any figure wishing to climb up or down the side of the
ledge must make a Climb Roll (TN12). If it fails, it immediately falls to the chamber floor, takes 6
points of damage, and its action ends immediately (unless, of course, it can fly or has a way of falling
without taking damage).
At the end of each turn, roll on the ghoul table below and place any new ghouls on the table
as appropriate. If the table calls for a ghoul to be placed on a trapdoor that has closed, then ignore the
result, no ghouls are generated.
On the first turn, the ghouls can move a maximum of 3”. On all subsequent turns, they move
as normal. When determining ghoul actions, only factor in heroic figures that are either on the same
ledge or chamber floor as the ghoul. In other words, a ghoul will never move towards a figure that is
not on the same level as it is. If there are no figures in line of sight, or no figures on the same level as
a ghoul, the ghoul will move to the nearest ladder that leads to a level that has heroic figures on it, and
move up/down it. Ghouls will never attempt to climb the sides of the ledges.

Ghoul Table
Die Roll Result
1–3 Place one ghoul on trapdoor 1.
4–6 Place one ghoul on trapdoor 2.
7–9 Place one ghoul on trapdoor 3.
10–11 Place one ghoul on trapdoor 4.
12–14 Place one ghoul rotter on trapdoor 1.
15–16 Place one ghoul rotter on trapdoor 2.
17–18 Place one ghoul fiend on trapdoor 3.
19–20 Place one ghoul fiend on trapdoor 4.


If the players manage to exit at least one figure through the metal doorway, they should proceed to
Scenario 3. If they have already played Scenario 3, they should play Scenario 4 instead. If the players
failed to exit any figures through the metal doorway, then their mission ends here.
Players gain the following experience points in this scenario, plus any mentioned in the notes:
+2XP for each ghoul rotter killed.
+3XP for each ghoul killed.
+4XP for each ghoul fiend killed.
+3XP for each metal wheel successfully turned.
+3XP for each heroic figure that exits through the metal doorway.
Players may gain a maximum of 50 Experience Points for killing creatures.


Temple Guardians (x5)


(B) (7) (9) Doorway


Entry Point

Scenario 3: The Incantation L ock

Before reading this scenario, choose one heroic figure to make a Survival Roll (TN16) or Perception
Roll (TN16). If successful, see Note 168.
The passageway twists and turns, always descending deeper into the earth. As you pause for a
moment, to catch your breath, you hear noises up ahead. Approaching carefully, you peak around the
corner into a small, well-lit chamber. The chamber contains four large disks of slightly raised stone
in the floor. Each has an unlit brazier upon it. The walls are covered with runes that are impossible
to read at this distance. In the centre of the wall perpendicular to you, is another doorway, the only
apparent exit to the chamber. This door is covered in arcane writing, but otherwise seems to have no
handle, and no key hole. It must be held shut by some sort of incantation lock. To understand how to
open it, you’ll have to read the writing on the door. Unfortunately, there are also a few cultists moving
about the chamber.

This scenario is played on a 2’ x 2’ table. In the centre of one table edge, place a doorway. This is
the player entry point. In one of the edges perpendicular to the edge containing the entry point, place
another doorway. This is the exit doorway. In the centre of each of the two remaining table edges,
place Points of Interest A and B.
Place four arcane disks in the chamber. These should be low disks of stone, each about 2” in
diameter. They should be labelled 3, 5, 7 and 9. Each disk should be placed 6” from the centre of the
chamber, so that they form a ‘+’ around the centre point. It does not matter which disk is in which
Place five temple guardians in randomly determined corners of the chamber. Set up all of the
heroic figures within 3” of the entry point.
The target point for this scenario is the centre of the table.


Before the scenario begins, choose one heroic figure to make a Stealth Roll (TN16). If successful,
remove one cultist from the table.
If a figure moves into contact with the exit door, it may spend an action to read the runes, see
Note 268. It may make this attempt as many times as it wishes.
If a figure moves into contact with Point of Interest A, it may spend an action to make an
Ancient Lore Roll (TN14). It may make this attempt as many times as it wishes. If successful, see
Note 638.
If a figure moves into contact with Point of Interest B, it may spend an action to make an
Armoury Roll (TN13). It may make this attempt as many times as it wishes. If successful, see Note
At the end of each turn, roll on the Incantation Lock Encounter Table below.

Incantation Lock Encounter Table
Die Roll Result
1–6 Place two skeleton in a random corner.
7–9 Place three skeletons in a random corner.
10–11 Place one temple guardian in a random corner.
12–14 Place one skeletal knight in a random corner.
15–16 Place two skeletal knights in a random corner.
17–18 Place three skeletons in a random corner.
19–20 Place three skeletons and one skeletal knight in a random corner.


If the players manage to exit at least one figure through the exit doorway, they should proceed to
Scenario 2. If they have already played Scenario 2, they should play Scenario 4 instead. If the players
failed to exit any figures through the exit doorway, then their mission ends here.
Players gain the following experience points in this scenario, plus any mentioned in the notes:
+1XP for each skeleton killed.
+2XP for each skeletal knight killed.
+3XP for each temple guardian killed.
+10XP for each shadow knight killed.
+3XP for each heroic figure that exits through the metal doorway.
Players may gain a maximum of 50 Experience Points for killing creatures.

Scenario 4: The Mirror Enduring
Before playing this scenario, choose one member of the party to make a Pick Lock Roll (TN16). If
successful, see Note 068. If this roll is failed, choose one member of the party to make a Strength Roll
(TN14). If successful, see Note 455.
Continuing to follow the winding tunnel, you descend deeper and deeper into the darkness.
Eventually, you hear a soft, strange chanting up ahead. Creeping forward, you peer into a chamber, lit
by several large braziers. At the far end of the chamber, a giant, gold-framed mirror hangs on the wall.
In front of the mirror, on a slightly raised dais, is a cadaverous old man, dressed in dark robes. He
is chanting and gesturing toward the mirror. By his side stands a hulking, horrific, man-beast. Three
other temple guardsman are moving about the room.
This, you think, must be the object of your quest. The evil sorcerer and the mirror he uses to
send his spells. You nod to your companions, ready your weapons and leap into the chamber.
Instantly, the old sorcerer turns about, raises his hands and shouts a spell. Two things happen
simultaneously. A giant chain net raises up from the floor, completely separating you from the sorcerer
and his beast. At the same time, a wall of fire leaps up between you and the other temple cultists.
There is nothing for it though. You must brave the flames, find some way through the net, and
end the sorcerer and his evil magic.

Trekatis and Greviks

Chain Net

Temple Guardian Archers (x3)

Wall of Fire

Entry Point


This scenario is played on a 2.5’ x 2’ table. Place an entry door in one of the short table edges. This is
the entry edge. There is no other way in or out of the chamber. A wall of fire runs completely across
the table, 6” from, and parallel to, the entry edge. The chain net also runs completely across the table
6” from, and parallel to, the edge opposite the entry edge.
Place three temple guardian archers in a line 15” from, and parallel to, the entry edge. These
archers should be 6” apart. Place Trekatis and Greviks within 1” of one another adjacent to the centre
point of the edge opposite the entry edge.

Special Rules
To move through the wall of fire, a heroic figure must pass a Will Roll (TN14). If it fails, it stops
directly adjacent to the wall and suffers 1 point of burn damage.
It is impossible to move through the chain net. However, it is possible to cut the net down at
the top of the points where the net touches the two walls. To accomplish this, a heroic figure must
move adjacent to this point and spend an action to make a Climb Roll (TN14). If this test is passed,
this corner of the net is cut free. If both corners are cut free, the net tumbles to the floor and is no
longer an obstacle. Alternatively, a heroic figure may target the point with a ranged attack. The figure
must make a Shoot Roll (TN20). If successful, this corner has been cut. A figure may use a spell
generated ranged attack for this, in which case use the Shoot bonus granted by the spell for the Shoot
Roll, instead of the figure’s own Shoot.
The temple guardian archers will always use their first action to shoot at the nearest heroic
figure if they can. They will not move, or force combat, unless a figure has moved between them
and Trekatis, in which case they will follow the normal rules for evil creatures. Trekatis will take no
actions during the scenario, except to fight if in combat. If he wins, he will push his opponent back
and end his activation. Greviks will only take actions as explained in his bestiary entry.
If Trekatis is killed, all of the other creatures run away, and the scenario ends immediately.
Otherwise, continue until either Trekatis, or all of the heroes, are dead.
At the end of turn 1, see Note 193.
At the end of turn 2, see Note 236.
At the end of turn 3, see Note 342.
At the end of turn 4, see Note 437.
At the end of turn 5, see Note 500.
At the end of turn 6, see Note 611.
At the end of turn 7, see Note 718.
At the end of turn 8, see Note 811.

Outcome and Experience
If the players manage to kill Trekatis, they have succeeded in their mission. Proceed to the Epilogue.
Players gain the following experience points in this scenario:
+1XP for each skeleton killed.
+1XP for each blood bat killed.
+3XP for each temple guardian killed.
+10XP if they kill Greviks.
+20XP if they kill Trekatis.

As soon as the evil sorcerer falls, all of the other creatures drop their weapons and flee. With their
footsteps fading away into darkness, a whispered sigh floats through the chamber, and then all is
quiet. Alone in this magical sanctum, the heroes have a few minutes to properly investigate.
Choose one figure to make a Perception Roll (TN12). If successful, see Note 286.
Choose one figure to make an Ancient Lore Roll (TN12). If successful, see Note 478.
Choose one figure to make a Pick Lock Roll (TN12). If successful, see Note 686.
Choose one figure to make a Strength Roll (TN12). If successful, see Note 849.
After the figures have completed their search of the chamber, they all come and stand before the giant
mirror and look into its highly polished surface. As they watch, a cloudiness creeps over the surface,
until they see the shadowy outline of a face. Then, they hear a whispered voice coming from the
mirror itself.
‘I was not always an instrument of evil. In fact, I was created as a play-thing for a fair little
princess. She died many centuries ago, and now, even the name of her kingdom is forgotten by all but
me. She was Princess Nyla of the Kingdom of Dremmis. Do me the service of writing this in one of
your books, so that it may be remembered. For soon you must destroy me, or they will return and use
me to spread their corruption. Let me try, though, to do one last act of good, so that I can end as I ever
have wanted to be. May I ask, because it will help, can you speak the words, sing the song, or show
me a sign?’
The players should select one, and only one of the following notes to read.
If the players know ‘The Magic Words’, see Note 092.
If the players have ‘Heard the Song’, see Note 181.
If the players have the ‘Golden Ring’, see Note 258.
If none of the above apply, see Note 401.
‘Now,’ says the mirror, ‘you must go. They are already bringing reinforcements. More than
even brave fighters such as yourselves can handle. Take that hammer over there, for I would not have
you mar any of your own weapons. Take it, and smash my glass. Do not worry, it’s not bad luck. Just
please, make use of what I have shown you.’
With a heavy heart, you pick up the crude hammer, walk up to the mirror, and swing it into

the glass. Giant cracks radiate out from the blow. You step back, just before all of the glass comes
crashing down, like a sparkling wave. There is nothing more to accomplish here. So nodding to your
companions, you ready your weapons once more, and prepare for the long journey homeward.
Your mission ends here.



Greviks is a horrible combination of man and animal. Whether he is part of some ‘species’ or a unique,
magical creation is unknown. Greviks is a hulking eight-foot-tall humanoid, with long, shaggy hair,
and horns growing out of the top of his head.
Greviks serves as the personal bodyguard to Trekatis. Greviks will never intentionally move
more than 1” away from Trekatis. If he is more than 1” away, he will use all available actions to move
back to within 1”. As long as Greviks is within 1” of Trekatis, and not in combat, all shooting attacks
made against Trekatis target Greviks instead. In addition, if any figure attempts to move into combat
with Trekatis, Greviks will force combat with that figure before it reaches Trekatis, no matter the
actual distance Greviks must move to move into combat.

Greviks XP 10
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +4 +0 14 +3 18 Two-Handed Weapon,
Bodyguard to Trekatis



These hooded and masked minions of the Shadow Deep are men whose souls have been completely
corrupted and fight with an insane fury and complete disregard for personal safety or preservation. It is
unclear if these men are born and raised in the dark realm or if they are captured warriors from fallen
kingdoms that have been turned. Either way, they are fanatically dangerous and beyond reason.

Temple Guardians XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +0 11 +2 10 Two-Handed Weapon,
Light Armour

Temple Guardian Archers XP 3

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +1 11 +2 10 Bow, Quiver, Hand Weapon,
Light Armour

Trekatis, Evil Sorcerer
Trekatis is a ‘Wizard Adept’, one of the great sorcerers of the Shadow Deep. An ancient, almost skeletal
figure, his eyes burn with a dark power. It is Trekatis who has been using the great mirror to send his
spells against the soldiers of Alladore. Destroying him would be a great victory for the forces of good.
In combat, Trekatis can imbue his staff with dark power. Any figure that takes damage from
this staff must make an immediate Will Roll (TN14). If it fails, it is pushed back 6” and loses its next
activation. If Trekatis wins a fight, but the loser is not pushed back by the staff, he will choose to push
his enemy back 1”.

Trekatis XP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +0 12 +8 16 Staff, Dark Robes of Protection,
Imbue Staff, Spellcaster


000 grinds open (if it hasn’t done so already). Heroic

figures may now exit the table by moving adjacent
With a horrible grinding noise, a section of wall to this doorway. In addition, trapdoor #1 slams
slides to one side revealing a passageway behind. shut, preventing any further ghouls from emerging
Place a doorway on the table edge directly opposite from it.
the doorway through which the party entered
the chamber. Any heroic figure that moves into
contact with this doorway can choose to exit the 068
table. If the players manage to exit at least one
figure through this doorway during the game, As you move along the tunnel, you spy a temple
they may choose to play Scenario 2 next. guardsman standing in front a door. You manage
Place one giant spider directly in front of to quickly and quietly dispatch the guard, and then
this new doorway. deftly pick the lock. Behind the door is a small
Choose one figure adjacent to the column apothecary’s room. Quickly ransacking the place,
that has just been engaged. That figure should you find 2 Healing Potions, one dose of Farlight
make a Perception Roll (TN12). If successful See Leaf and one dose of Ironbark Powder. All of
Note 762. these may be given to anyone who has item slots
available. Alternatively, all of them may be used
immediately. The effects of the herbs last until the
023 end of Scenario 4. You also manage to scrounge just
enough food and drink that no one in the party will
As you spin the wheel, the metal doorway slowly be suffering from Hunger and Thirst.

a doorway in the centre of the table edge to the
092 left of the table edge containing the entry point.
Any heroic figure that moves into contact with
You speak the magic words that you learned in the this doorway can choose to exit the table. If the
room full of columns, and you see the shadowy face players manage to exit at least one figure through
in the mirror smile. ‘Yes,’ it says, ‘that is the bit of this doorway during the game, they may choose to
nonsense that little Nyla used to say to me. She is play Scenario 3 next.
beyond needing any help now, but there is another Choose one figure adjacent to the column
little one in desperate peril.’ that has just been engaged. That figure should make
The face fades from the mirror, and is a Traps Roll (TN10). If it fails, make a +2 magic
replaced by a vision of a dark dungeon. Huddled shooting attack against it as a jet of flame bursts out
in a ball in the corner is a young child. The child’s of the column.
head suddenly jerks up as though he has heard a
voice. For a moment you don’t recognize his tear
stained face, and then a coldness grips your heart. 123
It is Prince Ruthic of Lorenthia, the cousin of your
own king. Then the image fades and is replaced by As you spin the wheel, the metal doorway slowly
a field of stars. grinds open (if it hasn’t done so already). Heroic
‘He is here’, whispers the mirror. figures may now exit the table by moving adjacent
Pulling out a parchment, you quickly copy to this doorway. In addition, trapdoor #2 slams
down the pattern of stars as best you can before shut, preventing any further ghouls from emerging
it fades from view. You must get this information from it.
back to you superiors.
Gain 70 experience points. In addition, all
companions gain 1 progression point. 154
Near the bottom of the column, just visible in the
111 faint light, someone has scratched something in
the stone. It is three seemingly meaningless words;
With an ear-splitting shriek, a section of wall slides however, next to the words is a crude representation
to one side revealing a passageway behind. Place of the Silver Star of Alladore. If this figure survives

the scenario, then make a note on your Ranger It is Prince Ruthic of Lorenthia, the cousin of your
Sheet that you have ‘The Magic Words’ and gain 5 own king. Then the image fades and is replaced by
experience points. a field of stars.
‘He is here’, whispers the mirror.
Pulling out a parchment, you quickly copy
168 down the pattern of stars as best you can before
it fades from view. You must get this information
As you are moving along the passageway, you back to your superiors.
discover a hidden door which conceals a small Gain 70 experience points. In addition, all
larder. While some of the food looks suspect and companions gain 1 progression point.
strange, there is enough that appears safe that all of
the heroes are able to slate their hunger and thirst.
The heroes are no longer suffering from Hunger 193
and Thirst. In addition, all figures gain back 1 point
of Health if they were below their normal starting Determine which heroic figure has the current
Health. Gain 3 experience points. lowest Will Stat. If one or more figures are tied, pick
the one that is currently closest to Trekatis. That
figure must make an immediate Will Roll (TN16).
181 If it fails, it is treated as an uncontrolled creature
next turn. At the end of each turn, the figure
You sing a verse of the old Lorenthian song, and may make another Will Roll (TN16), otherwise
you see a smile come across the face in the mirror. it continues to act as an uncontrolled creature. If
‘Ah,’ it says. ‘There was once a prisoner here, who this figure is reduced to 0 Health by another heroic
sung that song to me. He is gone now… but there figure, it does not have to roll for survival after the
is another you could help. game, as it is assumed that it was only knocked out.
The face fades from the mirror, and is
replaced by a vision of a dark dungeon. Huddled
in a ball in the corner is a young child. The child’s 222
head suddenly jerks up as though he has heard a
voice. For a moment you don’t recognize his tear With a deep boom, a section of wall falls away
stained face, and then a coldness grips your heart. revealing a passageway behind. Place a doorway

in the centre of the table edge to the right of the
table edge containing the entry point. Any heroic 258
figure that moves into contact with this doorway
can choose to exit the table. If the players mange to You hold aloft the golden ring so that the mirror
exit at least one figure through this doorway during can see it. ‘Yes, says the mirror. Such a precious
the game, they may choose to play Scenario 2 next. thing, but nothing compared to the one who wore
Place one temple guardian in this doorway. it. He lives yet.’
Choose one figure adjacent to the column The face fades from the mirror, and is
that has just been engaged. That figure should make replaced by a vision of a dark dungeon. Huddled
a Climb Roll (TN10). If successful See Note 948. in a ball in the corner is a young child. The child’s
head suddenly jerks up as though he has heard a
voice. For a moment you don’t recognize his tear
223 stained face, and then a coldness grips your heart.
It is Prince Ruthic of Lorenthia, the cousin of your
As you spin the wheel, the metal doorway slowly own king. Then the image fades and is replaced by
grinds open (if it hasn’t done so already). Heroic a field of stars.
figures may now exit the table by moving adjacent ‘He is here’, whispers the mirror.
to this doorway. In addition, trapdoor #3 slams Pulling out a parchment, you quickly copy
shut, preventing any further ghouls from emerging down the pattern of stars as best you can before
from it. it fades from view. You must get this information
back to your superiors.
Gain 60 experience points. In addition, all
236 companions gain 1 progression point.

Select the heroic figure that is closest to Trekatis,

in line of sight, and not in combat. Make an 268
immediate +3 shooting attack against that figure.
If no figure qualifies, no shooting attack is made. The door is held shut by an incantation lock. To
open the door, the brazier’s on each of the arcane
disks must be lit, and the three command words
spoken in the proper order.

To light a brazier, a figure must move onto
an arcane disk, spend an action and make a Survival 294
Roll (TN6). If the roll is successful, the brazier
is lit, and will remain so for the rest of the game. Behind the small door in the column you find a
Figures may attempt this roll as many times as they scroll. The player may choose any one spell to be
wish. At the end of any turn in which the players written on the scroll. If this scroll is carried by a
have three or more braziers lit, they may attempt to spellcaster, they may spend an action to cast the
speak the command words. Essentially, they must spell written on the scroll. This destroys the scroll.
choose three numbers corresponding to arcane The figure which found this scroll may carry it for
disks that have lit braziers. So, if they have braziers the rest of the scenario even if this takes them over
lit on arcane disks 3, 7 and 9. They could select 379 their normally allowed item limit. At the end of
or 973 or 739 etc. If they have all four braziers lit, the scenario, it may be given to any member of the
they may choose any three number in any order. party, and the figure must return to its usual item
In all cases, each digit should only be used once. limit. Gain 2 experience points.
So 579 is a legal choice, but 577 is not. Once the
players have made their choice, they should read
the Note that corresponds to that number. 323
Only one guess may be made at the end of
each turn. As you spin the wheel, the metal doorway slowly
grinds open (if it hasn’t done so already). Heroic
figures may now exit the table by moving adjacent
286 to this doorway. In addition, trapdoor #4 slams
shut, preventing any further ghouls from emerging
In one corner, standing amidst a collection of old from it.
brooms and long-stemmed candle-snuffers, is a
gnarled black staff carved with ancient runes of
protection. It is a wizard staff, and it may be given 333
to any hero or companion that has item spaces
available. Figures are allowed to replace an item A sharp crack echoes around the chamber and
they are currently carrying. a small section of floor drops away revealing a
passageway beneath. Place a pit or trap door in the

left-hand corner of the table adjacent to the table
edge containing the entry point. Any heroic figure 358
that moves into contact with this pit can choose to
exit the table. If the players manage to exit at least Suddenly, the walls begin to shake and split apart.
one figure through this pit, they may choose to play Long, groping tentacles come bursting through.
Scenario 3 next. Determine which figure is closest to Point of
Choose one figure adjacent to the column Interest A. This figure is immediately swept up
that has just been engaged. That figure should make by the tentacles and ripped limb from limb. This
either an Acrobatics Roll (TN10) or Traps Roll character is immediately reduced to 0 Health.
(TN14). If it fails, it immediately takes 3 points of Further, this character receives -5 for its survival
damage as a small blade slices out from the column. roll after the game. Place 8 dark root vines on the
table as near as possible to Point of Interest A.

A pair of skeletons suddenly break through the
stone floor and attack. Place two skeletons in the There is a horrendous shriek, like two great plates
exact centre of the table, then move each one 6” in of metal sliding against one another. The sound is
a random direction. These skeletons follow all of so painfully loud that the heroes can feel the sound
the normal rules for evil creatures. running through them. Every heroic figure on the
table must make an immediate Will Roll (TN12).
Figures may add their Strength Skill to this roll. If
357 they fail, they suffer -1 Fight and -1 Shoot for the
rest of the game.
There is a deep rumble like thunder and a flash of
painful green light. All heroic figures on the table
should immediately make a Will Roll (TN10) or 371
suffer 1 point of damage.
The strange creature plays a haunting tune on its
pipes, and a huge tiredness descends on all of the
heroes. Every heroic figure should make a Will Roll

(TN20) or drop unconscious. Remove the figure
from the table. If the heroes complete this scenario, 379
any unconscious figure recovers in time for the next
scenario. If the heroes fail the scenario, all of these The heroes hear a few soft ticks, and then suddenly
figures must make survival rolls as though they had little bolts of green light fire all around the chamber.
been reduced to 0 Health. Every heroic figure must make a Fight Roll (TN12).
They may add their Perception Skill to this roll. If
they fail, they immediately take 1 point of damage.
With a weird hum, all of the writing on the walls 391
and floor begin to glow, and then all of the letters
seem to move and dance about causing a horrible The strange creature plays a haunting tune on its
sense of vertigo. All heroic figures on the table pipes, and a huge tiredness descends on all of the
should make an immediate Will Roll (TN 12). heroes. Every heroic figure should make a Will Roll
They may add their Navigation skill to this roll. (TN20) or drop unconscious. Remove the figure
If they fail, they are reduced to a maximum of 1 from the table. If the heroes complete this scenario,
action next turn. any unconscious figure recovers in time for the next
scenario. If the heroes fail the scenario, all of these
figures must make survival rolls as though they had
378 been reduced to 0 Health.

The angel descends on a bright trail of fire, and jets

of holy light stream from the blade of her sword. 395
Make a +6 shooting attack against all evil creatures
on the table. The angel counts as a companion for The heroes hear a few soft ticks, and then suddenly
the rest of the mission. She has the same stats as a little bolts of green light fire all around the chamber.
Barbarian, except that she has Armour 15. All of Every heroic figure must make a Fight Roll (TN12).
the angels attacks count as magic attacks. They may add their Perception Skill to this roll. If
they fail, they immediately take 1 point of damage.

head suddenly jerks up as though he has heard a
396 voice. For a moment you don’t recognize his tear
stained face, and then a coldness grips your heart.
The angel descends on a bright trail of fire, and jets It is Prince Ruthic of Lorenthia, the cousin of your
of holy light stream from the blade of her sword. own king. Then the image fades and is replaced by
Make a +6 shooting attack against all evil creatures a field of stars.
on the table. The angel counts as a companion for ‘He is here’, whispers the mirror.
the rest of the mission. She has the same stats as a Pulling out a parchment, you quickly copy
Barbarian, except that she has Armour 15. All of down the pattern of stars as best you can before
the angels attacks count as magic attacks. it fades from view. You must get this information
back to your superiors.
Gain 50 experience points. In addition, all
397 companions gain 1 progression point.

With a weird hum, all of the writing on the walls

and floor begin to glow, and then all of the letters 423
seem to move and dance about causing a horrible
sense of vertigo. All heroic figures on the table As you spin the wheel, the metal doorway slowly
should make an immediately Will Roll (TN 12). grinds open (if it hasn’t done so already). Heroic
They may add their Navigation skill to this roll. figures may now exit the table by moving adjacent
If they fail, they are reduced to a maximum of 1 to this doorway. In addition, trapdoor #1 slams
action next turn. shut, preventing any further ghouls from emerging
from it.
As you finish spinning the wheel, a brilliant
401 light fires out of the statue in the centre of the
chamber and strikes the nearest heroic figure. This
‘Well, no matter,’ says the mirror with a sigh. I heroic figure is restored to its full starting Health
think I still have enough strength left to show you. and receives +2 Fight for the remainder of the
A second later, the face fades from the mirror, and game.
is replaced by a vision of a dark dungeon. Huddled
in a ball in the corner is a young child. The child’s

437 455
Select the heroic figure that is closest to Trekatis, As you move along the tunnel, you spy a temple
in his line of sight, and not in combat. That figure guardsman standing in front a door. You manage
must make an immediate Will Roll (TN14) or to quickly and quietly dispatch the guard, but the
suffer -2 Fight for the remainder of the scenario. If lock proves too stubborn to pick. Instead, you use
no figure qualifies, ignore this note. brute strength to break through. Behind the door
is a small apothecary’s room. Quickly ransacking
the place, you find a Healing Potion, one dose of
444 Farlight Leaf and one dose of Ironbark Powder. All
of these may be given to anyone who has item slots
With a whispered sigh, a small trapdoor swings available. Alternatively, all of them may be used
open in the floor revealing a passageway beneath. immediately. The effects of the herbs last until the
Place a trapdoor in the right-hand corner of the end of Scenario 4. You also manage to scrounge just
table adjacent to the table edge containing the enough food and drink that no one in the party will
entry point. Any heroic figure that moves into be suffering from Hunger and Thirst.
contact with this trapdoor can choose to exit the
table. If the players manage to exit at least one
figure through this trapdoor they may choose to 478
play Scenario 2 next.
Place a giant spider in front of this trap In a shadowy recess, the hero discovers a small,
door. glass-fronted bookcase, filled with darkly bound
Choose one figure adjacent to the column tomes. Picking up one of the books, the hero is
that has just been engaged. That figure should make surprised to find that they can read the book, even
a Perception Roll (TN12). If successful, See Note though they don’t recognize the language. This
154. figure must immediately make a Will Roll (TN18).
If they fail, they must take this ‘Dark Tome’ as one
of their items, replacing another item if necessary.
At the end of each game, the may make another
Will Roll (TN18). If they succeed, they may

turn the tome over to their superiors and gain 10
experience points (if a Ranger) or 1 Progression 537
Point (if a companion). While the figure carries the
book, they receive +1 Health, but -1 Will. There is a horrendous shriek, like two great plates
of metal sliding against one another. The sound is
so painfully loud that the heroes can feel the sound
500 running through them. Every heroic figure on the
table must make an immediate Will Roll (TN12).
Select the heroic figure that is closest to Trekatis Figures may add their Strength Skill to this roll. If
and in his line of sight. That figure must make they fail, they suffer -1 Fight and -1 Shoot for the
an immediate Will Roll (TN14) or immediately rest of the game.
lose 3 Health. If Trekatis has lost any Health, he
immediately gains back 3 Health (or any lesser
about that takes him back to his starting Health). 538
Suddenly, the walls begin to shake and split apart.
523 Long, groping tentacles come bursting through.
Determine which figure is closest to Point of
As you spin the wheel, the metal doorway slowly Interest A. This figure is immediately swept up
grinds open (if it hasn’t done so already). Heroic by the tentacles and ripped limb from limb. This
figures may now exit the table by moving adjacent character is immediately reduced to 0 Health.
to this doorway. In addition, trapdoor #2 slams Further, this character receives -5 for its survival
shut, preventing any further ghouls from emerging roll after the game. Place 8 dark root vines on the
from it. table as near as possible to Point of Interest A.
As you finish spinning the wheel, the statue
on the left (as seen from the entry doorway) comes
to life and sings a song of fire and blood. The figure 539
closest to the statue should make an Ancient Lore
Roll (TN8). If they succeed, See Note 892. There is a horrendous shriek, like two great plates
of metal sliding against one another. The sound is
so painfully loud that the heroes can feel the sound

running through them. Every heroic figure on the pipes, and a huge tiredness descends on all of the
table must make an immediate Will Roll (TN12). heroes. Every heroic figure should make a Will Roll
Figures may add their Strength Skill to this roll. If (TN20) or drop unconscious. Remove the figure
they fail, they suffer -1 Fight and -1 Shoot for the from the table. If the heroes complete this scenario,
rest of the game. any unconscious figure recovers in time for the next
scenario. If the heroes fail the scenario, all of these
figures must make survival rolls as though they had
555 been reduced to 0 Health.

You hear a sharp click as a small trapdoor swings

open in the floor, revealing a passageway beneath. 579
Place a trap door in the left-hand corner furthest
away from the entry point. Any heroic figure that With a weird hum, all of the writing on the walls
moves into contact with this trapdoor can choose and floor begin to glow, and then all of the letters
to exit the table. If the players manage to exit at seem to move and dance about causing a horrible
least one figure through this trapdoor they may sense of vertigo. All heroic figures on the table
choose to play Scenario 3 next. should make an immediately Will Roll (TN 12).
Place a ghoul adjacent to the trapdoor. They may add their Navigation skill to this roll.
If they fail, they are reduced to a maximum of 1
action next turn.
There is a deep rumble like thunder and a flash of 591
painful green light. All heroic figures on the table
should immediately make a Will Roll (TN10) or The strange creature plays a haunting tune on its
suffer 1 point of damage. pipes, and a huge tiredness descends on all of the
heroes. Every heroic figure should make a Will Roll
(TN20) or drop unconscious. Remove the figure
575 from the table. If the heroes complete this scenario,
any unconscious figure recovers in time for the next
The strange creature plays a haunting tune on its scenario. If the heroes fail the scenario, all of these

figures must make survival rolls as though they had They may add their Navigation skill to this roll.
been reduced to 0 Health. If they fail, they are reduced to a maximum of 1
action next turn.

The heroes hear a few soft ticks, and then suddenly
little bolts of green light fire all around the chamber. A blood bat comes flapping down through a hole in
Every heroic figure must make a Fight Roll (TN12). the ceiling. Place the bat in the centre of the table.
They may add their Perception Skill to this roll. If It follows all of the normal rules for an evil creature.
they fail, they immediately take 1 point of damage.

As you spin the wheel, the metal doorway slowly
The angel descends on a bright trail of fire, and jets grinds open (if it hasn’t done so already). Heroic
of holy light stream from the blade of her sword. figures may now exit the table by moving adjacent
Make a +6 shooting attack against all evil creatures to this doorway. In addition, trapdoor #3 slams
on the table. The angel counts as a companion for shut, preventing any further ghouls from emerging
the rest of the mission. She has the same stats as a from it.
Barbarian, except that she has Armour 15. All of As you finish spinning the wheel, the statue
the angels attacks count as magic attacks. on the right (as seen from the entry doorway)
comes to life and rushes at the nearest ghoul. At
the end of the creature phase, during each turn,
597 move this statue 6” toward the nearest ghoul. If the
statue moves into contact with a ghoul, that ghoul
With a weird hum, all of the writing on the walls is automatically slain. The statue will not climb
and floor begin to glow, and then all of the letters ladders. If no ghouls is on the same level. The statue
seem to move and dance about causing a horrible will not move.
sense of vertigo. All heroic figures on the table
should make an immediately Will Roll (TN 12).

638 686
The writing on this wall tells an ancient and complex The hero discovers a small, hidden door, built
story about three sons who go on a journey and face into the wall of the chamber. Successfully picking
a series of challenges. During every challenge, the the lock on this door reveals an old spellbook.
third son is always in the middle. Gain 3 experience This spellbook may be given to any heroic figure
points. assuming that figure has open item slots. A figure
may replace an item it is carrying with the spellbook
if it chooses.
A sound like snapping wood echoes through the 718
chamber as a small trapdoor swings open in the
floor, revealing a passageway beneath. Place a trap Select the heroic figure that is closest to Trekatis,
door in the right-hand corner furthest away from in line of sight, and not in combat. Make an
the entry point. Any heroic figure that moves into immediate +3 shooting attack against that figure.
contact with this trapdoor can choose to exit the If no figure qualifies, no shooting attack is made.
table. If the players manage to exit at least one
figure through this trapdoor they may choose to
play Scenario 2 next. 723
Place 2 ghouls adjacent to this trapdoor.
Choose one figure adjacent to the column As you spin the wheel, the metal doorway slowly
that has just been engaged; that figure may choose grinds open (if it hasn’t done so already). Heroic
to make either a Pick Lock Roll (TN10) or Strength figures may now exit the table by moving adjacent
Roll (TN12) to open a small door revealed in the to this doorway. In addition, trapdoor #4 slams
column. If successful, See Note 294. shut, preventing any further ghouls from emerging
from it.
As you finish spinning the wheel, you hear
a loud snap, and the chandelier plummets from
the ceiling. Remove all chandelier rope tokens that

are still on the table. Every figure within 3” of the table must make an immediate Will Roll (TN12).
centre of the table suffers an immediate +3 attack. Figures may add their Strength Skill to this roll. If
This includes ghouls. they fail, they suffer -1 Fight and -1 Shoot for the
rest of the game.

The heroes hear a few soft ticks, and then suddenly
little bolts of green light fire all around the chamber. Suddenly, the walls begin to shake and split apart.
Every heroic figure must make a Fight Roll (TN12). Long, groping tentacles come bursting through.
They may add their Perception Skill to this roll. If Determine which figure is closest to Point of
they fail, they immediately take 1 point of damage. Interest A. This figure is immediately swept up
by the tentacles and ripped limb from limb. This
character is immediately reduced to 0 Health.
737 Further, this character receives -5 for its survival
roll after the game. Place 8 dark root vines on the
The angel descends on a bright trail of fire, and jets table as near as possible to Point of Interest A.
of holy light stream from the blade of her sword.
Make a +6 shooting attack against all evil creatures
on the table. The angel counts as a companion for 753
the rest of the mission. She has the same stats as a
Barbarian, except that she has Armour 15. All of With a weird hum, all of the writing on the walls
the angels attacks count as magic attacks. and floor begin to glow, and then all of the letters
seem to move and dance about causing a horrible
sense of vertigo. All heroic figures on the table
739 should make an immediately Will Roll (TN 12).
They may add their Navigation skill to this roll.
There is a horrendous shriek, like two great plates If they fail, they are reduced to a maximum of 1
of metal sliding against one another. The sound is action next turn.
so painfully loud that the heroes can feel the sound
running through them. Every heroic figure on the

party, and the figure must return to its normal item
755 maximum. Gain 2 experience points.

The strange creature plays a haunting tune on its

pipes, and a huge tiredness descends on all of the 777
heroes. Every heroic figure should make a Will Roll
(TN20) or drop unconscious. Remove the figure The heroes hear a strange groan as a doorway opens
from the table. If the heroes complete this scenario, up in the back wall, revealing a passage way behind.
any unconscious figure recovers in time for the next Place a doorway in the table edge opposite the
scenario. If the heroes fail the scenario, all of these entry point. This doorway should be 8” away from
figures must make survival rolls as though they had the back, left-hand corner. Any heroic figure that
been reduced to 0 Health. moves into contact with this doorway may choose
to exit the table. If the players manage to exit at
least one figure through this doorway, they may
choose to play Scenario 3 next.
There is a deep rumble like thunder and a flash of 793
painful green light. All heroic figures on the table
should immediately make a Will Roll (TN10) or The heroes hear a few soft ticks, and then suddenly
suffer 1 point of damage. little bolts of green light fire all around the chamber.
Every heroic figure must make a Fight Roll (TN12).
They may add their Perception Skill to this roll. If
762 they fail, they immediately take 1 point of damage.

A small compartment opened up in the column at

the same time as the doorway. Inside you find a 794
healing potion. The figure that found the potion
may add this to their items, even if it temporarily The strange creature plays a haunting tune on its
takes them over their item maximum. At the end of pipes, and a huge tiredness descends on all of the
the scenario, it may be given to any member of the heroes. Every heroic figure should make a Will Roll

(TN20) or drop unconscious. Remove the figure behind the central statue in the chamber, revealing
from the table. If the heroes complete this scenario, a small chest. This chest counts as a treasure token.
any unconscious figure recovers in time for the next
scenario. If the heroes fail the scenario, all of these
figures must make survival rolls as though they had 826
been reduced to 0 Health.
The writing seems to be instructions for crafting
some kind of weapon, although the exact type is
795 unclear. What is clear is that once the heated metal
is pulled from the fire, it must be struck nine times
With a weird hum, all of the writing on the walls before anything else is done to it. Gain 5 experience
and floor begin to glow, and then all of the letters points.
seem to move and dance about causing a horrible
sense of vertigo. All heroic figures on the table
should make an immediately Will Roll (TN 12). 849
They may add their Navigation skill to this roll.
If they fail, they are reduced to a maximum of 1 While looking around, the hero spots a casket
action next turn. with a heavy flat stone laid on top of it. Heaving
the flat stone off the top reveals a small hollow
within. Sitting alone on the bare rock is a small,
811 golden ring. Picking up the ring, and holding it up
to the light, the hero recognizes the royal crest of
Trekatis makes an immediate +0 magic shooting Lorenthia carefully engraved into the face. Surely
attack against every heroic figure that is in his line this ring belonged to one of the royal family. If
of sight and not in combat. If no figure qualifies, this figure is a ranger, they immediately gain 10
ignore this note. experience points. If it is a companion, they gain 1
progression point. Either way, make note that they
have the ‘golden ring’.
As you turn the wheel, a new trapdoor opens up just

swirling chaos of wings and teeth. Every figure,
888 including creatures, standing on one of the ledges,
should make an immediate Move Roll (12). Figures
The heroes hear a strange groan as a doorway opens may add either their Acrobatics or Climb skill if
up in the back wall, revealing a passage way behind. they have them. Any figure that fails, stumbles over
Place a doorway in the table edge opposite the the edge of the ledge. Move the figure to the base
entry point. This doorway should be 8” away from of the ledge, nearest to where they were previously
the back, right-hand corner. Any heroic figure that standing. This figure immediately takes 6 points of
moves into contact with this doorway may choose falling damage (unless they have a means of falling
to exit the table. If the players manage to exit at without taking damage).
least one figure through this doorway, they may
choose to play Scenario 2 next.
892 With a sound like the soft tinkle of bells, the exit
door vanishes, leaving an open passageway behind.
The figure recognizes the song as a popular Any figure may now exit the table by moving into
Lorenthian ballad about one of their ancient contact with the exit doorway. Gain 10 experience
princes who went away to fight in a battle. When points.
the prince failed to return, the kingdom assumed
he had fallen, but years later, the prince returned
having escaped the dungeons of his captor. Gain 8 936
experience points. In addition, note down that the
heroes have ‘Heard the Song’. The angel descends on a bright trail of fire, and jets
of holy light stream from the blade of her sword.
Make a +6 shooting attack against all evil creatures
923 on the table. The angel counts as a companion for
the rest of the mission. She has the same stats as a
As you spin the wheel a trapdoor opens up in Barbarian, except that she has Armour 15. All of
the ceiling of the chamber and a huge swarm of the angels attacks count as magic attacks.
bats sweep down. For a moment, everything is a

should immediately make a Will Roll (TN10) or
937 suffer 1 point of damage.

The heroes hear a few soft ticks, and then suddenly

little bolts of green light fire all around the chamber. 957
Every heroic figure must make a Fight Roll (TN12).
They may add their Perception Skill to this roll. If There is a horrendous shriek, like two great plates
they fail, they immediately take 1 point of damage. of metal sliding against one another. The sound is
so painfully loud that the heroes can feel the sound
running through them. Every heroic figure on the
948 table must make an immediate Will Roll (TN12).
Figures may add their Strength Skill to this roll. If
A small compartment opens high up on the column they fail, they suffer -1 Fight and -1 Shoot for the
with something faintly glowing within. You quickly rest of the game.
clamber up the column, grab the object and slide
back down. The object is a gold talisman. A figure
wearing this talisman acts as though they have had 959
a Strong Heart spell cast on them. This effect lasts
from game to game, until the effect of the spell has Suddenly, the walls begin to shake and split apart.
run its natural course. The figure that found this Long, groping tentacles come bursting through.
talisman may carry it for the rest of the scenario, Determine which figure is closest to Point of
even if this takes them over their normal item limit. Interest A. This figure is immediately swept up
At the end of the scenario, it may be given to any by the tentacles and ripped limb from limb. This
member of the party, and the figure must return character is immediately reduced to 0 Health.
to its normal item limit. Gain 2 experience points. Further, this character receives -5 for its survival
roll after the game. Place 8 dark root vines on the
table as near as possible to Point of Interest A.
There is a deep rumble like thunder and a flash of
painful green light. All heroic figures on the table

running through them. Every heroic figure on the
973 table must make an immediate Will Roll (TN12).
Figures may add their Strength Skill to this roll. If
With a weird hum, all of the writing on the walls they fail, they suffer -1 Fight and -1 Shoot for the
and floor begin to glow, and then all of the letters rest of the game.
seem to move and dance about causing a horrible
sense of vertigo. All heroic figures on the table
should make an immediately Will Roll (TN 12). 999
They may add their Navigation skill to this roll.
If they fail, they are reduced to a maximum of 1 Suddenly, a swirling, golden light fills the chamber.
action next turn. It races around the columns, passing through a
couple of your companions. Then it disappears
down a hole in the centre of the chamber that
974 wasn’t there a moment ago.
Place a hole or pit in the exact centre of the
The strange creature plays a haunting tune on its chamber. Any heroic figure that moves into contact
pipes, and a huge tiredness descends on all of the with this hole may choose to exit the table. If the
heroes. Every heroic figure should make a Will Roll players manage to exit at least one figure through
(TN20) or drop unconscious. Remove the figure this doorway, they may choose to play Scenario 3
from the table. If the heroes complete this scenario, next.
any unconscious figure recovers in time for the next Immediately select 2 companions. Both
scenario. If the heroes fail the scenario, all of these of these companions will gain an additional
figures must make survival rolls as though they had Progression Point at the end of the scenario, even if
been reduced to 0 Health. they are reduced to 0 Health.

There is a horrendous shriek, like two great plates
of metal sliding against one another. The sound is
so painfully loud that the heroes can feel the sound

Ghost Stone

A Mission for L evel 0–5 Rangers

and L evel 10-15 Rangers
Special thanks to Phil Smith and Jon Broker

Cover Design and Internal Layout: Steven Meyer-Rassow

Rangers of Shadow Deep: Ghost Stone is copyright Joseph A. McCullough, except for the illustrations
which are copyright Barrett Stanley. No part of this Book may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without the express written permission of the author and
publisher, except where specifically permitted by law.
The author and publisher give permission for the purchaser of this PDF to print out one copy
for personal use.

Rangers of Shadow Deep





Table of Contents

Introduction 99

Rangers and Companions 102

Mission 1: Ghost Stone (Part 1) 106

Scenario 1: Rear Guard 108

Scenario 2: The Gnoll Encampment 113

Mission 1: Ghost Stone (Part 2) 120

Scenario 3: The Distraction 123

Scenario 4: Destroy the Stone 133

Epilogue 141

Bestiary 142

Weapon Hoard 146

Welcome to Ghost Stone, the latest supplement for Rangers of Shadow Deep. This book is divided
into two main sections. The first section presents a new mission with four scenarios. Unlike previous
missions, this one is designed to be played by two different ranger groups of differing levels. Scenarios
1 & 3 are designed for level 0–5 rangers, while scenarios 2 & 4 are designed for rangers that have
reached levels 10–15. Each of the scenarios has an effect on future scenarios, and the whole mission
is structured to show how different ranger groups sometimes work together to complete a task that
is too complex for one to handle alone. I did, briefly, worry about writing a mission that would force
players to create a second ranger, as I know how people get attached to their characters. However, I
figure this mission gives players a chance to use their main ranger in the higher level scenarios, while
creating a new ranger for the lower level ones. Plus, I’ve come to realize that most players take the
need for a new figure as an opportunity! As an added bonus, the mission potentially gives players the
chance to bring back some older companions that may no longer have a place in their main ranger’s
party and use them to support the new ranger. One of the scenarios also calls for the rangers to work
with a unique companion, who can potentially be used in future missions, assuming she survives…
The second part of this book is called ‘The Weapon Hoard’. Not long ago, I went to the
British Library to see a special exhibit on the Anglo-Saxons. The exhibit mainly contained ancient
manuscripts, but there were a few other items as well. One of these was an Anglo-Saxon seax. The
word means ‘knife’, but most people would call such a large weapon a sword. What was peculiar
about this seax was that it had bronze wire beaten into the blade so that it spelled out a name. No one
knows if the name belonged to the creator, the owner, or was actually the name of the blade. Looking
at that beautiful ancient weapon, I realized how important a unique weapon can be to a legendary
hero. King Arthur, Roland, Strider, the Grey Mouser, they all had their own named weapons that
accompanied them on their adventures.

I decided in that moment that I wanted to give Rangers of Shadow Deep players the opportunity
to find unique weapons with their own special abilities and their own mysterious pasts. After all, the
Shadow Deep has existed at least as long as recorded history, and in that time it has swallowed an
unknown number of lands. Many of the weapons of those lands will likely have survived, either left
buried in the rubble, or recovered by the minions of the Shadow Deep. So, ‘The Weapon Hoard’ is
essentially a list of 52 unique weapons that can be found during your adventures. Hopefully, this will
bring a little more narrative, a little more mystery, and a little more fun to your games.
As I’ve continued to work on Rangers of Shadow Deep, I’ve come to realize that there are two
types of supplements, or, at least, two types of missions: those that carry forward the main narrative,
such as the main rulebook and Temple of Madness, and those that are part of the greater war but not
driving the central narrative forward, such as Blood Moon. Ghost Stone fits more into this second
category. While it covers some large events, it really serves more as a side-quest. It keeps us in touch
with the ongoing conflict, but can essentially slot in anywhere during the story. Going forward, I hope
to continue writing both kinds of missions, to keep the story rolling, but also to provide players with
adventures that they can work into their stories at any time.
Once again, a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who has bought the game and otherwise supported
my work. I continue to get a huge amount of satisfaction out of developing and experimenting with
the game, and my ability to do so is largely due to your support. I hope you enjoy this new supplement,
and, if you get the chance, please share the results of your adventures on the Rangers of Shadow Deep
Facebook page, on Board Game Geek, or on one of the great miniatures forums.

Rangers and
To play the Ghost Stone mission, players must assemble two different ranger companies. These two
companies are independent of one another and follow the standard rules. The only difference is that
one company should be centred on a ranger level 0–5 and the second on a ranger level 10–15. The
players should calculate the Recruitment Points for each ranger in the normal way, based on the
number of players. However, if players wish, their two ranger companies may draw on a common pool
of companions, meaning that the level 0 ranger may recruit companions that normally accompany the
level 10 ranger, and vice versa. That said, a companion may only join one of the two companies, and
thus may only participate in Scenario 1 or 2, not both. After Scenario 2, the rangers are allowed to
reorganize their companions and can once again shuffle which companions accompany which ranger.
In this way, each companion will be able to participate in Scenario 3 or 4, but again not both.

Auxiliary Companion
Scenario 4 requires the rangers to take one auxiliary companion. She is a ‘free’ addition and does not
cost any Recruitment Points for that scenario.


A middle-aged woman with striking features and piercing eyes, Nesra holds the distinction of being
one of the only initiates ever to be thrown out of the Cascades. Her ability with magic is only matched
by her inability to work under any form of authority. She spent most of her young-adulthood as a
journeyman mage, and sold her services to a number of the Tollonian princes. She soon developed
a reputation as a woman who could create very large explosions. However, no matter how good her
service, either she or her employer soon chafed of the relationship, and Nesra moved on.
After the Shadow Deep struck, Nesra returned home, and offered her services to the king.
Although she remains a difficult and unruly agent, her skills in destructive magic are without equal in
the kingdom.
Nesra will join the rangers as an auxiliary companion in Scenario 4. She does not cost any
recruitment points, and the players can decide amongst themselves who will control her during the
If players ever want to use Nesra in a future mission, they must make a Leadership Roll
(TN18). If successful, she can be recruited as normal. If the roll is failed, she won’t join the mission,
although the roll can be made again before each mission.
Nesra has the unique spell Detonation. Only Nesra knows the secrets of the spell, so it may not
be learned by other heroic figures. [If players wish, after each Mission they may make a Leadership
Roll (TN26) to convince Nesra to teach the spell to them.]

Detonation: When Detonation is cast, place a marker on the table. At the end of the turn after the turn
in which the marker was placed, it detonates. Every figure with 4” suffers a +5 shooting attack. If the

marker was adjacent to a small terrain piece, such as a statue, tree, or wagon, that small terrain piece
is completely destroyed and should be removed from the table. If this spell is used in conjunction
with the Enhanced Power Heroic Ability, then the detonation generates +7 shooting attacks and is
capable of destroying or collapsing large terrain pieces such as buildings, towers, large sections of
wall, or a ship.

Nesra RP 40
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +0 11 +6 14 Hand Weapon, Light Armour,
Wand. Heroic Ability: Enhanced
Power. Spells: Fireball (x2),

Mission 1:
Ghost Stone (Part 1)
Armies are marching. In the north, the forces of the Shadow Deep have swept all before them,
destroying villages, burning farms, and crushing what little resistances the forces of Alladore have
been able to mount. Now, the king has dispatched a new army, under the command of his cousin Lord
Arklin, to form a new line of defence. His first task is to stop the advance of evil, and then counter-
attack, hoping to drive them back into the dark. Numerous ranger companies travel with the army,
operating as scouts and messengers, finding safe routes of march, and fighting small skirmishes with
advance parties of gnolls and cultists.
Meanwhile, within the dark realm of the Shadow Deep, more experienced rangers have been
tasked with attacking the enemy supply lines in an effort to prevent reinforcements from moving to
the northern front. The more damage that can be done, the more men the enemy will have to commit
to protecting its lines of advance. It is a dangerous game of cat and mouse, and, every so often, the
rangers come across something that they have never seen before.

For this part of the mission, you will likely need the following miniatures:

• 1 Cultist Leader
• 3 Cultists
• 6+ Gnoll Archers
• 2+ Gnoll Sergeants
• 1 Gnoll Shaman
• 5+ Gnolls
• 1 Spectral Horseman
• 10 Spectres
• 8 Wounded Alladorean Soldiers

Scenario 1: Rear Guard
For level 0–5 rangers

Lord Arklin has drawn up his battleline on a gently rolling plain. To the south, his line is protected
by the swift-running river Yorris, to the north, by broken, rocky fields. You and your companions
have been posted in the ruins of an old barn, on a low outcrop, just to the north and behind the army.
In the distance, you can just see the long line of green-clad warriors, and the dark, ragged line that
approaches it. Your duty, however, is to look the other way; to guard the northern flank and report the
movement of any force that might try and outflank your army.
As the morning sun reaches its height, the first horns are blown, and a mob of gnolls charges
forward, crashing into the Alladorean line. Even at this distance, you can hear the clash of metal, the
horrible barks of the gnolls, and the screams of the dying. The initial attack is repulsed, as are two
more. As the late afternoon sun descends toward the horizon, your line still holds firm. Piles of dead
lie in front it.
Then, one of your companions grabs your arm, and points away to the north. Little flickers
of green light can be seen moving over the rocks. They are much too fast to be human. As they grow
closer, a horrific wailing cuts through the air. You see them now, ghastly spectres, flying above the
ground, their long arms outstretched before them. Hurriedly you blow your horn, desperate to warn
Lord Arklin. Then you draw your weapon and prepare to fight.
In an instant, the creatures wash over you. They fly too high to strike, and despite the few
arrows you fire, they ignore you completely. On the plain below, you see the end of the Alladorean
line turn to face whatever new threat is coming, but even as the manoeuvre is completed, the spectres
crash into the warriors, bowling them over, dashing them to the ground. At the same instant, a new
group of heavily armoured cultists surges forward at the point where the line has turned. Suddenly
attacked from two sides, the line crumbles in an instant. While Lord Arklin manages to rally the
southern half of the army, the northern is routed, with men fleeing in all directions.
Your duty is clear: you must join the fight, and provide as much protection as you can to give
the fleeing soldiers a chance to escape and regroup.

Spectre Edge


(1 Clue Marker)


Exit Edge


This mission is played on a 2.5’ x 2.5’ table. The table should include a couple of small ruins, a few
outcrops of rock, and a few trees, but should be largely open. All of the rangers and their companions
should be placed in within 3” of the centre point of the table. Eight wounded Alladorean soldiers (see
Bestiary) should be placed, equally spaced, 5” from one table edge. This table edge is designated the
‘spectre edge’. The opposite edge is the ‘exit edge’.
One clue marker should be placed adjacent to a random Alladorean soldier.


During the first creature phase, place eight spectres on the table. They should be placed on the spectre
edge mirroring the positions of the eight wounded Alladorean soldiers. These spectres take no actions
during this turn. Starting in the creature phase in turn 2, the spectres will activate normally. Note that
wounded Alladorean soldiers do count as heroic figures when determining the actions of evil creatures.
During each companion phase, after all companions have activated, each wounded Alladorean
soldier will take one action. This will either be to fight, if it is in combat, or to move 5” directly
towards the exit table edge. If this moves it off of the table, it has escaped.
At the end of the companion phase, each ranger or companion that is within 10” of a wounded
Alladorean soldier that is not in combat may make a Leadership Roll (TN15). If successful, move the
wounded Alladorean soldier 2” closer to the exit edge. Each wounded Alladorean soldier may only
move once in this manner each turn.
The first time a wounded Alladorean soldier is killed, replace the figure with a clue marker.
One Event Card should be drawn during each event phase.
The Target Point for this scenario is the centre point of the exit edge.
This scenario lasts for nine turns. At the end of the ninth turn, roll a die for each wounded
Alladorean soldier still on the table. On a 6+ it is counted as having escaped.

Rear Guard Clue Marker Table
Die Roll Result
1–5 Replace the clue marker with a treasure token. This may be picked up as a free
action by the figure that just investigated the clue marker.
6–10 The figure finds a Filter of Fairy Dust, which it may sprinkle on its weapon as a
free action if it chooses.
11–15 The figure finds the body of a dead friend. Clutched in his hand is a half-finished
letter to his wife.
16–20 The figure finds a small ring, composed of some kind of stone you don’t

Rear Guard Event Cards

Card Number Event
Red Ace Place a spectre at the centre point of the table edge to the right of the exit edge.
Red King Place a spectre at the centre point of the table edge to the left of the exit edge.
Red Queen Place a spectre at the centre point of the spectre edge.
Red Jack Place a gnoll sergeant in a random table corner.
Red 10 Place a wounded Alladorean soldier at the centre point of the table edge to the
right of the exit edge.
Red 9 Place a wounded Alladorean soldier at the centre point of the table edge to the
left of the exit edge.
Red 8 Place a pair of gnoll archers in a random table corner.
Red 7 Select a random wounded Alladorean soldier. This man loses his mind and
counts as an evil creature for the rest of the scenario.
Red 6 The swirling green light and wailing of the spectre plays heavily on the nerves.
All of the rangers, companions, and wounded Alladorean soldiers must make a
Will Roll (TN14). If they fail, they will not activate next turn.
Red 5 Place a spectre at the centre point of a randomly determined table edge (except
the exit edge)


Make a note of how many wounded Alladorean soldiers escaped during the scenario as it will be
important for Scenario 4. Rangers gain experience for the following:

+3XP for each spectre or gnoll killed.

+5XP for each wounded Alladorean soldier that survives.
+5XP for each ranger or companion still on the table at the end of the scenario.
+8XP if you find the half-finished letter.
+8XP if you find the stone ring.

Scenario 2: The Gnoll Encampment
For level 10–15 rangers

For two days you’ve shadowed a group of gnolls as they’ve made their slow way through the forest
of dead trees. Although the thick, polluted air of the Shadow Deep has made the journey a struggle,
the eternal dimness has a helped keep you out of sight. That night, just after the gnolls made camp,
they were joined by a small group of cultists. You watched from the shadows as the leader of the
cultists met with the gnoll shaman. The cultist carried a set of bound scrolls, which he presented to
the shaman. Then he pointed over a far hill. Once you’ve dealt with these monsters, you’ll scout in
that direction.
A few moments later, the cultists and the shaman all disappeared into the largest tent in the
centre of the camp. You waited. Slowly the noise of the camp died down, and the fires burned low.
Only a few gnolls were left patrolling the camp. Now is the time to strike.
Slipping back to your companions, you explain the situation. While you are unlikely to be
able to take out the whole encampment, a quick decapitation strike could reduce the group to chaos.
Plus, you really want to know what is contained on those scrolls…


(3) (5)


(2) (6)



This scenario is played on a 2.5’ x 2.5’ table. In the centre of the table, place one large tent, with one
opening. Then take six smaller tents and place them in a circle around the large tent, about 8” away.
All of the entrances to the smaller tents should be facing towards the large tent. These tents should be
numbered in some fashion 1–6, although it doesn’t matter which tent is assigned which number. Place
several small bits of terrain, such as fires, crates, barrels and wagons within the circle of tents. Trees
and rocks should be placed all around outside the circle of tents.
Place six gnoll archers on the table, one between each of the small tents, so that they form
their own circle centred on the large tent.
Off to one side, mark out a separate table, 10” x 10”. This represents the inside of the large
central tent. Place a doorway in the centre of one edge, but otherwise leave this room empty.
Players may set up their heroes adjacent to any table edge. Figures do not have to be together
and may set up adjacent to different table edges.


Before the scenario begins, every figure should make a Survival Roll (TN12). If it fails, it is suffering
from Hunger and begins the game at -2 Health. Additionally, pick one figure to make a Traps Roll
(TN16). If this is failed, a random heroic figure immediately suffers 5 points of damage.
At the start of each turn, the players may select two different figures to each make a Stealth
Roll (TN15). If successful, the players may move one gnoll figure up to 6” in any direction for each
figure that passed. If the players succeeded at both rolls, they must move two different gnolls. This
lasts until the alarm is raised.
The rangers have the element of surprise in this scenario. Whenever they make an attack (of
any kind) against a gnoll they receive +4 to their roll. This lasts until the alarm is raised.
If a gnoll ever activates with a hero in line of sight, or a gnoll takes damage within line of sight
of another gnoll, the alarm is raised. It is also raised if a gnoll takes damage from a shooting attack
but is not killed. Once the alarm is raised, the players no longer get to make Stealth checks or receive
the attack bonus.
If the alarm has not been raised, then the gnolls will make one random move each turn and be
done. Once the alarm has been raised, or beginning with turn 3, treat the entrance to the large tent as
the Target Point for the scenario.
No Event Cards are drawn on the first two turns of the game. Draw one Event Card during
the event phase of the third turn, and every turn thereafter until the game ends or the event deck is
No heroic figure may enter into the smaller tents. Any figure may enter the large tent by
moving into contact with the tent entrance. Immediately place this figure adjacent to the entrance
on the smaller table. If this is the first heroic figure to enter the large tent, draw a random ‘Tent
Card’. This will explain how to set-up the inside of the tent. The figure that entered the tent may
now complete its activation, including using any movement left from the move that brought it into
the tent.
Any heroic figure inside the tent can cut an ‘escape door’. It must be adjacent to a wall, spend
an action and succeed on a Strength Roll (TN10). Immediately place a new doorway at that point and
also mark a new doorway on the outside of the tent at a corresponding location.

Note that creatures outside of the main tent, but adjacent to a door, count as having line of
sight to everything inside the tent that can be seen from the entrance.
This scenario only ends if there are no heroic figures left on the table, or if there are no evil
creatures on the table and the event deck is exhausted.


The inside of the tent is filled with crates, sacks and barrels. Place one gnoll shaman and one cultist
leader against the wall directly opposite the entrance. Place one gnoll archer in each corner furthest
from the entrance, and three cultists in the middle of the chamber. Place one clue marker in each
corner. All creatures follow the standard rules for evil creatures.


Place a large fire in the centre of the tent. The rest of the tent should have a few crates, sacks,
and barrels scattered about. Place one gnoll shaman and one cultist leader against the wall, directly
opposite the entrance. Place one gnoll sergeant in each corner furthest from the entrance, and one
cultist directly in front of the fire facing the entrance. Place one clue marker in each corner.
The gnoll shaman will never move in this scenario, unless compelled to do so by a hero. At
the end of each turn, if the shaman is on the table, make a +3 elemental magic attack against a random
hero figure in the room. This attack can be made against figures currently in combat.


Place a large cauldron in the centre of the tent. The rest of the tent should have a few crates, sacks and
barrels scattered about. Place a gnoll shaman adjacent to the cauldron, on the opposite side from the
entrance. Place one gnoll archer in each of the corners furthest from the door. Place a cultist leader and
two cultists adjacent to the cauldron on the side closest to the entrance. Place a clue marker in each corner.
The gnoll shaman will never move in this scenario, unless compelled to do so by a hero. At
the end of each turn, if the shaman is on the table, every heroic figure inside the tent must make a Will
Roll (TN12) or be poisoned.

The Gnoll Encampment Clue Marker Table
Die Roll Result
1–4 The Scrolls. Any figure that finds the scrolls may pick them up as a free action.
It does not take an item slot. If the scrolls have already been found, a treasure
token is discovered instead.
The Scrolls. Any figure that finds the scrolls may pick them up as a free action.
5–8 It does not take an item slot. If the scrolls have already been found, a treasure
token is discovered instead.
Make a Survival Roll (TN8). If successful, you find three doses of Dremlock weed.
9–12 These may be picked up as a free action and carried like a treasure token for the
rest of the scenario. After the scenario, each dose becomes as an item as normal.
Make a Navigation Roll (TN8). If successful, the figure finds a map. This map
may be picked up as a free action and carried even if it has no item slots available.
Make a Perception Roll (TN10). If successful, the figure finds a peculiar skull
17–20 mask. This mask may be picked up as a free action and carried even if it has no
item slots available.

The Gnoll Encampment Event Cards

Card Number Event
Red Ace Place three gnoll fighters in front of tent 1.
Red King Place three gnoll fighters in front of tent 2.
Red Queen Place two gnoll archers in front of tent 3.
Red Jack Place one gnoll sergeant and two gnoll fighters in front of tent 4.
Red 10 Place one gnoll sergeant and two gnoll fighters in front of tent 5.
Red 9 Place three gnoll fighters in front of tent 6.
Red 8 Place a vulture on top of the large tent.
Red 7 There is a thunder clap and a flash of green light from the other side of the
hill. Every figure on the main table (but not in the tent) including evil creatures
should make a Will Roll (TN10). Figures that fail lose their next activation.
Red 6 Place two spectres in a random table corner.
Red 5 Randomly select one of the smaller tents. This tent catches fire. Any figure that
moves into contact with it immediately suffers 2 points of damage. Ignore any
Event Card that places gnolls in front of this tent.


Make a note if you found the scrolls, the map, or the mask as these will be important for Scenarios 3
and 4.
+3XP for each gnoll fighter, gnoll archer, gnoll sergeant, cultist, or vulture killed.
+10XP if at least one heroic figure is forced to make a Will Roll because of the green light.
+12XP for killing the gnoll shaman and the cultist leader (this is more than their usual reward,
this reward is for each killed).
+20XP if a figure carrying the scrolls exits the table or survives to the end of the scenario.
+12XP if a figure carrying the map exits the table or survives to the end of the scenario.
+12XP if a figure carrying the mask exits the table or survives to the end of the scenario.

Mission 1:
Ghost Stone (Part 2)
After the raid on the gnoll encampment, you circled around until you reached the top of a line of hills.
This is the direction in which the gnolls had been heading, as well as the direction in which the cultist
leader had pointed. From a concealed depression, you looked down into a long, dark plain and felt a
coldness grip your heart. A small army camped upon the plain, next to a sluggish river.
From the heights, you could just make out dozens of gnolls, cultists, and other creatures
moving about. Some unloaded supplies from a barge on the river, others appeared to be working on
weapons and armour. All of this, though, you took in at a glance, for your eyes were immediately
drawn to the centre of the camp, where a towering monolith loomed over everything. It was a stone,
many stories high, covered in roughly carved runes that glowed with a nauseating green light. A
group of robbed cultists prostrated themselves in front of the stone, while another stood before it with
his hands raised. As you watched, the runes glowed brighter and thick green mist seeped out of them.
The mist writhed and twisted and then flowed together until it took the form of a floating spectre.
The spectre gave out a piercing wail that reached all of the way to the hill top, then sped off in the
direction of Alladore.
Quietly signalling to your companions, you slipped back down the hillside, and headed for
home. You only had a short time to take in the scene, but this intelligence was vital. This monolith,
this ghost stone, was obviously a weapon of great power, one that could potentially overwhelm your
After a wearying journey, you escaped the thick, dark air of the Shadow Deep, only to find
Alladore in chaos. Once again, you were forced to sneak past an enemy army before finally locating
your company. Reporting directly to your captain, you soon heard about the horrible defeat of the

army of Lord Arklin, and the role played by the green spectres. Most of the story was told by another
group of rangers who had been on the outskirts of the battle. You then shared your own intelligence
about the gnoll encampment, the things you found, and most importantly, about the Ghost Stone that
created these spectral warriors.
For a moment, a grim silence fell upon the little council. Then your captain spoke up. ‘There
is no choice. The stone must be destroyed.’
You shook your head. ‘It’s the size of a tower. We’d need a siege engine to topple it.’
Your captain grinned. ‘There is one woman who could do it, if we can get her close enough.’
‘How? There is an army between us and that stone.’
The captain looked over at the other group of rangers. ‘We’ll need a distraction…’

Unlike most missions, players are allowed to reorganize their companions before Scenarios 3 and 4.

For this part of the mission, you will likely need the following miniatures:

• 4 Alladorean Men-at-Arms or Guardsmen

• 1 Ballista
• 2 Cultist Leaders
• 8+ Cultists
• 6 Giant Flies
• 5+ Gnoll Archers
• 7+ Gnoll Fighters
• 2+ Gnoll Sergeants
• 1 Gnoll Shaman
• Nesra
• 2 Ogres
• 2 Skeletal Knights
• 2 Spectral Horseman
• 5+ Spectres
• 1 Troll
• 1 Vulture
• 2+ Werewolves

Scenario 3: The Distraction
For level 0–5 rangers
Along with the other ranger group, you slipped down into the Shadow Deep, and made your way
carefully to the line of hills they had spoken of. It was tough going, and often you had to stop and
hide from patrols, but eventually you reached the ridge without major incident. From that height, you
could see the difficulty of the task before you. Hundreds of cultists and gnolls moved about on the
You scanned across the whole area, looking for weaknesses. Finally, your eyes settled on the
river. At the far end of the camp, masses of supplies had been unloaded on the ground next to the
water, forming a kind of open-air warehouse. A small boat is moored nearby, and a couple of cultists

are unloading supplies. If you could get in amongst those supplies, and set them alight, it would be
sure to create chaos in the camp and draw significant forces away from the stone. In theory, if you
could do this quickly enough, you could then steal the boat and make your get-away.
The main difficulty will be in getting close enough without raising the alarm…

supplies Cultists





Encampment River
Edge supplies

Hero Edge


This scenario is played on a 2.5’ x 3’ table. One of the short edges should be designated as the hero
edge. The long table edge to the left of the hero edge is the encampment edge. The long table edge to
the right of the hero edge represents the river. All of the table within 6” of this edge is considered part
of the river. In the river, about 24” from the hero edge sits a small boat containing one pile of supplies
and two cultists.
Five additional piles of supplies should be placed on the table. These should be scattered
about, but none should be closer than 16” to the hero edge, and none should be closer than 8” to one
another. One gnoll fighter should be placed adjacent to each pile of supplies.
The rest of the table should contain tents, wagons, and rocks, and other small bits of scatter
terrain that are not designated as ‘piles of supplies’.


The goal of this scenario is for the players to set alight as many of the six piles of supplies as possible
and then make good their escape. Thankfully, until the alarm is raised, they have the element of
surprise. As long as the heroes have the element of surprise, they receive +4 to all attack rolls, including
shooting attacks. The element of surprise is aided by the darkness, which limits all line of sight to 12”.
Before the scenario begins, each figure should make a Stealth Roll (TN12). If successful, they
may be set up anywhere on the table within 10” of the hero edge. Otherwise, they must be set up
adjacent to the hero edge. If the map was recovered in Scenario 2, all figures receive +5 to this Stealth
The alarm is raised as soon as an evil creature activates within line of sight of a hero, a
creature suffers an attack that causes damage but doesn’t kill it, or a creature takes damage within
line of sight of another creature. Until the alarm is raised, all evil creatures will make one random
move each activation and will not take a second action. The two cultists on the boat will not take any
actions at all until the alarm is raised. Once the alarm is raised, the boat becomes the target point for
the scenario.

The river sits at the bottom of a deep-sided canal. A figure on the land cannot draw line of
sight to a figure in the river, unless it is standing on the very edge of the river. Likewise, figures in
the river cannot draw line of sight to a figure on land. Because of the deep shadows in the river, the
maximum line of sight for figures in the river is 6”. This includes figures on the boat. The river counts
as deep water, but because figures can hold onto the side of the canal as they move through the river,
all figures receive +5 to all Swimming Rolls in the river.

When a hero is in contact with a pile of supplies, it may take one of two ‘special actions’.
First, it can search the pile of supplies, in which case it should roll immediately on the Distraction
Clue Marker Table. Each pile may only be searched once, and each result on the table may only be

rolled once. Second, the figure may attempt to set the pile alight. To do so, the player must make his
choice of either a Survival or Armoury Roll (TN14). If successful, the pile catches fire. The alarm is
immediately raised as soon as a pile of supplies is set alight. If a figure activates while adjacent to the
burning pile of supplies, it immediately suffers 2 points of damage (the figure that actually set the pile
alight gets to ignore this rule for its first activation after setting the pile alight).
If the players recovered the mask in Scenario 2, they may designate one figure to be wearing
it. At the end of this figure’s activation each turn, they should make a Leadership Roll (TN6). If
successful, evil creatures will ignore this figure, both for the purposes of movement and raising the
alarm. However, if this figure ever attacks, but does not kill an evil creature, or attacks an evil creature
within line of sight of another evil creature, the disguise ends, the alarm is raised, and the figure is
treated as normal for the rest of the scenario.
If there is a hero in the boat, and no evil creatures, the hero may spend an action to ‘cast off’.
This can replace a move action. From then on, at the end of every turn, the boat, with anyone in it,
is moved 8” down the river. The boat should be big enough to contain all of the heroes. If the boat
reaches the hero edge of the table, all heroes on the boat are treated as exiting the table. If the boat
still contains a pile of supplies, the players may make a free roll on the clue table after the scenario,
and this pile counts as set alight for all other purposes. If the pile of supplies on the boat is set alight,
the boat is destroyed.
Heroic figures may only exit the table on the hero edge.
Event Cards should only be drawn at the end of turns 1 and 2 if the alarm has been raised.
Otherwise, draw an Event Card at the end of turn 3 and every turn thereafter. If the Event Card deck
is exhausted before the scenario is finished, reshuffle the deck and start again.
This scenario continues until there are no heroic figures left on the table.

Since setting a pile of supplies alight raises the alarm, it is a good idea to have as many
heroes in position near piles as possible before the first is set burning. There are a couple
of ways to go about this. Players can simply sneak through the various scatter terrain on
the table. They can also utilize the river as a covered road, to move closer, and possibly
secure the boat as an escape route. Finally, if they have the mask, they can use it to
potentially position one figure wherever they want on the table.
The key is to establish the best position possible before the alarm is raised, because
once that happens, things get a lot harder…

Distraction Clue Marker Table
Die Roll Result
1–3 The pile contains nothing but maggoty bread.
4–6 The pile contains nothing but poor quality tools.
7–9 The pile contains a sack of herbs. The figure may take this sack as a free action,
even if it has no item slots available. After the scenario, it may roll twice on the
Herb and Potion Table to see what it found.
10–12 The box is full of small books. The figure may take one as a free action and carry
it even if it has no item slots currently available. After the scenario choose one
figure to make a Read Runes (TN10) roll. If successful, each ranger either gains 10
Experience Points or can select one companion to receive one Progression Point.
The book is some kind of ‘prayer book’, and is turned over to academics for further
study. A figure receives +3 to any roll to set this pile alight.
13–15 The figure finds an oil flask. It receives +8 to any one attempt to set a pile of supplies
16–18 The figure finds an unusual weapon. It may pick up and carry this weapon even if
it has no item slots currently available. After the scenario, follow the instructions in
the Weapon Hoard section of this book to discover what weapon has been found.
19–20 The figure finds an unusual weapon. It may pick up and carry this weapon even if
it has no item slots currently available. After the scenario, follow the instructions in
the Weapon Hoard section of this book to discover what weapon has been found.

Distraction Event Cards
Card Number Event
Red Ace Place an ogre in the far left corner, as seen from the hero table edge.
Red King Place two gnoll archers in the centre of the encampment table edge.
Red Queen Place a gnoll sergeant adjacent to the encampment table edge, 6” from the centre
point towards the hero table edge. If the alarm has been raised, add two gnoll
fighters as well.
Red Jack Place two skeletal knights at the centre of the table edge opposite the hero table
edge. Increase this to four skeletal knights if the alarm has been raised.
Red 10 Place two cultists at the centre of the table edge opposite the hero table edge.
Add a cultist leader if the alarm has been raised.
Red 9 Place a spectre in the centre of a random table edge.
Red 8 Place a spectral horseman in a random table corner.
Red 7 Place a troll in the centre of the encampment table edge.
Red 6 There is a strange crack of thunder and the figures see the ghost stone light up
in the distance. If the alarm has not been raised, all evil creatures immediately
move 4” directly towards the encampment table edge. All hero figures not in the
river must make an immediate Will Roll (TN12) or receive only one action next
Red 5 Place three giant flies in a random table corner. Increase this to five giant flies if
the alarm has been raised. Never take into account giant flies when determining
if the alarm has been raised. They are incapable of raising the alarm.


Players may earn a maximum of 50 Experience Points for killing creatures in this scenario. Experience
Points are earned for the following:

+2XP for each giant fly or skeletal knight killed.

+3XP for each gnoll fighter, gnoll archer, gnoll sergeant, cultists, or spectre killed.
+5XP for each cultist leader or ogre killed.
+8XP for each troll killed
+10XP for each spectral horseman killed.
+8XP for each pile of supplies set alight (or stolen on the boat).
+4XP for each hero that exits the table if at least three piles of supplies have been set alight.

Scenario 4: Destroy the Stone
You have moved as close to the stone as you dare, and can see several gnoll pickets wandering about.
It is a grim task you’ve been given. Even if your allies manage to create a distraction, it is still a long
way to the stone with numerous enemies in-between. To make matters worse, Nesra says that not only
do you need to get her to the stone and hold off the enemy while she prepares her magic, but that you
will also likely need to slay the gnoll shaman nearby, or his magic may prevent hers from working.
Even with the extra men you’ve got available, this is going to be a desperate fight…


In addition to your normal companions, you have been given some extra help for this scenario. You
are joined by Nesra, who is vital to completing the mission. In addition, you receive extra Alladorean
men-at-arms or guardsmen (your choice, use the Stats for a companion of that type) based on how
many wounded Alladorean soldiers escaped in Scenario 1. See the table below to determine the
number of extra men-at-arms or guardsmen received. All of these companions follow the normal rules
for companions, and the players are free to decide who will control which ones during the scenario.

Extra Men-at-Arms or Guardsmen

Wounded Alladorean Soldiers that escaped in Bonus Men-at-arms or Guardsmen
Scenario 1
0 0
1–2 1
3–4 2
5+ 3


This scenario is played on a 2.5’ x 3’ table. One short edge should be designated the hero edge.
The Ghost Stone should be placed 6” in from the centre point of the edge opposite the hero edge. A
spectral horseman and two spectres should be placed a couple of inches in front of it. Place one clue
marker between these creatures and the Ghost Stone. In the exact centre of the table place a cultist
leader, four cultists, and one werewolf. If you do not have the rules for werewolves (found in Blood
Moon) replace the werewolf with an ogre.
Midway between the stone and the cultists, though 8” to the right of this line, place a gnoll
shaman and two gnoll sergeants. Midway between the stone and the cultists, but 8” to the left of this
line, place a wagon containing a ballista. Place one gnoll archer manning the ballista, and two other

gnoll archers in front of the wagon. Place a clue marker next to the wagon.
Draw one random Event Card. If this card has creatures enter the table, place them on the table
now. Ignore all other results from the card. This card should not be shuffled back into the Event Card
deck, until the Event Card deck is exhausted.
The rest of the table should be sparsely covered with rocks, piles of supplies, wagons, and
other bits of camp equipment.


Spectral Horseman
Spectres (x2)

Gnoll Shaman
Gnoll Archers (x2) Gnoll Sergenats (x2)

Cultist Leader
Cultists (x4)


The goal of this scenario is to destroy the Ghost Stone. This may only be accomplished by moving Nesra
adjacent to the stone. Nesra must not have used either her Detonation spell or her Enhanced Power Heroic
Ability. If Nesra activates adjacent to the stone, and is not in combat, she must make a Will Roll (TN24).
She receives +5 to this roll if the players recovered the scrolls in Scenario 2, +3 if they recovered the
stone ring in Scenario 1, and +6 if the gnoll shaman that started the scenario on the table has been killed.
Nesra may attempt this roll once per turn. If successful, she uses both her Detonation spell and
Enhanced Power Heroic Ability. She must then select a time delay on the spell, which can be 1–3 turns.
Start counting at the end of the turn, after the turn on which the spell was cast. Once the time delay has
been reached, the spell goes off and the Ghost Stone explodes in a violent magical detonation. Every
figure, including all evil creatures, within 6” of the stone suffers a +6 magical shooting attack. Every
figure with 12” suffers a +3 magical shooting attack. Every figure with 24” suffers a +0 magical shooting
attack. Any figure that takes damage from this shooting attack receives no actions on its next activation.
All evil creatures follow the normal rules, except the gnoll shaman, the two gnoll sergeants,
and the gnoll archer manning the ballista. None of these figures will ever make a move action during
the scenario, unless the Ghost Stone has been destroyed. Treat the ballista as a crossbow that does +4
damage instead of the normal +2. Any figure that has a Shoot Stat greater than +0 may use the ballista
if there are no enemy figures in contact with it. The ballista may not be moved during the scenario.
Players should use the chart below to determine on which turn they start drawing Event Cards,
based on how many piles of supplies the rangers manage to set alight in Scenario 3. Once the first
Event Card is drawn, a new Event Card should be drawn at the end of every turn thereafter. If the
Event Card deck is exhausted, it should be reshuffled and used again.
The Ghost Stone is casting a green glow over the whole area. The maximum line of sight for
this scenario is 20”.
This scenario continues until there are no heroic figures left on the table. Heroes may exit off
any table edge.
The target point for this scenario is the Ghost Stone. If the Ghost Stone is destroyed, there is
no target point.

When to Draw the First Event Card
Piles of Supplies set Alight Draw First Event Card at the End of Turn
0 1
1–2 2
3–4 3
5–6 4

Destroy the Stone Clue Marker Table
Die Roll Result
1–5 Treasure Token. The figure may pick up this treasure token as a free action.
6–10 The figure finds an unusual weapon. It may pick up and carry this weapon even if
it has no item slots currently available. After the scenario, follow the instructions in
the Weapon Hoard section of this book to discover what weapon has been found.
11–15 Prisoner. The figure finds a bound soldier, which he cuts free. Use the Stats for a
wounded Alladorean soldier. This figure is treated as a companion for the rest of the
16–20 The figure finds a small cache of Healing Potions. There are four potions here. The
figure may drink one potion as a free action or pick it up if it has a free item slot.
Otherwise, leave the token, and other figures may pick up or drink these potions by
spending an action.

Destroy the Stone Event Cards
Card Number Event
Red Ace Place a troll in a random table corner.
Red King Place a cultist leader and one cultists in a random table corner. In addition, the
Ghost Stone sends out a shower of green sparks. Any heroic figure within 6”
of the stone suffers a +0 shooting attack (except Nesra whose magic makes her
Red Queen Place a gnoll sergeant and three gnoll fighters in a random table corner.
Red Jack Place a spectral horseman 6” away from the Ghost Stone in a random direction.
Red 10 Place two cultists in the centre of a random table edge. In addition, the Ghost
Stone lets out a horrific scream. The next time each heroic figure activates, it
must make a Will Roll (TN16) or be reduced to a maximum of one action for
this activation.
Red 9 Place three spectres in the centre of a random table edge.
Red 8 Place two ogres in the centre of a random table edge.
Red 7 Place two werewolves in a random corner. If you do not have the rules for
werewolves (found in Blood Moon), place four gnoll archers in a random corner
Red 6 The Ghost Stone flares up with green light. Make a +4 magical shooting attack
at the closest heroic figure (except Nesra) that is within line of sight of the stone,
but not adjacent to it.
Red 5 Place four giant flies in a random table corner. In addition, the Ghost Stone
burns with green fire; any heroic figure (except Nesra) adjacent to the stone must
immediately move 2” directly away and suffers 1 point of damage.


This scenario continues until there are no heroic figures left on the table. Players receive no Experience
Points for killing monsters. Instead, they only receive Experience Points for the following:

+50XP for participating in the scenario.

+100XP if the Ghost Stone is destroyed.
+5XP for every heroic figure that exits the table.

If the players manage to destroy the Ghost Stone, then Lord Arklin is able to rally his army and
stabilize the northern front. He hasn’t the manpower available to push all of the forces of the Shadow
Deep back, but he can, at least for the moment, hold them at bay. If the players fail to destroy the
Ghost Stone then Lord Arklin is forced to retreat his army and yield the entire northern sector to the
forces of the Shadow Deep. Either way, the war continues…


The Shadow Deep employs many human agents. These horribly corrupted individuals usually
wear masks that hide the self-inflicted scarring and disfiguration of their faces. Where exactly these
individuals come from is a mystery, but they seem utterly beyond redemption.

Cultist XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +0 11 +2 10 Hand Weapon, Light Armour

The main qualification for leadership within the ranks of the Shadow Deep appears to be ruthlessness.
In fact, it is usually the best, most brutal warriors that rise to command. Their tactics normally consist
of charging straight at the enemy.
Due to the fear they instil in their men, all cultists receive +2 Will if there is a cultist leader
within 12”. Cultist leaders are equipped with expertly crafted, but horrific weapons, that do +1 damage.

Cultist Leader XP 5
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes

5 +4 +0 12 +6 14 Hand Weapon, Shield, Light

Armour, +1 damage


Whenever there is a large concentration of spectres, there is sure to be a spectral horseman or two.
Mounted atop gigantic steeds, whose legs, tail, and mane flicker and writhe with ethereal energy,
these dangerous creatures ride screaming through the battlefield, pursuing the largest, toughest foes
they can find.
Spectral horseman are semi-ethereal so non-magical weapons do only half damage, rounded
down, against them. As they float above the ground, they ignore terrain for the purposes of calculating
movement. If a spectral horseman is free to move when it activates, it will always move directly
towards the heroic figure with the highest Fight Stat that is in line of sight, ignoring all others. In a
multiple combat, it will always attack the hero with the highest Fight Stat. Otherwise it follows the
normal rules for evil creatures, including forcing combat with any figure that moves within 1”.
The large, semi-ethereal weapons wielded by these creatures make a mockery of armour.
Whenever a figure is damaged by a Spectral Horseman, it is treated as having a maximum Armour
score of 11.

Spectral Horseman XP 10
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +4 +0 12 +10 14 Undead, Flying, Half-Damage
from Non-Magical Weapons,
Semi-Ethereal Weapon, Attack
the Strongest


Rarely encountered before the coming of the Shadow Deep, spectres are a violent form of semi-
ethereal undead. In form they resemble robed humans, with long, grasping arms and skeletal faces.
Unlike most undead, which float or glide, spectres truly seem to fly, often horizontal to the ground
with their arms stretched out before them. Spectres ignore all terrain for the purposes of calculating
movement, as they can fly over and through anything that gets in their way.

Because spectres are semi-ethereal, non-magical weapons do only half damage, rounded
down, against them. Whenever a spectre is reduced to 0 Health, it lets out a horrendous, paralyzing
shriek. Any figure in combat with the spectre must make an immediate Will Roll (TN12) or lose its
next activation.

Spectre XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +0 10 +10 10 Undead, Flying, Half-Damage
from Non-Magical Weapons,
Death Scream


With their line overrun by spectres, and their weapons of only limited effectiveness, even the brave
soldiers of Alladore have broken. While they will turn and fight for their lives, they are incapable of
any organized resistance at this point.

Wounded Alladorean Soldier XP NA

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
5 +1 +0 12 +0 1 Wounded – only take one action
per activation.

Weapon Hoard
This section is presented for players who want to bring greater variety and more narrative to the
weapons and armour that are found during their adventures. While players are free to come up with
any description and backstory they want for any weapon they possess or find, sometimes it is more
fun to see what fate or chance throws your way. So presented here are 52 unique weapons, each with
their own description, mysteries, and abilities.
Whenever players are granted a roll on the Weapons and Armour Table in the main rulebook,
they may choose to use this list instead. In this case, simply take a standard deck of 52 playing cards,
draw one card at random, and find the corresponding entry below. This will give details of the weapon
that has been found.
Most, but not all, of the weapons listed here are enchanted, which means that they have some
kind of mystical spell worked upon them. This does not mean that these weapons are ‘magic’ in the
sense of harming creatures that can only be harmed by magic weapons. For this to be the case, the
weapon must specifically state that the weapon has Magic (X) with the ‘X’ being the number of uses
as explained in the main rulebook.

All of the weapons below have one or more special properties, but most of these are not
immediately obvious, and thus cannot immediately be used. Each weapon contains one or more
entries that call for a Skill Roll with a Target Number. In most cases this will be Armoury, but
there are a few others. After any scenario or mission in which a ranger is allowed to reorganize his
companions, one figure that participated in the last scenario may make a roll for each weapon. If the
roll is successful, then that ability has been unlocked, and can be used in future scenarios. Otherwise,
this ability continues to go unnoticed. In the case where a weapon has multiple abilities, both of which
require the same type of Skill Roll but with different Target Numbers, then one roll will unlock all
abilities for which the Target Number was achieved. For example, if a weapon has abilities that can
be unlocked with (Armoury 8) and (Armoury 18) and the figure rolls a 19 on its Armoury Roll, then
both abilities are unlocked. If the figure rolls a 16, the (TN8) ability is unlocked, and the other ability
can be rolled for again after the next mission.
All of the weapons on this list are unique. Once a specific weapon has been found, it should
be crossed off the list and can never be found again during the campaign. If players have no use for
a weapon they find, they can turn it over to their superiors. The weapon is permanently lost to the
campaign, but the player may give either 10 Experience Points to their ranger or 1 Progression Point
to any companion.



This short sword rests in a plain leather sheath and at first glance appears unremarkable. However,
when it is drawn, the light catches on the extremely fine, acid-etched swirling patterns that run
down the centre of the blade. Contained within this pattern is the word ‘Shailven’, an archaic term,
occasionally encountered in some of the oldest religious texts in Alladore. So rare is this word that the
exact meaning has been lost, although it is probably something like ‘strength of character’ or perhaps
‘guiding purpose’.
(Armoury 12) Once per scenario, a figure carrying this weapon may add +1 to any Will Roll.
This ability may be used after the Will Roll has been made.
(Armoury 20) Once per scenario, if a figure carrying this weapon has a Heal Spell cast upon
it, it gains back 2 more points of lost Health than it normally would.



An exceedingly heavy, and oddly shaped, two-handed axe. The haft is over three feet long and consists
of thick leather straps wound tightly over a core of steel. This steel core flows directly into the axe
head. The weapon possess a single blade, but unlike most axes, the tips at either end of the head have
been squared off, giving it a strange boxy appearance. In the centre of the blade four small diamond-
shaped holes are grouped together to form a larger diamond shape. This diamond glows faintly each
day in the hour after sunset.
(Armoury 8) This weapon does an additional +1 damage against spiders.
(Armoury 20) If the wielder of this weapon is poisoned, it may make a Will Roll (TN20)
whenever it activates as a free action. If this roll is successful, it is no longer poisoned.



This golden dagger sits in a matching sheath. The hilt of the dagger is an expertly sculpted dragonhead
with a pair of tiny rubies for eyes. The sheath is modelled into the dragon’s tail, including delicate
golden scales. Whenever the blade is drawn it makes a soft, snake-like hiss. The blade itself is a
thin stiletto with delicate golden wire beaten into the steel. The wire seems to form the letters: T, S,
T, S, C, A, A. The letters don’t correspond to any word spoken in any language in Alladore or the
neighbouring regions, nor is it recognizable as a name.
(Armoury 16) Once per scenario, the wielder may use this weapon to make a magical attack
with +2 Fight. This must be declared before the dice are rolled.
(Armoury 22) Once per scenario, the wielder may add +1 to any die roll it makes, but this
must be declared before the die is rolled.



The leather grip of this bow is well-worn and will soon need replacing; however, the wood remains in
pristine condition. On the front of the bow, inset in delicate marquetry, two dark roses, on long thorny
stems, radiate out from the grip. On the back side, two small sets of initials, ‘T.M.’ and ‘V.Y.’, have
been somewhat crudely scratched into the wood.
(Armoury 18) If the wielder of the bow spends an action to say a short prayer (which can
replace a move action), and then uses its next action in the same Activation to make a shooting attack,
the attack does +1 damage.



While the handle of this axe looks relatively new, the head is obviously old and well-worn. Both sides
of the axe head feature engraved scenes. On one side, a stylized group of men are chasing a boar. On
the other side, the three men have killed the boar and are standing around their kill. The axe blade has
one small, deep notch in the blade.
(Armoury 6) The axe head is coated in sliver. Although this means the blade will tarnish if not
regularly polished, it also means that it is more effective against certain creatures such as werewolves
who are allergic to silver.
(Armoury 12) Concealed within the bottom of the handle is a small throwing knife. This
allows the bearer of this axe to carry a throwing knife that does not take up an item space. Any figure
that can normally carry a hand weapon may carry this item, but only those that can normally carry a
throwing knife are allowed to use the throwing knife.



This steel breast plate features a small four-pointed star of Alladore engraved over the heart. The style
of the star is centuries old and, if examined closely, the line of the star is actually made up tiny little
triangles. On the inside of the plate, a list of names have been carefully scratched into the metal, each
of them obviously by a different hand: Tarrenis, Erethon, Yuwellen, Codrice. The leather straps have
been replaced at some point and feature silver buckles with gold highlighting.
(Armoury 16) All hand-to-hand attacks made my gnolls against the wearer of this armour do
-1 Damage.
(Armoury 26) Once per scenario, the wearer of this armour may add +1 to any Skill Roll. This
decision must be made before the die is rolled.



This immense sword has no point and is only bladed on one side. If not for its length and slenderness,
it would look more like a cleaver than a sword. The steel of both the blade and the hilt are very dark,
as though some type of impurity were included in the alloy. The blade is held in a sheath of black
leather. Near the hilt, three short strips of leather dangle from it. Each strip features several animal
teeth that have been drilled through and used as beads. A few of these teeth come from unknown
(Armoury 12) If the wielder of this blade scores a critical hit, it does an extra +7 damage
instead of the normal +5.
(Armoury 20) This sword also has the Magic (3) trait.



At just five feet in length, this staff is shorter than most staff weapons; however, it is cut from hard,
dark cherry wood. The top half of the staff features numerous small scenes carved into the wood. Some
of these scenes contain recognizable Alladorean or Lorenthian landmarks, but most are unknown.
One scene, about halfway down the length, is unfinished. On the bottom tip of the staff, a small star
of Alladore has been carved, so that when the staff is pushed into soft earth, the star imprint is left.
(Armoury 14) Once per scenario the wielder may add +1 to a Navigation Roll. This decision
may be made after the die has been rolled.
(Armoury 22) Once per scenario the wielder may add +1 to a Track Roll. This decision may
be made after the die has been rolled.



At first glance, this heavy metal and wood shield appears to be a circle, but a closer inspection shows
that it actually has 40 equal flat sides. The stylized image of a roaring lion has been engraved onto the
shield’s face, with the mane composed of embedded bronze wire. The image has been marred in a few
places by heavy strokes from an axe. On the inside of the shield, a line of verse has been written in one of
the rarer languages from the Tollonian Principalities. Translated it reads: when death calls, he shall roar
like a lion; although this translation loses the balanced alliteration of the original. Also on the inside, a
small golden ring with a single green tourmaline has been attached to the wood by more bronze wire.
(Armoury 16) This shield has Blocking (1).
(Armoury 24) Once per scenario, the wielder of this shield may add +3 to a Will Roll. This
decision must be made before the die is rolled.



A longsword of exceptional beauty and craftsmanship, this weapon was likely forged for some great
king or general. Its sheath is covered in plated gold, with a line of four gems, two rubies and two
emeralds, inset near the top. Delicate tracery covers the rest of the sheath with hundreds of tiny
swoops and swirls. The hilt of the sword has been crafted in the form of a bird with its head serving
as the pommel and its outstretched wings forming the crossguard. The blade is long and slender,
unmarred by any nick or notch, and tapers to a needle sharp point. The world ‘Balath’ is etched into
the blade near the hilt. It is an archaic word meaning ‘courageous’ or ‘gallant’.
(Armoury 14) This sword has Magic (4).
(Armoury 26) If this sword has had all of its magic uses exhausted, then the following ability
comes into effect. Every time this sword is carried during a scenario, but its magic is not used, it gains
Magic (1) for the next scenario. This ability can never take the sword higher than Magic (1), no matter
how many scenarios pass without the magic being used. However, every time the magic is exhausted,
it can go back up to Magic (1).



An ugly and evil-looking weapon, this crossbow features several metal spikes and studs that have
been included purely to make the weapon look vicious. On the stock, 14 short but deep scratches have
been made into the wood as though someone were keeping tally. Each of these scratches has been
carefully stained with a line of blood. Attached to the top of the crossbow by a clever, if somewhat
crude mechanism is a short length of pipe that can be peered through while the bow is aimed.
(Armoury 5) If the wielder of the crossbow spends an action to aim (which can replace a move

action), and then uses its next action in the same activation to make a shooting attack, the attack does
+1 damage (so +3 damage when combined with the crossbows normal +2 damage).



Despite this spear’s short length, it is much too heavy to be wielded one handed. The head is a heavy
triangle, the back of the triangle runs straight with the haft of the spear leaving a sharp point, then
angles down, creating a blade that is almost axe-like. More immediately striking, though, is the
haft, which in several places is decorated by tightly wound loops of tiny, colourful beads. A careful
examination revels that each bead is made of soft stone. There is no clear pattern to the colours of the
beads, and yet, their order doesn’t seem completely random either. A hole has been bored through the
bottom of the haft, and a leather thong attached. The purpose of this can only be guessed, but perhaps
was used to hang the weapon upside-down on a wall.
(Armoury 8) Once per scenario the wielder may add +1 to a Survival Roll. This decision may
be made after the die has been rolled.
(Armoury 24) Once per scenario, if the wielder takes damage in hand-to-hand combat, that
damage is reduced by 1 point.



This leather breast and back plate has a quiver expertly fitted onto the back using a series of small
metal buckles woven into the leather. Strangely, it also has a line of small loops impressed across the
breast plate designed, apparently, to mimic a strap for a quiver, which is unnecessary. Woven into

the inside of the breast plate are three cloth pockets. Each pocket contains a large silver coin, each so
worn that the details are unrecognizable, but they are clearly not from either Alladore or Lorenthia.
(Armoury 2) A figure wearing this Light Armour may carry a quiver without the quiver taking
up an item slot.



This knife is composed entirely of some unidentifiable black metal. There is no variation in its colour
from blade through its hilt. The blade is short, thin and double-edged, ending in a short, sharp point.
Every bit of it is purely designed for function without a single embellishment. It is held in a leather
sheath, equally dark, with small metal loops at both the top and bottom, suggesting that it was designed
to be strapped tight to a thigh or ankle. Despite the temperature, the dagger always feels slightly cool
to the touch.
(Armoury 12) Once per scenario, a figure carrying this dagger may add +1 to a Stealth Roll.
This decision can be made after the die is rolled.
(Armoury 26) This dagger has Magic (5) and whenever its magic is used it grants the user +2



This throwing knife has two short blades, one at either end of a short metal shaft. An idyllic scene of
mountain waterfalls is sculpted into the silver plating of the shaft. The tip of one of the mountains is
actually a tiny button. When pressed, a catch is released and a small door swings opens in the shaft,
revealing a secret two-inch long hollow. A lock of dark hair, bound in a simple yellow ribbon, rests
in the hollow.
(Armour 12) This knife has been master crafted for throwing and adds +1 Shoot when thrown.
(Armoury 26) Any organic material stored in the chamber is perfectly preserved as though
time does not pass for anything contained within.



The head of this warhammer is flat on one side, but curves down to a wicked point on the other.
Each side of the head contains a different set of magical runes that glow faintly when the head is
submerged in water. The haft is made of hardwood, with a metal handgrip and pommel. The bottom
of the pommel contains an inset, half-spherical tiger-eye jewel, with very fine magic rules running in
a circle around it.
(Read Runes 12) Once per scenario, a figure carrying this weapon may add +1 to a Swim Roll.
This decision can be made after the die is rolled.
(Read Runes 18) This weapon has Magic (3).



The sheath for this dagger is made of red-lacquered wood with gold metal trim. Beside the dagger,
the sheath also holds two small throwing knives so that the hilts of all three weapons are in a line
running away from the wearer. The sheath is fixed to a chain belt which is made up of small, gold-
plated leaves held together by copper wire. A figure wearing this dagger can also carry two throwing
knives without those throwing knives taking up an item slot.
(Armoury 22) The throwing knives are strangely weighted, but once that weight is understood,
they can be thrown to hit with more power than is usual. These throwing knives do +1 damage.



At first glance, this item appears to be some kind of long, slightly curved tusk or horn, although from
no animal known to Alladore. On closer inspection though, there is a hair-thin line running around it
about a foot from one end, and when pulled, a shining blade comes free from the sheath. This long
blade is only sharpened on the outer curve and ends with a slightly rounded tip. Some kind of rune
or character is engraved in the blade near the hilt, but the origin and meaning of this character is
(Armoury 6) The sheath of this weapon is immensely hard and strong. A figure that only
carries the sheath counts as being armed with a dagger.
(Armoury 16) The blade is incredibly sharp and can easily slice through flesh and bone. If this
weapon causes damage against a creature with Armour 11 or less, it does +1 damage.



The head of this pick, or possibly ice-axe, is sculpted to resemble a crocodile. The front of the pick
is the snout with numerous small teeth sticking down, while the back is the long tail, which tapers to
a wickedly sharp point. The tiny eyes of the creature have been picked out with beads of black onyx.
The shaft, which appears newer than the head, is of dark hardwood, while the bottom is capped with
a metal pommel that contains a ring of more onyx beads. The bottom of the pommel contains a small
hoop to which a leather thong has been fitted.
(Armoury 8) Once per scenario, a figure carrying this weapon may add +1 to a Climb Roll.
This decision can be made after the die is rolled.
(Armoury 16) Any time the figure wielding this weapon rolls a critical hit, it may immediately
make a Strength Roll (TN16). If successful, the critical hit does +8 damage instead of the normal +5.



This beautiful, dark leather quiver has the Lorenthian eagle engraved on the front. On the back, which is
rarely visible, is the word ‘Rencharis’, which was one of the smaller, more remote Lorenthian provinces.
(Armoury 6) Worked into the leather at the bottom of the quiver is a separate little pocket
which holds a small herb box. A figure carrying this quiver can carry one dose of any herb without it
taking up an item slot.
(Armoury 18) Once per scenario, a figure wearing this quiver that makes a shooting attack
with a bow may add +1 damage to the attack. This must be declared before the dice are rolled for the
attack. This ability can only be used in scenarios set within the Shadow Deep.



This small dagger rests in a plain, red-leather sheath. The handle is composed of a dozen circles of
different lacquered woods, giving it an odd, striped appearance. The pommel features the four-pointed
star of Alladore stamped into the bottom. The dagger blade is decorated with finely etched stars that
form some of the constellations that are commonly seen in the night sky above Alladore.
(Navigation 10) This dagger glows faintly when it points directly north. Any figure carrying
this dagger gets +1 to all Navigation Rolls that are made either before or after a scenario.
(Armoury 16) This dagger draws power from being left unsheathed outside on starry nights.
At the start of every mission, this dagger has Magic (1).



The sheath of this longsword is made out of crocodile skin, and decorated with three large crocodile
teeth sewn into the leather, equally spaced down its length. The hilt of the sword, which appears to
be plated in green-tinged bronze, has been sculpted to resemble crocodile skin. In the centre of both
sides of the crossguard, large multifaceted citrines gleam like clear yellow eyes. The long blade of the
weapon is sharpened on both sides, and tapers to a slightly hooked point. A word has been engraved
near the hilt of the weapon, but the language and characters are unfamiliar.
(Armoury 12) Once per scenario, the wielder of this blade may add +1 to any Will Roll. This
decision may be made after the die has been rolled.
(Read Runes 20) The word on the sword comes from an obscure language, spoken on a few
islands in the Southern Ocean. As near as can be translated, the word means ‘Ghoulrazor’. This sword
does +1 damage against any undead creature. If the undead creature is a ghoul, it grants the user +1
Fight, instead of +1 damage.



Standing nearly five feet high, this is a massive, double-headed axe. The two axe blades are identical,
both forming nearly complete semi-circles. Each blade has a triangular hole that forms a long, thin
arrow pointing towards the blade. On both sides of the axe, in the middle of the head right between
the two triangles, four red topaz form a small diamond. The haft of the weapon is of hardwood stained
nearly black. Two more red topaz are imbedded in each side of the haft near the head.
(Armoury 6) The first time in each scenario that a figure uses this weapon to cause damage
to a non-undead opponent, the wielder regains 2 points of lost Health. If the wielder is at full Health,
then nothing happens, and the opportunity is lost for the scenario.
(Armoury 22) If this weapon causes damage to a non-undead opponent, the weapon counts as
magic for the rest of the scenario.



This leather breast and back plate also incorporates a short chainmail skirt and chainmail shoulder
guards. Although it is badly worn, an image of a rearing dragon with its wings outspread has been
worked into the leather of the breast plate. On the inside of the breast plate a famous Lorenthian prayer
of gratitude has been stitched into the padding. The back plate bears the scars of two arrow holes. These
have been filled with some kind of resin, and small leather patches have been attached underneath.
(Armoury 6) This amour is lighter than would be expected, and does not confer the usual -2
penalty to Swim Rolls.
(Armoury 20) If the wearer spends an action to say the prayer of gratitude (which can replace
a move action), it gains +1 Health for the remainder of the scenario. This can take the figure over its
usual starting Health. This ability can only be used once per mission.



This short, double curved bow, features nearly identical carvings of bird heads at both the top and
bottom. Although the carvings are extremely intricate and life like, they don’t represent any known
type of bird. The beaks are curved nearly into a semi-circle ending in sharp points. The eyes of the
birds are picked out with small garnets. The grip of the bow is fashioned out of polished ivory with
small golden edges at either end. Tiny images of flying birds are sculpted into the gold.
(Armoury 12) This bow does +1 damage to any creature that has Flying.
(Armoury 22) Once per mission, the wielder of this bow can spend an action (which can
replace a movement action) to enchant an arrow. This arrow counts as magic and gives +1 shoot. This
magic arrow must be used during the same scenario or the enchantment dissipates.



At first glance, this appears to be a rather ordinary round, wooden shield. At one time, it appears to
have had some kind of serpent or dragon painted on the exterior, but the paint is so badly chipped
and faded that it is hard to be sure. On closer examination, though, the shield has one rather odd
element. There are a dozen small copper nails driven into the face of the shield, so that their points
just come through to the back. These nails seem to serve no purpose in the construction of the shield,
but the pattern they form of a pair of concentric circles is too perfect to be an accident. These nails are
impossible to remove without damaging the shield.
(Armoury 16) Once per scenario, if the bearer has suffered damage from a non-magical attack, he
may use this shield to add +2 Armour. This bonus only lasts for that one attack. Using this ability causes one
of the copper nails to vanish. Once all twelve nails have vanished, the shield becomes an ordinary shield.



This silver-headed halberd features a heavy axe head with a sharp-pointed hook on the other side. A tall
spike juts out of the top of the weapon. The axe head is imprinted with the flowing script of a long-dead
language. The words seem to be a kind of poem of battle, but too much of the language has been lost for
a real translation. The pole of the weapon is made of an unidentifiable, but extremely hard wood, banded
in several spots by silver rings, containing more words in the dead language.
This weapon counts as silver when fighting animals that have a silver allergy.
(Armoury 16) The halberd contains some internal, spring mechanism which allows the top
spike to be fired by releasing a hidden catch on one of the metal bands on the pole. Once per scenario,
the wielder may use the halberd to make a throwing knife attack, following the usual rules.



This odd-looking weapon consists a short handle, connected to a small circle, with five blades radiating
out from it at equal intervals. The blades are each as long as the handle, and all are equally weighted
so that it spins perfectly when thrown. The blades and handle all contain small coloured bands of red,
orange, and yellow that are somehow stained into the metal. At first these appear random; however,
when the weapon is thrown, it creates the effect of little flames flickering up from the centre circle.
Although it is very hard to make out, a line of tiny runes are engraved into the central circle.
Whenever a figure makes a shooting attack with this weapon, and rolls a natural ‘1’, it
immediately suffers one point of damage.
(Armoury 6) This weapon has a damage modifier of +0, instead of the usual -2 for a throwing knife.
(Read Runes 22) Once per scenario, a figure may speak the runes as it throws the weapon. As soon as it
leaves the thrower’s hands, it bursts into flames. The weapon counts as magic and gives +2 Shoot for that attack.



This odd-looking crossbow features two complete bow mechanisms, one stacked on top of the other.
There are two separate triggers for firing the two different bows. In all other ways, the crossbow
appears to be of normal metal and wood construction.
At the start of any scenario, this crossbow is assumed to have both bows loaded. Thus it can be
fired twice before it must be reloaded. The top bow can be reloaded and fired following the normal rules.
The under bow is more difficult to reload. A figure must spend two actions in the same activation to reload
it. Firing the under bow changes the target point slightly. All shots made with the under bow are at -1 Shoot.
(Armoury 14) The bow actually contains a second aim point, which is used for the under bow.
It no longer suffers the -1 Shoot.
(Armoury 20) The stock contains a hidden compartment which is just big enough to hold one
dose of a herb. The figure may carry one dose of any herb without it taking up an item slot.



This unusual-looking sword has a nearly straight blade except that near the tip, it loops forward,
leaving a nearly complete circle at the end. This makes the sword oddly top-heavy, and causes it, in
some ways, to behave more like an axe than a sword. Golden wire has been beaten into one side of
the blade, spelling out the word ‘Verith’, which is a foreign word for ‘monkey’, an animal not native
to Alladore, but occasionally seen in travelling zoos and other exhibitions. The sword has a metal hilt
with no crossguard that has been decorated with more embedded golden wire that swoops and curls.
(Armoury 8) This sword does +1 damage against animals.
(Armoury 18) This sword has Magic (5).



The ball of this morning star is actually a dodecahedron. Each of the twelve sides features a different
rune, although they do not seem to belong to any language, or even magical language, known in
Alladore. The whole weapon, ball, chain and handle, appear to be crafted out of simple iron, but
careful examination reveals this actually to be a kind of black steel. The top and the bottom of the
handle have golden caps, with the top containing a circle of six small, red carnelian stones.
(Armoury 2) When this weapon is used inside the Shadow Deep, the carnelians glow faintly.
The weapon does +1 damage, but the wielder also suffers -1 Will.
(Armoury 24) This weapon has Magic (6). However, once its Magic is exhausted it also loses
the +1 damage explained above.



Where the blade meets the hilt of this giant two-handed sword, the metal angles back and forth, in a
way similar to a snake slithering. This section last for only a foot, and then the blade straightens out. In
the centre of the slithering section, small bronze nails have been beaten into the blade, spelling out the
word ‘Trethnoth’, which means ‘Bear Arm’ in the now seldom spoken language of some of the villages
on the edge of the Nar Forest. The hilt features small leather strips carefully wound around the grip, so
that five names are spelled out running down the grip: Vella, Onron, Dalmeth, Hurel, and Venra.
(Armoury 6) During scenarios set in Alladore, the wielder of this weapon gains +1 Will.
(Armoury 18) This Weapon has Magic (3).
(Armoury 20) The wielder of this weapon receives +1 Fight if there are no allied figures within 8”.



This dagger consists of an unremarkable steel blade, but has a handle carved of polished ivory. The
handle is slightly ribbed, making it easier to keep a grip. The pommel has been expertly sculpted to
resemble a small human hand holding a little bowl. One of the fingers is sculpted to be wearing a ring,
with a real tourmaline set in it. The inside of the bowl and the tips of the three fingers that slightly
stick over it, have been stained black. It appears that the bowl has often been used to hold bits of
burning plant.
(Armoury 10) If the figure carrying this dagger is entitled to make a Survival Roll for the
purposes of gaining back Health after a scenario, it receives +3 to that roll.
(Armoury 20) The bearer of this dagger may use a dose of Haikwheat that it is carrying before
a scenario begins. If it does, it gains the +2 temporary Health, but does not suffer the normal -1 Will.



This heavy sword has no point and is bladed on only one side; however, the bladed side includes hundreds
of tiny, razor-sharp teeth. In all, the weapon almost looks more like a saw than a sword. The blade is
engraved all down both sides with intricate tracery, which may depict fish in the water, or may just
be random patterns. The hilt, which is plated in gold, has only a small crossguard, but also includes a

small basket to cover the outside of the fingers. A large red ruby is set into the pommel. The sword has a
matching sheath, plated in gold to match the hilt. A line of six small rubies is embedded in the outside of
the sheath.
(Armoury 16) If this blade is wielded by a figure with the Deadly Strike Heroic Ability, that
figure may use Deadly Strike on a roll of 17–19.
(Armoury 18) If a figure carrying this sword has any spell cast upon it. it gains +3 Will for the
rest of the scenario.



This polished silver longsword gleams as it is waved through the air. Although of rather plain design,
it does include one strange feature. On either side, at the top of the hilt right between the wings of the
crossguard, are a pair of little doors held shut with tiny clasps. When unclasped, the doors swing open
to reveal a bit of polished ivory with black lettering carved in it. Each piece of ivory contains about
twenty words, but they are in no language known in Alladore. The sword has a matching sheath, again
plain, but well-constructed. Unfortunately, the sheath has been badly torn in two places as though a
powerful claw had struck it.
This weapon is silver, and is thus more effective against creatures that are allergic to silver,
such as werewolves.
(Armoury 14) If there are undead creatures on the table, the bearer of this sword gains +2 Will.
(Armoury 20) If there are undead on the table, this sword does +1 damage.



While this battleaxe is of a standard design, it does have a couple of unique features. The easiest to
notice is that it has a fox tail attached by a silver ring to the bottom of the shaft. The fox tail has been
dyed a bright blue, and several silver beads have been woven into it. Also on the shaft, but up near the
axe head, a small disk of ivory has been affixed to the wood. The disk is a carved profile of the head
of a beautiful woman with curly hair. The hair has been painted jet black, and her eyes have tiny dots
of blue, but her skin has been left unpainted.
(Armoury 6) A figure carrying this axe receives +1 Fight whenever it is in combat with a
(Armoury 18) If this figure is ever reduced to 0 Health or less while in hand-to-hand
combat, roll a die. On a 15+, it goes to 1 Health instead. This ability may only be used once per



The most remarkable element of this sword is the hilt which is constructed out of polished deer antler.
Although it has been cut and fashioned, it still branches into a couple of prongs right at the bottom.
The sword has no crossguard and transitions from the hilt straight into a long blade, sharpened on
both sides, and tapering to a deadly sharp, and just slightly curved, point. The sword has a matching
sheath, made of polished leather of a colour similar to the antlered hilt. Stitched into the backside of
the sheath, in the common language, is ‘The trees of Nar are tall and green’. It is the first line of a
famous nursery rhyme known throughout Alladore about a little buck who bites off more than he can
chew. He survives the story, but loses an antler for his foolishness.

(Armoury 8) Once per scenario, a figure carrying this weapon may add +1 to a Survival Roll.
This ability may be used after the Survival Roll has been made.
(Armoury 10) Once per scenario, a figure carrying this weapon may add +1 to any Tracking
Roll. This ability may be used after the Tracking Roll has been made.
(Armoury 18) Once per scenario, if the figure wielding this sword wins a fight and causes
damage to an enemy, it may choose to inflict +1 damage.



At first glance, it is not immediately clear if this object is a weapon or some kind of ceremonial
sceptre. It is about two feet long and completely covered in gold plate. The top of the weapon is
sculpted to resemble the foot of a bird, except that all three toes are pointing in the same direction.
Each toe ends in a wickedly sharp talon. A close examination reveals that small flecks of dried blood
are still attached to the talons. The haft of the weapon is decorated in numerous little pictographs,
although the meaning of any of them is far from clear. One symbol though, that of a bird-headed
demon, is repeated numerous times along the length.
(Armoury 8) The bottom of the weapon unscrews, revealing a little chamber just big enough
hold a small vial. There is a healing potion already in there. A figure carrying this weapon can also
carry one potion without that potion taking up an item slot.
(Armoury 14) This weapon does +1 damage to figures that have an armour of 11 or less.



The head of this short pole arm is a vicious dark-metal sickle with several notches in the blade. The
tip of the sickle has been sculpted to look like a snake’s head, but the workman ship is crude. The
shaft is of plain dark wood, but half-a-dozen ‘X’s have been carved into it. At the bottom of the shaft
is a metal spike, several inches long.
(Armoury 8) If the figure wielding this weapon rolls a natural 20 in hand-to-hand combat,
it immediately gains +2 Experience Points. A maximum of 6 Experience Points per scenario can be
earned this way.
(Armoury 18) This weapon has Magic (2).



This giant two-handed hammer has a large rectangular head. Both faces of the head are sculpted into
grinning gargoyle faces. The teeth of the gargoyles have been covered in gold plate, while the rest
of the head is dark steel. The shaft of the weapon is simple and appears to be newer than the head. It
has been fitted with two silver fastenings near each end. A cord of woven hair runs between the two
fastenings and appears to be used to sling the weapon over the shoulder. Burned into the wood of the
shaft is the word ‘Bortrex’. Although written in the standard alphabet, it is neither a recognizable word
nor name.
(Armoury 8) If this figure makes a Strength Roll to open a door, it may add +2 to the roll.
(Armoury 12) This weapon does +1 damage against creatures with Armour 13 or higher.
(Armoury 16) This weapon has Magic (3).



The slightly curved blade of this long heavy sword actually grows wider as it nears the top, giving it an
unusual weight. It is the hilt of the weapon, though, that mainly draws the eye. Decorated in gleaming
bronze plate, the hilt is sculpted to resemble the Lorenthian eagle, although with its wings folded. The
eyes of the eagle are picked out with tiny sapphires. Four more sapphires decorate the ends of the small
crossguard. The weapon comes in a matching sheath of dark leather with bronze fixtures. The bronze band
at the top of the sheath is engraved with the crest of Vyllen, one of the minor Lorenthian noble houses.
(Armoury 6) This weapon does +1 damage when fighting against Large creatures.
(Armoury 8) This weapon has Magic (4).
(Armoury 18) If a ranger carries this weapon on a mission, he gains +3 Recruitment Points.



This short dagger features two thin blades rising out of the same hilt, one virtually on top of the other.
Engraved onto the outside of each blade is the constellation known as ‘the twins’. The hilt itself has
been crafted to resemble two, highly stylized human bodies intertwined, so that their heads are held
together and the hands of one are on the back of the other. Strangely, all four hands feature six fingers.
The dagger comes in a sheath carved entirely out of a single piece of wood, featuring a carved pair of
snakes winding their way up it. When the knife is in the sheath, the open mouths of the two snakes sit
just below the toes of the two people. The overall effect is somewhat disturbing.
(Armoury 8) This dagger counts as magic and gives Fight +2 when the wielder is in combat
with snakes or serpents.
(Armoury 20) Once per mission, if a figure carrying this dagger is poisoned, it may negate that
poison as a free action.



This large kite shield is mainly constructed of wood, but with a heavy iron band around the edges.
The front of the shield features a beautifully painted image of three ships on the ocean. As the bearer
quickly discovers, this shield slowly heals itself of any damage taken, including the image. Minor
cuts take a few hours, while full holes or missing pieces can take a couple of days. On the inside of
the shield, just below the arm, sit two small throwing darts, with heavily weighted tips. The bearer of
this shield may also carry two throwing knives without those throwing knives taking up item slots.
(Armoury 16) If this shield is carried during a mission that does not allow full healing between
scenarios, the bearer gains back 1 more point of Health than is normally allowed.



This bow is made not of wood, but some light, flexible unidentifiable metal. It gleams like polished
steel, but doesn’t weigh nearly enough actually to be steel. The outside of the bow features numerous,
masterfully etched bunches of grapes, connected by a thin, snaking vine. The grip is black leather,
with golden wire wrapped round to hold it in place. The bow string is composed of finely wound
golden hair, possibly human. Whenever the bow is fired, instead of the normal ‘snap’, it makes a
sound like a single, soft, musical note.
(Armoury 6) Once per scenario, a figure carrying this weapon may add +1 to any Leadership
Roll. This ability may be used after the Leadership Roll has been made.
(Armoury 9) Once per scenario, a figure carrying this weapon may add +1 to any Will Roll.
This ability may be used after the Will Roll has been made.
(Armoury 18) If this bow is carried by a figure with the Evade Heroic Ability, then that figure
may make a 3” move when using Evade, instead of the normal 1”.



This staff is constructed out of unstained mahogany. Carefully burned into the wood, in a nearly
extinct Lorenthian language, is the line ‘This way to the Scarch’. A map has been carved into the
rest of the surface of the staff, filled with numerous points of reference such as mountains and rivers,
and a clearly marked path running through it all. Unfortunately, none of these landmarks conform
to any known place, and even Lorenthian survivors have never heard of a place called ‘the Scarch’,
if indeed it is a place.
(Armoury 6) Once per scenario, a figure carrying this weapon may add +1 to any Navigation
Roll. This ability may be used after the Navigation Roll has been made.
(Armoury 16) When the bearer of this staff is the target of a shooting attack from a bow or
crossbow, it receives +1 Armour for that attack only.



This quiver is made out of a single, hollowed-out horn or tusk. It curves slightly, but remains straight
long enough for arrows to sit comfortably within. Two narrow bands of gold have been worked into
the horn near the top and bottom to attach the straps. Each of these bands is decorated with engraved
circles. In the midst of each circle is a tiny garnet. The straps are composed of dark leather, and fitted
with a small, golden buckle. Inside the quiver, there is also a little leather pocket that has been affixed
to one side, just big enough to hold a tiny trinket. It currently contains a small silver flower that was
probably worn as an earring.
(Armoury 8) Once per scenario, the wearer of this quiver may fire an arrow that does +2
damage against animals. This decision must be made before the dice are rolled.
(Armoury 18) The silver flower is an enchanted charm. If it is kept in the quiver, it does not
take up an item slot. If it is carried by someone who does not have the quiver, it does take up an item
slot. Either way, if the figure possessing the charm has the Hand of Fate Heroic Ability, it receives +1
to the roll when using Hand of Fate to make a re-roll.



This shining silver mace features a ball on top with numerous razor-sharp points, like a star radiating
in all directions. The shaft is octagonal, and each of the eight sides contains a phrase etched into the
metal. These are written in the common alphabet, but the words appear to be meaningless gibberish or
come from some other language altogether. The handle is wrapped in soft black cloth which is worn
and starting to come away. The pommel has a large, beautifully cut, and highly polished lapis lazuli.
(Armoury 4) Underneath the cloth of the handle is a little cavity, just big enough for a tiny

vial. It currently holds a Potion of Heroism. A figure carrying this weapon may always carry a Potion
of Heroism without it taking up an item slot.
(Armoury 14) This weapon has Magic (4).
(Armoury 24) Once per scenario, if this weapon causes damage that leaves the target with a
current Health score of 1, it immediately inflicts an additional 1 point of damage.



Upon drawing this longsword from its sheath, the observer is immediately drawn to a narrow crystal shaft
that runs nearly the entire length of the blade. The crystal is set below the metal, so that when blocking
another blade, the crystal will not be hit. As the sword is moved around, it becomes clear that there is
some kind of liquid within the crystal. This liquid is unusually heavy, and when the blade is swung, the
liquid rushes to the top and adds power to the attack. Etched into the blade near the hilt is the world
‘Starfire’, written in an ancient language that is no longer spoken. The hilt itself is round and wrapped in
red leather. A slender guard curves out from the top of the hilt to protect the fingers as the weapon is used.
The weapon’s sheath is composed of red leather, with gold decoration at the top and bottom.
If a figure is wielding this weapon in a combat, and both combatants roll natural ‘1’s for their Fight
Rolls, then the crystal inside the blade has cracked, and both figures are showered in a heavy, poisonous
liquid metal. Both figures should make immediate Health Rolls (TN30) or immediately suffer 3 points of
damage and be poisoned. The weapon immediately loses all of its special properties and becomes a generic
hand weapon.
(Armoury 2) This weapon does +1 damage.
(Armoury 16) This weapon has Magic (2).
(Armoury 22) This weapon always counts as magic when fighting undead in scenarios set
outside of the Shadow Deep.



This ‘shield’ is really an extra-heavy piece of forearm armour that runs from the elbow all of the way
over the hand. A short, thick, punch-dagger is built into the end of the hand allowing it to be used
offensively as well. While the outside plate is understandably criss-crossed with numerous scars and
dents, the inner fold is mostly untouched. Etched into this portion of the metal is a list of half-a-dozen
battles that were fought in the Tollonian Principalities around sixty years ago.
A figure carrying this shield also counts as carrying a dagger, which does not take up an item
(Armoury 8) Tucked into the inside of the shield, between the padding and the metal, is a
folded and brittle piece of parchment containing a poem, or possibly prayer, written in one of the rarer
Tollonian languages. The figure carrying this shield receives +2 to the first Will Roll it makes in each
(Armoury 18) Once per scenario, when the figure carrying this shield activates, it may claim
+2 Armour. This bonus lasts until its next activation.



The head of this extremely heavy axe has a wide curved blade on one side and a mallet head on
the other. Impressed into one side of the head, in small copperplate letters, are the words ‘Door
Breaker’, written in the common language. The shaft is composed of strong hardwood, stained
almost black. On either side, small Alladorean stars have been carved into the wood, and gold leaf
foil pressed into them. Below each star, three golden tacks have been pressed into the wood, so only
their round heads can be seen. The bottom of the shaft includes a steel handle wrapped in leather.

The axe smells faintly of some floral mixture, as though perfume had been poured over it at some
point in the past.
(Armoury 6) This weapon does +1 damage (for a total of +3 since it is a two-handed weapon)
against undead creatures.
(Armoury 10) This weapon grants the user +2 to all Strength Rolls made for the purposes of
opening a door.
(Armoury 14) This weapon has Magic (4).
(Armoury 24) If this weapon every reaches Magic (0), and then reduces an undead creature to
0 Health, it automatically gains Magic (1).



This small silver dagger is a work of art. Much of the blade is covered in intricate artwork of
black and gold. On one side is a scene of a star shining down upon a man apparently on his death
bed. On the reverse is a similar scene, except that the man has risen and holds his arms aloft to
the star. Both scenes are crowded with intricate golden swirls. The hilt of the dagger is also silver
and gold. Four small, red topaz set in a diamond pattern decorate the hilt, in the centre of the
short crossguard. The dagger rests inside a matching sheath, again decorated in expertly crafted
golden swirls.
This weapon is silver, and is thus more effective against creatures that are allergic to silver,
such as werewolves.
(Armoury 18) If the figuring carrying this dagger casts Heal, then the target regains 6 points
instead of 5.
(Armoury 26) If the figure carrying this dagger is reduced to 0 Health, it gains +1 on its
Survival Roll. This is not cumulative with the optional +1 already gained by rangers.



At first glance, this warhammer looks just like any other. Its plain steel head and simple wooden haft
give no indication that it is anything other than the kind of weapon that is produced in great quantities
by the kingdom’s armouries and which might be found in the hands of any guardsman. However,
upon closer study, it is contains the mark of the Order of Carrion Knights, guardians of cemeteries,
catacombs, and mausoleums. When viewed beneath a full moon, tiny runes covering the hammer-
head glow with a pale, ghostly light.
  (Armoury 8) This weapon does an additional +1 damage against undead.
(Armoury 20) When the figure wielding this weapon uses the Halt Undead Heroic Ability, it
affects all undead within 12”.


A Mission for Rangers

of any L evel
Special thanks to Phil Smith

Cover Design and Internal Layout: Steven Meyer-Rassow

Rangers of Shadow Deep: Incinerator is copyright Joseph A. McCullough, except for the illustrations
which are copyright Barrett Stanley. No part of this Book may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without the express written permission of the author and
publisher, except where specifically permitted by law.
The author and publisher give permission for the purchaser of this PDF to print out one copy
for personal use.

Rangers of Shadow Deep





Table of Contents

Introduction 185

Rangers and Companions 187

Mission 1: Incinerator 189

Scenario 1: Fire Drop 190

Scenario 2: Prison Break 197

Epilogue 202

Bestiary 203

Welcome to Incinerator, a new mini-expansion for Rangers of Shadow Deep. This booklet contains
one mission with two scenarios as well as a new, potential, auxiliary companion. While this mission
can be played at any point in a campaign, by rangers of any level, it was designed for a specific
purpose. The premise behind Incinerator is that the rangers have been captured inside the Shadow
Deep and must fight their way to freedom. Thus, it is a great mission to insert into an ongoing
campaign directly after a scenario in which all of the heroes were reduced to 0 Health.

Of course, this being the Shadow Deep, the rangers aren’t just thrown into an ordinary prison
– instead they must first survive a horrible death trap. Only then can they hope to escape back to
Alladore to report what they’ve seen and experienced.
The first scenario in this book, ‘Fire Drop’, is based on a scenario that I originally wrote for Ghost
Archipelago, which appeared in Issue 4 of Spellcaster Magazine. I liked the core idea of the scenario so
much, I wanted to bring it into Rangers. Of course, the Rangers version is much more complex, with clue
markers and loads of random events. Plus, it is another chance to use those giant flies!
The premise for the second scenario, ‘Prison Break’, was largely inspired by a Frostgrave
scenario written by my friend and sometimes collaborator, Phil Smith, which appeared in Frostgrave;
The Wizards’ Conclave. Obviously the setting and most of the actual mechanics are different, but I
don’t know if I would have come up with it if not for his previous work.
The rangers are on the back foot this time, and the only real goals are to escape and survive!
Good luck!

Rangers and
For this mission, the rangers get their normal allowance of Recruitment Points. However, if you are
playing with experienced rangers (Level 6+), then all of your rangers and companions start the game at
-3 Health. If your rangers are very experienced (Level 10+) all of your figures start at half of their starting
Health, rounded down. In addition, you will probably want to use the Challenge Level in each scenario.
Although the rangers have been captured, they retain all of their weapons and equipment.
The agents of the Shadow Deep haven’t bothered to search them and don’t expect them to live long
enough for it to be an issue.

Auxiliary Companion
It is possible that the rangers may pick up an auxiliary companion in the form of Gorbin the Ogre.


Gorbin is not the brightest,

even as ogres go, but,
unlike most of his kind,
he takes little delight in
violence or cruelty for
their own sake. He will fight
for a cause, or to defend himself,
but finds most pleasure in laughing,
drinking, listening to songs, and playing board
games (even though he isn’t very good at most
of them). Gorbin has been thrown into prison for his
lack of devotion to the Shadow Deep, though his ultimate fate has yet to be determined. If he were
brought back to Alladore and shown how its people normally live, he would gladly join the fight
against the Shadow Deep.
The Stats given below are Gorbin’s normal Stats, but as he is unarmed and wounded when he
appears, his current Stats are listed in parenthesis. If Gorbin survives the mission, he may be recruited
into future games by paying his Recruitment Point cost. Gorbin starts the game unarmed. Any figure
adjacent to Gorbin may give him a weapon as a free action.

Ogre XP 30
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 (5) +3 +0 12 +0 14 (8) Large, Two-Handed Weapon
(Currently unarmed so is -2
Fight and does -2 damage),
Strength +8, Swim +3

Mission 1: Incinerator
The last few minutes of the fight were a horrible blur. You remember the shouts as a mob of cultists
surged in behind you. You have visions of your companions being dragged down one by one, and then
everything goes dark.

5+ Giant Flies
4+ Giant Rats
1 Gorbin
1 Lorenthian Soldier (Guardsman)
6+ Skeletons / Skeletal Knights
1+ Skeletal Ogre
4 Temple Guardians
2 Temple Guardian Archers
1 Warden

Scenario 1: Fire Drop
You awake in a dim chamber. There are rocks and rubble all around you, and the ground is composed
of dry paving stones. Suddenly, in the distance, a pair of torches flame to life. They bracket a doorway
which sits on a ledge at the far end of a vast chamber. There seems to be no other way out. Beneath
the ledge, shadowy forms rise up from the floor. You can hear the soft click of bones as they shamble
closer. Then you see them clearly, a mob of dirty skeletons, clutching rusty and broken weapons.
As your companions get to their feet, you hear a strange cracking noise, like stone splintering. You
glance behind, and see some of the paving stones drop away into a lake of glowing lava far beneath…


Skeletons (x6)

Clue Clue Clue

Player Edge


This scenario should be played on a table 2’ wide and 2.5’ long. One short side is designated the
player edge; the other short side is the exit edge. On the exit side, there is a 2” wide ledge, running the
length of the table edge, 6” above the floor. In the middle of this ledge is a doorway.
The floor of the chamber should be mostly open, but can feature a few rocks, broken boxes,
and the like to provide visual interest.

Directly in front of the ledge is a line of six skeletons. These should be equally spaced across
the chamber. Place three clue markers within 6” of the ledge, and at least 8” from one another.
Place all of the heroes within 2” of the player edge.


The only way to survive this scenario is to escape through the doorway on the exit side of the chamber.
To climb up to the ledge, a figure must spend an action and make a Climb Roll (TN12). If successful,
it can climb the ledge as normal and does not have to roll again unless it falls back to the floor.
Otherwise, it stays at the bottom of the wall, and its activation ends immediately. The door is locked.
It can only be opened if a figure spends an action and succeeds at either a Pick Lock Roll (TN14) or
a Strength Roll (TN18).
The skeletons follow all of the standard rules for evil creatures. When determining the
activation order of evil creatures in this scenario, have all of the creatures currently in combat activate
first, then activate all creatures that are not in combat. In both instances, always activate the creature
that is furthest to the left (when viewed from the player edge) that has yet to activate in the turn.
During each event phase, draw an Event Card. In addition to whatever event is listed, there
will also be a number of inches listed in brackets, i.e. (2”). All of the floor within that many inches of
the player edge drops away. So, if (2”) is listed on the Event Card, 2” of floor drops away. On the next
turn, if the card says (4”) then four additional inches drop away, so that 6” of the floor is now missing.
Any figures standing on floor that drops away are dropped into the fire. If a figure is left so that part
of its base is on solid ground and part on the floor that dropped away, that figure should make an
immediate Acrobatics Roll (TN10). If successful, move it fully onto solid ground. If it fails, it drops
into the fire. This rule applies to evil creatures as well as heroes.
If the Event deck is exhausted, continue to play the scenario, but do not draw any new Event
Once all of the floor, apart from the ledge, has dropped away, you may ignore any additional
inches listed on the Event Cards. The ledge itself will never drop away. However, at the end of any
turn when there is no floor left but the ledge, every figure on the ledge must make either an Acrobatics

Roll (TN8) or a Move Roll (TN12) or fall into the fire.
Any figure that falls into the lake of fire is immediately reduced to 0 Health. Figures that can
fly never drop into the fire.
A figure that is adjacent to a clue marker may spend an action to investigate. Remove the clue
marker and immediately roll on the Fire Drop Clue Marker Table below.
There is no target point for this scenario.

Fire Drop Clue Marker Table

Die Roll Clue
1–5 You find a treasure token. You may pick up this token as a free action.
6–10 You stumble across a badly wounded Lorenthian soldier. This soldier counts as
one of your companions for the rest of the mission. Use the Stats for a guardsman
companion, except that he currently only has 1 Health.
11–15 You find the body of another ranger who you vaguely recognize. You take the
small, silver Star of Alladore that is pinned to his tunic to return to his family. Gain
+5 Experience Points.
16–29 You find a Potion of Healing. You may pick up and use this potion as a free action.
Alternatively, you may carry it for the rest of the scenario, even if you do not have
an item slot available. After this scenario, it takes up an item slot as normal.

Fire Drop Event Cards
Card Number Event
Red Ace Two temple guardians step out of the door. If there is room, place them on either
side of the door. They follow the normal rules for uncontrolled creatures, except
they will never intentionally move off the ledge. (2”)
Red 2 Two temple guardian archers step out of the door. If there is room, place them next
to the door. They follow the normal rules for uncontrolled creatures, except they
will never intentionally move off the ledge. (2”)
Red 3 Place one giant rat in the exact centre of the remaining floor. If there is no floor
remaining, ignore this card. (4”)
Red 4 Place one giant rat in the exact centre of the remaining floor. If there is no floor
remaining, no giant rat is placed. (4”)
Red 5 Place one skeleton on the floor in the corner of the left wall and the ledge. If there
is no floor remaining, no skeleton is placed. (5”)
Red 6 Place one skeleton on the floor in the corner of the right wall and the ledge. If there
is no floor remaining, no skeleton is placed. (6”)
Red 7 Place one giant fly in a random corner of the table. (2”)
Red 8 Place one giant fly in a random corner of the table. (2”)
Red 9 Place one skeletal ogre on the floor directly in front of the door. If there is no floor
remaining, no skeletal ogre is placed. (4”)
Red 10 The whole chamber starts to fill with smoke. The next time each hero activates, it
must make either a Will Roll (TN14) or a Survival Roll (TN12) or be reduced to a
maximum of one action for that activation. (4”)
Red Jack A large stone tumbles from the ceiling. Select a random hero. Make a +3 shooting
attack against them. (5”)
Red Queen A terrifying boom echoes through the chamber. All evil creatures on the floor
move 2” directly toward the ledge if they can. This includes creatures currently in
combat. (6”)


Along with the six skeletons, add four giant rats in a line 8” in front of the ledge. If there are three or
four rangers and they are all very experienced (Level 10+), add one skeletal ogre in the centre of the
floor as well.


The next scenario takes place immediately after this one. Figures have no chance to heal and start the
next scenario at whatever Health they ended this one. If a figure was reduced to 0 Health, but survived,
it starts the next scenario at 1 Health. A figure may use any unused Healing Spells or Healing Potions
at this point. Figures do regain all of their Heroic Abilities and Spells for the next scenario as usual.
Rangers gain the following experience for this scenario.

+2 XP for each skeleton, giant rat, or giant fly killed.

+3 XP for each temple guardian or temple guardian archer killed.
+4 XP for each skeletal ogre killed.
+8 XP for every hero figure that exits through the door, including the wounded Lorenthian.

Scenario 2: Prison Break
With smoke billowing from the doorway behind you, you step into a sparsely furnished room. A
small group of cultists look up in shock from the table where they are gambling. A couple of gnolls
are eating in the corner. There are eight other doorways leading out of the room, some of which are
barred on the inside; but which leads to freedom?

Gnoll Archers (x2)

Temple Guardians (x3)


Entry Door


This scenario is played on a 1.5’ x 1.5’ table; however, there should be space around three of the sides
to place additional 6” x 6” rooms as necessary. The player should have three 6” x 6” rooms ready to
add to the table as needed, or the ability to create them.

One edge should be declared the player edge. This edge should contain one doorway in the
centre which serves as the hero entry point. All heroes must start within 3” of this doorway. The edges
to either side of the doorway should contain three doorways each, evenly spaced along the edge. The
edge across from the player’s edge should have two evenly spaced doorways.
In the centre of the room place a table and chairs, with three temple guardians. Place a pair of
gnoll archers in one of the corners opposite the player edge. The rest of the room can contain a few
furnishings or piles of supplies to provide visual interest, but should be mostly open.


The temple guardians and gnolls are completely caught off-guard by the heroes’ sudden appearance.
No evil creatures will take actions on the first turn of the game, and the creature phase may be skipped
In addition to the Event deck, this scenario also needs a ‘doorway deck’. Take eight black
cards, numbered Ace – Eight. Then, from those eight, take the ace and three other random cards and
shuffle them together. Finally shuffle the other four cards and place them on top of the four containing
the ace. This is your doorway deck. Whenever a heroic figure is adjacent to a door, it may spend
an action (which can replace a move action) to open the door. Immediately draw a card from the
doorway deck and compare it to the table below. This will explain how to proceed. Once a doorway
has been opened, it cannot be closed again.
Do not draw an Event Card during the first event phase of the game. Draw one Event Card in
every event phase after the first. If the Event deck is exhausted, continue to play the scenario, but do
not reshuffle the deck or draw any more Event Cards.
The only way that heroes may exit the table is by finding the exit doorway and moving through it.
The target point for this scenario is the table in the middle of the main room.

Prison Break Doorway Cards
Card Number Doorway
Black Ace Exit! Heroes may now exit the table by moving through this doorway.
Black 2 Gorbin. Remove the doorway and put Gorbin in its place. The figure that just
opened the door should make a Leadership Roll (TN8). If successful Gorbin joins
the heroes and counts as a companion for the rest of the scenario. If the roll is
failed, treat Gorbin as an evil creature; however, any figure within 6” may spend
an action to make another Leadership Roll (TN8) and any success converts him
into a companion.
Black 3 Warden’s Office. Place a 6” x 6” room behind the doorway. Place a desk in the
middle of the room and the warden behind it. Place one treasure token on the desk.
Black 4 Empty Room. Remove the doorway; the room behind contains nothing of interest.
Black 5 Empty Room. Remove the doorway; the room behind contains nothing of interest.
Black 6 Armoury. Place a 6” x 6” room behind the doorway. Place a special treasure
token in both of the corners across from the doorway. If a figure with these tokens
manages to exit the table, both may be exchanged for rolls on the Weapons and
Armour Table.
Black 7 Larder. The room behind the door is filled with rotting meat. Remove the doorway
and replace it with a giant fly.
Black 8 Bone Store. Place a 6” x 6” room behind the doorway. Place a skeletal ogre in the
middle of the room. Place a treasure token in a random corner of the room.

Prison Break Event Cards
Card Number Event
Red Ace Place a giant fly on the table in the centre of the room.
Red 2 Place a giant fly in front of a random door.
Red 3 Place a skeleton in front of a random door.
Red 4 Place a skeleton in a random corner of the main room.
Red 5 You hear a mighty crash from the fire drop room behind you, and the whole
building shakes. Every figure, including evil creatures, should make an Acrobatics
Roll (TN12) when it activates. If it fails, it receives no actions this turn.
Red 6 Select one random hero. This hero has stepped on a metal grate and ghoulish
hands are grasping at him. This hero must make either a Move Roll (TN18) or a
Strength Roll (TN16) or be unable to make any move actions this turn. Each turn
after this one, it may spend one action to try to repeat the roll, but may take no
move actions until it has succeeded. This figure receives +4 to its rolls to escape
if another hero is within 1”.
Red 7 Place a giant fly in front of the entry door.
Red 8 Place a skeleton in a random corner of the main room.
Red 9 No event occurs.


During set-up, place 4 temple guardians around the table. All of the skeletons in the scenario should
be replaced with skeletal knights. If there are 3 or 4 rangers and they are all very experienced (Level
10+), place two gnoll sergeants in the corner in addition to the gnoll archers as well. Also draw an
Event Card on the first turn.


This scenario completes the mission. Experience is gained for the following:

-10XP if a hero kills Gorbin.

+2XP for each giant fly, skeleton, or skeletal knight killed.
+3XP for each temple guardian or gnoll killed.
+4XP for killing the skeletal ogre.
+5XP if Gorbin joins the party.
+5XP for killing the warden.
+8XP for every hero that exits the table, including Gorbin.

If the heroes managed to escape from the prison, they eventually find their way back to Alladore.
They are warmly welcomed by the other rangers as they had been given up for dead. The heroes are
allowed a few days to recover, but soon duty calls them to pick up their weapons once more and try
to hold back the darkness.



Although they are almost as brittle as normal skeletons, the animated skeletons of ogres at least
hit with a bit more force. It is not uncommon to find one or two mixed in with any large group of

Skeletal Ogre XP 4
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
5 +3 +0 11 +0 4 Powerful (+2 Damage)



These hooded and masked minions of the Shadow Deep are men whose souls have been completely
corrupted and fight with an insane fury and complete disregard for personal safety or preservation.
It is unclear if these men are born and raised in the dark realm or if they are captured warriors from
fallen kingdoms that have been turned. Either way, they are fanatically dangerous and beyond reason.

Temple Guardians XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +0 11 +2 10 Two-Handed Weapon, Light

Temple Guardian Archers XP 3

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +1 11 +2 10 Bow, Quiver, Hand Weapon,
Light Armour


Within the Shadow Deep, achievement is measured in blood and advancement given to those who
prove their worth through cruelty. Especially vile warriors can often earn a posting as the keeper of a
small garrison or the warden of a prison.

Warden XP 5
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +4 +0 11 +4 12 Hand Weapon, Hand Weapon,
Light Armour


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