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Technical manual

Table of content :

Safety warnings: ......................................................................................................................... 2

Pre-installation............................................................................................................................ 2
Unpacking: .................................................................................................................................. 2
Connections: ............................................................................................................................... 2
Before using the unit the following operations have to be carried out: .................................... 2
Password protected screens:...................................................................................................... 2
Manual functions: ....................................................................................................................... 2
Brush pressure adjustment: ....................................................................................................... 2
Machine parameters: ................................................................................................................. 2
Hours counter: ............................................................................................................................ 2
Electrical scheme: ....................................................................................................................... 2
Pneumatic & hydraulic scheme: ................................................................................................. 2

Manufacturer adress: Safety warnings:
VIANORD Engineering S.A.S.
ZI 1ere Avenue 4889 To use this unit safely, it is essential that operators and
06510 CARROS / FRANCE maintenance people follow the safety instructions, safety
precautions and warnings specified in the manuals.
Range of application: The unit is equipped with emergency switches which allow the
The EVO 2 unit is designed to produce operators to stop the machine in case of an emergency.
Flexogrpahic printing plates and in Make sure that the risk or the problem has been eliminated
particular to Expose, washout, dry and before restoring the power on the unit.
post expose digital or analog To release the emergency switches, pull.
flexographic plates.
Safety Interlocks

Maximum plate size: For the safety of operators, interlocks are installed for the
660 x 860 mm 26” x 33” following:
 Opening the top covers during operation
Capacity:  Opening the exposure drawer during operation
 Opening the light finisher drawer during operation
- Exposure : 1 x drawer
 Opening the dryer drawers during operation
- Washout: 1 x plate carrier
- Dryer: 4 x drawers
If any of the interlocks are not installed or closed, the unit or a
- Light Finisher : 1 x drawer
specific section of the unit will not operate.
The unit is divided in: If an interlock is activated during operation, the unit or a
- Exposure section: specific section of the unit stops immediately. Do not open the
High efficiency cooled bed. side or rear panels during plate preparation.
19 x 60W UVA lamps with high UVA NOTE: The Exposure section is fitted with a safety interlock to
output. prevent the user to be exposed to UV-A light radiation.
Light integrator.
NOTE: The Dryer section is fitted with safety interlocks to
- Washout section: prevent the user to be exposed to solvent fumes. The Dryer
In Line washout with pre-wash section, section is doing a purge cycle at switch on of the unit of about
washout section and cleaning/wiping 1 min prior to start heating.
Sticky plate carrier. NOTE: The Light Finishing drawer is fitted with a safety
interlock to prevent the user to be exposed to the UV-C and
- Dryer section: UV-A light radiation.
2 separate T° regulation for optimum
UV-C light radiation is dangerous for human skin and
particularly the eyes. Even a short exposure time may cause
- Post exposure section:
burnings in the lower skin layers and damages the eyes retina.
11 x 60W UVA lamps
Due to the SAFETY systems installed, it should never be
10 x 75W UVC lamps
required to check the UV-C tubes by looking into the UV-C light
Possibility to have automatic combined
directly when operating, maintaining or servicing the unit.
post-exposure cycles.
However, in case of need it is mandatory to wear a welding
helmet with at least shade 6.
- General features:
Exclusive adjustable display.
All process parameters are memorized.
This unit is designed to work with solvent and has been tested
Interface made out of graphic symbols.
with conventional product. Always ask your dealer before
Automatic programmable warmup of the
trying to change the type of solvent. This may result in major
dryer and the washout sections.
damages and safety issues. This machine has not been
Automatic switch OFF after the last plate.
designed as an explosion proof unit.

Pre-installation Technical datas:

Dimensions (w x l x h) 1 720 x 2 500 x 1 475 mm

Net Weight 1 000 kg
Compressed air supply 6 bars minimum
Dryer & washout exhaust 220 m3/h
Light Finisher exhaust 220 m3/h
Electrical power supply 10kW / 16A 400V 3Ph+N+PE
10kW / 28A 230V 3Ph+PE
Crate dimensions (w x l x h) 2 000 x 1 800 x 1 700 mm
Crate weight 1 500 kg

Accessories needed for the supplies connections: Parts delivered with the machine:
Compressed air Ø6mm hose UVA / UVC lamps installed
Dryer & Ø100mm hose Hose Ø100mm 2 x 3m
washout exhaust Locking collars Ø100mm 4
Light Finisher exhaust Ø100mm hose Panel key 1
Electrical power 5 x 6mm2 / 400V 3ph+N+PE High level waste solvent sensor 1
4 x 6mm2 / 230V 3ph +PE Low level fresh solvent sensor 1
Solvent Ø 16mm solvent hose Solvent hose Ø16mm + fittings 2x 5m
Hose for compressed air Ø6mm 5m
16mm to1/2” adapter 2

Connections location:

Floor space requirement:


Warning: Make sure to use the appropriate protective gears such as

safety shoes, protective goggles, gloves while unpacking./installing
the equipment.

 Start by removing the top section of the crate.

 Remove the sides one by one.

 The machine is now resting on the base of the crate.

 Remove all blocking pieces of wood.

 Use the appropriate forklift to lift the unit and get it to its
installation location. Take care that the forks are long
enough to lift the machine without causing damage.

 Ensure there is sufficient space around the machine (see

Pre-installation section).

 Remove all protection from the unit (do not use sharp tools
to prevent damages).

 No special anchorage is needed for this unit. The unit will

rest only on its feet.

 Align the machine precisely by means of a water gauge.

The alignment is made by using the adjustable feet.


Refer to “Connections locations” to identify the connections to be

All the needed connections have to be made in accordance with the
rules of the installation country.
Specific connections such as electrical power supply has to be
carried out by certified person.

Electrical power supply connection:

IT is recommended to use a ground fault circuit breaker as well as a
lockout type power switch for the electrical connection.

Exhaust connections:
Connect all the exhaust (except the exposure section) to the
appropriate location (to the outside of the building or to the
centralized exhaust system of the building. Ensure the different
exhaust airflow are correct (refer to “Technical datas”).

Solvent connection:
Connect the supplied solvent line to the machine and install them in
the external drums. Or use the adapters (20mm to3/4”) delivered
with the machine to connect to the solvent circuit of the building.

External level sensors / external pump:
 Connect the dirty sovent high level sensor and the fresh
solvent low level sensor as indicated on the scheme of

 External fresh solvent pump:

In case of use of a distillation unit, it might be needed to
pilot the solvent pump of this device. Use the external pump
free contact indicated on TB8.

Filling the heater/cooler tank:

 Remove the panel located on the left side of the unit.

 Remove both covers of the heater/cooler tanks.
 Fill the tank to the maximum with clean water.
 After running the unit for a couple of minutes, it may be
necessary to check again the level of the heater/cooler tank
and to add solution to reach the correct level.

The unit needs to be switched ON to proceed with the next step of

the installation. Please refer to the user’s manual to know more
about switching On the unit.

Before using the unit the following operations have to be
carried out:

1-Filling the washout tank:

The unit is not equipped with an automatic filling of the washout

It is necessary to fill the tank prior to process a washout section.

From the machine setup screen, press on to access to the

filling / draining screen.

Press on to start the filling of the washout tank. The filling

will stop automatically as soon as the high level sensor or the
safety high level sensors are reached. It is possible to stop the

filling at any time by pressing again on . A green colored

symbol indicates the filling is on-going.

2-Solvent flow adjustment:

Press on to open the cleaning valve or to

open the wiping valve and start the fresh solvent pump. They will
both stop automatically after the time programmed at the bottom
right corner. While the solvent is supplied, adjust each solvent flow
to 200L/h by rotating the manual valves.

3-Burn in of the lamps:

Prior to use the exposure and the light finisher section the lamps
manufacturer recommend to “burn” the lamps for at least 5 hours to
have their UV output stable and uniform.

4-Solvent temperature:
Set the desired solvent temperature. Refer to the data data sheet of
the solvent used. Please refer to the ”machine parameters” chapter.

It is recommended to control the brush pressure.
Refer to “brush pressure adjustment” chapter.

6-Calibration of the solvent % analyzer:

It is recommended to proceed the calibration of the % solvent
Please refer to the ”machine parameters” chapter.
Password protected screens:

Some specific functions are only accessible through a password.

Warning: all available functions in this section should be

accessed by trained and skilled people only. Bad manipulation
in this section may result in poor plate quality, damage of the
machine or safety risks.

Manual functions:
These screens are dedicated to start and stop the components of
the machine from the touch screen.
All the components which have been switched ON with the manual
functions will automatically get back to their normal status when
exiting the manual functions screens.
Simply press on the component to switch it ON/OFF.
Some of the functions are interlocked such as valves and pumps for

To access the manual function screens, press on and enter

the password 1969.

Brush pressure adjustment:

Machine parameters:
In these screens it is possible to modify the parameters of the

To access the machine parameters screens, press on and

enter the password 1973.

It is possible to calibrate each temperature sensor installed in the


T° sensor calibration procedure:

Setup of the different position of the different washout section used
by the PLC to know where the plate is.

Pre-wash solvent pulses:

The solvent supplied in the pre-wash section comes from the
mainwashout tank. These parameters defines the quantity of
washout solvent supplied to this section. Time of the solvent supply
and the distance between 2 pulses can be modiifed.

Cleaning solvent pules:

The supply of fresh solvent on the cleaning brush is in function
when a plate is under the cleaning brush.
The supply id made from pulses for which the length in time and the
distance between 2 of them can be modified.

Draining time on high level:

When the solvent level reach the high level sensor in the tank, the
draining occurs for at least the time selected.

The parameters define the starting temperature of the cooling and
the stopping temperature for both the lamps and the table. Make
sure the Stop temperature is always lower than the start.

- Setup of the solvent set-point temperature.
The offset is used to define the deadband in which neither the
cooling nor the heat are working. (for eg with a set-point of
30.0°C and an offset of 0.2 the heating stops at 30.0 and the
cooling start at 30.2).

- Washout speeds:
It is possible to modify the speed used for the 0 position search
cycle, the high speed ( used to enter the plate in the unit whie in
process) and the manual function speed.
It is possible to define “Out of 0” which defines the distance to
move out of the init sensor if the 0 search cycle is started with
the sensor already ON.
“Offset 0” is used to define the value loaded in the position of
the plate when the 0 sensor is reached in 0 search cycle. This
is to make sure the plate carrier gets back to 0 position and the
sensor is activated.

- Time to wet the brushes:

Used to define the time to wet the washout brushes before
starting the washout process to ensure the brushes are not
hard and will not damage the plate.

- Cleaning after plate:

Define the parameters for the cleaning of the cleaning and the
wiping plate after a plate has been produced. Cleaning time for
the wiping brush, the cleaning brush as well as the rotation time
of the brushes can be adjusted.

- Cleaning at switch ON:

Define the parameters for the cleaning of the brushes when the
machine is switch ON to make sure the brushes are wet and
clean. Brush rotation, cleaning wiping brush time, washout
brush time as well as the delay can be modified.

Adjust the dryer temperature setpoint.

Light finisher:
It is possible to select the automatic combined light finisher cycle.
2 modes are available:
1- UVA/C starts and after a delay UVC/C starts.
2- UVA/C starts and finishes. Then a delay occurs prior to
start UVC/A.
Please note that for these cycles it is possible to start with UVA or
UVC simply by pressing on start UVA or start UVC on the light
finisher section screen.

T° display: it is possible to choose °C or °F for the dispaky of the

LI ON OFF: activate or de-activate the light integrator function.

T° display:
it is possible to choose °C or °F for the display of the temperature.

Activate or de-activate the light integrator function. When activated
the light integrator automatically adjusts the exposure time to
compensate an eventual loss of UV output of the lamps.

Buzzer time at end of cycle:

Defines the time the buzzer is acitvated at the end of any process
cycle of the unit.

Draining washout tank time after low level.

Defines the time used to drain the main washout tank after the level
reaches the low level sensor in the main washout tank. This is to
prevent the pump to run dry. After this time the pump automaticcaly

stops. This is active when using the draining function .

Processor % sensor calibration:

- % setpoint:
Define the setpoint for the maximum solid content %

- Time between 2 measurements:

Define frequency of the measurements.

- Draining pump calibration:

Define the time the draining pump needs to drain 1 L of

- Qty to drain:
Define the quantity of solvent to drain from the machine
when the solid content is too high.

- Fresh solvent pump calibration:

Define the time the draining pump needs to drain 1 L of

- Qty to fill:
Define the quantity of fresh solvent to fill in the machine
when the solid content is too high.

Detection of fresh solvent flow:
- Number of pulses to detect filling solvent flow: indicates the
qty of pulses from the flowmeter to start the alarm on the
filling solvent flow.
- Number of pulses to detect cleaning/wiping solvent flow:
indicates the qty of pulses from the flowmeter to start the
alarm while running the cleaning or the wiping solenoid

These functions allow to reset all on-going process:

Reset the on-going process in the exposure section.

Reset the on-going process in the washout section.

Reset the on-going process in the dryer section.

Reset the on-going process in the light finisher section.

Press to start the origin search of the plate carrier.

The carrier moves then automatically to find its 0 position sensor.

Hours counter:
It is possible to activate or not a maintenance alarm on the
components listed in these screens. When the working hours or the
number of cycles of one component exceed its set-point, a
maintenance alarm is automatically displayed on the screen by

mean of the graphic symbol .

To access to the screens to modify the setup of the maintenance

alarms, enter the password 1994.

Activate or de-activate the alarm for a specific component.

It is possible to adjust the alarm set-point : the working hours and/or

the number of cycles.

To reset the counters of a component, keep pressing on for a

couple of seconds until the values are set to 0.

If at least ton maintenance alarm is activated, the symbol is

displayed on the machine setup screen as well as on the right side
of each section screen.

Press on to access to the maintenance alarm screen.

The picture of the component for which the alarm is activated is
then displayed together as it s reference, its designation and its
working hours and/or the number of cycles. If more than one alarm
is activated, each picture is displayed for a couple of seconds
before switching to the next one.

To reset an alarm, the component indicated has to be replaced

(contact your dealer) and the alarm has to be reset by accessing
the hours counter setup screen with the password 1994.

Electrical scheme:

Pneumatic & hydraulic scheme:

V1.0 : 03/40/2013
V1.1 : 14/01/2014 - New Pneumatic/hydraulic diagram. Add brush pressure adjustment. New electrical scheme.
SN° from 130.101


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