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About Presidency University: About Intel:

Presidency Group of Institutions (PGI), along Shapes the Future of Technology

with the University, constitutes of seven

schools and a college. Within a short span of Intel create world-changing technology that
four decades, PGI has carved a niche for itself improves the life of every person on the planet
as one of the top-notch institutions in and people at Intel are inspired to:
Bengaluru. Presidency University (PU),
Bengaluru was established under the Drive innovation that makes the world safer, in collaboration with
Government of Karnataka Act 41 of 2013 with builds healthy and vibrant communities,
an aim of becoming world-class university by and increases productivity.
imparting the best skills and knowledge to the Harness their reach around the globe to
students. The university is approved by UGC better society, business and the planet
and AICTE, New Delhi. In a caring and positive Push themselves and their industry peers to
environment, Presidency University provides be more responsible, inclusive, and
education to empower our students; to sustainable.
recognize and optimize their full potential, to
achieve personal standards of excellence in They have big ambitions, and a growing sense
academic work. Presidency University of urgency to work with others and address
facilitates physical, cultural and social world challenges no one can tackle alone.
development along with inculcating civic and Intel has always been at the forefront of
human values as well. developing exiting new technology for business
We accomplish all these through excellence in and consumers including emerging A Five-day Offline Faculty
teaching by adopting the best pedagogy at par technologies, memory and storage, data center
with the best universities in the world. servers, security and graphics. Development Program (FDP) on
Presidency University has received “Placement
Excellence” and “Innovative Academic Importance of this Program
Curriculum-South” by ASSOCHAM India 2021.
School of Engineering, Presidency University,
Bengaluru, has been Ranked Top 2 in Pan India
VLSI prototyping and many embedded
industrial applications use FPGA extensively
SoC Design Methodology
under Top Emerging Engineering Institutes,
Ranked Top 8 under Emerging Engineering
Institutes - Placement, and Ranked Top 10
for hardware
validation and
using Intel FPGAs
under Emerging Engineering Institutes – FPGA provide low cost, low turnaround time
Research Capability by Times Engineering and re-usability for implementation of wide
Institute Ranking Survey 2020. range of applications – includes Artificial
November 14-18, 2022
Intelligence, Deep Learning, Image and
About Department of Electronics & Communication: Video Processing, Automotive applications
to name a few
The department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering was established in Organized by,
the year 2015. The department has well Learning Outcomes:
qualified and committed faculty members. We Department of Electronics and
Be trained on Quartus tool flow
have well-equipped laboratories and state of Communication Engineering,
art infrastructure. The department is dedicated Get exposure on timing analysis
to teaching and research activities and covers a Learn about the concept of prototyping and School of Engineering,
broad range of areas including Embedded SoC design on Intel boards
Systems, VLSI and Signal Processing. The
Presidency University,
Learn about testing and validation of
department educates students to take up circuits implemented on hardware Bengaluru, India
challenging jobs in a wide range of industries
and engage themselves in research and Learn device level simulation using various
development activities for the welfare of tools
society. Learn about circuit design using cadence
Schedule of the Program Who can participate?
Day 1 - November 14, 2022 Chief Patron Faculty members and technical staff of various
09:30 - 09:45 Inauguration institutes basically from Electrical / Electronics /
Computer science background
09:45 - 11:30 Intel FPGAs, Quartus tool flow Dr. Nissar Ahmed
11:45 - 13:30 Intel IP cores and platform Chancellor Interested PG and Ph.D. students are also
designer encouraged
*certificates will be provided
Day 2 - November 15, 2022
09:30 - 11:30 Embedded system using NIOS II Patrons
softcore processor
11:45 - 13:30 Introduction to Intel SoC platform Dr. D. Subhakar Dr. N. T. Rao Last date for registration:
Vice-chancellor Pro vice-chancellor
November 12, 2022
Day 3 - November 16, 2022
Dr. A.M. Surendra Kumar Dr. Abdul Sharief *Registration free; No TA/DA/Stay will be provided
09:30 - 11:30 FPGA Memory - Internal and
Pro vice-chancellor & CoE Prof. & Dean - SoE
11:45 - 13:30 High-level synthesis using Intel Registration Link
Dr. Shilpa Mehta Dr. C.S. Ramesh
FPGAs Prof. & Dean - Academics Prof. & Dean - R&I
Day 4 - November 17, 2022 Mr. Abdul Bari Dr. S.B. Anadinni
09:30 - 11:30 EDA Cross compiling for Registrar In-charge Prof. & Assoc. Dean - SoE
real-time applications
11:45 - 13:30 Device level simulation using Scan to register
T-CAD tools
Day 5 - November 18, 2022
09:30 - 13:00 Design of Analog circuits using Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Singh
Cadence Virtuso Prof. & Head - Dept. of ECE
13:00 - 13:30 Valedictory Function
Scan to join
WhatsApp group
List of Resource Person / Speaker
Organizing Committee
1. Mr. Padmanaban K., Software Enabling and
Optimizing Engineer, Customer Experience Ms. Manaswini R 8310131224
Group, Intel PSG – Bengaluru Note to interested participants
Dr. Dharmesh Srivastava 9451848817
2. Dr. Joseph Anthony Prathap, Associate This is an unique opportunity
Professor, Presidency University, Bengaluru Mr. Nipun Sharma 8699007766
To acquire knowledge and skill sets in the field
3. Dr. Manikandan M., Assistant Professor, Dr. Noel Prashant R 9489370920 of latest FPGA technology
Presidency University, Bengaluru
Mr. Ravi Pratap Tripathi 7505284817 To improve technical competency by using
4. Dr. Ashutosh Anand, Assistant Professor,
industry standard FPGA tools and hardware
Presidency University, Bengaluru Mr. Manikandan T 9600241638
To stay relevant and disseminate the acquired
5. Ms. Maitraiyee Konar, Assistant Professor,
Presidency University, Bengaluru knowledge to your student community
To enhance career growth in core domain

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