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Quarter 2 - Module 6
A Journey to Public Speaking
English – Grade 10
Quarter 2 – Module 6 A Journey to Public Speaking
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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad
Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module




Illustrator: N/A

Layout Artist:
These are the different parts of the module and what you need to know about them.
It provides you with a brief introduction regarding what you will learn and discover in
the module.
Try- Out
This is a short quiz that will test if you already have an idea about the skills you will
learn in the module.
Look Back
This provides you with an activity that will strengthen the skill you learned from the
previous module.
Building Your Vocabulary
This part unlocks the meaning of difficult words you will encounter in the texts or
discussions that follow.
Study These
It provides you with mini lessons or inputs about a concept or content. These provide
you with questions, activities, and exercises that will help you discover and
understand the lessons presented.
Post Activities
This can be a question, fill in the blank sentence/paragraph to process what you
learned from the lessons.
Real-Life Scenario
An activity that will transfer your skills/knowledge gained or learned into real-life
Test Yourself
A ten-item test will evaluate if you were able to master all the skills discussed in the
Enrich Yourself
An activity in any form that can increase/strengthen your response and tends to let
you repeat actions/learning.
Key to Correction
This lists all the correct answers and helps you check your answers. Remember to
only look on this page if the module tells you to do so.
English 10 Module


MELC : Deliver a prepared or impromptu talk on an issue

employing the techniques in public speaking

Second Quarter, Module 6

English 10 Module
A Journey to Public Speaking

(Deliver a prepared or impromptu talk on an issue employing the

techniques in public speaking)

Second Quarter, Module 6

I. Introduction


Gerald R. Ford once said, “Nothing in life is more important than the ability to
communicate effectively.” As a 21st century learner, you need to be equipped with
knowledge and skills in speech delivery so that you can cope up with the challenges
in the society. Studying skills in speech delivery will lead you to enhance your critical
thinking skills, reduce speaking anxiety and boost your self-confidence, improve your
communication skills, empower yourself to be a leader and help you to get hired and
advance in your career in the future.

In your previous years in school, your teachers might have given you
opportunities to speak in front of your classmates to report, to deliver a speech, or to
recite a poem. However, you might have experienced anxiety before speaking in front
of an audience and that is a common fear. The good news is that delivering a speech
is a skill which you can learn.

This module will serve as your companion which will help you continuously
learn new things such as public speaking even if you are at home. Generally, the
activities and exercises will guide you to deliver a prepared or impromptu talk on
an issue employing the techniques in public speaking. At the end of this module
you are expected to:
• differentiate manuscript from impromptu speech
• apply the techniques of effective speech delivery through the manuscript
• deliver an impromptu speech employing the techniques in public

To achieve the last two of the three expectations above, you need the aid of an
audience (member/s of your family or friend/s) who will listen to you and evaluate your
performance using the assessment rubrics provided in this module.

Always remember that you must have determination and perseverance to

achieve your goals. Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy learning!

II. Pre-Test


Let us start with a challenging task. Below is an excerpt from the speech of Martin
Luther King, Jr, “I Have a Dream.” Gather your family members to listen and let them
rate you using the simple rubric below. Read the speech to the best of your ability
using appropriate facial expression, tone etc. Kindly let your audience use a separate
sheet of paper for the rating and comments for your performance.

I say to you today, my friends, even though we face the difficulties

the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream
deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this
nation will rise up and live out of the true meaning of its cred: “We hold
these truths to be self-evident, that all men are accepted equal.” I have a
dream that one day, the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and
sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table
of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi,
a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of
oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have
a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will
not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Performance Rubric
Category Scoring Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Speech style was conventional.
Fillers were avoided.
Verbal Volume was well-adjusted to audience size
Skills Rate or speed of speaking varied.
Voice was modulated
Pauses were effectively used
Words were pronounced & enunciated well
Eye contact was effectively used
Speaker was prepared and confident
Non- Distracting movements/mannerisms were avoided
verbal Facial expressions were appropriate to the
Skills message
Mastery of the speech was evident

Name of Rater: ______________________ Relationship: __________________

Feedback: (Comments, Suggestions)


Rater’s Signature: _____________________________

III. Lesson Proper

Look Back

Let’s have a simple recall of your previous module about expository writing.

Direction: Read each question carefully then choose the letter of the best
answer. Write your answer in a separate answer sheet.
1. The _________________ paragraph should start with a "hook" to grab the reader's
a. Introduction b. body c. conclusion d. refutation
2. With regards to the use of language, the following advice is helpful:
a. use a complex vocabulary to show your competence
b. try to choose words that are obscure
c. use precise and simple words to convey thoughts
d. use jargon to demonstrate your expertise, especially to outsiders

3. Detailed descriptions, examples, statistics, and definitions are important

types of _____.
a. introductory materials b. supporting materials
c. transition materials d. concluding materials

4. Which of the following is not true of expository essays?

a. You need to write a thesis statement.
b. You should end your essay with a concluding paragraph.
c. An expository essay is about convincing your reader to take a side.
d. You should back up your facts with statistics and charts.

5. Which of the following statements best describes expository writing?

a. it exposes readers to different literary genres.
b. It is a form of writing that exposes readers to the life of an author.
c. It seeks to explain or inform readers about a subject.
d. It exposes actors to the play and the vision of a director.

Building Your Vocabulary

Before discussing how to deliver a prepared or impromptu speech employing

public speaking techniques, you should work on the given activity to be familiar with
some words you will encounter in this module.

Choose the correct word/phrase from the word pool to complete the meaning
of each sentence. Write the best answer on your answer sheet.

facial expressions Voice Impromptu

eye contact Prepared/manuscript Public Speaking

1. ______________ is a process, an act and an art of speaking before an audience.

2. When you deliver a ___________ speech, you should practice reading it in advance
and you should present it precisely.
3. An ______________ speech is given with little or no preparation, and it is usually
delivered conversationally.
4. The _________________________ of a speaker includes smiling, frowning and
even blinking.
5. Maintaining ______________ means establishing rapport with the audience. It
conveys your confidence and trustworthiness.

Study These

Take a close look at these pictures and answer the questions that follow.

Picture 1 Picture 2

Picture 3 Picture 4

Processing Questions: Write your answers in a separate answer sheet.

1. What activity does the given pictures reveal? ____________________________

2. What expressions/feelings are shown in each picture?
Picture 1: _________________________Picture 2: __________________________
Picture 3: ________________________ Picture 4: __________________________
3. Which of these situations have you experienced? Picture _______________

4. Share your experience about speaking.
5. How will you describe yourself as a public speaker?
6. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker?
My Strengths My Weaknesses

What have you discovered about yourself as a speaker? If you have more
weaknesses than strengths and you are still afraid to deliver a speech, don’t worry.
The following information will guide you.

There are varied methods of speech delivery. In this module, you will be
familiarized with the prepared/manuscript and impromptu speech delivery. How do
they differ from each other?

Manuscript or prepared speech

The manuscript or prepared speech is written and the speaker reads it word for
word to the audience. In this method, the speaker will not miss anything. However, the
audience might be bored because of the monotony of the process.

Impromptu Speech

Impromptu speech is delivered with little or no time for preparation. In most

instances, you are called to speak at the spur of moment because you are expected
to be knowledgeable about the subject. The downside of this is that you tend to be
disorganized. However, if you are familiar with the topic, you can most likely discuss it

Manuscript Impromptu
Description • Speaking with advanced • Speaking without advanced
preparation preparation
• Planned and rehearsed • Unrehearsed speech
• speech • Spoken conversationally
• Reading aloud a written

Speaking • Newscasting with a • In an event when you are asked
Situations TelePrompter or an autocue to say a few words
device • First day at work or in class or
• Presenting the legal during interview
proceedings and verdict in court
• Reading the rules and criteria in
a contest

Advantages • Exact repetition of the written • Spontaneous or natural

words speaking
• Guided speech • More focused and brief
Disadvan- • Boring and uninteresting • Tendency to be disorganized
tages presentation • Lacks connection with the
• Lacks audience rapport or audience
connection • Nerve-racking for beginners
Tips • Rehearse the speech over and • Take your time to begin.
over again until you sound • Stand tall, look around, smile
natural • Talk conversationally; keep it
• Observe accomplished news short and to the point.
anchors and note how
conversational they sound when
they deliver the news

When delivering a speech, you can use the following public speaking

A. Use of Your Body

Body Language is the process of non-verbal communication through

conscious and unconscious gestures and movements. As you stand before an
audience, be confident and be yourself. You need to consider not only what you say,
but also how your body will support you and your words. When your actions are
wedded to your words, the impact of your speech will be strengthened. Always
remember that your body language conveys your conviction and confidence about
your ideas. If your platform behavior includes mannerisms unrelated to your spoken
message, those actions will call attention to themselves and away from your speech.

Here are five areas on which to focus as you plan, practice, and present:

1. Rid Yourself of Distracting Mannerisms.

Eliminate vocal and visual impediments. Some common faults of

inexperienced or ineffective speakers are:

* Gripping or leaning on the lectern * Finger tapping

* Lip biting or licking * Toying with a pen or jewelry
* Frowning * Adjusting hair or clothing
* Swaying * Chewing gum
* Head wagging * Moving back and forth

* Scratching parts of the body * Looking at the ceiling

2. Build Self-Confidence by Being Yourself.

The most important rule for making your body communicate effectively is to
be yourself. The emphasis should be on the sharing of ideas, not on the performance.
Strive to be as genuine and natural as you are when you speak to family members
and friends.

3. Let Your Body Mirror Your Feelings.

If you are interested in your subject, truly believe what you are saying, and
want to share your message with others, your physical movements will come from
within you and will be appropriate to what you are saying. By involving yourself in your
message, you will be natural and spontaneous without having to consciously think
about what you are doing or saying.
To become an effective speaker, it is essential that you share your true
feelings with your audience. Your audience wants to know how you feel about your
subject. If you want to convince others, you must convey your convictions. Speak from
the heart and to the soul.

4. Build Self-confidence through Preparation.

As a speaker, nothing influences your mental attitude more than the knowledge
that you are thoroughly prepared. This knowledge leads to self- confidence, which is
a vital ingredient of effective public speaking. How many of you have ever experienced
a situation in which you had not prepared well for a presentation? How did you come
across? On the other hand, think of those presentations that did go well. These are
the ones for which you were properly prepared.

5. Use Your Everyday Speaking Situations.

Whenever you speak to people, make an extra effort to notice how you
speak. Observe, too, whether the facial expressions of your listeners indicate they do
or do not understand what you are saying. Plan everything including your gestures
and walking patterns.

B. Facial Expressions
A speaker realizes that appropriate facial expressions are an important part
of effective communication. In fact, facial expressions are often the key determinant
of the meaning behind the message. People watch a speaker’s face during a
presentation. When you speak, your face -more clearly than any other part of your
body -communicates to others your attitudes, feelings, and emotions.
C. Eye Contact
Eye contact is the cement that binds together speakers and their
audiences. The saying, “The eyes are the mirror of the soul, ” underlines the need for
you to convince people with your eyes, as well as your words.
Eye contact can also help to overcome nervousness by making your
audience a known quantity. Effective eye contact is an important feedback device that

makes the speaking situation a two-way communication process. By looking at your
audience, you can determine how they are reacting.

When you develop the ability to gauge the audience’s reactions and adjust
your presentation accordingly, you will be a much more effective speaker. The
following supporting tips will help you to be more confident and improve your ability to
make eye contact:

1. Know your material. Know the material so well that you do not have to
devote your mental energy to the task of remembering the sequence of ideas and

2. Prepare well and rehearse enough so that you do not have to depend too
heavily on notes. Many speakers, no matter how well prepared, need at least a few
notes to deliver their message. If you can speak effectively without notes, by all means
do so. But if you choose to use notes, they should be only a delivery outline, using key
words. Notes are not a substitute for preparation and practice.

3. Establish a personal bond with listeners. Begin by selecting one person

and talking to him/ her personally. Maintain eye contact with that person long enough
to establish a visual bond (about five to ten seconds). This is usually the equivalent of
a sentence or a thought. Then shift your gaze to another person. In a small group, this
is relatively easy to do. But, if you are addressing hundreds or thousands of people, it
is impossible. What you can do is pick out one or two individuals in each section of the
room and establish personal bonds. Then, each listener will get the impression you
are talking directly to him/her.

4. Monitor visual feedback. While you are talking, your listeners are
responding with their own nonverbal messages. Use your eyes to actively seek out
this valuable feedback. If individuals aren’t looking at you, they may not be listening
either. Make sure they can hear you. Then work to actively engage them.

D. Modulation
Voice modulation is one of the most powerful weapons that you can have in
your arsenal while delivering a speech. Not only does it reflect confidence but it also
helps in convincing your audience about your beliefs or ideas. This is the power that
voice modulation commands over people! Therefore, to become a master public
speaker one must learn the art of voice modulation.
Here are a few tips:

1. The pitch: While delivering a speech, the pitch of your voice plays an
important part. Try to lower your voice slightly because due to microphones shrill
voices can cause a bit of annoyance.
2. Speak slowly: Another thing to be kept in mind is to speak slowly while
delivering a speech! Speaking slowly helps get your point across to your audience. So
remember to speak slowly and clearly.
3. Stress on certain words: To add a bit of impact in your speech, it’s advised
to stress on certain powerful words. You can even vary the intensity of your voice to
add a powerful impact to your speech and grab the attention of your audience.

E. Your Appearance Matters

Multiple studies show that appearance influences everything from employment

to social status. Whether we like to admit it or not, ours is a culture obsessed with
appearance. Communicator attractiveness influences how an audience perceives the
credibility of the speaker. Certainly a speaker who appears unkempt gives the
impression to the audience that he/she doesn’t really care, and that’s not the first
impression that you want to send to your listeners.

F. Transform Public Speaking Fear into Excitement and Confidence

1. It is important to breathe deeply and evenly before your speech

2. Shift your focus from how you feel or look to the message you want to
share with your audience.
3. You should relax and visualize yourself confidently speaking in the
auditorium with your audience attentively listening to you.
4. You should focus on facts and not on your fears. Instead of focusing on
negative thoughts as you may commit mistakes during your presentation,
focus your attention on positive thoughts like “I have practiced very well
for this task”, “I am an expert for this topic”, and “I know I can do my
5. Build your speech on clarity, not on complexity.
6. Be prepared, plan and review your content well so you will be confident in
sharing it.
7. Practice makes perfect. You cannot be a compelling and confident speaker
without training. It also allows you to discover awkward phrases and
tongue twisters, helps you gauge your timing and lessen nervousness.
You can seek opportunities to practice in front of your family members or
friends. Let them give you useful feedback about your material and your
performance. You can also make a video recording of your own speech
delivery. As you watch yourself, notice the language fillers and practice
replacing them with brief pauses. Pay attention to your gestures, facial
expression and manner of speaking- they should appear natural rather
than forced.

Post Activities

A. Remember Me?

Choose the appropriate word from the word pool to complete the ideas. Write your
answers in your answer sheet.

fillers pauses volume dress

straight facial mannerisms monotonous
eye conversational well-prepared breathe
mispronounce manuscript well-modulated impromptu

1. A ___________ is a speech delivery type which is written out completely and read
to the audience.
2. ____________ in and out before your speech. Most importantly, have fun.
3. In order to get a positive first impression, begin your speech by standing
_________ and balancing your weight.
4. You will look confident and professional if you _______ properly and appropriately
for the occasion.
5. Avoid distracting ___________ like moving back and forth, leaning on the podium,
adjusting hair or clothing, biting or licking your lips, scratching parts of your body,
frowning and other unnecessary movements.
6. Avoid having a poker face or a highly animated face. These ________ expressions
may appear distracting or annoying. Instead, wear a smile. On the other hand,
make sure that your speech reflects your facial expressions; do not smile if you are
discussing something sad.
7. Make use of the ___________ style which is more natural just like how you
converse with your family members or friends. Strive to be as authentic and
genuine as yourself.
8. Hold the audience’s attention by looking at them in the ____ so that they will feel
that they are part of your speech.
9. The audience size and the venue should be considered in adjusting the _________
of your voice.
10. In order to keep your audience interested and avoid _________ pattern, you need
to vary you rate or speed.
11. Master your voice and find your pitch level. Make sure to speak in a ___________
12. Pronounce and enunciate words correctly. You will confuse the audience if you
__________ words and it could distract them and affect your credibility.
13. Use ___________ to emphasize the most important words, phrases or sentences.
14. Avoid _________ or expressions such as uhms, ahs and the likes that substitute
the actual words in your speech because these words are distracting.
15. _____________ speech is a delivery given on the spur of the moment with little or
no preparation.

B. Check It Out
Below is an excerpt from the Inaugural Address of His Excellency Diosdado
Macapagal. Practice speaking in front of the mirror so you can evaluate and improve
your postures, gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, voice modulation,
pronunciation etc. Then ask your family member to listen and evaluate your
performance using the rubric below and seek for useful feedback that can help you
improve your speech performance. (Kindly use a separate sheet of paper for the rating
and comments of your audience.)

It is incorrect to say that we are out to solve all the problems of the
Nation. No President can do that. Nation-building is an exacting and
endless endeavor. No President can build the whole edifice of a nation. All
that he is called upon to do, is to add a fine stone to that edifice, so that
those who shall come after him may add other fine stones that will go for
a strong and enduring structure. I stress anew that a stone that we are

assigned to contribute to the edifice of a greater Philippines is, first, to
attend to a such short-range problems as sufficiency in the staple food of
the people, and more employment, and, second, to undertake a long-
range task of moral renaissance and the implementation of a socio-
economic blueprint which, although not immediately achieving prosperity,
will lead to that prosperity for all our people.

Performance rubric
Category Scoring Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Speech style was conventional.
Fillers were avoided.
Verbal Volume was well-adjusted to audience size
Skills Rate or speed of speaking varied.
Voice was modulated
Pauses were effectively used
Words were pronounced & enunciated well
Eye contact was effectively used
Speaker was prepared and confident
Non- Distracting movements/mannerisms were avoided
verbal Facial expressions were appropriate to the
Skills message
Mastery of the speech was evident

Name of Rater: ________________________ Relationship: __________________

Feedback: (Comments, Suggestions)


Rater’s Signature: _____________________________

C. Convince Me!

Imagine that you are a tourist guide. The tourists ask you to tell about a beautiful
place where one can spend a vacation. Your task is to give a 3 minute impromptu
speech of your chosen place. Let your family member rate you using the rubric below.

CRITERIA Fair Satisfactory Very Excellent

1 point 2 points Satisfactory 4 points
3 points
Adequate In-depth
Subject Not enough Full subject
knowledge of knowledge of
Knowledge information is knowledge is
subject is subject is
and Coverage presented. demonstrated.
demonstrated. demonstrated.
Speech shows
Speech follows Speech shows
Speech is skill and
Organization a logical a strong
unorganized. creativity in
progression. structure that

enhances effect
of speech.
Volume, tone,
Volume, Voice and timing,
Voice and
pronunciation or language are inflection, and
language are
Voice vocal variation adequate for language are
skillful and
needs the delivery of used to
improvement. the speech. enhance
Appearance Appearance
Appearance, and and
body language mannerisms are mannerisms are
Manner and and
or gestures presented with presented with
Appearance mannerisms are
need business-like a professional
improvement. conduct and demeanor and
style. personal style.
Closing is
creative and
Closing is Closing is well-
Closing is clear contributes to a
Closing missing and organized and
and organized. unified and
unclear. effective.
More practice is Effort is shown techniques are
needed to Audience to enhance used to artfully
Effectiveness maintain interest is audience and
audience maintained. interest and successfully
interest. involvement. create audience

Name of Rater: __________________________

Relationship: __________________________
Total Points: __________________________
Rater’s Signature: _____________________________

Important Points
Summarize in one paragraph how you will be able to deliver your speech with
confidence in front of an audience.


Real-life Scenario

In what situations do you use/apply the modes of delivery discussed? Use a

separate sheet of paper to copy and complete the table below with your answer.

Speech Situations
Manuscript/Prepared Speech Impromptu Speech
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
1. You use teleprompters in delivering your reports.
2. You are interviewed by a reporter.
3. Delivering a goodbye speech to a departing employee.
4. A report presented by the chairman in the general meeting.
5. You are asked to give a toast at a company party.
6. The President delivering his inaugural speech.
7. The juror giving the verdict to the accused.
8. Introducing yourself at networking events.
9. Delivering a speech at the UN Summit.
10. You get pulled into a meeting to give an update.

IV. Assessment

Test Yourself

It’s time to speak your heart out…

Perform the following tasks to practice employing your public speaking skills.

Choose a current issue in our country that you are interested in or you feel
passionate about. Prepare a 3-minute impromptu speech about it and present it to
your chosen audience. Make sure to practice presenting your speech in front of the
mirror, or in front of your family members or friends. Seek for their useful feedback to
hone your performance.

After doing this, you can make a final video recording of your speech
performance and submit it to your teacher. If it is not possible for you to make a video
recording, you can deliver your speech in front of your audience and choose the most
qualified your rater from among them.

Here are some suggested topics:

• Coping with the New Normal due to pandemic

• Internet access for all students
• Coping with Challenges amidst Adversities

You will be graded using this rubric adapted from

Criteria Highly Moderately Poorly Score

Observed (5) Observed (3) Observed (1)
1. Delivery The delivery is The delivery The delivery is
(40%) extemporaneous seems distracting,
10% for each –natural, effective but is superficial and
indicator confident, and not consistent lacks
enhances confidence.
Posture, eye Effective use of Eye contact is
contact, smooth volume, eye limited (the
gestures, facial contact, speaker tends to
expressions, gestures and look at the floor,
volume and volume is not mumble, speak
pace indicate consistent. inaudibly, fidget,
confidence. Some or reads most of
hesitancy may the speech.
be observed. Gestures or
movements may
be jerky or
The vocal tone The delivery The delivery and
and delivery style and tone vocal tone are
style are of the voice inconsistent with
consistent with seem to be a the message.
the message. little out of
place with the
Articulation and Generally, Articulation and
pronunciation articulation and pronunciation
are clear. All pronunciation tend to be
audience are clear. Most sloppy.
members can audience Audience
hear the members can members have
presentation hear the difficulty hearing
well. presentation. the presentation.

2. Language Language is Language Language is

Use/Verbal familiar to the used is mostly inappropriate for
Effectiveness audience, easy respectful or a particular
(30%) to understand inoffensive and audience
(10% for each and appropriate appropriate. occasion, or
indicator for the setting. setting. Some
language is
Only the English Other There is code
language is language or switching most
used. “code of the time.
switching” is

used every Other language
now and then. is often used.

Language Word choices Language/word

choices are are not choices are
vivid, precise particularly limited,
and free from vivid or precise peppered with
grammatical with some slang or jargon,
mistakes. grammatical too complex, or
mistakes. too dull with
3. Message The purpose is Ideas are not Ideas are not
and clear, ideas are clearly focused or
Organization clearly developed or developed; the
(30%) organized, do not always main purpose is
(10% for developed, and flow smoothly. not clear.
each supported to Main idea is
indicator) achieve the evident but the
purpose. organizational
needs to be
The introduction The The introduction
gets the introduction is is
attention of the not well- underdeveloped.
audience and developed. Main points are
relates to the Main points are difficult to
main points that not clear. identify.
focus on the Transitions are Transitions are
personal awkward. needed.
The conclusion The conclusion There is no clear
is satisfying and needs conclusion. The
relates back to additional conclusion does
the introduction. development. not relate to the
The argument Supporting introduction.
presented is material is not Audience cannot
backed up with properly understand the
sources and developed. presentation
personal Audience has because there is
experience. difficulty in no sequence of
understanding information. The
the message is not
presentation clear.
because the
sequence of
information is

Name of Rater: __________________________

Relationship: __________________________

Total points: __________________________
Improvements shown:

Rater’s Signature: _____________________________

V. Enrichment/ Additional Tasks

Enrich Yourself

Evaluate the video recording/actual delivery of your own speech performance.

The final output in the real life scenario can be used as material in this activity. Use
the speech rubric given above. In a sheet of paper, write a paragraph that provides
useful feedback and determine your own strengths as well as areas of improvement.
Be honest in doing this task.
VI. Key

Discussion on Activity No. 1
Processing Questions
1. The pictures reveal public speaking scenario.
2. Picture 1: fear
Picture 2: anxiety/nervousness
Picture 3: Same with pictures 1 and 2
Picture 4: self-confidence.
3. Answers may vary.
4. Answer may vary
5. Answers may vary
Enrichment/Post Activities
A. 1. Manuscript
2. Breathe
3. Straight
4. Dress
5. Mannerisms
6. Facial
7. Conversational
8. Eye
9. Volume
10. Monotone
11. Well-modulated
12. Mispronounce
13. Pauses
14. Fillers
15. impromptu
Student should be rated using the rubrics
B. Check it out.
Students should be rated using the rubric given.
Look Back
C. Convince
1. a Me!
2. c should be rated using the rubric given.
3. b
4. c Situations
5. c Speech
1. You use teleprompters in delivering your reports.
2. A report presented by the chairman in the general meeting.
3. The Your Vocabulary
onPresident delivering his inaugural speech.
4. The juror giving the verdict to the accused.
5. Delivering a speech at the UN Summit.
Impromptu Speech
1. Public
1. YouSpeaking
are interviewed by a reporter.
2. Delivering a goodbye speech to a departing employee.
2. prepared/manuscript
3. 3. You are asked to give a toast at a company party.
4. Introducing yourself at networking events.
4. 5. Facial
You expressions
get pulled into a meeting to give an update.
5. Eye contact
Answers may vary. Student should be rated using the rubric
Enrichment/Additional Tasks
Answers may vary.


Daily Lesson Plan -Quarter 2 Week 6 Day 4 pages 121-125

Daily Lesson Plan-Quarter 2 Week 7 Day 2 pages 133-136
DepEd Learners’ Material “Celebrating Diversity through World Literature” pages 222-
226, 261-262
Oral Communication in Context for Senior High pages 84-87, 102
English Expressways 4th Year pp.155 -156

On Line Sources
imgrc=06L0qWGB_cC6SM - (Images) Elements of a Great Speech
Successful Public Speaking by Arini Nikitina
XDVAY Techniques for effective delivery Voice modulation Public


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