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Intel Logo

Trademark and Logo Usage Guidelines - 3rd Party

What it means to use the Intel logo When customers see the Intel logo it conveys a particular message to them: a message of Intel's role as a company with integrity, and a company that is intelligent, bold, and fascinating. The proper and consistent use of the Intel logo helps to present and preserve Intels Corporate Brand Identity. By consistently applying these guidelines, you will play an important role in protecting and strengthening one of our most valuable corporate assets: the Intel logo while helping build the Intel brand.

Keep the following tip in mind Remember that the figures you see are not actual size. Please do not measure from your monitor screen or from a printout. Instead, follow the measurements provided. (Use the magnifying glass with the + symbol to enlarge the information to view it more easily on your monitor screen.)

Design Guidelines for Using the Intel Logo Building the Intel Brand

About our Intel Logo

A history of Intel Intel has a rich history of dedicating itself to continuous technological innovation. By enabling and accelerating the digital revolution, Intel established itself as a trusted technology leader and claimed its place as the worlds largest microprocessor company. Today, Intel is changing the world again. Moving beyond microprocessors, we will deliver platforms that integrate the most advanced Intel technologies with the best products and services offered by our fellow travelers, transforming every facet of the human experience both at work and in the home.

What is the Intel logo? The new Intel logo represents the new Intel branding and business strategy. With deep respect for the Intel heritage, the new logo embodies the Intel of the past, the present, and into the future. Its dynamic forward motion captures Intel as a catalyst for positive change and as a driving force toward newer technological leaps. The new Intel logo is a natural progression of the 37-year-old Intel dropped e logo and the 15-yearold Intel Inside logo.

Design Guidelines for Using the Intel Logo Building the Intel Brand

Intel Logo Usage

The Intel logo is the primary identification of Intel Corporation. As such, it should appear on all Intel communications and products. Remember to use the Intel logo: With correct clear space Not smaller than the minimum size In an approved Intel logo color, preferably Intel Blue On a clear background be sure the logo is legible Within the Corporate Brand Identity System as part of an Intel print communication Preferred placement, upper right hand corner of communication. An acknowledgment line needs to be used : "Intel, the Intel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other Countries.

Intel logo basics: Always reproduce the Intel logo from an approved electronic Intel logo file. Always use the Intel logo as is. Never alter it in any way.

Design Guidelines for Using the Intel Logo Building the Intel Brand

Registered Trademark and Clear Space

Registered trademark The Intel logo is a registered trademark and must always be followed by a mark. The Intel logo is always provided with its mark in the proper position. Do not cut off or change the mark in proportion or position. Exception: In large scale Intel logo usage, such as building signage, you may change the proportion. On Intel branded products we remove the from the Intel logo.

Clear Space Any background inside of this clear space must be even, unpatterned, and free from typography or any other graphic elements. If the Intel logo is used directly on a photographic image, the clear space area must provide good contrast between background and the Intel logo, be even in tone and pattern free. To ensure maximum impact, all applications of the Intel logo should include clear space around the Intel logo equal to the height of the n in Intel.

Design Guidelines for Using the Intel Logo Building the Intel Brand

Intel Logo Usage Size Restrictions

Minimum Size The minimum size for use of the Intel logo in most environments is 2.54 cm or 1.00". Minimum size is always measured from the outside edges of the swirl. On a standard VGA screen, 13 to 15 diagonal, 640x480 pixels, the Intel logo should not appear smaller than 62 pixels wide, measured from the outside edges of the swirl.

Minimum size: 1.00/2.54 cm wide

Minimum online: size: 62 pixels wide

Maximum Size There is no maximum size for Intel logo usage. However, when using the Intel logo at very large sizes (over 3 feet wide) you will need to adjust the size and position of the . The symbol should be reduced and repositioned closer to the Intel logo so it is legible but unobtrusive.

Design Guidelines for Using the Intel Logo Building the Intel Brand

Intel Logo Color Usage

Approved colors for the Intel logo are: Intel Blue. Visually match hue to Intel Blue swatch. Reversed to white out of a high contrast background (50% or darker). Black

Special applications may call for an understated presentation of the Intel logo. In these instances, it is acceptable to present the Intel logo without color as a blind embossed, debossed, varnished or clear, hot-stamped image. Foil stamping in gold, silver or metallic colors is not acceptable. These special cases must be approved by Corporate Brand Identity.

Design Guidelines for Using the Intel Logo Building the Intel Brand

Intel Logo Backgrounds

The Intel logo should always appear on a clean, clear solid background. The background should provide high contrast to the Intel logo color (example: value equivalent to 50% black or darker if using a white Intel logo). If placing the Intel logo on a photograph, the area where the Intel logo is positioned needs to be clear of any patterns and variations of color. Correct backgrounds

Incorrect backgrounds

Design Guidelines for Using the Intel Logo Building the Intel Brand

Improper Use of the Intel Logo

Improper use of the Intel logo lessens its value as a recognizable visual entity. The following examples demonstrate inappropriate or unacceptable usage of our Intel logo. These kinds of applications weaken our brand and negatively impact the value of the Intel name. Incorrect Intel logo usage

Design Guidelines for Using the Intel Logo Building the Intel Brand

Thank You
Proper and consistent use of the Intel logo by everyone involved in the development of communications, advertising, and marketing materials is essential to our brands success. Thank you for your contribution to this effort.

Intel, the Intel logo, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other Countries. Published in the USA. 121505/JB/FB

Design Guidelines for Using the Intel Logo Building the Intel Brand


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