@debaratidasgupta3777: 3 Buwan Ang Nakalipas

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because of the light she beamed.

He colored her clothes a fade of blue and purple

because of her gentle approach. The trees stood with an encouraging deep green
behind her. He put his art work out into the world and everyone loved it. It was
something they could
3 buwan ang nakalipas

Please make more soothing playlists like this, loved it ️


3 buwan ang nakalipas (na-edit)

After coming back from Fall Break, I’m listening to this playlist on my bed after a fun weekend with my

family my soul, my mind, and my body are excruciatingly tired but hopeful for
refreshing and alleviating serenity. Thank you YT for posting these playlists when we need them most


4 buwan ang nakalipas

I'm getting back so many memories when listening to this


3 linggo ang nakalipas

big love for this playlist tbh

1 buwan ang nakalipas

My favorite playlist of all time, thank you very much for putting it all together


4 buwan ang nakalipas

It feels being wrapped in the warmest blanket during a fresh autumn evening watching a comfort series

thinking about that person 🥹🫶


4 buwan ang nakalipas (na-edit)

random story- doesn't really flow well but it has meaning. One day, at the park, there was a girl. She was
around 22 years old, still young and learning, but old enough to know the world and what it can be like.
She had seen a boy sitting down. He looked about 17. He had his knees pulled tightly against his
stomach. His face was buried in his arms that rested on his knees. She decided to go up to him. When he
heard her approach, he sniffled and wiped his nose. He had clearly been crying. She looked down at him
with a gentle expression. She showed a comforting smile but he asked her to go. “I want to be alone at
the moment," he said. She was sad to leave the boy in such a state, but she did what he asked. Later
that day, the boy thought back to the girl’s smile; and the sorrowful way she looked at him. So ready to
give a hug or word of advise if needed. He began to think about what surrounded her in the moment. He
envisioned the park he had previously been at. Picturing the trees that he hadn't noticed were so full of
color, he became inspired. He decided to paint what his pain felt like. He began to glide his brush along
the once blank canvas and continued on. He pained the girl as a comforting yellow, which he used
because of the light she beamed. He colored her clothes a fade of blue and purple because of her gentle
approach. The trees stood with an encouraging deep green behind her. He put his art work out into the
world and everyone loved it. It was something they could connect to. Something they could feel. He
created more emotional paintings, which were filled with Grief. Pain. Sadness. The hopeless feeling of
being trapped. A long time passed and the boy had now created multiple master pieces. At the age of
20, he was able to go to the museum and see his paintings hung along the walls of art made by people of
their town. He felt accomplished and never forgot the girl who began it all. It all started with a smile.
Just a simple smile. Be the smile that encourages others. Sincerely yours -B

Magbasa pa


2 sagot

1 buwan ang nakalipas

May we all heal!

3 buwan ang nakalipas

Please make more soothing playlists like this, loved it ️


3 buwan ang nakalipas (na-edit)

After coming back from Fall Break, I’m listening to this playlist on my bed after a fun weekend with my

family my soul, my mind, and my body are excruciatingly tired but hopeful for
refreshing and alleviating serenity. Thank you YT for posting these playlists when we need them most


4 buwan ang nakalipas

I'm getting back so many memories when listening to this


3 linggo ang nakalipas

big love for this playlist tbh

1 buwan ang nakalipas

My favorite playlist of all time, thank you very much for putting it all together


4 buwan ang nakalipas

It feels being wrapped in the warmest blanket during a fresh autumn evening watching a comfort series

thinking about that person 🥹🫶


4 buwan ang nakalipas (na-edit)

random story- doesn't really flow well but it has meaning. One day, at the park, there was a girl. She was
around 22 years old, still young and learning, but old enough to know the world and what it can be like.
She had seen a boy sitting down. He looked about 17. He had his knees pulled tightly against his
stomach. His face was buried in his arms that rested on his knees. She decided to go up to him. When he
heard her approach, he sniffled and wiped his nose. He had clearly been crying. She looked down at him
with a gentle expression. She showed a comforting smile but he asked her to go. “I want to be alone at
the moment," he said. She was sad to leave the boy in such a state, but she did what he asked. Later
that day, the boy thought back to the girl’s smile; and the sorrowful way she looked at him. So ready to
give a hug or word of advise if needed. He began to think about what surrounded her in the moment. He
envisioned the park he had previously been at. Picturing the trees that he hadn't noticed were so full of
color, he became inspired. He decided to paint what his pain felt like. He began to glide his brush along
the once blank canvas and continued on. He pained the girl as a comforting yellow, which he used
because of the light she beamed. He colored her clothes a fade of blue and purple because of her gentle
approach. The trees stood with an encouraging deep green behind her. He put his art work out into the
world and everyone loved it. It was something they could connect to. Something they could feel. He
created more emotional paintings, which were filled with Grief. Pain. Sadness. The hopeless feeling of
being trapped. A long time passed and the boy had now created multiple master pieces. At the age of
20, he was able to go to the museum and see his paintings hung along the walls of art made by people of
their town. He felt accomplished and never forgot the girl who began it all. It all started with a smile.
Just a simple smile. Be the smile that encourages others. Sincerely yours -B

Magbasa pa


2 sagot

1 buwan ang nakalipas

May we all heal!


4 buwan ang nakalipas (na-edit)

It sounds like watching the sun rise, sneaking out and watching the stars on a roof together, crying in
your arms, making night calls, planning a future life together, dancing in the living room, listening to
music and running.



50 sagot

4 buwan ang nakalipas

It's like falling in love with the person you CAN have.



15 sagot

4 buwan ang nakalipas

I heard this playlist while climbing a mountain alone on a rainy day, these melodies engulfed me into the
chaotic emotions that I had ignored for a long time, thanks a lot


5 sagot

3 buwan ang nakalipas

I was listening to this while writing letters for my family in case i die. I cried like a dog, my eyes turned
red because i realized i wasnt a good person, i did a lot mistakes and made my mom upset a lot. after
writing them, i know what i have to do: become a better son and fix those mistakes before i actually die.
Thank u, i really needed it.

Magbasa pa


14 na sagot
4 linggo ang nakalipas

For me, this feels like finally living a dream, well my dream of being surrounded by nature everyday.
Fresh air, green grass, beautiful tree's and landscapes, good people, good memories, great moments,
relaxing by a tree with a book. Little to no modernism, no giant concrete buildings and traffic and smoke
and hate and anger. just you, nature, good people and a good life. I want to run down that hill I want to
lie down barefoot on the fresh grass I want to laugh and have fun with my friends I want to pick apples
from a tree and make apple pie I want to play my guitar and have late night karaoke with my friends, I
want complete silence I want to lie down and look at the stars with them I want a life I want a life free
from the burden of social media and the immense pressure and cold that society brings us, away from
the hate and the colorless streets, and I bet a lot of you out there want this too. Keep striving, and you
will get there. We all will.

Magbasa pa


4 buwan ang nakalipas

This feels comforting especially when life's stressing you out



4 buwan ang nakalipas
it’s been a tiring day for me but still, my soul can’t let me rest. it might sound odd but oh God.. i can
finally sleep so well with the miracle of these songs, i even have a very-sweet dream! this playlist is

officially my lullaby now. ️



2 sagot

1 buwan ang nakalipas

this playlist feels like switzerland🥹



1 sagot

7 araw ang nakalipas
feels like alone in the middle of a hill full of grass and daisies and watching the sunset while sketcing



4 linggo ang nakalipas

Novo Amor's songs just feel like safe haven.



12 araw ang nakalipas

I found this accidentally, and what a lovely coincidence it was. I listen to rap all the time, but this moved
my heart and iam addicted to it. For some reason, i could feel liberated from stress and exhaustion as if i
feel a weight off my heart and makes me feel heat waves spreading through my body. Something I've
never felt before. I don't comment on videos, but this playlist deserves. Hope y'all make it, hope y'all live

happily and be positive while appreciating the things you ️

Magbasa pa


4 buwan ang nakalipas (na-edit)

Yesssss.. just looking out my window at the mountains on a chilly morning with a cup of coffee in my

hands and a peaceful smile on my face This music expresses my feels. Hits really
deep. Deeper than anything else in my life sometimes. These vibes that I chase.



1 sagot

4 buwan ang nakalipas
As a Novo Amor fan, I'm so so so glad and happy to come across this. At first, I thought the playlist was

just another random pop song collections but it surprised me greatly.



6 araw ang nakalipas

Every time I hear this ,I feel better regardless of when or where


3 buwan ang nakalipas

Everyone is describing this as happy, can't say I relate, maybe it's because of where I'm at in life right
now, but this feels heartbreaking to me, his voice has a weird nostalgia about it, and the music despite
sounding upbeat seems reminiscent, it's probably just me projecting it onto the music, but that's what
makes music like this so precious two people can get a completely different vibe from the same song.



6 na sagot
2 linggo ang nakalipas

Finally, people that appreciates Novo Amor's Masterpiece. Love Y'all


3 buwan ang nakalipas

Novo Amor brings a kind of peace that is hard to explain; brings a comfort to my solitude



1 sagot

2 linggo ang nakalipas
Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow and today 🫶


3 buwan ang nakalipas

been having such an anxious and stressful week with work, school, parents, roommates....this is the first
thing that really helped put my mind at ease again, thank you for making this :)



1 sagot

1 buwan ang nakalipas

i can’t listen to this kind of music anymore without getting extremely sad. when i was younger, it
reminded me of fantasy. it was the kind of stuff i could listen to for inspiration, like daydreaming
adventures or creating characters and stories based around each song. i’m still young and have barely
lived so this has a naive, overdramatic tone to it, but now it just reminds me of people i’ve lost or times
i’ll never get back. it’s not that i’m hopeless, but i understand more and there’s less left to daydream
about. i have a memory for each sound and it’s easier to be sad. i think that’s why so many adults go on
about wanting to be kids again.

Magbasa pa


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