Modal Verbs Funsheet

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Modal Verbs

Fill in the gaps with the correct MODAL VERB from the box.
Mission 1 The could be more than one possible correct answer.

can might will shall should

could may would must ought to

Grammar funsheet

1.The robber ________ have had an accomplice. How else could he have

2. You ________ check the use-by-date before you cook the chicken, otherwise
you’ll give us food poisoning!

3. I ________ do some exercise, but I probably won’t as I’m feeling so lazy today.

4. One of his party tricks is that he ________ say the alphabet backwards in eight

5. There were some boys playing football outside the house, so that ________
explain why the window is broken.

6. I wish they ________ stop leaving their shoes in front of the door, I always trip
over them when I come home!

7. I really can’t be bothered to leave the house this evening, ________ we just get
a takeaway instead?

8. You ________ not take photos inside the museum. If you do, the security
guards will kick you out.

9. ________ you give me a lift? I’ve just discovered that my car has a flat tyre.

10. She ________ not ride a bike until she was twelve, she always kept falling off!

My score: /10 Amigos Ingleses

Modal Verbs
Mission 2
Are the MODAL VERBS in these sentences correct or incorrect?
Grammar funsheet

1. When I was younger I can do yoga, but I’m too old and stiff now.

2. Please may I open the window? It smells like feet in here.

3. Since you’re bald, you ought to not wear a hat to the beach.

4. I was such a fussy eater when I was a child. I will only eat pasta with
butter and that was it!

5. She put some strange cream on her face and now it’s swollen up like a
balloon. I think she may go to the hospital immediately.

6. I mustn’t remember to take the chicken out of the freezer, otherwise

mum will kill me!

7. You can’t carry all those boxes, you’ll break your back. Shall I help you?

8. I think it would rain all day tomorrow. Shall we have a pyjama and film

9. It shall have been Bella who spilt red wine on the white sofa. As far as I
know, she was the only one who was drinking the bottle of red.

10. Please might we get a puppy? I promise I’ll look after it well.

My score: /10 Amigos Ingleses

Check your answers!

Mission 1
1. must
2. ought to / should / must
3. should / might / may / could
4. can
5. might / could / may / would
6. would
7. shall / can / could
8. may / must / can
9. could / can / will
10. could

Mission 2
1. When I was younger I could do yoga, but I’m too old and stiff now.
2. Correct
3. Since you’re bald, you ought to wear a hat to the beach.
4. I was such a fussy eater when I was a child. I would only eat pasta with butter
and that was it!
5. She put some strange cream on her face and now it’s swollen up like a balloon. I
think she should / ought to go to the hospital immediately.
6. I must remember to take the chicken out of the freezer, otherwise mum will kill
7. Correct
8. I think it will rain all day tomorrow. Shall we have a pyjama and film day?
9. It might/may/could/must have been Bella who spilt red wine on the white sofa.
As far as I know, she was the only one who was drinking the bottle of red.
10. Please can / could / may we get a puppy? I promise I’ll look after it well.

You got this!

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