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Units 5–6 Units 7–8

Bingo pairs Quite interesting
Activity:  Gap-fill bingo in pairs Activity:  Verb construction game in groups of four
Language:  Relative pronouns; quantifiers Language:  The passive
To use:  After Student’s Book, page 60 To use:  After Student’s Book, page 82
Preparation:  Make one copy of the worksheet for Preparation:  Make one copy of the worksheet for
each pair. each group of four. Cut out the 25 cards. Provide a
dictionary for each group.

• Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a Procedure
worksheet. Ask each pair to choose and tick seven of • Divide the class into groups of four. Give each group
the sentences. a dictionary, the top section of the worksheet and a
• Now allow them about five minutes to discuss set of 25 sentence cards.
which words could be used to complete their chosen • Allow students about eight minutes to read all the
sentences. (They should not write anything down.) In cards and look up any words they are unsure of in
each sentence, the first word should be a quantifier the dictionary. Then ask each group to divide into
and the second word should be a relative pronoun. To teams of two (Team A and Team B). Ask one student
help them, elicit and write on the board: quantifiers = in each group to shuffle the sentence cards and
some, any, much, many, a lot (of), a few, a little; relative spread them out face down on the table.
pronouns = that, when, where, which, who, whose. • Team A begins by choosing one verb from the
• Tell students that you are going to read out pairs of worksheet. They then turn over a sentence card and
words and that in each pair there will be a quantifier see if their chosen verb fits in that sentence. If it
and a relative pronoun. If they think they hear a pair doesn’t match, they should turn the sentence card
that can be used to complete one of their chosen face down again and turn over another card. They
sentences correctly, they should write those two have a maximum of five attempts to find a suitable
words in that sentence. You should choose the pairs sentence.
at random and cross them out as you say them, so • If they find a sentence that can use their chosen
each pair is only said once. verb, they write the correct form of that verb in the
Pairs of words: some/who, much/when, any/where, gap in their sentence (or on a separate sheet of
many/when, many/which, a little/which, much/that, paper if you wish to reuse the cards). In each case,
many/whose, a few/which, a little/where, a lot of/ the verb should be written in the passive form. That
whose, some/which, some/when, a few/when, many/ team then keeps the completed sentence card.
who, any/which • The teams take turns to find sentences for the verbs.
• As soon as they have completed all seven of their Allow them to play for about 15 minutes.
sentences, the pair shouts Bingo! Ask the pair to • Ask each team to read out their completed sentences
take turns to read out their sentences. If they are all and award a point for each correct sentence. The
correct, that pair wins the game. team in each group with the most correct sentence
cards is the winner.
1 some, who/many, who 2 Some, when/A few, when Suggested answers (accept any correct
3 any, where 4 a lot of, whose/many, whose alternatives)
5 many, which/any, which 6 much, that 7 many, 1 are spent 2 was made 3 is shared 4 have been
who 8 a few, which/some, which 9 some, which/a sold 5 be written 6 was awarded 7 was named
little, which 10 a few, when/Some, when 11 many, 8 was introduced 9 are needed 10 are hurt
when 12 much, when 13 a little, which/some, 11 are eaten 12 were invented 13 is added
which 14 many, whose/a lot of, whose 15 a little, 14 are served 15 is saved 16 was discovered
where 17 are spoken 18 be found 19 was opened 20 was
bought 21 are given 22 are produced 23 be folded
24 is caused 25 was called
The students look at all the sentences again and
complete them with as many combinations of Extension
quantifiers and pronouns as possible (for example,
Ask the students if they know any other interesting
Sentence 1 could be completed with some/many/a
facts. Write these on the board. Then ask them how
few/a lot of and who). They should also identify which
many of these sentences are, or could be, written in the
sentences could omit the relative pronoun altogether
passive form.
(6, 9, 13). Award points for each correct word.

Optimise B1 Optimise B1 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.

This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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