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Journal of Dentistry 74 (2018) S2–S9

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Further opportunities for digital imaging in dental epidemiology T

a,⁎ a a b a
Richard Hogan , Michaela Goodwin , Nicola Boothman , Timothy Iafolla , Iain A. Pretty
Dental Health Unit, School of Dentistry, The University of Manchester, M15 6SE, UK
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 31 Center Drive, Suite 5B55, Bethesda, MD 20892-2190, USA


Keywords: Dental epidemiological research permits accurate tracking of the prevalence and distribution of oral disease
Dental epidemiology across population groups, enabling planning and evaluation of public health interventions and healthcare service
Digital dentistry provision.
Remote scoring This first section of this paper aimed to review traditional assessment methods in dental epidemiology and to
Dental imaging
consider the methodological and logistical benefits provided by digital imaging, both generally and specifically
in relation to an established dual-camera system.
The remainder of this paper describes the results of a semi-structured examination of an image archive from
previous research utilising a dual-camera system, exploring whether the diagnostic yield of the images might be
increased. Common oral conditions are presented alongside suggestions of the diagnostically useful data dis-
played in example images. Possible scoring mechanisms are discussed with consideration of the limitations that
might be encountered for each condition. The retrospective examination suggests further data is obtainable from
images acquired using the dual-camera system, however, consideration should be given to how best to validate
this clinically. Additionally, other imaging modalities are discussed whilst taking into account the potential
limitations of the dual-camera system.

1. Introduction 1.1. Limitations of traditional epidemiology studies

Significant improvements in oral health have been observed over Traditionally, oral epidemiological studies are designed around vi-
the past 30 years, particularly in industrialised countries [1–3]. Despite sual or visuo-tactile methods of assessment, whereby clinical examiners
these improvements, oral diseases remain highly prevalent across directly assess large numbers of the target population using relevant
global populations and burden many with pain, infection and an overall indices in relation to the condition(s) of interest [6,7]. Whilst the use of
reduced quality of life [3,4]. When the preventable and, in many cases, direct clinical assessment is well tested and ‘simple’ by design, the
reversible nature of commonly occurring oral diseases are considered, subjectivity of this method may lead to potential forms of bias [7].
there is a clear need for continued efforts to address the enduring effects Of particular note, the inability to blind examiners to factors such as
that these conditions have on the majority of the world’s population. Of the socio-economic status or residential location of the participant may
particular relevance to both clinicians and public health bodies, these lead to observer bias [6–8]. This issue is of particular relevance in
efforts should target those of lower socio-economic status who are epidemiological studies measuring fluorosis prevalence and severity, a
burdened most by poorer oral health [4,5]. legislative requirement in England for areas with artificial water
In order to remain informed of shifting population needs and to fluoridation [9]. The York Review, a systematic review investigating
foster advancements in scientific knowledge, the World Health the safety and efficacy of water fluoridation, highlighted the hetero-
Organisation stipulates the importance of established “oral health in- geneity of both study design and analysis plans in epidemiological
formation systems” [1]. A major component of these systems is epide- fluorosis research. In particular, the lack of examiner blinding to the
miological surveillance, capable of tracking the prevalence of oral fluoride exposure status of the participant was criticised due to the
diseases and their distribution across population groups. This essential subsequent introduction of subjectivity and bias into the assessment
data provides a contemporary understanding of oral health, enabling method [10].
healthcare policy makers to both plan and assess the effectiveness of Attempts to address this issue have included transportation of study
public health interventions and healthcare service provision [1,6]. participants to a central location, as well as removal or masking of

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Hogan).
Received 9 February 2018; Accepted 24 April 2018
0300-5712/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Hogan et al. Journal of Dentistry 74 (2018) S2–S9

identifiers on participant clothing [11]. These strategies present their inappropriate use of this feature could result in falsification of the
own logistical issues, particularly in relation to consent and safety. They presence or absence and severity of conditions. Additionally, the ability
would be instantly undermined should a participant disclose any in- to view the images for potentially unrestricted time periods can lead to
formation to the examiner, either explicitly through a statement that inefficiency, examiner fatigue and ‘second-guessing’ of initial diagnosis
directly discloses their school or residential location, or, indirectly [18].
through the examiner’s conscious or unconscious evaluation of a sub-
ject’s accent, vocabulary, dress, or mannerism. 1.3. Dual-camera system in oral epidemiology
Further limitations of direct clinical assessment include the risk of
examiner fatigue, particularly with high numbers of subjects and/or if Returning to fluorosis epidemiology specifically, in an effort to ad-
multiple conditions are being measured. Additionally, onerous assess- dress the limitations of conventional clinical assessment, a dual-camera
ment procedures may impact on participant co-operation, particularly system was developed and successfully employed in large-scale
in children and adolescents. Lastly, direct assessment of large samples fluorosis studies; a full description of the technical components of this
requires the physical presence of multiple examiners with associated system is available elsewhere [7,9]. This system simultaneously cap-
support staff in each study site, a potentially limiting factor in relation tures polarised white light (PWL) images as well as quantitative light-
to the financial burden and time consumption imposed by these re- induced fluorescence (QLF) images of anterior teeth, permitting remote
quirements [8]. visual scoring of fluorosis and computer analysis of the change in
fluorescence respectively. The use of a geometry-stabiliser improves
1.2. Digital imaging in oral epidemiology image quality and intra- and inter-subject reproducibility.
The use of this technology was validated in a sample of 190 children
Digital imaging has been utilised in oral epidemiology in an effort to in Chang Mai, Thailand [7], subsequently, this imaging system was
overcome some of the limitations of direct clinical assessment. Recent used to assess almost two thousand children across four cities in Eng-
studies have demonstrated successful mitigation of observer bias land, UK [9]. Following successful validation of this technology, the
through the use of digital imaging, with the option to remotely score system has been employed in national epidemiology programmes to
anonymised images facilitating effective examiner blinding [6,9,11,12]. monitor fluorosis prevalence; most notably, it forms part of the oral
Beyond reduction of bias in the assessment, remote scoring enables health component of the National Health and Nutrition Examination
simultaneous assessment by multiple examiners across multiple loca- Survey (NHANES) conducted by National Centre for Health Statistics,
tions, reduces the time between training/calibration of examiners and USA [19].
image assessment, and permits standardisation of examination condi- As discussed, one of the benefits of digital imaging is the ability to
tions, further reducing environmental confounders [7,8]. archive images for future use and as would be expected from the subject
The ability to archive the images presents obvious benefits in rela- numbers involved, the resulting image archive from the aforemen-
tion to data storage and research governance. Furthermore, this ar- tioned studies is substantial. Feedback from those capturing the images
chiving permits re-assessment of conditions using different indices, if as well as the examiners involved in remote scoring suggests that the
desired, as well as robust follow-up assessment in longitudinal studies images might carry diagnostically useful information for conditions
[7–9,13]. Acquired image sets can be used for training and calibration other than fluorosis. As a result of this feedback and the availability of
purposes, with favourable evidence supporting the inter- and intra-ex- archived images, a semi-structured examination of previously acquired
aminer reliability achievable through this endeavour [14]. images was conducted to explore the potential of increasing the diag-
The use of digital imaging enables inclusion of other members of the nostic yield of this imaging system.
dental team into the data collection process; nurses and hygienists
could be trained to capture images, reducing the logistical complexities 2. Exploration of images
and cost of labour and consumables associated with mobile examina-
tion units manned by examiners across multiple sites [15,16]. An informal review of images previously acquired using the dual-
A number of processing techniques exist which are capable of im- camera system offers potential insight into other oral conditions;
proving the diagnostic performance and variable quality of digital however, the diagnostic value of this insight remains unknown. This
images, i.e. contrast optimisation, colour standardisation, noise reduc- section aims to introduce the oral conditions visible in the images,
tion and artefact reduction [17]. Additionally, digital imaging mod- discuss possible scoring mechanisms for each condition and consider
alities result in the ability to resize images. When these image en- potential limitations of the system on a condition specific basis. As the
hancement options are coupled with the increased viewing time dual-camera system captures anterior teeth only, this can be considered
permitted by image assessment, it has been shown that conditions may a universal limitation of the system; whilst this has been shown not to
be more readily apparent, resulting in higher prevalence rates than significantly impact on prevalence estimates of fluorosis [7], the same
those found with clinical assessment [7]. cannot be assumed of other conditions. Each section, therefore, will
As with all methods of assessment, there are limitations on the use consider the impact of the loss of posterior data on accurate assessment
of digital imaging in dental epidemiology. The loss of tactile feedback of the condition.
and an inability to assess oral structures from different positions using
different lighting conditions results in a loss of holistic clinical judge- 2.1. Plaque accumulation
ment [18]. Additionally, some surfaces may not be recorded adequately
enough to enable remote assessment, even if multiple images are cap- Plaque levels are of continuous interest in research, particularly to
tured from differing angles [8]. Depending on the imaging modality, those investigating caries, periodontal health, compliance with oral
the cost of developing or purchasing suitable equipment as well as hygiene interventions or new oral care products [20]. From an epide-
provision of satisfactory training in its use can be a barrier to im- miological perspective, the measurement of plaque can provide a
plementation [7]. The use of imaging increases the objectivity of as- deeper understanding of whole mouth health when combined with
sessment through reduction of bias, however, remote scoring is still measurement of other conditions, as well as the typical characteristics
subjective in nature due to the use of clinical indices. Whilst outside the of different population groups in relation to oral hygiene habits [21].
scope of this paper, automatic detection by digital software should Various plaque indices have been utilised in research, notably, those
continue to be considered for digital imaging modalities to further developed by Silness and Loe, Greene and Vermillion and Quigley and
improve the objectivity of the assessment [7]. Hein (later modified by Turesky et. al)[22–26]. With regards to remote
Whilst image enhancement offers advantages for assessment, scoring of plaque deposits, selection of an appropriate index would be

R. Hogan et al. Journal of Dentistry 74 (2018) S2–S9

Fig. 1. (Top) Light plaque accumulation on anterior teeth with suggestion of previous trauma.
(Bottom) Heavy plaque accumulation with evidence of gingivitis and possible demineralisation of enamel

Fig. 2. (Top) Mild gingivitis with early signs of erythema and blunting of papilla.
(Middle) Mild to moderate gingivitis with more pronounced erythema and loss of definition due to oedema
(Bottom) Established gingivitis with marked erythema and oedema. Demarcated enamel defect on right central incisor.

dependent upon the level of detail required and should likely be linked than anterior teeth [28,29]. This suggests assessment of plaque using
to a corresponding gingival index to further confirm the established only the anterior teeth may lead to an underestimation of plaque ac-
relationship between both conditions [27]. cumulation. It should be noted, however, that the anterior-posterior
Visible plaque deposits are perhaps the most commonly occurring discrepancy in these studies was most pronounced in the severity of the
finding from previously acquired images. The presence of plaque is plaque accumulation and not the dichotomised presence or absence
readily apparent as shown in Fig. 1, even without the use of disclosing (98.5% anterior sites plaque present, 99.7% posterior sites plaque
agents. Due to the high-quality magnification of the images, it would present) [28]. Full mouth, clinical plaque scores should be recorded if
seem feasible to score the plaque on the upper anterior teeth using the attempting to validate the use of the dual-camera system for plaque
previously cited indices. The use of specific indices should balance the scoring; this will permit exploration of whether anterior scores derived
desire for quantification against efficient recording of epidemiologically from the dual-camera images are reliably predictive of full mouth
useful information. If required, captured images could be rescored with plaque accumulation in different populations.
different indices to explore additional outcomes in the same population. If scoring the photographs for plaque accumulation alone, the use of
Recent studies investigating the prevalence of plaque and gingivitis a disclosing solution could be considered in combination with auto-
in adults found plaque accumulation on posterior teeth to be greater matic scoring using planimetric analysis [20]. However, this would

R. Hogan et al. Journal of Dentistry 74 (2018) S2–S9

almost certainly interfere with the scoring of other conditions, parti- lesions. Whilst air-drying was not part of the fluorosis assessment that
cularly caries and gingivitis. produced these images, it might be considered as part of a caries ima-
ging protocol to improve detection of the very earliest of caries lesions.
2.2. Gingivitis Direct assessment of caries lesions often involves evaluation from
varying angles with reflection of the operating light to build a three-
Gingivitis is ubiquitous and non-discriminatory of age, gender, race, dimensional view of the lesion; images taken in a fixed position,
or geographical locality; various global epidemiological studies in- therefore, do not permit a holistic assessment of the lesion.
vestigating both oral and general health confirm the universal pre- More so than with any other condition discussed in this section,
valence of gingivitis. In its most common form, plaque-induced, this scoring of this condition using images of anterior teeth alone will lead
preventable condition presents in 50–90% of adults worldwide [27]. to the most significant loss of relevant full-mouth data. Although the
When we consider that gingivitis is the precursor to, and associated presence of caries in the anterior region is predictive of posterior caries
with, the more severe periodontitis, the sixth most common disease and highlights high-risk individuals, it will lead to gross under-
affecting humans, it is crucial that efficient means of tracking this estimation of caries prevalence due to a lack of posterior data. Whilst
disease continue to be investigated [30]. this should be confirmed through comparison with clinical assessment
After reviewing the archived images, it would appear that the gin- data gathered during validation, it is consistently shown that posterior
gival condition in the upper anterior region is detailed enough to pro- teeth, particularly first and second permanent molars, are responsible
vide diagnostically useful data. Magnification of structures by virtue of for the majority of caries experience [38].
the imaging assessment method is of particular value in relation to
gingival assessment. Specifically, this magnification is particularly
useful in differentiating the severity of gingivitis (Fig. 2); early signs of 2.4. Enamel defects
erythematous and oedematous change are clearly visible.
The visible differences in severity displayed in Fig. 2 suggest a range As previously discussed, the remote scoring of dental fluorosis using
of gingival indices could be utilised to score this condition, as with this imaging method has been successfully validated, as such, this
plaque scoring, this would depend upon the desire for severity data section will refer to non-fluorotic defects of enamel only.
versus simple dichotomised prevalence. Some gingival indices use Developmental defects of enamel (DDE) result from disturbances
‘bleeding on probing’ to separate ‘mild’ and ‘moderate’ scores [22]. As during formation of the teeth and can be found in both the primary and
tactile methods of assessment are not possible when scoring images, the permanent dentitions [39]. If the defect results in a reduced thickness of
use of a visual only index is necessary; the Modified Gingival Index enamel with normal mineral content, it is viewed as a quantitative
could be suitable for this purpose and would increase the gen- defect and is often termed ‘hypoplasia’. If, however, the enamel is of
eralisability of results due to its extensive employment in oral epide- normal thickness but presents with a reduced mineral content, the de-
miology [31]. fect is viewed as qualitative and is referred to as ‘hypomineralisation’
As with plaque accumulation, recent evidence suggests gingivitis to [40]. Hypomineralisation presents clinically as an opacity in the en-
be both more common and more severe in posterior regions. In parti- amel; these opacities can be further divided into those that are well
cular, the presence or absence of gingivitis differed significantly be- demarcated or those that are diffuse [40,41]. First permanent molars
tween anterior and posterior teeth (90.29% anterior sites gingivitis are most commonly affected by hypomineralisation, with permanent
present vs. 97.43% posterior sites gingivitis present) [28,29]. A vali- incisors often affected in tandem; in the presence of at least one affected
dation study should record full mouth gingivitis scores in tandem with first permanent molar, the condition is described as molar-incisor hy-
image capture to permit exploration of the predictive nature of anterior pomineralisation (MIH) [42].
gingivitis scores in different populations. As previously discussed, pre- Enamel defects, particularly MIH, can impact the affected patient’s
valence rates from image assessment can be higher due to magnification quality of life and dental care [43–45]. Aesthetically, defects are often
and enhanced viewing conditions and this may reduce the potential clearly visible if anterior teeth are affected and in cases of hypomi-
discrepancy between anterior and posterior scores. neralisation, where the enamel is weakened due to increased porosity,
further degradation of appearance may occur [41]. From a functional
2.3. Caries perspective, MIH is associated with increased sensitivity to thermal
stimuli soon after tooth eruption [44]. Clinically, particularly in rela-
Dental caries does not discern between population groups around tion to defects resulting from hypomineralisation, the affected teeth can
the world and should continue to be viewed as a global problem car- be difficult to anaesthetise and to restore using bonded restorations and
rying significant burden [32]; indeed, cavitated dentinal caries remains may lead to severe dental anxiety. This can be problematic if trying to
the most common disease affecting humans globally [30]. When the improve the appearance or function of these teeth from both a technical
preventable nature of this disease is considered alongside the poten- perspective of placing adequate restorations as well as management of
tially profound impact it may have in its more advanced stages, it is patient expectations peri- and post-operatively [43,44].
unsurprising that it remains of highest priority in dental epidemiology Recent research suggests the prevalence of DDEs is increasing
[30,33]. Numerous indices have been developed to facilitate caries [41,46]. Due to the increased burden these defects can impose on pa-
epidemiology, with the DMFT/dmft index dominating for over 60 years tients, clinicians and healthcare systems, it would seem prudent to
[34]. More recently, newer indices capable of recording the full process identify additional methods of tracking the presence of this condition
of de- and re-mineralisation are being utilised in both clinical practice [45].
and research with evidence supporting their accuracy and reproduci- The examples displayed in Fig. 4 demonstrate the overt visibility of
bility [35–37]. DDEs in the acquired images. The detail present on the images would
Upon examination of the images, it would seem possible to not only permit scoring using the commonly utilised Modified DDE index [47],
differentiate between sound and obviously decayed surfaces but also to providing descriptive prevalence data linked to a reliable and validated
separate early and established carious lesions (Fig. 3). Again, magnifi- index.
cation aids greatly in this process, accentuating the colour changes As mentioned previously, first permanent molars are most com-
associated with both early and moderate decay. This suggests an index monly affected by enamel defects and whilst the presence of incisor
capable of recording both early enamel and more advanced dentinal defects is linked to molar defects, it is not possible to ascertain the
caries could be utilised, however, the inability to assess surface prevalence of affected molars using only anterior images.
roughness with tactile feedback may impact on detection of initial

R. Hogan et al. Journal of Dentistry 74 (2018) S2–S9

Fig. 3. (Top) Interproximal demineralisation evident between lateral and central incisors, presenting as white spot lesions.
(Bottom) Established carious lesions present on the mesial surfaces of the lateral incisors and the right central incisor. Visible discolouration due to underlying
dentinal caries.

2.5. Orthodontic conditions common age of orthodontic intervention often falls after the peak
period of when trauma occurs and early orthodontic intervention is
Current research struggles to identify a causal relationship between necessary if attempting to mitigate this risk [53]. The potential impact
malocclusions and oral health due to the heterogeneity of the evidence of malocclusions on dental health and psychosocial wellbeing of af-
base [48]. However, despite a lack of proven causality, there are at least fected individuals raise the importance of gathering accurate data re-
associations between orthodontic problems and poorer oral health. lated to orthodontic conditions; this is of particular relevance in
Evidence suggests increased caries and periodontal disease prevalence countries with some form of state-funded orthodontic treatment. In-
in those presenting with malocclusions: the intuitive assumption being deed, digital images capable of providing data on caries and period-
that rotated, crowded or displaced teeth may be more difficult to clean ontal conditions in combination with orthodontic treatment need could
[48]. Focussing on the potential psychosocial impact of malocclusions, elucidate the potential relationship between these conditions.
evidence suggests patients with malocclusions present with poorer oral As shown in Fig. 5, various orthodontic presentations are visible in
health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) [49]. Specifically, emotionally the dual-camera images. Displacement and crowding of teeth are
and social wellbeing are impacted by the presence of malocclusions readily apparent; as are anterior crossbites, open bites and deep over-
affecting the aesthetic zone [49,50]. bites. Of particular value, the option to move the camera to a more
A more established link is that between malocclusions and dental oblique position offers a useful perspective of the subject’s overjet,
trauma; certain orthodontic presentations, particularly increased over- whether increased or reversed (Fig. 6).
jets, raise the risk of dental trauma; furthermore, the severity and Many indices have been developed to permit assessment of mal-
number of teeth involved in traumatic injuries is also higher in the occlusions, either qualitatively or quantitatively. Some indices are de-
presence of increase overjets [51,52]. It should be noted, however, the signed to capture not only the physical characteristics of malocclusions

Fig. 4. Examples of diffuse and demarcated enamel defects affecting permanent incisors.

R. Hogan et al. Journal of Dentistry 74 (2018) S2–S9

Fig. 5. (Top) Marked displacement of anterior teeth with anterior crossbites.

(Middle) Deep and complete overbite, displacement of left lateral incisor may suggest ectopic canine
(Bottom) Anterior open-bite with evidence of demineralisation on incisors

(crowding, displacement of teeth, hypodontia etc.) but also the per- incorporate quantitative clinical measurement of malocclusion features
ceived aesthetic impact due to the aforementioned link to reduced (i.e. overjet, overbite, contact point displacement) as well as assessment
quality of life [54]. The ready appearance of anterior malocclusion in with established indices. This will permit exploration of the detection
the images could permit the use of reliable indices for purposes of re- and quantification of orthodontic problems using the dual-camera
mote scoring. Almost all components of the Dental Aesthetic Index images, as well as any potential utility of established orthodontic in-
(DAI), for example, could be assessed [55], particularly if a reference dices. Additionally, it might be possible for orthodontic treatment need
scale could be added onto the images for millimetre measurements. The to be assessed using the images to explore the relationship with treat-
Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) requires greater con- ment need determined by clinical assessment.
sideration of posterior teeth [56], as does the long-established Angle’s
classification; subsequently, accurate scoring using these indices might
2.6. Additional considerations
be more challenging. Whilst comprehensive orthodontic assessment
may not be possible using only anterior images, the availability of
A review of archived images acquired using the dual camera system
anterior data is still of epidemiological value. Validation of remote
suggests there may be further diagnostic utility associated with this
orthodontic assessment using the dual-camera system should
already established and continually used imaging system. However, the

Fig. 6. (Top) Increased overjet, particularly evident in top-right example due to oblique angle.
(Bottom) Marked crowding of anterior segment with reverse overjet

R. Hogan et al. Journal of Dentistry 74 (2018) S2–S9

true value of this additional data, in terms of clinical relevance and scoring and direct clinical assessment. The use of additional imaging
reliability, remains unknown. modalities should be considered to pre-emptively address the loss of
Robust testing in an epidemiological setting is required to explore posterior data and the impact this might have on accurate epidemio-
whether the diagnostic yield of this imaging system could be increased. logical assessment.
An appropriate population should be identified, ideally one that pre-
sents a range of oral conditions with differing severity levels. Whilst the Funding
limitations of direct clinical assessment have been discussed, its em-
ployment is necessary in order to validate the use of images to score This research was partially supported by the National Institute of
other conditions. The agreement between clinical and remote scores Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR). The views expressed in this
requires investigation to validate the accuracy, reliability and re- article are that of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views
producibility of image assessment for each condition. of the National Institutes of Health or the US Government.
The significance of the loss of posterior data due to the anterior-only
capture of the dual-camera system should be explored on a condition Conflict of interest
specific basis. Primarily, this could be achieved through correlation of
image scores with full-mouth clinical scores to explore whether a re- None.
lationship exists between abbreviated and full data sets. Crucially, this
will quantify the difference in prevalence of each condition depending References
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