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21 December, 2022

Dear Lipun Swain,

This is with reference to discussion you had with us recently. We are pleased to offer you
the position of a Associate on the following terms:

1. Place of Employment and Timing:

1. Your initial place of work will be at IN-MH-Mumbai. However, your services are
transferable, and may be assigned, after reasonable notice, to any location in India or
abroad where the company or its affiliates conducts business. The duties to be
performed by you hereunder shall be performed in such locations as are reasonably
necessary or appropriate to carry out your duties hereunder, subject to reasonable
travel requirements on behalf of the Company from time to time.
2. You will be expected to attend office - except when traveling on business during
working hours/shifts as may be decided by the Company.

2. Compensation and Benefits:

1. Compensation. As compensation for services to be rendered pursuant to this letter,

the Company shall pay you an annual basic salary of Rs 120000. Other allowances /
reimbursements as due to you are detailed in Annexure I.
2. You will be provided with a Comprehensive Medical Insurance and will also be
covered under the Group Personal Accident Insurance, while on Company business.
3. You will be provided with Retirement Benefits namely, Provident Fund and Gratuity,
in accordance with the laws of the country, and/or, as per company policy.
4. Your compensation shall be reviewed on the basis of merit and will be at the
sole discretion of the company.

3. Reimbursement of Expenses:

The Company will reimburse you for reasonable travel, and other business expenses
incurred in connection with the performance of your duties hereunder, in accordance with
the policy of the Company with respect thereto.

Signed by Lipun Swain | [email protected] | 22-12-2022 03:01:06 PM IST |

4. Leaves:
You shall be entitled to reasonable periods of leave as per company policy (to be taken by
agreement with the Company) with full pay. Entitlement & accumulation of the leave will be
as per company policy.

5. Term:

Employment period shall commence on 6 January, 2023 and You will join as a confirmed

1. Your employment with the Company shall be terminable, without reasons, by either
party giving two-months notice .The Company reserves the right to pay or recover
salary in lieu of notice period. Further, the Company may at its discretion relieve you
from such date as it may deem fit even prior to the expiry of the notice period.
However, if the Company desires you to continue the employment during the notice
period you shall do so. Notice period and termination of employment contract shall
be governed by the applicable internal policies of the Company as updated from time
to time. .
2. During the term of employment, your performance and suitability for the roles will be
continuously monitored and evaluated. Given the nature of your role, which is
dependent on customer requirement, you would have to clear assessments
prescribed by Wipro from time to time. In the event you fail to meet the prescribed
measurement criteria as defined for your Process/Function or there is no suitable
role available for you based on company requirement, the company reserves the right
to terminate your employment in accordance with the bench policy. If you remain
absent from work without authorization or reasonable explanation for more than
seven consecutive working days, it will be presumed that you are no longer interested
in working for Wipro and have voluntarily abandoned your services. In such a case,
your employment with Wipro will stand terminated. In the event of termination of
employee’s services arising out of integrity, misconduct & disciplinary proceedings,
no notice will be required from the company’s side. In such case, you will not be
entitled to any statutory compensation

6. Retirement:

You will automatically retire on attaining the age of 58 years. You may be retired earlier if
found medically unfit.

Signed by Lipun Swain | [email protected] | 22-12-2022 03:01:06 PM IST |

7. Confidentiality:

1. During the course of its business, the Company is required to keep confidential, the
information about its Customers and itself and for that purpose to ensure the same
from each employee assigned to perform services for the Company/its Customers
and each employee who obtains or is in a position to obtain any information or
2. During the normal course of business, it may be imperative to record / monitor all
calls made by you in order to assess quality, as applicable. This clause by no means
would impede upon your working ability / capacity and should be taken in light of
company procedures and policies.
3. You shall therefore regard and preserve as confidential all information related to the
business and activities of the Company as well as its Customers, their clients,
suppliers and other entities with whom they do business which may be obtained
by them from any source or may be developed as a result of any of the said
agreements with the Company’s Customers. You shall hold such information in trust
and confidence for them and not disclose any such information to any person, firm
or enterprise, or use any such information for your own benefit or the benefit of any
other party, unless authorized by the Company.
4. You shall not directly or indirectly, engage or assist others to engage in, any activity
or conduct that violates the provisions of this Clause.
5. You acknowledge that the information, observations and data concerning the
Company and/or the Customers provided to you, is and shall continue to be the
property of the Company and/or its Customer’s, as the case may be and that you shall
not be entitled to any right or license in relation to the said information, nor shall you
copy, reproduce, publish, distribute, adapt, modify or amend any part thereof, without
the prior written consent of the Company/the Customers, as the case may.
6. You are not a party to or aware of any agreement, obligation or restriction that
prevents or prohibits you from complying with these obligations and you agree to
take any other steps reasonably required and/or appropriate to ensure compliance
with the obligations set forth herein.
7. You understand that if you threaten to or actually breach or fail to observe any of the
obligations set forth in this Clause, Company will be subject to irreparable harm,
which will not be adequately satisfied by damages and you therefore agree that the
Company shall be entitled to injunctive relief and/or any other remedies permitted, to
ensure and enforce your compliance with these obligations in the unlikely event you
do not comply with them; provided, however, that no specification herein of any a
particular legal or equitable remedy shall be construed as a waiver, prohibition or
limitation of any legal or equitable remedies available to the Company.
8. You shall deliver to the Company upon cessation or termination of your employment,
or at any other time the Company may request, all memoranda, notes, plans, records,
reports, computer tapes and software and other documents and data (and copies
thereof) relating to the said, or the business of the Company or any affiliate or its
Customers which you shall then possess or have under your control.

Signed by Lipun Swain | [email protected] | 22-12-2022 03:01:06 PM IST |

You agree that, notwithstanding the cessation or termination of your Employment, the
confirmations and undertakings under this Clause shall always continue in full force and

8. Non - Compete

In the course of your employment with Wipro you will be providing services to customers or
clients of Wipro during which process you would be handling sensitive information including
but not limited to information of key customers of Wipro, competitor information, customer
sensitive information ('Confidential Information'). You acknowledge and recognize that
Confidential Information available to you, if leaked, would cause irreparable harm to Wipro
and its protection is of utmost importance to Wipro. You confirm that for a period of six (6)
months after separation of your employment from Wipro (irrespective of the circumstances
of or the reason for the separation), you will not accept any offer of employment from a
customer or client with whom you have interacted or worked in a professional capacity
representing Wipro during the six (6) months preceding the date of separation

9. Whilst employed by the company, you:

1. Will not engage in any external activities of a commercial nature

2. Will not engage in any activity of a non-commercial nature without prior
written approval of the Company.
3. Will be required to effectively carry out all duties and responsibilities assigned to you
by your supervisor and others authorized by the Company to assign such
duties and responsibilities. Your performance will be subject to annual appraisal by
your supervisor.
4. Will be required to apply and maintain the highest standards of personal conduct and
integrity and comply with all Company policies and procedures.
5. You agree that you shall not directly or indirectly, share, discuss your compensation
details, in full or part, with any person in or outside the organization other than those
authorized to do so.
6. Will maintain best standards of personal health and should necessarily be medically
fit to perform your duties

Other Provisions

1. Language. This appointment letter was originally drafted in the English language. If
it is translated into any language other than English, the provisions of the original
English language version shall control in the case of any asserted conflict in terms.
2. Governing Law. This appointment shall be governed by and interpreted in
accordance with the laws of India.
3. You shall be governed by the “Service Agreement” as applicable to you

Signed by Lipun Swain | [email protected] | 22-12-2022 03:01:06 PM IST |

10. Declaration of Nationality

You are required to declare your nationality to your recruiter immediately as non-Indian
passport/OCI/POI holders are governed by different guidelines as per the Employees'
Provident Fund Organization. The Provident fund computation differs for employees holding
a non-Indian passport. In absence of any declaration, nationality will be deemed as Indian.
Any discrepancy highlighted in nationality post joining and requiring change in provident
fund computation will be considered for modification prospectively. Wipro will not be
responsible for retrospective liability. Kindly update and validate your nationality in myWipro
post your onboarding.

11. Work Allocation

As part of your work responsibilities, you may be assigned to work on certain

projects/accounts or other assignments at any of the Wipro or Wipro’s client locations
based on project/assignment’s requirement as may be deemed fit by the Company in its
sole discretion. Refusal to accept and deliver on such assignments shall be treated as a
refusal to work and may result in termination of your employment or other disciplinary

12. Government Employment Policy

If you were engaged and worked in capacity of a Government employee, you are required to
comply by the cooling off period clause of 12 months from the date of retirement prior to
accepting offer from a private Sector / Commercial offer and you shall ensure that you shall
not, directly or indirectly, engage in any activity or have any interest in, or perform any
services for any government Organization/ Entity/ Department or Individual , which are or
shall be in conflict with the interests of Wipro during your employment with Wipro.

It is understood that your date of joining Wipro Limited, will not be later than 6 January,
2023 failing which this offer will automatically stand revoked without any further
notice. Please sign and return the duplicate copy of this letter in token of your acceptance
of the terms described in this letter.

We wish you a long and mutually beneficial association with us.

Yours faithfully,
For Wipro Limited.

Signed by Lipun Swain | [email protected] | 22-12-2022 03:01:06 PM IST |

I accept the terms of this letter.

Signature: E-Signature Signature

Date: E-Signature Date

Name: Lipun Swain

Signed by Lipun Swain | [email protected] | 22-12-2022 03:01:06 PM IST |


Name Lipun Swain

Designation Associate
Date Of Joining 6 January, 2023
Level AA
Basic 120000
House Rent Allowance 60000
Bonus 24000
WBP 68628
PF 21600
Gratuity 5772
Target Cost To Company (per Annum) 300000

Signed by Lipun Swain | [email protected] | 22-12-2022 03:01:06 PM IST |



Wipro Limited has adopted a conflict of interest policy in respect of its employees. This
policy is intended to avoid conflict between the personal interest of an employee and the
interest of the company in dealing with the suppliers, customers and all other organizations
or individuals doing or seeking to do business with Wipro.
Noted below are a few examples of 'conflict of interest':

1. For an employee or any dependent member of his family to have an interest in any
organization, which has business dealings with the company, where there is an
opportunity for preferential treatment to be given or received, except where such an
interest comprises securities in widely held corporations which are quoted and sold
on open market or the interest is not material.
2. For an employee or any dependent member of his family to buy, sell or lease any kind
of property, facilities or equipment from or to the company or any affiliate or to any
company, firm or individual who is or is seeking to become the contractor, supplier
or customer, except with the knowledge and consent of top management.
3. For an employee to serve as an officer, director or in any other management capacity
or as consultant of another company or organization doing or seeking to do business
with the company or an affiliate except with the knowledge and consent of top
4. For an employee to use or release to a third party any data on decisions, plans,
competitive bids or any other information concerning the company, which might be
prejudicial to the interest of the company.
5. For an employee or any dependent member of his family to accept commission, a
share in profits or other payments, loans (other than with established banking or
financial institutions), services, excessive entertainment and travel or gifts of more
than nominal value from any individual or organization, doing or seeking to do
business with the company.

I have read and understood the above mentioned 'Conflict of Interest' policy and I declare
that there is no 'Conflict of Interest' in my employment. If in future any conflict arises, I will
inform top management.

Signed by Lipun Swain | [email protected] | 22-12-2022 03:01:06 PM IST |




I Lipun Swain, confirm that I am voluntarily sharing my Personal Information with Wipro
Limited ('Wipro') for the following purposes:

1. Validating my Curriculum Vitae and retaining records on the same for any future
2. Processing my job application including background verification checks and
medical checks
3. Employment-related actions including record keeping, processing compensation
and benefits and any action required in the context of my employment with Wipro.

In this context, I also agree to the retention of such Personal Information by Wipro for any
future reference/verification and authorize Wipro to transfer the same to a third party.
I understand that 'Personal Information' means any information, relating to me that is
available with Wipro and is capable of identifying me.

Name: Lipun Swain

Signature: E-Signature Signature

Signed by Lipun Swain | [email protected] | 22-12-2022 03:01:06 PM IST |



I am aware that Wipro has a policy which stipulates that employees while at work cannot be
under the influence of any narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and/or alcohol so as to
ensure a healthy work force. To ensure the adherence of this policy, Wipro might be required
to collect specimen of employee’s hair, urine, blood, or any other relevant bodily sample, as
may be required (hereinafter the “Sample”) and submit it for drug test screening (hereinafter

I hereby Lipun Swain, consent to allow Wipro Limited (hereinafter “Wipro”) to collect Sample
from me for the Test.

In furtherance of the above stated:

1. I understand that the Test shall be conducted on random basis without any prejudice
to anyone.
2. I authorize Wipro to share the Sample with Wipro’s authorized vendor for the purpose
of processing the Sample and making the result available to Wipro.
3. I understand that Wipro provides adequate security measures to safeguard the
information resultant from the Test and all other personal data associated with it.
4. I understand that neither Wipro nor any authorized third party under clause (3) above
shall retain the data collected in respect of the Test for period no longer than as
required for statutory purposes and the data shall be suitably destroyed thereafter.
5. I understand that Wipro is entitled to initiate suitable actions against me including
but not limited to disciplinary action based on the Test results.
6. I understand that Wipro may notify and publish the information resultant or ancillary
to the Test if obliged under law to do so.

Name: Lipun Swain

Signature: E-Signature Signature

Place: IN-MH-Mumbai

Date: E-Signature Date

For more details please refer to the policies on myWipro > App Store > Information > My
Policies > India

Signed by Lipun Swain | [email protected] | 22-12-2022 03:01:06 PM IST |

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