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Elephant Stew

Opioids (A-Z) Opioid, uncommon

Alligator Stew A stew made from Elephant bones and hot pollen water. The
Opioid, common
stew gives the user the ability to remember everything they
A stew made from alligator bones and hot pollen water. The have ever thought of, heard or talked about. This stew is most
user gets the ability to run or swim 200ft however after 1d4 commonly used by adventurers who need to solve puzzles but
turns of running they will become tired and need to stop. forget the clues to them. If too much of the stew is consumed
the user's ears get slightly larger per extra cup consumed, this
Apple Core Mush effect goes away after 1d4 hours.
Opioid, uncommon

A collection of apple cores mushed up and mixed with pollen Ettercap Blood
water creates a dark oak mush. This mush when consumed Opioid, rare

gives the user visions of the future. These visions are only a When fresh blood from a Ettercap is consumed it causes the
few hours into the future but can predict anything from who user's saliva to form faster, making the user drool. The saliva
wins large battles, to spies in the castle. After the user when placed on the skin heals the area by 1d4. This drug
becomes paralyzed for 1d4 hours. To fight this the user needs lasts for 1 hours and has the after effect of the user losing
to beat a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. their sense of taste.

Beholder Stew Fox stew

Opioid, Very Rare
Opioid, common

A stew made from Beholder bones and hot pollen water. The A stew made from Fox bones and hot pollen water. The stew
stew creates an antimagic cone around the user starting at gives the user the ability to smell anything within a 50ft
the highest point of the body and dripping down. This makes radius. The Stew has no limit to overdosing however if in the
the user damage resistant to all magic attacks for 1d4 hours. city streets, multiple smells could hit you causing you to go
After that the user is able to detect any nearby beholders unconscious from the mix of city streets and people
within 5 miles permanently. Fish Stew
Cherry Bomb Opioid, common

Opioid, rare
A stew made from fish bones and hot pollen water. The user
Extremely rare and can only be found when a cherry bush can now swim 100ft and can breathe underwater. This effect
has been struck by lighting created by a spell caster or lasts for 1d4 hours
nature. The cherries when consumed heal the player by God Sweat
1d12+2; however for 1d4 days they will have no sense of Opioid, legendary

smell,taste or touch, making them unable to feel pain or A rare water that can only be found on ants who have feasted
anything that isn't emotional. on pollen for 4 days. Their sap gives off a golden glow. The
Chicken Stew sap must be harvested when the Ent is alive or it will turn
Opioid, common
back into normal sap. This sap can heal any injury, including
A stew made from chicken bones and hot pollen water. If the growing back limbs, healing the blind or deaf. However the
drinker of this stew is killed within 4 hours of it being limb takes time to grow back, taking 1d4 weeks before it is
consumed they can hold on to life for 5 more minutes. Giving fully grown and usable. God Sweat is very hard to find due to
the people around them the chance to heal and bring them the Ents hiding from hunters in search of it.
back. Mint Leave Juice
Cow Stew Opioid, common

Opioid, common
A drug made from mink leaves soaked in a healing potion,
A stew made from cow bones and hot pollen water. The user the mint leaves when placed on the skin not only heal it but
starts to crave milk and gains an excellent sense of smell, make it fairer and prettier than before, removing scars and
being able to smell everything within a 5 mile radius. This imperfections. Most noble ladys use these before a royal
effect lasts for 1d4 hours event. There's a small chance the user can get addicted to this
beauty practise (DC 14 Wisdom save).
Dragon Powder Owl Stew
Opioid, Legendary
Opioid, common

A rare drug that only rich merchants and the highest of kings A stew made from Owl bones and hot pollen water. The stew
know. This is because of its recipe that has been kept secret gives the user darkvision for 120ft. If the user consumes the
for years. All it needs is dragon egg yolk and wood shavings. stew in high doses they start to become sleepy during the day
The shavings when dipped into the dragon egg take all its and awake and alert during the night.
nutrients away and leave yellow dragon egg yolk. From there
the egg can be consumed. When consumed the consumer
becomes awake. So awake that they can not go to sleep for 2
days. The egg has no side effects after the day is finished.

Pollen Water Opioid, common

Opioid, uncommon
A stew made from Sheep bones and hot pollen water. The
When a collection of pollen from multiple different flowers is stew is extremely warm, being able to survive harsh winter
mixed with rain water it creates a drug that can heal the mind storms. When the stew is consumed in high doses the user's
and body, removing any traumatic memories and scars. hair grows at a fast rate creating a coat of fur around them.
However those who take this have a chance to get addicted This hair growing effect lasts for 1d4 days.
(DC 16 Wisdom save). This drug is used by knights desperate
to forget the memories and scars of war. Tree frog Stew
Opioid, common

Rain Bird Mix A stew made from Tree Frog Bones and hot pollen water. The
Opioid, rare
stew makes the user's skin extremely poisonous, making
The rain bird is a bird only found in deep jungles, however its anyone who comes in contact with the user gets poisoned
feathers give off a healing effect. When the feathers are after 12 seconds. This effect lasts for 1d4 hours and makes
boiled in river water it will clean the water of all bugs and the user crave flies.
bacteria, making it safe to drink. However if the feather is left
in the water for too long it will lose its colour, turning brown Tiger Stew
and poisoning the water. Opioid, uncommon

A stew made from Tiger bones and hot pollen water. The
River Seaweed stew makes the user's teeth extremely strong, being able to
Opioid, rare
bend metal without breaking. When the stew is consumed in
A rare seaweed that grows within freshwater rivers. The high doses the user has a craving for raw meat and will
seaweed looks normal but the start of its blade is a dark develop strange strips on the inside of their mouth.
purple. This seaweed when harvested and dried is used for
removing pain. When consumed the seaweed numbs the Whale Stew
body causing the user to not feel anything for 1 hour. Opioid, common

A stew made from whale bones and hot pollen water. The
Rabbit Stew stew allows the user to hold their breath for 2 hours. This
Opioid, common
stew is commonly used by pirates and ocean adventurers
A stew made from Rabbit bones and hot pollen water. The needing to enter an underwater dungeon.
stew is used by hunters who live on steep cliffs. The stew
makes them jump higher by 3ft. Once consumed they become Hallucinogens (A-Z)
allergic to meat for 1d4 days only being able to eat plants.
Blue Flower Pill
Red Dragon Stew Hallucinogen, uncommon

Opioid, Very Rare

A collection of random blue flower petals that are processed
A Stew made from red dragon bones and hot pollen water. into a powder and fitted into tiny wooden capsules to be
The stew makes the user damage resistant to all fire attacks. snorted. This powder gives the user +5 Strength, however
After consuming the user's spice tolerance becomes anything that is considered light, such as a feather, feels
extremely high, making them immune to extremely spicy 1000x heavier, making the user only able to lift heavy objects
foods, permanently. for 1d6 hours.
Sheep foot Cactus Water
Opioid, rare
Hallucinogen, uncommon

When a sheep foot is boiled and shaved it becomes a clear, The water collected inside a Cactus is a dangerous drug if too
gelatin texture. When consumed, it makes the user unable to much is drunk. Thirsty travelers desperate for what always
resistance to fear for 1d4 hours. fall for its trap becoming paralized until the sun takes them.
When only a sip is drunk the user becomes tingly as if they
Squid Ink Mush were being tickled all over and sees everything as much
Opioid, uncommon
larger than it is. This effect lasts for an hour and then fades
Mixed squid ink and pollen water. When mushed together it away. There's a small chance for the user to get addicted to
creates a black mush, when consumed the user's skin the drug (15 DC Wisdom save). If too much is drunk the user
becomes rubbery and wrinkly, making the user extremely becomes paralyiezed permanently.
thirsty and water-proof. Mostly used as a party trick, this drug
is also used in battles at sea to prevent hairy beasts from
getting dragged down by water.

Sheep stew
Fish Skin Patch Kuo-Toa Stew
Hallucinogen, uncommon
Hallucinogen, rare

the skin of a fish that has been soaked in mint leave juice. Made by harvesting Kuo-Toas eyes and bursting them inside
Because of the fish's blood that comes off the skin the boiling water. The eyes contain a protein unlike anything
effected area feels like it's deep under water being held by before and cause the owner of the eyes or the drinker to see
multiple bubbles. Often this fish skin is placed on the head, things that aren't there. For example fake gods that they
arms and legs to make it feel like they are floating to the created or people who have long died. There's a small chance
surface on a bubble chair. After the effect runs out (1d4 the user can become addicted to the stew (DC 15 Wisdom
hours) the user feels light-footed for 1d4 minutes before save).
returning to normal.
Kings Sastil
Giants Gang, Sastil Hallucinogen, very rare

Hallucinogen, uncommon
A fine blend of red powder that only the highest of kings use
This knock off sastil was made with cheaper ingredients. It during their parties and meetings. The sastil is made from
gives off an burnt scent and usually comes with a clump or ground up lady bugs with only two spots, ash from the finest
two inside the powder. This sastil makes the user's cheeks coals,shaving from the cleanest dragon scale and blood of the
very red but makes the colours around them extremely bright strongest goat. Using this blend the king can still think
so wherever they go it's always a disco, until the sastil runs straight in case important decisions need to be made
out. This drug lasts for 1d6 hours and gives the user a however the world around them becomes almost cartoony,
poisoned condition after use. with black outlines surrounding everything and the colours of
peoples eyes changing at random.
Goblins Special
Hallucinogen, uncommon
Mermaids Scale
A recipe that's been handed down in goblin tribes and Hallucinogen, uncommon

families for centuries. It's a collection of molds found in the To consume this drug you need a purple root and sea water.
wild mixed with cow milk to create a dark blue drink. This When the root is placed in sea water it will absorb the salt
drink has the flavour of berries with a terrible sour aftertaste. and start to reflect light. When consumed the user sees sea
Once a jar is consumed the user will become prone and the related things that aren't really there such as birds, whales,
world around them will start to animate, making them see sharks, fish, ect.
faces in every rock, grassblade and pebble.
Myconid gas
Honey Bee Cigar Hallucinogen, very rare

Hallucinogen, rare
A gas released by the Myconid to spread their spores. If
A cigar with multiple honey bees with pollen corpses inside. breathed in by anyone within 5ft of the Myconid it will cause
This cigar when smoked feels as if you have a bee inside your them to feel very tired with +1 level of exhaustion. Those
mouth humming and slapping against the walls of your affected can try and stay awake, requiring a DC 15 Wisdom
mouth. The cigar is sweet however if smoked too much the save. If the user falls asleep from exhaustion they will have
bee will start to sting. strange dreams full of colours unobtainable with the human
eye. If the drug is used more than five times the user will start
Honey Leave to lose their vision.
Hallucinogen, common

A leaf is only found when a beehive is grown with a branch Moth Dust
full of leaves. The leaves are then coated with pollen and Hallucinogen, uncommon

sprinkles of honey from the bees. When taken and consumed The dust of a moth's wings. But this can't be any moth, it
it fills the mouth with a honey-like flavour making saliva taste must be one that has been attacked by a bee. When the dust
like honey. Users often use these when their meals have no is snorted it makes the user see only the moon and the stars
flavour. After use there is a 3 in 1d20 chance for the user to and use them to move around. The user can also see any light
lose a tooth from the leaf. source and is immediately attracted to it. this lasts for 1d4
Jungle worm
Hallucinogen, uncommon
Mist of Souls
A tiny worm found only in muddy environments. This worm Hallucinogen, rare

is very hard to see because of its brown skin and how it A rare mist that has been infected with a liches magic. When
blends in with the environment. The worm when placed in a lich is within 10 kilometers of the mist. Those who have
the ear will crawl inside and make the user hear music they breathed inside the mist hear voices of loved ones who have
once heard in the past, good or bad. This lasts for 1d4 hours passed and those who have had to love ones past only hear
until the worm dies inside the player's ear. Only 5-6 worms the screams of agony and have visions of the dead chasing
can be used per ear or they become deaf in said ear. them. This mist, although usually a threat, is used by wizards

to find out if liches lay nearby.

Ouisberryies Spider Egg Moss

Hallucinogen, uncommon
Hallucinogen, uncommon

A group of any berries that have been soaked in wine for 4 A rare moss that looks like a collection of spider webs and
days. When consumed the berries multiply the effect of the eggs but is in fact just moss. This moss is white and stringy
wine, getting the user immediately drunk and causing them with tiny black seeds. The white stringy moss is safe to
to hallucinate whatever they might see when normally drunk. consume and gives off a sweet taste, however if the black
Often found at parties of the middle class or above. seeds are consumed the user is in for a trip. When consumed
the user's saliva will start to build at an alarming rate causing
Party Worm them to drool, their body will feel as light as a feather and
Hallucinogen, common
their mindset will change to only wanting food and even if
A drug used at social gatherings to make the user hear music given food they won't stop eating until the drug runs out. The
20 times louder. Most commonly used at places with only a Drug lasts for 1d6 hours.
few bands playing. The worm is brown with a pink line down
its back. The worm is then placed into the ear and from there TreeFrog Water
the effect begins. This worm has a bad after effect; once worn Hallucinogen, uncommon

out (1d12 hours) the user will hear everything in that ear 20 Vines from the jungle usually contain drinkable water for
times quieter for 1d4 days (disadvantage to certain checks travellers, however if they are not careful they could consume
that involve hearing). a vine of water containing treefrog eggs. The user who does
consume the eggs will feel sick in the stomach and throat
Raw Ettin Brain causing them to become poisoned and vomit. Once all the
Hallucinogen, rare
eggs have been removed from the stomach only the
To get this effect the brain must be still alive, meaning the glycoprotein that surrounds the egg will remain, causing the
ettin needs to be either trapped or killed recently. When the user to feel as if their stomach is the heaviest thing in the
brain is consumed it causes the user to have voices in their world when in reality it's not. This treefrog water is often
head, usually of a loved one cheering them on or someone used as a torture devices but in some cases can help those
they despise begging for mercy. In rare cases it could be them under going limb removal. It helps by focusing on all the pain
being haunted by voices (Roll 1d20 if a 1 user is haunted by of their stomach and not the hurt area.
voices for 1d4 hours and loses -5 health and -1 wisdom
permanently). Wild Mushroom
Hallucinogen, uncommon

Red Coin Gang, Sastil A mushroom found deep into oak forests. These mushrooms
Hallucinogen, common
grow inside the oak tree and only pigs can sniff them out to
This fine red powder gives off a dried blood scent. The find them hiding within the tree. The mushroom is a red
powder is consumed through the nose and causes the user to colour with tiny brown spots around it. The mushroom
Hallucinate, Hallucinations are usually a mix of dreams and causes the user to see the world as a lot slower than it really
memories. This drug lasts for 1d4 hours and has the after is, relaxing the user and causing their eyes to turn red from
effect of level 1 exhaustion. forgetting to blink. These mushrooms are of high value in
certain lands but can cause the user to get addicted (DC 15
Red Flower Pill Wisdom saving throw).
Hallucinogen, uncommon

A pill made from a random collection of red flower petals. Wild Mushroom Tree sap
The Petals are processed into a powder and then fitted into a Hallucinogen, rare

tiny wooden capsule to be snorted. The flowers give the user The tree sap of an oak tree with wild mushrooms inside. This
+5ft to speed and makes the world around them seem as if tree sap has been mixed with the Wild Mushrooms creating a
it's in slow motion, for 1d6 hours. gum-like texture. When chewed on it gives a sweet flavor and
the user's body warms up and feels as light as a feather as if
Smoked OwlBear they were in a warm bath.
Hallucinogen, uncommon

When owlbear fur is smoked over a coal fire it drys into a White Flower Pill
dried meat like state. When the owlbear fur is mixed with a Hallucinogen, uncommon

cup of water, the water becomes a dark brown. When A collection of random white flower petals that are processed
consumed, the user can only see with a heat sensor and into a powder and fitted into tiny wooden capsules to be
nothing else for 1d4 hours. After the user becomes color snorted. This powder gives the user the ability to see light
blind to a random color. rays, although useless in most situations when standing
outside and on the powder the user sees bright rays of light
Sizzle fruit everywhere giving a different experience to life. This lasts for
Hallucinogen, rare
1d6 hours.
A fruit that is very rarely found in nature. The poison in the
fruit is not enough to kill a man but just enough to cause
hallucinations. When consumed the user sees everything
dark as bright and bright as dark. after 1d4 hours the effect
wears off.
Yellow Flower Pill BugBear Ashes
Hallucinogen, uncommon
Stimulant, rare

A collection of random yellow flower petals that are When a BugBear corpse is burned its ashes can be used as a
processed into a powder and fitted into tiny wooden capsules Stimulant to increase muscle growth. When the ashes are
to be snorted. This powder gives the user +5 intelligence and rubbed on the body it makes the muscles grow faster and
makes anyone above the age of 20 look like a baby, making after a day's worth of rest the user's strength will go up by +4
them treat almost everyone like a stupid baby for 1d6 hours. permanently, however all their hair will fall out, unable to
grow again.
Stimulants (A-Z) Black Lily Flower Pollen
Ash Sticks Stimulant, rare

Stimulant, common
Pollen from the Black Lily Flower that has been breathed in
Ash sticks are made from a collection of ash and coal that has makes the user's air flow increase, making them able to hold
been magically enhanced to have a liquorice-like flavour. their breath for longer and their endurance higher (+2 to
These sticks, although unharmful at first can get addictive Dex,Str and Con for 1d4 hours).
(DC 15 wisdom save). The sticks calm the nervous characters
who are frightened, stunned or have exhaustion to cool the Cherry Bomb Herbal Tea
effects. Takes 18 seconds of taking ash sticks for the player to Stimulant, rare

lose the effect for 1d4 hours. If stunned, another player will If a bush of cherry bombs are found most will sell it and get a
need to put the Ash stick in their mouth. If a player smokes profit but those that are smart will take 3 berryies from the
more than 20 their health goes down by -1 permanently. bush and boil them in boiling water. This herbal tea is worth
10gp per cup and heals anyone who drinks it of any condition
A Knights Poison and health (1d12+1). It has no after effects.
Stimulant, uncommon
Calming Tea
When knights are forced to guard city walls or noble folk they Stimulant, uncommon

use this poison to keep them awake. The poison is made with A drink made from powdered wine and palm tree water. This
a mix of Sun cooked Snake Venom and Mint leave Juice. drink calms the mind, causing any condition caused by
Together the ingredients can keep the user awake for 1d4 tricking the mind to be ineffective (fear, ect). This tea is very
days. However after the 4 days is up the user will become strong and has a 1 in 1d20 chance to make the user sleepy
poisoned and spend 1d4 hours resting and emptying their and fall unconscious until awakened.
bowels to recover.
Blue Mold Calming Tea Soaked leaf
Stimulant, uncommon
Stimulant, uncommon

This blue mold grows naturally in the wild, commonly found An ordinary leaf that has been cleaned and soaked in calming
in dark caves but can very rarely grow on the roots of trees. tea. This leaf is then placed on the tongue to take away the
The mold is consumed by chewing on it. The user will get the flavour of any food. This leaf is often used by knights who
taste of mint in their mouth. This will cause the user to wake need to eat expired rations. After eating, the user falls asleep
up and remove any levels of exhaustion for 1d6 hours. After and won't wake up until 1d8+2 hours later.
the effects wear off the user gets all their exhaustion back Elfs Rest
plus another level. Stimulant, uncommon

Blue Coral Although elfs don't require sleep and only meditate, this drug
Stimulant, rare
makes them able to experience a dream that is normal and
This coral is extremely good and hiding it can blend into any not frightening to them. This drug is a liquid that is stored in
shade of blue to blend in the ocean, it can only be found when tiny glass capsules. The liquid is shot up the nose making the
boats or when fishermen run into it on accident. The coral elfs sleep and enjoy a normal dream.
when grounded into a fine blue powder gives the user a boost Forever Ice
of energy causing all levels of exhaustion to fade away, it also Stimulant, uncommon

gives the user a strange blue spot randomly on their body. This ice is found on the highest peak of every cold mountain.
This blue spot fades away after some time. In the first hour of It's often found as one large ice spike that points towards the
consuming the drug, the user will only be able to see in sky. This ice cannot melt no matter the condition around it.
shades of blue, making it easier to find other blue coral after When part of the ice is consumed it makes the user cold,
the user is very awake and their strength goes up by +3 taking 1d4 freezing damage. However once the damage is
during the time. This drug lasts for 1d8 hours.
done the user will be able to roam freely in the hottest of

places, for 1d4+1 hours.

Forever Ice water Rhinoceros Powder

Stimulant, uncommon
Stimulant, rare

Although it was deemed impossible to melt, this ice can be Made from Rhino horn powder, this drug can keep the user
melted under a magical lightning bolt. Once stuck the ice will awake and strong for 1d6 hours. The drug removes all levels
melt at a slow pace, no matter the weather around it. The of exhaustion and heals by +10. The drug also gives +3
water from the ice gives the user immunity to exhaustion and strength to the user during the time its used. After its use the
fire for 1d12+2 hours. user will start to grow a strange rhino horn on a random spot
on their body, This can be removed but causes the user to go
Frozen Shudo Grass through pain and become unconscious for 2 days or they can
Stimulant, uncommon
let it grow to full becoming a smaller rhino horn.
Shudo Grass that has been frozen in the dark and brought
out into the sun. Because of the grasses' ability to reflect Sun Cooked Purple Root
sunlight the ice around it will melt fast, creating a bowl shape Stimulant, uncommon

filled with water. This water is special and has a freshly cut Purple root is very hard to cook thanks to its ability to
grass smell to it. The water makes the user awake for 1d6+2 refreeze itself and bring down its temperature. However, if
hours and makes the user's reflexes better (+2 to Dex). left in a jar and put out in the open with the sun the jar will
consume the purple roots' coldness, forcing it to heat up.
Fish Grass Once heated the root cures +3 levels of exhaustion and can
Stimulant,common warm the user up when in cold environments.
This drug is made and used by fishermen and hunters when
they need to stay awake during long hours of hunting. To Sun Dried Mint Leaves
make this you need a freshly harvested gut of an animal Stimulant, common

(commonly fish gut) and lime leaves. If the gut is freshly A collection of mint leaves that have been dried in the sun
harvested it will break down the lime leaves giving the gut an and stored in tiny pinky sized wooden capsules. When the
extremely sour flavor. When the gut is cooked and consumed capsules are opened and smelled, they awaken the senses,
the user will wake up from the sourness. This effect lasts for giving the user +2 to every ability for 1d4 hours.
1d6 hours and has no side effects.
Shudo Grass Mix
Licorice Stick Wine, Soaked leaf Stimulant, uncommon

Stimulant, uncommon
When Shudo Grass is mixed with water in the sun it
An ordinary leaf that is soaked in Licorice stick wine. The becomes a dark green mud like mix. This mix when placed
leaf is placed on the tongue and makes any food have double on the skin warms that area, removing any cold damage or
the flavour it had before. berries become sweeter and meat effects from harsh cold conditions for 1d12+3 hours or 1d4
becomes juicier. This drug is often used at weddings or hours after the sun goes away (if it's cloudy or turning to
parties. The drug has no after effects, however if a food that night).
doesn't taste good is placed in the mouth it will cause damage
(1d6+2, for every spoonful). The Oak Trees Smoke
Stimulant, uncommon

Medusa Venom When an oak tree that has been infected with any kind of
Stimulant, very rare
fungus is burned it creates an invisible smoke that spreads to
Venom harvested from a medusa. When drunk it will poison 50ft around the tree. All creatures in its range will become
the user for 1 day, however if the user survives until then they calm and have the flavor of pine nuts stuck inside their mouth
will be resistant to poison permanently. for the next 1d4 days. When they are calmed they are
immune to fear and exhaustion, however if the infected do
Old Man's Last Drink something that warms up the body (sprinting, ect) the effect
Stimulant, uncommon
will fade away and the user tastebuds will make every food
A drink often made before one is expected to die. This drink but pine nuts taste disgusting for 1d6 days.
is a blend of multiple drugs that enhance strength, energy
and the mind. This drink keeps a user up for 1d6 days. Wild Bean Ground
During those days the user feels no exhaustion, pain or Stimulant, common

headache. However, once the 1d6 days are up, the user dies. A fine brown powder that is stored in easy to rip, paper
pouches. This brown powder is made from a wild growing
Purple Root bean that is ground down and sun dried. The powder
Stimulant, common
removes all levels of exhaustion for 1d4 hours.
A rare root that can be found on any plant. To find it you will
need to wait until winter. If a plant has a large root that has
grown outside the main group of roots it will turn purple.
When in this purple state it becomes extremely cold even in
warm environments. This root cures over heating and 2
levels exhaustion.

Knights Wine
Depressants (A-Z) Depressant, rare

Black Lily Flower A fine wine made from berries grown inside a village or
Depressant, rare
castle. These berries are then fermented and stored in clay
This flower can only grow when it is surrounded by smoke pots for 5 years. The wine poured from these pots is
and ash, but grown on rich soil. The smoke turns the plant extremely smooth and has the taste of frozen grapes.
black, giving it the ability to make the users who consume it,
immune to becoming poisoned. However in return they lose Kings Yogill
-1d10 HP permanently. Depressant, rare

A better blend of the common yogill. This blend is made from

Bubble Ale the finest ingredient and giving off the same effect but with
Depressant, uncommon
no after effect once the drug wears out.
An ale commonly served in citys full of magic. This ale has
been enchanted to be forever bubbly. When drunk you can Licorice Stick Wine
feel the bubbles inside which tickles and makes the user Depressant, uncommon

gleeful. This ale is extremely hard to get drunk from. If more A wine that has been aged with a twig of licorice put inside
than one barrel is consumed the user will start to hover off the clay pot. This gives the wine a more soothing texture and
the ground. makes it very sweet. This also makes the wine able to heal
the mind, removing any charmed condition on the drinker.
Bone Marrow Ale Palm Tree Water
Depressant, uncommon
Depressant, uncommon

An ale made from shavings of any animal bone, mixed with Rain water that has been collected inside the roots of the
regular ale. This shavings melt down inside the drink, giving palm tree. When the roots are boiled the water becomes a
the drinker this bone marrow ale will do nothing for 1d20+4 shade of green like a palm tree leaf. When this water is
hours, However once those hours are up the user will be consumed the user becomes energetic and immune to
extremely strong getting +2 Str for 1d4 days. exhaustion for 1d20+4 hours.
Black Ale Peasant Wine
Depressant, rare
Depressant, uncommon

An ale made from bubble ale and black lily flower pollen. This A cheap wine made from a collection of wild berries mixed
drink is completely black, nothing can be seen through it and with grapes. This wine is stored in clay jars for a year before
it's truly the darkest shade. This ale is commonly used at the being drunk. The wine tastes of blueberries with a sour after
start of a drinking competition because it expands the taste. This wine has fermented long enough to become drunk
stomach and makes the user extremely hungry. After 1d6+2 easily, needing 3-4 jars of it to actually get drunk.
hours the user will lose -2 dex for 1d4 hours.
Firefly Gas Peasant Ale
Depressant, common
Depressant, uncommon

Commonly found being sold on city streets, a lantern full of A cheap ale, made in clay pots using cheap yeast. The pots
fireflies. Most think it's for extra light but in fact when the are often stored in a glass house to make the fermenting
light is lit and the fireflies die out they release a gas that process faster. This Ale has little flavour. However, only 1 pot
smells like smoke. This gas makes the user extremely is needed to become drunk.
energetic, losing all levels of exhaustion and any light such as Powdered wine
sparks or the sun makes them not stop smiling. Depressant, uncommon

Goat Horn Soup Often used by travellers who don't have the room to carry
Depressant, uncommon
wine barrels, this powder is made from wine that has been
This drug is used by hunters in the mountains. Because wild left in the sun or a blacksmith oven to remove all the
goats are common there they usually have their goat horn moisture leaving a wine mush. This much is then mixed with
cups, which when filled with goat blood and snow make an flour and grinded into a powder. The powder is mixed with
extremely cold drink that keeps the drinker awake for 1d12 water to create wine.
hours. However, after the user has +1 level of exhaustion. Robin Wine
Knights Ale Depressant, uncommon

Depressant, uncommon
A wine stored in a clay pot with robin bird droppings
An ale made by the king's ale maker. The ale is stored in large smothered onto the inside lid of the pot. The droppings
barrels that are often attached to sleds or wagons and absorb any bitterness from the pot and add the flavor of
dragged by a horse. This ale tastes of apple and ginger. The whatever the bird ate (usually blackberries). When drunk, it
ale has a high amount of alcohol, (DC 15 Con, to avoid getting heals the user by 3d6+4; however there is a 1 in 1d20 chance
drunk). for the user to become poisoned.)

Sun Cooked Snake Venom Yogill

Depressant, rare
Depressant, common

If stored snake venom is left out in the sun for too long it A powdered mix of multiple, mushrooms, beans, mushes and
starts to release a gas, the gas when consumed plays with the wine. Yogill is a brown powder that causes the user to hear
user's mind, making them unusually happy and not being able music 10 times louder as well as colours and lights 10 times
to stop smiling. This makes the user immune to fear. Once brighter. This drug is often used at social gathering to make
the effects are worn off for 1d4 hours, the user becomes them a tad more exciting. After 1d6 hours the drug will wear
poisoned and gets +1 level of exhaustion. off and the user becomes poisoned for 1d4 hours.

Shudo Grass

Depressant, uncommon

A rare grass that only grows during the hottest summers. Credits
This grass looks like any normal grass blade and can only be
telled apart because the suns heat rays go through it like Writing by, Jacob Scott (CheesecakeDM)

glass. This grass when chewed on and spit out leaves a warm Cover Image by, DMsguild
feeling in the mouth repairing worn down muscles and battle
damage such as cuts and bruises (+2d10 HP).
Sea Water Ale
Depressant, uncommon

A salty yet sweet ale. This ale is made with a mix of bubble
ale and sea water. This mix create a salty yet sweet ale that
enchants the throat, curing any sore throat or poison damage
(only cures poison damage if it was consumed).
Shudo Grass Wine
Depressant, uncommon

A wine stored with shudo grass blades inside the pot. The
shudo grass mixes with the wine giving it a warm feeling in
the gut. This special wine is often used against targets in
kidnapping to make them go unconscious (asleep). For 1
Vomit powder
Depressant, uncommon

A powder most commonly used when a child has consumed

something they shouldn't have. However it is also used during
social gatherings of middle class or higher, the powder makes
the user become numb to the feeling of vomiting and then
vomits everything in the stomach. Letting the user stuff their
face multiple times.
Wine Mush
Depressant, rare

When wine and pollen water are mixed together it creates a

dark red mush. This mush makes makes the wines after
effect wear off, making user able to drink 10 times more wine
then they usually can. However this can make users not know
their limit causing death or the poisoned condition.
Wizards treat
Depressant, rare

Used when wizards need to read a large scroll of great

magical energy it keeps the eyes hydrated so the wizard has
no reason to blink. The treat is a magically inhanced twig
from a liquorice tree. The drug lasts 1 day during that time
the user cannot sleep. After the user will become
unconscious (asleep) for 1d12+6 hours.

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