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Note: Make all computations at room temperature, unless otherwise stated, and take the recoverable
energy per fission to be 200MeV.
1. Calculate the fuel utilization and infinite multiplication factor for a fast reactor consisting of a
mixture of liquid sodium and plutonium, in which the plutonium is present to 3.0 w/o. The density
of the mixture is approximately 1 .0 g/cm 3
2. The core of a certain fast reactor consists of an array of uranium fuel elements immersed in liquid
sodium. The uranium is enriched to 25.6 w/o in 235U and comprises 37% of the core volume.
Calculate for this core (a) the average atom densities of sodium, 235U, and 238U; (b) the fuel
utilization; (c) the value of 1; (d) the infinite multiplication factor
3. A bare-cylinder reactor of height 100 cm and diameter 100 cm is operating at a steady state
power of 20 MW. If the origin is taken at the center of the reactor, what is the power density at
the point r = 7 cm, z = -22.7 cm?
4. In a spherical reactor of radius 45 cm, the fission rate density is measured as 2.5 x 10 11
fissions/cm3-sec at a point 35 cm from the center of the reactor. (a) At what steady state power is
the reactor operating? (b) What is the fission rate density at the center of the reactor?
5. Using the flux function given in Table 6.2 for a critical finite cylindrical reactor, derive the value of
the constant A.
6. The core of a certain reflected reactor consists of a cylinder 10-ft high and 10 f in diameter. The
measured maximum-to-average flux is 1 .5. When the reactor is operated at a power level of 825
MW, what is the maximum power density in the reactor in kW/liter?
7. Suppose the reactor described in Example 6.3 was operated at a thermal power level of 1
kilowatt. How many neutrons would escape from the reactor per second? [Hint: See Example 6.4.]
8. Show that in a one-group model, the power produced by a reactor per unit mass of fissile material
is given by
watts kW 3. 2×10 σ f φ̄ N A
= =
g kg MF
where f is the one-group fission cross-section, φ̄ is the average one-group flux, NA is Avogadro's
number, and MF is the gram atomic weight of the fuel.
9. (a) Estimate the critical radius of a hypothetical bare spherical reactor having the same
composition as the reactor in Problem 6. 1. (b) If the reactor operates at a thermal power level of
500 MW, what is the maximum value of the flux? (c) What is the probability that a fission neutron
will escape from the reactor?
10. An infinite slab of moderator of thickness 2a contains at its center a thin sheet of 235U of thickness
t. Show that in one-group theory the condition for criticality of this system can be written
approximately as
2D a
coth =1
( η−1 ) LΣaF t L
where D and L are the diffusion parameters of the moderator and aF is the macroscopic
absorption cross-section of the 235U.
11. A large research reactor consists of a cubical array of natural uranium rods in a graphite
moderator. The reactor is 25 ft on a side and operates at a power of 20 MW. The average value of
Σf is 2.5 X 10-3 cm-1 (a) Calculate the buckling. (b) What is the maximum value of the thermal
flux? (c) What is the average value of the thermal flux? (d) At what rate is U being consumed in
the reactor?

12. Show with a recoverable energy per fission of 200 MeV the power of a U-fueled reactor
operating at the temperature T given by either of the following expressions:
P=4 .73 m F g F ( T ) φ̄ 0 ×10 MW
P=7. 19 mF g F ( T ) φ̄T ×10−13 MW
where mF is the total amount in kg of 235U in the reactor, gF(T) is the non-l/v factor for fission,
φ̄0 is
the average 2,200 meters-per-second flux, and
φ̄T is the average thermal flux.

13. Solve the following equations:

3x + 4y + 7z = 16,
x - 6y + z = 2,
2x + 3y + 3z = 12.

14. Solve the following equations:

3.1x + 4.0y + 7.2z = 0,
x - 5.0y - 9.0z = 0,
7x + 4.5y + 8.1z + 8.1z = O.
15. A homogeneous solution of 235U and H2O contains 10 grams of 235U per liter of solution. Compute
(a) the atom density of 235U and the molecular density of H 2O; (b) the thermal utilization; (c) the
thermal diffusion area and length; (d) the infinite multiplication factor.
16. Compute the thermal diffusion length for homogeneous mixtures of 235U and the following
moderators at the given fuel concentrations and temperatures. Graphite: N(25)/N(C) = 4.7 x 10-6;
T = 200oC. Beryllium: N(25)/N(Be) 1 .3 x 10-5; T = 100oC. D2O: N(25)/N(D2O) 1 .4 x 10-6; T = 20oC.
H2O: N(25)/N(H2O) = 9.2 x 10-4; T = 20oC.
17. Consider a critical bare slab reactor 200 cm thick consisting of a homogeneous mixture of 235U and
graphite. The maximum thermal flux is 5 X 10 12 neutrons/cm2-sec. Using modified one-group
theory, calculate: (a) the buckling of the reactor; (b) the critical atomic concentration of uranium;
(c) the thermal diffusion area; (d) the value of k ∞ ; (e) the thermal flux and current throughout the
slab; (f) the thermal power produced per cm 2 of this slab.
18. The binding energy of the last neutron in 13C is 4.95 MeV Estimate the recoverable energy per
fission in a large graphite-moderated, 235U-fueled reactor from which there is little or no leakage
of neutrons or -rays.
19. Calculate the concentrations in grams per liter of (1) 235U, (2) 233U, and (3) 239Pu required for
criticality of infinite homogeneous mixtures of these fuels and the following moderators: (a) H 2O,
(b) D2O, (c) Be, (d) graphite.
20. A bare-spherical reactor 50 cm in radius is composed of a homogeneous mixture of 235U and
beryllium. The reactor operates at a power level of 50 thermal kilowatts. Using modified one-
group theory, compute: (a) the critical mass of 235U; (b) the thermal flux throughout the reactor;
(c) the leakage of neutrons from the reactor; (d) the rate of consumption of 235U.
21. The flux in a bare-finite cylindrical reactor of radius r and height H is given by
φ=AJ 0
( 2 . 405
~ ) cos ( ~ )
r πz
Find A if the reactor is operated at a power of P watts.

22. It is proposed to store H2O solutions of fully enriched uranyl ( = u'ra-nil) sulfate ( 235UO2SO4) with a
concentration of 30 g of this chemical per liter. Is this a safe procedure when using a tank of
unspecifed size?
23. Show that the flux in a bare-cubical reactor of side a is

( )
φ=A cos ~ x
24. If the reactor in Problem 6.23 is operating at P watts, show that the constant A is
( )
8 ~3 π a
E R Σf a sin ~
π 3 2a
25. A bare-thermal reactor in the shape of a cube consists of a homogeneous mixture of 235U and
graphite. The ratio of atom densities is NF/NM = 1.0 X 10-5 and the fuel temperature is 250°C.Using
modified one-group theory, calculate: (a) the critical dimensions; (b) the critical mass; (c) the
maximum thermal flux when the reactor operates at a power of 1 kW.
26. The original version of the Brookhaven Research Reactor consisted of a cube of graphite that
contained a regular array of natural uranium rods, each of which was located in an air channel
through the graphite. When the reactor was operated at a thermal power level of 22 MW, the
average fuel temperature was approximately 300°C and the maximum thermal flux was 5 x 10 12
neutrons/cm2-sec. The average values of LT and T were 325 cm2 and 396 cm2, respectively, and
k∞ = 1.0735. (a) Calculate the critical dimensions of the reactor; (b) What was the total amount of
natural uranium in the reactor?
27. Using one-group theory, derive expressions for the flux and the condition for criticality for the
following reactors: (a) an infinite slab of thickness a, infinite reflector on both sides; (b) an infinite
slab of thickness a, reflectors of thickness b on both sides; (c) a sphere of radius R, reflector of
thickness b.
28. The core of a spherical reactor consists of a homogeneous mixture of 235U and graphite with a
fuel-moderator atom ratio NF/NM = 6.8 x 10-6 The core is surrounded by an infinite graphite
reflector. The reactor operates at a thermal power of 100 kW. Calculate the: (a) value of k ∞ ; (b)
critical core radius; (c) critical mass; (d) reflector savings; (e) thermal flux throughout the reactor;
(f) maximum-to-average flux ratio.
29. Estimate the new critical radius and the critical mass of a reactor with the same composition as
described in Problem 6.20 when the core is surrounded by an infinite beryllium reflector.
30. Show that the solution to the one-speed diffusion equation in an infinite cylinder made of a non-
multiplying media is
φ=AK 0 +CI 0
where K0 and I0 are modifed bessel functions.
31. An infinite-cylindrical reactor core of radius R is surrounded by an infinitely thick reflector. Using
one-group theory, (a) find expressions for the fluxes in the core and reflector; (b) show that the
condition for criticality is
J 1 ( BR ) D r K 1 ( R / Lr )
Dc B =
J 0 ( BR ) Lr K 0 ( R/ Lr )
where J0 and J1 are ordinary Bessel functions and K0 and K1 are modified Bessel functions.
32. The core of an infinite planar thermal reactor consists of a solution of 239Pu and H2O with a
plutonium concentration of 8.5 g/liter. The core is reflected on both faces by infinitely thick H 2

reflectors. Calculate the: (a) reflector savings, (b) critical thickness of the core, (c) critical mass in
33. The core of a thermal reactor consists of a sphere, 50 cm in radius, that contains a homogeneous
mixture of 235U and ordinary H2O. This core is surrounded by an infinite H 2O reflector. (a) What is
the reflector savings? (b) What is the critical mass? (c) If the maximum thermal flux is 1 x 10 13
neutrons/cm2-sec, at what power is the reactor operating? [Hint: Compute M T for core assuming
the reactor is bare and of radius 50 cm. Use this value of M T to estimate 0 and then compute new
M 2T assuming reactor is bare and of radius 50 + . Iterate until convergence is obtained.]
34. A spherical-breeder reactor consists of a core of radius R surrounded by a breeding blanket of
thickness b. The infinite multiplication factor for the core k∞ is greater than unity, whereas that for
the blanket k∞ is less than unity. Using one-group theory, derive the critical conditions and
expressions for the flux throughout the reactor.
35. Plate-type fuel elements for an experimental reactor consist of sandwiches of uranium and
aluminum. Each sandwich is 7.25 cm wide and 0. 16 cm thick. The cladding is aluminum that is
0.050 cm thick. The meat is an alloy of fully enriched uranium and aluminum which has 20 w/o
uranium and a density of approximately 3.4 g/cm 3 (a) Estimate the mean free path of thermal
neutrons in the meat and cladding in this fuel element. (b) Is a reactor fueled with these elements
quasi-homogeneous or heterogeneous?
36. The fuel sandwiches in the reactor in the preceding problem were braised into aluminum holders
and placed in a uniform array in an ordinary water moderator. The (total) metal-water volume
ratio is 0.73, and there are 120 atoms of aluminum per atom of uranium. Calculate: (a) the
thermal utilization; (b) k∞; (c) the thermal diffusion length. [Note: In part (c), compute the value of
D̄ for the homogeneous mixture by adding together the macroscopic transport cross-sections of

the aluminum and water. For Σtr of water, use 3 , where D̄ is the experimental value of D̄ for
water, corrected of course for density.]
37. A heterogeneous uranium-water lattice consists of a square array of natural uranium rods 1.50 cm
in diameter with a pitch of 2.80 cm. Calculate the: (a) radius of the equivalent cell; (b) uranium-
water volume ratio VF/VM; (c) thermal utilization; (d) resonance escape probability; (e) fast fssion
factor (from Fig. 6.10); (f) k∞.
38. Repeat the calculations of Problem 37 for the case in which the uranium is enriched to 2.5 w/o in
39. In a hexagonal lattice (also called a triangular lattice), each fuel rod is surrounded by six nearest
neighbor rods, equally spaced at a distance equal to the pitch s of the lattice. Show that the radius
of the equivalent cell in this lattice is given by b = 0.525s.
40. Calculate k∞ for a hexagonal lattice of 1.4-cm-radius natural uranium rods and graphite if the
lattice pitch is 20 cm. [Note: The fast fission factor for this lattice is 1.03.]

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