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HSE Observation Report

Date: 17-1-2023
Location Action required / Issues Photograph Risk Rectification Close Out Photo
Damaged cable
drum removed and
new inspected cable
Observed that Contractor need to drum provided .
damaged / tapped ensure that all electrical Life
cable drum was systems inspected in Critical
1 Basement- using on site. regular basis by a One
1 Potential risk of competent person. working
electrocution or Electrical tools must be day
electric shock. in a good condition to

Cables have been

removed from the
handrail and
Contractor need to insulation
Observed that ensure that all energized provided .
energized electrical electrical cables direct Life instructed to electric
cables direct contact contact with metal must Critical team don’t tie cable
Level-1, One with metal .
2 / tied with protection be remove or provide working
2, A05 (Handrail) , Potential proper insulation and day
risk of electrocution advise operatives do not
or electric shock tie cables directly with
HSE Observation Report

Damaged cable
connection has
removed . instructed
to electric team
Improper cable Contractor need to Non-Life conduct regular
connection was ensure All power tools/ Critical inspection of all
3 Basement- observed for power electrical connections 1>3 electric appliances .
1 tool ,Potential risk of must be inspected prior working
electrocution and to use by a competent day
short circuits person

3rd party certified

welder provided for
the welding work .

An operative was Non-Life

Contractor must ensure Critical
performing welding
Basement- works without that all welders must 1>3
1 hold a valid 3rd party working
holding a valid 3rd day
party certificate
HSE Observation Report

Proper access
have installed .

Operatives were Non-Life

Contractor need to Critical
found working on
Level-1, provide and install 1>3
5 scaffolding platform working
A02-A access in the
without proper day
scaffolding to use

‘’No smoking’’
signage posted in
the basements .TBT
Contractor need instruct conducted with
Cigarette butts were operatives regarding
their operatives that Non-Life
observed at B2 stair Critical smoking policy .
smoking in non-
6 Basement- case, evidence that designated area is
2 some operatives working
strictly prohibited. day
smoking in non-
Provide additional “NO
designated area
SMOKING” signage’s
HSE Observation Report

Nylon rope has

been removed and
clamps installed
with planks .
Contractor need to use Non-Life
Instructed to
Proper fittings (Clamps) Critical scaffolding
Observed that Nylon
Level-1, instead of ropes, must be 1>3 inspector don’t use
7 rope was used to tie
A02-A checked and supervise working rope again .
the Scaffold planks day
by competed scaffold

Damaged PPE
( face shield ) has
replaced .
Contractor need to
ensure that all workers Non-Life
An Operative from including sub-contractor Critical
8 Basement- Meras was found must be provided with 1>3
1 using damaged PPE appropriate & standard working
(Face Shield) PPE in good condition. day
All damaged PPE must
be replaced.
HSE Observation Report

Welder assessment
has done 3rd party
card renewed

Welder from al Non-Life

Contractor must ensure Critical
Bawani holding an
Basement- expired 3rd party that all welders must 1>3
1 hold a valid 3rd party working
certificate day

Emergency light has

properly fixed .

Contractor need to Non-Life

Ground ensure that emergency Critical
Emergency light was
Floor, lights must be fixed 1>3
10 found hanging , not working
A02-B properly and must be in
fixed properly day
working condition to use
in emergency
HSE Observation Report

Refresh WAH &

full body safety
harness training
Contractor need Ensure given to operatives .
that all operatives are
Operative from ABC Non-Life
trained and competent Critical
Sub contractor was
Level-1, when working at 1>3
11 found worn full
A02-A heights, Conduct working
body harness day
awareness training
regarding the use of full
body harness

Vehicle has
removed and parked
at designated area in
Vehicle from ABC Contractor need to Non-Life
subcontractor was ensure and advise their Critical
12 Basement- found parked in non- subcontractor to park the
1 working
designated area vehicles safely in day
(Ramp) designated parking area
HSE Observation Report

‘’Do not use’’ tag

provided on
damaged ladder
and inspected ladder
Contractor need to Non-Life provided .
ensure that all defective Critical
Damaged A-type
Level-1, and damaged ladders 1>3
13 ladder was found
A05 must be removed from working
using on site day

Modified hand tools

removed and and
new inspected tool
provided .
Contractor need to
Observed instruct sub-contractor Non-Life
substandard/ that substandard / Critical
14 Basement- Modified hand tools modified tools are not to 1>3
1 were using by using be use and remove from working
by sub contractor on site, only standard hand day
site tools are to be use on
HSE Observation Report

Power tools
conducted by site
electric team and
color code
provided .

Several power tool Contractor need to

were found without ensure that, All power Non-Life
monthly inspection tools must be inspected Critical
15 Basement- color code. Evidence prior to use by a working
1 that monthly competent person and day
inspection not being color code must be in
conducted place

Prepared by:
Mohammed Vajid Ali
Life Critical Major failure e.g. fatality, LTI, major injury, or Immediate> 1 Working day (if not temporary suspended)
dangerous occurrence
Non-Life Critical Potential Minor injury Incident, Environmental or 1 > 3 working day
Welfare Issue.
Good Practice N/A None however look to share good practice

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