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Y8 Knowledge Organiser: TERM 2: Film Music

Major Scale Minor Scale

● Sounds Positive ●Sounds negative

● Composers use this scale to create melodies for movies that ●Composers use this scale to create melodies for movies that
sound happy or give a sense of positivity. would sound spooky, scary or sad.
●A Minor scale has a sharp on the 7th note of the scale (G#)

Chromatic Scale

● The chromatic scale is used to create tension in movies. It is a half-step scale, meaning that each note is one half-step away from the
Y8 Knowledge Organiser: TERM 2: Film Music

Diegetic vs Non-Diegetic Music Other Film Music Devices

A short melodic phrase associated with a specific character, place or

Short melodic phrase used to introduce something or someone

Almost ALWAYS played using powerful instruments from the BRASS


A musical device used by composers whereby the music imitates the
actions of the characters. Often used to created comedic effect, but can
also be used in more serious or sinister movie scenes 

Non-diegetic music that is played during a scene at the same time as
action or dialogue. Used to enhance mood.

Transition Music
Music composed with the intent of linking one scene to the next.

Year 8 Musical Elements

Musical Element Key Words Meaning
Y8 Knowledge Organiser: TERM 2: Film Music

High = The notes are on the RH side of the piano

Pitch and Melody Low = The notes are on the LH side of the piano
Conjunct Melody = The melody notes move in steps
Disjunct = The melody notes move in leaps
Melodic Contour = The shape or direction of the notes
Short/quick notes = Notes are played quicker
Rhythm/Note Duration Long/sustained notes = Notes are played/held for longer
Swung Rhythms = Common in Blues and Jazz Music
Fast = This piece of music has a fast tempo
Tempo Slow = This piece of music has a slow tempo
Moderato = A Moderate Pace
Accelerando = The music is getting faster
Rallentando = The music is getting slower
Forte = The notes are played loudly
Dynamics Piano = The notes are played quietly
Crescendo = The music is getting louder
Diminuendo = The music is getting quieter
Monophonic I single melody line
Texture & Homophonic Melody line with accompanying chords (harmony)
Harmony Polyphonic More than one melody line
Triad Chord 3 Notes played at the same time
Major = Music that sounds positive; derived from the Major Scale
Scale and Tonality Minor = Music that sounds negative; derived from the Minor Scale
Chromatic = Ascending/Descending in half steps (every black and white note)

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