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Product information

Solid State AC-Power supply

for uv lamps up to 6,000 W

BLP 59-S

BLP 59-S

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1 General _____________________________________________________________________ 3
1.1 How does it work ________________________________________________________________ 3
1.2 Special advantages of this solid state power supply ____________________________________ 3
2 Technical Data _______________________________________________________________ 4
2.1 General ________________________________________________________________________ 4
2.2 Mains Input ____________________________________________________________________ 4
2.3 Output for UV lamps_____________________________________________________________ 5
2.4 Controlling and Indications _______________________________________________________ 5
2.5 Cooling ________________________________________________________________________ 6
2.6 Repair of BLP 59-S ______________________________________________________________ 6
2.7 Dimensions BLP 59-S ____________________________________________________________ 7
2.7.1 fixing dimensions BLP 59-S_____________________________________________________________ 7
3 Safety Requirements: __________________________________________________________ 8
3.1 Instructions for Instrument Safety concerning Protective Earth Conductor Connection _____ 8
3.1.1 General: ___________________________________________________________________________ 8
3.1.2 Fault-Current Circuit Breaker ______________________________________________________ 8
3.1.3 Connection of Protective Earth Conductor with at least 10 mm2 Cu ____________________ 8
4 Trouble shooting BLP 59-S _____________________________________________________ 9
5 Installation _________________________________________________________________ 10
5.1 Mounting and Cooling___________________________________________________________ 10
5.2 Electrical connections BLP 59-S __________________________________________________ 11
5.3 Electrical wiring diagram BLP 59-S _______________________________________________ 12
5.4 Installation according to EMC rules ______________________ Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
5.4.1 Protection against voltage strikes on mains (lightning strike protection)Fehler! Textmarke nicht defini
5.4.2 Shielding of lamp cables ________________________________ Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
5.4.3 Laying cables __________________________________________ Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
5.5 Measuring devices e.g. for service ________________________ Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
5.6 Help for programming PLC ______________________________________________________ 15
6 EC-Conformity Declaration ____________________________________________________ 18
7 Appendix A (example for cabling / shield grounding)______ Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.

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Product information

1 General
1.1 How does it work
So all lamps with electrical data’s in the
The BLP 59-S power supply is a fully electronic,
mentioned area could be connected to the same
controllable AC source designed for uv-lamps
power supply!
with a power class from about 3000 to 6000 watts
nominal power. It is tuned especially to operate The power supply ensures a good galvanic
with mercury discharge uv-lamps. The lamps are isolation between mains and control voltage
driven with square-wave current, this means that levels, and gives interface to the electric control
the dark period during the zero-axis crossing of the unit, e.g. a PLC. This interface is designed for
current, occurring at sinus-shaped supply with a controlling lamp power constantly. It is adjusted
standard power supply, is eliminated. by an analogous voltage of DC 0....10V.
With the analogous input the lamp will be
The BLP 59-S is designed for standard industrial
switched ON/OFF and adjusted for power.
purposes (e.g. not for use in ships, due to the high
vibrations there). It is also designed to be mounted Since switching is via semiconductors, there is no
in a cabinet or similar housing (it has IP 20). mechanical shut off as required by VDE or IEC,
(necessary during servicing!) An additional mains
Principle of function is a controllable constant
contactor or mains switch is therefore
current source. The lamp current may be in a large
range between 1.5 and 15A. In practice an
integrated interface unit controls lamp power to a An analogues output (DC 0...10V) transmits the
constant value, depending to an extern DC 0...10V lamp voltage outwards for monitoring the lamp,
signal. Within a range of about 100 to 450V of and, together with one separate contact, for
nominal lamp voltages a power range of about 600 monitoring some special faults. To this output
to 6000W is possible, but depending from the could be connected e.g. a voltmeter with colored
lamp data. Usually a power range for a specific scale (yellow, green, red = burn-in, good
lamp from 10 to 100% power is possible, but also operation, fault) for optical control or the
depending from lamp type and lamp cooling. The analogous input of a PLC for automatic
maximum power, driven with DC 10V could be monitoring the lamp.
adjusted to lower values while production.
Air cooling of this units is be ensured by 2 factory
side equipped fans (max. 40°C ambient air
temperature is recommended !).

1.2 Special advantages of this solid state power supply

step less controlling of lamp power

different lamps could be connected at the same power supply
very quick lamp power pulsing possible
automatic constant lamp power
3-phase symmetrical mains connection
easy to built in and less wiring
no ignitor needed
less heavy according to a standard 6 kW power supply
CE sign
designed in accordance with EN 50178 / VDE 0160, European and world wide standards

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2 Technical Data
2.1 General
Can operate mercury and metal halide lamps without any changes to the power supply.
Lamp power remote control
Lamp voltage monitor
Up-to-date FET technology
Air cooling
Efficiency typical 92%
Ambient temperature range: +0 to +40° C, see Derating Curve in 5.1, too
Storage temperature range: -10 to +70° C
Protection degree IP 20
Built-in position BLP 59-S primarily upright with connectors down, or horizontal
Dimensions: 400 x 125 x 270 mm, incl. fan
plus ≥ 35mm for undisturbed airflow
Weight: ~ 14 kg

2.2 Mains Input

Mains voltage and frequency:
nominal: 3x 400 to 480V ±6% / 50 and 60Hz
short time: 3x 480V +10% for 1h within 24h operation
Mains connection: 3 phases plus Protective Earth (PE)
CAUTION: If connected to an IT-mains network (network with Neutral or Star Point NOT connected to PE) please
contact your supplier. According to principle function of the missing phase protection, the BLP could be switched
off by monitoring “missing phase” without a real missing phase.
Power factor about 0,7 at max. power
Fuse protection needed: motor protection switch;
setting current Ia could be calculated as follows:
Ia = 1,08 * PUV / (Umains * 0,7 * √3) with
PUV = power of uv-lamp [W]
Umains- = actual mains voltage (50 or 60 Hz)
3x 16A fuse link „gL“ could also be used

Help for right choice of contactors on the mains supply side of BLP 59-S (one BLP 59-S per contactor):
This values are important for the right choice of a mains contactor, otherwise the contacts could be destroyed
in the long run (contacts melt together).
Calculation: calculate the max. mains wattage and max. current per
phase with max. used power and lowest possible mains
supply voltage (typ in Europe. Nominal –6%, in some
other countries –10%) and compare with rated switching
power AC-3 and the max. continuous current of the
contactor. Select the next bigger one, which fits AC-3
power and continuous current.
Example: BLP 59-S with 6000kW max + 8% heat loss on a 400V
mains current at 3x 360V (400V-10%) with 6480W
(see formula above for fuses)
 3x 14,9A max. @ 360V and 6kW lamp power
 AC-3 > 6,48kW
EATON contactor DIL M15  7,5KW and 15,5A max.
continuous current. The next smaller one, DIL M12 would
not fit to the current (12A max.) and not the AC-3 power
(only 5.5kW).
Other brands accordingly.
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Inrush current when starting the uv-lamp: no inrush current

EMC EN 55011, group I, class A (industrial areas)
Cooling fan internally supplied

2.3 Output for UV lamps

Lamp current about 1.5 to 15A continuos
(the lowest lamp current depends on the lamp and its cooling conditions, possibly a lamp switches off
at approx. 3 or 4 A)
Frequency about 255 Hz, rectangular
Suitable for nominal lamp voltage from 100 to 450 V
to reach full max. power of BLP a higher than 100V
operation voltage for the lamp will be recommended, due
to the max. output lamp current of 15A, e.g. with 200V
lamp voltage * 15A max. current a max power of
3000W is possible !
Continuous power output up to 6000 W; good air cooling is recommended.
While production of the BLP it is possible to reduce max. power to a value between 6 to 3 kW. This allows to use
the full range of DC control voltage DC 1...10V all over the power range of a specific uv-lamp.
It is possible to pulse lamp power between min. and max. values within very short times, e.g. 600 W and up to 6000W.
Pulse operation: lamp current rise up time ≤ 2 ms
(10-100%) lamp current fall down time ≤ 3 ms
Integrated ignition unit Us = approx. 2x 2000V symmetric
Power Supply is protected against short circuit on the output circuit
Power Supply is protected against ground fault on the output circuit
Power Supply is protected against open circuit (no lamp connected or cable disconnection)
Recommended maximum cable length (distance between power supply and uv-lamp):
for Hg lamps max. 15 m
for doped lamps: max. 10 m
(this values depends from cable capacitance and lamp igniting behavior)
Cable should be shielded, due to the EMC-Standards. Shield must be grounded only on 1 side !!

2.4 Controlling and Indications

Mains ON delay time After applying mains to the BLP the unit needs a
delay time of ≤ 5 sec. to be clear to operate.
Advice: while this ON delay time, the fault
monitoring contact may cause short and irregular
analogous input for lamp power control: DC 0...10V, Ri ≥ 5 kΩ (input resistance)
DC 0...0.5V = OFF
DC 1...10V = ON and lamp power 10...100%
within limits 1.5...15A
DC 8…10V = ignition, apply min. 5sec.
Advice: for lamp starting (burn in) a high DC input voltage is recommended, such as DC 8...10V.
After burn in reduce lamp power to the appropriate power of the lamp.
limits max. DC 10V, short time up to DC 15V (max. 5 sec.)
analogous output for lamp voltage monitoring: DC 0...8V = AC 0...500V lamp voltage
(= ratio 1:62,5, e.g. DC 6V = AC 375V real lamp voltage)
DC 8,0...8,5V = BLP ready, input OFF
DC 8,0...10V = BLP ignites and/or lamp OFF
DC 0...10V, 3mA, (short circuit protected)
in case of a fault (fault monitoring contact closed) DC 0.2...1.5V = BLP overtemperature and/or fan faulty
DC 2.0...4.0V = ground fault in lamp circuit
DC 5.0...7.0V = missed phase on mains (t > 1 sec.)
digital output for fault monitoring potential free contact, closes when any fault is monitored
contact data voltage max. DC 48 V
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current max. DC 0,2 A

insulation voltage against PE
max. AC 60 V / DC 100 V
If a fault is monitored, lamp will be switched off automatically and the fault monitoring switch will be closed.
Simultaneously the DC 0...10V output voltage runs up to ≥ 10V for 1 second, to allow programs, designed for the older
ALP 50, to detect a fault also.
Notice: in case of a fault do not switch off mains immediately, otherwise you get no monitoring from the BLP.
Reset: Overtemperature and Missing Phase faults will be reseted automatically if fault disappears. In case of Ground Fault
mains have to be disconnected to the BLP for at least 20 seconds.

2.5 Cooling
An efficient cooling of the BLP 59-S is important for the maximum possible output power and especially for life time.
BLP 59-S is equipped with two fans mounted in the middle on the rips of the cooling unit and on the side to cool the unit
inside. Both fans are monitored by their turns per minute. If one fails, the BLP reacts with a “over temperature”
Cooling depends from the amount of airflow through the rips of the cooling unit and the temperature of air as well as the
ambient temperature. Care have been taken to insure max. 40°C cooling air temperature in any case!
It is recommended, that no heat producing parts radiate its IR to the BLP! In case apply shieldings by e.g. metal sheets.
Nevertheless, it is very important to run the units as cool as ever possible to have a long time and reliable operation.
Imagine as a general rule for electronics: 10 K less results in double life time! 10 K more results in half life time!

2.6 Repair of BLP 59-S

Practice has shown, that the BLP 59-S is a high reliable electronic power supply. Equipped with ground fault protection
there should be nearly no extern fault, which could destroy the unit. But if it happens, it could be repaired by the
manufacturer, because of its modular inner design.
If the BLP is opened from customer side (broken label), the warranty is void !

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2.7 Dimensions BLP 59-S

add ≥ 35mm for

undisturbed airflow

add ≥ 35mm for

undisturbed airflow

2.7.1 fixing dimensions BLP 59-S

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3 Safety Requirements:

To minimize the risk of electric shock while e.g. make service at the uv-lamp connected to the

output of the power supply, it is important to switch off mains with a main switch or mains
contactor in accordance with the national standards, before working at the parts connected to
the power supply.
Reason: The uv-lamp is switched off by semiconductors, which have a high but not infinite
resistance. So electric shock may occur, if mains is not disconnected.

3.1 Instructions for Instrument Safety concerning Protective Earth Conductor Connection
3.1.1 General:
For noise elimination, there are installed three-phase current line filters in the electronic power supplies. For
these line filters, which are necessary in these power categories, it is impossible to manage with discharge
currents, which are smaller than 3.5 mA. Therefore, in accordance to the current Standards, appropriate
precautionary measures have to be carried out.
We start the following contemplations from the assumption that our instruments operate in plants, which are
solid connected with mains.
In accordance to EN 50176 (VDE0160) April 1998 Section "Discharge Current via the Protective Earth
Conductor" one of the following measures has to be taken:
a) Cross section of the protective earth conductor has to be at least 10 mm2 Cu.
NOTE: This minimum cross section was established out of consideration for its mechanical strength.
b) Monitoring of protective earth conductor by a facility, which leads to independent switching-off of the
electronic equipment in case of failure.
c) Wiring of a second conductor, electrical parallel to the protective earth conductor, via separate terminals.
This conductor by itself has to comply with the demands for the protective conductor.
3.1.2 Fault-Current Circuit Breaker
Above mentioned “b)” is complied with this. Additionally the following should be taken into consideration:
Our electronic equipment can carry a DC leakage in case of failure. Therefore a special fault-current circuit
breaker has to be used, which releases at DC fault.
Also attention has to be paid to a peculiarity of the three-phase line filter:
In normal case, when all three phases are applied to, the discharge current is typically under 30 mA. In case of
missing phase or phases or in the moment of switching on or off, there can occur asymmetries, in consequence
of which the current values can be up to 180 mA.
If several power supplies are installed in the machine, it is impossible to use a fault-current circuit breaker.
The Standard speaks here about incompatibility of protective measures.
Therefore one of the following measures has to be applied:
3.1.3 Connection of Protective Earth Conductor with at least 10 mm2 Cu
Our units BLP 59-S have a separate M5-screw at their case for connection of protective earth conductor. Via
this screw the demanded 10 mm2 Cu-wire has to be contacted safely with the unit and has to be routed to the
electric distribution.
With the above mentioned notes we want to give support to the user. In the end the user himself is responsible for
the compliance with the relevant Standards and their realization.

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4 Trouble shooting BLP 59-S

fault measuring/indicatio reason elimination
BLP 59-S or fault monitoring contact not DC input voltage < 8,0V apply DC input ≥ 8V for ignition
lamp could closed and
not be DC-output voltage about reignition after switch off will not wait for cooling down lamp
switched on ≥ 8.0 V run because of still too hot
auto turn off
while running uv-lamp switched off itself, check uv-lamp
is destroyed or a too long mains check terminations and wiring to
short cut occurred the lamp
lamp too cold and shut off when Check cooling of lamp
running in stand by a longer time
same fault monitoring contact closed missed phase in main check mains fuses etc.
and (t > 1 sec.) check terminations and mains
DC-output voltage contactor (1 contact burned out ?)
5.0...7.0 V
automatic RESET when all 3
phases are reconnected
same fault monitoring contact closed ground fault in lamp circuit check terminations and wiring to
and the lamp
DC-output voltage RESET by switching OFF-ON
2.0...4.0 V mains for at least 20 sec. OFF
same fault monitoring contact closed thermal switch off, air stream impeded ?
and BLP too hot because of overload,
DC-output voltage or air filters in cabinet polluted ?
0.2...1.5 V bad cooling fans blocked or defective ?
too high ambient and/or cooling air Measuring: at the right or left side
temperature at middle height of cooling unit
or near housing of BLP 59-S :
blocked or defective fans ≤ 50°C recommended, 60°C max
automatic RESET after cooling
down BLP 59-S
same fault monitoring contact not Mains fault check mains voltages
closed and check terminations and wiring to
DC-output voltage short circuit in lamp circuit
the lamp
≤ 0,2V BLP 59-S defective. replace BLP 59-S
asymmetrical current L1, L2, L3 A difference of about 1A is Nothing to do.
mains phase is different normal.
currents Asymmetrical mains voltage check mains and fuses
failure of 1 phase of mains check mains fuses

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5 Installation
5.1 Mounting and Cooling
An efficient cooling of the BLP 59-S is important for the output power (otherwise possible shut OFF) and especially for
life time. BLP 59-S is equipped with two fans mounted in the middle on the rips of the cooling unit and on the side to cool
the unit inside. All fans of BLP 59-S are supplied internal and supervised of their function. If defective or blocked, BLP
59-S monitors “overtemperature”.
Cooling depends mainly from the amount of airflow through the rips of the cooling unit and the temperature of air as well
as the ambient temperature. To reach the full output power of 6000W, an airflow of about 300m³/h have to blown directly
to the rips of the cooling unit. To ensure good air flow, a minimum distance of 50mm from air in- and outlet is
IMPORTANT: The cooling air temperature and the ambient temperature must not exceed 40°C !

If the unit is installed inside a cabinet or a other housing,

care have to be taken to avoid high temperatures inside
this housing by flowing it by air. The amount of air
depends from ambient temperature and power loss of the
BLP 59-S . Power loss is about 8% of the real maximum
lamp power. Distance to any air flow blocking parts and
BLP 59-S / fan should be minimum 50mm. A general
rule for power electronics says: as cooler the ambient air
is, the longer and better are reliability and life time of
the unit. Half temperature will double life time.

Derating curve BLP 59-S






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

The derating curve shows the maximum allowed lamp power over cooling air /ambient temperature
As an example: with 6kW lamp power, 40° C inside cabinet temperature, 35°C max. outside cabinet temperature an air
flow of 320 m³/h throughout the cabinet is recommended. The BLP 59-S should be positioned near the cold air entry.
Rough calculation for needed air flow throughout a housing/cabinet:
V = 3,3 * ----------------------------
40°C - TAMBIENT, max
V = air volume in [m³/h]
PLOSS = loss power of BLP in [W] (PLOSS = 8% of max. lamp power)
TAMBIENT, max = max. possible air temperature outside the cabinet/housing, e.g. in summer.

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5.2 Electrical connections BLP 59-S

control connections:
1 DC 0V level (common)
2 + DC 0...10V input
(power controlling)
3 + DC 0...10V output
(lamp voltage)
4 fault monitoring contact
5 fault monitoring contact
6 (blocked, do not connect!)
7 (blocked, do not connect!)

lamp connections:
U uv-lamp
PE ground (not used)
V uv-lamp

mains connections
L1 L2 L3 PE

Additional M5 bolt PE-connection

see paragraph 3.1

cooling fan (internal supplied)

Connectors for cable side (included):

- lamp connector: PC4HV/3-STF-7,62 Phoenix 1882382
- mains connector PC4HV/4-STF-7,62 Phoenix 1882395
- control connector MVSTBR 2,5/5-ST-5,08 Phoenix 1792278

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5.3 Electrical wiring diagram BLP 59-S

mains 400 to 480V / 50Hz or 60Hz

PE-copper rail; central grounding point

To mounting motor protection switch

plate e.g. 3x 16A (12x Inom)
(adjustment of protection switch see 2.2 Mains Input)
s. § 3.1.3 mains contactor
(When choosing the mains contactor be aware of the
M5 bolt mains inrush current of BLP 59, see 2.2 Mains Input)
for PE
L1 L2 L3 PE PE

DC 0V level (common)
BLP 59 + DC 0...10V input 2)
+ DC 0...10V output 3)
fault monitoring contact (DC48V; 0,2A max.)
fault monitoring contact

Use suitable cable shield
clamps, s § 0

Do not use an
external ignitor !

Use shielded cable only!
When working at the lamp terminations
Only connect shield to switch off main switch before !
ground on 1 end at Residual voltage may occur ! 1)
BLP side!! See § 0

1) Main contactor recommended to have reliable
switch OFF and no residual voltages at the
output t the lamp.
Otherwise electric shock may occur while
working at the uv-lamp etc. e.g. for service !
2) ON/OFF and power control
3) lamp voltage monitor and, in case of fault,
fault monitor

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5.4 Installation according to EMC rules

5.4.1 Protection against voltage strikes on mains (lightning strike protection)
Experience has shown that electrical installations all over the world are often not sufficiently protected against
mains disturbances (for example from the result of lightning strikes etc..) . This sometimes leads to flash-overs
and the following destruction of components inside the power supplies. This is because these strikes are much
more energy intensive than the standard energy “spikes” that the units are designed to cope with.
The problem is less to do with strikes between phases, but more with strikes between phases and earth (PE).
These strikes mostly overload the EMC filter and the main current components in the BLP.
With further development and upgrading of the BLP, the EMC-filters have been changed to reach lower
currents to earth in regard to use GFI (ground fault interrupter) with lower setting currents.
Therefore impedance between PE and phases is higher. This is an advantage for using GFI, but at same time a
disadvantage against strikes.
The purpose of the so called Y-capacitors inside the EMC filter, which incidentally influence the effect of
protection, is not to protect against lightning strikes, but to fulfill RFI rules.
We therefore recommend, if the protection standard at the customers installation is unknown or bad, to
add to the BLP installation (e.g. inside the electrical cabinet) extra components for strike suppression.
Useful and professional components may be found e.g. at PHOENIX CONTACT (
Their brochure "TRABTECH" includes a lot of technical hints, as well as data for the necessary components.

5.4.2 Shielding of lamp cables

Example photo see appendix A
Due to the rectangular current, the lamps are driven (approx. 255Hz), harmonics occur. According to EMC
rules, these cables have to be shielded between the BLP 59-S and lamp housing.
IMPORTANT: connection of shielding to ground:
1. Cable shielding generally has to be grounded to the central grounding point (PE) of the cabinet.
Shielding should protect against the high
frequency harmonics. Grounding of a shield
has to be made with as large as possible
surface area:
Best solution is to use a shield clamp:

2. It is important that the shield clamps or clamps as shown in the picture 1 and 2 above (green) have an excellent
connection to the grounded mounting plate or a separate, properly earthed copper rail !
If painted surface mounting plates are used, please completely remove the isolating coating from the connection
3. Shielding must be grounded only on one end of lamp cable, preferably near to the BLP !!
Otherwise the Ground Fault Protection of BLP 59-S detects a fault.
The shield MUST NOT BE connected at the other end (shield should be cut back and protected by a heat shrink
sleeve) and
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES must the shield be used as PE for grounding the lamp housing.
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4. Regarding the connectors between the BLP and the lamp e.g. the connector on the lamp housing or
near the cabinet, the shield of the first part of the cable (= between BLP and the connector) has to be
grounded near to the BLP, and to the central PE point in the cabinet, or to the properly grounded
mounting plate according to 1. above. Do NOT connect the shield on the other end cable to PE, just
cut the end of the shielding back and isolate it by e.g. a heat shrink tube.
5. The second cable section (from connector to the lamp) also has to be grounded only on 1 end, usually
at the connector end if the connectors metal housing is properly grounded to PE. The connectors PE
should not only be grounded to the surrounding metal sheets it is mounted on, but additionally
connected by a 10 mm² lead (AWG 8) to the central PE point in the cabinet!
For safety grounding of the actual lamp housing (PE) a separate 2,5 mm² lead from connectors PE to
the lamp head is ok.
6. If using terminals (e.g. ceramic post terminals) at the exit of the cabinet for the connection of lamp
heads, it is good practice to ground the shield of both cables (one to BLP, one to lamp) together in one
place near the terminal with 2 special shield connection clamps (e.g. clamping on a common copper
rail). Do NOT ground the shield on the other end of the both cables.
It is important, that this copper rail AND the BLP (bolt near the mains connector) is additionally
grounded by a 10 mm² lead to the central PE point of the cabinet.

5.4.3 Laying cables

As normal with laying cables according to EMC rules, the lamp and the mains cables should not be laid in
parallel to cables for analogue or other low level signals, to avoid disturbances to these signals.
If not possible to avoid parallel laying, all concerned cables should to be shielded carefully. Additionally an
intensive test of all functions of these low level and analogous signals should be made in varied conditions, the
lamp running, e.g. during ignition (disturbance from the ignition pulses), during running at full power, etc.
Best cable to be used for lamp connection from power supply is a 2 core cable (2x 2.5mm² or bigger), both
cores shielded together (each single shielded is good either). If using single core cables, it is important, to lay
the 2 according cables as near together as ever possible, in order to reduce any difference in inductivity and
capacity as most as possible.
Cut the cable cabinet to lamp to the right length and connect it accordingly at the cabinet and lamp end.
NEVER roll to a ring a too long cable, as it is often seen after installation on site at the bottom or in the
sockets of cabinets !!
For connect Protective Earth (PE) see more in paragraph § 3.1.

5.5 Measuring devices e.g. for service

To measure with separate devices, e.g. for service with a clamp ampere meter or a multi meter, lamp voltage or
currents use TrueRMS devices with a frequency range of up to 10kHz as minimum. Other devices may
show serious deviations from the true values or show hardly differing values.
CAUTION: if measuring lamp voltage, do NOT connect the volt meter while a lamp is not operated (open
circuit). If there is no lamp current, the ignitor impulses are applied to the output and may destroy your
measuring device!

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Product information

5.6 Help for programming PLC

Behavior of lamp voltage when BLP 59-S is switched on and when a fault occurs
≥ 10V 3)
lamp should ignite

lamp shuts off

lamp has ignited ca. 8 V

Missing phase of main

lamp in full emission 1) 5...7 V

ground fault in lamp circuit

2...4 V
80% of nominal lamp voltage 2)
Lamp BLP overtemp. or fan defect 4)
OFF warming up phase 0,2...1,5 V
< 0,2 V

input input input
DC 0...0,5 V DC 1...10V, for ignition apply 8….10 V for min. 5s. DC 0...0,5V

main drop down or

short circuit in lamp circuit

fault monitoring contact (open)

(closed) 3)

Ua DC output voltage, shows lamp voltage or, in case of faults, monitors the fault (see 2.4).
Ue DC input voltage, ON/OFF of BLP and adjusting lamp power (see 2.4).
t0 switch mains ON
t1 = t0 + 5 sec (inner switch on delay of BLP)
t2 BLP ON + ignite (max. 10 sec. if lamp does not ignite, controlled by extern switch OFF
by DC voltage Ue), apply ≥ DC 8.0V for ≥ 5 sec.
t3 lamp ignites (Ue should have 10V in order to shorten warm up phase)
t4 lamp has warmed up (Ua ≥ 80% of nominal lamp voltage); now is the first moment power adjustment
should be used by Ue = DC 1...10V
t5 a fault occur
t6 = t5 + 1 sec
t7 = t5 + 5...10 sec; switch OFF BLP by Ue ≤ 0,5 V
t8 mains OFF for at least 20 sec for a Reset (necessary only when Ground Fault has occur)
1) voltage Ua depend of nominal lamp voltage (operating voltage)
2) lamp cooling have to be active over 80% lamp voltage, reduce cooling when lower than 80%.
3) only in case of fault monitoring: Missed Phase, Ground Fault and BLP Overtemperature
4) automatically Reset when fault is eliminated

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Product information

Help for programming PLC (continued)

Flow diagram for controlling BLP 59-S together with UV-lamp

BLP electronic power supply
BLP 59
Ua DC-output voltage
(monitoring lamp voltage Ua≥0,2V
Fault 1
or a fault)
Ue DC input voltage A) uv-lamp cooled down ?
UN lamp (operating) voltage No After turn off the uv-lamp, a lack time before turning on again
should be introduced. Length of lack time depends mostly of
Yes the lamp cooling and have to be determined for each type
of uv unit
main contactor practice has shown times of about 30 to 600 sec.

A (to page 17)
Fault 2 OFF
B) B) Recommendation: while ignition (as a demand) and warm
BLP 59 up phase run BLP with DC 8…10V, until Ua has reached
the equivalent of 80% of nominal lamp voltage.

8V≤Ua≤10V 0≤Ua≤0,2V
Fault 2 OFF (Ue ≤ 0,5 V)
C) time 10 sec. longer than warm up time of
Fault 3 C)
lamp, practice shows between 30 to 120
sec. mostly.
OFF (Ue ≤ 0,5 V)
0≤Ua≤0,2V 8V≤Ua≤10V
Fault 2 Fault 3 OFF (Ue ≤ 0,5 V)

OFF (Ue ≤ 0,5 V) 1,6V≤Ua≤0,8xUN/62,5V D) choose one of these actions:

lamp too cold
UB=0,8xUN/62,5V • switch OFF uv-lamp
• increase lamp power and/or
• decrease lamp cooling

lamp OK
lamp cooling E) (warmed up)
release production ON

ON fault 1:
power • wrong connection, if any, in input or output
• BLP defective
1≤Ue≤10V control
power - desired value fault 2:
• mains failure, fuse blown
• short circuit in lamp circuit
E) switch ON lamp cooling, when
• BLP defective
lamp voltage has reached 80% of
nominal lamp voltage. fault 3:
• uv-lamp shut OFF / do not ignite
• disconnection to the lamp

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Product information

Help for programming PLC (continued)

Flow diagram for controlling BLP 59-S together with UV-lamp (continued)

A (from page 16)

F) fault monitoring contact

closed ?

fault 4

fault 4:
• BLP Overtemperature or fan defective
• Ground Fault in lamp circuit
• Missing Phase of main

BLP Over-

In case of Ground Fault:

Ground Fault in switch OFF mains
lamp circuit (= Reset, approx. 20 sec)

Missing Phase
of main

Reset after fault 4:

• BLP Overtemperature and Missing Phase of mains are reseted automatically when fault is eliminated.
• Ground Fault in lamp circuit: mains have to be switched OFF for at least 20 sec.

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Product information

6 EC-Conformity Declaration

We uv-technik meyer gmbh

Glauburgstr. 34, D-63683 Ortenberg-Bleichenbach
Declare under our sole responsibility, that the product
power supply for uv-lamps
type: BLP 59-S

to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following European standards:

Harmonized Standards 2004/108/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive

2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive

National, harmonized Standards DIN EN 50178

(VDE 0160)
DIN 31000
(VDE 1000)
DIN EN 55011
(VDE 0875 part 11)

These products therefore has the qualification to be signed with the CE-sign.
Signing: 2011

This declaration is valid as long as in the above mentioned standards or in the product no substantial
changes will be done.

date 2012-01-20

Michael Miseré
- uv-technik meyer gmbh -

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Product information

7 Appendix A (example for cabling / shield grounding)

Example photo for connecting and grounding cable from lamp housing running into a cabinet:

Terminal clamps in cabinet,

other side goes to the BLP
(here 2 units)

Typical shield clamps

Mounting plate with

electrical conducting
surface, galvanized, NOT

Cable to lamp housing, containing

- 2 lamp cables (single shielded)
- control wires (here 12x 0,34mm²)
separate shielded;
- PE (here 2.5mm²) for security
grounding of the lamp house.

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Product information

Example photo of the grounding of lamp cable inside a cabinet between BLP and terminals:

Typical shield clamps

This PE wire actually goes

to the M5 bolt (not to the
screw as it appears) for
grounding the BLP.
In this photo its too small, it
should be 10mm² !


Terminal clamps in cabinet,

other side goes to the lamp

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Product information

Example photo, of how cabling should NOT to be done:

Analogue control cables should NOT run in parallel with
he shield clamps anPainted surface of mounting mains (or lamp) cables, but separated. If not avoidable, use
plate isolates the shield clamps shielded control cable and ground the shield carefully like the
and other groundings. lamp cable shields. 1)

This PE cable is Lamp cable shields are wound together to make a
not necessary. wire and connected to the PE via the connector
(using shield clamps would be the correct way)

Cable cross section is too small, 10mm² (AWG8) would be correct.
Just wrapping loose wires around the bolt offers nearly no connection
in EMC terms !!! (high HF resistance)
(using a crimping connection would be correct)
1) running control cable parallel to mains or lamp cable could result in strange behavior, like wrong power setting, fault
monitoring where no fault is etc. Typically very hard to find and to detect between real faults and EMC caused faults.
Strongly recommended to avoid cabling like in the photo !!!
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