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24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz

Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz
34 Preguntas FECHA  : 

1. Listen to the conversation between Sheila, Larry, and a vendor at a street market. Select
the correct answer to complete each sentence.

Sheila wants to buy _______.

A a picture B a sofa

2. Listen to the conversation between Sheila, Larry, and a vendor at a street market. Select
the correct answer to complete each sentence.

Larry doesn't want it because _________.

A it's too big B he doesn't like it

3. Listen to the conversation between Sheila, Larry, and a vendor at a street market. Select
the correct answer to complete each sentence.

Sheila wants to pay _________ for it.

A $250 B $200 1/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz

4. Listen to the conversation between Sheila, Larry, and a vendor at a street market. Select
the correct answer to complete each sentence.

Larry wants to _________.

A go to a baseball game B go home

5. Read each pair of sentences. Complete the second sentence with the opposite of the
underlined word. Select the correct word.

This music isn't quiet. It's __________.

A slow B small

C loud D expensive

E light

6. Read each pair of sentences. Complete the second sentence with the opposite of the
underlined word. Select the correct word.

This car is very ____________. It isn't cheap.

A small B expensive

C light D loud

E slow 2/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz

7. Read each pair of sentences. Complete the second sentence with the opposite of the
underlined word. Select the correct word.

This printer isn't heavy. It's ____________.

A expensive B loud

C small D light

E slow

8. Read each pair of sentences. Complete the second sentence with the opposite of the
underlined word. Select the correct word.

This laptop isn't fast. It's ____________.

A expensive B loud

C small D slow

E light 3/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz

9. Read each pair of sentences. Complete the second sentence with the opposite of the
underlined word. Select the correct word.

This computer isn't big. It's ____________.

A small B loud

C slow D light

E expensive

10. Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in
parentheses. Use -er, more or less and than where needed.

This new laptop is ________________ (fast) my old one. It starts very quickly.

11. Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in
parentheses. Use -er, more or less and than where needed.

My TV is really heavy. I'm going to buy a _____________(thin) one.

12. Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in
parentheses. Use -er, more or less and than where needed.

This old cell phone is _____________ (heavy) my new one. 4/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz

13. Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in
parentheses. Use -er, more or less and than where needed.

Oh, no! This English test is ____________ (difficult) the last one!

14. Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in
parentheses. Use -er, more or less and than where needed.

Ted doesn't like his new printer. It's ____________ (bad) his old one.

15. Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in
parentheses. Use -er, more or less and than where needed.

I can't pay $700 for a camera! I only have $200. Do you have a _____________ (expensive)


Complete each sentence with two words. Use too or enough and correct adjective from
the box.

1. 5/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz


Complete each sentence with two words. Use too or enough and correct adjective from
the box.



Complete each sentence with two words. Use too or enough and correct adjective from
the box.



Complete each sentence with two words. Use too or enough and correct adjective from
the box.

4. 6/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz


Complete each sentence with two words. Use too or enough and correct adjective from
the box.



Complete each sentence with two words. Use too or enough and correct adjective from
the box.



Complete each sentence with two words. Use too or enough and correct adjective from
the box.

7. 7/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz


Complete each sentence with two words. Use too or enough and correct adjective from
the box.



Complete the conversations with the correct phrases from the box. Use capital letters
where needed.

1. 8/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz


Complete the conversations with the correct phrases from the box. Use capital letters
where needed.



Complete the conversations with the correct phrases from the box. Use capital letters
where needed.

3. 9/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz


Complete the conversations with the correct phrases from the box. Use capital letters
where needed.



Complete the conversations with the correct phrases from the box. Use capital letters
where needed.

5. 10/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz


Read the webpage. Select the correct answer for each question.

Which phone is less expensive?

A XL100 B TalkPhone


Read the webpage. Select the correct answer for each question.

Which phone looks more modern?

A TalkPhone B XL100 11/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz


Read the webpage. Select the correct answer for each question.

Which phone is too quiet for some people?

A XL100 B TalkPhone


Read the webpage. Select the correct answer for each question.

Your friend is an artist, and he likes to take pictures with cell phones. Which phone is
better for him?

A XL100 B TalkPhone 12/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz


Read the webpage. Select the correct answer for each question.

Your friend's sister likes to chat online and listen to music on her phone. Which phone is
better for her?

A TalkPhone B XL100


Read the webpage. Select the correct answer for each question.

Your friend wants to buy a cell phone for her ten-year-old son, but she doesn't want to
spend much money. Which phone is better for him?

A TalkPhone B XL100 13/15
24/1/23, 19:05 Four Corners 2, Unit 7 Quiz

Clave de respuesta

1.a 2.a 3.b 4.b

5.c 6.b 7.d 8.d

9.a 10.faster than 11.thinner 12.heavier than

13.more difficult 14.worse than 15.less expensive 16.too


17.plain 18.pretty 19.enough 20.too

21.expensive 22.too 23.tight 24.Would you

25.can have it 26.let you have it 27.How about 28.can give it to you

29.b 30.b 31.b 32.b

33.b 34.a 14/15
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