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Lecture 2

Extracted by: Bezaye Bogale (GAR)

Contents of the Lecture
Basic Structural Knowledge Need for Drawing
Structural Drawings

● Principles of Structural Supporting System

● Types of structures & Structural materials
● Reinforcement
● Types of reinforcement
● Types of Reinforcement bars
• REINFORCEMENT :-is the addition of steel bars
into concrete structures to increase the ability
of structural elements to overcome failure do
to load actions.

• On frame structures the reinforcement is done

mainly for elements such us:- beams,
columns, slabs and foundations.
Wind load
Rain load
Repair load

Tie beam

Principles of
Transfer load
Transfers load

Transfers load
To the ground
Types of structures & Structural materials
• Three types of structures used in building

 Steel - Light in weight, High Strength

- Used in warehouses, factories, Expensive
 Wood - Not stronger than steel & concrete
- Expensive
- Used in Residential & simple
Types of structures & Structural materials
 Concrete - High compressive Character
- Weak in tension
- Combining it with steel, it can
be used in multi story constructions
 Reinforced concrete - A concrete reinforced with
steel bar
RC structures - Structural parts or components of a
building made of RC: RC column, RC lintel, RC wall, RC
stair, etc
• There is a standard for types, sizes & range of
Types of Steel
 Plain (smooth bar) - Tie bars of small diameter d6,d8
 Deformed - For usual construction, deformed bars are
Range of Reinforcement
 Bars are made in a range of reinforcement
6 - 50mm in diameter
 Nominal sizes - based on diameters of plain round bars
reinforcement manufacturers usually supply bars in 12m
Types of reinforcement
 Tensile Reinforcement
- Reinforcement to resist moment or deflection
 Compressive Reinforcement
- Reinforcement inserted to overcome compressive
force on the structure
 Shear Reinforcement
- Reinforcement inserted to overcome
shear action
Types of Reinforcement bars
Reinforcement bar (ROD)

Reinforcement cage
For column

Steel Fabric

Spiral Reinforcement
For circular column
Types of Reinforcement bars
Main bar

Temperature bar
Distributes the effect of the
Shrinkage bar
Loading to distribute shear
Distribution bar

Splice bar

Starter bar
Types of Reinforcement bars
U- Shaped bar

Link bar
L- Shaped bar


Anchorage bar
Hook bar

Anchorage bar Binder

Symbols, Conventions & Standards in ST
Common Abbreviations in Structural Drawings

F= Footing FC1= Footing for column one

C= Column J= Joists
IB= Intermediate Beam C/C = Center to center
UB= Upper tie Beam SFL= Structural floor plan
GB= Grade Beam FFL= Finished floor plan
S= Slab BT= Bottom
L= Lintel TOP= Top
Symbols, Conventions & Standards in ST
Common Structural Drafting Symbols




Shows direction & extents

of reinforcement bars

C/C spacing
Symbols, Conventions & Standards in ST
Structural Grid Notation

1 2
Structural Grid Lines
Letter in one direction

Numbers with the other
Direction 123…..
Symbols, Conventions & Standards in ST
Bar Notation in Rein for cement detail
Number of bars
Size of bar

6 4 O 12 L=3.5m

Mark of the bar

Length of bar

For Column & Beam Reinforcement

Symbols, Conventions & Standards in ST
Bar Notation in Reinforcement detail
Size of bar
Mark of bars
Bar Spacing

6 4 O 12 C/C 15 L=3.5m
Number of the bar
Length of bar

For Footing & Slab

Reinforced Concrete Columns
• A column is a vertical member carrying the beam and
floor loadings to the foundation and is a
compression member

• Since concrete is strong in compression it may be

concluded that provided the compressive strength of
the concrete is not exceeded no reinforcement will
be required
Reinforced Concrete Columns
• For this condition to be true the following conditions
must exist
Loading must be axial
Column must be short, which can be defined as a
column where the ratio of its effective height to its
thickness does not exceed 12
Cross section of the column must be large
• These conditions rarely occur in framed buildings,
consequently bending is induced & the need for
reinforcement to provide tensile strength is apparent
Reinforced Concrete Columns
• Bending in columns may result due to

- Load coupled with the slenderness of the column

- Reaction to beams; as the beam deflects it tends to
pull the column towards itself thus including tension
in the far face
- The reaction of the frame to wind loadings both
positive & negative
Reinforced Concrete Columns
• The minimum number of main bars in a column
should not be less than 6% of the cross sectional
area of the column & a minimum diameter of 12mm

• To prevent the slender main bars from buckling and

hence causing spalling concrete, links are used as a
Reinforced Concrete Columns
• The spacing is usually not greater than twelve times
the main bar diameter
• Where the junction b/n beams & columns occur
there could be a clash of steel since bars from the
beam may well be in the same plane as bars in
• To avoid this situation one group of bars must be bent
or cranked in to another plane; it is generally
considered that the best practical solution is to crank
the column bars to avoid the beam steel
RC Beams

 Beams can vary in their complexity of design

& reinforcement, hence simply:
• Simple beam
• Simple beam with shear reinforcement
• Cantilever beam
• Beam with heavy reinforcement

Upper tie beam

TERRACEA beam which carries the roof load

Which supports the wall above an opening

Intermediate beam
A beam which carries the load of the upper
floor, furniture, people, & foor load to the column

Cantilever beam
A projecting beam supporting only at one point


Grade beam
A beam located below a wall, used to transfer
The load to the foundation
Depending on their Cross section
Down stand

Flush beam


T- Beam

Joist Lintel
RC Beams
• When tension is induced into a beam the fibers will
lengthen until the ultimate tensile strength is
• The correct design of RC beam will ensure that it has
sufficient strength to resist
• Compression forces Flexural
• Tensile forces force

• Shear ( diagonal tension)

RC Beams
• Beams are normally reinforced with:
• Longitudinal (main steel)
• Links or stirrup
• Top steel
RC Beams
• Main Steel
• The principal reinforcement in beams
• Bars introduced to give necessary tensile
• High yield strength 12 - 32
RC Beams
• Links or stirrups
• are shear reinforcement bent bars normally
takes the form of rectangular hoops bent from
lengths of straight bars
• introduced in to the concrete to prevent shear
• completes the cage
RC Beams
• Concrete has a limited amount of shear resistance &
if this is exceeded reinforcement must be added to
provide extra resistance

• Shear occurs at or near the supports as a diagonal

failure line at an angle of approximately 45 degree to
the horizontal & slopping downwards towards the
Shear occurs at or near the supports
as a diagonal failure line at an angle
of approximately 45 degree to the
horizontal & slopping downwards
towards the support
RC Beams
• Zero shear occurs at the point of maximum
• Reinforcement to resist shearing force may be
either stirrup, inclined bars, or both
• Inclined or bent up bars should cut the shear
failure plane at right angles
• Stirrups are provided in beams even where not
required to minimize shrinkage cracking, for
easy handling
RC Beams
• The nominal spacing dimension for stirrups
should not be greater than 0.75 times the
effective depth of the beam

• Effective depth= from the top of the beam to

the center of tension reinforcement
RC Beams
• Top steel
- used to complete reinforcement cage
and also works with link to resist shear
high yield steel bar size between the links
and main steel
Reinforced Concrete Beam Layout & Reinforcement
Drawing 
 

IB 3

IB 1
IB 2



IB 1
IB 4

IB 2

 


Structural beam layout

sc. 1:50
 C 

2Ø 14 L=8480mm


3Ø 14L=1550mm 3Ø 14L=2620mm

Ø 16L=1300mm
2Ø 14L=7980mm
AT LEVEL +3.06 & +6.12 sc. 1:50

7Ø14 Ø8cc200mm 4Ø14 Ø8cc200mm
250 250



200 200
Section D-D Section E-E
sc. 1:25 sc. 1:25
Reinforced Concrete Slabs
• A RC slab will behave in exactly the same manner as
RC beam & it is therefore designed in the same
• There are three basic slab types:
1, Flat slab floors or roofs
2, Beam & slab floors or roofs
3, Ribbed floors or roofs
Flat slabs
• Simple flat slabs can be thick & heavy but have the
advantage of giving clear ceiling heights since there
are no internal beams

• They are economic up to spans of approximately 9m

& can be designed to span one way, that is across
the shortest span, or to span in two directions
Beam & Slab
• By adopting this method of design large spans are
possible & the reinforcement is generally

• A negative will occur over the internal supports

necessitating top reinforcement; as with the flat
slabs, this can be provided by cranked bars.
Ribbed slab
• This type of slabs are discovered currently and they
are economical because of the use of HCB.

• The reinforcement is done on the ground as panels

and placed side to side to form the slab which is
going to be field with HCB.
Reinforced Concrete Foundations
• The function of any foundation is to transmit to the subsoil
the loads of the structure
• Mass concrete strip foundation can be used for light loadings
(up to G+1 residential buildings)
• Reinforced concrete foundation are used for buildings of
heavy load
• When buildings are either heavy or transmit the loadings at a
series of points such as in a framed building it is uneconomic
to use a mass concrete because its thickness is very high
• Plan size = Load/BC of soil
RC foundation Types
• The basic types of RC foundations include
• Strip foundations
• Isolated or pad foundations
• Raft or mat foundations
• Pile foundation
• or a combination of the above
Strip foundations
• RC strip foundations are used to support and
transmit loads from heavy walls
• The effect of the wall on the relatively thin
foundation is to act as a point load and the resultant
ground pressure will induce tension on the across
the width of the strip
• Tensile reinforcement is therefore require in the
lower face of the strip with distribution bars in the
second layer running longitudinally also the
reinforcement will also assist the strip in spanning
any weak pockets of the soil
RC Strip Foundations
Isolated or pad foundations
• It is used to transmit loads from piers or columns
• The most economic shape is a square but if columns
are near to the site boundary you may use
rectangular shape of the same area
• The reaction of the foundation to the load & the
ground pressure is to cup
• The depth of the base depends by anticipated
moments and shear forces, etc
Pad Foundations
Raft foundations
• The principle of any raft foundation is to spread the
load over the entire area of the site
• Useful when column load are heavy or bearing
capacity of soil is very low
• Three types of raft foundations
1. Solid slab rafts
2. Beam & slab rafts,
3. Cellular rafts
Solid slab rafts
• Solid slab rafts are constructed of uniform thickness
over the whole raft area, which can be wasteful
because the design must be based on where the
heaviest load occurs
• Loading
Tension under the column areas
Tension in the upperparts between columns
Solid Slab raft
Beam & slab rafts
● This type of foundation is used when poor soils are
● The beams are used to distribute the column loads
over the area of the raft results in a reduction of slab
● The beams can be:
Up stand - creates usable spaces, high cost
Down stand -Reduce excavation costs
Beam & Slab Rafts
Cellular rafts
• Can be used where a reasonable BC subsoil can be
depths where beam & slab techniques become
• Similar to RC concrete basements except that
internal walls are used to spread the load over the
raft & divide the void in to cells
• Openings can be formed in the cell walls for housing
of services, store rooms, etc
Typical Cellular raft details
Types of footings


Figure 1: Building Foundations
Designed to provide buildings with support and stability,
foundations are the first structural components installed in
most construction projects. Spread-footing foundations (A)
are a common, economical choice for projects built on stable
ground. Friction piles (B) distribute weight along their entire
length, unlike caisson piers (C), which transmit the building’s
load to the stable bedrock that only the ends of the piers
contact. Mat foundations (D) are reinforced concrete slabs
used when building loads are relatively large, and ground
conditions are unstable; these foundations carry the
downward load of a building as a unit “floating” on the soil.
• A blinding layer 50 to 75 mm thick of weak concrete
or coarse sand should be placed under all RC
• Function- to fill any weak pockets in the soil to
,provide true level surfaces
• Laying blinding before assembling the formwork or
placing the blinding within the formwork
Structural Drawing for Foundation
• Structural Foundation
The structural member of the house that transfers all
the loads( including the structural wt of the house)
to the surrounding ground
• Footing
transmits the loads of the superstructure to the
ground by distributing it to a large area
Structural Foundation Plans
• Definition
Sections of intended foundation construction that
show foundations immediately before backfilling
• Purpose
Shows plan views of substructure building members
footings, piles, grade beams to reference structural
foundation details gives information on size,
thickness & layout foundations
Included in structural foundation layout
• Basic dimensions
Column, Footing, Grade beam sizes, c/c of columns,
overall dimension
• Structural grid lines & their identification
• Mark number & identification of columns, Footings,
Grade beam
• Detail indications
• Center lines indicating location of footings
• Location & size of holes left through foundation for
service pipes
• Notes & Schedules (Footing)

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 
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Structural Foundation
 

 
  

  

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Reinforcement details of footing
• Purpose
 Shows detail reinforcement bars in the footing
 Shows the amount, size, spacing & location of bars
needed in the footing
 To show size, depth and shape of footing
 To show the shape of bars
Reinforcement details of footing
• Plan view, section and details
• Basic dimensions
• Layout of reinforcing bars
• Size no & spacing of bars
• Bar mark for bars
• Details (Footing column reinforcement & stirrups
• Notes & bar schedules
Concrete cover for footing

Footing Plinth= 2.5cm

Footing slab
Side=2,5 cm
Ø 14cc200mm L= 1300mm
 

Ø 14cc200mm L= 1500mm


Footing F1Plan
sc. 1:25
Ø 14cc200mm

Section D-D sc. 1:25
End of Lecture 2

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