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• Rizal offered his services as a military doctor in Cuba, which
was then in the middle of yellow fever epidemic. He act upon
Blumentritt’s advice to volunteer and he wrote a letter to
General Ramon Blanco on December 17,1895. On July 1,1896,
an acceptance letter arrived in Dapitan. Rizal would be given a
pass so that he could come to Manila and travel to Spain.
• Katipunan was a secret revolutionary society founded by Andres Bonifacio on
July 7,1892. In a secret meeting of the Katipunan on May 2,1896, Pio Valenzuela
was assigned to inform Rizal of the plan to launch a revolution. Dr. Valenzuela
arrived in Dapitan on June 21,1896 and told him of the Katipunan plan.
• Rizal objected Bonifacio’s plan and disapproved the plan of Katipunan to rescue
• Rizal’s four-year exile in Dapitan ended on July 31,1896.
August 1, 1896, Steamer Espana, where Rizal was on board,
anchored at Dumaguete - capital of Negros Oriental. In
Dumaguete, he visited Herrero Regidor and the Rufina Family.

Dumaguete to Cebu: Rizal was fascinated by the entrance

to Cebu which he considered “beautiful”.
TO MANILA Cebu to Iloilo (August 3, 1896)
“ The voyage was fine. At the right we saw Mactan an Island famous for what happened to Magellan. The
whole afternoon was magnificient….we saw many isalnds along our way…the next day, in the morning, we
entered Iloilo…. “

From Iloilo,Rizal’s ship sailed to Capiz and after a brief

stopover, it proceed towards Romblon until to proceeding to
• Rizal was not able to catch the ship Isla de Luzon which sailed to Spain a
day before he arrived.
• He stayed in cruiser Castilla, by order of Gov. General Blanco. He was
given good accommodation and Rizal stayed for about a month, waiting
the availability of a Spain-bound steamer.
• While Rizal was waiting on the cruiser, an event occurred.
• Fray Mariano Gil – discovered the secret society ( Katipunan ), its plot to
overthrow Spanish rules and reported it to the Spanish authorities.

PHILIPPINE • August 26, 1896: the Katipunan raised and cry of revolution in the hills of
REVOLUTION • August 30: the revolutionists attacked San Juan, near the city of Manila, but they were
STARTED repulsed with heavy losses.
• Governor General Blanco proclaimed a state of a war in the first eight provinces
for rising in arms against Spain-Manila.
• On September 2,1896, Rizal was transferred to steamer Isla de Panay which
was sailing for Barcelona. The steamer left Manila on September 3.
• The steamer arrived on September 7 in Singapore.
• While Rizal was in Singapore, he didn’t know that Governor General Blanco
was secretly conspiring with the Ministers of Wars and the Colonies for his
destruction. He was unaware that since his departure from Manila Bay on his
way to Spain, there was a plan of his arrest upon reaching Barcelona and that
he was a deportee and was being secretly kept under surveillance.
October 3, 1896: Rizal’s steamer
On Oct. 8, 1896, a friendly officer told
arrived in Barcelona. He became a Rizal that the Madrid newspapers were
prisoner on board as he was confined full of stories about the bloody revolution
in his cabin. He was kept under heavy in the Philippines and were blaming him
guard in his cabin. for it.

3 Oct 1896 6 Oct 1896 8 Oct. 1896 11 Oct. 1896

On October 6, Rizal was awakened by the

guards and escorted to the grim and On Oct. 11, Rizal’s diary was
infamous prison. About 2pm, he was taken taken away and was
critically scrutinized by the
out of prison and brought to the authorities. The cabin was
headquarters of General Despujol for an search thoroughly but
interview. The general told Rizal that he nothing incriminating was
would be shipped back to Manila on board found.
ship Colon.
• Nov. 3, 1896: Rizal reached Manila. He was quietly transferred
under heavy guard from the ship to Fort Santiago. Spanish
authorities fished for evidence against Rizal. Many Filipino patriots
were brutally tortured to implicate Rizal including his brother,
Paciano. Although he suffered from tortures, he never signed any
damaging statement incriminating his younger brother.

• Rizal appeared before the Judge On November 20, the

preliminary investigation began:
Advocate, Col. Francisco Olive.
• He had five-day investigation and
he was informed of the charges
against him.
• November 26. Colonel Olive transmitted the case records to General Blanco. General Ramon
Blanco submitted the charges to Judge Advocate General, Don Nicolas de la Pena, for an
opinion. After studying, he recommended the following:
1. The accused be immediately brought to trial.
2. He should be kept in prison.
3. An order of attachment be issued against his property to the amount of 1 million pesos.
4. He should be defended in court by an army officer (Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade).
• December 11. Rizal was accused of being the “principal organizer and the living soul
of the Filipino insurrection, the founder of societies, periodicals and books dedicated
to fomenting and propagating ideas of rebellion”.
• Rizal pleaded not guilty to the crime of rebellion.
• His case was then forwarded to Malacanang Palace on December 13.
• Rizal’s case was prejudged. All his arguments and proofs were ignored.
• On December 26,1896, Rizal’s court martial started in Cuartel de Espana. The trial was
opened by Judge Advocate Dominguez. After him, Lt. Enrique de Alcocer, prosecuting
attorney delivered the charges against Rizal and urged the court a verdict of death to

If he was guilty, he He did not deny

Without his should have left that he wrote the
He had not knowledge, his the country while by-laws of the La
He could not be If he was really
written a letter name was used by in exile; he Liga Filipina, but to
guilty of rebellion the leader of the
addressed to the the Katipunan; if shouldn't have make things clear,
since he advised revolution, the
Katipunan he really was built a home, the organization
Pio Valenzuela not revolutionists
comprising guilty, he could bought a parcel of was
to rise in should have
revolutionary have escaped land or a civic association,
revolution consulted him.
elements. while he was in established a not a
Singapore. hospital revolutionary
in Dapitan. society.

If according to
witnesses the speech
he delivered
If the Spanish at Doroteo
authorities found Ongjunco's house had
his letters having He lived an inspired the
After the first revolution, then he
If the La Liga had a bitter atmosphere, exemplary life in
meeting of La Liga, If the La Liga was want to confront
revolutionary it was because in Dapitan – the these persons. If he
the association reorganized nine
purpose, then 1890 his family was politico-military really was for the
banished because months later, he
Katipunan should being persecuted commanders and revolution, then why
of his exile in had no idea about
not have been resulting to their missionary priests did the Katipunan sent
Dapitan, thus, did it an unfamiliar emissary
organized. dispossession of in the province
not last long. to him in Dapitan? It is
properties and could attest to that.
deportation of all so because all his
friends were aware
his brothers-in-law. that he never
advocated violence.

• He was sentenced to be
shot until death at 7 o'clock
in the morning of
December 30, 1896 at

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