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Shenna Mea O.


DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1-4 in a recollection, the teachers were asked to share their thoughts about the best teaching
practices. What follow are some of their answers.

A. Teachers must give their students opportunities to be creative for the students to freely
express themselves.

B. Teacher should give greater emphasis of the development of basic skills like reading,
writing, and arithmetic.

C. Teacher s should not focus on how much product but more on the process of doing it.

D. Teachers in choosing lessons should include those that have survived the test of time and
combine the symbols of literature, history, and mathematics.

C 1. Which practices applies progressivism?

D 2. Which practices applies perennialism?

B 3. Which practices applies essentialism?

A 4. Which practices applies humanism?

B 5. Teacher Reinsures to put a certain amount of his monthly earnings in the bank. At the end
of the school year, he used all his savings in visiting places rich of cultural heritages rather than
of buying expensive clothes, jewellery, and latest gadgets. This shows that teacher R is an
advocate of what kind of Philosophy?

a. humanism b. perennialism c. essentialism d. constructivism

C 6. Increase of time allotment in English, Math and Science in the Elementary level under the
New Elementary School Curriculum (NESC) as provided in DECS Order No. 1, S. 1993 contributes
in the culturation of basic literacy by providing the needed essential skills. The related
philosophy is

a. humanism b. perennialism c. essentialism d. constructivism

B 7. Teacher W is known in giving great importance on humanistic education. Which of the
following will depicts this trait?

a. Developing students into thinking individuals

b. Making students civilized, distinctly educated and refined

C. Giving the students the freedom to choose and decide for themselves

d. Teaching the students the different works of civilization

B 8. Increase of time allotment in English, Math and Science in the Elementary level under the
New Elementary School Curriculum (NESC) as provided in DECS Order No. 1, S. 1993 contributes
in the culturation of basic literacy by providing the needed essential skills. The related
philosophy is

a. perennialism b. essentialism c. constructivism d. humanism

Answer this:

Which educational philosophy in most compatible with your beliefs? Why?

In my opinion, educational philosophy that most compatible with my beliefs is

constructivism because in that learner has to make meaning from experiences in
the world. Through experiences we could have more realizations in life. We
experience and at the same time we are learning. In constructivism teachers help
the students to reach the objective and to explore and construct knowledge
based on what they’re reading. Constructivism is based on the idea that students
actively construct or make their own knowledge, and that reality is determined by
our experiences as a learner. In this teachers are more understandable to their
students. They are teaching with match the learner level of understanding and
through this it really helps the students to learn easily. By sharing an experience it
will lead the students in reality and make the students more imaginative in life.
Teachers also allowing the students work in a group for them to learn together
and share their own experiences. Real experiences are such a big help for the
students to learn easily and to be more imaginative.
DIRECTION: Complete the matrix below.

Philosophy Aims of Roles of Roles of

education teachers students

Perennialism The aim of Teacher is a dispenser Hardworking, dutiful,

perennialism in of knowledge. obedient and
education is to Teacher is less interested.
develop power of concerned with the Capable to seek and
thought, internalize student interest and store knowledge learn
truths that are more concerned with maximum.
universal and to transferring
develop students’ knowledge from older
intellectual and moral generations to
qualities. younger generations.
Teacher will focus on
the importance of
reading and will often
use the underlying
reading lessons to
make moral point.
Essentialism The aim of The teacher is Students in this
essentialism in focusing on system would sit in
education is to instill achievement test rows and be taught in
all students with the scores as a means of masses.
most essential or evaluating progress. The students would
basic academic skills The teacher should learn passively by
and character serve as an sitting in their desks
development. intellectual and moral and listening to the
role model for the teacher.
students. Students sit and take
note in a classroom.
Humanism Aiming cultivation of The teachers should Students learning
the intellect. have qualities of head should be self-
Welfare of the total and heart. directed.
humanity Have the ability to Students learn best in
Process of mental, understand, to direct, a nonthreatening
emotional and moral to stimulate and to environment.
values. guide the child. Students should be
Help the students in able to choose what
attaining happiness they want to learn,
and human
Teachers do not
separate the cognitive
and effective
Constructivism To build To help students to Students determine
understanding. build their knowledge. how they will learn.
To provide experience To encourage Students must learn
with knowledge students to engage in to combine new
construction process. collaborative information with their
To provide experience learning. current knowledge.
in and appreciation Students must be in
for multiple control of what and
perspectives. how they learn.
To embed learning in
realistic contexts.
Progressivism To promote Act as a facilitator for Participate in
democratic and social students learning. formulating the
living. Determine the purposes that are the
Emphasis upon how student interests for basis for the student-
to think rather than developing centered curriculum.
what to think. curriculum.
Progressivism focuses
on real-world
problem solving and

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