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Machine Operator Panel
Functional Description


280651 Indramat
About this document Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Title Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Type of document Functional Description

Documentation type DOK-MTC200-BTM16.1****-FKB1-EN-P

Internal filing Drawing no.: 109-1041-4121 DE/05.98

Purpose of the document • Description of BTM16 hardware functions

• BTM16 technical data
• BTM16 connection and installation
• BTM16 programming

Configuration control Documentation identification of Release Comment

previous releases date
DOK-MTC200-BTM16.1****-FKB1-EN-P 05.98 New issue

Copyright  INDRAMAT GmbH, 1998

Copying this document, and giving it to others and the use or
communication of the contents thereof without express authority are
forbidden. Offenders are liable for the payment of damages. All rights are
reserved in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility
model or design (DIN 34-1).

Validity All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation
and the availability of the product.

Published by INDRAMAT GmbH • Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 • D-97816 Lohr a. Main

Phone +49 (0)9352/40-0 • Tx 689421 • Fax +49 (0)9352/40-4885

Abt. ESM (OI)

Note This documentation is printed on chlorine free bleached paper.

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Contents I

1 Product Presentation 1-1
1.1 Brief Description................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Exceptional Features of the BTM16..................................................................................................... 1-2
Keys and LEDs.............................................................................................................................. 1-2
Override Module............................................................................................................................ 1-2
Variable Module Slot ..................................................................................................................... 1-2
External Handwheel ...................................................................................................................... 1-2
Remote Bus Connection ............................................................................................................... 1-2
Additional I/Os ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
Mounting variations ....................................................................................................................... 1-3

2 Description 2-1
2.1 Basic Unit ............................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Keypad Module ............................................................................................................................. 2-1
Feedrate Override Module ............................................................................................................ 2-1
Spindle Override Module............................................................................................................... 2-2
Variably Equippable Module Slot................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 Emergency Stop Pushbutton ............................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Handwheel ........................................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.4 Additional Inputs/Outputs ..................................................................................................................... 2-2

3 Technical Data 3-1

3.1 General Data........................................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Keypad Modules .................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.3 Gray-Code Module............................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.4 Emergency Stop Pushbutton ............................................................................................................... 3-1
3.5 Handwheel Module .............................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.6 External Handwheel ............................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.7 Additional Inputs................................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.8 Additional Outputs................................................................................................................................ 3-2

4 Dimensions 4-1
4.1 Housing Dimensions ............................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.2 Mounting Cutout when Mounting from the Back .................................................................................. 4-2
4.3 Mounting Cutout when Mounting from the Front.................................................................................. 4-2

5 Connections 5-1
5.1 Location of connectors......................................................................................................................... 5-1

II Contents Machine Operator Panel BTM16

5.2 Power Supply X2.................................................................................................................................. 5-1

5.3 InterBus-S Interface IN X3 ................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.4 InterBus-S Interface OUT X4 ............................................................................................................... 5-2
5.5 External Handwheel ............................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.6 Additional Inputs X28 and X29............................................................................................................. 5-4
5.7 Additional Outputs X30 and X31 .......................................................................................................... 5-5
5.8 Ground (Earthing) ................................................................................................................................ 5-5
5.9 Wiring................................................................................................................................................... 5-6

6 Addressing and Programming 6-1

6.1 InterBus Connection............................................................................................................................. 6-1
ID Code ......................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Device List Entry ........................................................................................................................... 6-1
Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.2 Keypad Modules .................................................................................................................................. 6-2
Keypad Module 1 .......................................................................................................................... 6-3
Keypad Module 2 .......................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.3 Feedrate Override Module ................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.4 Spindle Override Module...................................................................................................................... 6-5
6.5 Gray-Code Table.................................................................................................................................. 6-6
6.6 Module Slot 5 ....................................................................................................................................... 6-6
6.7 Handwheel Module .............................................................................................................................. 6-7
6.8 External Handwheel ............................................................................................................................. 6-8
6.9 Additional Inputs................................................................................................................................... 6-8
Connector X28 .............................................................................................................................. 6-8
Connector X29 .............................................................................................................................. 6-8
6.10 Additional Outputs.............................................................................................................................. 6-9
Connector X30 .............................................................................................................................. 6-9
Connector X31 .............................................................................................................................. 6-9

7 Type Code 7-1

8 Accessories 8-1
8.1 Cable / Connector Overview ................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.2 Key Inlays............................................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.3 Scale Foils............................................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.4 Key Lids ............................................................................................................................................... 8-2
8.5 Order Information for Accessories ....................................................................................................... 8-3

9 List of Figures 9-1

10 Index 10-1

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Product Presentation 1-1

1 Product Presentation

1.1 Brief Description

Fig. 1-1: BTM16 front view

Machine operator panels complete machine operator terminals and

support both mode selection as well as manual machine operation. Hence
they incorporate the required elements for such operations as keys with
LEDs, feedrate and spindle overrides, emergency stop pushbutton and
From the optical and dimensional point of view, the BTM16 represents a
machine operator panel designed for use in conjunction with the machine
operator terminal BTV30.
The control panel incorporates two freely programmable keypad modules,
a feedrate override module, a spindle override module as well as one
module slot which can be equipped as needed. The right module slot can
either be provided with a blind plate, an emergency stop pushbutton or a
In total, 39 keys which can be labeled and freely programmed and 39
related LEDs are available.
Since the handwheel electronics are always available within the basic
unit, an external handwheel can be connected instead of a mounted
handwheel. This is still possible if the right module slot is equipped with
an emergency stop pushbutton.
In addition, the BTM16 has 16 inputs and 16 outputs to connect further,
externally mounted control and display elements.
The BTM16 is connected to an MT-CNC's or MTC200's SPS via InterBus-
S remote bus interface.
The BTM16 represents a reasonable alternative to the freely configurable
machine operator panel BTM15.

1-2 Product Presentation Machine Operator Panel BTM16

1.2 Exceptional Features of the BTM16

Keys and LEDs

The BTM16 features 39 real keys with key lids of transparent plastic and
a clear keystroke. Hence machine operation is quick and does not tire the
user. Nevertheless its front complies to IP65 and is resistant to all known
coolants and lubricants.
Raised, intermediate fillets prevent either slipping or inadvertant operation
of adjoining keys.
Bright, yellow LEDs are located above each key. Hence the signal status
is still visible during key operation.
Key inlays supplied or selfdesigned ones, can be inlayed into the key lids
which are removable without a tool and accessible from the front.
Keys and LEDs can be assigned randomly and programmed within the
SPS. In this way, jog keys, on/off switching and toggling functions can be
generated in any combination.

Override Module
A feedrate override and a spindle override module enable convenient
influencing and machining process optimization. Sixteen grids for
individual feedrate and spindle speed setting are available spread over an
angle of rotation of 240 degrees. The feedrate override module is
available in two different graduations of scale, either a fine gradation in
the lower area or around 100%.
The three keys located underneath the rotary switch can be used for
override selection as well as the selection of the fixed values 0% and
SPS function blocks are available within the SPS programming system for
convenient implementation of an override module.

Variable Module Slot

The BTM16's right hand area is always equipped with 3 freely
programmable keys with LEDs. As an option, the BTM 16 is available with
• an emegency stop pushbutton or
• a handwheel
instead of the blind plate provided with the basic model.

External Handwheel
Since the handwheel electronics are always available, an external
handwheel can be connected instead of the integrated one. In addition to
the handwheel connection option, 6 additional inputs are provided for axis
selection or valuation of handwheel pulses.

Remote Bus Connection

In a simple and cost effective way, the BTM16 is connected to the I/O-
level of the SPS via InterBus. In this way, costly and individual wiring of
the various control components is omitted.

Additional I/Os
The BTM16 has 16 inputs and 16 outputs to connect keys, key switches
and signal lamps mounted apart from the BTM16. As a result, these
additional control components need not be wired directly to the SPS.

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Product Presentation 1-3

Mounting variations
Like the BTV30 and the BTM15, the BTM16 is designed for panel and
substructure installation. By using the substructure installation it is
possible to design a pleasant front panel without spoiling screw heads.
For exact dimensions of the mounting cutouts and location of boreholes
and threaded pins see page 4-2.

1-4 Product Presentation Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Description 2-1

2 Description

2.1 Basic Unit

Fig. 2-2: BTM16 Basic unit

The BTM16 is divided into five equal operation areas. The four areas to
the right are always equipped with two keypad modules, one feedrate
override module and one spindle override module. The right area can be
equipped as needed.

Keypad Module
Each of the two keypad modules consists of 15 pushbuttons arranged in a
matrix of 3 columns and 5 rows. A bright and yellow LED is located above
each pushbutton which can be programmed via the SPS as needed.
The transparent key lids can be removed without using a tool and are
accessible from the front. For key labeling, inlays containing labels or
symbols are inserted into the key lids. For this, a sheet of paper
containing preprinted, easy-to-remove key inlays is provided.
It is also possible to design one's own symbols and print them on a laser
printer. The size of the inlay must be 12 * 12mm with a thickness of
0,2mm. The prefered material is a polyester foil.
After inserting the key inlay the key lid is pressed back on the key body.

Feedrate Override Module

The third module slot is equipped with a feedrate override module. A gray-
code-switch with 16 steps across an angle of rotation of 240 degree
allows feedrate adjustment during machining.
Depending on the technology, two different graduations of scale in the
range between 0 and 120% are available:
VA: 0-1-2-4-6-8-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-100-120%
VB: 0-10-20-40-60-70-75-80-85-90-95-100-105-110-115-120%
Type VA permits fine tuning at the beginning of the setting range. In
contrast, type VB provides a higher resolution around 100%.
Three pushbuttons with LEDs are located underneath the rotary switch.
They can be used to activate the feedrate override and to select the fixed
values 0% and 100%. However, the functionality of the pushbuttons must
be programmed within the SPS program and can be freely determined by
the machine tool builder in this way.
Function block OVGY0_xx is provided within the SPS programming
system for the conversion of the gray code (rotary switch position) into
binary representation which than can be handed over to the CNC (see
documentation 'SPS Function Blocks' Mappe 3)

2-2 Description Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Spindle Override Module

The fourth module slot is equipped with a spindle override module. For
spindle speed adjustment a gray-code-switch with 16 steps across an
angle of rotation of 240 degree is also provided. Within a range of 45 to
120% spindle speed can be set the following gradation:
SA: 45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100-105-110-115-120%
The three pushbuttons with LEDs located underneath the rotary switch
can be used to activate the spindle override and to select the fixed values
0% and 100% directly.
Function block OVGY0_xx is provided within the SPS programming
system for conversion of the gray code (rotary switch position) into binary
representation which than can be handed over to the CNC (see
documentation 'SPS Function Blocks' Mappe 3)

Variably Equippable Module Slot

The fifth, right module slot of the basic unit is only equipped with 3
pushbuttons and the affiliated LEDs.
As an option, this module slot can be provided with either
• an emergency stop pushbutton or
• a handwheel.

2.2 Emergency Stop Pushbutton

The right module slot is equipped with an emergency stop pushbutton as
an option. The red pushbutton (40 mm Ø) is only integrated mechanically
into the BTM16. The two NO-contacts of the circuit elements can be wired
within the machines E-Stop-chain in any way. One of the BTM16's
additional inputs must be used, if the emergency state should be reported
to the SPS.
Further circuit elements can be added by the machine tool builder if
The three pushbuttons located underneath the E-Stop pushbutton can be
used for any purpose such as functions 'Power ON' and 'Power OFF'.

2.3 Handwheel
The right module slot is optionally equipped with a handwheel for axes
fine positioning. A high-quality electronical handwheel with 100 grids per
revolution is employed. Within the SPS, function HNDWHEEL is provided
for handwheel pulses evaluation and further processing within the CNC. A
detailed description of this function is given within 'SPS Interface
Description', section 'Standard Functions', chapter 'Handwheel'.
The three pushbuttons located underneath the handwheel can be used
for any purpose such as axis selection or handwheel valuation.

2.4 Additional Inputs/Outputs

The BTM16 provides 16 additional inputs and 16 outputs for the
connection of additional control components as pushbuttons, rotary
switches, toggle switches, key switches and so on as well as signal
The inputs and outputs are divided into groups of 8 inputs und 8 outputs
each. Each group must be supplied seperatly. In this way group

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Description 2-3

disconnection is made possible. All additional inputs and outputs are

physically seperated from the rest of the BTM's electronics.
The signal status of the individual inputs is indicated by red LEDs located
next to the plug junction. Outputs are indicated by green LEDs. The LED
display is active only if the input's or output's external power is applied.

2-4 Description Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Technical Data 3-1

3 Technical Data

3.1 General Data

Weight approx. 1050g with E-Stop PB,
approx. 1300g with handwheel
Type of protection Front plate IP65, housing IP20
DIN40 050, IEC 529
Maximum ambient temperature
operating +5°C to +45°C
storage, shipping -20°C to +60°C
Operating air pressure 860 to 1060 hPa, 1500 m
Maximum power dissipation approx. 20 W
front plate Polyamide (PA6)
key lids Polycarbonat
scale plates Polyester foil
Color RAL 7037 dust gray
Fig. 3-3: General technical data

3.2 Keypad Modules

Number of PBs per module 15
Length of keystroke 1,8 mm
Operating force 4,5 N
Life span >10 operations
Fig. 3-4: Pushbutton data

3.3 Gray-Code Module

No. of indexing positions 16
Angle of rotation 240º
Operating torque approx. 5 Ncm
Life span > 50000 cycles
Fig. 3-5: Gray-code-switch data

3.4 Emergency Stop Pushbutton

Type Twist unlock PB, 40mm Ø, red
Front element Telemechanique ZA2-BS54
Lower switching part Telemechanique ZA2-BZ102 (1 NC)
Auxiliary circuit block Telemechanique ZB2-BE102 (1 NC)
Bias-reducing potential U max 220V DC/AC
Current on contact Imax 2A DC/AC
Standards IEC337-1,-2, DIN VDE 0660, UL 508, CSA
Fig. 3-6: Emergency stop PB data

3-2 Technical Data Machine Operator Panel BTM16

3.5 Handwheel Module

Pulses per revolution 100
Maximum speed 300 min
Stop torque approx. 15 Ncm
Life span
of light source > 10 operating hours
of mechanics > 10 movements
Fig. 3-7: Handwheel data

3.6 External Handwheel

Supply voltage 5VDC
maximum current consumption 200mA
Maximum cable length approx. 50m
(depending on handwheel)
Cable type twisted pair, separately shielded
Fig. 3-8: External handwheel data

3.7 Additional Inputs

Ext. supply voltage 24VDC ±20%
Low level 0 - 10 V
High level 18 - 30 V
I E High < 10 mA
Fig. 3-9: Input data

3.8 Additional Outputs

Ext. supply voltage 24VDC ±20%
Imax per output 200mA
Combined current ΣQ0-Q7 800mA
Combined current ΣQ8-Q15 800mA
Fig. 3-10: Output data

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Dimensions 4-1

4 Dimensions

4.1 Housing Dimensions

Fig. 4-11: Housing dimension

4-2 Dimensions Machine Operator Panel BTM16

4.2 Mounting Cutout when Mounting from the Back

Fig. 4-12: Dimensions when mounting from the back

4.3 Mounting Cutout when Mounting from the Front

Fig. 4-13: Dimensions when mounting from the front

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Connections 5-1

5 Connections

5.1 Location of connectors

Fig. 5-14: BTM16 rear view

5.2 Power Supply X2

Fig. 5-15: X2: Connection

Pin Connection
1 +12VDC to +24VDC
Fig. 5-16: X2: Pin arrangement

5.3 InterBus-S Interface IN X3

Fig. 5-17: X3: Connection

5-2 Connections Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 DO1 Data Out 1 2 DI1 Data In 1
3 GND 4 N. C.
5 N. C. 6 /DO1 Data Out 1
7 /DI1 Data In 1 8 N. C.
9 N. C.
Fig. 5-18: X3: Pin arrangement

5.4 InterBus-S Interface OUT X4

Fig. 5-19: X4: Connection

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 DO2 Data Out 2 2 DI2 Data In 2
3 GND 4 N. C.
5 + 5 V Out 6 /DO2 Data Out 2
7 /DI2 Data In 2 8 N. C.
Fig. 5-20: X4: Pin arrangement

5.5 External Handwheel

The external handwheel must provide counting pulses via two channels
with 90º phase displacement to each other. The two channels must work
in phase opposition:

Fig. 5-21: Impulse image of an external handwheel

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Connections 5-3

An external handwheel can only be connected, if there is no internal

For example, type IHF (JAKOB) can be used as an external handwheel.

Fig. 5-22: X6: Connection

5-4 Connections Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 + 5 V Out 2 GND
3 /K1 4 K1
5 +24 V Out 6 I6
7 I5 8 I4
9 /K2 10 K2
11 N.C. 12 + 24 V Out
13 I3 14 I2
15 I1
Fig. 5-23: X6: Pin arrangement

5.6 Additional Inputs X28 and X29

Fig. 5-24: X28 - X29: Connection

Pin Signal Pin Signal

X28-1 Input 0 X28-2 Input 1
X28-3 Input 2 X28-4 Input 3
X28-5 Input 4 X28-6 Input 5
X28-7 Input 6 X28-8 Input 7
X28-9 GND
X29-1 Input 0 X29-2 Input 1
X29-3 Input 2 X29-4 Input 3
X29-5 Input 4 X29-6 Input 5
X29-7 Input 6 X29-8 Input 7
X29-9 GND
Fig. 5-25: X28 - X29: Pin arrangement

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Connections 5-5

5.7 Additional Outputs X30 and X31

Fig. 5-26: X30 - X31: Connection

Pin Signal Pin Signal

X30-1 Output 0 X30-2 Output 1
X30-3 Output 2 X30-4 Output 3
X30-5 Output 4 X30-6 Output 5
X30-7 Output 6 X30-8 Output 7
X30-9 GND X30-10 + 24 V
X31-1 Output 0 X31-2 Output 1
X31-3 Output 2 X31-4 Output 3
X31-5 Output 4 X31-6 Output 5
X31-7 Output 6 X31-8 Output 7
X31-9 GND X31-10 + 24 V
Fig. 5-27: X30 - X31: Pin arrangement

5.8 Ground (Earthing)

A ground wire of 6mm² minimum must be wired from the grounding bolt to
the machine's cental grounding terminal to earth the device as well as the
shield of the electronics.

5-6 Connections Machine Operator Panel BTM16

5.9 Wiring

Fig. 5-28: Wiring diagram of BTM16 with BTV30 and RECO12

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Addressing and Programming 6-1

6 Addressing and Programming

6.1 InterBus Connection

ID Code
The BTM16 represents one participant within the InterBus with a data
width of 7 words and identifies itself via ID code 03 (digital device with
inputs and outputs).

Device List Entry

Provided that the BTM16 is not yet entered in the device list of the SPS
programming system, it can be carried out according to the following
• Boot SPS programming system and call the I/O editor:
• Select IBS-Master (G4)
• Call local menu: <Alt>+<F10>, or <Alt>+<Menu>
• select InterBus-S, edit IBS list
• Insert new participant: <Alt>+<E>
The following entries need to be carried out within the dialogue:
Dialoque Field Entry
Name BTM16
Comment Machine Operator Panel
ID code LOW: 03 HIGH: 07
Binary outputs / offset 112 / 0
Binary inputs / offset 112 / 14
Fig. 6-29: IBS device list entries

After data entry, the mask must look as follows:

Fig. 6-30: Mask of the IBS selection list

6-2 Addressing and Programming Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Within the SPS programming system's I/O editor, a logical address

between 1 and 999 must be assigned to each BTM16.
This logical address is to be used in the following tables instead of the
space holder '*'.

Four LEDs located at the BTM16's rear are used to diagnose the status of
the InterBus link. The LED's significance can be obtained from the
following table:
LED Meaning
U, green Supply voltage
On: U existing
Off: U not existing
- connector X2 disconnected
- no power at X2
- internal power supply broken
RC, green Remote bus Check
monitoring of the incoming remote bus cable (X6)
On: Incoming remote bus link established
Off: Incoming remote bus link disrupted
RD, red Remote bus Disable
On: Remote bus is disabled
Off: Remote bus is not disabled
BA, green Bus Active
On: InterBus data transmission is active
Off. No data transmission
Fig. 6-31: InterBus-S status LEDs

All green LEDs are on during a faultless operation.

6.2 Keypad Modules

Fig. 6-32: Keypad module

The left module is named keypad module 1, the right one is keypad
module 2.

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Addressing and Programming 6-3

Keypad Module 1
Key Address LED Address
S1 I*.14.0 H1 Q*.0.0
S2 I*.14.1 H2 Q*.0.1
S3 I*.14.2 H3 Q*.0.2
S4 I*.14.3 H4 Q*.0.3
S5 I*.14.4 H5 Q*.0.4
S6 I*.14.5 H6 Q*.0.5
S7 I*.14.6 H7 Q*.0.6
S8 I*.14.7 H8 Q*.0.7
S9 I*.15.0 H9 Q*.1.0
S10 I*.15.1 H10 Q*.1.1
S11 I*.15.2 H11 Q*.1.2
S12 I*.15.3 H12 Q*.1.3
S13 I*.15.4 H13 Q*.1.4
S14 I*.15.5 H14 Q*.1.5
S15 I*.15.6 H15 Q*.1.6
Fig. 6-33: Addresses of keypad module 1

Keypad Module 2
Key Address LED Address
S1 I*.16.0 H1 Q*.2.0
S2 I*.16.1 H2 Q*.2.1
S3 I*.16.2 H3 Q*.2.2
S4 I*.16.3 H4 Q*.2.3
S5 I*.16.4 H5 Q*.2.4
S6 I*.16.5 H6 Q*.2.5
S7 I*.16.6 H7 Q*.2.6
S8 I*.16.7 H8 Q*.2.7
S9 I*.17.0 H9 Q*.3.0
S10 I*.17.1 H10 Q*.3.1
S11 I*.17.2 H11 Q*.3.2
S12 I*.17.3 H12 Q*.3.3
S13 I*.17.4 H13 Q*.3.4
S14 I*.17.5 H14 Q*.3.5
S15 I*.17.6 H15 Q*.3.6
Fig. 6-34: Addresses of keypad module 2

6-4 Addressing and Programming Machine Operator Panel BTM16

6.3 Feedrate Override Module

Fig. 6-35: Feedrate Override Module

Key Address LED Address

S1 I*.18.0 H1 Q*.4.0
S2 I*.18.1 H2 Q*.4.1
S3 I*.18.2 H3 Q*.4.2
Fig. 6-36: Addresses of the feedrate override module keys

Switch Address
S4 Bit A I*.19.0
S4 Bit B I*.19.1
S4 Bit C I*.19.2
S4 Bit D I*.19.3
S4 Bit E I*.19.4
Fig. 6-37: Addresses of the feedrate override module rotary switch

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Addressing and Programming 6-5

6.4 Spindle Override Module

Fig. 6-38: Spindle override module

Key Address LED Address

S1 I*.20.0 H1 Q*.6.0
S2 I*.20.1 H2 Q*.6.1
S3 I*.20.2 H3 Q*.6.2
Fig. 6-39: Addresses of the spindle override module keys

Switch Address
S4 Bit A I*.21.0
S4 Bit B I*.21.1
S4 Bit C I*.21.2
S4 Bit D I*.21.3
S4 Bit E I*.21.4
Fig. 6-40: Addresses of the spindle override module rotary switch

6-6 Addressing and Programming Machine Operator Panel BTM16

6.5 Gray-Code Table

The Gray-Code switch position is converted into the 4 channels A to D
according to the following table. Channel E always remains 0.


0 0 45 0 0 0 0 0
1 10 50 1 0 0 0 0
2 20 55 1 1 0 0 0
4 40 60 0 1 0 0 0
6 60 65 0 1 1 0 0
8 70 70 1 1 1 0 0
10 75 75 1 0 1 0 0
20 80 80 0 0 1 0 0
30 85 85 0 0 1 1 0
40 90 90 1 0 1 1 0
50 95 95 1 1 1 1 0
60 100 100 0 1 1 1 0
70 105 105 0 1 0 1 0
80 110 110 1 1 0 1 0
100 115 115 1 0 0 1 0
120 120 120 0 0 0 1 0
Fig. 6-41: Gray-Code table

6.6 Module Slot 5

Fig. 6-42: Module slot 5

Module slot 5 is always equipped with 3 keys and 3 LEDs. Regardless of

any other equipment like a blind plate, an E-Stop or a handwheel, the
keys and LEDs are addressed according to the following table:

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Addressing and Programming 6-7

Key Address LED Address

S1 I*.24.0 H1 Q*.10.0
S2 I*.24.1 H2 Q*.10.1
S3 I*.24.2 H3 Q*.10.2
Fig. 6-43: Addresses of module slot 5

6.7 Handwheel Module

Fig. 6-44: Handwheel Module

The handwheel pulses are counted within a 16 bit register. The register's
contents are handed over to the SPS in the form of an integer value. The
counter value can also be read in bytes, if standard function HNDWHEEL
is not used.
Handwheel Address
Word IW*.26
High-Byte IB*.26
Low-Byte IB*.27
Fig. 6-45: Addressing of the handwheel

6-8 Addressing and Programming Machine Operator Panel BTM16

6.8 External Handwheel

An external handwheel uses the same counting register as the handwheel
module and thus the same addresses. For this reason, only one
handwheel can be operated at the BTM16.
Six additional inputs are provided for an external handwheel:
Input Address
I1 I*.25.2
I2 I*.25.3
I3 I*.25.4
I4 I*.25.5
I5 I*.25.6
I6 I*.25.7
Fig. 6-46: Additional inputs for an external handwheel

For example, type IHF (JAKOB) can be used as an external handwheel.

6.9 Additional Inputs

Connector X28
Socket Input Address
X28 - 1 I0 I*.22.0
X28 - 2 I1 I*.22.1
X28 - 3 I2 I*.22.2
X28 - 4 I3 I*.22.3
X28 - 5 I4 I*.22.4
X28 - 6 I5 I*.22.5
X28 - 7 I6 I*.22.6
X28 - 8 I7 I*.22.7
Fig. 6-47: Addresses of inputs X28

Connector X29
Socket Input Address
X29 - 1 I0 I*.23.0
X29 - 2 I1 I*.23.1
X29 - 3 I2 I*.23.2
X29 - 4 I3 I*.23.3
X29 - 5 I4 I*.23.4
X29 - 6 I5 I*.23.5
X29 - 7 I6 I*.23.6
X29 - 8 I7 I*.23.7
Fig. 6-48: Addresses of inputs X29

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Addressing and Programming 6-9

6.10 Additional Outputs

Connector X30
Socket Output Address
X30 - 1 Q0 Q*.8.0
X30 - 2 Q1 Q*.8.1
X30 - 3 Q2 Q*.8.2
X30 - 4 Q3 Q*.8.3
X30 - 5 Q4 Q*.8.4
X30 - 6 Q5 Q*.8.5
X30 - 7 Q6 Q*.8.6
X30 - 8 Q7 Q*.8.7
Fig. 6-49: Addresses of outputs X30

Connector X31
Socket Output Address
X31 - 1 Q0 Q*.9.0
X31 - 2 Q1 Q*.9.1
X31 - 3 Q2 Q*.9.2
X31 - 4 Q3 Q*.9.3
X31 - 5 Q4 Q*.9.4
X31 - 6 Q5 Q*.9.5
X31 - 7 Q6 Q*.9.6
X31 - 8 Q7 Q*.9.7
Fig. 6-50: Addresses of outputs X31

6-10 Addressing and Programming Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Type Code 7-1

7 Type Code

Fig. 7-51: Type code

7-2 Type Code Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Accessories 8-1

8 Accessories

8.1 Cable / Connector Overview

Fig. 8-52: Cable / connector overview

8.2 Key Inlays

Fig. 8-53: Inlays for key labeling

8-2 Accessories Machine Operator Panel BTM16

230 inlays, background white (RAL 9010)

20 inlays, background green (RAL 6017)
20 inlays, background red (RAL0036)
10 inlays, background yellow (RAL 1021)
Material: Polyester foil, thickness 0,2mm

8.3 Scale Foils

Fig. 8-54: Scale foils

8.4 Key Lids

Fig. 8-55: Key lid

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Accessories 8-3

8.5 Order Information for Accessories

Designation Indramat Type
Scale foils KENNZEICHNUNGSSCHILD BTM16.1 276 053
Fig. 8-56: Order information for accessories

8-4 Accessories Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 List of Figures 9-1

9 List of Figures
Fig. 1-1: BTM16 front view 1-1
Fig. 2-2: BTM16 Basic unit 2-1
Fig. 3-3: General technical data 3-1
Fig. 3-4: Pushbutton data 3-1
Fig. 3-5: Gray-code-switch data 3-1
Fig. 3-6: Emergency stop PB data 3-1
Fig. 3-7: Handwheel data 3-2
Fig. 3-8: External handwheel data 3-2
Fig. 3-9: Input data 3-2
Fig. 3-10: Output data 3-2
Fig. 4-11: Housing dimension 4-1
Fig. 4-12: Dimensions when mounting from the back 4-2
Fig. 4-13: Dimensions when mounting from the front 4-2
Fig. 5-14: BTM16 rear view 5-1
Fig. 5-15: X2: Connection 5-1
Fig. 5-16: X2: Pin arrangement 5-1
Fig. 5-17: X3: Connection 5-1
Fig. 5-18: X3: Pin arrangement 5-2
Fig. 5-19: X4: Connection 5-2
Fig. 5-20: X4: Pin arrangement 5-2
Fig. 5-21: Impulse image of an external handwheel 5-2
Fig. 5-22: X6: Connection 5-3
Fig. 5-23: X6: Pin arrangement 5-4
Fig. 5-24: X28 - X29: Connection 5-4
Fig. 5-25: X28 - X29: Pin arrangement 5-4
Fig. 5-26: X30 - X31: Connection 5-5
Fig. 5-27: X30 - X31: Pin arrangement 5-5
Fig. 5-28: Wiring diagram of BTM16 with BTV30 and RECO12 5-6
Fig. 6-29: IBS device list entries 6-1
Fig. 6-30: Mask of the IBS selection list 6-1
Fig. 6-31: InterBus-S status LEDs 6-2
Fig. 6-32: Keypad module 6-2
Fig. 6-33: Addresses of keypad module 1 6-3
Fig. 6-34: Addresses of keypad module 2 6-3
Fig. 6-35: Feedrate Override Module 6-4
Fig. 6-36: Addresses of the feedrate override module keys 6-4
Fig. 6-37: Addresses of the feedrate override module rotary switch 6-4
Fig. 6-38: Spindle override module 6-5
Fig. 6-39: Addresses of the spindle override module keys 6-5
Fig. 6-40: Addresses of the spindle override module rotary switch 6-5
Fig. 6-41: Gray-Code table 6-6
Fig. 6-42: Module slot 5 6-6
Fig. 6-43: Addresses of module slot 5 6-7
Fig. 6-44: Handwheel Module 6-7
Fig. 6-45: Addressing of the handwheel 6-7
Fig. 6-46: Additional inputs for an external handwheel 6-8
Fig. 6-47: Addresses of inputs X28 6-8
Fig. 6-48: Addresses of inputs X29 6-8
Fig. 6-49: Addresses of outputs X30 6-9
Fig. 6-50: Addresses of outputs X31 6-9
Fig. 7-51: Type code 7-1
Fig. 8-52: Cable / connector overview 8-1
Fig. 8-53: Inlays for key labeling 8-1
Fig. 8-54: Scale foils 8-2
Fig. 8-55: Key lid 8-2
Fig. 8-56: Order information for accessories 8-3

9-2 List of Figures Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Machine Operator Panel BTM16 Index 10-1

10 Index
Key 1-1
Key inlays 1-2
Key lids 1-2, 3-1
Key switch 1-3
Axis selection 1-2
Keys 6-4

Basic unit 1-1
LED 1-1
blind plate 1-1, 6-7
Length of keystroke 1-2
boreholes 1-3
lubricants 1-2
BTM15 1-1, 1-3
BTV30 1-1, 1-3
Machine operator panel 1-1
Machine operator terminal 1-1
Coolant 1-2
mounting cutout 1-3
MTC200 1-1
E MT-CNC 1-1

elements for operation 1-1

external handwheel 1-1, 6-9 O
Option 1-2
Feedrate 1-2 P
Feedrate override 1-1, 6-4
panel mount installation 1-3
Feedrate Override Module
Platzhalter 6-2
VA 2-1, 6-6
VB 2-1, 6-6
Front panel 1-3 R
Front plate 3-1 Rotary switch 1-2

graduations of scale 1-2 Signal lamp 1-3
Gray-code-switch 2-1, 2-2 Signal status 1-2
group disconnection 2-3 Spindle override 1-1
Spindle speed 1-2

H SPS function
Handwheel 1-1, 6-7
SPS funktion
Handwheel pulses 1-2
SPS Interface Description 2-2
I substructure installation 1-3

InterBus 1-2
ID Code 6-1 T
Intermediate fillet 1-2
threaded pins 1-3
IP65 1-2, 3-1

wiring 1-2
Jog keys 1-2

10-2 Index Machine Operator Panel BTM16

Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities

Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities

Deutschland - Germany
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Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 Beckerstraße 31 Harkortstraße 25 Kieler Straße 212
D - 97816 Lohr am Main D - 09120 Chemnitz D - 40849 Ratingen D - 22525 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (0)9352/40-0 Telefon: +49 (0)371/35 55-0 Telefon: +49 (0)2102/43 18-0 Telefon: +49 (0)40/85 31 57-0
Telefax: +49 (0)9352/40-4885 Telefax: +49 (0)371/35 55-333 Telefax: +49 (0)2102/41 315 Telefax: +49 (0)40/85 31 57-15

Vertriebsgebiet Süd Gebiet Südwest INDRAMAT Service-Hotline

Germany South V/S Service Germany South-West V/S Service
INDRAMAT GmbH INDRAMAT GmbH Telefon: (+49)-0172/660 04 06
Ridlerstraße 75 Böblinger Straße 25
D-80339 München D-71229 Leonberg
Telefon: (+49)-0171/333 88 26
Telefon: +49 (0)89/540138-30 Telefon: +49 (0)7152/9 72-6
Telefax: +49 (0)89/540138-10 Telefax: +49 (0)7152/9 72-727

Kundenbetreuungsstellen in Deutschland - Service agencies in Germany

Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities

Europa - Europe
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Mannesmann Rexroth Ges.m.b.H. Mannesmann Rexroth G.m.b.H. Mannesmann Rexroth N.V.-S.A. BEC AS
Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Zinkvej 6
Hägelingasse 3 Industriepark 18 Industrielaan 8 DK-8900 Randers
A - 1140 Wien A - 4061 Pasching B-1740 Ternat
Telefon: +43 (0)1/9852540-400 Telefon: +43 (0)7221/605-0 Telefon: +32 (0)2/5823180 Telefon: +45 (0)87/11 90 60
Telefax: +43 (0)1/9852540-93 Telefax: +43 (0)7221/605-21 Telefax: +32 (0)2/5824310 Telefax: +45 (0)87/11 90 61

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4 Esland Place, Love Lane SF-017 40 Vantaa Parc des Barbanniers 270, Avenue de Lardenne
GB - Cirencester, Glos GL7 1YG 4, Place du Village F - 31100 Toulouse
Telefon: +358 (0)9/84 91 11
F-92632 Gennevilliers Cedex
Telefon: +44 (0)1285/658671 Telefax: +358 (0)9/84 91 13 60 Telefon: +33 (0)5 61 49 95 19
Telefax: +44 (0)1285/654991 Telefon: +33 (0)141 47 54 30 Telefax: +33 (0)5 61 31 00 41
Telefax: +33 (0)147 94 69 41

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Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A.
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Via G. Di Vittoria, 1 Via Borgomanero, 11 Via del Progresso, 16 (Zona Ind.) Via de Nicola, 12
I - 20063 Cernusco S/N.MI I - 10145 Torino I - 35020 Padova I - 80053 Castellamare di Stabbia NA
Telefon: +39 (0)2/92 36 52 70 Telefon: +39 (0)11/7 71 22 30 Telefon: +39 (0)49/8 70 13 70 Telefon: +39 (0)81/8 72 30 37
Telefax: +39 (0)2/92 36 55 12 Telefax: +39 (0)11/7 71 01 90 Telefax: +39 (0)49/8 70 13 77 Telefax: +39 (0)81/8 72 30 18

Italy V/S Service Netherlands V/S Service Netherlands V/S Service Spain V/S Service

Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Hydraudyne Hydrauliek B.V. Hydrocare B.V. Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.
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Viale Oriani, 38/A P.O. Box 32 P.O. Box 32 Centro Industrial Santiga
I - 40137 Bologna NL - 5281 RV Boxtel NL - 5281 RV Boxtel Obradors s/n
E-08130 Santa Perpetua de Mogoda
Telefon: +39 (0)51/34 14 14 Telefon: +31 (0)411/65 19 51 Telefon: +31 (0)411/65 19 51
Telefax: +39 (0)51/34 14 22 Telefax: +31 (0)411/65 14 83 Telefax: +31 (0)411/67 78 14
Telefon: +34 937 47 94 00
Telefax: +34 937 47 94 01

Spain V/S Service Sweden V/S Service Switzerland - West V/S Service Switzerland - East V/S Service

Goimendi S.A. Rexroth Mecman Svenska AB Mannesmann Rexroth SA Mannesmann Rexroth AG

División Indramat INDRAMAT Division Département INDRAMAT Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT
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Apartado 11 37 S - 125 81 Stockholm CH-1036 Sullens CH-8500 Frauenfeld
E - 20017 San Sebastian
Telefon: +46 (0)8/727 92 00 Telefon: +41 (0)21/731 43 77 Telefon: +41 (0)52/720 21 00
Telefon: +34 9 43/40 01 63 Telefax: +46 (0)8/64 73 277 Telefax: +41 (0)21/731 46 78 Telefax: +41 (0)52/720 21 11
Telefax: +34 9 43/39 17 99

Russia V/S Service Slowenia V/S Service Turkey V/S Service

Tschudnenko E.B. DOMEL Mannesmann Rexroth Hidropar A..S.

Arsenia 22 Elektromotorji in gospodinjski Fevzi Cakmak Cad No. 3
RUS - 153000 Ivanovo aparati d. d. TR - 34630 Sefaköy Istanbul
Rußland Otoki 21
Telefon: +90 212/541 60 70
SLO - 64 228 Zelezniki
Telefon: +7 093/223 96 33 Telefax: +90 212/599 34 07
oder/or +7 093/223 95 48 Telefon: +386 64/61 73 32
Telefax: +7 093/223 46 01 Telefax: +386 64/64 71 50

Europäische Kundenbetreuungsstellen (ohne Deutschland)

European Service agencies (without Germany)
Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities

Außerhalb Europa - outside Europe

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Division INDRAMAT Asesoramiento Tecnico Machinery Services Pty. Ltd. Automação Ltda.
Acassusso 48 41/7 Calle 49, No. 5764-66 Unit 3/45 Horne ST Divisão INDRAMAT
RA - 1605 Munro (Buenos Aires) RA - 1653 Villa Balester Campbellfield 3061 Rua Georg Rexroth, 609
Provincia de Buenos Aires AUS - Melbourne, VIC Vila Padre Anchieta
Telefon: +54 (0)1/756 01 40 BR - 09951-270 Diadema-SP
+54 (0)1/756 01 36 Telefon: +54 (0) 1/768 24 13 Telefon: +61 (0)3/93 59 02 28 [ Caixa Postal 377 ]
Telefax: +54 (0) 1/768 36 43 Telefax: +61 (0)3/93 59 02 86 [ BR-09901-970 Diadema-SP ]
Telefon: +55 (0)11/745 90 60
+55 (0)11/745 90 70
Telefax: +55 (0)11/745 90 50

Canada V/S Service China V/S Service China V/S Service China V/S Service

Basic Technologies Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt. Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt. Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt.
Burlington Division Shanghai Office - Room 206 Shanghai Parts & Service Center 15/F China World Trade Center
3426 Mainway Drive Shanghai Internat. Trade Centre 199 Wu Cao Road, Hua Cao 1, Jianguomenwai Avenue
Burlington, Ontario 2200 Yanan Xi Lu Minhang District PRC - Beijing 100004
Canada L7M 1A8 PRC - Shanghai 200335 PRC - Shanghai 201 103
Telefon: +86 10/65 05 03 80
Telefon: +1 905/335 55 11 Telefon: +86 21/62 75 53 33 Telefon: +86 21/62 20 00 58 Telefax: +86 10/65 05 03 79
Telefax: +1 905/335-41 84 Telefax: +86 21/62 75 56 66 Telefax: +86 21/62 20 00 68

China V/S Service Hongkong V/S Service India V/S Service India V/S Service

Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt. Rexroth (China) Ldt. Mannesmann Rexroth (India) Ltd. Mannesmann Rexroth (India) Ltd.
A-5F., 123 Lian Shan Street 19 Cheung Shun Street INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT Division
Sha He Kou District 1st Floor, Cheung Sha Wan, Plot. 96, Phase III Plot. A-58, TTC Industrial Area
PRC - Dalian 116 023 Kowloon, Hongkong Peenya Industrial Area Thane Turbhe Midc Road
IND - Bangalore - 560058 Mahape Village
Telefon: +86 411/46 78 930 Telefon: +852 27/41 13 51/-54
IND - Navi Mumbai - 400 701
Telefax: +86 411/46 78 932 oder/or +852 27/41 14 30 Telefon: +91 (0)80/8 39 21 01
Telefax: +852 27/86 07 33 Telefax: +91 (0)80/8 39 43 45 Telefon: +91 (0)22/7 61 46 22
Telefax: +91 (0)22/7 68 15 31

Indonesia V/S Service Japan V/S Service Korea V/S Service Korea V/S Service

PT. Rexroth Wijayakusuma Rexroth Automation Co., Ltd. Mannesmann Rexroth-Seki Co Ltd. Seo Chang Corporation Ltd.
Jl. Raya Bekasi Km 21 INDRAMAT Division 1500-12 Da-Dae-Dong Room 903, Jeail Building
Pulogadung 1F, I.R. Building ROK - Saha-Ku, Pusan, 604-050 44-35 Yeouido-Dong
RI - Jakarta Timur 13920 Nakamachidai 4-26-44 Yeoungdeungpo-Ku
Telefon: +82 (0)51/2 60 06 18
Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi C.P.O.Box 97 56
Telefon: +62 21/4 61 04 87 Telefax: +82 (0)51/2 60 06 19
J - Kanagawa-ken 224-004 ROK - Seoul
+62 21/4 61 04 88
Telefax: +62 21/4 60 01 52 Telefon: +81 459/42-72 10 Telefon: +82 (0)2/7 80 82 08
Telefax: +81 459/42-03 41 +82 (0)2/7 80 82 09
Telefax: +82 (0)2/7 84 54 08

Mexico V/S Service New Zealand V/S Service South Africa V/S Service Taiwan V/S Service

Motorización y Diseño Engineering Computer Services Ltd. HYTEC Automation (Pty) Ltd. Rexroth Uchida Co., Ltd.
de Controles SA de CV P. O. box 20 204 28 Banfield Road,Industria North No.1, Tsu Chiang Street
Ant. Camino a Sta. Monica No. 7 Te Rapa RSA - Maraisburg 1700 Tu Cheng Ind. Estate
San Lucas Tepetlacalco NZ - Hamilton Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Telefon: +27 (0)11/673 20 80
MEX - 54060 Tlalnepantla
Telefon: +64 (0)7/8 49 22 11 Telefax: +27 (0)11/673 72 69 Telefon: +886 2/2 68 13 47
Telefon: +52 53/97 86 44 Telefax: +64 (0)7/8 49 22 20 Telefax: +886 2/2 68 53 88
Telefax: +52 53/98 98 88

Kundenbetreuungsstellen außerhalb Europa - Service agencies outside Europe

Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities

Außerhalb Europa / USA - outside Europe / USA

USA V/S Service USA V/S Service USA V/S Service USA V/S Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation
5150 Prairie Stone Parkway Central Region Technical Center Southeastern Technical Center Northeastern Technical Center
USA -Hoffman Estates, IL 60192-3707 USA - Auburn Hills, MI 48326 3625 Swiftwater Park Drive 99 Rainbow Road
USA - Suwanee USA - East Granby,
Telefon: +1 847/6 45 36 00 Telefon: +1 248/3 93 33 30
Georgia 30174 Connecticut 06026
Telefax: +1 857/6 45 62 01 Telefax: +1 248/3 93 29 06
Telefon: +1 770/9 32 32 00 Telefon: +1 860/8 44 83 77
+1 770/9 32 19 03 +1 860/8 44 85 95

USA V/S Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation

Charlotte Regional Sales Office
14001 South Lakes Drive
USA - Charlotte,
North Carolina 28273
Telefon: +1 704/5 83 97 62
+1 704/5 83 14 86

Kundenbetreuungsstellen außerhalb Europa / USA

Service agencies outside Europe / USA
Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities


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