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Recruitment Privacy Notice

1. Introduction

We respect the privacy rights of individuals and are committed to handling personal information responsibly and in accordance with
applicable law. It is important that you read all of this Notice carefully as it sets out how the Wood group of companies
("Wood", "we" or "us") handles your personal information when you apply for a job or other role with us and the rights you
have in connection with that information. If you are in any doubt, or have any comments or questions about this Notice, please
contact us using the contact details set out at Section 11 below.

2. Scope

This Notice applies to Wood’s applicants. The term “applicants” applies to anyone who applies to work for Wood on a permanent on
non-permanent basis, including contingent workers, temporary and contract workers, independent contractors, consultants,
professional advisors, secondees and interns. This Privacy Notice is relevant for all Wood workers however people working outside
the European Economic Area and Canada may also have local arrangements which their P&O contacts and business managers will
inform them about from time to time.

3. Types of personal information we collect when you apply

The collected personal data in the recruitment process is limited to the least amount needed for enabling Wood to consider entering
into a contract with you. Failing to provide the required information may prevent us from being able to consider your application
further. All mandatory information is marked with an asterisk in the recruitment process.

As a responsible and trusted employer, we want all our applicants to clearly understand the types of information we may process and
purposes for doing so.

Information that we collect automatically

You can visit the careers section of our website here ("Website") and search for jobs without providing personal information. However,
we do collect certain information automatically from your device when you visit our Website. For further information, please see
Wood’s Website Privacy Notice and Cookies Notice.

Personal Information collected from you

The types of personal information we may process include, but are not limited to:

• identification data - such as your name, gender, photograph, date of birth, links to your professional profiles available in the

public domain;

• contact details - such as home and business address, telephone/email addresses, emergency contact details;
• employment history - such as current and previous employers, job titles/positions, current salary and working hours;

• background information - such as academic/professional qualifications, education, details included in your CV/résumé (which
might include details of any memberships or interests constituting sensitive personal information), transcripts, employment

references, psychometric test data and driving licence status;

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• screening questions may be in place relating to facts such as whether a qualification is held or not. For certain positions, our

recruitment process relies on automated decision-making on whether to proceed with your application based on the answers.

This is necessary for entering or performing a contract with you;

• national identifiers - such as national ID/passport, social security numbers;

• details of your nominated referees (including their name, contact details, employer and job role).

• right to work information - such as your immigration/visa status;

• previous applications/roles - information relating to previous applications you have made to Wood and/or any previous

employment history with Wood;

• initial ethics & compliance screening data - such as fraud or ethical issues related information;

• sensitive information - such information about your health;

• other information you voluntarily provide throughout the process, including through assessment centres / exercises, video
recordings and interviews;

• other information taken from video assessments, however we will ask for your consent before conducting the assessment.

Personal information collected from other sources

The types of personal information, including sensitive information where allowed or required by applicable law, we may process
include, but are not limited to:

• credit checks if applicable to the role;

• health checks if applicable to the role;

• security checks if applicable to the role;

• drug and alcohol tests if applicable to the role;

• references provided by referees;

• other background information or qualifications provided or confirmed by academic institutions and training or

certification providers;

• criminal records data may be obtained through criminal records checks depending on your job role;
• information provided by recruitment or executive search agencies;

• information you have posted on LinkedIn, corporate websites and job boards (for example, Oil and Gas Jobsearch).

4. Purposes for processing personal information

We collect and use this personal information primarily for recruitment purposes – in particular, to determine your suitability for
employment and to reach a hiring decision for the purpose of temporary or permanent engagement with us or one of our clients.
This includes assessing your skills, qualifications and background for a particular role, verifying your information, carrying our reference
checks or background checks (where applicable) and to generally manage the hiring process and communicate with you about it.

We may need to collect, or request on a voluntary disclosure basis where permissible and in accordance with applicable law, some
personal information about your physical or mental condition to provide reasonable adjustments at interview.

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If you are accepted for a role at Wood, the information collected during the recruitment process will form part of your ongoing staff
member record and will be processed in accordance with Wood’s Worker Privacy Notice.

If you are not successful, we may still keep your application to allow us to consider you for other suitable openings within Wood in
the future, unless you request that we delete your application.

We also may use your personal information where we consider it necessary for complying with laws and regulations, including
collecting and disclosing personal information as required by law (e.g. for tax, health and safety, anti-discrimination laws), under
judicial authorization, or to exercise or defend Wood’s legal rights.

5. Who we share your personal information with and transfers abroad

We take care to allow access to personal information only to those who require such access to perform their tasks and duties, and to
third parties who have a legitimate purpose for accessing it. Whenever we permit a third party to access personal information, we will
implement appropriate measures to ensure the information is used in a manner consistent with this Notice and that the security and
confidentiality of the information is maintained.

Transfers to other Wood companies

We will share your personal information with other Wood companies around the world in order to administer and facilitate our
recruitment processes and store data.

Transfers to third party service providers

We may make certain personal information available to third parties who provide us with services relating to the recruitment process,

• recruitment or executive search agencies involved in your recruitment, e.g. Airswift and First Recruitment Group;
• human resource service providers;
• local criminal records checking agencies, e.g. Disclosure Scotland;
• data storage, shared services and recruitment platform providers, IT developers and support providers and providers
of hosting services in relation to our careers website, e.g. iCIMS and IBM; and
• third parties who provide support and advice including in relation to legal, financial / audit, management consultancy,
insurance, health and safety, security and intel and whistleblowing / reporting issues, e.g. PwC.

Transfers to other third parties

We may also disclose personal information to third parties on other lawful grounds, including:

• where we share details of your education and employment with a client, either with your consent or based on our

legitimate interest;

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• to comply with our legal obligations, including where necessary to abide by law, regulation or contract, or to respond

to a court order, administrative or judicial process, including, but not limited to, a subpoena, government audit or

search warrant;
• in response to lawful requests by public authorities (including for tax, immigration, health and safety, national security

or law enforcement purposes);

• as necessary to establish, exercise or defend against potential, threatened or actual legal claims;
• where necessary to protect your vital interests or those of another person; and/or

• in connection with the prospective or actual sale, assignment or other transfer of our business or assets (including to
professional advisors and prospective or actual seller(s) or buyer(s));

6. Legal basis for processing personal information

As a global company operating in many jursidictions including under European data protection law, our legal basis for processing
your personal information, including sensitive information, as part of the recruitment process is:

• our legitimate interests (which are not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and
freedoms, particularly taking into consideration the safeguards that we put in place, for example, those outlined in

Section 4 above);
• to comply with applicable immigration and/or employment laws and regulations;

• to take steps prior to entering an employment contract with you, where you are considered for employment;

• in circumstances where you have made the data public;

• where we have your consent to do so. Where we have requested your consent to process your personal data, you have

the right to withdraw your consent at any time;

• to protect the rights and interests of Wood, our employees, applicants and others, as required and permitted by
applicable law.

If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this
clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your personal information is mandatory or not.

If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your personal
information, please contact us using the contact details provided in Section 11 below.

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7. Transfer of personal information abroad

As we operate in markets around the world, we may need to transfer personal information to countries other than the ones in which
the information was originally collected. When we export your personal information to a different country, we will take steps to ensure
that such data exports comply with applicable laws. For example, if we transfer personal information from the European Economic
Area to a country outside it, such as the United States, we will implement an appropriate data export solution such as entering into
European standard contractual clauses with the data importer and completing appropriate assessments, or taking other measures to
provide an adequate level of data protection under European law.

8. Data retention periods

Personal information will be stored in accordance with applicable laws and kept as long as needed to carry out the purposes described
in this Notice or as otherwise required by applicable law. Generally this means your personal information will be retained:

• for a period of 5 years from the date it was collected or last updated;

• a period of 6 months, or with your consent, 5 years from the collection of the data or its last update for applicants
where their home address, as entered in iCIMS, indicates that they live in Germany, France, Spain or Brazil;

• where you go on to work for us on a permanent or non-permanent basis, in accordance with the Wood’s Worker
Privacy Notice for your jurisdiction.

9. Your data privacy rights

You may exercise the rights available to you under applicable data protection laws as follows:

• If you wish to access, correct, update or request deletion of your personal information, you can do so at any time by
contacting us using the contact details provided below.

• If you are a resident of the European Economic Area, United Kingdom, you can object to processing of your personal

information or ask us to restrict processing of your personal information. Again, you can exercise these rights by
contacting us using the contact details provided below.

• If you are a resident of the European Economic Area or United Kingdom, you can request portability of your personal
information or have the right to contest the automated decision made in the application stage and having it reviewed

by us or the right to an alternative means of making the decision, using human intervention.

• If we have collected and process your personal information with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at
any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your

withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing

grounds other than consent.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact [email protected]

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You also have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information. For
more information, please contact your local data protection authority. Contact details for data protection authorities in the European
Union are available here. Contact details for the UK Information Commissioner’s office are at

We will respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with
applicable data protection laws.

10. Updates to this Privacy Notice

We may update this Privacy Notice from time to time in response to changing legal, technical or business developments.

11. Contact details

If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal information, please contact us at [email protected].

Name Lisa Deverick

Position Group Data Protection Officer
Date 08 July 2021

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Date: July 2021 Check Wood Management System for the current version.

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