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Subject: English Topic: Tenses

Grade: X Div: _________ Roll No: _________ Date: ____________

Q1 Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of
the given options.
1. I (a) __________ all the football matches either live or on television. Today, Nick
and I (b) __________ to Delhi to watch the Pioneer Football Trophy final match.
Nick (c) __________ the tickets last week. We (d) __________ leave from work for
today and tomorrow.
(a) (i) watches (ii) am watching (iii) has watched (iv) watch
(b) (i) were going (ii) are going (iii) go (iv) have gone
(c) (i) had (ii) purchases (iii) purchase (iv) will purchase
(d) (i) were taking (ii) takes (iii) have taken (iv) take

2. We (a) __________ to Sunset Resort last month. We (b) __________ a wrong turn
somewhere and (c) __________ lost. Hence, we (d) __________ our destination after
(a) (i) were (ii) are travelling (iii) is travelling (iv) was travelling
(b) (i) take (ii) takes (iii) will take (iv) had taken
(c) (i) was (ii) are (iii) were (iv) is
(d) (i) will reach (ii) reached (iii) reaches (iv) have reached

3. Ria (a) __________ sick after our vacation. Mother (b) __________ her to the doctor
today. She (c) __________ a lot of unhealthy food during the vacation. She (d)
__________ unable to go to school for a few days.
(a) (i) falls (ii) fall (iii) has fallen (iv) is falling
(b) (i) takes (ii) is taking (iii) have taken (iv) take
(c) (i) eats (ii) have been (iii) eat (iv) had been
eating eating
(d) (i) will be (ii) are (iii) is (iv) was

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4. Father (a) __________ a letter again to the Electricity Department today. He (b)
__________ several letters in the last six months. The electricity department (c)
__________ the bills to us. Father is worried that they (d) __________. a huge bill
one day which will be difficult to pay.
(a) (i) write (ii) writes (iii) will write (iv) have written
(b) (i) has written (ii) have written (iii) writes (iv) write
(c) (i) have sent (ii) has not been (iii) have not been (iv) had sent
sending sending
(d) (i) sent (ii) are sending (iii) sends (iv) will send

Q 2 In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the
missing word, in the sentences of the given paragraph, along with the
word that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space
1. Before Missing After
Jack and I visited Spain October last year. e. g. Spain in October
We had been saving this trip for the last (a) saving for this

five years. We had booked two rooms (b) rooms at the

Sanchez Hotel. We enjoyed sights and (c) enjoyed the sights

tropical fruits. Visiting local markets fun. (d) markets was fun

2. Before Missing After

When Peter reached theatre, he e. g. reached the theatre
realised that had forgotten his ticket at (a) that he had

home. So, he decided visit his friend who (b) decided to visit

lived nearby. They were meeting a (c) meeting after a

long time had lot of things to talk about. (d) time and had

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