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Picket Fence - Coaching Points: 1. Corners: To return side, Play head up on the go man.

We want contact all the way down field making the go man fight for inside release. We want the Go man to be paying more attention to the Corner so he does not see the "HIT MAN!" Corner away from the return must force the go man to the sideline away from the return. We will line up with an inside technique so he cannot get a quick release. If there is speed factor and we are going to come in second, we will even play a "soft technique" giving up ground to be able force the Go man to the outside.

2. HITMAN: As the Personal Protector starts making calls, he will start to back off the L.O.S. On the snap, he begins to drop. He wants to get deep enough that he will be able to cross the field and hit the Go Man from a 45 degree angle. We want a collision that will put the Go Man into the bleachers. As he is about to collide with him, we want him to yell "HEY!" This will get the go man to turn into the block eliminating the chance for a clipping call. If the corner is pestering the man like he is suppose to, this turns into a Highlight Film Block.

3. Front 8: We will always rush at least 1 with the intent to block. The rest will rush looking for the bad snap. Once the ball has been kicked we will peel off to the return setting up the picket. We will set the picket between the numbers and the hash. We want to run toward the return man. When he has gotten on the outside of the first picket we turn inside and look for the first opposite color jersey. The only exception will be the last man on the interior line away from the return side. We want to make sure of no fake our side then we will cross the field and come down the numbers toward the return man . We will run toward him looking for anybody behind the picket. If the picket is clear, we will turn and lead him into the end zone.

4. Return Man: Real easy. 1. Catch the ball first! Run straight up field 3-4 yards if possible to get the punt team set in their lanes then bend to the picket. Once you are on the outside shoulder of the picket, turn downfield and head for the end zone!

Motion Punt-Coaching Points:

Stingers (Outside men): If the kick is coming to your side: You must get off the ball so you will be attacking the outside shoulder of the returner with your inside shoulder. Cannot let the defense drive you away from the returner! If the kick is away from you: On the signal from the Punter, run full speed across the field toward the other Stinger. The Center will snap the ball as soon as you cross his vision. Watch the other Stinger! When he releases, you release. Yourwant to put your inside shoulder on his outside shoulder. Do not let them drive you across the receiver's face! Center: If uncovered, release straight toward the return man. Your aiming point is chest to chest! Do not cross a stinger's path! Front 7: If possible we will Inside Zone Block. We will step down with our inside foot sealing the inside gap. That may not always be possible. The Personal Protector will determine the blocking scheme at the line of scrimmage. The P.P. will determine which of these three schemes we will use: 1. Inside Zone 2. Man Blocking 3. Outside Zone. We will be in a 2 point stance ready to step and punch on the snap. We will engage in our block until the kick is away. Once the ball has been kicked we will cover to the ball in our lanes. Starting with the guards. They will be 4 yards outside and 1 yard behind the stinger to his side. The Tackle will maintain the same relationship to the guard and the Tight End will maintain the same to the Tackle. We will never cross the person inside of us. If the returner runs away from us, we will fold back on top of the play to support the cutback. If the return man comes back to our side of the field, we will be ready to maintain our 4 and 1 off the man to our inside. Personal Protector: Will determine the blocking scheme at the line of scrimmage. We prefer to use Inside Zone scheme if possible. If we call a Man scheme. The P.P. if possible will call anyone off the ball as his and the linemen will man up outside in. If there is an overload , we will call the first man to the outside of the overload as the P.P.'s. From there the line will man up outside in. If there is a double overload to the outside. We will call Special. The P.P. will call the overload to the Punter's leg and that side will man. The opposite side will use Outside Zone scheme to protect. Once the punt has been released, the P.P. release away from the motion to the opposite hash for contain. You will never cross the far hash unless you are trying to save the TD! The returner must never cross your face!

Punter: Determines when the motion will start. By signaling with a nod, the stinger will begin his motion when the punter is ready. The punter must kick in the direction on the motion. Our desired aim is on the numbers shading the sideline. Anything inside the between the hash and sideline will be acceptable. The tighter the better! The objective is to play with only one third of the field. Once you have kicked the ball, at the top of your lungs, yell the direction of the kick. You are then to release down the middle of the field shading toward the hash in the direction of the kick.

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