Sts Module 1

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Course Number

Course Code GE-SS 101

Descriptive Title Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and CC
Credit Units 3
School Year/ Term AY2020-2021/ 1st Semester
Mode of Delivery Online/offline Learning
Name of Jeffrey M. Gacilo, Rodel B. Miro, Yuliza P. Basco, Thea Rose Gantala,
Instructor Rey S. Marte
The course deals with interactions between science and technology
and social, cultural, political, and economic contexts that shape and are
shaped by them. (CMO No. 20, series of 2013) This interdisciplinary
course engages students to confront the realities brought about by science
and technology in society. Such realities pervade the personal, the public,
and the global aspects of our living and are integral to human
Course development. Scientific knowledge and technological development
Description happen in the context of society with all its socio-political, cultural,
economic, and philosophical underpinnings at play. This course seeks to
instill reflective knowledge in the students that they are able to live the
good life and display ethical decision making in the face of scientific and
technological advancement.
This course includes mandatory topics on climate change and
environmental awareness.
After completing this course, the students must have:
1. Discussed the development of science and technology in the
2. Valued the importance of Filipino scientist
Course Outcome
3. Observed the development of science and technology in the Philippines
4. Illustrated the concept of human flourishing
5. Created an advocacy campaign by making video via social media that
tells about how the community will help mitigate the hazards cause by
climate change.

SLSU Vision A high quality corporate University of Science, Technology and


Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

SLSU will develop science, Technology and innovation leaders and
SLSU Mission professionals; produce high-impact technologies from research and
innovations; contribute to sustainable development through
responsive community engagement programs, and generate revenues to be
self-sufficient and financially viable.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Module Guide

Modules are designed in order to address the flexible learning modalities in higher
education as instructed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). The course
module on Science Technology and Society with DRRM and CC. consist of four modules
with three topics in each. The presentation of information was carefully planned so that
optimum learning shall take place given the modalities we have today.

To start the course module, you need to complete the pre-test structured by the author
of this module. The pre-test covered all topics of the course. You don’t need to worry
because pre-test will not be graded, just answer the test in order to determine the level of
understanding or prior knowledge to the subject.

Course module is divided into two terms, two modules for midterm and another two
for the final term. A separate examination shall be given to you to assess the knowledge
gained from the modules. Dates on the examination will be announced accordingly.

Every topic contains learning outcomes that you must accomplished one in a while.
The presentation of topics used 4As Model to ensure a learner centered approach. You must
complete every activity provided to help yourself understand the topic easily.

Once done with the course module, a separate parallel post-test will be accomplished
by you to further evaluate the learning and the module itself. References are provided for
further research on your end.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

In this module, students are also expected to answer the pre-test, activity/activities and
assessment/ post-test.

l. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer by
encircling the letter of your choice.

1. It is attributed mainly to the changes brought about by technology.

a. Age Gap b. Energy Gap c. Generation Gap d. Technology Gap
2. Tools from stone and flints marked the era of the ____________________.
a. Golden Age b. Store Age c. Metal Age d. Iron Age
3. It is also called the sixth extinction and pertains to the ongoing extinction of several
species due to human activity.
a. Species extinction c. Anthropocene extinction
b. Holocene extinction d. Apollocene extinction
4. It is often used to determine the value of the country’s goods and services produced within
territory given a certain time period.
a. Mortality rate c. Literacy rate
b. Average lifespan d. Gross domestic product
5. Eudaimonia, literally means” good spirited”, is a term coined by renowned Greek
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Aristarchus d. Leucippus
6. The following are the components of Human Flourishing EXCEPT___________.
a. Phronesis b. Friendship c. Wealth d. Health
7. Western civilization tends to be more focused on the_________________.
a. Individual c. Society
b. Community d. Rubrics
8. It is the earliest criterion that distinguished philosophy and science.
a. Falsification theory c. Subject matter
b. Verification theory d. Rubrics
9. Which of the following choices below shows the correct sequence of the scientific
a. Observe, formulate hypothesis, determine the problem, conduct experiment, gather and
analyze results, formulate conclusion and provide recommendation.
b. Observe, determine the problem, formulate hypothesis, conduct experiment, gather and
analyze results, formulate conclusion and provide recommendation.
c. Determine the problem, observe, formulate hypothesis, conduct experiment, gather and
analyze results, formulate conclusion and provide recommendation.
d. Determine the problem, conduct experiment, observe, formulate hypothesis, gather and
analyze results, formulate conclusion and provide recommendation.
10. He is the known proponent of falsification theory.
a. Thomas Khun c. Karl Popper

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

b. Aristotle d. Sigmund Freud
11. Who describe human flourishing as the pinnacle of happiness that is attainable by
a. Thomas Khun c. Karl Popper
b. Aristotle d. Sigmund Freud
12. In the __________, things are changing and impermanent.
a. World of matter c. World of atoms
b. World of forms d. World of illusion
13. In the _______________, the entities are only copies of the ideal and the models.
a. World of matter c. World of atoms
b. World of forms d. World of illusion
14. It is a school of thought which gives an idea that to generate happiness, one must learn to
distance oneself and be apathetic.
a. Hedonism c. Materialism
b. Stoicism d. Humanism
15. Another school of thought which see the end goal of life in acquiring pleasure.
a. Hedonism c. Materialism
b. Stoicism d. Humanism
16. Technology came from Greek words________.
a. Techno and crats b. Techne and logos
b. Techno and logy d. Techne and logo
17. Which of the following is true about mobile phones?
a. It used for different purposes other than for communication.
b. It has own roles in the lives of the people.
c. It gives negative impacts especially to the young ones.
d. All of the above are correct.
18.It is an actuated mechanism programmable in two or more axes with a degree of
autonomy to perform intended task.
a. Technology b. Computer c. Robot d. Mobile phone
19. It includes active human-robot interaction.
a. Full autonomy c. Autonomy
b. Partial autonomy d. Half autonomy
20. He formulated the laws of the ethical consequences of robots.
a. George Devol c. Isaac Asimov
b. Karl Popper d. Bill Gates
21. What civilization put values on education (Mandatory Education)?
a. Aztec Civilization
b. Mayan Civilization
c. Inca Civilization
d. Chinese Civilization

22. What Civilization that lasted for approximately 2,000 years?

a. Aztec Civilization
b. Mayan Civilization
c. Inca Civilization

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

d. Chinese Civilization
23. A form of Aztec Technology for agricultural farming in which the land was divided into
rectangular areas and surrounded by canals.
a. Quipo
b. Irrigation System
c. Chinampa
d. Canoe
24. What book of Charles Darwin published in 1589 that considered to be one of the most
important works in science literature?
a. The Descent Man
b. The Origin of Species
c. On the revolution of the heavenly sphere
d. Commentarious
25. A system and techniques in Inca Civilization for storing water for their crops to grow in
all types of land.
a. Chinampa
b. Canoe
c. Irrigation
d. Quipo

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Module 1:

General Concepts and Historical

Events in Science,
Technology, and Society

Intellectual revolutions that defined
Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, students must have:
a. Discussed how the society shape science and how science shape society
b. Identified some intellectuals and their Revolutionary ideas
c. Created a timeline highlighting some intellectual and their revolutionary ideas


This lesson will give light to the development of science and scientific ideas in
the heart of the society. It is the goal of this lesson to articulate ways by which society
is transformed by science and technology.

Let’s Begin:

Give a particular thing/s around you that developed because of science and
technology. State their development.

Write your answers here!

Were on our way:

What do you think would be our ways of living without science and technology?

Let’s Dig Deeper

What is Scientific Revolution?

Scientific revolution was the period of enlightenment when the development in

the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry transformed the
views of society about nature. It explained the emergence or birth of modern science as
a result of these developments from the discipline mentioned.
The idea of scientific revolution is claimed to have started in the early 16 th century up
to the 18th century in Europe. Why Europe? The probable answer is the invention of the

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

printing machine and the blooming intellectual activities done in various places of
learning, and the growing number of scholars in various fields of human interests .




Scientific revolution is very significant in the development of human beings,

transformation of the society, and in the formation of scientific ideas. It significantly
improved the conduct of scientific investigations, experiments, and observation. The
scientific revolution also led to the creation of new research fields in science and prompted
the establishment of a strong foundation for modern science. In many ways, scientific
revolution transformed the natural world and the world of ideas.


To further understand what exactly happened during the scientific revolution, it is

important to examine the different individuals whose ideas has shaken and contested the
dominant theories and ideas during this period-the truth of their time. Three notable
scientists had shaken the world with their ideas.


Knowledge about the nature of the universe had been essentially unchanged since
the great days of Ancient Greece, some 1,500 years before Copernicus came on the scene
(Gribbin,2003) Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) initiated an intellectual revolution by
developing a new heliocentric model of the cosmos when the old one seemed adequate to
most people, especially the astronomers of the time.

This caused the paradigm shift of how

the earth and the sun were placed in
the heavens/universe. It is the idea that
rejected Ptolemaic Model (earth is the
center of the solar system) and proved
Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change
the Heliocentric Model (sun is the
9 center of the solar system having the
earth revolving it).

Copernicus placed the sun to be the centerpiece of the universe. The earth and all
the planets are surrounding or orbiting the sun each year. The moon however, would still
be seen orbiting the Earth. Copernicus’s model of the earth orbiting around the Sun
automatically positioned the planets into logical sequence. In his model, Copernicus
outlined two kinds of planetary motion:
(1) The orbits of Venus and Mercury lay inside the orbit of the Earth, thus closer to the
(2) The orbits of Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter lay outside the Earth’s orbit, thus,
father from the Sun. Although the Copernican model makes sense now, during those
times, it was judged to be heretic and therefore it was unacceptable idea to be taught to
Catholics. The Catholic Church banned the Copernican model and was ignored by Rome for
the rest of the 16th century.


1. What is the contribution of Copernicus in the philosophy of science?

2. Do you think thought experiment is still useful in science in the present time?
3. Do you think the Church should intervene in scientific activities?

Write your thoughts here!

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change


This has brought a great impact on how

people approach Biology forever. This
revolution provided a different than the
“theory of Creation”. The Darwinian
revolut ion started when Charles Darwin
published his book “The Origin of
Species” that emphasizes that humans
are the result of an evolution.


Johnson (2012) described Darwin as a genius who came from a line of intellectually
gifted and wealthy family. He would also spend time taking long walks to observe his
surroundings while collecting specimens.
Darwin published his Book THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES IN 1589. This book is
considered to be one of the most important works in scientific literature. His book
presented evidence on how species evolved over time and presented traits and
adaption that differentiate species.
His Book THE DESCENT OF MAN was so impressive yet very controversial. He
introduce the idea of all organic life, including human being, under the realm of
evolutionary thinking. This replaced the dominant views of a religious or biblical
design that places human being in a privileged position of having been created
God. Darwin’s theory of evolution scientifically questioned this view.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

What made Darwin truly remarkable was his courage to challenge religious and
unscientific ideas that are deemed to be prominent during those days.

. . . THINK

1. What is Darwin’s contribution to modern science?

Write your thoughts here!

Freud made a significant contribution in the scientific world
through the development of an important observation
method to gather reliable data to study human’s inner
life. This method is popularly known as the method of
PSYCHOANALYSIS – a method of explaining and treating
mental and emotional problems by having the person talk
about dreams, feelings, memories, etc. according to Freud
that one’s behavior is the result of the interaction between
the ID, the EGO, and the SUPER EGO.

Human behavior is governed by the structure of his personality: ID, EGO and SUPER-

First, ID is the animalistic nature of man- the “MAKAHAYOP” part of one’s personality.
It is a destructive and pleasure-seeking structure of personality. It is here where the
sex urge (libido) is present. When an individual destroys a thing, kills or rapes
someone or performs any other animalistic behavior, it is his ID that is manifested.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Secondly, the Ego is the human nature of man-the “MAKATAO”, the “self”. It is the
opposite nature of the ID. It builds; it acts according to laws and morals. It is bound by
limits of reality. It channels the libido to socially approved outlets. The EGO controls
the ID and sometimes the ID does not want to be controlled; hence conflict between the
two arises. When the Ego wins, ID fails; If ID wins, Ego fails.

The third one that I learned is the SUPER-EGO, is the God-centered nature of man-
the “MAKA-DIYOS”. It is the conscience part of our personality. It strives for perfection.
It acts as a judge, a decision maker when the ID and EGO are in conflict. It stops the ID
from doing something wrong. It restrains the EGO when it goes out of bounds.
Its main concern is to decide and act in accordance to what is morally and socially
acceptable standards.


1. How can you describe Freudian ideas as a scientist?
2. If Freud is still alive, what do you think are the major changes he would make to his theory?

Write your thoughts here!



 Mesoamerica includes the entire area of Central America from Southern Mexico up to
the border of South America. There is no doubt that the Mesoamerica region is rich in
culture and knowledge prior to the arrival of its European colonizers

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

 The Maya civilization- one of the famous
civilizations that lasted for

 approximately 2,000 years. They
incorporated their advanced
understanding of astronomy into their
temples and other religious structures.
for example, the pyramid at CHICHE’N
ITZA in Mexico.
 Mayan knowledge and understanding
about celestial bodies was advanced for their time, as evidenced by their knowledge
of predicting eclipse and using astrological cycles in planting and harvesting.
• The Mayans also developed the technology for growing different crops and building
elaborate cities using ordinary machineries and tools.
• They are also believed to be one of the first people to produce rubber products
3,000 years before Goodyear received its patent in 1844.
 The Mayans are considered one of the most scientifically advanced societies in
Mesoamerica. They are also famous as one of the world’s first civilization to use a
writing system known as the MAYAN HIEROGLYPHICS.

 They are skilled in mathematics and created a

number system based on the numeral 20. They
independently develop the concept of zero and
positional value, even before the Romans did.


Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

 The Inca civilization is also famous in Mesoamerica. The Incas made advanced scientific ideas
considering their limitations as an old civilization.

The following were scientific ideas and tools Inca Civilization developed
To help them in everyday life;

Roads paved with stones

Stone buildings that surmounted earthquakes and other disasters
Irrigation systemand technique for storing water.
Calendar with 12 months to mark their religious festivals
prepare them for planting season.
First suspension bridge
Quipu, a system of knotted
ropes to keep records that
only expert can interpret.
Suspension Bridge
Inca textilessince cloth was
one of the specially prized
artistic achievements.


Aztec civilization-has also made substantial contributions to science and technology

and to the society as a whole. Some of their contributions are the following:

Mandatory Education. The Aztec puts value on education; that is why their
children are mandated to get education regardless of their social class,
gender, or age.
Chocolates. Aztec valued cacao beans highly and made it as part
of their tribute to their Gods.
Antispasmodic medication. They used a type of antispasmodic medication
that could prevent muscle spasms and relax muscles, which could help
Chinampa. Is a form of Aztec technology for agricultural farming in which the
land was divided into rectangular areas and surrounded by
Aztec Calendar. This enabled them to plant their activities,
rituals, and planting season. Invention of the canoe. A light narrow boat
used for travelling in water systems.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Chinampa Aztec Calendar Canoe


ASIA- biggest continent in the world and the home of many ancient civilizations.
It is a host to many cultural, economic, scientific and political activities of all ages.
In the field of Science, Technology and Mathematics, great civilization has stood out
India, China and the Middle East Civilization. These civilizations were incomparable in
terms of their contributions to the development of knowledge during their time.

 INDIA- huge peninsula surrounded by vast bodies of water and fortified by huge
mountains in its northern boarders.
 The Indians are known for manufacturing iron and in metallurgical works. Their iron
steel is considered to be the best and held with high regards in the whole of Roman
 India is also famous in medicine. For example AYURVEDA, a system of traditional
medicine. They discovered some medicinal properties of plants that led them to
develop medicines to cure various illnesses and some ancient texts like Susruta
 Ancient India is also notable in the field of astronomy.. They developed theories on the
configuration of the universe, spherical self-supporting Earth, and the year of 360 days
with 12 equal parts of 30 days each
 Ancient India also known for their mathematics.
 Tried to standardize measurement of length to a high degree of accuracy and design a
CHINA is one of the Ancient civilizations with substantial contributions in may areas of life like
medicine, astronomy, science, mathematics, arts, philosophy, and music, among others,
Chinese civilization have greatly influenced many of its neighbor countries like Korea, Japan,
Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, and other countries that belong to the old
silk Road.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Medicines – Traditional Medicines, uses of different and animals to cure human illness. The
Practice of ACUPUNCTURE.


 Compass
 Papermaking
 Gunpowder
 Printing tools
 Iron plough
 Wheelbarrow(karetilya)
 Propeller

 In the field of astronomy, the Chinese also made significant records on supernovas,
lunar and solar eclipse and comets, which were carefully recorded and preserved to
understand better the heavenly bodies and their effects to our world.
 They observed heavenly bodies to understand weather changes and seasons that may
affect their daily activities.


 Middle East Countries- dominantly occupied by Muslims.

 With the spread of Islam in the 7th and 8th centuries,a period of Muslim scholarship or
what is called the Golden Age of Islam lasted until the 13 th century.
 Africa is blessed with natural and mineral resources.Science also emerged in this part
of the planet long before the Europeans colonized it.
 Egypt- known to be a center of alchemy,which is known as the medieval forerunner of
 Metallurgy-also known in the African regions during the ancient times.North Africa and
the nile Valley imported iron technology from the near east region that enabled them to
benefit from the developments during the Bronze age until the iron age
 Science also developed in different parts of the world: in Asia,Europe,Mesoamerica, and
Africa.People in these continents invented tools to help them in everyday
life,discovered medicines to cure diseases,observed heavenly bodies,built
structures,discovered many things and invented mathematics as a tool and as a


Scientific revolution is a golden age in the history of science. It marked the birth
of science as a discipline and as field of inquiry and gave the birth to the development
of the scientific method. It was a time in the history of science where many scientific

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

ideas and discoveries, which were considered innovative and useful, were developed.
Some of these ideas were controversial in the scientific community and in the political

There are many intellectual who made essential contributions in science during
the period of scientific revolution. Nicolaus Copernicus developed a model of the
universe, he placed the Sun in the center of the universe and all the planets were
surrounding or orbiting it. Charles Darwin made significant contribution in the field of
evolutionary biology and philosophy of science. His theory of evolution by natural
selection is very useful in many fields until now and Sigmund Freud developed the idea
of psychoanalysis that helped in understanding human behavior especially
neurological condition.

Science also developed in different parts of the world: in Asia, Europe,

Mesoamerica, and Africa. People in these continent invented tools to help them in
everyday life. Science provided different ancient civilizations the means to survive and
understand the natural and physical world.

Let’s try your understanding.

1. Discuss how the society shape science and how science shape society

2. Identify some intellectuals and their Revolutionary ideas

3. Create a timeline highlighting some intellectual and their revolutionary ideas

Learning Outcomes

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

At the end of the module, students must have:
a. Discussed the role of Science and Technology in Philippine nation building;
b. Identified the outstanding Filipino scientist

This lesson will discuss the influence of science and technology in the development of
the Philippine society. It identifies government programs, projects, and policies geared toward
boasting the science and technological capacity of the country.

Let’s Begin:

Cite an old practice/practices of planting and caring of animals, do we still observe that
practices as of the present?

Write your answers here!

We’re on our way

Do you think that this old practice had important contribution in the development that
we practice at the present? Explain your answer.

Let’s Dig Deeper

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Brief Historical Background of Science and Technology in the

The history of science and technology in the Philippines started way back
before the country gained its independence from the American colonizer. Before the
coming of the Spanish colonizer.

The early inhabitants of the archipelago

had their own culture and traditions.
They had their own belief system and
indigenous knowledge system that
keeps them organized and sustained
their lives and communities for many years.

Technology is used by people in

• Building houses,
• Irrigations,
• Developing tools that they can use in everyday life.
 tools for planting,
 hunting,
 cooking,
 fishing;
 for fighting their enemies during war or tribal conflicts; and  for
transportation, both on land and on waterways.

The different archeological artifacts discovered in different parts of the country also prove
that the Metal Age also had a significant influence on the lives of early Filipinos. The
sophisticated design of gold and silver jewelry, ceramics, and metal tools proved that their
technological ideas helped in the development of different tools. Also, trading with China,
Indonesia, Japan, and other nearby countries have influence their lives by providing different
opportunities for cultural and technological exchange.

All these ancient practices in science and technology are considered now as indigenous
science or folk science.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Spanish Rule
(Spaniards Colonized the Country)  Brought with them their own culture and
 Established schools and introduced the
concepts of subject and discipline.
 Lear ning of science in school focuses on
understanding different concepts related to
the human body, plants, animals and bodies.
 Technology focuses on using and developing
house tools

Life during Spanish Era:

 Become modernize
 Adapting some western technology
 Replicate the technology brought by the Spaniards using indigenous materials
 Medicine and advancement science were introduced in formal colleges and
university established by the
Catholic orders.
 The galleon trade has broughtadditional
technology and development in the
Galleon Trade Philippines.
 Trades allowed other ideas, crops, tools,
cultural practice, technology, and
western practices to reach the country.
 The galleon trade was supplied by
merchants largely from port areas of
Fujian who traveled to manila to sell the
Spaniards spices, porcelain, ivory,
processed silk cloth and other valuable
 Contributed to the change of culture,
language and environment for both
Philippines and Mexico
The Galleon Trade was a government monopoly. Only
two galleons were used: one sailed from Acapulco to Manila with some 500,000 pesos worth of
goods, spending 120 days at sea; the other sailed from Manila to Acapulco with some 250,000
pesos worth of goods spending 90 days at sea. The country became one of the center of global
trade in sea, one of the most developed places in the region. Superstitious belief and Catholic
doctrines and practices halted the growth of science in the country.

The American have more influence

in the development of science and

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

technology in the Philippines
compared to the Spaniards:

 1. Established the public Education

2. Improved the engineering works and
health condition of the people
3. Establish modern research university,
the University of the Philippines
4. Create more public hospitals than the
Former colonial master
5. Minerals source of the country were
also explored and exploited.
6. Transportation and communication
were improved
American Period
More Influence on Science and

1. The teaching of science in higher

education has also greatly improved and
2. Researches were done to control malaria, cholera and tuberculosis and other tropical diseases.
3. The desire of the Americans to develop the human resources of the Philippines to serve their
Interest is somehow beneficial in the country.
4. These allowed American scholars to introduce new knowledge and technology in the country.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

• World War II has destabilized the
development of the country in many
• Institutions and public facilities were
turned into ashes, houses were burned,
and many lives were destroyed.
• The country had a difficult time to
rebuild itself from the ruins of the war.
• The human spirit to survive and to
rebuild the country to bring back what
was destroy was limited
• The reparation funds focused on building some institutions and public facilities like schools,
hospitals, and transportation systems.
• Building highways and providing technological training and human resource development in
the country.

The development of science and technology in the Philippines based on its brief
history, is shaped by several Factors and influence. Like in the history of science and
technology in the other countries, both internal and external. Science and technology may
have significant impact on the lives of the people and in the development of the Philippine
society. However, in the country. School science from basic education to graduate
education is improving slowly, and there are only few students enrolling in science and
technology courses.


1. What is the significant contribution of the Spaniards and American to the development
of science and technology in the Philippines?
2. What can you say about the state of science and technology during the Spanish and
American period?

Write your thoughts here!

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

• Integrating ASEAN awareness in basic education without adding to the
• Emphasizing teaching in the mother tongue
• Developing school infrastructure and providing for ICT broadband
• Local food security


• Emphasizing degrees, licenses, and employment opportunities
• Outright grants for peer monitoring
• Review of R.A. 9184
• Harnessing science and technology as an independent mover of development


• Ensuring compliance of drug-manufacturing firms with ASEAN-harmonized
standards by full implementation of the Food and Drug Administration
• Creating an education council dedicated to standardization of pharmaceutical
services and care
• Empowering food and drug agencies to conduct evidence-based research as
pool of information
• Allocating two percent of the GDP to research
• Legislating a law supporting human genome projects

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

• Protecting and conserving biodiversity by fill implementation of existing laws
•Use of biosafety and standard model by ASEAN countries
•Promoting indigenous knowledge system and indigenous people’s
•Formulation of common food and safety standards

There are also existing programs supported by the Philippine government through the
DOST. Some of these projects are the following:

1. Providing funds for basic research and patents related to science and technology.
2. Providing scholarships for undergraduate and graduate studies of students in the
field of science and technology.
3. Establishing more branches of the Philippine Science High School System for
training young Filipinos in the field of science and technology.
4. Creating science and technology parks to encourage academe and industry
5. Balik Scientist Program to encourage Filipino scientists abroad to come home and
work in the Philippines or conduct research and projects in collaboration with
Philippine-based scientists.
6. Developing science and technology parks in academic campuses to encourage
academe and industry partnerships.
7. The establishment of the National Science Complex and National Engineering
Complex within the University of the Philippines campus in Diliman. These aimed to
develop more science and technology and engineering manpower resources needed by
the country. They also aimed to produce more researches in these fields.

In the field of education, several science-related programs and projects were created to
developed the scientific literacy of the country.
1. Special science classes were organized and special science elementary schools were
established in different regions.
2. Aside from these, science and mathematics in basic education were continuously
3. The current K to 12 education programs included Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) as one of its major tracks in the senior high school program
to encourage more students to enroll in science-related fields in college.
4. The Commission on Higher Education launched its Philippine-California Advanced
Research Institute (PICARI) Project to allow several higher education institutions in
the Philippines and some US-based laboratories, research institutes, and universities
to work on research and projects related to science, agriculture, engineering, health,
and technology.
5. This project is hoped to strengthen the STEM competitiveness of the country.

There are many other areas and fields that the country is looking forward to embark
various research and projects. The following are some of them:
1. Use of alternative and safe energy

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

2. Harnessing mineral resources
3. Finding cure for various diseases and illness
4. Climate change and global warming
5. Increasing food production
6. Preservation of natural resources
7. Coping with natural disasters and calamities
8. Infrastructure development

 School science is filled with names of foreign scientists: Einstein, Galileo

Newton, Faraday, Darwin, and many other Western scientists.
 We rarely hear of Filipino scientists being discussed in science classes.
 Lee- Chua (2000) identified 10 outstanding Filipino scientists who have made
significant contributions in Philippine science.
 These scientists are also famous abroad especially in different science
disciplines: agriculture, mathematics, physics, marine science, chemistry,
engineering, and biology.

Filipino Scientist
1. Ramon Cabanos Barba- outstanding research on tissue culture in the Philippine
2. Josefino Cacas Comiso- works on observing the characteristics of Antarctica by
using satellite images
3. Jose Bejar Cruz Jr.- known internationally in the field of electrical engineering; was
elected as officer of the famous Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
4. Lourdes Jansuy Cruz- notable for her research on sea snail venom
5. Fabian Millar Dayrit- research on herbal medicine
6. Rafael Dineros Guerrero III- research on tilapia culture
7. Enrique Mapua Ostrea Jr.- inventing the meconium drugs testing
8. Lilian Formalejo Patena- doing research on plant biotechnology

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

9. Mari-Jo Panganiban Ruiz- outstanding educator and graph theorist
10. Gregory Ligot Tangonan- research in the field of communications technology

Other outstanding Filipino Scientist who are recognized here and

abroad for their outstanding contribution in Science

1. Caesar A. Saloma- an internationally renowned physicist

2. Edgardo Gomez- famous scientist in marine science
3. William Padolina- known in the field of chemistry and president of National
Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)- Philippines
4. Angel Alcala- marine science

 There are other scientists in the Philippines who were not identified in the list.
Yet, the Philippines still need more scientists and engineers, and there is a
to support scientific research in the country.
 The University of the Philippines- Los Banos is a science paradise for
forestry, plant and animal science, and veterinary science. It has produced
numerous scientists and various research in the field mentioned.
 The University of the Philippines- Visayas is also a national center for marine
science, fisheries and other related sciences.
 The University of the Philippines- Manila is a center of excellence and has
produced many researchers, doctors, health professionals, and scientists in the
area of medical and public health.
 The University of the Philippines- Diliman also has established a national
science and engineering complex to develop more research and produce more
scientists and engineers in the country.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change


This lesson discussed the influence of science and technology in the

development of the Philippines as a country. Even before the time of Spanish
colonization in the Philippines, various people and communities already
practiced science.
They invented tools and built structures, studied the medicinal uses of plants,
observed heavenly bodies to predict seasons and weather, and used indigenous
science in agriculture. These are considered indigenous science, which is one of
the foundations of modern science.

The growth of science and its development as a field in the country is a

hybrid of indigenous and foreign ideas. Spain and United States, being the
former colonial masters of the country, played an important role in building the
foundation of science in the Philippines. To further strengthen the science
program in the Philippines, the government establishes various science
programs, policies, and projects.

Through the years, many Filipinos were able to establish themselves as

scientists and science educators in various scientific areas and fields. Invention
and innovations were done by these Filipino scientists. Finally, the demands of
globalization, especially the ASEAN economic agenda, prompted the Philippines
to invest in science and technology programs and projects.

. . . . . . . Let’s try your understanding

1. Discuss the role of Science and Technology in Philippine Nation building

2. Diagram the factors that influence the development of Filipino Scientists

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Module 1: General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and Society

Indigenous Science and Technology in the Philippines
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, student must have:
a. Discussed the contribution of indigenous science in the development of science and
technology in the Philippines
b. Listed three indigenous knowledge that develop into modern way


This lesson focusses on the indigenous science and technology in the

Philippines. Filipino, especially during the early times, tried to invent tools that will help
them in everyday life. They also developed alternative ideas in explaining various
phenomena and in explaining the world around them. This system of knowledge is
called indigenous knowledge, which is the foundation of indigenous science.

Let’s Begin:

Cite different old believes and practices/Indigenous knowledge (ex: predicting seasons,
weather, and agriculture) that developed into modern way.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Write your answers here!

We’re on our way

What comes into your mind when you heard Indigenous Knowledge?

Let’s Dig Deeper

What is Indigenous Knowledge?

Indigenous knowledge is embedded in the daily life experiences of young children as

they grow up, they live and grow in a society where the members of the community prominently
practice indigenous knowledge. Their parents and other older folks served as their first teacher
and their methods of teaching are very effective in transmitting cultural knowledge in their
minds. The lesson they learned are intimately interwoven with their culture and the

Some examples of indigenous knowledge that are taught and practiced by the indigenous people

• predicting weather conditions and seasons using knowledge in observing animals’

behavior and celestial bodies;
• using herbal medicine;
• preserving foods
• classifying plants and animals into families and group based on cultural properties;
• building local irrigation system;
• Classifying different types of soil for planting based on cultural properties, and etc.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

What id Indigenous Science?

Indigenous science is part of the indigenous knowledge system practiced by

different groups of people and early civilization (Gribbin, 2001; Mkapa, 2004; Sibisi,
2004). It includes complex arrays of knowledge, expertise, practice, and representations
that guide human societies in their enumerable interactions with the natural milieu:
Agriculture, medicine, naming and explaining natural phenomena, and strategies for
coping with changing environments.

According to Cajete (2004), indigenous science including everything, from

metaphysics to philosophy and various practical technologies practice by indigenous
people both past and present. Iaccarion (2003) elaborated this idea by explaining that
science is a part of culture, and how science is done largely depends on the cultural
practices of the people.

Pawilen (2005) explained that indigenous science knowledge has developed

diverse structure and contents through the interplay between the society and the
environment. Sibisi (2004) also pointed out that indigenous science provides the basics
of astronomy, pharmacology, food technology, or metallurgy, which were derived from
traditional knowledge and practices.


1. What is your understanding in indigenous science?

2. What is example of indigenous science practices?
3. Why do some people believe in indigenous science?
4. Do you think indigenous science should be considered science?
5. What is the role of indigenous science in the development of science and technology?

Write your thoughts here!

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Pawilen (2006) developed a simple framework for understanding indigenous
science. Accordingly, indigenous science is composed of traditional knowledge that uses
science process skills and guided by community values and culture.


uses guided by composed of

Science Process Community Culture Traditional
Skills and Values Knowledge

 Indigenous science uses science process skills such as observing, comparing,

classifying, measuring, problem solving, inferring, communicating, and predicting.
 Indigenous science is guided by culture and community values such as the following:
 The land is a source of life. It is a precious gift from the creator.
 The earth is revered as “Mother Earth” it is the origin of their identity as
 All living and nonliving things are interconnected and interdependent with
each other.
 Human beings are stewards or trustee of the land and other natural
resources. They have responsibility to preserve it.
 Nature is a friend to human beings---it needs respect and proper care.
 Indigenous science is composed of traditional knowledge practiced and valued by
people and communities such as ethno-biology, ethno-medicine, indigenous farming
methods, and folk astronomy.

Indigenous science is important in the development of science and technology in the

Philippines. Like the ancient civilization, indigenous science gave birth to the development

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

of science and technology as a field and as a discipline. Indigenous science helped the
people in understanding the natural environment and in coping everyday life. UNESCO’s
Declaration on Science and the use of Scientific knowledge (1999) recognized indigenous
science as a historical and valuable contribution to science and technology .


1. What is the role of indigenous knowledge in the development of indigenous science?

2. What is the role of indigenous science in the development of science and technology in the
3. How do society and culture influence the development of science and technology?

Write your thoughts here!


This lesson discussed the concept of indigenous knowledge and its influence to
the development of indigenous science. The communities in the Philippines have
maintained vast amount of indigenous knowledge, cultural practices, traditions, and
belief. These include belief and practices ranging from different areas such as health,
environment, peace and order, agriculture, food production, astronomy, music, and
literature. The indigenous knowledge system of the people served as the foundation for
the development of indigenous science.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Even before the time of the Spanish colonization in the Philippines, various
people and communities already practiced science. They invented tools and built
structures, studied the medicinal uses of plants, observed heavenly bodies to predict
seasons and weather, and used indigenous science in agriculture. These are considered
indigenous science, which is one of the foundations of modern science.

Let’s try your understanding.

1. Discuss the contribution of indigenous science in the development of science and technology
in the Philippines
2. Listed three indigenous knowledge that develop into modern way


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Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change


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