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Inside Writing Intro Level: Unit 3 Test

Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Part 1


Read each sentence and circle the best answer.

1. An astronaut’s ________ is not easy. It requires a lot of training.

A) data
B) normal
C) job
D) design

2. Engineers ________ special clothes for astronauts, called spacesuits.

A) design
B) predict
C) normal
D) data

3. Human beings ________ oxygen to breathe in space.

A) predict
B) require
C) adapt
D) final

4. Scientists collected a lot of ________ about the worms in space.

A) job
B) normal
C) design
D) data

5. Scientists believe that plants will ________ to the environment on Mars.

A) design
B) adapt
C) predict
D) data

6. They ________ that in the future, humans will be able to live on Mars.
A) adapt
B) design
C) predict
D) require

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Use four of the words below to complete the sentences.

adapt data design final

job normal predict require

7. In the future, traveling to space will be a(n) ________ activity, like traveling overseas.

8. Space is sometimes called the ________ frontier, or the last place to explore.

9. Muscles don’t easily ________ to zero gravity. They become smaller and weaker.

10. Space is not a normal environment for humans. They ________ a lot of support to survive.


Choose the future tense to complete each sentence.

11. This year, NASA ________ fruit flies into space. The experiment is called the Fruit Fly Lab.
A) will send
B) to send

12. The flies ________ in tiny containers on board the International Space Station.
A) were living
B) will live

13. Scientists ________ the flies for one month. That’s half a fly’s normal lifespan.
A) are going to study
B) studying

14. A group of students ________ neurobehavioral changes that occur during spaceflight.
A) will investigate
B) are investigating

15. The experiment ________ scientists better understand the effects of long-term space travel.
A) helps
B) is going to help

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Part 2

Read the following magazine article and then answer the questions.

Animal Astronauts

Did you know that animals have traveled to space since 1948? Scientists wanted to
research the effects of zero gravity, or microgravity, on living things. It was too dangerous to
send humans, so they sent animals. Sadly, not all the animals survived the journey.
Albert, a monkey, was the first animal astronaut. He didn’t return. Next, a mouse was
sent to space. It also didn’t survive. In 1951, a monkey called Yorick traveled 236,000 feet above
the Earth. (Remember, an airplane usually flies at an altitude1 of about 35,000 feet.) Yorick was
the first monkey to return safely.
The Russians preferred to send dogs into space. The most famous dog was Laika. She
was a stray from the streets of Moscow. In 1958, Laika was sent to space on Sputnik 2.
Unfortunately, Sputnik 2 burned up in the outer atmosphere. Poor Laika.
Animals continue to go to space, but they are better cared for than in the past. I believe
that’s important because animals don’t choose to go to space. We will probably have animals on
Mars. Animals provide an enormous amount of valuable2 data for scientists to study.
altitude height above the ground or sea
valuable very useful or important

16. Which of the following is a fact?

A) In 1951, a monkey called Yorick traveled 236,000 feet above the Earth.
B) I believe that’s important because animals don’t choose to go to space.
C) We will probably have animals on Mars.

17. Which of the following is a prediction?

A) Scientists wanted to research the effects of microgravity on living things.
B) In 1958, Laika was sent to space on Sputnik 2.
C) We will probably have animals on Mars.

18. Which statement supports a prediction?

A) Sadly, not all the animals survived the journey.
B) Animals continue to go to space, but they are better cared for than in the past.
C) Animals provide an enormous amount of valuable data for scientists to study.

19. Which of the following is a topic sentence?

A) Scientists wanted to research the effects of microgravity on living things.
B) Albert, a rhesus monkey, was the first animal astronaut.
C) The Russians preferred to send dogs into space.

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20. Which of the following is a minor detail?
A) Did you know that animals have traveled to space since 1948?
B) An airplane usually flies at an altitude of about 35,000 miles.
C) Animals provide an enormous amount of valuable data for scientists to study.

Part 3

Writing Assignment

Imagine that the year is 2215 and you are living on Mars. What animals are there? What are the
animals doing? How are they helping humans survive on Mars? Write a paragraph predicting life
on Mars. Include some facts about the animals. Start your paragraph with a main idea. Support
your main idea with details. Include the future tense (will) in your paragraph.

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