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Introduction .......................... 6 2. Select Race and
Background ...................... 74
Go to Even More
Adventures! ......................... 7 3. Determining Ability
When Reading This Book Scores ................................ 74
............................................. 9 4. Classes Acquisition . 75
Part 1 Characters ................. 10 5. Languages Acquisition76
Additional Data for Character 6. Combat Feats
Creation ................................ 11 Acquisition ........................ 76
Additional Data for Easy 7. Purchasing Equipment,
Creation (Sample Characters) Reputation, Abyss Shards 77
........................................... 11
8. Calculation of Values80
10-11 Level Character Data 9. Final Touches ......... 80
........................................... 11
Part 2 Game Rules .............. 81
Sample Characters
Features ............................. 12 Additional Skill Checks and
Packages ................................ 82
Additional Data for
Detailed Creation ............. 65 Rider Class and Mount Rules
............................................... 84
Additional Background
Tables ............................... 68 Rules for Riding .......... 87
PC Growth Addition ...... 69 Mounts ........................ 92
Growth to 15 Level ..... 69 Mounted Combat ..... 103
Enhanced Racial Abilities Alchemist Class and
........................................... 70 Evocation ............................ 107
Creating High-level Additional Rules ........... 114
Characters ............................. 72 Fairy Tamer Class
1. Prepare a Blank Additions ........................ 114
Character Sheet. Check the Area: Breakthrough .. 114
Table ................................. 73
Destroying Structures 120

NPC Connections (New Comprehensive List of
Reputation Usage) .......... 125 Weapons ......................... 206
Additions to the Fellow Comprehensive List of
Action Chart ....................... 129 Armor ............................. 218
Part 3 Data ........................ 132 General Equipment and
Supplies........................... 221
Additional Magic Data . 133
Herbs, Potions, Repair
Additional Magical
Elements ......................... 133 Tools ............................... 221
Class-Specific Items .. 222
Truespeech Magic Data
......................................... 134 Adventure Tools ....... 223
Spiritualism Magic Data Accessories................ 223
......................................... 139
Detailed Data ............... 226
Divine Magic Data .... 144
Improvements and
Magitech Data ........... 155 Enhancements to Weapons and
Armor.................................. 245
Fairy Magic Data....... 161
Mount and Mount Equipment
Techniques Data........... 173
............................................. 247
Spellsongs and Finales Data
Mounts and Equipment
............................................. 176
......................................... 247
Spellsongs Data......... 176
How to Read Mount Data
Finales Data .............. 178 ......................................... 251
Stunts Data .................... 180 Mount Data............... 254
Evocation Data.............. 190 Part 4 World ..................... 263
Combat Feats Data ....... 199 Faith and Divine Power 264
Selectively Acquired Ancient Gods ........... 264
Passive Combat Feats ..... 199
Major and Minor Gods265
Selectively Acquired Active
Aid from a Minor God265
Combat Feats .................. 201
Apotheosis ................ 265
Automatically Acquired
Passive Combat Feats ..... 204 Adventures on the Alfleim
Continent ............................ 267
Item Data ...................... 206
Rider's Guild ............ 267
Alchemists and Magitech Basic Divine Spells
Civilization ..................... 269 Changes ........................... 323
Teleporters ............... 271 Specialized Divine Magic
of the Gods of the Second
Tiens and Leprechauns272
Sword .............................. 325
Central to Northeastern
Monsters ....................... 327
Alfleim Continent ............... 275
Additional Elements . 327
Randall Region ......... 277
Barbarous.................. 329
Ursyla Region ........... 280
Zamsaska Region ...... 288 Animals ..................... 343
Plants ......................... 356
Korgana Region and Abyss
......................................... 289 Undead ..................... 362
Famous People of the Constructs ................. 374
Central and Northeastern
Magitech .................... 383
Alfleim Continent ........... 291
Mythical Beasts ......... 392
Part 5 Game Mastery ........ 299
Fairies ........................ 400
Mastering Supplement.. 300
Daemons ................... 411
High-level Adventurer
Remuneration ................. 300 Humanoids ............... 427
Scenario ........................ 301 High-level Familiars .. 430
Sample Scenario "Giant Additional Data about
Looking Up at the Sky" .. 301 Golems ............................ 433
Barbarous Faith and the Gods Appendix ........................... 440
of the Second Sword .......... 323 Weapons and Armor
Description ......................... 441


Go to Even More Adventures!
Have you ever dreamed of a grand adventure, flying on a dragon,
manipulating spells like dropping meteorites, or watching a deity show up
before you?
Have you ever longed to be a hero who defeats many vicious monsters, one
after another?

This book will allow you to become a hero such as those, carving your
legacy out to sit among the ones that have come before.
The time has finally come for your adventure to become a legend!

This book contains data for adventurers up to 15 levels. This is the highest
level that a Humanoid can normally reach.
This book mainly has spells from 11 to 15 levels, combat feats, techniques,
spellsongs, and finales up to 15 levels. Of course, it takes more than 30
adventures to reach the 10 levels. You will not be able to reach it in a short
time. But that is why this book's spells and combat feats are so powerful.

Additionally, new monsters come with new powers and abilities to use.
These new foes are quite powerful in their rights, often strong enough to repel
a full-frontal attack on their own. Some may be even more powerful than a
whole party at the 15th level, so proper tactics learned over your characters'
long adventures, and new abilities will be the way forward.
There are still many threats waiting for you in the world of Raxia. We hope
you will hone your skills, have many adventures, and achieve great glory.

In addition, you can find in this book Rider and Alchemist newly
introduced classes.
Rider class allows you to ride your favorite horse, mythical beast, or
magitech and fight together. You can fight with your partner in the wilderness,
on the plains, or even in the sky or the sea, giving you the excitement you
cannot experience with other classes.
The Alchemist class can use Evocations, which uses cards instead of MP,
to produce magical effects, to weaken enemies or strengthen allies. It is a useful
class for both frontline and rearguard since Evocations can be used with Minor

Two new races have been added: Tiens, which is a good match for the
Rider and can become excellent warriors, and Leprechauns, which are skilled
in handling items. In addition, many high-level sample characters are also
included, allowing you to enjoy heroic adventures right out of the box.

In addition, rules for creating high-level characters, destroying structures,

making connections with famous people, and a list of famous people in new
regions and locales are included to broaden the scope of the play. GMs are
encouraged to take advantage of these rules to create more adventures.

Let the heroic adventure begin!

Your journey of adventure will never end.

As long as you keep trying new adventures, your journey will continue.

Create your own legend.

I am sure you can do it.

Good luck!

When Reading This Book
Fill in the Character Sheets Techniques, Stunts, and Evocations
Techniques used with the Enhancer class and Spellsongs and Finales used
with the Bard class were added in Core Rulebook II. Please fill Stunts used
with Rider class and Evocations used with Alchemist class added in this book
in the "Techniques, Spellsongs, Stuns, etc." column on the character sheet.
Rider class can be used for Monster Knowledge check (but cannot detect
weak points). Rider class, Bard class, and Alchemist class also have check
packages. So, fill these for the Monster Knowledge check and check package
fields of the character sheet by writing the class name in the blank spaces.

Mount Management
In this book, the rule and data of the mounts are listed together with the
Rider class. This is an important entity that cannot be separated from the Rider
When dealing with mounts, it is convenient to copy the page containing the
mount data to be used. For variable values such as HP, it is recommended to
use the HP column of the PC to have two numbers simultaneously.

References to Core Rulebook I and Core Rulebook II

When it is necessary to refer to "Core Rulebook I" or "Core Rulebook II"
in this book, it will be done in brackets (see CR I, p. XXX) and (see CR II, p.

Part 1 Characters

Additional Data for Character
This section provides data for the races for PCs added in this Core
Rulebook III.
In addition, in order to allow you to immediately start adventuring at the
high levels provided by this book, we have also included sample characters
from Core Rulebook I and Core Rulebook II grown up to 10 – 11 levels.

Additional Data for Easy Creation (Sample Characters)

On pages 13-25, we provide two sample characters at usual starting levels

that can be used with Easy Creation (see CR I, p. 20). Both of them use the
races and classes added in this Core Rulebook III. You may choose these
characters if you are attracted by the new races and classes.

10-11 Level Character Data

We also introduce 12 characters of 10-11 level, including those of the two
additional sample characters and those of the previous Core Rulebook I and
Core Rulebook II (see p. 25-65). Those who wish to play the high-level
adventures provided by this book right now are encouraged to use these data.

Sample Characters Features
When choosing a character in "Easy Creation," there are a few notes (see
CR I, p. 22, “Balanced Choice”). The sample characters in this book have the
following characteristics.

Tiens Cavalier
This character is "Frontline Type," "Cannot Heal," "Not an Explorer," and
"Limited in Knowledge.”

Leprechaun Alchemist
This character is a "Rearguard Type" that is "Cannot Heal," "Not an
Explorer," and "Limited in Knowledge.”

Sample Character Features

Front/Rear Healer Explorer Knowledgeable
Human Warrior Front - ◯ -
Elf Priest
Front△ ◎ - ◎
Dwarf Paladin Front ◯ - -
Tabbit Magician Rear - - -
Runefolk Gunner Rear △ - ◯
Nightmare Magic
Front - - -
Lykant Boxer Front - ◎ ◯
Front - △ -
Grassrunner Minstrel Rear - ◎ △
Meria Feytouched Rear ◯ △ ◎
Tiens Cavalier Front - - △
Rear - - △
Front: Frontline Type Rear: Rearguard Type Front△: Can be in the frontline,
but not primarily a melee fighter. ◎: Particularly high aptitude
◯: High aptitude △: Limited aptitude -: No aptitude

Tiens Cavalier

Character Description
Tiens Cavalier rides a horse, also a swordsman, armed with a one-handed
sword and leather armor. Both the jockey and the horse can fight and support
from the frontline.
Tiens is a race that is said to have been created to compete with Abyss
Daemons and has sphere-like protrusions on the part of its body. It has an
excellent ability score with no noticeable weak points and has the racial ability
to communicate with nearby creatures without language
([Intercommunication]). This allows them to communicate with the mount it
rides and fight more potently.
Ride your horse and experience the exhilarating combat at high speed!

Character After Growth

The Tiens Cavalier, who has grown to a high level, has changed their
armaments to powerful ones, and the horse they ride is a top-class Divine
Tiens' racial ability [Intercommunication] is now more powerful, and their
and their mount's fighting ability is greatly enhanced by the numerous Stunts
brought by their improved Rider class. With the help of the newly acquired
Enhancer and Alchemist classes, this character can fight on the frontlines and
spearhead the battlefield!

Leprechaun Alchemist

Character Description
This Leprechaun with Alchemist class deals with unique techniques called
Evocations. At the same time, they have also acquired the Marksman class and
can fire with their crossbow.
Evocations excel at providing support for fellow players and blocking the
enemy. Their effectiveness depends on the rank of the Material Card spent on
them, and a high-ranked card can potentially turn the tide of the war in a flash.
However, high-rank cards are also expensive, and if you play them too often,
you will lose all rewards from the adventure. So, please be careful, and aim to
use them when they are needed.

Character After Growth

Leprechaun's racial ability [Invisible Hand] comes into full play when he
reaches a higher level. It can equip up to three accessories in the Others
section, and the accessory can be changed with Minor Action, so they can be
swapped quickly.
The Alchemist class has increased in level and can use many Evocations.
The Conjurer class has also been acquired at a lower level. It can use [Counter
Magic] and other spells to support their companions. On the other hand, the
Marksman class has more offensive abilities and can provide support with
direct attacks.
Choose the best action and effect from many options, and control the

Human Warrior

Character Description
Armed with Claymore, this Human warrior can attack the enemy directly
with this two-handed weapon.
Human's racial ability [Sword’s Grace/Change Fate] gives +2 to changed
roll (enhanced at the 11th level). This is useful for a crucial move that requires
high success value or large damage.
In addition to Fighter, the character has mastered Scout class, which helps
them to get ahead in exploration and combat, and Enhancer, which strengthens
them through breathing techniques.
The most notable combat feat is [Power Strike II], which produces serious
damage, and the [Cleave II], which can attack many enemies. By using these
two types of feats according to the situation, these combat feats can be highly
Character is equipped with many accessories and items to protect
themselves. Although they do not have shields, their armor is not low, thanks
to the effects of Dontrecia's Great Armor of Perseverance.
Charge in front of the enemy and decimate them without overwhelming

Elf Priest Swordmaster

Character Description
This character is a priest and a swordsman with high magic power. They
are often in charge of covering and healing their companions. While their main
role is to help their friends as a priest, they can show their power as a
swordsman when the number of enemies is large or after providing sufficient
support and recovery.
[Sword's Grace/Gentle Water] (enhanced at the 11th level) now has the
same effect as 6 hours of sleep by resting in water for 1 hour. If you use it for
a 1-hour rest during the exploration, you can support your companions for a
longer time.
This character acquired the Priest class for support and recovery, the
Fencer class for attacks, and the Sage class for knowledge checks. So they can
support the party in various ways.
The combat feats enhance Divine Magic and swordsmanship. The major
feature of this character is that they can declare [Multi-Action] and
[Metamagic/Targets] at the same time with the help of [Rune Master]. This
allows the character to attack at the same time as providing support and
recovery to their companions.
The most notable piece of equipment is the Weakness Revealer weapon.
By attacking, it can reveal the monster's weak point. Since its attack power is
low, use Rapier +1 if the damage is important to you.
Be clever in your actions, assessing the situation and the enemy's position,
sometimes covering, sometimes attacking!

Dwarf Paladin

Character Description
Like the Elf Priest Swordsman, this character can cover and heal while
participating in battle, but they can also cover allies from attacks with [Cover
II], making them a reliable and unsinkable ship.
Dwarven racial ability [Sword's Grace/Body Of Flame] was enhanced at the
6th level, and they can touch one of their companions to give the same benefit.
This character has Fighter and Priest classes at a high level. Also, since they
have Ranger class at a high level, they have [Indomitable] combat feat, which
prevents them from fainting even if they fall to 0 HP.
At the same time, they have a high defense with [Armor Proficiency
S/Metal Armor], and even if they are attacked because of [Cover II] and
[Guardian II] many times, they will be able to withstand them.
Their armor is Dontrecia's Stiff Armor of Perseverance, which is similar to
the Human Warrior's armor but more robust. If a shield is held, Defense may
exceed 20. It is not strong against magic damage, so the character should try to
resist it with something like Moonlight Charm.
Be on the front line, taking the enemy's attacks, healing yourself and your
allies, and dominating the battlefield!

Tabbit Magician

Character Description
This is a Tabbit Magician who has mastered Truespeech Magic and
Spiritualism Magic at a high level. They are equipped with a large staff and
many useful accessories.
With the racial ability [Sixth Sense] at the 6th adventure level, they can
make Spot Trap check with "Adventurer level + Intelligence modifier." Which
increases their survivability.
They know a lot of spells, so choose wisely which spell to use in which
situation. If they can earn money to create a golem, the golem will increase the
character’s potential.
Their combat feats affect spells. Especially when they use ranged magic,
they can declare [Magic Control], which will deal large damage only to the
enemy. Suppose they don't have any allies in range. In that case, they can
declare [Violentcast I] and aim for a higher success value than the enemy's
resistance. They have also mastered the Sage class and can make good use of
their high intelligence in Monster Knowledge checks.
When the character grows up and reaches the adventurer level of 11, they
will automatically learn [Rune Master]. By selecting [Powerful Magic I] and so
on, they can cast spells with more power.
Master all the spells and use your knowledge for the benefit of your friends!

Runefolk Gunner

Character Description
Runefolk Gunner is equipped with large guns, and their destructive power
of a single shot can exceed that of a warrior's full power.
Their adventurer level is now 11, and racial ability [HP Conversion] can be
performed up to twice a day with Minor Action. In addition to this, with the
increase in the Artificer class and the possession of items such as mako stone,
they will have no trouble with MP.
Marksman has a higher level than the Artificer class, so it has a very high
Accuracy check. This character can be the main source of damage for the
party. Since they have no Evasion, they need to be protected by frontline
warriors. The Alchemist class can enhance the front allies. Evocations can be
used to weaken enemies, so use them efficiently in between gunshots.
Observation and knowledge of the Sage class will also help you and your
Aim to kill the enemy with a single gunshot!

Nightmare Magic Warrior

Character Description
This is a magic warrior armed with a huge two-handed axe and leather
armor reinforced with bones. They look like a rugged warrior but can also
provide magical support.
Nightmare's racial ability [Alternate Form] increases their damage by 1
point at the 6th adventure level. It is effective against weapon and magic attacks,
so they can rely on it when using the combat feat [Multi-Action].
They have learned Fighter and Conjurer classes as a magic warrior, but they
are more focused on attack. Especially their combat feat [Mana Strike] has
higher damage output than [Power Strike II]. Combined with magic support
and techniques, it may exceed a pure warrior. However, they need to be careful
because it reduces Fortitude and Willpower.
Using Spiritualism Magic [Remote Doll], they can do scouting with a doll.
Still, they are not good at exploration and knowledge. In adventures, they will
need to be assisted by other characters in that.
Basically, this is a character who can be very effective in combat. Wield a
huge axe and help your friends on the battlefield!

Lykant Boxer

Character Description
This a skilled Lykant fighter with a high level of Grappler class and is good
at fighting with fists and kicks.
Lykant's symbolic racial ability [Beast Form] increases their Agility modifier
at their 11th adventure level, giving them an advantage in Evasion and Initiative
Since the Grappler class does not use weapons, the damage per attack is
low, but the [Armor Piercer II] combat feat compensates for this. The
Grappler can sometimes aim for large damage by utilizing this feat aggressively.
Since this character has acquired the Scout and Sage classes, it can make
all checks and be useful in many situations.
Their armor is designed with an emphasis on evasion. It can easily evade
the attacks of enemies of the same level. At the same time, their minimum
defense is nice, and their total survivability is quite good.
Be active to take advantage of the high standard values in all check

Lildraken Bodybuilder

Character Description
This character is armed with huge weapons and heavy metal armor. They
are good at fighting while reinforcing themselves with various techniques.
[Sword's Grace/Wings Of The Wind] at the 11th adventure level allows
using twice as long per day. If you limit its use to combat, you will never run
out of time.
They have acquired the Fighter class for fighting and the Enhancer class for
strengthening them. They have also acquired the Ranger class, so they can
effectively use medicinal herbs and potions and explore the wild.
They know many techniques, but it is not necessary to use them all
simultaneously. If you use many techniques, you will lose MP and mako stones
at once, so it is better to choose the one you want to use according to the
Although they wear armor that lowers their evasion, their high Defense
compensates for it. They can use [Power Strike II], which deals a large amount
of damage to one character, or [Cleave II], which simultaneously deals with
multiple enemies. Depending on the number of enemies, you must decide
how to wield their double-handed hammers.
Be a shield for your allies and an impregnable wall for your enemies!

Grassrunner Minstrel

Character Description
This Grassrunner Minstrel, with a magic instrument, they are light on its
feet but ready to face the many challenges of the journey.
Grassrunner's racial ability [Mana Interference] becomes difficult to be
detected by magic perception at the 11th adventurer level. It may be useful in
many cases.
This character mainly plays musical instruments and performs spellsong
with Bard class, affecting the battlefield. With generated Rhythm, it can use
other spellsongs and finales. Although it is a little different from other
characters in terms of usability, once you master it, its convenience will surely
help your friends.
They have also acquired the Marksman class and are proficient in
crossbows. They are sufficient as a supplemental offense in situations where
spellsongs are unnecessary.
The Alchemist class can be highly effective regardless of the class level if
the value of the cards used is high. Use high-rank cards sparingly when the time
Use a large number of classes appropriately and make your own presence

Meria Feytouched

Character Description
This is Meria, who uses Fairy Magic. They have no weapons and simple
armor, but they have some fairy tamer accessories.
Meria's character's racial ability [Thriving Life] is enhanced at the 11th
adventure level. They can recover HP and MP twice a day, significantly
improving their ability to continue adventures.
Fairy Tamer is a Wizard-Type Class that needs to select 4 types from 6
types to use spells of those types. They can also summon fairies according to
their level of the fairy tamer. The summoned fairy will cooperate with the fairy
tamer and protect the fairy tamer for a short time. Since the number of spells
that can be selected increases at a high level, this character has an extensive
selection available.
They have a lot of spell-related combat feats. Especially with
[Metamagic/Targets] and [Magic Control], they should be able to deal with
most situations. In addition, since they have learned Sage class at a high level,
it is reliable that they have [Mana Save] to reduce MP.
In addition, this character has mastered the Rider class. By bringing a
mount that can support from the rear, the character can provide more versatile
support. If the character is mounted, they will be able to cast Fairy Magic while
Mesmerize enemies and friends alike with the colorful magic, with
numerous elements and your fairies as allies!

Additional Data for Detailed Creation
From here, we will introduce the race descriptions and additional data for
Tiens and Leprechauns, which have been added as PC races, when creating a
PC with Detailed Creation.
Creating a PC is the same procedure described in Core Rulebook I, page
61. Please use it as a reference with the addition of new races and background

Determination of Ability Scores

The ability score of Tiens and Leprechauns should be determined by

rolling the dice according to the following table.
Each of these is added to "skill," "body," and "mind" as an ability score (see
CR I, p. 70). To avoid creating data that is too inconsistent with the character
you wish to make, it is recommended that you roll three times and select one
of a set of ability scores.

Tiens Leprechaun
A 2d 2d
B 2d 1d
C 1d 2d
D 1d+3 2d
E 2d 2d
F 2d+3 2d


The Tiens is a race found primarily in the northern part of the Alfleim
continent. They are believed to have been created by magically combining
humans and monsters during the Magic Civilization Period. Their mission is
to guard the Wall of the Abyss.
They are characterized by their excellent physique, strong body, metallic-
colored hair, and jewel-like eyes. They also have jewels on their foreheads,
chests, and the backs of their hands, which are crystallized from the mana in
their bodies (the location and number of jewels vary from person to person).
They come of age at 15. Their lifespan is about 50 years, but they can enter
a state of suspended animation at will, during which they do not age. To awaken
from suspended animation, another person must pour 20 MP into the jewel.
Starting Languages: Tiens can speak Daemonic and speak, read, and write
Trade Common.
Restricted Classes: None

Racial Abilities
[Intercommunication]: You can communicate with any character within 10
meters (up to the adjacent area in Simplified Combat) who is visible or knows
each other well. It is not necessary to have a language in common. However, it
takes about the same amount of time as a normal conversation. Minor action
or combat preparation can be used to designate or switch between targets.
When used on an animal or mythical beast mount, in addition to the
aforementioned effects, it also inspires the mount, giving it a +1 bonus to its
Accuracy Check and Evasion Check (if it has multiple sections). The
inspiration effect lasts for one continuous minute (6 rounds) and may only be
used once every 6 hours.

Tiens Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2–4 Cavalier Rider 10/11/7 2,500
5–6 Brawler Grappler 9/13/6 2,000
7 Warrior Fighter 8/12/8 2,000
8–9 Cleric Priest 7/12/9 2,000
10 – 12 Magician Sorcerer 6/12/10 2,000


A diminutive race of about 130 cm in stature, Leprechauns inhabit various

parts of the Alfleim continent, mainly in urban areas. They are said to have
contributed to the development of the Magitech Civilization Period and show
great talent in the use of items and magitech.
They are characterized by large, hairy ears, and the males often have full
They live underground or in the ruins of Magitech Civilization, either alone
or in family units, and thus are seldom seen. Because they have the ability to
turn invisible, making use of this power, they live their lives in such a way that
they do not appear in public as much as possible. However, they will show
themselves in front of and spend time with people they like.
Most live in hiding, avoiding contact with others, but some may help or play
tricks on others without being noticed.
They reach adulthood at age 15 and are thought to live for about 200 years.
Starting Languages: Leprechauns can speak, read and write Magitech and
Trade Common.
Restricted Classes: None

Racial Abilities
[Darkvision]: Leprechauns can see in the darkness as well as they can during
the daytime.
[Invisible Hand]: Leprechauns can wear two "Other" accessories.
[Unseen Artisan]: As a Major Action, the Leprechaun can spend 5 MP to turn
invisible. This functions the same way as the Truespeech spell [Conceal Self]
(see CR I, p. 224). However, there are no restrictions on equipment, etc.

Leprechauns Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2 – 4 Agile Warrior Fencer 13/5/5 2,500
5–6 Archer Marksman 12/6/5 2,500
7 Spy Scout 14/4/5 2,500
8–9 Feytouched Fairy Tamer 11/4/8 2,000
10 – 12 Agile Warrior Fencer 11/5/7 2,500

Additional Background Tables
Detailed here you can find additional background tables for Tiens and
Leprechauns. You may use these instead of the ones found along the race

Tiens Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2–4 Archer Marksman 11/12/5 2,500
5–6 Spy Scout 10/10/8 2,000
7 Magic Warrior Fighter & Sorcerer 9/11/8 2,000
8–9 Feytouched Fairy Tamer 7/11/10 2,000
10 – 12 Scholar Sage 8/11/9 2,000

Leprechauns Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2 – 4 Wanderer Ranger 12/5/6 2,500
5–6 Hobbyist Sage & Bard 13/4/6 2,000
7 Magitech Artificer 12/4/7 2,000
8–9 Cleric Priest 10/5/8 2,000
10 – 12 Magician Sorcerer or Conjurer 11/3/9 2,000

PC Growth Addition

Growth to 15 Level
In this Core Rulebook III, characters can grow up to 15 levels. The
experience points required to grow a class for each type are as follows.

Table of Experience Points (up to 15 Level)

Level Major Class Minor Class
1 1,000 500
2 1,000(2,000) 1,000(1,500)
3 1,500(3,500) 1,000(2,500)
4 1,500(5,000) 1,500(4,000)
5 2,000(7,000) 1,500(5,500)
6 2,500(9,500) 2,000(7,500)
7 3,000(12,500) 2,500(10,000)
8 4,000(16,500) 3,000(13,000)
9 5,000(21,500) 4,000(17,000)
10 6,000(27,500) 5,000(22,000)
11 7,500(35,000) 6,000(28,000)
12 9,000(44,000) 7,500(35,500)
13 10,500(54,500) 9,000(44,500)
14 12,000(66,500) 10,500(55,000)
15 13,500(80,000) 12,000(67,000)
Major Classes
Fighter, Grappler, Sorcerer, Conjurer, Priest, Artificer, Fairy Tamer
Minor Classes
Fencer, Marksman, Scout, Ranger, Sage, Enhancer, Bard, Rider,
※ number in parentheses () is a cumulative XP needed

Enhanced Racial Abilities
When a character reaches the 11th adventurer level or higher, their racial
abilities are strengthened.
Tiens and Leprechauns will also be described, along with the enhancement
at the 6th level and above (see CR II, p. 37).

Race: Human Enhanced Racial Ability: [Sword's Grace/Change Fate]

Description: When using [Sword's Grace/Change Fate], add +2 to the result.
However, only changing double 1's to double 6's will result in automatic
success, and double 6's to double 1's will still result in an automatic failure.
When using a Power Table, the maximum result is 12.

Race: Elf Enhanced Racial Ability: [Sword's Grace/Gentle Water]

Description: By soaking their whole body in water for 1 hour, the character
can recover HP and MP as though sleeping 6 hours. This can be done once
per day and does not interfere with normal sleeping and recovery.

Race: Dwarf Enhanced Racial Ability: [Sword's Grace/Body of Flame]

Description: The Dwarf now resists Energy-type damage from any source as
well. When dealt Energy-type damage, it is automatically halved. If the source
of the damage has Resist: Half, then a successful Fortitude or Willpower check
(as appropriate) will be treated as Resist: Neg.

Race: Tabbit Enhanced Racial Ability: [Sixth Sense]

Description: When making a Danger Sense or Avoid Trap check, add +4 to
the result.

Race: Runefolk Enhanced Racial Ability: [HP Conversion]

Description: [HP Conversion] can now be used twice per day.

Race: Nightmare Enhanced Racial Ability: [Alternate Form]

Description: When in [Alternate Form], all Accuracy and Spellcasting checks
receive a +1 bonus.

Race: Lykant Enhanced Racial Ability: [Beast Form]

Description: When transformed using [Beast Form], the Lykant now gains +1
to your Agility modifier.

Race: Lildraken Enhanced Racial Ability: [Sword's Grace/Wings of the Wind]
Description: Flying using [Sword's Grace/Wings of the Wind] can last up to 2
minutes (12 rounds) per day.

Race: Grassrunner Enhanced Racial Ability: [Mana Interference]

Description: The Grassrunner is now harder to be detected by magic
perception. When fighting monsters with "Perception: Magic'', the Grassrunner
receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion. The same +1 bonus also applies
when performing a Hide check against them.

Race: Meria Enhanced Racial Ability: [Thriving Life]

Description: In addition to recovery at 6:00 a.m., the Meria will now recover
HP and MP at 6:00 p.m. in the evening as well.

Race: Tiens Enhanced Racial Ability: [Intercommunication]

6th Level: The range of the Tiens [Intercommunication] now becomes "within
30 meters (all areas in Simplified Combat).
11th Level: The Accuracy and Evasion bonus granted to inspired mounts by
[Intercommunication] is further increased by +1 (+2 in total).

Race: Leprechaun Enhanced Racial Ability: [Invisible Hand]

6th Level: The Leprechaun's [Invisible Hand] now grants the ability to wear a
total of three "Other" accessories.
11th Level: The Leprechaun's [Invisible Hand] now allows them to change
equipment in the accessory section as a Minor Action once every 10 seconds
(1 round).

Creating High-level Characters

Here are the rules for creating a character of a certain level with more
experience points and money. Use this rule when you want to create a character
for a scenario or when you want to start a campaign at a higher level.
This character creation follows Detailed Creation's procedure (see CR I, p.
61). Reputation and Abyss Shards are good considerations when purchasing

Step-by-step Chart for Creating High-Level Characters

1. Prepare a Blank Character Sheet. Check the Table

Copy and prepare the character sheet (you can find one at the end of the
The GM should choose the appropriate column from the High-Level
Character Creation Table below according to the scenario and their own

High-Level Character Creation Table

Average Additional Abyss
Number of Current
Adventurer Experience Money Shards in
Growth Reputation
Level Points Possession
3–4 2 +2,500 2,500G 30 1
4–5 5 +7,000 6,000G 80 2
5–6 9 +13,000 14,000G 150 3
6–7 13 +20,000 24,000G 250 5
7–8 17 +27,000 36,000G 350 7
8–9 22 +37,000 54,000G 500 9
9 – 10 28 +47,000 80,000G 700 12
10 – 11 34 +62,000 120,000G 900 15
11 – 12 44 +82,000 160,000G 1,300 21
12 – 13 54 +102,000 210,000G 1,700 30
13 – 14 65 +132,000 270,000G 2,200 39
14 – 15 77 +162,000 350,000G 2,800 48
15+ A 90 +197,000 450,000G 3,500 57
15+ B 100 +217,000 500,000G 4,000 66
15+ C 110 +247,000 550,000G 4,500 75

This table assumes that each character has acquired a reasonable number
of classes to be useful in adventures and to fulfill their assigned role. It is not
recommended to create a character that exceeds this guideline by
concentrating on a single class or to create a character that does not meet the
guideline by learning too many classes at once, just because it is possible in
terms of experience points.
Columns "15+A" through "15+C" are used when creating a character with
multiple 15th-level classes.

2. Select Race and Background
Select a race and determine the background. Then, write initial classes,
basic ability scores, and initial experience points.

3. Determining Ability Scores

First, determine the character's ability score (initial ability scores) according
to Detailed Creation.
Then, check the "Number of Growth" column of the "High-Level Character
Creation Table" and grow the ability scores by that number of times (see CR I,
p. 188).
When the number of times an ability score grows is large and rolling the
dice is too much trouble, use the "Average Growth Table." Then you should
add 6 numbers for 6 different ability scores. It is up to the player to decide
which score to increase by which value from the table.
In the case of 13 or more growths, there are two patterns: one is to focus
on some of the best scores, and the other is to grow on average. It is up to the
player to decide which pattern to use.

Average Growth Table

Average Number
Growth Growth Growth Growth Growth Growth
Adventurer of
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥
Level Growth
3–4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0
4–5 5 1 1 1 1 1 0
5–6 9 2 2 2 2 1 0
4 3 3 2 1 0
6–7 13
3 3 2 2 2 1
5 4 3 3 2 0
7–8 17
4 3 3 3 2 2
6 5 4 4 2 1
8–9 22
5 4 4 4 3 2
8 6 5 5 3 1
9 – 10 28
6 5 5 5 4 3
9 7 7 6 4 1
10 – 11 34
7 6 6 6 5 4
12 10 9 7 5 1
11 – 12 44
10 9 7 7 6 5

15 12 10 9 6 2
12 – 13 54
12 10 9 9 8 6
18 14 13 11 7 2
13 – 14 65
14 13 11 11 9 7
21 17 15 13 9 2
14 – 15 77
17 15 13 13 11 8
25 20 17 15 10 3
15+ A 90
20 17 15 15 13 10
28 22 19 17 11 3
15+ B 100
22 19 17 17 14 11
31 25 21 18 12 3
15+ C 110
25 22 18 18 15 12

4. Classes Acquisition
First, the character should select classes according to Detailed Creation
without an additional XP from 1st step.
Then, use the experience points in the "Additional Experience Points"
column in the "High-Level Character Creation Table" to grow the classes. You
can also learn new classes and grow them to the appropriate level.
When learning class, the basic guideline is that the main class should be
around "Average Adventurer Level" in the "High-Level Character Creation
Table." Lower-level characters will have a hard time with action checks and HP
and are more likely to be unable to keep up with adventures.
On the other hand, it is not recommended to grow a character beyond this
guideline. Such a character tends to be unable to keep up with the diverse
Even if you have grown your main class to the appropriate level, you should
still have enough experience points to learn and grow other classes in
accordance with your character. When learning the Scout class, Sage class, or
Ranger class, which are required to assist adventuring in many situations, it is
advisable to learn them at least 2 levels below the specified adventurer level.
Additional experience points do not have to be all used up. You can leave
some unused for future growth.
Don't forget to check the accumulated experience points required for the
class. Add the remaining unused experience points to the total. If the result is
equal to "additional experience points + 3,000", then the class has been learned
correctly. If not, there is a mistake somewhere, and you should correct it.

5. Languages Acquisition
First, check the character's race and then the language obtained by the
classes learned.
Then, if you have mastered the Sage class, you will learn to speak or write
any language per level. If you have mastered Bard class, you will learn to speak
any language per level.

6. Combat Feats Acquisition

Assuming that each odd-numbered level character gets one learning slot,
have the character learn the combat feat. To avoid inconsistencies in
prerequisites and timing of replacements, make the character learn the feat in
order of 1st level , 3rd level and so on, learning and replacing as the character

Adventurer Levels and Learning Slots

Adventurer Level Learning Slots
1–2 1
3–4 2
5–6 3
7–8 4
9 – 10 5
11 – 12 6
13 – 14 7
15 8

Apart from that, please also check the automatically acquired combat feats.

Automatically Acquired Combat Feats
Class Adv. Level Combat Feat Reference
7 [Toughness] CR II, p. 209
13 [Battle Master] p. 204
1 [Chain Attack] CR I, p. 265
Grappler 7 [Counter] CR II, p. 209
13 [Battle Master] p. 204
5 [Treasure Hunt] CR I, p. 265
7 [Fast Action] CR II, p. 210
Scout 9 [Shadow Sneak] CR II, p. 210
12 [Treasure Master] p. 204
15 [Skill Master] p. 204
5 [Survivability] CR I, p. 265
7 [Indomitable] CR II, p. 210
Ranger 9 [Potion Master] CR II, p. 210
12 [Shukuchi] p. 205
15 [Run-and-Gun] p. 205
5 [Keen Eyes] CR I, p. 265
7 [Weakness Exploit] CR II, p. 210
Sage 9 [Mana Save] CR II, p. 211
12 [Mana Resistance] p. 205
15 [Sage's Wisdom] p. 205
Any Wizard-Type Class 11 [Rune Master] p. 204

7. Purchasing Equipment, Reputation, Abyss Shards

Refer to the "Money" column in the "High-Level Character Creation Table"

and use it as the character's money. The money (1200G) at the time of creation
in "Detailed Creation" should not be used. The money of a character will be
only the one in the "High-Level Character Creation Table."
The character has also acquired a reputation and Abyss Shards in the
appropriate columns and can use them at this time.
In a high-level character adventure, it is desirable to have a reasonable
number of consumable items. It may be not very easy to calculate the cost of
these items in detail. In this case, please use the following list of recommended
items. It will help you to buy a group of standard and frequently used items (at
a price that is easy to calculate).

▽Potions, Herbs 1,000G Set
Name Classification Price Reference
Magic Herb x 5 Herbs 100G x 5 CR I, p. 293
Healing Potion x 3 Potions 100G x 3 CR I, p. 294
Awake Potion x 2 Potions 100G x 2 CR I, p. 294

▽Potions, Herbs 3,000G Set

Name Classification Price Reference
Magic Herb x 7 Herbs 100G x 7 CR I, p. 293
Healing Potion x 3 Potions 100G x 3 CR I, p. 294
Magic Perfume x 3 Potions 600G x 3 CR I, p. 294
Awake Potion x 2 Potions 100G x 2 CR I, p. 294

▽Potions, Herbs 5,000G Set

Name Classification Price Reference
Magic Herb x 20 Herbs 100G x 20 CR I, p. 293
Healing Potion x 10 Potions 100G x 10 CR I, p. 294
Magic Perfume x 3 Potions 600G x 3 CR I, p. 294
Awake Potion x 2 Potions 100G x 2 CR I, p. 294

▽Potions, Herbs 10,000G Set

Name Classification Price Reference
Magic Herb x 20 Herbs 100G x 20 CR I, p. 293
Healing Potion x 10 Potions 100G x 10 CR I, p. 294
Treat Potion x 2 Potions 500G x 2 CR I, p. 294
Magic Perfume x 3 Potions 600G x 3 CR I, p. 294
Awake Potion x 2 Potions 100G x 2 CR I, p. 294
Antidote Potion II Potions 2,000G CR II, p. 221
Cure Stone Potion II Potions 2,000G CR II, p. 222

▽Potions, Herbs 30,000G Set

Name Classification Price Reference
Magic Herb x 26 Herbs 100G x 26 CR I, p. 293
Healing Potion x 10 Potions 100G x 10 CR I, p. 294
Treat Potion x 2 Potions 500G x 2 CR I, p. 294
Magic Perfume x 4 Potions 600G x 4 CR I, p. 294
Awake Potion x 2 Potions 100G x 2 CR I, p. 294
Dexterity Potion x 2 Potions 2,000G x 2 CR II, p. 222
Anti-Magic Potion x 2 Potions 3,000G x 2 CR II, p. 222
Scarlet Potion x 2 Potions 1,400G x 2 p. 221
Cure Stone Potion III Potions 10,000G p. 221

▽Magic Damage Reducing/Resistance Increasing Consumables 5,000G Set
Name Classification Price Reference
Guardian Stone (2 pts.) x Adventure Tools 400G x CR I, p. 296,
5 (Consumables) 5 304
Adventure Tools 500G x CR I, p. 296,
Sunlight Charm (+1) x 3
(Consumables) 3 305
Moonlight Charm (+1) x Adventure Tools 500G x CR I, p. 296,
3 (Consumables) 3 305

▽Magic Damage Reducing/Resistance Increasing Consumables 10,000G Set

Name Classification Price Reference
Guardian Stone (2 pts.) Adventure Tools CR I, p. 296,
400G x 5
x5 (Consumables) 304
Adventure Tools CR I, p. 296,
Sunlight Charm (+1) x 2 500G x 2
(Consumables) 305
Adventure Tools 1,500G x CR I, p. 296,
Sunlight Charm (+2) x 2
(Consumables) 2 305
Moonlight Charm (+1) x Adventure Tools CR I, p. 296,
500G x 2
2 (Consumables) 305
Moonlight Charm (+2) x Adventure Tools 1,500G x CR I, p. 296,
2 (Consumables) 2 305

▽Magic Damage Reducing/Resistance Increasing Consumables 30,000G Set

Name Classification Price Reference
Guardian Stone (5 pts.) Adventure Tools 2,500G x CR I, p. 296,
x4 (Consumables) 4 304
Adventure Tools CR I, p. 296,
Sunlight Charm (+1) x 4 500G x 4
(Consumables) 305
Adventure Tools 1,500G x CR I, p. 296,
Sunlight Charm (+2) x 2
(Consumables) 2 305
Adventure Tools CR I, p. 296,
Sunlight Charm (+3) 5,000G
(Consumables) 305
Moonlight Charm (+1) x Adventure Tools CR I, p. 296,
500G x 2
2 (Consumables) 305
Moonlight Charm (+2) x Adventure Tools 1,500G x CR I, p. 296,
2 (Consumables) 2 305
Adventure Tools CR I, p. 296,
Moonlight Charm (+3) 5,000G
(Consumables) 305

▽Mako Stones 10,000G Set

Name Classification Price Reference
Mako Stone (10 pts.) x 2 Class-Specific Items 2,000G x 2 CR I, p. 295
Mako Stone (5 pts.) x 6 Class-Specific Items 500G x 6 CR I, p. 295
Mako Stone (3 pts.) x 10 Class-Specific Items 300G x 10 CR I, p. 295

▽Mako Stones 30,000G Set
Name Classification Price Reference
Mako Stone (20 pts.) x 2 Class-Specific Items 8,000G x 2 CR I, p. 295
Mako Stone (10 pts.) x 4 Class-Specific Items 2,000G x 4 CR I, p. 295
Mako Stone (5 pts.) x 20 Class-Specific Items 500G x CR I, p. 295

8. Calculation of Values
Check and calculate various values such as adventurer level, HP, MP,
Fortitude, and Willpower, the standard value of each action check, values
related to weapons and armor, etc., and write them on the character sheet.
The abilities that are individually acquired along with class acquisition, such
as techniques (see CR II, p. 97), spellsongs and finales (see CR II, p. 100),
stunts (see p. 85), evocations (see p. 107), etc., are also should be written on
the character sheet.

9. Final Touches
Decide on the character's name, gender, age, physical characteristics,
history, and motivation for the adventure, and fill in the character sheet.

Part 2 Game Rules

Additional Skill Checks and
Additional Skill Checks

In this book, the following checks have been added. All of them are related
to the classes added in this book, and please refer to the descriptions of those
classes for detailed explanations.

Standard Value: Rider level + Agility modifier
Time Required: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Description: This check is used to control the mount (see p. 92) to be ridden
with the Rider class. See page 85 for a detailed explanation.

Standard Value: Rider level + Intelligence modifier
Time Required: Instant
Description: This is a check to prevent the enemy from knowing the weak
point of the mount. See page 85 for a detailed explanation.

Standard Value: Alchemist level + Intelligence modifier
Time Required: Instant
Description: Check to use Evocations (see p. 107). See page 108 for a detailed

Additional Check Packages

The Alchemist and Rider classes added in this book can perform several
action checks that form new packages.

Alchemist Knowledge Check Package

Standard Value: Alchemist level + Intelligence modifier
Insight check (see CR I, p. 106)
Literature check (see CR I, p. 107)
Herbology check (see CR I, p. 108)
Rider Movement Check Package
Standard Value: Rider level + Agility modifier
Tumble check (see CR I, p. 104)
Riding check (see p. 85)

Rider Knowledge Check Package

Standard Value: Rider level + Intelligence modifier
Weakness check (see p. 85)
Cartography check (see CR I, p. 107)
Monster Knowledge check (see CR I, p. 108)

Rider Observation Check Package ※Rider must learn stunt [Search Command]
Standard Value: Rider level + Intelligence modifier
Track check (see CR I, p. 106)
Notice check (see CR I, p. 106)
Danger Sense check (see CR I, p. 106)
Search check (see CR I, p. 107)
Spot Trap check (see CR I, p. 109)

GM Guide: Sage Knowledge Check Package

The conventional "Since it is obvious that the Sage class is to be used " is
no longer valid since a Knowledge Check Package is added to the Alchemist
and Rider classes. Therefore, Knowledge Check Packages that use Sage class
for standard value calculation will be called "Sage Knowledge Check Package"
in this book and after that.

Rider Class and Mount Rules
In this section, we will explain the Rider class and its features, which will
allow you to ride various animals, mythical beasts, magitechs, etc., as well as
the mounted combat that is based on it.

Rider Other-Type Minor Class

A class designed to control mounts of various types, those with Rider class
levels are colloquially known as jockeys. With Rider class, the following actions
checks are possible. Some of them are collected in packages (see CR I, p. 114).

Riders are proficient in the following:

First Aid checks (see CR I, p. 102)
Tumble checks (see CR I, p. 104)
Riding checks (see p. 85) Rider Movement Check Package
Weakness checks (see p. 85)
Cartography checks (see CR I, p. 107) Rider Knowledge Check Package
Monster Knowledge (see CR I, p. 108)
※Identifying monsters only; cannot determine Weaknesses

Note on Monster Knowledge Check with Rider Class

Those with a Rider class can perform a Monster Knowledge check with
"Rider level + Intelligence modifier" as the standard value.
However, the check using this Rider class for standard value calculation
cannot detect the weak point of the monster, and any high success value,
including automatic success, only reveals the monster's data of the monster.
If a character has both Sage class and Rider class and has a higher Rider
class level, Monster Knowledge usually rolls with Rider class. However, if the
success value is greater than or equal to the monster's weak point, even with
added Sage class level instead of Rider, the monster's weak point can be
detected, and its effect can be applied. The same applies to automatic success.

Terms: Riding, Rider, Jockey, Mount, Stunt

It is an act of riding a horse, riding a manabike, and so on. This makes it
possible to move around on a mount.
One character cannot ride more than one mount at the same time.

The term "Rider" is a generic term to describe a character riding or
attempting to ride.

Among riders, those who have mastered the Rider class are specially called
"Jockeys." Jockeys can perform various actions with mounts available only to

This is an animal, mythical beast, or manabike that can be ridden by a rider.
Mounts come in wide varieties.

These are special abilities that are acquired as the Rider class level

Rider Class Skill Checks

Standard Value: Rider level + Agility modifier
Time Required: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Description: This check is used to control the mounts ridden by jockeys. The
check is needed not necessary for simple riding, but if the GM judges that
success is not always assured, such as running down a steep hill or crossing a
wooden bridge, the GM can ask for this check. One success can allow safe
travel for 1 minute (6 rounds).
This check is also used when you need to avoid immediate danger, such as
avoiding falling rocks or stopping suddenly before a cliff.

Standard Value: Rider level + Intelligence modifier
Time Required: Instant
Description: Each mount has a weak point, and if the enemy faction finds out
the weak point of the mount, the attack on the mount by the enemy faction will
result in a damage increase, as if the PCs had found out the weak point of the
monster. If the enemy faction detects the weak point, the damage will be
increased the same way as if the PCs had detected the monster's wake point.
This check is performed at the time when the PCs perform the Monster
Knowledge check during the Combat Preparation.
During this team, the enemy faction determines the standard value and the
success value under the following conditions and compares them with the
success value of the Jockey's Weakness check. The enemy faction is the active
side, and the jockey is the passive side.

Determination of the Standard Value and Success Value

Here are possible standard values for the enemy faction. The check itself
cannot be performed if a character does not correspond to any of the following.
①If a character is clearly defined as having a Sage class and PC-like data. Then
it should perform Monster Knowledge (Sage Level + Intelligence Modifier).
②If a monster can cast spells other than ① above, then its Magic Power
should be used.
For each of the characters corresponding to either ① or ②, determine
the success value (the GM may use a fixed success value). Then, the largest of
these success values is compared with the success value of the jockey's
Weakness check.
If the opponents have a higher result, weak points are applied. Weak points
are not applied if there is a tie, or the jockey's success value is higher.
If no character corresponds to ① or ② above, there is no need to perform
a Weakness check, and the weak point is automatically hidden.

Acquiring Stunts

When taking a level of the Rider class, including the first, the character is
able to choose a Stunt from the Stunts available to them (see p. 180). Some
stronger Stunts are restricted by level, limiting their use to the more
experienced Riders, and can only be acquired after the growth when Rider
level is sufficient. As a general rule, Stunts can only be performed while riding
a mount, are typically not magical effects, and do not cost MP to perform.
Some stunts can only be learned if the Rider level is above a certain level.
Some stunts require the acquisition of another stunt in order to acquire them.
Such stunts cannot be acquired unless the stunt is acquired as a prerequisite.

Rules for Riding

Riders and Jockeys

While anyone can ride a horse, for example, and be called a rider, some
can take the time and master everything there is to know about their mounts.
These gifted individuals are better known as "Jockeys," having mastered the
Rider class.

Without Rider Class

Characters who wish to mount up, but do not have levels in the Rider class,
are limited in the mounts they can choose. Specifically, such riders are limited
to Horses, War Horses, Minibikes, and Manabikes. In this case, their mount
level should be the lowest value of the appropriate level (see p. 251).

With Rider Class

On the other hand, a jockey can ride nearly any mount, so long as their
Rider class level is equal to or higher than the Mount's Appropriate Level.

Benefits of Riding

For Riders
The most obvious benefit of riding a mount is being able to move using the
Movement Speed and movement methods of the mount in question,
regardless of the Rider's own Movement Speed.

For Jockeys
If the character has levels in the Rider class, they can use their Adventurer
Level to enhance the mount's skills. No vocalizations or gestures are required
to give instructions. Additionally, jockeys have access to Riding Stunts, special
techniques only Riders can perform, coaxing out the full power of the mount.
See individual stunt data (see p. 180) for the effects.

Turn Order While Riding

When riding, the Rider and mount take turns at the same time. When the
Rider takes its turn, the mount takes its turn at the same time.
When mounted, the Rider and mount move simultaneously. When the
Rider is riding, the Rider and the mount move to the same position (area and
coordinates) at the same time.
Characters who do not have a Rider class cannot have their mounts
perform Major Actions. In the case of these riders that do not have Stunts and
have limited mounts, only the Rider can perform major actions on their turn.
Jockey, on the other hand, can instruct mount to perform actions, and each
action is resolved on a character-by-character basis. The actions of the jockey
and mount, respectively, are resolved for each character. It is up to the jockey
or mount who performs the action first.
If the Rider dismounts during their turn, the mount will be dismounted. If
the mount is able to perform an exceptional action, such as a stunt [Remote
Command], the mount can perform the action after the jockey.

Strengthening Mounts

When the jockey is riding a mount, the mount's "Mount Level" (see p. 251)
is the same as the jockey's Adventurer Level. If the jockey's Adventurer Level
is higher than the maximum value of the mount's Appropriate Level, then the
mount's Mount Level is considered to be the maximum value instead.

Perception When Riding and Commanding the Mount

Each mount has a set perception separate from that of the jockeys. If a rider
or jockey gives a command to a mount, and the mount cannot understand the
command due to a lack of perception (i.e., it cannot find the destination or
appropriate target), then the command will end up ignored. Any bonuses and
penalties to perception will be handled separately between the jockey and

Restrictions When Riding

When riders and jockeys mount up, they are bound by certain restrictions.
Riders, for example, must take up the method of control (whether reins,
handlebars, or something else) in both hands and cannot use either hand for
something other than controlling their mount. Jockeys, on the other hand, can
ride one-handed and so can use their other hand for weapons, items, spells,
magical implements, etc.

Getting On and Off Mount

For getting on and off the mount, the jockey needs the Minor Action, and
all other riders except the jockey need the Major Action.
All riders may only board one mount or dismount from an existing mount
once. This restriction is applied without regard to the type of action (major or
minor) or the number of major actions a character can perform.
All characters can ride on a mount after their own move. After the move,
the mount will share the same position (area, coordinates). If it is still the
mount's turn to move that round, Rider moves further on the mount's turn at
the same time as the mount.
If the jockey dismounts with a Minor Action, it may move if the mount has
not already moved that round. If the mount has already moved that round, the
jockey cannot move even if they dismount.

First, Let Mount Stand up

It is worth remembering that a character cannot ride a mount while it is
prone. Characters who fell during their turn, including those who fell off their
mount (see p 89), cannot stand up during their turn (see CR I, p. 142). In other
words, they cannot get on the mount on the same turn.
Also, no character may ride on a prone mount.

Falling from a Mount

If either Rider or mount falls prone while riding, the Rider will fall off the
If a Rider falls from a mount, the Rider suffers fall damage (see CR I, p.
143) and will not be riding. Regardless of the cause of falling from a mount,
the Rider will be prone.

For a fall from a falling mount, the distance of fall is determined based on
the movement of the mount as follows. However, in any case, the fall is treated
as a fall from a height of at least 2m.

Fall during Rider’s Turn

- Before the type of move and the destination are declared
1/5 of the distance moved in the previous turn (rounded up)
- After the type of move and the destination are declared
1/5 of the distance traveled in accordance with the declaration (even if not
actually completed) (rounded up)

Fall not during Rider’s Turn

1/5 of the distance moved in the previous turn (rounded up)

In the case of Simplified Combat, while applying this condition, no area

change – 1 area move = 2m fall, 2 areas move = 4m fall.

Conditions when falling (see CR II, p. 80) should be applied as usual.

Tumble check is also effective against falling damage caused by a falling
from a mount.

Passengers and Double Riding

A rider or jockey can have another character riding on the same mount.
Such a character is known as a “Passenger,” and riding with a passenger is
“Double Riding.”
Even with a passenger, a mount does not change its Movement Speed or
types of movement, and the mount's data does not change. Additionally, both
the Rider and passenger will move at the mount's Movement Speed, taking
their Moves simultaneously. It takes a Major Action for a character to either
mount or dismounts as a passenger.
When double riding, all riders (including jockeys) receive a -4 penalty to all
checks. In addition, passengers cannot use their hands for anything but holding
on to the mount, and the only Action they may take, Major or Minor, is to
dismount the mount.
If the passenger or Rider falls prone. Please follow the procedure described
in “Falling from a Mount” (see the previous page). A rider who falls off their
horse during their (or the mount's) turn may not ride on the mount during their
About [Mounted]
Some mounts have a unique skill called [Mounted]. Mounts with the
[Mounted] unique skill cannot have other characters as passengers. Instead,
other characters can be mounted with [Mounted].
A mounted character is dependent on the mount for movement, but unlike
a passenger, it is not penalized by the action checks or restricted in actions.
And, regardless of how the mount moves, it can perform any action possible
with Limited Move on its turn. Its turn is independent of the mount's turn, and
another character's turn can be inserted between the jockey's and the mount's
turn and the character's turn that is mounted.
The character can mount with Major Action in that case and dismount with
a Minor Action. If a character dismounts with a Minor Action and the mount
has not moved in that round, the dismounted character itself can move.

Jockey’s Benefits Summary

- Can control mount with one hand
- Minor Action to get in and out of the mount.
- Can make Riding checks (see p. 85).
- Can enhance mounts to the same mount level as the adventurer level.
- Can use Stunts.
- Can rent mounts from the Rider's Guild (see p. 267). And can also purchase
equipment for mounts and use it.

A mount is an object or character intended to be controlled by a rider
through holding a bridle and reins or a control stick, riding, and issuing
A jockey who has mastered the Rider class belongs to the Rider's Guild (see
p. 267) and can rent mounts and purchase mount equipment.

GM Guide: Handling Mounts During Gameplay

GM (and players) must be aware of the range of extent to which mounts
are allowed in the session. Mount cannot enter into an extremely narrow
passage, and it would be impolite to ride a horse or a motorcycle into the
interior of a house.
However, if mounts are not allowed to enter all the places, the player may
feel that the Rider class itself is a waste of time.
The GM should check in advance to make sure that such a scenario has
not been created. In most cases, if the scenario is created naturally, it is not
likely to be discriminatory. If multi-section monsters are waiting at the end of
a narrow corridor, it will be unreasonable, and the dungeon should have a large
space for such monster to roam about. Even inside a house, if Barbarous
attacked, you would not be penalized for taking out a mount as an emergency
response since it is easy to carry around a mount in statue form or in storage.
As a player, it should be your prerogative to actively devise ways to allow your
Rider skills to be useful, such as encouraging an enemy into a larger arena
where a mount would be usable (as long as it does not destroy the scenario).
If you have a small dungeon, one-shot session, or special scenario that isn’t
mount-friendly, talk to your players who plan to use Rider class so everyone is
on board.

Riding Conditions and Proper Level

When riding a mount as a jockey, the jockey’s levels in the Rider class must
at least equal the mount's minimum Appropriate Level, if not higher.

Mount Classification

Like monsters, there are several classifications of mounts.

Animal Mounts
Animal mounts are the most common. Most are horses, but elephants and
other animal mounts also exist.
They are inexpensive and easy to handle.

Mythical Beasts Mounts

There are many mythical beast mounts, such as flying mounts and mounts
with multiple sections. Unlike animals, some mythical beast mounts have high
intellect and are able to communicate with others through language and casting
They are generally difficult to handle due to their high required level and
are considered rare even among rider guilds.

Magitech Mounts
Magitech mounts are so-called “vehicles” such as motorcycles or cars. They
do not have a will of their own and do not move at all unless the jockey controls
The magitech mount does not require eating or sleeping, and the jockey
must spend 1 MP when encasing and releasing it in the Mount Contract
Sphere, Proprietary Mount Sphere, or Manabike Storage Sphere.

Securing Ownership and Certificates

Jockeys can rent mounts by purchasing a Mount Contract or Mount

Contract Sphere from the Rider's Guild. The mount for an animal or mythical
beast will be Mount Contract, and the mount for a magitech will be Mount
Contract Sphere. Each type of contract must be prepared separately for each
type of rental. Once you purchase a Mount Contract/Sphere, you can rent that
type of mount for free as many times as you like.

Several Contracts of the Same Type

The character can only purchase one Mount Contracts/Sphere for each
type of mount. Therefore, it is not possible to rent and use multiple mounts of

the same type at the same time (e.g., renting out two Horses at once). Mounts
of different types can be rented at the same time.

Mount Upkeep
Whether buying a mount to own or renting one from the Guild, upkeep
and maintenance costs will need to be paid. To keep bookkeeping simple, the
upkeep and maintenance costs for a mount are the same as the PC for food
and shelter.
Magitech mounts, as well as those that are animated statues (see p. 97), do
not require such upkeep and maintenance costs.

Returning the Mount

At the end of the session, mounts rented from the Riders' Guild must be
returned. If there is something wrong with the mount when the jockey returns,
they will get an Infamous Jockey Title (see p. 101).

Buying Mount

Proprietary Certificated and Spheres

If a character purchases a mount from the Riders' Guild and not just rent
one, the character is given a Proprietary Mount Certificate or Proprietary
Mount Sphere. This is proof that a character owns a particular mount.
The Proprietary Mount Certificate is prepared for an individual mount,
and the character's name is added to the Certificate as well, so it would end up
being “(Character Name)'s Proprietary Mount Certificate.”
Even if someone else has a Mount Contract for the same type of mount,
the mount cannot have the Guild's seal ritual performed on it, and it will not
listen to anyone other than its owner.

Exclusive Certificates and Normal Contracts

Purchasing a mount from the Riders' Guild doesn't preclude the jockey
from continuing to rent mounts from the Guild. It is possible to have an owned
mount and a rental mount from the Guild at the same time. While a rental
mount still needs to abide by the rules in the contract with the Riders' Guild, a
purchased mount does not need to abide by the same rules.
It is possible to purchase several mounts of the same type.

Advantages of Buying Mount
The jockey is not obligated to return the purchased mount at the end of
the session. They will not earn an Infamous Jockey Title (see p. 101) even if
they kill or destroy the mount.
Any mount whose owner has a Proprietary Certificate (or Sphere) increases
all sections' maximum HP by 10.
Some mounts can be equipped with weapons, armor, accessories, and
additional armaments for their mounts, which are considered to be exclusive
mounts only.
Also, a mount that costs reputation can only be purchased.

Commercial Horses and Bikes

Even if a character does not have a Rider class and does not belong to the
Rider's Guild, Horse, War Horse, Mini Manabike, and Manabike (and their
renowned items) can be purchased from the general market.
However, at this time, the character cannot obtain a “Proprietary Mount
Contract/Sphere” and cannot carry these in statues or in the sphere’s storage.
Also, these Horses, War Horses, cannot be promoted (see p. 99).

Mount Ownership

To protect a mount from being stolen or manipulated by others, the jockey

needs to establish ownership of the mount they're using. In doing so, the mount
will recognize the jockey as the one in control and will refuse to work with
others. Mounts owned by the jockey will exclusively respond to the jockey's
commands and no others.
In order to show knowledge of the mount and to establish a contract with
the Riders' Guild, the jockey needs to have a Mount Contract. However, to
show ownership of a specific mount, the jockey also needs to have a Proprietary
Mount Contract. One of the benefits of the Proprietary Certificate is the jockey
can transform the mount in question into a statue form.

Ownership by Mount Contract/Sphere

“Mount Contract/Sphere” is necessary to make a rent mount at Rider's
Guild. It is not necessary to have it, just to have it, and each mount type has a
separate one, prefixed with the name of the mount type, such as “Mount
Contract for Horse”, “Mount Contract for Draconet”, etc.

When renting a mount at the Riders' Guild, the character presents the
Contract Certificate and signs a contract to temporarily become the mount's
master. When making a contract, a simple ritual is performed, and a magical
mark is engraved onto the mount in order to show ownership. This contract
lasts until the mount is returned to the Riders' Guild, at which point the mark
disappears. The magical mark is not removed if either the jockey or mount
In order to be eligible to ride a contracted mount and receive stunt benefits,
the jockey must be the person who made the contract with the mount, and
must be in possession of the “Mount Contract/Sphere” at the time of the
contract. Therefore, only a jockey with a contract with the mount can never
have the mount's ownership. Also, a jockey who loses a “Mount
Contract/Sphere” for some reason cannot ride on the mount, and the stunt will
not be effective.
The Mount Contract/Sphere magically records the purchaser's data
(biological characteristics that identify the purchaser) and can only be used by
the purchaser. If it was stolen or brought Mount Contract/Sphere to the Rider's
Guild, it would only be discovered that they are not the person who made the
If a character loses a Mount Contract/Sphere, they must pay the same
amount to have it reissued. After reissuing the old Mount Contract/Sphere for
the same mount (type) that shares the same jockey contractor, only one will
remain as old one will be destroyed by magic within them if they are close
enough. Therefore, it is not possible to have more than one by reissuing.

Ownership by Proprietary Mount Contract/Sphere

When a mount is purchased, a Proprietary Mount Contract/Sphere is given
to a character by the Rider's Guild. This means that the jockey is under contract
with the mount at all times.
A Proprietary Mount Contract/Sphere can be transferred to another
person and requires both the original owner and the new owner to go to the
Rider's Guild to have the old “Proprietary Mount Contract/Sphere” destroyed
and a completely new “Proprietary Mount Contract/Sphere” issued.

Ownership and Rent of Multiple Beasts

If characters own different types of Mount Contracts/Spheres, they can rent
them from the Rider's Guild each. There are no restrictions on possessing
multiple Proprietary Mount Contracts/Spheres.

This allows the jockey to carry multiple mounts. However, the jockey can
only give instructions to one mount on which they are riding, and the stunt
effect is only applied to that character.
Even if the [Remote Command] stunt allows the jockey to give instructions
while the jockey is not riding, the jockey can only give instructions to one
character per turn.

Mount Without Contract or Proprietary Certificate

An animal or mythical beast that has been trained and does not have a
contract (e.g., a “Mount Contract”) will be considered controlled by the jockey
who temporarily rode the mount. The jockey can give instructions, enhance
mount data, and apply stunt effects.
The magitech mounts that the Rider's Guild rents and sells to its members
are designed to be used with the Mount Contract Sphere and the Proprietary
Mount Sphere. Therefore, only the authorized owner of the magitech can
operate them.
Mini Manabikes, Manabikes sold in the general market, and manabikes
made by magitech spells [Automobile], [Automobile II], [Skybike] can be
ridden and controlled without the Mount Contract Sphere or the Proprietary
Mount Sphere.

Wild Mounts
Wild monsters that are not trained by the Rider's Guild and have a wild
temperament cannot be treated as mounts as they are.
If the GM gives special permission, the character can make them their
mount, as if they had a heart-to-heart with a wild monster. In this case, the
character can apply to the Rider's Guild for a “Proprietary Mount Contract”
for the mount, free of charge. In that case, “Mount Reduction Tag I-III” (see
p. 248) can also be used to turn wild mounts into statues (see below).

Carrying Mount

Animal and Mythical Beasts Statues

A jockey can have a mount turned into a statue by affixing a Mount
Certificate, Proprietary Certificate, or other paperwork used in the contract
ritual (such as a Reduction Tag) directly to the mount. In doing so, the mount
becomes a statue and shrinks from being about the size of one's palm, making
it impervious to harm and easy to carry around. However, the jockey must own

the mount in question, and if they lose ownership of the mount, it cannot be
recalled from a statue form.
A mount in statue form cannot move on its own and is treated as though
time has not passed at all once recalled from statue form. In order to recall the
mount, the attached tag must be removed from the statue. It is greatly advised
that the statue be placed on the ground before the tag is removed, as the mount
will return to normal size upon tag removal. The tag can be removed by

Advantages and Limitations of the Mount Reduction Tag

When turning a mount into a statue, or recalling a mount from a statue, if
a Mount Certificate or Proprietary Certificate is used in the process, it is a
Major Action to either affix or removes the Certificates.
However, when using any of the Reduction Tags (I to III) (see p. 248),
affixing or removing the tag can be done with Minor Action or during Combat
Reduction Tags aren't the strongest of magics, so when two mounts turned
into statues via these Tags are in close proximity to each other, the magic of
one tag will interfere with the other, causing both mounts to revert to normal
size. For this reason, the only character can carry only one mount as a statue
with a Mount Reduction Tag.
The Mount Reduction Tag is a consumable item. Once attached, if the tag
is removed, it loses its magic power and cannot be used again. On the other
hand, a Mount Contract Proprietary Mount Contract can be used any number
of times.

Storing and Release Magitech-Type Mounts

The Mount Contract Sphere, the Proprietary Mount Sphere, and the
Manabike Storage Sphere can store magitech mounts. Stored magitech mounts
are fully integrated into the sphere and are treated as if they are untouched by
Only the jockey in possession of the magitech can store and release it and
must expend 1 MP point while holding it in their hand.

Advantages of the Storage Sphere

While the Mount Contract Sphere and the Proprietary Mount Sphere can
be used with Major Action, the Manabike Storage Sphere can be used with
Minor Action or during Combat Preparation to store and release magitech

Manabike Storage Sphere does not have the same interference properties
as Mount Reduction Tag. One character can carry more than one of these and
use them as they see fit.

Promotion of Purchased Mounts

Horse, War Horse, and Legendary Horse purchased and owned by a

jockey can be promoted to War Horse, Legendary Horse, and Divine Horse
by having them receive special training at Rider's Guild. The jockey must apply
to the Rider's Guild to be promoted and pay the specified price. The mount
will be promoted from the next session if they pay the specified price.
Fast Horse, Exceptional Horse, and Daredevil Horse, renowned versions
of Horse, War Horse, and Legendary Horse, can also be promoted. To be
promoted, the difference in reputation, as well as money, must be paid.
When a mount is promoted, the Proprietary Mount Contract is retained.

Fees Required for Promotion

Cost (G)/
Before Promotion After Promotion
Horse/Fast Horse War Horse/Exceptional Horse 7,500/30
Legendary Horse/Daredevil
War Horse/Exceptional Horse 15,000/40
Legendary Horse/Daredevil
Divine Horse/King of Horses 40,000/50

Conditions of Death, Destruction, Resurrection, and Restoration

Death And Resurrection Of The Animals And Mythical Beast Mounts

Animal or mythical beast mount must make a Death Check when it's HP
(or the HP of its main section if it is a mount of multiple sections) becomes 0
or less. If it fails, the mount dies.
As a rule, mounts do not accept resurrection, but may be resurrected by
using [Resurrection] if both the GM and the PCs agree. The resurrected mount
has its “soulscar” increased the same as for PCs (see CR I, p. 185).

Disabled Sections Of Animal Or Mythical Beast Mount

Mounts with multiple sections do not die until all sections have their HP
reduced to 0 or the main section has its HP reduced to 0. If a non-main body

section has its HP reduced to 0 and it fails its Death Check, it will be treated as
a Disabled Section.
Disabled Sections cannot recover HP nor have effects such as [Awaken]
used on them.
However, the item “Secret Medicine of Section Regeneration” (see p. 249)
will restore the Disabled Section to full functionality.

Destruction And Restoration Of Magitech Mounts

Magitech-type mounts are not considered to be either alive or dead, even
when functioning. However, if a Magitech-type mount's HP reaches 0, it is
considered to be immediately destroyed.
Using the Restore Kit, the magitech can be restored, and its HP becomes

Returning Problematic Mounts

In case of death, destruction, or a disabled section of the rented mount, it

is considered dishonorable to return it to the Rider's Guild as is.

Return of Dead Mounts

In case of the death of a mount, if the mount is a mount rented from the
Rider's Guild, the jockey will get the Infamous Jockey Title (see p. 101). No
special compensation is required.
In principle, the jockey is not obliged to return a dead mount, but they must
return it if they revive it. Even if they resurrect a dead mount, the jockey will
still get the Infamous Jockey Title.

Return of Mounts with Disabled Sections and Destroyed Magitechs

If a jockey returns a mount with a disabled section or a destroyed magitech
to the Rider's Guild, they will receive the Infamous Jockey Title.
The disabled section can be recovered with Secret Medicine of Section
Regeneration, and destroyed magitech can be recovered with Restore Kit.
These can be purchased from Rider's Guild and used just before returning the
mount. In this case, no Infamous Jockey Title will be obtained.

Cannot Return
In some cases, the mount may be completely lost and cannot be returned.
In such cases, the jockey will still get an Infamous Jockey Title, although no
monetary compensation is required.
Death or Destruction of Proprietary Mounts
If a mount purchased or obtained by a jockey dies or is destroyed, the
“Proprietary Mount Contract” or “Mount Proprietary Sphere” will no longer
be available. The Infamous Jockey Title will not be acquired.

Infamous Jockey Title

If rented in a Rider's Guild mount is killed, has a disabled section, or is

destroyed, a special title called "Infamous Jockey Title" will be acquired. This
title is a title for mishandling a Rider's Guild mount, and once earned, it will be
spread to all Rider's Guild branches in the continent.
The Infamous Jockey Title is also considered dishonorable for an
adventurer and entails the acquisition of disgrace (see CR II, p. 118).

Requirements for Infamous Jockey Title

The PC gets the Infamous Jockey Title in the following cases

- Rented mount (animal, mythical beast) was killed.

- Rented mount (animal, mythical beast) was returned with a disabled section.
- Rented mount (magitech) was returned destroyed.
- Rented mount (regardless of classification) can no longer be returned.

The first time these situations occur, the PC will get the Infamous Jockey
Title of "Horse Killer."

Deterioration of Infamous Jockey Title

If a jockey has an Infamous Jockey Title and they get another Infamous
Jockey Title, their title will be one step worse.

List of Infamous Jockey Titles

Additional Disgrace
Title Additional Fee
“Horse Killer” 0.2x 20
“Abandoner” 0.5x 30(50)
“Guild Ruiner” 1x 50(100)
“Mount Killer” 2x 100(200)
“Corpse Rider” Temporary Banishment 150(350)

Additional Fee Based on Infamous Jockey Title
If a jockey has an Infamous Jockey Title, they will be asked to pay an
additional fee when they rent or buy a mount at Rider's Guild. The additional
fee is determined by multiplying the original rental/purchase price by the
coefficient in the "List of Infamous Jockey Titles".
For example, if they have the Infamous Jockey Title of "Horse Killer", they
will need to pay an additional 50G to rent Horse and 2,000G to purchase
Additional rental fees are required per session for each rental.

Acquisition of Disgrace
Earning an Infamous Jockey Title means earning a disgrace at the same
time; a PC who earns an Infamous Jockey Title immediately earns a disgrace
listed in the "List of Infamous Jockey Titles."
Since this is a disgrace, it also leads to a Dishonor Mark of an ordinary
adventurer and will have a negative impact on the adventurer (see CR II, p.
119). Any disgrace gained from other causes is added to the disgrace gained
from the Infamous Jockey Title.
When a PC's disgrace is solely due to the acquisition of an Infamous Jockey
Title, or very close to it, it is rarely referred to by a Dishonor Mark Title (like
“Goblin Nuisance”). Infamous Jockey Title is mainly used to clarify the cause
and responsibility.
For adventurers with disgrace acquisition other than Infamous Jockey Title
that cannot be ignored, the Infamous Jockey Title is used in parallel with the
general Dishonor Mark. In this case, it depends on the surrounding. For
example, Rider's Guild members will often refer to the disgraced jockey by the
Infamous Jockey Title.

Temporary Banishment
PCs who have earned the lowest Infamous Jockey Title of "Corpse Rider"
will be temporarily banned from the Rider's Guild.
They will not be able to rent mounts, and they will not be able to purchase
mounts or items from the Rider's Guild. They will not be able to get a
Proprietary Mount Contract for a mount that they have obtained through other

Removing Infamous Jockey Title

The Infamous Jockey Title may be removed. To do so, the character can
pay the corresponding reputation and offset it against the disgrace earned by
the title. This will return the Infamous Jockey Title one level lighter. For
example, if they have the "Guild Ruiner" Infamous Jockey Title and spend 50
points of reputation to offset the disgrace, it will be changed back to
With a sufficient reputation, removing more than one Infamous Jockey
Title at a time is possible.
Once the Infamous Jockey Title is returned, the Infamous Jockey Title can
still be earned (deteriorated) if a situation arises, such as the death of a rented

Mounted Combat
This section mainly describes the process when a mount is mounted and
in combat.

Notes Regarding Mounts in Combat

When a rider brings a mount into combat, there are a few changes to the
flow of combat. This section will go into detail regarding those changes.

Riding in Battle
Both the mounted PC and mount can actively participate when engaging in
combat. The mounted PC and mount are considered to have the same position
(area, coordinates), and the movement type and speed used are those of the
mount. While riding, the mount moves and performs Major Actions as
commanded by the Rider. As a general rule, if the mount is nor being ridden,
it will not move or take Major Actions on its own but will act on its own
Just like a monster with multiple sections, a mount and Rider can act
independently from each other and are targeted separately for effects.

Mount’s Weak Point

Mount has a weak point, which is different for each mount type.
Whether the mount's weak point has been detected or not is done during
Combat Preparation according to the Weakness check (see p. 85).

Elven and Dwarven Racial Ability When 6th Level and Above
Elves and Dwarves of adventurer level 6 or higher can affect 1 Character
that they touch with their racial ability.
If Elf or Dwarf is mounted, the mount can be treated as having this effect
If Elf or Dwarf is riding as a jockey (in other words, can use one hand), they
can touch another character to give an effect, but this will cancel the effect on
the mount.

Actions While Riding in Combat

What Rider can do

The things a character can do while riding are very different between jockey
and non-jockey riders.

What Rider can do

Tell Mount What to
Own Actions
Riders other than ◯(However, can't use both
jockeys hands)
◯(In general, can’t use one
Jockeys ◯

As you can see from the table, non-jockey riders are greatly restricted while
riding and are practically as if they were concentrating only on movement.

Type of Move Restriction While Moving on a Mount

The Rider's movements in combat are based on the mount's movements;
if the mount makes a Normal Move, the jockey is also considered to have made
a Normal Move.

Weapon Restrictions while Riding

Riders are not allowed to attack with wrestling weapons.
Riders other than jockeys require two hands to ride. Jockey requires one
hand to ride. The hand holding the reins or stick cannot hold or equip weapons
or items (it is possible to equip a weapon with "Stance: 1HW" - but not to attack
since it will be a wrestling weapon).

Sealing and Unsealing Statues in Combat
The action of releasing the statue of mount or releasing the mount from
the sphere depends on whether it is done with a Major Action or a Minor
Action, depending on the item used. Please refer to the section "Carrying
Mount" (see p. 97).

Behavior of Mounts in Combat

Mounts can, as their Major Action, use melee attacks and unique skills
appropriate to the combat at hand. If there are any abilities that can be used as
Minor Actions, they will be noted as such.
All unique skills in the mount can be used with Normal Move unless
otherwise noted.
Other actions are, in principle, handled in the same way as actions that the
PC can perform. Shooting attacks and casting spells can only be made with
Limited Move.

Unique Skills Prerequisites And Enhancement

Some of the unique skills of the mount have “prerequisite” or “enhance”
listed after the name.
The unique skills listed in the “prerequisites” cannot be used unless the
jockey has mastered the stunt specified after it.
Unique skills with “enhance” written on them can be used as is. If the
jockey has mastered the stunt that follows, it can be used for more
advantageous situations or effects.

Mounts With Multiple Sections

For mounts with multiple sections, only one section can be commanded
per turn, but that section is able to use both Major and Minor Actions. It is
possible to command different sections over the course of multiple turns.
In order to command multiple sections in the same turn, Stunts such as
[Lion's Fury] or [Orochi's Fury] must be used.

Note on Rider and Mount As Targets

While mounted, Rider and jockey are treated as separate characters and as
a single character. Annotations are provided for these cases, including the case
where Rider is forcefully dismounted.

When Rider and Mount are Treated as a Single Character
In the following cases, Rider and mount are treated as a single character
with the number of sections of "Rider’s (1) + mount's" for convenience.
- When determining whether or not movement can be blocked or Rider can
block movement.
- Determining if Rider and mount can leave skirmish without preparation.
- Determines whether or not the Rider and mount are subject to throw or
similar attacks.
- Use of spells or effects with "Area: Breakthrough" (see p. 114).
- An effect only occurs when all characters' sections are affected simultaneously.

If Rider and Mount are Treated as Separate Characters

In the following cases, Rider and mount are treated as different characters.
- For spells and effects with "Target: 1 Entire Character" and "Target: 1
Character X”
- For spells and effects with “Target: Caster.”

If Rider and Mount can be Arbitrary, Determine

In the following cases, Rider (mount) can arbitrarily decide whether to
include mount (Rider) as a target.
- When a spell or effect with "Range: Caster" is used with a wide range area of
- For spells and effects with “Area: Line.”

Forcefully Dismounting
In the following cases, the Rider is forcibly dismounted, and the mount falls
prone (see p. 89). The Rider and mounted characters also fall from the mount.
- Rider or mount falls/losses consciousness.
-Forced movement effect changed relative position (area, coordinates) between
Rider and mount.

Alchemist Class and Evocation
In this section, we describe the Alchemist class, which uses abilities called
Evocations to help its allies.

Alchemist Other-Type Minor Class

Some people have the strange ability to process and synthesize items out of
their basic materials, as well as create Evocations from magically infused cards.
These people are called Alchemists. The material cards are made of Prima
Materia, the essential element of various substances.
Upon taking a level in Alchemist, characters learn to speak and read the
Magitech language.
Alchemists are proficient in:

Evocation check (see p. 108)

Insight check (see CR I, p. 106)
Literature check (see CR I, p. 107)
Herbology check (see CR I, p. 108) Alchemist Knowledge Check Package

Term: Evocation

Alchemists use these spells to produce various effects, which are learned
by Alchemist class masters as their class level increases. Many effects support
allies and weakened enemies. On the other hand, no effects directly inflict
heavy damage on the enemy.
Evocations are not magical, so it is not sensed by [Sense Magic] and cannot
be removed by [Dispel Magic] and other similar effects. Evocations can be
canceled by [Wordbreak] or [Perfect Cancellation].
When using Evocation with "Area: Shot," [Targeting] is effective in
preventing misfire, and [Hawk Eye] allows the user to target Evocation through
character, skirmish, or shielding. On the other hand, combat feats such as
[Metamagic/**], which affect only spell use, do not affect Evocations.

Alchemist Class Skill Checks

Standard Value: Alchemist level + Intelligence modifier
Time Required: Instant
Description: This is a check used by Alchemist when using Evocation. Similar
to a Spellcasting check, the character targeted by the Evocation must make a
Willpower check. The effect may be reduced by comparing the success value
with the target character's success value.

Acquiring Evocations

Each time a character learns one level of Alchemist class, they can select
one of the Evocations (see p. 190). Some Evocations are required to obtain a
minimum class level (5 or 10). Such Evocation can only be obtained if the
Alchemist class is above that level and can only be acquired after the growth.
For example, a 5th Level Alchemist would know five different Evocations
and would be able to learn any Evocation that requires a 5th-level or lower

Evocations Conditions of Use

Movement Restriction
When using Evocation, a character cannot make Full Moves.

Alchemy Kit
In order to use Evocation, Alchemist must have the Alchemy Kit equipped.
This kit can be equipped as an accessory in the right hand, left hand, waist, or
other section.
Alternatively, the Card Shooter item with "Stance: 1H" can be used in place
of the Alchemy Kit.

Consumption of Material Cards

Evocation does not consume MP to use but requires the consumption of
items called material cards.
There are four ranks of Material Cards (B, A, S, and SS), and the effect of
the same Evocation varies depending on which rank is used. Some Evocations
cannot be used just with B-rank Material Cards.

The number of material cards consumed depends on Evocation (see p.

Using Evocations

Evocation can be used as either a Major Action or a Minor Action.

Depending on which action is used, the handling differs.
However, on the same turn, if an Evocation is used as a Major Action, a
Minor Action Evocation cannot also be used, and vice versa.
Evocations can also be used during Combat Preparation. See the
corresponding section.

Using Evocation with Major Action

Evocation can be used once with Major Action.
Only when using Evocation with Major Action, can the Alchemist use
Evocation with "Target: 1 Character" with "Range: 1 or 2" on several characters
simultaneously. In this case, the number of material cards must be consumed
multiplied by the initial number of material cards. In addition, the ranks of the
material cards must be the same. Alchemists can use different ranks of material
cards, but the number of required cards remains the same, and the effect is
determined by the lowest rank among all the cards used. For example, if even
one card of rank B is mixed, the effect on all targets will be determined by rank
The Evocations with "Target: 1 Character" and "Range: Touch" cannot be
used for multiple targets at the same time.
Whenever Evocation is used with a Major Action, an Evocation check (see
p. 108) needs to be performed. Evocation has no effect in case of automatic
failure, and all used material cards are lost in vain. An Evocation check should
be performed only once, even if multiple targets are selected at the same time.
If the target is resisting, the success value of the Evocation check is
compared with the success value of the target's Willpower. The resistance to
Evocation is the same as that of the spell.

Using Evocation with Minor Action

Evocation can be used with a Minor Action, but only once per turn.
Evocation cannot be used more than once in turn, even with a Minor Action.
This is true even if the character can make Major Action multiple times. Also,
as mentioned above, if Evocation is used with Minor Action, it cannot be used
with Major Action.
Such Evocations can be used at any time during the turn. It can be used
before or after a move (or in the middle of a move using Standard Combat),
before or after a Major Action, or at any other time.
When Evocation is used with Minor Action, no Evocation check is needed,
and no automatic failure can be, but the success value is 0. If used on a target
and it will resist, the target will not roll the dice and will be treated as if it
automatically succeeds in the Willpower check.
In addition, when Evocation is used with Minor Action, it is not possible to
use "Target: 1 Character" to multiple characters simultaneously, which was
possible with Major Action.

Point! Use Evocations Differently!

If the Alchemist wishes to affect multiple targets simultaneously with the
same Evocation, then they should use a Major Action for the Evocation. Also,
if the Alchemist wishes to use an Evocation that hinders an enemy somehow,
they should also use a Major Action for the Evocation.
However, if the Alchemist only wishes to affect a single friendly target, they
should use a Minor Action for the Evocation. Additionally, if there is another
Major Action the Alchemist wishes to take, then they should use a Minor
Action for their Evocation.

Using Evocation during Combat Preparation

Some Evocations can also be used during Combat Preparation. They are
resolved in the same way as in Minor Action. That is, an Evocation check
should not be performed and it is not possible to use "Target: 1 Character" to
multiple characters simultaneously. Only one Evocation can be used during
Combat Preparation.

Material Cards

In order for an Alchemist to use any of their Evocations, they must have
the appropriate Material Cards in their Alchemy Kit. While an Alchemist can
make cards by themselves, it is far more practical to purchase them from the
local Institute of Magitechnology. Material Cards come in five different colors,
each corresponding to the type of material used for the card, and are separated
into four different ranks, depending on the quality of the material used to create
the card.

Five Colors of Material Cards
There are five colors of Material Cards, red, green, black, white, and gold.
In alchemy, every element in the world can be broken down into the basic
building blocks of matter, distilling the entirety of an item into its very essence.
Every item is different and is often composed of a number of different essences
in various ratios. Material Cards are created when an Alchemist takes these
essences and stores them inside of their specially prepared cards for later use.

• Red Material Cards

Red Material Cards are created using the essence of animals, often
manifesting as ferocity, motivation, and intensity. Animal essences are
associated with the color red due to healthy animal blood and muscles typically
being red in color. Red Material Cards are often used in Evocations that enable
the target to be active and mobile.

• Green Material Cards

Green Material Cards come from the essence of plants, projecting
quietness, calm, and stability. Green grasses and leaves give these Material
Cards their color, and Green Cards are often used in more relaxing Evocations.

• Black Material Cards

Black Material Cards are formed through the essence of minerals and have
a heavy, sharp feeling about them. While they are often used for defensive
Evocations, Black Material Cards also have quite the potential for variety and

• White Material Cards

White Material Cards come from spiritual essences, drawing upon higher
mental functions. Intelligence, ingenuity, and philosophy provide the power
behind White Material Cards, and such cards can be used to empower
intellectual and mental abilities.

• Gold Material Cards

Gold Material Cards hold the essence of energy within, calling upon
intangible forces such as light, sound, color, and heat in order to provide the
Alchemist with power. These forces are often thought to be the closest to the
actual essence of the world itself and are quite powerful when harnessed

Four Ranks of Material Cards
Separate from the color of a Material Card is its rank. Purer, denser
essences provide higher-rank cards, and there are four different ranks of cards,
much like weapons and armor: B, A, S, and SS. The rank of a card determines
the purchase price, regardless of the card's color.

Prices of Material Cards

Card Rank Price
B-Rank 20G
A-Rank 200G
S-Rank 2,000G
SS-Rank 20,000G

Crude Material Cards

In general, an Alchemist has a decent idea of the number and types of cards
they would need on a particular a dventure, so purchasing them from the
Institute of Magitechnology before heading out is a practical idea. Depending
upon their mastery of the Alchemist class, it is not uncommon for an Alchemist
to have 10 or more cards of a particular color or rank. An Alchemy Kit can
hold over 100 cards to aid an Alchemist in their abilities.
However, it is still possible for an Alchemist to run out of Material Cards.
In such emergencies, they can perform a short ritual to extract essences from
the various loot and treasures they have found. The card's color is determined
by the type of loot used, while the rank is determined by the selling price of
that particular piece of loot.
Prices of Crude Material Cards
Card Rank Loot Sale Price※
B-Rank 10 - 99G
A-Rank 100 - 999G
S-Rank 1,000 - 9,999G
SS-Rank 10,000G+
※Loot with a sale price of less than 10G cannot be used to create Material Cards.
For those obtained from existing monsters, both color classification and
rank are listed in the respective monster data. If the GM has created original
loot for a monster, then they should determine the color and rank of the
Material Card that can be created from their loot.

Red: Created from animal parts (fur, claws, teeth, etc.)

Green: Created from plant material (flowers, vines, petals, seeds, etc.)

Black: Created from base metals (like iron and iron ingots), as well as magitech
White: Created from weapons, clothes, tools, and armor.
Gold: Created from gems, precious metals, and jewelry created from such

Required Equipment and Time

In order to create a Material Card from a monster's dropped loot, the
Alchemist needs both their Alchemy Kit and 10 uninterrupted minutes to
create one card.
If the Alchemist who makes the crude card themselves performs Loot
Determination, then for that loot, both loot acquisition and crude card making
can be performed in 10 minutes.

Destroying Loot and Selling Crude Material Cards

In order to create a Material Card from loot, the Alchemist strips the loot
of its essence and rebind it into the Material Card. In doing so, the original loot
is rendered worthless and, in many cases, will crumble to useless dust entirely.
Even if the original loot does retain its shape, it is still worthless and cannot
even be used to craft new items.
On the other hand, the crude card itself has its own value. If you make a
crude card and bring it back without using it, Alchemist can sell it to the
Institute Of Magitechnology. The Institute of Magitechnology refines the crude
cards, remakes them into several legitimate material cards, and resells them for
a profit (the Institute of Magitechnology's advanced technology and facilities
produce an order of magnitude more material cards than those made by the
Alchemist making crude material cards).
When selling Material Cards to the Institute in this way, they will offer
Gamels equal to the amount of the original loot used.

Point! Affordable Cards

There is almost no disadvantage of using loot as a crude material card as
long as it can be sold for the same price later. Especially, if the selling price is
less than the purchase price of a card of the same rank (10-20G/100-
200G/1,000-2,000G/10,000-20,000G), you can save money by making it into
a crude material card and keeping it and using it.

Additional Rules

Fairy Tamer Class Additions

Fairy Tamer's Gems Required at 11th level or above

Fairy Tamer with level 11 or higher will need a more expensive Fairy
Tamer's Gems.

Prices of Fairy Tamer's Gem

Level Price (1 Gem) Price (6 Gems)
1–2 50 300
3–4 100 600
5–6 150 900
7–8 200 1,200
9 – 10 250 1,500
11 – 12 300 1,800
13 – 14 350 2,100
15 400 2,400

Summoning of Olden Fairies

Some of the fairies are called olden fairies. These have multiple types.
To summon an olden fairy, all of its types must be included in the four
types selected by the PC at the time of the summoning.

Area: Breakthrough
“Area: Breakthrough" is an effect that the character using the effect pushes
forward in a straight line and affects those on the path it has passed through.

Range of Breakthrough

The range of effects with "Area: Breakthrough" is, in principle, as follows:

For Simplified Combat, “1”

For Standard Combat, the character's "movement m," i.e., the distance of a
Normal Move.

Hence, the notation for range and area is "Range/Area: 1(movement

m)/Breakthrough". In rare cases, there is a possibility to replace "movement"
with other values.

Breakthrough Usage Guidelines

Declaring Breakthrough Effect

The effects with "Area: Breakthrough" are, in principle, moving a character.
The character who intends to use Breakthrough does not declare the type of
move (Limited, Normal, or Full) in its turn but declares the use of the effect of
Breakthrough before moving or performing a Major Action.
Minor actions and active combat feats can be executed before the
declaration of Breakthrough.

Cannot Breakthrough While in Melee

As a rule, a character in a melee may not declare the use of a Breakthrough

Selection of Targets
Those using the "Area: Breakthrough" effect must specify one target point
(area, coordinates) or character (section).
With Simplified Combat, you can only specify one area ahead or a
character (section) there.
With Standard Combat, any coordinates or character (section) in the range
can be specified, but they must be visible.
Regardless of the combat rules, you cannot specify the same position (area,
coordinates) as yourself or any other character in the same position.

When Targeting a Character in Skirmish

When targeting a character (section) in a skirmish, the one who tries to
Breakthrough needs the combat feat [Targeting] or a similar ability.
This is not necessary if the target is a point (area, coordinate).

Declaration of Breakthrough Endpoints (Standard Combat)

With Standard Combat, those using Breakthrough can either choose a
position or a position of the character to become an endpoint or a direction
and move until the maximum range is reached.
With Simplified Combat, those using Breakthrough can only choose a
position or a position of the character to become an endpoint.

Breakthrough Resolution

If the effect of "Area: Breakthrough" is used, it is handled as follows.

Exclusion Near Starting Position

The one using the Breakthrough effect can exclude a certain range from
the starting position (their initial position) from its effect.
Simplified Combat allows users to exclude the area where they are initially
In Standard Combat, the user can exclude up to the Limited Move range
from starting position.
If a character is excluded from the area of effect, all characters in the area
are automatically excluded, regardless of the faction.

Determination of Effect Range

The area of effect of Breakthrough is basically all positions (areas,
coordinates) from the endpoint to the starting point, however, except for the
area as explained in "Exclusion Near Starting Position" (in Simplified Combat,
the area of effect will be limited to the area one ahead of the effect).

Determination of the Affected Characters

If the target is specified as a character (section), the character (section) will
always be affected by the Breakthrough effect.
In addition, characters and structures (see p. 120) in the effect area will be
affected with a probability of 1/2, as a rule. This check is processed by rolling
1d; the rolls “1-3” are considered to be affected, and the roll “4-6” is considered
This process is the same as for "Area: Line" (see CR I, p. 163). Magic, items,
or effects that affect the determination of the target are affected by “Area:
Line,” such as Lucky Feathers (see CR II, p. 240), which are also effective for
“Area: Breakthrough.” When [Magic Control] is declared for [Area:
Breakthrough], the caster can exclude any character in the area of effect.

Stopping Breakthrough

The magic or effect with "Area: Breakthrough" must involve the user's own
movement. Therefore, if any condition on the path to the endpoint prevents
movement, the Breakthrough will also be prevented.

Crash into a Wall, etc.

If a wall or other obstacle stands in the path of the Breakthrough, the
attempted Breakthrough collides with the wall, and the character falls prone.
In this case, the falling damage is applied. 2 meters for Simplified Combat and
for Standard Combat as one-fifth (rounded up) of the distance from the starting
point to the endpoint of the Breakthrough declaration.

Structures as Walls
If a wall is set as a structure with Defense and HP, it can be attempted to
be damaged by the Breakthrough effect. If the wall can be destroyed, the
Breakthrough continues toward the endpoint. If the wall cannot be destroyed,
the user is assumed to have collided with the wall, and the user has to take the
damage mentioned above.

[Fire Wall]
If the path is blocked by Fairy Magic [Fire Wall] spell (see CR II, p. 171),
Willpower should be made, but it is used only to determine if the damage is
halved or not. Regardless of the success or failure of the Willpower check, the
Breakthrough continues toward the endpoint.

In case of failing to stop and running off a cliff, the GM should make a
ruling based on the situation.

The Character cannot Block

In principle, the Breakthrough effect cannot be blocked (see CR II, p. 61)
or stopped by any character, no matter how huge it is.

Halfway Targets
Even if the Breakthrough is blocked by an obstacle, the target within the
effect range before the obstacle will receive the effect of the Breakthrough.

Riding and Breakthrough of Multiple Section Character

Stunt [Trample] allows the mounted jockey and mount to make an "Area:
Breakthrough" attack. Some monsters have multiple sections and also have the
ability to Breakthrough.

When using the Breakthrough effect, all own sections, jockey, and
mounted mount are excluded from such effects.

Position (area, coordinate) Change at the Same Time

When the Breakthrough effect is used, all sections of the multi-section
character, rider, and mount are all moved to the endpoint of the Breakthrough.

If Effect Worked
In the case of multi-section characters and mounted riders and mounts, all
of them are considered to have performed an action (Major Action or Minor
Action, depending on the effect) when a Breakthrough effect was used. All
such spells and abilities described in this book are used with Major Actions.
If each section, rider, or mount still has the ability to perform further
actions and they wish to perform them individually, do the following:

Falling off a Mount during a Collision While Riding

If a mounted character encounters a factor that impedes movement, the
rider or mount will crash into a wall, fall off a cliff, etc.
If the mount crashes into a wall, all sections of the rider and mount suffer
damage and falling prone also causes falling of a mount (see p. 89). But the
rider will not suffer damage falling off a mount.

Cautions and Notes on Breakthrough

The following is a summary of the notes and caveats when a Breakthrough

is made.

Breakthrough Cannot be Blocked

Any character cannot block the Breakthrough effect (see CR II, p. 61).

Cannot Move After Such Effect

As a general rule, the user cannot move afterward if a Breakthrough effect
is used. This does not apply if the user is under a special effect that allows
multiple moves in one turn.

Cannot be Done More Than Once Per Turn

Breakthrough can be used only once per turn, even if the character has the
ability to perform multiple Major Actions.

Cannot be Done after Move or Major Action

Again, please note that after you have moved or taken a Major Action on
your turn, you cannot use the Breakthrough effect, even if you can take an
additional Major Action.
In the case of a multi-section character or a riding rider and mount, once a
Major Action has been taken in one of the sections (character), the
Breakthrough cannot be used in any other section, rider, or mount.

Breakthrough While in Melee is Possible Under Certain Conditions

As a general rule, a character in a melee situation cannot declare the use of
a Breakthrough effect. However, a Breakthrough is possible if the character is
able to leave the skirmish without the need for a withdrawal action, specifically
in the following situations.

- The ratio of the user’s faction with the user in the skirmish is more than 2:1.
- User is invisible (all of their sections and rider or mount). However, it does
not work if a move or a Major Action cancels the state of invisibility, etc.

- The combat feat [Shadow Sneak] is learned (if they are mounted, both the
rider and the mount have it).

However, "Exclusion Near Starting Position" (see p. 116) cannot be used

when withdrawing from a melee situation. The area of effect, in this case, will
always be from the starting point to the endpoint.

Destroying Structures
During the adventure, the PCs may find themselves in a situation where
they want to physically destroy a door, wall, box, or other structure. These rules
provide guidelines for destroying such structures in such situations.

You Don't Have to Destroy Everything, Do You?

This rule allows for the destruction of many things. Trying to destroy the
structures indicated in this rule when you are in a tight situation when you want
to proceed is worthwhile. Even if you have to break a weak wall as soon as
possible when you want to take something out of a treasure chest whose lock
has been broken, and of course, when the GM suggests it.
However, most of the labyrinths can be conquered without breaking the
walls. There are paths without forcing a hole in the wall. Breaking a wall in a
place with a ceiling is always a risk of collapse. In many cases, hurry up and
find the way around.

Structure Data

The structure data consists of "Material," "Defense," and "HP." Depending

on the material and the method used, the structure may be immune to criticals
or may not be damaged at all (cannot be destroyed).

Destroying Structures

Each structure has "Defense" and "HP," and the procedure for destroying
them is the same as damaging and defeating a character. In other words, when

the HP of a structure is reduced by weapon attacks or damage spells, and finally
reduced to 0 or less, the structure will be destroyed.
Structures do not perform Evasion checks or resistance checks; unless
attackers fail an automatic Accuracy check or Spellcasting check, they are
subject to the damage caused by weapons and spells.
Physical damage will be reduced by the structure's Defense.
The structure also can use Defense against magic damage. However, the
value should be halved (rounded up).
For example, a structure with 5 points of Defense will have its physical
damage reduced by 5 points and its magical damage reduced by 3 points.
The time required for a character to perform an action to damage a
structure is the same as for any other character; what can be done for a
character in 10 seconds (1 round) can be done for a structure in 10 seconds (1

You Don't Have to Destroy Everything, Do You? Part 2

During combat, spells or effects that affect a large area may involve walls,
doors, etc. In this case, if there is no intention to destroy the structure, it is
assumed that no damage is inflicted on the structure. Treasure chests placed
on the ground will not be destroyed by spells or effects unless the GM declares,
"be extra careful not to destroy."
GM can sometimes place structures on the battlefield with some Defense
and HP and declare to PCs, "this has X Defense and Y HP" to limit the tactics
of the PCs (please do not overuse these structures, they are definitely not "fun").

List of Structures

The following is a list of typical structures. The data presented are only a
guide; GM may change the structure's thickness, increasing or decreasing
Defense or HP as needed.
Each structure material has a weapon (category) or type from which the
structure is immune to criticals. Attacks with those weapons or types will not
be critical.

Structure Immunities
Structures are immune to poison, disease, curse, and psychic damage.

Notes on [Lethal Strike III], [Armor Piercer], and [Throw]
If a character learns and declares the combat feat [Lethal Strike III], a
critical hit on it can be made even with weapons listed as “non-critical.”
In the case of an attack with a declared [Armor Piercer], the Defense of the
structure is always halved (rounded up). Even if a critical hit is made with
[Armor Piercer II/III], the structure's Defense will never be reduced to 0.
Throw and weapons that enhance it are valid only if GM rules that they can
be lifted up and slammed into the ground.

Wood Structures

No Criticals: Bows

Wooden Door (Thickness: 2 cm)

Defense: 6 HP: 20
Summary: A relatively sturdy door often found in dungeons and private

Wooden Wall (Thickness: 5 cm)

Defense: 8 HP: 30
Summary: The outer wall of a standard private home.

Wooden Fence (Thickness: 2 cm)

Defense: 4 HP: 15
Summary: A simple barrier meant to run the perimeter of rural areas.

Wooden Gate (Thickness: 8 cm)

Defense: 10 HP: 40
Summary: A double-sided gate, often seen used in walls surrounding mansions.
When used in outer walls and ramparts, it can be two to three times as thick.

Wooden Chest (Thickness: 1 cm)

Defense: 6 HP: 15
Summary: A standard chest made of hardwood. Destroying the chest may also
damage or destroy any fragile contents.

Steel Plates Structures

No Criticals: Swords, Spears, Thrown Weapons, Bows, Crossbows, Lightning,

Fire, Wind, Water/Ice

Steel Door (Thickness: 2 cm)

Defense: 16 HP: 40
Summary: An iron door, occasionally seen in dungeons.

Steel Chest (Thickness: 1 cm)

Defense: 16 HP: 30
Summary: A sturdy iron chest. Destroying the chest may also damage or
destroy any fragile contents.

Iron Structures

No Criticals: Swords, Axes, Spears, Thrown Weapons, Bows, Crossbows,

Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water/Ice, Slashing.

Iron Wall (Thickness: 5 cm)

Defense: 22 HP: 80
Summary: A wall made of solid, thick iron. The thicker it gets, the harder it is
to penetrate.

Iron Gate (Thickness: 8 cm)

Defense: 26 HP: 200
Summary: A sturdy iron gate, often seen in fortified castle walls. It's hard to
find a better gate than solid iron.

Stone Structures

No Criticals: Swords, Spears, Thrown Weapons, Bows, Crossbows, Lightning,

Fire, Wind, Water/Ice

Stone Wall (Thickness: 10 cm)

Defense: 18 HP: 60
Summary: A standard wall made of stone, often seen in dungeons.

Brick Wall (Thickness: 10 cm)

Defense: 12 HP: 50
Summary: A wall made of hardened bricks, typically seen as outer walls for
upper-class private homes.

[Stone Wall] (Thickness: 50 cm)

Defense: 20 HP: 90
Summary: It is a stone wall created by the Fairy Magic spell [Stone Wall] (see
CR II, p. 165).

Stone Outer Wall (Thickness: 1 m)

Defense: 22 HP: 120
Summary: An outer wall made of solid stone designed to protect small-to-
medium fortified towns and cities.

Stone Wall (Thickness: 2 m)

Defense: 30 HP: 300
Summary: A standard wall.

Ice Structures

No Criticals: Thrown Weapons, Bows, Wind

Defense Halved/Ignored: Fire
Immune to Damage: Water/Ice
※Structures made of Ice have halved defense against fire-type damage for
physical damage and 0 for magical damage. On the other hand, it does not
suffer from water/ice-type damage at all.

Snow Shelter (Thickness: 30 cm)
Defense: 8 HP: 60
Summary: These shelters are made by piling up blocks of hardened snow and
built as temporary shelters in extremely cold areas.

[Ice Wall] (Thickness: 50 cm)

Defense: 15 HP: 90
Summary: It is an ice wall created by the Fairy Magic spell [Ice Wall] (see CR
II, p. 168).

NPC Connections (New Reputation Usage)

PCs can use their reputations to have personal relationships with certain
Connections are handled similarly to reputation items; see the connection
table on page 128, and spend a reputation on the person you want to connect
with. On the character sheet, write "Connection: **/(NPC's name)", where **
is the particular stage of the connection.
There are three stages of connections with NPCs: Acquaintance, Friend,
and Confidant, each of which requires a different reputation. If you already
have a connection with a lower level and want to replace it with a higher level,
you need to spend the difference in reputation.
In order to get a connection, you must actually meet the NPC and exchange
words with them. You cannot connect with an NPC you have never seen
before. The GM has the final say on whether or not you can connect with the
Connections are acquired similarly to renowned items, so a high adventurer
rank (see CR II, p. 114) may result in a "free" connection. In this case, when
you meet an NPC and exchange words with them, you automatically get a
connection corresponding to your reputation (as a sign of respect for your
adventurer's rank).

Connection Stages

The most basic of bonds shows that the NPC has acknowledged the
character as someone of note and will usually remember the character by
name. There may be a working relationship where the NPC can trust the PC
to take care of some simple business or task, but that's about the extent of the

The PC and NPC have gotten to know each other and will often allow the
other to call them nicknames or at least be less formal with each other. The
NPC and PC have a relationship close enough to help the other out in case of
dire straits but won't go so far as to put themselves out when doing so. The
NPC positively reacts to hearing about the PC and will often seek them out
first if the strength of an adventurer is needed to handle some business or other.

The PC and NPC are very close and able to share deep feelings both
publicly and privately. Private worries and secrets are freely discussed, as is
otherwise confidential information. A bond this deep is a relationship that has
been tested and found to be strong, even in the face of adversity. In case of a
crisis, the NPC will do everything in their power to help their friend out and
will wholly trust the PC with their life if necessary.

Lost Connection

A connection becomes strained if an action taken against the NPC is

extremely detrimental, whether physically, socially, financially, etc. Losing trust
and faith in the PC will cause an existing connection to drop one stage,
alienating the NPC. This leads to the acquisition of disgrace (see CR II, p. 118).
The difference between the stages must be added as a disgrace.
The GM has the final say as to what actions or words can cause the loss of
a connection. Still, it should only be for actively and intentionally defaming or
displeasing an NPC, not for simple negligence or a single mistake.
Even if the NPC passes away, the connection is not lost. However, you will
no longer be able to spend your reputation to further strengthen the

GM Guide: Utilizing NPC Connections
Suppose a PC and NPC become particularly close during the course of a
session. In that case, the GM may wish to grant the PC a connection with that
NPC (e.g., Acquaintance because they only appeared as a client and their
request was a success, Friend because they retrieved a valuable item or got
along well at the dinner party, etc.). When a GM gives a connection to a PC in
this way, the PC does not need to spend reputation.
If the GM wants to give a connection to an NPC created by them, please
refer to the "NPC Connection Table" and decide the necessary reputations by
If the PC has a connection with an NPC, the GM should actively try to
bring the NPC into sessions at some point to reinforce the connection between
the characters. However, connections represent a relationship built on trust.
Suppose the PC tries to use the NPC in a situation convenient for the PC and
not the NPC or generally tries to take advantage of the connection between the
two characters. In that case, the GM should warn the PC that they may be
straining the connection, possibly losing it if the behavior continues.

Dark Dwarf Blacksmiths

Dark Dwarf is a race that emerged in ancient times at the end of the
Divine Civilization when the gods were at war with each other. The history of
Dark Dwarves began when a tribe of Dwarves, stigmatized as traitors in this
war, sought a place in the Barbarous society.
Since then, the Dark Dwarves, who are Humanoid, have survived in the
Barbarous society because of their excellent blacksmithing. To survive and
learn more, they are planning to send out spies to steal technology from the
Humanoids society to learn new technology.
Among these spies, some are sometimes inspired by the Humanoids and
live while hiding their true identity (posing as Dwarves).
The "Dark Dwarf Blacksmith" at the end of the “NPC Connection Table”
indicates this. It is very difficult to get acquainted with such blacksmiths and to
establish a friendship with them because of their extreme fear of being
discovered, and it requires a high level of reputation.
PCs with an "Acquaintance" connection with this Dark Dwarf Blacksmith
will be able to have their weapons treated with ignidite (see p. 245).
Such blacksmiths exist here and there throughout the continent, but the
connection can be created only with a single reputation spending.

NPC Connections


NPC Name Main Residence

Weiss Harves Kingdom of Harves 400 900 1,600 CR II, p. 289

Iris Harves Kingdom of Harves 100 200 400 CR II, p. 290
Vandelken Magnus Eusiz Magical Principality 450 900 1,800 CR II, p. 290
Donon IV Rajaaha Empire 500 1,000 2,400 CR II, p. 291
Yecula Kingdom of Makajahat 300 600 1,600 CR II p. 291
Gautier Gilbert Fier Kingsley Republic of Iron and Steel 500 1,000 2,000 CR II, p. 292
Kirke Lancaster Kingsley Republic of Iron and Steel 300 600 1,000 CR II, p. 292
Doulglock Sunbeard Kingsley Republic of Iron and Steel 200 400 800 CR II, p. 293
Luuna Arshonia Queen State of Arshonia 100 500 1,000 CR II, p. 293
Farfa Esa Fresia Fresian Forest Country 400 900 1,600 CR II, p. 294
Demian Dorden Region - - - CR II, p. 294
Amed Touban Magnoa Steppe Country 300 600 1,200 CR II, p. 295
Albrecht Ashenshield Grand Duchy of Gokersburg 100 400 800 CR II, p. 295
Miiniel Orpheus Lake Country 200 500 1,200 CR II, p. 295
Vii Gared Northern Fang Mountain Range 100 200 400 CR II, p. 296
Garnet Dorden Region 50 100 300 CR II, p. 296
Matthias Hipshtall Harshika Commercial Union 300 600 1,800 p. 291
Erwin Kudrichka Giginal Island 200 500 1,200 p. 291
Lukasz van Veylen Skull Castle - - - p. 291
Nadine-Jame Ginumere Fairyland Avalf 200 500 1,200 p. 293
Chenakka Fairyland Avalf 500 1,000 1,400 p. 293
Cedric Montant Kingdom of Ur-Va-Duul 300 600 1,200 p. 293
Tajwar Valdedarde Eyutorgo Mounted Nation 450 900 1,800 p. 293
Lidja Algeeva Sukhbaar Kingdom of the Holy Chain 400 800 1,600 p. 293
Gavril Azarov Sukhbaar Kingdom of the Holy Chain 100 400 800 p. 293
Josh van Heilen Sevrey Forest Republic 100 500 1,000 p. 293
Matti Hautaniemi Haroon Magical Research Kingdom 100 200 400 p. 293
Pat Pot Delroy Ursyla Region 50 200 500 p. 293
Heisbert Thringel Haroon Magical Research Kingdom 400 800 1,900 p. 293
Zegan Zamsaska Region - - - p. 297
Hadruka Gadgalis Adventurers Guild Headquarters 100 500 1,000 p. 298
Wanagiska Wall of the Abyss 50 200 800 p. 298
Gillorn Drexler Abyss Sea 100 200 500 p. 298
Dark Dwarf Blacksmith Scattered throughout 100 200 300 p. 298

Additions to the Fellow Action Chart

This section will describe how to fill in the Fellow Action Chart with new
elements from Core Rulebook III.

Jockeys and Stunts

Mounts Cannot be Filled In

As a basic premise, mounts, like golems and summoned fairies, cannot be
entered in the Fellow Action Chart. When a master of the Rider class enters
an action that takes advantage of it, only the jockey can benefit from them.

Passive Stunts are Effective

Stunt effects that are always in effect, such as [Elevated Attack], should be
added to actions that they affect.

[Charge], [Supercharge]
When filling in [Charge], use the mount's movement and add "Range:
1(mount's movement m)". If you have mastered [Supercharge], you can also
write “Range: 2(movement’s movement x 3m)".
Extra Damage for Standard Combat should be judged by determining the
immediate previous position of the Fellow, as for [Flying Kick] (see CR II, p.

Normal Lance with “Let’s Power 35/Crit Value 10 +
[Charge], Range 1 (30m) Go!" Charge Bonus

Please add "Range: 1(movement’s movement m)" and include information
on learning combat feats [Targeting], [Hawk Eye], stunt [Mind to Mind], etc.,
which are necessary to determine the target and the endpoint of the
breakthrough. The player who actually decides the target and the endpoint is
the player who manages Fellow in the game.
In order to determine whether or not it can be executed, what the target
and endpoint should be, etc., it is necessary to determine the immediate

previous position in the same way as for [Charge]. Note that Fellow cannot be
in a different position (area, coordinate) from PC. Both the start and the end
of [Trample] must be at the same position as one of the PCs (in this sense, the
endpoint is greatly restricted).
Only the jockeys can perform the attack, and only their data should be

Normal Lance with [Trample], Power
“Fortunately, I'm going
Range 1 (30m), [Targeting], and 15 35/Crit
to show you my stunt."
[Mind to Mind] are effective Value 10 + 9


Note on Material Cards

As a rule, Fellows cannot have their own consumables from the start.
The use of Evocation can be described, but the PC must prepare and
provide the material card to be consumed for Evocations.
When you write the use of Evocation in the Fellow Action Chart, it is not
necessary to write the ranks of Material Card. But it would be useful to include
the color and number of cards (especially if you have mastered and declared
[Card Reduction]) and a simple numerical value for each rank.

[Armorust], 1 black (because “Don't worry Defense Down (B – l, A
of [Card Reduction]) about it." – 3, S – 5, SS - 10)

Evocations with Minor Actions

It is possible to use Evocation with a Minor Action and do something else
in a Major Action. In this case, Fellow can execute both Major and Minor
Actions or cancel both (if PC controlling Fellow doesn’t want it). The success
value of Evocation should not be entered.
The target of the Evocation and the target of the Major Action may be
separate. The decision is made by the player after the action is selected.

Minor Action with [Paralyze “Who should Evasion Penalty (A – 1, S
Mist] (1 green), attacking with I hit? It is 14 – 2, SS - 4) Power 25/Crit
Great Sword you?" Value 10 +7

Note on Added Combat Feats

Multiple Active Combat Feats and Multiple Attacks

The two declarations with [Battle Master] should be treated the same as
with [Ever-Changing I] (see CR I, p. 210-211).
With [Ever-Changing II], players can declare an active combat feat for 3
attacks such as [Dual Wielding] + [Chain Attack]. If the active combat feat
requires the special note "spend next turn recovering," it instead will become
“spend next three turns recovering.”

[Dual Wielding] with "Silver Iron
"Silver or Power 10/Crit Value
Boxers" (with [Twin Strike]) + [Chain
iron? My 11 + 29 x3, spend
Attack] for 3 attacks, all declared with 23
fists are next three turns
[Power Strike II] with the help of
gold!” recovering
[Ever-Changing II].

[Lethal Strike III]

This active combat feat does not require the special note "spend next turn
recovering." Please also add "ignore immunity to criticals".

Part 3 Data

Additional Magic Data

Additional Magical Elements

Spells with Multiple Types (XX and YY)

Some spells have multiple types, "XX and YY types." For example,
"water/ice and lightning type."
For such spells with multiple types, one of the types should be chosen for
each target to be more disadvantageous to the target.
If it cannot be clearly decided which is more disadvantageous, the GM
should rule out which it is.
Note that there is also "curse + psychic types" for spells or effect with
multiple types, but it is handled differently (see CR II, p. 128).
“XX and YY” appear not only in spells but also in other effects. Please treat
them in the same way.

Area: Breakthrough

For spells with "Area: Breakthrough see page 114 for details.

Truespeech Magic Data

Thunder Bolt Cost MP13

1 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Character Target
Sum. Deals Power 50 damage Type Lightning
Fires a bolt of lightning at the target dealing Power 50 + Magic Power of
magical damage.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩

Slow Cost MP8

1 Character 2(30m)/ 1 minute
Tar. Range/Area Duration Resistance Neg
X Target (6 r)
Sum. Slows target's movements and actions
The target's movement (for monsters, movement speed) is halved (rounded
up). in Simplified Combat, a Full Move is required to move to the adjacent area,
Eff. and it is not possible to move 2 areas.
In addition, the target must roll 1d at the beginning of its turn, and if the roll
is "1 or 2", the target cannot take any Major Action in its turn.

Familiar II Cost MP30

Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration Permanent Resistance N/A
Sum. Create an intelligent familiar
Create a construct that will serve as an advanced familiar. See “High-level
Eff. Familiars” (see p. 430).
Casting the spell takes one hour.

Shining Spot Cost MP16
1 area (3m 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Radius)/5 Target
Sum. Deals Power 40 damage, Crit Threshold 9 Type Energy
Concentrated dazzling light destroys the surrounding area with its energy.
The target is damaged by Power 40 + Magic Power magic damage. The
Eff. Critical Threshold of this spell is 9.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑨

Shock Cost MP15

1 2(50m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Can’t
Character Shot
Sum. Deals Power 40 physical also applies to MP Type Bludgeoning
The target is hit with a chunk of mana, dealing Power 30 + Magic Power of
physical damage to both the target's HP and MP.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩

Become Dragon Cost MP20

Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance Optional
Sum. Transform into a Draconet
The caster is transformed into a Draconet (see p. 396) and should use its
data. If the caster's HP is reduced, it will be carried over to the Body section.
On the other hand, the damage on the Body section is passed to the caster when
this spell is released.
The caster's own class, combat feats, and racial abilities are all lost for the
duration of the effect, and any weapons, armor, or accessories the caster was
equipped with are temporarily lost and cannot be used. Items carried by the
caster may only be used for effects that do not have a defined Stance.
If the caster wishes, it can act as a mount for another PC. In this case, mount
data for Draconet (see p. 259) should be used, the jockey's adventurer-level
enhancements and stunt effects applied, and mount equipment can be
equipped, but the caster's own actions are limited to those of the mount.
A caster of sorcerer class 15 level can shapeshift to Lesser Dragon (monster
data CR II, p. 396, mount data p. 260). The spells and technique unique skills
of the monster and mount data cannot be used while under this spell. The head
section will carry the caster's HP reduction in that case.

Desultory Cost MP9
1 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration seconds Resistance Temporary
Character Target
(3 r)
Sum. Spellcasting checks -4 Type Psychic
Disturbs concentration and disrupts magic. The target’s Spellcasting checks
receive a -4 penalty for the spell's duration.

Teleport Cost MP15

1 Object or
Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Instantly moves the target to a location of the caster's choice
Move the target to either a place the caster has previously been or a place
within sight up to 1km away. The target size can be no larger than a 1m radius
or 2m high. The spell ignores walls, shields, and other obstructions but will fail
if there is no safe place for the object to exist at the destination.
If a character is used as a target, it is processed as "Target :1 Character X".
It does not affect items held or equipped by other characters.

Lightning Bind Cost MP15

1 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration minute Resistance Temporary
Character Target
(6 r)
Sum. Restrain and attack the target with Power 20 Type Lightning
The target is bound with a rope made of lightning and suffers a -2 penalty on
all action checks. In addition, at the end of his turn, the target must suffer a
"Power 20 + Magic Power" magic damage. This spell cannot be critical. A
character affected by this effect in all sections cannot move.
Eff. Willpower is only performed during this casting spell, not during damage
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 None

Dimension Gate Cost MP23
Any 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration seconds (3 Resistance N/A
Point Target
Sum. Creates a gate to a distant destination
Creates a 3m radius gate at the foot of the caster. The gate's exit is at any point
the caster knows and specifies when casting this spell, regardless of location or
distance. However, the gate may not be created while inside a building. Also,
the exit must have a space for a safe exit.

Dimension Sword Cost MP18

Any 2(50m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Point Line
Sum. Deals Power 50 damage Type Slashing
Attack with a blade that cleaves through space itself, dealing Power 60 +
Magic Power of magic damage.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
60 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 ⑩

Magic Reflection Cost MP17

3 minutes
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance Optional
(18 r)
Sum. Reflects magic spells to the caster
A spell with “"target :1 Character (including 1 Entire Character, 1 Character
X)” may be reflected to the spell's caster. The caster of [Magic Reflection] may
choose to know the result of the Spellcasting check for a spell before using this
effect. If it bounces back caster of the original spell must make a save
themselves. If the spell does not reflect, the target may attempt to resist the spell
as normal. If the reflected spell's caster is initially one of the targets, the spell
affects the caster only once.
After a spell is reflected with this effect, the spell ends.

Save The World Cost MP50

All Areas
(500 m 1
Tar. Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance N/A
Radius)/ Hour
Sum. Creates a mana barrier that cannot be broken
A hemispherical barrier forms at the edge of the targeted area, protecting it
from any outside influences or interference. No spell or unique can pass

through. If the character is standing on the edge of a barrier at the moment of
the cast of this spell, they can decide where they want to be (outside or inside).
This barrier cannot be broken or removed by any means, physical, magical,
or otherwise, even by spells like [Perfect Cancellation]. However, the caster
must concentrate for the spell's duration to maintain the effect. If the caster
moves or takes Major or Minor Action, the effect dissipates, and the barrier

Perfect Cancellation Cost MP33

1 area (6m 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Neg
Radius)/20 Target
Sum. Eradicates all traces of mana within range
All magic, including spells, spellsongs, evocations, unique skills, etc., within
range, are subject to cancellation. For each effect within range, if this spell's
Spellcasting check is greater than the caster's Magic Power (success value), that
effect is canceled.
If this spell is cast within an hour's casting time, it may also affect magical
Eff. items. Items created during the Divine Civilization Period or before cannot be
undone by this spell.
Magic Item Era Magic Power
Current 25
Magitech Civilization 30
Magic Civilization 40

Meteor Strike Cost MP30

1 area (6m 2(50m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Radius)/20 Line
Deals Power 100 damage. It can be used to damage
Sum. Type Slashing
large areas.
Calls a meteor from the sky dealing Power 100 + Magic Power of magical
damage. The caster must see the sky, and the subject must be visible from the
sky for this spell to succeed.
The caster can spend an hour casting this spell. In doing so, the spells changes
to "Range: 2(1km)" and "Target: All Areas (500m Radius)/All" as a large-scale
Eff. meteorite fall attack. This version of the spell deals damage to structures and
buildings as well. The buildings' Defense is ignored when dealing damage, and
this spell criticals on 8 or higher against buildings.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
100 8 12 15 18 19 20 22 24 27 30 ⑩

Spiritualism Magic Data

Earth Heal II Cost MP8

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Neg
Sum. Heals Power 30.
Heals Power 30 + Magic Power HP. Undead, Magitechs and Constructs can
be healed by this spell.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 None

Sneak Cost MP7

1 3
Tar. Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration minutes Resistance Optional
X (18 r)
Sum. Shrouds target in mist, hiding it from magical and mechanical perception
The target cannot be seen by those with Magical or Mechanical means of
perception or magical traps that rely on magical sight for the duration of the
spell. Characters using the Five Senses as means of perception can see the
Eff. character normally.
If the character takes a Full Move, attacks, uses magic on another target, or
any other action that interacts with another character, this effect ends

Haste Cost MP18

1 1
Tar. Character Range/Area Duration minute Resistance Optional
X (6 r)
Sum. Accelerate the movement of the target
The target's distance with Normal Move is increased by +12 m. The distance
with Full Move is increased by +36 m. In Simplified Combat, a Normal Move
allows the target to move from one rearguard area to another (if there are no
hostile characters in the frontline area).
Also, the target can roll 1d at the end of their turn, and if the roll is "5-6", they
can perform additional Major Action. This effect can appear only once per turn.

⏩△Change Position Cost MP12
1 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance N/A
Doll Target
Sum. Instantly swaps positions with the doll
The caster swaps its position with a doll or puppet within the spell's range.
Walls, barriers, etc., are bypassed by this magic, but the spell fails if there is not
enough space for the caster to safely exit in the doll's space before the
replacement. This effect allows the caster to automatically escape from the
This spell may only be used once in 10 seconds (1 round).

Sonic Weapon Cost MP8

1 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Resistance Optional
Character Target
(18 r)
Sum. Make wind-type attack, Critical Threshold -1, +2 damage
The target's weapons become magical, dealing Wind-type damage. Their
damage increases by +2, and the weapon Critical Threshold is lowered by -1 (to
a minimum of 8). For fixed-value characters, increase their damage by +4

Mana Seal Cost MP16

1 1(10m)/ 1 minute
Tar. Range/Area Duration Resistance Neg
Character Target (6 r)
Sum. Blocks the target's use of mana
Targets that fail to resist this spell cannot use more than 10 MP in a single
turn, regardless of how they would spend it. For example, three Techniques
Eff. would only allow the use of one more MP that turn, so a fourth Technique
could not be used. MP used from Familiars, or Mako Stones does not count
towards this limit.

Raging Earth II Cost MP18
2 - 3 areas 30
Tar. (10m Range/Area Duration seconds Resistance Can’t
Radius)/Space (3 r)
Sum. Heals 10 points per round
Each character in the area regenerates 10 points of damage at the end of their
Eff. turn. This even heals creatures of the Undead, Magitechs, and Construct

Wraith Form Cost MP18

Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance Optional
Sum. Take the form of a wraith, separating mind and body
The caster's consciousness breaks free, taking the form of a Wraith (see p.
369). The caster's HP, MP, levels, Willpower, Fortitude, classes, and weapons
skills remain the same, but it gains the Wrath’s Unique Skills [Normal Weapon
Immunity] and [Fog Body]. See also p. 327 for [Normal Weapon Immunity].
While a Wraith, the caster's body lies unconscious, and the caster cannot
directly perceive using its body senses. If the duration elapses or the caster
wishes, they may return to their body regardless of distance.
However, if the caster's body is destroyed or otherwise lost while in Wraith
Form, the spell becomes permanent, and the caster remains as a Wraith, unable
to return to their body.

Copy Doll Cost MP20
Tar. 1 Doll Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Year Resistance N/A
Sum. Creates a doll indistinguishable from the caster
A doll or stuffed animal is transformed to look exactly the same size and
appearance as the caster. Despite being a doll, the caster can manipulate the new
body as if it were their own, retaining all physical abilities and still requiring food
and sleep. It is impossible to tell that the target is a doll by observing its
appearance and behavior.
While separated, the caster's original body is unconscious. At any time, the
caster can know the condition of their body but cannot perceive through it. If the
caster’s body dies, the caster itself also dies. If the spell’s duration ends or the
caster ends it, the caster will return to its body.
If the doll's HP drops to 0, the caster returns to its original body while the
doll's body crumbles into useless dust.
While this spell is in effect, the caster can't cast this spell on another target.

Steal Memory Cost MP19

1 Entire
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Permanent Resistance Neg
Sum. Acquires a memory from the target
The caster can take a specific memory from the target so that the target never
even knows they had a memory taken from them.
The caster chooses when to begin to take a memory and how long the memory
they're taking is, then spends an equal amount of time casting this spell. The
caster steals memory in increments of 10 seconds (1 round) at a time, even if the
memory they're taking isn't that long.
If this effect ends, the target recovers all of their stolen memories. However,
this does not cause the caster to lose the memory they stole.

Quick Resurrection Cost MP30
Tar. 1 Corpse Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Raise the dead instantly. Soulscar table rolled with +10.
Revives a corpse immediately. The Target Number is the number of days
elapsed since death. The Soulscar Table (see CR I, p. 186) should also be used
as in the case of [Resurrection] (see CR II, p. 135), but the roll is modified with
If the revive succeeds, the target is revived with HP 1 (or all of the sections the
target has multiple sections), and the MP is kept as it was just before the death.
All the spells and effects the target was under before the death are removed.
Target whose soulscar has reached 5 due to using the "soulscar table" is revived
as a Revenant (see CR I, p. 416). Revenant revives with its maximum HP and
attacks the caster who casts this spell as the first priority. After the caster is
defeated, the Revenant kills and destroys indiscriminately.
Generally, only a limited number of those with unresolved feelings for the
world will be resurrected. If the target is PC, it is up to the player's decision. The
GM should decide on other Humanoids, Barbarous, Animals, Plants, and
Mythical Beasts. Undead, Constructs, Magitech, Fairies, and Daemons cannot
be revived under no circumstances.

Death Cloud Cost MP26

1 area (6m 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Radius)/20 Target
Sum. Deals Power 60, Death Check -20 Type Curse
Creates a cursed cloud of roiling death, dealing Power 60 + Magic Power
damage. If this reduces a character's HP to 0 or less, they receive a -20 penalty
Eff. to their next Death Check.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
60 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 ⑩

Revenant Curse Cost MP30

1 Entire 1
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Resistance Neg
Character Day
Sum. Deals Power 60, Death Check -20 Type Curse
If the target dies after casting this spell, they gain 5 soulscars temporarily and
rise as a Revenant (see CR I, p. 416). Target follows the caster's orders
Eff. Once the duration of this spell ends, the target is fully and permanently a
Revenant and cannot be resurrected. However, if the spell is canceled via
[Remove Curse] before then, all soulscars will disappear, and the body will
become a normal corpse.
Divine Magic Data

Basic Divine Spells

Surrender Cost MP13

1 Entire
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Resistance Neg
Sum. Dampens the fighting spirit of Barbarous Type Psychic
Barbarous who fail to resist this spell stop fighting and will follow the caster
as a friend. If the target has more than 1/10th of their Maximum HP remaining
(rounded down), this spell does not work. In the case of multi-section
characters, the HP of all main sections must meet this condition.

Bless II Cost MP12

1 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Resistance Optional
Character Target
(18 r)
Sum. Increase all of the target's ability scores by +6
Increase all of the target's ability scores by +6, resulting in a +1 bonus to all of
his modifiers. This will also increase derived ability scores, such as Maximum
Eff. HP and MP. For fixed-value characters, increase their Accuracy, Evasion,
Fortitude, and Willpower by +1 and Maximum HP, Movement Speed, and MP
by +6. Also, GM can decide if this affects any unique skills.

Holy Light II Cost MP9

1 area (6m
Tar. Range/Area Caster/- Duration minutes Resistance Half
(18 r)
Sum. Deals Power 50 damage to Undead and decreases Willpower by -2
Deals Power 50 + Magic Power damage to Undead in the area. Targets who
fail to resist this spell also receive a -2 penalty to Willpower for 3 minutes (18
Eff. rounds).
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩

Escape Cost MP3
Tar. Character Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Call on the divine to get the target out of trouble
The target immediately teleports to the closest temple of the god that the
caster believes in. This spell ignores any sort of walls, barriers, etc.

Sacred Field Cost MP20

All Areas
Tar. (100m Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance N/A
1 Day
Sum. Creates a barrier blocking Barbarous and Undead
The target area has a barrier formed around it, preventing any Barbarous or
Undead from passing through. This barrier also prevents any spells or abilities
from Barbarous or Undead from passing through as well.
Eff. When this spell is cast, the barrier will not form if any Barbarous or Undead
is already within the area of this spell, the barrier will not form. Additionally, if
this effect overlaps with the range of a [Vice Field] spell (see p. 323), both spells'
effects end immediately.

Rescue Cost MP17

1 Entire 1
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Resistance Optional
Character Day
Sum. Know the target's health, and save them from dire situations
For the duration of the spell, the caster knows the target's current HP,
regardless of distance. The caster only knows the HP status of the target but not
any other effects. With the target's consent, the caster can call the target to their
Eff. side as a Minor Action. This can bypass walls, barriers, etc., but will fail if there
is not enough space for the target to safely exist before the movement.
Once this effect is used, or if the caster casts this spell on another target, the
spell ends.

Erase Soulscar Cost MP50
1 Entire
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Heals a soulscar from the target
Removes 1 soulscar from the target. This effect does not remove the innate
soulscar of Nightmare or Barbarous. A character who has received this spell at
Eff. least once will automatically resist the second and subsequent casts. It cannot be
used against the Undead.
This spell takes one day to cast.

Oracle Cost MP14

All Areas 3
Tar. (10km Range/Area Caster/- Duration minutes Resistance Can’t
Radius)/All (18 r)
Sum. Projects caster’s voice to distant believers
The caster can project their voice to any character within the range of the
spell, which is also a follower of the same god. Only characters with at least 1
Eff. level in the Priest class can hear the caster.
The caster cannot hear any responses from those he talks to, regardless of

Cure Mortality Cost MP10

1 2(50m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Neg
Character Target
Sum. Heals target with Power 70
Heals the target for Power 70 + Magic Power HP. No effect on Constructs
and Magitechs. If the target is Undead, it deals Power 70 + Magic Power
Eff. This damage cannot be critical.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
70 5 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 19 None

Holy War Cost MP40

All Areas
Tar. (500m Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance Optional
Sum. Strengthen those of the same faith (Warrior-Type Classes +3 Levels)
To be a target of this spell, the target must be equipped with, hold, or carry
Eff. the holy symbol of the caster's deity. The caster themself and the characters of
None, Animal, and Servant intellect cannot be the target.

Target selects any Warrior-Type Classes, temporarily increasing the class by
+3 levels. It is also possible to select a class without levels and make it equivalent
to the 3rd level. However, the target's adventurer level will remain unchanged,
and no new combat feat will be obtained.
If a monster with monster data becomes a target, it gets a +3 bonus to
Accuracy checks and Evasion checks and +3 points to the physical damage it
causes by melee attacks and ranges attacks.

Purify Soul Cost MP20

1 Entire
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Resistance Neg
Sum. Bring peace to the souls of the dead
Only effective on Undead monsters Level 13 or lower. The target's soul is
redeemed, and the target departs to the God of the caster's faith (Undead dies).
If the target's monster level is 14 or higher, this magic's resistance becomes

Reincarnation Cost MP30

Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Resistance Neg
Sum. Give a departed soul a new life
Only effective on a corpse less than 24 hours old. The target's soul will be
reborn in a child within the next 7 days but will not remember anything from
their previous life until they reach a certain age, as determined by this spell's
Spellcasting check. However, the child has all of the same ability scores as the
old character (after growth), and once they reach a certain age, they regain their
memories of their past life, including class levels and Combat Feats.
The age at which the memory is regained depends on the success value at the
time of the cast (not on the target's race). Also, this spell takes 1 hour to cast.
Eff. Success Value Age to Regain Memory
25 or less Will not regain memory naturally
26 - 27 30 years old
28 - 29 20 years old
30 - 31 10 years old
32+ 5 years old
If the target is resurrected before reincarnation, the effect of this spell is
automatically negated. On the other hand, if the target was affected by
[Reincarnation], this spell will not revive the target again (another spell will).
Call God Cost
Tar. Range/Area 2(30m)/Target Duration minute Resistance N/A
(6 r)
Sum. Call down the god caster believes in.
This spell calls upon the caster's deity and pleads them to help in dire need.
To cast this spell, a special preparation (ritual) is needed, after which this spell
must be immediately cast. The caster can cast the spell immediately after the
preparation. Still, if the same time of the preparation elapses without casting the
spell, the caster must start the preparation from the beginning.
This spell's MP and casting time depend upon the type of God being called.
When using miraculous power in battle, the caster can wipe out any enemy
within the caster's sight below the specified level (monster level, adventurer
level) without any resistance.
Only Priests of called God in its sphere of influence (see CR II, p. 93) will
notice that this ritual was completed (regardless of where the spell itself has been

Ancient God / Preparation 1 Year / Casting 7 Days / 200 MP / Affects 35 or

lower Levels
Once summoned, the god can perform massive miracles, such as creating
massive fissures in the continent, creating whole islands, and other miracles that
Eff. vastly change the face of Raxia.
Once this spell is complete, the caster's soul leaves with their god, preventing
the caster from being resurrected.

Major God / Preparation 1 Month / Casting 1 Day / 100 MP / Affects 25 or

lower Levels
Once summoned, the god can perform large-scale miracles, such as leveling
an entire mountain or turning the land within the caster's vision into a deep
Once this spell is complete, the caster immediately dies, regardless of their
current HP value.

Minor God / Preparation 6 Rounds / Casting 1 Round / 50 MP / Affects 15 or

lower Levels
Once summoned, the god can perform small-scale miracles, such as moving
an immense boulder or causing an entire hillside to burst into blooming flowers.
Once the spell is complete, the caster falls to 0 HP and has their Maximum
MP reduced by 50 for the next 7 days.

Restoration Cost MP18

Tar. Range/Area 2(50m)/Target Duration Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Removes all negative effects and restores HP by Magic Power x5 points.
The target can choose any effects it is undergoing other than "Duration:
Permanent" and make them all disappear. There is no need to compare success
Eff. values. At the same time, the target's HP is restored by "caster's Magic Power
This spell does not affect Undead", Constructs, or Magitechs characters.

Specialized Divine Spells of the Divine Ancestor Lyphos

Promise Circle Cost MP10

1 area (3m
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration minutes Resistance Optional
(18 r)
Sum. Shares MP
Whenever a target uses an effect that would cost MP during their turn, they
may instead use MP from another character affected by this spell. Only own
MP can be used (for example, mako stones cannot be used). [MP Save] and
Eff. similar combat feats can only affect their owner and will not affect the person
using the owner’s mana.
When casting caster can exclude characters in the affected area of this spell
without [Magic Control] combat feat.

Specialized Divine Spells of the Tidan, God of the Sun

Evangel Cost MP20

1 area (6m 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Neg
Radius)/20 Target
Sum. Removes Poison-, Disease-, Curse-, and Psychic-type effects
The power of the sun's rays attempts to remove all Poison-, Disease-, Curse-
, and Psychic-type effects on the target. For each effect contested check is
Eff. needed.
This spell can only be cast in direct sunlight or while within the range of
[Daybreak] (see CR II, p. 145), but in that case, the effect of [Daybreak] is lost.

Specialized Divine Spells of the Kilhia, God of Wisdom

⏩△Completion Cost MP10

Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration seconds Resistance Optional
(1 r)
Sum. Temporarily learn magic by seeing through Kilhia's eyes
The caster will temporarily gain the ability to cast up to 10th-level spells of
one of Truespeech, Spiritualism, or Fairy Magic. The Magic Power for any of
those spells becomes “Priest Class level + Intelligence Modifier.”
Temporarily learned spells do not require any movement, vocalization,
magical implement, or Fairy Tamer's Gem to be cast. However, if an individual
spell requires a special cost (such as a mako stone for the [Summon Fairy]), it
must be provided. All combat feats that the caster has mastered are valid. [MP
Save/**] is applied if it matches the chosen magic system.
Spells that take more than 10 seconds to cast cannot be cast.
Once the chosen spell is cast, the effect of this spell ends.

Specialized Divine Spells of the Asteria, Goddess of Fairies

Panic Cost MP15

1 area Instant/3
Tar. (6m Range/Area Duration minutes Resistance Neg
Radius) (18 r)
Sum. Target cannot select a target in the skirmishes Type Psychic
During the next 3 minutes (18 rounds), any character affected by this spell
cannot select a target character in the skirmish as a target for any action (weapon
attack, the cast of the spell, finale, evocation, etc.). The target of those actions
Eff. must be chosen randomly from within the skirmish. Combat feats [Targeting]
and [Magic Control] lose their effects for the target. Even effects that allow them
to arbitrarily choose a target are forced to choose a random target.
This restriction does not apply when the target is not in the skirmish.

Specialized Divine Spells of the Grendal, Blazing Emperor

Offensive Fire Cost MP20

Any 1 (Movement
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Point m)/Breakthrough
Sum. Deals Power 90 damage Type Fire
Charge through enemies and set them on fire. Deals Power 90 + Magic Power
magic damage.
The spell's range in Standard Combat is determined by the caster's
Eff. movement.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
90 7 10 12 15 18 19 21 23 25 26 ⑩

Specialized Divine Spells of the Sien, Goddess of the Moon

Wishing Star Cost MP20

1 Entire
Tar. Range/Area 2(50m)/Shot Duration seconds Resistance Optional
(3 r)
Sum. Automatic successes on Fortitude or Willpower
The target is surrounded by small stars made of mana. When the target
makes a Fortitude or Willpower check, they automatically succeed instead.

Specialized Divine Spells of the Mirtabar, Divine Hand

⏩△Hyper Acceleration Cost MP22

1 area (3m
Tar. Range/Area Caster/- Duration seconds (1 Resistance Can’t
Sum. Dexterity +12, Agility +12
The Divine Hand itself descends around the character, accelerating its
Eff. All characters within the area have their Dexterity and Agility increased by
+12 points during the spell duration. Movement and other parameters will also

Specialized Divine Spells of the Eve, Shield Against the Abyss

Daemon Buster Cost MP14

1 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration seconds (1 Resistance Half
Character Target
Power 70 damage to the Daemon and -5 to the damage it
Sum. Type Energy
A ray of light that destroys the daemon is hurled overhead.
If the target is a Daemon, the spell deals Power 70 + Magic Power magic
damage. In addition, for the next 10 seconds (1 round), any physical damage
Eff. and magic damage caused by the target is reduced by -5 points.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
70 5 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 19 ⑩

Specialized Divine Spells of the Harula, Guiding Star

Rescue from Shallow Abyss Cost MP20

1 Entire
Tar. Range/Area 2(Infinite)/- Duration Instant Resistance Neg
Sum. Rescue target from Shallow Abyss
Guides the target by the stars and leads it from the Shallow Abyss.
If the target is inside Shallow Abyss, it teleports near the caster.
It does not matter if the target is alive, dead, or in any other state (e.g.,
petrified). If the target is dead in Shallow Abyss, it will be teleported and can
still be resurrected afterward. Target can make Willpower check in any state if
this spell is not desired (by the player or GM who controls it).
The caster must cast this spell near the Shallow Abyss, where the target is
being held captive. Also, the caster must know the target (individual) well; the
target does not need to be visible.
This spell requires one hour to cast.

Specialized Divine Spells of the Dalion, God of Trees

Holy Tree Cost MP16

Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance Optional
Sum. Acts as a holy tree
Caster transforms themself into a sacred giant tree. The caster can, in
principle, keep all their abilities as a character. Weapons and items can be used
(using moving branches). Speech is not restricted. With this in mind, the
following changes will be made to the caster's abilities and actions.
Caster's perception becomes magical.
The caster's feet (roots) are fixed to the ground, and movement is set to 0.
The caster can no longer use the Kick or any weapon that enhances it, and
Evasion checks will be made with a -4 penalty.
Eff. The caster cannot change its position (area, coordinate) by any effect,
including [Teleport] spell, and cannot be forced to do so. They cannot fly,
mount, or be mounted. They are always on the ground, cannot be knocked
prone, and cannot be a target of Throw.
The caster can make melee attacks or use effects within "Range: Touch" with
"Range/Area: 1(10m)/Target" ([Metamagic/Targets] and [Metamagic/Distance]
are not effective). When the caster declares [Cover], the target must be within
the same range of 1(10m) (of course, the caster does not move in the place, but
the target will be protected by the branches).

Specialized Divine Spells of the Miritsa, Goddess of Love and


Scapegoat Cost MP30

All Areas 10
Tar. (30m Range/Area Caster/- Duration seconds Resistance Optional
Radius)/Space (1 r)
Sum. Take all the damage
The caster can redirect any applied damage to any character in the affected
area as fixed damage to itself as a substitute.
During the duration, the caster is treated as if it has acquired the combat feat
[Indomitable], and it will automatically succeed (HP becomes 1) if its Death
Check rolls 10 or more during the spell’s duration.
This spell can only be cast once per day.

Specialized Divine Spells of the Furusil, Goddess of Wind and Rain

Cyclone Cost MP18

1 area (6m 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Radius)/20 Target
Wind and
Sum. Deals Power 40 damage Type
It creates a violent storm with lightning, dealing Power 40 + Magic Power
magic damage to the targets.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩

Specialized Divine Spells of the Strasford, God of Railroads

Control Train Cost MP15

Tar. 1 Object Range/Area Touch/- Duration Resistance N/A
Sum. Manipulate objects that move on wheels
By touching, the caster can control trains and other vehicles at will.
During the effect, the caster can move a structure with wheels by simply
Eff. touching it and moving it with their mind. The caster can move up to twice as
fast as the structure's natural speed.
This spell cannot be caster on character or mount.

Magitech Data

[Automobile] Change
Due to the addition of the riding rules, the effect of the spell [Automobile]
that creates [Manabike] is changed to a description that uses these rules.
In addition, [Automobile II] creating Superior Manabike added at the 7th

Automobile Magisphere: Large Cost MP10

Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Hour Resistance N/A
Sum. Create a Mini Manabike or Manabike
Magisphere transforms into Mini Manabike or Manabike. It can be used as
a mount. The transformed magisphere cannot be used to cast magitech.

Automobile II Magisphere: Large Cost MP15

Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Hour Resistance N/A
Sum. Create a Superior Manabike
Magisphere transforms into Superior Manabike. It can be used as a mount.
The transformed magisphere cannot be used to cast magitech.

Skybike Magisphere: Large Cost MP20
Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Hour Resistance N/A
Sum. Create a Skybike
Magisphere transforms into Skybike. It can be used as a mount. The
transformed magisphere cannot be used to cast magitech.

⏩Sniper Range Cost MP5

Magisphere: Small, Medium, Large
1 10 seconds (1
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Resistance Optional
Character r)
Sum. Extend the range of ranged attacks
When the target makes a ranged attack (see CR I, p. 130), its range is
extended. In Simplified Combat, all "Range: 1" becomes "Range: 2". In Standard
Combat, it depends on the size of the Magisphere used in the attack. The ranged
Eff. attack is increased by +500 meters for (Large), +30 meters for (Medium), and
+10 meters for (Small). However, the ranged attack is not extended beyond twice
the original range. For example, if the original range is 40m, the extended ranges
by (Large), (Medium), and (Small) are 80m, 70m, and 50m, respectively.

Panacea Light Magisphere: Medium Cost MP10

Tar. 1 Character X Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Calls a warm light that purifies the mind
Eff. Removes all Psychic-type effects from the area without contested checks.

Prism Effect Magisphere: Small Cost MP10

3 minutes
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance Optional
(18 r)
Sum. Makes invisible to characters with Mechanical perception
Refracts light to appear invisible to machines. The caster cannot be seen by
Mechanical means of perception, whether from monsters or magical items
designed to record.
If the caster is the target of a Weapon Attack or an Evasion/Can’t effect from
a monster with Mechanical perception, 1d is rolled before the attack. On a 1-3,
the caster must use their Evasion to dodge the attack as normal. On a 4-6, the
caster automatically dodges the attack. No Evasion roll is required. Characters
that use the Five Senses or Magic Perception can see the character normally.

⏩Cannon Bullet Magisphere: Medium Cost MP6
10 seconds (1
Tar. Bullet Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance N/A
Sum. Produces a shell with a Power 40 for 2H Gun only.
The bullet is made to have "Target: 1 area(4m Radius)/10", "Range:
2(20m)"(regardless of the gun caster uses), and it deals "Power 40 + Magic Power"
magic damage when it hits the target. However, only a gun with "Stance: 2H" can
fire this spell (bullet).
The caster can exclude themself from the target even if they include
Eff. skirmishes, including themself in the area of effect of the shot. In addition, if the
caster has learned the combat feat [Magic Control], they can exceptionally
declare it when shooting with this bullet. This allows the caster to exclude any
character within the shot's area of effect from the target.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ±0

Sphere Shed Magisphere: Large Cost MP10

Tar. 1 Object Range/Area Touch/- Duration Permanent Resistance N/A
Sum. Store tools and equipment in magispheres
A tool or other inanimate object, no larger than 1m radius and 2m tall, can
be stored inside a magisphere. Only one item can be stored per magisphere,
and living things and corpses cannot be stored.
While inside, items don’t increase the weight of the magisphere and can be
Eff. carried easily.
A single magisphere can hold only one object, and a magisphere with an
object in it cannot be used to cast magitech.
The stored object can be retrieved by using a password (in any language, not
necessarily caster), and the spell will end.

Chaff Grenade Magisphere: Medium Cost MP9

1 area (5m 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration seconds (1 Resistance Can’t
Radius)/Space Shot
Sum. Inhibits interference within the area of effect
It is sprinkled with fine fragments that inhibit interference from a distance.
During this spell, characters outside the area of this spell cannot be targeted
by the effect with "Area: Target" any object or character within the area. A target
can be specified if a position (area, coordinates) or if an effect other than "Area:
Target" is used (line and breakthrough targets can also be used without
From within a range, the target can be specified both inside and outside the
range without any restrictions.

⏩Shower of Healing Bullets Cost MP6
Magisphere: Medium
10 seconds (1
Tar. Bullet Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance N/A
It creates a healing bullet with a Power 30 that only rains down over a wide area
for 2H Gun.
The bullet has a "Target: 1 area(6m Radius)/20", and if it hits, it heals HP by
"Power 30 + Magic Power" points. This spell cannot be critical.
This bullet can only be fired by a Gun with "Stance: 2H" and will hit the target
unless the Accuracy check fails automatically. The caster can select any number
Eff. of target characters (up to 20) to fire at within the area of effect.
This spell does not affect Undead, Magitech, and Construct characters.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 None

Effect Protector Magisphere: Large Cost MP15

3 minutes (18
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance Optional
Sum. Creates a barrier to protect from the effects
The magisphere becomes a barrier generator that protects the caster. The
next time the caster becomes the target of a spell or unique skill with “Resistance:
Can't,” the caster is unaffected by that spell or ability.
Eff. If a spell or ability is canceled by this spell, the magisphere used for this spell
shatters into unusable dust, and the spell's effect immediately ends. If the spell's
duration expires without taking effect, or if the caster's will is used to cancel the
spell, the magisphere will not be destroyed.

Return Magisphere: Large Cost MP18

Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Year Resistance N/A
Sum. Create a place to return to at any time
The magisphere will be floating in place and become the return point. From
this point on, the caster will know exactly where they are relative to the return
point. The magisphere at the return point can never be moved.
The caster can instantly return to this point of return simply by recalling it
with a Minor Action. A character touching the caster or in the skirmish where
the caster is located can, if desired, move with the caster (the caster cannot refuse
to do so).
If this instantaneous return is performed, or if this spell is cast elsewhere to
establish a new return point, the used magisphere becomes broken and can
never be used again. Also, if the magisphere at the point of return is destroyed,
the effect of this spell immediately ends (and the caster will know this).
This casting spell requires 10 minutes (60 rounds).

⏩△Minimum Leap Magisphere: Medium Cost MP15
Tar. Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Teleport across short distances
The caster teleports the target anywhere within 10m. Walls, barriers, etc. are
bypassed, but the destination must be within sight of the caster. Also, if there is
not enough space for the target to exist, this spell will not work.
This spell can only be cast once in 10 seconds (1 round).

Machine Repair Magisphere: Large (1-3) Cost MP40

Tar. 1 Object Range/Area Touch/- Duration Permanent Resistance N/A
Sum. Repairs tools and equipment
The caster can repair any item or structure built during the Magitech
Civilization Period or later that has at least 70% of its original parts intact.
One Magisphere (Large) will repair something around the average size of a
human, two magispheres can repair objects the size of a hut, while three
magispheres will repair anything the size of a small fort or smaller. Magispheres
don’t need to be equipped to be used for this spell.
This spell can repair Runefolk bodies as well as Magitech characters. This
restores the appearance and function of the character. However, it does not
restore any HP or rise from the dead. The used Magispheres will be lost.
This spell takes 1 hour to cast.

Mana House Magisphere: Large Cost MP15

Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Hour Resistance N/A
Sum. Creates a comfortable house to rest in
A small house, approximately 70 ft2, appears on the spot. There are three
bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, and a kitchen, and about 5 people can
live inside comfortably. This house has the same quality of repelling soulscarred
creatures as Swords of Protection, and any character with 4 or more soulscar
points cannot enter within 20m of it (if a house is built and these creatures are
present, they retreat with Full Move up to 20m from it).
The house itself has 100 HP and 10 Defense. If the building itself is attacked,
or a Barbarous is within 10m of the house, an alarm will sound. Magisphere in
use cannot be used to cast other magitech during the duration.
This spell takes 10 minutes (60 rounds) to cast.

⏩Genocide Bullet Magisphere: Medium Cost MP10
10 seconds (1
Tar. Bullet Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance N/A
Sum. Creates a bursting bullet with a Power 70 for 2H Gun only.
The bullet has "Target: 1 area(6m Radius)/20", "Range: 2(20m)"(regardless of
the Gun caster uses), and deals "Power 70 + Magic Power" magic damage when
it hits. However, only a Gun with "Stance: 2H" can fire this spell (bullet).
The caster can exclude themself from the target even if they include
skirmishes, including themself in the area of effect of the shot. In addition, if the
Eff. caster has learned the combat feat [Magic Control], they can exceptionally
declare it when shooting with this bullet. This allows the caster to exclude any
character within the shot's area of effect from the target.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
70 5 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 19 ±0

Supernova Bomb Magisphere: Medium Cost MP24

1 area (6m 2(100m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Radius)/20 Shot
Sum. Deals Power 90 damage Type Energy
This casts a potent bomb, dealing Power 90 + Magic Power magic damage to
the targets. Magisphere used for this casting spell crumbles to dust and is lost.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
90 7 10 12 15 18 19 21 23 25 26 ⑩

Skyship Magisphere: Large (5) Cost MP40

Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Hour Resistance N/A
Sum. Creates a small airship
Creates a Skyship (see p. 390). This spell requires the use of 5 magispheres
(large). Magispheres don’t need to be equipped to be used for this spell.
Magispheres in use cannot be used to cast other magitech during the duration.
This spell takes 10 minutes (60 rounds) to cast.

Fairy Magic Data

Basic Fairy Magic

Avoid Fairy Cost MP1+

1 Entire 2(30)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Neg
Character Target
Sum. Drives the fairy away
Target fairy level 15 or lower will be sent away, and the target will not return
until it is called again by some means.
Eff. MP cost of this spell is equal to the target’s level. When multiple targets are
selected simultaneously with [Metamagic/Targets] combat feat, MP cost is the
sum of MP required for each target.

Summon Fairy VI Cost
Stone 5 pts.
30 seconds
Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration Resistance N/A
(3 r)
Sum. Calls and uses a level 13 fairy
It is the same as [Summon Fairy], except that the monster level of the fairy to
be called is 13.

Neutralize Cost MP44

1 area (6m 3 minutes
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Resistance Can’t
Radius)/Space (18 r)
Sum. Suppresses the elements in the area
While within the area, any Fire-, Water/Ice-, Earth-, or Wind-type effects are
negated, and spells and unique skills of those types cannot be used. This applies
even if the source of the damage is outside of and casting into the range of this
spell (all 4 types are suppressed at the same time).

Summon Fairy VII Cost
Stone 5 pts.
30 seconds
Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration Resistance N/A
(3 r)
Sum. Calls and uses a level 15 fairy
It is the same as [Summon Fairy], except that the monster level of the fairy to
be called is 15.

Fairy Lord Cost
Stone 10 pts.
10 seconds
Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration Resistance N/A
(1 r)
Sum. Calls and uses a level 17 fairy lord
It is the same as [Summon Fairy], except the duration is 10 seconds (1 r) and
Eff. mako stone needs to have 10 MP and the monster level of the fairy to be called
is 17.

Fairy Magic (Earth)

Ring Protection Cost MP12

1 2(30m)/ 3 minutes (18
Tar. Range/Area Duration Resistance Optional
Character Target r)
Sum. Spinning stone protects the target
Around the target, a number of stones float and spin in a circle. These stones
interrupt and stop weapons and other hazards.
Eff. When the target receives physical damage, it can be reduced to -5 points. This
effect is available only once per round. The target chooses whether to take effect
or not after actually being attacked and determining the total damage.

Crack Cost MP9

1 area (6m 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Radius)/All Target
Sum. Deals Power 40 damage and makes fall prone Type Earth
Deals Power 40 + Magic Power magic damage and causes the target to fall
prone. This spell has no effect if the target is in the sky or otherwise not in contact
Eff. with the ground.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩

Giant Kick Cost MP16

1 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Can’t
Character Target
Sum. Deals Power 50 damage and makes fall prone Type Earth
An earth foot appears out of the ground and kicks the target.
Deals Power 50 + Magic Power physical damage. The Critical Threshold for
this spell is 12. The damage is reduced or increased by the target character's
unique skills, as if this spell’s damage was a magic bludgeoning weapon.
A character with only one section needs to roll 1d. It falls prone on 1 to 3.
Eff. Characters with multiple sections will fall with the same probability when
targeted with [Metamagic/Targets] combat feat (if even one section is not
affected, it will never fall prone).
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑫

Great Capture Cost MP9
1(10m)/ 3 minutes
Tar. Character Range/Area Duration Resistance Neg
Target (18 r)
Sum. Chains target to the ground with countless earthen arms Type Earth
For spells duration, the target’s movement becomes 0 and will not be able to
do any Major Action except to escape as described below. In addition, for the
spell’s duration target fails all Evasion checks. Target will be forced to touch the
ground and will lose the ability to use [〇Sword's Grace/Wings Of The Wind]
and [〇Flying].
Target can try to escape using Major Action. It must make contested
Fortitude, Willpower, or “Adventurer Level + Strength modifier” checks versus
caster Spellcasting. On success, the spell ends.

Earthquake Cost MP28

1 area (6m
Tar. Range/Area Caster/- Duration Instant Resistance Half
Sum. Deals 50 damage and makes fall prone Type Earth
Deals 50 earth magic damage. If the target has multiple sections and not all of
the sections become the target, it will not fall prone, regardless of the Willpower
While casting the spell, the caster must have both hands on the ground.
They can remain in this pose and keep the earthquake going, dealing no
additional damage, but causing anyone moving through the area to take a -2
Eff. penalty for all actions due to poor footing.
Evasion checks can be performed, but with a penalty of -4. If the caster
changes stance, moves, falls prone become affected by [Distraction] spell (see
CR II, p. 177) or takes any other action, the earthquake ends.
If the caster keeps the earthquake going for 10 minutes (60 rounds), all
buildings and structures within the range will collapse.
This spell does not affect creatures who aren't standing on the ground.

Fairy Magic (Water/Ice)

Water Edge Cost MP8

Tar. Range/Area 2(30m)/Shot Duration Instant Resistance Half
Sum. Deals Power 40 damage Type Water/Ice
Attack with a water blade, dealing Power 40 + Magic Power magic damage.
Eff. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩

Current Cost MP24

Water 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration 1 Hour Resistance N/A
in sight Target
Sum. Manipulates the water flow
This spell targets one river or stream within the caster's sight. The caster can
choose the speed at which the water flows, up to “50 km/h”, as well as change
the direction the water flows. The caster cannot be more than 30 meters away
Eff. from the current they are trying to control. With this spell, a river can be a
roaring stream uphill, slowing a raging waterfall to a gentle sprinkle.
If the caster is in a boat, this spell affects the water directly underneath them

Ice Storm Cost MP12

1 area (6m 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Radius)/20 Target
Sum. Deals Power 30 damage Type Water/Ice
Creates a violent blizzard in the area of effect, dealing Power 30 + Magic
Power magic damage.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩

Freeze Cost MP12
1 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration seconds (1 Resistance Half
Character Target
Sum. Deals Power 40 damage, -4 on action checks Type Water/Ice
The target is hit with a tremendous blast of cold air, weakening it. The target
is dealt Power 40 + Magic Power water/ice magic damage. In addition, the target
Eff. takes a -4 penalty on all action checks for the next 10 seconds (1 round).
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩

Maelstrom Cost MP15

1 area (6m 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Radius)/20 Target
Sum. Deals Power 40 damage Type Water/Ice
Creates a maelstrom, dealing Power 40 + Magic Power magic damage to the
target. If the target is underwater, the damage is increased by +5 points. This
Eff. additional damage occurs even if the effect target succeeds in resisting.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩

Fairy Magic (Fire)

Fire Javelin Cost MP9

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Sum. Deals Power 50 damage Type Fire
Unleashes a fire javelin, dealing Power 50 + Magic Power magic damage.
Eff. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩

Fire Break Cost MP19

Space up to 1
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Resistance N/A
1x100m Hour
Sum. Creates a zone where fire cannot burn.
Creates a 1-meter-wide zone where fire cannot burn that extends in a straight
line within 100 meters of the caster. For the duration, fire cannot cross the spell
Eff. area. If a burning object (such as a torch) is brought into the spell’s area, it will
be extinguished.
This spell doesn’t prevent fire-type damage inside its area of effect.
Flame Geyser Cost MP23
1 area (6m 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Resistance Can’t
Radius)/Space Target
(18 r)
Sum. Creates a burst of flame (Power 20) Type Fire
For the duration of the spell, its area of effect will explode with fire. At the
start of the character’s turn in the area of the spell, they need to roll 1d. On 1-3,
they are hit by Fire Geyser and take Power 20 + Magic Power fire magic damage.
Eff. This damage decision is not critical.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 None

Fire Mauler Cost MP16

Tar. Any Point Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Sum. Deals Power 60 damage Type Fire
Creates fireball that rolls in a straight line from the caster, dealing Power 60 +
Magic Power of magic damage.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
60 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 ⑩

Fireport Cost MP12

1 Character 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Optional
X Target
Sum. Wraps the target in fire and teleports it
Wraps the target in the fire without dealing damage and teleports it. The
Eff. caster determines the destination within 1km of the target. The destination must
have enough space for the target to fit.

Fairy Magic (Wind)

Down Burst Cost MP14

1 area (6m 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Resistance Neg
Radius)/All Target
(18 r)
Sum. Strong winds push to the ground Type Wind
A fierce downdraft will be generated in the area. The target will not be able to
jump up. If the target is in the air, it will be forced to descend 10 meters at the
Eff. start of its turn and cannot fly any higher. It will not take fall damage.
A character under this spell cannot be affected by [〇Sword's Grace/Wings
Of The Wind], [〇Flying], or [Air Walking] spell (see CR II, p. 174).

Windstorm Cost MP9

1 area (6m 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Radius)/20 Target
Sum. Deals Power 20 damage and makes the targets fall prone Type Wind
Windstorm blows within the area, dealing "Power 20 + Magic Power" magic
damage on the target and causing them to fall prone. If the character has
multiple sections, all of the sections must be targets, otherwise, the character will
Eff. not fall prone.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩

Whirlwind Cost MP8

1 Character 2(30m)/ 1
Tar. Range/Area Duration Resistance Optional
X Target Hour
Sum. Wind transports the target Type Wind
The target is flown and transported to the location specified by the caster. The
location must be known to the caster or within the caster's line of sight. The
target can move at a speed of up to 50 km/h and a flying altitude of up to 100 m
above the ground, freely chosen by the target being carried and changed during
Eff. the duration of the effect.
The target being carried cannot perform Major Actions. However, the target
can end this spell at any time during the duration. If the target is not released at
a sufficiently low altitude, the target will suffer fall damage according to the

Twister Cost MP12
1 Character 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Neg
X Target
Sum. Rolls the target into the tornado and throws it out Type Wind
Creates a tornado, which hoists the target into the air, and then throws it out
to a location specified by the caster. The target can be anywhere within the
caster's line of sight and within 30m from the caster (in Simplified Combat, the
target is limited to the rearguard area of the target's faction or the frontline area).
The target suffers 30 points of falling damage when they are thrown out and fall

Tornado Cost MP13

Tar. Any Point Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Sum. Deals Power 40 damage and makes the target fall prone Type Wind
The caster creates a tornado that rushes through the air, knocking prone
anyone in its path, dealing Power 40 + Magic Power magic damage. If a monster
Eff. has multiple sections that are not targeted, it will not fall prone.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩

Fairy Magic (Light)

Restore Health Cost MP6

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Heals poison and disease
Removes any poison type or disease type effects that the target is subjected to
without contested checks.

⏩△Invisibility Cost MP16

10 seconds
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster Duration Resistance Optional
(1 r)
Sum. Makes caster invisible
The caster is completely invisible for a character whose perception is five
Eff. senses or mechanical, and the figure is recognized by a character whose
perception is magical.

Virtual Toughness II Cost MP9
1 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Resistance Optional
Character Target
(18 r)
Sum. Temporarily increase the target's HP
For the duration increases, current and max HP of the target equal to “caster’s
Magic Power + 8”. The current value will remain unchanged unless it exceeds
Eff. the original maximum value (in which case the current value will become equal
to the new maximum value).
It does not affect Undead, Magitech, and Construct characters.

Regeneration Cost MP21

Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Regenerate missing body parts
Regenerate body parts that have been lost due to accidents, etc.
The amount of time it takes to regenerate depends on how much of the body
caster wants to regenerate: a week from the base of a finger, two weeks from the
Eff. wrist down, and a month for an arm. To regenerate multiple areas, the caster
will need to cast a spell several times.
This spell does not affect dead characters. And it also does not affect
characters of the Undead, Magitech, and Construct categories.

Ultimate Healing Cost MP15

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Recovers 100 points of target's HP
This heals the target's HP by 100 points.
Eff. It does not affect characters of the Undead, Magitech, and Construct

Fairy Magic (Dark)

Evil Dream Cost MP15

Tar. Character Range/Area Duration Permanent Resistance Neg
Curse +
Sum. Haunts the target with horrific nightmares Type
This spell can be cast without a line of sight to the target, so long as the caster
possesses a part of the intended target's body (i.e., a lock of hair will work).
The target has nightmares whenever they sleep (the content of the nightmares
is freely determined by the caster) and suffers the disadvantage of missing sleep
(see CR I, p. 184).
This spell requires a one-hour ritual to exercise. In addition, to sustain the
effect, the ritual must be performed for an hour every day, consuming MP as
Eff. when cast. This ritual can be performed anywhere but requires the part of the
target's body originally used when casting the spell. If this ritual cannot be
performed, the spell ends.
The caster cannot perform any Actions while casting the spell or performing
the ritual. Also [Distraction] spell (see CR II, p. 177) spell will cancel this spell.
The number of targets cannot be increased with [Metamagic/Targets] combat
feat. It is possible to curse multiple targets if the caster performs the rituals

Total Sanity Cost MP8

1 Character 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Can’t
X Target
Sum. Return the target's mental state to normal
Removes all effects of psychic and curse + psychic types on target. There is
no need to compare success values.

Forget Cost MP16

1 Entire 1(10m)/ 7
Tar. Range/Area Duration Resistance Neg
Character Target Days
Sum. Robs the target of memories Type Psychic
The target immediately forgets everything that has happened over the past
week, including the memory of losing their memories.
When this spell ends, the missing memories immediately return.
This does not cause the loss of class levels or Combat Feats.

Mindread Cost MP14
1 Entire
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Special Resistance Neg
Sum. Read the answer that comes to the mind of the target Type Psychic
The caster can ask only one question to the target immediately after this
casting spell and read the answer that comes to the target's mind. The target
cannot lie.
However, the caster must specify exactly what they want to know. The
Eff. question can be a simple yes/no question, “When?”, “Why?”, “Where?”,
“Who?” or “How?”. The question should be simple enough to be answered.
Questions that are ambiguous and open to multiple interpretations can lead to
not clear or misleading answers.
Also, if the target can answer using its knowledge or rumors, it believes.

Mind Crush Cost MP13

1 3
Tar. Character Range/Area Duration minutes Resistance Neg
X (18 r)
Sum. Target's Intelligence, Spirit -12 Type Psychic
Target's Intelligence and Spirit are reduced by -12 points. The standard value
of checks such as Magic Power and Willpower are also reduced by the reduction
of the ability score, and the maximum value of MP is also reduced. If this effect
Eff. reduces Intelligence or Spirit to 0 (not less than 0), the target will be stunned,
unable to move or act in any way.
For fixed-value characters, all values that the GM determines to be based on
Intelligence or Spirit, such as Magic Power or Willpower, are reduced by -2.

Techniques Data
Some techniques can be learned in the Enhancer class from the 10th level.

10th Level Enhancer Required

⏩△Chameleon Camouflage Duration 30 seconds (3 r)

Sum. Hide check +4, not visible above 10 meters
The Enhancer gains a +4 bonus to Hide checks. Also, a character with
perception five senses cannot see an Enhancer under this effect from a distance
of more than 10 meters (different areas in Simplified Combat). Treat this as
invisibility (see CR II, p. 69).

⏩△Kraken Stability Duration 30 seconds (3 r)

Sum. Cannot fall prone
The Enhancer's lower body becomes as soft and strong as a Kraken's
tentacles. The Enhancer cannot become the target of Throw attacks and will not
Eff. fall prone to any effect. The Enhancer cannot fall when their feet are directly on
the ground or the bottom of the water (it does not prevent a rider from falling
from a horse).

⏩△Jii Prophecy Duration 1 hour

Sum. Initiative and Danger Sense +2
Jii is a mythical beast that is said to have an excellent sense of danger. With
this technique, the Enhancer will be able to sense danger and know what will
happen in the future, like the Jii, and gain a +2 bonus to the success value of
Danger Sense and Initiative checks.

⏩Strider Walk Duration 3 minutes (18 r)

Sum. Allows to walk on water or clouds
Like a water strider, the Enhancer can walk on water or clouds as if moving
on water. They cannot take Full Move when moving with this effect.

⏩Spider Web Duration 3 minutes (18 r)
Sum. Shoots multifunctional silk threads
Spin thick threads of strong silk from the user's fingertips to aid in movement.
The silk works the same as the Magitech spell [Wire Anchor] (see CR I, p. 246).
If a check is needed, use the success value of Enhancer Level + Strength

⏩Titan's Foot Duration 10 seconds (1 r)

Sum. Strengthen Kicks
During the effect's duration, Major Action Enhancer can kick through walls,
doors, floors, and other structures to make a hole with a radius of 1m. If the
structure's thickness exceeds 1m, the hole will be drilled in a hemispherical
shape with a radius of 1m. When the Kick-breaking is performed, a loud sound
will be heard.
This effect cannot be applied to structures on iron and steel structures or
harder. Also, this effect cannot be used for positions (area, coordinate) where
there are other characters.

⏩△Troll Vitals Duration 30 seconds (3 r)

Sum. Magic Damage -4
The Enhancer will be as strong as a Troll. If the Enhancer receives magic
damage during the duration of the effect, it is reduced by -4 points.

⏩Balloon Seed Shot Duration 30 seconds (3 r)

Sum. Use Weapons with Mouth
The Enhancer can use a thrown weapon with a Minor Action and attack with
it only once per 10 seconds (1 round). The Accuracy check of this attack is done
with “Enhancer level + Dexterity modifier,” and Extra Damage is done with
"Enhancer level + Strength modifier."

⏩Fenrir's Bite Duration 3 minutes (18 r)
Sum. Grows fangs and allows to Bite
Fangs grow in the Enhancer’s mouth. These can be used as a Bite (see p. 214)
wrestling weapon and with a Minor Action to attack only once per 10 seconds
(1 round). The Accuracy check of this attack is done with “Enhancer level +
Dexterity modifier,” and Extra Damage is done with "Enhancer level + Strength
The Enhancer can also use this Bite for a normal melee attack as a Major
Eff. Action. In this case, Warrior-Type Classes (Fighter, Grappler, Fencer ) are used
for Accuracy checks and damage determination.
If a character uses this technique while having a Bite, they gain a +1 bonus to
Accuracy checks or a +2 point bonus to Extra Damage (whichever one the user
selects). This effect can accumulate up to a +2 bonus to Accuracy checks and +4
This technique can only be used once per 10 seconds (1 round).

⏩Healthy Body Duration Instant

Sum. Removes Negative Effects
The Enhancer can arbitrarily select one of the effects of type poison, disease,
Eff. or psychic they have received and cancel it. In this case, there is no need to
compare success values. Effects of type curse + psychic cannot be canceled.

Spellsongs and Finales Data
Here is data on Spellsongs and Finales, which can be obtained from the
Bard class from the 10th level.

Spellsongs Data

10th Level Bard Required

Singing Not required Pet Bird, Frog
Condition ⮭4♡2 Resistance Neg Type Psychic
Rhythm ♡2 Flourish Value 24 Extra Rhythm ⮭2
Summary Force others to clap along
Anyone hearing Bard's rhythmic clapping has the urge to clap along.
Spellsong causes all weapons, shields, and items held or equipped by
Effect targets in hand to drop to the ground when the effect is activated. They
can use only weapon attacks with non-hand weapons such as Kicks, Tails,
Bites, and so on. They cannot also use Stance items.

Singing Required Pet -
Condition ♡6 Resistance Neg Type Psychic
Rhythm ♡2 Flourish Value 24 Extra Rhythm ♡2
Summary Force others to sing along
The target sings with the Bard. The target can only perform Limited
Move as a type of movement and cannot cast spells that require
vocalization, give commands or instructions to golems, or say the

Singing Not required Pet Frog
None Resistance Neg Type Psychic
⮯2 Flourish Value 24 Extra Rhythm ⮯2
Summary Prevents active combat feat.
The melody is so jarring that it makes targets lose their ability to make
Effect calm decisions. The target will no longer be able to declare any active
combat feats or unique skills that use them.

Singing Not required Pet Frog
Condition ⮭4♡2 Resistance Neg Type Psychic
Rhythm ♡2 Flourish Value 24 Extra Rhythm ⮭2
Summary Forces to dance and gives Evasion and Accuracy -2
The target receives a -2 penalty on Accuracy and Evasion checks.
Effect However, the target does not receive this penalty if these checks are
performed using the Grappler class.

Singing Not required Pet Insect
⮯6 Resistance Neg Type Psychic
⮯2 Flourish Value 24 Extra Rhythm ⮯2
Summary Blocks the ability to fly
If still in the air at the time of the effect, the target will be forced to fall
to the ground. See "Forced Fall Effect" (see CR II, p. 79) for the treatment
of falling. While under the effect, the target cannot fly again. [Sword's
Grace/Wings Of The Wind] cannot be used, and [Flying] unique skill is
lost. A character whose movement method is only airborne, such as
"Flying" or "Floating," cannot move.

Singing Not required Pet Bird, Frog, Insect
Condition ⮯2♡4 Resistance Can’t Type Psychic
Rhythm ♡2 Flourish Value 24 Extra Rhythm ⮯2
Summary Reduces cost MP of spells by -1
A peaceful tune, this Spellsong reduces MP consumption of spells
within range by -1 (but cannot reduce it to 0 or lower). While using
Effect [Metamagic/**] combat feats cost is reduced before use of Metamagic.
This spell doesn’t affect any MP consumption except spells, like
techniques or items that require MP.

Singing Not required Pet Bird, Frog, Insect
Condition ⮯4♡2 Resistance Neg Type Psychic
Rhythm ♡2 Flourish Value 24 Extra Rhythm ⮯2
Summary Action checks -1
The target's actions are interfered with by a melody that causes fatigue.
The target takes a -1 penalty to all action checks.

Finales Data

10th Level Bard Required

Finale: Dance of the Fire Dragon

Rhythm Fire and
⮭6 Resistance Half Type
Cost Wind
Summary Power 30 to 5 targets
Up to 5 targets are dealt "Power 30 + Bardic Power" magic damage.
Effect Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩

Finale: Roar of the Water Dragon
Rhythm Water/Ice
⮯6 Resistance Half Type and
Summary Power 30 to 5 targets
Up to 5 targets are dealt "Power 30 + Bardic Power" magic damage.
Effect Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩

Finale: Blue Moon Light

Cost ⮯3♡3 Resistance Optional Type -
Summary Recovers MP with a Power 20 to 5 targets
The MP of up to 5 targets will be restored by "Power 20 + Bardic Power”.
The effect of [Finale: Blue Moon Light] can be received only once per
target per day. This effect does not affect Undead, Construct, and Magitech
Effect characters.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 None

Finale: Bright Sunshine

Cost ⮭3♡3 Resistance Optional Type -
Summary Recovers HP with a Power 40 to 5 targets
The HP of up to 5 targets will be restored by "Power 40 + Bardic Power”.
The effect of [Finale: Bright Sunshine] can be received only once per target
per day. This effect does not affect Undead, Construct, and Magitech
Effect characters.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 None

Stunts Data

How to Read the Stunts

①The name of the Stunt. The name is preceded by an icon indicating "stunt
(◯) always in effect," "Stunt (►) used with Major Action," and "Stunt (⏩) used
with Minor Action."
②A list of the Stunts needed to be learned beforehand, if any.
③The types of mounts that are able to perform the Stunt in question. If you
are riding on a mount that does not match this, you will not get the effect of the
④The area of the mount which is actually performing the Stunt and receiving
the benefit thereof.
None: This Stunt has no effect on the mount and instead affects the Rider
and passengers.
Main: This Stunt only affects the Main Section of the mount if the mount
has multiple Sections.
All: This Stunt affects the entirety of the mount.
⑤A quick overview of the Stunt and its effects.
⑥Detailed descriptions of the Stunt and its effects.

1st Level Rider Required

⏩Intimidation Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts
Area Main
Summary -1 on certain checks
The mount states at a target in the same skirmish with lethal intent,
intimidating and frightening them. A contested roll is made between the
rider's Rider Class Level + Spirit Modifier against the target's Willpower.
If the Stunt is successful, the target receives a -1 penalty to Accuracy,
Spellcasting and any check of Unique Skills made with Major Action.
This is a Psychic-type effect and can only be performed once every 10
seconds (1 round).
Using this Stunt causes the mount to spend 5 MP.

◯Mind to Mind Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area All
Summary Mutual use of perception by jockey and mount
The jockey conveys its own perception information to the mount and
reads what the mount perceives.
If either jockey or mount perceives something, both are considered
to be perceived. In rulings involving perception, the advantage is always
taken, and if either mount or jockey has the combat feat [Targeting] or
[Hawk Eye], both are considered to have them.
This stunt has no effect unless the jockey is mounted, even if the
jockey has obtained [Remote Command].

◯Remote Command Prer. None
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts
Area All
Summary Command a mount from up to 30m away
With this Stunt, the jockey can be up to 30m away and issue
commands to their mount. A mount that is able to hear their jockey will
perform the command to the best of their abilities. The effect of a Stunt
whose area is "Main Section" or "All" can be applied, just as when the
jockey is riding. No voice or action is required to give instructions.
This Stunt has no effect while the jockey is riding a mount.

◯Search Command Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts
Area Main
Mount can now do Track, Notice, Danger Sense, Search, and Spot Trap
It is possible to have the mount perform Track, Notice, Danger Sense,
Search and Spot Trap checks, etc. Regardless of the mount, the standard
value of the check is "Rider level +Intelligence modifier.”
In principle, the jockey must be riding in order to perform a check,
Effect but it is also possible if the jockey is at the mount's side and holding the
Based on the assumption that the jockey has mastered this stunt, the
player can write these five checks together as a "Rider Observation check

◯Enhance Mount Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area Main or All
Summary Mount’s Accuracy and Evasion +1
This Stunt tightens the control the Rider has over the mount,
increasing the mount's Accuracy and Evasion by +1. If the mount has
multiple Sections, then only the Main Section receives such a bonus; if
the mount has no sections at all, then the whole mount will be affected.

◯Mount's Devotion Prer. None
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts
Area Main
Summary If the jockey falls to 0 HP or lower, the mount takes a hit instead
When being ridden by a jockey at the same position (area,
coordinate), if the jockey receives physical or magical damage that would
reduce them to 0 HP or lower, the mount may take the damage instead.
Effect After determining the applied damage that would be dealt to the jockey,
reduce the mount's HP by that much instead. If a mount has multiple
sections, only the Main Section can be a substitute in this way.
This Stunt can only be used once per combat.

◯Attack Obstruction Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area None
Summary Jockey/Passenger Evasion +1
The mount is maneuvered in such ways as to provide the jockey and
any passengers a +1 bonus to Evasion while riding.

◯Elevated Attack Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area None
Summary Jockey/Passenger Physical Damage +1
When riding a mount, this Stunt increases the physical damage done
Effect by the jockey and any passengers by +1. This includes not only melee
attacks but any ranged attacks and thrown weapons as well.

◯Tandem Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area None
Summary Passenger penalty reduced to -1
The jockey manipulates the mount so that the passenger can ride
Effect The jockey's passenger can use both hands, and the penalty for an
action check is reduced to -1. This stunt affects the passenger even if the
jockey is not riding.

►Charge Prer. None
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area All
Summary Damaging assault attack
Increase damage by attacking after movement.
It is resolved as a jockey or mount melee attack, and active combat
feat declarations for [Charge] can be made as for a normal melee attack.
If a hit is scored, the Extra Damage is increased by +2 points for
Simplified Combat (always +2) and +1 point for Standard Combat for
every 5m (rounded up) of movement to determine the total damage.
The jockey and mount (all sections) can make this attack only once
per turn. And when it is made, the jockey or the mount (section) must
make all other actions first, and no other melee attack can be made
before this attack.
When calculating the distance to be traveled for Extra Damage in
Standard Combat, the shortest distance between these two points should
be used, regardless of the travel route from the start point to the

►Magic Command Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts
Area All
Summary Let mount cast its spells
The mount is instructed by Major Action to cast the spell it has.
The Stunt is only valid if the jockey performs it as Major Action first
during their turn, and the mount cast spell in the mount immediately
following Major Action. This is limited to one and only one Major
Action, regardless of the number of Major Actions that mount can
perform and whether the spell was one that could be cast with Minor
A mount can cast a spell with or without implement, without
considering armor penalty, vocalization, etc. Also, if the mount has
learned a combat feat related to casting spells, the mount can apply or
declare the effect of the feat.
This stunt can only be used twice a day.

◯HP Enhancement Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area All
Summary Mount Max HP +5
Effect Increase the Maximum HP of all sections of the mount by +5.

5th Level Rider Required

⏩Limit Drive Prer. None

Compatible Magitech
Area All
Summary Runaway mount gives +2 Accuracy, +4 damage, -2 Evasion
When this Stunt is used, for the next 10 seconds (1 round), the
Accuracy of all sections of the Mount is increased by +2, and all physical
damage dealt by the mount is increased by +4.
However, the Evasion of all mount’s sections and jockey are reduced
by -2 until the beginning of the next turn. This Stunt can only be used
once per combat.
Once this stunt is used, it cannot be used again unless the mount is
recalibrated for 10 minutes.

◯Lion's Fury Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area All
Summary Up to two sections can make Major Action
If the mount has multiple sections, any two of them can perform
Major Action. A jockey can also perform Major Actions separately.
Effect If more than one section takes a Major Action due to this effect, they
receive a -2 penalty on Evasion checks for the following 10 seconds (1

⏩Steady Command Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area None
Mounts concentrate on movement, and jockeys can act as with Limited
Move with a -4 penalty
This Stunt can only be done with Normal Move (by mount).
The jockey keeps their position while the mount tries to move quietly.
While making mount a Normal Move, the jockey can still perform
the actions possible with Limited Move. However, for every action check
to perform those actions, the jockey must take a -4 penalty, and all mount
sections cannot perform their own Major Action.

◯Riding As One Prer. None
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area None
Summary Ride a mount using no hands
With training, the jockey can control the mount using only commands
Effect and by shifting their weight. This allows the jockey to ride while having
both hands free to perform Actions.

◯Improved Elevated Attack Prer. [Elevated Attack]

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area None
Summary Jockey/Passenger Physical Damage additional +1 (total +2)
When riding a mount, this Stunt further increases the physical damage
done by the jockey and any passengers by +1, to a total of +2 damage.
This includes not only melee attacks but any ranged attacks and thrown
weapons as well.

◯Unique Skill Release Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area All
Summary Use unique skills of mounts
With this Stunt, mount’s unique skills with “Prerequisite: Unique Skill
Effect Release” can now be used. Additionally, unique skills with “Enhance:
Unique Skill Release” can be used to their full extent.

►Trample Prer. [Charge]

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts
Area All
Summary Attack with Area: Breakthrough
Mount runs straight through the battlefield and attacks targets along
its path.
As "Range/Area: 1(mount's movement m)/Breakthrough" (see p. 118),
perform a melee attack on all targets once. For each target, select a
section (including jockey) for a melee attack, and perform an Accuracy
check and damage determination.

◯Improved Magic Command Prer.
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts
Area All
The number of times [Magic Command] can be performed is increased
to 4 times
The number of times [Magic Command] can be performed is
increased to 4 times per day.

◯Improved HP Enhancement Prer.
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area All
Summary Mount Max HP +5 (total +10)
Increase the Maximum HP of all sections of the mount by +5 (total

10th Level Rider Required

◯Improved Enhance Mount Prer. [Enhance Mount]

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area Main or All
Summary Mount receives additional enhancements
With this Stunt, the mount is significantly more mobile, increasing the
mount's Accuracy and Evasion by an additional +1 (for a total of +2). If
Effect the mount has multiple Sections, then only the Main Section receives
such a bonus; if the mount has no sections at all, then the whole mount
will be affected.

►Mounted Command Prer. None

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area None
Summary Mount and Companions Accuracy +2
The jockey judges the battle situation and gives instructions to their
teammates. This Stunt can only be performed with Major Action while
Effect the jockey is on the jockey's mount. All characters (including mounts)
within all areas (30m radius) that the jockey designates and characters
accept it to gain a +2 bonus to Accuracy checks.

◯Greater Elevated Attack Prer.
Elevated Attack]
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area None
Summary Jockey/Passenger Physical Damage additional +2 (total +4)
When riding a mount, this Stunt further increases the physical damage
done by the jockey and any passengers by +2, to a total of +4 damage.
This includes not only melee attacks but any ranged attacks and thrown
weapons as well.
◯Instant Magic Command Prer.
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts
Area All
[Magic Command] can be performed with Minor Action and during
Combat Preparation
[Magic Command] can be performed with Minor Action and during
Combat Preparation.
If the jockey has instructed during Combat Preparation, the mount
will cast the spell in Combat Preparation according to the jockey's
instruction. Of course, it is limited to the magic that can be cast during
Combat Preparation.
◯Supercharge Prer. [Charge]
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area All
Summary [Charge] even after a Full Move
This Stunt allows the jockey to declare an [Charge] even after taking
a Full Move, and the penalty of Evasion check-4 is applied after using
Full Move.
In Simplified Combat, if there are no hostile characters in the
frontline area, the jockey can [Charge] from their own rearguard area to
the enemy rearguard area, gaining +4 points of Extra Damage.

⏩Overdrive Prer. [Limit Drive]

Compatible Magitech
Area All
Summary Increased effectiveness of [Limit Drive]
This Stunt should be used immediately before using [Limit Drive].
The bonus to the mount's Accuracy check from [Limit Drive] used
immediately after is increased by an additional +2 (+4 total), and the
increment to physical damage is an additional +4 (+8 total). The penalty
for Evasion check and the need for recalibration for 10 minutes remain
the same.
Also, when [Overdrive ] is used, all sections of the jockey and mount
take 10 points of fixed damage to HP at the end of their turn.
◯Improved Attack Obstruction Prer.
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area None
Summary Jockey/Passenger Evasion Additional +1 (Total +2)
The mount is maneuvered to provide the jockey and any passengers
an additional +1 bonus to Evasion while riding, for a total of +2.

[Unique Skill
◯Unique Skill Perfect Release Prer.
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area All
Summary Use all unique skills of mounts
With this Stunt, mount’s unique skills with “Prerequisite: Unique Skill
Effect Perfect Release” can now be used. Additionally, unique skills with
“Enhance: Unique Skill Perfect Release” can be used to their full extent.

►Orochi's Fury Prer. [Lion's Fury]

Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area All
Summary Take Major Actions with all sections
If the mount has multiple sections, this Stunt can be used to take a
Major Action with each of those sections during the mount's turn.
Effect As in [Lion's Fury ], if more than one section performs a Major
Action, they receive a -2 penalty on Evasion checks for the following 10
seconds (1 round).

◯Balance Prer.
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech
Area All
Summary Mount can perform Major Action when performing [Steady Command].
The mount can now perform a Major Action even when performing
Effect [Steady Command]. The rider must still take a -4 penalty to the action

Evocation Data

How to Read Evocations

① The name of the Evocation. Evocations indicated by "⏩" for those that can
be used with Minor Action and by "△" for those that can be used during
Combat Preparation. Those without an icon can be used only with Major
②The color and number of Material Cards to be consumed to use the
Evocation. If there is a modifier, such as "x2" or "x3" after the cards listed, then
that many cards are needed for one use of the Evocation
③This indicates the target of Evocation. Same as with spells (“Caster” refers
to the Alchemist using the Evocation).
④The range and area of the Evocation. Spells use the same kinds of Ranges
and Areas, so refer to those descriptions for more information.
⑤ The duration of the Evocation.
⑥Evocation’s resistance. Same as with spells.
⑦A brief, general description of the Evocation's effects.
⑧The specific effects of the Evocation being used. Since the strength of the
Evocation depends upon the rank of the card used, there are always four ranks
of effects listed for B, A, S, and SS-Rank cards. If a particular rank of the card
cannot be used for the Evocation, it will be noted by a dash "-" after that rank.

1st Level Alchemist Required

⏩Instant Weapon Cards White

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 1(10m)/Shot
Dur. 1 minute (6 r) Resistance Optional
Sum. Create a simple weapon
Create a melee weapon and give it to the target. The category of this weapon
can be chosen arbitrarily, but it is treated as a B-rank magic weapon. There are
no special effects. The bonus/penalty to the Accuracy check is ±0, Minimal
Strength is 1, and the Critical Threshold is 10. Strength depends on the rank of
the card.
Eff. B: Power 10 A: Power 20 S: Power 30 SS: Power 50
Rank Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
B 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩
A 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩
SS 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩
SS 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩

⏩Vorpal Weapon Cards Red

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 1(10m)/Target
Dur. 3 minutes (18 r) Resistance Optional
Sum. Increases physical damage dealt by the target
The target deals additional physical damage based on the rank of the card
Eff. used.
B: +1 damage A: +2 damage S: +3 damage SS: +6 damage

⏩△Crush Fang Cards Red

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 2(30m)/Target
Dur. 1 minute (6 r) Resistance Temporary
Sum. Reduces physical damage dealt by the target
The target's weapon or attack section is slowed. The physical damage caused
Eff. by the target is reduced for the duration.
B: -1 damage A: -2 damage S: -4 damage SS: -10 damage

⏩Critical Ray Cards Gold
Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Touch/-
Dur. 10 seconds (1 r) Resistance Optional
Sum. Increases the roll of damage determination for physical damage
It makes the target's weapons, arms, etc. glow, increasing their offensive
When the target performs a melee attack or ranged attack to calculate physical
damage, the damage determination roll of 2d is increased. The attack will be
critical if the effect is greater than or equal to the Critical Threshold.
Eff. For fixed-value characters, their damage will be increased by this amount
When using the power table, the roll cannot be higher than 13. Also, this
effect can only increase the roll once, automatically, and is lost immediately
afterward (it does not already apply to rolls for additional critical rolls).
B: Roll +1 A: Roll +2 S: Roll +3 SS: Roll +6

⏩△Barkmail Cards Green

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 2(30m)/Target
Dur. 3 minutes (18 r) Resistance Optional
Sum. Increase target's Defense
The target is covered with mana-like bark to raise Defense.
B: +1 Defense A: +2 Defense S: +4 Defense SS: +8 Defense

⏩Paralyze Mist Cards Green

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 1(10m)/Shot
Dur. 1 minute (6 r) Resistance Temporary
Sum. Reduces the target's Evasion
The target is paralyzed or disoriented. The target takes a penalty for Evasion
Eff. checks during the duration of the effect.
B: None A: -1 Evasion S: -2 Evasion SS: -4 Evasion

⏩Poison Needle Cards Green

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 2(30m)/Shot
Dur. 1 minute (6 r) Resistance Temporary
Sum. Target is dealt damage at the end of the alchemist's turn
The Alchemist releases a poisonous needle into the target. The target is
poisoned and suffers poison magic damage at the end of each Alchemist's turn
who uses this Evocation for the duration of the effect.
B: 1 damage A: 3 damage S: 5 damage SS: 10 damage

⏩△Mirage Daze Cards White
Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 2(30m)/Target
Dur. 1 minute (6 r) Resistance Temporary
Sum. Decrease the target's Accuracy check
The target is disoriented and confused. The target receives a penalty for its
Eff. Accuracy check for the duration of the effect.
B: None A: -1 Accuracy S: -2 Accuracy SS: -4 Accuracy

⏩Heal Spray Cards Green x 2

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 2(30m)/Shot
Dur. Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Recover the target's HP
Extracts life from plants and restores the target's HP. This effect also restores
Eff. Undead, Magitech, and Construct characters.
B: 3 HP A: 10 HP S: 20 HP SS: 50 HP

5th Level Alchemist Required

⏩Armorust Cards Black x 2

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 1(10m)/Shot
Dur. 1 minute (6 r) Resistance Temporary
Sum. Decrease the target's Defense
Softens the target's skin and armor, reducing Defense. This effect does not
Eff. reduce Defense to less than 0 (minimum 0).
B: -1 Defense A: -3 Defense S: -5 Defense SS: -10 Defense

⏩Unlock Needle Cards Black x 2

Tar. 1 Object Range/Area Touch/-
Dur. Instant Resistance Can’t
Sum. Unlock locks and traps
The alchemist creates a thin needle that moves skillfully and disarms a target
key or trap. The following success values are obtained depending on the rank of
Eff. the material card consumed. Note that this item cannot be combined with items
such as Key Of Unlocking.
B: 12 A: 16 S: 20 SS: 40, and is treated as an Automatic Success

△Initiative Boost Cards Red x 2
Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Touch/-
Dur. Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Gives a bonus to the target's Initiative check
Increases the reaction speed of the target and the success value of the Initiative
If this Evocation is used for other characters in Combat Preparation, the
alchemist and target must be placed in the same position (area, coordinate)
during initial placement at the start of the battle.
B: +1 bonus A: +2 bonus S: +4 bonus SS: +8 bonus

⏩△Encyclopedia Cards White x 2

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Touch/-
Dur. Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Gives a bonus to the target's Monster Knowledge check
This Evocation evokes the target's knowledge and increases the success value
of the Monster Knowledge check. This Evocation loses its effect immediately
after one Monster Knowledge check.
Eff. If this Evocation is used for other characters in Combat Preparation, the
alchemist and target must be placed in the same position (area, coordinate)
during initial placement at the start of the battle.
B: +1 bonus A: +2 bonus S: +4 bonus SS: +8 bonus

⏩Dispel Needle Cards Black

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 1(10m)/Shot
Dur. Instant Resistance Neg
Removes all effects of techniques, spellsongs, evocations, and the monster's
unique skills on the target.
A thin needle is thrown into the target, forcibly removing any effect it is
undergoing. Removes all effects of techniques, spellsongs, evocations, and the
monster's unique skills on the target. It does not remove spell or item effects,
nor those of poison or curse types.
Following the process of “Forced Removal” (see CR I, p. 166), the Evocation
check should be compared with the effect’s success value (not the target’s
Willpower). An Evocation check has a bonus or penalty depending on the rank
of the material card consumed at the time of use.
B: None
A: No effect when used in Minor Action; regular Evocation check with Major
S: Success value with Minor Action is 2; Major Action has a bonus +2.
SS: With Minor Action roll regular Evocation check; Major Action has bonus

⏩△Bind Ability Cards White x 2
Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 1(10m)/Target
Dur. 1 minute (6 r) Resistance Temporary
Sum. Penalty to success value of unique skills
It limits the unique skills the target uses and applies a penalty to their success
value. It does not affect the success value of Fortitude and Willpower checks,
checks that refer to the monster’s basic data (see CR I, p. 391), unique skills that
Eff. are tied to the class that the PC learns, such as spells, spellsongs, finales, and
evocations, and those that do not define or calculate success values in the first
B: -1 penalty A: -2 penalty S: -3 penalty SS: -4 penalty

⏩Vivid Liquid Cards Green x 2

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Touch/-
Dur. Instant Resistance Optional
Sum. Restore the target's MP
Extracts the life force of the plant and restores the target's MP.
B: None A: 3 MP S: 10 MP SS: 20 MP

⏩△Mana Sprout Cards Gold

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 1(10m)/Shot
Dur. 10 seconds (1 r) Resistance Can’t
Sum. Gives MP to target
Mana is generated and given to the target. The target temporarily gains MP
and can spend it freely (it is separate from the character’s MP). After the duration
has expired, this MP will disappear even if it is not used.
B: 1 MP A: 3 MP S: 10 MP SS: 20 MP

⏩△Manadown Cards Gold

Tar. 1 Character Range/Area 2(30m)/Target
Dur. 1 minute (6 r) Resistance Temporary
Sum. Decreases the magic damage dealt by the target
Diffuses the target's mana, reducing magic damage dealt by the target
Eff. depending upon the rank of the card used.
B: -1 damage A: -2 damage S: -4 damage SS: -8 damage

⏩Lean Force Cards Red x 2
Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Touch/-
Dur. 3 minutes (18 r) Resistance Optional
Sum. Increases the magic damage dealt by the target
Amplifies the target's mana. If the target deals magic damage during the
Eff. duration, its damage is increased.
B: None A: +1 damage S: +3 damage SS: +6 damage

10th Level Alchemist Required

Clay Field Cards Black x 3

All Areas (30m
Tar. Range/Area Touch/-
Dur. Special Resistance Can’t
Sum. Immune to earth type while inside and wind type damage +5
All characters within the area become immune to all damage and effects of
the earth type. At the same time, if a character receives physical or magical
damage from a wind type, the damage received is increased by +5 points.
The duration varies depending on the rank of the material card consumed.
B: None A: 10 seconds (1 round)
S: 30 seconds (3 rounds) SS: 3 minutes (18 rounds)

White x 1 &
⏩△Combine Materials Cards
Black x 1
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/-
Dur. 3 minutes (18 r) Resistance Optional
Combine low-ranked material cards and substitute them for a single high-
ranked card
During the duration, the caster can combine their material cards and use them
as a card of higher rank. Multiple cards of any rank can be used as a card of one
rank higher than it (multiple cards of rank B can be combined into a card of A
rank and used for Evocation). The number of cards to be combined is
determined by the rank of the card of the next Evocation. The color and rank
of the cards to be combined must be the same.
SS-rank material cards can only be combined into SS cards. This effect is
effective even if Evocation consumes multiple cards simultaneously.
B: 10 cards can be combined and used as an A rank card.
A: 8 cards can be combined and used as an S rank card.
S: 6 cards can be combined and used as a SS rank card.
SS: 4 cards can be combined and used as a SS rank card.

Slash Field Cards White x 3
All Areas (30m
Tar. Range/Area Touch/-
Dur. Special Resistance Can’t
Sum. Immune to slashing type while inside and bludgeoning type damage +5
All characters within the area become immune to all damage and effects of
the slashing type. At the same time, if a character receives physical or magical
damage from a bludgeoning type, the damage received is increased by +5 points.
The duration varies depending on the rank of the material card consumed.
B: None A: 10 seconds (1 round)
S: 30 seconds (3 rounds) SS: 3 minutes (18 rounds)

Red x 1 &
⏩△Deluxe Materials Cards
Green x 1
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/-
Dur. 3 minutes (18 r) Resistance Optional
Sum. Treat higher-ranked cards as lower-ranked ones to increase the success value
During the duration of the effect, the alchemist gains a bonus to the success
value of the Evocation check. The bonus is different depending on the rank of
the card of this Evocation check.
To get this effect, when alchemist consumes Material Cards, they have to treat
all of them as one rank lower than the original rank of this effect (SS-rank card
Eff. becomes S-rank effect, and S-rank card becomes A-rank effect, and A-rank card
becomes B-rank effect).
Even during the duration, it is possible to use Evocations without this effect
and with the normal rank/effect correspondence. Of course, this does not give
any bonus to the success value of the Evocation check.
B: +2 success value A: +4 success value S: +6 success value SS: +10 success value

Barrier Field Cards Gold x 3

All Areas (30m
Tar. Range/Area Touch/-
Dur. Special Resistance Can’t
Sum. Create a space with a 30-meter radius from which there is no escape
During the duration of the effect, characters within the area of effect cannot
move out of the area of effect by normal means, such as walking or flying. It is
possible to enter the area of effect from outside the area of effect. The view is
not blocked, and ammunition, spells, and other effects are not blocked. It is
Eff. possible to leave the area by means of [Teleport] spell or other similar means of
The duration varies depending on the rank of the material card consumed.
B: None A: 10 seconds (1 round)
S: 30 seconds (3 rounds) SS: 3 minutes (18 rounds)

Flame Field Cards Red x 3
All Areas (30m
Tar. Range/Area Touch/-
Dur. Special Resistance Can’t
Sum. Immune to fire type while inside and water/ice type damage +5
All characters within the area become immune to all damage and effects of
the fire type. At the same time, if a character receives physical or magical damage
from a water/ice type, the damage received is increased by +5 points.
The duration varies depending on the rank of the material card consumed.
B: None A: 10 seconds (1 round)
S: 30 seconds (3 rounds) SS: 3 minutes (18 rounds)

Rest Field Cards Green x 3

All Areas (30m
Tar. Range/Area Touch/-
Dur. Special Resistance Can’t
Sum. MP cost for healing effects + 2, recovery amount +5
If a character casts a spell or effect that restores HP by consuming MP within
the area during the duration, its MP cost is increased by 2 points. When doubled
by [Metamagic/**], the MP addition is doubled.
Any recovery effect whose MP cost is increased by this effect will increase its
recovery amount by +5 points.
The duration varies depending on the rank of the material card consumed.
B: None A: 10 seconds (1 round)
S: 30 seconds (3 rounds) SS: 3 minutes (18 rounds)

Combat Feats Data

Selectively Acquired Passive Combat Feats

Prer. Adventurer Level 11 or higher Use -
Sum. Max MP +15
Maximum MP increased by +15 points. Grassrunner characters cannot
acquire this combat feat.

Additional Songs III

[Additional Songs II]/Adventurer Level 13 or
Prer. Use -
Sum. Learn one Spellsong or Finale (Three in total)
The number of Spellsong and Finale that can be learned is increased by
Effect an additional +1 (total +3) from [Additional Songs II]

Peerless Double Swords

Prer. Adventurer Level 11 or higher Use -
Sum. The minimal strength limitation of [Dual Wielding] is removed
Removes the minimal strength limitation of the weapons that can be
equipped from [Dual Wielding].

Weapon Master
Adventurer Level 11 or higher, [Weapon
Prer. Use -
Proficiency S/**] (any category)
Sum. You can wield any weapon up to SS rank
The master will be able to equip all rank weapons (including SS rank) of
Effect all categories. However, class restrictions still apply.

Enhanced Evocations I
Prer. Alchemist Level 3 or higher Use Alchemist class
Sum. Evocation check +1
The master gets a +1 bonus to the success value of any Evocation check
they perform.

Enhanced Evocations II
[Enhanced Evocations I]/Alchemist Level 9
Prer. Use Alchemist class
or higher
Sum. Evocation check +2
The master gets a +2 bonus to the success value of any Evocation check
they perform.

Distant Evocations
Prer. Alchemist Level 5 or higher Use Alchemist class
Sum. Extend the Evocation range
The master treats the Evocation of "Range/Area: Touch/-" as "Range/Area:
1(10m)/Shot". If their Evocation is "Target: 1 Character", they can select
multiple targets simultaneously by doubling the number of material cards they

Ever-Changing II
[Ever-Changing I]/Grappler or Fencer Grappler class
Prer. Level 13 or higher Use or Fencer class
Sum. May declare 3 Active Combat Feats per round
The master may declare the active combat feat three times per round,
either by declaring three different feats in one attack and applying them each
together or by declaring one feat in each of the different attacks (to allow for
multiple attacks). How the master divides the three declarations is optional.
If the declared feats have risks, they are all applied cumulatively, even if
the same feat is declared multiple times.

Armor Master
Adventurer Level 11 or higher, [Armor
Prer. Proficiency S/**] (any category) Use -
Sum. You can equip any armor up to SS rank
The master will be able to equip all rank armor (including SS rank) of all

Powerful Magic II
[Powerful Magic I]/Adventurer Level 11 or
Prer. higher, 2 Wizard-type Classes Level 10 or Use -
Sum. All Magic Power +2
The master gains +2 to the Magic Power of any magic system they have
Effect mastered.

Pinpoint Attack II
[Pinpoint Attack II]/Adventurer Level 13 or
Prer. Use -
Sum. Accuracy +2
Effect Increase master’s Accuracy checks by +2.

Consecutive Evocation
Prer. Alchemist Level 5 or higher Use -
When Evocation is used with Major Action, it can be performed twice
Sum. consecutively
When using an Evocation with a Major Action, the master may use two
different Evocations once with each Major Action. An Evocation check is
Effect performed for each Evocation, and the target is defined separately for each

Selectively Acquired Active Combat Feats

Card Reduction
Prer. Alchemist Level 5 or higher Use Alchemist class
Appl. 1 Evocation use Risk None
Sum. Reduces the number of required Material Cards by 1
If an Evocation requires a variable number of Material Cards to use, it now
requires one less, to a minimum of one (i.e., an Evocation cannot use 0
Material Cards).
Effect If the Alchemist wishes to increase the number of targets of that Evocation,
first reduce the number of Material Cards needed via this Combat Feat, then
multiply by the number of intended targets.

Aimed Attack III
[Aimed Attack II]/Adventurer Level 11 or
Prer. Use -
Appl. 1 weapon attack Risk None
Sum. Accuracy +2
Melee Attack and Ranged Attack should be declared simultaneously and
effective for one attack. If multiple attacks are made simultaneously, the effect
is applied to all of them.
The declared attack gains a +3 bonus to Accuracy checks.

Critical Cast II
[Critical Cast I]/Adventurer Level 11 or
Prer. higher Use Wizard-Type Class
Appl. 1 spell cast Risk None
The Critical Threshold of the spell -1 ignores critical immunity, and criticals
occur even at halved damage
Declared when the spell is cast and is valid for one cast.
The following effects are also applied in addition to the effects of [Critical
Cast I].
Effect Target's critical immunity and Critical Threshold modifications abilities are
all ignored, and for spells with "Resistance: Half," a critical hit will occur when
using the power table even if the target is resisted. In this case, the total damage
is determined with criticals, and then it is halved.

Power Strike III

[Power Strike II]/Fighter Level 15 or Fighter class, 2H
Prer. higher Use weapon
Appl. 1 melee attack Risk Evasion check -2
Sum. Melee Attack damage +4
Declared at the time of a melee attack and valid for one attack.
If the declared attack hits, the damage is increased by +20 points. At risk,
any Evasion check is modified by a -2 penalty.
Effect When attacking multiple characters at the same time, one of the hit
characters should be chosen randomly. Then, the damage to that one character
will be increased by +20 points. This target selection should be made before
determining the damage.

Violentcast II
[Violentcast I]/Adventurer Level 13 or
Prer. Use Wizard-Type class
Appl. 1 spell cast Risk None
Sum. Spellcasting check +2 for damaging spell
It can be declared at the time of the cast spell and is valid for the one time
of the cast.
If the spell only damages the target, the user gains a +3 bonus to the success
Effect value of the Spellcasting check. This feat does not affect spells that do not deal
damage or have effects other than dealing damage. This feat even works for
spells that increase damage based on specific conditions, such as the target's
Lethal Strike III
[Lethal Strike II]/Fencer Level 11 or
Prer. Use Fencer class
Appl. 1 spell cast Risk None
Sum. Power table roll for melee attack +1, ignores critical immunity
When a melee attack is made, this feat can be declared at the time of the
attack and is effective for that single attack.
If the declared attack hits, it is the damage roll. Target's critical immunity
and Critical Threshold modifications abilities are all ignored. It is increased by
+1 if the roll is 3-11. Double 1s and double 6s work as is. The same is true for
Effect all critical for this damage decision.
When attacking multiple characters simultaneously, the user must select
one character randomly from among that hit. The above process is then used
to calculate the damage to that one character. This target selection is made
before the damage is determined.
Armor Piercer III
[Armor Piercer II]/Grappler Level 15 or
Prer. higher Use Grappler class
Appl. 1 melee attack Risk None
Treats the attack target's Defense as half. Critical Immunity ability is ignored,
and Defense is set to 0 on a critical hit
When a melee attack is made, this feat can be declared at the time of the
attack and is effective for that single attack.
If the declared attack hits, the attack target's Defense is treated as half
(rounded up). Target's critical immunity and Critical Threshold modifications
abilities are all ignored. When critical occurs, Defense is treated as 0. No
Effect Critical Threshold increase (worsening) existed in [Armor Piercer II].
When attacking multiple characters simultaneously, the user must select
one character randomly from among that hit. Then, the above process is
performed when applying damage to that character. This target selection is
made before determining the damage.

Automatically Acquired Passive Combat Feats

Battle Master
Gain Fighter or Grappler Level 13 Use -
Sum. May declare two active combat feats per round
The master may declare two active combat feats in one round. The same
active combat feat may not be declared for more than one turn. It is possible
Effect to declare the same active combat feat for two or different active combat feats
for a single action to duplicate or accumulate their effects.
If the declared feats have risk, they are all cumulative.

Rune Master
Gain Any Wizard-type Class Level 11 Use -
Sum. May declare two active combat feats per round
The master may declare two active combat feats per round. However, at
Effect least one of them must be of “Use: Wizard-Type Class,” and the same active
combat feat may not be declared more than once in a single turn.

Treasure Master
Gain Scout Level 12 Use -
Sum. Loot Determination rolls +1
The master gains +1 to the roll of the Loot Determination. This effect
accumulates with other Loot Determination-increasing effects.

Skill Master
Gain Scout Level 15 Use Scout class
Sum. Scout can re-roll skill checks once
Once per check, the Scout may reroll 2d after seeing the 2d result of a skill
check using Scout Class Level for standard value calculation. This reroll can
be done only once per action check. If there is any other reroll effect, it is
assumed that the number of rerolls increases only by +1.

Gain Ranger Level 12 Use -
Sum. Full Move enables actions that are possible with Normal Move
The master may perform the actions that can be performed during a
Normal Move on the round in which the Full Move is performed. The type of
Effect move itself does not change, and the penalty to the Evasion check (-4) must
also be taken.

Gain Ranger Level 15 Use -
Sum. Normal Move enables actions that are possible with Limited Move
The master can perform the actions that can be performed during a
Effect Limited Move in the round in which the Normal Move is performed. The type
of move itself does not change.

Mana Resistance
Gain Sage Level 12 Use -
Sum. Receive magic damage -5
Effect Reduce all Magic Damage master receives by -5.

Sage's Wisdom
Gain Sage Level 15 Use -
Sum. Sage can re-roll skill checks once
Once per check, the Sage may reroll 2d after seeing the 2d result of a skill
check using Sage Class Level for standard value calculation. This reroll can be
done only once per action check. If there is any other reroll effect, it is assumed
that the number of rerolls increases only by +1.

Note on Multiple Active Combat Feats

[Ever-Changing], [Battle Master], and [Rune Master] allow declaring
multiple active combat feats in a round. These effects do not overlap. A
character who has acquired more than one of these feats must indicate at the
beginning of their turn which of these feats they will use.

Item Data

Comprehensive List of Weapons

Stance: 1HR
Some weapons have "Stance: 1HR". When the equipped person is riding,
use 1HR data.

Slayer + X (Classification Name)

Weapons annotated with "Slayer + X (Classification name)" are those that
cause "+X" Extra Damage when they hit a character that corresponds to
(Classification name). Multiple classification names may be specified, in which
case, all of them increase Extra Damage.

Type Weapon (Type Name) +X/MP Cost Y

Weapons with this annotation deal specified type of damage indicated in
(Type Name) for 10 seconds (1 round) by consuming Y points of MP. This
means that the Extra Damage will be increased by +X points.
If a weapon of this type receives Fairy Weapon enhancement (see CR II,
p. 243), the type given by the enhancement should be the same effect as on the
weapon but will be only active by paying the Y MP Cost. In this case, Extra
Damage will be added as usual. It is impossible to give an additional type to a
weapon with a different type.

Some thrown weapons have this annotation: if the weapon is thrown and
an Accuracy check or damage calculation is performed, it will return to the
user's hand immediately and can be reequipped in the user's hand. A weapon
with "Auto-Return (only on miss)" will not return after being hit (it will fall to
the same position as the attacked target).


B-Rank Swords

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value


Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

1H 5 - 5 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ - 7,660
Revealer ※1
※1: Detail p. 226

A-Rank Swords

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Main Gauche ※
1H 6 - 6 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ - 620
※1: Detail p. 226

S-Rank Swords
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

1H† 20 +1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ +1
Executioner's 30,000
2H 20 +1 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ +1
Blade ※1
※1: Detail p. 226

SS-Rank Swords
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

1H 2 +2 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ +1 40,000
1H 10 +1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ +1 48,000
Hyperion 1H† 20 +1 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ +1
2H 20 +1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ +3
2H 30 +1 70 5 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 19 ⑩ +3 83,000
※1: Detail p. 226


A-Rank Axes

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Arm Catcher
2H 17 - 37 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 ⑪ - 2,480
※1: Detail p. 227

S-Rank Axes

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Death 2H 17 +1 42 4 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 ⑪ +1
Scythe ※1 2H 17 +1 52 5 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 15 15 ⑪ +1
※1: Detail p. 227

SS-Rank Axes
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

1H* 8 +1 28 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 ⑪ +1 50,000
Urgosh, ᵴ 20 -1 55 5 7 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 ⑪ -
Silvered ※ 64,000
ᵱ 20 -1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ -
2Hᵴ 27 +1 62 5 9 10 11 13 13 14 16 17 18 ⑪ +3
Agahast 65,000
2Hᵱ 27 +1 57 5 8 10 11 11 12 13 15 16 17 ⑩ +3
Dynast 2H 40 -1 90 7 10 12 15 18 19 21 23 25 26 ⑪ +3 83,000
※1: Detail p. 227 (including the peculiarities of Stance)

A-Rank Spears

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value


Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Normal Lance 1H 20 -1 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ -
1HR 20 -1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ -

S-Rank Spears

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Heavy Lance 1H 25 -1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ -
1HR 25 -1 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ -

SS-Rank Spears

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Eclair ※
1H* 7 +1 27 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10 ⑩ +1 61,000
1H† 17 - 42 4 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 ⑩ +1
Tri-Lux 54,000
2H 17 +1 47 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 15 ⑩ +3
Fatal 1H 25 - 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ +1
Lance 1HR 25 - 55 5 7 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 ⑩ +1
2H 30 - 65 5 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 18 ⑩ +3 68,000
※1: Detail p. 228


A-Rank Maces

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value


Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Molder ※
2H 30 +2 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑫ - 16,500
※1: Slayer +2 (Undead, Constructs, Magitechs)

S-Rank Maces

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Power 1H† 23 +3 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑫ +1
Capper ※1 2H 23 +3 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑫ +1
※1: Details p. 228

SS-Rank Maces
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Bloody Lily
1H 14 +3 34 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 11 ⑫ +1 50,000
1H† 20 +2 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑫ +1
Skullsludger 63,000
2H 20 +2 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑫ +3
Zeno 2H 33 +3 68 5 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 19 19 ⑫ +3 65,000
※1: Slayer +3 (Humanoids, Barbarous, Animals, Mythical Beasts)


B-Rank Staves

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value


Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Staff of
Control 2H 1 +2 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 ⑫ +1 14,840
※1, ※2
※1: +1 to Defense of the wearer ※2: Details p. 229

SS-Rank Staves

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Aeon ※1 2H 8 +1 38 3 5 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 ⑫ +3 78,000
2H 14 +2 49 4 6 7 10 10 12 12 13 14 15 ⑫ +3 136,000
※1: Detail p. 229※2: Details p. 229


B-Rank Flails
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

2H 22 - 42 4 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 ⑩ - 7,780
Pendulum ※1
※1: Details p. 230

S-Rank Flails

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value


Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Daemonthresher ※1 1H 24 -1 34 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 11 ⑨ - 12,000
※1: Details p. 230

SS-Rank Flails

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Silver 1H† 15 - 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑨ +1
Comet 2H 15 - 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑨ +3
1H 26 - 26 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 9 9 10 ⑩ +1 69,000
Tyrant 2H 38 - 38 3 5 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 ⑩ +3 78,000
※1: Type Weapon (Fire) +3/MP Cost 3


B-Rank Warhammers
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Mattocks 2H 20 -1 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ +1 11,880
※1: Details p. 230

A-Rank Warhammers

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value


Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Hammer 1H 12 - 22 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ +1 15,700
※1: Details p. 230

S-Rank Warhammers

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Tracker ※ 1H 16 - 31 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 ⑩ - 52,600
※1: Details p. 230

SS-Rank Warhammers

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

1H* 8 -1 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑨ +1 57,000
1H† 19 - 29 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 ⑧ +1
Rosenhagen 70,000
2H 19 -1 39 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 11 12 13 ⑧ +3
2H 35 -2 85 6 9 11 14 17 19 21 22 23 24 ⑩ +3 88,000


B-Rank Wrestling

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value


Name ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫

Bite ※1 2H# 1 - 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 ⑩ -
※1: Bite is needed

SS-Rank Wrestling

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Whirl Catcher ※1,

2H 5 +2 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑪ +3 40,000
Hands Of Glory ※
1HW 10 +1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑪ +1 45,000
1, ※2, ※5
Legs Of Honor ※
1H# 10 - 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑫ +1 55,000
1, ※3, ※6
1H 15 +2 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑪ +1 50,000
※1, ※2, ※7
Grand Ariol
1H# 15 +1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑪ +1 60,000
※1, ※3
※1: Grappler Only ※2: Improves Punches ※3: Improves Kicks ※4: Improves
Throw ※5: Wearer’s Defense +1 ※6: Wearer’s Defense +1 (exceptionally cumulative
with other Defense-enhancing weapons) ※7: Details p. 231

Thrown Weapon

B-Rank Thrown Weapons

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value




Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Throwing Star
1H* 1 +1 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 ⑩ - 1(10m) 200
※1: Details p. 231
A-Rank Thrown Weapons

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Boomerang ※1 1H* 8 +1 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 ⑫ - 2(20m) 500

※1: Auto-Return (only on miss)

SS-Rank Thrown Weapons

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value




Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Eclair ※1 1H* 7 +1 27 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10 ⑩ +1 2(20m) 61,000

1H* 8 +1 28 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 ⑪ +1 2(20m) 50,000
Eversio 1H* 8 -1 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑨ +1 2(20m) 57,000
Tri-Edge ※2 1H* 15 +2 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ +1 2(20m) 62,000
※1: Details p. 231※2: Auto-Return


B-Rank Bows
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value




Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Bold Assertor
2H 22 +1 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 10 10 11 ⑩ +1 2(20m) 7,770
※1: Details p. 232
S-Rank Bows

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Avenger Bow※1 2H 17 +1 37 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 ⑩ - 2(40m) 32,000

※1: Slayer +2 (Humanoid, Barbarous )

SS-Rank Bows

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value




Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Hitmaker 2H 12 +3 37 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 ⑩ +3 2(40m) 50,000

Le Indalia ※1 2H 18 +1 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ +3 2(40m) 62,000
Hand Sticker
2H 24 +1 49 4 6 7 10 10 12 12 13 14 15 ⑩ +3 2(40m) 67,000
Eight Mambo 2H 30 +1 60 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 ⑩ +3 2(60m) 68,000
※1: Type Weapon (Wind) +2/MP Cost 1 ※2: Slayer +3 (Humanoids, Barbarous)


B-Rank Crossbows
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value




Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫

Beast Buster
2H 15 +1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ +2 2(30m) 7,280
※1: Slayer +2 (Animals , Mythical Beasts)

SS-Rank Crossbows

Add'l Dmg
Crit Value



Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪ ⑫

Zagran 2H 8 +1 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ +5 2(30m) 56,000

Calvaria ※1 2H 14 +1 49 4 6 7 10 10 12 12 13 14 15 ⑩ +6 2(30m) 67,000
Sortrel ※2 2H 20 +1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ +7 2(40m) 72,000
Garde 2H 26 +1 56 5 8 10 10 11 12 13 15 16 16 ⑩ +9 2(40m) 76,000
※1: Details p. 231※2: Type Weapon (Fire) +3/MP Cost 3


A-Rank Guns
Min Max Crit Add'l
Name Stance Accuracy Range Price
STR Magazine Value Dmg
2H 5 4 -1 ⑩ +2 2(30m) 1,200
※1: Details p. 232

SS-Rank Guns
Min Max Crit Add'l
Name Stance Accuracy Range Price
STR Magazine Value Dmg
1H 5 4 +2 ⑩ +2 1(10m) 50,000
2H 10 3 +2 ⑩ +4 2(40m) 55,000
Full Fire 2H 15 8 +1 ⑩ +4 2(30m) 60,000
Desperado 2H 20 2 +3 ⑪ +6 2(60m) 80,000

Name Weapon Price Notes
When shot with a bow, it makes a sound.
Kaburaya Bow 5
(Details p. 232)
Dragon Bow, Deals fire magic damage in “Area: Line.”
Arrow/Quarrel Crossbow Always recoverable (Details p. 232)

Comprehensive List of Armor
Magic Damage -3
Some armor has the annotation "Magic Damage -3". This type of armor
reduces by -3 magic damage dealt to the wearer. However, it does not reduce
poison, disease, curse, or psychic damage.

Nonmetallic Armor

B-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
Defense is the Intelligence
Mana Coat 1 - 0 28,000 modifier of the wearer. Upper
limit 6 (Details p. 233)
Defense is the Intelligence
Mana Coat+ 1 - 0 52,000 modifier of the wearer. Upper
limit 8 (Details p. 233)
Combat Grapplers may equip. Magic
Maid/Butler 10 +1 0 24,000
Damage -3 ※
※Two types of clothing for maids and butlers. Can be equipped regardless of gender.

A-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
Automatically evade wind-type
12 +1 3 10,500 attacks and effects once a day
(Details p. 233)

SS-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
Astral Guard 6 +1 7 34,000 Magic Damage -3
Hide checks +2 (Details p.
Silent Cloak 11 +1 8 38,000
14 +1 9 41,000
Phoenix Cloak 17 +2 8 45,000 Grappler Only
Divine Skin 18 +1 10 52,000 Willpower +2 (Details p. 233)

Metal Armor

B-Rank Metal Armor

Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
Defense +2 for each
Dontrecia’s Armor
20 - 6 12,700 physical damage (Details p.
of Perseverance

A-Rank Metal Armor

Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
Defense +2 for each
Dontrecia’s Great
21 - 8 26,400 physical damage (Details
Armor of Perseverance
p. 233)

S-Rank Metal Armor

Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
Evasion check +1 after the
Powered Plates 14 - 8 28,000 fact by consuming 3 MP
(Details p. 233)
Dontrecia’s Stiff
Defense +2 for each physical
Armor of 22 - 10 54,800
damage (Details p. 233)

SS-Rank Metal Armor

Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
18 - 11 62,000
Anti- Gun damage reduced by -5
23 - 12 79,000
Arquebus (Details p. 233)
Imperial 30 -1 14 100,000 Magic damage -3


Mount Protection
Some of the category Shields are annotated with "Mount Protection." If a
jockey has a shield of this type, its Defense is also applied to all mount’s
sections. In this case, the mount's Defense is not increased by [Armor
Proficiency (A/S)/Shield]. If the shield itself is enhanced, its enhancement
should also be added.

B-Rank Shield
Stance Min
Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
Earth, water/ice, fire, wind
1H 6 - 2 40,000 types damage -3 (Details p.
It can switch between crossbow
Calvaria 1H 14 - 3 67,000 and shield forms. (Details p.

A-Rank Shield
Name Stance Min STR Evasion Defense Price Notes
Knight Shield 1H 15 - 2 1,250 Mount Protection

S-Rank Shield
Name Stance Min STR Evasion Defense Price Notes
Grand Partner 1H 18 - 3 4,800 Mount Protection
Turtle Shell 1H 5 +2 1 19,200

S-Rank Shield
Name Stance Min STR Evasion Defense Price Notes
Half Moon 1H 6 +2 2 33,000
Glorious 1H 15 +1 5 47,000
1H 21 - 6 54,000 Mount Protection
Eternal Lord 1H 24 - 7 65,000

General Equipment and Supplies
Name Stance Price Notes
Stylish Riding 100 + 10
- Riding checks +1
Clothes reputation

Travel Expenses
Name Stance Price Notes
Carriage Distance to be reached in 1 hour, for long distance,
- 10
Fare +5G per hour
Magical The trip takes about 12 hours in a second class
Train Fare - 20+ compartment. The price increases proportionally as the
distance increases. First class 50+.
- 500+ Per itinerary per day. Fare only.
Charter Per day including coachman. 500G for transporting one
Wagon passenger and their baggage, 750G for 2 persons, and
- 500+
1,000G for 4 persons. If the day is extended, the cost of
the passenger's meals, etc., are paid separately.
Small One crew team operates the ship (the airship alone
Airship 20,000+ cannot be rented). Per day including all meals and
Charter other expenses for the crew.

Herbs, Potions, Repair Tools

Name Stance Price Notes
Antidote Potion Removes all effects of poison type with a
- 10,000
III success value of 25 or less.
Sprinkling on a petrified character will
Cure Stone remove any petrification effects success
- 10,000
Potion III
value of 25 or less. ※Can be sprinkled.
Scarlet Potion - 1,400 Temporarily increases HP (Details p. 235)

Repair Tools
Name Stance Price Notes
Restores Power 10 to construct or magitech
Repair Tape I - 200
(Details p. 235)
Restores Power 40 to construct or magitech
Repair Tape II - 750
(Details p. 235)
Repair Tape Restores Power 70 to construct or magitech
- 3,000
III (Details p. 235)

Class-Specific Items

Class-Specific Items
Name Stance Price Notes
Mechanized For 2 MP, adds +2 to Open Lock check,
1H 7,080
Fingers also work as Scout's Tools (Details p. 235)
Apothecary's Stabilizes herb recovery (1d+4 on Power
2H 200
Tools Table roll) (Details p. 235)
+1 for recovery of herbs to self (Details p.
Magic Pipe 1H 1,360
Alchemy Kit Hand, 200 Allows use of Evocations
Increases range of Evocations (Details p.
Card Shooter 1H 1,500
Material Card - 20 – 20,000 Consumed by Evocations
Tiny Armor - 2,120/6,120 Familiar's Defense +3/+6 (Details p. 235)

Adventure Tools

Adventure Tools
Name Stance Price Notes
When you pass in front of it again,
Chalk of the Lost 1H 1,200 it emits light to let you know
(Details p. 237)
Baffle intelligent enemies (Details
Puzzling Sign 1H 4,880
p. 237)
5,200/17,200 (+50 Adds MP to magitech (Details p.
Mana Cartridge -
reputation) 237)
Great Daemon's
Determines the threat level of the
Crystallized Blood 1H 6,400
Shallow Abyss (Details p. 237)
Its light is invisible to those who
Fairy Lantern 1H 10,000
have soulscars (Details p. 237)


Accessory: Head
Name Price Notes
20,000 Extend the range of Fairy Magic (Details p. 238)
Goddess's Rarely make healing magic hyper-effective. Women only
Veil (Details p. 238)
Crown of You can roll for each target and then distribute the results when
Riches healing multiple targets. Men only (Details p. 238)

Accessory: Face
Name Price Notes
3,000 Can see in darkness (Details p. 239)
When the Monster Knowledge check fails, the level of the target is
9,600 known. On success, +1 is added to the Accuracy check (Details p.

Accessory: Ear
Name Price Notes
Linkpearls Multiple Linkpearls can be equipped at the same time
Holder (Details p. 240)
Stone Man's The body becomes covered with stone and increases
Earring Defense in exchange for body movement (Details p. 240)

Accessory: Neck
Name Price Notes
10,000 Reroll a Death Check (Details p. 241)
Curse Damage to Daemons +3, damage received from Daemons
Rebellion -3 (Details p. 241)

Accessory: Back
Name Price Notes
Inverness, a
3,000 Creates Throwing Stars (Details p. 241)
Beautiful Star
Warns and guides by arcana. +1 to Search, Monster
Smart Animal
9,000 knowledge, Notice, Danger Sense, and Spot Trap checks
(Details p. 241)

Accessory: Hand
Name Price Notes
The highest ability score is decreased by -1. The lowest
Level Ring 500
ability score is increased by +2 (Details p. 242).
Allows equipping a weapon or shield with a minimal
Big Gloves 8,000 strength of 5 more than the original. Equipped at both
hands and priced as a set (Details p. 242)
Ring of
30,000 Willpower +2 (Details p. 242)
Righteous Belief

Accessory: Waist
Name Price Notes
Sunflower Fortitude and Willpower checks against undead +1 (Details
Buckle p. 243)
Assume that the wearer is in a natural environment (Details
Green Belt 35,000
p. Accessory)
Accessory: Feet
Name Price Notes
Light Boots 11,600 Cannot fall prone (Details p. 243)
Thieves Boots 20,000 Teleport 2m (Details p. 243)

Accessory: Any
Name Price Notes
Control the growth of the ability score to some extent
Sign of Valor 10,000
(Details p. 244).

Detailed Data


Weakness Revealer Base Price: 7,660

Dagger with magic
Pop. 12 App. characters engraved on Category (Rank) Sword B
the blade
A hit reveals the monster's weak Ancient Magic
Sum. Era
point. Civilization
If the attacker is hit by this weapon, the monster's weak point is considered
to be known until the end of the session.
The weak point revealed applied only to the wielder’s hits (in the case of a
multi-section monster, it is applied to all sections).
If the character who hit the target has learned the combat feat [Weakness
Exploit], its effect is applied.

Main Gauche Base Price: 620

Dagger with a protective
Pop. 0 App. Category (Rank) Sword A
Sum. Evasion +1 Era Current
The wearer gains a +1 bonus to Evasion checks when equipped with this
weapon. It does not matter which arm they equip it on (usually the opposite of
Effect your dominant hand), but even if they equip more than one, this effect does not
stack. The shield's bonus to Evasion checks is likewise not cumulative.
The use of this weapon for melee attacks does not remove its effect.

Executioner's Blade Base Price: 620

Gradually aligned,
Pop. 14 App. Category (Rank) Sword S
single-edged long sword
Ancient Magic
Sum. Increases the power of critical hits Era
If a critical hit is made by an attack using this weapon, the weapon's Power is
increased by +5 (for the next Power Table roll for this critical). If another critical
hit occurs, the power is further increased by +5 up to 100 Power.
After the total damage is determined, this effect disappears, and the next hit
will return to its original power. Of course, if a critical hit occurs, the effect is
applied again.

Geister Base Price: 83,000
A 2m long black sword,
Pop. 10 App. the blade has a terrifying Category (Rank) Sword SS
pattern forged into it.
Sum. Deals 5 damage to the wielder Era Magitech Civilization
At the end of the round in which this weapon is used, the user takes 5 points
of fixed damage to HP.


Arm Catcher Base Price: 2,480

It has a twisted blade with
Pop. 10 App. Category (Rank) Axe A
various protrusions.
It can entangle and drop the
Sum. Era Current
enemy's weapons
When making an Accuracy check with a -2 penalty with this weapon, the
wielder can use it to aim at the target weapon. If the target weapon is hit by this
weapon, the target weapon will be dropped to the ground in addition to the
Effect normal damage. If the target is a character with the monster data, the effect is
only applied to attacks with a weapon, sword, spear, or other weapons
(excluding innate weapons), and the target's damage is reduced by -4 points with

Death Scythe Base Price: 26,000

A jet-black scythe more
Pop. 14 App. Category (Rank) Axe S
than 2m long
More power in exchange for your Ancient Magic
Sum. Era
life force Civilization
This weapon has "Power 42" in normal use.
The weapon can be activated with a password by paying 5 HP and can be
used for 10 seconds (1 round) at "Power 52". To use this weapon's password,
the wielder must speak arcana.

Urgosh Base Price: 64,000

Two-handed axe with
Pop. 10 App. Category (Rank) Axe SS
head and spearhead
Allows making 2 attacks with
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
[Dual Wielding]
This weapon can be used in two ways. In both cases, the weapon is held with
two hands.
- The master of [Dual Wielding] attacks once with the axe head and the

If the wielder has mastered [Dual Wielding] combat feat, they can attack
twice, once with the axe head and once with spearhead, using ᵴ and ᵱ stats once
each, as if they were holding separate weapons in each hand (two weapons with
“Stance: 1H”).
- Use as a weapon with "Stance: 2H".
Can use ᵴ or ᵱ stats. In either case, Extra Damage is increased by +5.

Spears/Thrown Weapons

Eclair Base Price: 61,000

It is a spear with a handle
decorated with a Spear SS/Thrown
Pop. 10 App. Category (Rank)
lightning Weapon SS
Once a day, the thrown weapon
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
deals lightning magic damage
If this weapon is used for a Thrown Attack, the damage it inflicts can become
lightning magic damage automatically once per day on the first hit.
When the wielder declares the combat feat [Mirage Arrow] and throws
Effect Eclair, they cannot throw two weapons that deal two different types. Also, if it is
the first throw of the day, both of them are treated as having caused the effect.
This weapon cannot have the Fairy Weapon enhancement (see CR II, p.


Power Capper Base Price: 38,000

Mace with magic
Spear SS/Thrown
Pop. 12 App. characters filled in on the Category (Rank)
Weapon SS
sides of the head
On a hit, the opponent's Magic Ancient Magic
Sum. Era
Power is reduced by 2 Civilization
If a character is hit by this weapon, all Magic Power of the hit character is
reduced by -2 (minimum 0) for the next 10 seconds (1 round). This effect is
treated as a curse type with "Resistance: Can't" and success value 25 and is not


Staff of Control Base Price: 14,840

The devious two-handed
Pop. 14 App. Category (Rank) Staff B
Allows to command the Golem as Ancient Magic
Sum. Era
many times as needed Civilization
When a construct is created by magic such as the [Create Golem] spell (see
CR I, p. 134), the wielder can change the command (see CR II, p. 90) for that
Effect construct as many times as they wish if it is created with this staff equipped.
Changing the command is a Major Action, and it is necessary to equip the same
staff as the one wilder equipped when they made the golem and touched it.

Aeon Base Price: 78,000

Pop. 14 App. Twisted wooden cane Category (Rank) Staff SS
Magic Power +2, 2 fixed damage
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
to MP at the end of turn
This wand can be equipped only if the current MP is 2 points or more.
If the wand is equipped, all of the wielder's Magic Powers are increased by
+2. At the end of their turn, the wielder receives 2 points of fixed damage to
their MP.

Uroboros Base Price: 136,000

An ash cane with a
Pop. 14 App. design of a snake that Category (Rank) Staff SS
eats its own tail.
Can reroll the Spellcasting check Ancient Magic
Sum. Era
until they get a "10" on a roll Civilization
The staff’s wielder may declare to use the staff’s ability if the Spellcasting
check roll is 9 or less. If the declaration is made, the wand's wielder can
immediately spend MP 10 and makes a new Spellcasting check. If the result is
still 9 or less, the wielder can repeat the process by paying 10 MP again. When
the check rolls 10 or more, they cannot reroll, which is considered the result of
Effect the Spellcasting check.
After declaring the use of this effect, the check must be repeated until the
player obtains a result of 10 or more. The Spellcasting check is treated as an
automatic failure if the rerolls are aborted. And they will not get back the MP
they have spent so far.
This effect can be declared only once per day for one Uroboros.


Balanced Pendulum Base Price: 7,780

A striking weapon with a
pendulum-shaped weight
Pop. 10 App. Category (Rank) Flail B
at the end of a long
Accuracy check +1 during
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
If a combat feat [Cleave] is declared during an attack with this weapon, a +1
bonus is given to Accuracy checks.

Daemonthresher Base Price: 12,000

Flail with chain and
Pop. 8 App. Category (Rank) Flail S
Sum. Affects Daemons Era Magitech Civilization
If this weapon hits a daemon, the monster must immediately make a
Fortitude check, where the Target Number is the same as the success value of
the attacker's Accuracy check for that attack.
If the check fails, the monster falls prone regardless of a number of sections.
In addition, the monster suffers a -1 penalty to the Evasion check for 18 rounds.
This penalty is cumulative.


Golden Mattocks Base Price: 11,880

A type of large pick that
Pop. 10 App. has one end of its blade Category (Rank) Warhammer B
shaped like an adze
Ignores half of the Defense of
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
Effect This weapon ignores half of the structure’s Defense when hitting them.

Shock Hammer Base Price: 15,700

A warhammer that
Pop. 8 App. Category (Rank) Warhammer B
envelops lightning
Deals lightning and bludgeoning
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
This weapon deals with lightning and bludgeoning physical damage.
When this weapon is enhanced with Fairy Weapon (see CR II, p. 243), the
lightning becomes combined with another type (for example, lightning and fire
or lightning and water/ice).

Groul Base Price: 50,000

Iron fists in the shape of
Pop. 8 App. Category (Rank) Wrestling SS
a wolf's head
If equipped with Grand Ariol,
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
Evasion check +1
When this weapon is equipped with Grand Ariol, the wielder gains a +1
bonus to Evasion checks.

Thrown Weapons

Throwing Star Base Price: 200

Thrown weapon in the
shape of various crosses,
Pop. 8 App. Category (Rank) Thrown Weapon B
pentacles, hexagrams,
Sum. Glows faintly at night Era Magitech Civilization
This thrown weapon emits light about the size of a star in the night sky in a
Effect dark place. In ancient times, spies and others sent secret messages to each other
by making it look like the twinkling of a star.


Calvaria Base Price: 67,000

Crossbow SS/
Pop. 10 App. Shield with crossbow Category (Rank)
Shield B
Can switch between crossbow and
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
shield forms
The Minor Action can be used to transform between crossbow and shield
form. This is the same as the change of equipment of weapons and shields (see
CR I, p. 141) and can be done only before the Major Action.
In its crossbow form, it is treated as a crossbow SS rank weapon (data see, p.
216). It has no effect as a shield.
In its shield form, it is treated as a shield B rank (data see p. 220). It has no
effect as a weapon. If the wearer only equip it as a shield, they do not need the
combat feat [Weapon Master].
This item cannot be enhanced (manatite processing, etc.) for shields. Abyss
Enhancement (see CR II, p. 245) is also possible only for a weapon part. The
minimal strength changes (both effects and Abyss Enhancement) apply to both


Bold Assertor Base Price: 7,770

Pop. 10 App. Longbow Category (Rank) Bow B
Accuracy check +1 when using
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
This bow gains a +1 bonus on Accuracy checks when using Kaburaya (see p.
232) as ammunition.


Smart Carbine Base Price: 1,200

Pop. 8 App. Short-barreled rifle Category (Rank) Gun A
Sum. It can be used easily when riding Era Magitech Civilization
It can be used as a 1H weapon while riding (the numerical data is the same).
Effect However, you cannot use more than one simultaneously under the effect of
[Dual Wielding].


Kaburaya Base Price: 5

Arrow with attached
Pop. 0 App. Category (Rank) Ammunition
Makes to make noise when shot
Sum. Era Current
with a bow
It is ammunition that can be shot with a Bow. Shooting this ammunition emits
a loud, wind-breaking sound that can be heard within 500m of the hit.

Dragon Arrow/Quarrel Base Price: 44,800

It can be an arrow or
Pop. 8 App. Category (Rank) Ammunition
Deals fire magic damage in “Area:
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
Line.” Always recoverable
It is ammunition that can be shot with a Bow or Crossbow. This arrow or
quarrel affects all in Area: Line. The damage is fire magic damage.
Effect If the user has the combat feat [Targeting], for each character in the skirmish,
they can arbitrarily choose to exclude the character from the effect.
This arrow or quarrel can be recovered and reused after the shot.

Nonmetallic Armor

Mana Coat/ Mana Coat+ Base Price: 28,000/52,000

Pop. 10 App. Coat made of light fabric Category (Rank) Nonmetallic Armor B
The Intelligence modifier of the
Sum. equipped person becomes Era Magitech Civilization
This coat's Defense is equal to the wielder’s Intelligence Modifier. However,
the maximum value for Mana Coat is 6, and for Mana, Coat+ is 8.

Windbreaker Surcoat Base Price: 10,500

Pop. 8 App. Loose outer garment Category (Rank) Nonmetallic Armor A
Can avoid wind-type damage once
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
a day
If the wearer is a target of magic, unique skill, or effect of wind type, it can
Effect avoid its effects (Neg), even if the magic or effect is with "Resistance: Can't." This
effect can be used only once a day.

Divine Skin Base Price: 52,000

Standout leather armor
with pure white Nonmetallic Armor
Pop. 10 App. Category (Rank)
undercoating and SS
luxurious decoration
Sum. Willpower +2 Era Magitech Civilization
Effect The wearer of this armor gains a +2 bonus to Willpower's success value.

Metal Armor

Dontrecia’s Armor of Perseverance/ Dontrecia’s Great

Armor of Perseverance/ Dontrecia’s Stiff Armor of
Base Price: 12,700/26,400/54,800
Pop. 10 App. Rugged plate armor Category (Rank) Metal Armor B/A/S
Defense +2 for each physical
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
This armor Defense increases by +2 if the wearer takes 1 or more points of
applied damage as physical damage.
This effect is cumulative, but it disappears when either the wearer's turn
comes or receives physical damage whose applied damage is 0.

Powered Plates Base Price: 28,000
A large number of metal
Pop. 10 App. plates are attached to the Category (Rank) Metal Armor S
flexible armor
Evasion check +1 after the fact by
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
consuming 3 MP
A character equipped with this armor can gain +1 to success value by
Effect spending 3 MP after checking the result of an Evasion check.
This effect can be used only once per an Evasion check.

Anti-Arquebus Base Price: 79,000

Full-body armor
Pop. 10 App. composed of flowing Category (Rank) Metal Armor SS
curved surfaces
Damage caused by Guns is
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
reduced to -5
A character wearing this armor can have received damage from a Shooting
Attack dealt by a Gun reduced by -5 points.


Asteria's Defense Base Price: 40,000

Pop. 14 App. Asteria's Defense Category (Rank) Shield B
Ancient Magic
Sum. Reduce type damage by -3 points Era
While equipped, the user receives -3 applied damage from Fire-, Water/Ice,
Wind- and Earth-type sources, whether physical or magical.


Scarlet Potion Base Price: 1,400

Pop. 8 App. Red potion Item Class Potion
Sum. Temporarily increases HP Era Magitech Civilization
Drinking this potion will increase the maximum HP by +10 for 1 minute (6
rounds). At the same time, the current value of HP is also restored by 10 points.
Effect The Ranger class influences the amount of recovery of the current HP value.
Suppose the character drinks another bottle within the duration. In that case,
they will only get the effect of recovering the current HP value.

Repair Tools

Repair Tape I/II/III Base Price: 200/750/3,000

Thick rectangular cloth
Pop. 0 App. Item Class Repair Tools
with adhesive face
Restore construct's or magitech’s
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
HP: “Power 10/40/70”
Using Major Action, it instantly heals the HP to the character (section) of the
construct or magitech character. The amount of recovery depends on the grade
of “Repair Rape”: “I” is “Power 10”, “II” is “Power 40”, “III” is “Power 70”,
with added user's “Rider’s level + Dexterity modifier.”
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 None
40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 None
70 5 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 19 None

Class-Specific Items

Mechanized Fingers Base Price: 7,080

Complex machine in the
Pop. 11 App. Item Class Class-Specific Items
shape of a glove
Using 2 MP adds +2 to the Open
Sum. Lock check and also serves as Era Magitech Civilization
Scout's Tools
It is worn on the one hand and operates for 10 minutes by consuming 2
points of MP. The glove moves precisely and helps the user. If an Open Lock
Effect check is performed while it is in operation, a +2 bonus can be gained. This item
can be used as an alternative to Scout's Tools. This item requires 6 rounds (1
minute) to put on and take off.

Apothecary's Tools Base Price: 200
Boxes containing various
Pop. 0 App. instruments, bandages, Item Class Class-Specific Items
Stabilizes herb recovery (1d+4 on
Sum. Era Current
Power Table roll)
When attempting to recover HP or MP with herbs, the user can use this item
Effect to roll 1d+4 on the Power Table instead of 2d. There is no effect if they do not
use the Power table while using herbs.

Magic Pipe Base Price: 1,360

Pipe made from
Pop. 0 App. Item Class Class-Specific Items
mandrake roots
Sum. +1 for recovery of herbs to self Era Current
When attempting to recover HP or MP using medicinal herbs, the recovery
can be increased by “+1” by using this pipe to inhale the smoke. This effect is
only effective when the character using the pipe attempts to recover against

Card Shooter Base Price: 1,500

Pistol with attached card
Pop. 0 App. Item Class Class-Specific Items
Sum. Increases range of Evocations Era Current
This is a handgun-type Alchemy Kit. The wielder can use Evocation with
Card Shooter that has "Range: X(Ym)." All Evocations are treated as "Range:
2(Y+10m)." Suppose the wielder has learned the feat [Distant Evocations]. In
that case, they can use Evocations with "Range: 2(20m)," which initially had
"Range: Touch."
Note that the holster (see CR I, p. 284) is not attached to this item.

Tiny Armor Base Price: 2,120/6,120

Pop. 12 App. Small Armor Item Class Class-Specific Items
Ancient Magic
Sum. Familiar's Defense +3/+6 Era
This armor can be equipped with familiars created by [Familiar] and
[Familiar II], regardless of the familiar type. There are two kinds of armor, one
is 2,120G, and the other is 6,120G. The former gives +3 points to Defense and
the latter +6 points.

Adventure Tools

Chalk of the Lost Base Price: 1,200

Pop. 12 App. White chalk Item Class Adventure Tools
When you pass in front of it again, Ancient Magic
Sum. Era
it emits light to let you know Civilization
If a mark is left on a wall using this chalk, it will emit a strong light when the
person who made the mark passes by it again. The user will know that this is
the second time they have passed by.
The light emits in the same way for three or more passes. The intensity and
color of the light do not change, and it is impossible to determine how many
times it has passed.
One piece of chalk can be used more than 100 times. Also, the mark left
behind will remain for about 1 month.

Puzzling Sign Base Price: 4,880

Pop. 8 App. Penlight magitech Item Class Adventure Tools
Sum. Baffle intelligent enemies Era Magitech Civilization
This item can be used with Major Action and consumes 3 MP per use.
It has “Range/Area: 1(10m)/Shot”. With “Resistance: Can't,” 1 character
(Section) is bombarded with illusions. This illusion takes the form of a puzzle
or riddle that seems easy but is surprisingly hard to solve and directs the target's
attention to it. The target receives a -2 penalty on all checks that use Intelligence,
including casting spell checks, for the following “4 - 1d” rounds (minimum 1).
This effect only works on characters with an intellect of 12 or more or an
intellect of High or Average. It is also treated as a curse + psychic type (see CR
II, p. 128). When comparing success values, this effect is treated with a success
value of 0.

Mana Cartridge
Base Price: 5,200 (+50 reputation)/17,200 (+50 reputation)
Pop. 8 App. Rectangular cartridges Item Class Adventure Tools
Sum. Adds MP to magitech Era Current
This processed item can be attached to magitech. Only one cartridge can be
attached to a magitech mount or an item whose Era is Magitech Civilization or
Current, and that consumes MP to use or activate its effect (There are several
types of Mana Cartridge, but only one of them can be used). It can be attached
to weapons, armor, and all from this rulebook, including Quadblaze, Le
Indalia, Sortrel, and Powered Plates. They cannot be attached to Uroboros
because their era does not match.
User can consume some or all of the MP from this cartridge when operating
them. MP can only be used to run the magitech. In the case of a magitech that
has its own MP, the MP is added by this cartridge.

It takes 1 minute (6 rounds) to attach or detach the Mana Cartridge from an
item or mount. A character with 1 level or higher in the Artificer can do this
with a single Major Action and fill it with MP from their own MP, the mako
stone, or other Mana Cartridges.
Four types differ in whether they require MP, money, or reputation.
Type MP Price Reputation
X 10 5,200 -
XI 11 5,200 50 reputation
XX 20 17,200 -
XXI 21 17,200 50 reputation

Great Daemon's Crystallized Blood Plate Base Price: 6,400

Red and black disks decorated with Item
Pop. 10 App. Adventure Tools
magic characters Class
Determines the threat level of the Shallow Ancient Magic
Sum. Era
Abyss Civilization
It works the same way as Daemon's Blood Plate (see CR I, p. 304), but it is
effective until the threat level of the Shallow Abyss is 25 or less.

Fairy Lantern Base Price: 10,000

Pop. 14 App. Silver lantern Item Class Adventure Tools
Its light is invisible to those who
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
have soulscars
The person holding the lantern who chants the password with Major Action
and uses 3 MP will make the lantern emit magic fire for 12 hours. No tinderbox
or oil is needed.
This light illuminates 2-3 areas (10m radius) but is entirely invisible to those
with soulscar. If they do not have the ability of Darkvision, they will remain in
the dark even within the illuminated area.

Accessory: Head

Cattleya Garland Base Price: 20,000

Circlet with engraved
Pop. 16 App. Item Class Accessory: Head
cattleya flowers
Ancient Magic
Sum. Increases range of Fairy Magic Era
This circlet has tiny bells that, while inaudible to most humanoids, are quite
Effect pleasing to fairies. When the wearer of this circlet casts Fairy Magic with "Range:
X(Ym)", it is treated as if it had "Range: 2(Y+10m)".

Goddess's Veil Base Price: 20,000
Pure white veil with
Pop. 14 App. Item Class Accessory: Head
Rarely make healing magic hyper- Ancient Magic
Sum. Era
effective. Women only Civilization
It is a gorgeous, pure white veil. It is a symbol of grace and charity throughout
A woman who wears the Goddess's Veil can treat healing magic as though it
Effect had a Critical Threshold of 10; i.e., healing spells can be critical and will heal
more than usual.
Men may also wear the Goddess's Veil but do not gain any benefits from
doing so.
Crown of Riches Base Price: 25,000
Crown decorated with
Pop. 14 App. gemstones in the shape Item Class Accessory: Head
of a cross
When healing multiple targets,
you can roll for each target and Ancient Magic
Sum. Era
then distribute the results. Men Civilization
The effect of this item appears when the magic that recovers HP using a
power table such as [Cure Wounds] is cast on multiple targets simultaneously,
such as with [Metamagic/Targets]. In this case, the wearer can determine the
amount of recovery for all the targets first and then distribute the result to any
targets one by one. This effect is limited to the case of recovery by Divine Magic
It is also useful when magic such as [Cure Wounds] is used to damage the
undead. The result of the resistances can be determined before the sorting (for
example, dealing the most damage to targets that failed resistance).
This effect only works when equipped by male characters.

Accessory: Face

Night Goggles Base Price: 3,000

Goggles with yellow
Pop. 10 App. Item Class Accessory: Face
See in darkness as though it were
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer can gain the effect of [Darkvision] for 10 seconds (1 round) by
consuming 1 point of MP with Minor Action. The MP consumed can be either
the item's own 10 points of MP or the wearer's own MP each time it is used.
Effect The MP stored in this item can only activate the effects of [Darkvision]. The
MP of this item can be replenished by a character with the Artificer class by
using MP from themself or the mako stone. This MP replenishment is
performed as a Major Action and requires a magisphere (small).
Hunter's Eyes Base Price: 9,600
One pair of glasses with
Pop. 10 App. Item Class Accessory: Face
hooks for the ears
When the Monster Knowledge
check fails, the level of the target is
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
known. On success, +1 is added to
the Accuracy check
A character equipped with these glasses can know the target's level (monster
level or adventurer level) even if they fail the Monster Knowledge check. If the
character succeeds in the Monster Knowledge check, the character gains a +1
bonus for the Accuracy check against the monster.

Accessory: Ear

Linkpearls Holder Base Price: 3,000+

Earrings that can be
Pop. 8 App. fitted into earrings as Item Class Accessory: Ear
Multiple Linkpearls can be
Sum. Era Current
equipped at the same time
These earrings can be fitted with multiple Linkpearls (see CR II, p. 236),
allowing multiple pieces to work simultaneously. It does not expand the
capabilities of the Linkpearls. It does not change the limitation that only one
pair of earrings can speak to each other at a time. Also, while the holder can be
left in place for listening, the holder must be removed for speaking, or else the
other earrings will be activated simultaneously.
The price of this item depends on how many can be inserted simultaneously:
two can be inserted for 3,000G and three for 6,000G. Each additional
Linkpearls costs 1,000G more than the total number of Linkpearls. In other
words, four is 10,000 G, five is 15,000 G, and so on.

Stone Man's Earring Base Price: 6,640

Earrings with dangling
Pop. 15 App. Item Class Accessory: Ear
round stones
The body becomes covered with
Ancient Magic
Sum. stone and increases Defense in Era
exchange for body movement
When equipped with this earring, the wearer’s body becomes slightly
Effect petrified. Therefore, the dexterity or agility (which is determined for each
individual earring) is reduced by -6. Instead, the character gains +1 to Defense.

Accessory: Neck

Miracle Necklace Base Price: 10,000

Necklace with magical
Pop. 12 App. Item Class Accessory: Neck
stones embedded
Sum. Re-roll a failed Death Check Era Magitech Civilization
If the wearer of this necklace is unconscious and fails a Death Check, they
Effect can choose to have this item shatter. If they do, they may re-roll that Death
Check but must take the result of this second roll.

Curse Rebellion Base Price: 40,000

Pop. 13 App. Simple necklace Item Class Accessory: Neck
Damage dealt to Daemons +3; Ancient Magic
Sum. Era
damage taken from Daemons -3 Civilization
When the wearer of this necklace makes a melee or ranged attack or casts a
spell that targets a Daemon, they deal an extra +3 damage to that Daemon.
Additionally, when a Daemon makes an attack on the wearer, reduce the
physical and magic damage from that attack by -3.

Accessory: Back

Inverness, a Beautiful Star Base Price: 40,000

Dark inverness cape with
Pop. 11 App. Item Class Accessory: Back
a star pattern
Sum. Creates Throwing Stars Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer may use a Minor Action to create a Throwing Star B-rank thrown
(see p. 231). This is treated as equipping a weapon (see CR I, p. 141) and cannot
Effect be done after a Major Action has been taken.
This effect can be used as many times as necessary. Still, the Throwing Star
created by this effect will disappear after 10 seconds (1 round).
Smart Animal Sack Base Price: 9,000
Backpack with an animal
Pop. 14 App. Item Class Accessory: Back
fur pattern
Warns and guides by arcana. +1 to
Search, Monster knowledge, Ancient Magic
Sum. Era
Danger Sense, and Trap Civilization
Detection checks
This sack speaks to the wearer in arcana, treating them as friends. The
conversation is pleasant, but the attention and guidance from the top are too
Effect frequent to ignore. Because it is knowledgeable and aware, if the wearer can
speak arcana, they gain a +1 bonus on Search check, Monster Knowledge,
Notice, Danger Sense, and Find Trap checks.
Accessory: Hand

Level Ring Base Price: 500

Pop. 10 App. Black ring Item Class Accessory: Hand
The highest ability score is
Sum. decreased by -1. The lowest ability Era Magitech Civilization
score is increased by +2
When this ring is equipped, the highest character's ability score is decreased
by -1. The lowest is increased by +2 simultaneously (if there is more than one
of each, the wearer chooses one at their discretion).
By destroying this ring as soon as the wearer performs an action check that
uses an increased ability score, they can determine the success value by applying
the value of the decreased ability score instead. This decision can be made after
the dice roll of the action check.
You cannot equip more than one of these rings at the same time. Also,
Ability-Enhancing Ring/Bracelet (see CR I, p. 308) loses its effect when
equipped with this ring. A temporary increase in ability score by destroying the
Ability-Enhancing Ring/Bracelet is possible. Still, the effect cannot be
accumulated by destroying them simultaneously.

Big Gloves Base Price: 8,000

Gloves that are too big
Pop. 13 App. Item Class Accessory: Hand
for hands
Allows equipping a weapon or
shield with a minimal strength of 5
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
more than the original. Equipped
at both hands and priced as a set
This accessory cannot be equipped in the other “Other” section. It should
be equipped on both Right Hand and Left Hand parts (price is for both hands).
The wearer of these gloves may equip a weapon or shield with a minimal
strength 5 higher than their own strength, or in the case of the Fencer class, up
to “half strength (rounded up) + 5” (for example, if strength is 7, they can equip
a weapon or shield with a minimum strength of 9).

Ring of Righteous Belief Base Price: 8,000

A thin ring that glows
Pop. 12 App. Item Class Accessory: Hand
with color
Ancient Magic
Sum. Willpower +2 Era
The wearer gains a +2 bonus to Willpower.
Effect The effects of this item are not cumulative with those of the Ring Of The
Mind (see CR I, p. 308).

Accessory: Waist

Sunflower Buckle Base Price: 1,500

Buckle in the shape of a
Pop. 10 App. Item Class Accessory: Waist
Fortitude and Willpower checks
Sum. Era Magitech Civilization
against undead +1
The wielder of this item gains a bonus to Fortitude and Willpower of +1
when targeted by a spell or unique skill by the undead character.

Green Belt Base Price: 35,000

Pop. 14 App. Wide green belt Item Class Accessory: Waist
Assume that the wearer is in a
Sum. natural environment (see CR I, p. Era Magitech Civilization
A character equipped with this belt can use classes and abilities under any
Effect circumstances and in any location and receive effects as if they or the target were
in the natural environment (see CR I, p. 101).

Accessory: Feet

Light Boots Base Price: 11,600

Pop. 11 App. Boots with feathers Item Class Accessory: Feet
Sum. Cannot fall prone Era Magitech Civilization
The one equipped with these boots can get up immediately after falling down.
They do not suffer the penalty for falling prone and getting up (see CR I, p. 97).
Falling prone itself cannot be avoided, nor can damage caused by attacks similar
to Throw be prevented.

Thieves Boots Base Price: 20,000
Pop. 14 App. Black leather boots Item Class Accessory: Feet
Ancient Magic
Sum. Teleport 2m Era
A wearer can move coordinates up to 2 meters using Major Action, regardless
of obstacles, by casting the password and 10 MP. The target point need not be
visible; the direction and distance (2 meters) should be specified aloud in
After the effect is used, the wearer temporarily disappears and appears at the
specified coordinates at the beginning of the next wearer’s turn. During this one
round (10 seconds), the equipped person is immune to any effect.
Suppose there is another character or object at the specified coordinates. In
that case, the wearer cannot appear there and will rematerialize at their original
If the wearer tries to use this effect more than once a day, the MP cost will
increase by 10 points, to 20, 30...

Accessory: Any

Sign of Valor Base Price: 10,000

Elaborately designed
Pop. 17 App. Item Class Accessory: Any
Control the growth of the ability
Sum. Era Divine Civilization
score to some extent
In order to benefit from this item, it must be kept equipped for the session
Suppose the dice roll used to determine the ability score growth after the
session does not include a specified roll (see below). In that case, the wearer
can roll an additional die to determine the ability score and use it to determine
the ability score.
Effect There are three types of Signs of Valor. Each of them has different conditions
for additional dice rolls. It is impossible to equip more than one Sign of Valor
with different effects.

“Sign of Valor: Skill”: Wearer can reroll if results do not contain a 1 or 2

“Sign of Valor: Body”: Wearer can reroll if results do not contain a 3 or 4.
“Sign of Valor: Mind”: Wearer can reroll if results do not contain a 5 or 6.

Improvements and Enhancements
to Weapons and Armor
This section will describe how to further enhance weapons and armor. We
also present data on how to apply conventional improvements and
enhancements to SS-ranked weapons and armor.

Ignidite Processing (Weapon Enhancement)

Utilizing a special mineral called Ignis Ore, the weapon's strength can be
increased to the limit.
Weapons with this enhancement are treated as a magic weapon. At the
same time, its original power is increased by +5. However, SS-ranked weapons
have their power increased by +10.
Ignidite processing is a secret technique that has been inherited by the race
called Dark Dwarves, and in order to have this enhancement done, you must
spend 100 reputations and have an acquaintance connection with a Dark Dwarf
Blacksmith (see p. 127).
Then, by paying the following amount, the ignidite process will be started.
The process takes one week. For the reasons above, no pre-processed weapons
are available on the market.

B-Rank: 5,000G
A-Rank: 10,000G
S-Rank: 20,000G
SS-Rank: 40,000G

Weapons with this enhancement will have "Ignidite" added to the beginning
of their names (e.g., “Ignidite Falchion”).

Extra Manatite Armor (Armor Enhancement)

Manatite, a light and strong metal is applied to increase the performance of

the armor.
With this enhancement, Armor's minimal strength increased by +3 points,
and its Defense increased by +1 points.
This enhancement can only be applied to metal armor or shield and cannot
be applied to nonmetallic armor.
Requesting this processing on a regular item for a price (see below) is
possible. However, it requires a week to have an item already in your
possession processed.

B-Rank (Metal Armor, Shield): +5,000G

A-Rank (Metal Armor, Shield): +10,000G
S-Rank (Metal Armor, Shield): +20,000G
SS-Rank (Metal Armor, Shield): +30,000G

Armor with this enhancement will have "Manatite" added to the beginning
of their names (e.g., “Manatite Mithril Plate”).

Existing Enhancement - Enhancements to SS Rank

If you apply enhancements to weapons and armor described in "Core

Rulebook II" (see CR II, p. 241+) for SS-ranked weapons and armor, the price
will be as follows.
All weapons and armor of SS rank are magical items and cannot be
enhanced with "Magic Weapon +1" or "Magic Armor +1".
In addition, it is rare for SS-ranked weapons and armor to be sold on the
market enhanced, and such modifications are made afterward.

Custom-Forged Weapon: +6,000G for every +1 or -1 modifier.

Silvered Weapon: +6,000G
Magic Weapon +1: Not available
Fairy Weapon: +9,000G
Magic Armor +1: Not available
Bulletproof Armor: +9,000G
Abyss Enhancement: 12,000G

Mount and Mount Equipment

Mounts and Equipment

SMoSRP - Secret Medicine of Section Regeneration Price.

Mount: Animals
Appropriate Purchase Rental
Name SMoSRP Notes
Level Price Price
Horse 1–4 5,000 250 - (Details p. 254)
Horse with +5
5,000 + 30
Fast Horse 1–4 - - movement, purchase
War Horse 4–7 10,000 1,000 - (Details p. 254)
War Horse with +5
Exceptional 10,000 + 60
4-7 - - movement, purchase
Horse reputation
7 – 10 20,000 2,000 - (Details p. 254)
Legendary Horse
Daredevil 20,000 + 100
7 – 10 - - with +5 movement,
Horse reputation
purchase only
Divine Horse 10 – 13 50,000 5,000 - (Details p. 254)
Divine Horse with
50,000 + 150
King of Horses 10 – 13 - - +5 movement,
purchase only
Dowles 2-4 4,500 300 - (Details p. 254)
Dondowles 5-7 9,000 900 - (Details p. 254)
Mordondowles 10 - 12 30,000 3,000 - (Details p. 254)
Dolphin 2–5 6,000 600 - (Details p. 254)

Mount: Mythical Beasts
Appropriate Purchase Rental
Level Price Price
SMoSRP Notes
(Details p.
Pegasus 5–7 20,000 2,000 -
Emerald (Details p.
6-8 25,000 2,500 -
Raccoon 257)
(Details p.
Tilgris 8 - 10 60,000 6,000 -
(Details p.
Draconet 10 – 12 120,000 12,000 3,000
(Details p.
Lesser Dragon 13 - 15 360,000 36,000 9,000

Mount: Magitech
Appropriate Rental
Name Purchase Price Notes
Level Price
1–2 3,000 300 (Details p. 261)
Manabike 3–6 10,000 1,000 (Details p. 261)
10,000 + 60 Manabike with +5
Manabike G 3–6 -
reputation movement, purchase only
7–9 20,000 2,000 (Details p. 261)
Superior 20,000 + 100 Superior Manabike with +5
7–9 -
Manabike K reputation movement, purchase only
Skybike 11 – 13 60,000 6,000 (Details p. 261)
60,000 + 150 Skybike with +5 movement,
Skybike S 11 – 13 -
reputation purchase only

Mount Carry Items

Name Price Note
Allows to rent and carry animal or mythical beast mount
Mount Contract 250+
(Details p. 93)
Mount Contract
300+ Allows to rent and carry magitech mount (Details p. 93)
Proprietary Allows to carry bought animal or mythical beast mount
Mount Contract (Details p. 93)
0 Allows to carry bought magitech mount (Details p. 97)
Mount Sphere

Carry an Animal or Mythical Beast of 3 levels or lower,
100 and return them to their original positions with Minor
Reduction Tag I
Action (Details p. 97)
Carry an Animal or Mythical Beast of 7 levels or lower,
500 and return them to their original positions with Minor
Reduction Tag II
Action (Details p. 97)
Carry an Animal or Mythical Beast of 13 levels or lower,
2,000 and return them to their original positions with Minor
Reduction Tag III
Action (Details p. 97)
Manabike Carry Magitech and use Minor Action to put it in and out
Storage Sphere (Details p. 97)

Mount Regeneration Items

These items are used to regenerate disabled sections (see p. 99) of Animals
or Mythical Beasts or to repair a destroyed magitech (see p. 99). When used,
it regenerates the function of the section and restores HP to 1 point.

Name Classification Price Note

Secret Medicine of Section Animal, Mythical Various Regenerates in 10
Regeneration Beast ※ minutes
Restore Kit Magitech 5,000 Repairs in 1 hour
※Refer to each mount data.

Mount Armaments

Mounts with them can be equipped and affect their capabilities. Depending
on the classification of the mount, it may or may not be equipped.
There are weapons and armor, and the mount can equip one of each. In
the case of a mount with multiple sections, each section can equip one weapon
and one armor, affecting only the section in which it is equipped.
It is possible to reuse one item between multiple mounts (section) (e.g., to
replace the item used for Horse with Dowles).
Armaments with “proprietary mounts only” cannot be equipped on rental
You cannot enhance mount weapons and armor.

Mount Weapons
Name Classification Price Note
Big Horn Animal, Mythical Beast 800 Damage +1
Accuracy check -1,
Sideblade Magitech 800
Damage +2
Iron Rivet Animal, Mythical Beast 2,000 Damage +2
Flicker Animal, Mythical
3,000 Accuracy +1
Hammer Beast, Magitech
Flicker Star Animal, Mythical 3,000 + 20 Accuracy +1 ※
Beast, Magitech reputation Proprietary mounts only
Blade Horn Animal, Mythical Beast 5,000 Damage +3
5,000 + 20 Damage +3 ※Proprietary
Metal Horn Animal, Mythical Beast
reputation mounts only
Manatite Animal, Mythical
15,000 Damage +4
Plating Beast, Magitech
Manatite Animal, Mythical 15,000 + 50 Damage +4 ※
Horn Beast, Magitech reputation Proprietary mounts only

Mount Armor
Name Classification Price Note
Leather Barding Animal, Mythical Beast 300 Defense +1
Chain Barding Animal, Mythical Beast 1,000 Defense +2
Anti-Magic Seal Magitech 2,000 Magic Damage -1
Plate Barding Animal, Mythical Beast 3,000 Defense +3
Blank Plate Magitech 3,000 Maximum HP +10
Wind Coat Animal, Mythical Beast 4,000 Evasion +1, Defense +2
Resist Barrier Magitech 8,000 Magic Damage -2
Gardner Shell Animal, Mythical Beast, Magitech 12,000 Evasion -1, Defense +4

How to Read Mount Data

The name of the mount. If there is a reference page after the name, it
indicates the page where you can find its monster data.

②Purchase Price / Price of Mount Contract / (Regeneration Price)

How much (in Gamels) it takes to acquire the mount. The first number is
the price for purchasing the mount outright. In contrast, the second price is the
cost for a "Mount Contract" or "Mount Contract Sphere" (rental price), and the
last it the price of a "Secret Medicine of Section Regeneration” (see p. 249) to
restore the disabled section.
The price of Secret Medicine of Section Regeneration is only listed in the
mounts of the sections that have the main section.

③Appropriate Level
The range of levels possible for the mount. The lowest value is the minimal
Rider level needed to handle the mount. If the value meets the minimum, the
mount can be handled with each value of the mount level equal to the
adventurer level of the jockey.
The higher value is the maximum level, and even if the jockey's adventurer
level exceeds the maximum level, the value of the mount will be that of the
maximum level.

The Intelligence of the mount. As a general rule, as long as a jockey can
give instructions, the mount will act according to those instructions but revert
to instincts when not commanded.
If “None” is indicated, the mount has no will and will not perform any
action unless commanded by the jockey.
If “Animal” or “Low” are used, the mount protects its own life. In most
cases, they try to escape from danger or battle.
If “Average” or “High” are used, the mount puts the jockey's safety before
its own life.

The means of perception the mount has available. The jockey and mount
perceptions are, in principle, independent.

The languages the mount can speak. If the jockey and mount can speak the
same language, communication between the two is possible.

⑦Weak Point
The weak point of mount. Whether or not the weak point of the mount is
detected is done in the Combat Preparation by means of the Weakness check
(see p. 108).

⑧Movement Speed
How fast the mount moves. The same as in monster data.

⑨Mount Data
Data by mount levels. The referenced mount level is the same as the
adventurer level of the jockey. Suppose the adventurer level of a jockey is

higher than the maximum value of the appropriate level. In that case, the
mount level should be the maximum listed value.
In principle, it is the same as the monster data, but it is assumed that the
dice are always rolled to check, and fixed success values are not shown.
Fortitude and Willpower, which are different for each level, are also shown
here (in the case of a multi-section monster, only one section is shown. The
resistance check should be rolled once when multiple sections are affected).

⑩Sections/Main Section
If a mount has multiple sections, the number of sections is listed, with the
Main Section specifically noted.

⑪Unique Skills
Unique skills used by mount, including icons, to classify the unique skills
and refer to them in the same way as the monster's unique skills.
Also, if the unique skill mentions Rider class level or Intelligence Bonus,
the jockey's stats are used unless mentioned otherwise.
If there is a “Prerequisite: (Stunt Name)” before the name of the unique
skill, the jockey must have mastered the stated stunt to use it. If the unique skill
name has “Enhance : (Stunt Name)” before it, the unique skill can be further
enhanced and used effectively if the jockey has mastered the indicated stunt.
See the description of each unique skill.

This is the description of the mount. In some cases, several kinds of mounts
are described together, while others are omitted.

Mount Data


Horse Price: 5,000G/250G

Appropriate Level: 1 – 4 Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 30 (4 Legs)/-
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
1 Hoof 3 2d 2 1 22 8 4 3
2 Hoof 4 2d+1 3 2 26 9 5 4
3 Hoof 5 2d+2 4 3 30 10 6 5
4 Hoof 6 2d+3 5 4 34 11 7 6
Unique Skills

War Horse Price: 10,000G/1,000G

Appropriate Level: 4 – 7 Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 25 (4 Legs)/-
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
4 Hoof 6 2d+4 5 4 40 15 7 7
5 Hoof 7 2d+6 6 5 45 17 8 8
6 Hoof 8 2d+7 7 6 50 19 10 9
7 Hoof 9 2d+9 8 7 55 21 11 10
Unique Skills
⏩△Techniques / Prerequisite: [Unique Skill Release]
Can use the [Beetleskin] and [Bear Muscle] Techniques.

Legendary Horse Price: 20,000G/2,000G

Appropriate Level: 7 – 10 Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 25 (4 Legs)/-
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
7 Hoof 10 2d+10 9 8 62 25 11 11
8 Hoof 11 2d+12 10 9 68 28 12 12
9 Hoof 13 2d+13 12 10 74 31 13 13
10 Hoof 14 2d+15 13 11 80 34 15 14
Unique Skills
⏩△Techniques [Prerequisite: Unique Skill ◯Indomitable [Prerequisite: Unique Skill
Release] Perfect Release]
Can use the [Beetleskin] and [Bear If the Legendary Horse's HP drops to 0 or
Muscle] Techniques. less, it may make a Death Check to stay
standing, taking actions as normal. However,
if it fails a Death Check, it dies.

Divine Horse Price: 50,000G/5,000G
Appropriate Level: 10 – 13 Intelligence: Low Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 30 (4 Legs)/-
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
7 Hoof 10 2d+10 9 8 62 25 11 11
8 Hoof 11 2d+12 10 9 68 28 12 12
9 Hoof 13 2d+13 12 10 74 31 13 13
10 Hoof 14 2d+15 13 11 80 34 15 14
Unique Skills
⏩△Techniques [Prerequisite: Unique Skill ◯Indomitable [Prerequisite: Unique Skill
Release] Perfect Release]
Can use the [Strong Blood], [Beetleskin], If the Divine Horse's HP drops to 0 or less,
[Recovery (5 HP)], and [Bear Muscle] it may make a Death Check to stay standing,
Techniques. taking actions as normal. However, if it fails
a Death Check, it dies.
Horses are the most common mounts in Alfleim. There are two types of horses: the widely
used Horses and the War Horses, professionally trained for combat. There are also Legendary
Horses, used by generals leading armies and high-ranking nobles, and the Divine Horse, which
is even called a horse consecrated by the gods.

Dowles Price: 4,500G/300G

Appropriate Level: 5 – 7 Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 20/-
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
2 Tail 4 2d+3 2 4 20 5 4 2
3 Tail 5 2d+4 3 5 24 6 5 4
4 Tail 6 2d+5 4 6 28 7 6 5
Unique Skills
🗨Tail Sweep
The monster can use its tail to attack up to 5 targets in the same skirmish. This ability cannot
be used on consecutive turns.

Dondowles Price: 9,000G/900G
Appropriate Level: 5 – 7 Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 20/-
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
5 Tail 8 2d+8 5 8 39 10 8 6
6 Tail 9 2d+9 6 9 45 12 9 8
7 Tail 10 2d+10 7 10 51 14 10 9
Unique Skills
🗨Tail Sweep ►Wind Breath [Prerequisite: Unique Skill
The monster can use its tail to attack up to Release]/Rider Level + Intelligence
5 targets in the same skirmish. This ability Modifier/Fortitude/Half
cannot be used on consecutive turns. It spits mass of wind with “Range/Area:
2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 Character.” It
deals “Power 10/Critical Threshold 10 +
Rider Level + Intelligence Modifier” wind
magic damage.
5 points of the mount's MP must be
consumed to use this ability.

Mordondowles Price: 30,000G/3,000G

Appropriate Level: 10 – 12 Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 20/-
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
10 Tail 14 2d+15 12 13 84 15 14 12
11 Tail 15 2d+17 13 14 91 18 15 13
12 Tail 16 2d+19 14 15 98 21 16 14
Unique Skills
🗨Tail Sweep 5 points of the mount's MP must be
The monster can use its tail to attack up to consumed to use this ability.
5 targets in the same skirmish. This ability ►Gale Breath [Prerequisite: Unique Skill
cannot be used on consecutive turns. Perfect Release]/Rider Level + Intelligence
►Wind Breath [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Modifier/Fortitude /Half
Release]/Rider Level + Intelligence It spits mass of wind with “Range/Area:
Modifier/Fortitude/Half 2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 area (3m
It spits mass of wind with “Range/Area: Radius)/5.” It deals “Power 10/Critical
2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 Character.” It Threshold 10 + Rider Level + Intelligence
deals “Power 10/Critical Threshold 10 + Modifier” wind magic damage.
Rider Level + Intelligence Modifier” wind To use this ability, 7 points of the mount's
magic damage. MP must be consumed.
Dowles is a large bipedal reptile (>2 m tall) widespread in the Alfleim continent's plains. They
are herbivorous and mild-mannered and tend to stay in groups. In the wild, they move slowly,
but those trained in the Rider's Guild have the agility of a small horse.
Dowles are quiet by nature but have extremely powerful lungs that can be trained to exhale air
and use it in battle. These are Dondowles. And among them, some rare individuals are bred for
a long period of time and grow up to 3m in height, which does not exist in the wild. These are
Mordondowles and have a reputation as powerful mounts that can accompany Swords of
Genesis rank adventurers on their tough adventures.

Dolphin (see p. 343) Price: 6,000G/600G
Appropriate Level: 2 – 5 Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: Sea Animal
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: -/25 (Swimming)
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
2 Tackle 4 2d+2 3 3 23 9 4 4
3 Tackle 5 2d+3 4 3 30 11 5 5
4 Tackle 6 2d+4 5 4 37 13 6 6
5 Tackle 7 2d+5 6 5 44 15 7 7
Unique Skills
◯Underwater The jockey can ride either on the water or
It cannot move outside of the water and underwater while keeping this mount in the
cannot act outside of the water, but it does water. In either case, the jockey does not
not suffer any restrictions or penalties for receive any penalty for the action checks for
actions in the water. being in the water. Still, as a rule, the jockey
cannot breathe or speak when in the water.
It is a mount that allows the jockey to move freely underwater. It is available for rent at Rider's
Guild in some seaside towns.

Mythical Beasts

Pegasus (see p. 392) Price: 20,000G/2,000G

Appropriate Level: 5 – 7 Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Accuracy +1 Movement Speed: 20 (4 Legs)/40 (Flying)
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
5 Hoof 7 2d+5 6 3 41 23 7 7
6 Hoof 8 2d+6 7 5 46 26 8 8
7 Hoof 9 2d+8 8 6 51 29 9 9
Unique Skills
◯Flight ◯Mounted = 1 Character [Prerequisite:
Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for Unique Skill Release]
melee attacks) and Evasion to both jockey One character, except for the jockey, can
and mount. be carried and moved on this mount (see p.
◯Poison/Disease Immunity 91).
When the mount is subjected to a poison
or disease-type effect or damage, it can
always be resisted as "Resistance: Optional."
A white horse with wings on its back, a Pegasus isn't as capable in combat as other mounts.
However, they compensate by allowing a passenger to ride as well.

Emerald Raccoon (see p. 392) Price: 25,000G/2,500G
Appropriate Level: 6 – 8 Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Language: Lycant, Sylvan
Weak Point: Earth Damage +3 Movement Speed: 16 (4 Legs)/-
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
6 Arm 8 2d+8 8 6 52 48 8 9
7 Arm 9 2d+9 9 7 57 51 9 10
8 Arm 11 2d+10 10 8 62 54 10 11
Unique Skills
◯Fairy Magic 6 Level [Prerequisite: Magic ◯Magic Aptitude [Prerequisite: Unique
Command]/Magic Power 9 Skill Release]
It can use earth, water/ice, wind, and light They can use the Combat Feats
types. [Targeting], [Metamagic/Number].
It is a Mythical Beast that resembles a raccoon with green body hair. These ones have
established a friendship with Humanoids or one that has been bred as a mount after coming
down to a Humanoid village. They are not good at attacking but can cast effective Fairy Magic.

Tilgris (see p. 394) Price: 60,000G/6,000G/3,000G

Appropriate Level: 8 – 10 Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Slashing Damage +3 Movement Speed: 30 (4 Legs)/-
Level F Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
Claws (Front) 11 2d+8 11 8 69 24 11 10
Tail (Back) 10 2d+10 10 8 77 12 - -
Claws (Front) 12 2d+9 12 9 76 28 12 11
Tail (Back) 11 2d+12 11 9 84 14 - -
Claws (Front) 13 2d+11 13 10 83 32 13 12
Tail (Back) 12 2d+14 12 10 93 16 - -
Sections: 2 (Front / Back) Main Section: Front
Unique Skills
●Front This ability cannot be used on consecutive
◯Double Attack [Prerequisite: Unique turns.
Skill Release] ●Back
Can make two Claws attacks with one ◯Long Tail
Major Action. Tail attacks can be made with "Range/Area:
►Lightning Breath/Rider Level + 1(10m)/Target".
Intelligence Modifier/Fortitude/Half ◯Painful Strike
It spits lightning with “Range/Area: If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or
2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 area (3m more, the damage is increased by an
Radius)/5.” It deals “Power 20/Critical additional +7 points.
Threshold 10 + Rider Level + Intelligence
Modifier” lightning and water/ice magic
Tilgris resembles a large tiger and is known as a territorial and reclusive Mythical Beast. They
live in deep forests and mountains. However, it is also known to be an excellent mount, willing
to let its backs to those with whom it has a rapport.

Draconet (see p. 396) Price: 120,000G/12,000G/4,000G
Appropriate Level: 10 – 12 Intelligence: Average Perception: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Language: Dragonic Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 Movement Speed: 13/25 (Flying)
Level F Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
Bite (Body) 13 2d+14 12 12 105 32 13 12
Wing (Wing) x 2 12 2d+9 10 10 66 16 - -
Bite (Body) 14 2d+15 13 13 113 36 14 14
Wing (Wing) x 2 13 2d+11 11 11 71 18 - -
Bite (Body) 15 2d+17 14 14 121 40 15 15
Wing (Wing) x 2 14 2d+12 12 12 76 20 - -
Sections: 3 (Body / Wing x 2) Main Section: Body
Unique Skills
●All Sections Suppose the jockey has the Stunt [Unique
◯** Immunity Skill Perfect Release]. In that case, the
A Draconet will suffer no effects and unique skill can change to “Target: 1
receive no damage from certain types of Character” (Note that this ability might
elemental attacks. The element can be one misfire because Draconet doesn’t have
of Fire, Water/Ice, Wind, Earth, Lightning, [Targeting]).
or Energy and can be chosen upon rental or ●Wing
purchase of the mount. ◯Flight
●Body Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for
►**Breath [Enhance: Unique Skill Perfect melee attacks) and Evasion to both jockey
Release ]/Rider Class Level + Intelligence and mount. This ability cannot be used if
Bonus/Fortitude/Half either Wing is reduced to 0 HP or lower.
It spits elemental mass with “Range/Area: 🗨All-Out Attack [Prerequisite: Unique
2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 area (3m Skill Release]
Radius)/5.” It deals “Power 20/Critical A Wing can ready itself to deal an
Threshold 10 + Rider Level + Intelligence additional 8 damage on its next attack.
Modifier” magic damage. The type of Breath However, any Evasion Check made by either
is the same as the type selected in of the Wings that used this ability this turn
[**Immunity]. receives a -3 penalty.
This ability cannot be used on consecutive
An incredibly young dragon, difficult to ride due to its fiery temperament. Only very skilled
jockeys can attempt to ride one of these rare mounts, and only a few branches of the Riders'
Guild even have a Draconet available.
However, they are smart enough to communicate with the jockey, assuming a common
language is used.

Lesser Dragon (see CR II, p. 396) Price: 360,000G/36,000G/9,000G
Appropriate Level: 13 – 15 Intelligence: High Perception: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Language: Trade Common, Arcana, Dragonic
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 Movement Speed: 15/30 (Flying)
Level F Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
Bite (Head) 17 2d+18 15 14 119 84 17 17
13 Tail (Body) 16 2d+16 13 16 133 30 - -
Wing (Wings) x 2 15 2d+14 13 13 84 28 - -
Bite (Head) 18 2d+20 16 15 128 90 18 18
14 Tail (Body) 17 2d+17 14 18 142 36 - -
Wing (Wings) x 2 17 2d+16 14 14 90 32 - -
Bite (Head) 19 2d+22 17 16 137 96 19 19
15 Tail (Body) 18 2d+18 15 20 151 42 - -
Wing (Wings) x 2 18 2d+18 15 15 96 36 - -
Sections: 4 (Head / Body / Wings x2) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections If the jockey has the Stunt [Unique Skill
◯** Immunity Perfect Release], the unique skill can change
A Lesser Dragon will suffer no effects and to “Target: 1 Character.”
receive no damage from certain elemental ●Body
attacks. The element can be one of Fire, ◯Mounted = 2 Character [Prerequisite:
Water/Ice, Wind, Earth, Lightning, or Unique Skill Release]
Energy and can be chosen upon rental or Two characters, except for the jockey, can
purchase of the mount. be carried and moved on this mount (see p.
⏩△Techniques 91).
Can use the [Strong Blood], [Beetleskin], 🗨Tail Sweep
and [Recovery (7 HP)] Techniques. The monster can use its tail to attack up to
●Body 5 targets in the same skirmish. This ability
►Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic 10 cannot be used on consecutive turns.
Level [Prerequisite: Magic ◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible • None
Command]/Magic Power 14 The Head cannot be attacked with melee
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude/Prerequisite: and ranged attacks. When the Body falls to
[Unique Skill Perfect Release] 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears.
Knows the Combat Feats [Targeting], ●Wings
[Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], ◯Flight
[Universal Metamagic], and [Wordbreak]. Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for
►**Breath [Enhance: Unique Skill Perfect melee attacks) and Evasion to jockey and
Release ]/Rider Class Level + Intelligence mount. This ability cannot be used if either
Bonus/Fortitude/Half Wing is reduced to 0 HP or lower.
It spits elemental mass with “Range/Area: 🗨All-Out Attack [Prerequisite: Unique
2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 area (6m Skill Release]
Radius)/5.” It deals “Power 30/Critical A Wing can ready itself to deal an
Threshold 10 + Rider Level + Intelligence additional 8 damage on its next attack.
Modifier” magic damage. The type of Breath However, any Evasion Check made by either
is the same as the type selected in of the Wings that used this ability this turn
[**Immunity]. This ability cannot be used receives a -3 penalty.
on consecutive turns.
This dragon has recently grown from a Draconet but is still younger than 500 years old. The
few jockeys who can tame these massive beasts are called “Dragoons,” and the combined combat

power is simply unmatched. Whole battlefields can be scorched with minimal effort, and even
entire counties will respect dragoons and their mounts.


Mini Manabike Price: 3,000G/300G

Appropriate Level: 1 – 2 Intelligence: None Perception: Mechanical Language: None
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 Movement Speed: 30 (Wheels)
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
1 Tackle 3 2d+2 1 3 25 - 3 3
2 Tackle 4 2d+3 2 3 25 - 3 3
Unique Skills
◯Off-Road Handling
Ignore all -2 penalties for poor mobility.
It is a small, easy-to-use magitech for beginner riders and is available outside of the Rider's

Manabike Price: 10,000G/1,000G

Appropriate Level: 3 – 6 Intelligence: None Perception: Mechanical Language: None
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 Movement Speed: 50 (Wheels)
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
3 Tackle 5 2d+4 5 5 40 - 6 6
4 Tackle 7 2d+6 7 5 40 - 6 6
5 Tackle 8 2d+8 8 5 40 - 6 6
6 Tackle 9 2d+10 9 5 40 - 6 6
Unique Skills
◯Off-Road Handling Launches a grenade with “Range/Area:
Ignore all -2 penalties for poor mobility. 1(10m)/Shot” and “Target: 1 area (3m
►Grenade Launcher [Enhance: Unique Radius)/5)” It deals “Power 10/Critical
Skill Release]/Rider Level + Dexterity Threshold 10 + Rider Level + Intelligence
Modifier/Willpower/Half Modifier” fire magic damage.
To use this ability, the mount can only take To use this ability, the jockey must spend
Limited Move. However, if the jockey has 10 MP.
learned [Unique Skill Release], this ability Once this ability is used, it cannot be used
can be used with Normal Move. again unless the jockey reloads the Grenade
with a Major Action (for game purposes
mount has an unlimited number of
A Magitech-type mount that can be found on the market and at the Riders' Guild. They are
loved by riders as a casual model that combines sufficient travel speed with easy maneuverability.

Superior Manabike Price: 20,000G/2,000G
Appropriate Level: 7 – 9 Intelligence: None Perception: Mechanical Language: None
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 Movement Speed: 50 (Wheels)
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
7 Tackle 9 2d+10 9 9 75 - 10 10
8 Tackle 11 2d+12 11 9 75 - 10 10
9 Tackle 12 2d+14 12 9 75 - 10 10
Unique Skills
◯Off-Road Handling Launches a grenade with “Range/Area:
Ignore all -2 penalties for poor mobility. 1(10m)/Shot” and “Target: 1 area (3m
►Grenade Launcher [Enhance: Unique Radius)/5)” It deals “Power 10/Critical
Skill Release]/Rider Level + Dexterity Threshold 10 + Rider Level + Intelligence
Modifier/Willpower/Half Modifier” fire magic damage.
To use this ability, the mount can only take To use this ability, the jockey must spend
Limited Move. However, if the jockey has 10 MP.
learned [Unique Skill Release], this ability Once this ability is used, it cannot be used
can be used with Normal Move. again unless the jockey reloads the Grenade
with a Major Action (for game purposes
mount has an unlimited number of
A high-performance manabike, these machines can be exclusively purchased from the Riders'
Guild. Larger than the standard manabike, it also had improved operations and durability. It can
withstand the rigors of combat quite well.

Skybike Price: 60,000G/6,000G

Appropriate Level: 11 – 13 Intelligence: None Perception: Mechanical Language: None
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 Movement Speed: 50 (Wheels)
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
11 Tackle 14 2d+14 14 14 120 - 14 14
12 Tackle 16 2d+16 16 14 120 - 14 14
13 Tackle 17 2d+18 17 14 120 - 14 14
Unique Skills
◯Flight ►Laser Gun [Enhance: Unique Skill
Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for Perfect Release]/Rider Level + Dexterity
melee attacks) and Evasion to both jockey Modifier/Willpower/Half
and mount. To use this ability, the mount can only take
◯High Speed Retreat Prerequisite: Limited Move. However, if the jockey has
[Unique Skill Release] learned [Unique Skill Perfect Release], this
To use this ability, the mount can only take ability can be used with Normal Move.
Full Move. The jockey and mount can move It fires a laser with “Range/Area:
as they have Combat Feat [Shadow Sneak] 2(30m)/Line” and deals “Power 30/Critical
(see CR II, p. 210). Threshold 10 + Rider Level + Intelligence
When this ability is used, the mount Modifier” energy magic damage.
receives 40 points of fixed damage at the end To use this ability, the jockey must spend
of the movement. 15 MP.
The Rider's Guild offers this manabike that can fly powered by manatite.

Part 4 World

Faith and Divine Strength
The strength of the Gods' power that they can exert on Raxia is directly
proportional to the number of followers they have. Therefore, in regions with
few followers of a particular God, the priesthood of that God also weakens.
Conversely, the priesthood is quite powerful in regions where a God is
worshiped by the general masses. Temples, monuments, and even old totems
dedicated to a God will increase their influence and the number of believers in
that particular region.
The common belief is that these items and monuments collect the spiritual
power (and MP) of the God's followers, allowing the God to influence the local
populace and create a foothold for their religion to take root. Priests casting
spells and performing miracles in areas will also create believers in that
particular God, giving rise to a sect of that God in the area, allowing other
priests to perform more powerful miracles, etc. A Holy Seal, a physical
affirmation of a God's blessing upon a priest, is required in order to perform
Priest spells.

Ancient Gods
In times long lost to myth, these Gods were the first to find one of the
Swords of Genesis and are well-known anywhere in Raxia, with a large number
of followers. Because of this, their power will not decrease anywhere in Raxia.
Yet, these ancient gods cannot devote as much time and effort to each
individual priest, so it is unlikely that calling on them will give a direct revelation
to one of their priests.
There are also other ancient Gods, though their names and history have
been lost to the ages. With no followers, their power and influence have
declined to the point where they have become forgotten.

Major and Minor Gods
Major Gods are well known throughout the entirety of a continent and will
retain power in that area. However, when traveling to a faraway area, whether
by land or by sea, the sphere of influence those Gods have diminishes, and it
will be unlikely that inhabitants of the new region have heard of these distant
Minor Gods aren't even as lucky as that. Being Gods that have recently
ascended to Godhood, they have not established a base of followers too far
from their own region. When moving away from that region, priests of this
God will find it harder to call upon their God in times of need.
Some Gods, however, are well known despite their classification as a Major
or Minor God. For example, Sien, the wife of the Sun God Tidan and Goddess
of the Moon, is known to be worshiped on multiple continents despite being
considered a Major God. Latocles, a Minor God from Terastier, is another
example of a God known throughout the world of Raxia.

Aid from a Minor God

While Minor Gods cannot exert influence over much more than a small
area, they are able to appear to mortals much more often than older Gods.
Occasionally, they will appear as divine beings or disguise themselves in mortal
form to contact the PCs. Either way, the GM might use the God as a means to
offer up information and contact a Priest character as an oracle, or use the God
as a patron for the PCs' adventuring party, hiring the players to help the God
out where they cannot hold influence.

As adventurers strive to reach the 15th level in their classes, they will
eventually begin to find ways to become a God. Over the course of their
adventures, they will likely have overcome situations that could have affected
the course of the world or fought enemies who are on par with the Gods
themselves. Such events often connect one with the will of the Gods and can
motivate one to become a God.

A character who has reached the 10th level is already considered to have
the potential to become a God, as they have knowledge and power far
surpassing that of ordinary people. They are literally one of the strongest
fighters in the world, having the wisdom and insight to see the world and gather
Among those, an adventurer who has reached the 15th level has hit the
limit of mortal beings, with further growth no longer possible, at least by normal
means. Only with the blessings of the divine will they be able to find a path
beyond, whether they receive those blessings willingly or take them by force.
Of course, even lower-leveled adventurers can become Gods if they find
one of the Swords of Genesis or if one of the Gods gives them a portion of
their power. Such an adventurer would be quite favored by the Gods, even if
such divinity might be given on a whim. However, only those 15th-level
adventurers are able to attain Godhood on their own.

Adventures on the Alfleim Continent

Rider's Guilds
The Riders' Guilds are organizations that work alongside the Adventurer's
Guild in order to capture, train, and outfit mounts for those able to ride.
With the Magitech Civilization's collapse during the Diabolic Triumph and
the destruction of the railway system that had developed across the Alfleim
continent, transportation slowed to a crawl as the survivors needed to adapt to
their new situation. The use of pack animals as transportation and movement
between cities was re-evaluated by the Adventurer's Guild, formed out of an
organization called the Keepers of the Wall. These people fought for those in
dire straits after the Diabolic Triumph. The Riders' Guild was formed out of
this evaluation, establishing a number of branches all across Alfleim to train,
rent, and sell cavalry mounts to armies, knights, and adventurers.
Because of this, a Riders' Guild branch will often be found in the same
cities as the Adventurer's Guild, offering aid to those who can ride into battle.
Additionally, the Institute of Magitechnology has joined forces in order to
provide additional knowledge and mounts, such as the various Manabikes and
other magical mounts.
Currently, the Riders' Guild in each region functions almost independently
from each other but acts in close cooperation with their affiliated Adventurer's
Guild, actively renting and selling mounts to adventurers. They also return
rented mounts from one region to another without issue, which is quite useful
for adventurers planning on traveling to the destination.
Since Riders' Guilds handle a number of mounts, both mundane and
magical, they tend to operate their stables and warehouses in the suburbs of
their cities, oftentimes even operating outside of the city walls. It is not
uncommon, therefore, for a single Riders' Guild to provide numerous
adventuring parties with mounts, especially in the larger cities.


The Riders' Guild trains and equips the various beasts used by riders so
that they won't flinch in dangerous situations, such as combat, as well as offering
upkeep and maintenance for the various magitech vehicles.
The animals trained by the Guild, whether mundane animals like horses
or mythical beasts like a hippogryph are trained from birth to be of value to
any rider, whether they are a traveling merchant or a roving adventurer. The
guild trainers are uniquely skilled for their knowledge and prowess in training
each different animal, and a Guild-trained animal is immediately recognizable
from the mark on them. This mark is often branded into the creature's flank,
but more humane trainers will use magical methods of applying their mark
If separated from their riders, these mounts are trained to wait for some
time for them to return, as oftentimes, dungeons weren't built with mounts in
mind. However, should the rider be gone for a long period of time, the mount
will return to the Guild on its own. Adventurers are often called on to protect
these mounts for other parties and hired to bring young animals in to be trained
as new mounts.

Mount Reduction Tags

These tags contain the power to reduce a mount and their equipment in
size and preserve them in stone until the mount is needed, making it easy to
transport over a large distance. It is thought that these tags were a form of
petrification preservation technology being actively researched in the latter half
of the Magitech Civilization Period.

Mount Contracts and Proprietary Mount Contracts

In recent years, the Riders' Guild has been approving the use of both
Mount Contracts and Proprietary Mount Contracts among its members. These
Contracts have very similar powers as the Reduction Tags when applied to a
mount but are able to be used and reused, unlike the Reduction Tags.
The Mount Contract also serves as a contract for renting a certain type of
mount from the Riders' Guild, while the Proprietary Mount Contract indicates
that a particular mount belongs to the owner. These Contracts are an upfront
payment of the various rental fees required to rent a mount, so while the Guild

loses out on multiple rental fees by selling these Contracts, they know that the
owner will require equipment and maintenance for their mounts and will
recoup their losses in this manner instead.

Alchemists and Magitech Civilization

The Al Menas civilization, lost to the Barbarous 300 years ago, was the
force behind creating magitech and spreading it throughout Raxia. The leaders
of the time believed it to be a way to "bring magic to everyone" in a reactionary
measure to the Sorcerer-Kings of the Durandal period that preceded them.
This concept was the root of civilization, and there were many different ways
that the inventors of the time thought to do exactly that.
Magitech, the seamless combination of magic and technology, was the most
popular and widespread among these methods. The existence of Alchemists
and alchemy in general shows that there were not only other successful
methods but that these methods were able to survive the Diabolic Triumph
and persist into the current day throughout the Alfleim continent.
According to alchemy, everything in the world can be broken down into
five major elements, or prima materia. These would be Animal (denoted as
the color red), Vegetable (green), Mineral (black), Spirit (white), and Energy
(gold). The distribution of these five prima materia, as well as the combinations
thereof, are what causes the differences between various substances, including
living beings. In other words, if one could modify those elements and their
mixture, they can effectively transform matter and life. Among the prima
materia, Energy is especially important, as it is thought to be the closest to the
essence of the world itself. So the study of these elements is called alchemy, in
an attempt to turn matter into gold.
However, the ultimate goal of being able to transmute any matter at will was
never fully realized. There was a manner in which a person could draw magical
power from the prima materia, though this was thought of more as a by-product
of the experiments, despite being highly acclaimed at the time. This procedure
was also quite destructive to the prima materia as well, making it quite costly to
perform. Before it could be refined into something more streamlined, though,
the Barbarous attacked, and much of the research into this was lost forever.
In comparison to magitech and the magical arts, alchemy had much lower
interest, attracting far fewer researchers and practitioners throughout Raxia.
The Alfleim continent was one of the few places where Alchemists and
alchemy was studied quite enthusiastically, and there was far less information
lost there than elsewhere in Raxia. In particular, alchemic knowledge is used
in the creation and upkeep of the massive magical trains that run throughout
the continent and in the process of using spent Mako stones for fuel.
Currently, alchemic research and innovation are housed in branches of the
Institute of Magitechnology, as both are offshoots of the same concept of
"bringing magic to everyone" the Al Menas espoused. The art of drawing magic
from the prima materia, originally a side effect of alchemic research, is rather
popular amongst adventuring Alchemists, and having a trained Alchemist in an
adventuring party is not to be ignored.

Alchemy Kits

The Alchemy Kit is an essential piece of equipment for any Alchemist,

especially if they're active adventurers. It has an elongated shape, like that of
two rectangular boxes connected vertically, and functions as both a Card
Holder and a Tool Chamber.
Much as it sounds, a Card Holder holds the various cards necessary for the
Alchemist to use their Evocations. A minor enchantment on the Card Holder
allows the cards inside to magically suspend and arrange themselves in front of
the Alchemist when desired.
The Tool Chamber, on the other hand, contains a variety of tools, such as
a cloth with a magic circle drawn on it to create crude material cards, a small
golden rod to create aerial wards, and a ceremonial dagger to draw the magic
from any given material. These tools allow a traveling Alchemist to be able to
create material cards from a monster's loot drops in case they run out of
prepared cards while on the road.
For those interested in such things, the Alchemist's Alchemy Kit and the
Artificer's Magisphere share similar technology in that both items have internal
storage much larger than their outward appearances would imply. Additionally,
while the art of creating new Alchemy Kits from scratch has been lost to time,
it is possible to use a Magisphere to create a duplicate of an existing kit, and so
new kits are able to be purchased from any branch of the Institute of

Various means of transportation were created and developed by the Al
Menas, with the most prolific being the manabikes and magic trains. There
were others, though, as any airship captain will be more than happy to talk
about how their vessel is a magitech marvel.
Yet, the teleporter was the most powerful of them all.
Able to transport astounding amounts of goods and people across large
distances in the blink of an eye. These were the shining achievement of the Al
Menas. In their heyday, there were innumerable teleporters installed in various
locations around Raxia, and it's said that someone could visit every continent
in a single day.
In order to function correctly, a teleporter needed to be installed in its own
facility to allow the appropriate magical wards, magitech circuits, and other
safety precautions and active mana circuitry to function properly. Often,
multiple teleporters were established within the same facility to allow for farther
distances to be traveled, as each teleporter was only able to connect two specific
points with one another.
Currently, there are very few known teleporter facilities, and even less of
them still function after the Diabolic Triumph. If a room in a dungeon has a
magic circle engraved into the floor, it cannot be ruled out as possibly being a
part of a teleporter facility.
The largest drawback of a teleporter in the modern day is that they require
the facilities at both the sending and the receiving sides to be in functioning
order. It is quite rare that both facilities are safe from danger, whether from the
environment, intruders such as wild animals or the Barbarous, or even
equipment that might malfunction occasionally.
Even in the heyday of the Magitech Civilization, a teleporter facility was
incredibly important to the functioning of day-to-day life, and so each facility
was heavily guarded and protected. Even if one were to find a working
teleporter facility, blindly using it without preparing for what may be on the
other side is a fool's game, and so there are significant risks when finding and
taking over a previously unknown teleporter facility.

Tiens and Leprechauns
The following sections detail the new races introduced in this book, the
Tiens and the Leprechauns.

Tiens (Humanoids)

The origins of the Tiens race can be traced back through the ages to the
end of the Durandal civilization, which had collapsed just over 3,000 years ago.
Before the Magic Civilization, during the Age of Myth that preceded them,
there were divine creatures known as an "astrade." Despite their divine nature,
these creatures had multiple different appearances, some humanoid and some
not, and they were quite capable and willing to spread despair and destruction
wherever they went. The Tiens are said to be an artificial race born from efforts
to magically synthesize a cross between ordinary humans and the astrades,
though the exact reasoning behind their creation remains a mystery.
Some believe the Tiens were manufactured to be expendable soldiers, sent
to the various Shallow Abysses that appeared throughout Alfleim in order to
prevent any daemons that may have emerged from them. As a result, they are
most commonly seen in the northern section of Alfleim, specifically around
the Wall of the Abyss, and are known to fight on the front lines when it comes
to repelling attacks from the Abyss.
However, the population of Tiens is generally quite low, which is only
exacerbated by their lack of central cities or countries where they would find a
home to call their own. When it comes to propagating the race, a Tiens' fertility
is quite low, and they are far more likely to marry a human rather than try to
find another Tiens they are compatible with.
Physically, a Tiens is quite muscular, supposedly having been built to
protect Alfleim from daemons. Males tend to average around 190cm in height,
while it's not uncommon for females to exceed 180cm. Their most distinctive
features, though, are probably their metallic-colored hair and the large gems
on their foreheads, chests, and the backs of their hands. A Tiens' hair can
appear to be that of any sort of metal, whether copper, silver, gold, etc., though
it is not actually metallic. Meanwhile, the jewels are said to be the crystallization
of mana within the Tiens, and while the number may vary from one person to
another, they all have a deep, beautiful internal glow unlike any other jewel
found in a treasure hoard.

Much like other humanoids, the personality of a Tiens is influenced by
their upbringing, but even with that in mind they tend to be quiet, thoughtful,
earnest, and honest. Their innate telepathic abilities give them the ability to
empathize with others quite easily, and they are often quite attentive to their
surroundings. Tiens are known for their mental strength and incredible
willpower and are only rarely heard to complain about their situation. They are
caring and often worry about their allies, both humanoid and otherwise, and
will find ways to help inspire them to greater heights.
Tiens have a fairly short lifespan compared to humans, only reaching
around 50 years, and will start aging rapidly after they reach 40 years. However,
they can willingly put themselves in a state of suspended animation, where they
can sleep for years without physically aging. This artificially extends their
lifetime by a significant amount, so with smart use of this ability, a Tiens can
effectively live for 200 years or more, and some have been sleeping for even
longer. To awaken a sleeping Tiens, someone else must touch one of the gems
on a Tiens, and spend 20 MP, transferring it to the Tiens. When doing this,
multiple people can offer smaller amounts of MP, and Mako Stones can also
help offset the cost.
Since many Tiens consider their life's mission to hunt down daemons that
have escaped the Abyss, many of them follow the Goddess Eve, the Shield
Against the Abyss. There are others who follow the teachings and guidance of
her sister, the Goddess Harula, the Guiding Star. Regardless of their choice of
religion, Tiens are dedicated to the destruction of the Abyss and, despite their
low numbers, are often seen throughout Alfleim whenever daemons from the
Abyss try to encroach into Raxia.


Leprechauns are a race that are said to have been found in Raxia
throughout the Magic Civilization period but only really became known during
the Magitech period. Physically, a Leprechaun is similar in build to a human
child, with the men standing around 130cm tall while the women are closer to
120cm. However, their much larger, hairy ears and the beards among the men
tend to have them stand out from the children. In fact, because of their beards,
Leprechaun men are often thought to be mistaken for Dwarven men, though
Leprechauns are significantly leaner and lither than Dwarf. They are also much
shyer than practically any other race and will use their Unseen Artisan racial
ability to hide from the sight of anyone they consider a stranger.

Even in recent years, Leprechauns are a rare sight anywhere in Raxia due
to their unease around most other races, and they use their natural invisibility
to hide their families in plain sight. There aren't any settlements that are
specifically just Leprechauns, and their natural wariness of others means they
tend to travel in small numbers. However, families can be found living in small
underground caves and in the ruins of older civilizations. Because of their size,
a Leprechaun doesn't need to eat a lot of food, and so will either sneak into
the stores of other races and steal what they need or will trap their prey and
process it into storable food.
The general public first noticed the existence of Leprechauns as a race
during the Magitech period, as their natural manual dexterity and creativity
meant they were inclined to be great at manufacturing and tinkering with the
many magitech crafts and inventions that were coming out at the time. This
love of tinkering can be seen even today, as there's often a number of
Leprechauns at any given branch of the Institute of Magitechnology, working
with both older magitech recovered from hired adventurers, as well as trying to
find the next big magitech breakthrough.
Many Leprechauns are timid and shy, especially around strangers, but their
love and devotion for their loved ones are unparalleled. So much so, in fact,
that they will often protect their homes and even follow their loved ones in
secret, using their invisibility, and accompany them on long journeys without
them noticing. Despite this, Leprechauns don't often become adventurers,
though those that do are some of the most dependable companions a party
could ask for.
For Leprechauns, the age of majority is around 15 years when they begin
to look for a place of their own in order to become independent from their
family. Yet, their natural lifespan is approximately 200 years, so quite often,
Leprechauns become laid-back, taking things easy due to their rather long life.
When a Leprechaun finds something they want to focus on, usually some
magitech or otherwise mechanical device, they will focus on that and exhibit
quick, delicate handiwork.
Few Leprechauns have any sort of religious following, tending toward the
physical rather than the spiritual. Those that do find a divine calling, however,
tend to be followers of Mirtabar, the Divine Hand.

Geography of Central and
Northeastern Alfleim
From a bird's-eye view, the Alfleim Continent can be roughly divided into
east and west through a couple of large mountain ranges. This division has led
to the two sides of the continent developing cultures that are quite different
from each other, so much so that it is much easier to describe the
commonalities between the two sides than to describe the differences.
The following section will detail both the central section of Alfleim that
separates east and west and the northeastern section of the continent.

Geography and Climate of the Central Continent

The central part of Alfleim is divided into east and west due to a number
of geographical barriers; the southern waters known as the "Bleeding Sea," the
massive mountain range that cuts into the region from the south of the
continent, and the Abyss Sea to the north. Only a small land bridge connects
the two halves of the continent between the two seas, and this bit of land has
been a historically important location for both warfare and trade. Many
warmongers have sought to control this land bridge to cut off supply trains to
their enemies, while those living on the bridge enjoy rather a fertile land and
an abundance of fishing. Undoubtedly, the differences in culture between
eastern and western Alfleim stem from the difficulty in traveling between the
two, in no small part due to this small land bridge.
Climactically, this area is quite heavily affected by ocean currents, with the
northern side facing the Abyss Sea being quite cold. However, the side of the
land bridge facing the Bleeding Sea is much milder, with a lot of rainfall. Thus,
the north is dry, while both sides of the Bleeding Sea are quite wet.

Geography and Climate of the Northeastern Continent

The northeastern part of the Alfleim continent is much more green and
lush than the western half of the continent due to the warm ocean currents
affecting the weather. Much of the north is covered by forests, especially in the
region of the Talmir Mountains, separating it from the rest of the continent.
As one moves north, the temperature cools off considerably, and there are
places that will perpetually have snow on the ground during the winter.
However, the ocean currents bringing in warmer air mitigate much of the
severity of the weather, though it can still get quite chilly at times. The
temperature also kept much of the Al Menas out of the region, so there are
few magitech ruins in the area. Without the heavy influence of magitech in the
region, it has a bit of an old-timey feel and has quite a number of Elf and Meria
settlements scattered about.

The Randall Region

The Randall region of Alfleim covers the narrow Randall Corridor, a thin
strip of land in the center of the continent surrounded by the ocean and a few
nearby islands and the waters separating them. Though there isn't much to the
region landwise, the area has seen constant wars since the end of the Diabolic
Triumph. In fact, it is considered one of the most dangerous regions in Alfleim
due to the constant warring.
Various kingdoms of both humanoids and Barbarous, as well as a vast
undead empire led by a king long dead, constantly fight over the little land in
the region, jockeying for position in order to control the entire region and stifle
supplies to their enemies. This jockeying keeps the balance of power shifting
towards one empire or another at any given time, and so it is folly to try and
map out the boundaries of each empire in order to determine who has the
right to rule over the region. Even outsiders inevitably get drawn into one side
or another if they stay in the region for too long, and so travelers not wishing
to become soldiers for one side or another often look for other ways to travel
the continent.
While humans overall have the most land in the region, the power base is
split among different empires that quarrel and fight with each other as well as
the other races, and so each empire actually has quite a small amount of land
under their control. In addition, the area is prone to Shallow Abyss formations,
making it one of the most difficult regions on the continent to live in.

Harshika Commercial Union, the Land of Sacred Exchanges

Located in the middle of the Randall Corridor, the Harshika Commercial
Union is a nation that sprung up around the trade city of Harshika. This new
nation handles any exchanges between east and west Alfleim and is one of the
only neutral areas in the war-torn Randall Region.
Ruled by a mercantile council, whose members are elected every four
years, the union appears to be a nation of equality among different social
classes. However, due to significant bribery and corruption among the
merchants, most open seats on the council are elected directly by the
merchants themselves instead of by the general public.
The main city of Harshika straddles the great Frado River, the massive
waterway that divides the Continent in half, and has unchallenged control over
the bridges and ferries that would span the river. Due to its place as the gateway
between the two halves of the continent, the city and those in it are quite
wealthy, and few other places in Alfleim have the breadth of goods and services
from all across the continent as Harshika does. This gives the Commercial
Union the economic power to maintain its neutrality in the region, and the
opportunity to hire enough military might enforce that neutrality and influence
other countries.
The capital city is also home to a number of emissaries, who often have
elaborate homes away from their own countries, as well as hosting various
armies within the city, occasionally having multiple hostile factions in the city
at the same time. In order to maintain peace, there are incredible penalties for
casting hostile magic or causing violence within the city, so actual conflict is
quite rare. With that said, there are still confrontations and arguments that still
occur, so the city is not always a quiet place to be.
As a city of trade, any number of races will come and go in the name of
trade or conquest. There are rumors that some of the districts do not have
Swords of Protection active, and Barbarous enter the city for trade in secret.
When it comes to religious representation, there are a number of temples
throughout the city for most of the gods known throughout the Alfleim
continent. Among them, the faith of Harula, the Guiding Star, is rather strongly
represented in the city, as it is thought that Harshika took its name from God
in the early days of its founding.
Adventurers are also quite welcome within Harshika, and wealthy patrons
in the city often seek out adventuring parties in order to assist with whatever
interesting whim they may have at the moment. Powerful merchants will also
sponsor adventurers, though often these parties are used to guard the
merchant's belongings, whether their own homes or any traveling caravans.
Some adventurers are even personally indebted to a particular patron and will
only serve their interests whenever they can.

Races in the Randall Region

Much of the Randall Region is split by the waters of the Bleeding Sea, and
the races of the region are also split across the landscape. Humanoids often
stick to the coastlines of the Bleeding Sea, while Barbarous in the region find
homes in the remote mountains and islands. Because of the region's complex
geography, there's been constant skirmishing between the races since the end

of the Diabolic Triumph, which is exacerbated by multiple incursions of the
Shallow Abyss in the area.
Unfortunately, these constant incursions have only honed the warlike
tendencies of the Barbarous in the area, which makes traversing the already
rough roads even harder. Many of those who would travel the region are
recommended to do so only with armed escorts who know the region to find
the best roads and provide protection from the Barbarous and others who wish
to ambush unwary travelers. Even the waterways aren't safe, as not only are
there aquatic Barbarous to worry about, but also pirates who will attack
anything and anyone that isn't them.
There are even rumors and legends of a massive Shallow Abyss somewhere
in the region, guarded by an undead king and its hordes of the living dead. As
of yet, however, no one has been able to find this gathering of the living dead
and return to tell the tale, so their existence is still in question.
With all of the strife and conflict in the region, many have the hope that a
powerful hero will come and unite the region, driving away all of the
warmongers and Barbarous to usher in a new age of peace.

The Ursyla Region
Located in the northern part of eastern Alfleim, the Ursyla Region is a
colder region, separated from the rest of the continent first by the Great Sevray
Forest, then by the Tarmir Mountains. Because of the ocean currents affecting
the climate, the northern end of Ursyla is much colder than the more
temperate eastern coast.
The region is home to a significant number of elves, second only to the
number of humans in the region, with quite a few Meria as well. Perhaps for
that reason, many in the region live a very traditional lifestyle, even during the
age of the magitech civilization. Some even rejected the convenience of the
magitech advancements during the time, which ended up becoming a benefit
as the region was not as devastated by the Diabolic Triumph as others were.
As a side effect, many of the traditions from the time are still practiced, as they
weren't lost during the Barbarous attacks.
Geographically, the region is bordered by the Abyss Sea to the west and the
Zamsaska Region to the north. Zamsaska is a land that has fallen to the
daemons, so a number of powerful warriors have gathered at the northern
border to keep the daemons at bay. These warriors have done their duty to
keep the armies of daemons from ravaging the continent, but there are some
that slip through and cause havoc in the meantime. With all of this going on,
the Ursyla Region has earned a reputation as the most dangerous place in all
of Alfleim, and many adventurers seeking to test their mettle travel to the north
in order to find glory fighting against the hordes of daemons.
Within the region, there are five separate nations that have forged an
alliance out of necessity. When it comes to repelling the Barbarous and
Daemons in the region, all five will work together to counter the growing threat.
However, when it comes to day-to-day affairs, each nation has its own issues to
deal with and will only rarely assist one another with domestic matters. Not to
say that any of them are on bad terms with one another, but more the opposite,
in that each nation respects the sovereignty of the others and chooses not to
meddle in affairs that aren't their own.

The Fairy Kingdom Federation of Avalf

A nation formed from seven clans of elves, three Meria kingdoms, and a
Human kingdom, this federation is the largest and most powerful in the entire
Ursyla Region. Centered around the three major lakes in the region, the
federation's borders extend to the forest edge, allowing it to control a significant
portion of the region.
The federation was formed to protect the legendary "Fairy Queen" (not an
actual person, per se, but more of a conceptual being that creates fairies),
though the relationship between the seven heads of each clan and the four royal
families is anything but rock solid. Nonetheless, they continue to work together
as they all realize that to separate from the federation is to condemn their new,
smaller nation to death at the hands of either the Barbarous or the daemons to
the north.
Once a year, each of the eleven powers sends a representative to the Fairy
Queen's capital to discuss the policies of the federation as a whole.
Additionally, a warrior is chosen from each of the seven elven clans to
accompany this representative. Upon reaching the capital, the others will join
the others in forming the personal guard for the Fairy Queen for the next year.
In the middle of the Magitech Age, the elves came into conflict with another
nation that attempted to conquer the area and bring it under the rule with the
power of magitechnology. Though the elves were victorious in repelling the
invaders, they remained distrustful of magitech equipment, and though it's not
forbidden today, it is often ignored in favor of more traditional solutions. The
Institute of Magitechnology does still have chapters in the areas ruled by the
federation, but they are much smaller than other branches and are often more
for the sake of travelers than the residents of the area.
There are two main religions within the federation, those who follow the
Fairy Goddess Asteria and those who worship the Tree God Dalion. While
there is a rivalry between the two religions, it is more of a friendly rivalry than
anything. In fact, there is a general disdain for aggression among the populace,
and gods who promote such a lifestyle, such as the Blazing Emperor Grendal,
are almost never worshiped. An interesting side effect of this line of worship is
that dwarves are rarely seen in the area for any length of time, as their lifestyle.
That of the general population of the federation are at such odds that the dwarf
will typically leave before long.
The capital city of the federation, also called Avalf, is where the Fairy
Queen is said to be laid to rest, sleeping until she is needed. Whether this is
true or not, the city itself is quite beautiful, tucked between the forested foothills
of the Tarmir Mountains and one of the large lakes in the Ursyla Region.

The Seven Elven Clans
Centered around Avalf, the city where the Fairy Queen is said to sleep,
seven clans of elves have formed their territories. These seven clans are as

Dursue, the Fire clan;

Lunoda, the Water clan;
Guy, the Earth clan;
Althussair, the Wind clan;
Cabanel, the Dark clan;
Ginumere, the Light clan;
And Ceilio, the Chaos clan.

Each clan specializes in contracting and controlling the fairies of their

specific type, though this does not preclude them from using other types of
fairies. Each clan will train one outstanding Fairy Tamer to be the next personal
guard of the Fairy Queen, but outside of those interactions, there will rarely be
any other communication with even elven clans within the federation.
Regardless of the type of fairy the clan specializes in, they will tend to build
their homes and settlements around lakes and in trees so that way only those
who are knowledgeable about elven home design and know where to look will
be able to find the homes of the clan members. Without such knowledge, the
elven homes will blend into the area so well that it is nearly impossible to find
without outside assistance.

The Three Meria Kingdoms

Though the Meria rarely have large settlements, there are three kingdoms
in the Avalf Federation. The kingdom of Andasur is mostly short-lived Meria,
while the kingdom of Bethrasia counts the longer-lived Meria as its population.
The third kingdom, Rosas, has a mixed population of short and long-lived
Meria. While they are called kingdoms, the population is really only that of a
few hundred Meria each, which is quite small compared to human kingdoms.
However, the Meria are the only race able to speak directly to the Fairy Queen,
and so even the elves hold respect for the kingdoms.
Unlike the elves, the Meria do not turn away visitors and are quite
hospitable to those who unknowingly wander into their kingdoms from the
outside, regardless of race. The kingdoms are much more in harmony with
nature than the elves, though; it is nearly impossible to find one, even if the
sole intent of exploring the forest was to find the Meria. It is this difficulty in
finding Meria settlements that give them the reputation of being secluded from
outsiders and the outside world, but the Meria feel that this reputation is
unjustly given to them.

The Human Kingdom of Ur-Va-Duul

The kingdom of Ur-Va-Duul, the only human kingdom in the Avalf
Federation, was established by a number of powerful Fairy Tamers to assist the
elves and Meria in protecting the Fairy Queen. Following their neighbors, the
humans have established a lifestyle in harmony with nature, rejecting many of
the magitech advancements of the other nations. They alone have raised a city
of stone and act as the gateway to the Avalf Federation.
The people of Ur-Va-Duul stand out from their neighbors by placing
importance on trade, both goods and services that can't be found within the
federation, but also on information about the goings-on of the world around
them. They have become quite adept at diplomacy and leverage the goods that
can be found within the borders of the federation for favors and debts from
other nations. As a result, the kingdom is much closer to what would seem like
a normal human kingdom, unlike what the elves and Meria have. Yet, there is
still a distinct lack of magitech within the kingdom's borders, and those who
use such equipment are thought to be out of touch with nature.

The Mounted Nation of Eyutorgo

A nation of riders born in the saddle, the nation of Eyutorgo lays claim to
the eastern plains of the Ursyla Region. The main industry is raising livestock
and cattle, and it is said that the Eyutorgo are the best at raising animals to be
used as mounts.
There is a capital city within the nation, the Royal City of Urasul, as well as
a small number of towns in the surrounding areas. The vast majority of the
kingdom comprises nomadic settlements, tent cities that move vast distances
over the course of a single day to keep up with the traveling herds.
In general, the populace is tolerant of those who would use magitech
mounts, but as there are relatively very few magitech mounts still in good
working condition, magitech riders are the exception rather than the norm.
While the kingdom is mainly humans, many more Elves and Tiens are
within the borders compared to other human kingdoms. Both races are
proficient at becoming skilled horse riders, so they flock to the Eyutorgo lands
to learn from the best riders Alfleim has to offer. Grassrunners, too, are quite
common in the plains, as they share the nomadic lifestyle.

Eyutorgo's cavalry is unmatched among the other human kingdoms, and
their riders are known for their strength, speed, and tactics. At one time, they
invaded the southern areas of Ursyla but were driven back to the plains around
the capital city. Now, these great warriors turn their bow and spear to the north
to guard against both the daemon hordes in the Zamsaska Region and the
Barbarous in the area.
Worship of Tidan, the Sun God, is most common among the general
populace, but Eve, the Shield Against the Abyss, and Harula, the Guiding Star,
both have a significant number of followers as well. The general populace is
often quite cheerful and welcoming, and it is thought that worship of Tidan is
the reason for such openness and happiness.

Sukhbaar, Kingdom of the Holy Chain

Located in the northernmost reaches of the Ursyla Region, this nation is
the first line of defense against the daemons of the Zamsaska Region. Originally
a part of the lands ruled by the Former Royal City of Rusea, it became its own
nation after the daemons destroyed Rusea during the Diabolic Triumph, and
the survivors took up arms to defend the rest of the region. In time, as more
and more warriors flocked to the border to aid in the defense against the
daemons, a kingdom grew around the largest towns, and soon Sukhbaar, the
Kingdom of the Holy Chain, was formed.
In order to gain an advantage in their war against the daemons, many
warriors used the Abyss's power to enhance their weaponry. While there are
some who feel this may be a step too far, the fact that many of the warriors
gathered in Sukhbaar are almost unmatched by both man and daemon speaks
for itself. The risks of using such weapons are great, so the secret of using
Abyssal power to enhance weapons is kept a strict secret to protect those who
aren't strong enough to withstand the process from falling into the darkness.
As a result, those who wield the strongest weapons and armor cannot begin
to approach the former capital of Rusea for fear of losing their sanity and
becoming as mad animals on the battlefield. At the same time, they cannot
back down from their defense, as their power on the battlefield is what keeps
the daemon armies at bay.
In order to overcome this dilemma, the rulers of Sukhbaar have begun to
look for powerful "heroes," those who refuse the lure of power from the
Abyssally-enhanced weapons and armor and rely on their skill more than their
equipment. A new rush of adventurers has come north to the nation in order
to seek power and glory, and the people of Sukhbaar welcome these new
travelers with open arms.

Though the Kingdom of the Holy Chain is a human-centric land, there are
a number of dwarves who call the nation home. Between their skills as a
blacksmith, forging new weapons and armor, and their natural inclination
towards fighting the evils of the world, Sukhbaar is as close to an ideal home
for a dwarf as any. Tiens warriors are also given special treatment, as befitting
skilled swordsmen.
Given the proximity to the Abyss and the constant fighting against the
daemon hordes, worship of Eve, the Shield Against the Abyss, Harula, the
Guiding Star, and the Blazing Emperor Grendal are all quite common. Rather
than putting one before another, it is common for the frontline defenders and
those who support them to pay service to all three gods equally.

Sevray Forest Republic

The Forest Republic of Sevray is located on the western side of the Tarmir
Mountains, on the northern side of the Great Sevray Forest. Those who live in
the Great Forest coexist with the various plant-based monsters that live there,
such as the Entlets, and protect the forest against incursion from the Shallow
Abyss and any daemons that may spill forth from there.
Though the country is predominantly Meria, humans are the race in charge
of the nation. It is said that humans took control of the nation as their lifespans
are the most optimized for dealing with the rest of the world and that Meria
are either too short-sighted and impatient or too long-lived and slow to act.
As befitting a nation founded in a vast forest, the people of Sevray are
excellent lumberjacks, and forestry is the main industry in the nation. Their
lifestyle, harmonious with nature and the woods around them, helps them
know when to slow their logging so as to not over-cut the forest, as well as
helping them to create an ideal environment for plant growth for the saplings
they plant behind them.
That is not to say that the forest is entire without danger, as there are known
to be roving bands of Barbarous along with the usual wild animals out in the
forests. Someone who finds the logging life, not to their taste may find a calling
as a forest ranger, helping those who may get lost in the woods and driving off
the Barbarous and animals that may stumble upon the foresters while they

Haroon, Kingdom of Magical Research
Found at the end of the Tarmir Mountains, between the Great Sevray
Forest and the Avalf Federation, Haroon is a bustling nation and could be
thought of as the gateway to the Ursyla Region. They are known for storing
research tomes dating back to the Durandal era, and rumors abound that the
headquarters of the Mages' Guild can be found within the capital city's walls.
Also found within the city walls is a massive tower known as the "Sword of
Knowledge." This tower is the meeting place for many higher-level sorcerers
and conjurers from all over the continent. Inside, they can use the tower's
incredible libraries, as well as the knowledge of other spellcasters, in order to
study the highest levels of magic known to mortals. Of course, it should go
without saying that getting into the Sword of Knowledge is a rather difficult task,
and those known to come and go from the tower are afforded a bit of respect
within the kingdom.
Though many who come to Haroon are spellcasters, specifically sorcerers
and conjurers, the general populace has a deep curiosity regarding all types of
magic and is more than welcoming to anyone who can wield magic. Unusually,
the Institute of Magitechnology is quite popular here compared to the rest of
the region, and there are many who could not become sorcerers or conjurers
who have picked up the magitech arts of the artificer. However, the number of
artificers in the region pales in comparison to the countries out west, where the
mysteries of Alchemy have studied intently and closely guarded secrets.
Haroon is home to nearly every race in some number due to the
appreciation of magic and those who would study it, with a surprising number
of leprechauns found in the kingdom compared to others in the region. The
kingdom is also actively trading and interacting with other nations around the
region and is interested in working towards solving transportation issues
throughout Alfleim. One idea is to rebuild the ancient network of teleporters
throughout the world, starting with western Alfleim, while another attempts to
build a series of railways for the various magical locomotives to ferry freight
and passengers around the continent.

The Zamsaska Region
This cold, desolate region is the north of the Ursyla Region and is littered
with ruins and run-down villages.
In the past, the Kingdom of Rusea stood against incursions from the Abyss,
and this nation had many strong fighters, some of the most powerful warriors
of Alfleim. Rusea and the nations in the Ursyla Region were quite affable and
often traded without conflict.
However, during the Diabolic Triumph, the Wall of the Abyss was
breached, and daemons flooded the kingdom. The leader of this army was a
powerful daemon lord who had been held captive in the Wall, and upon being
freed, led an army to Rusea. It was not long before the kingdom fell, and their
people subjugated under the daemon lord. It is said that the court magician
Zegan, said to have been close to King Rusea in the past, made a pact with the
daemon lord to rule Rusea as their representative. Some say that Zegan was a
loyal retainer and had his soul stolen by the daemon lord to force him to obey,
while others believe that Zegan himself summoned the daemons to Rusea and
was offered immortality if he betrayed his kingdom.
Regardless of how they got to the continent, daemons now use the
Zamsaska Region as their front line to attack all of Alfleim. It is believed that
the people who live in the region are there only to be sacrificed to the daemons,
and many, including those in the Kingdom of the Holy Chain Sukhbaar, are
fighting to reclaim their lost land.
Many still hold out hope that a hero will come, one who will rebuff the dark
advances of the daemons and free those who are little more than chattel.

The Korgana Region and the Abyss
North of the Dorden Region, the Korgana Region is the northernmost
point on the Alfleim continent and is home to the Abyss. Originally, it was a
place where the strongest and most powerful warriors were drawn to, but since
the Diabolic Triumph, fewer daemons were drawn to the area as they could
just create a Shallow Abyss elsewhere on the continent. As time passes, the
defenses at the Wall of the Abyss grow weaker as well, making it easy for a
daemon to make its way onto the continent without much stopping them.

The Adventurer's Guild Headquarters

The headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild, a city in and of itself, is located

in the Korgana Region. The Keepers of the Wall, a group dedicated to
defending the Wall of the Abyss from any sort of daemon attacks, formed in
the area and built small barracks to live and train. Over time, as more warriors
came to the area, the Keepers eventually grew into what is now known as the
Adventurer's Guild, and the headquarters included the original grounds of the
Many high-level adventurers, typically 11th or higher, will eventually find
their way to the region and train at the Guild to prepare for fighting the most
powerful daemons. The main temples of both Eve, the Shield Against the
Abyss and Harula, the Guiding Star, are located here as well, along with high-
ranking priests of both orders.
The city also had communication facilities, allowing it to contact any branch
of the Guild located throughout Alfleim, and a teleportation network for
moving people around the continent. However, much of this was destroyed or
damaged by the Barbarous attacks during the Diabolic Triumph, and anything
still working is doing so at a greatly decreased capacity. As a result, each branch
of the Adventurer's Guild has had to become more self-reliant, and the Guild
isn't able to exercise complete control over the continent as they had before.
Nevertheless, the guild leaders and their adventurers are some of the
strongest in the world and are working on training the next generation of
adventurers to join them. Not only at the Wall of the Abyss but all around
Alfleim are people picking up arms and training themselves to become
adventurers to be dispatched when the situation calls for it.

The Wall of the Abyss

Rising over the northern end of the Korgana Region, the Wall of the Abyss
is a massive wall, standing over 100 meters and stretching thousands of
kilometers in either direction. The Wall is not only a physical barrier on the
land, but it extends into the sea and deep underwater as well.
Magically created during the Magic Civilization, the Wall appears to be
made of stone and is believed to be indestructible. The top of the Wall has a
wide walkway equipped with a number of large ballistas and other ranged
weapons used to keep flying daemons at bay. Sleeping quarters have been built
into the inside of the Wall, allowing defenders to rest without needing to travel
far from their posts.
The main method of ascending the Wall is a magical elevator, added during
the Al Menas era to aid in defense of the Wall. A number of teleporters are
located in strategic areas and used for emergencies, including a teleporter
located at the Adventurer's Guild headquarters. However, attacks on the Wall
during the Diabolic Triumph damaged many teleporters, making them quite
unreliable for regular use. Additionally, there is a lack of manpower to fully
guard the Wall, so while priority is given to repelling the larger daemons, a
number of smaller daemons slip through and make their way out to the
While it sounds easy on paper to just add more people to guard the Wall,
the reality is much different. The main problem is the Abyss Sea, a large bay
in north-central Alfleim, is a wide area for the smaller daemons to slip through
without notice. There are patrol boats in the seas specifically to hunt these
daemons down, but they cannot keep up with every daemon that gets beyond
the Wall.
In an attempt to relieve the chronic shortage of staffing, many strong Tiens
warriors have set aside any sort of selfishness and have placed themselves in
suspended animation, sleeping until the time when they are truly needed for
the safety of the world.

Vice City, the City of Sin

Vice City, a large city in the Korgana Region, used to be known as the
Shield Against the Demons. However, the leaders of the city made a deal with
the Barbarous to join forces against the daemons, and now the city has fallen
to Barbarous control, becoming the City of Sin. With little in the name of

justice and order, the Barbarous roam freely while the original people, or
whatever is left of them, cower in fear of their new rulers.

Famous People of the Central and

Northeastern Alfleim Continent
The following are some celebrities and well-known people throughout
central and northeastern Alfleim. They can be used as NPCs to enhance your
scenario and help you get a feel for the world. They can also be agents of rival
adventuring parties or organizations, as well. Even if they do not directly appear
in front of the party, their subordinates can show up and interact with the

Famous People of the Randall Region

"Dandy" Matthias Hipshtall (Human/Male/38 years old)

"This is the economic heart of the continent,
connecting east and west, circulating economics
like blood."
The current chairman of the Harshika
Chamber of Commerce, Matthias, is also head of
the Hipshtall family, a large merchant family with
significant power in the Randall Region. A
fearless, ambitious man, he is also quite charming
and has an impressive air about him.
In the war-torn Randall Region, he doubled
Harshika's income over the course of his first
year as chairman, partly due to his skillful
diplomacy and incredible business acumen.
Although he may sometimes come off as forceful and aggressive, the results
speak for themselves, which explains his ever-growing following.
Matthias is not afraid to call on adventurers to assist him with whatever
project he's working on. He even has a few specially picked adventurers he uses
for personal projects. He is also quite capable on his own as well, as his power
and position as a priest of Mirtabar make him a rather capable adventurer,
should he ever choose to go out into the wilds.
"The Returned King of Braves" Erwin Kudrichka (Human?/Male/41
years old?)
"Peace is never easy to come by, in any age."
Erwin is the king of Giginal, an island in the
Bleeding Sea off the coast of the Randall Region.
He bears the same name as an ancient king
who fought and won against a Barbarous king
during the Diabolic Triumph and drove the
Barbarous out of the region. It is said that he is the
second coming of this ancient hero, but there are
a number of mysteries surrounding him and his
origins, and there are rumors that he is actually a
reincarnation of another dead hero.
Regardless of his origins, Erwin is actively
working to drive off the Barbarous, daemons, and
undead in order to unify the Randall Region under his rule. Steadily expanding
his territory, he draws warriors from around the region into his army, becoming
one of the most powerful forces within the region.

"The Risen King of Nightmares" Lukasz van Veylen (High

"If it is impossible for a man to do what he cannot,
then is it destiny if he throws away his humanity to
achieve his goals?"
An immortal king who resides in a sinister
castle known as the Skull Castle, deep within the
Prievidza Mountains. He is said to have
knowledge of the world before the Diabolic
Triumph, and it is rumored that he is an ancient
wizard of the Durandal, brought back to terrorize
the world as a High Revenant.
When going out into battle, he leads an army
of those who had died in battle previously to shake
the morale of any who may stand before him. It's
said that there's a massive Shallow Abyss deep within the Skull Castle, though
whether it's been sealed away or is in active use is yet unknown.

Famous People of the Ursyla Region

"Warrior of Light" Nadine-Jame Ginumere (Elf/Female/221 years old)

"Protecting the Fairy Queen… That's why we use
our powers."
She is the personal guard of the Fairy Queen
of the Ginumere clan, one of seven elven clans of
the Avalf Federation, whose symbol is light.
Each of the seven clans and the guardians they
send is on equal footing, but Nadine-Jame is
special among the rest of the guard. She is the
oldest of all of the current Queen's guards, has
been elected to the position (a term of one year)
12 times total, and is quite respected for her
experience and ability in the position.
While her first priority is to protect the Fairy
Queen's "bedchamber", she is willing to help other Fairy Tamers, offering her
years of experience and advice.

"Fairy Storyteller" Chenakka (Meria [Short-Lived]/Female/4 years old)

"The Queen says that everyone is getting along. She
A Meria woman from the Fairy Kingdom
Federation of Avalf, she is the storyteller and
mouthpiece of the Fairy Queen for the Kingdom
of Rosas. This kingdom is one where both short-
lived and long-lived Meria intermingle, and
Chenakka is one of the short-lived Meria that lives
in the palace in the main city of Avalf.
She is responsible for answering the questions
of the various clan chiefs and royal families that
they bring to the Fairy Queen, though there is some
doubt that she is actually hearing anything from the
Fairy Queen, as the answers all seem to be some form of "everyone's on good
terms." At the same time, relations between the various clans and royalty are
quite good, and some believe the doubters are only doing so to cause trouble.

"The Smiling King" Cedric Montant (Human/Male/36 years old)
"Welcome to our kingdom and federation, where
the hurried and the easygoing coexist."
He is the current king of the Kingdom of Ur-
Va-Duul, the only human kingdom in the Avalf
Within the federation, where elves, Meria, and
humans coexist despite their massive differences in
cultures and lifespans, he is able to mediate the
elven clans and the Meria kingdoms while still
keeping the wants and needs of his people in mind.
This skill in diplomacy means that he, and the
kingdom of Ur-Va-Duul, are in charge of relations
with other nations on behalf of the federation.
Though he is not the most handsome person, his appearance has a certain
homely charm, and his never-ending smile and charm make him no enemies.
He himself is a strong warrior and skilled Fairy Tamer and an admirer of
adventurers and their freedom to travel the world.

"Cavalry King" Tajwar Valdedarde (Human/Male/78 years old)

"My one desire is to die on horseback!"
The current king of the Eyutorgo nation. Ever
since inheriting the throne at age 16, he has been at
the forefront of the Eyutorgo cavalry, fighting
incessantly against the Barbarous and daemons of
the plains.
Skilled with bow, spear and sword, it is rumored
that he is the strongest warrior in all of Eyutorgo,
possibly even the Ursyla Region. He is also known
for his incredibly short time actually sitting on the
throne of Eyutorgo, much preferring to lead from
the saddle, training troops and patrolling the
As he approaches his 80th birthday, he is considering handing over the
throne to one of his descendants. However, there are quite a few children and
grandchildren waiting, and none seem to stand out enough in his mind, making
choosing a successor quite difficult.

"The Guiding Princess" Lidja Algeeva (Human/Female/15 years old)
"I can feel the presence of the Abyss nearby. Be
careful, everyone."
Though she is still young, Princess Lidja is the
current ruler of Sukhbaar, the Kingdom of the
Holy Chain. A small, fragile girl, she has inherited
the royal family's special ability to sense the
presence of daemons in the Abyss. She is also quite
beloved by the people of Sukhbaar, with almost a
religious reverence among some.
Young as she is, she is also a priest of Harula,
the Guiding Star, and can wield Divine Magic
beyond what would be expected of someone her
age. She also occasionally disguises herself in order
to walk among the populace, both to see how her people are faring as well as
to detect any presence of the Abyss.

Gavril Azarov (Tiens/Male/27 years old)

"If you have awakened me, does that mean the
Abyss is making its move?"
A Tiens knight of the Sukhbaar Kingdom, his
skill in combat is said to be unmatched by any
knight, former or current. He has also taken the
time to further enhance his already formidable
strength by infusing his weapons and armor with
the power of the Abyss, making him an
unstoppable force in combat.
Because of his strength, he doesn't want to
waste his limited lifespan for anything but fighting,
so he has spent some time in suspended
animation. While he is physically only 27 years old, Gavril has actually been
around for more than 200 years and has singlehandedly turned the tide in
many important battles of the past. However, there are rumors that the
Abyssally-enhanced equipment is taking a toll on his sanity, and many in the
royal court are wary about waking him.

"Chairman of the Lost" Josh van Heilen (Human/Male/32 years old)
"I know, I know. It's actually quite easy to get lost in
this forest."
A former forest ranger and chairman of the
council of the Sevray Forest Republic, Josh is quite
adept at walking through the woods of the Great
Sevray Forest and has saved many travelers who
had become lost in the forest. He is also quite
skilled at forest combat and adept at commanding
and maneuvering large battalions through complex
treeline battlefields.
Because of his fame on the battlefield, he was
elected chairman of the council at a rather young
age. He earned the nickname "Chairman of the Lost" due to his penchant for
going out into the woods to find lost children and becoming lost himself for
significant periods of time. His unpretentious personality has won people over,
and many in Sevray are more than happy to have such a leader.

"Material Researcher" Matti Hautaniemi (Leprechaun/Male/55 years

"Yes, yes, good stuff. Hope you can keep bringing
me more good materials."
Matti is one of the more learned researchers of
Alchemy in Haroon, though he is also
knowledgeable in the thaumaturgic arts as well.
Constantly on the lookout for new materials and
new ways to extract prima materia from existing
materials, his research and expertise are invaluable
for any alchemist.
However, he is still a leprechaun, and his
wariness of the public eye means he is quite difficult
to track down. Once he trusts someone, though, he
will be much more open, and willing to ask for favors to advance his research.
Adventurers who bring him new and interesting materials are his favorite, and
he will go to great lengths to help them in any way he can.

"The Overlooked Genius" Pat Pot Delroy (Grassrunner/Male/25 years
"It's not great to be overlooked, but it sure is convenient, eh?"
At first glance, he appears to be just a child. Even if he were to be
recognized as a grassrunner, he seems to be the kind of person who wouldn't
be up to much more than idling the days away, watching the sun go by. Yet, he
is one of the top intelligence officers for the Eyutorgo nation.
Fully embracing his inconspicuous appearance and the flighty reputation of
his race, he is quite skilled at infiltrating and receiving intelligence that he can
pass back to King Tajwal. He has a wide network of information at his
command and knows of many secrets and hidden ways around many of the
major nations of the Ursyla Region.

"Cold-Hearted Investigator" Heisbert Thringel (Nightmare/Male/178

years old)
"Magic is not some toy, some tool used to rule the world, or even to serve
others. It is the way that we can find out the truth of the world."
The Supreme Master of the Sword of Knowledge in Haroon, Heisbert is a
master of all types of magic, though his specialization is Truespeech Magic.
Though he is ever in pursuit of his own quest for knowledge, he will take time
to train magical prodigies, teaching them diplomacy and economics and
sending them off to become court wizards in their own right. Though
everything in his life is in pursuit of knowledge, he is known as a cool-headed

Famous People of the Zamsaska Region

"Daemon King" Zegan (Human?/Male/?)

"The power of the daemons is the strongest in the world, beyond what humans
could do…"
Formerly the court magician of the ruined kingdom of Rusea, he has taken
the throne himself as a representative of the daemons who now rule over the
region. He revels in his appearance as a symbol of fear for all those who would
stand against him.
Since taking the throne, Zegan has fused with innumerable daemons and
is no longer anything remotely resembling a human. Any records of him, or
even old Rusea, have been lost to time, and some speculate that he was not
originally human but another short-lived race that sought immortality. Any
heroes who have attempted to take the lands back from the daemons, but none
have survived.

Famous People of the Korgana Region

"Iron-Blooded Guild Leader" Hadruka Gadgalis (Dwarf/Male/121

years old)
"Be on your guard. The Abyss is always close by."
He is the guild leader of the Adventurer's Guild Headquarters, located near
the Wall of the Abyss. He has devoted everything to preparing for fighting the
Abyss, boasting a will of steel, an indomitable body, superior fighting skills, and
unwavering faith in Eve, the Shield Against the Abyss. He is a compassionate
and caring man who will nurture up-and-coming young adventurers. However,
he is also able to set his emotions aside when necessary, becoming as cold as

"Night-Eyed Wolf" Wanagiska (Lykant/Male/83 years old)

"In time, with our own hands, we can make this darkness pass."
Wanagiska is the leader of the Keepers of the Wall and a wolf Lykant.
When on duty, he is always in his transformed state, looking out into the
darkness where others cannot. Standing on top of the Wall, he is always
prepared for a fight and will join the front lines whenever he can. Known as a
magical warrior, he has defeated countless higher daemons. It is said that he
will only leave the Wall when training new recruits, and even then, not for long.

"Dragon Admiral" Gillorn Drexler (Lildraken/Male/137 years old)

"Hrm. The current has changed. Prepare yourselves. The Abyss is coming!"
Dispatched from the Adventurer's Guild, Gillorn leads a fleet that patrols
the Abyss Sea in search of any daemon that may try to cross the waters to reach
the continent. Originally a Keeper of the Wall, he specializes in hunting and
killing daemons.
In order to patrol as wide a range as possible, he looks for those who can
fly, whether magically or otherwise, and puts them to work on his ships.
However, the Abyss Sea is much too large for the number of boats in his fleet,
so there is always a shortage of forces that can be out on patrol.

Part 5 Game Mastery

Mastering Supplement

High-level Adventurer Remuneration

This the most complete total remuneration guideline (see CR I, p. 362) for
all 15 levels.

Approximate Total Remuneration per Character (Gamels)

Adventure Base Completed the Other Sword
Level Reward Mission Rewards Shards
700 500 200 3–5
1–3 1,300 1,000 300 4–6
3–4 2,000 1,500 500 5–8
4–5 3,000 2,500 500 6–9
5–6 4,000 3,000 1,000 7 – 11
6–7 5,000 4,000 1,000 8 – 12
7–8 6,000 4,500 1,500 9 – 14
8–9 8,000 6,000 2,000 10 – 15
9 – 10 10,000 7,500 2,500 11 – 18
10 – 11 12,000 9,000 3,000 12 – 20
11 – 12 15,000 12,000 3,000 13 – 22
12 – 13 18,000 13,500 4,500 14 – 24
13 – 14 25,000 20,000 5,000 15 – 26
14 – 15 35,000 30,000 5,000 16 – 28
15 50,000 40,000 10,000 17 – 30


Sample Scenario "Giant Looking Up at the Sky"

How to Read a Sample Scenario

For details on how to read this scenario, please refer to "How to Read a
Sample Scenario" in Core Rulebook I (see CR I, p. 364).

Scenario Overview

This scenario is an adventure set inside the abandoned Colossus (see CR

II, p. 390) and is a labyrinth exploration.
Suddenly, a huge abandoned magical weapon shows signs of operation, and
the PC is asked to investigate and, if possible, safely shut it down.
The PCs' investigation reveals that Barbarous, who has mastered magitech,
has infiltrated the interior of the colossus and is planning to reactivate it and
use it to invade the Humanoid realm.
The ultimate goal of the adventure is to get through the Colossus' traps,
defeat Barbarous, and keep the Colossus at a safe distance.

Session Preparation

This scenario is designed for 3 to 5 PCs of 10 – 11 levels. Otherwise, the

GM should adjust the level and number of enemies.

Character Preparation
If you wish to prepare new PCs to play only this scenario, please use the
high-level sample characters in the first part of this book (see p. 13-65) or create
a character according to the "Creating High-level Characters" rule (see p. 72),
using the "10-11 level" column in the "High-level Character Creation Table" (see
the next page).

Excerpts from High-level Character Creation and Average Growth Tables
Average Additional Abyss
Number of Current
Adventurer Experience Money Shards in
Growth Reputation
Level Points Possession
+62,000 120,000G 900 15
Growth Growth Growth Growth Growth Growth
10 – 11 34 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥
9 7 7 6 4 1
7 6 6 6 5 4

If the number of PCs is small, you may prepare Fellows from the beginning
of the session. In this case, finding a Fellow with adventurer level 10-11 or using
one of the high-level sample characters and then converting them to Fellows.

Scenario Setting

This scenario setting is the Kingdom of Shuvud, one of the states in the
Randall region (see p. 277). This Humanoid state is a small country with less
than 5,000 inhabitants in the capital city of Kudas, where the majority of the
population, including the royal family, is Humans. Its sphere of influence is
not so large.
It is possible to play this scenario with the main labyrinth (colossus) in a
different region or country. In this case, the GM should change the
introduction and other parts of the scenario that are highly dependent on the

Main Scenario

Shuvud, a small country in the Randall region, is smaller and less powerful
than the neighboring Humanoid states. Ironically, this small country has been
spared from invasion in the war-torn Randall because it also borders the
Barbarous region.
If this country, which serves as a defender state, is attacked, other states will
face the brunt of the Barbarous attack. If this happens, they will have no choice
but to defend themselves. The two countries adjacent to Shuvud have been
restraining each other with this in mind and refraining from interfering in
Conversely, Shuvud is destined to be at the forefront of the battle against
Barbarous and to keep fighting it off.
And now, a dramatic battlefront change was about to occur.

Scenario Flow

In this scenario, PCs receive a "1) Request" and go to "2) Colossus," the main
setting of the game, and break into the Colossus to "4) Explore and Analyze" it,
decipher its mechanisms, and get through the tricks. Finally, they will have a
"5) Decisive Battle" with Barbarous, who is planning to take over the colossus,
and defeat them to reach the "6) Conclusion".
To proceed with the exploration inside the colossus, the GM must
understand its structure and mechanisms in advance in order to proceed
smoothly with the session. Please read and understand the scenario carefully
before the session rather than attempting the session on the spur of the

1) Request
The Adventurers Guild Branch, “Quiet Pavilion of the Giant Colossuses,”
is located in Kudas, the capital of the small country of Shuvud. You have been
invited to this branch because of your fame and abilities.

Karasin (Human/Male/44 years old), the owner of the "Quiet Pavilion of
the Giant Colossuses," makes a request to you as to the best at the guild.
“This job is based on my concern, and it has the potential to affect the
future of this country.
The name of this branch derives from giant colossuses, and on the frontier
of this country, there remains a giant colossus that stopped moving long ago.
But it was found that it had recently stood up, though it was supposed to be
in a crouched posture holding its knees and not moving at all.
Only a limited number of adventurers can handle such a situation. I kept
inquiring with the neighboring branches and was referred to you. Please help
to solve this problem.”

- The client is the Kingdom of Shuvud. The total reward is 10,000 G. If PCs
can determine or sufficiently predict why the colossus has risen and what will
happen if it is left alone, they will receive additional 2,500G. If they can
eliminate future dangers sufficiently, they will receive an additional 7,500 G.
- As an advance payment, the branch would provide two weeks' worth of
preserved food per person, enough for a round trip to the site (6 days) and a
stay for the exploration.
- Although no time limit is set, if the Giant Colossus does something, it will be
treated as a failure. In that case, there may be no way back. So the branch hopes
for the haste of the characters.
- In general, PCs may acquire items obtained during the adventure, but they
must be cataloged. Sometimes, the kingdom or the Adventurers' Guild PCs
will be forced to sell them. For example, suppose a complete manual for
operating a giant colossus is found. In that case, the adventurers' guild or the
kingdom will buy it.

- Colossus is a huge magitech used in the era of the Diabolic Triumph, the
largest of which exceeded 100 meters in length.
- The object in question is a colossus, estimated to be about 60 meters long.
Although it is not as large as the largest magitech, which are said to be as many
as 13 on the continent, it is estimated to have immense power. If it was to go
out of control, the whole Shuvud Kingdom could be destroyed.
- Since its discovery, Colossus has remained in a cowering, knee-hugging
position, with no record of it ever being operational.

- The report came in about ten days ago, and the scout, who had been sent out
regularly because of its nature, came in with a bubbling report. He said the
colossus had transformed as it stood up and raised its arms to the sky. The
actual timing is unknown. It was still in a crouching posture during the regular
observation a month before, so it must have been during that period.
- No damage has been reported yet, but it cannot be left unattended, so scout
contacted the Adventurers Guild Branch in the neighborhood and asked them
to dispatch skilled persons to the area.
- Colossus is located about three day's walk from here in a large wasteland.
- It is confirmed that the colossus has doors in both legs' heels (Achilles
tendon). Since it is magically closed and prohibited from entering by the
kingdom, there is no record that it has been opened. This time, PCs have
permission to open the door. If necessary, a guild can provide the Key Of
- Beyond the wasteland where the colossus is located is Barbarous territory.
Not knowing what the colossus might cause, it has become a buffer area
between Humanoids and Barbarous.

The person who witnessed the rise of the colossus is a low-level adventurer
belonging to this guild branch, but PCs cannot obtain any more detailed
information from him.
If the PC requests it, it may also be provided an additional Key Of
Unlocking as an advance payment.

2) To Colossus
Following the route you were given, you arrived at the wasteland where the
colossus was located. The colossus could be seen from several hundred meters
away, with few obstructions to the view. The colossus stands poised on the
ground with its hands raised toward the sky.

Bodies of Concern
When the PCs are about 50m away from the colossus, they notice the
corpse of one Barbarous on the ground in the wasteland. The PCs perform a
Monster Knowledge check, and if they obtain a success value of 14 or more,
they know it is Garuda (see CR II, p. 354).
Garuda's body was found with scorch marks all over his body. It is assumed
that he was attacked by a powerful fire, energy, or lightning-type attack. PCs
can also assume that the damage that killed the “King of the Sky” would be
extremely significant.

Danger of Flying
Suppose the PC is within 50 meters from the colossus and is positioned at
a point higher than 5 meters above the ground by some means. In that case,
turrets will appear on the surface of the colossus' body.
The corresponding PC must perform a Danger Sense check with Target
Number 22. If they succeed, they will notice the change of this colossus and
can quickly go down to the ground.
If the Danger Sense check fails, or if it succeeds and the PC is still in midair,
a ray of light is fired from one of the turrets and hits the PC. They must make
a Willpower check with Target Number 22, dealing 2d+15 energy magic
damage on fail or half on success.
The GM should warn that the number of turrets appearing on the surface
of the colossus' body at this stage is very numerous. It should also be pointed
out that Garuda probably was shot multiple times, and the longer PC flies, the
more turrets will join in shooting them (as was the case with Garuda).
If the PC still stays in the air, after 10 seconds (1 round), two guns will open
fire, and the PC must suffer the same damage twice. The number of guns that
spew fire is doubled every 10 seconds (1 round), 4, 8, and so on.

Heel Entrance
As PCs were told earlier, there is a doorway at the heel of the colossus. The
colossus is standing facing south, and the PCs are approaching from the west.
If they approach the colossus directly, its right foot will be in front of them.
The doorway of the right foot is locked by a spell with a success value of
20. It can be unlocked by an Open Lock check using a Key of Unlocking or a
Spellcasting check using an unlocking spell such as [Unlock] with a success
value of 21 or more. Suppose PCs try to unlock with a spell. In that case, they
will need to perform an Open Lock check with Target Number 21 to unlock
the key after unlocking with a spell with a success value of 21 or more.
The doorway on the left foot side (which is initially farther) is destroyed
and left open; a character who has mastered the Artificer class will know that it
was opened by a magitech [Knocker Bomb].
If PCs have successfully entered the colossus through these entrances, they
will proceed to "4) Explore and Analyze" (see p. 311). The GM should be aware
of "3) Internal Structure of Colossus (GM Information)" on how to explore the
inside of the colossus.
It is dangerous to try to climb up the outside of the colossus; if PCs climb
more than 5 meters, they will be attacked by the turrets described in the
previous section "Danger of Flying" (the turret can shoot parallel to the body
surface to attack only the clinging PC, not to hurt the colossus itself).
3) Internal Structure of Colossus (GM Information)
Colossus Structure Chart

This section describes the information on how the labyrinth can be

explored and the NPC "Fractal," who assists the PCs in the scenario and gives
hints to move the session forward. GM should read this section before
proceeding with "4) Explore and Analyze".

Block Structure
This colossus is divided into five major blocks.

- Lower Body Block (Entrance/Exit: "Heels (both legs)," "Hips (both body
- Belly Block (Entrance/Exit: "Belly")
- Chest Block (Entrance/Exit: "Chest")
- Head block (Entrance/Exit: "Mouth")
- Arms and Shoulders Block (Entrance/Exit: "Both Hands")

There is no internal passage between each Block. The only way to move
from one Block to another is to use the entrance/exit provided for each Block.
However, in the scenario, the only entrance to the outside world is the
"Heels"; to move between Blocks, one must rely on a special means of directly
connecting entrances. See the next section.

Moving Arms
Colossus can link the entrance and exit of the Hands with the entrance and
exits of other Blocks, depending on the position of its arms.
If it places its arm over its mouth, head and palm will be linked, and if it
places its hand over its chest or belly, its chest, belly, and hands will be linked.
If it places its hand on the side of its body, the waist and the hands will be
In a room with a "Hand" doorway, PCs can manipulate the position of the
arm on that side. Alternatively, the PCs can "call" the Hand in the Mouth,
Chest, Belly, or Waist.
The arms allow travel of the PCs between the blocks of the colossus.
Finding out how they move is one of the first goals of the PC's exploration.

Movement to Restricted Chest

The final battleground for this scenario is the Chest of the colossus.
However, it is not easy to move to this place. The leader of Barbarous, who
has already reached the "Chest," interferes with the normal movement of the
In order to place the arm on the Chest, one must find a backdoor (see p.
320). Finding it out is essential to the solution of the scenario.

Entrance and Exit Between Each Room
Inside the colossus, the entrances and exits between the rooms are, in
principle, closed by magic with a success value of 20.
However, the entry point of the left heel, the entrance between the left heel
and the left leg shaft, and the entrance between the left leg shaft and the left hip
are destroyed by the [Knocker Bomb] spell.

Fractal Magitech
In this scenario, a small humanoid magitech assists and accompanies the
PCs. It is named Fractal and is about 1.2m tall, looking like a colossus shrunk
down 1/50. However, through PC's actions, he recovers memories and
supports PCs in their adventures. He cannot fight.

Fractals Recover Memories and the Function of Colossus

Fractal can regain their memories and functions under certain conditions.
Please keep the following list by copying it so that you, as a GM, can always
refer to it.

Conditions and Results of Fractal Regaining Memory

Condition Result
Pointed out the similarity between Meaning of Likeness (see this
himself and Colossus page)
PC shows a willingness to observe the Dispatch of Observation Subunit
colossus from the outside (see p. 310)
He was asked what he meant by the term About the General Supervisor
"General Supervisor." (see p. 310)
Asked what he meant by the term The Defensive Posture of the
"Defensive Posture". Colossus (see p. 310)

Meaning of Likeness
When it is pointed out that the Fractal looks like a reduced version of the
colossus itself, the Fractal remembers and talks about the following.
“This must have been the idea of Colossus and the artificer who designed
us. By sharing a common format, it is possible to pattern various operations
and increase efficiency.
So, the shape, the way we walk, and the way we change our posture are

Dispatch of Observation Subunit
When the PCs talk about wanting to see how the colossus actually moves
from the outside when they manipulate its arms inside, Fractal reminds them
that it is equipped with a subunit for observation.
Only one subunit is housed in the abdomen of the Fractal, and like the
"Fractal," it is a reduced version of the Colossus. It is about 15 cm tall (1/4,000
compared to Colossus, 1/80 compared to Fractal).
This subunit cannot move but is used as a fixed-point camera to be placed
where the observation is to be made. The data observed by the subunit is sent
to Fractal, which can reproduce it and project it as an image in the sky.

About the General Supervisor

When the PC hears the word "General Supervisor" and is asked what it
means, Fractal reminds them of what it means.
“The General Supervisor is the person who has all the authority to manage
and run this colossus. He has a seat in the centralized control room in the
"Chest" of the colossus. There are several terminal devices to run the colossus,
but the order issued from the centralized control room with the authority of
the General Supervisor has the highest priority.
However, the general supervisor of the Diabolic Triumph times must
already be dead. Perhaps this colossus is being taken over by someone who
has come aboard.
As a general supervisor, their orders are the first priority. Still, we cannot
respond to every automatic or reflexive action that is not mediated by their
orders. Besides, there is no way to deal with what we are unaware. We can
infer there is a chance until they completely understand their new abilities.”

The Defensive Posture of the Colossus

When the PC sees or hears the term "Defensive Posture" about the colossus
and asks about it, the Fractal recalls and tells the following.
“The head, chest, and belly are the most important parts of the colossus.
Suppose major damage occurs in one of these areas. In that case, the colossus
automatically assumes a posture that protects the remaining two areas with its
two arms. This is the “Defensive Posture.”
I, who am similar, will be the same way. You may experiment with me as
long as you don't break me. If I’m punched in the stomach, I should
automatically assume the Defensive Posture.”
In fact, if PCs try it with Fractal, Defensive Posture can be reproduced.

4) Explore and Analyze
The description is based on the Colossus Structure Chart on page 307.

1) Right Heel
It is accessible through a doorway in the heel (see p. 306). The room's walls,
floor, and ceiling are covered with strange patterns that seem related to the
Magitech Civilization technology.
Upon first entry, the PC encounters a magitech, "Fractal."

There was one magitech in the room. It was humanoid and about 1.2
meters tall. Its appearance is very similar to that of this colossus you have just
entered, and it would look like this if it shrunk to 1/50th of its original size.
“Welcome. I am Fractal.”
You noticed, magitech presented itself in the magitech language.

Fractal, who greeted the PCs, tells the following story.

“I am an artificial life form created by magitech and was prepared as one

of the "maintenance units" of this colossus.
This colossus can move. There must have been other ways to move...
Unfortunately, I think I can't get it out.
I am not sure if it is due to aging or some accident, but my knowledge about
myself and this colossus seems to have been severely lost.
For example, I should know how to move this colossus and its internal
structure, but I can't remember at all.
There must have been some ability to maintain the colossus, but I can't
remember that either. However, I feel that if there is a chance, I can get my
memory back.
There must be another being exactly like on the left leg side. I can't think
if there are others inside.”

Fractal asks PC to accompany him. He pleads that if something is wrong

with the colossus, it is his role to bring it back to normal and that even if he
cannot remember now, he will be able to help PC when his memories come
back to him.

2) Left Heel
It is possible to enter through the torn doorway in the heel (see p. 306).
The room's structure is the same as in "1) Right Heel", but the doorway in the

room's roof has also been destroyed. Inside there is a black agate colossus
statue. The statue is in a posture as if it is guarding its face with its right hand
and its chest with its left hand.

“There is a black agate statue in the room. It is a humanoid and about 1.2
meters tall. In appearance, it is very similar to the colossus you have just
entered. It cannot be a mere model, for it has been reproduced with such
precision and detail.”

The PC can perform a Monster Knowledge check, and if they obtain a

success value of 11 or more, they can refer to the data in the Onyx Basilisk
(Monsterous Form) (see p. 336), which created this statue.
And if Fractal is accompanying, it tells the following story.

“This is the same thing as me. The logical inference is that it was
transformed into this for some reason.”

PCs can remove this petrification by casting [Cure Stone] with a success
value of 23 or more or using Cure Stone Potion III.
Once petrification is removed, this statue also acts as a magitech Fractal.
Please refer to "1) Right Heel" (see the previous page) for additional reactions.
After returning from the statue, Fractal tells the following story.

“The entrance was destroyed by [Knocker Bomb] spell, and someone who
looked like Barbarous entered. I took a defensive posture as soon as I could,
but its gaze immobilized my body.”

The advantage of having two "Fractals" is not so big. They regain their
memories and functions at the same time.

3) Right Leg Shaft

It is a 25-meter vertical hole surrounded by vertical walls.
The vertical hole can be climbed by Climb check, but PC challenging this
scenario may have many other ways. The GM should be willing to employ

4) Left Leg Shaft

Basically the same as "3) Right Leg Shaft", but the doorways leading to 2)
Left Heel and 6) Left Hip are destroyed by [Knocker Bomb].

5) Right Hip
In a fairly large room, there is a magic device installed in the corner of the
room. It is a waist-high table, and symbols and magic letters float in the space
directly above it.
There are entrances and exits on the floor and on the east and west walls.
The one on the floor leads to "3) Right Leg Shaft," the east one to "7) Waist-
Connecting Passage," and the west one to the outside.
The characters or "Fractals" who can read magitech can use the magical
device in this room. When they operate the device properly (no check is
required), a pictograph representing the right hand and a series of letters next
to it will appear on the device.

If the Right Arm of the Colossus is not "Lowered to the Waist "
The initial position at the start of the scenario (when hands are raised
toward the sky) is also applicable. In this case, the word "Call" is floating next
to the picture symbol. When you put your hand on it, a loud mechanical sound
is generated, and then a loud "clang" sound is heard near the west doorway.
This means that the right arm has come to the "Waist." It changes to the state
described in the next section.

If the Right Arm of the Colossus is "Lowered to the Waist "

The letter next to the symbol means "Ready for Transfer." When PCs put
their hand on the door, the doorway to the west opens, and they can get to the
8) Right Hand.

6) Left Hip
This room is symmetrical to room 5) Right Hip. The difference is that the
doorway on the floor has been destroyed and left open (there are signs of
destruction in the doorways on the east and west walls). The symbols that
appear in the magic device are for the left hand, and the “9) Left Hand" of the
colossus is manipulated and moved here by the device.

7) Waist-Connecting Passage
A straight passage connects "5) Right Hip" and "6) Left Hip".

8) Right Hand
It is a square room. In one corner, there is a magic device installed. It is a
waist-high table, and picture symbols and magic characters are floating in the
space directly above it.

There are doorways on the floor, ceiling, and east, west, and north walls
(only the south wall is missing). When Colossus changes the position of his
arms, his wrists are folded or rotated in accordance with the Movement so that
each doorway changes where it leads (some of them are immediately blocked
by walls or jam-packed pipes and wiring). On the other hand, the room itself
maintains its vertical and horizontal orientation. Even if the arms move, the
room will not be overturned.
Depending on the arm status ("raised to the sky," "hand over mouth," "hand
over chest," "hand over the belly," or "lowered to the waist"), one of the doorways
leads to the room on the side of the Block with which it is in contact (except
when "raised to the sky"). The remaining one leads to the "10) Right Arm Shaft".
During the movement of the arm, all the doorways are blocked.
The correspondence between the right hand position and the entrance/exit
is as follows.

Correspondence of Each Entrance/Exit of the right hand, per position of the

Right Arm
Entrance on
the Right
Sky Mouth Chest Belly Waist
Side/ Right
Arm Position
Outside (On 10) Right
Ceiling X X X
the Palm) Arm Shaft
10) Right
Floor X X X X
Arm Shaft
East X X X X 5) Right Hip
10) Right 10) Right 10) Right
West X X
Arm Shaft Arm Shaft Arm Shaft
North X 15) Head A 19) Chest A 17) Belly A X
X: It's blocked.

The magic device can be either used by a character that can read magitech
or Fractal. A series of symbols that imitate the state of the right arm appear.
In order of precedence, they are: "Up thrust," "180-degree bend," "down and
then right angle bend," "down and then slow angle bend," and "straight down,"

Among these, the symbols corresponding to the state of the right arm of
the Colossus are highlighted ("raised to the sky," "hand over mouth," "hand over
chest," "hand over the belly," or "lowered to the waist"). In addition, if the
doorway leading to another Block in the Colossus is open, it is blinking.

When a Hand is Held Over a Blinking Symbol

The doorway closes, and the corresponding symbol is simply highlighted.

When PC Holds Their hand over the Highlighted Symbol

The doorway opens. The doorway on the other side of the connected block
also opens to allow transfers. The symbol is flashing.

When PC Holds Their hand over any Other Symbol

The arm tries to move to the specified position (if the doorway is open, it
will close automatically). However, this will not be accomplished in the
following cases:

Movement Instructions to Chest ("Down and then Right Angle Bend")

Immediately after the room begins to move, a warning tone is heard
throughout the room, and an announcement is made in magitech: “The
instruction has been rejected by the general supervisor.” Regardless of the
original position, the arm is moved to the "raised to the sky" position. The
words "General Supervisor" can invoke memory of Fractal (see p. 310).

Mouth or Belly is Directed, but There is Already the Other Arm There
Immediately after the instruction is given, a warning tone echoes through
the room, and an announcement is made in magitech: “To avoid a collision,
the instruction is rejected.” The arm does not move.

9) Left Hand
It is the same as "8) Right Hand," only with a left-right distinction. In the
correspondence of the entrances and exits, consider east and west in reverse
(e.g., if the arm is on the body side, it is the west entrance that leads to "6) Left

10) Right Arm Shaft/11) Left Arm Shaft

The structure is the same in both cases: each is 20m long, and the end of
each is connected to either 8) Right Hand/9) Left Hand, or 12) Right Shoulder/
13) Left Shoulder.
The internal area matches the situation of the arm. For example, if the arm
is "raised to the sky" or "lowered to the waist," it is a vertical hole; if the arm is
"hand over mouth," it is a horizontal passage that advances 10m, turns around,
and advances another 10m.

12) Right Shoulder/13) Left Shoulder

There are doorways on the east and west walls, the floor, and the ceiling.
The doorway to the inside of the body (Right Shoulder: east, Left Shoulder:
west) is always connected to the "14) Shoulder Joint Passage". The floor, the
ceiling, and the doorway to the outside of the body are connected to the "10
Right Arm Shaft/11) Left Arm Shaft" depending on the status of the arm (Sky:
ceiling, Mouth: west or east, other: floor). The other entrances and exits are
blocked and cannot be passed through.

14) Shoulder Joint Passage

This horizontal passage of about 20 meters connects the 12) Right Shoulder
and the 13) Left Shoulder.

15) Head A - Waiting Room

This small room can be entered from 8) Right Hand or 9) Left Hand when
either arm of the colossus is in the "hand over mouth" position.
There are two entrances, one to the back and the other to the outside.
Although the same kind of magical device as in 5) Right Hip is placed, in
this magical device, symbols of both the right and left hands appear (instead of
just one). Either one of them can be operated.

If either Arm of the Colossus is Away from the "Mouth"

In this case, the word "Call" appears next to the right hand and left hand.
By placing a hand on either of them, PC can call the hand of the colossus.

If Either Arm of the Colossus is in the "Mouth"

The word "Ready for Transfer" appears next to the symbol of the hand on
the side that is held over the mouth. If PC puts their hand on the "Ready for
Transfer" side, the doorway to the outside will open. The doorway on the side
of the hand will open in tandem, and they will be able to get in there.
The door on the back will be inoperable and will not respond when the PC
holds its hand over it.

16) Head B
PCs can arrive here only from 15) Head A. There is a magic device at the
back of the room; a PC that can read magitech or Fractal can operate the device
to get a record of the colossus.
It turns out that this place where the colossus was left behind was where
Barbarous emerged from the underground during the Diabolic Triumph and
was the foothold for the invasion. Originally, there were unknown ruins from
the Ancient Magic Civilization period, and Barbarous had been building up
their forces in this area. Colossus fought here to stop them and stayed here at
a semi-standstill in preparation for further invasion. Since the end of the
Diabolic Triumph, there is no record of Barbarous ever having appeared.
PCs also find a series of text messages marked "Stop Code" and "Self-
Destruction Code." It seems that entering this code into some special
magisphere makes it possible to send commands to a specific magitech.
However, there is no corresponding magisphere in this room.

17) Belly A - Waiting Room

This is a small room that can be entered from 8) Right Hand/9) Left Hand
when either arm of the colossus is in the “hand over belly” position. It is the
same as “15) Head A - Waiting Room" except for the difference in the part
related to the head and the belly.

18) Belly B
PCs can only arrive from 17) Belly A. At the first entry point, a magitech is
waiting for them. In Standard Combat, the distance between the first PC and
the magitech is 5 m. In this battlefield, there are only 5m from the first PC and
The appearance of magitech is very similar to that of Colossus (and of
course, Fractal). It is about 3 meters tall, about 1/20 the height of a colossus
(2.5 times the height of Fractal).

13 Colossus: Miniature
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Instructed
Language: None Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 19/23 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 20 Movement Speed: 20/- Fortitude: 17 (24) Willpower: 16 (23)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None (Head) - - 16(23) 12 100 -
None (Chest) - - 15(22) 12 110 -
None (Belly) - - 15(22) 12 110 -
Fist (Arm) 17(24) 2d+16 15(22) 8 95 -
Fist (Arm) 17(24) 2d+16 15(22) 8 95 -
Kick (Leg) 16(23) 2d+16 14(21) 14 110 -
※See scenario text.
Sections: 6 (Head / Chest / Belly / Arm x 2 / Legs) Main Section: Head / Chest / Belly (All)
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Arm
◯Mechanical Body ◯Continuous Attack
It is immune to criticals from edged If the section successfully hits a target in melee,
weapons. it may make a second attack against the same
◯Mana Coating (3) target.
Reduces magic damage received by -3. ◯Defensive Posture
●Head / Chest / Belly If one of the main sections (head, chest, and
►Magitech 10 Level/Magic Power 13(20) belly) is destroyed, the other two sections are
►Light Ray/16(23)/Willpower/Half defended with one arm each.
With “Range/Area: 2(50m)/Line," fires a Each Arm section is considered to have
Light Ray, dealing 2d+10 energy magic acquired the combat feat [Cover I], and the
damage to targets. covers two remaining sections. At the same time,
Once two of the three sections have used this the Arms lose the [◯ Continuous Attack]
skill, the remaining one cannot use it. ability.
If two of the Main Section are destroyed, only
one arm assumes the [◯Defensive Posture].
If the HP of any Leg section is reduced to 0 or
less, Head, Chest and Belly sections receive a -2
penalty to the success value of [►Light Ray] and
Evasion checks.

The HP of each section of Colossus: Miniature is reduced by -20 if the

number of PCs is 3 or by -10 if the number of PCs is 4.
Once the “Colossus: Miniature” has been eliminated, the room can be
explored. At the back of the room, PC can find a special magisphere. Using
the device, PCs will find that it is a "Colossus: Miniature Operation Sphere." At
the same time, they will receive an “Installation Code.” The Colossus:
Miniature Operation Sphere has a Magitech Civilization characters input
section, which can be used by a character that can read magitech (or Fractal) to
input various codes. The code is a complex string of characters and takes one
minute (6 rounds) to enter. Only one code can be entered at a time because it
is overwritten when a new code is entered. After entering the code, the
command is executed by pressing the button. It is also noted that there are
"Stop Code" and "Self-Destruction Code," which can stop the activated
Colossus: Miniature, and Self-Destruct Colossus: Miniature can destroy it in
the stopped state. However, these two codes cannot be found in this room.
This information about the codes will be available at the same time when
PCs get the sphere and the "Installation Code" in this room. Each code requires
the ability to read and write magitech, but any PC can use the sphere after the
code is entered.

Enter the Installation Code

It works only when the sphere is used with “Installation Code in 18) Belly
B. Also, nothing happens if there is already an (not destroyed) Colossus:
Miniature in the room. Otherwise, the floor in the center of the room opens,
and a Colossus: Miniature rises up and stops. If PCs peek through the opening,
they will see that there are many “Colossus: Miniatures” under the floor of the
room. They cannot enter under the floor.
Suppose PCs ask Fractal about the total number. In that case, he replies,
"There is a full reserve, and, as I recall, it can be replenished as much as you
want with the automatic creation functions.”
Stopped Colossus: Miniature is automatically activated as soon as one of
the colossus' hands leaves the Defensive Posture. Therefore, as soon as the
PCs leave it, go to another Block, and come back, it will fight again. However,
they can sometimes avoid the battle by using the Stop Code (see the next

Enter the “Stop Code”

A Colossus: Miniature in the activated state can be stopped by using a
Sphere with a Stop Code entered in advance. To do so, the PC with the Sphere
needs to be in the same position (area, coordinate) as the Colossus: Miniature
and issue a "Stop" command with a Minor Action. The PC can do this on their
turn, as usual, after the combat is started and the PC has entered the combat.

Enter the "Self-Destruction Code”

Only Colossus: Miniature in the stopped state can be Self-Destructed by
touching it with the Sphere with the Self-Destruction Code entered in advance
and sending a command (Self-Destruction commands are not accepted in the
activated state).
Self-Destruction occurs after 30 seconds (3 rounds) from the input. To
avoid collateral damage, PCs must retreat to the outside of 18) Belly B. If they
stay in the room, they will receive 50 bludgeoning magic damage at the time of
Note that when Self-Destruction of Colossus: Miniature occurs in 18) Belly
B, the big colossus automatically takes a Defensive Posture and protects its
head and chest.
Asking about the term "Defensive Posture" evokes memories of Fractal (see
p. 310).

19) Chest A - Waiting Room

Moving to the Chest

In order for the PCs to move to the chest, they must use Self-Destruct
Code on the Colossus: Miniature, and then take advantage of the "Defensive
Posture" that the big colossus assumes when miniature self-destructs. Only in
this way can the PCs bring the hand of the colossus to the chest without being
interfered with by the leader of Barbarous, who is sitting on the chest;
immediately after giving the Self-Destruction command, the PC can
successfully move to the chest by transferring to the hand remaining on the

If PCs succeed in placing their hand on the "Chest" by using the Defensive
Posture, they can come to this room. The structure and function of the room
are the same as those of 15) Head A and 17) Belly A. PCs can proceed to 20)
Chest B from the back doorway. This doorway has been destroyed by
[Knocker Bomb] and is closed but not locked.

20) Chest B
You entered a room lined with magical devices glowing. This is for sure an
important place. A man with an eye patch was working hard to operate them,
but he noticed you entering and turned around.
“Just when we were about to finally get our hands on all of this giant, we got
a silly interruption.
How much destruction can this huge colossus cause, It was a terror for my
people, but now I will reverse the fate.
"What a toy, what a delightful soldier. I can't let it go."

The man then challenges you to a fight with hostility on his face.

5) Decisive Battle
The two characters in 20) Chest B are Onyx Basilisk and Ogre Berserker,
one Ogre Berserker if the number of PCs is 3 or 4, two if the number of PCs
is 5. Onyx Basilisk is enhanced with sword shards, 13 in Human Form and 14
in Monster Form.
In addition, this Onyx Basilisk has mastered Magitech instead of
Truespeech Magic and can cast it at the same level and Magic Power. He does
not have a Gun.

Onyx Basilisk (see p. 336) (Note: Casts Magitech)

Ogre Berserker (see p. 333)

Onyx Basilisk, an eccentric who was interested in Magitech Civilization and

magitech spells, learned of the existence of this colossus in the course of
researching them and came on board to take possession of it. Although he was
the first to seize the Chest and became the general supervisor (see p. XX), he
could not get complete control (the anti-aircraft defense system went out of
control), and while he was trying this and that, the PCs boarded and thwarted
his ambition (if the PCs were successful in defeating him).

6) Conclusion
Once Onyx Basilisk is defeated, Fractal will use the magical device in this
room to retrieve all memories and records. All the anti-aircraft guns that were
out of control due to the improper operation of Onyx Basilisk can be stopped.

“This colossus was half destroyed in the battle with the Diabolic Triumph.
It seems that it was kept here not only to monitor the underground but also
because it was dangerous to keep it running any longer.
Even now, it is safe to avoid forcing it to move. There are some control
problems here and there in small parts. It is not likely that it will run wild and
destroy its surroundings..., but it may fall down if it is made to walk. And since
it is such a huge body, even a fall will cause serious damage to itself and its
I propose to keep it here as it is now. The auto-restore function is working,
albeit slowly.
Do you have any suggestions for a replacement for the Barbarous
Of course, I will stay here to maintain and manage this colossus. Waiting
for the automatic restoration to progress will greatly help Humanoids as in the

In any case, a PC can't control this colossus (of course, Fractal, which is
essentially an honest magitech, cannot be intimidated to do this). A practical
solution would be to accept Fractal's proposal. Both the Adventurers' Guild
and the Kingdom of Shuvud accept it. The kingdom welcomes and is satisfied
with the ruins around the colossus that became available, even if they cannot
move the colossus itself. The kingdom will be able to recruit many adventurers
and increase its national strength through the excavated goods and the help of
PCs earn rewards promised in advance.
PCs get 1,000 XP for solving the scenario, plus those they can get from
monsters they have defeated. However, the experience points obtained from
Colossus: Miniature is limited to the first miniature (780 points), no matter how
many of them they have defeated.

Barbarous Faith and the Gods of
the Second Sword
Basic Divine Spells Changes
Priests of the second sword god have their magic changed, as shown in the
table below. Those who serve the Mad God Laris (which are most Daemons)
can use both of them.

Basic Divine Magic Varies by Faith

Level Priests of the First Sword Priests of the Second Sword
11 [Surrender] [Resignation]
12 [Sacred Field] [Vice Field]
13 [Erase Soulscar] [Instant Soulscar]

Resignation Cost MP13
1 Entire
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration minute Resistance Neg
(6 r)
Sum. Dampens the fighting spirit of Humanoids Type Psychic
This spell only works on Humanoids with 1/10th of their Maximum HP
remaining (rounded down) or less. In the case of multi-section characters, the
HP of all main sections must meet this condition.
If the target attempts to attack, cast a spell, or perform any other action against
Barbarous, the target suffers a -4 penalty on Accuracy, Spellcasting, and any
other action checks.

Vice Field Cost MP20

All Areas
Tar. (100m Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance N/A
1 Day
Sum. Creates a barrier blocking Humanoids and Undead
The target area has a barrier formed around it, preventing any Humanoids
or Undead from passing through. This barrier also prevents any spells or
abilities from Humanoids or Undead from passing through as well.
Eff. When this spell is cast, the barrier will not form if any Humanoids or Undead
are already within the area of this spell, the barrier will not form. Additionally,
suppose this effect overlaps with the range of a [Sacred Field] spell (see p. 145).
In that case, both spells' effects end immediately.

Instant Soulscar Cost MP20

1 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration minute Resistance Temporary
Character Target
(6 r)
Sum. Binds Humanoids, Strengthen Barbarous
The target receives one soulscar for a split second. Depending upon the
target, this spell will act differently:
If the target is a Humanoid, then they must roll a die at the beginning of their
next turn. If the result is 3 or less, then no movement or Major Actions may be
taken that turn.
If the target is a Barbarous, then they must roll a die at the beginning of their
next turn. If the result is 4 or greater, that Barbarous may take additional Major
Action that turn. This effect can appear only once per turn.

Specialized Divine Magic of the Gods of the Second Sword

Specialized Divine Spells of Dalkhrem, God of War

Fatal Explosion Cost MP22

1 area (6m
Tar. Range/Area Caster/- Duration Instant Resistance Half
Sum. Deals Power 80 damage Type Bludgeoning
Call upon Dalkhrem's power to create a massive attack. Deals Power 80 +
Magic Power magical damage.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
80 6 9 10 13 16 18 20 21 22 23 ⑩

Specialized Divine Spells of Eiryak, Sea Snatcher

Water Bridge Cost MP25

Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Resistance Optional
Sum. Build a water bridge
During the duration of the effect, the caster can create a bridge made of water
in space. The bridge must be between 1 and 10 meters in width and depth, and
between 10 and 100 meters in length, with a slight upward arch. The caster
determines the width, depth, and length, but the shape is limited to a straight
line, and the arch is limited to a reasonable design. The caster can build a bridge
as many times as they want within the duration of the Major Action. Still, once
a bridge is built, it remains for the duration of the spell and cannot be erased or
destroyed by the caster's will. Water bridges, including previously built bridges,
cannot be built over structures or characters that already exist (although they
can be crossed by arches). Water bridges have a flow toward either side of the
straight line. The flow speed can be freely determined by the caster for each
bridge, ranging from a rushing current to a turbulent one.
Water bridges can be navigated on the water using boats or other means, and
swimming through them is possible.

Specialized Divine Spells of Zeides, Immortal Queen

Ultimate Being Cost MP13

Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration seconds Resistance Optional
(1 r)
Sum. Ignore all disadvantageous effects. Action checks +2
During the duration of the effect, the caster may arbitrarily choose any effects
they do not wish to receive and ignore their effects. Declared effects are treated
as temporarily absent (they are not removed but are re-applied at the end of the
duration of this spell).
Also, the caster gets a +2 bonus to all action checks during the spell's duration
if there is even one effect to ignore.

Specialized Divine Spells of Laris, Mad God

Call Daemon Cost MP20

Any 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance N/A
Point Target
Sum. Summons a daemon
Calls a Daemon Level 12 or lower. The summoned Daemon will act on their
own from the next round.


Additional Elements

Note on [Normal Weapon Immunity]

When a character attacks a monster with [〇Normal Weapon Immunity],

it should be ruled as follows.
- As a rule, an attack that grants magic damage will ignore this unique skill.
- Attacks that inflict physical damage will not deal damage to a monster with
this unique skill, except in the few cases described below.
- If the attacking monster is enhanced by sword shards, the attack is treated as
magical, regardless of the attack type.
- If the description of unique skills states that it should be treated as a
Silvered/Magic Weapon, then it should be treated as such.
- If the monster's description mentions the use of silver/magic weapons, the
GM may accept it and treat it as an attack with them.
- Otherwise, at the GM's discretion, the monster may be attacked with a
silver/magic weapon if they deem it appropriate.
- The GM is not prevented from equipping monsters with silver/magic
weapons in their scenarios for legitimate reasons and purposes (to make the
game fun!). (The PCs should not be prevented from acquiring them as special
loot either).


Some monsters can attack targets by entangling them in their tentacles or

holding them in their strong arms. These abilities have disadvantages for the
target, such as restricting the character's movement or actions or causing a
penalty or automatic failure of the skill checks. This is called de-bonding and
is explained here.
To capture a character, entangle or hold, an Accuracy check or similar
check must be made first specified in the unique skill. GM should write the

monster’s success value as the target number for escaping. In case of multiple
hits, choose the lowest success value.
A character in an entangled state can try to escape by de-bonding as a Major
Action. This character needs to do a check 2d + Adventurer level + Strength
Modifier, and the target number is the success value of the monster that GM
wrote down earlier. If the success value is greater than or equal to the target
number, the de-bonding was successful, and the character is no longer
entangled (and Major Action was completed).
Another character also can de-bond. The same check needs to be made; if
successful, the target character escapes and is free to act immediately afterward.
Of course, another character will still have to use its Major Action.
If the GM forgets to write down the success value, they can roll the dice
again to determine it or use a fixed success value.
When multiple characters cooperate to perform de-bonding, the character
who is the primary character and the cooperating character should be
determined first, and the cooperating character first declares that it will perform
the cooperation as the Major Action and then completes its turn. In this case,
the Strength Modifier (or the sum of the Strength Modifiers if there is more
than one) of the characters who declared to cooperate can be added as a bonus.
When a character with monster data is trying de-bonding, its Fortitude
should be used instead of "Adventurer level + Strength Modifier."


3 Hog Hoodling
Intelligence: Low Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 2
Language: Barbaric, Youma Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 9/12 Weak Point: +2 Magic Damage
Initiative: 12 Movement Speed: 15(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 5(12) Willpower: 5(12)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon (Rider) 6(13) 2d+4 5(12) 2 18 11
Slam (Pig) 5(12) 2d+3 3(10) 2 23 7
Sections: 2 (Rider/Pig) Main Section: Rider
Unique Skills
●All Sections See Rider class and the Riding Rules (see
◯Dismounting p. 87) for rules for this monster on how to
This monster’s Rider section is mounted dismount and mount back at the mount.
on the Pig section. If the Rider is
dismounted, all sections suffer a -2 penalty
on all action checks and have their damage
reduced by -2 points.
Always Dirty Hood (20G/White B) 7 – 11 Cheap Meat (100G/Red A)
2–6 None 12+ Fine Meat (200G/Red A)
This is a Hoodling who is used to handling animals and fights by riding on them. The riding
animal is carried around for food and may be a variety of small to medium size animals, not
limited to pigs.

5 Arakcruder
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 3
Language: Aviary, Barbaric Habitat: Mountains
Rep/Weak: 12/14 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 13 Movement Speed: 10/30(Flying) Fortitude: 7(14) Willpower: 6(13)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Beak 7(14) 2d+5 7(14) 4 39 13
Unique Skills
◯Flight attack against an opponent who has been
This monster receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy attacked with a beak.
and Evasion only for melee attacks. Accuracy check and damage are the same as
◯Spear Pursuit those of the beak. This effect is effective only
A monster’s spear can be used as a melee when the monster is Flying.
2 – 6 None 10+ Seven-colored Feather (200G/Gold Red A)
7 – 9 Beautiful Feathers (30G/Gold Red B)
Arakcruder is Barbarous with its entire body is covered with feathers, and its head resembles a bird
of prey. It has a pair of upper limbs with large wings. It is about 2 meters tall, but its wing span is twice
that when flying. Although their ability to manipulate objects with their hands has degenerated
significantly, they can use their legs like hands while flying, and they mainly live in this way. When
they have no choice but to walk, they walk upright.
They are territorial and live in groups, building primitive dwellings in caves, cliffs, or on the tops of
large trees, often using floating rocks (see CR I, p. 341) as their strongholds. Although belligerent and
ferocious, they revere Garuda (see CR II, p. 354) as the King of the Flying Barbarous, and many serve

8 Arakcruder Hunter
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 3
Language: Aviary, Barbaric Habitat: Mountains
Rep/Weak: 14/16 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 16 Movement Speed: 10/35(Flying) Fortitude: 10(17) Willpower: 10(17)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Beak 10(17) 2d+9 10(17) 6 77 18
Unique Skills
◯Flight 🗨Cleave I
This monster receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy This ability can only be used with [◯Spear
and Evasion only for melee attacks. Pursuit]. It can attack up to 3 characters with
◯Spear Pursuit melee attacks that can be reached, but the
A monster’s spear can be used as a melee damage will be reduced by -3. If more than one
attack against an opponent who has been is hit, the damage is determined individually.
attacked with a beak. ⏩△Techniques
Accuracy check and damage are the same as They may use the [Cat’s Eye], [Bear Muscle],
those of the beak. This effect is effective only [Gazelle Feet], and [Beetleskin] Techniques.
when the monster is Flying.
Always Gems (150G/Gold A) 8+ Seven-colored Feather (200G/Gold Red A)
2 – 7 Beautiful Feathers (30G/Gold Red B)

Among the Arakcruder, they are the ones who are skilled with spears and lead their tribes in
hunting and eliminating foreign enemies.

8 Quepala Sage
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 3
Language: Barbaric, Arcana, Drakish Habitat: Forest, Caves, Swamps, Shallows
Rep/Weak: 15/18 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points
Initiative: 15 Movement Speed: 15/- 15 Fortitude: 9(16) Willpower: 11(18)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 11(18) 2d+9 9(16) 6 74 68
Unique Skills
◯Poison Immunity ◯Poison/10(17)/Fortitude/Neg
►Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic 8 If the Bite attack hits, the target is dealt
Level/Magic Power 10(17) additional 8 poison magic damage.
◯🗨Magic Aptitude
They can use the Combat Feats
[Targeting], [Metamagic/Targets], and
Arcana-Language Book Esoteric Spellbook
2–6 11+
(170G/White A) (1,500G/White S)
7 – 10 Spellbook (500G/White A)
This is a Quepala (see CR I, p. 406), who is particularly knowledgeable and excels in magical
knowledge. They are sometimes the leaders of settlements in the larger Shallow Abysses.
They are gruesome and brutal, and has a strong hatred for Humanoids and the beings who
are in their service.

10 Arakcruder Predator
Intelligence: Low Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 4
Language: Aviary, Barbaric Habitat: Mountains
Rep/Weak: 15/18 Weak Points: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 18 Movement Speed: 10/40 (Flying) Fortitude: 13(20) Willpower: 12(19)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Beak 12(19) 2d+12 12(19) 8 88 24
Unique Skills
◯Flight ◯Rage
This monster receives a +1 bonus to This effect appears automatically when this
Accuracy and Evasion only for melee monster's current HP becomes less than half
attacks. its maximum value (rounding up) and
◯Spear Pursuit disappears automatically when its HP
A monster’s spear can be used as a melee recovers to more than half its maximum
attack against an opponent who has been value.
attacked with a beak. The monster becomes frenzied and attacks
Accuracy check and damage are the same indiscriminately and without regard for the
as those of the beak. This effect is effective consequences. In all melee attacks, the target
only when the monster is Flying. is randomly selected from among possible
🗨Cleave II targets, friend or foe. When declaring
This ability can only be used with [◯Spear [🗨Cleave II], select 5 targets at random (or
Pursuit]. It attacks with a weapon up to 5 all of them if there are fewer than 5 suitable
characters within the skirmish in which it targets).
resides. All melee attacks gain a +2 bonus to
⏩△Techniques Accuracy checks and +4 points to damage.
They may use the [Cat’s Eye], [Bear At the same time, the monster receives a -2
Muscle], [Gazelle Feet], [Recovery (5 pts.)], penalty on Evasion checks.
and [Beetleskin] Techniques. While this effect is in effect, this monster
cannot use the [Recovery] Technique.
Seven-colored Feather
Always Gems (300G/Gold A) 5 – 11
(200G/Gold Red A)
Beautiful Feathers (30G/Gold Dazzling Feathers (2,000G/Gold
2–4 12+
Red B) Red S)
It is a very powerful Arakcruder. They justify their violent nature by defining justice as
simply being strong. When cornered, they go berserk and begin to rampage without restraint.

11 Ogre Berserker
Intelligence: Low Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 4
Language: Barbaric, Ogre, Drakish Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 15/19 Weak Point: +2 Magic Damage
Initiative: 17 Movement Speed: 19/- Fortitude: 16(23) Willpower: 13(20)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 15(22) 2d+18 12(19) 13 103 13
Unique Skills
◯Continuous Attack II 🗨Power Strike II
If an Ogre Berserker successfully hits a An Ogre Berserker can deal an additional
target in melee, they may make a second +12 damage on their next attack. However,
attack. They can make a third attack against any Evasion Check made by the Ogre
the same target if a second attack hits. Berserker this turn receives a -2 penalty.
This declaration should have been made at
the time of the first attack. It cannot be made
during an additional attack from the
[◯Continuous Attack II].
2 – 8 Bag of Silver (200G/-) 13+ Golden Berserker Accessory (4,500G/Gold White S)
9 – 12 Gems (500G/Gold A) x 1d
Although they have no shapeshift ability and cannot cast spells, they are a subspecies of
Ogres, boasting a strong body twice the size of a normal Ogre and formidable strength.
Because of their low intellect, they are used by Ogres and Drakes, but as long as they can
fight, Ogre Berserkers are happy.

12 Quepala Chief
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 4
Language: Barbaric, Arcana, Drakish Habitat: Forest, Caves, Swamps, Shallows
Rep/Weak: 19/22 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points
Initiative: 19 Movement Speed: 15/- 15 Fortitude: 14(21) Willpower: 16(23)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 15(22) 2d+15 13(20) 9 113 107
Unique Skills
◯Poison Immunity Control] [Metamagic/Targets], [Rune
►Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic 12 Master], and [Multi-Action].
Level/Magic Power 15(22) ◯Poison/15(22)/Fortitude/Neg
◯🗨Magic Aptitude If the Bite attack hits, the target is dealt
They can use the Combat Feats additional 12 poison magic damage.
[Targeting], [Magic Convergence], [Magic
2–6 Spellbook (500G/White A) 11+ Rare Grimoire (3,000G/White S)
Esoteric Spellbook
7 – 10
(1,500G/White S)
This is a highest-ranking Quepala (see CR I, p. 406). Although they are regarded as quite
powerful among the Barbarous, they do not take their place as generals in the Barbarous
army, preferring to hide in the dark and plotting. There are some Quepala Chiefs who prefer
to dwell in Shallow Abyss.

13 Ogre Warlord
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 4
Language: Trade Common, Barbaric, Ogre, Drakish, Arcana Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 16/20 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 20 Movement Speed: 20/- Fortitude: 18(25) Willpower: 18(25)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 17(24) 2d+15 14(21) 16 121 69
Unique Skills
◯Multiple Actions = 2 times [Wordbreak].
►Truespeech Magic 10 Level/Magic Power 🗨 Mana Strike = +14 damage
14(21) An Ogre Warlord may deal an additional +14
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude damage to their next melee attack. If they do, at
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-Action], risk, they receive a -2 penalty to Fortitude and
[Targeting], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Willpower checks until their next turn.
Control], [Metamagic/Targets], and
Royal Treasured Sword (8,000G/Gold Black
2 – 8 Bag of Gold (1,400G/-) 13+
White S)
9 – Luxury Ornaments (500G/Gold White
12 A) x 2d
Although they lack the shapeshift ability, Ogre Warlords are a superior species of Ogres, possessing
physical and magical powers far superior to those of ordinary Ogres. Though not much different in
appearance from an ordinary Ogre, they are sometimes adorned with crowns and necklaces and carry
specially forged swords that prove their kingship.

13 Blood Troll
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 4
Language: Trade Common, Barbaric, Giantish Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 17/20 Weak Point: +2 Magic Damage
Initiative: 18 Movement Speed: 21/- Fortitude: 18(25) Willpower: 16(23)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 18(25) 2d+14 15(22) 14 123 88
Unique Skills
►Divine Magic 13 Level / Magic Power 17(24) ◯Dark Regeneration = 10 points
🗨►Magic Aptitude At the end of each round, a Blood Troll recovers
A Blood Troll can use the Combat Feats 10 HP. This has no effect if the Blood Troll is at
[Metamagic/Targets], [Multi-Action], and 0 HP or lower or is under sunlight.
[Wordbreak]. ◯Weakened
🗨 Mana Strike = +17 damage As long as a Blood Troll is under sunlight, it
A Blood Troll may deal an additional +17 receives a -2 penalty to all Accuracy and Evasion
damage to their next melee attack. If they do, at Checks.
risk, they receive a -2 penalty to Fortitude and
Willpower checks until their next turn.
Always Troll's Black Blood (500G/Red A) 7 – 11 Strange Holy Symbol (3,300G/White S)
2 – 6 Gems (300G/Gold A) x 1d 12+ Strange God Statue (6,200G/Gold White S)
They are upper-level Dark Trolls and are in charge of leading the Trolls. They are always ready to
fight without compromise to not disappoint their enemies. Fighting is the highest priority in their life,
and they teach other Trolls how to fight and defeat any opponent.

13 Onyx Basilisk (Human Form)
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Neutral Soulscars: 4
Language: Trade Common, Barbaric, Basilisk, Drakish, Youma, Arcana
Habitat: Desert, Ruins Rep/Weak: 13/19 Weak Point: Water/Ice damage +3 points
Initiative: 18 Movement Speed: 15/- Fortitude: 16(23) Willpower: 16(23)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 17(24) 2d+14 15(22) 14 118 91
Unique Skills
◯Poison Immunity, ◯Disease Immunity ►Stagnation Gaze/14(21)/Willpower/Neg
►Truespeech Magic 12 Level/Magic Power With "Range/Area: 2(30m)/Target", the
16(23) monster stares at "Target: 1 Character" and
🗨►Magic Aptitude prevents its movement. Target cannot take
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi- any Major Action and any Minor Action for
Action], [Universal Metamagic], and 10 seconds (1 round). However, if the target
[Wordbreak]. can take multiple Major Actions, the
⏩Onyx Gaze/15(22)/Willpower/Neg number of Major Actions is reduced by only
With "Range/Area: 2(50m)/Target", it one (still no Minor Action can be taken).
stares at "Target: 1 Character" and petrifies ◯Poison Blood/16 (23)/Fortitude/Neg
the target (Dexterity, Agility/-6) (see CR II, p. Anyone who deals damage to this monster
329). Under this effect, the target eventually in the same skirmish will receive 2d+6
turns into an onyx statue instead of a stone poison magic damage at the end of their
statue. It is possible to cancel the effect with turn.
[Cure Stone]. ►Monstrous Form
If the target of this unique skill is the one The monster transforms into its monstrous
who holds the mirror, and if Willpower's form. For data on the monstrous form, see
success value is 4 or more points higher than "Onyx Basilisk (Monstrous Form)" (the next
the Target Number, gaze can bounce off the, page). HP and MP are restored to their
giving this effect to Onyx Basilisk always maximum values, and all effects of spells and
affecting them without a check even if Onyx the like are removed. When [►Monstrous
Basilisk is blindfolded. This unique skill is Form] was activated Body section is treated
of curse type. as if it made Major Action. The Head and
This unique skill can be used only once per Evil Eyes sections may take Major Action on
round. this turn.
[⏩△Instant Humanification] cannot be
used for 1 hour immediately after using
[►Monstrous Form].

Basilisk Pureblood (1,000G/Red
Always 6 – 11 Onyx Eye (4,000G/Gold Red S)
Eye of Stagnation (10,000G/Gold
2–5 None 12+
Red SS)

14 Onyx Basilisk (Monstrous Form)
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 4
Language: Trade Common, Barbaric, Basilisk, Drakish, Youma, Arcana
Habitat: Desert, Ruins Rep/Weak: 11/19 Weak Point: Water/Ice damage +3 points
Initiative: 19 Movement Speed: 12(Many Legs)/- Fortitude: 17(24) Willpower: 17(24)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None (Right Evil Eye) - - 18(25) 6 60 30
None (Left Evil Eye) - - 18(25) 6 60 30
Bite (Head) 18(25) 2d+12 17(24) 11 114 65
Claws (Body) 17(24) 2d+16 15(22) 15 126 73
Sections: 4 (Right Evil Eye / Left Evil Eye / Head / Body) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Body
◯Poison Immunity, ◯Disease Immunity ◯Standing Upright
◯Poison Blood/17 (24)/Fortitude/Neg If the HP of the Body is 0 or less, all other
It is the same as the unique skill of Onyx sections get a -2 penalty on Evasion checks.
Basilisk (Human Form), except for a ⏩△Instant Humanification
different target number. It instantly transforms into Human form.
●Right Evil Eye Refer to Onyx Basilisk (Human Form) for
⏩Onyx Gaze/16(23)/Willpower/Neg data on the Human form. If the Body
It is the same as the unique skill of Onyx section has suffered HP or MP damage or
Basilisk (Human Form), except for a has been affected by magic or other effects,
different target number. these are carried over to the Human form. If
●Left Evil Eye its HP is less than 0, it immediately falls
►Stagnation Gaze/15(22)/Willpower/Neg unconscious.
It is the same as the unique skill of Onyx [⏩△Instant Humanification] cannot be
Basilisk (Human Form), except for a used for 1 hour immediately after using
different target number. [►Monstrous Form].
►Truespeech Magic 12 Level/Magic Power
🗨►Magic Aptitude
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-
Action], [Universal Metamagic], and
Basilisk Pureblood (1,000G/Red 10 – Eye of Stagnation (10,000G/Gold
S) 12 Red SS)
Evil Onyx Eye (20,000G/Gold
2–9 Onyx Eye (4,000G/Gold Red S) 13+
Red SS)
Onyx Basilisk is a higher-level of Basilisk with an evil onyx eye. The petrification curse this
Basilisk gives turns the victim into a black agate (onyx).
This monster also has the evil eye of stagnation as its second evil eye.
The transformed Onyx Basilisk is a large lizard over 5 meters in length, and its right and
left evil eyes to shine in milky white and black. Unlike the rational Human form, Onyx
Basilisk in this form moves with its emotions and lays waste to the beings in front of it.

14 Bolg Suppressor
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 4
Language: Barbaric, Youma Habitat: Forest, Mountain, Cave
Rep/Weak: 19/24 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 21 Movement Speed: 20/- Fortitude: 18(25) Willpower: 16(23)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist 17(24) 2d+18 16(23) 7 122 26
Unique Skills
►Twin Strike & Double Attack ◯Crushing Palm Strike
Can make two Fist attacks each round, (Withering)/17(24)/Willpower/Neg
though each attack requires its own Accuracy If the target is hit by a Fist attack and fails the
check. They may choose to attack different Willpower check, the target may not speak
characters with each attack. or declare any Minor Action or active
◯Counter combat feats for the next 10 seconds (1
This is the same effect as the combat feat round). This effect is of the psychic type.
[Counter](see CR II, p. 209). ⏩Pressure Point/17(24)/Willpower/Neg
◯Crushing Palm Strike Roll 1d. Bolg Suppressor hits the target
(Fall)/17(24)/Fortitude/Neg with its powerful aura, receiving 10 fixed
If the target is hit by a Fist attack, the target damage to its MP if it rolls "1-3" and to its HP
will fall prone on failed Fortitude check. if it rolls "4-6".
This effect can be used only once in 10
seconds (1 round) and consumes 10 points
of its own MP when used.
Barbarous' Orders (500G/White
Always 5 – 10 Soldier's Outfit (500G/White A)
Golden Battle Outfit
2–4 Battle Gear (30G/White B) 11+
(3,200G/Gold White S)
It is a Bolg fighter who has trained their body to the utmost limit and is filled with a strong
presence beyond ordinary people's reach. Although they are hand-to-hand fighters, it is said
that they can do more than an ordinary army just alone, and they are trusted by the upper
barbarous as a trump card in local battles.
They specialize in striking the enemy with the bottom of their palms and knocking them
down at the same time. They then look down fiercely at their fallen opponent and defeats
they spirit.

15 Hecatoncheires
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 4
Language: Barbaric, Giantish Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 16/22 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 20 Movement Speed: 20/- Fortitude: 21(28) Willpower: 19(26)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None (Upper Body) - - 19(26) 12 148 35
Weapon (Arm) x 6 21(28) 2d+19 21(28) 12 103 18
Kick (Lower Body) 19(26) 2d+21 21(28) 15 137 23
Sections: 8 (Upper Body / Arm x6 / Lower Body) Main Section: Upper Body
Unique Skills
●Arm 🗨Power Strike II
►Swords Dance/Can't They can deal an additional +12 damage on
The Hecatoncheires does a strange, flailing their next attack. However, any Evasion
dance that deals “2d x (Remaining Arms) + Check made by them this turn receives a -2
5 Physical damage” to one target in the same penalty.
skirmish. ◯Layered Protection
This ability cannot be used when even one The Defense of Upper Body section is
Arm has completed its Major Action. Also, increased by +2 points for each remaining
after this ability is used, Major Actions of all Arm section.
Arms are completed. ●Lower Body
◯Limited Attacks ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
Due to the size of the Hecatoncheires, only Hecatoncheires’ height prevents enemies
two Arms can attack the same target in 10 from attacking it. The Upper Body receives
seconds (1 round). a +4 bonus to Evasion checks against melee
attacks. This effect disappears when the
Lower Body falls to 0 HP or lower.
Massive Weapon (300G/Black
Always 8 – 12 Lump of Silver (3,600G/Gold S)
White A) x 6
Lump of Gold (18,000G/Gold
2–7 None 13+
This is a 12-armed giant of about 6 meters in height. When fighting, they carry weapons on
6 arms and shields on the other 6. They value bravery and respect those who come at them
fairly and squarely, but they are angry at those who act cowardly. Because of this, they are
often entrusted with guarding important places such as the treasury and are not often seen

15 Diablo Captain (Human Form)
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 4
Language: Barbaric, Drakish, Daemonic Habitat: Wilderness, Shallows
Rep/Weak: 23/26 Weak Point: Energy damage +3 points
Initiative: 24 Movement Speed: 25/25(Flying) Fortitude: 19(26) Willpower: 19(26)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 19(26) 2d+20 18(25) 14 132 85
Unique Skills
◯Tough Skin ◯Barbarous and Daemons Strengthening
Whenever it receives physical or magical All Barbarous and Daemon monsters
damage of the bludgeoning type, it is except for the Diablo Captain within "Range:
reduced by -3 points. Self" and "Target: All Areas(30m
◯Flight II Radius)/All" receive a +2 bonus on all action
Receives a +2 bonus to Accuracy and checks except Evasion checks, and the
Evasion only for melee attacks. physical and magic damage they cause is
◯Limited 2 Actions increased by +2 points.
The monster can perform two Major ⏩△Instant Daemonshift
Actions in one round. However, this is The character changes into the daemon
limited to one weapon melee attack and one form with Minor Actions or during Combat
[►Daemonic Eyes III] once each. Preparation. For the data, see Diablo
It cannot use [🗨Cleave II] for that melee Captain (Daemon Form) (see the next page).
attack. HP and MP are restored to their maximum
🗨Cleave II values, and all effects of magic, etc., are
It attacks with a weapon up to 5 characters negated. In the turn in which this unique skill
within the skirmish in which it resides. is performed, only the Head section of the
►Daemonic Eyes III/Can’t Daemon Form is treated as having
With a sharp look in its eyes, it makes completed the Major Action, and the Right
shriveling enemies. Side and Left Side sections can make it this
With “Range/Area: 2(30m)/Target”, select turn.
any number of targets and deal 10 curse [⏩△Instant Daemonshift] cannot be used
fixed damage each. Afterward, Diablo’s HP for 3 hours immediately after the
is restored by the sum of all applied damage [►Humanification] was used. Also,
dealt to the targets. [►Humanification] cannot be used for 1
Using this ability consumes 4 points of MP hour immediately after [⏩△Instant
per character targeted. Daemonshift] was used.
True Dark Gem (4,900G/Gold S)
Always Abyss Shard (200G/-) x 5 6 – 12
Jet-Black Gem (2,200G/Gold S) x Abyssal Treasure (15,500G/Gold
2–5 13+
2 SS) x 2
This is a Diablo who has led an army through age and many combat experiences.
They are a skilled commander of Barbarous and Daemons and is a master of drawing out
their strengths, sometimes leading the troops, but they are also devoted to the training of
young Diablos. They have a broad perspective on the expansion of Barbarous as a whole.
Therefore, they are not only at odds with Humanoids but also often engage in strategic
bargaining and political dealings.
When transformed into the daemon form, they expose their true ferociousness and destroy
their enemies with their fighting instincts.

16 Diablo Captain (Daemon Form)
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 4
Language: Barbaric, Drakish, Daemonic Habitat: Wilderness, Shallows
Rep/Weak: 24/27 Weak Point: Energy damage +3 points
Initiative: 24 Movement Speed: 25/25(Flying) Fortitude: 20(27) Willpower: 20(27)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 20(27) 2d+22 19(25) 14 141 83
Weapon (Right Side) 21(28) 2d+20 17(24) 16 118 39
Weapon (Left Side) 21(28) 2d+20 17(24) 16 118 39
Sections: 3 (Head / Right Side / Left Side) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections (Human Form). If the Body section has
◯Tough Skin suffered HP or MP damage or has been
Whenever it receives physical or magical affected by magic or other effects, these are
damage of the bludgeoning type, it is reduced carried over to the Human form. If its HP is
by -3 points. less than 0, it immediately falls unconscious.
●Head [►Humanification] cannot be used for 1
◯Limited 2 Actions hour immediately after [⏩△Instant
The monster can perform two Major Actions Daemonshift] was used. Also, [⏩△Instant
in one round. However, the monster must Daemonshift] cannot be used for 3 hours
choose two different actions from the melee immediately after the [►Humanification] was
attack, [►Daemonic Eyes III] or used.
[►Daemonic Cursed Rain]. ●Right Side/Left Side
►Daemonic Eyes III/Can’t ◯Flight II
With a sharp look in its eyes, it makes All sections receive a +2 bonus to Accuracy
shriveling enemies. and Evasion only for melee attacks. If either the
With “Range/Area: 2(30m)/Target”, select Right Side or Left Side section falls to 0 HP or
any number of targets and deal 10 curse fixed lower, this unique skill cannot be used.
damage each. Afterward, Diablo’s HP is 🗨Cleave II
restored by the sum of all applied damage dealt It attacks with a weapon up to 5 characters
to the targets. Using this ability consumes 4 within the skirmish in which it resides.
points of MP per character targeted. ●Right Side
►Daemonic Cursed
◯Daemons Strengthening
All Daemon monsters within "Range: Self"
First, the Head must spend 10 points of MP and "Target: All Areas(30m Radius)/All"
to use this ability. Then, roll 2d, and calculate receive a +2 bonus on all action checks except
the Intensity of the effect as "roll + 5". Evasion checks, and the physical and magic
The Diablo Captain receives fixed damage of damage they cause is increased by +2 points.
Intensity points, and at the same time, at
●Left Side
"Range: Caster" and "Target: All Areas (30m
◯Barbarous Strengthening
Radius)/All" receive “Intensity x 3” curse
All Barbarous monsters (except this monster)
magical damage. Any character within this
within "Range: Self" and "Target: All Areas(30m
range can be excluded from the target.
Radius)/All" receive a +2 bonus on all action
checks except Evasion checks, and the physical
It changes to the Human form. For data on
and magic damage they cause is increased by
the Human form, refer to Diablo Captain
+2 points.
Always Abyss Shard (200G/-) x 2d 5 – 11 True Dark Gem (4,900G/Gold S)
2 – 4 Jet-Black Gem (2,200G/Gold S) 12+ Abyssal Treasure (15,500G/Gold SS)

17 Drake Count (Human Form)
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 4
Language: Trade Common, Barbaric, Drakish, Arcana Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 18/25 Weak Point: +2 Magic Damage
Initiative: 23 Movement Speed: 30/60(Flying) Fortitude: 23(30) Willpower: 23(30)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 23(30) 2d+21 21(28) 21 150 90
Unique Skills
►Spiritualism Magic 15 Level/Magic Power 🗨 Mana Strike = +21 damage
21(28) A Drake Count may deal an additional +21
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude damage to their next melee attack. If they do,
A Drake Count (Human Form) can use the at risk, they receive a -2 penalty to Fortitude
Combat Feats [Targeting], [Magic and Willpower checks until their next turn.
Convergence], [Magic Control], [Universal ⏩△Instant Dragonification
Metamagic], [Hawk Eye], [Multi-Action], The Drake Count transforms into a dragon
and [Wordbreak]. form, healing all HP and MP. Any lingering
◯Multiple Actions = 2 times magical effects are removed as well. For
⏩△Techniques more information, see the Drake Count
A Drake Count (Human Form) can use the (Dragon Form) stats. In the turn in which
[Beetleskin], [Cat's Eyes], [Recovery (9 pts.)], [⏩△Instant Dragonification] is performed,
[Giant Arms], and [Sphinx Knowledge] only the Body section of Dragon Form is
Techniques. treated as having completed the Major
◯Flight Action, and Wing sections can make them
A Drake Count receives a +1 bonus to on this turn.
Accuracy and Evasion only for melee [⏩Instant Humanification] cannot be used
attacks. for 1 hour immediately after using
[⏩△Instant Dragonification]
Heraldic Ring (3,000G/Gold Majestic Draconian Horn
Always 8 – 12
White S) (4,200G/Red S)
Noble Draconian Horn
2–7 None 13+
(12,600G/Red SS)

18 Drake Count (Dragon Form)

Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile Soulscars: 4
Language: Trade common, Barbaric, Drakish, Arcana Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 19/26 Weak Point: Magic damage +2 points
Initiative: 23 Movement Speed: 30/60(Flying) Fortitude: 24(31) Willpower: 24(31)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Body) 23(30) 2d+22 22(29) 22 165 90
Wing (Wing) 24(31) 2d+18 19(26) 19 90 46
Wing (Wing) 24(31) 2d+18 19(26) 19 90 46
Sections: 3 (Body / Wing x 2) Main Section: Body

Unique Skills
●All Sections This unique skill cannot be used in consecutive
◯Energy Immunity turns.
●Body ⏩△Instant Humanification
►Spiritualism Magic 15 Level/Magic Power It instantly transforms into Human form.
21(28) Refer to Drake Count (Human Form) for data
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude on the Human form. If the Body section has
A Drake Count (Dragon Form) can use the suffered HP or MP damage or has been
Combat Feats [Targeting], [Magic affected by magic or other effects, these are
Convergence], [Magic Control], [Universal carried over to the Human form. If its HP is
Metamagic], [Hawk Eye], [Multi-Action], and less than 0, it is immediately stunned.
[Wordbreak]. [⏩△Instant Humanification] cannot be used
◯Multiple Actions = 2 times for 1 hour immediately after using [⏩△Instant
⏩△Techniques Dragonification].
A Drake Count (Dragon Form) can use the ●Wing
[Beetleskin], [Cat's Eyes], [Recovery (9 pts.)], ◯Flight
[Giant Arms], and [Sphinx Knowledge] A Drake Count (Dragon Form) receives a +1
Techniques. bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee
🗨 Mana Strike = +21 damage attacks.
A Drake Count may deal an additional +21 If one of the Wing sections falls to 0 HP or
damage to their next melee attack. If they do, lower, this unique skill cannot be used.
at risk, they receive a -2 penalty to Fortitude and 🗨Decoy Attack II
Willpower checks until their next turn. It gains -2 to Accuracy checks, but the damage
►Radiant Breath/24 (31)/Fortitude/Half is increased by +8 on hit.
Drake Count spits out a pure energy mass at If the declared attack is evaded, the enemy
"Range/Area: 2(50m)/Shot" and explodes it at receives a -2 penalty to Evasion checks for the
the point of impact, dealing "Target: 1 area (6m next 10 seconds (1 round). This effect is
Radius)/20" 2d+25 energy magic damage. cumulative up to -8 but is lost if the target fails
an Evasion check even once.
Heraldic Ring (3,000G/Gold White Majestic Draconian Horn
Always 8 – 12
S) (4,200G/Red S)
Noble Draconian Horn
2 – 7 None 13+
(12,600G/Red SS)
One of the highest-ranking Barbarous, Drake Counts have a regal air about themselves that
lesser Drakes do not. While they may be the same as other Drakes physically, a Drake Count's
appearance and mannerisms have that noble look about them, unconsciously showing off their
status to other Barbarous. At the same time, Drake Counts are masterful combatants and
tacticians, able to easily control thousands of Barbarous beneath them.
A massive beast, the dragon form of a Drake Count, is much larger than those of the Drake
Barons underneath them. With glistening translucent green scales, its glory is only surpassed by
its frightening combat unique skill.


2 Dolphin
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Sea Animal Habitat: Sea, River
Rep/Weak: 6/11 Weak Point: Fire damage +3 points
Initiative: 11 Movement Speed: -/25 (Swimming) Fortitude: 4(11) Willpower: 4(11)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Slam 4(11) 2d+2 3(10) 3 23 9
Unique Skills
It cannot move outside of the water and cannot act outside of the water, but it does not
suffer any restrictions or penalties for actions in the water.
2–5 None 10+ Ocean Pearl (200G/Gold Red A)
Pearl Fragments (50G/Gold Red
This species of Dolphin grows to around 3m long and is highly intelligent, able to speak its
own language. While Dolphins often live in groups out in the seas and open ocean, they will
rarely come to the coast and attempt to make contact with Humanoids. Some have even been
trained by humans to allow riders on their backs, though preparations must be made to allow
the rider to breathe underwater.

3 Anaconda
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hungry
Language: None Habitat: Forests, Plains, Caves
Rep/Weak: 8/12 Weak Point: +2 Magic Damage
Initiative: 11 Movement Speed: 15(Crawling)/- Fortitude: 6(13) Willpower: 4(11)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Constrict 5(12) 2d+3 3(10) 4 29 9
Unique Skills
◯Entanglement When the target tries to escape, use de-
A successful hit from a Constrict attack bonding (see p. 327).
entangles the target. In each round, the While entangled by this unique skill, the
Anaconda hits the entangled target Anaconda cannot attack other characters. If
automatically and makes all Accuracy and the monster itself wants to release the target,
Evasion Checks with a -2 penalty. it can do so with a Minor Action.
2–5 Snake Skin (20G/Red B) 10+ Premium Snake Skin (320G/Red A)
6–9 Fine Snake Skin (150G/Red A)
A large snake, an Anaconda measures around 2m in length. Its preferred method of attack
is to hide in trees as though it were a large vine, then drop down onto unsuspecting prey. The
coils of an Anaconda can constrict and suffocate something as large as a cow. The skin of the
Anaconda is prized for its capabilities when turned into leather, and adventurers are often
sent to procure such skins.

4 Poisonous Spillbug
Intelligence: None Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hungry
Language: None Habitat: Forest, Swamp
Rep/Weak: 10/13 Weak Point: +3 Energy damage
Initiative: 10 Movement Speed: 10 (many legs)/- Fortitude: 6(13) Willpower: 5(12)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Mouth 5(12) 2d+4 4(11) 6 38 8
Unique Skills
◯Poison Immunity Radius)/5" with "Range: Caster." The target
◯Corrosive Fluid Secretion receives 2d poison magic damage.
If the monster is hit by a melee or ranged This ability cannot be used on consecutive
attack, the weapon or ammunition will be turns.
affected by the corrosive fluid. If not cleaned ⏩Curl Up
with at least 1 liter of alcohol within 24 hours, It curls up its body and defends itself with
they will rot and become useless. Magic its outer shell. While curled up, it gains +3
weapons and ammunition are not affected by Defense points but cannot make a melee
this effect. attack with its Mouth.
If the attack was made with a natural Stretching a curled up body is also a Minor
weapon, the attacker must suffer 1d poison Action. The body can only be curled up or
magic damage for each hit. stretched before the Major Action is
►Venom Spray/5(12)/Fortitude/Half executed.
Sprays poison fluid at "Target: 1 area(3m
2 – 7 None 12+ Highly Poisonous Shell (750G/Red A)
8 – 11 Poisonous Shell (250G/Red A)
It is a species similar to a bug with a total length of more than 1 meter. It prefers moist
ground, such as swamps and deep forests where there is no sunlight. It constantly secretes
poisonous body fluid, which it uses to weaken approaching small animals and prey on them.
Its poisonous shell can become a dangerous weapon if carefully processed and traded at a
high price by some.

4 Lizard Fly
Intelligence: None Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hungry
Language: None Habitat: Forest, Swamps
Rep/Weak: 9/13 Weak Point: +3 Energy damage
Initiative: 10 Movement Speed: 10 (many legs)/- Fortitude: 6(13) Willpower: 5(12)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 6(13) 2d+7 3(10) 1 35 12
Unique Skills
A Lizard Fly receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks.
Always Sand Lizard Skin (70G/Red B) 8 – 11 Thin Wings (120G/Red A)
2 – 7 None 12+ Glittering Feathers (340G/Gold Red A)
Lizard Flies appear to be larger than average lizards, ranging in size from about 50cm to
1m, with two pairs of thin, translucent wings on their back. Carnivorous, they will stay buried
under sand until prey comes near, then spring out and attack.

5 Tiger
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Forest
Rep/Weak: 10/14 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 14 Movement Speed: 22(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 8(15) Willpower: 7(14)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 7(14) 2d+8 8(15) 4 42 13
Unique Skills
◯Fast Action ◯Continuous Attack
During the first round of combat, if Tiger If a Tiger successfully hits a target in melee,
wins the initiative, it may take two Major it may make a second attack against the same
Actions that round. target.
Always Large Fang (100G/Red A) 7 – 12 Tiger Pelt (200G/Red A)
2–6 None 13+ Fine Tiger Pelt (600G/Red A)
A four-legged carnivore with black and orange stripes. A ferocious feline, these large cats
are hunting experts alone, hiding with their striped camouflage and striking unexpectedly.
Their fur is prized by fashion enthusiasts, and high-quality pelts can fetch a good price at the

6 Grizzly Bear
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hungry
Language: None Habitat: Forest, Mountains
Rep/Weak: 12/16 Weak Point: Magic damage +2 points
Initiative: 14 Movement Speed: 18/- Fortitude: 9(16) Willpower: 6(13)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claws 8(15) 2d+8 7(14) 7 49 14
Unique Skills
►Double Attack When the target tries to escape, use de-
A Grizzly Bear can make two Claw attacks. bonding (see p. 327).
◯Bear Hug While entangled by this unique skill, the
If the Grizzly Bear successfully hits with Grizzly Bear cannot attack other characters. If
[►Double Attack], it will hold the target, and the monster itself wants to release the target, it
the target will not be able to move or make can do so with a Minor Action.
melee or ranged attacks. Each round, the held 🗨Power Attack
target is hit automatically by the Grizzly Bear, They can deal an additional +4 damage on
dealing 2d + 16 damage. their next attack. However, any Evasion Check
made by them this turn receives a -2 penalty.
Aromatic Bear Paws (1,200G/Red
Always Fur (150G/Red A) 13+
2 – 12 Bear Paws (300G/Red A)
A large bear with grey-brown fur, Grizzlies can stand on their hind legs to intimidate would-
be predators, standing around 2-3m tall. In the summer, they will rarely appear to those
wandering in the wilderness, but as the seasons change, they will attack livestock to build up
bulk for their winter hibernation. Grizzlies are especially dangerous during the springtime, as
they are ravenously hungry after hibernation.

Bear paws, specifically the right paw, are used as ingredients in high-end cuisine, as the right
paw is used to scoop honey. It is said that honey has infused itself into the bear's skin, giving
the paw an almost sweet, gamey flavor. The left paw, however, is rarely used and often
discarded as there is little demand for it.

6 Crimson Maggot
Intelligence: None Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 13/16 Weak Point: Water/Ice damage + 3 points
Initiative: 12 Movement Speed: 10(Crawling)/- Fortitude: 9(16) Willpower: 8(15)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 9(16) 2d+11 8(15) 5 51 14
Unique Skills
◯Fire Immunity, Psychic Immunity For the next 3 minutes (18 rounds), the
◯Bloodsucking Crimson Maggot using this effect, gains a +1
If a Bite attack hits, the monster's HP is bonus to Accuracy checks and +2 points to
restored by a value equal to the applied damage. This effect is cumulative up to 4
damage. times (Accuracy check +4, damage +8).
►Cannibalism ◯Splashing Bodily Fluids/Can’t
Within "Range: Touch," this monster preys If this monster dies (including when it is
on other Crimson Maggots "Target: 1 targeted by [►Cannibalism]), it sprays hot
Character". bodily fluids to "Target: 1 area(3m Radius)/5"
The target dies immediately. At the same at "Range: Caster" and deals 1d fire magic
time, the monster’s HP is restored to its damage.
maximum value.
Reddish Black Body Fluid Red Body Fluid (550G/Gold Red
2–8 9+
(70G/Red B) A)
This maggot is a larva that has grown to about 1m to 1m 50cm in length without becoming
an adult. They are reddish-black in color and move with surprising agility.
It has a symbiotic relationship with Fossil Chrysalis (see the next page) and preys on small
animals that approach it.
In times of crisis, they tend to eat the allies around them, enhancing their abilities.

7 Fossil Chrysalis
Intelligence: None Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 15/18 Weak Point: Bludgeoning damage +3 points
Initiative: 7 Movement Speed: 10(Crawling)/- Fortitude: 11(18) Willpower: 10(17)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Slam (Chrysalis) 9(16) 2d+13 7(14) 12 71 13
Tentacle (Tentacle) 10(17) 2d+10 8(15) 7 49 14
Tentacle (Tentacle) 10(17) 2d+10 8(15) 7 49 14
Tentacle (Tentacle) 10(17) 2d+10 8(15) 7 49 14
Sections: 4 (Chrysalis / Tentacle x 3) Main Section: Chrysalis
Unique Skills
●All Sections Poison and psychic (weak) type
◯Block countermeasures are effective against this
The same as [Block] combat feat (see CR effect (for example, this effect can be
II, p. 202). removed with damage to HP or MP). If the
●Chrysalis target is protected or resistant to both types,
◯Chrysalis Body the target may choose either type.
It is immune to critical hits from edged This ability cannot be used on consecutive
weapons and slashing-type attacks. It also turns.
reduces all magic damage it suffers by -6 ●Tentacle
points. 🗨△Cover I (Chrysalis only)
►Soporific Scent/9(16)/Fortitude/Neg Has the combat feat [Cover I]. The Cover
It releases a soporific scent, putting all the is limited to the Chrysalis section.
characters in the skirmish it resides to sleep. ◯Long Tentacles
It can attack with Tentacle with
"Range/Area: 1(10m)/Target".
Fossil Shell (300G/Red Black A) x
Always 11+ Extended Tentacle (660G/Red A)
2 – 10 Tentacle (220G/Red A)
This gigantic chrysalis, about 3 meters long, is often found in old ruins. Because of its huge
size, when it is found, it is often only exposed partly in a ruin’s room, and its full extent is
rarely revealed.
The body surface of the chrysalis is so hardened that it could be mistaken for a mineral.
Moreover, it can move while still in its pupal state, making it dangerous to be caught in its
movement. Black tentacles extend from the tip of the chrysalis, and while the body remains
motionless, the chrysalis uses the tentacles to defend itself.
It is said that they hatch when some conditions are met, but there is no reported case of
witnessing the moment of hatching.
They never appear alone but are always surrounded by several to a dozen Crimson Maggots
(see the previous page) living in symbiosis.

8 Sea Serpent
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hungry
Language: None Habitat: Sea
Rep/Weak: 14/19 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points
Initiative: 16 Movement Speed: 15 (Crawling)/30(Swimming)
Fortitude: 11 (18) Willpower: 10 (17)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 10(17) 2d+10 10(17) 8 69 18
Constrict (Body) 11(18) 2d+8 8(15) 7 78 21
Sections: 2 (Head / Body) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections The monster can use [◯Entanglement II]
◯Underwater Specialization to entangle multiple characters with multiple
Can move in water without penalties and hits and can attack other characters while
restrictions. Conversely, all action checks are entangling.
subject to a -2 penalty on the ground. When one of the targets tries to escape, use
●Head de-bonding (see p. 327).
►Fire Breath/9 (16)/Fortitude/Half ◯Long Body
Spits out a fireball with "Range: Caster" and The Head section can make a Bite attack
deals 2d+5 fire magic damage to "Target: 1 with "Range/Area: 1(10m)/Target".
area (4m Radius)/10". When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this
●Body effect disappears.
◯Entanglement II ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
A successful hit from a Sea Serpent attack The Sea Serpent's height prevents enemies
entangles the target. Each round, the from attacking it. The Head receives a +4
entangled target is dealt 2d+8 physical bonus to Evasion checks against melee
damage and makes all Accuracy and Evasion attacks. When the Body falls to 0 HP or
Checks with a -2 penalty. lower, this effect disappears.
Parasitic Shellfish Husk
Always Sea Serpent Scales (200G/Red A) 7 – 12
(200G/Red A)
Shining Parasitic Shellfish Shell
2–6 None 13+
(1,000G/Gold Red S)
A giant ocean snake, a Sea Serpent, can measure up to 20m long, causing sailors to believe
they had encountered an aquatic dragon. Under normal circumstances, they are solitary
monsters, content to eat fish but will attack boats when desperately hungry. There are
subspecies of Sea Serpents that can live in freshwater, and some cities have even enshrined a
Sea Serpent as the embodiment of a water god.

9 Giant Bohr
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Forest, Mountain
Rep/Weak: 16/19 Weak Point: Magic damage +2 points
Initiative: 19 Movement Speed: 25(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 13(20) Willpower: 11(18)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 13(20) 2d+13 12(19) 9 79 13
Kick (Body) 12(19) 2d+10 11(18) 8 85 11
Sections: 2 (Head / Body) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Body
►Trample ►Full Speed Rush
A melee attack is applied to the targets This ability can only be used in a melee.
withing "Range/Area: Giant Bohr rampages around and leaves
1(25m)/Breakthrough", and a melee attack is the melee. It changes position to an adjacent
applied to each target by any one section of area in the backward direction (Simplified
this monster. Combat) or to any coordinates within 25m
Once this ability is used, all sections will front or back (Standard Combat).
complete the Major Action.
This ability cannot be used if the HP of the
Body section is 0 or less.
2–4 Fur (150G/Red A) 10+ Best Fur (1,350G/Red S)
5–9 Fine Fur (450G/Red A)
These huge boars, which live in forests and mountains and reach more than 5 meters in
length, are omnivores and are feared as demolishers of the environment because of their
appetite for devouring anything and everything they can find and the wildness that they can
rampage about on their huge bodies. They are extremely belligerent and territorial and will
react with fierce hostility to anyone who approaches them.

10 Marsavra
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hungry
Language: None Wilderness, Grassland Wilderness, Grassland
Rep/Weak: 17/20 Weak Point: Water/ice damage +3 points
Initiative: 16 Movement Speed: 15(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 14(21) Willpower: 12(19)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 14(21) 2d+13 12(19) 8 81 14
Arm (Body 13(20) 2d+11 11(18) 10 98 13
Tail (Tail) 14(21) 2d+11 11(18) 8 77 10
Sections: 3 (Head / Body / Tail) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections This ability cannot be used on consecutive
►Body Press/11(18)/Fortitude/Half turns.
The Marsavra’s body leaps up, carrying all ●Body
the weight on its belly. ►Potbelly Defense (Attack Obstacle =
All characters in the skirmish it resides are Impossible • +4)
dealt 2d+18 physical damage. Extends belly to prevent attacks on the
To use this ability, all sections (Head, head. For 10 seconds (1 round) after this
Body, and Tail) must be able to make a ability is used, the Head section cannot be
Major Action, and at least one must perform the target of melee attacks and gains a +4
a Major Action. Then, the Major Action of bonus on Evasion checks against ranged
all sections is completed when this ability is attacks.
used. ●Tail
This ability cannot be used on consecutive ◯Continuous Attack
turns. If the section successfully hits a target in
●Head melee, it may make a second attack against
►Fire Breath/13(20)/Fortitude/Half the same target.
Spits out a fire mass at "Range/Area:
2(20m)/Shot", dealing 2d+12 fire magic
damage to “Target: 1 Character”.
Perfect Crocodile Skin
2–6 Crocodile Skin (200G/Red A) 10+
(2,200G/Red S)
Superior Crocodile Skin
(600G/Red A)
This large, fat, balloon-like reptile inhabits the south-central part of the Alfleim continent.
It is about 8 meters long and prefers arid land, but its body surface resembles that of a
crocodile and is also covered with hard scales. Some call it crocodile skin, but it is superior
to crocodile skin and is used as a material for leather products.
With a voracious appetite, any animal they see is prey for them, as large as a horse. When
they find their prey to be a threat, they will spit out the fire to weaken it, and then, bouncing
their whole body, they will try to finish it off.

11 Desert Scorpion
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hungry
Language: None Habitat: Desert
Rep/Weak: 17/20 Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 points
Initiative: 18 Movement Speed: 5(Many Legs)/10(in sand)
Fortitude: 14(21) Willpower: 12(19)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Jaw (Body) 13(20) 2d+12 13(20) 10 103 16
Pincer (Right Pincer) 14(21) 2d+10 12(19) 9 78 12
Pincer (Left Pincer) 14(21) 2d+10 12(19) 9 78 12
Tail (Tail) 16(23) 2d+11 11(18) 8 71 11
Sections: 4 (Body / Right Pincer / Left Pincer / Tail) Main Section: Body
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Right Pincer/Left Pincer
◯Many Legs 🗨Decoy Attack II
It is not subject to penalties due to poor It gains -2 to Accuracy checks, but the
footing. damage is increased by +8 on hit.
●Body If the declared attack is evaded, the enemy
◯Hide in the Sand receives a -2 penalty to Evasion checks for
If the character approaches within 15 the next 10 seconds (1 round). This effect is
meters of Desert Scorpion, if they fail the cumulative up to -8 but is lost if the target
Danger Sense check with target number 18, fails an Evasion check even once.
they will receive a surprise attack (see CR I, ●Tail
p. 144). ◯Dead Angle Attack
⏩Dusting Sand If the Body section is the target of a melee
For 10 seconds (1 round), all attacks against attack, an Accuracy check by Tail can be
all sections of this monster have a -1 penalty performed instead of an Evasion check of
on Accuracy checks against them and the Body section. See [Counter] for the
Evasion checks against attacks from them. detail of the process (see CR II, p. 209). In
Characters with Magic perception are not failure, the Body section suffers damage as
affected by this. with [Counter] feat.
To use its ability, 5 points of HP must be This ability can only be used once per 10
consumed. seconds (1 round).
◯Poison/13 (20)/Fortitude/Neg
If the Tail attack inflicts 1 or more applied
damage, it inflicts 10 poison magic damage
to the target.
Large Scorpion Shell (2,200G/Red
Always Poison Stinger (100G/Red A) 12+
2 – 11 Fine Scorpion Shell (250G/Red A)
It is a giant scorpion that inhabits the deserts of the Alfleim continent. Its body length,
including the tail, exceeds 10 meters.
These lords of the desert usually lurk in the depths of the sand. When it recognizes an
intruder in its territory, it approaches the intruder from the sand and kills it with a single strike
of its deadly tail.
The shells are valuable as armor and building materials. Still, few people attempt to kill a
living Desert Scorpion to steal it, instead obtaining it by searching for its rotting carcass in the
desert or by picking up anything that falls by chance.

13 Lunoicos
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: None Habitat: Wilderness, Plain
Rep/Weak: 17/21 Weak Point: Energy damage +3 points
Initiative: 19 Movement Speed: 20(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 17(24) Willpower: 14(21)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Horns (Head) 15(22) 2d+16 14(21) 16 111 18
Trample (Front) 16(23) 2d+18 13(20) 13 121 18
Trample (Back) 16(23) 2d+18 13(20) 13 121 18
Tail (Tail) 17(24) 2d+14 14(21) 12 101 18
Sections: 4 (Head / Front / Back / Tail) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Front & Back
◯Light Protection ◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible • +4
It protects itself with a light covering its The Head cannot be attacked in melee.
entire body. A character who makes a melee Against any ranged attacks, Head receives a
attack against this monster, regardless of +4 bonus to Evasion checks.
success or failure, suffers 6 energy-fixed This effect disappears when either Front or
damage for each attempt. Back section falls to 0 HP or lower.
This monster illuminates an area of 2 to 3 ◯Painful Strike
areas (10m Radius) centered on itself. If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or
●Head more, the damage is increased by an
►Light Ray/16(23)/Fortitude/Half additional +12 points.
It attacks by firing a huge beam of energy ●Tail
light from its horns. 🗨Tail Swing
With “Range/Area: 2(30m)/Line" dealing The monster can use its Tail to attack up to
2d+12 energy magic damage. 5 targets in the same skirmish.
This effect cannot be used on consecutive
Faintly Glowing Scale (370/Gold White Green Scales
2–4 10+
Red A) (3,370G/Gold Red S)
Glowing Blue Scale (670G/Gold
Red A)
A giant reptile walks on all four legs covered with glowing scales. The glowing scales are
believed to be caused by microscopic insects living symbiotically on the body's surface. They
receive nutrients from the main body of Lunoicos and protect them from approaching
foreign enemies by strongly glowing.
Lunoicos themselves are herbivores and do not actively attack other organisms. However,
they have learned to harness the power of their symbionts and tend to confront danger rather
than flee from it.
After the death of the Lunoicos, the symbionts reduce their activity to an extremely low
level to survive. The scales become pale and luminescent, which lasts for a long time. This
makes them highly prized as accessory materials. Each individual has a slight difference in
the light's hue, making it collectible to enthusiasts.

14 Roc
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Mountains
Rep/Weak: 15/21 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 25 Movement Speed: 15/60(Flying) Fortitude: 19(26) Willpower: 17(24)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Beak (Head) 17(24) 2d+17 17(24) 12 122 22
None (Body) - - 15(22) 10 130 26
None (Body) - - 15(22) 10 130 26
Claw (Wing) 18(25) 2d+13 17(24) 10 79 19
Claw (Wing) 18(25) 2d+13 17(24) 10 79 19
Talon (Leg) 19(26) 2d+14 17(24) 12 82 17
Talon (Leg) 19(26) 2d+14 17(24) 12 82 17
Sections: 7 (Head / Body x 2 / Wing x 2 / Leg x 2) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●Head ◯Flight II
◯Continuous Attack All sections receive a +2 bonus to Accuracy
If a Roc successfully hits a target in melee, and Evasion only for melee attacks.
it may make a second attack against the same This unique skill is lost if the Wing sections
target. are reduced to 0 or less HP.
●Body ●Leg
◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible • None ◯Clutch
The huge Roc’s Body hinders attacks. If the Talon attack hits, the target is
The Head of the Roc cannot be attacked grabbed; the target can no longer move and
with melee and ranged attacks. This unique can only perform melee attacks against the
skill is lost when the Body section has 0 or Leg that is grabbing it.
less HP. Roc cannot attack the target Leg has
●Wing grabbed except with the section it has
►Windstorm/18 (25)/Fortitude/Neg grabbed ([►Windstorm] also cannot hit the
The Roc flaps its wings, creating high winds target). However, the Talons of Leg section
dealing 2d+12 physical damage within will automatically hit.
“Range: Caster” to “Target: All Areas (30m When the target tries to escape, use de-
Radius/All”. bonding (see p. 327). If the monster itself
To use this ability, both Wing sections wants to release the target, it can do so with a
must be ready for Major Action. Also, when Minor Action.
this ability is used, the Major Action of both
Wing sections is completed.
This unique skill cannot be used in
consecutive turns.
Strange Flight Feathers Beautiful Feathers (1,200G/Gold
Always 7 – 12
(500G/Red A) Red S)
Vivid Feathers (3,000G/Gold Red
2–6 None 13+
A monstrous bird whose wingspan reaches 30m, the Roc is a wondrous sight to see. They
live in the higher altitudes of most mountain ranges, though their massive form and vivid
coloring can be seen from quite far away. With their massive talons, they can grab even
mature cows and fly away with them, let alone a full-grown humanoid.

15 Blazing Mammoth
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hungry
Language: None Habitat: Volcano
Rep/Weak: 22/25 Weak Point: Water/Ice damage + 3 points
Initiative: 21 Movement Speed: 25(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 20(27) Willpower: 19(26)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 19(26) 2d+22 17(24) 13 135 26
Trample (Body) 18(25) 2d+24 16(23) 15 144 19
Sections: 2 (Head / Body) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections The Head receives a +4 bonus to Evasion
◯Fire Immunity checks against melee attacks. This effect
●Head disappears when the Body section falls to 0
◯2 Actions HP or lower.
Can perform two Major Actions in one ►Trample with Both Feet
round. The Blazing Mammoth may Trample
►Fire Shower/19(26)/Fortitude/Half twice during the same turn but must attack
Raising its snout high, it blows fireballs. two different characters.
The fireball deals 2d+25 fire magic damage ◯Flame-clad/Can’t
to "Target: 1 area(3m Radius/5" within The body surface of the Body section is
"Range: Caster." always covered with fire. Any character in the
This ability can only be used once every 20 same position (area, coordinate) as this
seconds (2 rounds). monster will receive 6 fire magic damage at
►Throw/17(24)/Evasion/Neg the end of this monster's turn.
The Blazing Mammoth attempts to grab a This ability is lost when the HP of the Body
“Target: 1 Character” within “Range: section becomes less than 0.
Touch.” If successful, the target is thrown to ⏩Burning Rage
the rearguard area of their faction The damage caused by [◯Flame-clad] is
(Simplified Combat) or in any direction increased by +2 points for 3 minutes (18
chosen by this monster at 30m (Standard rounds). This bonus is accumulated up to 3
Combat) and falls down, taking 45 points of times (max +6 points).
fall damage. To use this ability, the monster must spend
●Body 5 points of HP. Also, it can use this ability
◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • None only once per round.
Blazing Mammoth’s height prevents
enemies from attacking it.
Damaged Ivory Tusk (100G/Gold 11 – Crimson Ivory Tusk
Red A) 12 (3,600G/Gold Red S)
Red Ivory Tusk (1,600G/Gold Crimson Lotus Ivory Tusk
9 – 10 13+
Red S) (6,600G/Gold Red S)
This huge elephant-like animal continuously emits fire from its entire body and stands about
6 meters tall. It is adapted to volcanic regions, and the fire on its skin is not emitted from its
own body but is ignited by rubbing its body against the surrounding magma to keep the fire
When angered, they secrete a viscous liquid from their skin, increasing the intensity of their

18 Tyrant Regilex
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Forests, Wasteland, Plains, Grasslands
Rep/Weak: 19/23 Weak Point: Magic damage +2 points
Initiative: 24 Movement Speed: 35/- Fortitude: 24(31) Willpower: 22(29)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 23(30) 2d+22 21(28) 20 167 29
Claws (Body) 25(32) 2d+17 20(27) 20 189 31
Tail (Tail) 24(31) 2d+18 21(28) 19 136 22
Sections: 3 (Head / Body / Tail) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections ◯Painful Strike
◯Might of the Tyrant/23(30)/ If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or
Willpower/Neg more, the damage is increased by an
This unique skill is treated as an effect of additional +20 points.
"Range: Caster" and "Target: All Areas (100m ●Body
Radius)/Space". ◯Claws
All characters in the area of effect, except If the Claws attack hits, it should make two
Tyrant Regilex itself, must perform damage decisions, dealing them both to the
Willpower at the beginning of their turn. If target.
they fail, they suffer a -2 penalty on all action ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • +4
checks for the next 10 seconds (1 round) due The giant body hinders attacks.
to instinctive fear. The Head section gains a +4 bonus to
This effect is of the psychic type. Evasion checks against melee and ranged
◯Enormous Body attacks.
Tyrant Regilex's body is too large. Some This effect disappears when the Body
attacks will not reach the enemy in front of section falls to 0 HP or lower.
it. The Tail section melee attacks cannot be ●Tail
used to attack targets that have been attacked 🗨Power Strike III
by Head or Body sections. The same is true They can deal an additional +20 damage on
vice versa. their next attack. However, any Evasion
●Head Check made by them this turn receives a -2
◯Continuous Attack penalty.
If a Tyrant Regilex successfully hits a target
in melee, they may make a second attack
against the same target.
Always Sharp Fangs (200G/Red A) x 2d 7 – 12 Tyrant Fang (4,200G/Red S)
Tyrant King Fang (11,700G/Red
2–6 Giant Fangs (1,500G/Red S) 13+
Known as “tyrant,” Tyrant Regilex is an extremely ferocious predator. It stands erect and
looks like a lizard with well-developed back legs. They are about 10 meters long, and when
they see their prey, they attack without hesitation, no matter how big or small the prey is.
Their sharp claws and fangs are their most powerful weapons, and they are uncontrollable
once they start rampaging. They are also known as the strongest predators in all Raxia.


8 Giant Fluffball
Intelligence: None Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Wilderness
Rep/Weak: 14/17 Weak Point: Fire damage +3 points
Initiative: 14 Movement Speed: -/5(Floating) Fortitude: 11(18) Willpower: 10(17)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Slam (Fluff) 10(17) 2d+10 9(16) 6 78 17
Slam (Fluff) 10(17) 2d+10 9(16) 6 78 17
Slam (Fluff) 10(17) 2d+10 9(16) 6 78 17
Sections: 3 (Fluff x 3) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections ◯Fluff Explosion/Can’t
◯Fluff Body The Fluff section explodes and scatters
The monster does not receive a critical hit cotton wool within "Range: Caster" when its
from bludgeoning weapons and is treated as HP becomes 0. In “Target: 1 area (5m
having a Defense value of 3 points higher Radius)/15,” gets 1d x “fluff points.” Fluff
against bludgeoning weapons. points are accumulated until the number of
◯Fire Vulnerability points reaches 5 for each target.
When the Giant Fluffball is hit by Fire-type After this effect occurs, the Fluff section
damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. automatically fails the Death Check.
◯Fluff Scatter/Can’t ◯Fluff Disease/11(18)/Fortitude/Neg
If the target character (a character who is hit A character with 1 or more "fluff points"
by a Slam or a character who hits this receives "fluff points" of fixed damage at the
monster with a melee attack) automatically end of their turn. This effect is a disease type
gains 1 "fluff point". This effect accumulates and lasts for 1 day.
until the number of "fluff points" reaches 5. A character can pull out the fluff from
"Target: 1 Character" (including itself) within
"Range: Touch" with a Major Action. This
makes the target's "fluff points" automatically
reduced by -1.
2 – 10 Dangerous Fluff (200G/Green A) 11+ Ash Fluff (2,000G/Green S)
Found throughout the continent of Alfleim in wastelands with little fruitfulness, it is a huge
mass of cottony hairs up to 3 meters in length. They are sometimes seen floating in the wind.
It attacks any creature that comes near it and plants hairs on its body. The hairs absorb the
host's life force and sprout as a seedbed.
They are called "Deadly Fluff" by merchants, travelers, and adventurers, who are told to stay
away from them and run away if they see them.

10 Living Tree
Intelligence: Low Perception: Magic Disposition: Neutral
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Forest
Rep/Weak: 15/21 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points
Initiative: 16 Movement Speed: 14/- Fortitude: 15(22) Willpower: 13(20)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Branch (Trunk) 13(20) 2d+14 12(19) 14 105 58
Branch (Trunk) 13(20) 2d+14 12(19) 14 105 58
Sections: 2 (Trunk x 2) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections 🗨Improved Aimed Attack
►Fairy Magic 2 Level/Magic Power 3(10) When attacking, the Living Tree can gain a
Can use earth, water/ice, light, and dark +4 bonus to Accuracy but receives a -8
types. penalty to damage dealt when doing so.
🗨Power Strike II ◯Regeneration = 10 points
They can deal an additional +12 damage on At the end of each round, Living Tree
their next attack. However, any Evasion recovers 10 HP. This has no effect if Living
Check made by them this turn receives a -2 Tree has 0 HP or lower.
Mysterious Seeds (100G/Green
Always Ent Leaves (100G/Green A) x 1d 5–8
Mysterious Sapling (500G/Green
2–4 None 9+
They are giant walking trees that boast of their huge size and monstrous strength. Some
trees are around 5 meters tall and more than 1,000 years old.
They are not very intelligent, but they are mild-mannered and honest. They are proud to
be the protectors of the forest and can become friends with anyone they meet as long as they
are respectful and considerate of the forest.

12 Belladonna
Intelligence: None Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Forest, Meadow
Rep/Weak: 16/20 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points
Initiative: 12 Movement Speed: 15/- Fortitude: 16(23) Willpower: 14(21)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Vine (Upper Body) 15(22) 2d+10 14(21) 12 116 14
Slam (Lower Body) 13(20) 2d+12 13(20) 13 128 16
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Upper Body
◯Psychic Immunity ►Snaring Vines/14 (21)/Fortitude/Neg
◯Persistent Poison/16(23)/Fortitude/Neg As a Major Action, the Belladonna can use
If the Belladonna melee attack hits, the its Vine to ensnare a target in the same
target will be poisoned. skirmish. If the target fails to resist, they are
A character affected by poison immediately ensnared, unable to move, and receive a -4
suffers 2d poison magic damage and penalty to Evasion checks.
continues to suffer similar damage every When the target tries to escape, use de-
hour (without Fortitude checks). This effect bonding (see p. 327).
persists unless the poison is removed, but it The monster has a large number of vines,
is not cumulative. and even if it has already entangled a
The Belladonna Leaves characters can get character with [►Snaring Vines], it can still
when you kill this monster is a make a Melee Attack or a new [►Snaring
counterpoison that can remove the effects of Vines], regardless of the number of vines,
this poison without contested checks. 1 leaf even if it has already entangled a character
can heal 1 person. with [►Snaring Vines].
Belladonna Leaves (150G/Green Poisonous Flower (500G/Green
Always 9+
A) x 1d A)
2–8 None
A Belladonna appears at first glance to be a green-skinned humanoid, but upon closer
investigation is actually a plant whose vines have been so entwined with each other they can
take the shape of a human. By taking a humanoid shape, the Belladonna can move much
more easily to attack prey and will drain nutrients from anything it has killed, animal or
otherwise. It will also hide in forests, using its plant body to disguise itself before surprising
The vines of a Belladonna contain a horrific poison, causing high fevers, nausea, and even
death from just a touch. However, the leaves from the Belladonna's vines can be turned into
an antidote for this contact poison, so it is recommended to slay the Belladonna before the
poison spreads throughout the victim's body.

13 Abyss Tree
Intelligence: Low Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Arcana, Daemonic Habitat: Abyss
Rep/Weak: 20/23 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points
Initiative: 19 Movement Speed: -/- Fortitude: 17(24) Willpower: 16(23)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Slam (Trunk) 15(22) 2d+16 13(20) 11 137 88
Branch (Branch) 16(23) 2d+14 15(22) 9 105 23
Branch (Branch) 16(23) 2d+14 15(22) 9 105 23
Sections: 3 (Trunk / Branch x 2) Main Section: Trunk
Unique Skills
●Trunk ◯Regeneration = 9 points
►Spiritualism Magic 12 Level/Magic Power At the end of each round, Abyss Tree
14(21) recovers 9 HP. This has no effect if Abyss
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude Tree has 0 HP or lower.
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi- ●Branch
Action], [Targeting], [Magic Convergence], ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • +4
[Magic Control], [Hawk Eye], [Universal The giant body hinders attacks.
Metamagic], [Rune Master], and The Trunk section gains a +4 bonus to
[Wordbreak]. Evasion checks against melee and ranged
◯Abyss Connection attacks.
When this monster is in Shallow Abyss, it This effect disappears when any Branch
may share HP with a monster existing in the section falls to 0 HP or lower.
same Shallow Abyss. In this case, as long as ►Toxic Branch/15(22)/Willpower/Neg
the target monster exists in the Shallow Branch strokes "Target: 1 Character" with
Abyss, it can choose to receive the applied the Abyss branch and leaves within "Range:
damage to its HP as fixed damage that would Touch."
otherwise be dealt to the Trunk section. The The target suffers 2d+15 magic damage
distance from the target is not taken into and, at the same time, randomly loses one of
account, and it is not necessary to be visible. its items if it has any of the following items in
Any number of monsters can be the target of its inventory: herbs, potions, or medicine.
this effect. This effect is a curse type.
The HP of the target cannot be used to heal On the turn when any Branch section uses
the damage already suffered by the Trunk this ability, other Branch sections cannot use
section. this ability.
Abyss Tree Branches Abyss Tree Black Leaves
Always 10+
(1,900G/Green S) (4,000G/Green S)
Abyss Tree Leaves (300G/Green
A) x 1d
This tree can be found in Shallow Abyss. It does not look much different from other trees
and is difficult to distinguish from a distance.
However, it acts with its own will, including casting spells. Its purpose is to maintain the
Shallow Abyss in which it lives.
Therefore, it cooperates with monsters protecting Shallow Abyss and takes measures such
as sharing HP. Because of its ability to share, it is necessary to find and defeat this tree before
clearing the Shallow Abyss.

16 Green Torch
Intelligence: None Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Forests, Mountains, Plains
Rep/Weak: 20/25 Weak Point: Fire damage +3 damage
Initiative: 21 Movement Speed: 5(Creep)/- Fortitude: 20(27) Willpower: 19(26)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None (Roots) - - 16(23) 13 159 62
None (Stamen) - - 17(24) 12 150 47
Tentacles (Petal) x 6 20(27) 2d+21 18(25) 10 99 13
Sections: 8 (Roots / Stamen / Petal x 6) Main Section: Root, Stamen (All)
Unique Skills
●All Section section will be able to perform [►Light Wave]
◯Mimicry/25/Danger Sense/Neg twice.
It mimics uninhabited settlements and ruins. ●Stamen
While mimicking, characters cannot perform a ►Light Wave/20(27)/Evasion/Neg
Monster Knowledge check on this monster. If a With “Range/Area: 2(30m)/Shot," deals 2d+16
character approaches it unintentionally, they need energy magic damage to "Target: 1 Character".
to make a Danger check with target number 25, ●Petal
and if it fails, they will be surprised (see CR I, p. ►Undulating Petals/20(27)/Fortitude/Neg
144). Mimicry will be automatically ended once The entire petal undulates violently, shaking the
the monster starts to act. character standing above it. The character is
This monster can be detected with [Sense knocked prone within "Range: Caster," dealing
Magic]. 2d+25 physical damage to "Target: 1 area (6m
◯Psychic Immunity Radius)/20". Flying, floating, and other characters
●Roots that do not have their feet on the ground are not
◯Under the Petals affected by this effect.
Any character wishing to attack or interfere with Only one Petal section can use this unique skill
this monster must roll 1d at the beginning of its each turn.
turn. If the number of 1d is not greater than the ►Confusing Scene/20(27)/Willpower/Neg
number of Petal sections of this monster alive, the Petal’s tentacles disorient the surrounding
Roots section of this monster cannot be chosen as characters.
a target, including those affecting a wide area, and All characters within "Range: Caster" and "Target:
cannot become a target for that turn. Exceptions All Areas (30m Radius)/All" should roll 1d. If the
are magic and effects that have "Range: 2 (Infinite)" roll is "1-2", the character cannot take a Major
and do not require visibility. Action on their turn for 10 seconds (1 round).
►Nutrient Replenishment This effect does not apply to characters other than
Select any Petal sections with HP of 1 or more, with five senses perception.
and heal their HP by 60 points. Roots can Only one Petal section can use this unique skill
arbitrarily allocate the HP in units of 10 points. each turn.
►Nutrient Augmentation
In the turn, when this ability is used, the Stamen
2 – 6 Lightly Glowing Pollen (770G/Gold Green A) 11+ White Green Pollen (7,370G/Gold Green S)
7 – 10 Glowing Blue Pollen (1,370G/Gold Green S)
The plant mimics settlements and ruins lined with simple buildings. The plant is a giant flower with
a radius of about 30 meters, with six petals that open in a radial pattern. Mimicry is achieved by
deforming the numerous tentacles that line the petal's surface. Still, there is also an element of magical
illusion, and the monster is assumed to have been modified during the Magic Civilization Period. In
the center of each petal is a stamen with a greenish light at the tip. To the uninitiated, it looks like a
tower of green lights that brightly illuminate the entire settlement. This light is due to the same effect
as the symbiotic organisms of the Lunoicos (see p. 352).

During predation, the tentacles on the surface of the petals break their mimicry, bunch together, and
strike at moving objects. The central stamen also attacks using its luminescent ability. The roots
beneath the petals must be eliminated in order to defeat it, making it a troublesome monster that
should be treated with caution.

20 Yggdrasil Sapling
Intelligence: High Perception: Magic Disposition: Neutral
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Forests
Rep/Weak: 18/23 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points
Initiative: 20 Movement Speed: -/- Fortitude: 26(33) Willpower: 27(34)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None (Trunk) - - 22(29) 19 200 156
Branch (Branch) x 5 25(32) 2d+23 24(31) 17 142 34
Sections: 6 (Trunk / Branch x5) Main Section: Trunk
Unique Skills
●All Sections ◯Branch Cover
◯Water/Ice Immunity, ◯Earth Immunity If the Yggdrasil Sapling's Trunk is attacked by
●Trunk a melee or ranged attack, a spell with “Area:
◯3 Actions Shot” with “Target: 1 Character”, a Branch may
The Trunk can perform three Major Actions move in the way of the attack, taking the
in one round. damage instead automatically (no Evasion,
►Fairy Magic 15 Level/Magic Power 27(34) Fortitude or Willpower check needed). The
Can use earth, water/ice, light, and dark types. branch cannot reduce damage with its defense
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude or other effects.
They can use the Combat Feats [Targeting], Each Branch may only do this once per
[Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Hawk round. This unique skill is automatically used
Eye], [Universal Metamagic], [Double Cast], when the trunk is attacked, but GM should
[Rune Master], and [Wordbreak]. decide which Branch will take the hit.
◯Breath of the World Tree This does not protect the Trunk from “Area:
Yggdrasil Sapling brings the vitality of nature Target” spells or wide-area effects.
into its body. At the end of each round, the ►Branch Dance/Can't
Trunk sections recover 20 HP and MP. The Yggdrasil Sapling deals “2d x (Remaining
This effect is lost if the HP of the Trunk Branches) + 5 Physical damage” to one target
section becomes 0 or less. in the same skirmish.
●Branch This ability cannot be used if even one
◯Long Branches Branch has completed its Major Action. Also,
An attack on a branch can be made within after using this ability, the Major Actions of all
"Range/Area: 2(20m)/Target". Branches are completed.

Always Yggdrasil Leaf (5,000G/Green S) 7 – 12 Yggdrasil Branch (15,000G/Green SS)
2 – 6 None 13+ Great Yggdrasil Branch (40,000G/Green SS)
In Raxia, the name “Yggdrasil” is the name of the great World Tree, the largest tree known to
humanity, which has been rooted in Raxia since the beginning of the Divine Civilization. This young
tree is but a sapling of another Yggdrasil, resulting from a seed flung far from the original tree that
has taken root. Though it is young compared to the original World Tree, the Yggdrasil Sapling is
still large enough to scrape the heavens and cannot be accurately measured using current
equipment. It is said that the history of Raxia lies engraved in its leaves and branches, and those
who can find even a fallen twig of the tree can find themselves with a wealth of knowledge.


3 Bloodling
Intelligence: Low Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Regional dialect Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 10/14 Weak Point: HP Recovery (deals damage instead), +3 points
Initiative: 12 Movement Speed: 12/24(Flying) Fortitude: 5(12) Willpower: 6(13)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claws 5(12) 2d+2 4(11) 3 24 6
Unique Skills
►Vampire Bite/4 (11)/Evasion/Neg and receives a -2 penalty to all Accuracy and
Bites an enemy character in the skirmish in Evasion Checks. This damage cannot be
which it resides, dealing 2d-1 Physical reduced in any way.
damage. The Bloodling heals HP equal to ◯Flight
the applied dealt. A Bloodling receives a +1 bonus to
◯Vampire Body Accuracy and Evasion only for melee
As long as a Bloodling is under sunlight, it attacks.
takes 3 magic damage at the end of its turn
2–9 None 10+ Corrupted Ash (300G/Gold A)
It is a species of Blood Suckers (see CR II, p. 372) created by Nosferatu, but it is clearly an
inferior species of Blood Suckers. It looks like a humanoid whose arms have bat-like, and it
can fly around at night with a squeaky, high-pitched, sad cry attacking weak creatures it can
see. Naturally, there might be some Nosferatu around Bloodlings.

4 Flying Hands
Intelligence: None Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Wilderness, Ruins
Rep/Weak: 9/12 Weak Point: HP Recovery (deals damage instead), +3 points
Initiative: 11 Movement Speed: -/20(Flying) Fortitude: 5(12) Willpower: 5(12)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist (Right Arm) 7(14) 2d+3 6(13) 4 29 9
Fist (Left Arm) 7(14) 2d+3 6(13) 4 29 9
Sections: 2 (Right Arm / Left Arm) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections If the declared attack is evaded, the enemy
◯Psychic Immunity receives a -1 penalty to Evasion checks for
🗨Decoy Attack I the next 10 seconds (1 round). This effect is
It gains -2 to Accuracy checks, but the cumulative up to -4 but is lost if the target
damage is increased by +2 on hit. fails an Evasion check even once.
Yellowed Golden Ring
2 – 11 None 12+
(1,000G/Gold White S)
It is an undead pair of hands flying around from the elbow to the tip. It is said that the hands
move only in search of the enemy as if they are wandering around in regret for the death of
a fighter who could not exert their strength in battle.

5 Adapsia
Intelligence: Average Perception: Magic Disposition: Neutral
Language: Trade Common, Regional Dialect Habitat: Forest, Mountain, Wilderness
Rep/Weak: 12/15 Weak Point: Fire damage +3 points
Initiative: 12 Movement Speed: 15/- Fortitude: 7(14) Willpower: 7(14)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 7(14) 2d+5 7(14) 4 39 16
Unique Skills
◯Normal Weapon Immunity ◯Fire Vulnerability
When the Adapsia is hit by Fire-type
damage, it takes an extra 3 damage.
2–7 None 11+ Memento (1,000G/White S)
Broken Memento (500G/White
8 – 10
This is an undead person with a corpse-like body. They maintain the same appearance as
before they were born and are almost indistinguishable from the living. For some reason,
their souls were not reincarnated but remained in the corpse. Some resent the world and try
to bring misfortune upon it, while others maintain their reason and intelligence and leave
their homes alone in remote places. It is said they gather together in some places to form

6 Lanternhead
Intelligence: Low Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Barbaric, Arcana Habitat: Unknown
Rep/Weak: 12/15 Weak Point: HP Recovery (deals damage instead), +3 points
Initiative: 13 Movement Speed: -/12(Floating) Fortitude: 8(15) Willpower: 8(15)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 7(14) 2d+7 7(14) 4 48 42
Unique Skills
►Divine Magic 6 Level/Magic Power 8(15) Using this ability consumes 3 points of MP.
⏩Fear Curse/8 (15)/Willpower/Half Also, once the target succeeds in Willpower, it
Within “Range/Area: 1(10m)/Target,” cannot be used on this turn.
Lanternhead whispers a word of fear curse into ◯Nimble
the “Target: 1 Character’s” ear and inflicts 1d Lanternhead gains a +2 bonus to the Evasion
magical damage to the target MP. check against ranged attacks.
Always Missing Bones (80G/Red B) 10+ Tainted Skull (300G/Red A)
2–9 None
The humanoid's head is the only undead part of its body, drifting in midair. The entire head is
enveloped in a blue luminescence, attacking all living things without regard. At times, it can use the
Divine Magic of Immortal Queen Zeides.

7 Warring Ash
Intelligence: None Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Ruins, Wilderness
Rep/Weak: 14/17 Weak Point: Water/Ice damage +3 points
Initiative: 15 Movement Speed: -/20(Floating) Fortitude: 9(16) Willpower: 10(17)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None - - 10(17) 0 53 11
Unique Skills
◯Fire Immunity, ◯Wind Immunity, ►Cover with Ash/9(16)/Fortitude/Half
◯Normal Weapon Immunity Within “Range: Touch,” it covers “Target: 1
◯Ash Body Character” with its own body and suffocates it.
Bludgeoning weapons treat the Defense of The target suffers 2d+7 poison magic damage.
Warring Ash as 5 points higher. In addition, the target will not be able to make
Throw deal no damage and have no effect. any vocalizations.
No damage attacks except for healing cannot ►Gale of Ashes/9(16)/Evasion/Neg
be critical. Warring Ash rushes through the air in a
◯Shadow Sneak whirlwind, tearing through anything it touches.
It is not subject to any movement blocking Within "Range/Area: 1(20m)/ Breakthrough",
(see CR II, p. 59) and is not restricted in any the targets are dealt 2d+5 wind magic damage.
way when attempting to leave the skirmish. This ability cannot be used on consecutive
Always Corrupted Ash (300G/Red A)
The ashes of a corpse burnt to ashes, leaving behind a grudge and becoming undead. It rarely occurs
when a person burned to death in a fire is left unattended or when a corpse is burned carelessly in the
open. It is rare for a corpse that has been officially cremated to become undead. These ashes are
rising and moving in whirlpools. They are full of resentment and attack the living without regard.
8 Corpse Mass
Intelligence: Low Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Trade Common, Regional Dialect Habitat: Ruins, Battlefields
Rep/Weak: 13/16 Weak Point: HP Recovery (deals damage instead), +3 points
Initiative: 12 Movement Speed: 15(Many Legs)/- Fortitude: 11(18) Willpower: 10(17)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None (Colored Light) - - 11(18) 8 71 52
Weapon (Corpse x 3+) 10(17) 2d+10 10(17) 7 63 11
Sections: 4+ (Colored Light / Corpse x 3+) Main Section: Colored Light
Unique Skills
●All Sections ►Raise Dead
◯Cursed Light Resurrects one Corpse section whose HP
A character who makes a melee attack is 0 or less, with the maximum HP.
against this monster, regardless of success or Using this ability consumes 20 points of
failure, suffers 3 curse fixed damage for each MP of the Colored Light section.
attempt. ●Corpse
●Colored Light ◯Coordinated Attack
◯Normal Weapon Immunity If an attack on a Corpse section is evaded,
◯HP Sharing the other Corpse section's attacks on that
Whenever this section receives damage to target gain a +1 to the Accuracy check against
HP, half of the applied damage (rounded that target. This modifier is accumulated for
up) is allocated as fixed damage to any each evaded attack. However, once any
Corpse section so that the section itself Corpse section attack hits or the monster's
receives only the rest of the damage. The turn is ended, it is lost.
damage cannot be allocated to a Corpse
section whose HP is already 0 or less, but it
is acceptable if the HP of the Corpse section
becomes 0 or less as a result of the
Crystal Tears of Resentment Engraved Weapon (600G/Black
Always 7+
(500G/White A) White A)
Dirty Weapons (300G/Black
White A)
The souls of warriors who died without redemption have merged and become undead. The
corpses of the warriors can move and wield weapons, but their bodies are anchored in the
mysterious light they carry, which connects each warrior seamlessly.
They have lost most of their sense of self, but they can still communicate. They harbor a
deep hatred of the living and are willing to fight as slaves if they are promised to kill the living.
However, if they feel that promises are not kept, and their desire to kill is not fulfilled, they
immediately begin to rebel.

9 Banshee
Intelligence: Low Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Arcana Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 12/19 Weak Point: Energy damage +3 points
Initiative: 17 Movement Speed: -/21(Floating ) Fortitude: 10(17) Willpower: 13(20)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claws 10(17) 2d+7 12(19) 10 72 73
Unique Skills
◯2 Actions The target of an action taken by a frenzied
Banshee can perform two Major Actions in character is chosen at random after checking
one round. possible targets by the range and other
►Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic 9 conditions just before the action check for
Level/Magic Power 13 (20) the action is taken. This effect lasts for 3
🗨Magic Aptitude minutes (18 rounds), but it also disappears
A Banshee can use the Combat Feats when the affected character inflicts a total of
[Universal Metamagic]. 45 points of applied damage to a character in
►Maddening Scream/13 (20)/Willpower/ their own faction. A character released from
Neg the effect of applied damage accumulation
Banshee makes a high-pitched wail within cannot receive the effect of [►Maddening
“Ranger: Caster,” causing everyone within a Scream] for 1 day afterward (if the effect is
“Target: All Areas (20m Radius)/All” to go released by any other method, it may receive
mad. A character affected by this effect must the effect anew). If a character who has been
randomly select a target for their attacks, affected by this effect is affected again, the
casting spells, and other effects. The duration of the effect is refreshed, but the
character is free to choose actions, use accumulated applied damage is until the
Minor Actions, declare active combat feats, effect is removed as it is.
etc. This effect is treated as psychic type.
Banshee can use this ability only once per
Crystal Tears of Resentment Crystal Tears of Sorrow
2–7 8+
(500G/White A) (1,000G/White S)
A Banshee is the vengeful spirit of a woman who died in sorrow after suffering a terrible
betrayal, seeking to share her fate with others. Its screams can shake even the most stoic of
adventurers, and it is said that death comes to those who've heard the wail of a Banshee.
Though they tend to appear as a beautiful woman, Banshees turn as ugly as a mummy when
unleashing their wail on others. Upon defeat, a Banshee will disappear entirely, leaving
behind only beautiful crystals, physical remnants of their powerful emotions.

11 Dullahan Lord
Intelligence: High Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Arcana, Magitech Habitat: Unknown
Rep/Weak: 17/24 Weak Point: Energy damage +3 points
Initiative: 22 Movement Speed: 40(Wheeled)/- Fortitude: 15(22) Willpower: 16(23)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Sword (Rider) 15(22) 2d+13 12(19) 12 95 123
Slam (Manabike) 14(21) 2d+14 11(18) 13 101 43
Sections: 2 (Rider / Manabike) Main Section: Rider
Unique Skills
●All Sections ◯Targeting
◯Normal Weapon Immunity Ranged Attack and Area: Shot do
◯Iron Body not cause a misfire.
The Dullahan Lord is immune to criticals from ►Sonic Blaster/15 (22)/Fortitude/
edged weapons. Neg
●Rider Within “Range: Caster” causes a
►Truespeech Magic, Divine Magic, Magitech 11 loud noise around the target,
Level/Magic Power 15 (22) impacting "Target: All Areas (30m
◯🗨Magic Aptitude Radius)/All". Targets suffer 2d
A Dullahan Lord can use the Combat Feats bludgeoning magic damage and
[Universal Metamagic], [Rune Master], and [Multi- cannot declare Minor Actions or
Action]. active combat feats for 10 seconds (1
🗨Power Strike II round). Their Accuracy check and
They can deal an additional +12 damage on their Evasion check are penalties by -2.
next attack. However, any Evasion Check made by This unique skill cannot be used on
them this turn receives a -2 penalty. consecutive turns.
●Manabike ◯Downswing
►Magitech 11 Level/Magic Power 15 (22) The Rider section deals an extra +2
This unique skill cannot be used
A Shooting Attack is performed with the
when the Manabike falls to 0 HP or
following data (name and minimal strength are
Max Crit Add'l ◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible •
Stance Accuracy Range None
Magazine Value Dmg
The Manabike size hinders attack.
2H 5 - ⑩ - 2(30m) The Rider cannot be attacked,
whether melee or ranged. When the
Manabike falls to 0 HP or lower, this
effect disappears.
Manabike Parts (500G/Black
Always 7 – 12 Mithril (2,600G/Gold S)
White A)
2–6 None 13+ Pure Mithril (8,800G/Gold S)
An improved Dullahan (see CR I, p. 419), the Dullahan Lord still wears beat-up white
armor and tucks its head underneath one arm. However, the Dullahan Lord is familiar with
magitech and takes advantage of an ancient Manabike instead of the old horse-drawn carriage.

12 Cursed Artist
Intelligence: High Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Arcana Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 19/22 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 18 Movement Speed: 20/- Fortitude: 15(22) Willpower: 15(22)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bow for Playing
15(22) 2d+15 14(21) 9 115 88
None (Instrument) - - 15(22) 10 106 48
Sections: 2 (Musician / Instrument) Main Section: Special
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Instrument
◯Concealed Main Section ►Basic Spellsongs 10 Level/15(22)/All
The Main Section of this monster is Areas (50m Radius)
randomly selected from Musician and In addition to Basic 5th level Spellsongs
Instrument section at the time of its (see CR II, p. 192), it can use [Dare] (see p.
appearance and is kept secret. 177).
In the Monster Knowledge check during ►[Finale: Dance of the Fire
Combat Preparation, if the success value is Dragon]/15(22)/Willpower/Half
equal to or greater than the Weakness, in It uses [Finale: Dance of the Fire Dragon]
addition to applying weak points, Main at "Range: 2(50m)", dealing 2d+15 fire and
Section will be identified. wind magic damage to up to 5 targets.
◯🗨Magic Aptitude This ability cannot be used on consecutive
They can use the Combat Feats [Universal turns.
Metamagic], [Targeting], [Magic ◯Magic Repeat
Convergence], [Magic Control], and [Hawk The same magic cast by the Musician
Eye]. section in the same round is cast by the
●Musician Instrument section with the exact same target
►Truespeech Magic 11 Level /Magic Power and the same success value. The same
14(21) amount of MP is consumed from the
◯Intoxicated by Music Instrument section.
The body is activated in response to
If the Musician section is under the effect
of any spellsong, its HP is recovered by 8
points at the end of its turn.
Baffling Sheet Music 10 – Vintage Instrument
(800G/White A) 12 (2,600G/Green White S)
Antique Instrument
2–9 None 13+
(12,600G/Green White SS)
This is a figure of a past musician who could not let go of their obsession with their own
music and became undead, continuing to perform even after their death. This is the result of
a musician of the Magic Civilization Period who tried to use their strong spellsongs.
They are eccentric and stubborn and will not tolerate anyone who interferes with their
playing. They are known to have several types of musical instruments in their hands, including
a large keyboard. There are various theories about the source of their obsession, the musician
or the instrument.

13 Wraith
Intelligence: High Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Trade Common, Arcana Habitat: Unknown
Rep/Weak: 16/23 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 25 Movement Speed: -/26(Floating) Fortitude: 16(23) Willpower: 19(26)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None - - 17(24) 13 118 112
Unique Skills
◯Knowledge = Conjurer Class ◯Normal Weapon Immunity
Those with Conjurer will automatically ◯Fog Body
succeed in the Monster Knowledge check Bludgeoning weapons treat the Wraith's
for this monster. But they still must roll to Defense as 5 points higher.
know its weak point. In addition, the Throw weapon deals no
►Spiritualism Magic 13 Level/Magic Power damage to it.
18 (25) The Wraith automatically halves the total
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude damage of any incoming Magical damage (or
A Wraith can use the Combat Feats quarters if the spell has “Resistance: Half”).
[Targeting], [Magic Convergence], [Magic
Control], [Universal Metamagic], and
2 – 12 None 13+ Frozen Mana (5,000G/Gold S)
When using the spell [Wraith Form], this is the form the Conjurer takes. The strength of
the individual depends on the Conjurer who used [Wraith Form]. In most cases, the conjurer
becomes a powerful Wraith. However, some Wraiths had never been a Conjurer in their
previous life, and these so-called “natural” Wraiths are curious oddities to those who study
In rare cases, the magical power of the Wraith will itself freeze and coalesce into a solid
lump of frozen mana. This frozen mana is so cold that, under normal weather, it will not
melt, making it unbelievably valuable among researchers on the open market.

14 Undead General
Intelligence: Low Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Arcana Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 16/20 Weak Point: HP Recovery (deals damage instead), +3 points
Initiative: 19 Movement Speed: 23/- Fortitude: 16(23) Willpower: 17(24)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 18(25) 2d+18 18(25) 18 128 -
Unique Skills
◯Psychic Resistance ◯Continuous Attack II
Undead General gains a +4 bonus when it If an Undead General successfully hits a
makes a Willpower roll against any psychic target in melee, they may make a second
type spell or unique skill. attack. They can make a third attack against
◯Bone Body the same target if a second attack hits.
An Undead General is immune to criticals ◯Painful Strike
from edged weapons. If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or
►4 Attacks (At Random) more, the damage is increased by an
The Undead General makes four attacks, additional +12 points.
swinging the weapon around in both hands. 🗨△Cover I
For each attack, the target is chosen at The effect is the same as the combat feat
random from the list of possible melee [Cover I].
Well-kept Weapon Royal Treasured Sword
Always 13+
(1,000G/Black White S) (8,000G/Gold Black White S)
Well-kept Weapon
2 – 12
(1,000G/Black White S)
The Undead Generals were specially created by an ancient wizard-kings to guard their
They excel at launching quick and powerful attacks and are fearsome fighters in melee
combat. However, they are mindless, and cannot do little more than faithfully carry out
orders. Still guarding the wizard-king's secret underground laboratories and treasure vaults,
they are an extremely formidable adversary for any adventurers.

15 Giant Zombie
Intelligence: Low Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 13/20 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 19 Movement Speed: 25/- Fortitude: 20(27) Willpower: 18(25)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon (Upper
19(26) 2d+20 17(24) 16 132 20
Kick (Lower Body) 20(27) 2d+16 16(23) 18 142 10
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) Main Section: Upper Body
Unique Skills
●All Sections 🗨Simultaneous Attack
◯Regeneration = 10 points A Giant Zombie's Weapon can attack all
At the end of each round, each section of characters in the same skirmish. Each
Giant Zombie recovers 10 HP. This has no Accuracy Check is made with a -2 penalty.
effect if the section has 0 HP or lower. ●Lower Body
●Upper Body ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
►War Cry/18 (25)/Willpower/Neg A Giant Zombie's height prevents enemies
The Giant Zombie unleashes a powerful from attacking it. The Upper Body receives
yell, causing fear for "Range: Caster" and a +4 bonus to Evasion checks against melee
"Target: 2-3 areas (10m Radius)/All". This attacks. This effect disappears when the
fear, treated as a Psychic effect, gives a -2 Lower Body falls to 0 HP or lower.
penalty to all Action rolls for the next 30
seconds (3 rounds).
This effect is treated as psychic type.
Giant Rotting Weapon Gold Bracelet (5,000G/Gold
Always 7 – 12
(500G/Black White A) White S)
Giant's Treasure (10,000G/Gold
2–6 None 13+
Giant Zombie is born from the corpse of a Giant. These are just a few examples of Giant
Zombies, and the strength of Giant Zombies varies greatly depending on the race and the

18 Dark Hierophant
Intelligence: High Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Arcana, Drakish, Basilisk, Daemonic Habitat: Ruins, Abyss
Rep/Weak: 25/28 Weak Point: HP Recovery (deals damage instead), +3 points
Initiative: 25 Movement Speed: 18(Many Legs)/- Fortitude: 22(29) Willpower: 23(30)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Cane (Body) 22(29) 2d+24 21(28) 14 161 206
Fist (Palanquin) 24(31) 2d+21 20(27) 16 145 26
Sections: 2 (Body / Palanquin) Main Section: Body
Unique Skills
●Body This effect disappears when the Palanquin
►Divine Magic 15 Level/Magic Power section falls to 0 HP or lower.
23(30) ◯Wall of Believers
◯🗨Magic Aptitude The Body section cannot be a target for the
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi- effects with "Target: 1 Character", "Target: 1
Action], [Targeting], [Magic Convergence], Character X", and "Target: X area (YY
[Magic Control], [Universal Metamagic], radius)/Z" unless it wishes to be (it still can be
[Double Cast], [Critical Cast II], [Rune targeted by "Target: 1 Entire Character" and
Master]. "Target: X area (YY radius)/All).
●Palanquin This effect is lost when the Palanquin
►3 Attacks (Free) section HP falls to 0 or less.
A countless number of ghosts swarm and ►Praise the Hierophant
attack three times per round, with separate The departed sacrifice themselves and
Accuracy checks and choosing whether to offer distorted prayers to the being above the
attack the same target again or a different palanquin. This ability costs 10 HP and MP
target. to the Palanquin section.
◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible • +4 The Body section heals HP and MP by 10
The Body cannot be attacked in melee. points immediately and gets a +2 bonus to
Against any ranged attacks, Body receives a action checks for 10 seconds (1 round).
+4 bonus to Evasion checks.
Holy Symbol of the Evil God Hierophant's Cloak
Always 11+
(600G/Black White A) x 2d (11,100G/White SS)
2 – 10 None
This is an evil hierophant, who worshipped and glorified the evil gods, and became undead
by involving their followers. Even in death, they are still worshipped by the souls of the dead.
The hierophant themself has no special abilities, though they are a high priest. However,
they are strengthened by the palanquin that carries them, and their power baptizes the living
into death and makes them new believers.

18 Dragon Zombie
Intelligence: Low Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 20/27 Weak Point: HP Recovery (deals damage instead), +4 points
Initiative: 21 Movement Speed: 20(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 27(34) Willpower: 27(34)

Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 25(32) 2d+24 25(32) 18 187 61
Claw (Body) 26(33) 2d+22 22(29) 20 218 54
Wing (Wing) 23(30) 2d+20 23(30) 15 156 51
Wing (Wing) 23(30) 2d+20 23(30) 15 156 51
Tail (Tail) 24(31) 2d+22 23(30) 19 184 49
Sections: 5 (Head / Body / Wing x2 / Tail) Main Section: Head, Body (All)
Unique Skills
●All Sections This effect is permanent and accumulative; a
◯Miasma Vortex character whose strength falls to 0 or less dies
The Dragon Zombie is surrounded by a without making a Death Check.
protective veil of miasma and gains a +4 bonus In the case of a fixed value character, each
to Evasion checks against ranged attacks. time it is affected by this effect, its damage is
◯Regeneration = 10 points reduced by -1, and it will die if it is affected by
At the end of each round, each section of the effect "Monster Level/5 (rounded up) + 2”
Dragon Zombie recovers 10 HP. This has no times in total.
effect if the section has 0 HP or lower. This effect is of the disease type.
●Head ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
►Poison Breath/25(32)/Fortitude/Half A Dragon Zombie's height prevents enemies
With "Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot" and from attacking it. The Head receives a +4
“Target: 1 area (6m Radius)/20", it breathes bonus to Evasion checks against melee attacks.
putrid gas dealing 2d+25 poison magic When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this
damage. effect disappears.
This unique skill cannot be used on ●Wing
consecutive turns. 🗨All-Out Attack
●Body A Wing can deal an additional 8 damage on
►Twin Strike & Double Attack its next attack. However, any Evasion check
A Dragon Zombie can make two Claw attacks made by this section this turn receives a -3
each round. They may choose to attack penalty.
different characters with each attack. ●Tail
◯Miasma Claws/24(31)/Fortitude/Neg 🗨Tail Sweep
The target is weakened if the target is hit by a The monster can use its tail to attack up to 5
Claw attack. Target's strength is reduced by -6. targets in the same skirmish. This ability cannot
be used on consecutive turns.
Decaying Dragon Scales (10,000G/Red 7 –
Always Dragon Jewel (7,000G/Red S) x 2
SS) 12
Dragon's Treasure (20,000G/Gold
2 – 6 Dragon Jewel (7,000G/Red S) 13+
Dragon Zombies are the reanimated corpse of a dragon that decayed over a number of
years and returned to unlife after being corrupted. Typically, Dragon Zombies are of lower
intelligence due to their brain having decomposed over the years, but rarely are there
intelligent Dragon Zombies capable of speech and magic. However, the organs that would
produce fire in a living dragon have rotted and decayed, and now the Dragon Zombie can
only exhale a rotten miasma.
Often, Dragon Zombies have some sort of unfinished business in the world of the living,
whether to get revenge on their slayer, to protect the remnants of their plundered horde, or
something else altogether. The need to take care of this business drives the Dragon Zombie
to the point where nothing will stand in their way in order to accomplish their goals.


5 Deck Chest Trap

Intelligence: Servant Perception: Magic Disposition: Instructed
Language: None Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 9/13 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 12 Movement Speed: 14/- Fortitude: 8(15) Willpower: 8(15)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Arms 7(14) 2d+6 6(13) 6 39 -
Unique Skills
◯Mimicry/15/Danger Sense/Neg They may choose to attack different
It can mimic treasure chests, furniture, and characters with each attack.
doors. While mimicking, characters cannot ◯Capture
perform a Monster Knowledge check on this If both Smash attacks from [►Twin Strike
monster. If a character approaches it & Double Attack] hit the target, the target
unintentionally, they need to make a Danger becomes entangled by Deck Chest Trap.
check with target number 15, and if it fails, The target will not be able to move, and from
they will be surprised (see CR I, p. 144). the next round on, any attack from this
Mimicry will be automatically ended once monster to the entangled target will
the monster starts to act. automatically hit.
This monster can be detected with [Sense When the target tries to escape, use de-
Magic]. bonding (see p. 327).
►Twin Strike & Double Attack
A Deck Chest Trap can make two Smash
attacks each round.
Premium Magical Wood
2–5 None 10+
(500G/Gold Green A)
Magical Wood (200G/Gold
Green A)
A Deck Chest Trap can disguise itself as a variety of ordinary furniture, such as bookcases,
doors, beds, etc. It can move its strong arms and two small legs in and out at will.

6 Plasma Sphere
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Magic Disposition: Instructed
Language: None Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 13/16 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 13 Movement Speed: -/10(Floating) Fortitude: 8(15) Willpower: 8(15)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Shock 9(16) 2d+8 8(15) 5 53 34
Unique Skills
◯Shock If the target is a Construct or Magitech
Melee Attack damage inflicted by this monster, the target gets a +2 bonus to
monster is treated as lightning magic Accuracy check for 10 seconds (1 round),
damage. and the physical damage it causes becomes
►Lightning Connection/Can’t the lightning type and increased by +3 points.
Deals "Target: 1 Character" at "Range:
Touch" 5 lightning fixed damage.
Lightning Crystal (1,600G/Gold
2 – 10 None 11+
This construct looks like a about 30cm in diameter crystal ball floating in the space.
Lightning is swirling inside the sphere and occasionally discharges outward with sound.
Its lightning can activate constructs and magitech. It is known that this construct was
developed by researchers in the Magic Civilization Period, but it was later confirmed to be
effective for magitech as well. In the Magitech Civilization Period, there were cases where
magitech was used at archaeological sites.

7 Ghast Bishop
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Magic Disposition: Instructed
Language: None Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 9/15 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 15 Movement Speed: 15/- Fortitude: 10(17) Willpower: 8(15)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Arms 11(18) 2d+12 10(17) 5 54 -
Unique Skills
Dense Magic Jewel (700G/Gold
2–6 Magical Stone (250G/Gold A) 7+
It is a Ghast (see CR I, p. 420) that has grown to an immensely powerful level, often leading
an army of Ghasts and playing the role of Ghast leader.

8 Malicious Dresser
Intelligence: Low Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Arcana Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 16/19 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 14 Movement Speed: 10(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 10(17) Willpower: 11(18)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None (Mirror) x 3 - - 10(17) 5 61 33
Kick (Foundation) 11(18) 2d+12 9(16) 8 69 15
Sections: 3 (Mirror x 3 / Foundation) Main Section: Mirror (All)
Unique Skills
●Mirror The mirror creates the shadow of the
►Invitation to the Reversed World/10(17)/ character captured in the mirror and
Willpower/Neg manipulated at will. The abilities and numerical
Engulfs the person reflected in the mirror, values of the character captured in the mirror
making it impossible to interfere with the real are used as they are. The GM controls the
world. shadow.
Engulfs "Target: 1 Character" in the mirror When a shadow performs an action involving
within "Range: Touch." The captured target will an item's consumption, it does so by consuming
not be able to perform any movement or that item from the character captured in the
actions (Major Action, Minor Action). Once mirror (but it does not needlessly discard items,
captured, the target can try to escape at the etc.).
beginning of its turn. In this case, the success The shadow itself has no HP or MP, and if it
value of this ability is compared with that of must be dealt damage or consumed, the HP
Willpower (the escaping character is the active and MP of the Mirror section controlling it are
side), and if the success value is higher than that reduced instead.
of Willpower, it can escape (and it can act in When Mirror’s turn is over, the shadow
turn as it is). However, if the escape attempt disappears.
fails, the target suffers 2d+5 curse magic Only one Mirror section can perform the
damage. [►Mirroring] per turn. Once one Mirror
This effect is automatically canceled when the section has done so, no other section Mirror
HP of the Mirror section that used this ability can use it.
becomes 0 or less or the target dies. When multiple Mirror section is used to
A Mirror section that already captured capture the character with multiple sections, it
another character cannot use this ability. is possible to create the shadow of only one of
As a general rule, this ability does not allow a the sections.
character in multiple sections to be the target. ●Foundation
However, suppose multiple Mirror sections ◯Oak Wood Body
have not engulfed the character. In that case, It is immune to a critical hit from edged
using this ability, it is possible to take in as many weapons.
sections of the target by the same number of ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
Mirror sections. Each check of this ability and Size prevents enemies from attacking it.
each check of escape attempts is performed All Mirror sections receive a +4 bonus to
only once to compare to the success value. Evasion checks against melee attacks.
Damage incurred in case of escape failure is This effect disappears when the Foundation
given to each section individually. section falls to 0 HP or lower.
This ability can only be used if another
character has been taken in by [►Invitation to
the Reversed World].

Fragments of Mirror (330G/Black Large Fragments of Mirror
2 – 10 11+
White A) (1,220G/Black White S)
This is a runaway construct of a magical mirror stand used by the nobility in the Magic
Civilization Period. It is equipped with three large mirrors reflecting the whole body and is
supported by a sturdy base.
Its original purpose was to place the reflected image outside the mirror in order to be able to
check it from all angles, but what is now running amok in ruins is to take the reflected character
into the mirror and manipulate only its shadow.
Although it can speak arcana for guidance, it is currently unable to communicate with the user
and only continues to speak unintelligible guidance one-sidedly.

9 Phosphor Sphere
Intelligence: Low Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 15/20 Weak Point: Water/Ice damage +3 points
Initiative: 14 Movement Speed: -/16(Flying) Fortitude: 12(19) Willpower: 13(20)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Slam 12(19) 2d+10 11(18) 6 74 -
Unique Skills
◯Fire Immunity, ◯Lightning Immunity ◯Poison/11 (18)/Fortitude/Neg
◯Energy Absorption If the Slam hits, it deals 2d poison magic
It is immune to energy-type damage. damage to the target.
Conversely, if the monster is hit by an ◯Poison Body/11 (18)/Fortitude/Neg
energy-type attack, its HP is recovered by the A character who makes a melee attack
amount of applied damage. against this monster and hits it suffers 2d
No effects other than damage can be points of poison magic damage at the end of
caused by energy-type effects. their turn.
Green Light Powder (520G/Gold
Always Green Dye (80G/Green B) x 1d 9+
A) x 1d
Green Light Powder (520G/Gold
It is a sphere about one meter in diameter that floats while emitting phosphorescent light.
This construct is believed to have been used by wizards to show off their creations and
illuminate them.
As well as being a light, it could act as a guardian, preventing the exhibits from being stolen
or damaged.
It is often encountered in ruins, along with the architecture and objects it was guarding.
Although it does not speak itself, there have been reports of it being stopped by arcana words.

10 Alchemy Tooth
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Forest, Ruins, Cave
Rep/Weak: 14/17 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 14 Movement Speed: 18(Crawling)/- Fortitude: 12(19) Willpower: 13(20)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 14(21) 2d+9 11(18) 10 83 -
Unique Skills
◯Golden Disease/15 (22)/Fortitude/Neg The Golden Serum earned from defeating
If the Bite attack hits, it infects the target an Alchemy Tooth can be used to cure this
with a “Golden Disease” disease. disease (but not the HP lost). If taken in
Target immediately receives a 2d disease advance, it will prevent the character from
magic damage and an additional 1d disease catching this disease for up to 24 hours.
magic damage at the end of each round (no Major Action is needed to take Golden
additional checks are needed in that case). Serum.
As the disease deals with damage, golden ◯Continuous Attack
spots spread from the wound, eventually If an Alchemy Tooth successfully hits a
turning the whole-body gold. If the target target in melee, it may make a second attack
dies from this disease, after 24 hours, their against the same target.
entire body is stiff gold, and the character
cannot be resurrected.
Golden Scales (600G/Gold Red
Always Golden Serum (300G/Gold A) 9+
2–8 None
This particular construct has a bacterium that causes the Golden Disease, which eventually
turns a person's entire body into gold. While someone with the Golden Disease eventually
dies and stiffens into a golden statue, their entire body is not actually gold. However,
unscrupulous salesmen will attempt to sell these bodies as golden statues in hopes of duping
people out of their hard-earned money.

11 Exceed Disaster
Intelligence: Average Perception: Magic Disposition: Hostile
Language: Arcana Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 18/21 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 19 Movement Speed: -/20(Flying) Fortitude: 14(21) Willpower: 15(22)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Sword (Sword) 15(22) 2d+16 14(21) 13 90 34
Swing (Handle) 13(20) 2d+14 13(20) 11 75 28
Slam (Sheath) 14(21) 2d+13 13(20) 9 80 68
Sections: 3 (Sword / Handle / Sheath) Main Section: None

Unique Skills
●All Sections ◯Painful Strike
◯Flight If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or
This monster receives a +1 bonus to more, the damage is increased by an
Accuracy and Evasion only for melee additional +8 points. When declaring
attacks. [🗨Lethal Strike II], this ability is triggered
●Sword when the modified roll is 10 (the original roll
◯Mithril Body was 9) or more.
It is immune to criticals from edged ●Handle
weapons and all Magic damage. Sword ◯Careful Balance
section melee attacks are treated as silver The well-balanced and carefully crafted
weapons. handle helps to move the sword blade. The
🗨Power Strike II Sword section has the ability of [◯Multiple
It can deal an additional +12 damage on Actions = 2 times]. This ability is lost when
their next attack. However, any Evasion the HP of the Handle section becomes 0 or
Check made by them this turn receives a -2 less.
penalty. ►Gale Breath/11(18)/Fortitude/Half
🗨Lethal Strike II The dragon on the handle spits torrent
The 2d roll of damage decision is increased from the dragon's mouth and deals 2d+l1
by +1. At risk, he takes a -1 penalty to its wind magic damage to "Target: 1 area (3m
Evasion check. Radius)/5" at "Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot".
🗨Cleave II This ability cannot be used on consecutive
It attacks with a weapon up to 5 characters turns.
within the skirmish in which it resides. ●Sheath
Accuracy checks are made at once, and ►Truespeech Magic 10 Level/Magic Power
damage is determined individually. If this 12(19)
ability is declared with [🗨Power Strike II] ◯🗨Magic Aptitude
or [🗨Lethal Strike II], the damage will be They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-
changed only for one target. Action], [Targeting], [Magic Convergence],
[Magic Control], and [Universal
Gold and Silver Decoration
Always Mithril (2,600G/Gold S) 8 – 11
(1,800G/Gold White S)
Gold Thread Decoration Jewelry Decoration (7,800G/Gold
2–7 12+
(800G/Gold White A) White S)
This is a self-sustaining sword created by a sorcerer who studied Swords of Genesis during
the Magic Civilization Period as the result of their research. It is about 5 meters long.
Swords of Genesis have been studied from various aspects, but the monstrosity that we see
here was created to reproduce its performance and power and has survived to the present
day. The size of the humanoid is also too large to be handled by a humanoid.
Strictly speaking, it's not a magic sword but a Construct in the shape of a sword, but it seems
that some of the research results were able to reproduce part of the secret of Swords of

14 Carbide Claws
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Magic Disposition: Instructed
Language: Arcana Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 22/26 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 23 Movement Speed: -/15(Floating) Fortitude: 20(27) Willpower: 20(27)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist (Right Side) 18(25) 2d+21 14(21) 20 120 -
Fist (Left Side) 18(25) 2d+21 14(21) 20 120 -
Sections: 2 (Right Side / Left Side) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections ►Throw/17(24)/Evasion/Neg
◯Knowledge = Conjurer Class The Carbide Claws attempts to grab a
Those with Conjurer will automatically “Target: 1 Character” within “Range:
succeed in the Monster Knowledge check Touch.” If successful, the target is thrown to
for this monster. But they still must roll to the rearguard area of their faction
know its weak point. (Simplified Combat) or in any direction
◯Superalloy Body chosen by this monster at 30m (Standard
It is immune to criticals from magical or Combat) and falls down, taking 45 points of
weapon attacks. fall damage.
Magic Iron Ingot (680G/Gold
Always 10+ Pure Mithril (8,800G/Gold S)
Black A) x 1d
2–9 Mithril (2,600G/Gold S)
It is a bipedal golem made of a jet-black alloy, but with long arms that reach to the ground
and huge hands
As the guardian of places and treasures, it is known to throw anything that approaches and
never allows it to pass.

16 Goldface
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Magic Disposition: Instructed
Language: None Habitat: Labyrinths , Ruins
Rep/Weak: 19/25 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 20 Movement Speed: 20/- Fortitude: 26(33) Willpower: 25(32)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Slam 22(29) 2d+20 21(28) 19 150 -
Unique Skills
◯Fire Immunity area of effect has escaped the effect (see CR I,
◯Superalloy Body p. 163). Only if both of them are the same will
It is immune to criticals from magical or the effect be avoided. If either one of the two
weapon attacks. rolls is a roll that is considered to be affected,
◯3 Actions (At Random) then the effect must be taken. Even if both of
The monster can take 3 Major Actions in one the rolls are considered to be affected, the
round. Each Major Action is randomly selected effect is taken only once.
by the table with 1d rolled. The same Major ►Gale Blow/20(27)/Fortitude/Half
Action may be selected more than once. Within “Range: Caster," blowing strong wind
1d Major Action to be taken from its nose causes "Target: All Areas (30m
1 ►Face Flash Radius)/All" to fall prone and take 2d+16
2 ►Binocular Light Ray physical damage.
3 ►Gale Blow ►Poisonous Flame Breath/20(27)/
4 ►Poisonous Flame Breath
Spits out poisoned particles of high
5 ►Crunch temperature within "Range/Area: 2(30m)/Shot"
6 Slam (Melee Attack) and "Target: 1 area (6m Radius)/20", dealing
►Face Flash/Can’t 2d+20 poison and fire magic damage.
Within “Range: Caster” causes the target's ►Crunch/21(28)/Evasion/Neg
face to glow intensely, blinding “Target: 2-3 Within "Range: Touch," the monster captures
areas (10m Radius)/All”. Targets take a -2 "Target: 1 Character" with its large mouth and
penalty on Accuracy and Evasion checks for crushes it with its fangs. In addition, the target's
the next 10 seconds (1 round). If the target is armor is damaged.
hit by this effect again during the duration, the If the target is a character that has PC data, the
penalty is increased to -4, and the target is Defense of any equipped armor or shield
blinded (see CR II, p. 70). 3 or more times will chosen by the target must be reduced by -1.
not make the effect worse. This effect is curse This effect is cumulative, and if Defense
type and is independent of the target's becomes 0, it will be completely destroyed.
perception. Target will be affected even if they Armor with reduced Defense can be repaired
are blind. If an attempt is made to cancel an by paying 10% (up to 90%) of the armor's price
effect, the success value is treated as 30. for each reduction.
►Binocular Light Ray/20(27)/Willpower/ Each time a character with the monster data is
Half affected by this effect, its Defense is reduced by
Within "Range/Area: 2(30m)/Line", light rays -1. The effect is cumulative but only down to 0.
are emitted from both eyes, dealing 2d+16 Defense is restored by +1 point per day.
magic damage to the target. For this effect, the ◯Throw
dice must be rolled twice to determine at If a Slam hits the target, the target is knocked
random by 1d whether or not a character in the prone and falls to the ground.
Magical Gold Nuggets
Always 10+ Pure Mithril (8,800G/Gold S)
(2,000G/Gold Black S)
2–9 Mithril (2,600G/Gold S)

This is a construct in the shape of a human head from the neck up. It is gigantic, 3 meters in
height, and is floating with the help of magic. It is made of a special metal, and its surface is
golden and shiny. It has a few curved surfaces, and many small planes are connected by sharp
corners and edges to form the face.
During the Magic Civilization Period, they were mainly used as gatekeepers of important
facilities such as treasuries. Even today, when encountered inside the ruins, the gatekeepers
protect such places and act to keep intruders out.

20 Mithril Golem
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Magic Disposition: Instructed
Language: None Habitat: Labyrinths, Ruins
Rep/Weak: 19/25 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 20 Movement Speed: 20/- Fortitude: 26(33) Willpower: 25(32)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist (Upper Body) 26(33) 2d+26 23(30) 30 204 -
Fist (Upper Body) 26(33) 2d+26 23(30) 30 204 -
Kick (Lower Body) 24(31) 2d+28 22(29) 30 228 -
Kick (Lower Body) 24(31) 2d+28 22(29) 30 228 -
Sections: 4 (Upper Body x 2 / Lower Body x 2) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections ►Glowing Fists
◯Knowledge = Conjurer Class Wraps its fists with magical light for 10 seconds
Those with Conjurer will automatically (1 round), and the damage it generates in a
succeed in the Monster Knowledge check for melee attack becomes energy magic damage.
this monster. But they still must roll to know its ●Lower Body
weak point. ►Simultaneous Attack
◯Mithril Body A Mithril Golem’s Kick attacks all characters
The Mithril Golem is immune to criticals in the same position.
from edged weapons and all Magic damage. ►Earthshaker/25 (32)/Fortitude/Neg
The Mithril Golem's melee attacks are treated The Mithril Golem shakes the ground, and
as silver weapons those who fail to resist immediately fall prone.
●Upper Body ◯Balance Loss
◯2 Actions If the HP of any Lower Body section is
Can perform two Major Actions in one reduced to 0 or less, the remaining Lower Body
round. sections lose their [►Earthshaker] and
◯Multiple Actions = 2 times [►Simultaneous Attack] abilities.
🗨Improved Aimed Attack ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
When attacking, the Mithril Golem can gain Upper Body sections cannot be attacked in
a +4 bonus to Accuracy but receives a -8 penalty melee. Against any ranged attacks, Upper Body
for damage dealt. sections receive a +4 bonus to Evasion checks.
This effect disappears when all Lower Body
sections fall to 0 HP or lower.
Pure Mithril (8,800G/Gold S) x
Always Mithril (2,600G/Gold S) x 2d Always
A humanoid golem created entirely out of the magical metal mithril, the Mithril Golem is a
10m tall behemoth. However, the Mithril Golem is one of the most dangerous monsters known
to exist in the entirety of Raxia, so defeating one and taking the treasure it guards is much easier
said than done.


2+ Magireplica
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Instructed
Language: Magitech Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: ※/※ Weak Point: Lightning damage +3 damage
Initiative: ※ Movement Speed: ※(※)/※(※) Fortitude: ※ Willpower: ※
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
※(※) ※+1 ※+2 ※ ※+1 ※+5 ※
Sections: ※ Main Section: None
Unique Skills
◯Mechanical Body Its level is equal to the “Animal Monster’s
It is immune to criticals from edged Level +1”. In the case of a multi-section
weapons. model, the Main Section is always "None".
◯By Model Basically, Magireplica has the same unique
The strength of this monster depends on skills. However, it does not have the effect of
the modeled animal. Please apply the regenerating its own HP (such as
modeled animal monster's values to the [◯Regeneration]" and [◯Bloodsucking]).
place marked with ※ in the various values
and data columns.
Magitech Components
Always Iron (20G/Black B) 6–9
(300G/Black White A)
Crude Magitech Components Rare Magitech Components
2–5 10+
(100G/Black White A) (900G/Black White A)
Magireplica is a magitech modeled after an Animal. Except for the fact that it is obviously
made of metal, it looks exactly like the modeled animal and behaves very similarly. Even if
the animal has unique skills, they are reproduced by magitech.
In the history of magitech development, it is said to be the result of the attempt to gain
various knowledge by "learning from nature," but it seems that many of them were created as
a hobby.

3 Kagner
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Instructed
Language: Magitech Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 10/13 Weak Point: Lightning damage + 3 points
Initiative: 9 Movement Speed: 10(Wheeled)/- Fortitude: 5(12) Willpower: 5(12)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Slam 4(11) 2d+4 4(11) 4 28 -
Unique Skills
◯Mechanical Body ◯Mounted Person Protection = +2 • None
It is immune to criticals from edged A character mounted on this monster has a
weapons. +2 bonus to Evasion checks against melee
◯Mounted Magitech = 2 Characters attacks.
Up to 2 magitech characters (2 sections)
can be mounted (see p. 98).
Crude Magitech Components
Always Iron (20G/Black B) 8+
(100G/Black White A)
2–7 None
This is a transportation magitech used to carry magitechs during the Magitech Civilization
Period in the Alfleim region. It is about 1m high and 3m long with wheels.
The pedestal has fasteners and fixations for mooring the magitech, making it suitable for
long-distance transportation. It was capable of moving by itself and being towed by a train to
carry the magitech in succession.

4 Barba
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Instructed
Language: Magitech Habitat: Ruins, Mountains
Rep/Weak: 11/14 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 11 Movement Speed: -/10(Floating) Fortitude: 6(13) Willpower: 5(12)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Legs 6(13) 2d+5 6(13) 3 31 -
Unique Skills
►Bursting Shell Drop/6(13)/Willpower/ Within “Range: Caster” deals 2d+5 fire
Half magic damage to "Target: 1 area (3m
The bursting shell is dropped on the top of Radius)/5".
the target. This ability can only be used once.
Crude Magitech Components
Always Iron (20G/Black B) 6–9
(100G/Black White A)
Magitech Components
2–5 None 10+
(300G/Black White A)
During Magitech Civilization Period, the tactic of attacking from the air to the ground in
large-scale field battles and sieges was devised, and the Barba series of magitech was
developed to realize this tactic.
It looks like a spider about 50 cm in length and moves by floating with a small air sac on its
back. It holds a Bursting Shell between its legs, which it drops to attack a wide area.

5 Deg Kagner
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Instructed
Language: Magitech Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 12/15 Weak Point: Lightning damage + 3 points
Initiative: 11 Movement Speed: 10(wheeled)/- Fortitude: 7(14) Willpower: 7(14)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Slam 7(14) 2d+7 7(14) 7 42 -
Unique Skills
◯Mechanical Body ◯Mounted Person Protection = +2 • +2
It is immune to criticals from edged A character mounted on this monster has a
weapons. +2 bonus to Evasion checks against melee
◯Mounted Magitech = 2 Characters and ranged attacks.
Up to 2 magitech characters (2 sections)
can be mounted (see p. 98).
Magitech Components
Always Iron (20G/Black B) 9+
(300G/Black White A)
Crude Magitech Components
(100G/Black White A)
This sturdy Kagner is designed for transportation over rough terrains, such as mountains
and wastelands. The extra fence to secure the magitech to be transported is added to protect
the magitech even more firmly.

6 Gur Barba
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Instructed
Language: Magitech Habitat: Ruins, Mountains
Rep/Weak: 13/16 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 13 Movement Speed: -/10(Floating ) Fortitude: 7(14) Willpower: 7(14)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Legs 9(16) 2d+8 8(15) 5 48 -
Unique Skills
►Bursting Shell Drop/8(15)/Willpower/ ►Sprinkle Repair Liquid/Can’t
Half Sprays magitech restoring liquid to "Target:
The bursting shell is dropped on the top of 1 area (3m Radius)/5" in "Range: Caster." If
the target. Within “Range: Caster” deals the target is a magitech character, its HP is
2d+7 fire magic damage to "Target: 1 area restored by 2d+7 points.
(3m Radius)/5". This effect can be used only once. This
This ability can only be used once. monster is always excluded from this effect.
Magitech Components
Always Iron (20G/Black B) 8+
(300G/Black White A)
Crude Magitech Components
(100G/Black White A)
This large Barba is about one meter in length and holds a Bursting Shell and a restore fluid
to support the front-line magitech. The fluid solidifies quickly when it touches the damaged
part of the magitech and closes it temporarily.
Both Bursting Shell and restore liquid are loaded only enough for one use.

7 Lang Kagner
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Instructed
Language: Magitech Habitat: Ruins, Mountains
Rep/Weak: 14/17 Weak Point: Lightning damage +3 points
Initiative: 13 Movement Speed: 10(Wheeled)/15(Floating)
Fortitude: 10(17) Willpower: 10 (17)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Slam 10(17) 2d+11 9(16) 7 63 -
Unique Skills
◯Mechanical Body ►Gale Artillery/9(16)/Willpower/Half
It is immune to criticals from edged Within “Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot", spews
weapons. a gale of wind, dealing 2d+8 wind magic
◯Mounted Magitech = 2 Characters damage to "Target: 1 Character" and knocks
Up to 2 magitech characters (2 sections) prone.
can be mounted (see p. 98). This ability can be used only when this
◯Mounted Person Protection = +2 • +2 character's movement method is "wheeled"
A character mounted on this monster has a (grounded).
+2 bonus to Evasion checks against melee
and ranged attacks.
Rare Magitech Components
Always Iron (20G/Black B) 9 – 11
(900G/Black White A)
Mysterious Magitech
Magitech Components
2–8 12+ Components (2,400G/Black
(300G/Black White A)
White S)
This is the largest type in the Kagner series. It is equipped with a powerful air-blowing
mechanism and is capable of floating and moving by blowing wind.
It is also equipped with a small cannon for self-defense. Connecting an air-blowing
mechanism here can launch wind cannonballs to eliminate enemies. Since this mechanism
cannot work for weapons and floating systems simultaneously, the weapon is operatable only
when moved by wheels.

8 Maris Barba
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Instructed
Language: Magitech Habitat: Ruins, Mountains
Rep/Weak: 15/18 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 15 Movement Speed: -/10(Floating) Fortitude: 10(17) Willpower: 11(18)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Machine Gun (Body) 11(18) 2d+8 11(18) 6 61 -
Legs (Legs) 11(18) 2d+10 10(17) 7 66 -
Sections: 2 (Body / Legs) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●Body ●Legs
◯Gun ►Bursting Shell Drop/10(17)/Willpower/
The Machine Gun is treated as a gun Half
weapon with a "Range: 2 (20m)" and a The bursting shell is dropped on the top of
maximum magazine of 3. the target. Within “Range: Caster” deals
When the bullets run out, Maris Barba 2d+10 fire magic damage to "Target: 1 area
cannot attack at all. (3m Radius)/5".
►Reload (One Time Only) This ability can only be used once.
Completely reloads the bullets of the ►Sprinkle Repair Liquid/Can’t
Machine Gun. This effect can only be used Sprays magitech restoring liquid to "Target:
once. 1 area (3m Radius)/5" in "Range: Caster." If
◯Targeting & Hawk Eye the target is a magitech character, its HP is
Aiming at a character in skirmish does not restored by 2d+7 points.
cause a misfire. It is also possible to aim This effect can be used only once. This
through the shielding. monster is always excluded from this effect.
Rare Magitech Components
Always Iron (20G/Black B) 8 – 10
(900G/Black White A)
Mysterious Magitech
Magitech Components
2–7 11+ Components (2,400G/Black
(300G/Black White A)
White S)
This is a mid-air support type of the larger Barba series. At the end of the Magitech
Civilization Period, Maris Barba's troops in formation were recorded to have attacked and
defeated all the Barbarous.
However, there is a record of problems such as inferior fighting capability and increased
cost as a result of the larger size.

9 Barba Kagner
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Instructed
Language: Magitech Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 16/19 Weak Point: Lightning damage + 3 points
Initiative: 15 Movement Speed: 10(Wheeled)/- Fortitude: 12(19) Willpower: 12(19)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Machine Gun (Right Side) 12(19) 2d+9 13(20) 7 68 -
Machine Gun (Left Side) 12(19) 2d+9 13(20) 7 68 -
Wheels (Cart) 11(18) 2d+14 11(18) 10 85 -
Sections: 3 (Right Side / Left Side / Cart) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Cart
◯Mechanical Body ►Maris Barba Launch
It is immune to criticals from edged One stored Maris Barba (see the previous
weapons. page) is launched. The launched Maris
●Right Side/Left Side Barba appears in the same position (area,
◯Gun coordinate) as this monster and performs
The Machine Gun is treated as a gun movement and actions from the next round.
weapon with a "Range: 2 (20m)" and a This ability cannot be used on consecutive
maximum magazine of 3. turns. It can be used only up to 3 times.
◯Targeting & Hawk Eye ►Sprinkle Repair Liquid/Can’t
Aiming at a character in skirmish does not Applies magitech restoring liquid to
cause a misfire. It is also possible to aim "Target: 1 Character" (including itself) with
through the shielding. "Range: Touch," and if the target is a
►Reload magitech, its HP is restored by 2d+10 points.
Reloads bullet into the Machine Gun. This ability cannot be used on consecutive
If the HP of the Cart section becomes 0 or
less, the Right Side and Left Side receive a -
4 penalty on Evasion checks.
Mysterious Magitech
Always Iron (20G/Black B) 9 – 12 Components (2,400G/Black
White S)
Rare Magitech Components Trove of Magical Components
2–8 13+
(900G/Black White A) (7,600G/Black White S)
This is a large Kagner specialized for transporting Maris Barba and capable of storing three
Maris Barba.
It was assumed that Kagner would move to the vicinity of the operation area and launch
Maris Barba to attack the base, but there is no record of its actual use in battle. The number
of Barba Kagner found at ruins is extremely small, and they are also known as “phantom

12 Material Dealer
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Instructed
Language: Magitech Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 19/22 Weak Point: Lightning damage + 3 points
Initiative: 19 Movement Speed: 20(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 15(22) Willpower: 16(23)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Card 15(22) 2d+16 14(21) 10 111 -
Unique Skills
◯Card Throwing When used with a Major Action, the
The Card attack is treated as a thrown Evocation check is performed with the
attack with "Range: 1(10m)", and if it hits, it standard value, success value, described in
deals slashing physical damage. The Cards the heading of this ability; when used with a
can be used as many times as it wants since Minor Action, the success value is treated as
they are infinitely generated and 0.
replenished. ►Frenzy Card Deal/Can’t
◯Targeting & Hawk Eye Within “Range: Caster,” Material Dealer
Aiming at a character in skirmish does not makes countless cards fly up and attack
cause a misfire. It is also possible to aim "Target: 1 area (6m Radius)/20", deals 2d+10
through the shielding. points of damage. In this case, roll 1d for
►⏩Evocations/15(22) each target. If the result is 1-3, slashing magic
It can use [Vorpal Weapon], [Critical Ray], damage is dealt, and if the result is 4-6
[Paralyzing Mist], [Heal Spray], and [Slash slashing physical damage is dealt to that
Field] evocations. All Evocations are used at target.
A rank. There is no limit to the number of When this ability is used, it consumes 10
cards; Material Dealer can use as many cards points of HP.
as needed.
Mysterious Magitech
Always Play Cards (50G/White B) 9 – 11 Components (2,400G/Black
White S)
Rare Magitech Components Trove of Magical Components
2–8 12+
(900G/Black White A) (7,600G/Black White S)
It is a human-shaped magitech on a cart that houses a large number of magispheres and
material cards. From the back of the magitech, a number of dexterous arms extend to provide
entertainment in all directions, including cards and magic tricks.
It is said to have existed on the Alfleim continent during the Magitech Civilization Period
and was used in prosperous underground gambling establishments. In order to suppress a
disturbance in an emergency, it can incapacitate the customers who caused the disturbance.
Because of its elaborate structure, it is quite rare to find one left in the present age.

14 Skyship
Intelligence: None Perception: Magic Disposition: Instructed
Language: None Habitat: Unknown
Rep/Weak: 16/19 Weak Point: Fire damage +3 points
Initiative: 19 Movement Speed: -/50(Flying) Fortitude: 18(25) Willpower: 17(24)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None - - 15(22) 20 200 -
Unique Skills
◯Flight ◯Mounted = 10 Characters
A Skyship receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy Up to 10 characters can be mounted (see
and Evasion only for melee attacks. p. 98) in addition to the pilot.
Broken Magitech Components
(50G/Black B) x 5
It is a small airship. It has no combat capability and is for transportation only. It can
accommodate up to 10 passengers in addition to a pilot. Rarely excavated from the ruins of
Magitech Civilization, they are sold at high prices. Some of them have sails and use wind
Magitech [Skyship](see p. 160) can make one with the same capabilities.

15 Dragon Fortress
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Disposition: Hostile
Language: Magitech Habitat: Medium
Rep/Weak: 17/20 Weak Point: Lightning damage + 3 points
Initiative: 22 Movement Speed: 20/50 (Flying) Fortitude: 21(28) Willpower: 19(26)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 17(24) 2d+16 19(26) 13 145 -
Main Battery (Body) 19(26) 2d+18 16(23) 11 141 -
Main Battery (Body) 19(26) 2d+18 16(23) 11 141 -
Machine Gun (Wing) 20(27) 2d+16 17(24) 12 104 -
Machine Gun (Wing) 20(27) 2d+16 17(24) 12 104 -
Claw (Foot) 18(25) 2d+17 17(24) 10 119 -
Claw (Foot) 18(25) 2d+17 17(24) 10 119 -
Sections: 7 (Head / Body x 2 / Wing x 2 / Foot x 2) Main Section: Head

Unique Skills
●All Sections ►Volley
◯Mechanical Body To use this ability, the weapon must have
It is immune to criticals from edged at least 3 bullets loaded, and 3 bullets are
weapons. consumed at the same time.
●Head The success value of the Accuracy check is
►Adaptive Jet/18(25)/Willpower/Half set to 30, with the same damage as a regular
Dragon Fortress sprays a jet of flames, ice, attack.
or lightning. The same Dragon Fortress may only
Within “Range/Area: 2(50m)/Shot” deals perform one [►Volley] per round against
to the "Target: 1 area(6m Radius)/20" 2d+20 the same target.
magic damage. ●Body
The type of damage is chosen upon usage ◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible • None
between fire, water/ice, and lightning. The Dragon Fortress's size hinders attack.
●All Sections The Head cannot be attacked, whether
◯Targeting & Hawk Eye melee or ranged. This effect disappears
Aiming at a character in skirmish does not when any Body section falls to 0 HP or
cause a misfire. It is also possible to aim lower.
through the shielding. ◯Stranded
●Body & Wing If the HP of all Body sections is reduced to
◯Gun 0 or less, the Head sections receive a -4
The Main Battery is a gun weapon that has penalty for Evasion checks.
a “Range: 2(30m)” and a maximum ●Wing
magazine of 3. The Machine Gun is a gun ◯Flight II
weapon that has a “Range: 1(10m)” and a All sections receive a +2 bonus to Accuracy
maximum magazine of 6. and Evasion only for melee attacks.
►Reload This unique skill is lost if any Wing section
Fully reloads the Main Battery and is reduced to 0 or less HP.
Machine Gun of that section.
Rare Magical Components Trove of Magical Components
Always 7 – 12
(900G/Black White A) (7,600G/Black White S)
Mysterious Magitech Newly Discovered Magical
2–6 Components (2,400G/Black 13+ Components (25,000G/Black
White S) White SS)
A large construct in the shape of a dragon, the Dragon Fortress is a huge machine,
measuring around 50m long and 15m high. Able to fly at high speeds, its weapons are able
to cause destruction on a massive scale. It is thought to be the top of the line when it comes
to mobile defense and comes outfitted with a wide variety of weapons. It is an existence that
brings together the highest level of technology in Magitech Civilization, and the leaders of
each country are searching for their whereabouts.

Mythical Beasts
5 Pegasus
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: None Habitat: Mountains
Rep/Weak: 9/16 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 16 Movement Speed: 20(4 Legs)/40(Flying) Fortitude: 6(13) Willpower: 6(13)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Hoofs 7(14) 2d+5 6(13) 3 41 23
Unique Skills
◯Flight ◯Poison/Disease Immunity
A Pegasus receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy When the mount is subjected to a poison
and Evasion only for melee attacks. or disease-type effect or damage, it can
always be resisted as "Resistance: Optional."
Pure White Mane (800G/Red A)
Always White Feathers (50G/Red B) 10+
2–9 None
A white horse with wings on its back, a Pegasus is a rare sight due to its somewhat skittish personality.
The image of a Pegasus is popular in folktales and legends, and it is said that riding one is like running
in the sky. They do not simply allow anyone to ride them, so the few adventurers and aristocrats seen
on a Pegasus have just that much more prestige.
The wild species lives mainly in rugged mountains, but it is a popular Mythical Beast for riding and
is also kept by the Rider's Guilds (see p. 267). It is rare to find adventurers and nobles who keep them

6 Emerald Raccoon
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Friendly
Language: Lycant, Sylvan Habitat: Forest
Rep/Weak: 12/15 Weak Point: Earth damage + 3 points
Initiative: 13 Movement Speed: 16(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 8(15) Willpower: 9(16)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Arms 8(15) 2d+8 8(15) 6 52 48
Unique Skills
►Fairy Magic 6 Level/Magic Power 9(16) ◯🗨Magic Aptitude [Prerequisite: Unique
Can use earth, water/ice, wind, and light Skill Release]
types. They can use the Combat Feats
[Targeting], [Metamagic/Number].
Always Green Hair (250G/Red A) 10+ Clean Green Hair (750G/Red A)
2–9 None
It is a Mythical Beast with green body hair of about 2m in length, inhabiting the forested areas
of the Alfleim continent, and looks like a raccoon. It can communicate with the same level of
intellect as humans. It has a mild-mannered character and is a mediator between multiple
Animals and Mythical Beasts in the forest ecosystem.
If a Humanoid or a Barbarous is trespassing on the territory of the Animals in the forest, they
may use their magical powers to solve the problem.
7 Amphisbaena
Intelligence: Low Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Cave, Cold Region, Alpine
Rep/Weak: 12/18 Weak Point: Magic damage +2 points
Initiative: 14 Movement Speed: 20(Rotation)/- Fortitude: 10(17) Willpower: 9(16)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 10(17) 2d+9 9(16) 7 42 19
Bite (Head) 10(17) 2d+9 9(16) 7 42 19
Sections: 2 (Head) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections ►Poisonous Gas Breath/10 (17)/Fortitude/
◯Poison Immunity Half
●Head Within “Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot" spits
◯Poison/11 (18)/Fortitude/Neg out poison gas in "1 area(3m Radius)/5",
If the Bite hits, it deals 8 poison magic dealing 2d poison magic damage to the
damage to the target. targets.
This ability cannot be used for consecutive
Premium Snake Skin (320G/Red
2–4 Snake Skin (20G/Red B) 8 – 11
Mythical Snake Skin (1,600G/Red
5–7 Fine Snake Skin (120G/Red A) 12+
It is a two-headed poison snake with a head at each end of its body. It has bat-like wings,
but they degenerate, and it cannot fly. It moves by rolling around like a wheel, with one head
clamped onto the other.
In addition to having a poisonous bite, it is also known to breathe poisonous gas, and some
scholars believe that, like Wyvern, it may have some connection to dragons.
Preferring cold climates, they mainly live in caves. There, they wait for prey to wander in
and then kill and eat them with poisonous gas.

8 Tilgris
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Forests, Mountains
Rep/Weak: 14/17 Weak Point: Slashing damage +3 points
Initiative: 16 Movement Speed: 30(Legs)/- Fortitude: 11(18) Willpower: 10(17)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claws (Front) 11(18) 2d+8 11(18) 8 69 24
Tail (Back) 10(17) 2d+10 10(17) 8 77 12
Sections: 2 (Front / Back) Main Section: Front
Unique Skills
●Front This ability cannot be used on consecutive
◯Double Attack turns.
Can make two Claws attacks with one ●Back
Major Action. ◯Long Tail
►Lightning Breath/10(17)/Fortitude/Half Tail attacks can be made with "Range/Area:
It spits lightning with “Range/Area: 1(10m)/Target".
2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 area (3m ◯Painful Strike
Radius)/5.” It deals “2d+9” lightning and If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or
water/ice magic damage. more, the damage is increased by an
additional +7 points.
Shiny Hard Outer Skin
2–6 None 12+
(2,600G/Red S)
7 – 11 Hard Outer Skin (800G/Red A)
It is a Mythical Beast similar to a tiger, with red and black tiger stripes on its fur. However,
it is two times larger than an ordinary tiger.
It is characterized by a partially hardened skin from the forehead to the back that makes it
appear armored. Tilgris, in addition to its sharp fangs and claws, uses its tail skillfully and
mercilessly to attack its enemies. In addition, Tilgris has the ability to spit lightning breath,
which has been described as “like a lightning cloud descending directly from the sky.”
They are territorial and exclusive, and it is considered very dangerous to venture into their
Although they are often regarded as violent because of their ecology, they are also known
to be as intelligent as humans. Although they cannot speak, they can understand human
languages and are not easy to trap.
On the other hand, they are also known to be very faithful to their fellow humanoids, and
some of them have developed friendships with humanoids and act as mounts in the Rider's

9 Python
Intelligence: Low Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Swamp, Marsh
Rep/Weak: 15/19 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 17 Movement Speed: 20(Crawling)/- Fortitude: 12(19) Willpower: 12(19)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 12(19) 2d+12 11(18) 9 79 19
Slam (Body) 11(18) 2d+10 10(17) 11 88 19
Tail (Tail) 12(19) 2d+14 10(17) 9 72 12
Sections: 3 (Head / Body / Tail) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Body
◯Poison Immunity ◯Poisonous Fog/11(18)/Fortitude/Half
●Head A poisonous mist is constantly emitted
◯Poison/12 (19)/Fortitude/Neg from the body.
If the Bite hits, it deals 8 poison magic At the end of this monster's turn, all the
damage to the target. characters in the same position (area,
►Poison Spray/11(18)/Fortitude/Half coordinate) as the Body section suffer 2d+6
Within “Range/Area: 2(30m)/Shot" spits poison magic damage.
poison on "Target: 1 Character", dealing ●Tail
2d+9 poison magic damage. 🗨Tail Sweep
This ability cannot be used on consecutive The monster can use its tail to attack up to
turns. 5 targets in the same skirmish. Accuracy
check should be made once, and if multiple
characters are hit, damage should be
determined individually.
This ability cannot be used on consecutive
Venom of the Woe Serpent Large Amount of Venom
2 – 11 12+
(1,000G/Red S) (10,000G/Red SS)
It is a poison snake, always spreading poison and noxious gases. Its total length is about 10
meters, but its thick body, covered with black and purple scales, makes it quite a presence.
They intensely hate Humanoid, Barbarous, and all other creatures with intelligence, and
once they encounter one, they will never relent in their attacks until they have completely
defeated it.

10 Draconet
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Neutral
Language: Dragonic Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 15/20 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 17 Movement Speed: 13/25(Flying) Fortitude: 13(20) Willpower: 12(19)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Body) 13(20) 2d+14 12(19) 12 105 32
Wing (Wing) 12(19) 2d+9 10(17) 10 66 16
Wing (Wing) 12(19) 2d+9 10(17) 10 66 16
Sections: 2 (Body / Wing x 2) Main Section: Body
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Wing
◯Fire Immunity 🗨All-Out Attack
●Body A Wing can deal an additional 8 damage
►Flame Breath/11 (18)/Fortitude/Half on its next attack. However, any Evasion
Spits fire at "Target: 1 area(3m Radius)/5" check made by this section this turn receives
within "Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot" and deals a -3 penalty.
2d+15 fire magic damage. ◯Flight II
This unique skill cannot be used on A Draconet receives a +2 bonus to
consecutive turns. Accuracy and Evasion only for melee
If one of the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower,
this unique skill cannot be used.
Always Dragon Scale (5,000G/Red S) 7+ Dragon Fang (1,200G/Red S) x 2
2–6 Dragon Fang (1,200G/Red S)
“Draconet” is a name used for dragons 100 years or younger, and a Draconet's attitude
reflects its immaturity. Often angry, they will destroy their environment until they either run
out of energy or have leveled their surroundings. However, it is possible to communicate with
a Draconet when they are in a good mood.
As with older dragons, Draconets tend to hoard things with a significant amount of stored
mana, including magical items, Sword Shards, and even whole Swords of Protection. They
loathe to give up any of their hoards but may be convinced if there are appropriate
replacements for the items to be taken. While the most common Draconets breathe fire,
there are subspecies that can also exhale ice, lightning, or poison.

12 Kujata
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Mountains
Rep/Weak: 18/24 Weak Point: Wind damage +3 points
Initiative: 17 Movement Speed: 20(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 15(22) Willpower: 16(23)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Horns (Head) 15(22) 2d+16 15(22) 12 101 103
Hoofs (Front) 16(23) 2d+15 14(21) 11 109 44
Hoofs (Back) 15(22) 2d+15 14(21) 11 119 44
Sections: 3 (Head / Front / Back) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●Head ●Front & Back
►Fairy Magic 12 Level/Magic Power 15(22) ◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible • +4
Can use earth, water/ice, wind, and light Kujata size hinders attack.
types. The Head cannot be attacked in melee.
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude Against any ranged attacks, Head receives a
They can use the Combat Feats +4 bonus to Evasion checks.
[Targeting], [Magic Convergence], [Magic If the HP of either the Front or Back falls
Control], [Hawk Eye], [Universal to 0 or lower, this unique skill changes to
Metamagic], [Rune Master], and "○Attack Obstacle = +4 • None (only +4
[Wordbreak]. bonus to Head’s Evasion against melee
►Limited Weather Control attack). And if both HPs fall to 0 or lower,
Kujata can change the weather and the unique skill is completely lost.
temperature in a 10 km radius centered on
itself. The weather can be selected from
clear skies to heavy rain/heavy snow with 100
mm of rainfall per hour, cloud cover, and
rainfall (snowfall). Fog and haze can also be
added. This effect works only in
mountainous areas and is also limited to the
weather-temperatures that can occur in that
location and season.
Always Gems (150G/Gold A) x 2d 7 – 10 Rare Gems (1,500G/Gold S)
Always Gems (300G/Gold A) x 1d 11+ Large Gem (4,000G/Gold S)
2-6 Gems (500G/Gold A)
It is a mythical beast in the form of a huge hairy buffalo that emits blue phosphorescent
light. It has two humps on its back, which crystallize over time and are known to yield high-
quality garnets and rubies.
Legend has it that they are the embodiment of the will of the mountain itself and that they
have the power to control the climate of the mountain where they live, albeit to a limited
In many mountains, they are revered as mountain saints, and Kujata himself behaves as
such. Although strict in nature, Kujata is basically mild-mannered.
Because of the constant approach of back gem hunters, Kujata’s reaction to Humanoids,
Barbarous, and some Mythical Beasts tends to be one of wariness and caution.

15 Sphinx
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: All Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 18/25 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 20 Movement Speed: 20 (4 Legs)/40 (Flying) Fortitude: 20 (27) Willpower: 22 (29)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 20(27) 2d+16 17(24) 15 137 194
Claws (Body) 21(28) 2d+13 16(23) 16 147 84
Wing (Wing) 19(26) 2d+10 18(25) 13 81 84
Wing (Wing) 19(26) 2d+10 18(25) 13 81 84
Sections: 4 (Head / Body / Wing x 2) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections ⏩Riddle/20 (27)/Adventurer Level +
◯Mana Resistance Intelligence Modifier/Neg
Reduce all Magic Damage Sphinx receive The Sphinx can ask “Target: 1 Entire
by -5. Character” within “Range/Area:
◯Knowledge Incarnate & Weakness 2(100m)/Target” a riddle. This Riddle
Exploit cannot be prevented even if the target is deaf
Sphinx can make Sage Knowledge checks or dumb. On fail, the target cannot move or
with a standard value of 20. In this case, it perform Major Actions or Minor Actions for
knows combat feat [Sage's Wisdom]. 30 seconds (3 rounds). This effect is of curse
Sphinx deals double damage to other + psychic type.
monster weak points it detected. This unique skill can be used only once per
●Head round.
►Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic, ●Body
Divine Magic, Fairy Magic, Magitech 13 ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
Level/Magic Power 19 (26) Head sections cannot be attacked in melee.
For Fairy Magic, it can use all types of Against any ranged attacks, Body sections
magic up to rank 13. receive a +4 bonus to Evasion checks.
◯Multiple Actions = 3 times This effect disappears when the Body
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude section falls to 0 HP or lower.
The Sphinx can use all Combat Feats that ●Wing
are "Use: Wizard-Type Classes" and [Multi- ◯Flight
Action], [Targeting], [Hawk Eye], All sections receive a +1 bonus to Accuracy
[Metamagic Master], [Marionette], [Mana and Evasion only for melee attacks.
Save], [MP Save/All Wizard-Type Classes], If any of the Wings fall to 0 HP or lower,
and [Wordbreak]. this unique skill cannot be used.
10 – Engraved Signet Ring
Always Feathers (1,000G/Red S)
12 (5,000G/Gold White S)
Ancient Runestones Mysterious Lithograph
2–9 13+
(2,000G/White S) (10,000G/White SS)
The Sphinx is a mythical beast about 5m tall, with the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle,
and the face of a beautiful human woman. Highly intelligent and powerful wizards in their
own right, Sphinxes can speak any language and cast the most known magic spells, regardless
of Class. Sphinxes are often seen serving as gatekeepers for ancient magicians, welcoming
those who can answer their riddles as friends of the magician. However, failing to come up
with the correct response will lead to a dire fate.

18 Greater Dragon
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Neutral
Language: Trade Common, Dragonic, Arcana Habitat: Mountains, Caves
Rep/Weak: 18/24 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 23 Movement Speed: 20/40(Flying) Fortitude: 24(31) Willpower: 24(31)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 23(30) 2d+21 24(31) 17 170 102
Claws (Body) 24(31) 2d+19 21(28) 19 182 132
Wing (Wing) 21(28) 2d+17 22(29) 14 126 81
Wing (Wing) 22(29) 2d+17 22(29) 14 126 81
Tail (Tail) 22(29) 2d+19 22(29) 18 166 94
Sections: 5 (Head / Body / Wing x 2 / Tail) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections ►Wordbreak
◯Energy Immunity, ◯Fire Immunity Greater Dragon uses [Wordbreak] combat feat
●Head using Head’s Magic Power.
►Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic 15 ◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible • None
Level/Magic Power 20 (27) The Greater Dragon's size hinders attacks.
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude The Head of the Greater Dragon cannot be
The Greater Dragon can use the Combat Feats attacked with melee and ranged attacks. This
[Multi-Action], [Targeting], [Magic Convergence], unique skill is lost when the Body section has 0 or
[Magic Control], [Universal Metamagic], and less HP.
[Rune Master]. ●Wing
►Flame and Brilliant Breath/22 (29)/ ◯Flight II
Fortitude/Half All sections receive a +2 bonus to Accuracy and
Within "Range/Area: 2(50m)/Shot", spits out Evasion only for melee attacks.
breath to "Target: 1 area(6m Radius)/20" and deals If one of the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this
magic damage to the target. In this case, the unique skill cannot be used.
monster can arbitrarily choose one of the following 🗨All-Out Attack
two types, which differ in damage and type. A Wing can deal an additional 8 damage on its
Flame Breath. Spits out the fire, dealing 2d+30 next attack. However, any Evasion check made by
fire type. this section this turn receives a -3 penalty.
Brilliant Breath. Spits out an energy mass, 2d+24 ●Tail
energy type. 🗨Tail Sweep
This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns The monster can use its tail to attack up to 5
(whichever breath is used, neither breath can be targets in the same skirmish. An Accuracy check
used in the next turn). should be made once, and if multiple characters
●Body are hit, damage should be determined
◯2 Actions individually.
Can perform two Major Actions in one round. This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
Always Dragon Fang (1,200G/Red S) x 1d 2–9 None
Always Dragon Scale (5,000G/Red S) 10+ Dragon Jewel (10,000G/Gold SS)
It is a mature dragon, about 2,000 years old. Its total length is nearly 20 meters, and its strength rivals
that of the armies of great nations. For this reason, most people think of them more like a natural
disaster than an enemy to be defeated.
They are sensitive and will not tolerate any interference. They will direct all of their dragon clan to
destroy unwanted intruders if they come to their territory uninvited.
They are also well known in history and magic but often cannot remember the details of incredibly
old matters and may add fictional details to fill those gaps.


Olden Fairies

Some of the fairies are called olden fairies.

◯Olden/Type: A & B/Magic Power X(Y)

In the monster data, the first unique skill of the olden fairies has the
following characteristics.

Multiple Types
An olden fairy has multiple types, and can cast Fairy Magic of each type up
to its own level.
It also has both immunities caused by each type.

Fairy Tamer Cannot Automatically Identify

Even if a character has the Fairy Tamer class, a Monster Knowledge check
is required to know the abilities and data of the ancient fairy.

3 Bannik
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Trade Common, Sylvan Habitat: Hot Springs
Rep/Weak: 10/14 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points
Initiative: 10 Movement Speed: 12/12 (Swimming) Fortitude: 5(12) Willpower: 5(12)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist 5(15) 2d+2 3(10) 4 17 24
Unique Skills
◯Type: Water/Ice/Magic Power 5(12) 🗨Magic Aptitude
◯Underwater Aptitude A Bannik can use the Combat Feat
Can move in water without penalties and [Metamagic/Distance].
restrictions. ►Healing Hot Spring
◯Water Body The Bannik can change water into a hot
Bludgeoning weapons treat the Bannik's spring at the optimal temperature for bathing
Defense as 3 points higher. at a rate of 2 MP per 50 liters of water to be
◯Fire Vulnerability changed.
When Bannik is hit by Fire-type damage, it Soaking in the waters for an hour will
takes an extra 3 damage. recover 5 HP and MP, but staying longer
than an hour will not recover.
A spirit that takes the appearance of a nude woman, Banniks are subservient fairies found
around hot springs and other naturally occurring warm water. They only wish to see
cleanliness and may even offer to create a hot spring in order to help travelers wash away dirt
and grime. However, Banniks are known to become irrationally angry if someone dirty
refuses to head to a hot spring and will lash out in anger.

3 Einsel
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Friendly
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Null
Rep/Weak: 10/15 Weak Point: Water/Ice damage + 3 points
Initiative: 10 Movement Speed: 13/- Fortitude: 5(12) Willpower: 5(12)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist 5(12) 2d+3 4(11) 3 23 17
Unique Skills
◯Olden/Type: Fire & Dark/Magic Power 1 Character" in fire dust, dealing 2d+2 fire
5(12) magic damage. In addition, the target takes a
►Fire Dance/5(12)/Willpower/Half -2 penalty to Evasion checks for 10 seconds
Within "Range: Touch" wraps the "Target: (1 round).
They are fairies in the shape of a beautiful girl, and the part of their hair that is fire is on
fire. They live in groups of three to five near the fire sources. They are curious and fond of
people and will be nice to anyone kind to them. On the other hand, they will never forgive
those who were hostile to them or have betrayed them and will try to burn them with fire.

3 Swarm of Muryans
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Friendly
Language: Trade Common, Sylvan Habitat: Forests, Meadows
Rep/Weak: 8/14 Weak Point: Wind type damage +3 points
Initiative: 9 Movement Speed: 11/- Fortitude: 5(12) Willpower: 5(12)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None - - 4(11) 5 25 19
Unique Skills
◯Type: Earth/Magic Power 6(13) ►Swarming Attack/Can't
◯Wind Vulnerability Countless Muryans crawl up and bite. The
When the Swarm of Muryans is hit by Wind- Swarm of Muryans deals “2d + 1/5th of
type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. remaining HP (rounded down)” of physical
🗨Magic Aptitude damage to "Target: 1 Character" within
A Swarm of Muryans can use the Combat "Range: Touch."
Feat [Metamagic/Targets]. ►Basic Spellsongs 1 Level/5(12)/All Areas
◯Swarm (30m Radius)
A Swarm of Muryans is immune to ►[Finale: Summer Vitality]/5(12)
criticals. With "Range: 2(30m)", [Finale: Summer
In addition, Throw or similar attacks deal Vitality] is used to heal HP of "Target: 1
no damage and have no effect. Character" by 2d+3 points. This effect does
The maximum applied damage from not work on undead, constructs and
magic with "Area: Target" and "Target: 1 magitech characters.
Character" is limited to 1 point. This ability cannot be used in consecutive
If this monster is in melee, the combat feat turns. Once a character is affected, it cannot
[Targeting] or [Magic Control] loses its effect be healed again by this monster.
when it targets or includes a character or a
melee area (the center point in Standard
Combat) in the skirmish where it exists.
What appears to be an ant at first is really an exceedingly small earth fairy, dressed in a dark
hat and coat. Muryans are tiny fairies that travel in swarms and will typically be seen as a part
of a large group, rather than individually. Because of their small size, they tend to avoid
conflict when possible and are rather easygoing. If a group of Muryans sees someone who's
not having a good time, they will try and put on a little song and dance to bring some cheer.

5 Vila
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Neutral
Language: Trade Common, Sylvan Habitat: Waterfront
Rep/Weak: 13/16 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points
Initiative: 11 Movement Speed: 12/12 (Swimming) Fortitude: 7(14) Willpower: 7(14)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist 7(14) 2d+4 7(14) 6 32 36
Unique Skills
◯Olden/Type: Water/Ice & Dark/Magic For example, if the character sees Vila
Power 8(15) make a melee attack, the character will
◯Underwater Aptitude attempt to execute a Fist (Punch) attack on
Can move in water without penalties and the target of Vila's attack. In this case,
restrictions. Accuracy checks and damage decisions are
◯🗨Magic Aptitude made with the character's stats. If a character
Vila can use the Combat Feats [Targeting] is seen Vila using Fairy Magic, the character
and [Metamagic/Targets]. should cast the same Fairy Magic spell (with
►Inviting Dance/7 (14)/Willpower/Neg the same target, etc.) using the character’s
This effect is of the psychic type and lasts Magic Power. If the character cannot cast
for 3 minutes (18 rounds). this Fairy Magic spell, they only imitate
Within "Range/Area: 1(10m)/Target", Vila vocalization and just waste Major Action on
shows a dance to "Target: 1 Entire this attempt to cast.
Character". If that character fails to When a character with multiple sections is
Willpower, the character will perform the affected by this effect, any one of the sections
same movement and actions on their turn mimics Vila's action. The other sections do
that they saw Vila do immediately prior to not act (except for movement).
turn before this unique skill was used.
Vila is a fairy in the form of a human-sized girl who appears near water sources.
Some say that Vilas's beautiful figure and voice lure men through dance to become their
lovers, while others fear that those captivated by her dance will be lured into the water and

5 Echo
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Friendly
Language: Trade Common, Sylvan Habitat: Mountains
Rep/Weak: 11/15 Weak Point: Earth damage + 3 points
Initiative: 13 Movement Speed: -/22(Flying ) Fortitude: 7(14) Willpower: 7(14)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist 7(14) 2d+5 8(15) 4 32 42
Unique Skills
◯Type: Wind/Magic Power 8(15) Echo reproduces only one "Spell with
◯Slashing Immunity Chant", "Spellsong", "Finale", or any other
◯Flight unique skill that uses sound or voice that was
An Echo only receives a +1 bonus to cast from the end of the previous Echo's turn
Accuracy and Evasion for melee attacks. to the beginning of Echo’s current turn. The
◯🗨Magic Aptitude original user's values and abilities are
Echo can use the Combat Feats [Targeting] retained in reproducing the effect, and the
and [Metamagic/Targets]. rolls and range (area) are also the same.
►Echo However, the specific target of the effect is
Echo should be in the same position where redefined arbitrarily by this monster (as if it
they ended her previous round to use this had used it).
ability. Also, it cannot be used in a round in When using this ability, Echo consumes
which Echo moved with Normal Move or "Level (adventurer level, monster level) x 2"
Full Move. points of HP and MP of the original effect
(no MP consumption is required for the
original user at this Echo reuse). Also,
regardless of the type of the original effect,
the use of this ability is a Major Action.
She is a wind fairy who lives in a mountainous area and takes the form of a small girl. She
is shy and does not show herself often, but if you call her, she is sure to return your call.
She is good at imitating voices and has the ability to reproduce exact sounds and voices.

7 Cait Sith
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Friendly
Language: Various Habitat: Secluded Regions
Rep/Weak: 9/16 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 13 Movement Speed: 14/- Fortitude: 9(16) Willpower: 9(16)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Slam 9(16) 2d+5 10(17) 5 52 52
Unique Skills
◯Olden/Type: Light & Dark/Magic Power ◯Service/11(18)
10(17) The skill allows entertaining guests. Cait
◯🗨Magic Aptitude Sith can use this success value 11(18) for
Echo can use the Combat Feats non-combat Dexterity or Intelligence-based
[Targeting], [Hawk Eye], and [Universal skill checks.
Cait Sith is an olden fairy. It is an upright, cute cat-like creature, about one meter long. They
like to help anyone in need. They can easily learn languages, and once they hear a language,
they can use it within a short period of time.

9 Cu Sith
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Secluded Regions
Rep/Weak: 11/20 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 16 Movement Speed: 22(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 12(19) Willpower: 11(18)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 12(19) 2d+13 12(19) 9 82 66
Unique Skills
◯Olden/Type: Light & Dark/Magic Power who is within “Target: All Areas (20m
10(17) Radius)/All” a 20-meter radius and fails to
🗨Magic Aptitude Willpower suffers a -2 penalty to all checks
They can use the Combat Feat [Multi- for 3 minutes (18 rounds). This effect is of
Action] and [Metamagic/Targets]. psychic type.
⏩Terror Roar/12(19)/Willpower/Neg This ability can only be used once per
It roars in “Range: Caster.” A character round, for a total of three times per day.
Cu Sith are fairies in the form of large dogs, covered with long green fur, and are said to act
as guard dogs for the fairies, often appearing with other fairies or guarding the entrances to
their hiding places.
Because of this role, they are very paranoid about visitors. When they perceive you as an
enemy, they will attack you mercilessly.

13 Direach
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Secluded Regions, Alpine
Rep/Weak: 17/20 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 19 Movement Speed: 15(Leap)/- Fortitude: 17(24) Willpower: 16(23)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 18(25) 2d+16 15(22) 16 116 109
Unique Skills
◯Olden/Type: Earth & Wind/Magic Power [Magic Control], [Hawk Eye], [Universal
16(23) Metamagic] and [Rune Master].
►Exclusive Spell [Sandstorm] ◯Painful Strike
Casts exclusive Fairy Magic [Mud Spot]. If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or
◯🗨Magic Aptitude more, the damage is increased by an
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi- additional +10 points.
Action], [Targeting], [Magic Convergence],
Direach is a fairy in the form of a one-eyed giant. It has only one arm and one leg each, and
its arm protrudes forward from its chest. From the top of the head to the back, black feathers
roots grow together like a mane.
They are the guardians of the realm of the fairies and warn those who approach them with
a loud and awe-inspiring voice. They wield a single-armed weapon, a club, a flail, or an axe
without mercy if not heeded.

Sandstorm Cost MP12

1 area (6m 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Half
Radius)/20 Target
Deals Power 20 damage, causing the victim to fall prone
Sum. Type and
and be blinded
A sandy storm blows within the area. The targeted character is dealt Power
20 + Magic Power magic damage, falls prone, and is blinded. If a monster has
multiple sections and not all are targets, the monster will not fall prone or be
blinded regardless of whether resistance is successful.
A character whose perception is Magic will not be blinded. Blindness can be
Eff. removed by wiping the eyes with a Minor Action, but the character must not be
holding any weapon or item other than “Stance: 1HW” in their hand.
This effect is earth-type and wind-type.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value
20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩

13 Nymph
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Trade Common, Sylvan Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 16/20 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 17 Movement Speed: -/20(Flying ) Fortitude: 16(23) Willpower: 17(24)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Slam 16(23) 2d+14 16(23) 13 111 114
Unique Skills
◯Type: Light/Magic Power 17(24) ◯🗨►Magic Aptitude
◯Light Protection They can use the Combat Feats
Any magic damage it receives is reduced by [Targeting], [Magic Convergence], [Magic
-5 points. Control], [Hawk Eye], [Universal
◯Flight Metamagic], [Rune Master], and
They receive a +1 bonus to Accuracy and [Wordbreak].
Evasion only for melee attacks.
It is a fairy in shape glowing, naked girl. On her back are two pairs of transparent wings. She
is tolerant of all living beings and grants them the benefits of Fairy Magic as much as they
desire. However, she is strict against those who destroy nature and those who wish to die
senselessly and tries to get rid of them after giving them a warning by making her whole body
glow strongly.

15 Amalthea
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses Disposition: Friendly
Language: Trade Common, Sylvan Habitat: Secluded Regions
Rep/Weak: 19/21 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 20 Movement Speed: 22/- Fortitude: 19(26) Willpower: 20(27)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fists 19(26) 2d+16 19(26) 19 135 123
Unique Skills
◯Olden/Type: Light & Dark/Magic Power the first time it performs an Evasion,
19(26) Fortitude, Willpower, or Death Check
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude afterward. This effect lasts until the
They can use the Combat Feats automatic success occurs, or for 3 minutes
[Targeting], [Magic Convergence], [Magic (18 rounds). Suppose the target receives this
Control], [Hawk Eye], [Universal effect more than once during the duration.
Metamagic], [Rune Master], and In that case, only the HP recovery effect
[Wordbreak]. occurs, and the automatic success effect of
►Horn of Fertility/Can’t the check does not accumulate (the target
Amalthea touches “Target: 1 Character” gains the right to automatic success on a
with "Range: Touch" to restore its 100 HP. different check).
At the same time, the target gains the effect Also, undead, construct, and magitech
of automatic success without rolling any dice characters are immune to this ability.
Amalthea is a fairy who appears in the form of a slightly plump, rounded female figure,
holding in her hand's magical horn that can heal and bring luck.
She is called the Mother of Fairies and guards the secluded regions where they live.

15 Skadi
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Cold Region, Snow Mountain
Rep/Weak: 18/21 Weak Point: Fire & Earth damage + 3 points
Initiative: 21 Movement Speed: -/44(Flying) Fortitude: 19(26) Willpower: 19(26)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Slam 20(27) 2d+18 19(26) 21 136 122
Unique Skills
◯Olden/Type: Water/Ice & Wind/Magic ⏩Icicle Spear/21(28)/Fortitude/Half
Power 18(25) With “Range/Area: 2(30m)/Shot" throws a
◯Slashing Immunity spear made of ice and snow at "Target: 1
◯Flame/Earth Vulnerability Character” and deals 2d+20 water/ice magic
When the Skadi is hit by Fire-type or Earth- damage to the target.
type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. This ability can be used up to 5 times per
◯Flight round (10 seconds), but cannot be used on
A Skadi receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy the same target in the same turn. If it uses
and Evasion only for melee attacks. this ability more than 3 times, it cannot cast
🗨►Magic Aptitude spells on its turn.
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-
Action], [Targeting], [Magic Convergence],
[Magic Control Universal Metamagic],
[Rune Master] and [Wordbreak].
An ephemeral fairy of snow and ice, Skadis are beautiful women, often with an innocently
sly smile on their face. With frozen armor and an icicle spear, they are at home in the middle
of freezing weather. Skadis are drawn to strong men and will occasionally give them a jewel
to call on the fairy in times of need. When such a gifted man dies, the Skadi will take the
corpse away, and it is said that the body is stored in the Skadi's ice palace deep within the
snowy mountains.

17 Efreet
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Volcanoes, Labyrinths, Ruins
Rep/Weak: 19/22 Weak Point: Water/Ice damage + 3 points
Initiative: 23 Movement Speed: -/40(Flying ) Fortitude: 23(30) Willpower: 23(30)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fists (Upper Body) 22(29) 2d+17 20(27) 19 154 133
Kick (Lower Body) 21(28) 2d+19 20(27) 19 146 41
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) Main Section: Upper Body
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Upper Body
◯Type: Fire/Magic Power 22(29) ◯🗨►Magic Aptitude
Only the Upper Body section can cast They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-
spells. Action], [Targeting], [Magic Convergence],
◯Water/Ice Vulnerability [Magic Control], [Hawk Eye], [Universal
When the Efreet is hit by Water/Ice-type Metamagic], and [Wordbreak].
damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. ⏩Dance of Flame/22(29)/Fortitude/Half
◯Flight Within "Range: Caster," with a dance,
An Efreet receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy scatters burning fire and deals 2d+22 fire
and Evasion only for melee attacks. magic damage to "Target: All Areas (30m
◯Multiple Actions = 2 times Radius)/All".
►Twin Strike & Double Attack This unique skill can only be used once per
An Efreet can make two attacks each round.
round, though each attack requires its own ►Flame Ruler/Can’t
Accuracy check. They may choose to attack Within “Range/Area: 2(100m)/Target"
different characters with each attack. cancels the racial ability [Sword's Grace
🗨Fire Mana Strike = +22 damage /Body Of Flame] of "Target: 1 Character" for
An Efreet can deal an additional +22 10 seconds (1 round).
damage on their next attack and turn the ●Lower Body
attacks into fire-type damage. At risk, it takes ◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible • +4
a -2 penalty to its Fortitude and Willpower Efreet size hinders attack.
checks. The Upper Body cannot be attacked in
melee. Against any ranged attacks, Head
receives a +4 bonus to Evasion checks.
This effect disappears when the Lower
Body falls to 0 HP or lower.
Efreet are 5m tall giant volcanic fairies, often appearing as great horned humans wreathed
in flame. Found in volcanos and deep caves near Salamanders, Efreets will rarely appear to
outsiders. Although usually cheerful, they tend to lose their temper quickly, and a raging
Efreet will turn everything around into charcoal instantly.

17 Titan
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Sylvan Habitat: Mountains, Wilderness, Ruins
Rep/Weak: 19/22 Weak Point: Wind damage +3 points
Initiative: 21 Movement Speed: 24/- Fortitude: 24(31) Willpower: 22(29)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fists (Upper Body) 22(29) 2d+19 19(26) 21 158 129
Kick (Lower Body) 22(29) 2d+19 19(26) 21 166 37
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) Main Section: Upper Body
Unique Skills
●All Sections If this effect is applied while the target is not
◯Type: Earth/Magic Power 22(29) touching the ground, the flying distance is 40
Only the Upper Body section can cast meters (Standard Combat), and the falling
spells. damage is 60 points (both in Simplified
◯Wind Vulnerability Combat and Standard Combat).
When the Titan is hit by Wind-type ►King of Earth/Can’t
damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. Within “Range/Area: 2(100m)/Target"
◯Multiple Actions = 2 times cancels the racial ability [Sword's Grace
►Twin Strike & Double Attack /Change Fate] of "Target: 1 Character" for 10
A Titan can make two attacks each round, seconds (1 round).
though each attack requires its own Accuracy ●Lower Body
check. They may choose to attack different ◯Earth's Vitality
characters with each attack. This ability is active only when the HP of
●Upper Body the Lower Body is more than 1 and less than
🗨Earth Mana Strike = +22 damage half of the maximum value (rounding up).
A Titan can deal an additional +22 damage At the end of the monster’s turn, Lower
on their next attack and turn the attacks into Body recovers 20 HP.
earth-type damage. At risk, it takes a -2 ►Earth Rumble/22(29)/Fortitude/Half
penalty to its Fortitude and Willpower The earth vibrates, shaking the space
checks. around it. Within “Range: Caster," Titan
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude deals 2d+20 earth magic damage to "Target:
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi- All Areas (30m Radius)/All".
Action], [Targeting], [Magic Convergence], ◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible • +4
[Magic Control], [Hawk Eye], [Universal Titan size hinders attack.
Metamagic], and [Wordbreak]. The Upper Body cannot be attacked in
◯Knock Out melee. Against any ranged attacks, Head
If the fist hits the target, the target is sent to receives a +4 bonus to Evasion checks.
the rearguard area of their faction This effect disappears when the Lower
(Simplified Combat) or to any direction Body falls to 0 HP or lower.
chosen by this monster (Standard Combat)
for 30 meters and falls prone, taking 45
points of falling damage.
This fairy is a beautiful giant about 5 meters tall, and she lives with Dryads and Gnomes,
singing and making merry. They hate to be disturbed, preferring places where even animals
do not come close, such as deep in the mountains or in the wilderness. They are s a good-
natured and amiable person and take very good care of those with whom they have shared a


2 Imp
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Youma, Daemonic Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 12/15 Weak Point: Slashing damage +3
Initiative: 9 Movement Speed: 10/10(Flying) Fortitude: 3(10) Willpower: 4(11)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Tail 3(10) 2d+3 4(11) 2 16 22
Unique Skills
►Divine Magic 2 Level/Magic Power 4(11) ◯Paralyzing Poison/3(10)/Fortitude/Neg
◯Flight If the Imp hits with its Tail attack that
An Imp receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy inflicts 1 or more applied damage, the target
and Evasion only for melee attacks. receives a -2 penalty to Evasion checks for 30
seconds (3 rounds).
This effect is not cumulative and is of the
poison type.
Always Daemon's Blood (100G/Red A) 9+ Poison Tail (150G/Red A)
2–8 None
Imps are small hairless daemons with brown skin, bat-like wings, and a tail pointed like a
spear. Often used as messengers for the Daemons, Imps are typically sent to help others who
may do the work of the Daemons. As such, seeing an Imp nearby may mean stronger
Daemons are not far off.

3 Nuzumal
Intelligence: Low Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Daemonic Habitat: Labyrinths, Ruins, Swamps
Rep/Weak: 12/14 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points
Initiative: 10 Movement Speed: 10(4 Legs)/10(Swimming) Fortitude: 4(11) Willpower: 5(12)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claws 4(11) 2d+4 4(11) 3 22 22
Unique Skills
◯Underwater Aptitude ►Greenblood Curse/4(11)/Willpower/Half
Can move in water without penalties and Nuzumal with a “Range: Touch” deals
restrictions. 2d+2 curse magic damage to “Target: 1
Character”. Using this ability consumes 4
points of its HP and MP each.
Always Daemon's Blood (100G/Red A) 7+ Daemon's Blood (100G/Red A)
2–6 None
Nuzumal is a small daemon, about 1.2 meters tall. Its green skin resembles that of
amphibians, and its head is also reminiscent of a frog, with large protruding eyes and a wide,
side-slit mouth.
The green blood they shed has cursed power that burns the skin of those it touches.
It is said that they like humidity, lives in swamps and other places, and attack in groups,
dragging their poor victims with them.

4 Abyss Minions
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Daemonic Habitat: Shallows
Rep/Weak: 11/14 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 11 Movement Speed: -/14(Flying) Fortitude: 6(13) Willpower: 6(13)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Spear (Right) 6(13) 2d+5 6(13) 4 32 15
Spear (Left) 6(13) 2d+5 6(13) 4 32 15
Sections: 2 (Right / Left) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections This ability is lost when the HP of either
◯Flight Right of Left sections falls to 1 or less.
Abyss Minions receive a +1 bonus to ►Cross Strike/7(14)/Evasion/Neg
Accuracy and Evasion only for melee It attacks with melee attack 1 character
attacks. simultaneously dealing 2d+10 physical
◯Twin Daemons damage.
At first glance, the Right and Left sections This ability cannot be used when Major
are indistinguishable. If the character Action has been completed for either Right
performs a melee attack, a ranged attack, or of Left section. Also, if it uses this ability, the
a "Target: 1 Character" spell or effect on one Major Action of both sections will be
of these sections, roll 1d. If the result is 1-2, completed.
the opposite section, which is different from
the targeted section, will be affected. If both
sections are targeted at the same time, this
effect does not occur.
Dirty Weapons (300G/Black
Always Daemon's Blood (100G/Red A) 10+
White A)
2–9 None
Daemon's spires are seen flying around in the sky, mainly in Shallow Abyss.
They look like two small, winged child-like Daemons connected by their long intertwined
tails. The two are never separated and are therefore recognized as a single Daemon. Their
consciousnesses seem to be completely synchronized, and their coordinated attacks are as
threatening as those of a skilled swordsman with two swords.
There have been reports of seeing three or more bodies connected by a tail, but the
possibility of misidentification or assumption has not been ruled out, and the information has
yet to be confirmed.

5 Movkira
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: None Habitat: Ruins, Shallows
Rep/Weak: 12/16 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 12 Movement Speed: 18(Many Legs)/- Fortitude: 7(14) Willpower: 7(14)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Tentacles (Head) 7(14) 2d+3 7(14) 4 38 25
Legs (Chest) 7(14) 2d+5 6(13) 6 39 22
Needles (Belly) 7(14) 2d+7 6(13) 3 40 19
Sections: 3 (Head / Chest / Belly) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●Head ●Belly
◯Bloodsucking/Can’t ◯Hallucinogenic Poison Needle/6(13)/
When a Tentacle attack hits, it deals 3 fixed Fortitude/Neg
damage to the target in addition to the The target cannot use weapon attacks, cast
normal physical damage. At the same time, spells, or other unique skills that might make
Head section’s HP is recovered by 3 points. any section of this monster a target, or
●Chest include any section of this monster as a
►Fasten with Many target, or make any section of this monster a
Legs/8(15)/Evasion/Neg target, even if probable, for the next 10
Within "Range: Touch" captures "Target: 1 seconds (1 round). If the target has multiple
Character" with its eight legs and tightens sections, this effect is applied to all sections.
them. The target is dealt “2d + Chest This effect of poison type.
section’s HP/5 (rounded up)” physical
Always Daemon's Blood (100G/Red A) 9 – 10 Poison Stinger (100G/Red A)
Poison Stinger with Intact Poison
2–8 None 11+
Sac (800G/Red A)
This is a spider-like Daemon with a complex purple pattern on its belly. Numerous tentacles
extend from the jaws of the spider, and when connect, they drain the life of a living being.
Tail needles have a poison that makes the target hallucinate.

6 Zalbard
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Daemonic Habitat: Ruins, Shallow
Rep/Weak: 13/18 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 14 Movement Speed: 14/20(Flying) Fortitude: 10(17) Willpower: 9(16)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claws 8(15) 2d+12 8(15) 4 54 34
Unique Skills
►Divine Magic 4 Level/Magic Power 7(14) ►Flame Breath/9(16)/Fortitude/Half
◯Flight A Zalbard breathes a gout of flame with
A Zalbard receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy “Range/Area: 1(10m)/Shot” at “Target: 1
and Evasion only for melee attacks. Character”, dealing 2d+8 fire magic damage.
Daemon's Earrings (260G/Gold
Always Daemon's Blood (100G/Red A) 7–8
White A)
Daemon's Ring (600G/Gold
2–6 None 9+
White A)
It is a bright red lower Daemon with cortical wings and big horns. It is over 3 meters tall
and has flaming red eyes. It can fly with its wings on its back and sometimes attacks with fire
from the sky. It is often encountered in ruins and is estimated to be one of the most frequently
summoned and used Daemons during the Magic Civilization Period.

7 Sihalus
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Arcana, Daemonic Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 15/18 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points
Initiative: 14 Movement Speed: 15(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 10(17) Willpower: 9(16)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Tongue (Head) 9(16) 2d+10 9(16) 8 61 23
Arm (Right Side) 10(17) 2d+8 8(15) 9 56 18
Arm (Left Side) 10(17) 2d+8 8(15) 9 56 18
Tail (Tail) 9(16) 2d+9 8(15) 7 51 12
Sections: 4 (Head / Right Side / Left Side / Tail) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • +4
◯Semi-Transparent Body The giant body hinders attacks.
The whole body is semi-transparent. The Head section gains a +4 bonus to
This monster does not create any shielding, Evasion checks against melee and ranged
even if it is on the battlefield. Also, it is attacks.
invisible to characters in a different area This effect disappears when either Rider or
(Simplified Combat) or at a distance of more Left Side section falls to 0 HP or lower.
than 10 meters (Standard Combat). ●Tail
●Head 🗨Tail Sweep
►Truespeech Magic 6 Level/Magic Power The monster can use its tail to attack up to
8(15) 3 targets in the same skirmish. Accuracy
◯🗨Magic Aptitude check should be made once; if multiple
They can use the Combat Feats characters are hit, damage should be
[Targeting], [Magic Convergence], [Magic determined individually.
Control], and [Metamagic/Targets]. This ability cannot be used on consecutive
●Right Side/Left Side turns.
◯Painful Strike ►Curse of Translucency/9(16)/Willpower/
If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or Neg
more, the damage is increased by an Within "Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot", the
additional +5 points. monster shoots an invisible wave from the tip
of the Tail at "Target: 1 Character". The
target gains the [◯Semi-Transparent Body]
unique skill. This effect is permanent of a
curse type.
Transparent Crystal (500G/Gold
Always Daemon's Blood (100G/Red A) 10+
Red A)
2–9 Clear Jewel (200G/Gold Red A)
It is a lower Daemon with a semi-transparent, reptilian-like appearance. It is about 4m long
and attacks its opponent with a long bright red tongue.
Because of their ecology, they are very rare to find, and those that are found are almost
without exception preyed upon.

8 Terror Beast
Intelligence: Low Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile
Language: Daemonic Habitat: Labyrinths, Ruins
Rep/Weak: 14/18 Weak Point: Energy damage +3 points
Initiative: 15 Movement Speed: 22(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 11(18) Willpower: 10(17)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 11(18) 2d+8 11(18) 7 66 28
Unique Skills
◯Poison Immunity, ◯Disease Immunity ◯Corrosive Poison/11(18)/Fortitude/Neg
►Divine Magic 4 Level/Magic Power 6(13) The target is poisoned if the Bite attack
🗨Magic Aptitude deals at least 1 point of applied damage.
A Redrug can use the Combat Feats [Multi- A poisoned character immediately suffers
Action] and [Metamagic/Targets]. 2d-5 poison magic damage (minimum 0) and
◯Dreadful/9(16)/Willpower/Neg continues to suffer the same damage on each
Anyone who sees the Terror Beast receives of its turns (no Fortitude check is needed).
a -2 penalty to all action checks due to fear This effect lasts as long as it is not cured but
for 10 seconds (1 round). A Willpower is not cumulative.
check against this effect must be made at the ◯Regeneration = 10 points
beginning of each character's turn. This At the end of each round, Terror Beast
effect is of a psychic type. recovers 10 HP. This has no effect if Terror
Beast has 0 HP or lower.
Always Daemon's Blood (100G/Red A) Always Daemon’s Fangs (300G/Red A)
The Terror Beasts are considered the higher form of the Aetherbeasts (see CR I, p. 429).
It is about the size of a cow and four-legged, but it has a horrifying and bizarre appearance,
and its body is constantly decomposing and regenerating. It emits an unpleasant odor, and
those who see it can be weakened by fear.
They often follow other daemons and are known to act in groups. Their fangs are
poisonous, and those that are bitten will surely die as their bodies slowly rot.

9 Godbell
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Daemonic Habitat: Labyrinths, Ruins
Rep/Weak: 16/19 Weak Point: Physical damage +2 points
Initiative: 16 Movement Speed: 15/- Fortitude: 12(19) Willpower: 12(19)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claws 12(19) 2d+11 11(18) 10 94 32
Unique Skills
◯Complete Invisibility ►Space Warp
Godbell is always invisible. See rules for The monster can move 2 meters through
invisibility (see CR II, p. 69). the space itself without being affected by any
◯Invisible Assassin/20/Danger Sense/Neg obstacles or magic effects. There must be no
If a character approaches a location where other objects or characters at the destination.
this monster is lurking, they need to make a Note that this ability has a very limited
Danger Sense check with target number 20. effect in combat (it is meaningless in
If they fail, they will be taken by surprise by Simplified Combat, and even in Standard
this monster. Combat, the distance is insufficient to get
►Twin Strike & Double Attack past the skirmish).
A Godbell can make two Talons attacks
each round. They may choose to attack
different characters with each attack.
Crystallized Daemon’s Blood Transparent Leather
Always 11+
(800G/Red A) (1,400G/Red S)
2 – 10 None
Godbells are subservient daemons, also known as “formless daemons.” They are
completely invisible, even after death, so their true appearance is unknown. Their unique
skills, however, allow Godbells to be extraordinary assassins.
It is feared as a Daemon that is difficult to counter since it can permeate space and can slip
through walls to surprise its enemies.

10 Melbiz
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Daemonic Habitat: Labyrinths, Ruins
Rep/Weak: 16/20 Weak Point: Fire damage + 3 points
Initiative: 16 Movement Speed: 13/20 (Swimming) Fortitude: 13(20) Willpower: 12(19)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claws (Upper Body) 13(20) 2d+13 12(19) 12 95 33
Tail (Lower Body) 12(19) 2d+10 11(18) 11 82 25
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) Main Section: Upper Body
Unique Skills
●All Sections This effect is cumulative, and if Defense
◯Poison Immunity, ◯Disease Immunity becomes 0, it will be completely destroyed.
◯Underwater Aptitude Armor with reduced Defense can be
Can move in water without penalties and repaired by paying 10% (up to 90%) of the
restrictions. armor's price for each reduction.
●Upper Body Each time a character with the monster
►Twin Strike & Double Attack data is affected by this effect, its Defense is
A Melbiz can make two Talons attacks reduced by -1. The effect is cumulative but
each round. They may choose to attack only down to 0. Defense is restored by +1
different characters with each attack. point per day.
►Acid Saliva/12(19)/Evasion/Neg, If this ability is used underwater, the acid
Underwater/Can't will dissolve and spread in the water, having
The Melbiz spits a gob of acid with "Range: Caster" "Target: 1 area (5m
“Range/Area: 2(20)m/Shot” and “Target: 1 Radius)/15” “Resistance: Can't” and deal 2d
Character” and deals 2d+7 poison physical poison magic damage. This form of attack
damage. In addition, the target's armor and cannot be evaded but also does not damage
defense are damaged. armor.
If the target is a character that has PC data, This unique skill cannot be used on
the Defense of any equipped armor or shield consecutive turns.
chosen by the target must be reduced by -1.
Crystallized Daemon’s Blood
Always 9 – 12 Daemon’s Horn (600G/Red A)
(800G/Red A)
Green Scales (1,600G/Gold Red
2–8 None 13+
Melbiz is a low-rank daemon adapted to water, sporting shiny green scales and a dorsal fin.
Standing just slightly taller than an average human at 2.5m tall, they are adapted to the water
and will sneak into civilized lands through rivers and canals. High-ranking daemons will often
use a contingent of Melbiz to spearhead an attack, coming from the water to attack
unsuspecting cities.

11 Sallytegane
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Trade Common, Daemonic Habitat: Mountains
Rep/Weak: 18/21 Weak Point: Magic damage +2 points
Initiative: 18 Movement Speed: -/20(Flying) Fortitude: 14(21) Willpower: 14(21)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Mouth (Body) 13(20) 2d+10 13(20) 10 107 66
Wings (Wings) 14(21) 2d+12 13(20) 8 85 31
Sections: 2 (Body / Wings) Main Section: Body
Unique Skills
●Body ●Wings
►Divine Magic 10 Level/Magic Power ◯Flight
13(20) All sections receive a +1 bonus to Accuracy
◯🗨Magic Aptitude and Evasion only for melee attacks.
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi- If the Wings section falls to 0 HP or lower,
Action], [Targeting], and this unique skill cannot be used.
[Metamagic/Targets]. 🗨All-Out Attack
⏩Strange Smell/13(20)/Fortitude/Neg Wings can deal an additional 8 damage on
All the body's holes within “Range: Caster” its next attack. However, any Evasion check
emit a foul odor. All characters in the same made by this section this turn receives a -3
position (area, coordinate) as the Body penalty.
section receive a -2 penalty to Willpower for ⏩High Mobility
3 minutes (18 rounds). The skin covering the wings is peeled off,
This ability can be used only once per exposing the flesh and increasing mobility.
round, and when used, it consumes 5 MP of For 3 minutes (18 rounds), the bonus to
the Body section and can be used only once Accuracy check Evasion checks from
per round. [◯Flight] for all sections is increased to +2.
This effect is of a disease type. On the other hand, the Defense of Wings
section is reduced by -4.
This effect can be used only when the
Wings section's HP is 40 or less, and once it
is used, it cannot be canceled by the
monster’s will.
Crystallized Daemon’s Blood Large Calcareous Fragments
Always 12+
(800G/Red A) (3,000G/Black S)
Calcareous Fragments
2 – 11
(300G/Black A) x 1d
This is a white, lower Daemon, about 3m long, in the shape of a white bug, with four
beautiful bird feathers. Its white body surface, including its wings, is not covered with feathers
but rather hard rocks.
Its body emits an intense odor that pierces the nose.
It is said that it is arrogant and always looks down on others, especially those who give it
orders, and that it will always rebel.

13 Foregone
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Trade Common, Daemonic Habitat: Labyrinths , Ruins
Rep/Weak: 18/22 Weak Point: Magic damage +2 points
Initiative: 19 Movement Speed: 16/- Fortitude: 17(24) Willpower: 17(24)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Horns (Head) 16(23) 2d+16 16(23) 15 118 98
Claws (Body) 17(24) 2d+14 17(24) 14 128 33
Kick (Legs) 16(23) 2d+14 15(22) 15 111 26
Sections: 3 (Head / Body / Legs) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●Head ◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible • +4
►Divine Magic 12 Level/Magic Power Foregone size hinders attack.
16(23) The Head cannot be attacked in melee.
🗨►Magic Aptitude Against any ranged attacks, Head receives a
A Foregone can use the Combat Feats +4 bonus to Evasion checks.
[Metamagic/Targets], [Multi-Action], and When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this
[Wordbreak]. effect disappears.
●Body ●Legs
►Twin Strike & Double Attack ◯Kneel
A Foregone can make two Talons attacks If the HP of the Legs section is less than 0,
each round. They may choose to attack the Body section receives a -2 penalty on
different characters with each attack. Accuracy and Evasion checks.
Crystallized Daemon’s Blood
Always 9 – 12 Daemon’s Horn (600G/Red A)
(800G/Red A)
Large Daemon’s Horn
2–8 None 13+
(1,400G/Red S)
A lesser daemon, Foregones are 6m tall giants, with red-black skin, with one horn
protruding from their forehead and the lower body of a goat.

14 Vangiga
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Trade Common, Daemonic Habitat: Ruins, Shallow
Rep/Weak: 18/22 Weak Point: Slashing damage +3 points
Initiative: 20 Movement Speed: 15/- Fortitude: 16(23) Willpower: 16(23)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Kick (Body) 18(25) 2d+19 16(23) 15 133 109
Hand Sword (Eye Hand) 19(26) 2d+16 17(24) 12 98 29
Hand Sword (Eye Hand) 19(26) 2d+16 17(24) 12 98 29
Hand Sword (Ear Hand) 18(25) 2d+16 17(24) 12 98 29
Hand Sword (Ear Hand) 18(25) 2d+16 17(24) 12 98 29
Hand Sword (Nose Hand) 18(25) 2d+16 17(24) 12 98 29
Bite (Mouth Hand) 18(25) 2d+18 17(24) 12 98 29
Sections: 7 (Body / Eye Hand x 2 / Ear Hand x 2 / Nose Hand / Mouth Hand)
Main Section: Body
Unique Skills
●Body ●Nose Hands
►Spiritualism Magic 12 Level /Magic Power ◯Memorize the Smell
16(23) If Nose Hand performs an Accuracy check,
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude regardless of the success or failure of the check,
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi- Body and Nose Hand sections gain a +2 bonus
Action], [Targeting], [Magic Convergence], to Accuracy checks against the target. This
[Magic Control], [Amber Eye], [Universal effect is not cumulative and is removed when
Metamagic], [Rune Master], and [Wordbreak]. the Nose Hand section HP becomes 0 or less.
●All Hands ●Mouth Hand
◯Long Arms ◯Bloodsucking
Hands can do melee attacks with When a Bite attack hits, the HP of any one
"Range/Area: 1(10m)/Target". section of this monster is recovered by the same
●Eye Hands value as applied damage. The monster can
◯Sight Augmentation choose which section to heal after each attack,
The Body section gains a +2 bonus to Evasion and applied damage is calculated. However, the
checks for each healthy Eye Hand section. section whose HP is 0 or less cannot be
●Ear Hands selected for heal.
◯Hearing Augmentation
This monster gains a +2 bonus to Fortitude
and Willpower checks for each healthy Ear
Hand section.
Crystallized Great Daemon’s
Always 7–9 Creepy Arm (700G/Red A)
Blood (1,600G/Red S)
2–6 Twitching Arm (200G/Red A) 10+ Ominous Arm (2,500G/Red S)
It is a high-rank Daemon with a monkey-like appearance, but instead of the usual shoulders
and arms, it has six long arms sprouting from its back. On the palm of each arm, there are
facial parts such as eyes and ears (the original face also has eyes and noses).
As additional sensory organs, these hands give them high perception and make them adept
at avoiding danger.
It is said that this Daemon is the type of person who plans each action. When this Daemon
appears in Shallow Abyss, it is said to be filled with countless traps and tricks.

15 Doppelganger
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Trade Common, Arcana, Daemonic Habitat: Labyrinths , Ruins
Rep/Weak: 19/23 Weak Point: Slashing damage +3 points
Initiative: 21 Movement Speed: 18/- Fortitude: 21(28) Willpower: 21(28)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claws (Upper Body) 20(27) 2d+18 18(25) 16 135 108
Trample (Lower Body) 19(26) 2d+21 17(24) 16 143 32
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) Main Section: Upper Body
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Upper Body
►Shapeshift ►Truespeech Magic 15 Level/Magic Power
The Doppelganger can change its shape 21(28)
into another's, with the quality of the ◯🗨►Magic Aptitude
transformation based on the time the A Doppelganger can use the Combat Feats
Doppelganger has observed the target. A [Targeting], [Magic Convergence], [Magic
quick glance at a target allows the Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Multi-
Doppelganger to copy the target's physical Action], [Rune Master], and [Wordbreak].
appearance, including any belongings. One ●Lower Body
minute's observation (6 rounds) allows for ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
copying the target's tone and mannerisms, Upper Body sections cannot be attacked in
while one hour's observation gives a melee. Against any ranged attacks, Upper
complete copy of the target's abilities and Body sections receive a +4 bonus to Evasion
memory. This last transformation will also checks.
allow the Doppelganger access to any This effect disappears when the Lower
Classes and spells the target may have Body section falls to 0 HP or lower.
learned. This unique skill lasts until the
Doppelganger reverts to its base form, taking
Major Action to do so.
Crystallized Great Daemon’s
Always 8 – 12 Black Hide (4,600G/Red S)
Blood (1,600G/Red S)
2–7 None 13+ Shadowy Hide (12,000G/Red SS)
One of the high-rank daemons, a Doppelganger's base form, is that of a black-skinned giant
3m tall. A single red line splits the face where its mouth would be, but its face is otherwise
featureless. This Daemon has the ability to shapeshift into the target it has observed, and its
usual method is to kill the target, take its place, and enter the Humanoid society to plot secret
evil, causing suspicion and confusion in the society.

16 Lada Adroda
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Trade Common, Daemonic Habitat: Labyrinths, Ruins
Rep/Weak: 19/24 Weak Point: Slashing damage +3 points
Initiative: 22 Movement Speed: 15/20(Flying) Fortitude: 22(29) Willpower: 21(28)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 20(27) 2d+20 20(27) 15 135 114
Bite (Head) 20(27) 2d+20 20(27) 15 135 114
Claws (Body) 21(28) 2d+18 18(25) 15 146 52
Wing (Wing) 18(25) 2d+16 19(26) 13 82 39
Wing (Wing) 18(25) 2d+16 19(26) 13 82 39
Tail (Tail) 20(27) 2d+17 18(25) 14 133 48
Sections: 6 (Head x 2 / Body / Wing x 2 / Tail) Main Section: Head (All)
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Body
◯Poison Immunity, ◯Disease Immunity ►Twin Strike & Double Attack
●Head A Lady Adroda can make two Talons
►Divine Magic 15 Level/Magic Power attacks each round. They may choose to
21(28) attack different characters with each attack.
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
A Lada Adroda can use the Combat Feats Head sections cannot be attacked in melee.
[Targeting], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Against any ranged attacks, Head sections
Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Hawk Eye], receive a +4 bonus to Evasion checks.
[Multi-Action], [Rune Master], and This effect disappears when the Body
[Wordbreak]. section falls to 0 HP or lower.
⏩△Techniques ●Wing
A Lada Adroda can use the [Gazelle Feet], ◯Flight
[Cat's Eyes], [Recovery (10 pts.)], [Scale All sections receive a +1 bonus to Accuracy
Leggings], [Strong Blood], [Beetleskin], and Evasion only for melee attacks.
[Bear Muscle], [Centaur Legs], [Giant Arms] If one of the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower,
and [Daemonfinger] Techniques. this unique skill cannot be used.
◯Deadly Poison/22(29)/Fortitude/Neg ●Tail
If a Bite attack hits and deals 1 or more 🗨Tail Sweep
points of applied damage, the target receives The monster can use its tail to attack up to
extra 2d+12 poison magic damage. 5 targets in the same skirmish. Accuracy
check should be made once; if multiple
characters are hit, damage should be
determined individually.
This ability cannot be used on consecutive
Crystallized Great Daemon’s Great Daemon’s Horn
Always 8 – 12
Blood (1,600G/Red S) (4,800G/Red S)
Large Great Daemon’s Horn
2–7 None 13+
(12,900G/Red SS)
Lada Adroda is a high-ranking daemon in the same family as the Ragnakang. However, the
Lada Adroda is much larger and has two heads instead of one. These daemons are
commonly seen as commanders of daemon attacks and incursions, and hundreds of lesser
daemons wait at their disposal.

17 Endertuz
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Trade Common, Daemonic, Arcana Habitat: Ruins
Rep/Weak: 26/28 Weak Point: Bludgeoning damage +3 points
Initiative: 23 Movement Speed: 15/- Fortitude: 21(28) Willpower: 23(30)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fists (Maiden) 22(29) 2d+20 21(28) 10 145 102
None (Pearl) - - 22(29) 15 155 128
Ivy (Ivy) x 4 23(30) 2d+24 19(26) 12 125 33
Sections: 6 (Maiden / Pearl / Ivy x 4) Main Section: Pearl
Unique Skills
●Maiden/Pearl 1 minute (6 rounds).
◯🗨Magic Aptitude This effect is only active when the Maiden has
They can use the Combat Feats [Targeting], her eyes closed and is automatically canceled when
[Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Universal the Maiden opens her eyes.
Metamagic], [Double Cast], and [Rune Master]. This effect is of the psychic type.
◯Knowledge & Weakness Exploit ◯Praying Maiden (Only When Eyes Closed)
Endertuz can make Sage Knowledge checks with Maiden and Pears sections heal HP and MP by
standard value 18 (25 fixed value). 10 points at the end of their turn.
Endertuz deals double damage to other monster ◯Raging Maiden (Only When Eyes Open)
weak points it detected. The Maiden section is treated as having acquired
●Maiden the following Combat Feats (in addition to those
►Spiritualism Magic 15 Level/Magic Power of [◯🗨Magic Aptitude]):
21(28) [Multi-Action], [Mana Strike], and [Battle
⏩Open Eyes/⏩Close Eyes Master].
The Maiden section has different abilities ●Pearl
depending on its eyes condition. When the eyes ◯Truespeech Magic 15 Level/Magic Power
are closed, the Maiden section is treated as blind 21(28)
(other sections still have eyesight). ◯Mana Resistance
The [⏩Open Eyes] and [⏩Close Eyes] can be Reduce all Magic Damage Pearl section received
performed only once before the Main section by -5.
performs the Major Action. ●Ivy
◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • +4 ◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible • None
The maiden is holding the pearl and shielding it. Tangled ivy hinders attacks.
The Pearl section gains a +4 bonus to Evasion The Maiden and Pearl sections cannot be
checks against melee and ranged attacks. targeted by a melee or ranged attacks.
This effect disappears when the Maiden section This unique skill is lost when two or more Ivy
falls to 0 HP or lower. sections have 0 or fewer HP.
◯Lovely Figure/22(29)/Willpower/Neg ◯Coordinated Attack
It binds adversaries with guilt and inhibits their If an attack on an Ivy section is evaded, the other
actions. section's attacks on that target gain a +1 to the
A character who inflicts 1 or more applied Accuracy check against that target. This modifier
damage by a melee attack to the Maiden section is accumulated for each evaded attack. However,
and fails a Willpower check cannot take any once any section attack hits or the monster's turn
Major or Minor Actions for the following is ended, it is lost.
Crystallized Great Daemon’s Blood
Always Always Memento (1,000G/White S)
(1,600G/Red S)
Always Broken Pearl (350G/Gold Black A) Always Flexible Ivy (2,200G/Green S) x 2d
This is a higher Daemon that looks like a maiden holding a pearl with countless ivies entwined
around her. The maiden is said to have taken the body of a person who was once sacrificed to this
Daemon. The Maiden enjoys showing herself to make others hesitate to attack her or to make them
feel guilty. At first glance, it looks like a Plant, but the main section is the central pearl, and the ivies
and the maiden accompany it to protect it.

19 Geldam
Intelligence: High Perception: Five senses (Darkvision) Disposition: Hostile
Language: Trade Common, Daemonic Habitat: Labyrinths, Ruins
Rep/Weak: 22/27 Weak Point: Bludgeoning damage +3 points
Initiative: 26 Movement Speed: 20/- Fortitude: 26(33) Willpower: 25(32)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Horns (Head) 25(32) 2d+21 23(30) 20 188 117
Weapon (Upper Body) 26(33) 2d+23 21(28) 21 201 56
Trample (Lower Body) 24(31) 2d+21 20(27) 19 199 44
Sections: 3 (Head / Upper Body / Lower Body) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Upper Body
◯Poison Immunity, ◯Disease Immunity ◯Multiple Actions = 2 times
◯Miasma Shroud/25(32)/Fortitude/Half ►Sweeping Attack
Strong poison gas swirls around Geldam. Each Geldam makes a Weapon attack against all
time a character attempts a melee attack against enemies that it can reach. If [🗨Power Strike III]
this monster, they suffer 2d+10 poison magic is declared, the damage is added to any one of the
damage, regardless of success or failure. hit characters. The effect of [🗨 Magic Weapon]
This poison gas deflects incoming arrows and becomes the success value of the Accuracy check
bullets and has the same effect as the Fairy Magic for all targets.
spell [Missile Protection] (see CR II, p. 174). This unique skill cannot be used on consecutive
●Head turns.
◯2 Actions 🗨Magic Weapon
Can perform two Major Actions in one round. Changes the success value of the Accuracy check
►Divine Magic 15 Level/Magic Power 21(28) with the weapon to 35 without rolling any dice.
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-Action], 🗨Power Strike III
[Targeting], [Magic Convergence], [Magic They can deal an additional +20 damage on their
Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Rune Master], next attack. However, any Evasion Check made by
and [Wordbreak]. them this turn receives a -2 penalty.
►Poison Breath/24(31)/Fortitude/Half ●Lower Body
With "Range: Caster," it scatters smoky poison ◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • None
breath around it and deals to "Target: 1 area (6m Upper Body sections cannot be attacked in
Radius)/20" 2d+20 poison magic damage. melee. Against any ranged attacks, Upper Body
This ability can only be used once every 10 sections receive a +4 bonus to Evasion checks.
seconds (1 round). This effect disappears when Lower Body section
falls to 0 HP or lower.
Crystallized Great Daemon’s Great Daemon’s Earrings
Always 2–9
Blood (1,600G/Red S) (6,900G/Gold White S)
Great Daemon’s Glaive Great Daemon’s Ring
Always 10+
(3,200G/Gold Black White S) (14,000G/Gold White SS)
This goat-like daemon is one of the highest-ranking daemons, subservient to only the Daemon King.
Geldams are large, muscular goatmen, 5m tall, and carry a massive glaive. These glaives are larger
adult humans, and magically bonded to the Geldam that carries them, so it is impossible to claim one
as the spoils of battle.
Consummate commanders of other daemons, Geldams have hundreds of lesser daemons at their
command. Because of their service to the Daemon King in the Daemon Realm, they will rarely appear
in Raxia themselves, preferring to send any number of lesser daemons in their stead.


3 Mounted Bandit
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Trade Common, Regional Dialect Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 6/- Weak Point: None
Initiative: 11 Movement Speed: 30(4 Legs)/- Fortitude: 5(12) Willpower: 5(12)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Spear (Rider) 5(12) 2d+6 5(12) 4 25 13
Hoofs (Horse) 4(11) 2d+1 3(10) 2 26 9
Sections: 2 (Rider / Horse) Main Section: Body
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Rider
◯Dismounting ◯Sword's Salvation/Change Fate
This monster’s Rider section is mounted Once per day, they may choose to change
on the Horse section. If the Rider is the result of an Action Check or Damage roll
dismounted, all sections suffer a -1 penalty by switching the faces of the rolled 2d to the
on all action checks and have their damage opposite sides.
reduced by -1 point.
See Rider class and the Riding Rules (see
p. 87) for rules for this monster on how to
dismount and mount back at the mount. If
not on mount speed, this monster becomes
2–6 None 13+ Bag of Silver (50G/-) x 1d
7 – 12 Weapon (30G/Black White B)
Riding on horseback, these thugs attack travelers and peddlers. Armed with spears, they
block the way of their prey with their horses, threaten them, and take their money and goods.
They work in groups of several to ten men.

4 Bandit Leader
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Trade Common, Regional Dialect Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 7/- Weak Point: None
Initiative: 12 Movement Speed: 14/- Fortitude: 6(13) Willpower: 5(12)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 6(13) 2d+7 6(13) 4 30 15
Unique Skills
🗨Power Strike I ◯Sword's Salvation/Change Fate
They can deal an additional +4 damage on Once per day, they may choose to change
their next attack. However, any Evasion the result of an Action Check or Damage roll
Check made by them this turn receives a -2 by switching the faces of the rolled 2d to the
penalty. opposite sides.
2–6 None 11+ Bag of Silver (50G/-) x 2d
7 – 10 Bag of Silver (50G/-) x 1d
This is a leader of bandits (see CR I, p. 431). They always have three to five men or priests
with them. They fight with their weapons on the frontlines.

8 Alchemist Scholar
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Neutral
Language: Trade Common, Regional Dialect, Magitech Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 11/- Weak Point: None
Initiative: 14 Movement Speed: 16/- Fortitude: 11(18) Willpower: 11(18)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 11(18) 2d+10 10(17) 8 65 18
Unique Skills
►⏩Evocations/10(17) Evocation check is performed with the
It can use [Vorpal Weapon], [Critical Ray], standard value, success value, described in
[Barkmail], [Paralyzing Mist], [Heal Spray], the heading of this ability; when used with a
[Poison Needle], and [Manadown] Minor Action, the success value is treated as
evocations. All Evocations are used at A 0.
rank. There is no limit to the number of ◯Sword's Salvation/Change Fate
cards; Alchemist Scholar can use as many Once per day, they may change the result
cards as needed. of an Action Check or Damage roll, by
When used with a Major Action, the switching the faces of the rolled 2d to the
opposite sides and adding +1 to it.
A Rank Material Card (100G/-) x
Always Alchemy Kit (100G/-) Always
This is a warrior that is proficient in the Alchemist class. It uses a variety of Evocations as
well as weapon attacks. They are not as skilled as a warrior but can use both attacks and
support depending on the actions of those they are working with.
The color of the material cards obtained as loot is randomly determined if necessary.

10 Heretic Priest
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five senses Disposition: Hostile
Language: Trade Common, Regional Dialect, Arcana Habitat: Various
Rep/Weak: 13/- Weak Point: None
Initiative: 7 Movement Speed: 12/- Fortitude: 12(19) Willpower: 14(21)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Staff 10(17) 2d+5 8(15) 11 65 74
Unique Skills
►Divine Magic 10 Level/Magic Power ◯Sword's Salvation/Change Fate
15(22) Once per day, they may change the result
►Spiritualism Magic 7 Level/Magic Power of an Action Check or Damage roll, by
12(19) switching the faces of the rolled 2d to the
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude opposite sides and adding +1 to it.
A Heretic Priest can use the Combat Feats
[Universal Metamagic], [Targeting], [Hawk
Eye] and [Wordbreak].
Always Bag of Silver (100G/-) x 2d 7 – 12 Bag of Silver (200G/-) x 2d
2–6 None 13+ Large Gem (4,000G/Gold S)
It is a priest who is not accepted by the Humanoid community and has turned to the worship
of Barbarous, the gods associated with the Second Sword. While hiding their true identity,
they work as a spy for Barbarous.

High-level Familiars
Here is the higher level familial data that can be summoned with
Truespeech Magic [Familiar II] spell (see p. 134).

Common Data

Common Basic Data

Int: Average Perc: Shared with Caster Disp: Instructed
Lang: Arcana Hab: Various
Rep/Weak: 12/- W. P.: None
Fortitude: -(-) Willpower: -(-)

This data is common to all Familiars II. It is omitted in the individual data.

Common Abilities of Familiars

The following are the abilities that it has in common with Familiar (see CR
I, p. 433), as well as having the same common ability as Constructs:

◯Poison Immunity, ◯Disease Immunity, ◯Psychic Immunity

◯Can be Detected
◯Familiars Knowledge = Sorcerers
◯No HP
◯Shared MP
◯One Mind, One Character
◯Resistance Sharing
◯Senses Sharing
◯Fall Resistance
◯No Loot
◯Familiar Contract※
※The number of familiars a master can have at the same time is only one,
regardless of whether it is a Familiar or a Familiar II.

Common Abilities of Familiars II
The following abilities are different from Familiar or unique to all Familiar

◯Free Will
Familiars II have their own free will and can communicate via the Arcana
Language. However, they are always extremely loyal to their Master and will
never act in a way that betrays that loyalty.

◯Shared Visibility
The caster can use Familiar II's field of view to cast spells. However, the
base point of the spells is always the caster. Range distance must be considered
from the position of the caster, and the spells with "Area: Shot" or "Area: Line"
are fired from the caster.
If a spell is cast with Major Action, the Master and Familiar II must spend
their Major Action to cast a spell. If the spell is cast with Minor Action, then
Familiar II will also need to spend Minor Action.

Familiar Detailed Data

7 Familiar II: Frog

Initiative: 15 Movement Speed: 5 (4 Legs)/10 (Swimming)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Tongue 9(16) 2d+7 8(15) 5 - 20
Unique Skills
◯Frog’s Body
The frog can move underwater. Its mobility is equal to that of a normal frog.

7 Familiar II: Spider

Initiative: 16 Movement Speed: 7 (Many Legs)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 9(16) 2d+8 9(16) 6 - 15
Unique Skills
◯Spider’s Body
The spider can move freely on walls and ceilings. While sticking to the ceiling, it will not
target a wide range of effects unless the enemy specifically target’s familiar. Its mobility is
equal to a recluse spider.

7 Familiar II: Bird
Initiative: 18 Movement Speed: -/30 (Flying)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Beak 10(17) 2d+8 10(17) 6 - 15
Unique Skills
◯Bird's Body ◯Flight
Capable of flight. Physical ability is that of a A Bird Familiar receives a +1 bonus to
normal bird. Accuracy and Evasion only for melee

7 Familiar II: Cat

Initiative: 17 Movement Speed: 15 (4 Legs)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claw 10(17) 2d+10 11(18) 7 - 15
Unique Skills
◯Cat's Body ◯Gives Darkvision
Can pass through narrow gaps, etc. Physical Shares its Darkvision with the Master.
ability is the same as an ordinary housecat.

7 Familiar II: Snake

Initiative: 16 Movement Speed: 10 (Snaking)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 10(17) 2d+8 11(18) 7 - 15
Unique Skills
◯Snake's Body ◯Toxic Tooth
The snake can pass through extremely When a familiar makes a melee attack and
narrow spaces. Its physical ability is equal to hits, it automatically deals 1 poison magic
that of the normal snake. damage to the target of the melee attack.
This ability only works if the familiar is in
touch range with the Master.

Additional Data about Golems

Golems That Can be Created at 11th Level or Higher

PCs whose Conjurer class is 11th level or higher can create the following

[Create Golem] List (11+ Level)

Req. Normal Materials
Monster MP Advanced Materials (Price)
Level (Price)
Bronze Enchanted Bronze Strongly Enchanted Bronze
11 24
Golem (4,000) (10,000)
Rutile Enchanted Golden Strongly Enchanted Golden
12 28
Raptor Redstone (6,000) Redstone (15,000)
Enchanted Iron Strongly Enchanted Iron
Iron Golem 13 32
(8,000) (20,000)
Granite Enchanted Granite Strongly Enchanted Granite
14 36
Shell (10,000) (25,000)
Platinum Enchanted Platinum Strongly Enchanted
15 40
Dragon (15,000) Platinum (50,000)

Large Golem Enhancing Items

Large Golem Enhancing Items are required to strengthen a golem that can
be created by a Conjurer class level 11 or higher.
The abilities gained by Enhancing Items are basically the same as those of
(Small) and (Medium). However, Garnet of Vitality and Focused Garnet of
Vitality increase the maximum HP by +15 points. The effect of Obsidian
Shield is [Cover II], and the effect of Corundum Protection is [Guardian II].
The following is a list of Enhancing Items, including their prices for small
and medium grades. If you want to see the effects in detail, please refer to Core
Rulebook II, page 412. Currently, there are no golems that use Anisotropic
Anorthite (Large).

Golem Enhancing Item Price List
Item Effect
Cat's Eye Rivet 200/800/4,000 ►Double Attack
Golden Cat's Eye
200/800/4,000 ►Twin Strike & Double Attack
Tiger's Eye Rivet 150/600/3,000 ◯Continuous Attack I
Golden Tiger's
300/1,200/6,000 ◯Continuous Attack II
Eye Rivet
🗨Aimed Attack (Accuracy
Jet Sign 100/400/2,000
check +2, damage -4)
Sunstone ►Brand (next attack cannot be
Brilliance evaded, damage up).
Spinel Horn 150/600/3,000 ►Charge
🗨All-Out Attack (Damage +8,
Malachite Feather 150/600/3,000
Evasion check -3)
Lapis Lazuli 🗨Tail Swing I (attack against 3
Weight characters, Accuracy check -1)
Quartz 🗨Tail Swing II (attack against 5
Counterweight characters)
Bright Red Ruby -/1,600/8,000 ►-/Flame Breath
Amethyst of
600/1,600/8,000 ►Discharge/Lightning
Purple Lightning
Blue Lotus Jade 600/1,600/8,000 ►Water Gun/Blizzard Breath
-/800/4,000 ◯Breath Control
Compound Eyes
Obsidian Shield 150/600/3,000 🗨Cover I/Cover II/Cover II
Corundum 🗨Guardian I/Guardian I/
Protection Guardian II
◯Ultimate Aim (Accuracy
Amber Eye 500/2,000/10,000
check +4)
Coral Branch 100/400/2,000 ◯Block
Garnet of Vitality 200/800/4,000 HP +5/+10/+15
Focused Garnet of
300/1,200/6,000 HP +5/+10/+15
◯Mana Coating (Takes magic
Shimmering Onyx -/600/3,000
damage -3)
◯Mobility Enhancement
Red Iron Blood 100/400/2,000
(Movement +5)
Yellow Flint -/800/4,000 ◯Fast Reaction (Footwork)
Anisotropic ◯Underwater → ◯Underwater
Anorthite Specialization
Moonstone of
250/1,000/5,000 Makes Weak Point “None”
Quartz Disruptor -/1,000/5,000 ◯Type Resistance

Golem Detailed Data

See Core Rulebook II, p. 416, for omitted common data, annotations, and
how to read the data.

11/9 Bronze Golem Enchanted Bronze (4.000/10,000)

Rep/Weak: 14/20 Weak Point: Energy damage +3 points
Initiative: 9 Movement Speed: 11/- Fortitude: 12(19) Willpower: 12(19)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist (Right Side) 11(18) 2d+16 8(15) 14 65 -
Fist (Left Side) 11(18) 2d+16 8(15) 14 65 -
Sections: 2 (Right Side / Left Side) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections from edged weapons and all non-Energy-
◯Bronze Body type Magic damage.
The Bronze Golem is immune to criticals
Maximum of Enhancing Items = 5
※Any Section
Obsidian Shield (Large) (3,000) (🗨△Cover II)
Corundum Protection (Large) (2,000) (◯Guardian II)
Jet Sign (Large) (2,000) (🗨Aimed Attack = +2 Accuracy and -4 damage)
Sunstone Brilliance (Large) (6,000) (►Brand=Next attack cannot be evaded, damage +6)
Amber Eye (Large) (10,000) (◯Ultimate Aim = +4 Accuracy)
Garnet of Vitality (Large) (4,000) (◯HP Enhancement = Max HP +15)
└Focused Garnet of Vitality (Large) (6,000) (◯Improved HP Enhancement = Max HP +15)
Shimmering Onyx (Large) (600) (◯Mana Coating = Magic damage -3)
※All Section Must be Equipped
Coral Branch (Large) (2,000) (◯Block)
Red Iron Blood (Large) (2,000) (◯Mobility Enhancement = Movement +5)
Moonstone of Serenity (Large) (5,000) (Golem loses its Weak Point (it becomes "None"))
Quartz Disruptor (Large) (5,000) (◯Type Resistance)
2 – 7 Magic Bronze (420G/Gold Black A) 8+ Mithril (2,600G/Gold S)
It is a golem made of bronze about 3 to 4 meters long.

12/10 Rutile Raptor Enchanted Golden Redstone (6,000/15,000)
Rep/Weak: 16/21 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 16 Movement Speed: -/30(Flying) Fortitude: 12(19) Willpower: 13(20)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Beak (Head) 12(19) 2d+16 11(18) 16 65 -
Claws (Body) 12(19) 2d+16 11(18) 16 75 -
Sections: 2 (Head / Body) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Body
◯Golden Red Stone Body ◯Flight II
The Rutile Raptor is immune to criticals All sections receive a +2 bonus to Accuracy
from edged weapons and all non-Energy- and Evasion only for melee attacks.
type Magic damage. This ability is lost if the HP of Body section
falls to 0 or below.
Maximum of Enhancing Items = 3
※Head Only
Bright Red Ruby (Large) (8,000)
►Flame Breath/12(19)/Fortitude/Half
Golem spits out the fire with "Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot" and “Target: 1 area (5m Radius)/10,”
dealing 2d+10 fire magic damage. This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns. It also cannot
be used on the turn immediately after using [►Lightning].
Amethyst of Purple Lightning (Large) (8,000)
Golem unleashes an electrical bolt with "Range/Area: 50m/Line", dealing 2d+10 lightning magic
damage to the target. This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns. It also cannot be used on
the turn immediately after using [►Flame Breath].
Calcite Compound Eyes (Large) (4,000) (◯Breath Control)
※Body Only
Obsidian Shield (Large) (3,000) (🗨△Cover II)
Malachite Feather (Large) (3,000) (🗨All-Out Attack=Damage +8, Evasion -3)
※Any Section
Amber Eye (Large) (10,000) (◯Ultimate Aim = +4 Accuracy)
Garnet of Vitality (Large) (4,000) (◯HP Enhancement = Max HP +15)
Shimmering Onyx (Large) (3,000) (◯Mana Coating = Magic damage -3)
※All Section Must be Equipped
Red Iron Blood (Large) (2,000) (◯Mobility Enhancement = Movement +5)
Yellow Flint (Large) (4,000) (◯Fast Reaction = [Footwork])
2 – 7 Enchanted Gemstones (250G/Gold A) 13+ Pure Mithril (8,800G/Gold S)
8 – 12 Mithril (2,600G/Gold S)
It is a bird-shaped golem with a golden-red stone body.

13/11 Iron Golem Enchanted Iron (8,000/20,000)
Rep/Weak: 16/22 Weak Point: Energy damage +3 points
Initiative: 9 Movement Speed: 12/- Fortitude: 14(21) Willpower: 14(21)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist (Right Side) 12(19) 2d+18 9(16) 16 75 -
Fist (Left Side) 12(19) 2d+18 9(16) 16 75 -
Sections: 2 (Right Side / Left Side) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections from edged weapons and all non-Energy-
◯Iron Body type Magic damage.
The Iron Golem is immune to criticals
Maximum of Enhancing Items = 5
※Any Section
Obsidian Shield (Large) (3,000) (🗨△Cover II)
Corundum Protection (Large) (2,000) (◯Guardian II)
Jet Sign (Large) (2,000) (🗨Aimed Attack = +2 Accuracy and -4 damage)
Sunstone Brilliance (Large) (6,000) (►Brand=Next attack cannot be evaded, damage +7)
Amber Eye (Large) (10,000) (◯Ultimate Aim = +4 Accuracy)
Garnet of Vitality (Large) (4,000) (◯HP Enhancement = Max HP +15)
└Focused Garnet of Vitality (Large) (6,000) (◯Improved HP Enhancement = Max HP +15)
Shimmering Onyx (Large) (600) (◯Mana Coating = Magic damage -3)
※All Section Must be Equipped
Coral Branch (Large) (2,000) (◯Block)
Red Iron Blood (Large) (2,000) (◯Mobility Enhancement = Movement +5)
Moonstone of Serenity (Large) (5,000) (Golem loses its Weak Point (it becomes "None"))
Quartz Disruptor (Large) (5,000) (◯Type Resistance)
2 – 7 Magic Iron Ingot (680G/Gold Black A) 13+ Pure Mithril (8,800G/Gold S)
8 – 12 Mithril (2,600G/Gold S)
It is a golem made of iron and about 5 meters tall.

14/12 Granite Shell Enchanted Granite (10,000/25,000)
Rep/Weak: 17/22 Weak Point: Energy damage +3 points
Initiative: 17 Movement Speed: 10(4 Legs)/30(Swimming)
Fortitude: 16(23) Willpower: 16(23)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 14(21) 2d+20 13(20) 16 80 -
Tail (Body) 13(20) 2d+20 12(19) 18 90 -
Sections: 2 (Head / Body) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections restrictions. Conversely, all action checks are
◯Rock Body subject to a -2 penalty on the ground.
A Granite Shell is immune to criticals from ●Body
edged weapons and all magic damage, except ►Shell Guard
Energy-type damage. The Granite Shell can retract into its shell,
◯Underwater Specialization increasing its Defense by +10 for 10 seconds
Can move in water without penalties and (1 round).
Maximum of Enhancing Items = 4
※Head Only
Spinel Horn (Large) (3,000) (►Charge)
Blue Lotus Jade (Large) (8,000)
►Blizzard Breath/14 (21)/Fortitude/Half
Golem sprays a jet of water with “Range/Area: 20m/Shot” in a “Target: 4m Radius/10”, dealing
2d+12 water/ice magic damage. This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
Calcite Compound Eyes (Large) (4,000) (◯Breath Control)
※Body Only
Obsidian Shield (Large) (3,000) (🗨△Cover II)
Corundum Protection (Large) (2,000) (◯Guardian II)
Lapis Lazuli Weight (Large) (4,000) (🗨Tail Swing I)
└Quartz Counterweight (Large) (6,000) (🗨Tail Swing II)
※Any Section
Amber Eye (Large) (10,000) (◯Ultimate Aim = +4 Accuracy)
Garnet of Vitality (Large) (4,000) (◯HP Enhancement = Max HP +15)
└Focused Garnet of Vitality (Large) (6,000) (◯Improved HP Enhancement = Max HP +15)
Shimmering Onyx (Large) (3,000) (◯Mana Coating = Magic damage -3)
※All Section Must be Equipped
Red Iron Blood (Large) (2,000) (◯Mobility Enhancement = Movement +5)
Always Magical Stone (250G/Gold A) x 2d Mithril (2,600G/Gold S)
2 – 6 None 12+ Pure Mithril (8,800G/Gold S)
It is a large golem in the shape of a sea turtle with a granite shell.

15/13 Platinum Dragon Enchanted Platinum (15,000/50,000)
Rep/Weak: 17/23 Weak Point: Accuracy +1
Initiative: 20 Movement Speed: 12/25(Flying) Fortitude: 17(24) Willpower: 17(24)
Fight. Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claws (Body) 16(23) 2d+22 14(21) 20 100 -
Wing (Wing) x 2 15(22) 2d+18 13(20) 18 65 -
Sections: 3 (Body / Wing x 2) Main Section: None
Unique Skills
●All Sections ●Body
◯Superalloy Body ◯Flight II
It is immune to criticals from magical or All sections receive a +2 bonus to Accuracy
weapon attacks. and Evasion only for melee attacks.
It loses this ability if any of the Wing section
HP becomes 0 or less.
Maximum of Enhancing Items = 4
※Body Only
Note: Breaths and Lightning abilities cannot be used in consecutive turns. You can only use one of
them at a time on each subsequent turn, even if it has multiple equipped.
Bright Red Ruby (Large) (8,000)
►Flame Breath/15(22)/Fortitude/Half
Golem spits out the fire with "Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot" and “Target: 1 area (5m Radius)/10,” dealing
2d+13 fire magic damage.
Blue Lotus Jade (Large) (8,000)
►Blizzard Breath/15(22)/Fortitude/Half
Golem sprays a jet of water with “Range/Area: 20m/Shot” in a “Target: 4m Radius/10”, dealing 2d+13
water/ice magic damage.
Amethyst of Purple Lightning (Large) (8,000)
Golem unleashes an electrical bolt with "Range/Area: 50m/Line", dealing 2d+13 lightning magic
damage to the target.
Calcite Compound Eyes (Large) (4,000) (◯Breath Control)
Spinel Horn (Large) (3,000) (►Charge)
Lapis Lazuli Weight (Large) (4,000) (🗨Tail Swing I)
└Quartz Counterweight (Large) (6,000) (🗨Tail Swing II)
※Wing Only
Obsidian Shield (Large) (3,000) (🗨△Cover II)
Corundum Protection (Large) (2,000) (◯Guardian II)
Malachite Feather (Large) (3,000) (🗨All-Out Attack=Damage +8, Evasion -3)
※Any Section
Amber Eye (Large) (10,000) (◯Ultimate Aim = +4 Accuracy)
Garnet of Vitality (Large) (4,000) (◯HP Enhancement = Max HP +15)
└Focused Garnet of Vitality (Large) (6,000) (◯Improved HP Enhancement = Max HP +15)
Shimmering Onyx (Large) (3,000) (◯Mana Coating = Magic damage -3)
※All Section Must be Equipped
Red Iron Blood (Large) (2,000) (◯Mobility Enhancement = Movement +5)
Yellow Flint (Large) (4,000) (◯Fast Reaction = [Footwork])
Quartz Disruptor (Large) (5,000) (◯Type Resistance)
2 – 5 Magic Iron Ingot (680G/Gold Black A) 1123+ Pure Mithril (8,800G/Gold S)
6 – 11 Mithril (2,600G/Gold S)
It is a golem in the shape of a dragon, made of a solid alloy, mainly platinum.

Weapons and Armor Description

For more information, see the battle because it is light and easy to
references pages. handle.

B-Rank Swords Katzbalger (see CR I, p. 271)

Knife (see CR I, p. 271) A short, one-handed sword for
A small, single-edged blade no slashing. It is a straight, double-
less than 10cm. Also, usable outside edged sword.
of combat with little difficulty.
Rapier (see CR I, p. 271)
Stiletto (see CR I, p. 271) A slender sword, mainly used
It is a dagger of about 30 cm in with a thrusting stance. The thin
length and is used exclusively for blade is just under 1m long and can
stabbing. flex quite a bit.

Dagger (see CR I, p. 271) Saber (see CR I, p. 271)

A durable, double-edged blade A 1m long single-edged sword
between 20 and 30cm long can also with a slight curve in the blade is
be thrown if need be. especially well made for slashing.

Kukri (see CR I, p. 271) Estoc (see CR I, p. 271)

It has a heavy, curved blade and A large two-handed sword. The
is classified as the largest of the blade is more of a cone shape,
daggers. designed to pierce rather than slash.

Short Sword (see CR I, p. 271) Long Sword (see CR I, p. 271)

A blade is about 40cm long. A double-edged sword is with a
Because it's easy to use with one straight blade just over 1m long.
hand, it is often helpful in self- One of the most commonly seen
defense or as a spare weapon. swords can be used one or two-
Épée (see CR I, p. 271)
This is a lightweight stabbing Broad Sword (see CR I, p. 271)
sword designed for Rapier practice. A two-handed sword with a wide
Even though it is for training, it has double-edged blade.
a blade and is sometimes used in
Bastard Sword (see CR I, p. 271) Schiavona (see CR I, p. 272)
A sword with a long hilt and a It is a one-handed sword with a
1.5m long blade can easily be used cage-shaped protective fist. The
one or two-handed. blade is straight and double-edged.

Falchion (see CR I, p. 271) Defender (see CR I, p. 272)

A single-edged sword with a It is a one-handed sword with a
1.5m long curved blade. large handle and a straight blade
with a protective handle. The total
Zweihander (see CR I, p. 271) length is around 1 meter.
A massive, 2m long sword
designed to be used in both hands. Talwar (see CR I, p. 272)
It is a one-handed sword with a
Shamshir (see CR I, p. 271) curved single-edged blade. It is
A large sword with a large, characterized by its cross-shaped
warped single-edged blade. The grip from the blade to the disc-
total length of the blade is typically shaped handle.
between 1.5 and 1.8m long.
Steel Blade (see CR I, p. 272)
Great Sword (see CR I, p. 271) A steel sword made with
A long, two-handed sword with a sophisticated technology. It boasts a
thick, straight blade 2m long. 1.2m long hardened steel blade.

A-Rank Swords Flamberge (see CR I, p. 272)

Fast Spike (see CR I, p. 272) It is a long sword with a total
It is a needle-shaped weapon length of about 1.5m. The wavy
about 10 cm long, suitable for blade is reminiscent of fire and adds
aiming at vital points. It can be held to the sword's power.
and thrust or thrown in a straight
line. Dragonslayer (see CR I, p. 272)
It is a giant sword, more than two
Flissa (see CR I, p. 272) meters in length. Its thick and wide
A single-edged sword around blade is said to be capable of
1m long. The blade itself is slightly decapitating even a dragon.
warped but retains sharpness
surprisingly well.

S-Rank Swords SS-Rank Swords
Piercer (see CR II, p. 212) Angel Feather (see p. 207)
A 20cm long dagger designed for A slender, straight sword lighter
piercing can punch through gaps in than a feather and razor-sharp. The
armor and attack critical points. total length of the blade is around
Excellent Rapier (see CR II, p. 212)
The mithril rapier is a hand- Moon Pillar (see p. 207)
forged, precision-forged weapon It is a broad double-edged sword
with excellent balance and with a round protective grip
sharpness. reminiscent of a full moon and a
straight, shining blade. The overall
Mithril Sword (see CR II, p. 212) length is a little over one meter.
A long sword made of mithril,
with a blade just over 1m long. Hyperion (see p. 207)
While light, it is razor-sharp and This is a 1.5m long sword with a
counts as a silvered weapon. shining blade. The blade and handle
are elegantly carved, giving the
Slasher (see CR II, p. 212) sword an air of nobility.
It is a slightly warped single-
edged curved sword with an B-Rank Axes
emphasis on sharpness. It is nearly Sickle (see CR I, p. 273)
1.5m long and challenging to A one-handed sickle for
handle. farming, reinforced and used as a
Claymore (see CR II, p. 212)
A two-handed sword with a large Hand Axe (see CR I, p. 273)
crossguard and hilt. Its massive A one-handed axe, about 60cm
straight blade is easily more than 2m long. While it can be used in melee,
long. it's also weighted to be able to be
easily thrown.
Sentinel (see CR II, p. 212)
A huge two-handed sword with a Bhuj (see CR I, p. 273)
double-edged blade over 2m long, A war axe with a long vertical
the sight alone caused enemies to blade. The side of the handle near
flee in fear. the handle is hollowed out to
accommodate a small knife. A small
knife is fixed with a screw and is not
for fighting.

Battle Axe (see CR I, p. 273) Long Axe (see CR I, p. 273)
A double-bladed axe, these A long-handled axe, just under
range from 80cm to 1m long. 2m in length. It has a spear tip
attached to the haft, suitable for
Great Axe (see CR I, p. 273) piercing thrusts as well.
A 1.5m long axe is designed to
be used in two hands. Halberd (see CR I, p. 273)
Easily more than 2m long, this
Heavy Axe (see CR I, p. 273) weapon has a spear tip attached to
A large, single-bladed axe over the haft behind the axe head,
1.5m long. While sharp, it relies allowing for both slashing and
more on the axe's weight to cut piercing attacks.
through enemies.
Glaive (see CR I, p. 273)
Bulova (see CR I, p. 273) It is a long-handled weapon of
A 1.5m long axe. This axe has about 3m with a warped blade
some stigma around it, as they are attached to the tip of the spear.
often seen in the hands of Because of the blade's shape, it can
executioners. be used for both swinging to slice
and poking to stab.
Minotaur's Axe (see CR I, p. 273)
Over 3m in length, this war axe S-Rank Axes
is much larger and heavier than Hatchet (see CR II, p. 213)
most, so few people can use it A small axe, 30 to 50cm. Able to
effectively. be thrown, it is also a valuable tool
for hikers and adventurers.
A-Rank Axes
Tomahawk (see CR I, p. 273) Mithril Axe (see CR II, p. 213)
This small axe has excellent A 1m long battle axe made of
balance and can be used as a thrown mithril. It is incredibly deadly for its
weapon. size and counts as a silvered weapon.

Tabarzin (see CR I, p. 273) Couse (see CR II, p. 213)

A lightweight one-handed axe. Development of the glaive, it has
Its crescent-shaped head sits at the a larger, more elaborately decorated
end of a 1 m-long handle. blade attached. It is often used for
ceremonial purposes.

Voulge (see CR II, p. 213) Spear (see CR I, p. 274)
A long-handled weapon with a A standard 2m long spear. It can
sharp axe at the end, these powerful be used either one- or two-handed.
weapons can reach up to 3m in
length. Long Spear (see CR I, p. 274)
A spear whose haft is longer than
SS-Rank Axes 2m.
Rimahawk (see p. 208)
This hatchet is a little over 60 cm A-Rank Spears
long, has an elaborately carved Pilum (see CR I, p. 274)
multicolored handle, and has A one-handed spear 2m long is
magical feathers on the axe head. It made entirely out of metal. Its
can be used for throwing attacks, weight allows it to pierce metal
and some use it as a pipe to smoke. armor quite easily.

Agahast (see p. 208) Trident (see CR I, p. 274)

It is a long-handled weapon with an A 2m long spear, its tip is forked
overall length of about 3 meters. into three sharp points. Able to be
The blade of the spearhead is long thrown, it is also often used in
and single-edged, like a very large fishing.
knife. Both the blade and the handle
are very elaborately decorated. Ahlspiess (see CR I, p. 274)
This spear is roughly 1.5m long,
Dynast (see p. 208) though the actual metal tip of the
A 2m long two-handed battle axe spear has been extended to about
with an enormous, beautifully half of that length.
detailed blade.
Pike (see CR I, p. 274)
B-Rank Spears A 3m long or longer spear,
Javelin (see CR I, p. 274) designed to counter cavalry charges
A 1m long spear, explicitly by impaling the mounts.
designed to be thrown.
Normal Lance (see p. 209)
Short Spear (see CR I, p. 274) An assault spear designed to be
A 1 m-long spear can be wielded used from horseback. About 3m
in one hand with little effort. long, it can also be used on foot,
though to lesser effect.

S-Rank Spears B-Rank Maces
Partisan (see CR II, p. 213) Mallet (see CR I, p. 275)
A long spear, usually 2m or so, A small hammer.
with a broad spearhead.
Light Mace (see CR I, p. 275)
Mithril Spear (see CR II, p. 213) A lightweight hammer, its small
2m long, this lightweight spear size (50cm) allows for easy one-
can easily pierce through heavy handed usage.
metal armor.
Heavy Mallet (see CR I, p. 275)
Corsesca (see CR II, p. 213) It is a weapon that looks like a
A spear between 2 and 2.5m larger version of a mallet. Not many
long has two wide blades extending people use it as a tool.
from the tip.
Heavy Mace (see CR I, p. 275)
Heavy Lance (see p. 209) 70cm long, this hammer is larger
A much heavier lance, the and heavier than the Light Mace,
weapon's weight significantly making it easier to crush enemies.
increases its destructive ability.
Maul (see CR I, p. 275)
SS-Rank Spears Little more than a large iron ball
Tri-Lux (see p. 209) on a handle, some mauls can reach
This is a grandly decorated spear up to 2m long and require two
with a dazzling trident tip that shines hands to wield properly.
in a silvery-white color.
Ogre Maul (see CR I, p. 275)
Fatal Lance (see p. 209) A much heavier Maul, this great
A mighty lance, blessed by fate. weapon requires significant strength
When riding, its offensive power is to pick up and use.
A-Rank Maces
Ductus Lancair (see p. 209) Biliong (see CR I, p. 275)
It is a large spear with a metal A strange weapon, a hammer
tube threaded through the handle. It head, extends from the 1m long
is held in the front hand holding the handle at a right angle. Despite the
tube, and by quickly thrusting it odd appearance, it is still a deadly
while rotating it with the back hand, weapon.
it deals with powerful thrusts. The
total length is 3 - 3.6 meters.

Steel Blow (see CR I, p. 275) SS-Rank Maces
A club with quality steel covering Bloody Lily (see p. 210)
the ends of the hammer. Only It is a one-handed mace with a
around 50cm long, it is easy to swing hammer head in the shape of a lily
one-handed. flower and a total length of just over
70 cm. Despite its elegant
Shellbreaker (see CR I, p. 275) appearance, the mace is extremely
This is a mace of good balance powerful and is called by its name
that can be handled with either one because it can quickly reduce an
or two hands. It is said to be able to opponent to a bloody pulp.
smash the shell of a giant tortoise
with a single blow. Skullsludger (see p. 210)
It is a one-meter-long mace with
Ball Mace (see CR I, p. 275) a bizarre hammer head that looks as
Over 2m long, this version of the if it were made up of intricately and
Light Mace is only meant to be used mysteriously intertwined pieces of
two-handed. iron. With frightening accuracy, it
can strike a blow that can turn the
Molder (see p. 210) head into sludge.
A magical mace designed to
resist non-natural life. Zeno (see p. 210)
A 2m long mace with a large
S-Rank Maces head. It is said to be able to track its
Bludgeon (see CR II, p. 213) target while in combat, ensuring it
A crude weapon, around 1m will never miss.
long. What it lacks in appearance, it
more than makes up in sheer power. B-Rank Staves
Mage Staff (see CR I, p. 276)
Mithril Mace (see CR II, p. 213) A straight wooden staff, typically
70cm long, this mace is made of between 1 and 1.5m long. It can be
solid mithril. Trading weight for used as a Magical Implement.
speed, it can deliver lightning-fast
crushing blows. Quarterstaff (see CR I, p. 276)
This solid wood staff is just
Troll Buster (see CR II, p. 213) under 2m long and can be used as a
A massive hammer, over 3m in spellcaster's Magical Implement.
length. It takes incredible strength to
even pick this up, but it can crush
foes in one blow.

B-Rank Flails S-Rank Flails
Light Flail (see CR I, p. 277) Double Eel (see CR II, p. 214)
Suitable for one-handed use, this Two black multi-pronged sticks
50cm long flail is little more than a are attached to the end of the short
single weight chained to a handle. handle. Their trajectory is very
random even to the wielder.
Flail (see CR I, p. 277)
Typically, between 70 and 80cm Jail Impact (see CR II, p. 214)
long, a normal flail had multiple An iron ball sits at the end of a 2
chains attached to a single handle, m-long chain, which swings
each with its own weight. unexpectedly.

Morningstar (see CR I, p. 277) Titan Flail (see CR II, p. 214)

Though this weapon is a spiked A chain longer than 2m is
ball at the end of a chain, the danger attached to a handle, and a massive
comes from its crushing weight iron ball is at the end of the chain. A
rather than the spikes. direct hit with this is devastating.

Heavy Flail (see CR I, p. 277) SS-Rank Flails

Originally a grain threshing tool, Silver Comet (see p. 211)
this weapon is a slightly smaller rod 1.5m long, it is similar in style to
chained to the 1m long handle. the Morningstar. However, this
weapon leaves a silver trail behind
A-Rank Flails when swung, allowing for accurate
Rising Sun (see CR I, p. 277) attacks.
Similar to the Morningstar,
though, this weapon replaces the Quadblaze (see p. 211)
iron spikes with deadly sharp blades. This is a one-handed flail with a
short handle of about 70 cm in
Goedendag (see CR I, p. 277) length and a chain with iron balls.
A stick made of chains The iron balls burn fiercely, blessed
reinforced with spikes is attached to by the spirit of fire. The sight of four
a 2 m-long handle. flaming balls is a sight to behold.

Scorpion Tail (see CR I, p. 277) Tyrant (see p. 211)

It is a 1m long handle with three This is a giant iron ball with five
small, spiked balls chained to it. long spines, which is doubtful that
an ordinary person can even lift, and
is moored on a chain at the end of

the 2m-plus-long handle. Even the Guisarme (see CR I, p. 278)
tips of the thorns are elaborately This weapon has a razor-sharp,
decorated, which are believed to be hooked blade at the end of its 3m
runes that increase its destructive handle.
S-Rank Warhammers
B-Rank Warhammers Chekan (see CR II, p. 215)
Pick (see CR I, p. 278) A 50cm long sickle-like weapon.
A small pickaxe, this 80cm long Difficult to wield correctly, but
weapon can also be used as a mining powerful when used properly.
Bec-De-Faucon (see CR II, p. 215)
Warhammer (see CR I, p. 278) Similar to the Bec-De-Corbin,
A combat hammer with claws on this 2m long weapon has a wide
one side of the head. Just under 1m blade instead of the pick at the end.
long, it can easily be used one-
handed. Heavy Anchor (see CR II, p. 215)
A massive steel weapon in the
Mattock (see CR I, p. 278) shape of an anchor. Little can stand
A large pickaxe, typically up to a swing of this huge weapon.
between 1 and 1.5m long. While not
suited for combat, it is powerful, Heart Tracker (see p. 212)
nonetheless. A one-handed warhammer
painted bright red is over 1 meter
A-Rank Warhammers long and requires skill to handle. It
War Pick (see CR I, p. 278) is enhanced with magic power to
A 1m long pick with a wider target the hearts of living creatures.
blade, designed specifically as a
weapon. SS-Rank Warhammers
Eversio (see p. 212)
Bec-De-Corbin (see CR I, p. 278) This is a small war pick with an
A long-handled weapon, this 2m overall length of less than 90 cm.
long weapon has a spear tip and a The pick portion is shaped in a
pick similar to that of a raven's beak spiral end-wind and offers
at the end. unparalleled penetrating power. Its
true value is demonstrated when
used against an opponent with a
thick steel chain, as it will crush
through it.

Rosenhagen (see p. 212) Iron Boxers (see CR I, p. 280)
1.5m long, this warhammer has These are iron boxing gloves
an ornate design with thorny roses that completely cover a clenched
and flowers. However, it is still a fist. The gloves are molded in the
deadly weapon. shape of a fist and have no moving
Gaiacleaver (see p. 212)
This long-handled warhammer Shin Guard (see CR I, p. 280)
is over 3 meters in length and boasts This is a hardened leather armor
an extraordinary size. The hammer that protects the back of the leg and
head, which has a formidable the other side of the leg. It allows the
weight, is made with a solid and wearer to kick with all his might
sturdy design devoid of decoration. without fear of damaging themself.
It is said to be able to cleave the
earth with a single swing. Shin Plate (see CR I, p. 280)
A Shin Guard with a metal plate
B-Rank Wrestling on the part where the kick hits to
Cestus (see CR I, p. 280) increase striking power and defense.
Metal plates attached to fist
wrappings; may occasionally have A-Rank Wrestling
spiked as well. Hard Knuckle (see CR I, p. 280)
Fist wraps that support larger
Spiked Boots (see CR I, p. 280) metal plates reinforce the knuckles
Durable shin-high boots and backs of the hand for stronger
reinforced with metal plates, the punches.
spikes on the bottom allow for
dangerous kicks. Power Wrist (see CR I, p. 280)
Bracelets are specifically
Iron Knuckles (see CR I, p. 280) designed to stiffen the wrist, allowing
One size larger than the Cestus, for accurate, powerful strikes.
these knuckles are made of hard
iron. Stomper (see CR I, p. 280)
Boots specifically designed for
Solid Heels (see CR I, p. 280) fighting; they have metal-reinforced
Boots fitted with iron, such as soles.
instep and heel.
Chain Stick (see CR I, p. 280)
A weapon consisting of a 30-
centimeter-long wooden stick

connected to a 100-centimeter-long Sharp Arms (see CR II, p. 216)
chain. It is used by gripping one Weapon of the same
stick, swinging the other, and construction as the Tonfa, but with
striking with it. the blade pointing outward when
held in the grip.
Power Anklet (see CR I, p. 280)
Anklets stiffen the ankle and Mithril Shoes (see CR II, p. 216)
foot, allowing for straighter, more Metal shoes made of Mithril.
explosive kicks. They cover the feet from the ankles
Hard Kicker (see CR I, p. 280)
These sturdy combat boots Gilded Sabaton (see CR II, p. 216)
cover the ankle and beyond with Metal boots covering the body
metal. from the shin down. They often
have long toes. They are decorated
Easy Grips (see CR II, p. 215) everywhere with gold-colored
Hand wraps with small spikes or ornaments. Sometimes gold itself is
hooks attached to the fingers, used.
allowing the wielder to easily grab
opponents. SS-Rank Wrestling
Whirl Catcher (see p. 214)
S-Rank Wrestling At first glance, this is an ordinary
Tonfa (see CR II, p. 216) leather glove, but it contains magic
A hooked club with a right- power to slightly distort the space
angled handle, tonfas are often around it by swinging it strongly. By
reinforced with iron rods. Usually using this power, the glove draws the
30 to 50cm long, they can be swung opponent's body into it while
or punched. disrupting their position, facilitating
a throwing attack.
Mithril Fingers (see CR II, p. 216)
A glove made of small pieces of Hands of Glory (see p. 214)
mithril. They do not inhibit the Luxurious gloves that cover up
movement of individual fingers. to one's elbows while allowing a full
range of movement.
Accel Brogue (see CR II, p. 216)
A perfectly designed pair of Legs of Honor (see p. 214)
fighting boots, these knee-high These knee-high leather boots
leather boots may be reinforced with provide both offense and defense,
metal studs.

all while being beautifully and Boomerang (see CR I, p. 281)
skillfully engraved. A thin metal plate, about 50cm
long, with a large bend in the
Grand Ariol (see p. 214) middle. When thrown in a large arc,
This leg armor is designed with it will return without fail.
raptor feathers and hooked claws.
S-Rank Thrown Weapons
B-Rank Thrown Weapons Mithril Dirk (see CR II, p. 216)
Please refer to the description in A Dirk, whose blade is entirely
the category used in melee combat mithril, is only half the size, at 10cm
for weapons that can be used for long, but much more easily
both melee attacks and thrown concealed.
weapons (the same applies to ranks
A and above). Assegai (see CR II, p. 216)
A short spear that resembles an
Stone (see CR I, p. 281) arrow. Typically only 30 to 50cm
A pebble. long, it is unwieldy but quite
dangerous in the right hands.
Silver Stone (see CR I, p. 281)
Small silver gravel. It may be Francisca (see CR II, p. 216)
substituted for gamel silver coins. A large throwing axe, typically
between 50 and 70cm long. For a
A-Rank Thrown Weapons thrown weapon, it can be
Chakram (see CR I, p. 281) compelling.
A steel ring is between 15 and
30cm in diameter. Thrown by SS-Rank Thrown Weapons
holding the inner side, as the outer Tri-Edge (see p. 214)
edge is a razor-sharp blade. A throwing weapon with three
10cm blades protruding from it. It
Dirk (see CR I, p. 281) can be folded for storage and will
A small dagger, only about 20cm always return when thrown.
long, it’s a wide blade explicitly
designed for throwing. B-Rank Bows
Short Bow (see CR I, p. 282)
Soliferrum (see CR I, p. 281) A lightweight bow, its small size
A thin, 1.5m long throwing spear (less than 1m long) means that even
made entirely of metal. Its heavy weak people can use it effectively.
weight and design give it a lot of
power, despite a short range.

Normal Bow (see CR I, p. 282) Composite Bow (see CR II, p. 217)
A standard wooden bow, around Made of layers of wood, animal
1.5m long. tendons, and skins, this 1.2m
longbow is much more powerful
Long Bow (see CR I, p. 282) than it would appear.
2m long, this bow's extra length
allows it to shoot arrows farther and Avenger Bow (see p. 215)
more powerfully than other bows. This bow was designed to be
used in war. Because of its purpose,
Heavy Bow (see CR I, p. 282) it is enhanced with magic so that it is
A strong bow, between 1.5 and highly effective against Humanoid
2m long. Pulling the string back and Barbarous.
requires the whole body to flex, not
just the arms. SS-Rank Bows
Hitmaker (see p. 215)
A-Rank Bows This bow specializes in accuracy,
Light Bow (see CR I, p. 282) and its stability is outstanding. It is
A Normal Bow that has been said that an arrow's trajectory never
stripped of excess weight for a better deviates from its original course.
Le Indalia (see p. 215)
Wrapped Bow (see CR I, p. 282) This 1.2m long bow is elegantly
A synthetic bow made of wood designed with a wind motif. Blessed
and animal tendons. Though it's by wind fairies, its accuracy and
only 1.5m long and smaller than a power are incredible.
Long Bow, it is just as powerful.
Hand Sticker (see p. 215)
Fast Bow (see CR I, p. 282) This is a war bow further
A bow that's easy to use, hunters enhanced Avenger Bow. Because of
favor this 1.5m long bow for its its effectiveness, it has been given the
speed and accuracy. name "Hand Sticker."

S-Rank Bows Eight Mambo (see p. 215)

Sniper (see CR II, p. 217) It is said that eight adult men
1.5m long, this bow has been could barely string the strings of this
expertly constructed and tuned to large bow. It is not only majestic but
accurately hit long-range targets. also beautiful, with exquisitely
carved decorations.

B-Rank Crossbows Thami (see CR I, p. 283)
Light Crossbow (see CR I, p. 283) A portable crossbow designed to
A lightweight crossbow. Only be disassembled for travel. Around
30cm long, it is not difficult to carry 50cm long, it is powerful enough.
or use.
Cranequin (see CR I, p. 283)
Normal Crossbow (see CR I, p. 283) This 1m long crossbow is a work
A standard crossbow is usually of art, with a crank and pulley to
anywhere between 30 and 50cm help load. However, it is also quite
long. Quarrels are fired with the awkward to carry.
press of a trigger.
S-Rank Crossbows
Heavy Crossbow (see CR I, p. 283) Goat's Foot (see CR II, p. 217)
Just over 50cm long, this A crossbow with a lever for
crossbow is more heavy-duty than pulling up the string. It can be pulled
the others, so a good amount of with light force and has excellent
strength is needed to fire. rapid-firing performance. The name
comes from the shape of the lever.
Beast Buster (see p. 216)
It is a powerful crossbow Scorpion (see CR II, p. 217)
specialized for hunting large beasts. It is a medium to large-sized
It is made to be powerful enough to crossbow with large sights, and when
kill a ferocious beast with a single used on the battlefield, it is
blow. sometimes supported by an
extendable mount (gun mount).
A-Rank Crossbows
Bowgun (see CR I, p. 283) Despair (see CR II, p. 217)
20 to 30cm long, this A 1m long crossbow with a good
miniaturized crossbow is able to be range.
used one-handed.
Ballista (see CR II, p. 217)
Arbalest (see CR I, p. 283) The largest man-portable
A 1m long crossbow, used in crossbow, these siege weapons are
numbers during a siege. A stirrup is nearly 2m long.
attached to the front to aid in

SS-Rank Crossbows A-Rank Guns
Zagran (see p. 216) Derringer (see CR I, p. 284)
A crossbow of about 50cm in A one-handed gun designed to
length, with a lever to pull the string. fit into one's pockets. The downside
In spite of its light weight, it is very is the small number of bullets it can
powerful, easily piercing metal hold.
Tempest (see CR I, p. 284)
Sortrel (see p. 216) Though it's a rifle-type gun, it has
Originally designed as a siege a full magazine and is suitable for
weapon to shoot fire arrows, the longer battles without reloading too
Sortrel is nearly one meter in length, often.
but it is portable.
Longbarrel (see CR I, p. 284)
Garde (see p. 216) A single-shot rifle over 1.5m
Over 1m long, this large long boasts high power, accuracy,
crossbow trades ease of use for and range.
overwhelming power. Even loading
it takes a lever mechanism. S-Rank Guns
Bullet Shower (see CR II, p. 218)
B-Rank Guns A 20cm long gun, this small
Matchlock (see CR I, p. 284) package is quite reliable and can
A simple one-handed gun, only hold a decent number of bullets for
about 20cm long, is fired using a lit its size.
Lancaster (see CR II, p. 218)
Toradar (see CR I, p. 284) A high-performance rifle, this
A long-barreled rifle-type gun, its single shotgun is over 1.5m long.
1m long barrel allows for accurate With this gun's power, a single shot
long-distance shots. is all that's needed.

Jezail (see CR I, p. 284) Carnage (see CR II, p. 218)

A 1.5m long rifle-type gun with 2m long, this massive gun trades
better range and power than the accuracy for unmatched power
Toradar. among guns.

SS-Rank Guns Piercing Arrow/Quarrel (see CR I,
Masquerade (see p. 217) p. 285)
It is also known as the ultimate This is an arrow with a thin
handgun, and it has a sufficient arrowhead for greater piercing
number of bullets and a high hit power or a thick arrow. These
rate. It is characterized by the gun arrows penetrate deep into the target
grip being painted in flashy colors. and inflict serious wounds, but they
are not suitable for inflicting
Choreadora (see p. 217) consistent damage.
It is a small rifle. It is relatively
light and easy to handle. Each part is Flash Fang Arrow/Quarrel (see CR
designed with curved lines, and I, p. 285)
combined with its size, it is often An arrow or quarrel made of
described as “charming” by gunners. special materials, with a sharp shaft
and straight arrow feathers. They are
Full Fire (see p. 217) powerful and have a high
80cm long, this short-barreled penetrating power.
gun can keep firing long after other
guns reload. Bullet (see CR I, p. 285)
Gun ammunition. The size of a
Desperado (see p. 217) fingertip, made of a ceramic derived
This massive gun, nearly 2m from crushed Mako Stones,
long, has excellent range and power. occasionally laced with silver. The
To own one is to own a masterpiece hardness and power change
of gunsmithing. depending on the amount of Magic
Power the user can generate.
Ammunition and Storage Shatters upon impact.
Arrow (see CR I, p. 285) Arrow Case (see CR I, p. 285)
Bow ammunition. Typically A cylindrical case that can hold
made of either an iron or silver head up to 12 arrows or quarrels. Comes
attached to a wooden shaft, with with a cover to keep moisture out.
fletchings to guide it mid-flight.
Quiver (see CR I, p. 285)
Quarrel (see CR I, p. 285) A leather box that holds 24
Crossbow ammunition. Shorter arrows or quarrels. Arrows and
than arrows, the straight shaft is quarrels can fall out much easier
entirely metal, usually iron or silver, with no cover, so only skilled
with no fletchings. archers use these.

Gun Belt (see CR I, p. 285) Combat Maid/Butler Outfit (see p.
A belt that holds up to 12 bullets, 218)
protecting them from shattering and This is a maid's or butler’s suit
making reloading during combat made for easy movement so that it
much easier. can protect the wielder in case of
Bullet Slinger (see CR I, p. 285)
This is a band-shaped storage A-Rank Nonmetallic Armor
device lined with fixtures to hold Aramid Coat (see CR I, p. 287)
bullets. It is worn around the thigh Made of a unique fiber used
or other parts of the body for quick during the Magitech Civilization
access to bullets. Period, this light yet tough coat can
even deflect blades.
Bullet Pouch (see CR I, p. 285)
A pouch that can hold 24 bullets. Breast Armor (see CR I, p. 287)
Some skill is required to wear, so Soft leather armor provides
bullets don't accidentally get crushed defense and covers vital points in the
when moving. chest area.

B-Rank Nonmetallic Armor Bone Vest (see CR I, p. 287)

Cloth Armor (see CR I, p. 287) Soft armor reinforces with
Armor made of thick, padded animal bone and horn. When used
cloth. correctly, it can even be harder than
metal armor.
Point Guard (see CR I, p. 287)
Waxed leather armor is worn S-Rank Nonmetallic Armor
only in key areas, such as the chest, Fine Leather (see CR II, p. 219)
shoulders, arms, and shins. Used to This leather armor is carefully
parry attacks. sewn using the finest leather.

Soft Leather (see CR I, p. 2874) Lynx Vest (see CR II, p. 219)

Armor made of tanned leather. Armor made from high-quality
Because it's not hardened, it does animal fur. While not the greatest
not impede movement. defensively, it still allows for much
Hard Leather (see CR I, p. 287)
Leather armor boiled in wax to Tiger Band (see CR II, p. 219)
harden it. While it retains its shape, It is created by lining up strips of
it is still reasonably lightweight. leather sheets that have been boiled

and hardened. The layered pattern metal reinforcing plates used do
of the strips reminds one of the hinder mobility, though.
patterns of a tiger, hence the name.
Plate Armor (see CR I, p. 288)
Dragon Scale (see CR II, p. 219) Armor made from sheets of
Scales of leather, boiled in wax metal worked into shape. It does
and layered to look like dragon restrict movement some but does
scales. Because of its non-metallic offer excellent protection.
nature, it makes little noise.
Suit Armor (see CR I, p. 288)
SS-Rank Nonmetallic Armor Finely made armor, with a
Astral Guard (see p. 218) minimum of gaps. Despite its high
Cloth armor embroidered with Defense, movement is at a
threads of mana prevents physical minimum.
and magical damage to the wearer.
A-Rank Metal Armor
Alabaster Shell (see p. 218) Steel Guard (see CR I, p. 288)
This armor is made of hard A type of Splint Armor made
shells laminated together and shines with solid steel plates, the Steel
like white porcelain. It is extremely Guard improves Defense without
beautiful to look at, and its luster will sacrificing mobility.
not fade even after years of use.
Lamellar Armor (see CR I, p. 288)
Phoenix Cloak (see p. 218) It is an armor made of metal
Cloth armor with a flame motif. plates joined together.
Only physically and mentally fit can
take advantage of this armor. Brigandine (see CR I, p. 288)
Similar to Splint Armor,
B-Rank Metal Armor Brigandine also has chains sewn into
Splint Armor (see CR I, p. 288) the armor. However, movement is
Armor is made by sewing plates also restricted a little more.
onto the cloth. Knights often wear
this during peacetime because of its Coat of Plates (see CR I, p. 288)
protection and elaborate designs. It is armor with several metal
plates attached to the back of leather
Chainmail (see CR I, p. 288) armor.
Delicate chains of metal are
woven into a full suit of armor. The

Fortress (see CR I, p. 288) these suits of armor incredibly
This armor attempts to improve valuable.
the mobility of Suit Armor by using
thicker torso armor instead of B-Rank Shields
restricting the limbs. Weight is still Buckler (see CR I, p. 289)
an issue, though. A small shield with a diameter
typically between 20 and 30cm.
S-Rank Metal Armor These shields are usually used to
Mithril Chain (see CR II, p. 219) parry enemy attacks.
Made with woven chains of
mithril, this armor is much lighter Round Shield (see CR I, p. 289)
than normal Chainmail while A circular shield with a diameter
offering better protection. of 60 to 80cm long. While made of
wood, the edges and center are
Full-Metal Armor (see CR II, p. reinforced with metal.
An improvement on the Fortress Kite Shield (see CR I, p. 289)
using high-quality steel. The joint A large wooden shield, curved at
structure is much more refined, the top but extending to a point at
allowing better movement. the bottom. Key areas are
reinforced with metal.
Mithril Plate (see CR II, p. 219)
Armor made of massive plates of Tower Shield (see CR I, p. 289)
mithril. To the average knight, this A massive rectangular shield that
armor is second to none. hides one's whole body. Made of
metal-reinforced wood, it takes
SS-Rank Metal Armor some strength to use correctly.
Manatite Frame (see p. 219)
This metal armor is reinforced A-Rank Shields
with the hardest metal to enhance Target Shield (see CR I, p. 289)
the range of motion. It has a rugged This round shield is light and
design but combines ease of easy to handle. It can be utilized for
movement with robustness. both receiving and deflecting
Imperial (see p. 219)
A strong armor made of an alloy Heater Shield (see CR I, p. 289)
of manatite and steel. Current Like a Kite Shield, the top is flat
technology cannot create more of instead of curved. Family crests are
this alloy, only reshape it, making often painted on these shields.

Great Wall (see CR I, p. 289) surface is usually decorated with
A large metal shield provides various designs.
incredible protection as one can
hide behind it. Blade Killer (see CR II, p. 220)
A large oval shield with blades
Turtle Shell (see CR I, p. 289) on the top and bottom to attack with.
This small shield is made of a Terrifyingly heavy, it is also
high-quality tortoise shell. Experts incredibly sturdy.
use its curved surface to slide and
evade blows from opponents. Grand Partner (see CR II, p. 220)
It is a square shield large enough
Great Barrier (see CR I, p. 289) to cover the wearer's entire body. It
This is a huge shield that must be is not too thick or heavy for its size,
handled with both hands. It is made and an expert can hold it up wide to
of thick layers of boards and protect his mount.
requires much more strength than
an ordinary person to handle it. Turtle Shell (see CR II, p. 220)
While hiding behind this shield, it is This small shield is made of
possible to attack by slamming high-quality tortoise shell. Experts
against it the enemy. use its curved surface to slide and
evade blows from opponents.
Knight Shield (see CR I, p. 289)
A large heater shield covers SS-Rank Shields
down to one's feet. Made of wood Half Moon (see p. 220)
and reinforced with metal, it is It is a hemispherical shield that
extremely sturdy. Because of the looks like the moon divided in half.
size, riders often have one to protect Its primary purpose is to deflect
their mounts. enemy weapons. Although it is
difficult to handle, it provides very
S-Rank Shields good defense.
Mithril Shield (see CR II, p. 220)
A large shield made entirely of Glorious (see p. 220)
mithril can come in several sizes and A Heater Shield made of
shapes. manatite. Its beautiful design
inspires overwhelming awe in all
Hoplite Shield (see CR II, p. 220 who see it.
It is a large circular shield more
than one meter in diameter. The

Paladin's Pride (see p. 220) Eternal Lord (see p. 220)
A large Heater Shield used by The shield is designed as a door
the noblest knights to protect to the empire that is said to never be
themselves and their mount opened. It is actually as large as a
partners. The emblem on the front small door and requires
of the shield shines with a bright, considerable practice to handle
magical glow as if to show its prestige satisfactorily.
and pride.

Power Tables
Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
0 * 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
1 * 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4
2 * 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 4 4 4
3 * 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5
4 * 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5
5 * 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5
6 * 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5
7 * 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6
8 * 0 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6
9 * 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7
10 * 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
11 * 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7
12 * 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7
13 * 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7
14 * 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8
15 * 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8
16 * 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8
17 * 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8
18 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8
19 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9
20 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
21 * 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10
22 * 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10
23 * 2 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 10
24 * 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10
25 * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10
26 * 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 9 9 10
27 * 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10
28 * 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10
29 * 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 9 10 10
30 * 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
31 * 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11
32 * 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 10 10 11
33 * 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11
34 * 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 11
35 * 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12
36 * 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 11 12
37 * 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12
38 * 3 5 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13
39 * 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 11 12 13
40 * 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
41 * 4 6 6 7 9 10 11 12 12 13
42 * 4 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 13
43 * 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
44 * 4 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 14
45 * 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14
46 * 4 6 7 9 10 10 12 13 13 14
47 * 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 15
48 * 4 6 7 9 10 12 12 13 13 15
49 * 4 6 7 10 10 12 12 13 14 15
50 * 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
51 * 5 7 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15
52 * 5 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 15 15
53 * 5 7 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 15
54 * 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
55 * 5 7 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 16
56 * 5 8 10 10 11 12 13 15 16 16
57 * 5 8 10 11 11 12 13 15 16 17
58 * 5 8 10 11 12 12 13 15 16 17
59 * 5 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 17
60 * 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
61 * 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18
62 * 5 9 10 11 13 13 14 16 17 18
63 * 5 9 10 11 13 13 15 17 17 18
64 * 5 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 17 18
65 * 5 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 18
66 * 5 9 10 12 13 15 15 17 18 19
67 * 5 9 10 12 13 15 16 17 19 19
68 * 5 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 19 19
69 * 5 9 10 12 14 16 16 17 19 19
70 * 5 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 19

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
71 * 5 9 10 13 14 16 17 18 19 20
72 * 5 9 10 13 15 16 17 18 19 20
73 * 5 9 10 13 15 16 17 19 20 21
74 * 6 9 10 13 15 16 18 19 20 21
75 * 6 9 10 13 16 16 18 19 20 21
76 * 6 9 10 13 16 17 18 19 20 21
77 * 6 9 10 13 16 17 18 20 21 22
78 * 6 9 10 13 16 17 19 20 22 23
79 * 6 9 10 13 16 18 19 20 22 23
80 * 6 9 10 13 16 18 20 21 22 23

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
81 * 6 9 10 13 17 18 20 21 22 23
82 * 6 9 10 14 17 18 20 21 22 24
83 * 6 9 11 14 17 18 20 21 23 24
84 * 6 9 11 14 17 19 20 21 23 24
85 * 6 9 11 14 17 19 21 22 23 24
86 * 7 10 11 14 17 19 21 22 23 25
87 * 7 10 12 14 17 19 21 22 24 25
88 * 7 10 12 14 18 19 21 22 24 25
89 * 7 10 12 15 18 19 21 22 24 26
90 * 7 10 12 15 18 19 21 23 25 26

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
91 * 7 11 13 15 18 19 21 23 25 26
92 * 7 11 13 15 18 20 21 23 25 27
93 * 8 11 13 15 18 20 22 23 25 27
94 * 8 11 13 16 18 20 22 23 25 28
95 * 8 11 14 16 18 20 22 23 26 28
96 * 8 11 14 16 19 20 22 24 26 28
97 * 8 12 14 16 19 20 22 24 26 28
98 * 8 12 15 16 19 20 22 24 27 28
99 * 8 12 15 17 19 20 22 24 27 29
100 * 8 12 15 18 19 20 22 24 27 30

Designer's Notebook
Jun Kawabata Bethe Yuli Kurosaki
The Core Rulebook III is finally HAHAHAHAHA!
published! Thanks to all of you! Hallelujah! The Core Rulebook III
All fundamental races and classes has also been published, so we finally
are now available, including the Tiens have all the 2.5 rulebooks in one place!
race, which is unique to the Alfleim I'm just so happy!
continent, and the Alchemist and Rider In Core Rulebook III, Tiens, a new
classes, which have been familiar to users race, one of my favorites in terms of
since 2.0. 15 levels have been released, setting, and Leprechauns, a favorite since
so you can now have an intense the 2.0 era, whose men have beards (but
campaign. I think that creating and not pictured here), are included.
developing your character is a Furthermore, the classes of Rider and
particularly fun game in Sword World. Alchemist are back! Personally, the
We hope you will enjoy it. biggest highlight is that you can ride a
And for those who have already dinosaur-like creature!
tasted our products up to this point and TRPGs are truly wonderful because
are still energetic, Sword World 2.5 will they can recreate dreams that cannot be
be released in a series of products to done in reality. I hope you will enjoy
satisfy those who want more. Please look DinoRider.
forward to it! Of course, this book is full of other
fascinating data, and we hope it will help
you fulfill your fantasy dreams!

Group SNE official website (see here for errata, etc.)
Fujimi Shobo Official TRPG ONLINE (see here for additional materials)

Staff List
Game Design Item Illustrations
Kei Kitazawa Usui Rina
Systems Design
Tanaka Kouji Spells Illustrations
Usui Rina
World Design Konno Takashi
Kei Kitazawa
Akita Miyabi NPC Illustration
Sanae Fujisawa Tai Nakajima
Tadaaki Kawahito Mikako Mikagi
Bethe Yuli Kurosaki
Jun Kawabata Monster Illustrations
Shiroichi Ohno
Supervision Yukihiro Maruo
Hitoshi Yasuda
Ryo Mizuno Map Illustrations
Miyuki Kiyomatsu Yuya Kobayashi

Development Illustrations
Group SNE Takahiro Sato

Cover Illustration Design

Kususaga Rin Takahiro Sato
Anji Majima
Cover Design
Sample Character Illustrations Masataka Hamasaki (NARTI;S)
Susumu Kuroi
Frontispiece Illustrations Tomonori Kumagai
Kususaga Rin
Anji Majima Production
Susumu Kuroi Satomi Misaki
Yukihiro Maruo Yuko Nagase
Usui Rina

Translation Team
Translation & Editing Sword World 2.0 Translation
Auquid Aniodia
Translation of Part 4 Auquid

Original Release Date: 2019/01

Translation Release Date: 2022/12

This is a free, unofficial, fan-based translation.

Please support original creators by buying Sword World
books and supplements.

Adventurers go beyond heroes and into the realm of the gods!
All kinds of higher-level data corresponding to the highest 15 levels are
included in one package. Rider and Alchemist classes have been added to
take adventurers to a new level. New races Tiens & Leprechaun are also
here. More detailed information on the eastern and northern parts of the
Alfleim Continentf, including the "Wall of the Abyss," will be revealed, and
the threats from the Magic Civilization Period await you. Set out on a never-
ending journey, adventurers!
※The Sword World 2.5 Core Rulebook I and II are required to use
this book.


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