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The poor diet is the bad alimentation in general, if you consume junk food
frequently,don´t eat at your own time or just don´t eat this is a bad diet and adding
the lack of exercise can cause great physical and psychological problems. Keep in
mind that bad diet is not only eating junk but also that a bad diet entails a series of
habits that harm healt

The health of students is everyrhing that entails that some damage to the body or
mind or that can improve our mental and physical condition, therefore healt is a
balance between well-being and discomfort and depends on everything we do but
mainly on habits such as sleeping, having hygiene, playing sports or eating well.

-General objective

Evaluate the diet of my clasmates and find the effects that it produces

-Dependent objectives

-Create questions for my classmates about the diet they have

-Analyze the diet that my classmates have

-Understand what effects poor diet can be have on them

The objective of our research aims to know the diet of first semester students
section B to know who was healthy diet and who was has a bad diet, we also want
to give them some feeding tips to that their life is a little healthier and thus avoid
diseases such as: Diabetes, stomach ploblems and some others.

Theorical framework

Obesity, which began to be posed as a public health problem at the end of the 20th
century, is a acquiring epidemic dimensions today. This pathology is the result in
most cases of poor nutrition, becoming a great dietary, psychological and social
problem very common in civilized countries, which acquires the most serious
consequences of adolescent obesity in adulthood. Eating behavior must be
conceived from an integral perspective, the product of the interaction of the
characteristics of the subject (biological, psychological, cultural), the food to which
he has access and the environment that surrounds him (especially the social
influence of his age group and advertising). Given this, it is clear that the treatment
of these patients must be individual and comprehensive. To achieve a good
prognosis, not only should a weight loss be pursued through dietary restriction and
increased physical activity, but also a behavioral change in general habits for which
adequate psychological follow-up is necessary.

A.Marcos and S.Gomez (2016)

16% of girls between 12 and 17 years old perform the recommended amount of
physical activity for their age, that is, 60 minutes of exercise a day, at least five
days a week. Martín, M. A., Zurita, F., Delgado, O., Fernández, M., & Antequera, J.
J. (2008). S

A it may be due, among other things, to the fact that families with high economic
resources can afford technological leisure possibilities that favor the sedentary
lifestyle of children; as well as there must not always be a direct relationship
between the high socioeconomic level and the academic training of parents, that is,
you can have a high economic level and parents cannot necessarily have a higher
academic level.

Martínez-Gómez, D., Joey C. E., Gómez-Martínez, S., Veses, A., Marcos, A., &
Veiga, O. (2010). It is estimated that, worldwide, 43 million children under the age
of five were overweight or obese. Of these, 35 million lived in developing countries.
The same authors indicate that the number of overweight and obese children will
increase to 60 million in 2020. Onis, Blössner y Borghi (2010)

Mexico ranks second in morbid obesity worldwide as a result of poor nutrition, so it

is necess to promote a lifestyle change, including healthy nutrition and physical
activities, reported the Mexican Social Security Institute. Galán Muñoz F, Martínez
Valverde A. (2010) Sleep enough, exercising, healthy eating, friendship and peace
of mind are needs, not luxuries.” - Mark Halperin (2020)

Doctors won’t make you healthy. Nutritionists won’t make you thin. Teachers won’t
make you smart. The gurus won’t calm you down. Mentors won’t make you rich.
The coaches won’t make you rich. You fit in. Ultimately, you have to take
responsibility. Save yourself. - Naval Ravikant (2019)

has benefited me more physically, mentally and most importantly spiritually, than
adapting a vegan diet. The best decision I have made as a human for myself and
the planet.” - Tim Shieff, professional Freerunner (2018) Any food that needs to be
improved through the use of chemicals should in no way be considered a food." -
John H. Tobe (2017) Those who thinks they don't have time for healthy eating will
sooner or later find time for illness” Edward Stanley (2017)The only way to stay
healthy is to eat what you don't want drink what you don't like, and do what you'd
rather not do Mark Twain (2009) Let food be your medicine and medicine be your
food Hipócrates (2017)Eating disgusting food is not a reward, it's a punishment
Drew Carey (2019)Today, more than 95% of allá chronic diseases are due to food
choices, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiences, and lack of physical
excercise Mike Adams (2019)He who takes medication and refuses to diet loss the
expertise of his doctors Chinese Proverb (2015)Some people are willing to pay the
price and it is the same as staying healthy or eating healthy. There is some
discipline involved. There are some sacrifices." - Mike Ditka (2018)By cleaning
your body regularly and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your
environment, your body can begin to heal, prevent diseases and become stronger
and more resistant than you would have ever dreamed of!" - Dr. Edward (2017)In
my food world, there is no fear or guilt, just joy and balance. Therefore, no
ingredient is out of bounds. Rather, all the recipes here follow my philosophy
Usually-Sometimes-Rare time.not ever." - Ellie Krieger (2021)Eating healthy is the
best option for your diet. It is vital for good health and can reduce the risk of
numerous chronic diseases. It also helps to maintain a healthy weight and gives
you more energy to enjoy life. -Louis Presley (2017)Your thoughts make a big
difference, so try to maintain a mentality that inspires a healthier diet. If you are
trying to change your eating habits but make a mistake and eat without thinking,
get up and keep trying. Remember that the change is made overnight. The most
important thing is to go in the right direction.- Ulloa Carrie (2018)Approximately
eighty percent of the food on supermarket shelves today did not exist 100 years
ago." - Larry McCleary (2014)Our bodies are our gardens; our will are our
gardeners." - William Shakespeare (1710)

It is important to take into account the diet in students because this has a direct
influence on our health and can have great repercussions on our lives in the long
or short term, many people have the idea that when practicing a sport or not eating
junk already has a good diet but the reality is that there are many factors to take
into account to have a good diet and thus have a balance in our health Any lack of
the above behaviors can have physical or mental repercussions depending on
each person, because of this our research is based on giving our colleagues an
idea of how to improve their health effectively.

Taking this into account, each person must reason about how they eat and how
often they do it. The economic situation in which it finds itself also has a lot of
influence on food, this is the basis of the possibilities that each person has to be
able to buy their food. Not only in the news, we have also personally noticed that if
there are effects on our peers due to how they eat, these effects range from
hunger to middle class to serious problems such as obesity or hypertension at a
young age.


Food is a key factor in health, because what you eat is directly related to the
nutrients that the body absorbs from the food it consumes, that is why if you have a
poor diet, it makes you more prone to diseases. Derived from this (diet), this also
affects adolescents from 13 to 19 years old, because at this age is when people
fully develop and choose what type of person to be, also at this age is when more
psychological problems adolescents present, and due to these many times
adolescents decide to compulsively eat or directly stop eating, this type of eating
disorders can be present at any age, but at these ages they occur more, that is
why high school students usually suffer from these, since to all the changes that
occur at these ages, the possible social pressure that they can suffer is added
since in these times is when most They seek both social and personal acceptance
and that is why adolescents often suffer large amounts of stress, and this makes
them suffer from some disorder again, that is why at these ages it is very important
to pay attention to attitudes, to the form and regularity with which adolescents eat,
since these are the first signs that prove that they suffer from some disorder related
to food, in addition to this add that at these ages is when school can cause more
stress since at these ages it is the. transition from middle school to high school,
even to a small part of the university, that is why they also suffer large amounts of
stress derived from this, leaving aside the disorders, adolescents can suffer a lot if
These do not have a good diet, since added to this at those ages the diseases
caused by poor nutrition can become very harmful if we do not know are treated

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