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Empowerment Technologies & Media and Information Literacy


Directions: Read each item carefully and blacken the letter

of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
1. This type of literacy identifies what the information is for,
where to find it, and how to evaluate it.

A. Media Literacy
B. Information Literacy
C. Technology Literacy
D. Digital Literacy
2. The medium of communication that requires face to face
interaction using one’s voice as the tool to deliver the

A. Digital/Interactive Communication
B. Conversation
C. Public Speaking
D. Digital Art
3. The following are possible sources of information, EXCEPT:

A. Newspaper
B. Television
C. Printer
D. Smartphones
4. Which of the following is an example of technology used
as a medium of communication?

A. Newspaper
B. Television (Possible Correct Answer)
C. Laptop Computers
D. Smartphones (Correct Answer)
5. An information literate person should first understand the
situation or problem to figure out what specific type of
information he or she needed.

A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Neither True or False
6. It is defined as the imparting and exchanging of
information or news.

A. Communication
B. Public Speaking
C. Media
D. Information Sources
7. Physical things such as tarpaulin billboards, posters, in-
package information contained in product packaging are
example of what medium of communication?

A. Visual Art
B. Physical Medium
C. Digital/Interactive
D. Documents/Letters
8. This is considered the oldest form of Media.

A. Print
B. Visual Art
C. Physical Medium
D. Digital/Interactive
9. It is the ability of an individual, either working
independently or with others, to responsibly,
appropriately, and effectively use technological tools.

A. Media Literacy
B. Information Literacy
C. Technology Literacy
D. Digital Literacy
For items 10-13. Given below are situations that depict a
specific literacy that an individual exhibits. Identify if it is
Media Literacy, Information Literacy, Technology (Digital)
Literacy, or Media and Information Literacy.
10. In order to add related literature to his Practical
Research project, Donnie accesses Google Scholar, and reads
through various journals and studies that may help him in his
A. Information Literacy
B. Media Literacy
C. Media and Information Literacy
D. Technology (Digital) Literacy
11. The Grade 12-Patience class of Ms Apolonio have
registered themselves to an online portal called
Edmodo, in order to connect themselves periodically, share
assignments and even collaboratively work on a project,
without meeting face to face.

A. Information Literacy
B. Media Literacy
C. Media and Information Literacy
D. Technology (Digital) Literacy
12. Sybil constantly purchases load credits for her mobile
phone in order to send emails and messages to her teacher in
Media and Information Literacy.

A. Information Literacy
B. Media Literacy (Possible Correct Answer)
C. Media and Information Literacy
D. Technology (Digital) Literacy
13. As part of the various social media activities of David, a
Grade 12 HUMSS student, he periodically shares news nits
from credible online sources, then tags his friends who may
be interested with the information.

A. Information Literacy
B. Media Literacy
C. Media and Information Literacy
D. Technology (Digital) Literacy
14. What do you call the process when a message is
transformed into an understandable sign and symbol system?

A. encoding
B. noise
C. decoding
D. interpretation
15. Someone is behaving inappropriately on one of the sites
you’re using. What should you do?

A. tell the person off

B. shut down your PC
C. just ignore whatever it is
D. report to the moderator of the site
16. What is censorship?

A. When cyber bullying occurs

B. When false and deceiving information is used to trick
C. When someone tries to influence the opinions or behaviors
of others.
D. When information is suppressed or deleted to hinder
freedom of speech.
17. An act or instance of using or closely imitating the
language and thoughts of an author.

A. copyrighting
B. plagiarism
C. net addiction
D. cyber bullying
18. Is it possible that different individual derives a different
meaning from the message?

A. Yes, because he or she is coming from a different

point of view and/or background.
B. Yes, because sometimes information is unclear.
C. Yes, because most of the time people don’t want to
D. Yes, because strategies in understanding were not
19. It is a form of electronic communication through which
people create online communities.

A. Mass media
B. New Media
C. Transmedia
D. social media
20. This type of social media website focuses on short
updates posted by the

A. blogging
B. microblogging
C. social media
D. hash tagging
21. Sends an official-looking email and is designed to steal
sensitive personal information.

A. keylogger
B. spyware
C. phishing
D. Trojan
22. A program designed to create spreadsheets which can
later be used to analyze statistical data

A. MS Word©
B. MS Excel©
C. MS Onenote©
D.MS Publisher©
23. A function in MS Excel© that adds a range of cells


24. These are visual elements creating a sense of unity where
they relate well with each other

A. style
B. proportion
C. variety
D. emphasis
25.Which of the following describes the basic methods on
determining the credibility of motion media?

A. Validity of information (Possible Correct Answer)

B. Presents information learned about an event
C. Lighting coverage matches
D. A and C only
26. You reported a topic in science which included research
finding of another teacher coming from the same school. Is
this under fair use scheme?

A. Yes, because this is for academic purposes

B. No, because permission must be sought first
C. Yes, because the teacher is from same school
D. No, because the reporter did not cite the source
27. Is it OK to login in social media without using your real

A. Yes, because no one would know it is me

B. No, because that will become a poser-account
C. Yes, as long as I do not have other account and not using
other people details
D. No, as long as I am not using my real name this is
28. You saw from a series of posts that a schoolmate is being
targeted of what seems to be cyberbullying posts made by a
classmate. As a Media and Information Literate individual,
what should you do?

A. Call the attention of your classmate to remove derogatory

post at once
B. Click the “Like” button on the post of your classmate
berating your schoolmate
C. Click the “Dislike” button on the post of your classmate
berating your schoolmate
D. Tell your schoolmate to retaliate by hacking into the
account of your classmate
29. Fair use allows use of a work without permission from the
owner for ______.

A. Non-monetary gain
B. Personal, education or similar purpose
C. Use with proper citation
D. All of the above
30. The government already developed related laws defining
copyright infringement and other related activities as crimes
yet these crimes still subsist. What do you think is the

A. The law did not define substantial illegal activities

B. There is a deeper social related problem underlying the
copyright infringement issues
C. The law did not provide punishments
D. The law must provide corporal punishments such as death
31. Philippines was considered the Texting Capital of the
World and now is considered the Social Media Capital of the
World. What does this mean to Filipino people?

A. Doing business through social media is a viable choice

B. There will be no more “long distance relationships”
C. There are more people using social media than the
population of the country
D. Cybercrimes become apparent
32. In Philippine History, which of these events are testament
to the power of media and technology?

A. Text Brigade that resulted to EDSA 2

B. La Liga Filipina
C. YouTube song covers by indie artists
D. ZTE Broadband Deal
33. How does Citizen Journalism affect the society?

A. It provides venue for ordinary citizen to become

B. It provides participatory environment
C. People’s opinions can either be presented or censored
D. Creating your Podcast or audio recording and converting
to MP3
34. Which of these shows convergence of devices indicating
“Internet of Things”?

A. Smart Phones connected to a Bluetooth speaker

B. Fax Machine
C. Drone enabled CCTV
D. Advanced Anti-Burglar Systems with multichannel alert
and response systems
35. Why do you think human has not been completely cloned
as of date?

A. Statement is wrong because technology may exist already

because of the large portfolio of technological development
currently existing
B. Technology advancements have not reached to human
segments yet
C. It is unethical and ungodly to create such technology
D. Human is very intricate and complicated creature ever
36. Which of these may be possible in the very near future?

A. Time travel
B. Human Teleportation
C. Responsive Holographic Interfaces
D. Contactless Mind Reading
37. Which of these is equivalent to the statement: “All media
messages are constructed”?

A. Every information is created by human through processing

raw data
B. We can understand every media message regardless of
who sent it
C. Everything is subject to academic discussion
D. Construction of messages is done by a few selected people
38. Your friend who is in a hurry left his credit card and ask
you to purchase something at Shopee. You saw that the item
has a Cash-on-Delivery (COD) scheme. What should you do?

A. Proceed with the order and payment as he requested

through the card he gave to you
B. Proceed with the order but use COD because you cannot
use his credit card details despite his explicit consent
C. Do not proceed with the order and wait until he comes
D. Do not proceed with the order but take note of his credit
card details
39. You as a source of information is what kind of media?

A. Traditional Media
B. Indigenous Media
C. New Media
D. a and b
40. Media convergence is the co-existence of traditional and
new media allowing flow of information. Which of the
following is an example of a media convergence of 2 media
producing a new media?

A. Picture + mimeograph = YouTube

B. Book + Novel = RSS
C. Radio + Internet = PodCast
D. Maps + Wiki = Wattpad
41. In motion media, which of the following is not part of the
formal production of animations.

A. animators sketch major scenes; inbetweeners fill in the

B. background music and background details are added
C. drawings are rendered
D. actors are filmed on on-site location
42. In creating a podcast, which of the following is not part
of the general procedure in creating it.

A. Filming or recording the video

B. Planning or choosing a topic
C. Pre-recording or choosing your equipment and software
for recording
D. Creating your Podcast or audio recording and converting to
43. Segue is a type of transitions which is also one of the
principles of audio or sound. Which of the following is the
characteristic of Segue?

A. one element stops, the next begins.

B. one element fades out, the next fades in, and they
overlap on the way.
C. First element fades to inaudible before the second
element begins.
D. V-Fade with some silence between elements.
44. One of the principles of sound design where it refers to
the aspect of sound recording and reproduction concerning
the perceived spatial locations of the sound source(s), both
literally (e.g. separation of left and right sound elements)
and in depth (e.g. bass sound supplement).

A. Mixing
B. Stereo Imaging
C. Transition
D. Pace
45. In Manipulatives/Interactive media, which of the
following is not a characteristic of online shopping.

A. get product recommendations

B. track delivery
C. play with others
D. compare features of similar items
46. A platform of interactive media which players assume the
roles of characters in a fictional setting.

A. Role-playing games (RPG)

B. Video games (multi-player)
C. Virtual reality and immersive environments
D. Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG)
47. A computer-generated simulation of a three dimensional
image or environment that can be interacted with in a
seemingly real or physical way by a person using special
electronic equipment.

A. Role-playing games (RPG)

B. Video games (multi-player)
C. Virtual reality and immersive environments
D. Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG)
48. An image or portion of an image that changes in
appearance when the mouse cursor moves over it.

A. Slideshow
B. Flip cards
C. Hotspot
D. Rollover

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