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Tunneling Effect

Classical Physics

Quantum Physics

The quantum particle exhibits wave-like nature, it can reflect and

transmit (tunnel) through the potential barrier
Boundary Conditions

V 0 for x <0
V  Vo for 0 xL
V=0 V=Vo V=0 V 0 for x >L

0 L

The energy of the particle

E  Vo
 2
E ( x)  (  V ) ( x)
2m x 2

Region I (x <0 ) Region II (0 ≤ x ≤ L) Region III (x >L )

Potential V=0 Potential V=Vo Potential V=0

 2 2  2 2  2 2
 2  k1  ( x)  0  2  k2  ( x)  0  2  k3  ( x)  0
 x   x   x 

2mE 2m(Vo  E ) 2mE

k 
2 k 
2 k 
2 2 3 2
16 E (Vo  E ) 2 k2 L
T 2

ECE 663
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Developed on the principle of quantum mechanical tunneling

1 metal tip
2 Piezoelectric scanner Tip and sample must be electrically
3 current amplifier conductive (metals)
4 Bipotentiostat
5 feedback loop
6 detector
Nobel Prize in Physics (1986)

Gerd Binnig H. Rohrer

Advanced STM

Ultra high vacuum and low temperature STM set-up

STM working Principle
STM works on the principle of quantum mechanical tunneling

A is constant
Tunneling current e is electron charge
V is voltage
2 m
2 d m is mass of electron
I  A  eV  e
Φ is work function of metal tip
d is distance between tip and sample
STM working procedure
Constant height mode
Constant current mode

 Image the surface with  Image the surface with

constant tunnel current constant height and
and variable height variable tunnel current
 Feed back loop help to
maintain constant current  Electron density on
the surface can detect
 Surface (height) structure
can detect
Optical Microscopy

Resolution : few microns

Resolution : 0.1 nm
It is resolve individual atoms in a materials

STM images of gold and Si crystal

Surface of different structures
STM Applications

Widely used in nanotechnology

 Image the surface structure

 Estimate surface roughness
 3D images of the surface
 Locate the defect on the surface of crystal
 Understand electric structure of materials

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