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SOC 2 Checklist

Preparing for Your SOC 2 Audit

A SOC 2 report is an attestation that the system or service you provide to

your clients is secure, trustworthy, and prepared to handle risks. A SOC 2
report validates your organization’s commitment to delivering high
quality, secure services to your clients.

A SOC 2 audit provides this assurance by evaluating the controls that

directly relate to the AICPA’s Trust Services Criteria. This means that a
SOC 2 audit report focuses on a service organization’s internal controls as
they relate to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality,
and privacy of a system.

It is important to note that compliance is not achieved by completing a

checklist; however, this checklist will prepare your organization to meet
the requirements of the SOC 2 framework. A SOC 2 has predefined criteria
(the Trust Services Criteria) that must be met, but how your organization
meets those requirements is up to you. An audit with KirkpatrickPrice will
ensure that the controls you have implemented meet the requirements of
a SOC 2 audit and provide your organization with confidence in the
effectiveness of those controls.
Frequently Asked Questions
What system components are evaluated during a SOC 2 audit?
Infrastructure - physical, IT, or other hardware such as
mobile devices
Software - application programs and IT system software that
supports application programs, such as OS and utilities
People - all personnel involved in the use of the system
Processes - all automated and manual procedures
Data - transmission streams, files, databases, tables, and output
used or processed by a system

What are your auditors looking for?

A fairly presented description of a service organization’s system relevant
to one or more of the Trust Services Criteria
Design and operating effectiveness of a service organization’s controls
over a system relevant to one or more of the Trust Services Criteria

How long does a SOC 2 audit take to complete?

The average SOC 2 audit, using KirkpatrickPrice’s process, is completed in
12 weeks. The engagement begins with scoping procedures, then moves
into an onsite visit, evidence review, report writing, and concludes with the
delivery of a SOC 2 report. This timeline is extended when a gap analysis
must be performed or when remediation takes longer than expected.

Who can perform a SOC 2 audit?

A SOC 2 audit can only be performed by an auditor at a licensed CPA firm,
specifically one that specializes in information security. SOC 2 audits are
regulated by the AICPA.
Compliance Guidance
This checklist includes all of the system components that are evaluated
during a SOC 2 audit. Use this checklist to learn what your auditors are
looking for and how to prepare for your SOC 2 compliance audit.

Keep in mind, you don’t have to have everything perfectly in place to start
your audit; this checklist should just be a tool to help you prepare for your
audit. If you need help putting any of these controls in place, contact one of
our experts today! We want to make sure you feel ready to successfully
complete your SOC 2 audit!
SOC 2 Checklist
A defined organizational structure Policies and procedures are
is implemented reviewed at least annually

Authorized employees have been Physical and logical access controls

designated to develop and are in place
implement policies and procedures Access to data, software, functions, and
Background screening procedures other IT resources is limited to
are in place authorized personnel based on roles

Workforce conduct standards are Physical access to sensitive locations is

established restricted to authorized personnel only.

An access control system, as well as

Clients and employees understand
monitoring to identify intrusions, has
their role in using your system
been implemented
or service
Incident response procedures have
System changes are effectively
been developed and tested
communicated to the appropriate
personnel in a timely manner Software, hardware, and infrastructure
is updated regularly as necessary
A Risk Assessment is performed at
least annually A change management process to
address deficiencies in controls is in place
Potential threats to the system
have been identified Backup and recovery policies are in place

The significance of the risks Environmental risks have been addressed

associated with each threat Your disaster recovery plan has been
has been analyzed tested and documented
Mitigation strategies for those Data is being processed, stored, and
risks have been developed maintained accurately and timely
Regular vendor management Confidential information is protected
assessments are performed against unauthorized access, use,
All organizational controls are and disclosure
documented with policies A fully documented data retention policy
and procedures is in place
Audits are hard.
We make sure they’re worth it.

At KirkpatrickPrice, we know that when it comes to threats you want to

make sure that you’re ready. In order to do that, you need quality
cybersecurity and compliance audit reports with results you can trust.
The problem is SOC 2 audits are hard because the process is
complicated and feels overwhelming. We believe if you’re going to do it,
the audit should be worth it. We’ve been in your shoes and know how
hard audits can be, but we’ve issued over 10,000 reports to 1,200 clients
worldwide, giving them the assurance they deserve.

When you work with KirkpatrickPrice, you can stop feeling you are going
to miss something or be surprised when a client or attacker finds
something that wasn’t in your report. You can stop feeling worried that
you’re wasting your time using someone who’s not advanced enough to
thoroughly test your environment. Instead, you’ll have a report that gets
you ready for your next steps, allows you to say yes to client requests,
and brings you the assurance you deserve. Cybersecurity and
compliance will no longer be a mystery.

To get started on your SOC 2 audit, call one of our experts today at
800-770-2701 or visit

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