Crushing and Quarrying Magazine

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Vol 2 / Issue 11

November 2020


India’s Premier Business Magazine for the Aggregate Industry

Improve your

An Inside
Look at
the U.S.

Crushing Combinations
An “Inside” Story
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S. N. George

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Sunita Misquita
Marshall D'costa
Amit Kodi

Consulting Editor's
Sanjay Nikam - President, AMA

Dr. Ramesh Bhatawdekar - Head of Training and Courses

at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Rajesh Jha - Aggregate Innovations

Gottumukkala Venkatesan


India’s Premier Business Magazine for the Aggregate Industry

Paramount Communications,
4/004 Heritage Estate, Dodaballapur Road, Yelahanka,
Bangalore - 560064.

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560064. the editors do their utmost to verify facts and figures and accuracy of the
Editor - Sanak Kumar Athreya content published in the magazine , they do not accept responsibility for
its absolute accuracy.

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 02

Crushing & Quarrying World | April 2020 | 02

Table of Contents


Crushing Combinations – An “Inside” Story

17 Gadkari inaugurates and lays the foundation stone for 8 NH

projects in Kerala

19 Kleemann Mobile Jaw and Cone Crushers: Speeds

production and cuts cost

22 Three ways to improve your crushing circuit for increased production

24 Excavators have a major role in Quarry Operations

25 An Inside Look at the U.S. Aggregates Industry

27 Product Profile - PRD Rigs

29 Challenges Of The Indian Aggregate Industry

32 Helmets – a Heady Deal

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 04

Table of Contents

34 Stone Crushing & Construction Equipment Market

- An Analysis

36 Stone Metal Quarrying & It’s Impediments

42 Remote Sensing – Eyes of mining technology

44 VR Simulations based training

47 Sands Of Time

51 Make the Grade with VSI Crushing

55 Customers offered great wheeled loader choice

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 06


MoRTH enhances allocation Smart Cities Mission: Proposal to

of funds for SARDP-NE related make Rajasthan's Bharatpur a
works smart city
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has
enhanced the allocation of funds for expenditure under
Special Accelerated Road Development Programme
in North Eastern Areas (SARDP-NE) related works
during the current financial year. Under the revised
allocation, almost double the amount originally
allocated has been allowed. Against the earlier Rs 390
crore expenditure envisaged to be incurred from
National Investment Fund during 2020-21, a sum of Rs
760 crore has been set aside for the same period. Of
this, Rs 300 crore is specifically marked for Arunachal
Pradesh package. Additionally, the allocations to
National Highways in NE Region under 10%
mandatory Pool Fund has been on an upward route in
the last five years. A sum of Rs 4,520 was allocated for
the year 2016-17, Rs 5,265 for the year 2017-18, Rs Bharatpur is likely to become a Smart City in the coming years as
6,210 for the year 2018-19, Rs 6,070 was allocated for the plan to include the city in the Modi government's Smart City
the year 2019-20, and Rs 6,780 has been allocated for Mission has intensified. Recently, the Urban Development
the year 2020-21 under the said Fund. Government of Department has sent a proposal to the Union Ministry of Urban
India has undertaken massive road development Development to include Bharatpur in the Smart City Scheme. In this
programme under SARDP-NE Scheme in NE Region. regard, the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Ashok Gehlot had also
Under SARDP-NE (Phase–A and Arunachal given instructions to the Urban Development Department. The
Minister of State for Medicine and Health, Subhash Garg was
Pradesh), 6418 km (5998 km actual design length) has quoted in the report saying that after joining the Smart City Mission,
already been identified for development at an the city of Bharatpur will grow rapidly, and also the number of jobs
estimated investment of about Rs. 30,450 crore, out of will increase. For the centrally-sponsored Smart Cities Mission, the
which 3356 km has been completed and 1961 km is central government has provided funds of Rs. 200 crores for the
under construction. first year as well as Rs. 100 crores for the next four years in various
schemes. Additionally, the state governments are also providing
financial assistance for these projects. In the Smart City Mission,
the Modi government wants to provide world-class hospitality to
100 cities across the country. For this, the government has made a
provision of Rs 98,000 crores for a period of five years.

2921 km roads constructed under Bharatmala Pariyojana; 322

projects of 12,413 km awarded
A total of 322 projects in a length of 12,413 km have been awarded under Bharatmala Pariyojana till August 2020.
Further, 2921 km has been constructed under the Project till the same date. The Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways has taken up detailed review of NHs network and has given overall investment approval for Bharatmala
Pariyojana Phase I Scheme for development of about 34,800 km (including 10,000 km residual NHDP stretches) at an
estimated outlay of Rs. 5,35,000 crore. Bharatmala Pariyojana is an umbrella program for the highways sector that
focuses on optimizing efficiency of freight and passenger movement across the country by bridging critical
infrastructure gaps through effective interventions like development of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes, National Corridor Efficiency Improvement, Border and International connectivity roads, Coastal and Port
connectivity roads and Green-field expressways.

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 08


Despite Covid, NHAI awards Tunnel- 2 of Udhampur-Srinagar-

60% more length of projects Baramulla Rail Link: Indian
during first half of FY 2020-21 Railways' most challenging task
as compared to same period in Kashmir
last year The Konkan Railway Corporation Limited is currently working
on one of the most challenging Indian Railways projects,
Udhampur – Srinagar – Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) Project.
The USBRL project, which is being said to be a phenomenal
engineering project is crucial for the development of Jammu
and Kashmir. According to the Railway Ministry, the Tunnel T2
as the main tunnel of the USBRL project is over 5 kilometres
long (5092 metres) and is accompanied by a parallel escape
tunnel. During construction of this tunnel, several challenges
were faced by the team of engineers and workers. The over
burden of the tunnel ranges from 7 metres near the portal to
1.20 kilometres at the centre of the tunnel. Some of the few
methods that were used during such challenging construction
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) under the were the new Austrian tunneling method, which consists of a
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has primary flexible support system and final concrete lining with
awarded projects for a total cumulative length of 1330 a waterproofing membrane. The tunnel seismic prediction
km in the current Financial Year. The Authority reports method was used to predict the strata availability of water
that projects awarded so far in first half of the current borne zones and fracture zones well ahead of the tunnel face
Financial Year are1.6 times higher with 828 km for a length of 100 metres. During excavation, high
awarded in FY 19-20 and 3.5 times higher with 373 km hindrances of water were encountered. These challenges
awarded in FY18-19 during the same period. For the were tackled by adopting new innovative methods like pipe
awarded projects, NHAI has already completed at proofing, chemical grouting method and multi drift method.
least 80 to 90 percent of the land acquisition, actioned The breakthrough of escape tunnel was achieved on 21
utilities shifting and has obtained required clearances March 2020 and breakthrough of the main tunnel was
from various forest and environment authorities. As achieved on 3 August 2020, the ministry said. The USBRL
per an NHAI statement, during April to September project of Indian Railways is a National Project to provide rail
2020, it awarded a total of 40 projects covering 1330 connectivity to the Kashmir valley. The Konkan Railway
km length. Capital cost of these 40 projects is Rs. Corporation Limited has been assigned a part of this USBRL
47,289 crore, which includes cost of civil work, land project from Katra – Dharam (km 30.00 to km 73.785) and (km
acquisition, and other pre- construction activities. 91 to km 100.868) for execution. The project comprises of
NHAI has set a target of awarding 4500 km of projects 46.1 km (86 per cent) of route in tunnels, 5 km (9 per cent) of
during the current Financial Year and is likely to route on bridges and the rest of the 5 per cent of route in
exceed the target. NHAI is committed to improve ease cuttings and embankments.
of doing business and facilitate better working
relationship with all its stakeholders. Recently, NHAI
has agreed to implement various suggestions made
by different industry bodies towards improving
National Highways. NHAI has taken various initiatives
from time to time to instil confidence of the bidders in
the Road Sector. In March 2020, NHAI disbursed Rs.
10,000 crore through online payments and ensured
that no payments remain pending due to closure of
office during the lock down. In the first quarter of
current Financial Year, NHAI disbursed more than Rs.
15,000 crore to the vendors. Additionally, steps such
as monthly payments to the contractors were taken to
ensure cash flow to the contractors. Such moderations
will result in a spiralling effect not only on the growth of
the road sector but will also play a critical role in nation
building and advancing the growth of the Indian

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 10


ADB, India sign $177 million Hiranandani GreenBase to invest

loan for state road Rs 750 crore to set up industrial,
improvements in Maharashtra logistic park in Chennai
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Hiranandani Group and
Government of India signed a $177 million loan to US private equity firm
upgrade 450 kilometers (km) of state highways and Blackstone Group's joint
major district roads in the state of Maharashtra. The venture GreenBase has
signatories to the Maharashtra State Road entered into an
Improvement Project were Sameer Kumar Khare, agreement with the
Additional Secretary (Fund Bank and ADB), government of Tamil
Department of Economic Affairs in the Ministry of Nadu to invest Rs 750
Finance who signed for the Government of India, and crore to develop an
Kenichi Yokoyama, Country Director of ADB's India industrial & logistics park
Resident Mission who signed for ADB. After signing at Oragadam in Chennai. The industrial & logistics park in
the loan agreement, Khare said the project will Oragadam's Vadakkupattu locality envisages development
improve connectivity between rural areas and urban of 2.8 million sq ft of built up area for companies looking to
centres in the state enabling rural communities to set up manufacturing and logistics units. The park will be set
better access markets, employment opportunities and up on 115 acre and will be part of an over 400-acre mixed-
services. Improved mobility will expand development use township project Hiranandani Parks. “As India aims to
and livelihood opportunities outside of the state's be a $5 trillion economy by 2025, the logistics sector has an
major urban centers to second-tier cities and towns important role to play in connecting producers with
thus reducing income disparities. Yokoyama said that consumer. Such projects and investment will result in
the project will also strengthen road safety measures multiple direct & indirect job opportunities for the
by developing a road safety audit framework that will workforce,” said Niranjan Hiranandani, Managing Director,
protect vulnerable groups such as the elderly, women, Hiranandani Group. The Tamil Nadu government will
and children, following the international best practice. extend support in the form of necessary infrastructural
Another feature of the project is to update road support, regulatory permissions and registrations subject to
maintenance system by encouraging 5-year the applicable laws. It will also encourage single window
performance-based maintenance obligations to clearance to expedite the approval process. It has also
contractors to sustain asset quality and service levels. commissioned an additional power station within the
Overall the project will upgrade 2 major district roads GreenBase Industrial park helping reduce utility costs for
and 11 state highways, with combined length of 450 last-mile connectivity.
km, to 2-lane standard across seven districts of
Maharashtra, and improve connectivity to national
highways, interstate roads, seaports, airports, rail MoRTH constructs 3951 km
hubs, district headquarters, industrial areas,
enterprise clusters and agricultural areas. The project roads in first six months of 2020-
will also focus on training the Maharashtra Public
Works Department project staff to build their capacity 21; achieves a rate of 21.60 km
in climate change adaptation and disaster resilient
features in road design, road maintenance planning
per day despite COVID-19
and road safety. ADB is committed to achieving a difficulties
prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia
and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate
extreme poverty. Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has
members—49 from the region. successfully completed construction of road length of 3951
km during the first six months of this fiscal year (April-Sept
period). It has achieved a construction pace of 21.60 km per
day despite COVID-19 difficulties. The Ministry has set an
ambitious target of constructing 11,000 km road length
during this fiscal year.

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 12


Rajesh Jha - Aggregate Innovations

Expert Article

ratio is better and hence for a the electrical and electronic control
compact size of jaw crushers, we panel isolated from dust. For that, one
have sufficient crushing chamber common method is to use tube band
volume. Hence we achieve the at the periphery of the panel box door
required high capacity for a relatively so that dust can't enter it.
compact size of Jaw crushers in case
of primary crushing.
For the secondary applications, both
Some Jaw Crushers with modern jaw crushers and cone crushers are
technology (e.g. Metso's C- series used. Since the secondary jaw
jaw crusher) rests freely on its base crushers are designed to accept less
frame. Damper pad is provided in feed size materials and reduce them
between crusher support holder to 40mm down size, the width to
(footing) and base frame to minimize length of the crushing chamber are
the vibration of the machine. For this generally worse. For higher capacity,
kind of crusher, maintaining proper 0- we need to have lengthy crushing
0 level setting is important. Otherwise chamber to achieve the desired
it will create various kinds of problems volume and hence the capacity.
in the long run. The condition of the
damper pad should be monitored However, due to the design /
regularly and it is better to replace it manufacturing difficulties involved in
In this article I attempt to explain the as and when required. making lengthy crushing chambers,
basic tenets involved in crushing and the secondary jaw crushers are
why is it preferred to break the rock in Another area of concern of this restricted to maximum of 50TPH
multiple stages and especially why crusher is the “Intermediate Rod” capacity with preferred range being
Jaw/Cone/VSI is the most preferred which holds the side frame of the 30TPH capacity. Hence for a higher
combination. I also attempt to share crusher. As the rod is situated inside capacity, we need to have multiple
some basic maintenance tips and my the crusher, some times it remains jaw crushers, which will be
views on maintenance and trouble unseen and the machine runs with a operational difficulty and costly affair.
free running of Jaw and Cone broken rod for a long period. It is not This is where the cone crushers come
crushers from the operation point of good for crusher health and upkeep. in as a solution for secondary
view. So it is advisable to keep monitoring applications especially for higher
closely. capacities.
The basic process of crushing
generally involves crushing of Jaw plate life becomes less if we run A cone crusher is nothing but a jaw
550mm down size boulders to 40mm the jaw crusher in a small CSS. The crusher, wherein the crushing takes
down aggregates. The general thumb rule of the maximum size place due to gyratory motion (the
reduction ratio preferred in the field of material produced by jaw is 1.6 times simplest example is our wet grinders)
stone crushing application is 4 of the set CSS. So it is always helpful and because of gyratory motion,
maximum, which means that in to maintain the higher side of CSS multiple crushing (forward) and return
principal we need to have two stages that produces the maximum size of strokes takes place in one revolution.
of crushing to reduce 550mm down material, the secondary can grasp.
size to 40mm down size. i.e. For maintaining this, it is needed to
check the OSS every day and the
Primary Crushing - 550mm to 150mm necessary setting should be done
down religiously.
Secondary crushing - 150mm to
40mm down Proper tightness of the fastener holds
the key for trouble free running of the
Now let us look into the crushers jaw crusher. At times it has been
involved in the applications. found that Fly wheel, body of crusher
etc. develop some crack due to high
For the primary applications, Jaw flight height of the spall. So it is better
crushers are generally used. Jaw to minimize the flight height if the
crusher does have a one forward design permits.
stroke & one return stroke and the
crushing takes place during the For mobile jaw crusher, as the
forward stroke only. Since the primary machine is delicately controlled by
crushers are designed to accept electrical & electronic circuits it has
larger feed size, the width to length always been a good practice to keep

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 15

Expert Article

Since multiple crushing strokes take wear of liners (mainly concave) has its cleavage planes, which means the
place in one revolution instead of one taken place. Hence the actual life product shape at the size of gap set in
crushing stroke as in case of jaw which the liner gives will be less than these crushers would be better and
crusher, we can have a compact size the original life of it. the shape of the down sizes would not
of cone crusher as compared to jaw be that much better i.e. 40mm would
crusher for the given capacity. For both fixed and floating shaft, to be less flaky than down size products.
keep the dust sealing system intact is
Moreover multiple crushing strokes, the prime need. If we check the However, since applications like
the power requirement would be less lubricating oil, the condition of the construction of roads & runways
for cone crusher as compared to jaw dust sealing system can be judged. requires cubicle products especially
crushers for the given capacity. This is the finer size of aggregates for good
exactly the reason the cone crushers To keep and maintain a fixed CSS is a pavement results. This is exactly the
are used in secondary applications very good practice for crusher output, reason why the third stage crushing is
especially in capacity of 100TPH and productivity and liner life. So it is preferred and the reason for the
above. Cone crushers can also be better to check the CSS mechanically selection of VSI for such applications
used for primary applications, and frequently. can be understood briefly here.
because of the simplicity involved in
design / manufacturing, jaw crushers If we want to run the Cone in a trouble VSI, the vertical shaft impactor, also
are preferred in primary applications free manner, it is necessary to change called as rock on rock machine, is a
as we get the desired length to width the oils and filters at the right high speed machine and basically
ratio. schedule. does only shaping not the sizing. The
40mm down products fed into the
Cone Crusher maintenance For mobile Cone crusher, as the machine are thrown by centrifugal
– Some Tips machine is delicately controlled by force at a very high velocity due to the
electrical & electronic circuits it is high speed of the machine against the
Cone crusher can be classified in two always been a good practice to keep chambers that are filled with stones
ways. (a) According to the type of the electrical and electronic control that are fed initially. It is because of
shaft viz. fixed and floating and (b) panel isolated from dust. For that one the high velocity contact of the stones
The type of crushing chamber viz. G – common method is to use tube band (stone to stone), the angular portions
type and H – type (some companies at the periphery of the panel box door of the feed materials are chipped off
designate G type for gyratory so that dust can't enter in it. and in the process we get cubical
movement of floating shaft and H type shapes especially on the finer
for helical movement of fixed shaft). Now let us look at the process of aggregates irrespective of type of
crushing in Jaw & Cone crushers. In stones being fed into the machine. It
For fixed shaft, choke feed can be case of Jaw & Cone crushers, the also produces very good quality sand
easily obtained since there is no crushing takes place because of without excessive fines.
obstruction for feed material. In case compression i.e. the contact during
of floating shaft centralized feed is crushing is only on the surface of the Thus, Jaw / cone / VSI combinations
highly needed. If centralized or choke stones. Due to the compression, the are extensively used globally for the
feed is not happening, the one sided stones would crack and break only at above reasons for producing good
quality aggregates not only roads &
runways constructions but also for
other applications. Technically it
should not be compared with the two
stage crushing especially jaw / jaw
combination for the superiority that
the Jaw / Cone / VSI combinations

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 16

Gadkari inaugurates and lays the foundation
stone for 8 NH projects in Kerala
Union Minister for Road Transport, developed as a part of Bharatmala in the state of Kerala at an investment
Highways and MSMEs Nitin Gadkari Pariyojana in the country. Out of this of Rs 50,000 crore. He said, the
inaugurated and laid the foundation 1,234 km of National Highways are corridor traversing the entire length of
stone for 8 National Highway projects being developed as a part of Kerala from North to South is
in Kerala. The event was attended by Bharatmala Pariyojana in the state of expected to be the lifeline of Kerala.
Governor Arif Mohammed Khan, Kerala. The corridor improves connectivity to
Chief Minister Pinarai Vijayan and major cities / towns such as
Union MoSs Gen (Retd) Dr. V K Singh In addition, 119 KM of Port Kasargod, Thalassery, Kannur,
and V. Muraleedharan, Ministers from Connectivity Roads are being Kozhikode, Ernakulam, Kochi,
the State, Members of Parliaments, planned to be upgraded under Alappuzha, Kollam and
MLAs and senior officers from the Bharatmala/Sagarmala Scheme. Thiruvananthapuram.
Centre and the State. Many flagship corridors such as Delhi
Mumbai Expressway, Delhi Amritsar The Minister said, works have been
Speaking on the occasion, Gadkari K a t r a E x p r e s s w a y, C h e n n a i sanctioned and construction is being
said that in line with the Prime –Bengaluru Expressway, etc. are also initiated in another 7 projects of length
Minister's vision for a New India, being developed as a part of 177 km at an investment of Rs 11,571
development of world-class transport Bharatmala Pariyojana. Gadkari crore. It includes construction of high
infrastructure has been prioritized added that Mumbai – Kanyakumari level bridge at Cheruthoni River,
through initiatives such as the Economic Corridor with a length of which was damaged/approaches
Bharatmala Pariyojana, India's 1,760 km is one such corridor being completely washed off due to natural
largest ever infrastructure developed as a part of the calamities during southwest
development program. Bharatmala Pariyojana. monsoon season from 1st June to 19
August 2018.
He said, the Bharatmala Pariyojana The corridor improving connectivity to
was conceptualized through a the entire western coast of the He said, the government is committed
scientific study of freight traffic country from Mumbai till to ensure expedited completion of
movement between key origin- Kanyakumari will greatly enable the these projects to enable economic
destination pairs to enable efficient economic prosperity of the region. As prosperity of the state. These projects
freight and passenger movement. a part of the Mumbai – Kanyakumari will change the face of Kerala.
The Minister informed that 35,000 km Economic Corridor, 23 projects with a Gadkari informed that presently,
of National Highways are being length of 650 km are being developed Kerala has NHs of 1782 km length. As

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 17

National Highways

As a pivotal part of Mumbai-

Kanyakumari Corridor, it will boost the
economic prosperity of the State.
Partial access-controlled 4/6 lane will
ensure decongestion of traffic, inter-
state connectivity to be faster and
hassle-free, business centres like
Kozhikode, Kochi to get especially
benefitted, transformational impact
on agriculture and fisheries sector,
enhanced accessibility to open a vista
of opportunities for Kerala spice

The other benefits include better

synergy between road-port
transportation will further 'Port-led
development', it being a major stride
much as 488 km of NH length has said that these projects will do a lot of towards strengthening tourism sector
been constructed during 2014-20, good for Kerala. It will improve of the state, and generation of a large
which depicts an increase of 569 per connectivity and trade & commerce number of employment and self-
cent over 2009-14 period. The through economic corridors. employment opportunities. The new
Expenditure, he informed, on projects will provide better
construction of NH from 2014-2020 is He said one such corridor, Mumbai to connectivity to various tourist places,
Rs 3,820 crore, while another Rs 671 Kanyakumari passes North to South historical places and religious places.
crore were spent on maintenance of through Kerala. Of this, over 1700 km The widening of NH 66 is the long-
NH in the State. length Corridor, 23 projects of 650 cherished dream of all Keralites. The
length falls in Kerala which will cost widening of NH 66 which is the life line
Allocation under flood repair/ordinary approximately Rs. 50,000 crore which of Kerala will result in a boom of other
repair is Rs. 96.50 crore. Gadkari will make Kerala more prosperous infrastructure.
said, works costing Rs 19,800 crore and improve connectivity to some of
are targeted for completion by 2024, the major cities like Kasargod, The new projects will also provide
while 30 projects of an aggregate Kozhikode,Ernakulam, Kolam etc. employment to the unskilled, semi-
length of 549 km for an amount of Rs. Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed skilled and skilled manpower of the
5327 crore are under implementation. Khan complemented the central region. These will improve safe traffic
He asked the Chief Minister to government for fulfilling the flow by reducing collisions on the
consider PPP model for road aspirations of the people of the State. undivided highways and reduce travel
development which will bring more Chief Minister Pinarai Vijayan, Union time, as well as maintenance cost of
capital in building infrastructure. MoS for External Affairs & the vehicles, and saving of fuel.
Underlining very high land acquisition P a r l i a m e n t a r y A f f a i r s V. Implementation of the project would
cost for roads in Kerala. Muraleedharan and Kerala Minister result in enhanced socio-economic
for Public Works G. Sudhakaran also conditions of the locality. The projects
Gadkari called for making aggregates addressed the event. NH 66 is the life will improve transport of agricultural
& sand royalty free and for exempting line of Kerala connecting to Tamil goods & access to greater markets,
other road materials like iron/steel, Nadu at South and Karnataka at thereby reducing the cost of goods
cement from State GST that will be North which is a part of Kanyakumari and services.
very helpful to Kerala for reducing the Mumbai Corridor, and it is one of the
cost of road construction. The important Economic Corridors in the
Minister invited the CM to Delhi for country.
detailed discussions on these issues.
He assured all support of Union Road
& Highways Ministry. Gadkari called
upon Kerala CM to resolve the issues
in road completion. Gadkari also
called upon the State to identify black
spots on Highways and offered help in
rectifying the same. He re-iterated
that safer roads are important to
reduce accidents and save lives.
MoS-RTH Gen (Retd) Dr. V K Singh

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 18

and Cone Crushers:
Speeds production
and cuts cost

circuit. Material is prescreen that speeds productivity.

primarily crushed at “The prescreen pulls all the fines out,
the MC 110 Zi EVO, and that's where the tons per hour
and both crushed really pick up,” Boyd said. “But if it's a
material and all fines coarse material, it all has to go
go to the mobile through the jaw and my tons per hour
screen. The MS 15 Z will go down. The prescreen is the
mobile screen has ticket. It cuts down on the wear on the
two decks, the top crusher jaws and the wear plates. It
with 2-in. panels, prevents wear and tear, and
and 1 ½-in. panels increases throughput.”
on the bottom deck.
The top deck overs Fines do not get into the crushing
go to the MCO 9i process
EVO to be sized
DSC9897: Efficient technology: In down (as the jaw is set to 65 mm, a 4- “Currently we don't drop any fines
a closed circuit, KLEEMANN to 5-in. size rock goes to the cone). through the prescreen that kick out
crushers and screens turn out The cone crushes that material and the side; instead they drop right
high-quality final product sends it back to the screen for underneath and bypass the jaw, and
resizing. The bottom deck overs are a we blend and mix them at the MS 15 Z
2 x 1 ½-in. rock, and the bottom deck scalping screen. When we crush
An independent contract crushing screen throughs is a 1 ½ in. size through the MCO 9i EVO, those fines
company is using new KLEEMANN which is stacked as a product. return and we blend the pit fines with
mobile jaw and cone crushers – Anything dropping through is crusher the crusher fines to make a more
flanking a new mobile screen – to run which is stockpiled and loaded consistent crusher run product, with
boost aggregate processing onto trucks. stable gradation,” Boyd said. If we
productivity while saving money on kicked them out at the jaw, and made
fuel. “Our current business model is to Prescreening optimizes the crusher run at the screen, we'd have
do contract crushing,” said Duff Boyd, crushing process two separate products. The feeder
President, Riverbend Construction itself sets the feed rate for the tons per
Services, Jefferson City, Tenn. “We With the new equipment, Riverbend hour coming into the plant.
focus on mining of construction was averaging 305 to 335 tph,
aggregates and material recycling.” depending on the feed. “If the feed is a Boosting efficiency with a diesel
good, well-blasted material, with this direct drive
At an established quarry in South closed-circuit arrangement I can
Carolina, Riverbend was taking easily put up to 340 tph through. “By “One great benefit of the KLEEMANN
granite production to a new level that well-blasted, I mean a rock that's not plants is its diesel direct drives,” Boyd
was unattainable by the quarry owner chunky, that's shot well throughout said. “The MC 110 Zi EVO and the
working with its own forces and with some fines in it and a variety of MCO 9i EVO are diesel over electric,”
equipment. There, a new MOBICAT sizes that go into the primary. The he said. “The crushers are run off fluid
MC 110 Zi EVO primary jaw crusher, a moving jaw on the jaw crusher is couplings but the rest of the plant is
MOBISCREEN MS 15 Z screen, and much longer than the fixed jaw,” said electric. The advantage is that the
a MOBICONE MCO 9i EVO Duff Boyd, President, Riverbend electrical systems are much easier to
secondary cone crusher – all from Construction Services. “That longer work on; any electrician who knows
KLEEMANN – were working together crusher jaw not only protects the about three-phase electricity can
to smooth production and lower pitman on the jaw crusher, which is troubleshoot or repair it. That's unlike
costs. “Here we are making crusher great, but secondarily, it eliminates competing makes, in which all of the
run granite road base and a No. 4 the edge or lip found on competing products are hydraulically driven. And
material, which is 2 in. by 1 ½ in. with crushers, with their shorter crusher when you have hydraulic problems,
no fines,” Boyd said. The crusher run jaws – a place that bigger rocks tend they are very difficult to troubleshoot.
size is 100% passing 1 ½ in., all the to catch and hang on to.
way down to 200 mesh size. Optimized material flow increases
Riverbend does the drilling and KLEEMANN's taller crusher jaw all productivity
blasting of the gray granite, and loads but eliminates stoppage due to big
and hauls the raw stone to the rocks. If you are doing 330 tph, and The other great benefit Boyd found
processing site on the top of the pit. you have to stop for a half hour to dig was how the EVO plants optimize
the rock out, you've lost 165 tons of their material flow. Both crushers are
Closed-circuit crushing productivity.” Instead of a grizzly, equipped with the Continuous Feed
Boyd's new MC 110 Zi EVO primary System (CFS) which controls the
The equipment is set up in a closed jaw crusher utilizes an independent speed at which the material is

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 20


conveyed in relation to the crusher fill you just go in and set it, unless you Göppingen, Germany. “I visited
level. This clever system results in know where the zero point is, it's not KLEEMANN's factory about two
high output. With the continuous an accurate measurement. By being years ago, and was fascinated by the
crusher loading, a high final product able to automatically zero out your design, engineering and fabrication of
quality is also achieved and wear is cone, you don't have to use lead KLEEMANN equipment,” Boyd said.
reduced. “As the day progresses, and weights or crush slugs to measure the “The engineering is fantastic. As a
we start to see a little manganese lead, in order to see what the setting result I had to give them a try.” At the
wear on the cone or die wear on the should be. The automatic setting is same time, he found support for his
jaw, and factors change throughout fantastic; you push a couple of existing equipment was getting weak.
the day, the plants can be easily buttons and it's set within five “The support I get from KLEEMANN
adapted,” Boyd said. If he sees the minutes. The MOBICAT jaw crusher and Linder Industrial Machinery Co.
recirculating load is rising out of the design also aids maintenance,” Boyd has been fabulous,” he said. “It's of
MCO 9i EVO in the closed-circuit found. Like the MOBICONE, it excellent quality.”
loop, Boyd can “tighten” the cone via features fully automatic hydraulic
adjustment of its closed-side setting. crushing gap adjustment, which
guarantees quick setup times and on-
Automatic gap setting and zero- the-fly adjustments.
point detection
A partnership that pays
“We can go in on a daily basis and do
a zero-point set on the MCO 9i EVO,” While Riverbend has two other mobile
Boyd said. “The cone will screw itself aggregate processing plants of other DSC9922: MOBICONE cone
down until it touches, and then back makes, Boyd chose KLEEMANN crushers can be used as secondary
itself off. It's a super-accurate way of after doing research that included or tertiary crushers. Thanks to its
checking your closed-side setting. If visiting KLEEMANN's plant in low total weight, the crusher
Crushing Circuit

Three ways to improve your crushing

circuit for increased production
When it's time to ramp up production Do I have the right equipment in crusher's chamber is a good place to
or efficiently adjust your circuit, do you place? start. Over the life of a mine, the
know your options? production goals of a single crushing
Can I change operating parameters stage can change significantly. Ore
Picture this: Your circuit is optimized quickly? properties can also show a high
at a certain level and everything is degree of variability. If the crusher
going smoothly. Under your current How will this affect my final output and wear parts are not customized to
conditions, you have maximized quality? these changing conditions, it can
operations and are producing at produce less and require more costly
optimal levels until circumstances With commodity prices fluctuating, it maintenance. Once the chamber is
change. Production requirements is important to look for solutions that optimized, many benefits are passed
have increased due to greater market help you and your circuit remain on to the entire mineral processing
demands or different ore properties flexible. Here are some critical points plant. This can include increased liner
are discovered in sections of your to consider when reviewing your three life, better end product gradation and
Quarry. Ultimately, when the time core options: Optimize, Upgrade and reduced energy consumption.
comes to ramp up production or Replace.
efficiently adjust your circuit, do you Beyond the chamber, optimizing the
know your options? Optimize entire crushing circuit is a great
holistic approach for increasing
When you're in the above situation, There are a couple of steps to production. To understand how the
there are many things to think of: optimizing a crushing circuit - firstly to whole circuit operates as a single pro-
optimize machine performance, and cess, a couple of points need to be
Can my current system handle the secondly to optimize the overall identified: the system's bottlenecks
increased load? performance of your circuit. and where there is available capacity.
Once bottlenecks and areas of extra
Have the ore properties increased the Optimizing a machine involves capacity are identified, it is a matter of
workload on my comminution verifying all aspects of your making recommendations to alleviate
equipment? equipment to maximize process and the bottleneck(s) and use the extra ca-
mechanical perfor mance. The pacity.
Crushing Circuit

For example, if the secondary multiple years, adding annual opening when adjusting crusher set-
crushers are identified as the benefits while matching periodic tings. With a new machine in place,
bottleneck and the tertiary crushers CAPEX limits. Upgrades can help you you can expect a major jump in plant
have spare capacity, the screen increase your annual production capacity and improved operational
aperture on the secondary screens through the reduction of downtime. costs of the crushing stage itself.
can be opened. This will allow coarser Older models may not have efficient Additionally, downstream elements
material to pass more quickly to the tramp clearing functionality which can such as screens, conveyors, and
next stage. lead to excessive downtime and high mills may also benefit. Overall, when
maintenance costs. considering new equipment, it comes
Overall, this solution redistributes the down to evaluating if the CAPEX
work to a machine that has more Upgrading to a hydraulic tramp needed will be offset by the added
capacity to perform the job. However, release and clearing system can value from the new technology.
each adjustment in the process can ensure that you will be back up and
have implications for other parts of running quickly. Other upgrades Comparing your budget and
the process. Consider speaking to a available allow for easier and faster production requirements
specialist who can take a broader setting adjustments that help
view to ensure all steps work together maintain consistent production and Sometimes your current machines do
in an optimal way. Options for reduce recirculating load. Updating not meet the new requirements and
achieving more through your your crusher with the up-to-date demand extra capacity. At this point,
crushing circuit can include changes features and technology will result in you'll want to consider integrating
to blasting technique and pre- additional throughput. Overall, your additional equipment. It is always
concentration strategies. These operations can become more flexible beneficial to consult with a team of
techniques can be measured, with a myriad of beneficial outcomes experts. Crusher manufacturing
controlled and tracked using such as easier maintenance and teams can work together to identify
specialized instrumentation such as safety improvements. the best opportunity for extra capacity
SmartTagTM and VisioRock systems, and the machine you need to meet
among others. It is important to note that an upgrade current and future production
can address many problems but if the requirements.
Upgrade upgrade does not address the system
constraints, the problem(s) will not be In the end, it's about balancing your
Process optimization can only get you solved. New problems could budget with desired results. The
so far as you are working with the potentially arise. correct answer depends on your
limitations of your existing assets. If circumstances. To approach the
your crusher is an older model and is Replace solution with a holistic outlook, an
restricted by design, you might At the end of the day, technology overall plant review is the best place
consider upgrading your machine. continues to advance and crushers to start. Whatever option is chosen
Upgrades are a great way to get new are no exception. Newest generation will have an effect on your overall
life out of your equipment while only crushers can provide significant im- operation and requires a cost benefit
using a small portion of your budget. provements to crushing capacity, end analysis.
With many options to choose from, product gradation, reduction ratios
upgrades can be staged across and offer better control of the feed

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 23

Kobelco Construction Equipment Pvt. Ltd.

VP & National Head - Market
Kobelco Construction Equipment India Pvt. Ltd.

Excavators have a
major role in Quarry
The big boost in Infrastructure Kobelco Excavators have been very movement even in rough & uneven
building across the nation during the well accepted at most of the quarries ground conditions.
past several years has led to a steep in all the three segments – 14T, 22T
rise in the demand for aggregates. and 38T. The preference for these 7.An efficient Telematics system
Quarries have come up in large Excavators comes from the following which provides the Owner vital
number of pockets to satisfy this features/ benefits which accrue to the operational data like working
need. The nature of operations is end user: hours/modes, idle times, travel times,
somewhat similar involving: hourly fuel consumption, reminders
1.Best-in-Class Fuel economy – a for maintenance services, etc.
Ø Removal of overburden unique Auto-Idle-Stop feature, cuts
Ø Primary blasting operating cost, increases profits. 8.The Generation 10 series
Ø Secondary blasting, if required, excavators (22T and 38T) have
otherwise use of Excavators with 2.Best-in-Class Productivity – provision for troubleshooting of any
Breakers. maximizes output, increasing issue with the Engine through the
Ø Excavation and loading into revenues Colour Display Monitor.
Crushers either directly or from
stockpiles. 3.Best-in-Class Reliability – fewer 9.Best-in-the-industry Support
Ø Crushing & Screening to issues, uninterrupted operations services through a wide network of
segregate the aggregates into leading to very high utilization of the touchpoints including Workshops,
required sizes. equipment fleet. Best-in-Class Warehouses and Dealer Outlets.
Filtration systems with alerts and During the past few years, there were
Excavators equipped with a suitable alarms. issues/ concerns in several States
Rock Breaker has become the main over the use of certain types of
equipment of choice at Quarries. The 4.Least impact on the surroundings/ aggregates like river sand as well as
size of the Excavator ranges from the environment – least polluting environmental concerns due to the
14 Ton to the 35 Ton depending on engines, lowest sound/ vibration, etc. high levels of dust generated by
some key factors like: - quarries, and restrictions were
5.An International-standard imposed on such activities which are
­ Scale of operations Operator's Cabin which provides a still sub-judice. Use of alternate
­ Type of rock formation including safe, comfortable and efficient materials like concrete waste, plastic
the hardness, density, etc. working environment for maximum waste, etc. are being tried to meet the
­ Optimal Combination of output. demand for aggregates. This could
equipment used be a disruptive factor for this
­ Level of output required 6.Best-in-Class undercarriage and segment.
traction for faster and more stable

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 24


Kerry Lynch,
NSSGA Director of Communications
and Press Secretary - The National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association, US

An Inside Look at the U.S. Aggregates Industry

NSSGA Background NSSGA President & CEO Michael COVID relief that supports businesses
Johnson. “But then COVID hit and and the aggregate industry, long-term
The National Stone, Sand & Gravel because of NSSGA's swift work in infrastructure legislation and funding
Association (NSSGA) was created in getting the industry – construction that will support the state Department
2000 and is considered the leading materials production and construction of Transportations (DOT)s in order to
advocate for the aggregates industry itself declared essential – our prevent disruptions to planned
in the U.S. NSSGA fights for public members were able to continue to transportation projects and allow state
policy to help its members produce operate.” DOT employees and construction
aggregates safely, efficiently and workers to remain on the job.
profitability. Over the past 20 years Throughout 2020, NSSGA members
NSSGA has successfully represented have continued to work — and work “The state governments are the
the interests of their members before safely with no major breakouts - with largest employers in each of the 50
the U.S. Congress, the White House quarries in operation and states, and they all lost revenue from
and the federal government's manufacturers & services (M&S) the shut down from the virus at the
departments and agencies. members continuing to sell and same time their expenses went up,”
service equipment. NSSGA, through said Johnson.
The COVID Effect on U.S. its main function of advocacy, remains
committed to keep the aggregates “With the use of materials, there are
Producers and industry needs at the forefront of 38,000 tons of aggregates in every
Manufacturers & Services discussions with lawmakers. mile of road. If states have budgets
cuts that prevent them from continuing
In 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic truly “One of our roles is really helping our road projects, we will feel that. More
affected every segment of the members navigate the COVID importantly, the entire economy is
industry. However, from the beginning landscape, first in learning how to going to feel it.”
of pandemic in the U.S. the more than protect their most important resource,
100,000 employees were deemed their people from the virus,” said According to the U.S. Geological
essential by the U.S. government, Johnson. “This also extends to making S u r v e y, t h e c r u s h e d s t o n e ,
allowing work to continue. sure they can take advantage of all of construction sand and gravel
the public policy that has been industries are widely considered an
“2019 was a really good year for the adopted, changed, and implemented indicator of the economic well-being of
aggregate industry, and we came into in response to the virus to ensure they the U.S.
2020 expecting the continuation of can do their crucial jobs.”
what has been about 5% a year over “In our nation's history, we have built
year on average steady growth,” said NSSGA has continued to advocate for our way out of bad times and built our

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 25


utilizing innovations With so many new advances in the

in technology related industry, NSSGA values its many
to training and safety collaborations as it works to ensure its
an essential aspect members stay up to date on the latest
of their business. technology.
The usage of
autonomous trucks, “NSSGA is a strong partner with many
drones, and even organizations since automation and
virtual reality with emerging technologies are multi-
training classes can stakeholder issues,” said Pritchard.
a l l i m p r o v e “For example, the U.S. federal
employee safety and agency, National Institute for
health while Occupational Safety and Health
i n c r e a s i n g created a Mine Automation and
knowledge of the Emerging Technologies Health and
operations. Safety Partnership which allows us to
have a seat at the table during these
way into good times,” said Johnson. “Now some quarries have embraced important discussions.”
“When America has been at its best technology for site specific training
the one thing in common is, it has using iPads for check-ins, videos for a NSSGA Members
been building. So, when the welcome and introduction, and drone
aggregate industry is doing well, footage shown to give examples of NSSGA members consist of more
America is doing well.” hazards,” said Pritchard. than 400 companies of stone, sand
and gravel producers as well as the
Being A Good Neighbor The U.S. Mine Safety and Health equipment manufacturers and
Administration will even be proposing service providers who support them.
There are more than 10,000 a new rule in 2020 for mines to adopt NSSGA represents more than 90
aggregate operations located in certain safety technologies in their percent of the crushed stone and 70
every state and impacting every town local equipment. percent of the sand and gravel
in America. These operations produced annually in the United
produce the essential raw materials “Virtual reality training is another area States.
found in homes, buildings, roads, where the mining sector can continue
bridges and public works projects. to grow and we may start to see it “Our membership is truly a symbiotic
more and more in the COVID world relationship,” said Johnson. “The
NSSGA members strive to meet and where there are the new challenges M&S members need the producers
exceed all rules and regulations of of safety and social distancing,” said members so they have someone to
permitting as well as make good Pritchard. buy their goods and services, and the
neighbors of their communities. To producer members equally need the
help with this, there is an increasing With COVID-19 demanding socially M&S members to be able produce the
number of technological advances for distanced practices, these emerging raw material, to do it efficiently, safely
quarries to be a good neighbor from technologies have seen an increase and profitability.”
dust controls to working with audio of faster adoption from both the
engineers on mufflers. government and companies. During Two of every three years, NSSGA
the load-out process, Electronic members convene at AGG1, the
“People have been doing a better job Ticketing is currently being widely leading expo and educational
of the wholistic management of adopted. resource which showcases the latest
quarries, from start to finish with technologies and innovations in the
blasting to transport of the materials “With the current system leaving a aggregates-related equipment,
to the crusher,” said NSSGA Director huge paper trail for each project, the products and services arena.
of Construction Materials Safety move to an all-electronic ticketing Partnered with the World of Asphalt
Policy, Libby Pritchard. “Everything system hosted on the cloud, allows show, the next AGG1 will be held on
from optimizing sprayer locations to for everything to be captured,” said March 9-11, 2021.
minimizing dust to building berms that NSSGA Director of Engineering and
help with noise and improve the Technical Policy, Robin Graves. “This
viewshed are taken into includes GPS tracking, so you know
consideration.” when and where it was delivered and
its increasing the safety of employees
Technology on the Horizon as it eliminates the need for physically
handing off paper.”
NSSGA members considered

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 26

Product Profile

PRD Rigs
PRD HC 500M – Blast Hole drill is a durable and cost effective choice for use in Aggregate Quarries.

It drills holes with a diameter of 90mm – 127mm down to a maximum depth of up to 15 mtrs.

PRD HC 500M trusted by Aggregate Quarries, granite mining, construction and contractors
engaged in rock excavation projects.

PRD HC 500M is a diesel powered, self - propelled crawler mounted DTH drill rig designed for high
capacity production drilling application in quarries.

Drill is equipped with Dust collector system, water injection system, Rod rack and with advanced
safety features.

The main advantage of the drill is better fuel economy, low initial investment, safer operation,
environment friendly and easy operation.

HC 500ME maintains high-level productivity even under the toughest conditions. Advanced
hydraulics for boom positioning, feed rotation & tramming. The sturdy design incorporates strong
ground support which ensures superior performance.

The operator-friendly and compact construction ensure smooth and easy maneuverability and
hassle-free site to site movement on rough terrains.

"Enhance Productivity with PRD DTH Blast Hole

Top Hammer drills are primarily used in Mining, Constructions and Quarrying of rock

Top hammer drilling combined with the "Drill & Blast" method, which makes the whole
excavation process extremely efficient. Top hammers are normally called as Drifters /
Rock Drills.

We, PRD RIGS INDIA proudly presents "PRD EX 500D" model – Top Hammer
attachments for aggregate & DSI segments to drill smaller holes i.e., (32 mm to 57
mm) with On-Board compressor which is suitable to mount on 14 / 20 Ton capacity
Excavators, which will reduce labour force considerably. PRD EX 500D is equipped
with powerful hydraulic rock drills that offer High Penetration rates, reliability &
excellent fuel economy.

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 28

Expert Opinion

Sanjay Nikam - Director, Aggregates Manufacturers Association

Expert Opinion

B. Licensing & Permissions

As mining of Minor Minerals is a state
subject, each state has different rules
& regulations, hence mining lease
permit procedures differ.

Mining leases are issued in two

a. Mining lease on Revenue /
Government land: Issue of this leases
were a common trend in majority of
states till 2014. Post 2014, both
Central as well as State Governments
have restricted issue of leases on
revenue land and introduced
auctioning of mining leases to bring
In the September issue, I wrote about production of 5 lakh tonnes p.a. over a transparency.
“Overview of the Aggregate Industry“ time frame of 15 to 20 years, one b. Mining lease on private land: Issue
and we saw that India is the largest would require a land parcel of the size of mining leases on private land is
aggregates manufacturer after China of 30 to 50 acres, which is compliant now common practice provided
and it continues to grow fast and is to EC (Environment Clearance) selected land shall be within the
structurally transforming. The overall Rules. However, acquisition of land guidelines as per applicable rules.
aggregates market is growing at a parcel of this size is difficult as usually
higher CAGR than cement over the there could be multiple owners. Typically, mining leases are issued for
past 5 years and should continue the a period from 5 to 10 years depending
same trend going forward. ii. Quality – Technical properties such on the approving authority. In case of
as specific gravity, water absorption, specific requirements of government
In the October issue, we saw the crushing value etc. shall be superior projects like highways, dams etc.
future evolution drivers having or at least in-line with locally available mining lease is issued for required
bearing on the growth of aggregates aggregates. period.
industry and its emergence as an
organised/ responsible industry: iii. Logistics – Logistics cost being a Subsequent to above, there are a
dominant factor, it is very critical to be series of permissions to be obtained
In this article, we will see the in a competitive distance from the in a sequence. As rules are not very
challenges faced by responsible market. clear and are left to interpretation, the
Indian aggregate industry. whole procedure becomes tedious
It is noticed that in many states, and time consuming.
In India, at present, the regulatory Corporates are not allowed to acquire
frame work for minor minerals like any agricultural land unless the same C. Logistics
aggregates is at a nascent stage. has been converted to N.A. (Non- Logistics is an important cost element
These rules are suitable for small Agriculture), which can be a time in arriving at aggregates selling price.
scale players. Enforcement of all consuming and costly activity. This depends to a large extent on size
statutory compliances are not
uniform. There are many challenges
for organised / responsible players to
enter into long term commercial
aggregates business.

Following are the challenges for

Responsible - organised players:

A. Obtaining Reserves
The biggest challenge for setting up
an Aggregate business is to acquire
appropriate reserves.

Pre-requisite for appropriate


I.Size of quarry – Considering

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 30

Expert Opinion

a.Irresponsible way of business –

Evasion of Royalty / GST.
b.Adopting inadequate HSE
c.Low on compliances.
d.Overloading during Aggregates

This makes it difficult for Responsible

players to compete.

G.Scarcity of skilled manpower

Skilled manpower is not easily

available for this Industry as most of
the qualified miners, engineers prefer
to work for major mineral quarries.

In spite of the above challenges,

Aggregate industry looks attractive.
of vehicles available in the market for corporate players due to major As captured earlier in the reports, we
along with distance of market from the compliance of labour laws, estimate the growth of aggregates
crusher. implementing and following mines act industry in double digits. Non
/rules and HSE compliance. availability of High Quality Fine
Since safe load carriage is not Aggregates and restriction on natural
uniformly implemented by the F. C o m p e t i t i o n f r o m l o c a l / sand dredging will open an
Authorities, some irresponsible irresponsible players opportunity for manufactured
players by overloading trucks reduce concrete / plaster sand.
their transport cost, thus getting As aggregates market in I n d i a i s
undue advantage. fragmented with more than 12,000 Compliance environment is
family businesses having small improving and is now becoming more
quarries and low capacity plants, suitable for Corporates / responsible
D. Local Issues / CSR: dominated by local players, it is a players to enter this industry. With
Quarry and mining business across challenge to compete with these Government's focus on complex
the world encounter local issues and players in terms of price. infrastructure projects such as Metro
the same is true for India. The only Railway, Trans harbour link, Bullet
difference in our country is the fact In many markets the competition is Train etc., the durability of the
that local issues are more varied than from Proprietary players, who have structure becoming a more crucial
elsewhere. small plants & work on very thin p a r a m e t e r, s u p e r i o r q u a l i t y
budgets by non-compliance with laws aggregates would be the
i.Habitation close to the quarry – As including labour laws, usually offer requirement, which should suit the
per current Laws applicable to minor lower prices. responsible players.
minerals a quarry can be set up within
prescribed distance from habitation. The Irresponsible Players being
This leads to a situation where routine major competitors and as they
local complaints arise. indulge in following practices:

ii.Majority times access / ingress to

quarry passes through villages and
there are chances of restrictions on
vehicle movement by villagers.

E. Drilling & Blasting Practices:

Majority of the places in India have
restrictions of using large diameter
holes for blasting due to local norms.
At such places, jack-hammer drilling
with 25mm diameter holes is
practised which is difficult to manage

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 31

Helmets – a Heady Deal
Often neglected yet one of the most important pieces of PPE (personal they are not fit for purpose and are
critical safety equipment is the helmet protective equipment) to wear, more likely to fail - with devastating
designed for head protection, not only protecting the head & brain from consequences; exposing companies
from impact but from flying particles trauma. A well made safety helmet to the risk of legal action.
and electric shock or any combination may be the critical difference between
of the three. These are also intended life and death in hazardous Good helmets invariably have
to protect the scalp, face and neck environments. Nevertheless, the lightweight and suit user preference.
from overhead spills of corrosive sourcing and procurement of good A wide range of materials to ensure
materials, other chemicals, hot liquid quality helmets through well maximum protection. The outer shell
and also shield their hair from established, tested and verified typically made from polycarbonate
entanglement in machinery, or brands is indispensable to create a plastic, fiberglass, or Kevlar and a
exposure to irritating dust. Some are safe environment for miners. soft, thick, inner liner usually made of
even provided with face screen. expanded polystyrene or
Unfortunately on the other end, the polypropylene "EPS" foam. The latest
Helmets are generally available as full use of counterfeit and illegal PPE, in use materials for outer shell are
brimmed type or brimless. Brimmed however life threatening it may be ABS or FRP.
types of helmets provide an added because of an apparent small
protection to the neck, face and head. financial benefit is on the rise. These materials help reducing
However, in certain jobsites the brim Counterfeit is made from substandard forehead pressure by 20% on
would be considered as a nuisance regrind materials without UV average compared to conventional
where the brimless can be expected stabilisation or official certification at a helmets. Beyond Shell quality,
to strike a balance. notified body. Although they may Helmets need balanced designs for
appear to have the shine and o p t i m u m s t a b i l i t y, e x t e n s i v e
Safety helmets are one of the most attractiveness as premium products compatibility with other forms of PPE,

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 32

Helmets - Heady Deal

cumbersome and expensive on


Equipment Slots: As technology is

fast revolutionising mining
processes, Helmets need slots to
load communication equipments and

Removable Sweatband: Today,

sweatbands can be kept hygienic by
removing and washing them. This
also helps replace them easily.

Optional ventilation: Modern There are few general good practices

helmets have vents available on in helmet maintenance. Before every
offer options of personalised branding sides and back to avoid profuse use, helmets should be inspected for
and capability to accommodate a sweating. cracks, dents or any rough treatment.
wide range of accessories that Once damaged, the helmet should be
increase protection. Indicators: Certain latest helmets discarded. Particular attention should
have smart technology and screen be paid to the condition of the
Highlights of modern that lets wearer know when to replace suspension because of the important
helmets helmet due to UV, thermal, or gas part it plays in absorbing the shock of
exposure. a blow. Look for loose or torn cradle
Ratchet suspension: Ratchet straps, broken sewing lines, loose
suspension system should sit low on Simple Maintenance rivets, defective lugs and other
the head for greater comfort and defects.
security along with smooth, and easy- A safety helmet's 'lifespan' is
turning. dependent upon on a number of The sweatband and cradle inside the
variable factors including: hat should be easily detachable to
Chin straps: Apart from standard Impact and abrasions allow for cleansing and replacement.
adjustable plastic buckle chin strap, UV light exposure Cleansing should be done at least
options of a magnetic buckle chin Chemical exposure once a month by washing in warm
strap and high ventilation straps Temperature extremes soapy water or any other detergent
provide greater comfort and safety. Molten metal splash and then rinsing it thoroughly. Some
Electrical arc flash organisations issue helmets of
Elastic band clips: Helmets different colours for identification of
especially for miners need modern Good helmets offer durability of different working crews, e.g. safety
elastic band clips to hold goggles and approximately 3 years of staff may be issued green colour
headlamps, the earlier models of performance before giving in to wear helmets.
fixed headlamps have proven to be and tear.
Guest Blog

Stone Crushing & Construction

Equipment Market to Exhibit
Remarkable Growth Owing to
Increasing Construction
Activities in Developing
Guest Blog

and Conveyor frequent efforts of key players

System with an towards reinventing and renovating of
active investment of old technology in order to create
Rs. 483 crores at higher productivity and achieve
aluminum major efficiencies across the construction
NALCO's Mining industry. This factor is promoting the
and Refinery (M&R) growth of the global Industry.
complex located at
Damanjodi, Odisha. Further, the increasing demand for
technologically upgraded and fuel-
Increasing efficient equipment for refining
Government construction activities around the
Expenditure Will world is supporting the growth. In
Surge Demand in addition, traditional construction
Asia-Pacific involves high labor cost, no track of
the work process as well as high
Geographically, the operational cost, which is impelling a
global stone major preference shift towards
crushing equipment advanced construction equipment.
m a r k e t i s This factor is expected to boost the
segmented into global construction equipment
regions such \as market during the forecast period.
North America,
Stone crushing equipment is Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Rising Government Investments
generally made up of metal surfaces and the Middle East and Africa. Will Propel Growth in Asia Pacific
that have the capability of Among the regions, Asia-Pacific is
compressing materials such as anticipated to grow significantly G e o g r a p h i c a l l y, t h e g l o b a l
stones, rocks, iron, and others. during the forecast period. This is construction equipment market is
Stone crushers are used in several attributable to factors such as segmented into North America,
industrial fields such as building increasing government expenditure Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America,
materials, mining, constructing roads in countries such as China, and India the Middle East & Africa. In 2018, Asia
and highways, building canals and for developments of roads and Pacific reached USD 49.68 Bn and is
bridges, and other activities. Mining highways. expected to lead the global
industry has witnessed rampant use construction equipment market
of stone crushers in recent times. For Furthermore, several long-term and during the forecast period. The
instance, the total mining production short-term projects undertaken by growth in the region is predicted to be
across the globe that was accounted countries in Asia-Pacific will driven by increasing government
to be more than 16.5 billion metric contribute to the growth of the market investments in the development of
tons in 2016, and set to grow every in this region. North America, on the infrastructure and the presence of
year requires stone crushers for other hand, is expected to derive online retail facilities. The increasing
efficient operational activities. growth considering increase in availability of high-end machinery on
number of high-rises in countries a rental basis is also fostering the
Accelerating Construction such as U.S. and Canada. The Middle growth in the region.
Industry to Promote Growth East and Africa will witness
substantial growth owing to upcoming Key Recent Developments
According to Global Construction construction projects. Countries such
2030, the construction industry is set as UAE, Qatar, and Oman with its June, 2018: Deere & Company
to expand to $15.5 trillion with increasing constructional activities introduced two new forwarders 910G
countries such as China, India, and will impact the growth of the market in and 1010G to offer a solution for
the USA leading the way which will this region between 2019 and 2026. every logging operation and deliver
account for over 57% of all growth power and productivity.
worldwide. Stone Crushers are an Rising Demand for Advanced December, 2017: NVidia partnered
integral part of the construction Construction Equipment Will with Komatsu in order to deploy AI at
industry. Increasing infrastructural Contribute Growth to the Market worksites across these industries in
projects in developing economies is order to promote safety and increase
expected to boost the growth of the Gradual shift in preference from efficiency. Also, Komatsu is aiming to
market in the forthcoming years. For traditional construction equipment to use Nvidia's hardware to provide
instance, in February 2020, Union automated construction equipment is virtual 'brains' to heavy machinery at
Coal and Mines Minister of India, Mr. a factor contributing positively to the work sites, with AI powered by
Pralhad Joshi, inaugurated a Crusher construction equipment demand. The Nvidia's Jetson platform.

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 35

Stone Metal Quarrying

Dr.V.D. Rajagopal - Former Director of Mines & Geology,

Government of Andhra Pradesh

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 36
INTRODUCTION STONE AGGREGATE MINING market. The stone aggregate is
produced by way of crushing stone
Minerals are natural resources our Ever since cement was introduced in obtained from quarrying in the sizes
mother earth has given to mankind. the construction field the role of stone of 300mm to 500mm
Exploration of minerals for the use of aggregate and sand got a boost. As
mankind has become inevitable due per information available, cement CONSUMPTION OF STONE
to the various needs of society. was first invented in 1824 by Joseph AGGREGATE IN THE COUNTRY:
However, the process of getting Aspdin in England.
minerals creates environmental As per the information from
issues, if the method of mining we However, industrial production of Aggregates Manufacturer
resort to is not scientific. Depending cement started in the middle of 19th Association (India) following are the
on the occurrence of minerals, mining century. If you see the ancient statistics of stone aggregate
is either opencast mining or temples, huge structures are built consumption and stone crushers in
underground. For shallow occurring with stone. It was time consuming and India (Mr. Sanjay Nikam, Director,
deposits opencast mining is preferred laborious. In a way the concrete Aggregates Manufacturer
and for deep seated minerals made slab is nothing but a natural Association of India)
underground mining methods are stone. A concrete structure consists
adopted. of cement, stone aggregate and ·Aggregates requirement in India
sand. (2018-19) = 3400 million tonnes
Out of various mineral deposits, we
have Fuel Minerals like oil, coal, For calculating the consumption of (Cement consumption 337 million ton
lignite, Atomic Minerals like uranium, stone aggregate and sand the in India 2018-19).
monozite etc., Metallic Minerals like consumption of cement may be
iron ore, manganese ore, bauxite ore helpful. As we all know cement ·River Sand 770 million Tonnes and M
etc. Industrial Minerals like production in the country/world can Sand 550 million Tonnes.
limestone, dolomite, clay etc., and easily be known since it is an
Minor Minerals like granite, marble, industrially manufactured commodity. ·Stone Crushers in India = More than
stone and metal etc. The stone aggregate is produced in 16,000 (More than 1200 new
various sizes varying from ranging crushers added every year).
Out of various minor minerals, from 5mm to 40mm. For the usage in
granite, marble mining and stone concrete, 12mm and 20mm size The following rocks/minerals are
aggregate mining get priority. As far stone aggregates are used. suitable for making stone aggregates.
as granite and marble mining is Normally, depending on local
concerned huge size blocks are For the purpose of railway ballast and availability of various rock types the
extracted by adopting a method of also road works 40mm stone following rocks/minerals can be used
slice cutting. aggregate is used. The stone for stone aggregate.
crushing plant gives 38% 20mm size,
In this article we will discuss stone 18% 12mm size, 14% 5mm size and 1. Granites: The percentage of Sio2
aggregate mining and the challenges 30% dust. The entire yield is one way (silicon dioxide) in the rock shows its
involved. or other useful and fetches a good strength. Normally in the granite the

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Stone Metal Quarrying

governments need to identify mining

blocks nearer to city/towns and
declare them as exclusive mining
zones and also identify industrial
plots for putting up stone crushing
units. These mining blocks can be in
the control of its state PSU's and sub-
lease the areas for stone crusher
plants. The mining shall be entrusted
to a competent mining company to
take up large scale mining and supply
stones to the crushing units under a
single umbrella of a JV company
wherein all the stake holders will be
the shareholders and the state PSU
will act as a nodal agency. Once such
areas are identified the need for
obtaining other clearances must be
Sio2 ranges from 60% to 75%. For minerals and the state government dispensed-with.
stone aggregate, the higher the Sio2 regulates the grant of licenses under
the yield will be better. Therefore the relevant state laws. Normally, a USAGE OF EXPLOSIVES
granite is preferable for stone license is granted for 10 to 20 years
aggregate. There are so many for quarrying purpose over the extent Explosives usage produces
varieties in granite which may not be required by the entrepreneur. unwanted effects like noise,
required for the present topic expect vibrations and fumes and dust.
the criteria of percentage of Sio2 for Most of the quarries are on the hill Fumes and dust are not major
the purpose of utility as stone flanks, but some quarries are located problems as they last only for a very
aggregate. on flat land too. Since stone short duration. Major concerns are
aggregate is a hard material unless noise and vibrations. Both noise and
2. Dolerite: Dolerite is a dyke explosives are used it cannot be vibrations produced by the blast are
intruded from deep crust. The extracted. Therefore, the method of biggest complaint generators as a
average hardness of Dolerite is about mining is on par with major minerals. common man can't differentiate
6 and exhibits uniform black in colour The Metalliferous Mines Regulation between acceptable and damaging
and can also be used for stone also comes into applicability. limits.
PROBLEMS IN OBTAINING Blasting noise and vibrations as they
3. Basalt: This is a little bit soft when LICENSES are produced at the unexpected
compared with granites. The moment are annoying, hence a
hardness of Basalt is 5.5. However it We have plenty of areas available for source of major complaint. Distance
can also be used as stone aggregate. stone mining. But the proximity to the and quantity of explosives used are
consuming places play a vital role. the major determinants for vibrations.
4. Quartzites: Quartzites consists of Due to rapid urbanization the Regulation 164 of Metalliferous
above 98% of Sio2 and is harder quarrying activity is shifted away from Mines Regulations (MMR) specifies
when compared to all of the above. It the periphery of the city/town limits. 500 meters as the safety distance. If
is best suited as stone aggregates but This is resulting in location of stone there is a structure, road, railway line,
cost of crushing will be more since it is crushing units far from the consuming pipe line, electrical lines etc. is
a hard rock. However, depending on points resulting in
local availability it can be used. high transport costs.
Huge potential
5. Sand Stone: Sand stone can also areas are not
be used as stone aggregate as a last preserved for
option depending on the local exclusive mining
availability. Sand stone also contains resulting in
+90% Sio2. When compared with blocking of
quartzite it is easy to crush. approach areas
to the hillocks
THE PROBLEMS INVOLVED IN containing potential

Stone aggregate comes under minor The state

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 38

Stone Metal Quarrying

located in the safety distance, then explosive licenses. Considering the objections before 10th August 2020.
DGMS based on the scientific studies volume of mining, government must The GoI may likely issue
grants permission to carry out come out with reasonable solutions to comprehensive fresh notification
controlled blasting. Every country has solve this problem. The ideal solution shortly.
acceptable vibration limits. In India, would be, a PSU be entrusted with
these have been prescribed by this job of sale of explosives and also As per the said draft notification the
DGMS (Director General of Mines conducting blasting operations in a revised List of Projects requiring EC
Safety) vide their circular no 7 of 1997. small mine, by opening sale depots in as shown in the Schedule is given
the mining cluster and providing below pertaining to mining projects.
Many suppliers in India supply service at pit head by mobile vans with
instruments to measure Vibrations adequate security. The condition No.4 and 5 of the said
and Noise from the blast. There are draft notification is reproduced below
agencies that come with the ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE which is essence of this notification.
instrument, measure the vibrations
and give a certificate of what is The Government of India 4. Requirement of Prior Environment
measured. These instruments also promulgated the Environment Clearance or Prior Environment
come with GPS attachment to Protection Act 1986 and Environment Permission:-
pinpoint the location of the instrument Protection Rules 1986 and also
and can be permanently installed and issued Notification No. S.O.60(E) (1) New projects or activities including
remotely monitored. dated 27.01.1994. In supersession of expansion or modernization of project
this notification, MoEF issued another or activities listed in the schedule
Problems in getting explosive notification No. S.O.1533 dated under Category 'A'; Category 'B1';
licenses 14.09.2006 which directs that on and and Category 'B2' that are required to
from that date, construction of New be placed before Appraisal
In order to store the explosives, Projects and all activities or the Committee as specified in the
explosive license is required under expansion or modernization of Schedule, shall require Prior
Indian Explosive Rules, 2008. It is existing projects or activities listed in Environment Clearance from the
issued by Regional Controller of the schedule entailing capacity concerned Regulatory Authority
Explosives after getting NOC from the addition with change in process before start of any construction work
concerned District Collector who in- and/or technology or change in area or installation or establishment or
turn obtains the report from Police shall be undertaken only after excavation or modernization,
Department. The mine operators are obtaining prior Environmental whichever is earlier, on site or before
not able to get police clearance due to Clearance. expanding the production and / or
many security reasons. Presently, project area beyond the limit specified
some third party agencies are As per the said notification in the prior-EC or prior-EP, as the case
procuring licenses and entering into S.O.No.1533 dated 14.09.2006, may be, granted earlier.
MoU with small mine operators and mining of minerals falls at serial
undertaking blasting for them. number I(a) of the schedule. This (2) New projects or activities including
schedule was amended a number of expansion or modernization of project
This seems to be a viable solution to times. The MoEF has issued draft or activities listed in the schedule
face the problem of getting individual notification in March 2020 calling for under Category 'B2' that are not
required to be placed before Appraisal based on the potential social and from the Ministry without any change
Committee as specified in the environmental impacts and spatial in the category of the project.
Schedule, shall require Prior extent of these impacts.
Environment Permission from the (5) All projects under Category 'B2'
concerned Regulatory Authority (2) All projects under Category 'A' in that are required to be placed before
before start of any construction work the Schedule including expansion Appraisal Committee as specified in
or installation or establishment or and modernization of existing projects the Schedule, shall require prior-EC
excavation or modernization, shall require prior-EC from the from the SEIAA or UTEIAA, as the
whichever is earlier, on site or before Ministry. case may be.
expanding the production and / or
project area beyond the limit specified (3) All projects under Category 'B1' in (6) All other projects under Category
in the prior-EC or prior-EP, as the case the Schedule, including expansion 'B2' (other than those projects
may be, granted earlier. and modernization of existing specified under sub clause (5)
projects, but excluding those which above), shall require prior-EP from
(3) It is, however, clarified that fulfill the General Conditions defined the SEIAA or UTEIAA, as the case
'construction work' for the purpose of under sub-clause (30) of clause 3 of may be. These projects shall not be
this notification shall not include this notification, shall require prior-EC placed before Appraisal Committee.
securing the land by fencing or from the State Level Environment
compound wall; temporary shed for I m p a ct A ss e s s m e n t Au th o r i t y (7) All projects concerning national
security guard(s); leveling of the land (SEIAA) or Union Territory Level defence and security or involving
without any tree felling; geo-technical Environment Impact Assessment other strategic considerations, as
investigations if any required for the Authority (UTEIAA), as the case may determined by the Central
project. be. Government, shall require prior-EC or
prior-EP, as the case may be, from the
5. Categorization of projects and (4) All projects under Category 'B1' in Ministry without any change in the
activities: - the Schedule including expansion category of the project. Further, no
and modernization of existing information relating to such projects
(1) All the projects, listed in the projects, and those which fulfill the shall be placed in public domain.”
schedule, are divided into three General Conditions defined under
categories namely, Category 'A', sub-clause (30) of clause 3 of this
Category 'B1', and Category 'B2' notification, shall require prior-EC

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 40

Stone Metal Quarrying

CONCLUSION dispensed with and the safe level of stone aggregate and M-Sand must be
pollutants can be stipulated and by way of allotment basis instead of
Stone aggregate and manufactured wherever the levels are above the auction basis. For captive source
sand are very important raw materials safe levels such industries can be auctioning system must be dispensed
required in the construction industry. seized. with.
The production of these materials
depend on availability of raw material. 6)Usage of manufactured sand. 11)Utilization of Mineral Development
Raw material is plenty but due to The state governments must Fund (MDF) for local areas only.
improper policy decisions of the mandate all governmental works to
government there is scarcity of raw use only manufactured sand to void Government of India facilitated for
material. The important issues to be usage of river sand which is levy of MDF on royalty collected.
focused on this subject are as under: considered to be not desirable. Presently 30% is levied. This is to be
used for the exclusive development of
1) Creation of exclusive mining zones 7)Incentives for establishing of mining areas but same is misused by
Minerals are site specific. We have to manufactured sand units. allocating for some other purposes.
tap them from where they are To prevent this, Stone Aggregate
occurring. They cannot be grown Since there is a tough competition in Mine Owners Association must be
unlike forest. Therefore wherever the the market to the manufactured sand insisted to be as member in the
minerals are available the area must vs. river sand, in order to cut down committees for allocation of funds.
be declared for exclusive mining, just production cost incentives such as The proper use of this fund brings
as reserve forest. The purpose of tax incentives, subsidized interest cordial relations with the local people
such declaration is the areas will be loans, one time clearances, and thereby do not object mining.
preserved for exclusive mining and exemption taxes for manufactured
thereby there may not be any scarcity sand units and power subsidy etc. 12)Safety norms to be followed.
of raw material. can be considered until usage of The stone aggregates / sand units
manufactured sand in the marked is must invariably follow all the safety
2) How to protect these mining zones. picked up. norms to suppress dust and prevent it
These mining zones must be kept from spoiling neighbourhood areas.
under the control of a state PSU who 8)Explosive licence. For this purpose the Stone Aggregate
will monitor its protection, its For mining of raw material for stone Manufactures Association must
allocation for mining for aggregate explosive licence is a must constitute a strong body who will
manufacturing units by following due but getting of explosive licences with monitor themself and take the support
procedures of Law. Depending on the the clearance of police department is of regulatory authority to prevent
necessity these areas will be made a herculean task. Since these operation of such units.
into number of blocks. explosives are likely to be misused by
anti-social elements, the police 13)Period of Lease.
3) Large scale mining normally refuse to give clearance. The raw material for stone
In a cluster of mining area, all the units The best solution would be the aggregates / sand units is to be
can be merged into single unit and explosive licence issuing authority procured by way of large scale mining
take up large scale mining which help can formulate explosive sale depots and hence reasonable tenure is
in reduction of production cost at required places and by way of required. As per latest amendments
considerably. mobile vans with sufficient security for all major minerals minimum lease
delivered at the mining sites itself period envisaged is 50 years. For
4) Environmental clearance such that safety precautions are stone aggregate mines also a
The environmental clearance for followed. minimum tenure of 50 years is
mining project in respect of declared essential.
mining zones must be dispensed with 9)Reduction in transport cost.
only where the minerals are falling in Due to banning of quarrying activity
sensitive zones such as nearby closure to city or town limits the raw
villages, bio-sensitive areas specific material has to be procured from
EC can be insisted. faraway places. This results in higher
transport cost and also higher diesel
5) Environmental Clearance for stone consumption which adds to pollution.
aggregate and sand making units. Therefore as-far-as possible all the
hillocks located nearby city / towns
The industries department must must be allowed to take up quarrying
identify industrial zones for this by safety measures.
purpose near mining zones and in
such areas the requirement of 10)Allocation of the lease hold rights
environmental clearance can be The allocation raw material source for

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 41

Remote Sensing –
Eyes of mining technology
In simple terms, Remote Sensing is a band ratios and principal components its predecessors. The ETM+ also
technology that allows us to study the help identify geochemical signatures. includes additional features that make
earth and its surface using data from it a more versatile and efficient
satellites or airplanes, with sensors Popular Remote sensing instrument for global change studies,
and cameras on-board. Remote technologies land cover monitoring and
sensing uses reflected solar radiation assessment, and large area mapping
and reflected thermal radiation from While remote sensing in mineral than its design forebears. Landsat 9 is
the earth's surface to map changes in exploration is a rapidly advancing Earth observation satellite, tentatively
surface materials through variation, field, currently most imagery is scheduled for launch in December
seen as different colour patterns on an performed through the following 2020.
image through their spectral technologies:
absorbance. NASA is in charge of building,
Landsat launching, and testing the system,
Some minerals, for example, reflect while the United States Geological
as distinctly strong colours, showing The Landsat program is known to Survey will process, archive, and
characteristic absorbance features offer the longest continuous global distribute its data. Scenes from all
that alter with changes in crystalline record of the Earth's surface. Till this Landsats are available from the
and molecular shape and constituent day, it continues to deliver beautiful Landsat Archive at the United States
materials like water. These patterns of yet scientifically valid images of the G e o l o g i c a l S u r v e y ( U S G S )
spectral variations can enable an Earth's surface. Ladsat1 was first EarthExplorer website for free. Iron
understanding of geological commissioned into orbit in 1972. o x i d e s , P h y l l o s i l i c a t e s a n d
processes and may provide Many satellites have been launched C a r b o n a t e s a r e m o s t e a s i l y
mineralogical evidences to sites of after that. Presently most in use for interpreted with false-colour images.
mineralisation or deposits. exploration is Landsat 7 which was
successfully launched on April 15, ASTER
Today one can find wide ranging 1999 from the Western Test Range of
applications of remote sensing, Va n d e n b e r g A i r F o r c e B a s e , The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal
especially as satellite imagery California. Emission and Reflection Radiometer
particularly in environments where (ASTER) is a Japanese sensor on
geological information is limited, The Earth observing instrument on board the Terra satellite launched into
image processing techniques, such Landsat 7, the Enhanced Thematic Earth orbit by NASA in December
as mineral maps, false colour images, Mapper Plus (ETM+),is as capable as 1999. ASTER data has 14 spectral

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 42

Remote Sensing

as most significant Atmospheric Administration)

breakthrough in remote satellites carry Advanced Very High
sensing since its first Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)
application in 1980's. Among sensors, with the help of which earth's
these, HyMap is an airborne surface radiant temperature is
hyperspectral sensing recorded. The detector and orbital
technology used in mineral configuration of NOAA–AVHRR
mapping, mostly for project night-time data make it a very useful
or specific regional remote-sensing method for detecting
applications. variations in surface geology
particularly related to paleodrainage
HyMap is popular due to its systems.
superior signal-to noise
characteristics, its accuracy These channels can host economic
of calibration, the ore deposits of uranium, lignite,
incorporation of bands for precious metals such as gold and
atmospheric modelling, and platinum, heavy minerals such as tin,
positioning of band passes and tungsten. These paleodrainage
specifically selected to assist systems are often buried but show up
mineral identification. The clearly as dendritic patterns in the
i n s t r u m e n t h a s night-time data. This is identifiable
bands, ranging between 15 and 90 comparatively high spatial resolution due to the signals that identifies soil
meters, designed specifically to of 3 to 5 m pixel size and a collection moisture variation and roughness of
measure diagnostic absorption of HyMap data flown for specific the surface.
bands related to mineral groups like project areas and has arranged for
clays, carbonates, silica and iron historical HyMap data to be Remote sensing is a mainstay in
oxides. From these bands the reprocessed using new techniques mineral exploration and for good
CSIRO's Centre for 3D Mineral developed. The reprocessed reason. Advances in data processing
Mapping (C3DMM) has developed a datasets are now available upon and sensor technology will continue
processing methodology to transform request for the areas indicated on the to allow explorers to take more
the raw data into 17 geoscience on SARIG HyMap Remote Sensing calculated risks and gauge their
products that reflect relative mineral Map Layer. mining progress with a sense of
abundance derived from the visible accuracy.
and near infrared (VNIR)-shortwave Thermal infrared
infrared (SWIR) bands.
Thermal infrared remote sensing data
These are available as the ASTER have been used to understand
regional mineral maps series that surface of the Earth for a long time.
further provide detailed information The technology can be traced back to
on surface temperature of land, the early 1970s. Thermal infrared
emissivity, reflectance, and elevation. technology based observations
In 2009 as a joint initiative of NASA include soil moisture, land surface
and Japan's METI, Global Digital e m i s s i v i t y, l a n d a n d s u r f a c e
Elevation Model (GDEM) was temperature.
released. GDEM is the most
comprehensive mapping of the earth Because these parameters can
ever made, covering 99% of its reflect the results of all surface-
surface which also includes a detailed atmosphere interactions and energy
mapping of the polar regions. In 2011, fluxes between the surface and
version 2 of GDEM was also atmosphere on both regional and
released, improvising on accuracy, global scales, knowledge of such
resolution and importantly the parameters is critical for the accurate
realistic values over water bodies. modelling of energy fluxes between
the surface and the atmosphere, and
Hyperspectral for other land process applications
including exploration of oil and gas.
Hyperspectral sensing technology,
also known as imaging spectroscopy, NOAA
utilizes spectral and spatial data to
map earth's surface. It is considered NOAA (National Oceanic and

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 43

VR Simulations based training
Virtual Reality (VR) simulations are simulator, but instead of looking at a injuries and fatality numbers.
excellent tools for training, education, flat screen and operating a joystick, Justifying the use of VR in the minerals
simulation of abnormal and dangerous the user who experiences VR is industry to improve safety is not
conditions in mines and solving surrounded by a 3D computer difficult to sell. It is obvious that a
complex problems. Although the generated representation, and is able considerable proportion of operating
concept of VR has been around for to move around in the virtual world and cost results from operators, or
nearly half a century, it has taken sees it from different angles, to reach maintenance errors. When
recent advances in hardware and into it, grab it and work with it. As the considering all these costs, the money
software to bring this technology to power of VR increases so too do its invested in a VR model to train mine
within the budgetary reach of ordinary applications. workers will be recovered in a very
users and researchers. VR is now short time period with a bonus of
successfully being used in the VR has already been shown to be an improved safety record to the
minerals industry for: data effective tool in many industries. Real company.
visualization, accident estate agents use Virtual Reality to
reconstructions, simulation give clients a walkthrough of an estate, In major Australian mines alone, it is
applications, risk analysis, hazard from the comfort of their own home. estimated AU$600 millions is currently
awareness and training. Virtual Reality provides the best tools lost each year through unforeseen
for, training by immersing the trainee in geotechnical problems for which even
Virtual Reality (VR) is a continuously an environment as close to the real a 10 per cent saving will save AU$60
evolving new computer technology, world as possible. Through safety, millions per annum. VR technology
which allows users to interact with visualization and education, VR has a definitive role to play in cost
computers in a new way. VR systems p r o m i s e s m a n y r e v o l u t i o n a r y reduction in this area through
are far advanced computer developments for the mining industry. i m p r o v e d p l a n n i n g a n d
simulations of the real world and real- There is no doubt that the use of VR communications.
life situations. Virtual Reality is also a based training will reduce these

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 44


proven ROI. During our 25 years in

the mining industry we have learned
to deploy best practices in training to
our customer sites, utilizing our
unique combination of people,
process and technology. Our teams
work directly with mine sites, saving
them time and money, tailoring
programs to deliver turnkey training
solutions that rapidly produce
quantifiable return on their
investment“ says Peter Salfinger-
CEO, Immersive Technologies.

ThoroughTec has been designing and

manufacturing simulators for over 20
years and is the leading simulator
system supplier to the South African
Military. It is also the largest global
VR multimedia training can the industry supplier of both surface and
dramatically reduce the cost of underground simulators in the mining
delivering training by decreasing 1. Open pit simulation and construction industries, with well
learning time for trainees and 2. Accident reconstruction over 500 simulator units deployed
instructors, and importantly 3. 3D mining equipment worldwide.
eliminating the need for expensive 4. Drill rig training simulation
and dedicated training equipments, 5.Underground hazard identification T h o r o u g h Te c ' s r a n g e o f
physical mock-ups, labs, or rented training simulation CYBERMINE mining simulators is the
equipment for training purposes, and 6. Rock testing simulation b r o a d e s t i n t h e i n d u s t r y,
other expenses like traveling. 7.Survey and real-time monitoring encompassing all aspects of both
simulations surface and underground mining
T h e d i ff e r e n c e b e t w e e n t h e 8.V irtual mining methods. operations for hard and soft rock and
conventional and VR training is that capable of replicating a mine's entire
VR immerses trainees in realistic, working fleet from load and haul
functional simulations of workplace Evidently VR simulation software through to the most complex
and equipment and it demonstrates companies are in mining industry production and ancillary equipment.
mastery of skills through performance news. A brief look at a couple of the CYBERMINE mining simulator
of tasks in multiple scenarios. leaders in the field, and some cutting systems are designed and
Training on expensive equipments for edge new-age VR product and engineered to make mines safer,
maintenance mechanics in remote services companies more productive and more cost
field locations, has first of all been effective.
made possible and now more Immersive Technologies' Equipment LlamaZOO, the company based in
effective. This also translates into Simulators are one of the most sought Vancouver BC, extends offices in
tremendous savings in labour and after companies, in the industry. Canada, the United States, Mexico,
travel expenses. Based on the benefits of simulation Germany, Kenya, and the United
training, four leading Original Kingdom, develops interactive and
Applications of virtual reality in Equipment Manufacturers, immersive 3D communications,
the mining industry Caterpillar, Hitachi, Komatsu and training, and digital twin visualization
Recent advances in virtual reality and Liebherr have signed licensing software for enterprise and industry
the increase in the power of modern agreements with Immersive 4.0
computers has allowed for the rapid Technologies. The company is
expansion of VR applications. It is expanding their offering and releasing Their product MineLife VR is
estimated that over 60,000 a number of new products in 2018. innovating and disrupting the mine
commercial companies and planning process for some of the
approximately 3,600 educational "Our beginning was focused on world's largest companies, by
institutions now use VR throughout simulators with the highest level of centralizing this data into an
the world, realism and best customer support; interactive and stunningly visual
however, we've evolved into so much Virtual Reality experience, and
The following are just some of the more, with teams of specialists to making it accessible on-demand,
areas where VR applications are support the training and workforce remotely from anywhere in the world.
being developed and trending hot in development process to deliver MineLife VR is a Virtual Reality

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 45


software platform that presents a Companies and one of the largest Ø Mining heavy equipment
truly three-dimensional m a n u f a c t u r e r s o f Tr a i n i n g Ø operator training simulator
representation of a mine plan from Simulators. Headquartered in Ø Shovel & Excavator simulator
exploration to closure, at scale, Mumbai, India, Tecknotrove Ø Mining Training for Dump
using actual planning and designs and manufactures Truck/ Haul Truck simulator
geospatial data. Advanced Training Simulators for Ø Tipper Truck simulator
a variety of “surface vehicles & Ø Dozer simulator
The software synthesizes specialty equipment”. Since its Ø Wheel Loader simulator
traditionally dispersed, complex inception in 2002, Tecknotrove
geospatial and mine planning has successfully completed
data. As a unified data source, numerous projects in the mining
MineLife VR enables mining industry.
companies' internal and external
stakeholders to immerse Tecknotrove provides products &
themselves in the mine plan, and support services to customers
interact with it through its entire over 16 countries across Asia,
lifecycle. The tool improves Europe, Africa, & America.
communication and planning and
design iteration, dramatically The company has developed
speeding up the process. specialised simulators like
Tecknotrove is India's answer to
worlds leading Simulation
Sands of Time
deposited. Excessive instream sand-
and-gravel mining causes the
degradation of rivers. Instream mining
lowers the stream bottom, which may
lead to bank erosion. Depletion of
sand in the streambed and along
coastal areas causes the deepening
of rivers and estuaries, and the
enlargement of river mouths and
coastal inlets. It may also lead to
saline-water intrusion from the nearby
sea. The effect of mining is
compounded by the effect of sea level
rise. Any volume of sand exported
from streambeds and coastal areas is
a loss to the system.

Excessive instream sand mining is a

threat to bridges, river banks and
nearby structures. Sand mining also
affects the adjoining groundwater
system and the uses that local people
make of the river.

Instream sand mining results in the

destruction of aquatic and riparian
habitat through large changes in the
channel morphology. Impacts include
bed degradation, bed coarsening,
lowered water tables near the
streambed, and channel instability.
These physical impacts cause
degradation of riparian and aquatic
biota and may lead to the undermining
of bridges and other structures.
Continued extraction may also cause
the entire streambed to degrade to the
depth of excavation.

Rising concerns to the alarming

situation, of negative environmental
impact, has seen strict measures
making their way in the southern
states of Tamilnadu, Kerala and
For thousands of years, sand and manufacturing sand with Metso Karnataka. After banning mining of
gravel have been used in the technology, which is today's answer to river sand and other minor minerals
construction of roads and buildings. all sand requirement in the country. without the mandatory environment
Today, demand for sand and gravel clearance, the National Green
continues to increase. With the Growing concerns Tribunal (NGT) has also banned
growing demand, mining operators, in beach sand mining from the sea
conjunction with cognizant resource Sand mining is also practised for the coasts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Yet,
agencies, must work to ensure that extraction of minerals such as rutile, news about illegal sand mining keeps
sand mining is conducted in a ilmenite and zircon, which contain the making it's way to the national and
responsible manner. There have been industrially useful elements titanium regional dailies every now and then.
numerous accounts of illegal sand and zirconium. These minerals The figures reported to have
mining and equal amount of efforts typically occur combined with ordinary accounted for loss of minerals through
taken to curb the same, yet the sand, which is dug up, the valuable such practices have run into multi-
demand will not cease to exist. minerals being separated in water by million tones.
POABS envisioned the situation well virtue of their different densities, and
in time and went on to pioneer in the remaining ordinary sand re- Quarrying is thus seen in a

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 48

Sands of Time

unfavorable light because of the used, the government

environmental impact it has. This is has begun to promote
mainly due to de-fragmented manufactured sand.
operations. Experts vouch that
manufactured sand
Seeking alternatives is not only a viable
alternative to natural
The noticeable effects on sand, but is superior
environment and the eco system in many ways.
caused by sand mining, together with Tests have
the growing demand of aggregates to revealed that the
fulfill the construction requirements of characteristics of
the urban world has made it mortars and concrete
imperative to look for alternate using M-sand as fine
solutions to the concern. aggregate are
superior when
The increasing difficulty in extraction compared to the
has had a negative effect on the natural sand as fine
bottom line for many producers. aggregate.
Concrete plants require a consistent,
quality sand to optimize their In fact, the 2011 sand policy obtained from specific hard rock
production and minimize their cement encourages establishment of (granite) using the state-of-the-art
usage. In many regions of the world, manufactured sand units by giving top I n t e r n a t i o n a l t e c h n o l o g y. I t s
the extraction of sand and gravel is priority while allotting quarries. The numerous advantages over river sand
heavily taxed or banned completely to appropriate quality of rock suitable for have made it a favorite and a
try to preserve remaining deposits. construction can be used for "Must-to-Use" with quality conscious
The industry must find alternatives to manufactured sand; there is no clay builders.
meet the growing demand for fine content; scientifically graded to
aggregates. Urban expansion and comply BIS specifications; In the state of Kerala, the government
depleted resources have increased customizing the different grades and the policy makers are pretty
the distance between the point of depending upon the need of stringent about exercising the Health,
extraction and the point of use. Road construction; ensures consistent Safety and Environmental norms.
congestion has increased the travel quality throughout the construction Owing to this it is considered to be a
time from pit to batching plant for cycle. tough challenge to be setting up a
many operators. This, coupled with a plant in Kerala. POABS has always
decline in the number of pits, has Foreseeing the future acquired all the environmental
increased prices for the end clearances for all the projects they lay
consumer. POABS, is one such organization that hands on.
read the needs to time and acted well
M-sand or manufactured sand is the before time to become pioneers in the The state has seen a lot of hurdles
option. As the natural sand is not country to have introduced and situational instances not allowing
replenished at the rate it is being manufactured sand. Engaging in it to procure the exact quantity of sand
Crushing and which was required to fulfill the
Quarrying activities growing developmental projects in the
since 1986, they can region which include the mono rail
also be recognized project in Trivandrum & Metro rails in
as the first company Cochin & Calicut. These projects are
in India to produce estimated to demand appx 400,000
M - s a n d f o r mᶟ in 3 years. This is a fairly huge
commercial sale. quantity for the Kerala quarries to
Poabs has always operate on and suffice for. These
been the first to projects are still in the process of
capitalize on the finalization and policies had to be put
world's latest techno in place.
excellence and
equipment support in The sands had depleted, but the
the manufacturing of demand refused to cease. Looking at
crushed aggregates. the geographical condition, the state
M - s a n d i s started importing sand from Tamil
manufactured sand, Nadu. But slowly the prices went up,

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 49

factoring the transportation cost. It does not pass through the Vertical high, both the screens are used to
Shaft Impactor (VSI), and has very increase the surface area. From there
To add to the challenge, in 2008, high percentage of fine micron. on the same pattern was used in all
restrictions were imposed in their plants.
Ta m i l n a d u w h i c h l e d t o n o t Resultant solutions
transporting any sand outside the Awareness is the need of
state and further led to an acute POABS today has 6 plants in Kerala, the hour
shortage of sand eventually. 1 in Mangalore and 1 in Tamilnadu.
The plant in Tamilnadu is also catering POABS emphasises that the
The situation diagnosis to a portion in Kerala. Initially, the government should also take
production figures were miniscule but measures to come up with norms and/
Kerala's resources have more or less today they are proud to be one of the or standardize production of M-sand.
depleted. There is no more sand to most prominent players in the market Listing of manufacturers, grading
use and the private mines have been who have been consistently providing system, etc, will ensure the quality of
gradually forced to shut shop by the quality product to their customers. M-sand and reduce the supply of
government due to the ban. Some POABS believes that you cannot inferior quality product in the market.
exceptional areas have been make prescribed standard of quality It is also essential to create
permitted, but the whole situation has sand without using the best awareness on the use of M-sand for
taken its toll on the construction technology in the world. construction purpose and scarcity of
segment and also very heavily on the river sand.
end user. Gradation size and capacity are very
important and critical factors today Also important are the safety issues,
So what has been one of the prime than the traditional approach when problems faced by the crusher
problems to create demand for less attention was given to sieving owners due to lack of trained people
manufactured sand? either and any machine was being for blasting which cause accidents at
used for the purpose. Working with the quarry, environmental issues,
The crusher dust is flaky & it sticks small machines initially, POABS local people resistance, etc. Due to
while plastering while manufactured realized that the sieving area had to non availability of trained people for
sand is graded and cubicle in shape. be increased and they gradually the quarry blasting, all major crusher
The angular and flaky nature of the shifted from a 3 x 1.2m to 4.6m. owners have planned to start a
crusher dust makes it difficult and training centre for the quarry blasting
longer for the application to come Barmac once introduced to the circuit which will be inaugurated very soon.
along. Apparently, the settling time of smoothened and elevated the They often take care of the local roads
M-sand is quite less compared to river operations and gave more fines. This leading to the quarry/crushing site to
sand, as the former is graded and has meant more surface area needed for appease the locals. Environmental
more surface area. the screens and so POABS clearances are a big hurdle for a
introduced 2 screens to the process. crusher owner but a sustainable
In the market, due to ignorance, one This gives a lot of flexibility to practice at large.
may still get crusher dust as M-sand. operations as when the moisture is

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 50

Make the Grade with VSI Crushing
Leverage old-fashioned geometry And the best antidote to soaring need for the production of
and physics to get more production expectations is selecting the right VSI intermediates and fines or to more
from your VSI. crusher for your operation. With the evenly balance plant production
ever-evolving technologies and capabilities. VSI units are also a great
Think back — for some of us, that's options, choosing the right crusher is option when expanding a plant or
way back — to high school. Pouring not always easy. To better understand complementing existing equipment.
over books every night trying to how the crusher design will impact With the versatility and control offered
complete homework in biology, your productivity, it pays to break it by VSI units, there are a multitude of
geometry, physics and an array of down a little. areas in which they can positively
other classes, we asked our parents, affect the balance and flow of an
“Why do I need this? When am I ever Begin with basics operation. But understanding the
going to use physics anyway?” When technology in today's designs and
you're sitting in that classroom, As most operators know, VSI how it affects costs and profits is a key
studying equation after equation and crushers feature a hopper to feed the element to finding the ideal match for
theory upon theory, they all seem like unit and a rotor impact system inside an operation.
useless bits of information. But take a that does the actual fracturing of the
spin around the real world, and you material. These crushers are ideal for When it comes to VSI crusher
quickly realize nothing could be applications where a consistent designs, there are a few critical
further from the truth. cubicle product in a high quantity is a choices that must be weighed and
necessity, such as the production of considered. The critical components
Take crushing rock and mineral aggregate for roadways or chemical of that crusher, while invisible to the
materials, for example. It might seem stripping of minerals. average observer's eye, can make a
pretty basic, but the truth is it's a ton of difference when it comes to
science that revolves around a firm But beyond producing high volumes meeting productivity and profit
understanding of physics, metallurgy, of a uniform cubicle product, VSI expectations.
and geology. The technology in crushers provide exceptional
Vertical Shaft Impact (VSI) crushers flexibility, allowing operators to make Internally, VSI crushers can come in
has expanded and become more the changes needed to consistently one of four configurations:
sophisticated with each passing year, meet evolving DOT specifications
along with expectations for greater and to produce products in a tight 1. Closed rotor and anvil ring
productivity, more uniform product, gradation range. 2. Shoe table rotor and anvil ring
reduced maintenance and higher 3. Closed rotor and rock shelf
profits. VSI crushers often are added to 4. Shoe table rotor and rock shelf
operations that have an increasing

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VSI Crushing

design tends to consider when selecting rotor

produce more fine designs.
materials because
the force placed on But the rotor decision is not
the material is more necessarily an open and shut case.
direct. A curved shoe Beyond the initial design, the
design produces a diameter of the rotor itself will impact
coarser product the production performance.
because some of the Increase the rotor diameter or
energy is absorbed number or ports while increasing the
in that curve. A speed at which material exits the port
manufacturer that and product will change. Remember,
understands the the MV=E equation tells you that this
effects of the Mass x increased speed will result in greater
Velocity = Energy impact energy and high fracture
equation can work percentage of the material.
with operators to
design a system that The heart of the matter
combines both Perhaps the single most important
curved and straight component decision operators must
An open and closed decision shoes to maximize make is whether to use a rock shelf
production of the system or an anvil ring.
Let's start with the easy geological correct spec of
decision first. Yes, those college material. Long touted as the less costly
classes pay off too! Rock and other approach for VSI crushers, rock
minerals are found at different Some of the material operators shelves are the most well known and
hardness and abrasion levels within encounter on a daily basis is least understood in terms of their
Mother Nature. These abrasion levels extremely abrasive, registering 17 or effect on crushing. With a rock shelf
and hardness ratings can vary from lower on the L.A. Abrasion scale. In system, material builds up in what is
state to state, mineral to mineral or those instances, a closed rotor design essentially an open ring, to form a
even within the same jobsite. The tends to prove the most effective. shelf comprised of the rocks or
abrasion ratings must be considered Instead of using shoes, minerals the unit is crushing. This
when choosing the rotor design. manufacturers that understand the shelf is designed to protect the ring
effects of the hard minerals will design from abrasion and provides a wall at
Generally speaking, the open shoe the closed rotor with a series of which material is hurled at high
table will work best for softer materials tungsten carbide pins that are used to speeds and with great force to break
or for processing somewhat abrasive trap material and build up its own or fracture the minerals.
materials in operations that require a internal “shoe” system. This reduces
larger feed size, normally 3 inches abrasion and maintenance. For a long time, the commonly held
and larger. This boils down to a matter and often mistaken belief has been
of dollars and sense — analyzing the Again, physics and geometry become that the rock shelf provides the most
bottom line. very important when designing either cost-effective solution for breaking
the shoe or the closed rotor system. In
With abrasive materials running both cases, the correct angles must
through the crusher at high speeds, be maintained to make sure the
shoes may only last six to nine hours materials flow as they should and
before they require replacement. build up protection in the right places
With a softer material, somewhere without hampering efficiency or
around a 26 to 32 on the L.A. Abrasion increasing costs.
spectrum, those shoes might last 30
hours or more depending on shoe Furthermore, there is more to a
size, which lowers costs and the closed rotor than meets the eye.
amount of maintenance required. When it comes to production,
When working with the shoes, it is downtime is a critical factor. More
important to either replace them as a modern designs of the closed rotor
complete set or in pairs to maintain eliminate welding through a simple
proper balance on the rotor. bolt-on approach that also makes it
easy to replace all parts. All the work
The shape of the shoe can impact the can be done on site minimizing
production sizes. A straight shoe downtime, yet another factor to

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VSI Crushing

Second,to get enough force Making the grade

to breakrock, significantly
more RPMs are required. Once the geometry, physics and
Adding a larger motor and geology lessons are learned and the
more KW can add as much right system is in place, fine-tuning
as $2 to $3 per ton to the sizes for ultimate performance is the
production costs. Other final step. It all comes down to energy,
technology in the crusher the effect of throw distance and speed
market uses an anvil ring that on that energy and the resulting
features a series of 28- fractures. To ensure proper crushing,
percent chrome white-iron operators must maximize the velocity
stationary anvils. The and distance relationship.
material or rock is propelled
at the anvils by the rotor and Distance can be easily altered by
virtually all of that energy either adjusting the rotor diameter or
goes into fracturing or the number of anvils in the anvil ring
because you avoid the high costs of crushing the material. There is no system. As a rule of thumb, the closer
replacing anvils as they wear. energy absorption or material rolling the throw distance, the more fines that
However, that's only half of the story, as found in rock shelf systems. will be produced because you are
and it only factors in one cost — getting more energy in a short amount
maintenance. As any good operator While it is true that the maintenance of space. Going from an 18-anvil ring
knows, a lot more plays into profit than costs of the anvil system might be with a typical throw distance of 10
simple maintenance costs. slightly higher, some manufacturers inches to a 16-anvil ring with a throw
ensure the longest life and the best distance of 5 inches can help
A quick look at recirculation return for the dollar by using anvil operations adjust their production
rates/efficiency and energy costs systems that can be rotated to use the output and be versatile for ever-
sheds a totally different light on this entire face of the anvil before it needs changing specs. The same applies to
method. to be replaced. This significantly increasing or decreasing the diameter
extends the wear life. In testing, anvil of the rotor.
While the theory of a rock shelf might style units have proven to reach 97-
be appealing, flaws are revealed percent gradation in the first pass, In addition, the impact energy can
quickly when it's tested. First of all, the which means recirculation is nearly also be adjusted by speed in the form
shelf is not solid and fixed. When the eliminated. Add to that the fact that an of a simple change to the RPM. By
material thrown by the rotor impacts anvil ring uses only 1.5 horsepower speeding up the RPMs you will
the shelf, it, too, moves and shifts per ton versus 3.0 horsepower per ton produce a greater percentage of
from the force. It also absorbs energy on a rock shelf system, and a quick fines, while slowing it down will
that could otherwise be used for calculation shows the cost savings decrease the number of fines. With
breaking. This significantly reduces will more than pay for the anvil style today's variable frequency drives
efficiency. In essence, it eventually crusher and maintenance with plenty (VFD), perhaps the single most
begins to form a drum where the of profit to spare. significant advancement in VSI
material is rolled along with little force crusher technology, a simple
or energy. In fact, in testing, rock shelf In fact, when looking at total cost of computer input can adjust the speed
units can result in nearly 30 percent ownership, calculating the increased and therefore the spec of the finished
recirculation and achieve gradation of initial investment and slightly higher product. In addition, the VFD allows
only 74 percent in a single pass. maintenance costs as well as the the use of smaller power sources to
Engineering studies have shown increased productivity, efficiency, and run a very large motor, further
three to five times less efficient energy savings, most applications will reducing energy costs.
crushing using a rock shelf system. result in a 30-percent increase to the
bottom line.
Customers offered great
wheeled loader choice
transmission disconnect, to make
directional changes smoother and
reduce fuel consumption in load and
haul duties. Optishift, which is
available on the company's L150F-
L250F models, includes a torque
converter with lock-up and a freewheel
stator. It also incorporates the firm's
Reverse By Braking system. The
Optishift transmission reduces losses
within the torque converter by locking
the stator in second, third and fourth
gears, to improve efficiency. Reverse
By Braking automatically uses the
machine's service brakes to slow the
loader when the operator moves from
forward to reverse gears or back
again, even if they haven't applied the
brake pedal themselves. Rather than
the torque converter taking the strain
of the change in direction, the brakes
There are more manufacturers Doosan has added to that list, with the provide the required deceleration,
competing in the wheeled loader launch of its largest model for the reducing fuel consumption and stress
sector than in almost any other area of Middle East and African markets. The on the transmission.
the plant market. The wheeled loading DL550 is equipped with a 5.4m3
shovel remains one of the mainstays bucket and tips the scales at These aren't the only driveline
of almost every quarry operation 31.5tonnes. Powered by a Tier 2 developments at present though, as
around the world. From the smallest Scania DC13 engine, producing both machine manufacturers and
family-run business to the largest 394hp (294kW), the DL550 drives component companies are looking for
multi-national, wheeled loaders can through a new ZF transmission that is ways to increase operating efficiency.
work as prime movers, digging at the said to deliver improved response and Liebherr has long maintained that a
blasted face, or as re-handling acceleration. The machine is typical of hydrostatic transmission system offers
machines operating in a stocking and many in this size range, delivering fuel savings of up to 25% compared to
loading area. There is a saying among strong engine performance with a a mechanical powershift transmission
some quarry companies that no-one range of operating modes, to allow the in a repetitive wheeled loading
ever got sacked for buying a customer to match the machine to the application. However the hydrostatic
Caterpillar loader, and certainly the application. Indeed what has for many driveline can have its limitations,
American giant has an enviable years been a relatively simple particularly in longer load and carry
reputation in the shovel market. But machine is becoming increasingly operations. One possible solution
the same could easily be said of sophisticated as electronics play a might be what has become known as
Komatsu, Volvo or Liebherr, all of greater role in wheeled loader control. the hydraulically variable transmission
which provide a wide range of wheeled A number of manufacturers, including (HVT). Caterpillar is offering this
loader sizes. Doosan, Case and New Holland, are solution on its 966K XE, which uses a
n o w o ff e r i n g Z F ' s f i v e - s p e e d hydraulic pump and motor to provide a
Of course machine size is relative, Cat transmission as an option on their constantly variable gear ratio, in
and Komatsu have few competitors wheeled loaders. The additional gear c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h a p a r a l l e l
when it comes to the giants of loader ratio helps to reduce fuel consumption, mechanical gear transmission.
work such as Caterpillar's 195tonne particularly in load and carry
944H, with its 14-36m3 bucket operations where engine speed can The power from the two systems is
capacities, or Komatsu's similarly be reduced as travel speed increases. combined through a series of
massive WA1200-6, that tips the The transmission doesn't just provide planetary gears, to maximise
scales at 220tonnes. There are plenty good travel performance however, as transmission efficiency. To the
of manufacturers snapping at their through an intelligent clutch cut-off operator this all works automatically,
heels at the lighter end however, with system the operator is able to although they can set virtual gear
the likes of Hitachi, Hyundai and JCB disconnect the transmission from the ratios to limit the speed of operation.
all adding to their loader lines recently, engine by operating the brake pedal, Cat claims the XE system can deliver
along with an increasingly strong allowing 100% of engine output to be fuel efficiency gains of up to 25%
presence from Chinese companies channelled to the loader arms for compared to a standard 966K. Both
such as LiuGong, Shantui and Volvo maximum breakout and lifting forces. Dana Rexroth and ZF have launched
owned SDLG. Volvo has developed its own system of similar transmission systems at the

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 55

bauma exhibition in Munich, offering machines, as it is 6% larger on the 29tonnes, the machine uses a 4.5m3
wheeled loader manufacturers that DL250A and 11% more spacious on bucket and comes with a Weicha
don't produce their own components the other two models. The air Steyr diesel engine. Though mainly
an additional transmission option for conditioning system in the cab has a aimed at the domestic market, Cheng
some of their mid-size machines. 30% increase in nozzle size, Gong also launched a 966H loader at
improving cooling, while he cab also the show, fitting into the firm's range at
The WA380-7 and WA500-7 weigh in benefits from a new instrument panel, the 6tonne mark. As mentioned, the
at 18 and 33tonnes respectively. Both improved storage and upgraded wheeled loader sector is one of the
machines use a revised large switchgear. busiest market areas in the
capacity torque converter with a lock- construction equipment business,
up facility that works in second to XGMA is one of a growing number of with numerous manufacturers keen to
fourth gears. This is said to improve Chinese wheeled loader capture sales. This diverse range of
hill climbing ability and acceleration, manufacturers looking to market companies provides customers with
while reducing fuel consumption. machines outside the domestic varying levels of technology, and a
Operator cab comfort has also been a market. The Chinese wheeled loader correspondingly broad price entry
major focus of design for wheeled sector remains the single biggest point.
loader manufacturers of late. loader market in the world, but
Customers have realised that a companies are hoping to build
relaxed, comfortable operator is more through export as well. XGMA's
productive through a working shift, XG935H was just one of a large range
and that things like suspension seats of machines introduced
and air conditioning are not luxuries, a China event. One of
but necessities. the biggest on show was
LiuGong's 890, the
Doosan's DL250A, DL300A and firm's biggest wheeled
DL420A have been specifically loader with a 7m3 bucket
designed for the African and Middle capacity and a 422hp
East markets. The smaller machine is (315kW) engine.
powered by a Tier 1 Doosan engine
while the larger two machines have Shantui also took the
moved to Tier 2 emissions standards. opportunity to unveil a
However operators will appreciate the new large machine, the
changes to the cab on these SL80W. Weighing in at

Crushing & Quarrying World | November 2020 | 56

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India's Premier Business Magazine for the Aggregate Industry

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