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Regional Network Manager for SDH and Optical Networks

VOL II Advanced Provisioning

Version 7.5.0

User Guide
3AL 61269 BAAA
Issue 5
April 2010
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Copyright © 2007 Alcatel-Lucent

3AL 61269 BAAA

Issue 5

All rights reserved.

Passing on and copying of this document,
use and communication of its contents is not permitted
without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................... 7

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................... 23

PREFACE......................................................................................................................................... 25
Preliminary Information.............................................................................................................. 25
Applicability................................................................................................................................. 26
Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 26
History.......................................................................................................................................... 27
Related Documents .................................................................................................................... 28
Handbook Structure ................................................................................................................... 29
General on Customer Documentation ...................................................................................... 30

1 WDM ............................................................................................................................................. 35
1.1 WDM description.................................................................................................................. 35
1.1.1 WDM Layer Overview ..................................................................................................... 35
1.1.2 WDM Terminology .......................................................................................................... 36
1.1.3 WDM Equipments managed by 1354RM........................................................................ 37
1.1.4 WDM NE configurations ................................................................................................. 37
1.1.5 Layering .......................................................................................................................... 40
1.1.6 Network construction ...................................................................................................... 41
1.1.7 Integrated management map view ................................................................................. 41
1.1.8 Circuit provisioning ......................................................................................................... 42
1.1.9 Raw connection .............................................................................................................. 43
1.1.10 Performance Monitoring ............................................................................................... 44
1.1.11 B1 based PM................................................................................................................. 44
1.1.12 Acronims ....................................................................................................................... 45
1.1.13 Topological Components .............................................................................................. 45
1.1.14 Physical Resources ...................................................................................................... 45
1.1.15 Transport Entities.......................................................................................................... 46
1.1.16 Reference Points .......................................................................................................... 46
1.2 G709 handling ...................................................................................................................... 47
1.2.1 G709 handling overview ................................................................................................. 47
1.2.2 G 709 Management ........................................................................................................ 49
1.2.3 Examples ........................................................................................................................ 49
1.2.4 Mapping logical / physical resources .............................................................................. 51
1.3 WDM Network....................................................................................................................... 53
1.3.1 OTS conn. navigation ..................................................................................................... 53
1.3.2 G.709 handling with support for OTU, ODU1, ODU2 layers ........................................... 58
1.3.3 Examples of OPS conn. navigation ................................................................................ 63
1.3.4 OTS and OMS protection (SNCP at OMS layer) ............................................................ 66
1.3.5 OCH protected trail management ................................................................................... 66
1.3.6 DS path bit rate .............................................................................................................. 69
1.4 WDM network create............................................................................................................ 69
1.5 Raw Connection................................................................................................................... 74
1.6 Completed raw connection ................................................................................................. 76
1.7 Optical Network Modify ....................................................................................................... 79
1.7.1 Adding a transponder on 1640WM ................................................................................. 79
1.7.2 Not Applicable Extension on 1686WM ........................................................................... 82
1.7.3 Adding an optical MUX/DEMUX on 1696MS (Metro Span) ............................................ 82
1.7.4 Adding an optical MUX/DEMUX on 1626LM .................................................................. 82
1.7.5 1640WM/1686WM OADM connectivity .......................................................................... 82
1.7.6 1696MS OADM connectivity ........................................................................................... 83

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1.7.7 2x1GbE........................................................................................................................... 83
1.7.8 Support interconnection ETH physical and WDM in 1850TSS ....................................... 84
1.7.9 CWDM Q3 Transport management (MUX, OADM) ........................................................ 85
1.7.10 Management of CWDM MUX and cabling .................................................................... 86
1.8 Automatic upload of OADM connectivity .......................................................................... 87
1.9 Display of the correlation between WDM world and SDH world ..................................... 88
1.10 Create WDM world-SDH world correlation ...................................................................... 90
1.11 Connect / Disconnect Tool ................................................................................................ 91
1.11.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 91
1.11.2 Creating a connection by means of the Connectivity tool ............................................. 91
1.11.3 Deleting a connection by using the connectivity tool..................................................... 94
1.11.4 Connectivity Tool: Modify .............................................................................................. 101
1.12 Particular Configurations.................................................................................................. 104
1.12.1 1696MS, 1696MSC. Creating an och pass-through between two mux/demux. ........... 104
1.12.2 1696MS, 1696MSC: Connecting 1696 to a colored SDH interface .............................. 104
1.12.3 All Nes. Instantiating a phantom board ......................................................................... 104
1.12.4 1696MS, 1696MSC. Configuration of OPC (optical protection card)............................ 104
1.12.5 1696MS, 1696MSC. Configure 1696MS for 1354RM upload connectivity ................... 105
1.12.6 Upgrading 1696MS to add new lambdas management without loss of trafic ............ 105
1.12.7 1696MS, 1696MS. Use of SPV_F_1310_1550 and SPV_FC board. ........................... 105
1.13 Protected Ethernet Path in 1626LM Network .................................................................. 106
1.14 ILA Management ................................................................................................................ 112
1.14.1 Map views ..................................................................................................................... 113
1.15 Concentrator 9 X 1 GBE .................................................................................................... 118
1.15.1 Setup of the Concentrator............................................................................................. 120
1.15.2 Cross Connection Create ............................................................................................. 129
1.15.3 Transponder and lambda mux mng .............................................................................. 133
1.15.4 Map: Physcons make and DS discovery ...................................................................... 134
1.16 DS path create on Nodes (1626LM R.4.0 on)-9GbE boards ........................................... 148
1.17 Remove Nodes (1626LM R.4.0 on)-9GbE boards involved in a path ............................ 148
1.17.1 Remove client path and och trail................................................................................... 149
1.17.2 Remove X-con with connectivity tool ............................................................................ 152
1.17.3 Delete the autodiscovered Physcon ............................................................................. 157
1.17.4 Delete the I/W physcons ............................................................................................... 160
1.17.5 Delete the other Physcons (except the OTS) ............................................................... 161
1.17.6 Remove the OTS Physcon ........................................................................................... 163
1.17.7 Remove the node ......................................................................................................... 164
1.18 2x1 GB Concentrator (for 1692 MS) ................................................................................. 165
1.18.1 Eqpmt: 2x1 GB & STM-16 boards ................................................................................ 166
1.18.2 Setting modules FC ...................................................................................................... 168
1.18.3 Eqpmt: 2x1 GB & STM-16 boards ................................................................................ 170
1.18.4 1GBE/FC module setting .............................................................................................. 171
1.18.5 Synchro NE & Upload NAPs......................................................................................... 173
1.18.6 Create network for GBE................................................................................................ 177
1.18.7 Create paths 1 GB_1 and 1 GB_2 ................................................................................ 190
1.18.8 Setup of network for Fiber Channel .............................................................................. 195
1.18.9 Create Fiber Channel paths.......................................................................................... 201
1.19 2xGE_FC board management (for 1696MS) .................................................................... 205
1.19.1 Configuration at EML level (1353NM)........................................................................... 205
1.19.2 2XGE_FC board Configuration ..................................................................................... 206
1.19.3 Configuration at NML level (1354RM) - interworking with MCC transponder ............... 210
1.19.4 Connecting 2xGE_FC to MCC...................................................................................... 210
1.19.5 Optical client path discovery ......................................................................................... 210
1.19.6 GBEhernet path creation .............................................................................................. 211

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1.20 2x1 GbE client side protection (for 1696MS)................................................................... 213
1.21 Multi-degree........................................................................................................................ 216
1.21.1 Target network .............................................................................................................. 218
1.21.2 Eqpmt: Set: board CMDX1010 ..................................................................................... 220
1.21.3 Eqpmt: Set board BMDX 1000 ..................................................................................... 221
1.21.4 Board CMDX: Configuration: Connectors/Cabling........................................................ 222
1.21.5 BMDXBoard: Configuration: Connectors/Cabling ......................................................... 224
1.21.6 Display of the CMDX/BMDX modules .......................................................................... 225
1.21.7 Eqpmt set:TRBD 1191 .................................................................................................. 227
1.21.8 TRBD board: setting STM64......................................................................................... 230
1.21.9 TRBD: Cross Connection: Create................................................................................. 233
1.21.10 Synchronize NE .......................................................................................................... 235
1.21.11 Create the transport objects........................................................................................ 236
1.21.12 Create OTS betw BMDX and CMDX .......................................................................... 239
1.21.13 Create OPS: CMDX-TRBD......................................................................................... 242
1.21.14 Create OTS passthrough connections physcon ......................................................... 244
1.21.15 Create SDH-WDM interworking physcon ................................................................... 245
1.21.16 DS path (former optical client ) discovery ................................................................... 247
1.22 Low BER management in 1626LM.................................................................................... 247
1.23 R-OADM Management Description in 1626LM R5.0 ....................................................... 249
1.24 R-OADM USER’s notes in 1626LM R5.0........................................................................... 251
1.24.1 R-OADM Equipment scheme and Reference Network................................................. 252
1.24.2 R-OADM equipment setting .......................................................................................... 255
1.24.3 R-OADM Cable setting ................................................................................................. 257
1.24.4 R-OADM Upload of the connectivity ............................................................................. 259
1.24.5 R-OADM: OCH trail create ........................................................................................... 260
1.24.6 R-OADM: Create OCH trail-passthrough...................................................................... 266
1.25 T&R-OADM Management Description in 1626LM R5.0................................................... 268
1.26 T & R-OADM USER’s notes in 1626LM R5.0 .................................................................... 274
1.26.1 T & R Equipment Scheme ............................................................................................ 274
1.26.2 T & R Equipment setting ............................................................................................... 275
1.26.3 T & R Cable setting....................................................................................................... 275
1.26.4 Connectivity Upload ...................................................................................................... 277
1.26.5 T & R OCH trail create (Add/Drop case)....................................................................... 279
1.26.6 T&R OADM Tuning ....................................................................................................... 284
1.26.7 Clear check connection flag.......................................................................................... 286
1.26.8 T & R OCH trail: an other example ............................................................................... 289
1.27 40 Gb connection............................................................................................................... 293
1.28 Management of flexible connections ............................................................................... 296
1.28.1 Single transponder TRBD1191- create x-con via EML-CASE 1 ................................... 297
1.28.2 Verify X-con uploaded by RM from 1626-50-3/TRBD1191 ........................................... 307
1.28.3 Single transponder TRBD1191- RM creates x-con (allocated)-CASE 2 ....................... 313
1.28.4 Single transp.TRBD1191-Flex.conns-Deimplement path-case2................................... 323
1.28.5 Mixed situation: flex. X-con present on 40A-2, not present on 50-3 ............................. 325
1.28.6 TRBD1191 configurations without flexibility .................................................................. 328
1.29 Remove optical physical connection............................................................................... 330
1.30 Trace Identifier ................................................................................................................... 331
1.31 1660OADM coarse WDM management ............................................................................ 332
1.31.1 Wavelength management ............................................................................................. 332
1.31.2 Coarse OPS physical connection ................................................................................. 332

2 AUTOMATIC SWITCHED OPTICAL NETWORK (ASON) .......................................................... 335

2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 335
2.2 OVERVIEW ON Automatic Switched Optical Network (ASON)........................................ 335

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2.2.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 335
2.3 ASON CREATION ................................................................................................................. 341
2.3.1 ASON network creation .................................................................................................. 341
2.4 SRG (Shared Risk Group) ................................................................................................... 352
2.4.1 SRG (Shared Risk Group) Create/Remove .................................................................... 352
2.4.2 SRG (Shared Risk Group) Management ........................................................................ 355
2.5 Physical Connection Management..................................................................................... 359
2.5.1 Physical Connection: Administrative State menu ........................................................... 359
2.5.2 Update TE-Link: move physcon...................................................................................... 360
2.6 ASON CLIENT....................................................................................................................... 366
2.6.1 Creation of an ASON client device ................................................................................. 366
2.6.2 Definition of a physical connection with an ASON client device ..................................... 366
2.7 ASON PATH .......................................................................................................................... 367
2.7.1 ASON PATH Create........................................................................................................ 367
2.7.2 Visualization on maps of SNC Current, Nominal & Back-up route ................................. 368
2.7.3 GMRE priority management ........................................................................................... 373
2.7.4 Auto-Restoration Deactivate ........................................................................................... 374
2.7.5 Auto-Restoration Activate ............................................................................................... 375
2.7.6 GMRE installation version attribute for 1678MCC R4.3.................................................. 375
2.7.7 ASON: Create Trail/LO Matrix ........................................................................................ 376
2.7.8 Path: Reroute nominal route ........................................................................................... 380
2.7.9 ASON: snc retrieve ......................................................................................................... 383
2.7.10 Modify the userLabel and rerouting attributes of a SNC ............................................... 384
2.7.11 Switched Connections................................................................................................... 386
2.7.12 SNC Maintenance: Constraint Management ................................................................ 389
2.7.13 Example of SNCP ring closure ..................................................................................... 392
2.7.14 Path: Maintenance: SNC Reversion Blocked management ......................................... 395
2.8 Broadcast path..................................................................................................................... 397
2.8.1 DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 397
2.8.2 OPERATION ................................................................................................................... 397
2.8.3 Alarm management ........................................................................................................ 402
2.9 Compound Link Management............................................................................................. 402
2.9.1 Create 2 Physical connections of the compound............................................................ 402
2.9.2 Compound Physical Connection Add to Npa.................................................................. 406
2.9.3 Compound link management .......................................................................................... 408
2.10 Improvement for SNCP&PRC switch management ........................................................ 410
2.11 Ason: Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 411
2.11.1 ASON Physical Connection: Ason: Maintenance.......................................................... 411
2.12 Example of CLI connect .................................................................................................... 413
2.13 Coloring ( only for NR 8.1 PL3 )........................................................................................ 417
2.13.1 Color Profile Display ..................................................................................................... 417
2.13.2 Create Color Profile ...................................................................................................... 418
2.13.3 TE Link update.............................................................................................................. 420
2.13.4 Setting attributes on path .............................................................................................. 423
2.13.5 Move Physical connection ............................................................................................ 426
2.13.6 The matching rule ......................................................................................................... 427
2.14 Change WTR....................................................................................................................... 429
2.15 Restoration on signal degrade ......................................................................................... 429
2.16 Manage switch commands ............................................................................................... 430
2.16.1 Description of operation ................................................................................................ 430
2.16.2 SNCP-ASON commands .................................................................................. on RM 433

3 RM-NP FLOW THROUGH INTERWORKING .............................................................................. 435

3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 435

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3.2 TOPOLOGY MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 435
3.2.1 Adding / Removing one link ............................................................................................ 439
3.2.2 Adding new ports ............................................................................................................ 455
3.2.3 Adding new port: usage=local drop ................................................................................ 459
3.2.4 Adding a physical connection ......................................................................................... 460
3.3 Path Management ................................................................................................................ 478
3.3.1 Case 1- Path Create: Protection=None,Restoration=No Restoration............................. 478
3.3.2 Case 1- Path highlight: Protection=None,Restoration=No Restoration .......................... 481
3.3.3 Path: Remove ................................................................................................................. 483
3.3.4 Display of the SNC ......................................................................................................... 485
3.3.5 Case 2- Path Create: Protection=None,Restoration=Precalculated ............................... 488
3.3.6 Case 3- Path Create: Protection=None,Restoration=Upon Failure ................................ 489
3.3.7 Case 4- Path Create: Protection=None,Restoration=Precalculated, Reversion=manual 489
3.3.8 Case 5- Path Create: Protection=SNCP,Restoration=No Restoration............................ 495
3.3.9 Case 6- Path Create: Protection=SNCP,Restoration=Precalculated .............................. 496
3.3.10 Case 7- Path Create: Protection=SNCP,Restoration=Upon Failure ............................. 496
3.3.11 10 GBE EPL concatenated point to point path.............................................................. 497
3.3.12 NP_EPL path: Decrease bandwidth ............................................................................. 507
3.3.13 NP_EPL path: Increase bandwidth ............................................................................... 512
3.3.14 Concatenated path/server trail highlight ....................................................................... 514
3.3.15 Shutting down of the physcon=put in maintenance=soft rerouting ............................... 519
3.3.16 Unlock of the physcon=put in service ........................................................................... 528
3.3.17 Change the nominal route ............................................................................................ 531
3.3.18 Path: Add Protection ..................................................................................................... 539
3.3.19 Reroute the current from NP......................................................................................... 540
3.3.20 Circuit on NP network boundary crossing only on NE .................................................. 542
3.3.21 Full Protected path........................................................................................................ 545
3.4 Operator RM_BYPASS......................................................................................................... 547
3.5 Create NPA with definition of Internal (BackBone) and Interworking Physical Connections
3.6 Navigation from RM to NP................................................................................................... 550
3.6.1 Enable navigation on NPOSCA from 1354RM ............................................................... 550
3.6.2 Navigation of 1354NP defined on RM ............................................................................ 551
3.6.3 Definition of the RM to NP correlation for path/trail......................................................... 551
3.6.4 Display of the correlated object ...................................................................................... 552
3.7 Alarm Notification from NP to RM ...................................................................................... 553

ABBREVIATIONS AND GLOSSARY .............................................................................................. 555

INDEX ............................................................................................................................................... 569

CUSTOMER DOCUMENTATION FEEDBACK.............................................................................. 571

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Figure 1. SDH/WDM layering............................................................................................................ 35
Figure 2. OTN multiplexing ............................................................................................................... 37
Figure 3. Line Terminal Configuration ............................................................................................... 38
Figure 4. ILA configuration................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 5. OADM configuration .......................................................................................................... 38
Figure 6. OADM repeater configuration ............................................................................................ 39
Figure 7. Back-to-back Regenerator configuration ........................................................................... 39
Figure 8. O-SNCP protection in point to point links with OCP .......................................................... 40
Figure 9. OTN layering...................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 10. Example of real network .................................................................................................. 41
Figure 11. Physical network representation ...................................................................................... 42
Figure 12. Full view: physical plus logical views ............................................................................... 42
Figure 13. Layering in OTH architecture........................................................................................... 47
Figure 14. OTM structure.................................................................................................................. 48
Figure 15. Mapping logical / physical resource................................................................................. 49
Figure 16. Alarmed 10Gb/s OTU trail ............................................................................................... 50
Figure 17. OTU trail highlighted on map ........................................................................................... 50
Figure 18. Faulty client path.............................................................................................................. 50
Figure 19. B1 measure is active on Client path ................................................................................ 51
Figure 20. Mapping logical / physical resources: ex.1 ...................................................................... 51
Figure 21. Mapping logical / physical resources: ex. 2 ..................................................................... 52
Figure 22. WDM network interworking with SDH network. ............................................................... 53
Figure 23. OTS Physical Connection structure................................................................................. 54
Figure 24. OTS Physical Connection Structure detail....................................................................... 55
Figure 25. Usage indicator of the LC: trail ........................................................................................ 55
Figure 26. Usage indicator: raw connection...................................................................................... 56
Figure 27. Optical Path name ........................................................................................................... 56
Figure 28. Optical Path routing view ................................................................................................. 57
Figure 29. Client trail structure view (starting from ODU2 trail/link connection)................................ 59
Figure 30. Client trail structure view (starting from OCH trail/link connection).................................. 59
Figure 31. Server trail view (starting from DS link connection) ......................................................... 60
Figure 32. Server trail view (starting from ODU2 link connection) .................................................... 60
Figure 33. Physical connection structure: Client Trail Structure View............................................... 61
Figure 34. TrailWdmOdu2: Client Trail Structure view ...................................................................... 61
Figure 35. Digital signal transported by ODU2 ................................................................................. 62
Figure 36. TrailWdmOdu1: Client Trail Structure view ...................................................................... 62
Figure 37. Pre-OTN .......................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 38. Pre-OTN 4x2.5Gbit/s ....................................................................................................... 63
Figure 39. OPS Physical Connection Structure ................................................................................ 64
Figure 40. WDM port attributes......................................................................................................... 64
Figure 41. Port WDM SDH Client ..................................................................................................... 65
Figure 42. SDH Physical Connection................................................................................................ 65
Figure 43. OMSP protection at OMS layer ....................................................................................... 66
Figure 44. OCH trail in Physical Connection structure...................................................................... 67
Figure 45. Protected OCH trail highlight ........................................................................................... 67
Figure 46. Protected OCH trail routing display ................................................................................. 68
Figure 47. Connection type Generic Digital Client/WDM interworking.............................................. 70
Figure 48. Connection type SDH-WDM interworking........................................................................ 70
Figure 49. Create Connection-step 1................................................................................................ 71
Figure 50. OTS connection detail windows....................................................................................... 72
Figure 51. Payload configuration of the raw connection. .................................................................. 72
Figure 52. Payload Configuration ..................................................................................................... 73

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Figure 53. OTS-CON: Configuration: Implement .............................................................................. 73
Figure 54. Optical path...................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 55. Physical Connection Structure detail ............................................................................... 74
Figure 56. Raw connection routing display ....................................................................................... 75
Figure 57. Complete raw connection ................................................................................................ 76
Figure 58. Connectivity Management: Remove from Raw Connection ............................................ 77
Figure 59. Raw connection split into two parts.................................................................................. 77
Figure 60. Connectivity management: Add to Raw Connection ....................................................... 78
Figure 61. Trail routing display.......................................................................................................... 78
Figure 62. Trail: Configuration: Payload: Client ................................................................................ 79
Figure 63. 1640 Port structure .......................................................................................................... 80
Figure 64. OTS physical connection payload button ........................................................................ 80
Figure 65. OTS physical connection payload dialog box .................................................................. 81
Figure 66. Physical Connection Structure......................................................................................... 81
Figure 67. Ethernet Physical on DWDM view ................................................................................... 84
Figure 68. Ethernet interfaces used for Ethernet cabling.................................................................. 85
Figure 69. OTS physical connection payload structure .................................................................... 86
Figure 70. Port Structure: Bundle OCHs........................................................................................... 87
Figure 71. WDM path: Interworking: SDH Connection ..................................................................... 88
Figure 72. SDH Physical Connection structure................................................................................. 89
Figure 73. Optical Physical connection view..................................................................................... 89
Figure 74. RawConn:Configuration: Convert in Path/Trail ................................................................ 90
Figure 75. Convert in Path/Trail report.............................................................................................. 90
Figure 76. Optical Physical Conn structure: optical (client) path ...................................................... 91
Figure 77. Connectivity Tool: Connect step 1 ................................................................................... 92
Figure 78. Connectivity Tool: Connect step 2 ................................................................................... 92
Figure 79. Connectivity Tool: Connect step 3 ................................................................................... 93
Figure 80. Connection create report. ................................................................................................ 93
Figure 81. pathWDM: Configuration: Conf. State Modification: Deimplement .................................. 94
Figure 82. Warning dialog box. ......................................................................................................... 95
Figure 83. OCH trail remove ............................................................................................................. 95
Figure 84. Raw connection routing display ....................................................................................... 96
Figure 85. Configuration: Connectivity tool ....................................................................................... 97
Figure 86. Connectivity tool. Step 1: Disconnect .............................................................................. 98
Figure 87. Connectivity tool. Step 2 .................................................................................................. 99
Figure 88. Connectivity tool. Step 3 .................................................................................................. 100
Figure 89. Raw connection routing display ....................................................................................... 100
Figure 90. Connectivity tool: Modify step 1 ....................................................................................... 101
Figure 91. Connectivity tool: Modify step 2 ....................................................................................... 102
Figure 92. Connectivity tool: Modify step 3 ....................................................................................... 102
Figure 93. Setup of protected Eth. path ............................................................................................ 106
Figure 94. Create Physical Connection ............................................................................................ 107
Figure 95. Create Physical Connection ............................................................................................ 107
Figure 96. End point selection .......................................................................................................... 108
Figure 97. Node: Configuration: Upload Tools .................................................................................. 108
Figure 98. Upload Tools: Upload Physical Connectivity.................................................................... 109
Figure 99. Network map: the discovered Client path icon is displayed............................................. 109
Figure 100. Physical Connection View ............................................................................................. 110
Figure 101. O-SNCP Protected path routing display ........................................................................ 111
Figure 102. ILA Physical Connection Structure ................................................................................ 112
Figure 103. OMS routing display ...................................................................................................... 113
Figure 104. Map: selection of the layer............................................................................................. 113
Figure 105. After the 1st physcon create .......................................................................................... 114
Figure 106. OMS trail not available................................................................................................... 114

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Figure 107. Map view in layer All Physical NO ILA........................................................................... 115
Figure 108. Map view in layer All Physical........................................................................................ 115
Figure 109. Connection structure with OMS trail icon....................................................................... 116
Figure 110. Physical Link: Search Main related items ...................................................................... 116
Figure 111. Physical connection list for WDM physical link including ILA ......................................... 117
Figure 112. Target network configuration .......................................................................................... 119
Figure 113. Network schema ............................................................................................................ 119
Figure 114. EML layer: managed Network Elements........................................................................ 120
Figure 115. Concentrator: Equipment Set......................................................................................... 120
Figure 116. Concentrator 9X1 GBE selection ................................................................................... 121
Figure 117. ETHC1000 board (9X1GBE) in slot 12 .......................................................................... 121
Figure 118. ETHC1000 board upper detail ....................................................................................... 122
Figure 119. ETHC1000 board lower detail ........................................................................................ 122
Figure 120. Eqpt Set 1 GB termination point .................................................................................... 123
Figure 121. 1 GB port type selection ................................................................................................ 123
Figure 122. Eqpt Set 10 GB termination point over STM-64 ............................................................ 124
Figure 123. 10 GB port over STM-64 type selection......................................................................... 124
Figure 124. ETHC1000 lower detail with 10GB TP........................................................................... 125
Figure 125. Configuration: Connectors/Cabling................................................................................ 125
Figure 126. Connectors Configuration dialog box............................................................................. 126
Figure 127. Connectors: Expand ETHC1000 board ......................................................................... 126
Figure 128. Connectors: Expand ETHC1000 board: TP: channels .................................................. 127
Figure 129. Select channels: Set in service...................................................................................... 127
Figure 130. Select channels: Set in service...................................................................................... 128
Figure 131. Trans Update ................................................................................................................. 128
Figure 132. Trans Update succeded................................................................................................. 129
Figure 133. Synchronize NE ............................................................................................................. 129
Figure 134. Port: OCH: Cross connection: Create Cross connection ............................................... 130
Figure 135. Main Cross connection box ........................................................................................... 130
Figure 136. Cross connection:Board,TTP selection; OK=create OCH trail ...................................... 131
Figure 137. Main Cross Connection box: create OCH trail............................................................... 132
Figure 138. OCH trail present ........................................................................................................... 132
Figure 139. X-con show=Port:Cross Conn:Modify Cross Conn........................................................ 133
Figure 140. Cross Conn Mng box ..................................................................................................... 133
Figure 141. Map w/o Physcons......................................................................................................... 134
Figure 142. Create Physcon: OTS-A_B............................................................................................ 134
Figure 143. Create Physcon: A-OTS port select............................................................................... 135
Figure 144. Create Physcon: both ports selected ............................................................................. 135
Figure 145. Physcon structure .......................................................................................................... 136
Figure 146. Create Physcon: OPS_A_3 ........................................................................................... 136
Figure 147. Create Physcon: OPS_A_3 box .................................................................................... 137
Figure 148. Both ports selected: the bit rate is consistent: confirmation........................................... 138
Figure 149. Physcon OPS_3_A Implement ...................................................................................... 138
Figure 150. OPS_A_3 implemented ................................................................................................. 139
Figure 151. OPS_B_4 implement ..................................................................................................... 139
Figure 152. OPS_B_4 implementation log........................................................................................ 140
Figure 153. OPS_B_4 with DS trail................................................................................................... 140
Figure 154. Trail view........................................................................................................................ 141
Figure 155. Physcon Create Ext-100_3 1 GB fst.............................................................................. 141
Figure 156. Create 1GB fst ............................................................................................................... 142
Figure 157. Ext node port1 selection ................................................................................................ 142
Figure 158. Create 1GB fst: both ports selected............................................................................... 143
Figure 159. 1 GB fst just created ...................................................................................................... 143
Figure 160. 1 GB fst implement ........................................................................................................ 144

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Figure 161. 1 GB fst implemented: the raw conn.............................................................................. 144
Figure 162. Physcon Create Ext-200_4 (1 GB snd) ......................................................................... 145
Figure 163. Node 4 port1 selection................................................................................................... 145
Figure 164. Create 1GB snd: both ports selected............................................................................. 146
Figure 165. Implement physcon 1GB snd......................................................................................... 146
Figure 166. Implemented physcon 200_4 and discovered path DS ................................................. 147
Figure 167. DS highlight ................................................................................................................... 147
Figure 168. Reference network-map view ........................................................................................ 148
Figure 169. Reference network: transport schema........................................................................... 149
Figure 170. Reference network schema ........................................................................................... 149
Figure 171. OTS physcon structure .................................................................................................. 150
Figure 172. Client trail structure view................................................................................................ 151
Figure 173. Client path highlight ....................................................................................................... 151
Figure 174. Remove client path ........................................................................................................ 151
Figure 175. Remove the involved DS trail ........................................................................................ 152
Figure 176. DS trail removed and graphically replaced by the raw connection ................................ 152
Figure 177. Node:Configuration:WDM Connectivity Tool.................................................................. 153
Figure 178. Connectivity tool: Disconnect......................................................................................... 154
Figure 179. Connectivity tool: Selectable port list icon ..................................................................... 154
Figure 180. Port 13 selection (OPS) ................................................................................................. 155
Figure 181. Selectable CTPs icon. ................................................................................................... 155
Figure 182. CTP selection ................................................................................................................ 156
Figure 183. Port and CTP selected................................................................................................... 156
Figure 184. Step 3 wizard:detail of the cross connection being deleted ........................................... 157
Figure 185. Node:tool button icon Ports ........................................................................................... 158
Figure 186. Port:Search: All Related Items: Physcon structure ........................................................ 158
Figure 187. Autodiscovered physcon: Deimplement ........................................................................ 159
Figure 188. Autodiscovered physcon:Configuration:Remove ........................................................... 159
Figure 189. Search:Related Items:Physcon structure ...................................................................... 160
Figure 190. Ops0: Configuration: Deimplement................................................................................ 161
Figure 191. I/W physcon: Configuration: Remove from RM ............................................................. 161
Figure 192. Node:Search All related Items ....................................................................................... 162
Figure 193. Node:Search All related Items:Physical Connections.................................................... 162
Figure 194. Physcons: configuration: Remove ................................................................................. 163
Figure 195. OTS Physcon:Configuration:Deimplement .................................................................... 164
Figure 196. OTS Physcon:Configuration:Remove from RM ............................................................. 164
Figure 197. Node: Remove............................................................................................................... 165
Figure 198. 1692_1 Equipment View ................................................................................................ 167
Figure 199. Eqpmt: Config: 2 GB (2x1 board) setting...................................................................... 167
Figure 200. Eqpmt: Config: STM_16 board setting........................................................................... 168
Figure 201. Setting 1st 1GB module for FC...................................................................................... 168
Figure 202. WDM: Opt Param.: FC................................................................................................... 169
Figure 203. Setting 2nd GB module.................................................................................................. 169
Figure 204. WDM: Opt Param.: FC................................................................................................... 170
Figure 205. Eqpmt: Config: 2 GB (2x1 board) setting...................................................................... 170
Figure 206. Eqpmt: Config: STM_16 board setting........................................................................... 171
Figure 207. Eqpmt: Config: 2 GBE_SX Apply................................................................................... 172
Figure 208. WDM: Opt Param.: GBE................................................................................................ 172
Figure 209. Eqpmt: Config: 2 GBE_SX Apply (2nd module) ............................................................ 173
Figure 210. WDM: Opt Param.: GBE................................................................................................ 173
Figure 211. Node: Synchronize: Synchronize NE ............................................................................. 174
Figure 212. Port list........................................................................................................................... 174
Figure 213. Node creation: NAP auto upload ................................................................................... 175
Figure 214. Node: Configuration: Upload NAPs ............................................................................... 175

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Figure 215. Node 1: NAP list ............................................................................................................ 176
Figure 216. Network schema ............................................................................................................ 177
Figure 217. Network schema with transport objects ......................................................................... 178
Figure 218. Create Physical Connection .......................................................................................... 179
Figure 219. Create Physcon: WDM: type=OTS ................................................................................ 179
Figure 220. Create Physcon step 2 .................................................................................................. 180
Figure 221. Physcon: Configuration: Implement............................................................................... 180
Figure 222. OTS physcon structure .................................................................................................. 181
Figure 223. Create Physcon transponder_WDMmux: WDM: type=OPS.......................................... 181
Figure 224. 1st port selection: d3 port 1 ........................................................................................... 182
Figure 225. 2nd port selection: same node: b3 port 9: wl=1550 ....................................................... 182
Figure 226. Create Physcon step 2 .................................................................................................. 183
Figure 227. OPS physcon structure transponder_WDMmux............................................................ 183
Figure 228. OPS physcon structure (implemented).......................................................................... 184
Figure 229. Create physcon SDH_WDM interworking...................................................................... 184
Figure 230. Create physcon SDH_WDM: STM16 port selection ...................................................... 185
Figure 231. Create physcon SDH_WDM: transponder selection...................................................... 185
Figure 232. Create physcon SDH_WDM: ports selected.................................................................. 186
Figure 233. Physcon SDH_WDM structure ...................................................................................... 186
Figure 234. Physcon SDH_WDM structure (implemented) on node 1 ............................................. 187
Figure 235. Physcon SDH_WDM structure (implemented) on node 2 ............................................. 187
Figure 236. Implementation log with discovered client path ............................................................. 188
Figure 237. SDH transparent physcon: Implement ........................................................................... 188
Figure 238. SDH transparent physcon structure............................................................................... 189
Figure 239. OTS + SDH transparent................................................................................................. 189
Figure 240. Create path .................................................................................................................... 190
Figure 241. Create path 1 GB_1 ....................................................................................................... 190
Figure 242. Create path 1 GB_1: port selection ............................................................................... 191
Figure 243. Path 1GB_1 routing display ........................................................................................... 191
Figure 244. Physcon list.................................................................................................................... 192
Figure 245. Physcon structure: 7 concatenated AU4s...................................................................... 192
Figure 246. 1 GB_1 trail list ............................................................................................................. 193
Figure 247. Create path 1 GB_2 ....................................................................................................... 193
Figure 248. path 1 GB_2 ports selected ........................................................................................... 194
Figure 249. 1 GB_2 trail list .............................................................................................................. 194
Figure 250. Physcon structure: contiguous concatenated AU4s ...................................................... 195
Figure 251. Network schema for 1GB-FC......................................................................................... 195
Figure 252. Create physcon OPS-WDM ........................................................................................... 196
Figure 253. OPS-WDM physcon structure........................................................................................ 196
Figure 254. Create physcon SDH-WDM interworking ...................................................................... 197
Figure 255. Physcon structure SDH-WDM interworking ................................................................... 197
Figure 256. OPS node2 physcon structure....................................................................................... 198
Figure 257. Physcon structure with client path ................................................................................. 198
Figure 258. Client path discovery log................................................................................................ 199
Figure 259. Transparent SDH physcon implement ........................................................................... 199
Figure 260. Transparent SDH physcon structure.............................................................................. 200
Figure 261. Physcon list.................................................................................................................... 200
Figure 262. Create FC path 1 ........................................................................................................... 201
Figure 263. Create FC path 1: port selection .................................................................................... 202
Figure 264. FC path routing display with 6 concatenated trails in the list ......................................... 202
Figure 265. Physcon structure with 6 concatenated trails ................................................................ 203
Figure 266. Create FC path 2 ........................................................................................................... 203
Figure 267. Create FC path 2: port selection .................................................................................... 204
Figure 268. SDH transparent physcon structure with 12 AU4s ........................................................ 204

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Figure 269. 2xGE_FC connected to OPC (and MCC) ...................................................................... 205
Figure 270. 2xGE_FC connected to WLA with O-SCNP .................................................................. 206
Figure 271. OPC connected to two 2xGE_FC .................................................................................. 206
Figure 272. Selection of 2xGE_FC board type ................................................................................. 207
Figure 273. Client Nature: Fiber Channel ......................................................................................... 207
Figure 274. Board view ..................................................................................................................... 208
Figure 275. Module type selection .................................................................................................... 208
Figure 276. Output STM-16 module ................................................................................................. 209
Figure 277. Selection of module frequency ...................................................................................... 209
Figure 278. STM-16 physical connection.......................................................................................... 211
Figure 279. Create path .................................................................................................................... 212
Figure 280. Port selection ................................................................................................................. 212
Figure 281. 2x1 GbE client side protection ....................................................................................... 213
Figure 282. Physical object representation ....................................................................................... 213
Figure 283. Highlight of DS path1 ..................................................................................................... 214
Figure 284. SNCP protected path routing display............................................................................. 215
Figure 285. SNCP protected path highlight ...................................................................................... 215
Figure 286. SNCP path correlation to DS paths .............................................................................. 216
Figure 287. Multidegree network. RM view....................................................................................... 218
Figure 288. Multidegree network schema......................................................................................... 219
Figure 289. Eqpmt: Set ..................................................................................................................... 220
Figure 290. Eqpmt: Set: board CMDX1010: band choice (1-12) ...................................................... 221
Figure 291. Eqpmt: Set ..................................................................................................................... 221
Figure 292. Eqpmt: Set: board BMDX 1000 ..................................................................................... 222
Figure 293. Board CMDX: Configuration: Connectors/Cabling......................................................... 222
Figure 294. CMDX modules: set to service ...................................................................................... 223
Figure 295. Modules after set to service (lock) ................................................................................ 223
Figure 296. BMDX modules: set to service....................................................................................... 224
Figure 297. BMDX modules after set to service (lock)...................................................................... 225
Figure 298. CMDX modules in the board view ................................................................................. 226
Figure 299. BMDX modules in the board view (OTS and port 101 to port 112)................................ 226
Figure 300. Eqpmt Set ...................................................................................................................... 227
Figure 301. CMDX1010 was assigned band 9 ................................................................................. 228
Figure 302. Eqpmt set:TRBD 1191 ................................................................................................... 228
Figure 303. Selection of channel 192600 for TRBD ........................................................................ 229
Figure 304. Point to TRBD: channel 192600 .................................................................................... 229
Figure 305. TRBD board: setting STM64.......................................................................................... 230
Figure 306. TRBD board: selection of board STM64........................................................................ 230
Figure 307. TRBD: Configuration: Connectors/cabling..................................................................... 231
Figure 308. TRBD: Connectors/cabling:WDM in+out set to service ................................................. 231
Figure 309. TRBD: Connectors/cabling:STM64 in+out set to service............................................... 232
Figure 310. TRBD: Connectors/cabling:WDM and STM64 are INS ................................................. 232
Figure 311. TRBD: Cross Connection: Create .................................................................................. 233
Figure 312. TRBD: Cross Connection: Create: Choose ................................................................... 234
Figure 313. TRBD: Cross Connection: Create: Choose ................................................................... 234
Figure 314. TRBD: Cross Connection: Create: Choose+ OK ........................................................... 235
Figure 315. TRBD: internal cross connection display ....................................................................... 235
Figure 316. Create OTS physcon betw nodes.................................................................................. 236
Figure 317. OTS physcon betw nodes creation log .......................................................................... 237
Figure 318. OTS physcon betw nodes structure(1) .......................................................................... 237
Figure 319. OTS physcon betw nodes structure(2) .......................................................................... 238
Figure 320. Create OTS betw BMDX and CMDX step1 ................................................................... 239
Figure 321. OTS:BMDX-CMDX: port selection=109 for channel 192600 ......................................... 240
Figure 322. OTS:BMDX-CMDX: port 1 (mux) of CMDX ................................................................... 240

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Figure 323. OTS:BMDX-CMDX end of selection .............................................................................. 241
Figure 324. OTS:BMDX-CMDX create log ....................................................................................... 241
Figure 325. Raw conn created for channel 192600 .......................................................................... 242
Figure 326. Create OPS: CMDX-TRBD step1 .................................................................................. 243
Figure 327. Create OPS: CMDX-TRBD: CMDX side selection ........................................................ 243
Figure 328. Create OPS: CMDX-TRBD log ...................................................................................... 244
Figure 329. OPS physcon structure.................................................................................................. 244
Figure 330. Create SDH-WDM interworking physcon step1............................................................. 245
Figure 331. SDH-WDM interworking physcon port selection ............................................................ 246
Figure 332. SDH-WDM interworking physcon end of selection ........................................................ 246
Figure 333. SDH-WDM interworking physcon create log ................................................................. 247
Figure 334. SDH-WDM interworking physcon structure ................................................................... 247
Figure 335. R-OADM (Reconfigurable Optical Add & Drop Multiplexer) functionality ...................... 249
Figure 336. ROADM optical coupler ................................................................................................. 250
Figure 337. Network insertion of the ROADM................................................................................... 251
Figure 338. 1626LM Rel. 5.0 R-OADM equipment connection scheme ........................................... 252
Figure 339. 1626LM Rel. 5.0 R-OADM reference network ............................................................... 254
Figure 340. R-OADM: Subrack 2: WMAN 1100 board...................................................................... 255
Figure 341. WMAN1100: Board: Modify equipment configuration .................................................... 255
Figure 342. WMAN1100: Contradir ................................................................................................... 256
Figure 343. Configuration: connectors/cabling ................................................................................. 256
Figure 344. Set to Service WMAN1100 s2b3 ................................................................................... 257
Figure 345. Set to Service WMAN Input ........................................................................................... 257
Figure 346. 3WMAN-in to 35OADC-out Add Cable .......................................................................... 258
Figure 347. Reading the performed cable ........................................................................................ 258
Figure 348. Configuration: Upload Tools........................................................................................... 259
Figure 349. Upload physical connectivity.......................................................................................... 259
Figure 350. Create: OCH Trail .......................................................................................................... 260
Figure 351. Create: OCH Trail step1 ................................................................................................ 261
Figure 352. Create: OCH Trail step2 ................................................................................................ 261
Figure 353. OCH Trail TRBC1111 highlight....................................................................................... 262
Figure 354. OCH Trail TRBC1111 routing display............................................................................. 262
Figure 355. Configuration: Cross Connection management............................................................. 263
Figure 356. Cross connection list...................................................................................................... 264
Figure 357. OCH trail structure ......................................................................................................... 264
Figure 358. Highlight of the DS path ................................................................................................. 265
Figure 359. OCH trail: Deimplement................................................................................................. 266
Figure 360. Create: OCH trail-passthrough ...................................................................................... 266
Figure 361. OCH trail highlight.......................................................................................................... 267
Figure 362. Highlight of the DS path ................................................................................................. 267
Figure 363. Xcon-list: passthrough X-con ......................................................................................... 268
Figure 364. T&R-OADM (Tunable and Reconfigurable OADM) ....................................................... 269
Figure 365. T & R connectivity principle ........................................................................................... 270
Figure 366. WSS device ................................................................................................................... 270
Figure 367. Nx1 WSS device............................................................................................................ 271
Figure 368. Transmission view for T&R-OADM, 3 degrees .............................................................. 272
Figure 369. Detailed transmission view for T&R-OADM, 3 degrees ................................................. 272
Figure 370. Transmission view for T&R-OADM, 4 degrees .............................................................. 273
Figure 371. Detailed transmission view for T&R-OADM, 4 degrees ................................................. 273
Figure 372. T & R Eqpm. Node 50-1. LINE 2 (3-degree).................................................................. 274
Figure 373. 10 LOFA1110: out 1st stage to In 2nd stage.................................................................. 276
Figure 374. Configuration: Upload Tools........................................................................................... 277
Figure 375. T & R Reference network: T & R node ports ................................................................. 278
Figure 376. 1626-50-1Port list: navigate port r2s2b3p101-193.15 ................................................... 278

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Figure 377. Port r2s2b3p101-193.15: select Physcon structure....................................................... 279
Figure 378. ops physcon trbd-tdmx1180........................................................................................... 279
Figure 379. Create OCH trail ............................................................................................................ 280
Figure 380. Create trail step1 dialog box .......................................................................................... 280
Figure 381. End port selection. ......................................................................................................... 280
Figure 382. Ports end of selection .................................................................................................... 281
Figure 383. OCH trail routing display................................................................................................ 281
Figure 384. Client Trail structure view............................................................................................... 282
Figure 385. Physcon structure OTS 40-501 ..................................................................................... 282
Figure 386. Client trail structure view................................................................................................ 283
Figure 387. Check connection flag ................................................................................................... 283
Figure 388. Board TMDX 1180 ......................................................................................................... 284
Figure 389. Board: Configure TMDX1180......................................................................................... 284
Figure 390. TMDX configuration port................................................................................................ 285
Figure 391. Board: Configure WMAN 3x74 ..................................................................................... 285
Figure 392. WMAN 3x74 configuration dialog box............................................................................ 286
Figure 393. After tuning physcon structure: DS path implemented................................................... 286
Figure 394. Show/set attributes-physcon-Check flag ....................................................................... 287
Figure 395. Status: Check conn: SET to NORMAL .......................................................................... 287
Figure 396. Flag no longer in OCH trail r. display ............................................................................ 288
Figure 397. OCH trail client Trail structure view................................................................................ 288
Figure 398. DS path highlight ........................................................................................................... 289
Figure 399. Routing display of trail OCH Trail TRBC-1111-193300 ................................................. 290
Figure 400. OCH Trail TRBC-1111-193300 highlight ........................................................................ 290
Figure 401. Pass-through cross-connection ..................................................................................... 291
Figure 402. Board WMAN3174 is selected....................................................................................... 291
Figure 403. Board: Configure WMAN3x74 ....................................................................................... 292
Figure 404. WMAN 3x74 configuration dialog box............................................................................ 292
Figure 405. OCH trail: Implement ..................................................................................................... 292
Figure 406. Pass-through x-con in 50-3............................................................................................ 293
Figure 407. 40Gb transponder TRBD4312 ....................................................................................... 294
Figure 408. Configuration: Connectors/Cabling................................................................................ 294
Figure 409. X-cons to be made......................................................................................................... 295
Figure 410. Node 50-1: Port list ........................................................................................................ 295
Figure 411. OTS physcon ................................................................................................................. 296
Figure 412. ODU 3 layer ................................................................................................................... 296
Figure 413. Single transp-create x-con via EML. Reference network............................................... 298
Figure 414. TRBD1191 board view ................................................................................................... 298
Figure 415. TRBD1191 port view ...................................................................................................... 299
Figure 416. OCH: Cross Connection: Create Cross Connections .................................................... 299
Figure 417. Create Cross Connections............................................................................................. 300
Figure 418. Create Cross Connections: unique selection................................................................. 300
Figure 419. Create Cross Connections confirm................................................................................ 301
Figure 420. OCH: Expand all levels .................................................................................................. 301
Figure 421. Port detail1: x-con created ............................................................................................. 302
Figure 422. Port detail2: x-con created ............................................................................................. 302
Figure 423. Create: Physical Connection ......................................................................................... 303
Figure 424. Create physcon: name and I/W type ............................................................................. 303
Figure 425. Select the second TP..................................................................................................... 304
Figure 426. Create I/W physcon: Finish............................................................................................ 304
Figure 427. Create OPS physcon ..................................................................................................... 305
Figure 428. Selection of port 101 on transponder............................................................................. 305
Figure 429. Selection of port 101 on OMDX8100 ............................................................................. 306
Figure 430. Create OPS physcon: TP end of selection .................................................................... 306

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Figure 431. The raw conn is created thru OPS physcon .................................................................. 307
Figure 432. Node 1626-50-3: Search: All Related Items .................................................................. 307
Figure 433. Node 1626-50-3: Search Cross connections................................................................. 308
Figure 434. List of the cross connections ......................................................................................... 308
Figure 435. X-con details .................................................................................................................. 308
Figure 436. Discovery report log....................................................................................................... 309
Figure 437. DS path discovery.......................................................................................................... 310
Figure 438. DS path: Routing Display............................................................................................... 310
Figure 439. DS path: Routing display: Flexibility level=flexible with fixed ends ................................ 311
Figure 440. DS path highlight button ................................................................................................ 311
Figure 441. DS path highlight ........................................................................................................... 312
Figure 442. List of the cross connections ......................................................................................... 312
Figure 443. Cross connection detail ................................................................................................. 313
Figure 444. TRBD1191 board view on 1626-50-3 ............................................................................ 314
Figure 445. TRBD port view 1626-50-3 ............................................................................................ 314
Figure 446. TRBD port view on 1626-40A ........................................................................................ 315
Figure 447. Node 1626-50-3: Search: All Related Items .................................................................. 315
Figure 448. Cross connection on TRBD1191 is allocated ................................................................ 316
Figure 449. Cross Connection details ............................................................................................... 316
Figure 450. Report log-case 2: DS discovery ................................................................................... 317
Figure 451. DS path on physcon structure case2 (allocated) ........................................................... 317
Figure 452. DS path display case2 (x-cons allocated;flex. w. fixed ends) ........................................ 318
Figure 453. X-cons -CASE 2-usage=path......................................................................................... 318
Figure 454. Cross connection detail. case2 ...................................................................................... 319
Figure 455. Implement the DS path .................................................................................................. 319
Figure 456. Implementation in progress of the DS path.................................................................... 320
Figure 457. TRBD x-con on path implementation (scroll-left) ........................................................... 320
Figure 458. TRBD x-con on path implementation (scroll-right) ......................................................... 321
Figure 459. DS path implemented .................................................................................................... 321
Figure 460. DS path implemented. X-con flex. level=flexible with fixed ends-case2 ........................ 322
Figure 461. DS path: Deimplement................................................................................................... 323
Figure 462. DS path allocated and cross connections removed....................................................... 323
Figure 463. DS path: Deallocate ....................................................................................................... 324
Figure 464. The relevant trail is still present ..................................................................................... 324
Figure 465. The trail is allocated....................................................................................................... 325
Figure 466. The flexible cross conn. is allocated .............................................................................. 325
Figure 467. X-con not created via EML on TRBD1191, node 1626-40A-2 ...................................... 326
Figure 468. X-con created via EML on TRBD1191, node 1626-50-3 ............................................... 326
Figure 469. Discovered DS path: partially implemented ................................................................... 327
Figure 470. Flexible connections: implemented on 50-3, allocated on 40A-2 .................................. 327
Figure 471. DS path: Show/Set Attributes ........................................................................................ 328
Figure 472. DS path: Show/Set Attributes: partially implemented .................................................... 328
Figure 473. Adiacent transponders TRBD1191 ................................................................................ 329
Figure 474. Flexible connection: two adjacent TRBD1191 ............................................................... 329
Figure 475. Flexible connection:ETHC_TRBD1191.......................................................................... 330
Figure 476. Physical connection structure (96_UP to 96_MID) ........................................................ 331
Figure 477. Coarse signal in the optical network .............................................................................. 333
Figure 478. ASON network ............................................................................................................... 338
Figure 479. Actions: Create: Npa...................................................................................................... 342
Figure 480. Create: Npa: Step 2: Internal and Interworking physcons ............................................. 343
Figure 481. Create NPA log .............................................................................................................. 343
Figure 482. NPA highlight ................................................................................................................. 344
Figure 483. Network: Display: All Related Items............................................................................... 345
Figure 484. Item selection: NPA ....................................................................................................... 345

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Figure 485. NPA list .......................................................................................................................... 346
Figure 486. NPA view selection ........................................................................................................ 347
Figure 487. ASON NPA view ............................................................................................................ 347
Figure 488. Physical Connection list................................................................................................. 348
Figure 489. Control Planes list.......................................................................................................... 348
Figure 490. Paths crossing ASON network ...................................................................................... 349
Figure 491. SNC (subnetwork connection) list................................................................................. 349
Figure 492. TE-Link list ..................................................................................................................... 350
Figure 493. NPA: Actions: Configuration: Modify NPA...................................................................... 350
Figure 494. NPA: Modify: step 1 ....................................................................................................... 351
Figure 495. NPA: Modify: step 2 ....................................................................................................... 351
Figure 496. NPA: Actions: Configuration: Implement........................................................................ 352
Figure 497. Shared Risk Group menu .............................................................................................. 352
Figure 498. Shared Risk Group Create/Remove .............................................................................. 353
Figure 499. SRG: SRG type ............................................................................................................. 353
Figure 500. srg probability change.................................................................................................... 354
Figure 501. SRG: Remove (selection) .............................................................................................. 354
Figure 502. SRG: Remove................................................................................................................ 355
Figure 503. SRG (Shared Risk Group) Management: Correlate/Modify the set of SRGs ................ 355
Figure 504. SRG (Shared Risk Group) Management: Correlate/Modify........................................... 356
Figure 505. SRG selection................................................................................................................ 356
Figure 506. Shared Risk Group: SDH SRGs calculation: Physcon selectrion .................................. 357
Figure 507. Shared Risk Group: SDH SRGs calculation: SRG selectrion ........................................ 358
Figure 508. Shared Risk Group: SDH SRGs calculation: launching the calculation......................... 358
Figure 509. Physical Connection: Administrative State menu .......................................................... 359
Figure 510. Physical Connection: ASON: Maintenance ................................................................... 360
Figure 511. ASON Maintenance wizard ............................................................................................ 360
Figure 512. Update TE-Link wizard .................................................................................................. 361
Figure 513. NPA view: TE-Link icon ................................................................................................. 362
Figure 514. TE-Link list ..................................................................................................................... 362
Figure 515. Update TE-Link: move physcon to a new TE-Link......................................................... 363
Figure 516. Update TE-Link: move physcon to a new TE-Link......................................................... 363
Figure 517. Move TE-Link: change SRG .......................................................................................... 364
Figure 518. Update TE-Link: move physcon to an existingTE-Link .................................................. 365
Figure 519. Path list .......................................................................................................................... 370
Figure 520. Highlight map view: Highligth......................................................................................... 371
Figure 521. Current route Highligth display ...................................................................................... 371
Figure 522. Nominal Route Highligth display.................................................................................... 372
Figure 523. Backup Route Highligth ................................................................................................. 372
Figure 524. ASON node: Create: Trail .............................................................................................. 376
Figure 525. Trail LO create step 1 : payload / CP restoration........................................................... 377
Figure 526. Trail LO create: end point selections ............................................................................. 377
Figure 527. Node: selection of Starting/Ending HO trails.................................................................. 378
Figure 528. Trail list for node ............................................................................................................ 378
Figure 529. Trail routing view............................................................................................................ 379
Figure 530. Trail: Protection: Add ..................................................................................................... 379
Figure 531. Trail: Protection: Added ................................................................................................. 380
Figure 532. Add/Remove Protection Tool ......................................................................................... 380
Figure 533. Add/Remove protection:Reroute dialog box .................................................................. 381
Figure 534. Path reroute: A-CONN selection.................................................................................... 381
Figure 535. Path reroute: A-CONN selected .................................................................................... 382
Figure 536. Path reroute: confirmation ............................................................................................. 382
Figure 537. SNC display ................................................................................................................... 383
Figure 538. ASON: SNC list.............................................................................................................. 383

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Figure 539. Modify: Attributes pop-up menu..................................................................................... 384
Figure 540. SNC: Modify: Attributes ................................................................................................. 385
Figure 541. Show: Details on GMRE ................................................................................................ 385
Figure 542. Switched connection list ................................................................................................ 386
Figure 543. Remove switched connection ........................................................................................ 386
Figure 544. Highlight of a switched connection ................................................................................ 387
Figure 545. Routing display of a switched connection...................................................................... 387
Figure 546. SC highlight: Physical Connection list ........................................................................... 388
Figure 547. Physical Connection structure ....................................................................................... 388
Figure 548. SNC: Maintenance: Constraint Management ................................................................ 389
Figure 549. SNC Constraint management........................................................................................ 389
Figure 550. SAM1-SAM22 disjoined from SAM1-SAM21................................................................. 390
Figure 551. SAM1-SAM21 disjoined from SAM1-SAM22................................................................. 390
Figure 552. Path routing of SAM1-SAM21 and SAM1-SAM22......................................................... 391
Figure 553. SNC Constraint management wizard with disjoin policy on TE-Link. ............................ 391
Figure 554. Scenario 1...................................................................................................................... 392
Figure 555. Scenario 2...................................................................................................................... 392
Figure 556. Scenario 3...................................................................................................................... 392
Figure 557. Scenario 4...................................................................................................................... 393
Figure 558. Scenario 5...................................................................................................................... 393
Figure 559. Scenario 6...................................................................................................................... 393
Figure 560. Path routing view ........................................................................................................... 394
Figure 561. SNCP ring closure: Path highlight ................................................................................. 394
Figure 562. SNCP ring closure: internal link: physcon list ................................................................ 395
Figure 563. Path: Maintenance: SNC Reversion Blocked management .......................................... 395
Figure 564. SNC Reversion Blocked management wizard............................................................... 396
Figure 565. Broadcast path (not protected) five legs in the ASON domain&three distinct SNCs ..... 397
Figure 566. broadcast path (not protected) with six legs in the ASON domain ................................ 398
Figure 567. (NOT ALLOWED) Broadcast path-two legs in ASON dom. sharing a LC in two dir ...... 399
Figure 568. broadcast path (not protected) with two legs in the ASON domain ............................... 399
Figure 569. SNCP/PRC protection inside ASON.............................................................................. 400
Figure 570. SNCP/PRC protection inside ASON and unprotected leg ............................................. 400
Figure 571. external end-to-end protection....................................................................................... 401
Figure 572. (not allowed) protection starting from ASON ingressing CTP........................................ 401
Figure 573. Create connection wizard step1 .................................................................................... 403
Figure 574. Create connection step2 ( first physical connection) ..................................................... 403
Figure 575. Create connection report ............................................................................................... 404
Figure 576. Create connection step2 ( second physical connection) ............................................... 404
Figure 577. Attribute link category=compound link ........................................................................... 405
Figure 578. Physical connection implement ..................................................................................... 405
Figure 579. Physical Connection list................................................................................................. 406
Figure 580. Physical Connection: Npa:Add to Npa........................................................................... 406
Figure 581. Add Physical Connection wizard ................................................................................... 407
Figure 582. Display: Related Items:Physical Connections ............................................................... 407
Figure 583. Compound physcon included in the list ......................................................................... 408
Figure 584. Physical Connection structure selection ........................................................................ 408
Figure 585. Compound link management: Not available for ASON.................................................. 409
Figure 586. Link not available for ASON........................................................................................... 409
Figure 587. Improvement for SNCP&PRC switch management....................................................... 410
Figure 588. ASON Physical Connection: Ason: Maintenance .......................................................... 411
Figure 589. ASON Maintenance wizard............................................................................................ 412
Figure 590. Reload button ................................................................................................................ 412
Figure 591. CLI connect: click Control Plane.................................................................................... 413
Figure 592. CLI term-connect ........................................................................................................... 413

User Guide 1354RM Rel.7.4F

List of Figures 3AL 61269 BAAA Issue 5 17/572
Figure 593. Question mark: 1st level help ........................................................................................ 414
Figure 594. 2nd level help on show command ................................................................................. 415
Figure 595. Show LSP: LSP list........................................................................................................ 415
Figure 596. 3rd level help on show lsp command............................................................................. 416
Figure 597. Show LSPIndex command ............................................................................................ 416
Figure 598. RM Domain:Search:All Related Items:Color Profile ...................................................... 417
Figure 599. Color profile list .............................................................................................................. 418
Figure 600. Color profile creator (1st profile) .................................................................................... 419
Figure 601. Color profile creator ( 2nd profile) .................................................................................. 419
Figure 602. Color profile list with added profiles ............................................................................... 420
Figure 603. TE Link list: Color Profile name ..................................................................................... 420
Figure 604. Path attributes Include/Exclude colors........................................................................... 421
Figure 605. Reference network......................................................................................................... 421
Figure 606. TE Link E3/E4: Modifications: Update TE Link .............................................................. 422
Figure 607. Update TE Link wizard (No Color) ................................................................................. 422
Figure 608. Update TE Link wizard (Blue) ........................................................................................ 423
Figure 609. TE Link E3/E4: color profile name=blue ........................................................................ 423
Figure 610. Exclude Any Color=NoColor; Include Any Color=Blue .................................................. 424
Figure 611. Command Log signalling an error .................................................................................. 424
Figure 612. Path test coloring (Include=blue) ................................................................................... 425
Figure 613. Path test coloring thru blue resource ............................................................................. 425
Figure 614. TE Link: Modifications: Move Physical Connection ....................................................... 426
Figure 615. TE Link: Move Physical Connection step1 .................................................................... 427
Figure 616. Ason: Restoration on SD: Enable .................................................................................. 430
Figure 617. SNCP Switch Request - Internal.................................................................................... 431
Figure 618. External SNCP two drop TPs exist. ............................................................................... 431
Figure 619. SNCP Switch Request: internal ..................................................................................... 432
Figure 620. Switching of external SNCP........................................................................................... 433
Figure 621. System Configuration: enabling of NP-RMPA subsystem. ............................................ 436
Figure 622. RM Process Monitoring view with Proxy NP agent active ............................................. 436
Figure 623. Communication link to RM............................................................................................. 437
Figure 624. Communication link show .............................................................................................. 437
Figure 625. Search: Related Items: Control Planes......................................................................... 438
Figure 626. NPOS Control Plane...................................................................................................... 438
Figure 627. NP map:Detail of the Compound TE Link menu ............................................................ 439
Figure 628. NP map:Detail of the Compound TE Link ...................................................................... 439
Figure 629. Detail of TE-Link ............................................................................................................ 440
Figure 630. RM network map............................................................................................................ 440
Figure 631. RM Subnetwork map ..................................................................................................... 441
Figure 632. SDH link: Search: Main Related Items .......................................................................... 441
Figure 633. Physical Connection list................................................................................................. 442
Figure 634. Search: Related Items: Physical Connection structure.................................................. 442
Figure 635. Physical Connection structure ....................................................................................... 443
Figure 636. Physcon: Maintenance: ASON ...................................................................................... 444
Figure 637. Maintenance wizard....................................................................................................... 445
Figure 638. Status change to LOCKED ............................................................................................ 445
Figure 639. Before the intervention of the flow-through messages .................................................. 446
Figure 640. Detail of Compound Link MI-RO menu .......................................................................... 446
Figure 641. Detail of Compound Link MI-RO: detail of TE link menu ............................................... 447
Figure 642. Detail of TE Link s12 MI-RO-04: Port Show .................................................................. 447
Figure 643. Port: Show ..................................................................................................................... 448
Figure 644. Assign the port to department........................................................................................ 448
Figure 645. Assign port department Confirmation ............................................................................ 448
Figure 646. TE Link: Disconnect Ports ............................................................................................. 449

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Figure 647. MUX Hierarchy selection ............................................................................................... 449
Figure 648. Couple of ports to disconnect ........................................................................................ 450
Figure 649. TE Link no longer connected ......................................................................................... 450
Figure 650. TE-Link Delete command .............................................................................................. 451
Figure 651. Delete TE-Link confirmation .......................................................................................... 451
Figure 652. The deleted TE-Link is no more present........................................................................ 451
Figure 653. Pictorial representation of the chain of details ............................................................... 452
Figure 654. Physcon: Npa: Remove from NPA................................................................................. 452
Figure 655. Remove from NPA confirmation .................................................................................... 453
Figure 656. Remove from NPA log ................................................................................................... 453
Figure 657. NP: Search: Related Items: NPA view ........................................................................... 454
Figure 658. Physical Connections in NP........................................................................................... 454
Figure 659. NE equipment view........................................................................................................ 455
Figure 660. Mismatch in port 13 ....................................................................................................... 456
Figure 661. Port 13: Equipment: Set................................................................................................. 456
Figure 662. Board type selection ...................................................................................................... 456
Figure 663. Equipment view: port 13 in service ................................................................................ 457
Figure 664. Board view on NP .......................................................................................................... 457
Figure 665. Dept session: the port is colored in Yellow .................................................................... 458
Figure 666. Port Show: ..................................................................................................................... 458
Figure 667. Port: Reserve for NPOS control..................................................................................... 459
Figure 668. Port Show:ACD=NP, usage=SPAre ............................................................................... 459
Figure 669. TE Links in Compound TE Link Milano-Roma............................................................... 460
Figure 670. TE-Link: Create: Physical. ............................................................................................. 460
Figure 671. Create TE-Link dialog box ............................................................................................. 461
Figure 672. Select the originating node ............................................................................................ 461
Figure 673. Select the terminating node ........................................................................................... 462
Figure 674. Select the cable (SRG) .................................................................................................. 462
Figure 675. Confirmation of the creation........................................................................................... 462
Figure 676. Compound TE Link detail menu ................................................................................... 463
Figure 677. New TE Link Connect Ports........................................................................................... 463
Figure 678. TE Link: Connect Ports dialog box ................................................................................ 464
Figure 679. Port: Assign to Network menu item ............................................................................... 464
Figure 680. Restored A-end port ...................................................................................................... 465
Figure 681. Restore to service of the Z-end port .............................................................................. 465
Figure 682. TE-Link Restore to service ............................................................................................ 466
Figure 683. After restore all links INS-ACT ....................................................................................... 466
Figure 684. Create: Physical Connection ......................................................................................... 467
Figure 685. Create Connection wizard step 1................................................................................... 467
Figure 686. Destination node and port selection .............................................................................. 468
Figure 687. Physcon structure .......................................................................................................... 468
Figure 688. Physcon list.................................................................................................................... 469
Figure 689. Physcon:Configuration:Implement................................................................................. 469
Figure 690. Physcon Implementation log.......................................................................................... 470
Figure 691. Detail of TE-Link_NEW .................................................................................................. 470
Figure 692. Port: Show ..................................................................................................................... 471
Figure 693. Port: Show box .............................................................................................................. 471
Figure 694. Physcon: Npa: Add to NPA ............................................................................................ 472
Figure 695. Add Physical Connection wizard ................................................................................... 472
Figure 696. Physcon selection.......................................................................................................... 473
Figure 697. Add Physical Connection to NPA (log) .......................................................................... 473
Figure 698. New physcon is LOCKED.............................................................................................. 474
Figure 699. New TE-Link: Maintenance: ASON ............................................................................... 474
Figure 700. Maintenance wizard....................................................................................................... 475

User Guide 1354RM Rel.7.4F

List of Figures 3AL 61269 BAAA Issue 5 19/572
Figure 701. Status changes to UNLOCKED ..................................................................................... 475
Figure 702. LINK statuses go INS-ACT ........................................................................................... 476
Figure 703. Port: Show command .................................................................................................... 476
Figure 704. ACD=1354NP, status=INS-ACT..................................................................................... 477
Figure 705. Path Create: Protection=None,Restoration=No Restoration ......................................... 478
Figure 706. Selection of the ports ..................................................................................................... 479
Figure 707. Restoration=No Restoration and Default Priority=4....................................................... 479
Figure 708. Circuit List ...................................................................................................................... 480
Figure 709. Action Report ................................................................................................................. 480
Figure 710. Circuit:Show: priority=4, protection=manual .................................................................. 480
Figure 711. Path highlight:Protection=None, Restoration=No Restoration ....................................... 481
Figure 712. Involved physcon highlighted and marked as M/C. ....................................................... 481
Figure 713. SNC highlighted............................................................................................................. 482
Figure 714. Crossed/nominal link is highlighted. .............................................................................. 483
Figure 715. Path: Deimplement command ....................................................................................... 483
Figure 716. After Deimplement, circuit no longer present................................................................. 484
Figure 717. Path Deallocate command............................................................................................. 484
Figure 718. Path Remove command ................................................................................................ 485
Figure 719. Search:Related Items:NPAs .......................................................................................... 485
Figure 720. Search: Related Items: NPA view. ................................................................................. 486
Figure 721. NPA view ....................................................................................................................... 486
Figure 722. Complete SNC list of the network NP from NPA............................................................ 487
Figure 723. Complete SNC list of the network NP from Network ..................................................... 487
Figure 724. Folder Restoration,Restor=Precalc,Revers=Auto.......................................................... 488
Figure 725. Circuit Show: NP protection=automatic, reversion type in NP automatic ...................... 489
Figure 726. Circuit NP_3 Show......................................................................................................... 489
Figure 727. CP Restoration,Restoration=Precalculated,Reversion=manual .................................... 490
Figure 728. Implementation log ........................................................................................................ 490
Figure 729. Circuit:Show,Reversion=manual.................................................................................... 491
Figure 730. Circuit NP-4 rerouted: status INS-PRO ......................................................................... 491
Figure 731. Current route highlighted ............................................................................................... 492
Figure 732. Highlight of the nominal route ........................................................................................ 492
Figure 733. Highlight of the current route ......................................................................................... 493
Figure 734. Path: Control Plane Restoration: Switch to Nominal ..................................................... 493
Figure 735. Circuit reverted to nominal:status INS-ACT. .................................................................. 494
Figure 736. 1+1 protection built NPOS within NP network ............................................................... 495
Figure 737. Circuit highlight, with disjointed connections ................................................................. 495
Figure 738. Protection=SNCP,Restoration=Precalculated................................................................ 496
Figure 739. Protection=SNCP,Restoration=Upon Failure ................................................................. 496
Figure 740. 10 GBE EPL node ......................................................................................................... 497
Figure 741. Board detail.................................................................................................................... 497
Figure 742. Port detail....................................................................................................................... 497
Figure 743. Port functional view........................................................................................................ 498
Figure 744. Create path pop-up menu .............................................................................................. 498
Figure 745. 10 GBE EPL path create-step1 ..................................................................................... 499
Figure 746. 10 GBE EPL path end-point selection ........................................................................... 499
Figure 747. 10 GBE EPL path: Additional Infos ................................................................................ 500
Figure 748. 10 GBE EPL path routing (defined) ............................................................................... 500
Figure 749. Path defined:port structured (scroll up).......................................................................... 501
Figure 750. Path defined:port structured (scroll down) ..................................................................... 501
Figure 751. Path list, with path EPL_NP ........................................................................................... 501
Figure 752. NP_EPL path: Allocate command ................................................................................. 502
Figure 753. The path is allocated (no change in NP)........................................................................ 502
Figure 754. NP_EPL path: Implement command ............................................................................. 502

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20/572 3AL 61269 BAAA Issue 5 List of Figures
Figure 755. NP_EPL path: Implementation log and Circuit list ......................................................... 503
Figure 756. Path: Server trail list selection ....................................................................................... 503
Figure 757. Path: Server trail list....................................................................................................... 504
Figure 758. After implementation ports are connected ..................................................................... 504
Figure 759. Virtual channel 30 displayed on port and NP................................................................. 505
Figure 760. ISA port configuration dialog box................................................................................... 505
Figure 761. Path routing display ....................................................................................................... 506
Figure 762. Path: Ethernet and Virtual Concatenation: Bandwidth Modification............................... 507
Figure 763. Bandwidth Modification dialog box ................................................................................ 508
Figure 764. Decrease bandwidth log (deimplement trails)................................................................ 508
Figure 765. Decrease bandwidth log (delete trails) .......................................................................... 509
Figure 766. Bandwidth decrease on NM and NP.............................................................................. 509
Figure 767. ISA port configuration dialog box................................................................................... 510
Figure 768. ISA port configuration: LCAS dialog box ....................................................................... 510
Figure 769. Get Server trails on RM ................................................................................................. 511
Figure 770. Server trail list ................................................................................................................ 511
Figure 771. NP_EPL path: Modify (Increase) bandwidth .................................................................. 512
Figure 772. Increase bandwidth log (allocate trails) ......................................................................... 512
Figure 773. Increase bandwidth log (implement trails) ..................................................................... 513
Figure 774. Added trails on NM and NP ........................................................................................... 513
Figure 775. ISA port configuration .................................................................................................... 514
Figure 776. Concatenated path/server trail highlight ........................................................................ 514
Figure 777. Path highlight on subnetwok.......................................................................................... 515
Figure 778. Trail highlight.................................................................................................................. 515
Figure 779. Trail structure ................................................................................................................. 516
Figure 780. Show command of one virtually concatenated circuit.................................................... 516
Figure 781. Circuit Show main dialog box ........................................................................................ 517
Figure 782. Highlight on the map...................................................................................................... 517
Figure 783. Highlighted TE-Link (BSG) ............................................................................................ 518
Figure 784. Highlighted TE-Link Connection (bearer) ...................................................................... 518
Figure 785. Path list and circuit list ................................................................................................... 519
Figure 786. Circuit Show: General.................................................................................................... 519
Figure 787. Circuit Show: Path=route list.......................................................................................... 520
Figure 788. Circuit highlight: compound TE-Link .............................................................................. 520
Figure 789. Circuit highlight: TE-Link MI-RO-16-5............................................................................ 521
Figure 790. Path highlight ................................................................................................................. 521
Figure 791. Path highlight: physcon NP-A_B-16-5 ........................................................................... 522
Figure 792. Physcon: Maintenance: ASON ...................................................................................... 522
Figure 793. Shutting-down + SET..................................................................................................... 523
Figure 794. Physcon Shutting-down log ........................................................................................... 523
Figure 795. Alarmed compound TE Link .......................................................................................... 523
Figure 796. Alarmed TE-Link MI-RO-16-5 ........................................................................................ 524
Figure 797. Circuit INS-PRO............................................................................................................. 524
Figure 798. Port Show: TPs are UNV-NTA (removed)...................................................................... 525
Figure 799. Circuit INS-PRO and not ready to revert ....................................................................... 525
Figure 800. Current route differs from nominal ................................................................................. 525
Figure 801. Alarmed TE Link MI-RO-16-5: Crossed TE Link MI-RO-16-4........................................ 526
Figure 802. The path is alarmed ....................................................................................................... 526
Figure 803. The path has been rerouted .......................................................................................... 527
Figure 804. Path highlight ................................................................................................................. 527
Figure 805. Path highlight: physcon NP-A_B-16-4 ........................................................................... 528
Figure 806. Unlock of the physcon=put in service ............................................................................ 528
Figure 807. Unlock of the physcon log.............................................................................................. 529
Figure 808. Compound TE-Link OK: circuit autorestore in progress ................................................ 529

User Guide 1354RM Rel.7.4F

List of Figures 3AL 61269 BAAA Issue 5 21/572
Figure 809. Circuit INS-ACT, path without alarms ............................................................................ 530
Figure 810. Add Constraints button .................................................................................................. 531
Figure 811. Path Constraints dialog box ........................................................................................... 531
Figure 812. Path Constraints log ...................................................................................................... 532
Figure 813. Path: Modification: Modification Tool ............................................................................. 532
Figure 814. Path: Modification: Modification Tool: Reroute............................................................... 533
Figure 815. Path reroute: get routing display.................................................................................... 533
Figure 816. Select the A connection ................................................................................................. 534
Figure 817. Path reroute: get routing display.................................................................................... 534
Figure 818. Select the Z connection ................................................................................................. 535
Figure 819. Path Reroute dialog box ................................................................................................ 535
Figure 820. Path Reroute log:circuit INS-PRO ................................................................................. 536
Figure 821. The nominal route changed ........................................................................................... 536
Figure 822. Circuit: Restore .............................................................................................................. 537
Figure 823. Circuit: Restore log ........................................................................................................ 537
Figure 824. Circuit INS-ACT & Alarm cleared on RM ....................................................................... 538
Figure 825. Circuit: Show: nominal=current, route changed............................................................. 538
Figure 826. Circuit highlight on NP ................................................................................................... 539
Figure 827. Circuit highlight on RM................................................................................................... 539
Figure 828. Circuit: Rerouting ........................................................................................................... 540
Figure 829. Rerouting: Automatic: route selection............................................................................ 540
Figure 830. Rerouted by operator: automatic reversion not in effect ................................................ 541
Figure 831. Circuit INS-PRO: nominal differs from current ............................................................... 541
Figure 832. Path: Show elementary alarms ...................................................................................... 541
Figure 833. Probable cause: Rerouted ............................................................................................. 542
Figure 834. Circuit: Restore .............................................................................................................. 542
Figure 835. Path Create step1.......................................................................................................... 543
Figure 836. Path Create step2.......................................................................................................... 543
Figure 837. Routing display: upper part ............................................................................................ 543
Figure 838. Routing display: lower part ............................................................................................ 544
Figure 839. Path implemented.......................................................................................................... 544
Figure 840. Cross Connection on NM view ...................................................................................... 545
Figure 841. Path Create step1.......................................................................................................... 545
Figure 842. Path Create step2.......................................................................................................... 546
Figure 843. Backup termination selection......................................................................................... 546
Figure 844. Operator: Selection........................................................................................................ 547
Figure 845. Operator: Show.............................................................................................................. 547
Figure 846. OperatorRM_BYPASS: Show ........................................................................................ 548
Figure 847. SIR28C Show ................................................................................................................ 548
Figure 848. Operator: Unlock............................................................................................................ 548
Figure 849. Login of SIR28C ............................................................................................................ 549
Figure 850. Circuit: Deactivate.......................................................................................................... 549
Figure 851. Circuit: Deactivate is not allowed................................................................................... 549
Figure 852. Correlation selection ...................................................................................................... 551
Figure 853. Correlation dialog box for path/trail ................................................................................ 552
Figure 854. WS selection dialog box ................................................................................................ 552

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22/572 3AL 61269 BAAA Issue 5 List of Figures
Table 1. Handbooks related to the specific software application ...................................................... 28
Table 2. Documentation on CD-ROM ............................................................................................... 28

User Guide 1354RM Rel.7.4F

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1354RM Rel.7.4F User Guide
24/572 3AL 61269 BAAA Issue 5 List of Tables

Preliminary Information

ALCATEL makes no warranty of any kind with regards to this manual, and specifically disclaims the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. ALCATEL will not be liable
for errors contained herein or for damages, whether direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, or spe-
cial, in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.


The product specification and/or performance levels contained in this document are for information
purposes only and are subject to change without notice. They do not represent any obligation on the
part of ALCATEL.


The technical information of this manual is the property of ALCATEL and must not be copied, repro-
duced or disclosed to a third party without written consent.


Please contact your Local Alcatel Technical Assistance Center for questions reffered to the infor-
mation contained in this document.

To send your comments about this handbook please follow the indication on Customer Documen-
tation Feedback on page 571.

User Guide 1354RM Rel.7.4F

Preface 3AL 61269 BAAA Edition 5 25/572
This handbook applies to following product–releases:




1354RM 7.4F 7.5.0


Handbooks relevant to software applications are not modified unless the new software "ver-
sion" distributed to Customers implies man-machine interface changes or in case of slight mod-
ifications not affecting the understanding of the explained procedures.
Moreover, should the screen prints included in the handbook contain the product–release's
"version" marking, they are not replaced in the handbooks related to a subsequent version, if
the screen contents are unchanged.

This document aims to describe the 135RM Subsystem functionalities to manage a Network of regional

This document is intended to 1354RM Operators.

1354RM Rel.7.4F User Guide

26/572 3AL 61269 BAAA Edition 5 Preface


01 April 2008 Rel 7.4F (version 7.4.9)

Reroute of broadcast paths (section Operation)
Loopback management improvement (section Operation)
GMPLS support for 10GBE EPL (section Operation)
Ethernet auto negotiation for single port of a path (section Operation)
Alarm tables update (Section Maintenance)
Low BER management on 1626LM.(section WDM)
ES64 support in 1678MCC-10Gb paths (section Operation)
Management of GMRE installation version (section ASON)
GMRE node auto-restoration deactivation (section ASON)
R-OADM management in 1626LM R5.0 (section WDM)
T&R-OADM management in 1626LM R5.0 (section WDM)
OCH trail management by user (section WDM)

02 June 2008 Rel 7.4F (version 7.4.9)

Protection Analyzer Tool (section Operation)
Flexible X-connections (section WDM)

03 December 2008 Added Flexible X-connections procedures (section WDM)

Added PM on MS trail, Force Collection and update PM paragraph
(section Maintenance)
Added note to Join Physcons (section Operation)
Added Remove Node (section WDM)

04 May 2009 Added note to PM on MS trail (section Maintenance)

Added pl step to Remove DS trail (section WDM)
Added note (restart FEP) to NPA ASON implementation (section

05 April 2010 Coloring (section ASON)

Change WTR (section ASON)
Restore on Signal Degrade (section ASON)
Manage Switch commands (section ASON)

User Guide 1354RM Rel.7.4F

Preface 3AL 61269 BAAA Edition 5 27/572
Related Documents

The list of handbooks given here below is valid on the issue date of this
Handbook and can be changed without any obligation for ALCATEL to
update it in this Handbook.

Some of the handbooks listed here below may not be available on the
issue date of this Handbook.

The standard Customer Documentation in the English language for the equipment whose product–
release–version is stated in “Applicability” on page 26 consists of the following handbooks:

Table 1. Handbooks related to the specific software application

REF HANDBOOK Part Number Notes

[1] 1354RM Rel.7.4F

3AL 61269 CAAA
Administration Guide

[2] 1354RM Rel.7.4F - Basic Network Management THIS

3AL 61269 BAAA
Operator's Handbook HANDBOOK

[3] 1354RM Rel.7.4F - Advanced Provisioning

3AL 61269 CAAA
Operator Handbook

Table 2. Documentation on CD-ROM

REF Documentation CD-ROM TITLE Part Number

1354RM Rel.7.4F CD-ROM-DOC EN 3AL 61278 AAAA

Contains handbooks REF.[1] to [2] in electronic format.

Tipically envisaged after the release of the handbooks.


Refer to WS supplier handbooks.

In particular refer to such handbooks to obtain the following information (where applicable):


• General rules
• Harmful optical signals
• Risk of explosion
• Moving mechanical parts
• Heat-radiating Mechanical Parts

1354RM Rel.7.4F User Guide

28/572 3AL 61269 BAAA Edition 5 Preface
Handbook Structure
This handbook has been edited according to the Alcatel standardized “drawing-up guides" complying with
such suggestion.

N.B. The 1354RM user documentation is split in two handbooks.

The first document (the document you are reading) contains the basic network management
description, it contains also the product overview and the graphical inteface description. The
main argument is the SDH network provisioning.

The second document describes particular network provisioning : WDM, ASON and Ethernet

This handbook is divided into the main topics described in the table of contents:

PREFACE: It contains general information as preliminary information, safety

recommendation, handbook scope, history, related documents.
Furthermore, it describes the handbook structure and the customer

WDM This section describes the procedures to build and maintain the
WDM network

ASON This section describes the procedures to build and maintain the
ASON network

RM-NP FT interw The aim of this section is to describe the operations related to the
RM-NP interworking.

ABBREVIATIONS: The abbreviation list is supplied.

INDEX Index references are inserted

CUSTOMER DOCUMENTA- It contains info regarding customer opinions collection about this
TION FEEDBACK documentation.

User Guide 1354RM Rel.7.4F

Preface 3AL 61269 BAAA Edition 5 29/572
General on Customer Documentation
Note: when Network Management Operator’s Handbook is made, other handbooks can refer to it.

A "product" is defined by the network hierarchical level where it can be inserted and by the whole of per-
formance and services for which it is meant.
A "product" evolves through successive "product–releases" which are the real products marketed for
their delivery at a certain "product–release" availability date.

So, a "product-release" defines a set of hardware components and a software package which, as a whole,
identify the possible network applications and the equipment performance which the specific "product–
release" has been designed, engineered and marketed for.

In some cases a "product–release" has further development steps, named "versions", that are born to
improve or add some performance (mainly software) with respect to the previous version, or for bug fixing

A "product–release" has its own standard Customer Documentation, composed by one or more hand-

A new "version" of a "product–release" may or may not produce a change in the status of the Customer
Documentation set, as described in “Handbook Updating” following part.

Handbook supply to Customers

Handbooks are not automatically delivered together with the equipment they refer to.
The number of handbooks per type to be supplied must be decided at contract level.

Aims of standard Customer Documentation

Standard Customer Documentation, referred to hereafter, must be always meant as plant–independent.

Plant–dependent documentation, if envisaged by the contract, is subjected to commercial criteria as far
as contents, formats and supply conditions are concerned (plant–dependent documentation is not
described here).

Standard hardware and software documentation is meant to give the Customer personnel the possibility
and the information necessary for installing, commissioning, operating and maintaining the equipment
according to Alcatel Laboratory design choices.
In particular: the contents of the handbooks associated to the software applications focus on the expla-
nation of the man–machine interface and of the operating procedures allowed by it; maintenance is
described down to faulty PCB location and replacement.

Consequently, no supply to the Customers of design documentation (like PCB hardware design and pro-
duction documents and files, software source programs, programming tools, etc.) is envisaged.

The handbooks concerning hardware (usually the "Technical Handbook") and software (usually the
"Operator's Handbook") are kept separate in that any product changes do not necessarily concern their
For example, only the Technical Handbook might be revised because of hardware configuration
changes (e.g., replacing a unit with one having different P/N but the same function).
On the other hand, the Operator's Handbook is updated because of a new software version but which
does not concern the Technical Handbook as long as it does not imply hardware modifications.
However, both types of handbooks can be updated to improve contents, correct mistakes, etc..

1354RM Rel.7.4F User Guide

30/572 3AL 61269 BAAA Edition 5 Preface
Handbook Updating

The handbooks associated to the "product-release" are listed in “Related Documents” on page 28.

Each handbook is identified by:

– the name of the "product–release" (and "version" when the handbook is applicable to the versions
starting from it, but not to the previous ones),
– the handbook name,
– the handbook Part Number,
– the handbook edition (usually first edition=01),
– the handbook issue date. The date on the handbook does not refer to the date of print but to the date
on which the handbook source file has been completed and released for the production.

Changes introduced in the same product–release (same handbook P/N)

The edition and date of issue might change on future handbook versions for the following reasons:

– only the date changes (pointed out in the Table of Contents) when modifications are made to the edi-
torial system not changing the technical contents of the handbook.

– the edition, hence the date, is changed because modifications made concern technical contents. In
this case:

• the changes with respect to the previous edition are listed in History on page 27.;
• in affected chapters, revision bars on the left of the page indicate modifications in text and draw-

Changes concerning the technical contents of the handbook cause the edition number increase (e.g. from
Ed.01 to Ed.02). Slight changes (e.g. for corrections) maintain the same edition but with the addition of
a version character (e.g. from Ed.02 to Ed.02A). Version character can be used for draft or proposal edi-


Handbooks relevant to software applications (typically the Operator's Handbooks)
are not modified unless the new software "version" distributed to Customers
implies man-machine interface changes or in case of slight modifications not
affecting the understanding of the explained procedures.

Moreover, should the screen prints included in the handbook contain the product–release's
"version" marking, they are not replaced in the handbooks related to a subsequent version, if
the screen contents are unchanged.

Supplying updated handbooks to Customers

Supplying updated handbooks to Customers who have already received previous issues is submitted to
commercial criteria.
By updated handbook delivery it is meant the supply of a complete copy of the handbook new issue (sup-
plying errata-corrige sheets is not envisaged).

Changes due to new product version

A new product version changes the handbook P/N and the edition starts from 01.
In this case the modified parts of the handbook are not listed.

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Customer documentation on CD-ROM

In the following by 'CD-ROM' it is meant 'Customer Documentation on CD-ROM'

Contents, creation and production of a CD-ROM

In most cases, a CD-ROM contains in read-only eletronic format the documentation of one product-
release(-version) and for a certain language.
In some other cases, the same CD-ROM can contain the documentation of different product-release(-ver-
sion)s for a certain language.

As a general rule:

– CD-ROMs for Network Management products do not contain:

• the Installation Guides

• the documentation of system optional features that Customers could not buy from Alcatel
together with the main applicative SW.

– CD-ROMs for Network Elements products do not contain:

• the documentation of system optional features (e.g. System Installation Handbooks related to
racks that Customers could not buy from Alcatel together with the main equipment).

A CD-ROM is obtained collecting various handbooks and documents in .pdf format. Bookmarks and
hyperlinks make the navigation easier. No additional information is added to each handbook, so that the
documentation present in the CD-ROMs is exactly the same the Customer would receive on paper.

The files processed in this way are added to files/images for managing purpose and a master CD-ROM
is recorded.

Suitable checks are made in order to have a virus-free product.

After a complete functional check, the CD-ROM image is electronically transferred to the archive of the
Production Department, so that the CD-ROM can be produced and delivered to Customers.

Use of the CD-ROM

The CD-ROM can be used both in PC and Unix WS environments.

The CD-ROM starts automatically with autorun and hyperlinks from the opened “Index" document permit
to visualize the .pdf handbooks
Other hyperlinks permit to get, from the Technical handbooks, the specific .pdf setting documents.

In order to open the .pdf documents Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 4.0 (minimum) must have been
installed on the platform.
The CD-ROM doesn't contain the Adobe Acrobat Reader program. The Customer is in charge of getting
and installing it.
ReadMe info is present on the CD-ROM to this purpose.

Then the Customer is allowed to read the handbooks on the PC/WS screen, using the navigation and
zooming tools included in the tool, and to print selected parts of the documentation through a local printer.

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CD-ROM identification

Each CD-ROM is identified:

1) by external identifiers, that are printed on the CD-ROM upper surface:

– the name of the "product-release(s)" (and "version" if applicable)
– a writing indicating the language(s),
– the CD-ROM Part Number),
– the CD-ROM edition (usually first edition=01)

2) and, internally, by the list of the source handbooks and documents (P/Ns and editions) by
whose collection and processing the CD-ROM itself has been created.

CD-ROM updating

The list of source handbook/document P/Ns-editions indicated in previous para. point 2) , in association
with the CD-ROM's own P/N-edition, is also loaded in the Alcatel-Information-System as a structured list.
Whenever a new edition of any of such handbooks/documents is released in the Alcatel archive system,
a check in the Alcatel-Information-System is made to identify the list of CD-ROMs that must be updated
to include the new editions of these handbooks/documents.
This causes the planning and creation of a new edition of the CD-ROM.

Updating of CD-ROMs always follows, with a certain delay, the updating of the single handbooks com-
posing the collection.

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The introduction of WDM technology in transport networks is the first step toward Optical Transport Net-
works (OTN).
The evolution of WDM Network Elements (NE) from line systems with fixed wavelength add/drop capa-
bility to more flexible equipments (Optical Add Drop Multiplexers - OADMs - and Optical Cross Connect
- OXC ) will allow the manipulation of optical channels as time slots are currently managed in the TDM

Since the availability of a network management system is a key feature for transport networks, the current
NML OS set of applications (packaged into the 1354RM product) has to face this new technology by intro-
ducing new functionality.

1.1 WDM description

1.1.1 WDM Layer Overview

The Optical Transport Network is seen, at NML level, as a support for the transport of the digital signals
managed at a "client level".
In the Server/Client paradigm, the SDH layer (from now onwards we will use the term SDH to denote both
SDH and SONET hierarchies) is client of WDM layer.

Figure 1. SDH/WDM layering

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1.1.2 WDM Terminology
The WDM signal is composed by the multiplexing of client signals (e.g. SDH at STM-n rate) onto the same
optical fiber. Each signal is transported into a well-defined wavelength, usually identified as "lambda" .

As an example, up to 80 channels (+ 1 supervisory channel, when supported) may be currently trans-

ported on the same optical fiber (the New Generation Platform will be able to carry up to 160 wavelengths).

The digital client signal transported at WDM layer is identified in the OTN network by "Client" end points
of the paths managed at WDM level (named "Client path" - see Figure 1).

A "Client path" maps a logical physical connection in the SDH network in the WDM layer: typically the "Cli-
ent path" supports several SDH paths crossing the OTN network.

The "Client path" may also represent the transport end-service delivered by an operator, if only the OTN
network is managed by the NML OS or the specific terminating non DWDM NEs are managed by another

The "Client path" concept is therefore a way to define the generic server provided by the optical trans-

When a SDH network is the client of the OTN network, the WDM "Client path" is the service provided
by the OTN to the SDH network, which will look at it as a physical connection joining the two SDH NEs
at the extremities of the WDM section (see Figure 1).

The WDM hierarchy represents the stages required by a digital client signal that has to be transported at
WDM layer:

· The signal must be "colored" (i.e. has to be transmitted with the wavelength that has been assigned
to its channel) .

This operation is performed by specific boards named "transponders" or WLA (WaveLength Adapter)

This operation may be not necessary if the signal source is already coloured in the client equipment
through "colored" interfaces (specific transmission boards).

The colored signal belongs to the Optical Channel (OCh) layer

· The Optical Channels that compose the WDM signals are multiplexed into the WDM signal.

The multiplexed signal belongs to the Optical Multiplex Section (OMS) layer

· The signal is transported along the optical fiber until it is extracted to upper layers.

The signal interfaced with the optical medium belongs to the Optical Transport Section (OTS) layer

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Figure 2. OTN multiplexing

As for the SDH network, the modeling of the OTN network in the NML OS is based on the concepts of
End Points (e.g. Ports), Physical Connection, Link Connection, Trail, and Path

A schematic representation of the layering of a "Client path" into the OTN network is shown in Figure Fig-
ure 9.on page 40.

When a single Optical Channel (without supervisory channel) is transported along the optical fiber, the
OMS layer is skipped and the OTS layer is named OPS0 (Optical Physical Section 0).

By extension of this concept, related to mono-lambda signals, in WDM layer the ports of WLA boards are
identified as OPS ports and the physical connections connecting SDH NE to WDM NE are identified as
OPS physical connections

1.1.3 WDM Equipments managed by 1354RM

1354RM is the Alcatel NML OS. It currently manages the following WDM equipments:

– 1640WM
– 1686WM
– 1696MSPAN
– 1626LM

1.1.4 WDM NE configurations

1640WM, 1686WM, 1696MSPAN

These NEs may be equipped in four basic different configurations:

· Line Terminal

The Line Terminal is where the client digital signal access/exit the OTN network and is multiplexed/demul-
tiplexed into the OTS level signal.

WLA boards are not necessary if the input signal is already "colored"

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Figure 3. Line Terminal Configuration

In Line Amplifier (ILA)

The In Line Amplifier configuration (also named as In Line Repeater) provides an optical amplification of
type OTS signal without any regeneration of the original signal.

Figure 4. ILA configuration

Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer (OADM)

The OADM configuration offers the possibility of inserting/extracting wavelength from the optical payload.
The number of wavelength added/dropped in OADM NEs is limited (typically 4-8 wavelengths)

Figure 5. OADM configuration

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The OADM may host also an amplification section. In this case the NE configuration is defined as OADM

Figure 6. OADM repeater configuration

Back-to-back Regenerator

Two NEs may be put in back-to-back configuration to offer regeneration capability for the OTS signal in
case of exceeding attenuation of the signal along the optical section.

This configuration allows to compensate the signal attenuation, the chromatic dispersion and to regen-
erate the signal (2R or 3R).

In addition an unlimited Add-Drop capability is granted by this configuration

Figure 7. Back-to-back Regenerator configuration

1660 OCP

These NE is dedicated to protection for WDM transmission networks.

They are pure switching equipments operating at the channel level (i.e. on a per wavelength basis).

OCP (Optical Channel Protection) offers the opportunity of introducing O-SNCP configuration in OTN net-
works where the WDM NEs don't support this feature (e.g. 1686WM and 1640WM).

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Figure 8. O-SNCP protection in point to point links with OCP

1.1.5 Layering
The following figure shows the relationship between the network components and the model

Figure 9. OTN layering

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1.1.6 Network construction
The network construction activity is split in the following phases:

· Upload from the EML OS the information about NEs and Ports

· Definition of the physical connections between the NEs (Network topology)

Physical connection types are:

– SDH (SDH port to SDH port)

– OPS (SDH NEs to WDM NEs and transponders in WDM NEs)

– OTS (OTS port to OTS port)

The introduction of the OPS physical connections implies that the ports in SDH NEs may be involved in
two different connections at the same time (each connection belonging to a different network view)

Because of this reason, ports in SDH NEs are fictitiously split into two objects when they are involved in
OPS connections: a second port of OPS type (a copy of the original SDH port) is used to set-up the OPS
connection with the WDM NE.
In WDM NEs OPS ports are related to WLA boards equipped in the NE or, in case of "colored" interfaces,
to the input/output board accepting Optical Channels (Mux/Demux boards).
1354RM offers the capability to manage SDH and WDM network domains both in integrated or separate
configuration (i.e. using two instances of RM).

In case of integrated management, a flat representation of the managed network is offered to the users:
both SDH and WDM NEs are shown in the same map.

1.1.7 Integrated management map view

An example of real network layout is shown in the following figure

Figure 10. Example of real network

A set of ADM NEs connected through an OTN network section, supported by WDM NEs.

The representation of this network is:

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Figure 11. Physical network representation

Taking in account the splitting of the network representation in two different levels (SDH and WDM), the
full view of a co-hosted SDH-WDM network will offer this representation of the network topology:

Figure 12. Full view: physical plus logical views

Only the connections in color represent physical links (respectively OPS and OTS physical connection).
The gray connection is in practice a logical SDH connection ( conventionally called SDH physical con-
This connection is anyway the only connection seen by the NML OS at SDH network level and RM routing
algorithm will refer it when an SDH path crossing the two SDH NEs will be allocated.

1.1.8 Circuit provisioning

In case of fully flexible OTN NEs, 1354RM can provide the automatic routing algorithm for path provi-
sioning. Circuit provisioning means the creation of the SERVER OPTICAL PATH, conventionally called
"Client" path, taking into account of the not-flexible NEs, including NE internal cabling.

The following sequence depicts a simple example of set up the OTN Network layout and on how Client
path is identified by RM.

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1) In the initial situation NEs are stored in the RM MIB.

RM has no knowledge of the fixed cross connections defined inside WDM NEs.

2) Define the connections between the WDM NEs, ( OTS connection )

As soon as a physical connection is created, the TPs at the extremities are added in RM MIB.

The RM retrieves the fixed cross connection in the WDM NE creates an Incomplete Connection.

At this point the infrastructure supporting the client level services is ready.

3) The RM operator creates the first OPS connection between one of the SDH NE at the extrem-
ities of the Client Path and the adjacent WDM NE.

RM retrieve a second fixed cross connection, creates a second Incomplete Connection and merges it with
the previous one. The connection is still "incomplete"

4) At last, an OPS connection is created at the other extremity of the WDM transport link. Also in
this case the objects up to the Client Nap are created into the SDH NE.

RM recognizes that the connection is now complete (ending on two Client NAPs) and transforms it in a
Client Path.

1.1.9 Raw connection

SDH NEs offer in general flexible cross-connections: internally to an NE any TP may be connected to
another TP (with some limitations depending on NE type).

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Flexible cross-connections are managed through a connectivity matrix that is controlled by external man-
agement OS: Craft Terminal, EML OS (1353SH), NML OS (1354RM): they are "downloaded" to the target

WDM NEs currently managed by 1354RM offer a very limited flexibility in defining circuits at OTN level:
with few exceptions in 1696MSPAN, all the cross-connections defined in the NEs are either fixed or semi-
fixed (e.g. the pass-through connections in OADM NEs preset for channel Add/Drop).

An external management OS cannot control the fixed connections: they are "uploaded" by 1354RM from
the WDM NEs deployed in the managed network.

The "Client" path definition mechanism is based for 1354RM on the concept of "Raw Connection" (RC).

A "Raw Connection" represents a partial connectivity or connection that cannot be mapped in a path or
in a trail. It is composed by at least a link connection and a cross-connection and is terminated by two (or
more) TPs (CTP, NAP, CAP).

"Raw Connections" may exist both in the SDH and OTN network: at OTN network anyway they play a key
role in circuit design.

When a physical connection is created at OTN network level, during the network construction phase, the
Trails and Link Connections representing the WDM layering are automatically created inside the RM MIB.

The new link connections are analyzed by RM and correlated to the cross-connections stored in the MIB
to identify, if possible, new RCs. It may happen that two pre-existing RCs are merged in a longer RC as
a result of this analysis.

As far as the RC is ended by at least one CTP, the RC is defined as "incomplete".

When both ends of the RC are not CTPs, the RC is defined as "complete".

If both the ends of a complete RC are of the same type, the RC is automatically promoted to optical path
(if end points are NAPs) or trail (if end points are CAPs). A Clint path is terminated by two Client NAPs,
contained in the SDH NEs (virtual, in case) accessing the WDM layer services.

1.1.10 Performance Monitoring

The introduction of a complete management of Performance Measurement (PM) in OTN networks is
related to the introduction of optical NEs compliant to Rec. G.709

Currently, the WDM NEs managed by 1354RM support only a limited set of monitorable information:

· B1 byte: a byte of the RS overhead of SDH signal (RSOH) allocated for both error and PM monitoring.

The basic concepts of PM management in RM (definition of a measure, correlation of TEs and TPs to it,
graphic and report interface) are kept unchanged for WDM.

The TE correlated to a measure will be a Client path.

1.1.11 B1 based PM
The B1 byte, as part of the RSOH will be accessible only in 3R transponders, where the overhead contents
may be accessed and analyzed.

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B1 measurement may be performed for both (sometimes in a mutual exclusive way) the incoming
(ingressing) and outgoing (egressing) SDH/SONET signal.

The monitoring of the incoming signal permits to detect errors occurred in the section between the current
DWDM NE and the adjacent SDH/SONET NEs.

The monitoring of the outgoing signal permits to detect errors occurred in the DWDM Domain.

Although this kind of measurement is unidirectional, it could be used as acceptable approximation of the
QoS of unprotected optical path in pre-OTN context.

1.1.12 Acronims
In the following some simplified definitions of the resources managed by 1354RM (formal descriptions of
a lot them are available in G.803, G.805)

1.1.13 Topological Components

Network: It represents the highest level of partitioning managed by 1354RM. A path that crosses two Net-
works cannot be managed by 1354RM as a single transport entity (i.e. it will be represented with two

Subnetwork: It represents the second level of partitioning (i.e. a Network can be composed by more than
one sub-networks)

ET (Elementary Topology): It represents the third level of partitioning (i.e. usually ETs are contained in sub-
networks). The elementary topologies can be linear links, meshed sub-networks, rings)

Node: It represents a Network Element.

Physical Connection: It is the logical representation of fibers and coaxial cables, between network ports

Example: The physical connection delimited by to network ports, e.g. two OTS physical ports.

1.1.14 Physical Resources

· EML Domain: It represents one EMLIM component of 1353NM.

· NE: It represents a physical NE.

· Network port: It represents the physical port where e.g. the fiber is connected.

A STM-16 port of a SDH NE.
An OTS port of a DWDM NE.

· Access port: It represents the physical port where the client signal is added/dropped.
A PDH port of a SDH NE.
The physical port of a Transponder in DWDM NE.

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1.1.15 Transport Entities
Section: It is a trail at Multiplex Section Layer.

MS-Trail between two STM-n ports of two adjacent SDH NEs.
OMS-Trail between two OTS ports of two adjacent DWDM NEs.
· HO (Higher Order) Trail:
An HO Trail is a HO route (e.g. infrastructure pipe) between two (either adjacent or not) SDH
NEs. It is delimited by two CAPs (Client Access Points) and it can be configured to carry LO traffic.

Path: A path (can be at either HO or LO path layer) is a route established in the SDH/SONET network.
It is delimited by NAPs (Network Access Points).
A VC-12 path delimited by two VC-12 NAPs
A Client path delimited by two Client NAPs (RS-TTP for SDH signals)

Link Connection: It is an arc delimited by the two CTPs with the same timeslot and it is supported by the
same server Trail

An Au-4 Link Connection is delimited by two corresponding AU-4 CTPs and is supported by a MS-
An OCh Link Connection is delimited by two corresponding OCH CTPs and is supported by an OMS

1.1.16 Reference Points

NAP (Network Access Point): It terminates a path; one Network Access Point is associated to one access
A VC-3 NAP (can be called also VC-3 TTP) is associated to a 34 Mbit/s port (or a 45 Mbit/s port)
and it terminates VC-3 path).
A Client NAP is associated to an RS TTP of a SDH signal and it terminates a Client Path

CAP (Client Access Point): It terminates a HO-Trail; one CAP can support Lower Order CTPs.

A VC-4 CAP can support TU-12 and/or TU-3 CTPs (depending how the payload has been config-
ured) it terminates VC-4 HO-Trail).
An OCH CAP supports a channel in OTS signal and terminates an OCH Trail

CTP (Connection Termination Point): It is an intermediate point and, depending on NE capabilities, it can
provide non-intrusive monitoring functionalities in term of alarms and Performance Monitoring.
An AU4-16c CTP delimits an AU4-16c link connection.
An OCH CTP delimits an OCH link connection

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1.2 G709 handling

1.2.1 G709 handling overview

The ITU-T G.709 defines the interfaces of the OTN (Optical Transport Network) in terms of Optical Trans-
port Hierarchy (OTH).

The related layers extend the transport control capabilities at OCh level. The capability for supporting
these layers is what makes the difference between the so-called "pre-OTN" (client signal directly mapped
into an OCh) and the actual OTH.

The OTH layers have been added taking "inspiration" from the SDH experience to provide:

– A new mapping method, which maps a client signal of any rate (up to payload capacity) into con-
tainers at predefined bit-rates. This also allows mapping a synchronous signal (SDH) into an asyn-
chronous one (WDM). Containers at predefined bit-rate bring to a client-independent networking.

– Embedded associated overhead information for management and networking purposes very similar
to the ones defined for SDH (monitoring capability, support of complex connectivity and protections).

– Capability to support important functional extensions such as hierarchical multiplexing and concat-
enation (scalability)
The layering in OTH architecture is defined as follows

Figure 13. Layering in OTH architecture

In OTH, the Optical Channel layer is further structured in layers:

OPUk: Optical (channel) Payload Unit

ODUk: Optical (channel) Data Unit

OTUk: Optical (channel) Transport Unit

The index k specifies the rate of the signal supported by each Optical Channel, according to the following

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k=1 represents an approximate rate of 2.5 Gbit/s

k=2 represents an approximate rate of 10 Gbit/s

k=3 represents an approximate rate of 40 Gbit/s

The OCh additional layers are introduced in OTH in order to support the network management and super-
vision functionality through the contents of the additional signal overhead (OH) of the Units.

The Optical Channels, mapped to the OCC structure, are transported into an information structure named
Optical Transport Module (OTM-n).

The so-called OTM-n with full functionality transports an additional overhead: the OTM Overhead Signal
(OOS). OOS contains overhead information, related to OCh, OMS and OTS sections.

The OSS information is mapped into a separate channel named Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC).

The index n in OTM-n specifies the number of OCC transported by the structure (not including the OSC).

OTM-n plays a role similar to STM-n in SDH architecture, the OCCs act as tributary slots within the OTM-
n structure.

Figure 14. OTM structure

OTM-0, transporting a single wavelength, is an example of OTM-n with reduced functionality.

The following ITU-T picture provides a mapping between the logical resources and the physical ones,
applicable to OTN network based on G.709 capabilities.

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Figure 15. Mapping logical / physical resource

1.2.2 G 709 Management

1354RM can support:
– Network construction and Network Topology view
– G.709 handling for OTU, ODU1, ODU2 layers, managed at the level of Trails, Link Connections,
(fixed) cross-connections and raw connections; new views and inventories are provided.
– Handling of ODU2 UNI at 10Gbit/s (for both local and remote transponder configurations)
– Handling of 4xODU1 UNI into a ODU2 (for both local and remote transponder configurations)
– Allows the protection of the UNI also when the transponder is a G.709 one.
– Connectivity Discovery (OCH trail, OTU, ODU, Optical Client path)
– End-to-End ODU management
– Detailed routing information for each OTN service
– Inventory on OTN services crossing a given node or section
– Alarms, according to 1626LM capabilities.

1.2.3 Examples
In next pages some 1354RM screenshots are described as examples.

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Figure 16. Alarmed 10Gb/s OTU trail

In this picture the structure of an alarmed 10Gb/s OTU trail is show. The related ODU2 multiplexes 2
equipped ODU1 services; one of these 2 ODU1 services carries a faulty Client paths (DS).

Figure 17. OTU trail highlighted on map

In this picture the routing of the previous OTU trail is highlighted on the map

Figure 18. Faulty client path

In this picture the routing of the faulty client path, mentioned in the first screenshot, is shown on the map;
it is terminated in 2 1670SM.

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Figure 19. B1 measure is active on Client path

On the Client path a 24 h PM (base on B1) measure is active.

1.2.4 Mapping logical / physical resources

Figure 20. Mapping logical / physical resources: ex.1

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Figure 21. Mapping logical / physical resources: ex. 2

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1.3 WDM Network

Figure 22.shows an example of WDM network interworking with SDH network. The navigation of OTS
conn. and OPS con is described in the paragraphs which follow.

Figure 22. WDM network interworking with SDH network.

1.3.1 OTS conn. navigation


Figure 22.shows an example of WDM network interworking with SDH network. To navigate from Netview

a) Click twice on a OTS physical connection. The physical connection list is displayed.

b) Select the WDM physical connection and click on Physical Connection Structure button. The OTS
Physical connection structure is displayed. See Figure 23.herebelow.

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Figure 23. OTS Physical Connection structure

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Figure 24. OTS Physical Connection Structure detail

Figure 25. Usage indicator of the LC: trail

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Figure 26. Usage indicator: raw connection

Figure 27. Optical Path name

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c) Selecting the path and clicking on Routing display button, it is possible to display the path routing
view. See below figure.

Figure 28. Optical Path routing view

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1.3.2 G.709 handling with support for OTU, ODU1, ODU2 layers
This feature includes handling of layers OTU, ODU1, ODU2 at the level of Trails, LinkConnections, (fixed)
cross-connections, raw connections. Allowed navigation

In the following are listed the allowed navigation for each layer:

OCH layer
– OCH trail => Routing Display
– OCH trail => OCH Trail Structure View (or Client Trail Structure View)
– OCH link connection => Client Trail Structure View
– OCH raw connection => OCH Raw Connection Routing Display

OTU layer
– OTU trail => Routing Display
– OTU trail => Client Trail Structure View
– OTU link connection => Server Trail View
– OTU link connection => Client Trail Structure View

ODU2/ODU1 layer
– ODU2/ODU1 raw connection => Raw Connection Routing Display
– ODU2/ODU1 trail => Trail Routing Display
– ODU2/ODU1 trail => Client Trail Structure View
– ODU2/ODU1 link connection => Server Trail View
– ODU2/ODU1 link connection => Client Trail Structure View

Digital Signal layer

– DS raw connection => Raw Connection Routing Display
– DS path => Path Routing Display
– DS link connection => Server Trail View
– DS link connection => Client Trail Structure View Trail views

Two new trail views are introduced:

client trail structure view: starting from any layer (OTU, ODU2, ODU1 or DS), all the defined client
layers are shown (in terms of trails, CAPs, link connections and nodes)

server trail view: starting from any layer (OTU, ODU2, ODU1 or DS), the server trail up to the OCH
layer are shown. The server trails are shown up to the layer where the two end points of the trail are
the same of the trail/link connection of the starting layer.

The following figures show some scenarios related to these new views.

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Figure 29. Client trail structure view (starting from ODU2 trail/link connection)

Figure 30. Client trail structure view (starting from OCH trail/link connection)

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Figure 31. Server trail view (starting from DS link connection)

Figure 32. Server trail view (starting from ODU2 link connection)

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Figure 33. Physical connection structure: Client Trail Structure View

Figure 34. TrailWdmOdu2: Client Trail Structure view

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Figure 35. Digital signal transported by ODU2

Figure 36. TrailWdmOdu1: Client Trail Structure view

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Figure 37. Pre-OTN

Figure 38. Pre-OTN 4x2.5Gbit/s

1.3.3 Examples of OPS conn. navigation


Figure 22.shows an example of WDM network interworking with SDH network. To navigate from Netview

a) Click twice on a OPS physical connection. The physical connection list is displayed.

b) Select the WDM physical connection and click on Physical connection structure button. The OTS
Physical connection structure is displayed. See figure herebelow.

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Figure 39. OPS Physical Connection Structure

c) Figures which follow show the attributes of the WDM port, equipped on the WDM node and of the
WDM port, shadow of the SDH port equipped on the SDH node

Figure 40. WDM port attributes

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Figure 41. Port WDM SDH Client

d) Click twice on the SDH Physical Connection icon; the SDH Physical connection structure is dis-

Figure 42. SDH Physical Connection

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1.3.4 OTS and OMS protection (SNCP at OMS layer)
The NE provides the OTS protection through the usage of the OMSP board that protects at pure optical

During the physical connection implementation, the protected OMS trail is discovered and created in the

The feature is supported by 1626LM.

The following figure describes a possible scenario for OMSP protection at OMS layer.

Figure 43. OMSP protection at OMS layer

The following aspects have to be taken into account:

– OMSCTPCAP object split in OMS CTP and OMS CAP

– management of the OMS link connection

– management of the protected cross-connection at OMS layer

– management of the OPS physical connection between the OTS port of the WDM NE and the OPS
port of the OMSP board

– OPS ports belonging to the OMSP board are involved in a OMSP protection schema in order to per-
form compatibility checks during OPS physical connection creation

N.B. The "DegradedProtection" alarm is not managed in case of OMS protection.

1.3.5 OCH protected trail management

The feature allows the management of the OMSP board of WDM NEs to support the OCH trail protection.
OCH trail protection is "like" a SNCP protection at OCH layer.

The feature is supported by 1626LM.

The following figures show an example of OCH protected trail.

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Figure 44. shows the OCH trail icon in Physical Connection structure. You can highlight the OCH trail,
as in Figure 45. Figure 46. shows the OCH protected trailrouting display in both cases, before and
after the swith.


Figure 44. OCH trail in Physical Connection structure

Figure 45. Protected OCH trail highlight

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Figure 46. Protected OCH trail routing display

N.B. The "DegradedProtection" alarm is managed in case of OCH trail protection

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1.3.6 DS path bit rate
The feature allows a better characterization of the Digital Signal paths, now marked with Service Type

1.4 WDM network create

WDM network create is similar to the creation of the SDH network. Namely the involved steps are:


a) Network Create

b) 1st level Subnetwork Create

c) 2nd level Subnetwork Create

d) Create WDM NE


• the connection type for WDM-NE to WDM-NE is WDM.

If you select connection type=WDM, you will further select the WDM connection type between
OPS and OTS, where:

OTS ( Optical Transmission Section ) is used for connections between different WDM nodes.

OPS ( Optical Physical Section ) is used for connections within the same WDM node, originated
and terminated to the same node.

• the connection type for Generic Digital Client/WDM interworking is selected when connecting
to a virtual NE which represent Ethernet equipment.

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Figure 47. Connection type Generic Digital Client/WDM interworking

Figure 48. Connection type SDH-WDM interworking.

• the connection type for SDH-NE to WDM-NE is SDH-WDM interworking.

N.B. The rate of the SDH to WDM transponder ( STM-1 / STM-4 / STM-16 ) is previously set at
1353NM level.

N.B. The rate of the SDH to DATA transponder ( STM-1 / STM-4 / STM-16 ) is previously set at
1353NM level.


– Before creating a connection between SDH equipment and 1696 equipment, it is required
to create on NM a (dummy) MCC board tuned to the desired lambda. Then execute a NE
synchronize from RM.

– Before creating a connection between SDH equipment and 1640 equipment, it is required
to create on NM a (dummy) TRB201 board tuned to the desired lambda. Then execute
a NE synchronize from RM. This operation is not required if the real board is present in
the equipment.

e) Create Connection. (step1 ) The example which follows details the WDM- OTS connection. Start
the Create Connection wizard from the originating Node. Step 1 of the wizard allows to select con-
nection type= WDM and WDM connection type=OTS. See following figure. Click on Next button.

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Figure 49. Create Connection-step 1

f) Create connection- step-2 allows to select originating and terminating port to connect.

g) Create connection- step-3 contains the icons of the two ports to be connected. Click on Finish button
to confirm the creation. The OTS connection is created.

h) Implement the OTS physical connections. See Figure 53.on page 73.The optical client paths are
automatically discovered.

N.B. In case an OTS physical connections does not iclude its OCH-trail, as in the following figure,
where a raw connection is present, it is required to execute the payload setting of the raw con-

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Figure 50. OTS connection detail windows.

With reference to Figure 51.on page 72, select the raw connection and click on functional button PAY-
LOAD CONFIGURATION. The Payload Configuration dialog box is presented. See Figure 52.on page 73.

Figure 51. Payload configuration of the raw connection.

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Figure 52. Payload Configuration

Click on button SETUP. The raw connection changes into an OCH-trail. At this point it is possible to imple-
ment the physical connection. See Figure 53.on page 73.

Figure 53. OTS-CON: Configuration: Implement

Figure 54. Optical path

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i) Supervision: Network Implement. This causes the creation of the following objects: trail WDM-OMS,
LC WDM, raw connection, trail WDM-OCH path WDM. See below figure.

Figure 55. Physical Connection Structure detail

1.5 Raw Connection


The raw connection is a set of connections, structured in point-to-point or point-to-multipoint arrangement.

These connections are link connections ( lc ) and connections in topology ( connInTopol ), belonging to
the same layer.

The raw connection is terminated generically to a CAP, CTP, NAP. The raw connections between two
CAPs ( Connection Access Points ) and the raw connections between two NAPs ( Network Access Points
) are said complete raw connections; in particular the raw connection between two CAPs is a trail, while
a raw connections between two NAPs is a path.


Within the NE the following types of connections may be present:

– permanent ( fixed ). Cannot be removed from NE.

In particular, when an optical physical connection is implemented, the system discovers all related
fixed connections ( one per each optical link connection ). Two levels are available:

• OCh ( Optical Channel )

• Client

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– semi-fixed. It can be modified, cannot be removed ( e.g. a pass-through connection ). These are
automatically uploaded and can be modified by means of the Connectivity Tool.

– flexible. It can be created, modified, removed

An example of routing display of a raw connection is shown in the figure which follows.

Figure 56. Raw connection routing display


a) During the implementation phase, the system uploads ( discovers ) the permanent ( fixed ) connec-
tions and constructs the raw connections, by taking into account the uploaded connections.

b) The raw connection userlabel is assigned automatically and makes use also of special characters
( e.g. $ )

c) Complete raw connections are automatically transformed to trails and paths, if all involved link con-
nections are implemented.

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a) The deallocate of a path causes the identification of the permanent ( fixed ) connections and the re-
construction of the raw connection


The raw connection can be used as constraint ( the only option Use Main is available )


The raw connection can be extended / shortened / splitted / promoted to path or trail / deleted.

By inserting new fixed connections within the NE, new raw connections are obtained.

NOTE 1 The partitioning concept is no longer applicable to raw connection

NOTE 2 It is not possible to implement manually paths/trails derived from raw connections. The user must
configure the involved physical connection or configure a related trail in use by the path to obtain the auto-
matic implementation of the transport object.

1.6 Completed raw connection

A raw connection completed is a CAP to CAP connection at OCH level or a NAP to NAP connection at
client level. An example of complete raw connection is shown in the following figure.

Figure 57. Complete raw connection

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a) To remove a connection in topology from a complete raw connection, point to the connection in topol-
ogy and issue Connectivity Management: Remove from Raw Connection

Figure 58. Connectivity Management: Remove from Raw Connection

b) The raw connection is split into two parts. See figure which follows

Figure 59. Raw connection split into two parts

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a) To add a connection in topology to a raw connection, point to the connection in topology and issue
Connectivity Management: Add to Raw Connection. See figure which follows

Figure 60. Connectivity management: Add to Raw Connection

b) The raw connection is transformed in a trail. See following figure.

Figure 61. Trail routing display

The client path is re-created, if any.

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1.7 Optical Network Modify

1.7.1 Adding a transponder on 1640WM


The scope of this procedure is to add a new transponder to a 1640WM optical equipment.


The 1640WM Network Element is RM assigned and the network is implemented


a) From 1353NM execute the provisioning of the WLA board.

b) From RM execute a global download on the NE involved.

Verify that the och-ctp (one per each lambda) passes from unequipped to equipped. From the Port
Structure view the unequipped och-ctp are displayed. Notice that the attribute Equipped Type of an
equipped och-ctp is equal to Equipped.

Figure which follows shows an example of 1640 Port Structure.

N.B. In case on a trail has been issued the command Configuration: Payload: No Client, it is
possible to modify the attribute to Client. See following figure.

Figure 62. Trail: Configuration: Payload: Client

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Figure 63. 1640 Port structure

c) Execute the payload configuration of the OTS physical connection. See following figure.

Figure 64. OTS physical connection payload button

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Figure 65. OTS physical connection payload dialog box
Verify that the connectivity objects ( LC, trail..) have been correctly created. See following figure.

Figure 66. Physical Connection Structure

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1.7.2 Not Applicable Extension on 1686WM

1.7.3 Adding an optical MUX/DEMUX on 1696MS (Metro Span)


The scope of this procedure is to increase the size of the lambdas in the 1696WM optical equipment, i.e.
an optical MUX/DEMUX is added.


The 1696WM Network Element is RM assigned and the network is implemented


a) From RM execute a global download on the NE involved.

Verify that the och-ctp (one per each lambda) passes from unequipped to equipped.

b) Execute the payload configuration of the OTS physical connection.

Verify that the connectivity objects ( LC, trail..) have been correctly created.

1.7.4 Adding an optical MUX/DEMUX on 1626LM


The scope of this procedure is to increase the size of the lambdas in the optical equipment, i.e. an optical
MUX/DEMUX is added.


a) Remove connection from raw connections

b) From RM execute a global download on the NE involved.

Verify that the och-ctp (one per each lambda) passes from unequipped to equipped.

c) Execute the payload configuration of the OTS physical connection.

Verify that the connectivity objects ( LC, trail..) have been correctly created.

1.7.5 1640WM/1686WM OADM connectivity

Optical equipments 1686WM and 1640WM can be configured as OADM Repeaters. In this case, in each
direction (east/west):

– eight channels can be dropped/added for 1686WM equipment

– four channels can be dropped/added for 1640WM equipment

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The remaining channels are passed through, i.e. when creating an OADM board, the OCH-CTP on the
west side and the corresponding OCH-CTP of the same lambda on the east side are pass-through con-
nected. This is called default connectivity.

1.7.6 1696MS OADM connectivity

No default connectivity is provided by 1696WM equipment. Drop/insert and pass/through connections can
be created and removed. This connections can be considered as non flexible.

1.7.7 2x1GbE
This is a new board developed for both 1696MS and 1626LM. The first NE release providing the visibility
of the board is the 1696MS R3.0.

To manage the inter-working with an SDH network (the inter-working is already possible with the 4xANY
and it is required for Wind in Italy), an object remapping has been designed.

For the 4xANY, RM was able to distinguish the port client side (gMAU – data port) from the STM-16 (osPI
– optical SDH port) and to complete the model with fictitious objects in its MIB

In order to perform the re-mapping for the 2x1GE board, RM is able to distinguish the Ethernet (client
side) and the STM16 ports (network side) from the ports of the other transponders, either during network
construction or when alarms/events are received.

The trigger provided at the Q3 interface by the NE to distinguish the ports of the 2x1GE board is the sup-
portableClientList attribute, filled with gMauCtp for the client Ethernet port and with genericDataTrCtp for
the STM-16 port.

Having this information RM creates a data port (for the ogPI client side) in the RM MIB and the Virtual-
Concatenation Model.

For the network side, when uploading the ogPI (supportableClientList=genDataTrCtp), an SDH port is cre-
ated in the RM MIB.

When setting-up a data path involving the NAP associated to the first drawer, the server VC TTP’s (CAP’s
in RM) are cross-connected with the AU4 CTP’ s (1 to 7) on the created SDH

When setting-up a data path involving the NAP associated to the second drawer, the server VC

TTP’s (CAP’s in RM) are cross-connected with the AU4 CTP’ s (8 to 14) on the created SDH port.

From the alarm management point of view, the specificProblem provided by the NE is used as a trigger
by RM to distinguish between alarms on the ochGdcCtp, network side, and the alarms received on the
ochgdcCtp, client side. The value of the specificProblem has semantic client side or network side.

The probable causes provided by the 2x1GE board on the ochGdcCtp are SSF, AIS (network side); LOF
(network side).

Upon SSF on NAP, the client data path is impacted with probable cause Transport Failure; upon AIS on
the NAP or LOF on the data port, the path is impacted with Client failure.

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1.7.8 Support interconnection ETH physical and WDM in 1850TSS
This feature allows improving the management of an Ethernet physical link supported by a transport path
in the server WDM network through an integrated management. The scenario is:

• 1850TSS with SDH interfaces, ETH physical interfaces, CWDM

• 1626LM in OADM configuration

Requirements are:

• Single network construction view: client layers automatically notified about connectivity set-up
at server layer, to avoid inserting redundant information

• Simple way to get which client services are supported by a server layer: this allows simplifying
OAM andfault analysis (e.g., for the feature context, which Ethernet physical links are impacted
by a fault at WDMlayer)

• Fast identification of the root cause of a service fault: e.g. from a faulty Ethernet segment to the
faulty Ethernet cable in BM and then to the faulty WDM link in RM

Above requirements are already covered from the user point of view e.g. in case of SDH over WDM ser-
vices Currently the “Ethernet Physical on DWDM view” in RM/BM is the one depicted below:

Figure 67. Ethernet Physical on DWDM view

This because:

• 1354RM doesn’t see the Ethernet interfaces on the 1850TSS-320: the operator needs to use
an external network to terminate the Digital Signal Path (DWDM domain) as a work-around.
There is no direct relation between the created External Network and the real Ethernet inter-

• 1354BM doesn’t see the DWDM network: no relation between Ethernet layer managed by BM
and DWDM layer managed by RM. No simple way to navigate through different layers (difficult
fault localization and OAM planning)

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The improvement consists in a centralized and homogeneous network view across the different involved
technologies. Thanks to this feature RM sees the Ethernet interfaces used for Ethernet cabling. See fol-
lowing figure

Figure 68. Ethernet interfaces used for Ethernet cabling

To reach this goal, the following actions are performed by RM:

– upload from 1850TSS-320 of local (GE) Ethernet interfaces (through SNMP interface) and store
them as Ethernet ports in RM MIB

– create (on user’s request), an ETH/WDM inter-working physical connection. The user is provided
with a list of Nodes supporting ports of “Ethernet” technology at one end and with the list of ports sup-
porting WDM/ops0 at the other end. The user selects the two nodes and the two ports.During phys-
ical connection creation, the Ethernet port is cloned into an OPS port with related optical NAP

– create the physical connection with technology=Ethernet in the RM MIB as soon as a Digital Signal
Path (ending on ports cloned from the Ethernet ports) is created/discovered. The physical connec-
tion is visible in the Ethernet Layer Map to impact the Ethernet physical connection upon reception
of alarms on the port (LOS probable cause)

1.7.9 CWDM Q3 Transport management (MUX, OADM)

The feature allows the management of the CWDM MUX boards in Metro OMSN NEs. The definition of
the physical connection between two coarse OTS ports is also supported.

Refer to the Management of CWDM MUX and cabling for detail.

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1.7.10 Management of CWDM MUX and cabling
The feature allows the management of the CWDM MUX boards in Metro OMSN NEs. The definition of
the physical connection between two coarse OTS ports is also supported.

The feature allows the management of the CWDM MUX boards, with the complete TPs chain provided
by the NE.

The OTS port related to a CWDM MUX, is characterized, in RM, with the information that it is a coarse
one (wdmBandIdent attribute of the “port” object). This information is retrieved from the NE by means of
the“otsBandIdentification” attribute of the otsTTPBid object (coarseBand value).

A coarse OTS port can only be connected to another coarse OTS port. The physical connection is char-
acterized with bandwidth “coarse band”.

The physical connection payload structure shows as equipped the eight lambdas provided by the current
CWDM MUX, that are: 1470, 1490, 1510, 1530, 1550, 1570, 1590 and 1610 nm. The other lambdas, not
managed by the NE but displayed in the physical connection payload structure, are: 1270, 1290, 1310,
1330, 1350, 1370, 1390,1410, 1430 and 1450 nm.

Figure 69. OTS physical connection payload structure

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1.8 Automatic upload of OADM connectivity

During the physical connection implementation all och-ctps are created.

If the ctp is present on the NE, it is marked as equipped, otherwise is marked as bundle=och-ctp not
present on the NE but the associated lambda is passed through.

Equipped OCH-CTPs. Connections involved are marked as 'semifixed' by RM

Bundle OCH-CTPs are put in fixed pass-through connections in RM, only if the corresponding OCH-CTP
with the same lambda on the other OTS port is Bundle. See following figure. The icon of a bundle OCH
is marked by a B letter.

Figure 70. Port Structure: Bundle OCHs

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During WDM network implementation, OCH LCs are created, according to the following cases:








N.B. NOT EQPD (not equipped) means och-ctp present in RM but not in NE due to the hardware

1.9 Display of the correlation between WDM world and SDH world


a) Point to the wdm path icon and issue the Interworking: SDH Connection pop-up menu. The SDH
physical connection structure is displayed. See Figure 72.herebelow.

Figure 71. WDM path: Interworking: SDH Connection

Note that the client path icon is marked by a smal raw connection mark. See figure herebelow.

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Figure 72. SDH Physical Connection structure

On the other hand, in the Optical Physical connection view , the client path icon is marked by a raw con-
nection mark.

Figure 73. Optical Physical connection view

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1.10 Create WDM world-SDH world correlation


a) Point to the wdm raw connection icon and issue the Configuration: Convert in Path/Trail pop-up
menu item. The SDH physical connection structure is displayed. See figure herebelow.

Figure 74. RawConn:Configuration: Convert in Path/Trail

A report is displayed, to verify if the action has been correctly executed. See below figure.

Figure 75. Convert in Path/Trail report

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Figure 76. Optical Physical Conn structure: optical (client) path

1.11 Connect / Disconnect Tool

1.11.1 Introduction
The Connect/Disconnect tool is provided to the user to manually modify connectivities within the NE, i.e.
the x-conns w/o using the EML layer.

1.11.2 Creating a connection by means of the Connectivity tool


The scope of this procedure is to create a connection within an OADM by means of the connectivity tool.


a) From Node pop-up menu issue Configuration: WDM Connectivity Tool.

b) From the Connectivity Tool wizard step 1 select Connect. Click on Next button.

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Figure 77. Connectivity Tool: Connect step 1

c) If you click on Port selection, you will display the port list from which you can select the port to con-
nect. Click on CTP selection, you will display the CTP list from which you can select the CTP to con-
nect. Click on Next button.

Figure 78. Connectivity Tool: Connect step 2

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Figure 79. Connectivity Tool: Connect step 3

d) From step 3 wizard you can select the 2nd CTP . Click on 2nd TP to connect selection button
and select the CTP from the list.

e) Click on Finish button. The connection is created. See the Connection create report on the figure
which follows.

Figure 80. Connection create report.

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1.11.3 Deleting a connection by using the connectivity tool

Ì Obviously the procedures described below, are seriously traf-

fic affecting, so they must be managed very carefully by the
WDM network administrator only.

The scope of this procedure is to delete a connection within an OADM by means of the connectivity tool.


a) From the map click twice on the OTS link, getting the physical connection list.

b) Select the WDM physical connection and click on Physical Connection Structure button. The OTS
Physical connection structure is displayed.

c) Optical paths and OCH trails must be removed to proceed in disconnecting the OTS connection.
Optical paths and OCH trails will become raw connections

Figure 81. pathWDM: Configuration: Conf. State Modification: Deimplement

d) Point to optical path (so called client) and issue Configuration: Conf. State Modification: Deimple-
ment. A warning dialog box alerts that the optical path is correlated to an implemented SDH logical
connection (so called physical connection). The optical path will be deimplemented but the SDH log-
ical connection will not be removed. See below figure.

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Figure 82. Warning dialog box.

e) Remove the OCH trail by issuing Configuration: Remove.

Figure 83. OCH trail remove

f) Figure wich follows shows the routing display of the raw connection replacing the OCH trail

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Figure 84. Raw connection routing display

g) Point to the relevant node and issue Configuration: Connectivity tool

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Figure 85. Configuration: Connectivity tool

h) The connectivity tool is displayed. See Figure 86.on page 98

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Figure 86. Connectivity tool. Step 1: Disconnect

Connectivity tool. Step 1 is used to select the action, in this case DISCONNECT. Click on Next to pass
to step 2.

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Figure 87. Connectivity tool. Step 2

i) Connectivity tool. Step 2 allows to execute the following operations: (See Figure 87.)

– selection of the Port to disconnect. From the Port list select the port and click on Apply. The selected
port icon is shown in the wizard main window.

– selection of the CTP to disconnect. From the CTP list select the CTP and click on Apply. The selected
CTP icon is shown in the wizard main window.

Click on Next button.

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Figure 88. Connectivity tool. Step 3

j) Connectivity tool- Step 3 shows the data previously selected by the user, asking for confirmation.
Click on Finish button to continue deleting the connection.

The remote information include:

– name of the far end node
– name of the far end site
– name of the far end port
The remote information is very useful, because allows to identify the originating and terminating points.

As an example: If we select CTP-x sited in Milan, via the involved far end CTP-y sited in Bozen, it is pos-
sible to understand that the choice of CTP-x allows to realize a connection Bozen-Milano

Figure 89. Raw connection routing display

The new Raw connection routing display is shown in Figure 89.The connection in topology within
1696MID is no longer present.

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1.11.4 Connectivity Tool: Modify

The scope of this procedure is to modify a connection within an OADM by means of the connectivity tool.


This procedure applies to 1640WM and 1686WM equipments.


a) From the Connectivity Tool wizard step 1 select Modify. Click on Next button.

Figure 90. Connectivity tool: Modify step 1

b) From step 2 wizard you can select the Port and the CTP. Click on the PORT list button and select
the Port from the list. Click on the CTP list button and select the CTP from the list. Click on Next but-

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Figure 91. Connectivity tool: Modify step 2

c) From step 3 wizard you can select the connection type. See below figure. Click on Finish button to
render effective the change.

Figure 92. Connectivity tool: Modify step 3

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The Connect/Disconnect tool supports the user in the selection of TP' s involved in the connectivity, keep-
ing into account possible constraints present at NE level (e.g. OADM WDM NE' s).The Connect/Discon-
nect tool can be activated starting from one of the following cases:

1. Stand alone (nothing selected => Network Domain)

2. Topology selected (Network, Subnetwork, Elementary Topology)

3. Node selected

4. Port selected

5. CTP/CAP selected

6. NAP selected

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1.12 Particular Configurations
The following warnings have to be taken into account:

1.12.1 1696MS, 1696MSC. Creating an och pass-through between two mux/

In case an och pass-through is created between two mux/demux of a 1696MS, to see this configuration
on 1354RM two phantom coupled MCC board have to be instantiated according to the rate/type/frequency
of the signal which is transported, configured in drop-insert and the two related OPS ports have to be used
to create the internal physical link on 1354RM.

Alternatively the cable can be described in cable-list using CT or NM and `upload connectivity' request
can be launched from 1354RM to automatically create the internal physical connection. See para 1.12.2
for other details.

See also para 1.12.3.

1.12.2 1696MS, 1696MSC: Connecting 1696 to a colored SDH interface

Connecting 1696 to a colored SDH interface : phantom MCC board instantiation

Physical link between a 1696MS mux/demux and a colored interface SDH can be obtained in RM only
instancing a phantom MCC board on ne by NM.

The phantom MCC has to be associated to the involved mux/demux, the frequency has to be that of the
optical signal coming from SDH interface, the type has to be set according to the rate/type of the signal
that has to be transported.

This problem is due to ne software which didn't provide a GOC OPS port as interface to mux/demux.

Alarm (such as URU) on this false MCC has to be eventually inhibited by the user toward NM or CT (see
also point 14). Pay attention that an audit followed by a download from 1354RM will overwrite ASAP on
MCC and URU will reappear.

See also para 1.12.3

1.12.3 All Nes. Instantiating a phantom board

To avoid the raise of a URU alarm from board that are configured on CT / NM but are not really present
on the network element (phantom MCC), a possible way is to configure the board on phantom subrack
and not in real subrack.

1.12.4 1696MS, 1696MSC. Configuration of OPC (optical protection card).

OPC card has to be configured according to network configuration so that the main port of network ele-
ment A is connected to the main port of network element Z, the same for spare ones. Mixed configuration
(mainA with spareZ, mainZ with spareA) can not be managed by 1354RM.

When a mixed configuration is used the client-path cannot be discovered.

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1.12.5 1696MS, 1696MSC. Configure 1696MS for 1354RM upload connectivity
`Upload connectivity' feature of 1354RM is very useful for uploading internal physical-links automatically
without the operator has to do something. For a full functionality of this feature who install/upgrade
1696MS / 1696MSC has to be aware that the cable configuration has to be manually described for each
nes in `Cable list' available on CT and NM according to the real hardware configuration.If this step is not
done, internal physical link have to be created manually by the 1354RM operator!

Case in which cable list has to be manually updated :

4xAny board connected to an OPC card or to an MCC board. phantom coupled MCC board are used to
visualize a pass-through between two mux/demux (see para 1.12.1.).

1.12.6 Upgrading 1696MS to add new lambdas management without loss of trafic

A special feature available on 1696MS allows to equip new lambdas adding other mux/demux board. This
operation can be done without trafic loss if done according to specific upgrade rules (see specific ne doc-

When management of new lambdas is added to ne and OTS port of this ne are already assigned to
1354RM a global download action is needed in order to see new Och-Ctp over OTS port, then and a pay-
load configuration of physical link is needed to create transport object involving new equipped Och-Ctp(s).

When management of new lambdas is added to ne and OTS port of this ne are already assigned to
1354RM a global download action is needed in order to see new Och-Ctp over OTS port, then and a pay-
load configuration of physical link is needed to create transport object involving new equipped Och-Ctp(s).

1.12.7 1696MS, 1696MS. Use of SPV_F_1310_1550 and SPV_FC board.

SPV_F_1310_1550 board and SPV_FC board act as a mux/demux from a 1696MSC to a 1696MS: the
first can transport a 1310 (B&W) signal, a 1550 (Colored) signal and a OSC channel; the second can trans-
port an OSC channel and another colored signal.

These board are transparent at 1354RM level. The optical signals multiplexed by SPV_xxx boards are
seen in 1354RM as they are transported by different OPS physical links, while the OSC signal is never
managed in RM.

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1.13 Protected Ethernet Path in 1626LM Network
The figure below summarize the steps to setup a protected Ethernet Path on a 1626LM network.

Figure 93. Setup of protected Eth. path


The following figures show the steps done in RM subsystem environment.

The OTS physical connections have to be created as usual (see 1.4).

For creating the two OPS physical connections between External Network Element and 1626LM OPC

a) Create Physical Connection

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Figure 94. Create Physical Connection

b) The Create Physical Connection Wizard window opens : the connection type to select is Generic
DigitalClient/WDM Interworking.

Figure 95. Create Physical Connection

c) Select the port on the 1626LM and click on Finish.

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Figure 96. End point selection

d) Select the 1626LM NE and the Upload Tools to discover the network connectivity.

Figure 97. Node: Configuration: Upload Tools

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Figure 98. Upload Tools: Upload Physical Connectivity

e) The physical connections between OCP board protected/ protecting ports and transponders are
uploaded and implemented checking the box on the wizard window.

Figure 99. Network map: the discovered Client path icon is displayed

Looking at physical connection structure, the discovered Client path icon is displayed.

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Figure 100. Physical Connection View

Select the Routing Display Icon to view the protected path routing.

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Figure 101. O-SNCP Protected path routing display

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1.14 ILA Management
ILA (In Line optical Amplifier) Network Element is managed as normal Node in RM environment.

ILA configuration is summarized in following steps:

a) Create the ILA node. The node creation is the same operation performed for other type of nodes.
See section OPERATION for details.

b) Create the OTS physical connection, using OTS ports, of the involved NEs. The creation of Physical
connection is the procedure detailed in section OPERATION for OTS Physical connections.

c) Implement the physical connections.

d) One of the physical connections involving ILA NE is shown below. Notice that the displayed window
contains an additional routing display icon representing the OMS trail. In the fact the no. of hops may
be greater than one. It is obvious that the routing display of the OMS trail becomes available only
after the creation and implementation of the entire span, i.e. with all physical connections and ILA
nodes of the entire ILA chain comprised between the two WDM NEs.


Figure 102. ILA Physical Connection Structure

e) Clicking on this additional routing display icon, the OMS routing display is presented as displayed
in figure below

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Figure 103. OMS routing display

N.B. The ILA OTS ports can be connected either to NE line terminals/OADM or to another ILA NE,
according to network configuration. More ILA NEs can be used.

1.14.1 Map views

There is a new layer, said All Physical NO ILA, which hides the physical connections involving the ILA
nodes and displays only the entire chain. Notice that this layer hides the physical connections (of the ILA
span only), if the OMS trail supported by ILA has been completed.

Figure 104. Map: selection of the layer


In the following an example of ILA chain construction is shown.

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Figure 105. After the 1st physcon create

a) Starting in layer All Physical NO ILA, ( see above figure), the 1st physical connection has been cre-
ated. The OMS trail is not yet available. See figure below.

Figure 106. OMS trail not available

b) Create the remaining physica connection(s), to complete the chain.

c) Implement the physical connections which have been created.

d) Select the icon Synchronize to display the map without ILA NEs.

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Figure 107. Map view in layer All Physical NO ILA

e) Change the layer from All Physical NO ILA to All Physical. The connections involving the ILA node
are shown.

Figure 108. Map view in layer All Physical

f) In addition, as a consequence of the implementation, the OMS trail icon is now available. See fol-
lowing figure.

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Figure 109. Connection structure with OMS trail icon

The user may choose the layer All PhysicalNO ILA to avoid the display of the ILA nodes.

Figure 110. Physical Link: Search Main related items

Notice that in the NO ILA layer, the number displayed above the Physical link line includes the direct link
between the two NEs (no ILA) and the link between the two NEs passing through ILA NEs. The user (see
figure above), can display all Physical connections between the two NEs, including those connecting ILA.

Figure which follows shows the physical connections contained in the WDM physical link including the
connections between ILA NEs.

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Figure 111. Physical connection list for WDM physical link including ILA

N.B. The insertion of an ILA NE in a physical connection can be done via command split OTS phys-
ical connection too. (See Sect Operation: Join-Split Physical connection)

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1.15 Concentrator 9 X 1 GBE

The scope of this procedure is to drive the user in creating the network to make use of the 9X1 GBE board.

The Concentrator board supports 9 client ports, i.e. 9GbE clients can be transported via a 10GbE signal,
with fixed connectivity.

1GbE paths are terminated on external networks.

When the user implements the physical connections, RM transport objects are created through the dis-
covering of the fixed connectivity in the NE.

In particular, the Digital Signal trail, multiplex of the 9 Digital Signal paths, is discovered and created in

This DS Trail supports the same features as the client path.

Figure below shows the target network. A DS path is highlighted from Ext Node 100 to Ext Node 200. This
1GB is de/multiplexed from/to the 10GBE port over STM-64 by the concentrator node 1626_3. This signal
enters in node A, is colored by the transponder and de/multiplexed (WDM) by the lambda mux. The signal
then crosses nodes B, node 4 and Ext200 which are respectively specular to nodes A, 3 and Ext100.

The Digital Signal trail, multiplex of the 9 Digital Signal paths, connects nodes 3 to node 4.

Note: Nodes A,B from Rel.3.0 on. Nodes 3,4 from Rel.4.0 on.

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3 4

Figure 112. Target network configuration

DS path

DS trail

och trail och trail och trail


MUX MUX lambda
lambda 200

3 4

Figure 113. Network schema


The procedure is divided in the following subprocedures:

a) Setup of the Concentrator (for nodes 3 and 4 in this example) (NE Rel. 4.0 on)

b) Cross Connection Create (for nodes 3 and 4 in this example) (NE Rel. 4.0 on)

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c) Transponder and lambda mux mng (for nodes A and B in this example)

Map: Physcons make and DS discovery

1.15.1 Setup of the Concentrator


The scope of this procedure is to setup the hardware relevant to the concentrator.

Figure 114. EML layer: managed Network Elements

a) From the equipment view select the slot (e.g. slot 12) and issue Concentrator: Equipment Set

Figure 115. Concentrator: Equipment Set

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b) In the Set Equipment dialog box select ETHC1000 (Concentrator 9X1 GBE) and click on OK.

Figure 116. Concentrator 9X1 GBE selection

c) The ETHC1000 board (9X1GBE) is now displayed in slot 12

Figure 117. ETHC1000 board (9X1GBE) in slot 12

d) Click twice on the board: the detail opens. Figure below shows the ETHC1000 board upper detail

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Figure 118. ETHC1000 board upper detail

e) Move down the scroll bar. Figure below shows the ETHC1000 board lower detail. Nine 1GB ports
and one 10GBE can be equipped.

Figure 119. ETHC1000 board lower detail

f) Select a 1 GB port and issue Equipment: Set

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Figure 120. Eqpt Set 1 GB termination point

g) In the 1 GB port type selection box select the board type (e.g. short haul) and click on OK. The 1
GB port is drawn in the port detail. Repeat the 1GB port creation for the remaining 1GB ports (max
of 9, including the first one)

Figure 121. 1 GB port type selection

h) Select the 10 GB port and issue Equipment: Set

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Figure 122. Eqpt Set 10 GB termination point over STM-64

i) In the 10 GB port type selection box select the board type and click on OK.

Figure 123. 10 GB port over STM-64 type selection

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j) The 10 GB port is drawn in the port detail

Figure 124. ETHC1000 lower detail with 10GB TP

k) Figure which follows shows the ETHC1000 upper detail with the equipped 1GB TPs. Select menu
Configuration: Connectors/Cabling

Figure 125. Configuration: Connectors/Cabling

l) The Connectors Configuration dialog box is presented

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Figure 126. Connectors Configuration dialog box

m) Expand the relevant board 12 (ETHC1000 board -9X1GBE)

Figure 127. Connectors: Expand ETHC1000 board

n) The ports equipped in board 12 are listed. For each board expand the channels.

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Figure 128. Connectors: Expand ETHC1000 board: TP: channels

o) Select the pair of channels and click on Set in Service.

Figure 129. Select channels: Set in service

p) Repeat per each pair of channels

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Figure 130. Select channels: Set in service

q) All channels are in service (marked by the lock). Click on button Trans Update, which creates the
ports in the NE

Figure 131. Trans Update

r) A message is displayed, ensuring the transmission has been successfully completed.

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Figure 132. Trans Update succeded

s) From browser select the involved NE and execute Synchronize: Synchronize NE. Ports are
uploaded from NE.

Figure 133. Synchronize NE

1.15.2 Cross Connection Create


The scope of this procedure is to create the X-con within the OCH port. i.e. to create the OCH trail

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a) From the detail of port 13 select Port: OCH: Cross connection: Create Cross connection

Figure 134. Port: OCH: Cross connection: Create Cross connection

b) The Main Cross connection box is displayed. Click on button Choose Output

Figure 135. Main Cross connection box

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c) The cross connection selection box is displayed. Select the Board (left-hand side), select the TTP
(right-hand side) and click on OK, to create the OCH trail

Figure 136. Cross connection:Board,TTP selection; OK=create OCH trail

d) In the Main Cross connection box both input and output are specified. Click on OK to create the OCH

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Figure 137. Main Cross Connection box: create OCH trail

e) The OCH trail is now present. The OCH of port 13 is marked by the connection icon ( X )

Figure 138. OCH trail present

f) To display the cross connection just created, select the OCH of port 13 and issue Port:Cross Con-
nection: Modify Cross Connection

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Figure 139. X-con show=Port:Cross Conn:Modify Cross Conn

g) The Cross Connection Management dialog box opens, displaying the cross connection just created.

Figure 140. Cross Conn Mng box

1.15.3 Transponder and lambda mux mng

Transponder and lambda mux management (NE Rel. 3.0 on), is fully covered in the Network Element doc-

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1.15.4 Map: Physcons make and DS discovery

The scope of this procedure is to complete the creation of the network, creating al the required physcons


The required nodes have been created and the aligment from EML layer to NML (RM) has already been
executed via commands of update and synchronize

Figure 141. Map w/o Physcons


a) Select nodes A and B and issue Create Physcon: OTS-A_B

Figure 142. Create Physcon: OTS-A_B

b) In the port selection box, opened via the dedicated button, select the A-OTS port and click on Apply

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Figure 143. Create Physcon: A-OTS port select

c) With the same modality, select the B-OTS port and click on Apply. In fig below both ports are selected.
Click on button Finish.

Figure 144. Create Physcon: both ports selected

d) The Physcon A-OTS is created and the Physcon structure is displayed.

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Figure 145. Physcon structure

e) Select nodes A and 3 and issue Create: Physical connection

Figure 146. Create Physcon: OPS_A_3

f) The Create Physcon box opens. Select type=WDM and enter name= OPS_A_3

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Figure 147. Create Physcon: OPS_A_3 box

g) Select port 13 of node 3

h) Create Physcon: port 13 selection. Select the port of node A. Select Yes for the pleonastic question
below the port selection area. Namely the bit rate is consistent. Click on Finish.

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Figure 148. Both ports selected: the bit rate is consistent: confirmation

i) In the Physcon structure, implement the Physcon OPS_3_A

Figure 149. Physcon OPS_3_A Implement

j) The physcon OPS_A_3 is implemented. See below figure

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Figure 150. OPS_A_3 implemented

k) Create the physcon OPS_B_4 and implement it. See below figure

Figure 151. OPS_B_4 implement

l) On implementation of the physcon OPS_B_4, RM transport objects are created through the dis-
covering of the fixed connectivity in the NE. In particular, the Digital Signal trail, multiplex of the 9 Dig-
ital Signal paths, is discovered and created in RM db. See implementation log herebelow.

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Figure 152. OPS_B_4 implementation log

m) The Digital Signal trail, multiplex of the 9 Digital Signal paths is represented by a dedicated icon in
the physcon structure


Figure 153. OPS_B_4 with DS trail

n) Clicking on OCH trail icon, the trail view is displayed. See below figure

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Figure 154. Trail view

o) Select node 3 and node Ext100 and issue Create: Physcon.

Figure 155. Physcon Create Ext-100_3 1 GB fst

p) In the Create Physcon box select type=Generic digital client and enter name= 1GB fst

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Figure 156. Create 1GB fst

q) Select port1 in Ext node Ext100

Figure 157. Ext node port1 selection

r) Select the first 1GB port in the concentrator board. Click on Finish.

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Figure 158. Create 1GB fst: both ports selected

s) The physcon 1 GB fst just created, is displayed.

Figure 159. 1 GB fst just created

t) Implement the physcon 1 GB fst

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Figure 160. 1 GB fst implement

u) The 1 GB fst, implemented, is shown below. the raw conn icon is displayed beside the OCH trail

Figure 161. 1 GB fst implemented: the raw conn

v) Select node 4 and node Ext200 and issue Create: Physcon.

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Figure 162. Physcon Create Ext-200_4 (1 GB snd)

w) Select port1 in Ext node Ext200

Figure 163. Node 4 port1 selection

x) Select the first 1GB port in the concentrator board. Click on Finish

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Figure 164. Create 1GB snd: both ports selected

y) Implement the physcon 1GB snd

Figure 165. Implement physcon 1GB snd

z) The Physcon 200_4 is implemented and the DS path is discovered

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Figure 166. Implemented physcon 200_4 and discovered path DS

aa) The highlight of the DS path is shown below

Figure 167. DS highlight

N.B. Per each 1GB connection the user must create the two physcons to EXT-100 and EXT200.

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1.16 DS path create on Nodes (1626LM R.4.0 on)-9GbE boards
This procedure is constituted by sub-procedures which are part of procedures alraedy detailed in this
handbook. In the following only a reference in given.

The procedure applies to 1626LM Rel.4.0 on. It is subdivided in:

- Create OTS PhysCon between NEs. Refer to 1.15.4 on page 134

- Create other PhysCons. Refer to 1.15.4 on page 134

- Create PhysCons on NE discovered by upload tool . Refer to 1.15.4 on page 134

- Create XCO on the ETHC on both NE with the WDM connectivity tool. Refer to 1.11 on page 91

- Path is discovered and implemented

1.17 Remove Nodes (1626LM R.4.0 on)-9GbE boards involved in a path

The procedure applies to 1626LM Rel.4.0 on.

The reference network is shown in below figures.

Figure 168. Reference network-map view

DS path

DS trail

och trail och trail och trail


MUX MUX lambda

1626-50-2 1626-40A-2

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Figure 169. Reference network: transport schema

1626-50-2 1626-40A-2

4-2-5 4-2-7 4-2-19 3-1-19 3-1-7 3-1-5

ETHC 1191 1191 ETHC


Figure 170. Reference network schema

The procedure is subdivided in the following subprocedures, which are described in the following:

a) Remove client path and OCH trail

b) Remove Xcon via Connectivity Tool

c) Delete the autodiscovered physcons

d) Delete the I/W physcons

e) Delete the other Physcons (except the OTS)

f) Delete the OTS Physcon

g) Delete the node

Ì Obviously the procedures above listed and described below,

are seriously traffic affecting, so they must be managed very
carefully by the WDM network administrator only.

1.17.1 Remove client path and och trail


The scope of this procedure is to remove client path and och trail


a) Click twice on the physical link. The list of the contained physcons is displayed.

b) Select the OTS-OMDX physcon and click on button physcon structure

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Figure 171. OTS physcon structure

c) From ots physical connection structure, point to the och trail crossed by a path and click on button
structure. The client trail structure view is shown below

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Figure 172. Client trail structure view

d) From the trail structure view select the trail and issue Search: All related Items

e) Select Paths (with end points) and click on OK. The client path is present in the list (right-hand side
of below figure). The relevant path highlight view is shown inthe left -hand side of below figure

Figure 173. Client path highlight

f) Remove client path, clicking on button Remove Transport.. A confirmation is required. click on OK
to confirm.

Figure 174. Remove client path

g) Now you can remove the involved trail.

h) Set to "no client" the DS trail that's removes the 7 VCG created before.

i) Point to the trail and issue the menu Remove. A confirmation is required. click on OK to confirm.

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Figure 175. Remove the involved DS trail

j) The involved DS trail is removed and graphically replaced by the raw connection (allocated)

Figure 176. DS trail removed and graphically replaced by the raw connection

1.17.2 Remove X-con with connectivity tool


The scope of this procedure is to remove the X-con with connectivity tool.

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This is the X-connection between transponder and lambda mux. This X-con may be removed on both
nodes connected by the OTS physcon, according to the target network arrangement (not described in this


a) Point to a node and select Configuration: WDM Connectivity Tool

Figure 177. Node:Configuration:WDM Connectivity Tool

b) The connectivity tool opens with the involved node already selected. Select option Disconnect. Click
on Next button

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Figure 178. Connectivity tool: Disconnect

c) In step 2 of the connectivity wizard click on icon of selectable ports

Figure 179. Connectivity tool: Selectable port list icon

d) From the port list select port no. 13 (type OPS) and click on Apply button.

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Figure 180. Port 13 selection (OPS)

e) Port no. 13 is now present in the selection box. Click on icon of selectable CTPs

Figure 181. Selectable CTPs icon.

f) From the list of the selectable CTPs, select the CTP involved in the connection and click on Apply.

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Figure 182. CTP selection

g) Both port and CTP have been selected. Click on Next button.

Figure 183. Port and CTP selected

h) Step 3 of the wizard shows the detail of the cross connection being deleted

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Figure 184. Step 3 wizard:detail of the cross connection being deleted

i) Click on Finish button to complete the remove.

1.17.3 Delete the autodiscovered Physcon


The scope of this procedure is to delete the autodiscovered physcons


a) Select the involved node and click on tool button icon Ports, in order to get the list of the ports

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Figure 185. Node:tool button icon Ports

b) The port list is show (see figure below). Notice that ports 01 and 101 appear both selected, Namely
we have to deimplement and remove the autodiscovered physcons connected to the transponder,
one on port 01 (B & W side), and the other on port 101 of the MUX (colored) side. Select one of them
e.g. point to port 01 (B & W side) and issue Search: All Related Items: Physical Connection structure

Figure 186. Port:Search: All Related Items: Physcon structure

c) The physcon structure is shown below. Point to the autodiscovered physcon connected to port 01
(B & W) and issue Configuration: Deimplement

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Figure 187. Autodiscovered physcon: Deimplement

d) Remove the autodiscovered physcon connected to port 01 (B & W) by selecting menu Configura-

Figure 188. Autodiscovered physcon:Configuration:Remove

e) From the port list point to port 101 (colored-MUX side) and issue Search: All Related Items: Physical
Connection structure

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f) The physcon structure is shown. Point to the autodiscovered physcon connected to port 101 (col-
ored-MUX side) and issue Configuration: Deimplement

g) Point to the autodiscovered physcon connected to port 101 (colored-MUX side) and issue Config-
uration: Remove from RM

h) Delete the autodiscovered physcons on the other node

1.17.4 Delete the I/W physcons


The scope of this procedure is to delete the I/W physcons


a) From the port list point to port 01 (B & W) and issue Search: All Related Items: Physical Connection

Figure 189. Search:Related Items:Physcon structure

b) From the I/W physcon structure view, point to the physcon and issue Configuration: Deimplement

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Figure 190. Ops0: Configuration: Deimplement

c) I/W physcon: Configuration: Remove from RM

Figure 191. I/W physcon: Configuration: Remove from RM

d) Delete the I/W physcon on the far end.

1.17.5 Delete the other Physcons (except the OTS)


The scope of this procedure is to delete the other physcons


a) Point to the node being deleted and select Node:Search All related Items

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Figure 192. Node:Search All related Items

b) Select option Physical Connections

Figure 193. Node:Search All related Items:Physical Connections

c) The list of the physcons connecting the node is displayed. Select all Physcons, except the OTS phy-
scon and select menu Configuration: Remove

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Figure 194. Physcons: configuration: Remove

1.17.6 Remove the OTS Physcon


The scope of this procedure is to delete the OTS physcon


a) From the OTS Physcon select the OTS Physcon and issue Configuration:Deimplement

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Figure 195. OTS Physcon:Configuration:Deimplement

b) Select the OTS Physcon and issue Configuration:Remove from RM

Figure 196. OTS Physcon:Configuration:Remove from RM

1.17.7 Remove the node


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At this point the node is no longer connected and can be removed.

The scope of this procedure is to delete the node.


At this point the node is no longer connected and can be removed.

Figure 197. Node: Remove

1.18 2x1 GB Concentrator (for 1692 MS)


The scope of this procedure is to drive the user in creating the network to make use of the 2X1 GBE board.

The 2xGE_FC unit is a concentrator which aggregates two Gigabit Ethernet client signals at 1.25Gbps
or two Fiber Channel client signals at 1.0625Gbps into a STM-16/OC-48 frame, via GFP mapping and Vir-
tual Concatenation.

It is optically connected, according to the provisioned interface, either to a TRBC (if B&W line interface)
or to a CMDX/OMDX (if WDM line interface).Four interfaces/ports are present on client side, but only two
can be used (U1 and U2 on the front plate).

The supported clients are Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbps) with supports of jumbo frames (9.6kbytes) and-
Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbps).

Clients mixing on the same board is not possible: only 2xGbE or 2xFC is possible in the same board.

The mapping of clients is Transparent GFP (GFP-T).

The Virtual Concatenation uses a fixed number of VC-4 (VC-4-nv):

– (VC-4-7v) is used for Gigabit Ethernet. The allocated VC-4s are listed herebelow:

• VC-4#0 to VC-4#6 for GbE client 1

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• VC4-#7to VC-4#13 for GbE client 2.

– (VC-4-6v) is used for Fiber Channel. The allocated VC-4s are listed herebelow:

• VC-4#0 to VC-4#5 for FC client 1

• VC-4#7 to VC-4#12 for FC client 2.

This feature applies to 1692 Rel. 3.3 and 1626


The procedure is divided in:

a) Eqpmt: 2x1 GB & STM-16 boards

b) Setting modules FC

c) Eqpmt: 2x1 GB & STM-16 boards

d) 1GBE/FC module setting

e) Synchro NE & Upload NAPs

f) Create network

g) Create paths 1 GB_1 and 1 GB_2

h) Setup of network for Fiber Channel

i) Create Fiber Channel paths

1.18.1 Eqpmt: 2x1 GB & STM-16 boards


The scope of this procedure is to setup the 2x1 GB & STM-16 boards


a) Start from the equipment view

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Figure 198. 1692_1 Equipment View

b) From the Equipment folder issue Config: 2 GB (2x1 board) setting and click on Apply to confirm

Figure 199. Eqpmt: Config: 2 GB (2x1 board) setting

c) From the Equipment folder issue Config: Config: STM_16 board and click on Apply to confirm.

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Figure 200. Eqpmt: Config: STM_16 board setting

1.18.2 Setting modules FC


The scope of this procedure is to setup the FC modules


a) Select the module from the left part of the view and click on folder Configuration in the right-bottom
part of the view. To convey FC signal select option 2FC_SX_DDM and click on Apply.

Figure 201. Setting 1st 1GB module for FC

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b) The FC module appears equipped, marked by the connection icon, and selected. Select folder WDM
and subfolder Optical Parameter Measurements. Select Client Data=FC and click on Apply.

Figure 202. WDM: Opt Param.: FC

c) Create the 2nd module

Figure 203. Setting 2nd GB module

d) Select WDM: Opt Param.: FC

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Figure 204. WDM: Opt Param.: FC

1.18.3 Eqpmt: 2x1 GB & STM-16 boards


The scope of this procedure is to setup the 2x1 GB & STM-16 boards


a) Issue Eqpmt: Config: 2 GB (2x1 board) setting

Figure 205. Eqpmt: Config: 2 GB (2x1 board) setting

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b) Select Eqpmt: Config: STM_16 board setting

Figure 206. Eqpmt: Config: STM_16 board setting

1.18.4 1GBE/FC module setting


The scope of this procedure is to setup the 1GBE/FC module


a) From the Equipment folder issue Config: 2 GB (2x1 board) setting and click on Apply to confirm

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Figure 207. Eqpmt: Config: 2 GBE_SX Apply

Selection of FC or GBE

b) From the WDM folder select: General Information: GBE and click on Apply to confirm.

Figure 208. WDM: Opt Param.: GBE

c) Equip the 2nd module via command Eqpmt: Config: 2 GBE_SX and click on Apply

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Figure 209. Eqpmt: Config: 2 GBE_SX Apply (2nd module)

d) From the WDM folder select: General Information: GBE and click on Apply to confirm.

Figure 210. WDM: Opt Param.: GBE

1.18.5 Synchro NE & Upload NAPs


The scope of this procedure is to setup the 1GBE/FC module


a) Point to the node and issue Synchronize: Synchronize NE

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Figure 211. Node: Synchronize: Synchronize NE

b) The previously declared ports are uploaded. The port list from node is shown below.

Figure 212. Port list

c) The NAP upload command is not requested if during network creation the NAP automatic upload
has been previously selected

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Figure 213. Node creation: NAP auto upload

d) Else, point to the node and issue Configuration: Upload NAPs

Figure 214. Node: Configuration: Upload NAPs

e) The relevant NAP list is shown in figure which follows

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Figure 215. Node 1: NAP list

N.B. All procedures described above refer to node 1. The same procedures must be run for node
2 symmetricaly, and are not described here for aim of brevity.

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1.18.6 Create network for GBE

The scope of this procedure is to create the network objects to carry the 2GBE boards

The network schema is shown below. The OTS physcon connects the two NEs, while IW and OPS phy-
scon are internal to the network element. IW joints the STM-16 port, acting as mux for the two 1GB mod-
ules, to the transponder B&W to colored. OPS physcon joints the colored out of the transponder to the
optical mux in, according to the mux presetting. In our case in p9 (1550 nm) is used. For more detail refer
to NE 1692 Technical Handbook

path 1GBE GFP transpr

d5/stm16 s1b02 s1b02


1gbd1 WLA 1gbd1

p9 p9 WLA
1gbd2 1gbd2
d1 d3 d3 d1

s2b03 s1b03 s1b04 s2b03

1692-1 1692-2

Figure 216. Network schema

The Network schem with the transport objects is shown in figure which follows

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path 1GBE

physcon STM-16

DS path

och trail och trail 1550 och trail

d5/stm16 s1b02 s1b02 d5/stm16

1gbd1 WLA 1gbd1

p9 p9 WLA
1gbd2 1gbd2
d1 d3 d3 d1

s2b03 s1b03 s1b04 s2b03

1692-1 1692-2

Figure 217. Network schema with transport objects


This procedures is subdivided into:

-Create OTS physcon betw WDM nodes

-Create OPS physcon transponder_WDMmux

-Create physcon SDH_WDM interworking (STM16_transponder)

The above listed procedures are detailed in the following Create OTS physcon betw WDM nodes


The scope of this procedure is to create the OTS physcon betw WDM nodes


a) From the map select the two nodes and issue Create: Physical connection

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Figure 218. Create Physical Connection

b) In the Create Connection dialog box select type= WDM and WDM type=OTS, enter the name and
click on OK.

Figure 219. Create Physcon: WDM: type=OTS

c) Select the terminating ports and click on Finish to confirm.

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Figure 220. Create Physcon step 2

d) Implement the OTS physical connection.

Figure 221. Physcon: Configuration: Implement

e) The physcon structure is shown below

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Figure 222. OTS physcon structure Create OPS physcon transponder_WDMmux


The scope of this procedure is to create the OPS physcon transponder_WDMmux


a) Create Physcon transponder_WDMmux: WDM: type=OPS

Figure 223. Create Physcon transponder_WDMmux: WDM: type=OPS

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b) Select the 1st port

Figure 224. 1st port selection: d3 port 1

c) Select the node (the same node) and the port, according to the network schem previously shown.

Port 9 corresponds to the wavelenght of 1550 nm.

Figure 225. 2nd port selection: same node: b3 port 9: wl=1550

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d) After port selection, click on Finish to complete the creation.

Figure 226. Create Physcon step 2

e) The OPS physcon transponder_WDMmux is created and the physcon structure is shown below.

Figure 227. OPS physcon structure transponder_WDMmux

f) Implement the OPS physcon transponder_WDMmux. See below figure

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Figure 228. OPS physcon structure (implemented) Create physcon SDH_WDM interworking (STM16_transponder)


The scope of this procedure is to create the physcon SDH_WDM interworking (STM16_transponder)


a) Issue the command Create physcon

Figure 229. Create physcon SDH_WDM interworking

b) Select the 1st port, i.e. the SDH-16 mux

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Figure 230. Create physcon SDH_WDM: STM16 port selection

c) On the same node select the 2nd port (the input of the transponder)

Figure 231. Create physcon SDH_WDM: transponder selection

d) Click on Finish after port selection.

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Figure 232. Create physcon SDH_WDM: ports selected

e) The Physcon SDH_WDM is created.

Figure 233. Physcon SDH_WDM structure

f) Implement the physcon.

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Figure 234. Physcon SDH_WDM structure (implemented) on node 1

N.B. All procedures described above refer to node 1. The same procedures must be run for node
2 symmetricaly, and are not described here for aim of brevity.

g) Notice that after the implementation of the last physcon of the chain, on node 2, the client path is dis-
covered and the SDH transparent physcon is created. See below figure.

Figure 235. Physcon SDH_WDM structure (implemented) on node 2

h) The implementation log, according to the schema of the transport objects, is shown below.

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Figure 236. Implementation log with discovered client path

i) Implement the SDH transparent physcon

Figure 237. SDH transparent physcon: Implement

j) The SDH transparent physcon, STM-16, contains 16 AU4s (see below the SDH transparent physcon
structure). Notice the icon of the discovered client path.

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Figure 238. SDH transparent physcon structure

k) In the map the physcon link now contains two physcons: the OTS and the SDH transparent.

Figure 239. OTS + SDH transparent

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1.18.7 Create paths 1 GB_1 and 1 GB_2

The scope of this procedure is to Create paths 1 GB_1 and 1 GB_2


a) Select nodes 1 and 2 and issue Create: Path.

Figure 240. Create path

b) In the Create step 1 select service type=Ethernet, service rate=1Gb GFP Transparent. Enter path

Figure 241. Create path 1 GB_1

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c) Select terminating ports. Notice that ports must be selected according to the Network Schema of Fig-
ure 216. In particular board 3 d1 of NE 1692_1 must be connected to board 3 d1 of NE 1692_2. Com-
plete path creation, clicking on Finish

Figure 242. Create path 1 GB_1: port selection

d) The path routing is shown below

Figure 243. Path 1GB_1 routing display

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e) Issue the physcon list

Figure 244. Physcon list

f) Display the physcon list of the SDH transparent physcon. The 1 GB_1 path makes use of 7 con-
catenated AU4s

Figure 245. Physcon structure: 7 concatenated AU4s

g) The 7 concatenated AU4 trails can also be displayed clicking on the trail list button from the routing

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Figure 246. 1 GB_1 trail list

h) Create the 2nd path 1 GB_2. Select nodes 1 and 2 and issue Create: Path.

i) In the Create step 1 select service type=Ethernet, service rate=1Gb GFP Transparent. Enter path

Figure 247. Create path 1 GB_2

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j) Select terminating ports. Notice that ports must be selected according to the Network Schema of Fig-
ure 216. In particular board 3 d2 of NE 1692_1 must be connected to board 3 d2 of NE 1692_2. Com-
plete path creation, clicking on Finish

Figure 248. path 1 GB_2 ports selected

k) The 7 concatenated AU4 trails can be displayed clicking on the trail list button from the routing dis-

Figure 249. 1 GB_2 trail list

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l) You can display the physcon list of the SDH transparent physcon. The 1 GB_2 path makes use of
7 concatenated AU4s, contiguous to the previously allocated trails of path 1 Gb_1.

Figure 250. Physcon structure: contiguous concatenated AU4s

1.18.8 Setup of network for Fiber Channel


The Network setup to convey Fiber Channel paths is the same as per path 1 GBE. The only difference
is that in this case FC terminations are used.

path 1GB_FC

d5/stm16 s1b02 s1b02


1gbd1 WLA 1gbd1

p9 p9 WLA
1gbd2 1gbd2
d2 d4 d4 d2

s2b02 s1b03 s1b04 s2b02

1692-1 1692-2

Figure 251. Network schema for 1GB-FC

The Network schema with the transport objects is the same as per path 1 GBE.

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In the following the Create OPS WDM and Create SDH-WDM interworking physcon are only sum-


a) Create OPS WDM

Figure 252. Create physcon OPS-WDM

b) Select the ports, according to the network schema and confirm the creation.

c) Implement the OPS_WDM physcon.

Figure 253. OPS-WDM physcon structure

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d) Create physcon SDH-WDM interworking

Figure 254. Create physcon SDH-WDM interworking

e) Select the ports, according to the network schema and confirm the creation.

f) Implement the SDH-WDM interworking physcon.

After the implementation of the last OPS physcon, the raw connection is discovered

Figure 255. Physcon structure SDH-WDM interworking

g) Create and implement the mirror OPS and interworking physcons on node 2

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Figure 256. OPS node2 physcon structure

h) After the implementation of the last interworking physcon, the client path is discovered and the SDH
transparent physcon is created. See physcon structure

Figure 257. Physcon structure with client path

i) The client path discovery log is shown below.

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Figure 258. Client path discovery log

j) Implement the SDH transparent physcon.

Figure 259. Transparent SDH physcon implement

k) The Transparent SDH physcon structure is shown below.

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Figure 260. Transparent SDH physcon structure

l) In addition, the physcon link contains the Transparent SDH physcon (for FC connections)

Figure 261. Physcon list

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1.18.9 Create Fiber Channel paths

The scope of this procedure is to Create Fiber Channel paths


a) Select nodes 1 and 2 and issue Create: Path.

b) In the Create step 1 select service type=DATA, service rate=fiber channel GFP Transparent. Enter
path name=path_FC_1

Figure 262. Create FC path 1

c) Select terminating ports. Notice that ports must be selected according to the Network Schema of
Figure 251. In particular board 2 d1 of NE 1692_1 must be connected to board 2 d1 of NE 1692_2.
Complete path creation, clicking on Finish

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d) Complete path creation, clicking on Finish. Implement the path

Figure 263. Create FC path 1: port selection

e) From the routing display click on trail list. The list of 6 concatenated trails is shown below.

Figure 264. FC path routing display with 6 concatenated trails in the list

f) In the physcon structure of the SDH transparent physcon the 6 trails are shown.

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Figure 265. Physcon structure with 6 concatenated trails

g) Create FC path 2

Figure 266. Create FC path 2

h) Select the ports. Notice that ports must be selected according to the Network Schema of Figure 251.
In particular board 2 d2 of NE 1692_1 must be connected to board 2 d2 of NE 1692_2.

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Figure 267. Create FC path 2: port selection

i) Create and implement path_FC_2. Figure which follows shows the trail allocation in the SDH trans-
parent physcon.

Figure 268. SDH transparent physcon structure with 12 AU4s

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1.19 2xGE_FC board management (for 1696MS)

1.19.1 Configuration at EML level (1353NM)

Possible configurations (w/o protection):

2xGE_FC with STM16 SFP connected to MCCC1/2/3_SDH_SONET

2xGE_FC with STM16 SFP connected to WLA1/2/3

2xGE_FC with CWDM SFP connected directly to CMDX

2xGE_FC with DWDM SFP connected directly to OADM

Possible configurations (with protection):

2xGE_FC connected to OPC (and MCC). See below figure

Figure 269. 2xGE_FC connected to OPC (and MCC)

2xGE_FC connected to WLA with O-SCNP (WLA2M_OP / WLA3CDOP). See below figure

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Figure 270. 2xGE_FC connected to WLA with O-SCNP

OPC connected to two 2xGE_FC (client side protection). See below figure

Figure 271. OPC connected to two 2xGE_FC

1.19.2 2XGE_FC board Configuration

a) From Equipment folder set the board. Select 2xGE_FC board type

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Figure 272. Selection of 2xGE_FC board type

In case of 1696MS 3.2, using "Client Nature" menu select requested operation mode: Fiber Channel or
Gigabit Ethernet:

Figure 273. Client Nature: Fiber Channel

b) Go inside board view

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Figure 274. Board view

Board view is composed of 2 client modules called daughter#1, daughter#2 and output STM16 module
called daughter#6

c) From Equipment menu set the client modules (daughter#1 and daughter#2)

Figure 275. Module type selection

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and output STM-16 module daughter#6

Figure 276. Output STM-16 module

It is possible to setup output module with colored CWDM/DWDM SFP module. In this case it is possible
to select module frequency.

Figure 277. Selection of module frequency

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1.19.3 Configuration at NML level (1354RM) - interworking with MCC transponder

The Configuration at NML level follow the steps :

• Synchronize NE

• Upload NAPs

• MCC board preparation

MCC1/2/3 transponder should be configured as MCC_SDH_SONET (Payload type = SDH,

STM Level = 2488.320)

In case of MCC transponder the internal cross-connection should be created.

When MCC is configured in local configuration (i.e. associated to MUX board) the cross-con-
nection should be created between port#1-OCH of MCC and OCH-A port of MUX.

When MCC is configured in remote configuration (i.e. without associated MUX board), it is nec-
essary to create cross-connection between port#1-OCH of MCC and port#2 OGPIoch of MCC.
In remote configuration, fiber connection between MCC and MUX should be defined in cable
configuration. Then this link should be uploaded from 1354RM, using Upload Tool and imple-

Cross-connection can be done using 1353NM or with "WDM Connectivity Tool" on 1354RM.

1.19.4 Connecting 2xGE_FC to MCC

Create and implement SDH/DWDM interworking physical connection between STM16 port of 2xGE_FC
(port#6) and B&W port of transponder (port#1) within the same node.

If the warning message "The bit rates of who involved ports are not compatible. Do you want to create
anyway the physical connection?" will appear, it means, that probably payload of MCC board was not set
correctly and it's suggested to verify settings from 1353NM, eventually synchronize NE and check "Phys-
ical Port Rate" attribute on the 1354RM.

1.19.5 Optical client path discovery

When all OPS connection on both nodes will be implemented, RM should automatically discover optical
client path and corresponding SDH STM-16 connection, which connects port#6 of 2xGE_FC boards on
both sides.

Implement SDH STM-16 physical connection.

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Figure 278. STM-16 physical connection

1.19.6 GBEhernet path creation

Create ethernet path selecting end nodes with 2xGE_FC boards.

Service Type = Ethernet,

Service Rate = 1Gb GFP Transparent

NAPs = port#1 or port#2 of 2xGE_FC board

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Figure 279. Create path

Figure 280. Port selection

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1.20 2x1 GbE client side protection (for 1696MS)

The scope of this procedure is to realize the protecting network scheme depicted in figure which follows

path 1 Eth

DS path

SDH physcon

2xGbE MCC 2xGbE

b3 b3 MCC
p1 p6 p1 p2 p8 p1
p8 p2 p1 p6
OPC p1
b9 p1
p2 b18 p2
p2 193800nm p6 p6 p2
p1 p1
p3 p3
b17 b5
b18 b6
b41 b29

p2 b8 b19
SDH physcon
Ext 1 2xGbE Ext 2
DS path

path 2 Eth

1696-D 1696-U

Figure 281. 2x1 GbE client side protection

Figure which follows shows the RM representation of the DS path SNCP

DS path SNCP

p2 OPS p2
p1 p1
p3 p3 IW
Ext-1 Ext-2

Figure 282. Physical object representation


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a) Create the physcons to obtain the upload of the DS path1 and DS path2 between SDH STM16 ports
of the 2xGbE boards (IW SDH/WDM betw 2xGbE and MCC; OPS betw MCC and OMDX ; OTS
betw OMDX) , either for the main route or the spare route.

b) Automatically DS path1 (main) and DS path2 ( spare) are uploaded. See above figure and figure
which follows shows the highlight of DS path1

Figure 283. Highlight of DS path1

c) Create the 2 Generic Digital Client/WDM InterWorking physcons betw Ext and OPC (port p1, Reli-

d) Create the OPS main physcon betw port p2 (unreliable) of the OPC

e) Create the OPS spare physcon betw port p3 (protecting) of the OPC

f) The SNCP protected path is uploaded. See figure below

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Figure 284. SNCP protected path routing display

g) The relevant highlight is shown below

Figure 285. SNCP protected path highlight

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h) Execute the correlation of the SNCP protected path to DS path 1 and DS path 2. From the routing
display point to the SNCP path and issue Other: Related objects: Edit.

i) In the subsquent selection box select RM Object 1 + OK. The correlation window opens.

j) From browser, point to on one of the physcons, e.g. on the OTS physcon and issue Search: Related
Objects: Paths, to display DS1 path and DS 2 path

k) From the path list on the right-hand side of below figure, drag and drop DS1 path and DS 2 path to
the correlation area of the left-hand side of the figure. Click on Start correlation button.

Figure 286. SNCP path correlation to DS paths

l) A small icon (blue down arrow) is presented beside theSNCP path icon, meaning the path involved
in relation.

1.21 Multi-degree

The scope of this procedure is to realize a multi-degree arrangement.

The multi-degree arrangement allows to configure more than 2 OTS ports on each node 1626LM R.40A.

The BMDX board accomplishes up to 12 bands. Each band comprises 8 channels.

The CMDX board accomplishes up to 8 channels. The max capacity of the multidegree OTS port is then
96 channels.


The procedure is divided in:

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a) Target network

b) Eqpmt: Set: board CMDX1010

c) Eqpmt: Set board BMDX 1000

d) Board CMDX: Configuration: Connectors/Cabling

e) BMDX modules: set to service

f) BMDXBoard: Configuration: Connectors/Cabling

g) Display of the CMDX/BMDX modules

h) TRBD board: setting STM64

i) TRBD: Cross Connection: Create

j) Synchronize NE

k) Create the transport objects

l) Create OTS betw BMDX and CMDX

m) Create OPS: CMDX-TRBD

n) Create OTS passthrough connections physcon

o) Create SDH-WDM interworking physcon

p) DS path discovery

q) Create EXT-3 and EXT-4

r) Create Eth path between EXT-3 and EXT-4

s) Add Protection of path between EXT-3 and EXT-4

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1.21.1 Target network

Figure 287. Multidegree network. RM view

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s1b2p1 BMDX
s1b10p109 s1b16p109

s1b8p101 s1b10p109




s1b2p1 s1b16 p1

s1b10p109 CMDX BMDX

s1b10p1 BMDX
s1b8p101 s1b16p109


s1b3 p1


Figure 288. Multidegree network schema

The BMDX board accomplishes up to 12 bands. Each band comprises 8 channels. The CMDX board
accomplishes up to 8 channels.

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The above schema is not a real network arrangement (namely is constituted by two nodes only), but it
is useful to demonstrate that one node can terminate more than two OTS, that is a cabled multi-degree
network can be implemented. The above schema demonstrates also that the lambda passthrough is pos-

The network planner should consider also that the cost of the equipment required is less than that one
required for the classical R-OADM and T-ROADM.

Obviously the less flexibility implies a greater band consuming.

1.21.2 Eqpmt: Set: board CMDX1010


The scope is set the CMDX1010 board.


a) Select an empty slot and issue Eqpmt: Set

Figure 289. Eqpmt: Set

b) In the Set equipment dialog bos select board CMDX1010 and the band, according to the network

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Figure 290. Eqpmt: Set: board CMDX1010: band choice (1-12)

1.21.3 Eqpmt: Set board BMDX 1000


The scope is set the CMDX1010 board.


a) Select an empty slot and issue Eqpmt: Set

Figure 291. Eqpmt: Set

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b) Select board BMDX 1000 and click on OK

Figure 292. Eqpmt: Set: board BMDX 1000

1.21.4 Board CMDX: Configuration: Connectors/Cabling


The scope is set the CMDX board.


a) Select the board CMDX and issue Configurations: Connectors/Cabling

Figure 293. Board CMDX: Configuration: Connectors/Cabling

b) Select all relevant modules ( WDM in/out +8 modules) and click on Set to service

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Figure 294. CMDX modules: set to service

c) As a result, all modules + WDM terminations are INS (marked by a lock icon)

Figure 295. Modules after set to service (lock)

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1.21.5 BMDXBoard: Configuration: Connectors/Cabling

The scope of this procedure is to set to service BMDX modules


a) Select the board BMDX and issue Configurations. Connectors/Cabling

b) Select all relevant modules ( WDM in/out +12 modules) and click on Set to service

Figure 296. BMDX modules: set to service

c) As a result, all modules + WDM terminations are INS (marked by a lock icon)

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Figure 297. BMDX modules after set to service (lock)

1.21.6 Display of the CMDX/BMDX modules


The scope of this procedure is to display CMDX/BMDX modules


a) You can display CMDX modules in the board view (OTS and port 101 to port 108). See figure below.

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Figure 298. CMDX modules in the board view

b) Figure herebelow shows BMDX modules in the board view (OTS and port 101 to port 112)

Figure 299. BMDX modules in the board view (OTS and port 101 to port 112)

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1.21.7 Eqpmt set:TRBD 1191

The scope of this procedure is to set the TRBD1191


a) Select an empty slot and issue Equipment: set

Figure 300. Eqpmt Set

b) Notice that the CMDX board to be connected to the TRBD being created was assigned to band 9,
i.e. the lambda=12600

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Figure 301. CMDX1010 was assigned band 9

c) Select the board: TRBD1191 and click on OK.

Figure 302. Eqpmt set:TRBD 1191

d) A subsequent window asks to select the channel. In this case select 192600 accordingly. click on
OK to confirm the creation.

Ì Since the CMDX was assigned band 9, for the TRBD being associated the user should select
one of the lambda belonging to band 9 (192.35-192.70)

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Figure 303. Selection of channel 192600 for TRBD

e) If you select the TRBD just created, you can verify that the lambda involved is 192600.

Figure 304. Point to TRBD: channel 192600

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1.21.8 TRBD board: setting STM64

The scope of this procedure is to set the STM64 for TRBD board.


a) Open (double click) the view of the TRBD board and issue Eqpt: Set

Figure 305. TRBD board: setting STM64

b) Select board STM64 of the suitable type and click on OK.

Figure 306. TRBD board: selection of board STM64

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c) Select the TRBD icon and issue Configuration: Connectors/cabling

Figure 307. TRBD: Configuration: Connectors/cabling

d) Select WDM in + out and click on Set to service

Figure 308. TRBD: Connectors/cabling:WDM in+out set to service

e) For the STM-64 board, select in and out and click on set to service

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Figure 309. TRBD: Connectors/cabling:STM64 in+out set to service

f) As a result, all modules + WDM terminations are INS (marked by a lock icon)

Figure 310. TRBD: Connectors/cabling:WDM and STM64 are INS


The scope of this procedure is to set the STM64 for TRBD board.


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1.21.9 TRBD: Cross Connection: Create

The scope of this procedure is to create the x-con in the TRBD board.


a) Select the TRBD port and issue Cross Connection: Create

Figure 311. TRBD: Cross Connection: Create

b) The Cross Connection: Create dialog box is displayed. Click on Choose button.

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Figure 312. TRBD: Cross Connection: Create: Choose

c) Select the connection (only one is selectable) and click on OK.

Figure 313. TRBD: Cross Connection: Create: Choose

d) Click on OK in the Cross Connection: Create main window.

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Figure 314. TRBD: Cross Connection: Create: Choose+ OK

e) The internal cross connection is created and you can display the connection (marked by a X icon)
on the transmission view. See below figure

Figure 315. TRBD: internal cross connection display

1.21.10 Synchronize NE
After the setting of the hardware components, it is strongly suggested a NE: Synchronize from RM

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1.21.11 Create the transport objects
Transport objects will be created according to the schema of Figure 288. on page 219. Create OTS physcon between the two nodes


The scope of this procedure is to create OTS physcon between the two nodes


Two OTS physcon must be created. See network schema of Figure 288. In the following one example
is described

a) Select the two nodes and issue Create Physcon

b) Select A and Z ports accordingly

Figure 316. Create OTS physcon betw nodes

c) Implement the physcon. The creation log is shown below.

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Figure 317. OTS physcon betw nodes creation log

d) In the fact the 8 raw conns are the ones ensured by the CMDX board connected to the BMDX board.
Namely the BMDX board can carry up to 96=12X8 colored signals. Then, if we have already con-
nected a CMDX board, which carries up to 8 colored signals, the 8 raw conns are created and dis-
played. See below figures

Figure 318. OTS physcon betw nodes structure(1)

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Figure 319. OTS physcon betw nodes structure(2)

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1.21.12 Create OTS betw BMDX and CMDX

The scope of this procedure is to create OTS physcon between BMDX and CMDX


This procedure should be separately executed for node 1 and node 2, according to the network schema.

a) Select the node ( see network schema of Figure 288. on page 219) and issue Create Physcon

Figure 320. Create OTS betw BMDX and CMDX step1

b) Select A and Z ports. Figure which follows shows port selection=109 for channel 192600 on BMDX

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Figure 321. OTS:BMDX-CMDX: port selection=109 for channel 192600

c) Figure which follows shows the selection of port 1 (mux) of CMDX

Figure 322. OTS:BMDX-CMDX: port 1 (mux) of CMDX

d) After the selection of both ports, click on Finish to confirm the creation.

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Figure 323. OTS:BMDX-CMDX end of selection

e) The creation log is shown below

Figure 324. OTS:BMDX-CMDX create log

f) The OTS:BMDX-CMDX physcon structure shows the raw conn created for channel 192600

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Figure 325. Raw conn created for channel 192600

1.21.13 Create OPS: CMDX-TRBD


The scope of this procedure is to create OPS physcon between CMDX and TRBD

This procedure should be separately executed for node 1 and node 2, according to the network schema.

Ì The involved fiber cable should be connected carefully on the equipment, according to the
selected terminations.


a) Select the node ( see network schema of Figure 288. on page 219) and issue Create Physcon

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Figure 326. Create OPS: CMDX-TRBD step1

b) Select port CMDX side. According to the schema should be s1b2p109 (for node 1)

Figure 327. Create OPS: CMDX-TRBD: CMDX side selection

c) Select port TRBD side. According to the schema should be s1b8p101 (for node 1). Click on Finish
to confirm. The Create OPS: CMDX-TRBD log is shown below

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Figure 328. Create OPS: CMDX-TRBD log

d) figure which follows shows the OPS physcon structure with the created raw conn

Figure 329. OPS physcon structure

1.21.14 Create OTS passthrough connections physcon

This procedure should be separately executed for node 1 and node 2, according to the network schema.

The creation and implementation of these connections ensures the completion of the multigrade arrange-
ment network schema, which provides the protection. See DS path discovery

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1.21.15 Create SDH-WDM interworking physcon

The scope of this procedure is to create the SDH-WDM physcon


This procedure should be separately executed for node 1 and node 2, according to the network schema.

External nodes EXT1 and EXT2 are to separately connected to the transponders TRBD1191, respectively
to node1 and node 2.


a) Select nodes 1 and EXT 1 and issue Create physcon

Figure 330. Create SDH-WDM interworking physcon step1

b) Select port type=STM64 for the external node and the TRBD port according to the schema. Obvi-
ously the equipment setting has been completed previously in accordance.

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Figure 331. SDH-WDM interworking physcon port selection

c) Click on finish to confirm the creation

Figure 332. SDH-WDM interworking physcon end of selection

d) The relevant SDH-WDM interworking physcon create log is shown below.

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Figure 333. SDH-WDM interworking physcon create log

e) The raw conn is now present in the SDH-WDM interworking physcon structure

Figure 334. SDH-WDM interworking physcon structure

1.21.16 DS path (former optical client ) discovery

After the last physcon implementation, the optical path is automatically discovered.

1.22 Low BER management in 1626LM

The DS path is impacted as a consequence of lowBer alarm entering the WDM network, in case of client
protection. In fact, in case of protection, the NE does not provide the lowBer alarm on the reliable port of
the OPC board but just on the two protected transponders.

The feature is managed for 1626LM Rel. R4.0 on.

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The client CTP (client side) is characterized as clientMonitoringBoundary=True and RM impacts the
DS path with Transport Incoming Failure

·Upon lowBer alarm detection on clientMonitoringBoundary ctp, RM impacts the DS path with Trans-
port Incoming Failure. RM will no more generate Degraded protection (as for the previous release)

the case where the lowBer is detected egress due to a problem inside the WDM should be reported
through FEC TCA (FEC PM has to be manually enabled)

RM does not generate any elementary alarm on the mirrored TP on RM, i.e. on the reliable genCTP on
OPC in case of lowBer (neither ingress nor egress side).

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1.23 R-OADM Management Description in 1626LM R5.0

1626LM provides the R-OADM functionality via flexible och cross-connections. R-OADM was already
present in R3.0A but it could be managed only via equipment domain and internal cabling and were
uploaded by RM to provide the WDM connectivity.

RM R7.4.9 provides the management of the R-OADM functionality.


R-OADM (Reconfigurable Optical Add & Drop Multiplexer) functionality is depicted in the following picture.

From transmission point of view, the R-OADM offers the same functionality already available with 1696MS
and 1626LM OADM's but the hw of those OADM's was completely different and to reconfigure the network
in terms of lambda connectivity, not simple manual equipment operations were required by the user.

Figure 335. R-OADM (Reconfigurable Optical Add & Drop Multiplexer) functionality

The R-OADM is already available in R3.0A with an architecture based on two new units: the Wavelength
Manager (WMAN1 board featuring as Wavelength Blocker device) and the Optical Add&Drop Coupler
(OADC), combined as represented in the below pictures.

The Wavelength Blocker device allows just 2 degrees.

Moreover, the R-OADM is based on MUX/DMUX technology, implying that once the transponder is con-
nected to a port of a MUX/DMUX, the frequency on the Transponder sink is fixed by the coloured port of

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Figure 336. ROADM optical coupler

Each channel processed by R-OADM (2 degree Node) can be in one of five possible states:

-Add&drop on OTS1

-Add&drop on OTS2

-Add&drop on OTS1&2

-Express (i.e. pass-through OTS1-OTS2)

-Blocked (no add&drop, no pass-through)

N.B. OTS will be substituted with OMS for the future NE release that will provide OMS protection.
Each channel has the same state in both direction (i.e. R-OADM is a bidirectional NE).

N.B. The R-OADM functionality, Wavelength Blocker based, as above described, is not shown by
the 1626LM R3.0A with the proper transmission model at management interface, i.e. is not
shown in terms of OCH TP chain and flexible OCH cross-connections. So RM has managed
in a totally "transparent" way R-OADM for R3.0A, through discovery of cables between OPS
ports, set-up by CT/NM use.

N.B. Starting from 1626LM R5.0, the NE provides the capability to manage flexible OCH cross-con-
nections inside R-OADM (2 degree Node).


Figure which follows shows an example of network insertion of the ROADM.

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Figure 337. Network insertion of the ROADM

Not being the OCH flexibility inside R-OADM complete because, as above described, the frequency on
the Transponder is fixed by the MUX/DMUX port to which is cabled and moreover the association of a
given Transponder to the west or east OTS is also determined by cabling, for each OCH TP of the R-
OADM, the NE provides the list of the connectable TPs (two) where drop/insert or pass-through a channel.

This list of connectable TPs was already provided by the NE for OADM and is used by the RM connectivity
tool in the previous RM releases.

Starting from RM R7.4.9, considering that the WDM network provides more points of flexibility at OCH
layer (not only OADM but also R-OADM and T&R-OADM -see related paragraph), the OCH flexibility
offered by all the above types of OADMs will be managed through the new feature "OCH trail set-up by
user" (please refer to the dedicated paragraph).

This feature allows the user to provide the two end points of the OCH Trail, the needed constraints and
letting then the system set-up the OCH trail route and implement it inside the WDM NEs (through cross-
connection creation).

Without this feature, the user would still manually set-up (through NM or through RM Connectivity tool)
each single cross-connection inside each Node.

To keep anyway the capability, inside RM, to take in charge trails and supported client paths, if already
manually set-up by NM/CT USM, the "Management of flexible cross-connections during WDM port
assignment/deassignment" new feature is also introduced. in R7.4.9

Once taken in charge by RM, the discovered OCH trail will be then managed (e.g. de-implemented or
removed) through RM USM.

1.24 R-OADM USER’s notes in 1626LM R5.0

This paragraph comprises the following topics:

-R-OADM Equipment scheme and Reference Network

-R-OADM equipment setting

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-R-OADM Cable setting

-R-OADM Upload of the connectivity

-R-OADM: OCH trail create

-R-OADM: Create cross-connection

-R-OADM: Create OCH trail-passthrough

A more detailed description of R-OADM equipment and cable setting can be found in the dedicated doc-
umentation: 1626LM R.5.0 Technical Handbook and 1626LM User’s Guide.

1.24.1 R-OADM Equipment scheme and Reference Network




O 1000
r1s1b3 C


r1s1b18 r1s1b19


r1s1b16 r1s1b4
r1s1b15 r1s2b16 r1s1b31

Figure 338. 1626LM Rel. 5.0 R-OADM equipment connection scheme

To set the equipment the following sequence of operations must be executed:


1) Setting WMAN b3 and b16 in subrack 2

2) Associate boards WMAN b3 and b16 by means of Board: Modify equipment configuration: con-

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3) Setting BMDX and CMDX in subrack 1

4) Setting LOFA in subrack 1

5) Setting OADC. These boards do not require Set in Service

6) Setting in service the ports of the boards



LOFA 11x0 (2 boards on a LT shelf)

1) In each LOFA you need to put in service the ports, from "Connectors/Cabling" menu : Input/Out-
put 1st stage & Input/Output 2nd stage

For the LOFA declared as LOFA R it is necessary to put in service the OSC input .

For the LOFA declared as LOFA T it is necessary to put in service the OSC output .

2) After that you need to create the cable

In each LOFA : Output 1st stage with Input 2nd stage

In LOFA R the output 2nd stage is connected with input WDM of the BMDX

In LOFA T the input 1st stage is connected with output WDM of the BMDX

3) Perform a transmission update

Close this menu and from the USM , navigate on the LOFA board .

From this view select the menu select the menu 'Board' -> 'Modify Equipement Configuration'.

Enter the contradir ( put the slot of the other LOFA)

4) Perform a transmission update

After this configuration you can cable all the others boards from the cable connection menu.


All cables, as shown in above figure, must be created via command Add Cable

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50-1 50-3



Figure 339. 1626LM Rel. 5.0 R-OADM reference network

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1.24.2 R-OADM equipment setting

The scope of this procedure is to setup the R-OADM equipment.

Ì All required boards and board inputs/outputs must be Set to Service.

Figure which follows shows an example of R-OADM: Subrack 2: WMAN board

Figure 340. R-OADM: Subrack 2: WMAN 1100 board


1) Navigate board WMAN b3 (click twice). In the board view issue Board: Modify equipment con-

Figure 341. WMAN1100: Board: Modify equipment configuration

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2) In the Modify equipment parameters dialog box enter the physical coordinates of the other
board WMAN (field Contradir). Click on OK to confirm.

Figure 342. WMAN1100: Contradir

3) Issue Configuration: connectors/cabling

Figure 343. Configuration: connectors/cabling

4) In the connector configuration dialog box select board WMAN1100 s2b3 and click on Set in Ser-

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Figure 344. Set to Service WMAN1100 s2b3

5) Set in Service WMAN Input

Figure 345. Set to Service WMAN Input

6) Set in Service WMAN Output. Click on Transmission Update.

1.24.3 R-OADM Cable setting


The scope of this procedure is to setup R-OADM cabling


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1) Select cell Cable in correspondence to 3 WMAN Input on the left column. On the right column,
which appears as a consequence, select OADC output 30, according to the 1626LM Rel. 5.0
R-OADM equipment connection scheme.

Click on Add Cable

Figure 346. 3WMAN-in to 35OADC-out Add Cable

2) Execute the above described Add Cable operation for the reverse direction 3-WMAN-out to 35-

3) Click on Transmission Update. A dialog box alerts update successfull.

In addition, moving the mouse pointer e.g. to WMAN Input you can read the performed cable.
Obviously you should have executed the material connection involved.

Figure 347. Reading the performed cable

4) Execute the Add cable operation for all the involved cables.

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1.24.4 R-OADM Upload of the connectivity

The scope of this procedure is to upload R-OADM connectivity.


1) Execute the upload of the cables for node 50-2 and 50-1, respectively

Figure 348. Configuration: Upload Tools

2) In the Upload Tools dialog box select Upload physical connectivity

Figure 349. Upload physical connectivity

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1.24.5 R-OADM: OCH trail create

With ref. to Figure 339.on page 254

Create the OCH trail from R-OADM 50-2 to T&R-OADM 50-1.


1) Select the end nodes and issue Create: OCH Trail

Figure 350. Create: OCH Trail

2) In the Create OCH Trail dialog box enter trail name and allocation=auto

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Figure 351. Create: OCH Trail step1

3) Select end ports: 1626-50_1/r02s3b04/port#101 on 1626-50_1 and 1626-50_2/r01s1b08/

port#101 on 1626-50_2. Click on Finish to confirm the creation.

Figure 352. Create: OCH Trail step2

4) Figure which follows shows the OCH trail highlight

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Figure 353. OCH Trail TRBC1111 highlight

5) Figure which follows shows the OCH trail routing display.

Figure 354. OCH Trail TRBC1111 routing display

6) Implement the OCH trail. Issue the routing display. The implementation creates all needed x-
cons (add/drop and pass-through)

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The scope of this procedure is to display cross-connection, OCH trail and DS path.


1) From the equipment view of node 50-2 issue Configuration: Cross Connection management

Figure 355. Configuration: Cross Connection management

2) In the Cross Connection management dialog box select Search.

3) The Cross connection list is shown below. The involved xcon is selected. This is the add/drop
x-con on node 50-2

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Figure 356. Cross connection list

4) At this point the OCH trail is fully payloaded, with the creation of ODU2, ODU1 and DS path.

Figure 357. OCH trail structure

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5) Issue the DS path highlight

Figure 358. Highlight of the DS path

6) You may deimplement the OCH trail

Ì Obviously the deimplement OCH trail command procedure is

seriously traffic affecting, so it must be managed very carefully
by the WDM network administrator only.

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Figure 359. OCH trail: Deimplement

1.24.6 R-OADM: Create OCH trail-passthrough


This example verifies that the pass-through x-con is created automatically.

Create an OCH trail from 40-A to 50-3 with pass-through xcon on node 50-2


1) Select end nodes and issue Create: OCH trail

Figure 360. Create: OCH trail-passthrough

2) In the OCH trail create step 1 dialog box enter userlabel: OCH_Trail_193250_Pass_Through.
Click on Next.

3) Select end ports. Click on Finish.

4) Implement the OCH trail

5) Issue the highlight of the OCH trail

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Figure 361. OCH trail highlight

6) Issue the highlight of the DS path

Figure 362. Highlight of the DS path

7) The pass-through x-con is created upon OCH trail implementation. The display of the x-con is
shown below.

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Figure 363. Xcon-list: passthrough X-con

1.25 T&R-OADM Management Description in 1626LM R5.0


The feature allows RM managing the new T&R-OADM functionality in 1626LM R5.0.


T&R-OADM (Tunable and Reconfigurable OADM) is an evolution of R-OADM because it adds the tun-
ability and the ability to interconnect in a flexible way more than 2 OTS ports (from 2 to 4 degree node).

The tunability is based on the concept of "free" Tx/Rx. Any Tributary in the R-OADM not transporting Add/
Drop traffic shall be logically connected to a "free" OCH, i.e. not connected through the overall cross-con-
nection matrix: this is a "free" Tx/Rx. Each "free" Tx/Rx is able to tune its Tx and Rx to any channel.

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Figure 364. T&R-OADM (Tunable and Reconfigurable OADM)

The above picture shows that the TRBd, receiving λ8 can be then tuned to λ9, even staying in the same

To achieve this, the pass-through connectivity involving l9 inside OTS and the add/drop connectivity
involving λ8 inside OTS have to be removed; new pass-through connectivity involving λ8 and new add/
drop connectivity to the same TRBd, involving λ9, have to be set-up.

The connectivity principle is shown in the following picture

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Figure 365. T & R connectivity principle

With respect to R-OADM, the T&R-OADM is based on Wavelength Manager featuring a Wavelength
Selective Switch device.

Each OTS has associated a WSS device, as represented in the following figure.

Figure 366. WSS device

The following figure represents a Nx1 device: N input ports, 1 output port. Any combination/number of
inputs can be sent to the output. Individual blocking/attenuation is allowed

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Figure 367. Nx1 WSS device

New boards are WMAN3 (WSS based), TDMX and OCNC. The TDMX is a unidirectional board playing
the tunable DEMUX role. The OCNC (Optical CoNnectivity Coupler) is a coupler needed to pass-through
the received channel on an OTS towards the other OTS.

Also for T&R-OADM the NE provides the capability to set-up flexible cross-connections through the man-
agement interface but in R5.0 the configuration in the hw is not performed automatically by the NE fol-
lowing the set-up of cross-connection at the management interface; the user has to manually perform the
required operations in the equipment domain to achieve the set-up cross-connection in the NE.

The T&R-OADM provides improved flexibility in terms of OCH connectivity, so the identified solution is
to manage in RM the routing at OCH layer across OADM, R-OADM, T&R-OADM (please refer to the new
feature "OCH trail set-up by user").

As well as for R-OADM, also for T&R-OADM, the NE provides, for each OCH CTP, the list of connectable
OCH CTP . While for OADM and R-OADM, the connectable TP are at most two, for T&R-OADM the list
is, for meaningful scenarios, more than two: this provides also a trigger to store in the RM MIB the infor-
mation that the CTP and the set-up cross-connection belongs to a T&R-OADM.

This information on cross-connection (as belonging to T&R-OADM) will be used by RM to alert the oper-
ator that the cross-connection has to be manually set-up consistently in the hw.

The following picture provides the transmission view for T&R-OADM, 3 and 4 degrees

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Figure 368. Transmission view for T&R-OADM, 3 degrees

Figure 369. Detailed transmission view for T&R-OADM, 3 degrees

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Figure 370. Transmission view for T&R-OADM, 4 degrees

Figure 371. Detailed transmission view for T&R-OADM, 4 degrees

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1.26 T & R-OADM USER’s notes in 1626LM R5.0

1.26.1 T & R Equipment Scheme

As described in the previous para, the no. of lines (i.e. the no. of OTS physcons towards the network),
is coincident with the no. of degrees. The equipment of each line requires the setting of a certain group
of boards, per each line.

The user may choose either the criterion of 1 rack per each line or 1 subrack per each line.

In addition, although there is no limitation, usually the same line no. is assigned to interconnected T & R

A more detailed description of T & R-OADM equipment and cable setting can be found in the dedicated
documentation: 1626LM R.5.0 Technical Handbook and 1626LM User’s Guide.

Figure which follows shows an example of equipment setting of one line

LINE 2 (3 degrees)
to WMAN 3 line 3

to WMAN 3 line 1

1100 1230


r2s2b14 r1s2b27
TRBD r1s2b29 r2s2b10

OADC r2s2b2


line 3 WMAN3
WMAN IN2 r1s2b25
from OCNC r1s2b14
line 1 r1s2b7

Figure 372. T & R Eqpm. Node 50-1. LINE 2 (3-degree)

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1.26.2 T & R Equipment setting

The scope of this procedure is to setup the equipment for T & R


1) Set the required boards.

The main T & R boards required to equip one line are:

-OCNC 1230(3-degree) r1sr2b29

-WMAN 3174 r1sr2b14

-OADC 0104 r1sr2b25

-LOFA1110 r1sr2b7 contradir=r1sr2b10

-TMDX1180 r2sr2b14

-TRBD1191 UNI r2sr2b3 ch193150

-OADC1750 r2sr2b2

N.B. (Only for LOFA). Navigate board (click twice). In the board view issue Board: Modify equipment
configuration. In the Modify equipment parameters dialog box (Contradir), enter the physical
coordinates of the other board. Click on OK to confirm.

2) Issue Configuration: connectors/cabling

3) In the connector configuration dialog box select one board and click on Set in Service

4) Expand (+ ) the view of the board in order to display all input/outputs of the board

5) Select each input/otput (one at a time) and issue Set to Service

6) Execute the above operation for each board

7) Do not forget Transmission Update

1.26.3 T & R Cable setting


The scope of this procedure is T & R Cable setting


1) Issue Configuration: connectors/cabling.

2) Select cell Cable in correspondence to LOFA1110 on the left column. On the right column,
which appears as a consequence, select In 2nd stage (cell CABLE)

Click on Add Cable.

Figure which follows shows the relevant cable display

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Figure 373. 10 LOFA1110: out 1st stage to In 2nd stage

3) Execute the Add cable operation for all required cables. See list herebelow

10 LOFA1110: out 1st stage to 10In 2nd stage

10-LOFA1110 in 2nd stage from 10out 1st stage

10-LOFA1110 out 2nd stage to 29OCN1230 in from line

29-OCNC1230 out to line 1 to 27OADC1100-In from Preamp

29-OCNC1230 out to line 1 to 14 WMAN3174 in1

29-OCNC1230 out to line 2 to 14 WMAN3174 in2

27-OADC1100-in from preamp from 29OCNC1230-out to drop

27-OADC1100-out1 to 14 TMDX1180-Input

14-TMDX1180 Input from 27-OADC1100out 1

14-TMDX1180 Output 2 to TRBD1191ch193150-WDM Input

3TRBD1191 ch 193150 WDM output to OADC1750 Input from TX1

3TRBD1191 ch 193150 WDM input from 14-TMDX1180 Output 1

2 OADC1750 In from TX1 FROM 3TRBD1191 ch 193150 WDM Output

2 OADC1750 Output to Add A TO 14 WMAN3174 add 1

14 WMAN3174 add 1 FROM 2 OADC1750 Output to Add A

14 WMAN3174 input 1 FROM 29-OCNC1230 out to line 1

14 WMAN3174 input 2 FROM 29-OCNC1230 out to line 2

14 WMAN3174 output TO 25-OADC0104 Input 2

25-OADC0104 Input 2 FROM 14 WMAN3174 output

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25-OADC0104 Out to booster TO 7LOFA1100 Input 1st stage

4) Do not forget Transmission Update!

1.26.4 Connectivity Upload


The scope of this procedure is to upload the connectivity


1) Execute the upload of the cables for the involved node/s

Figure 374. Configuration: Upload Tools

2) In the Upload Tools dialog box select Upload physical connectivity and click on Finish.

3) To verify the created physcons, with reference to below network, select, as an example, T &
R node 50-1 and click on icon Ports.

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Figure 375. T & R Reference network: T & R node ports

4) The port list is displayed. Navigate port r2s2b3p101-193.15, which will be the end point of the
trail being created

Figure 376. 1626-50-1Port list: navigate port r2s2b3p101-193.15

5) Navigate port r2s2b3p101-193.15: select Physcon structure + OK

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Figure 377. Port r2s2b3p101-193.15: select Physcon structure

6) The created physcons are called Autodisc-portidA/portidZ

Figure 378. ops physcon trbd-tdmx1180

1.26.5 T & R OCH trail create (Add/Drop case)


The scope of this procedure is to create the OCH trail for the Add/Drop case


a) Create the OCH trail between nodes 50-1 and 40A_2

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Figure 379. Create OCH trail

7) Enter userlabel. Click on Next.

Figure 380. Create trail step1 dialog box

8) Select end ports. Same position.

Figure 381. End port selection.

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Figure 382. Ports end of selection

9) Click on Finish to confirm the creation.The trail is created. The OCH trail routing display is pre-

Figure 383. OCH trail routing display

10) Implement the OCH trail

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Figure 384. Client Trail structure view

11) The physcon structure involved shows that the DS path over 193.15 is not implemented. Select
the OCH trail and click on Client trail structure view

Figure 385. Physcon structure OTS 40-501

12) The Client trail structure view is shown below

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Figure 386. Client trail structure view

13) After the OCH trail implementation the Check connection flag is displayed in the routing display,
in correspondence to the crossconnection which is allocated. The missing x-con is betw r2 s2
b14 (TDMX) and r1 s2 b10 (LOFA). It is an add/drop x-con, because node 50-1 is equipped as
‘1 subrack per line’

Figure 387. Check connection flag

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1.26.6 T&R OADM Tuning

The x-con Add/drop is created by RM. It must be tuned manually.


1) The flag shown in Figure 387.refers to board TMDX 1180

Figure 388. Board TMDX 1180

2) DROP FUNCTION. Navigate board TMDX 1180 and issue Board: Configure TMDX1180

Figure 389. Board: Configure TMDX1180

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3) In the TMDX configuration port dialog box select, in this case, port 1 , channel 19315, corre-
sponding to the TRBD board equipped, select Set selected port and click on Apply

Figure 390. TMDX configuration port

4) ADD FUNCTION. In the reverse direction the tuning must be executed on board WMAN3174.
Navigate board WMAN 3174 and issue Board: Configure WMAN 3x74

Figure 391. Board: Configure WMAN 3x74

5) The WMAN 3x74 configuration is presented. In correspondence to frequency 193150 select

Add1 and click on Apply.

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193150 ADD1

Figure 392. WMAN 3x74 configuration dialog box

6) The DS path is now implemented, since the needed tuning has been made.

Figure 393. After tuning physcon structure: DS path implemented.

1.26.7 Clear check connection flag


The x-con has been tuned manually.The scope is to clear check connection flag

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1) Show/set attributes of the physcon marked by the Check connection flag

Figure 394. Show/set attributes-physcon-Check flag

2) In folder Status, attribute Check connection on NE must be SET to NORMAL. Click on Apply.

Figure 395. Status: Check conn: SET to NORMAL

3) The flag is no longer present in the OCH trail routing display

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Figure 396. Flag no longer in OCH trail r. display

4) Select the OCH trail and click on client Trail structure view. This view is shown in the right-hand
side of the following figure

Figure 397. OCH trail client Trail structure view

5) Highlight the DS path

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Figure 398. DS path highlight

1.26.8 T & R OCH trail: an other example


1) Create OCH trail between node 50-1 and 50-2. A passthrough connection is required on node

2) The routing display of trail OCH Trail TRBC-1111-193300 is shown below.

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Figure 399. Routing display of trail OCH Trail TRBC-1111-193300

3) OCH Trail TRBC-1111-193300 highlight is shown in fig. herebelow

Figure 400. OCH Trail TRBC-1111-193300 highlight

4) To be noticed that the flag shown in fig. below, refers to a passthrough cross-connection
between the two racks, since the equipment is configured 1 rack per line

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Figure 401. Pass-through cross-connection

5) This pass-through x-con is created by RM, but must be tuned manually. Pass to eqpmt view
of node 50-3 .Select board WMAN3174 .

Figure 402. Board WMAN3174 is selected

6) Navigate board WMAN3x74. Issue Board: Configure WMAN3x74

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Figure 403. Board: Configure WMAN3x74

7) Line 2. The WMAN 3x74 configuration is presented. In correspondence to frequency 193300

select In1 , i.e. we must enable IN1 which is the one coming from line 3, i.e. from the out of
OCNC. Click on Apply

193300 IN1

Figure 404. WMAN 3x74 configuration dialog box

8) Implement the OCH trail

Figure 405. OCH trail: Implement

9) The pass through connection in 50-3 has been created by the OCH trail implementation.

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Figure 406. Pass-through x-con in 50-3

10) The same tuning operation must be executed on the WMAN board of line 3

1.27 40 Gb connection

Create a 40 Gb connection


1) One of the 40Gb transponders is the board TRBD4312

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Figure 407. 40Gb transponder TRBD4312

2) Select Configuration: Connectors/Cabling

Figure 408. Configuration: Connectors/Cabling

3) Execute the cross connections as shown in the following figure

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Figure 409. X-cons to be made

4) Execute a transmission Update

5) Issue node 50-1: Port list

Figure 410. Node 50-1: Port list

6) Get the involved physcon OTS

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Figure 411. OTS physcon

7) After trail implementation the ODU3 layer is created, carrying the 40Gb connection.

Figure 412. ODU 3 layer

1.28 Management of flexible connections

Flexible connections are managed only in 1626LM in board TRBD1191 (flexible at DS, if in UNI config-
uration; flexible at ODUx layer, if in NNI configuration)

Two cases are detailed in the following:

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Case 1 - Create this X-conn via EML

Case 2 - The X-conn is not created by user on EML. Due to the fact that the X-conn is unique, RM creates
it as allocated.

N.B. The Connectivity Tool must not be used in this context.

1.28.1 Single transponder TRBD1191- create x-con via EML-CASE 1

For a single transponder, only one X-conn is possible, within the TRBD1191 board, connecting port p1
(B & W) to port p101 (colored).

Case 1) Create this X-conn via EML. Upon creation of the relevant physcon, the X-conn is uploaded as

The DS path status depends on the statuses of the involved flexible X-conns.

This X-Conn is said flexible with fixed ends.

The following procedures are detailed:

-Create X-con via EML on TRBD1191 (node 1626-40A-2)

-Create X-con via EML on TRBD1191 (node 1626-50-3)

-Create physcon I/W from Ext-3 to 1626-50-3

-Create OPS physcon from TRBD to OMDX on 1626-50-3

-Verify X-con uploaded by RM on 1626-50-3/TRBD1191

-Create the I/W physcon from Ext-2 to 1626-40A-2

-Create OPS physcon from TRBD to OMDX on 1626-40A-2

-Create OTS physcon from node 1626-50-3 to node 1626-40A-2

-Discovery of the DS path

N.B. Create all physcons with auto-implementation

The reference network is shown below

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Figure 413. Single transp-create x-con via EML. Reference network Create x-con via EML on TRBD1191 (node 1626-40A-2)


The scope of this procedure is to Create x-con via EML on TRBD1191


a) From EML equipment view navigate to the transponder TRBD1191 board view

Figure 414. TRBD1191 board view

b) Navigate (click twice) to the port view. The view does not contain any connection.

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Figure 415. TRBD1191 port view

c) Select the OCH block and issue Cross Connection: Create Cross Connections

Figure 416. OCH: Cross Connection: Create Cross Connections

d) From the Create Cross Connections box click on Choose button

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Figure 417. Create Cross Connections

e) The list of the connectable TPs is displayed (left-hand side of below figure). Only one TP can be
selected, for transponder TRBD1191. Click on OK to confirm the selection.

Figure 418. Create Cross Connections: unique selection

f) The selected TP (output) is present in the Create Cross Connections box. Click on OK to confirm
the creation.

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Figure 419. Create Cross Connections confirm

g) The x-conn just created is drawn by a X mark in the OCH block of the port detail. You can display
the detail of the entire connection, by selecting the OCH block and issuing the menu Expand all lev-

Figure 420. OCH: Expand all levels

h) In the following figures it is possible to see the complete chain from port 1 B & W (input of the tran-
sponder) to port 101 colored, towards the WDM network.

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Figure 421. Port detail1: x-con created

Figure 422. Port detail2: x-con created Create x-con via EML on TRBD1191 (node 1626-50-3)

This procedure is analogous to the above procedure Create physcon I/W from Ext-3 to 1626-50-3


The scope of this procedure is to create physcon I/W from Ext-3 to 1626-50-3


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a) From the map select nodes Ext-3 and node 1626-50-3 and issue Create: Physical Connection

Figure 423. Create: Physical Connection

b) From the Create physcon box select connection type=SDH-WDM interworking, enter the userlabel
(name) and click on Next button.

Figure 424. Create physcon: name and I/W type

c) Enter the first TP, which belongs to the External Network.

d) Select the second TP, i.e. port 1 of the transponder.

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Figure 425. Select the second TP

e) Click on Finish to confirm the creation.

Figure 426. Create I/W physcon: Finish Create OPS physcon from TRBD to OMDX on 1626-50-3


The scope of this procedure is to create OPS physcon from TRBD to OMDX


a) Launch the Create physcon. Enter name and select WDM type=OPS. Click on Next.

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Figure 427. Create OPS physcon

b) Execute the selection of port 101 on transponder

Figure 428. Selection of port 101 on transponder

c) Execute the selection of port 101 on OMDX8100

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Figure 429. Selection of port 101 on OMDX8100

d) Both TPs have been selected. Click on Finish to confirm the creation.

Figure 430. Create OPS physcon: TP end of selection

e) The OPS physcon is created and the raw conn is created thru the OPS physcon.

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Figure 431. The raw conn is created thru OPS physcon

1.28.2 Verify X-con uploaded by RM from 1626-50-3/TRBD1191


The scope of this procedure is to Verify X-con uploaded by RM from 1626-50-3/TRBD1191


a) Select node 1626-50-3 and issue: Search: All Related Items: cross connections

Figure 432. Node 1626-50-3: Search: All Related Items

b) Select Cross connections and click on OK.

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Figure 433. Node 1626-50-3: Search Cross connections

c) The list of the Cross connections within Node 1626-50-3 is displayed

Figure 434. List of the cross connections

d) Issue cross connections details. The cross connection created via EML appears implemented.

Figure 435. X-con details Create the I/W physcon from Ext-2 to 1626-40A-2

This procedure is analogous to the above procedure

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This procedure is analogous to the above procedure Create OTS physcon from node 1626-50-3 to node 1626-40A-2

This procedure is analogous to the above procedure Discovery of the DS path-case 1


The scope of this procedure is to Verify the discovery of DS path


a) Upon implementation of the entire chain from Ext-2 to Ext-3, i.e. on implementation of all physcons
involved in the chain, the DS path is automatically discovered. Path status is implemented, due to
the fact that flexible connections are implemented.

Figure 436. Discovery report log

b) The DS path can be seen in the physcon structure.

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Figure 437. DS path discovery

c) Issue DS path: Routing Display

Figure 438. DS path: Routing Display

d) From the DS path: Routing Display you can see that, in correspondence to the flexible connection
within TRBD1191, the Flexibility level=flexible with fixed ends.

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Figure 439. DS path: Routing display: Flexibility level=flexible with fixed ends

e) Select DS path highlight

Figure 440. DS path highlight button

f) The DS path highlight is shown below.

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Figure 441. DS path highlight Verify the X-con usage on 1626-50-3/TRBD1191


The scope of this procedure is to Verify X-con usage on 1626-50-3/TRBD1191


a) Select node 1626-50-3 and issue: Search: All Related Items: cross connections

b) Issue cross connections details. The usage of the cross connection created via EML is equal to path

Figure 442. List of the cross connections

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c) Select Cross connections details and click on OK.

Figure 443. Cross connection detail

1.28.3 Single transponder TRBD1191- RM creates x-con (allocated)-CASE 2

For a single transponder, only one X-conn is possible, within the TRBD1191 board, connecting port p1
(B & W) to port p101 (colored).

Case 2) the X-conn is not created by user on EML. Due to the fact that the X-conn is unique, RM creates
it as allocated. In addition, after the complete network construction, RM uploads the entire DS path.

The DS path status depends on the statuses of the involved X-conns.

This X-Conn is said flexible with fixed ends.

The following procedures are detailed:

-Single transponder TRBD1191- RM creates x-con -CASE 2-CONDITIONS

-Single transp. TRBD1191- RM creates x-con -CASE 2-PROVISIONING

-Single transp. TRBD1191- RM creates x-con -CASE 2-IMPLEMENT PATH

-Single transp.TRBD1191-Flex.conns-Deimplement path-case2 Single transponder TRBD1191- RM creates x-con -CASE 2-CONDITIONS


The scope of this procedure is to check the conditions.


With reference to the reference network of Figure 413.

a) From EML equipment view on 1626-50-3 navigate to the transponder TRBD1191 board view

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Figure 444. TRBD1191 board view on 1626-50-3

b) Navigate (click twice) to the port view. The view does not contain any connection.

Figure 445. TRBD port view 1626-50-3

c) From EML equipment view on 1626-40A navigate to the transponder TRBD1191 board view

d) Navigate (click twice) to the port view. The view does not contain any connection.

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Figure 446. TRBD port view on 1626-40A Single transp. TRBD1191- RM creates x-con -CASE 2-PROVISIONING


The scope of this procedure is to create the x-con.


a) Create all physcons (with auto-implementation), as detailed in the previous procedures from

b) Upon implementation of the entire chain from Ext-2 to Ext-3, i.e. on implementation of all physcons
involved in the chain, the cross connection on TRBD is automatically discovered as allocated.

c) From node 1626-50-3 issue Search:All Related items:cross connections

Figure 447. Node 1626-50-3: Search: All Related Items

d) The cross connection on TRBD1191 is allocated.

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Figure 448. Cross connection on TRBD1191 is allocated

e) See Cross Connection details

Figure 449. Cross Connection details

f) Upon implementation of the entire chain from Ext-2 to Ext-3, i.e. on implementation of all physcons
involved in the chain, the DS path is automatically discovered.

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Figure 450. Report log-case 2: DS discovery

g) The DS path is allocated since both flexible cross are allocated.

Figure 451. DS path on physcon structure case2 (allocated)

h) In the DS path routing display, the x-cons are allocated, flexible with fixed ends)

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Figure 452. DS path display case2 (x-cons allocated;flex. w. fixed ends) Single transp. TRBD1191- RM creates x-con -CASE 2-IMPLEMENT PATH

a) Select node and issue Search All Related Items: Cross Connections

Figure 453. X-cons -CASE 2-usage=path

b) The usage of the cross connection just created is path. Issue the cross connection detail.

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Figure 454. Cross connection detail. case2

c) Implement the DS path

Figure 455. Implement the DS path

d) Figure which follows shows the implementation in progress of the DS path

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Figure 456. Implementation in progress of the DS path

e) You can see that the cross connections are created on the equipment upon path implementation

Figure 457. TRBD x-con on path implementation (scroll-left)

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Figure 458. TRBD x-con on path implementation (scroll-right)

f) Figure which follows shows the DS path implemented.

Figure 459. DS path implemented

g) From the routing display you can see that the X-con flexibility level=flexible with fixed ends

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Figure 460. DS path implemented. X-con flex. level=flexible with fixed ends-case2

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1.28.4 Single transp.TRBD1191-Flex.conns-Deimplement path-case2
a) Deimplement the DS path

Figure 461. DS path: Deimplement

b) The DS path becomes allocated and the cross connections are removed from the equipment

Figure 462. DS path allocated and cross connections removed

c) Deallocate the DS path

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Figure 463. DS path: Deallocate

d) The relevant trail is still present and implemented

Figure 464. The relevant trail is still present

e) A raw connection is still present at DS layer within the client trail structure view.

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Figure 465. The trail is allocated

f) The flexible cross conn. is allocated

Figure 466. The flexible cross conn. is allocated

1.28.5 Mixed situation: flex. X-con present on 40A-2, not present on 50-3

The X-con has not been created via EML on TRBD1191, node 1626-40A-2

The X-con has been created via EML on TRBD1191, on node 1626-50-3

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Figure 467. X-con not created via EML on TRBD1191, node 1626-40A-2

Figure 468. X-con created via EML on TRBD1191, node 1626-50-3


a) Complete the network creation with the required steps, described in the previous procedure:

-Create physcon I/W from Ext-3 to 1626-50-3

-Create OPS physcon from TRBD to OMDX on 1626-50-3

-Create the I/W physcon from Ext-2 to 1626-40A-2

-Create OPS physcon from TRBD to OMDX on 1626-40A-2

-Create OTS physcon from node 1626-50-3 to node 1626-40A-2

After the implementation of the network, i.e. after the implementation of the last physcon, the DS path is
automatically discovered. See following figure

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Figure 469. Discovered DS path: partially implemented

b) The discovered DS path is partially implemented; this is due to the fact that Flexible connection sta-
tuses are respectively implemented on 50-3 and allocated on 40A-2

Figure 470. Flexible connections: implemented on 50-3, allocated on 40A-2

c) As an additional check, issue Show/Set Attributes for the DS path

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Figure 471. DS path: Show/Set Attributes

d) The status of the Ds path is partially implemented. See below figure

Figure 472. DS path: Show/Set Attributes: partially implemented

1.28.6 TRBD1191 configurations without flexibility

Two configurations without flexibility are described in the following. The user must create via EML the X-
con on NE, because the connection is not univocal, then RM is not able to create it. Adjacent transponders TRBD1191(backpanel configuration)

The colored port of TRBD1191 slot b11 can be connected either to B & W port of TRBD1191 slot b11 or
to the colored port of the adjacent TRBD1191 slot b12

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b11 b12

Figure 473. Adiacent transponders TRBD1191

An example is shown below

Figure 474. Flexible connection: two adjacent TRBD1191

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RM is not able to allocate one of these X-Conns because the connection is not univocal i.e. there is more
than one output TP connectable to the input TP.

It is suggested the user on EML interface creates manually the desired X-conn X-conn ETCH - adjacent TRBD in 1626LM from 4.0A.42

The line port (RS-TTP object) of slot 9 board ETHC can be connected either to line port (OCHrs object)
of slot 9 board ETHC or to the colored port of the adjacent TRBD1191 slot 10. See below figure

Figure 475. Flexible connection:ETHC_TRBD1191

1.29 Remove optical physical connection


The scope of this procedure is to remove an optical physical connection


a) From the OTS physical connection structure verify if optical paths (so called client) are present.

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Figure 476. Physical connection structure (96_UP to 96_MID)

b) Execute the deimplementation of the optical path by selecting the menu Configuration: Configuration
State Modification: Deimplement. A question box asks for confirmation. Enter YES.

c) Deallocate the optical path by issuing the command Configuration: Configuration State Modification:
Deallocate. The user can refresh manually the PhysCon structure view.

d) Execute Opt. Physcon: Configuration: Deimplement. See following figure.

e) Remove the OTS optical physical connection. The OTS optical physical connection view remain
opened for a while.

1.30 Trace Identifier

The Trace Identifier mechanism is used to control the continuity of the signal. The management of the
Trace Identifier in a WDM network is possible only if the transported signal is SDH.

The Trace Identifier, on the WDM NEs, can only be monitored (expected value). It can be provisioned (sent
value) only on the SDH NEs.

The Trace Identifier can be set both on the client path and on the related SDH physical connection. The
following has to be taken into account:

- It is not possible to set the Trace Identifier on the SDH physical connection if the client path is present

- If the Trace Identifier is set on the client path, the values are propagated on SDH ports, client NAPs and
on boundary WDM NEs (client CTPs)

- If a client path is created and the Trace Identifier is already set on the SDH port, the value is is propagated
on the client NAP. When the Trace Identifier management command is executed on the client path, the
values of the Trace Identifier present on the NAPs are presented to the user that can confirm or modify

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- When the client path is de-implemented, the Trace Identifier is removed on client NAPs, on boundary
client CTPs and on SDH ports

1.31 1660OADM coarse WDM management

1.31.1 Wavelength management

The following differences, respect to a Dense WDM port, have to be taken into account for the manage-
ment of a Coarse WDM port:

– to fill the frequency attribute of a Coarse WDM and SDH coloured ports, the wavelength, expressed
in nm is used

– to calculate the wdmFrequency attribute (alias = position) of the RM objects (CTPs, CAPs and LCs)
related to a Coarse WDM port, the value of the wavelength, expressed in nm is used

1.31.2 Coarse OPS physical connection

A transponder with a BlackAndWhite signal at client side and a Coarse coloured one at the WDM side
is supported by 1660OADM. Moreover, a transponder with a Coarse coloured signal at client side and a
Coarse coloured one at the WDM side is supported by 1660OADM.

When an OPS physical connection involving a port (client or WDM side) belongs to a 1660OADM is cre-
ated, the following steps are performed:

– the involved port is assigned

– starting from the assigned port, the TP chain up to the client CTP is discovered and the related
objects are created inside the RM MIB

– if the client CTP points to an other client CTP (by means the UCP/DCP pointer) already present
inside the RM MIB, the cross-connection between the two involved client CTPs is created inside the

The output port of this transponder (Coarse) is connected to a port of a Coarse Multiplex (in the same or
in an other NE). Then the Coarse signal is transported in the network through and terminated in a NE
bymeans the same type of transponder, as shown, as an example, in the following figure.

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Figure 477. Coarse signal in the optical network

As the Coarse Multiplexes are not visible through the Optics-IM interface, it is not possible to describe in
RM the Coarse links. Due to this limitation, the user can only define a Coarse OPS physical connection
between the Coarse ports of the two transponders.

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2 Automatic Switched Optical Network

2.1 Introduction
This chapter covers the following topics:

– Overview

– ASON create

– SRG ( Shared Risk Group)

– Physical Connection Management

– ASON Client

– ASON path

– ASON Maintenance

– CLI connect

– Coloring

2.2 OVERVIEW ON Automatic Switched Optical Network (ASON)

2.2.1 General
The feature allows the management of a distributed Control Plane based on GMPLS (Generalized Multi-
Protocol Label Switching) Control Plane

ASON network NE's, involved in the network managed by RM are shared between RM and GMRE ( Dis-
tributed Restoration Manager ). Both systems (NMS) manage resources belonging to shared NEs. In par-
ticular, ports belonging to the physical links involved in the Legacy Network are the shared resources.

These physical links represent in RM the links of inter-working between the two managers for the paths
routed in ASON domain. The port at the end of the inter-working link and belonging to the shared NE rep-
resents the "shared" port.

The TPs on a shared port can either be completely managed by RM or managed by both RM and GMRE,
according to the routing of the path involving the TP.

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Both managers operates on the TP: RM will be in charge of all the normal operations on the TP, apart from
the set up of the cross-connection, set-up by GMREs and dynamically changed according to GMREs res-
toration strategies.

Physical links and the NE's of the ASON network are represented in the RM as physical connections and

RM provides to GMRE the description of the network belonging to the ASON domain and the links at the
boundary of that domain (inter-working links). These links connect shared ports.

ASON domain topology is described in each GMRE and RM user launches the automatic discovery of
the ASON domain physical connectivity by means of J0 string.

RM, for maintenance purposes, manages the physical and the Multiplex Section layers (linear MSP

On the inter-working links, RM can apply the payload structure; in the ASON domain, the payload structure
is defined by the GMRE as a consequence of a SPC (Soft Permanent Connection) set up by RM.

RM user has anyway to perform the payload structure also on the internal links to allow path
allocation activities but the command is not propagated to GMRE.

On path set-up phase, RM provides to GMRE the set-up of the sub-network connection (SPC) contained
in the ASON domain, between the two TPs of the shared ports. GMRE will be in charge of restoring, upon
failures, that sub-network connection.

While the TPs ends of the above sub-network connection are chosen by RM, the other TPs involved in
the cross-connection inside the shared NE, are "moved" by GMRE according to its restoration purposes.

I.e., the set-up of the single cross-connections inside the NEs belonging to the ASON domain (included
the shared NEs) will be done by GMRE's. For all the other operations at path layer (POM, TCT, PM, path
trace): RM is the master for the TPs on the shared ports, while GMRE is the master for the TPs of the
ASON domain.

As a consequence: ports dedicated to the inter-working between RM and GMRE are marked as "shared" .
Each manager is able to distinguish between ports on which all the normal operations are allowed
because completely "assigned" to it and ports on which only specific operations can be performed
because "shared" ASON NPA

ASON domain is managed by RM as ASON NPA. In ASON NPA definition, the user must specify the role
of the physical connection as "internal" or "interworking": the involved port on the NE belonging to the
ASON NPA is marked as shared inside RM
In case the ASON network has already been set-up by the GMRE user (through CLI), the RM user, to build
the network, has to perform the following steps:
– provision the Trace Identifier on the SDH ports assigned to GMRE
– set the "download disabled" mode on the involved NEs
– For each node of the domain, performs the "Configuration/Upload connectivity" command. The com-
mand (based on J0) automatically creates in the RM DB the physical connections involving the node
selected by the user
– implement the uploaded physical connections

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To create the NPA providing the "internal" and the "inter-working" physical connections. The port ending
an "inter-working" physical connection on the NE belonging to the NPA is marked as "shared" port. During
the NPA creation phase only the nodes supporting the GMRE on top can be involved. This presence of
the GMRE is retrieved through the Q3 interface during the Synchronize NE activity and stored in the RM
– implement NPA
– set the "download enabled" mode on the involved NEs. As a consequence, all commands are sent

Figure which follows shows an example of ASON network

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1664SX 1664SX

por por
RM physcon

por R
R por
interworking interworking
physcon physcon
por shared

shared shared
1664SX por interworking por 1674LG

G$ G$
G$ G$
por por
por por
internal internal
physcon physcon

G$ G$

internal por por

physcon internal

G$ G$
por por
internal internal
physcon physcon

G$ G$ G$ G$
por por por por

1674LG internal 1674LG

G$ G$
internal physcon physcon internal physcon
por por
J$ = shared type R$=RM port G$=I-NNI port

Figure 478. ASON network

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When the RM operator sets-up a path crossing (or terminating in) the ASON domain, the sub-network con-
nection at the ASON NPA level will be created and also the related cross-connection inside the Nodes.

These cross-connection will be marked in such a way that RM will not directly forward the cross-connec-
tion implementation to the NE but they will provided to the GMRE with the provisioning of the SPC nominal
route (the provisioning of the single cross-connections to the NE will be in charge of GMRE) Control Plane Domain Object

The controlPlaneDomain class represents the GMRE, i.e. the Control Plane instance contained in theNet-
work Element. Some important attributes are:

reachable: it indicates the Control Plane communication status.

userLabel: it is the user label of the Control Plane

operationalState, alarmStatus, ...

nativeName: it indicates the name inside GMRE

emsFactoryAddress: it indicates the GMRE Factory IOR for addressing the GMRE/Control Plane using
NMI Corba (not visible on the User Interface)

ipAddress: it indicates the IP address of the GMRE (routing IP)

assignSt: it indicates if the Control Plane has been taken in charge by RM or not

consistSt: it indicates the consistency state Sub-Network Connection

Some important attributes are:


sncActiveSt: it specifies if the Sub-Network Connection has been implemented on the Nes by the GMRE
(not visible on the User Interface).

rerouting: it specifies if the rerouting by the Control Plane is allowed or not. Network Element

The following attributes are added to the ne:

controlPlaneDomId: it is the Identifier of the Control Plane Domain (not visible on the User Interface)

controlPlaneStatus: it identifies the Control Plane status.

Allowed values are:

– notPresent: the Control Plane is not present on NE (default value)
– notManaged: the Control Plane is not managed by RM
– reachable: the Control Plane is managed by RM and it is reachable
– notReachable: the Control Plane is managed by RM but not reachable

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The following attributes are added to the port class:

linkType: it identifies the port type inside RM. Allowed values:

• rm-internal: it is a port of an NE not involved in an ASON NPA (default value)

• drop: it is a port (without signaling) of an NE belonging to an ASON NPA, connected to a port

of a client device

• uni-n: it is a port (with signaling) of an NE belonging to an ASON NPA, connected to a port of

a client device

• i-nni: it is a port of an NE belonging to an ASON NPA, connected to an NNI port of a neighboring

NE belonging to the same ASON NPA

• e-nni: it is a port of an NE belonging to an ASON NPA, connected to an NNI port of a neighboring

NE belonging to a different ASON NPA

portNativeName: it identifies the port inside the Control Plane

remotePort: it identifies the native name of the far-end port NE Sharing with GMRE

The port sharing with GMRE is performed through the ACD set at Q3 interface. The ACD of the ports
shared between RM and GMRE is set by RM to "J$". Q3 consistency for RM/GMRE shared ports, TP's and cross-connections

In the following only the specificity of the Q3 consistency for the involved objects are reported.

For the "shared" ports:

the consistency of the disconnectOnNE attribute of the client TPs is performed: in case a cross-connection
is discovered on the NE while no cross-connection is present on RM, the cross-connection on the NE is
removed only if the other port involved by the cross-connection is either assigned to RM or also "shared".

For the "internal" ports:

The ACD is set to "G$"

The consistency of the au4Structure attribute of the msCtpCap is not performed (this because the master
of the payload structure is the GMRE)

For cross-connections:

The consistency is not applied for the cross-connections with configuration state "implemented on CP"
where CP stands for Control Plane.

The configuration state attribute of the cross-connections belonging to an SPC is set "allocated" when the
SPC configuration state is set "allocated" and moved to "implemented on CP" when the SPC configuration
state is set "implemented" (i.e. during path implementation activity)

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2.3.1 ASON network creation

The creation of an ASON Network is split in a well defined sequence of actions that are listed in the fol-
lowing of this paragraph.


a) From the EML list select the EML which contains the NE belonging to GMRE control plane and issue
Actions: Synchronize: Synchronize EML

b) Click on Apply on the selection filter. The NE list is displayed.

GMRE NEs are listed with attribute Control Plane different from 'Not Present'. The possible values
for this attribute are : 'Reachable', 'Not Reachable', ....

The symbol identifying a GMRE NE is also reported on the browser display as shown in the figure

NE with GMRE control Planes are discovered . The control plane is not managed yet. The Control
plane status is Not Managed

c) From browser point to the ASON subnetwork and select Configuration: J0 definition. This configu-
ration is executed automatically by the NEs belonging to the subnetwork.

d) From browser, pointing to the subnetwork issue Subnetwork: Configuration: Upload Connectivity.

The physical connections are uploaded from GMREs and represented on RM database and interface.

e) Create the NPA of type=ASON. Figures which follow shows NPA Create step 2, which requires the
specification of the internal and interworking physical connections.

f) Click on Finish button to complete the creation.

g) From NPA list point to Ason NPA and issue Configuration: Implement. The communication RM-
GMRE is started and, after a few seconds the Control Plane of each NE becomes reachable. On
GMRE systems the objects required for the routing and restoration functions are created.

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Automatic Switched Optical Network (ASON) 3AL 61269 BAAA Issue 5 341/572 Network Protection Architecture Create

The NPA creation tool allows to specify:

– the type,

– the involved physical connections and, if applicable, their associated role (e.g. Working or Protection
for 4f-MS-SPRing, and Linear MS-P).

– the physical connections used for the interworking RM network_ASON network

A SDH physical connection can belong only to one NPA with the following exceptions:

– ASON internal / linear MS-P

– ASON interworking / any other NPA

– SNCP / linear MS-P


a) From the browser select Actions: Create: Npa

Figure 479. Actions: Create: Npa

b) The Create: Npa: Step 1: dialog box opens. Select

• NPA type=ASON
• Bundling Rule ( with same risk, alltogether, one to one ) and click on Apply.

NPA Usage Cost: N.A. for ASON type

It is not considered for the spare that uses the same ring of the main.

If set to 0, the routing is done not considering the NPAs.

NPA Cost Factor: N.A. for ASON type

bundlingRule it is the grouping rule of the physcons in the TE-Link

oneToOne: N.A.

withSameRisk (standard ASON bundling rule): physcons with same linkType, linkProtection-
Type, cost and srgList are grouped in the same TELink.

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Changing the default physical conn. cost

In case of particular unbalanced configurations, if the NPA Usage Cost is not enough to avoid the ring
changing, the user needs to properly set the costs of physical connections

c) Select Internal and Interworking physcons and click on Finish button.

Figure 480. Create: Npa: Step 2: Internal and Interworking physcons

Figure 481. Create NPA log

Actions after NPA create

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Actions available after NPA create are Modify NPA, Modify Ring Map, Implement and Unlock physical

NPA highlight shows on the map the nodes connected by physical connections involved in the NPA.

Figure 482. NPA highlight NPA display & Views NPA display


NPAs can be retrieved from:

– The containing network (list of all the existing NPAs)

– The sub-networks (level 1 & 2) containing at least a Node (not a physical connection) involved in a
– The map view of network and sub-networks
– A physical connection involved in a NPA. A specific graphical flag shows that a Phys.Conn. belongs
to a NPA. This flag is represented on the payload structure view
– The routing display of a path crossing one or more NPAs (LIN MS-P is under analysis). See specific
information on Routing.

A map of a topology containing at least a Node involved in a NPA (different from linear MS-P) visualizes
a flag with the type and the name of the NPA :

The flag placement is in charge of the user (e.g. close to the right Nodes)

From the flag it is possible to retrieve the NPA and its view.

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a) From the browser select Network: Search: All Related Items

Figure 483. Network: Display: All Related Items

b) Select option NPA

Figure 484. Item selection: NPA

c) The NPA list is displayed, as in the following figure

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Figure 485. NPA list

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d) Click twice on ASON NPA row and select NPA view. See following figure.

Figure 486. NPA view selection

Figure 487. ASON NPA view

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e) Clicking twice on the icons present in ASON NPA view, the following lists are displayed

Figure 488. Physical Connection list

Figure 489. Control Planes list

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Figure 490. Paths crossing ASON network

Figure 491. SNC (subnetwork connection) list

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Figure 492. TE-Link list NPA modify

NPAs of type ring (2F,4F,SNCP), if implemented, can be modified via join/split physical connection pro-

A modify NPA affecting the ring map (2F, 4F), can be made only for DEFINED NPA.

The NPA of type ASON, MSP, FAST RESTORATION can be modified, when implemented, by adding/
removing physical connections. Detailed examples can be found in chapter RM-NP FTWORKING

In the following the procedure to modify a defined NPA is described.

ASON NPA can be modified adding and removing internal or interworking physical links

Figure 493. NPA: Actions: Configuration: Modify NPA

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Figure 494. NPA: Modify: step 1

Figure 495. NPA: Modify: step 2 NPA Implementation

The implementation creates the protection structures in the NEs.

Involved physical connections must be implemented and no path must be present.

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Figure 496. NPA: Actions: Configuration: Implement NPA Remove

The NPA can be removed only if defined.

2.4 SRG (Shared Risk Group)

2.4.1 SRG (Shared Risk Group) Create/Remove

The Shared Risk Group menu can be issued from the domain pop-up menu. This menu is constituted by
the submenu Shared Risk Group: Create/Remove and the submenu Correlate/Modify/SDH SRGs cal-
culation. See following figure

Figure 497. Shared Risk Group menu

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The scope of this procedure is to create a Shared Risk Group.


a) From the Domain icon select Shared Risk Group: Create/Remove. The SRG Create/Remove wizard
is presented.

Figure 498. Shared Risk Group Create/Remove

b) Select Create and click on Next button. The Step 2 dialog box is displayed.

c) Click on SRG type list and select from the list the desired type. Click on Apply to confirm.

Figure 499. SRG: SRG type

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d) Click on Finish to confirm the creation.

N.B. srg probability change can be accomplished via Show/Set attrbute dialog box. see following fig-

Figure 500. srg probability change Shared Risk Group remove


The scope of this procedure is to remove a Shared Risk Group.


a) From the Domain icon select Shared Risk Group: Create/Remove. The SRG Create/Remove wizard
is presented.

b) Select Remove and click on Next button. The Step 2 dialog box is displayed.

c) Click on SRG list and select from the list the SRG to remove. Click on Apply to confirm.

Figure 501. SRG: Remove (selection)

d) Click on Finish to confirm.

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Figure 502. SRG: Remove

2.4.2 SRG (Shared Risk Group) Management Correlate/Modify the set of SRGs


The scope of this procedure is to Correlate/Modify the set of SRGs


a) From the Domain icon select Shared Risk Group: Correlate/Modify the set of SRGs. The Correlate/
Modify wizard is presented.

b) Click on Physical Connection list button and select from the list the Physical Connection to correlate.
Click on Apply to confirm.

Figure 503. SRG (Shared Risk Group) Management: Correlate/Modify the set of SRGs

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Figure 504. SRG (Shared Risk Group) Management: Correlate/Modify

c) Click on Next button to proceed.

d) Click on SRG list button and from the list select the SRG to correlate. Click on Apply button and the
click on Finish on the main window.

Figure 505. SRG selection.

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The scope of this procedure is to launch SRG calculation for WDM server


The SDH TE-Link inheritated the SRG values assigned to the WDM physical connections which support
the SDH physical connection. This command resets the actual (previously inherited) value and
relaunches the calculation of the SDH physical connection SRG, based upon the actual WDM SRG struc-


a) From the Domain icon select Shared Risk Group: SDH SRGs calculation . The SDH SRGs calcu-
lation wizard is presented.

b) Click on Physical Connection list button and select from the list the Physical Connection to correlate.
Click on Apply to confirm.

Figure 506. Shared Risk Group: SDH SRGs calculation: Physcon selectrion

c) Click on Next button to proceed.

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Figure 507. Shared Risk Group: SDH SRGs calculation: SRG selectrion

d) The step 2 of the dialog box opens. Click on SRG list. The SRG list opens. Select the SRG and click
on Apply button. Click on Next button.

Figure 508. Shared Risk Group: SDH SRGs calculation: launching the calculation

e) Click on Finish to complete the operation.

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2.5 Physical Connection Management

2.5.1 Physical Connection: Administrative State menu

Figure 509. Physical Connection: Administrative State menu

The Physical Connection: Administrative State menu is constituted by the following items:

– Set Unlock. This command forces in service the Physical Connection which was previously
Locked. The SNCs whose nominal path was crossing this Physical Connection and whose current
path was crossing a different route, revert to the nominal route.

– Set Shutting down. This command rquests to GMRE the out of service the Physical Connection
with a Make-before-break ( soft rerouting ), i.e. GMRE will define a sequence of operations by
which the new route is made before the shutting down route is turned down.

– Set Lock. This command forces out of service the Physical Connection

– Check. This command asks GMRE the Physical Connection status (typically after a Set Shutting
down operation.

The above described commands can be launched also via the Maintenance wizard. See below figures.

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Figure 510. Physical Connection: ASON: Maintenance

Figure 511. ASON Maintenance wizard

2.5.2 Update TE-Link: move physcon Introduction

A Traffic Engineer (TE) link is a bundle of transport entities equivalent from the routing point of view. Exam-
ples of TE link are:

· Bundle of physical connections / MS Trails

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· Bundle of HO trails

A TE-Link has associated a cost and a list of Shared Risk Groups (SRG's).

The definition of the TE-Links inside RM applies only to ASON network. When the ASON NPA is built, the
related TE-Links are automatically created in RM and in the involved GMRE's. TE-Links creation

TE-Links related to an ASON NPA are automatically created as a consequence of NPA implementation.
TE-Links are composed according to the value of the bundlingRule attribute of the NPA. In particular:

oneToOne: for each physical connection a different teLink is created. The linkMetric and the srgList
attributes of the created teLink object are set with the corresponding values of the physical connection

withSameRisk: the physical connection with the same linkType, linkProtectionType, cost and srgList are
grouped in the same teLink object. These attributes are set to the corresponding values of the physical

The TE-Link can also be created as a consequence of the modification of the composition of an existing
TELink. Update TE-Link


To update the TE-Link: change the cost and SRG association


a) From NPA view click twice on TE-Link icon: the TE-Link list is displayed.

b) Select the TE-Link and issue Actions:Modification: Update TE-Link. The relevant dialog box is dis-

Figure 512. Update TE-Link wizard

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To update the TE-Link: moving one/more physical connection/s to a new TE-Link, i.e. create a new TE-


a) From NPA view click twice on TE-Link icon: the TE-Link list is displayed.

Figure 513. NPA view: TE-Link icon

Figure 514. TE-Link list

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b) Select the TE-Link and issue Actions:Modification: Move Physical connections. The relevant dialog
box is displayed. See below figure.

Figure 515. Update TE-Link: move physcon to a new TE-Link

Figure 516. Update TE-Link: move physcon to a new TE-Link

c) Select the physical connection and click on MOVE button. The physcon is displayed in the destina-
tion list.

d) You can also change SRG, by cliccking on SRG list button, selecting the SRG and confirming with
Apply button. See below figure.

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Figure 517. Move TE-Link: change SRG

e) Click on Finish to confirm . The TE-Link name is determined automatically.

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a) From NPA view click twice on TE-Link icon: the TE-Link list is displayed.

b) Select the TE-Link and issue Actions:Modification: Move Physical connections. The relevant dialog
box is displayed. See below figure.

c) Click on DESTINATION button. The list of TE-Links having same origin and destination of the source
TE-Link is presented.

d) Select the TE-Link where to move the Physcon and click on Apply button. The icon of the selected
TE-Link is now present in the dialog bo under subarea DESTINATION ( right-hand side of the box)

e) Click on Finish button to complete the update.

Figure 518. Update TE-Link: move physcon to an existingTE-Link

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A UNI (network) interface is a port that is connected to a UNI (client) port of a corresponding client device
(e.g. a router) providing Switched Connection (SC) services. The port is located on the edge of a GMRE

The management of an UNI port, implies:

Creation of an ASON client device

Definition of a physical connection with an ASON client device

2.6.1 Creation of an ASON client device

The user select the topology in which to create the ASON client device and issue the Create/ASON client
command. Enter the following information:

– IP address of the UNI-C interface

– friendly name of the ASON client device

– site name

Friendly name and IP address are used by the system to calculate the user label of the ASON client device
The user label of the ASON client device cannot be modified by the user.

The ASON client device is created with neType attribute = asonClient and imType attribute= virtual.

2.6.2 Definition of a physical connection with an ASON client device

To create an SDH physical connection involving an ASON client device, enter the UNI (client) port to cre-
ate for the selected ASON client device. In particular:

TNA address

port identifier related to the remote UNI (client)

SNPP-Link identifier related to the remote UNI (client)

These information are also used by the system to calculate the user label of the UNI (client) port of the
ASON client device. The user label of the UNI (client) port of the ASON client device cannot be modified
by the user. The UNI (client) port is created with the linkType attribute set to uni-n.

The physical connection is created and the UNI (network) port is assigned to RM. This port will be
assigned to the GMRE when the NPA to which the physical connection belongs will be implemented.

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2.7.1 ASON PATH Create


Create a transport (path/trail) crossing both SDH and ASON networks.

RM provides the information to create the connection between Ingress and Egress GMREs.

In general a transport entity belonging to the ASON domain is called SNC: SubNetwork Connection. SNC
types are:

– Soft Permanent Connection created by RM between two DROP ports

– Switched Connection not created by RM, but by the clients (e.g. routers) of the GMPLS, between
two UNI ports

– spcOnCtrlPlane: it indicates that the SNC (fully initiated and terminated into the ASON domain) is
present on the ASON DB but not in the RM DB; i.e. the DBs are not aligned.


a) RM defines a path between aEnd and zEnd TPs

b) RM allocates the path

1) The routing algorithm chooses to cross the ASON domain

2) A SNC is created

c) RM implements the path

1) RM, via Q3 interface, implements the cross connections belonging only to the Legacy domain

2) RM provides to the Ingress GMRE the command to implement the SNC and the routing of the

3) Each GMRE takes care to create the cross connection of each managed NE belonging to the
SNC routing

4) GMRE Ingress determines also a backup SNC: in case of failure automatically the Ingress
GMRE switches on the backup SNC taking care of the all operations; Interwork ASON-2F-MS-SPRing with automatic squelching calculation

The feature permits to create a path crossing a 2F MS-SPRing where it exists a NE (o more) belongs both
to a 2F MS-SPRing and to the ASON domain.

The calculation of the squelching table of the NE(s) belonging both to a 2F MS-SPRing and to the ASON-
domain is still in charge of RM.

RM calculates the squelching table of the NE containing the aEnd TP (Legacy domain) and of the Ingress
NE (ASON domain).

Ì With Interwork ASON-2F-MS-SPRing, path routing display does not show the true way

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Ì covered by traffic.
Routing display, whatever the states of the Bridge&Switch, keeps unchanged. It does not reflect
the way and direction the trafficgoes through, since it is a static view. Definition phase:defaultRerouting,defaultPriority and protectionType

Two new attributes have been added to the path/trail entities:

– defaultRerouting

– defaultPriority

If the path/trail doesnt cross the ASON domain these attributes are not managed.

If the path/trail crosses the ASON domain a SNC is created and these attribute are managed. SNC
attributes: rerouting and priority mirror the related attributes of the path/trail which belong to. Setting the
protType attribute of the path/trail entities (in definition phase) the homonymous attribute of the SNC
(belonging to the selected transport entity) get a value, but in this case it isnt a pure mirroring: the value
on the SNC depends on the result of the routing algorithm.

2.7.2 Visualization on maps of SNC Current, Nominal & Back-up route

This feature allows the operator to visualize the current, nominal and back-up route of a selected SNC
on a map. Starting from a SNC the operator can ask to highlight the path containing it. In first instance
the path highlight shows all resources.

After the first highlight the operator can ask to view only a particular path route, i.e. main, spare or service.
A filter, (applied over the resource type of the link connection and the connection in topology) put on the
option menu, allows the operator to choose among one of the following values:

– Main
– Spare
– Service
– AllRes (defaul value)

The operator can also use another filter put ever on the option menu; this filter selects the route type of
the SNC.

This route filter (applied over two local attributes routeRole and statusOnConnec) allows the operator
tochoose among one of the following values:

– Current (defaul value)

– Nominal
– Current+Nominal
– BackUp

Network, NEs and links related to the selected path (in the Legacy domain) are shown with

a color in accordance with the resource type. The mapping is:

• Main -- > Blue

• Spare --> Pink

• Service --> Green

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Mapping between resource type and color (Legacy domain)

Some resources may contain resources of two different types; e.g. the two nodes containing the two naps
of a protected path. In this case the color will be the mix of the colors related to the resources type.

If a resource contains resources of three different types (e.g. a network containing a path protected with
a SNCP) the color will be white.

NAPs are shown with flags. The highlight of the SNC shows its resources with a color depending on the
route and on the resourceType.

Route Resource type Color

Current Main Blue

Current Spare Pink

Nominal Main Light Blue

Nominal Spare Light Pink

C+N [current=nominal] Main Blue

C+N [current=nominal] Spare Pink

C+N [current=nominal] Main Each route is shown with the related colors

C+N [current=nominal] Spare Each route is shown with the related colors

BackUp Not Meaningful White

In case of not protected path colors are those related to the resorceType=Main.

Visualization of additional SPC details through the driven zoom-in on GMRE UI

The feature permits to retrieve some additional SPC details getting them by the GMRE UI.
The zoom-in on GRME UI is driven, i.e. the user cannot perform any command on the GMRE UI. Select-
ing, by the RM browser, a SPC and choosing the Show Details on GMRE the following operations are per-
– telnet to the GMRE host (the GMRE is related to the Ingress node);
– get/inventory of the additional details (the action is hidden to the user);
– GMRE UI action is: show lsp lsp_index lsp_index, where lsp_index is the ID of the selected SPC.
– close connection with GMRE UI.

Retrieving of SNCs/paths using an ASON physical connection (current or nominal route

The inventory starting from a physical connection provides the active path/trail crossing it. The new feature
provides others remote attributes:
– SNCuserLabel: is the user label of the SPC contained into the path crossing the selected physConn;
– ResourceType: indicates the resourceType of the path in case its protected (Main, Spare, Service);
– RouteRole: specifies if the SPC is Nominal or back-up

According to the possible scenarios retrieved on GMRE NEs the following combination are foreseen:

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connection Status RouteRole

Active Nominal

NotActive Nominal

Active Back-up

Indeterminated Nominal

If the physical connection is not part of an ASON NPA, the role is always nominal.
– APortName/ZPortName: are the end points of the path/trail;
– PayloadPosition.

N.B. in case of SNC protected by SNCP, the output of the inventory with filter=active is both the main
andspare legs. ASON domain does not provide the active/noActive information in case of
SNCP protection.


a) From the Path list ( see Figure 519.herebelow), select the path and click on highlight button. The
highlight map view is displayed. See Figure 520.on page 371

Figure 519. Path list

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Figure 520. Highlight map view: Highligth

b) Selecting the option route it is possible to display current, nominal and backup route.

Figure 521. Current route Highligth display

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Figure 522. Nominal Route Highligth display

Figure 523. Backup Route Highligth

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2.7.3 GMRE priority management
The attributes Priority P and Setup Priority SP are assigned on RM to the path. These attributes are trans-
ferred to GMRE network in phase of path implementation. In particular are assigned to the SNC crossed
by the related paths. Restoration

Priority P is used by GMRE network during restoration. I.e., in case of fault of SNC-A, crossed by path-
A of priority P=1, path-A could be rerouted on SNC2, actually crossed by path-B, having priority P=4, so
interrupting path-B. Implementation

The attribute Setup Priority SP is used when implementing a new path.


SNC-1 P= 1

SP= 5


SP = 5



a) Execute the implementation of path 2 ( P=4, SP= 5 ), crossing SNC-2. The path 2 goes implemented.

b) Try to implement path 1 ( P= 1, SP = 5 ).

If the standard priority mechanism were used, path 1, having priority P= 1 would override path 2 (
P=4 ), making use of SNC-2.


the system takes into account the SETUP PRIORITY: in phase of implementation the system makes
a comparison between SP of the path being implemented ( path 1 in this example ) and the standard
priority of the path being overriden ( path 2 in this example ). In our example SP of path 1 = 5, P of
path 2 = 4.

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The priority of path 2 = 4 is superior to setup priority of path 1 = 5 ( highest priority is 1, lowest priority
is 5 ), then path 1 cannot override (or preempt) path 2.


SNC-1 P= 1

SP= 1


SP = 5



a) Execute the implementation of path 2 ( P=4, SP= 5 ), crossing SNC-2. The path 2 goes implemented.

b) Try to implement path 1 ( P= 4, SP = 1 ).

If the standard priority mechanism were used, path 1, having priority P= 4 would not override path
2 ( P=4 ), making use of SNC-2.


the system takes into account the SETUP PRIORITY: in phase of implementation the system makes
a comparison between SP of the path being implemented ( path 1 in this example ) and the standard
priority of the path being overriden ( path 2 in this example ). In our example SP of path 1 = 1, P of
path 2 = 4.

The setup priority of path 1 = 1 is superior to the priority of path 2 = 4 ( highest priority is 1, lowest
priority is 5 ), then path 1 will override (or preempt) path 2, thus crossing SNC-2.

2.7.4 Auto-Restoration Deactivate


The scope of this procedure is to deactivate the auto-restoration on a single NE


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a) From the map or from the involved list, select the NE/node and issue Search: Related Items: Control

b) From the Control Plane list issue Auto-restoration: Deactivate. From this point on all SNCs starting
from that node will not be automatically restored, i.e. the user can execute a manual reroute by use
of the Maintenance wizard or via Add Protection command on the involved SNC.

2.7.5 Auto-Restoration Activate


The scope of this procedure is to activate the auto-restoration on a single NE on a priority base


a) From the map or from the involved list, select the NE/node and issue Search: Related Items: Control

b) From the Control Plane list issue Auto-restoration: activate. A priority selection dialog box is pre-
sented, allowing to select the priority.

Some examples are described in the following.

The priority refers to the implementation of the spare route in case of fault.

Setting priority=5

If you select 5, the auto-restoration will be applied only to SNCs belonging to paths of priority=5.
SNCs belonging to paths of priority 1 to 4 should be manually restored.

Setting priority=3

If you select 3, the auto-restoration will be applied only to SNCs belonging to paths of priority=3, 4
and 5.
SNCs belonging to paths of priority 1 and 2 should be manually restored.

Setting priority=1

If you select 1, the auto-restoration will be applied to all paths.

2.7.6 GMRE installation version attribute for 1678MCC R4.3


The feature allows to visualize to the user the protocol version the GMRE can be upgraded to and the
alarm raised in case of problem related to the protocol itself.


a) Issue Search: Related Items: Control Plane.

b) Select the GMRE Control Plane and issue Show/set Attributes.

In folder Miscellaneous you can check the Installed version

In folder Specific you can check the Active version

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The installed version can be equal or greater than the active one. If the two versions are identical,
no upgrade is possible. In addition a new alarm, to indicate a problem that is related to the protocol,
is managed. This alarm is raised by a GMRE when at least one of its adjacent GMREs has a different
protocol version. See Maintenance section for details.

2.7.7 ASON: Create Trail/LO Matrix


The scope of this procedure is to create a trail within/on the borders of the ASON network.

By means of the drop-shelf extension on 1678 MCC, LO terminations are available.


a) Launch the trail creation.

Figure 524. ASON node: Create: Trail

b) In the create step 1 dialog box enter the name (optionally) and the detailed parameters. See following
figures. Click on Next button.

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Figure 525. Trail LO create step 1 : payload / CP restoration

c) Select the end points and click on Finish. See following figure

Figure 526. Trail LO create: end point selections

The trail is created.

d) To display the trail, point to a node and issue Search: Relted Items: Starting/Ending HO trails

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Figure 527. Node: selection of Starting/Ending HO trails

e) The trail list is displayed. See below figure.

Figure 528. Trail list for node

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f) Select the trail and click on icon Routing Display. See following figure.

Figure 529. Trail routing view

g) In this case the trail has been created without protection. You can add the protection. Figure
531.shows the view of the protected trail.

Figure 530. Trail: Protection: Add

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Figure 531. Trail: Protection: Added

2.7.8 Path: Reroute nominal route


The scope is to change the path nominal route.


a) The Add/Remove Protection Tool can be launched by selecting the path and clicking on the relevant
icon. See following figure.

Figure 532. Add/Remove Protection Tool

b) The Add/Remove Protection dialog box is displayed. See following figure.

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Figure 533. Add/Remove protection:Reroute dialog box
c) Select option button Reroute and click on Next button.

Figure 534. Path reroute: A-CONN selection

d) Click on A-CONN button. The path routing display ( nominal route ) is presented. Select the A-CON-
Nection in topology which will be the starting point of the nominal route change. Click on Select button
to confirm. The selected A-CONNection in topology icon is then present in in the main box ( left-hand
side of below figure)

e) Click on Z-CONN button. The path routing display ( nominal route ) is presented. Select the Z-CON-
Nection in topology which will be the terminating point of the nominal route change. Click on Select
button to confirm. The selected Z-CONNection in topology icon is then present in in the main box
(left-hand side of below figure)

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Figure 535. Path reroute: A-CONN selected
f) Click on Next button.

Figure 536. Path reroute: confirmation

g) Click on Finish button to launch the operation.

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2.7.9 ASON: snc retrieve
Select the path crossing the ASON domain and issue Search: Related items: SNCs

The required list is displayed. See below figures.

Figure 537. SNC display

Figure 538. ASON: SNC list

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2.7.10 Modify the userLabel and rerouting attributes of a SNC

Modify the userLabel and rerouting attributes of a SNC


A path crossing the ASON domain is allocated or implemented


a) From the routing display of the path select an SNC and issue Modify: Attributes pop-up menu.

Figure 539. Modify: Attributes pop-up menu

b) You can modify the userLabel and the other rerouting attributes of the selected SNC

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Figure 540. SNC: Modify: Attributes
c) Verify for implemented path that the modification is propagated to the SNC selecting the Show:
Details on GMRE

Figure 541. Show: Details on GMRE

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2.7.11 Switched Connections
Figure which follows shows the list of the switched connections (created via CLI) and automatically
uploaded by RM.

Figure 542. Switched connection list

The switched connection can be removed by RM. Start from the path list, opened from the ASON view.

See following figure.

Figure 543. Remove switched connection

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Figure 544. Highlight of a switched connection

Figure 545. Routing display of a switched connection

Routing display of a switched connection: the part of the route internal to ASON network is not known by

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Figure 546. SC highlight: Physical Connection list

• From the map clicking twice on the physical connection, the Physical Connection list is dis-
played. See above Figure 546.

• From Physical Connection list click on Physical Connection structure. See figure which follows

Figure 547. Physical Connection structure

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2.7.12 SNC Maintenance: Constraint Management

a) The SNC Maintenance: Constraint Management command is launched from the path routing display,
pointing to the SNC icon, from the path routing display. See below figure.

Figure 548. SNC: Maintenance: Constraint Management

b) In the SNC Constraint management wizard, click on button Constraint List.

Figure 549. SNC Constraint management

c) From the snc list you can select the SNC to disjoin, as an example, in following figure, SAM1-SAM22
disjoined from SAM1-SAM21

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Figure 550. SAM1-SAM22 disjoined from SAM1-SAM21

d) It is needed also to create the constraint SAM1-SAM21 disjoined from SAM1-SAM22. See following

Figure 551. SAM1-SAM21 disjoined from SAM1-SAM22

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Figure which follows shows the path routing display of paths SAM1-SAM21 and SAM1-SAM22. They are

Figure 552. Path routing of SAM1-SAM21 and SAM1-SAM22

Figure which follows shows an example of usage of TE-LINK as constraint.

Figure 553. SNC Constraint management wizard with disjoin policy on TE-Link.

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2.7.13 Example of SNCP ring closure
The following scenarios can be obtained, as result of the path allocation phase (routing algorithm), in the
following cases:

Figure 554. Scenario 1

Figure 555. Scenario 2

Figure 556. Scenario 3

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Figure 557. Scenario 4

Figure 558. Scenario 5

Figure 559. Scenario 6

– case 1: the user has created a path protected "in Rings. In this case has to be taken into account
that in the ASON domain the SNCP protection is not created

– case 2: the user has created a path protected SNCP or D&C SNCP but there are not the conditions
for a end to end protection

– case 3: the user has created a path protected SNCP or D&C SNCP providing specific constraints

In particular, scenarios 1, 2 and 3 can be obtained with cases 1, 2 and 3, while scenarios 4, 5 and 6 can
be obtained with cases 2 and 3.

During the allocation phase of a path protected D&C SNCP if no D&C connections, except for the D&C
single node inside the ASON domain, are created, the protection type of the path is changed to SNCP.

Above scenarios can also be obtained modifying the path itself by means of the add/remove protection
on a part of the path.

N.B. The following operations take into account the following GMRE restriction: it is not possible
modify an SNC changing its end points.

N.B. In the following, what is said for a path is valid for the trail too.

Figure which follows represents, as an example, the Path routing view of a path described in Senario 4
of Figure 557. at page 393.

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Figure 560. Path routing view

Figure 561. SNCP ring closure: Path highlight

Clicking twice on the internal physcon link, the relevant Physical connection list is presented. See below

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Figure 562. SNCP ring closure: internal link: physcon list

2.7.14 Path: Maintenance: SNC Reversion Blocked management


The scope of this procedure is to launch a a soft rerouting to the nominal of the routes which are making
use of the selected SNCs

Figure 563. Path: Maintenance: SNC Reversion Blocked management


a) The Reversion Blocked alarm on SNC or path has severity=WARNING

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b) Point to SNC or path and issue Path: Maintenance: SNC Reversion Blocked management

Figure 564. SNC Reversion Blocked management wizard

c) Click on Reload button. The list of SNC (subnetwork connections), whose path cannot revert to the
nominal route is displayed in in the bottom part of the window.

d) Select one or more connection/s and click on Apply button. As a result the ASON network executes,
if possible, a soft rerouting to the nominal of the routes which are making use of the selected SNCs
and the user is informed accordingly.

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2.8 Broadcast path

The feature allows the management of a broadcast path within ASON domain. This represents an
improvement of an already supported feature. The main changes in the management are:

– uni-directional SNC are supported

– use of the same resources for common route of different legs of the same path (broadcast connec-
tions within ASON domain are supported)

Both protected and not protected configurations are supported. The following definitions apply:

– broadcast path: it is an uni-directional path with one or two source points and more than one des-
tination points. The path can cross or not an ASON domain

– leg: it is a route that connects a source to a single destination (protected or not). A leg can cross or
not an ASON domain

– snc: it is the portion of a route inside the ASON domain.

Some possible scenarios are reported in the following figures. The following conventions apply:

– main route drawn in blue and spare in red

– the oval represents the ASON domain


broadcast path (not protected) with five legs in the ASON domain and three distinct SNCs

Figure 565. Broadcast path (not protected) five legs in the ASON domain&three distinct SNCs

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Note: The path has six legs. SNC1 is from node 1 to node 4 (leg 1); SNC2 from node 1 to node 6 (leg
2); SNC3 from node 1 to node 3 (leg 3/4/5); leg 6 outside ASON domain.


broadcast path (not protected) with six legs in the ASON domain

Figure 566. broadcast path (not protected) with six legs in the ASON domain

Note: The path has six legs. SNC1 is from node 1 to node 4 (leg 1); SNC2 from node 1 to node 6 (leg
2); SNC3 from node 1 to node 3 (leg 3/4); SNC4 from node 1 to node 5 (leg 5); SNC5 from node 6 to
node 5 (leg 6).

Note: the number of SNC inside the ASON domain, concerning one ingress point (CTP), is equal to the
number of egressing nodes (3 SNCs for signal A, 1 SNC for signal B and 1 SNC for signal C).

Note: two, or more, end points on the same egressing node, concerning one ingress point (CTP), is rep-
resented as only one SNC (one SNC for signal A egressing node 3 and two SNCs for signal B and C
egressing node 5).

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broadcast path (not protected) with two legs in the ASON domain sharing a link connection in two direc-

Figure 567. (NOT ALLOWED) Broadcast path-two legs in ASON dom. sharing a LC in two dir

Note: The path has two legs. SNC1 is from node 1 to node 5 (leg 2). SNC2 is from node 1 to node 4 (leg 1).

Note: Due to a GMRE restriction, a resource (link connection) inside the ASON domain cannot be, at the
same time, used in two directions. This restriction is true for both protected and not protected path (see
scenario 2).


broadcast path (not protected) with two legs in the ASON domain

Figure 568. broadcast path (not protected) with two legs in the ASON domain

Note: The path has two legs. SNC1 is from node 1 to node 4 (leg 1); SNC2 from node 1 to node 4 (leg 2).

Note: If two legs enter on the same point (CTP) and are ended on the same node, their routes have to
be the same. This restriction is true for both protected and not protected path.

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SNCP/PRC protection inside ASON

Figure 569. SNCP/PRC protection inside ASON

Note: The path has two (protected) legs. SNC1 from node 1 to node 4 (leg 1); SNC2 from node 1 to node
5 (leg 2).

Note: Resources are shared between spare of leg 1 and spare of leg 2


SNCP/PRC protection inside ASON and unprotected leg

Figure 570. SNCP/PRC protection inside ASON and unprotected leg

Note: The path has two (one protected and the other no) legs. SNC1 is from node 1 to node 4 (leg 1); SNC2
from node 1 to node 5 (leg 2).

Note: Resources are shared between two legs with different resource type (spare of leg 1 and leg 2)

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external end-to-end protection

Figure 571. external end-to-end protection

Note: The path has two legs. SNC1 from node 1 to node 4 (leg 1 main); SNC2 from node 1 to node 7 (leg
2 main); SNC3 from node 2 to node 6 (leg 1 spare); SNC4 from node 2 to node 4 (leg 2 spare).

Note: If main and spare of a leg enter in ASON domain in two different CTPs, they have to exit the ASON
domain in two different CTPs.

Scenario 7 (not allowed): protection starting from ASON ingressing CTP

Figure 572. (not allowed) protection starting from ASON ingressing CTP

Note: The path has two legs. SNC1 from node 1 to node 4 (leg 1 main); SNC2 from node 1 to node 7 (leg
2 main); SNC3 from node 1 to node 6 (leg 1 spare); SNC4 from node 1 to node 5 (leg 2 spare).

Note: If main and spare of a leg enter in ASON domain in one CTP, they have to exit the ASON domain
in only one CTP.

N.B. The SNCP ring closure is not supported either in ingress and in egress direction

The following operations are allowed:

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– add leg (protected or not)

– remove leg

– add protection

– remove protection (both keeping main/spare)

2.8.3 Alarm management

In case of SNCs that have more than one end points (CTPs) in the destination node, if not all connections
to those end points in the destination node could be implemented, an alarm is raised on the SNC.

This alarm, "Failed Z Ends", is managed and correlated to the path/trail (see MAINTENANCE section for
more detail).
In addition, an attribute has been added to SNC to report the status of the SNC, related to the raised alarm
(allowed value is normal / failed)

2.9 Compound Link Management


The scenario of this feature (MAXIS-Malaysia) includes rings of 1670SM connected to 1678MCC of an
ASON network, i.e. the link between 2 MCCs crosses 1670SM NEs belonging to the ring. The band
between MCCs is reserved for ASON network. Sometimes part of the band is assigned to the ring.

2.9.1 Create 2 Physical connections of the compound


a) Select the termination nodes (from the node list or from the map). In the create connection wizard
select connection type=SDH Compound Link, STM type and enter the connection name. Click on
Next button.

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Figure 573. Create connection wizard step1

Figure 574. Create connection step2 ( first physical connection)

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b) In the Create connection step2 (above) select the ports and choose link type=compound link. Click
on Finish. The creation report and the Physical connection structure are displayed.

Figure 575. Create connection report

c) Create another physical connection (can be at different rate), with connection type=SDH Com-
pound Link and same allocation cost. See below figure

Figure 576. Create connection step2 ( second physical connection)

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d) Notice that the created connections have the attribute link category=compound link.

Figure 577. Attribute link category=compound link

e) Implement the two physical connections

Figure 578. Physical connection implement

f) In the Physical Connection list both connections are implemented

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Figure 579. Physical Connection list

2.9.2 Compound Physical Connection Add to Npa

g) Point to the Compound Physical Connection and issue Npa:Add to Npa

Figure 580. Physical Connection: Npa:Add to Npa

h) The Add Physical Connection wizard is presented. Select from the list the other physcon. Click on

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Figure 581. Add Physical Connection wizard
i) To verify that the two physical connections have been successfully added you may issue a Display:
Related Items:Physical Connections

Figure 582. Display: Related Items:Physical Connections

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Figure 583. Compound physcon included in the list

2.9.3 Compound link management

a) Select the Physical Connection structure display from a compound Physical Connection.

Figure 584. Physical Connection structure selection

b) Point at a single link connection of the physcon and issue Compound link management: Not available
for ASON

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Figure 585. Compound link management: Not available for ASON
c) The link connection is greyed (Not available for ASON) and available for the ring traffic

Figure 586. Link not available for ASON

d) It is possible, via the command Compound link management: available for ASON to revert to the ini-
tial conditions.

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2.10 Improvement for SNCP&PRC switch management
The Improvement for SNCP&PRC switch management consists in the visualization of the postion of the
switches in the routing display, as received from the control plane. See below figure

Figure 587. Improvement for SNCP&PRC switch management

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2.11 Ason: Maintenance

2.11.1 ASON Physical Connection: Ason: Maintenance


The scope of this procedure is execute a manual maintenance on a Physical Connection.

Figure 588. ASON Physical Connection: Ason: Maintenance


a) From the ASON Physical Connection pop-up menu issue Ason: Maintenance. The ASON Mainte-
nance wizard is displayed. See Figure 589.

b) In the ASON Maintenance wizard select the ASON administative state=shutting down. From this
point on, the newly created traffic will not be routed on this Physical Connection.

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Figure 589. ASON Maintenance wizard

c) Click on Reload button. See below figure. The list of SNC (subnetwork connections) present on this
phisical connection, is displayed in in the bottom part of the window.

Figure 590. Reload button

d) Select one or more connection/s and click on Apply button. As a result the ASON network executes,
if possible a soft rerouting of the routes which are making use of the selected SNCs and when the
list is empty, the ASON administrative state becomes LOCKED.

e) Click on CHECK button. An audit on the ASON network in performed and the user is informed

f) After the execution of the manual maintenance, select ASON administative state=unlocked.

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2.12 Example of CLI connect

The scope is to execute a connection to the 1678MCC local terminal (CLI) and launch a show operation
on ASON connections.


a) From the map click on the Control Plane icon associated to the involved node, as per Figure 591.her-
ebelow. The CLI terminal is displayed. See Figure 592.

Figure 591. CLI connect: click Control Plane

Figure 592. CLI term-connect

b) On the CLI terminal it is possible to launch the 1st level help simply by typing question mark ?. The
1st level command options are displayed: ( see Figure 593.)

– Config. Allows to configure system's entities

– Delete. Deletes an item

– Move. Requests a reversion

– Ping. Test an IP connectivity to another node

– Script. Allows the execution of a number of CLI commands as defined in the script file

– Set. Configures some CLI features

– Show. Displays the system configuration

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– Traceroute. Tests an IP connectivity to another node and records rout hope

– Exit

– Quit

The complete description of CLI commands/options can be found in 1678MCC CLI documentation.

Figure 593. Question mark: 1st level help

c) Enter Show, followed by the question mark, to launch the 2nd level help on the show command. The
2st level command options are displayed: ( see Figure 594.)

– AlarmState. Displays the actual alarm state information of all objects

– CPR. Displays the CPR system's characteristics

– DPR. Displays the DPR specific characteristics

– IProute. Returns the IP forwarding decisions as given to the OS_IP

– Interface. Returns a list of all or specific type interfaces available at the GMRE withe the high level

– LMP. Displays LMP specific characteristics

– LSP. Returns a list of all LSPs established across this node.

– Label. Label

– Node. Returns nodal information.

– Notification. Enables to display continuously raising notifications at CLI terminal.

– NotificationHistory. Displays the last n event notifications as issued by GMRE ordered in chrono-
logical order from newest to oldest.

– PM . Displays the PM specific characteristics

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– RSVP. Displays the RSVP specific characteristics

Figure 594. 2nd level help on show command

d) Enter Show LSP to display the LSP list

Figure 595. Show LSP: LSP list

e) Enter Show LSP followed by the question mark, to launch the 3rdnd level help on the show com-
mand. The 2st level command options are displayed: ( see Figure 596.herebelow )

– Filter. the filter tag

– Interface. Returns a list of all LSPs that crosses that interface

– LSPDesc. Returns a list of all LSPs according to a specified description

– LSPIndex. The LSP Index

– Label. Returns a list of all LSPs with a specific label

– Problems. Shows the list of the problems for the path.

– Sort. The sort tag

– TNA. Returns a list of all LSPs for which the TNA address is registered in Generalized UNI object.

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Figure 596. 3rd level help on show lsp command
f) Enter Show LSPIndex followed by the number taken from the relevant item of the list of above Figure
595.The LSP report is displayed. See following figure.

Figure 597. Show LSPIndex command

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2.13 Coloring ( only for NR 8.1 PL3 )
The class mark Coloring applies, within the ASON network, to the following transport objects:

-TE Link



This class mark can be applied to subdivide the network into n disjointed networks.

To do this, the system allows to define separately the color of the resources (TE-Links) and the color of
the transport (e.g. the path).

In this manner, the involved path can be allocated only to the consistent TE-Link.

2.13.1 Color Profile Display

a) From RM domain issue Search:All Related Items:Color Profile.

Figure 598. RM Domain:Search:All Related Items:Color Profile

b) The Color profile list is displayed. The list contains the following columns:

• Color Profile ID

• Userlabel

• Colors. The value is written as decimal number. Anyway it is to be considered the binary nota-

• Comment

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The first profile (All Colors) and the second profile (No Color) are created by the system as a

Figure 599. Color profile list

2.13.2 Create Color Profile


Create new color profile/s


a) From a Term. enter:

. /usr/Systems/1354RM_<inst_id>/.snmlrc

b) From a Term. enter:

/snml<inst_id>/rmtools/bin $

c) In the Color profile creator, as an example, click on bit 4. In the first row (Color bits), the bit no.4 is
set to 1and the second row (Colors), now contains the corresponding decimal value, 16 in this case.

Enter the userlabel (e.g. Purple) and comment.

Click on Add Profile to confirm the creation. A confirmation is requested.

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Figure 600. Color profile creator (1st profile)

d) Create, as an example, a second color profile, named Purple and Blue. Click on bit no. 1 (decimal
value=2) and bit no. 4 (decimal value=16).

The value of the field Colors is equal to 18.

Enter the userlabel (Purple and Blue) and comment.

Click on Add Profile to confirm the creation. A confirmation is requested.

Figure 601. Color profile creator ( 2nd profile)

e) Click on tool button Refresh in the Color Profile list. The list now contains the two profiles which have
been just created.

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Figure 602. Color profile list with added profiles

2.13.3 TE Link update


a) From the ASON NPA select the list of the TE Links. See below figure. To each TE Link the attribute
Color Profile name is associated.

Figure 603. TE Link list: Color Profile name

b) From the ASON NPA select the list of the Paths. See below figure. To each path the attributes
Include/Exclude any colors are associated.

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Figure 604. Path attributes Include/Exclude colors

c) The reference network is shown below.

Figure 605. Reference network

d) With reference to the above Reference network, select the TE Link from node E3 to node E4 and
issue Modifications: Update TE Link.

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Figure 606. TE Link E3/E4: Modifications: Update TE Link

e) In the Update TE Link wizard the Color Profile is No Color like in the TE Link list.

f) Click on Selectable color profiles. From the list select blue (in this example).

Figure 607. Update TE Link wizard (No Color)

g) The Color profile blue is now present in the selection box. Click on Finish to confirm.

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Figure 608. Update TE Link wizard (Blue)

h) From the TE Link link list you may see that TE Link E3/E4 has color profile name=blue.

Figure 609. TE Link E3/E4: color profile name=blue

2.13.4 Setting attributes on path


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The path test coloring we are going to associate to the blue color of TE Link E3/E4 is connecting VE_3
to VE_4, then it is consistent with the network structure. See Reference network above.


a) From the path list select the involved path test coloring and click on button Show/Set Attributes (the

b) In the Show/Set Attributes box select folder Routing. Select operation Set for attributes Exclude Any
Color Name and Include Any Color Name. For these attributes enter respectively NoColor and
Blue. Cick on Apply to confirm.

Figure 610. Exclude Any Color=NoColor; Include Any Color=Blue

c) Click on Apply. The Command Log is signalling an error!

Figure 611. Command Log signalling an error

d) The reason is that we entered Include Any Color Name=Blue , with the capital letter, instead of
the small, as written in the Color Profile list ( see below figure ).

Issue again the relevant Path Show/Set Attributes entering the correct values:

Exclude Any Color=NoColor; Include Any Color=blue

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Click on Apply. The change is accepted. See below figure.

Figure 612. Path test coloring (Include=blue)

e) Allocate the path.

f) Issue path highlight on the map. Path test coloring is crossing the blue resource (only).

Figure 613. Path test coloring thru blue resource

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2.13.5 Move Physical connection

An other way to change the color of the TE Link is the use of menu Move Physical Connection


a) Select the TE Link and issue Modifications: Move Physical Connection

Figure 614. TE Link: Modifications: Move Physical Connection

b) The TE Link: Move Physical Connection wizard is presented.

c) The Move Physical Connection allows to move a physcon towards an existing TE Link or to a new
TE Link. The selection button is present in the upper left-hand region of the window.

1) If you select move to an existing TE Link, you will select the destination TE Link within the
involved list. In this case SRG and color profile of the destination TE Link will be assigned to
the physcon being moved.

2) If you select move to a new TE Link, you will select the destination TE Link within the involved
list. In this case the user will select the SRG and the color profile.

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Figure 615. TE Link: Move Physical Connection step1

2.13.6 The matching rule

The description which follows

As above mentioned, the parameters needed to implement the Coloring feature, are:

-TE Link color

-Path Include Any Color

-Path Exclude Any Color

The matching rule is the one that, if met, allows to execute the allocation of the ‘colored’ path to the ‘col-
ored’ resource.

To do this, the following two conditions must be met:


1) (TE Link color) AND (Path Exclude Any Color) = 0 where AND is a logic AND bit X bit

2) 2nd condition

a) Path Include Any Color = 0

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OR as an alternative:

b) ( Path Include Any Color ) AND (TE Link color) DIFFERENT from 0 where: AND is an
AND bit X bit



path include any color name = NoColor path include any color ID = 1 color= 000000...

path exclude any color name = AllColors path exclude any color ID = 2 color= 11111111...(
you see color =268435455 which is all ones on 28 bits). Used bits are 28 because of hw limitation, instead
of 32.


TE LINK Color Profile name = NoColor TE LINK Color Profile ID = 1 color = 0000000...



1) (TE Link color) AND (Path Exclude Any Color) = 0 where AND is a logic AND bit X bit

0000000000 AND 111111111 = 000000000 VERIFIED

2) 2nd condition

a) Path Include Any Color = 0

000000000..= 000000000 VERIFIED

OR as an alternative:

b) ( Path Include Any Color ) AND (TE Link color) DIFFERENT from 0 where: AND is an
AND bit X bit


PATH W/O COLOR can be allocated to TE LINK W/O COLOR


PATH COLORED using the blue resources only

path include any color name = blue path include any color ID = 10

color= color= 2 in decimal notation)

path exclude any color name = No Color TE LINK Color Profile ID = 1 color=00000000...


TE LINK Color Profile name = blue TE LINK Color Profile ID = 102 color= ...00000010
color= 2 in decimal notation)


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1) (TE Link color) AND (Path Exclude Any Color) = 0 where AND is a logic AND bit X bit

0000000010 AND 0000000000 = 000000000 VERIFIED

2) 2nd condition

a) Path Include Any Color = 0

000000010.. =/= 000000000 NOT VERIFIED

OR as an alternative:

b) ( Path Include Any Color ) AND (TE Link color) DIFFERENT from 0 where: AND is an
AND bit X bit

000000010..AND 000000010 =/= 0000000000 VERIFIED


PATH COLORED Blue can be allocated to TE LINK colored blue

2.14 Change WTR


This command applies only to Physical Connections with link type = i-nni. It is used to modify the Wait
Time to Restore. The feature allows GMRE to wait a restore time before PTP (Port Termination Point)
becomes operational again after alarm clear.


a) From the Physcon list select the relevant physcon and issue the command Change WTR

b) A selection box opens, which allow to select 0 - 1m... nm,...nhours, ... up to 48 hours.

2.15 Restoration on signal degrade

The feature allows the configuration of Signal Degrade enabling/disabling on SDH ports inside ASON.

The feature allows GMRE soft-reroute in case of SD alarm at MS layer, through the provisioning of SD
enabling/disabling on a ptp through setTPData.

To activate the Restoration on signal degrade select the relevant Physcon and issue Ason: Restoration
on SD: Enable.

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Figure 616. Ason: Restoration on SD: Enable

2.16 Manage switch commands

2.16.1 Description of operation

It is possible to manage the manual command to SNCP switches inside ASON domain.

To do this, RM sends the proper SNCP commands to GMRE.

Two different commands are defined:

1) switchAsonInternalSNCP. See below figure

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Figure 617. SNCP Switch Request - Internal

In case of external SNCP two drop TPs exist. Both drop TPs can be used to address the SNC.

Figure 618. External SNCP two drop TPs exist.

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Figure 619. SNCP Switch Request: internal

2) switchAsonExternalSNCP. See below figure.

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Figure 620. Switching of external SNCP

RM implementation

We manage only internal switch. In case both internal and external swithes are present together (e.g. PRC
+ ring closure), commands on internal switches only are provided.

2.16.2 SNCP-ASON commands on RM

Due to the fact that GMRE handles the SNCP commands independently in head and tail nodes, RM can
still provide to the user the SNCP commands on:

- connection in topology: the user selects the head or tail bridge & switch and this command is applied
only to that connection

- transport object (path or trail): the user selects the transport object and this command is applied to all
the bridge & switch connections, both the ones internal to ASON and outside it

The following types of commands are managed:

- force main

- force spare

- manual main

- manual spare

- release

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3 RM-NP Flow Through interworking

3.1 Introduction
This chapter deals about RM-NP interworking with Flow Through feature.

This chapter lists only macro steps of the procedures. For detailed descriptions refer to 1354RM (this
handbook) and 1354NP Operator's Handbook

This chapter is constituted by the following paragraphs:



- Introduction to Navigation

- Alarm notification from NP to RM


The procedures which follow describe topology changes on a configuration called NPA white box, after
migration with insertion of the RM manager. In this configuration the network description on RM and NP
is assumed to be the same.

This is due to the fact that the migration procedure from NP stand alone allows to describe on RM the same
network configuration already present on NP.

This procedure implies the automatic creation on RM of the relevant NPA type Fast Restoration.

In addition, the migration procedure includes a dedicated procedure to insert the flow-through feature,
both on RM side and NP side.

After the migration, RM becomes the manager of NP network, i.e. the NPOS operator, as far it is con-
cerned path provisioning, will be able to execute only supervision tasks. Anyway it is to be noted that topo-
logical changes subsequent to the migration must be executed separately on both systems RM and NP.
In case of add/remove boards/ports, the relevant hardware provisioning procedures must be previously
executed on 1353NM accordingly.

N.B. For details on migration procedure, refer to the dedicated document.

N.B. Restriction: Broadcast paths cannot be set up within NP domain. A possible solution is to set
up the bridges outside the NP domain.

N.B. To enable the Flow Through operation in the System Configuration the user must enable the
subsystem NP-RMPA. The detailed description can be found in the NP Installation Guide. An
example is given in the following figure

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Figure 621. System Configuration: enabling of NP-RMPA subsystem.

Figure which follows shows the RM Process Monitoring view with Proxy NP agent active.

Configuring the RM-Rmnpa Subsystem (RM-NPProxyAgent), insert the IP addresses of the NP Servers
(without 0 after each . ), for example a correct address is; a non correct address is


Figure 622. RM Process Monitoring view with Proxy NP agent active

N.B. Verify on NP side that the communication link to RM is active. Issue Show on the star icon which
summarizes RM status. See following figure

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Figure 623. Communication link to RM

Figure 624. Communication link show

Figure 624. shows that the Fast Restoration NPA is not alarmed. If the NPA list is not already open, from
the network icon you can issue Search: Related Items: NPAs.

With ref. to the following figure, point to the Fast Restoration NPA and issue Search: Related Items: Con-
trol Planes.

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Figure 625. Search: Related Items: Control Planes

The NPOS control plane is shown in below figure. No alarm is present.

Figure 626. NPOS Control Plane

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3.2.1 Adding / Removing one link Map view of the link on NP

a) Figure below shows the NP map. Issue the pop-up Detail of the Compound TE Link Milano-Roma.

Figure 627. NP map:Detail of the Compound TE Link menu

b) The requested detail is shown below, with 7 TE-Links.

Figure 628. NP map:Detail of the Compound TE Link

c) Issue the pop-up detail of TE-Link with suffix 08. This view is shown in figure herebelow.

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Figure 629. Detail of TE-Link Map view of the link on RM

a) Figure below shows the network map. Click twice on subnetwork icon NPOS.

Figure 630. RM network map

b) The subnetwork map is shown in figure which follows. The icon NPA Fast Restoration is present in
the map.

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Figure 631. RM Subnetwork map

c) With ref. to the following figure, select Search: Main Related Items of the link SDH between nodes
1678A-NP and 1678B-NP, which corresponds to NP Compound Link Milano-Roma.

Figure 632. SDH link: Search: Main Related Items

d) Figure which follows contains the list of the Physical Connections.

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Figure 633. Physical Connection list

e) Issue the Physical Connection Structure of Physcon NP_A-B_16-4. See following figure

Figure 634. Search: Related Items: Physical Connection structure

f) See Physical Connection structure in figure which follows

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Figure 635. Physical Connection structure

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This procedures is composed by the following subprocedures:

– Remove the Physical Connection from RM: SET LOCKED

– Remove the TE LINK on NP

– Remove the Physical Connection from NPA Remove the Physical Connection from RM: SET LOCKED

a) From the list of Physical Connections, select the Physcon to remove and issue Maintenance: ASON.
See figure which follows

Figure 636. Physcon: Maintenance: ASON

b) The Maintenance wizard is presented. See figure below.

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Figure 637. Maintenance wizard

c) With ref. to above Figure 637., select ASON Admin. State=LOCKED and click on SET button.

d) Figure which follows shows the status change to LOCKED, the relevant logger messages and the
changes reflected on NP map: NEs involved in OPT (operator) state (yellow), Compound link in
MAJOR alarm.

Figure 638. Status change to LOCKED

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In the fact, figure which follows, shows the situation before the intervention of the flow-through messages:
the change is present only on RM.

Figure 639. Before the intervention of the flow-through messages Remove the TE LINK on NP

e) Let us examine in detail how changes affect NP network. With ref. to fig. below, issue the detail of
Compound Link MI-RO.

Figure 640. Detail of Compound Link MI-RO menu

f) The detail is presented. See figure below. Select the pop-up detail of TE Link s12 MI-RO-04

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Figure 641. Detail of Compound Link MI-RO: detail of TE link menu

g) The detail of TE Link s12 MI-RO-04 is presented. Issue a Show of the port (see following figure)

Figure 642. Detail of TE Link s12 MI-RO-04: Port Show

h) The port has been removed (Status=UNV=unavailable for traffic) and the Domain (ACD) turned to
NPOS (1354NP)

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Figure 643. Port: Show

i) Assign the port to department (see Figure 644. below). This command must be executed for both
ports of the TE link

Figure 644. Assign the port to department

j) Click Yes on the Confirmation dialog box.

Figure 645. Assign port department Confirmation

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k) Point to the involved TE Link and issue Disconnect Ports. See fig. below.

Figure 646. TE Link: Disconnect Ports

l) In the Disconnect Ports dialog box select MUX Hierarchy=16

Figure 647. MUX Hierarchy selection

m) The list of the interconnected ports is presented. See following figure. Select the couple of ports and
click on OK.

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Figure 648. Couple of ports to disconnect

n) The TE Link is no longer connected. See fig. below.

Figure 649. TE Link no longer connected

o) Issue the Delete command of the TE-Link. See fig. below.

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Figure 650. TE-Link Delete command

p) A confirmation is required. See fig. below.

Figure 651. Delete TE-Link confirmation

q) In Figure 652. you can verify that the TE-Link is no more present

Figure 652. The deleted TE-Link is no more present

r) On the painting of Figure 653. it is possible to check that the port previously involved in the connec-
tion is in OPT status (yellow). This painting has been displayed by following the chain of the hardware
details, from NE(prev.TS) thru rack, subrack and board.

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Figure 653. Pictorial representation of the chain of details Remove the Physical Connection from NPA

s) From the list of Physical Connections which form the link, point to the Physcon to delete and issue
Npa: Remove from NPA

Figure 654. Physcon: Npa: Remove from NPA

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t) A confirmation is required. Click on Yes. See following figure

Figure 655. Remove from NPA confirmation

u) The Remove from NPA Fast Restoration has been successfully completed. Notice that the ASON
Admin. State=X= don’t care. See following figure

Figure 656. Remove from NPA log

v) In addition, from the list of NPAs, point to NP and get the NPA view, via command Search: Related
Items. See fig. below.

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Figure 657. NP: Search: Related Items: NPA view

w) In the NPA view, select icon Physical Connections. In the list, the removed physcon is no more

Figure 658. Physical Connections in NP

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3.2.2 Adding new ports
A prerequisite to the creation of the TE Link, is the creation of the ports. An example of creation of an STM-
4 port on NM and NP is given in the following

a) Insert (physically) the new STM-4 port in board equipped in slot 5, network element 1678A, port 13.
Figure which follows shows the NM equipment view

Figure 659. NE equipment view

b) On the board detail ( see fig. below ), the mismatch is in port 13.

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Figure 660. Mismatch in port 13

c) Select the port and issue Equipment: Set.

Figure 661. Port 13: Equipment: Set

d) Select the board type and click on OK

Figure 662. Board type selection

e) The port is now in service. See fig. below.

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Figure 663. Equipment view: port 13 in service

f) On NP the port is Assigned to Department and not available in the network session, colored in black

Figure 664. Board view on NP

g) On the Dept session the port is colored in Yellow. See picture below: the detail of the board is on the
left-hand side of the picture

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Figure 665. Dept session: the port is colored in Yellow

h) The port show is in below figure: Port status=UNV-FRE, ACD=FRE

Figure 666. Port Show:

i) Issue the command Reserve for NPOS control

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Figure 667. Port: Reserve for NPOS control

j) A confirmation is required. Click on Yes.

k) Figure which follows shows that ACD=NP. The port usage is now SPAre and will become BKB (back-
bone) when the port will be part of an internal(RM naming) connection.

Figure 668. Port Show:ACD=NP, usage=SPAre

3.2.3 Adding new port: usage=local drop

The commands Port: Make Local Drop and Port. Restore to service are done automatically by RM as a
consequence of the LOCK /UNLOCK setting-up (ASON: Maintenance wizard), after insertion of the phy-
scon in the NPA (marked as internal for BKB ports and Interworking for LOC ports on NP side)

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3.2.4 Adding a physical connection
It is suggested to start the creation of the TE Link on NP, thus reflecting the same operation on RM.

A prerequisite to this procedure is the creation of the involved ports. See procedure 3.2.2 on page 455. Create a TE-Link on NP

a) With ref. to the following figure, six TE Links are included in Compound TE Link Milano-Roma.

Figure 669. TE Links in Compound TE Link Milano-Roma

b) In the Dept session create the TE Link (prev. BSG), via the pull-down menu TE-Link: Create: Phys-

Figure 670. TE-Link: Create: Physical.

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c) The Create TE-Link dialog box is presented. Enter TE Link name, select capacity, hierarchy=SDH
and SRG error rate. See fig. below

Figure 671. Create TE-Link dialog box

d) The system, on the message line, asks to select the network element where the TE Link originates.
Select on the map (left click) the originating node. Its icon is blinking.

Figure 672. Select the originating node

e) The system asks to select the network element where the TE Link terminates. See below figure.

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Figure 673. Select the terminating node

f) The system asks to select the cable (SRG) originating on the previously selected originating network
element. See below figure.

Figure 674. Select the cable (SRG)

g) Select the cable. In this example the new TE Link will cross only one SRG (cable) and the system
asks for confirmation of the creation. See figure which follows.

Figure 675. Confirmation of the creation

h) In the NP map, as a consequence of the creation of the new TE Link, the Compound TE Link changed
status to operator (Yellow). Point to this Compound TE Link and issue Detail. See following figure.

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Figure 676. Compound TE Link detail menu

i) The new TE Link is UNV (unavailable=yellow) and not connected. Select the pop-up menu Connect

Figure 677. New TE Link Connect Ports

j) The TE Link: Connect Ports dialog box is presented. Select the hierarchy and the port pair. Click on

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Figure 678. TE Link: Connect Ports dialog box

k) In the detail of TE-Link-NEW, the ports are connected by the created link connections. Point to the
originating port and issue Assign to Network. A confirmation is required. See following figure

Figure 679. Port: Assign to Network menu item

l) Execute the Restore to service of the port. The port goes INS-ACT (green). See figure

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Figure 680. Restored A-end port

m) Execute the same Assign to Network for the front-end port.

n) Execute the Restore to service of the port. See figure.

Figure 681. Restore to service of the Z-end port

o) Launch the Restore to service of the TE-Link. A confirmation is required.

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Figure 682. TE-Link Restore to service

p) After the restore, all links (link connections) of the TE-Link, go INS-ACT.

Figure 683. After restore all links INS-ACT Adding a Physical Connection on RM

a) From RM map point to the originating node and issue Create: Physical Connection. See below figure

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Figure 684. Create: Physical Connection

b) In the Create Connection wizard step 1 select connection type=SDH, STM type=STM-16 and enter
the userlabel.

Figure 685. Create Connection wizard step 1

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c) Figure below refers to the destination node selection and port selection on both sides. Click on Finish
to confirm.

Figure 686. Destination node and port selection

d) The Physcon structure is displayed. See figure

Figure 687. Physcon structure

e) The Physcon just created is selected in figure below.

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Figure 688. Physcon list

f) Implement the Physcon. See figure below.

Figure 689. Physcon:Configuration:Implement

g) The implementation log is shown in the following figure. Till now, obviously, the ASON state is not

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Figure 690. Physcon Implementation log

h) Figure 691.shows the detail of TE-Link_NEW. Its creation has been separately executed by NP oper-
ator on NP. See procedure Create TE Link on NP.

Figure 691. Detail of TE-Link_NEW

i) With ref. to Figure 692. issue Port: Show. The relevant dialog box is presented in Figure 693. . Port
usage is BKB as a consequence of the TE-Link creation, status goes from INS-ACT to UNV-LOA
(Unavailable-Local Operator Assignment), due to the implementation by R;M. Namely

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Figure 692. Port: Show

Figure 693. Port: Show box Insert the Physcon in the NPA

j) Point to the Physcon and select Npa: Add to NPA.

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Figure 694. Physcon: Npa: Add to NPA

k) The Add Physical Connection wizard is presented. See Figure 695. Select the NPA of type NP. Using
the usual selection modality, click on the selection list of the internal physcons, select the physcon
to add and click on Apply. See Figure 696. Click on Finish.

Figure 695. Add Physical Connection wizard

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Figure 696. Physcon selection

l) The action log is in fig. below

Figure 697. Add Physical Connection to NPA (log)

m) With ref. to the following figure, the new physcon is LOCKED (ASON Admin State).

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Figure 698. New physcon is LOCKED

n) Point to the new TE-Link and issue Maintenance: ASON. See figure below

Figure 699. New TE-Link: Maintenance: ASON

o) The maintenance wizard is presented. See following figure. Select status=UNLOCKED and click on

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Figure 700. Maintenance wizard

p) The status changes to UNLOCKED (see Figure 701.) and on NP map the lc (LINK) statuses go INS-
ACT. See Figure 702.

Figure 701. Status changes to UNLOCKED

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Figure 702. LINK statuses go INS-ACT

q) Issue a Port: Show of one of the involved ports. See Figure 703.

Figure 703. Port: Show command

r) In fig. which follows, ACD=1354NP, status=INS-ACT.

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Figure 704. ACD=1354NP, status=INS-ACT

N.B. The procedure to add a physcon type interworking is analogous, with the exception:

– boundary ports defined LOC on NP

– physcon defined as interworking in NPA dialog boxes.

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3.3 Path Management
In the following a set of examples of path management is given, for the RM-NP Interworking with flow-
through scenario. Particular focus is given to parameters protection and restoration.

More details on path create wizard are contained in section OPERATION.

3.3.1 Case 1- Path Create: Protection=None,Restoration=No Restoration

a) In the Path Create wizard step1 select service=SDH, Rate=AU4. Enter name (NP_1 in this case) and
select Protection=None

Figure 705. Path Create: Protection=None,Restoration=No Restoration

b) Then the selection of the ports

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Figure 706. Selection of the ports

c) With ref to fig. below, in Folder CP Restoration, select Restoration Mode=No Restoration and Default

Figure 707. Restoration=No Restoration and Default Priority=4

d) Create the path (Click on Finish), Allocate and Implement path NP-1.

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Upon implementation, the relevant SNC(subnetwork connection), called circuit in NP, is created and
passing through statuses OOS-ULD, OOS-JPG, becomes INS-ACT. See Figure 708. and Figure

Figure 708. Circuit List

Figure 709. Action Report

e) From Circuit list, issue Circuit:Show. The priority=4 is the one entered at above point in Folder CP
Restoration, and suffix 01 of the circuit (snc) NP_1 01 means that only one SNC is required to accom-
plish path NP-1.

Figure 710. Circuit:Show: priority=4, protection=manual

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3.3.2 Case 1- Path highlight: Protection=None,Restoration=No Restoration
a) The highlight of NP-1 is shown below

Figure 711. Path highlight:Protection=None, Restoration=No Restoration

b) Clicking twice on the highlighted physcon-link (the compound), on the list of the Physcons, the
involved physcon is highlighted and marked as M/C. (main/current).

This means that the main (nominal) and the current route are the same. See Figure 712. herebelow

Figure 712. Involved physcon highlighted and marked as M/C.

c) On NP screeen, issue a Circuit:Show.

Move the Show dialog box below the map. The relevant SNC is highlighted on NP map. See Figure
713. The Path button, if selected, opens the path route/s show dialog box.

Circuit Route (Current on Nominal, selectable by a button), is highlighted in the network session win-
dow. Clicking on the highlighted parent object, opens the relevant child map. (E.g. if you clIck on the
NE, the NE detail is opened; if you click on the TE-Link, the TE-Link detail is opened, and so on...).

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– for a 1+1 protected circuit the ports carrying actually traffic are marked by a (*) wildcard character
in brackets.
Note that the ports belonging the spare route are marked as (1+1)

– for a concatenated circuit, only the leader CTP/TTP is listed in the multicolumn list, marked by a +
If you click on the + sign, the system displays the remaining CTP/TTPs too, while the leader is now
marked by a – (minus) sign, which allows to shrink the list to the default view.

– circuits virtually concatenated can be individually highlighted but are grouped graphically in the cir-
cuit list.

Figure 713. SNC highlighted

d) Click on the highlighted compound TE-Link. The detail is presented, the crossed/nominal link is high-

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Figure 714. Crossed/nominal link is highlighted.

3.3.3 Path: Remove

a) Point to the path to remove, e.g. from the path list, and issue Path: Deimplement. See fig. below

Figure 715. Path: Deimplement command

b) After the execution of the Deimplement command, the circuit is no longer present on NP. See fig.

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Figure 716. After Deimplement, circuit no longer present

c) Deallocate the path. See fig.

Figure 717. Path Deallocate command

d) Remove the path. See fig. below

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Figure 718. Path Remove command

3.3.4 Display of the SNC

a) Point to the Network icon and issue Search:Related Items:NPAs. See fig. below

Figure 719. Search:Related Items:NPAs

b) The NPA list is displayed. Point to the fast Restoration NPA and issue Search: Related Items: NPA
view. See fig. below

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Figure 720. Search: Related Items: NPA view.

c) In the NPA view, select icon SNCs. See fig below

Figure 721. NPA view

d) In the SNC list of NPA called NP, the SNC called NP_3 01 is the mirror of circuit NP_3 01 in the NPOS
environment. See fig. below

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Figure 722. Complete SNC list of the network NP from NPA

e) The SNC list retrieved from the network is shown in fig. which follows.

Figure 723. Complete SNC list of the network NP from Network

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3.3.5 Case 2- Path Create: Protection=None,Restoration=Precalculated
a) In the Path Create wizard step1 select service=SDH, Rate=AU4. Enter name (NP_2 in this case) and
select Protection=None

b) Selection the ports in step 2 and in step 3 ( see Figure 724.) in Folder CP Restoration, select Res-
toration Mode=Precalculated and Reversion=Automatic

Figure 724. Folder Restoration,Restor=Precalc,Revers=Auto

c) Create the path (Click on Finish), Allocate and Implement path NP-2. The procedure is the same as
described for Case 1 Path: Create

d) Notice that from Circuit. Show (see below figure), the resulting NP protection is automatic , i. e. NP
will use the precomputed paths table (k-paths) first to reroute the circuit, then as extrema ratio will
run the Djistra algorithm. So the path is not protected outside NP domain and protected inside.
In addition you see that the reversion type in NP is automatic.

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Figure 725. Circuit Show: NP protection=automatic, reversion type in NP automatic

3.3.6 Case 3- Path Create: Protection=None,Restoration=Upon Failure

The procedure of path creation and implementation is the same as per above case 2.

a) In the Path Create wizard step1 select service=SDH, Rate=AU4. Enter name (NP_3 in this case) and
select Protection=None
b) Selection the ports in step 2 and in step 3, in Folder CP Restoration, select Restoration Mode=Upon
c) The behaviour of the system is the same as per above case 2

Figure 726. Circuit NP_3 Show

3.3.7 Case 4- Path Create: Protection=None,Restoration=Precalculated,

The procedure of path creation and implementation is the same as per above case 2.

a) In the Path Create wizard step1 select service=SDH, Rate=AU4. Enter name (NP_4 in this case) and
select Protection=None
b) Selection the ports in step 2 and in step 3, in Folder CP Restoration, select Restoration Mode=Pre-
calculated, Reversion mode=manual. The selected parameters are shown in the following figure

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Figure 727. CP Restoration,Restoration=Precalculated,Reversion=manual

c) Figure which follows shows the implementation log

Figure 728. Implementation log

d) From Circuit: Show of the fig. below, the Reversion type=manual.

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Figure 729. Circuit:Show,Reversion=manual

e) Reversion type=manual implies that, in case of rerouting of the circuit NP-4 (due to a fault, e.g.), the
circuit goes INS-PRO (in service protected) and will remain in this status, without operator interven-
tion. See below figure

Figure 730. Circuit NP-4 rerouted: status INS-PRO

f) From Circuit: Show, the current route is highlighted; see fig. below

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Figure 731. Current route highlighted

g) On RM, the highlight of the nominal route is shown below

Figure 732. Highlight of the nominal route

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Figure 733. Highlight of the current route

h) The reversion mode is manual, then the circuit remains on the protection route. To revert to the nom-
inal route, issue the command Path: Control Plane Restoration: Switch to Nominal. See fig. below

Figure 734. Path: Control Plane Restoration: Switch to Nominal

i) A confirmation is required. Click on Yes. The circuit reverts to the nominal and its status is now INS-
ACT. See fig. below.

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Figure 735. Circuit reverted to nominal:status INS-ACT.

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3.3.8 Case 5- Path Create: Protection=SNCP,Restoration=No Restoration
The procedure of path creation and implementation is the same as per above case 2.
The 1+1 protection is built by NPOS within NP network.

Figure 736. 1+1 protection built NPOS within NP network

The circuit highlight, with disjointed connections, is in fig. below

Figure 737. Circuit highlight, with disjointed connections

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3.3.9 Case 6- Path Create: Protection=SNCP,Restoration=Precalculated
The procedure of path creation and implementation is the same as per above case 2.

Figure 738. Protection=SNCP,Restoration=Precalculated

Applied protections are: 1+1 protection, PRC disabled

3.3.10 Case 7- Path Create: Protection=SNCP,Restoration=Upon Failure

The procedure of path creation and implementation is the same as per above case 2.

Figure 739. Protection=SNCP,Restoration=Upon Failure

Applied protections are: 1+1 protection, PRC enabled

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3.3.11 10 GBE EPL concatenated point to point path
This feature allows to create a 10 Gb Ethernet path in the NP network, by means of AU4 resources. The
two end points of the path support the 10Gb rate.

a) Figure which follows shows oneof the two nodes housing the boards P4 x GE

Figure 740. 10 GBE EPL node

b) Clicking twice on the board, you can get the board detail

Figure 741. Board detail

c) Clicking twice on the port, you can get the port detail

Figure 742. Port detail

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d) Clicking twice on the Port detail , you can get the Port functional view. No payload is present on the
port. The same equipment views can be seen for the far end port.

Figure 743. Port functional view

e) Point to the source node and issue Create: Path

Figure 744. Create path pop-up menu

f) In the create path dialog box enter:

– Service Type=Ethernet

– Service rate=10 Gb Rate Adaptive

– Transport rate ( AU4-nV only)

– userlabel

– total concatenation level. Enter a number from 1 to 64. In this example we enter 33.

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Figure 745. 10 GBE EPL path create-step1

g) Select the end points.

Figure 746. 10 GBE EPL path end-point selection

h) Enter the remaining Additional Infos and click on Finish.

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Figure 747. 10 GBE EPL path: Additional Infos

i) The 10 GBE EPL path routing view is displayed.

Figure 748. 10 GBE EPL path routing (defined)

j) After path definition, the involved ports are structured with 33 AU4s, at both ends, according to the

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Figure 749. Path defined:port structured (scroll up)

Figure 750. Path defined:port structured (scroll down)

k) Figure which follows shows the path list, with path EPL_NP

Figure 751. Path list, with path EPL_NP

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l) Allocate the path.

Figure 752. NP_EPL path: Allocate command

m) The path is allocated and no change arises in NP

Figure 753. The path is allocated (no change in NP)

n) Implement the path.

Figure 754. NP_EPL path: Implement command

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o) In a few seconds the path implementation is executed, and the 33 SNCs (circuits) are created and
activated in NP. The EPL path: Implementation log and the related NPOS Circuit list are shown
below. Circuit statuses pass thru OOS-ULD, OOS-JPG to INS-ACT.

Figure 755. NP_EPL path: Implementation log and Circuit list

p) From the path, select the server trail list

Figure 756. Path: Server trail list selection

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q) The Path: Server trail list is shown below.

Figure 757. Path: Server trail list

r) In the involved ports, structured with 33 AU4s, at both ends, the 33 VC4s are connected (marked
with X)

scroll-up scroll-down

Figure 758. After implementation ports are connected

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s) Figure which follows shows the same virtual channel 30 displayed on the port and on NP

Figure 759. Virtual channel 30 displayed on port and NP

t) The ISA port configuration dialog box, which is shown below, shows the port no., the concatenation
level (33 in this case), the signal(VC-4-nV), the active TPs (33).

Figure 760. ISA port configuration dialog box

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u) The Path routing display is shown below.

Figure 761. Path routing display

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3.3.12 NP_EPL path: Decrease bandwidth
a) From the path list point to the rate adaptive path and select Ethernet and Virtual Concatenation:
Bandwidth Modification. The wizard dialog box opens.

b) The user can:

1) verify the concatenation status:

• Maximum supported concatenation level

• Total concatenation level

• Active concatenation level

2) select the action:

Figure 762. Path: Ethernet and Virtual Concatenation: Bandwidth Modification

c) In the Bandwidth Modification dialog box enter: the action ( Decrease bandwidth in this case )
If you select Decrease bandwidth you will enter:

– the no. of trails to remove

– automatic deactivation or not of active trails to remove

– the maximum supported concatenation (64 for 10GBE)

– the total concatenation level

– the active concatenation level

– the minimum required concatenation. This parameter is received from BM system.

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Figure 763. Bandwidth Modification dialog box

d) De-activate trails

If you select Deactivate trails you will enter:

• the no. of trails to deactivate

• status of the trails being deactivated (deactivate / deimplement / deallocate)

Trails being deactivated are the last active ones.

In our example we selected to deactivate and remove 13 trails. See deimplement trails log in fig. which

Figure 764. Decrease bandwidth log (deimplement trails)

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e) Then trails are deleted. See log herebelow.

Figure 765. Decrease bandwidth log (delete trails)

f) Bandwidth decrease can be seen on RM trail list and on NM and NP. See below figure

Figure 766. Bandwidth decrease on NM and NP

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g) The ISA port configuration dialog box lists all significant info: the concatenation level (20=33-13 in
this case), the signal(VC-4-nV), the active TPs (20).

Figure 767. ISA port configuration dialog box

h) Clicking on LCAS button, the LCAS parameters are displayed.

Figure 768. ISA port configuration: LCAS dialog box

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i) On RM, you can select the concatenated path and issue the Search: Related Items: Server Trails

Figure 769. Get Server trails on RM

j) The list of the Server Trails is displayed. Twenty trails are present and implemented.

Figure 770. Server trail list

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3.3.13 NP_EPL path: Increase bandwidth
a) If you select Increase bandwidth you will enter:

• the no. of trails to add

• the status of the added trails : Defined / allocated / implemented / Activated

In this example 5 trails are being added and activated

Figure 771. NP_EPL path: Modify (Increase) bandwidth

b) Click on Finish. Trails are created and allocated. See log below.

Figure 772. Increase bandwidth log (allocate trails)

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c) Trails are the implemented and activated. See log below.

Figure 773. Increase bandwidth log (implement trails)

d) Added trails can be displayed on NM and NP

Figure 774. Added trails on NM and NP

e) The ISA port configuration dialog box lists all significant info: the concatenation level (25=20+5 in
this case), the signal(VC-4-nV), the active TPs (25)

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Figure 775. ISA port configuration

3.3.14 Concatenated path/server trail highlight

a) Select the concatenated path and click on Highlight. A dedicated dialog box is presented, containing
the list of the transport entities related to the path: the path and its concatenated trails

Figure 776. Concatenated path/server trail highlight

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b) To highlight the path, select the path and click on highlight icon.

Figure 777. Path highlight on subnetwok

c) To highlight a trail, click twice on the trail row. The trail row is highlighted in blue and the trail is high-
lighted on the map. Select the highlighted Physcon on the map; the list of the trails crossing the phy-
scon is displayed. In particular, for the highlighted trail the role is M/C main/current.

Figure 778. Trail highlight

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d) Click on the highlighted row: the Trail structure is displayed.

Figure 779. Trail structure

e) Each trail is seen by NP as a single circuit. All trails virtually concatenated are grouped by a graphical
parenthesis. Issue the Show command of one virtually concatenated circuit

Figure 780. Show command of one virtually concatenated circuit

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Figure 781. Circuit Show main dialog box

f) Moving below the dialog box, you can see the highlight on the map

Figure 782. Highlight on the map

g) Clicking on the highlighted compound, you will get the detail, with the highlighted TE-Link (BSG)

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Figure 783. Highlighted TE-Link (BSG)

h) Clicking on the highlighted BSG, you will get the detail, with the highlighted bearer

Figure 784. Highlighted TE-Link Connection (bearer)

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3.3.15 Shutting down of the physcon=put in maintenance=soft rerouting
The operation of shutting down the physical connection puts in maintenance the physcon and reroutes
all paths crossing the physcon, i.e. performs a soft rerouting on all paths.

The procedure is subdivided in the following subprocedures:

– Display of the path to be rerouted

– Shutting-down the physcon

– Unlock of the physcon=put in service Display of the path to be rerouted

a) From the path list and from circuit list, path NP2 includes circuit NP2 02

Figure 785. Path list and circuit list

b) Circuit: Show dialog box is displayed below: the circuit NP2 is protected

Figure 786. Circuit Show: General

c) From the Route list, the nominal and the current are the same

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Figure 787. Circuit Show: Path=route list

d) The Circuit highlight, at level of compound TE-Link is shown in fig. which follows

Figure 788. Circuit highlight: compound TE-Link

e) Clicking on the compound TE-Link, from the detail, the crossed TE-Link is TE-Link MI-RO-16-5

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Figure 789. Circuit highlight: TE-Link MI-RO-16-5

f) Figure which follows shows the path highlight.

Figure 790. Path highlight

g) Click on the highlighted physcon link: the detail is shown below: the crossed physcon is physcon NP-

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Figure 791. Path highlight: physcon NP-A_B-16-5 Shutting-down the physcon

a) Point to the Physcon to shut down and select Maintenance: ASON

Figure 792. Physcon: Maintenance: ASON

b) In the maintenance dialog box select status=Shutting-down and click on SET button.

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Figure 793. Shutting-down + SET

c) The status goes to Shutting-down. See log in the following figure.

Figure 794. Physcon Shutting-down log

d) In the NP map, the compound TE Link which contains the Shutting-down TE-Link is alarmed.

Figure 795. Alarmed compound TE Link

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e) In the detail of the compound TE-Link, TE-Link MI-RO-16-5 is alarmed.

Figure 796. Alarmed TE-Link MI-RO-16-5

f) Figure which follows shows the detail of TE-Link MI-RO-16-5. Circuit NP2 has been rerouted (soft
rerouting) and its status is now INS-PRO. Issue a Port: Show.

Figure 797. Circuit INS-PRO

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g) In the Port Show ( see fig. below), the Termination Points (TPs) are UNV-NTA (removed)

Figure 798. Port Show: TPs are UNV-NTA (removed)

h) In the Circuit:Show dialog box, circuit status is INS-PRO and not ready to revert because the physcon
crossed by the nominal is in maintenance (shutting down)

Figure 799. Circuit INS-PRO and not ready to revert

i) From the Route list, the nominal and the current are different

Figure 800. Current route differs from nominal

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j) The Circuit highlight, at level of detail of compound TE-Link is shown in fig. which follows.
The crossed TE-Link is TE-Link MI-RO-16-4, while the previously crossed TE-Link MI-RO-16-5 is
in maintenance.

Figure 801. Alarmed TE Link MI-RO-16-5: Crossed TE Link MI-RO-16-4

k) In RM path list, the involved path NP2 has a warning alarm. Click on Show Elementary alarms.

Figure 802. The path is alarmed

l) The relevant alarm log opens: the path has been rerouted

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Figure 803. The path has been rerouted

m) The new current route can be displayed also via highlight on RM map. See below figure

Figure 804. Path highlight

n) Click twice on the highlighted physcon link. In the below list, physcon NP-A_B-16-4 is the one
crossed, while NP-A_B-16-5 is in maintenance.

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Figure 805. Path highlight: physcon NP-A_B-16-4

3.3.16 Unlock of the physcon=put in service

a) Point to the Physcon to put in service and select Maintenance: ASON. In the maintenance dialog box
select status=Unlocked and click on SET button

Figure 806. Unlock of the physcon=put in service

b) The status goes to Unlocked. See log in the following figure

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Figure 807. Unlock of the physcon log

c) In the NP map, the compound TE Link which contains the Unlocked TE-Link reverts INS (in service)
and the log (bottom of following figure) alerts that the auto restore of the involved circuit is in progress.

Figure 808. Compound TE-Link OK: circuit autorestore in progress

d) After a timeout (default 1 minute), because the path default reverse mode=automatic, the circuit
goes back INS-ACT.

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Figure 809. Circuit INS-ACT, path without alarms

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3.3.17 Change the nominal route
The procedure is subdivided in the following subprocedures:

– Adding a constraint to the path

– Path: Modification Tool:Reroute (change the nominal)

– Circuit: Restore Adding a constraint to the path

This subprocedure is theoretically optional but practically necessary

a) From the path list select the path and click on Add Constraints button.

Figure 810. Add Constraints button

b) Setup the constraints in the Path Constraints dialog box and click on Finish.

Figure 811. Path Constraints dialog box

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c) The Path Constraints log is shown below.

Figure 812. Path Constraints log Path: Modification Tool:Reroute (change the nominal)

a) Point to the path and select Path: Modification: Modification Tool

Figure 813. Path: Modification: Modification Tool

b) In the Path: Modification Tool select option Reroute and click on Next button.

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Figure 814. Path: Modification: Modification Tool: Reroute

c) In the Path Modification Tool step2 dialog box click on button Get Routing Display


Figure 815. Path reroute: get routing display

d) In the Routing display select the A connection. Only the selectable connections are highlighted. After
the choice of the connection, click on Select button.

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Figure 816. Select the A connection

e) Click on Get Routing display for the Z connection. See below figure

Figure 817. Path reroute: get routing display

f) In the Routing display select the Z connection. Only the selectable connections are highlighted. After
the choice of the connection, click on Select button.

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Figure 818. Select the Z connection

g) In the following figure A connection and Z connection are selected. Click on Finish button.

Figure 819. Path Reroute dialog box

h) After a few seconds, the circuit is rerouted (INS-PRO)

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Figure 820. Path Reroute log:circuit INS-PRO

i) From Circuit:Show, route list (see below figure), notice that the nominal route changed

Figure 821. The nominal route changed

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a) From the Circuit list point to the rerouted circuit and select Restore to the nominal route

Figure 822. Circuit: Restore

b) The Modification and Restore messages are shown in the logger

Figure 823. Circuit: Restore log

c) As a consequence of the restore the circuit is again INS-ACT and in the path list the alarm ceased

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Figure 824. Circuit INS-ACT & Alarm cleared on RM

d) As a consequence of the restore, from the route list it can be seen that the nominal route=current,
as a consequence of the reroute, the route changed

Figure 825. Circuit: Show: nominal=current, route changed

e) Figures which follow, show respectively the highlight on NP and RM.

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Figure 826. Circuit highlight on NP

Figure 827. Circuit highlight on RM

3.3.18 Path: Add Protection

The procedure to add a protection route to an unprotected path is analogous to the procedure Change
the nominal route, with the difference that the constraints should be set as use spare and in the Modi-
fication Tool the option Add Protection must be selected. This procedure allows the user to select the ter-

To add a protection route to an unprotected path, it is available also the command (pop-up menu item of
path) Modification: Add Protection: Spare. If the user selects this command, the terminations are selected
automatically by RM.

In both cases, on NP the circuit takes the 1+1 protection.

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3.3.19 Reroute the current from NP
a) Point to the circuit and issue Circuit: Rerouting: Automatic

Figure 828. Circuit: Rerouting

b) The list of the possible alternative routes is presented. As an example, select the first choice. The
route is highlighted on the map

Figure 829. Rerouting: Automatic: route selection

c) Click on OK to confirm the selection. The circuit is soft-rerouted on the selected route (INS_PRO sta-
tus). From circuit show the reversion status =Rerouted by operator: automatic reversion not in effect

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Figure 830. Rerouted by operator: automatic reversion not in effect
d) The circuit is INS-PRO; from the route list the nominal route differs from the current route.

Figure 831. Circuit INS-PRO: nominal differs from current

e) In RM path list, the involved path NP2 has a warning alarm. Click on Show Elementary alarms.

Figure 832. Path: Show elementary alarms

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f) The Probable cause is Rerouted

Figure 833. Probable cause: Rerouted

g) The operator may restore manually to the nominal the circuit.

Figure 834. Circuit: Restore

3.3.20 Circuit on NP network boundary crossing only on NE

a) Issue Path: Create

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Figure 835. Path Create step1

b) In Path Create step2 select the terminations. In this case only one virtual NE is involved, then ports
must be selected, with the desired rate, where the instrument will be connected.

Figure 836. Path Create step2

c) Enter the Additional Information and click on Finish. The path routing display is shown in figures
which follow.

Figure 837. Routing display: upper part

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Figure 838. Routing display: lower part

d) Implement the path. No indication on NP

Figure 839. Path implemented

e) The Cross Connection is marked on NM view

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Figure 840. Cross Connection on NM view

N.B. This type of circuit can be managed by NPOS operator RM_BYPASS, interconnecting Local
Drop ports. These local drop ports are shared, i.e. belonging to a physcon type interworking of
the Fast Restoration NPA.

3.3.21 Full Protected path

a) Issue Path: Create

Figure 841. Path Create step1

b) In Path Create step2 select the terminations.

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Figure 842. Path Create step2

c) Click on Add Backup buttons (lower part of the dialog box). Select the backup terminations

Figure 843. Backup termination selection

The creation of this path implies on NP network the set-up of a main route and a spare route, both inter-
connected to a Local Drop + a SPUR port. The circuit will be protected both at level of port and at level
of route.

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3.4 Operator RM_BYPASS
NP operator (SIR28C is the default one) has not the priviledge of performing any action of creation or
modification on circuits. Only supervision (SHOW) actions are allowed, since only RM operator can per-
form actions on connectivity.

Another NP operator, whose name is RM_BYPASS, is provided as default, which has the priviledge
RM_BYPASS. Only this NP operator can perform actions on connectivity.

a) To display operator characteristics issue Operator: Selection

Figure 844. Operator: Selection

b) The operator list is displayed. Select operator RMBYPASS and issue Operator: Show

Figure 845. Operator: Show

c) The RMBYPASS Operator: Show dialog box is in fig. which follows. Notice that the priviledge
RM_BYPASS is included in the priviledge list (left lower part of following figure)

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Figure 846. OperatorRM_BYPASS: Show

d) The SIR28C Operator: Show dialog box is in fig. which follows. Notice that the priviledge
RM_BYPASS is NOT included in the priviledge list (left lower part of following figure)

Figure 847. SIR28C Show

e) Executing an Operator: Unlock

Figure 848. Operator: Unlock

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f) as SIR28C

Figure 849. Login of SIR28C

g) a command pertaining to circuit management, e.g. Circuit: Deactivate

Figure 850. Circuit: Deactivate

h) is rejected

Figure 851. Circuit: Deactivate is not allowed

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3.5 Create NPA with definition of Internal (BackBone) and
Interworking Physical Connections

Only one NPA type Fast Restoration can be created.

NPA creation is included in the procedure of migration from NP standalone to NP + RM, then is
described here only as a reference.


1) Create NPA type Fast Restoration e.g. from the 2nd level subnetwork map select Actions: Cre-
ate: NPA

2) In the step1 NPA wizard select NPA type=Fast Restoration, enter NPA cost reduction, NPA
usage cost and NPA name (userlabel) and click on Next button.

3) In the step2 NPA wizard select the internal (internal to the NP network) and interworking phys-
ical connections to assign to this NPA.

4) Click on Finish to confirm the creation.

5) From the create report dialog box select button Implement and clixk on OK.

For interworking physical connection the following ACD values are setup: ACD=RM for the port controlled
by RM, sharedRM+NP for the boundary port.

For internal physical connection the following ACD values are setup: ACD=NP for both ports.

In the fact, NP manages NP ports and sharedRM+NP ports.

3.6 Navigation from RM to NP

From RM it is possible to navigate to NP for the following objects:

– path/trail. It opens on RM screen the NPOSCA graphical interface displaying the associated circuit

– subnetwork connection. It opens on RM screen the NPOSCA graphical interface displaying the
related NP circuit

– physical connection. It opens on RM screen the NPOSCA graphical interface displaying the related

The set-up of the navigation includes the following steps:

a) Enable navigation on NPOSCA from 1354RM

b) Navigation of 1354NP defined on RM

c) Definition/Display/Modify of the RM to NP correlation for path/trail

3.6.1 Enable navigation on NPOSCA from 1354RM

Refer to NPOS Installation handbook

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3.6.2 Navigation of 1354NP defined on RM
The user has to insert the workstation nameblanckIPaddress on which the 1354NP user interface pro-
cess will be opened. The list of these addresses is stored in a text file customized by the system manager:


with the following format:

tlvu13 xxx.yy.zz.ww

tlvu15 xxx.yy.zz.ww

the first string is the mnemonic name, the IP address is used as navigation command parameter.

3.6.3 Definition of the RM to NP correlation for path/trail

N.B. The Definition of the correlation between 1354RM and 1354NP is required for the objects path
and trail. For snc and physical connection is set automatically.


a) Point to path/trail to correlate and issue the menu Related objects: Edit. The correlation selection
dialog box is presented.

Figure 852. Correlation selection

b) Select 1353NP and click on OK. The correlation dialog box is displayed. See following figure.

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Figure 853. Correlation dialog box for path/trail

c) Enter the name of the NPOS circuit to correlate to the path/trail and click on OK. The correlation is
then created.

3.6.4 Display of the correlated object


a) Point to the path/trail and issue Search: Related. The WS selection dialog box is presented.

b) Click on dictionary button. From dictionary selection box select the WS and click on OK.

Figure 854. WS selection dialog box

c) The WS address is now present in the WS selection dialog box. Click on OK. NPOSCA graphical
interface opens displaying the associated Circuit: Show view.


a) Point to the Physical Connection and issue Show: Details on NP. The WS selection dialog box ( see
above figure) is presented with the relevant WS already selected. Click on OK.

b) NPOSCA graphical interface opens displaying the associated TE-LINK view.

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3.7 Alarm Notification from NP to RM
The list of the alarms notified from NP to RM.

NP system alarms


NP fault CRITICAL The status of the active


NP degraded MINOR The status of the active


Network Element alarms


NE not reachable MAJOR The NE is not reachable

from NP

Circuit alarms


Rerouted WARNING The circuit has been pro-

tected by NP

Reversion blocked WARNING The circuit has been pro-

tected and its nominal
route is not available
because its resources
have been pre-empted
by a circuit with higher

Active unavailable MAJOR circuit status is UNV or


SNCP degraded MINOR one of the legs is faulty

Ready to revert WARNING the circuit is protected

but it must be restored
upon operator’s action
because circuit protec-
tion is defined as manual

SNC not disjointed MINOR the SNCs belonging to

an RM SNCP-path
(defined on NP as Dou-
ble Connections), are
actually NOT Disjointed

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N.B. The CONDITIONS refer to the generation of the alarm. The alarm is CLEARED when the above
mentioned conditions cease.

N.B. For more detailed information on NP object status refer to NP Operator’s Handbook

N.B. Multiplex Section Protection internal to the backbone network or interworking are defined via
1353NM. 1354RM does not receive any notification.

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ACA Access Control Administration tool

ACD Access Control Domain

ADM Add Drop Multiplexer

AIS Alarm Indication Signal

ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown

AP Access Point

APS Automatic Protection Switching

AS Alarm Surveillance

ASAP: Alarm Severity Assignment Profile

ALMAP ALcatel MAnagement Platform

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

AU Administrative Unit

AU PJC Administrative Unit Pointer Justification Counter

BER Bit Error Rate

BN Backbone Network

BR & SW Bridge & Switch

Browser Application which allows to browse all RM-MIB objects

CAP Client Access Point. It represents a point where a client layer can
access a server layer ( i.e. a VC-4 that is configured to carry lower
order signals is a HO-CAP)

CCITT Telegraph and Telephone International Consultative Committee

CCLNP ConnectionLess Network Protocol

CDCC Data Communication Channel

CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory

CI Communication Infrastructure

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CLNS ConnectionLess Network Service

CMISE Common Management Information Service ( ISO/OSI protocol )

CMOT Common Management Info Protocol on TCP/IP

CTP Connection Termination Point

CT Craft Terminal

DBMS Data Base Management System

DCI Drop & Continue Interconnection

DCN Data Communications Network

D&C Drop & Continue

DS Degraded Signal

DVB Digital Video Broadcasting

DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

ECC Embedded Communication Channels

EML Element Management Layer

EML domain A set of NEs that are maintained by the same EML-OS.

EPS Equipment Protection Switching

EM-OS Element Manager-Operation System

EMS Event Management Services

ESCON Enterprise Systems CONnection

ESN Elementary Subnetwork

ET Elementary Topology. It is a grouping of some nodes connected

according to specific rules. A typical ET is a ring.

FAD Functional Access Domain

FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface

FEC Forward Error Correction

FERF Far End Received Failure

FLS Frame Loss Second

Gbit/s Gigabits per second

FM FM Fault Management

FOX Fiber Optic Extender

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GIF Graphics Interchange Format

GNE Gateway Network Element

HMI Human Machine Interface

HO-AP High Order Access Points

HOA High Order Assembler

HO Matrix High Order Matrix

HOP-LN High Order Path Layer Network

HOPL HOPL Higher Order Path Layer

HP Higher Path Traffic

HPA High Order Path Adaptation

HPC High Order Path Connection

HPT High Order Path Termination

HP-OV Hewlett Packard OpenView

HP-OVW Hewlett Packard OpenView Windows

HP-UX Hewlett Packard Unix

HP-VUE Hewlett Packard Visual User Environment

HVC Higher Order Virtual Container

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

IAP Inventory Application

IPC InterProcess Communication

ISA Integrated SDH ATM

Isn Interface between NML and SML

Link Connection (lc ) A transport entity provided by the client/server association.It is

formed by a near-end adaptation function,a server trail and a far-
end adaptation function between connection points. It can be con-
figured as part of the trail management process in the associated
server layer.

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IM Information Manager

Kbit/s Kilobits per second

LAN Local Area Network

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LO-AP Low Order Access Point

LOF Loss of Frame alignment

LOP Loss of Pointer

LP Lower Path traffic

LSP "Link single fault protection" index (LSP). The LSP index is deter-
mined (in a way similar to NSP for nodes) taking into account of
both the number (C) of archs belonging to the main route and the
number (D) of archs belonging to the main and spare routes.
Map Set of related objects , backgrounds,symbols and submaps
that provides a graphical and hierarchical representation of the

LOS Loss Of Signal

LOT Loss Of Tributary

Mbit/s Megabits per seconds

MIB Management Information Base

MS Multiplex Section

MS-AP Multiplex Section Access Point

MS-CTPCAP Multiplex Section Termination Point

MS-EXBER Multiplex Section Excessive BER

MS-RDI Multiplex Section Remote Defect Indication

MSL Multiplex Section Layer

MSP Multiplex Section Protection

MS Spring Multiplex Section Shared Protection Ring

MS SIGDEG Multiplex Section Signal Degrade

MST Multiplex Section Termination

MS-LN Multiplex Section Layer Network

NAD Network Access Domain

NAP Network Access Point

NE Network Element

NML Network Management Layer

Node It is the view of the NE at NML level

NPE Network Protection Equipment-4 fibre MS Spring

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NSAP Network Service Access Point

NSP "Node single fault protection" index (NSP). The NSP index is deter-
mined taking into account of both the number (A) of Nodes belong-
ing to the main route and the number (B) of Nodes belonging to the
main and spare routes, except the end nodes.

NTP NetworkTime Protocol

OAD Object Access Domain

OADM Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer

OCC Optical Channel Carrier

OCh Optical Channel

OCG Optical Channel Group

OFS Out of Frame Seconds

OH OverHead

OMS Optical Multiplex Section

OOS OTM Overhead Signal

OPS Optical Physical Section

OS Operation System

OSC Optical Supervisory Channel

OTH Optical Transport Hierarchy

OTM Optical Transport Module

OTN Optical Transport Network

OTS Optical transport Section

OXC Optical Cross-Connect

PCMAP Payload Configuration Management Application

PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy

Physical Connection A Physical Connection connects two SDH ports in the network.
These two ports belong to different NEs and must have the same
transmission rate.

PM Performance Monitoring

POH Path Overhead

Port Physical Interface of a Node. A port can be SDH or PDH.

PRC Protection and restoration combined

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Q3 OSI Interface based on CMISE

Qnn Q3 Interface between 1354RM and 1354NN

PI Physical Interface

PPI PDH Physical Interface

PTM Path Trace Mismatch

RC Raw Connection

RS Regenerator Section

RSOH Regeneration Section OverHead

RST Regenerator Section Termination

SA Section Adaptation

SCSI Small Computer Serial Interface

sbn Subnetwork. It is a grouping of nodes and ETs.

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

SEN-IM Simple Element Network Information Model

SD Signal Degrade

SF Signal Failure

SMF System Management Features

SNML Sub-network Management Layer

SNCP Subnetwork Connection Protection

SONET Synchronous Optical Network

SPI SDH Physical Interface

STM Synchronous Transport Module

STM-N Synchronous Transport Module level N (N Integer = 1,4 or 16)

TDM Time Division Multiplexing

TE Transport Entity (generic term for Path or Trail in 1354RM)

TF Transmit Fail

TM Terminal Mode

TMN Telecommunications Management Network

TN Telecommunications Network

TCA Threshold Crossing Alarm

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TP Termination Point

Trail A transport entity in a server layer responsible for the integrity of

transfer of characteristic information from one or more client net-
work layers between server layer access points.It defines the
association between access points in the same transport network
layer. It is formed by combining a near-end trail termination func-
tion, a netwrwork connection and a far-end trail-termination func-

Trail termination A transport processing function which generates the characteristic

information of a layer network and ensures integrity of that char-
acteristic information. The trail termination defines the association
between the access point and termination connection point and
these points thereofore delimit the trail termination.

TSD-IM Same as QB3 protocol. Information Model for interworking

between Network Managers and Network Elements.

TTP Trail Termination Point

TU Transport Unit

TU PJC Transport Unit Pointer Justification Counter

USM User Service Manager

VC Virtual Container

UPA Unavailable path alarm

URU Underlying Resource Unavailable

WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing

WLA WaveLength Adapter

WTR Wait Time to Restore

XC Cross-Connect

Add and Drop Multiplexer:

Equipment used to combine several signals to produce one signal at a higher rate and to decompose it
back to the original lower rate signals.

A user who has access rights to all the Management Domains of the SDH Manager product. He has
access to the whole network and to all the management functionalities.

An alerting indication to a condition that may have an immediate or potentially negative impact on the state
of an equipment or the OS. An alarm is characterized by an alarm begin and an alarm end.

Alarm Indication Signal:

Alarm linked to the physical interface, associated with a probable alarm occurrence in the normal trans-
mission of the signal.

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Automatic laser Shutdown:
Functionality provided by the SDH Manager to cut the laser source automatically in case of system failure.

Automatic Protection Switching:

Functionality related to Network Elements that automatically switches from the degraded resources to the
redundant or spare resources. This assures the best quality of transmission service.

Alarm Severity Assignment Profile:

Function allowing the assignment of severities to the alarms depending on their probable causes.

Alarm Status:
Identifies the type and severity of an occurring alarm.

Administrative Unit:
Entity composed of a high order virtual container (VC4) to which is added a pointer indicating the position
of the virtual container in the STM-N frame.

Administrative Unit pointer Justification Counter:

Counter indicating whether positive, negative or null justification is undertaken in the administrative unit.
This counter enables the management of the synchronization and the coherence of the transmitted signal.

Bit Error Rate:

This determines the number of errored bits in a signal frame. If the value exceeds a certain threshold then
an alarm is generated.

A board is part of an NE. They are electronic cards that fit into slots in the NE.

Compact Disk Read Only Memory:

Data saving support from which the information can only be read. Is useful for stocking data due to its avail-
able memory space.

Craft Terminal:
Workstation or Personal computer (PC) from which local address to an NE is possible. It can be used to
configure or perform monitoring tasks on the NE.

Cross-connect (XC)
Cross-Connects provide the network with the Routing Capabilities, this is the possibility of routing one sig-
nal to a particular destination.

Digital Communication network:

Communication Network in which the transmission of data is done in a digitized format.

Degraded Signal:
Alarm sent when the number of errors detected in a received signal frame exceeds a certain threshold.

Embedded Communication Channel:

Communication channel used in conjunction with packet commuting networks (X25) to manage distant
SDH networks. These communication channels are related to the QECC* protocols.

Element Management Layer:

This apllication is responsible for the configuration and management of Network Elements.

Equipment Protection Switching:

Used to provide protection for cards within the ADM to protect traffic in the event of card failure.


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They are related to the alarms or events generated on an NE or internally within the OS itself. They can
be configured by an operator to reject specified types of notifications and limit the processing that is
applied to them.

This deals with logs. When a log is flushed, all its records are deleted.

Functional Access Domain:

It defines the range of functions which are available to a specified user.

Far End Receive Failure:

Alarm linked to the multiplex section termination functional block, indicating that a receiving problem is
occurring at the far end of a communication link.

Gigabits per second:

Unit that corresponds to the transmission of 109 bits every second.

Gateway Network Element:

It is a Network Element devoted to the control, from the OS, of those NEs providing a QECC* interface.

High Order Assembler:

Function of the SDH Manager that is composed of the Higher Order Path Adaptation and the Higher Order
Path termination functions.

High Order Matrix:

Defines the ports of an NE handling transmission rates greater than 140 Mbit/s.

High Order Path Adaptation:

Function used to assemble the low order virtual containers (VC12 and VC3) into the high order virtual con-
tainer (VC4).

High Order Path Connection:

Function dealing with the establishment of high order connections (cross connections and pass through
connections) in boards.

High Order Path Termination:

Function used to complete the high order virtual container path overheads and vice versa extract the path
overhead from these virtual containers.

High Order Virtual Container:

A virtual container associated with a 140 Mbit/s signal (VC4).

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History Report:
This function enables operators to get information concerning performances, security or alarms on entities
composing the network, or on the network itself. The operator specifies the time period for which he
requires the report.

Information Manager:
Processes used by the SDH Manger that are the functional part of the SDH Manager applications.

International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee:

Standard organization for telecommunications. Now called the ITU-T (International Telecommunication

Kilobits per second:

Unit that corresponds to the transmission of 103 bits every second.

Line Terminal:
A line terminal is the end point of a communication link. it is used to transmit or receive signals. They can
undertake signal conversion functions (adapting a signal to two different transmission media) or multi-
plexing/demultiplexing functions.

Logs are files used to store history data concerning the incoming notifications, operator commands and
system alarms. The size of the log can be configured.

Loss Of Frame:
Alarm linked to the regenerator section termination functional block, associated with the loss of signal

Low Order Matrix:

Defines the ports of an NE handling transmission rates less than 140 Mbit/s.

Loss Of Pointer:
Alarm linked to the section adaptation functional block, associated with the loss of a pointer in an admin-
istrative unit.

Loss Of Signal:
Alarm linked to the physical interfaces, associated with the absence of a received signal.

Loss Of Tributary Signal:

Alarm linked to the PDH physical interface, indicating the loss of a tributary signal.

Low Order Path Adaptation:

Function of the 21x2Mbit/s, 3x34Mbit/s and the 140 Mbit/s tributary boards that maps (or de-maps) the
tributary signal to (or from) the virtual containers used in the synchronous transport domain.

Low Order Path Connection:

Function of the 21x2Mbit/s, 3x34Mbit/s and the 140 Mbit/s tributary boards that routes the lower order sig-
nals to the STM-N frame.

Low Order Path Termination:

Function of the 21x2Mbit/s, 3x34Mbit/s tributary boards that completes the signal by adding the path over-

Low Order Virtual Container:

A virtual container associated with a 2 Mbit/s (VC12) or a 34 Mbit/s (VC3).

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Management Domain:
The SDH Manager product is partitioned into management domains for functional proposes. Each man-
agement domain is associated with functionalities that enable the operators to manage the NEs.

Media Access Control Address:

Represents the Level 2 address for Local Area Networks.

Megabits per second:

Unit that corresponds to the transmission of 106 bits every second.

Management Information Base:

Describes all the managed objects controlled by the system. An OS MIB and an NE MIB exist.

Equipment used to combine several signals to produce a single signal at a higher transmission rate and
to decompose it back to the smaller rate signals.

Multiplex Section:
In general, represents the section containing the multiplexed signals.

Multiplex Section Protection:

Provides protection for an STM-N signal in case of channel failure or low transmission quality.

Multiplex Section Termination:

Function of the 140 Mbit/s and the STM-1 tributary boards and aggregate boards that completes the sec-
tion overhead of the signal frame and checks the coherence of the transmitted signal. This functional block
also manages alarms linked to the multiplex section.

Network Access Domain:

NADs are used to define the set of resources a user can manage.

Network Element:
Either a telecommunication equipment or groups parts of a Telecommunication Network. Have charac-
teristics compliant with CCITT recommendations.

Network Management Level:

Designates the management functions performed on networks elements assembled in a network.

Network Service Access Point:

This refers to the access point in layer 3 (network layer) of the OSI stack which provides services to the
transport layer (layer 4). This access point is identified by a unique NSAP address which is constructed
according to international standards. On the 1353NM an NSAP address must be provided to uniquely
identify the NE to be supervised.

Spontaneous data received by the system concerning an NE.

Operation System:
A system dedicated to the supervision of NEs in a standard way, using protocols and interfaces. it offers to
the operator a set of functions necessary to supervise the NEs. The SDH Manager is an Operation System.

The end-user of the SDH Manager. He supervises a part of the network that is dependant on his user profile.

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Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy:
Represents the standard of signals having transmission rates less than 155 Mbit/s. The synchronization
signals for PDH networks are derived from different sources.

Physical Interface:
Electrical transformers that decouple the line signals and adapt the form of signal for further transmission.
This functional block also manages clock extraction, signal loss monitoring and loopback functions.

PDH Physical Interface:

As above but restricted to the PDH signals (140Mbit/s, 34Mbit/s and 2Mbit/s).

Path Trace Mismatch:

Alarm linked to the lower order path termination functional block in the 21x2Mbit/s and 3x34Mbit/s tributary
boards, indicating that a mismatch of the signal path trace has occurred.

A physical point at which the Network Element can be attached to a transmission medium. A port is either
a termination point or an origination point.

Regeneration Section:
When there is at least one repeater between two interconnected equipments, each part of the line section
between two repeaters or between a repeater and an line system is called a regenerator section.

Regeneration Section Termination:

Functional part of the 140 Mbit/s and STM-1 tributary boards and aggregate boards that completes the
section overhead and checks the level of the incoming signal to determine the correctness of the frame

Equipment used to regenerate a signal when it has travelled a long distance.

Section Adaptation:
Synchronizes the incoming higher order virtual container (VC 4) or the incoming STM-1 signal to the out-
going STM-1 frame or the outgoing high order virtual container.

Linked to alarms, severities indicate the magnitude related to the failure.

Small Computer Serial Interface:

The Small Computer System Interface is an American National Standard for interconnecting computers
and peripheral devices. The SCSI standard includes specifications for a variety of device types.

Synchronous Digital Hierarchy:

Represents a standard of signals having transmission rates greater than, or equal to, 155 Mbit/s. They
are derived from PDH signals. the term synchronous indicates that the synchronization signal for SDH
networks are derived from incoming transmitted information signals.

SDH Physical Interface:

Physical interface linked to the SDH signals that converts the electrical signal to the optical signal and
detects the loss of signal during reception.

A session is a temporary association between an operator and the SDH Manager. A session always
begins with the identification and authentication of the operator (the login phase) and ends with the exit
of the operator from the SDH Manager (the logout phase). A session generally lasts a few hours.

Synchronous Transport Module level N:

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Indicates the type of SDH signals that exist. N is an integer (either 1,4 or 16) representing the transmission
rate of the SDH signal. For example, an STM-1 signal has a transmission rate of 155 Mbit/s while an STM-
16 signal has a transmission rate of 2.5 Gbit/s.

Transmit Fail:
Alarm that indicate a dysfunction in the transmission of the signal.

Telecommunication Management Network:

Defines the concept of interoperable management of TNs. They provide an organized network structure
to achieve the interconnection of the different components of the TN and the services to process the infor-

Telecommunication Network:
Describes the network to be managed. Provides the transmission, the transport and the switching sup-
ports to the interconnected Network Elements.

Terminal Point:
Describes either the origin or the termination of a signal in an equipment. Is related to a port.

This is the assignment of a specified value to monitored parameters ( for example BIt Error Rates) that,
when exceeded, generate trouble indications.

Tributary Unit:
Entity composed of a virtual container to which is added a pointer that indicates the position of the con-
tainer in the STM-N frame.

Tributary Unit Pointer Justification Counter:

Counter indicating wether positive, negative or null justification is undertaken in the tributary unit. This
counter enables the management of the synchronization and the coherence of the transmitted signal.

User Profile:
Identifies the functionalities of the SDH Manager to which a user has access. A finite number of predefined
user profiles is determined by a fixed set of FADs.

User Service Manager:

These are presentation processes used by the SDH Manager to manage the Human Machine Interface
and facilitate the interaction with the product.

Virtual Container:
Virtual Containers are managed by the SDH Manager. Entity composed of an information signal to which
a path overhead has been added. The path overhead is used in the management of the information signal.
Different types of virtual containers exist depending on the rate of the information signal. Lower and Higher
order virtual containers exist. The SDH norm identifies VC11, VC12, VC2, VC3 and VC4 virtual containers
named from the lowest (VC11) to the highest (VC4) container capacity.

Wrapping is the technique that enables the most recent entries in a file to replace the oldest when a file
is full.

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User Guide 1354RM Rel.7.4F

Index 3AL 61269 BAAA Issue 5 569/572
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570/572 3AL 61269 BAAA Issue 5 Index
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