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Date: _________________

To Whom It May Concern:

I, _____________________________________ do hereby permit my son/daughter

________________________________of legal age, and a ______________________student
of Northeastern Mindanao Colleges (NEMCO), Surigao City, to join the Malunggay Tree
Planting Activity set by the Community Extension Services on February 05, 2023 at Brgy. Ipil,
Surigao City. This is in line with the CHED Memorandum No. 29, s.2022.

I understand that there are certain risks of injury inherent to the tree planting activity, as well as
in traveling and other related activities incidental to my child’s participation, and I am willing to
assume these risks on behalf of my child. I hereby certify that my child is fully capable of
participating in the activity and that my child is healthy and has no physical or mental disabilities
or conditions that would restrict his full participation.

In addition to giving my full consent for my child’s participation, I do hereby waive, release and
hold harmless the Northeastern Mindanao Colleges, its officers, instructors, sponsors,
supervisors, and administrators for any injury that may be suffered by my child in the normal
course of participation in the tree planting activity and the activities incidental thereto, whether
the result of negligence or any other cause.

Signature Over Printed Name of Parent/Guardian

Address: __________________________________

Contact Number: ___________________________

Community Extension Services Copy

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