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Jackie: Spring is here so let’s give it our all.
Time to join the team and play some baseball.

Robinson: It’s my very favorite time of the year,

So everyone join in and give a big cheer.

(Nothing happens.)

Robinson: I said, “It’s my very favorite time of the year,

So everyone join in and give a big cheer!”

(Everyone wakes up.)

Everyone: (cheers) Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!

Robinson: (to the audience) A little rusty in the cheering category…but we’ll get it.

Aaron (or Erin): Our friends are here on our field of dreams,
So the first thing to do is to choose the teams.

Mickey: I don’t like this part; I’m always picked last!

It’s because I can’t catch and I’m not very fast!

(Someone tosses him a ball that he completely misses.)

Mickey: See?

Willie: That’s okay. You’re a real go-getter.

Look at it this way, you can only get better.

Ruth: Besides that, Mickey, we all start off the same,

and don’t forget …

All: It’s only a game!

Alex: There’s a new kid in town; just got here today.

She looks all right. What position does she play?

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IT’S A HIT – Script 1
Fiona: I can pitch.

(Silence. Then everybody busts up laughing.)

Fiona: What’s so funny?

Yogi: Well, you can be on the team, but there’s one little glitch.
On our baseball team, a girl can’t pitch.

Fiona: Well, that’s ridiculous and why do you all talk that way?

Yogi: What do you mean?

Fiona: All rhym-ey and sing-song-y like?

All kids: (after thinking about it) It’s a musical!

Fiona: (getting it) Ohhhhhhh … a musical!

Well that’s just fine and I like a nice sound.
But when I play baseball, my place is on the mound.

Reggie: Nice rhyme, Fiona!

But on our baseball team, there’s just one hitch.
We like to sing and girls don’t pitch.

Fiona: Oh yeah? We’ll see about that.

Coach: We’re up to bat, so this is it!

Let’s see if this year we can get a hit.

Umpire: Batter Up!

SONG 2: You’re at Bat

2 IT’S A HIT – Script

Sandy: (strongly) Okay, now it’s our turn to take the field.
(fist on his heart) We will not fail; we shall not yield.

Sammy: Where are you going, Fiona?

Fiona: To the pitcher’s mound. Remember, I can pitch?

Sammy: I don’t mean to make your head twirl,

But you can’t pitch cause you’re a girl!

Fiona: But … (walks off dejectedly)

Shortstop: I’m as nervous as I can be.

What if they hit the ball to me?

Suzuki: Don’t worry kid, it will be okay.

You have your whole team with you all the way.

Sandy: You’ll do all right! Don’t worry, dude.

Just keep a confident attitude.

Sammy: Just cover your field or guard the sack,

And if you mess up, we’ve got your back.

SONG 3: Strike Zone

IT’S A HIT – Script 3

Fiona: Okay coach, we’re down ten runs to two.
Don’t you think it’s time you let me show what I can do?

Coach: But Fiona, we’ve never done it that way.

What would the other players have to say?

Fiona: I know what I’m doing. I know how to throw.

I can pitch! Let me give it a go.

Coach: (patting her shoulder) Maybe next year. Okay, team! Now this is it!
And when it’s your turn to bat, try to get a base hit.

Maris: (pointing to the field) Look at Joey! He’s stuck in a pickle!

They’ll get him out, I’ll bet you a nickel.

Ryan: This whole thing is really absurd.

He’s stuck in a pickle between second and third.

Cy: It’s not always easy to know where to go.

Life gets you running and racing to and fro.

Ty: Sometimes I hardly know who I am,

And just like Joey, I get stuck in a jam!

SONG 4: In a Pickle

4 IT’S A HIT – Script

Derek: Well coach, I don’t mean to pout,
But it just doesn’t seem like we can get that team out.

Clemente: They’re knocking our pitches out of the park.

At this rate, we’ll never get home before dark.

Assistant Coach: Look coach, it may be time to change our stance.

It may be time to give the new girl a chance.

Coach: But she’s a girl and even more,

It’s never been done on our team before.

Fiona: Well coach, you know it’s a brand new day,

Equal work and equal pay!

(All the girls cheer.)

Coach: If we try it, we’ll be all over the news.

On the other hand, what more can we lose?

Announcer: Approaching the mound for the first time in the history of baseball as
we know it, is a real live girl who goes by the name of Fastball Fiona.
The crowd is breathless as she goes into her motion and throws her
first pitch.

(All watch an imaginary pitch go quickly from one side of the stage to the other.)

Announcer: 94 miles an hour!!

Umpire: Strike one!

(another pitch)

IT’S A HIT – Script 5

Announcer: 96 miles per hour!

Umpire : Strike 2!

(another pitch)

Announcer: 100 miles an hour!

Umpire: Strike 3!

Assistant Coach: Coach! Looking at the smile I see on your face,

I think we’ve got our number one ace!

(All cheer.)

All: She can pitch!

Rose: Playing baseball is a lot of fun,

Whether you wind up last or number one.

Barry: On the diamond with all of your friends,

The thrill of baseball never ends.

Lou: How you behave when you watch or when you play,
Shows who you are every single day.

Honus: To be a good sport is really what matters,

For coaches, fans, fielders and batters.

Gibson: You can be a champion whether you win or lose.

It’s up to us; we all have to choose.

Mariano: Baseball may lead to fortune, glory or fame,

But we ought to remember …

All: It’s only a game!

Fiona: It doesn’t really matter who you are,

If you play the game right, you can be an All-Star!

SONG 5: All Stars!

6 IT’S A HIT – Script

Mickey: (to the audience) Thank you all for coming to our … er … game.
We’re mighty glad that all of you came.

Ruth: One thing we have learned and this is it,

When you put Baseball …

Mickey: Music …

Ruth: And friends together!

All: IT’S A HIT!

REPRISE: Play Ball

IT’S A HIT – Script 7

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