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William Green Building

30 West Spring Street, L3
Columbus, Ohio 43215-2256
Telephone: (614) 466-7090
Fax: (614) 466-8368



In the Matter of Ashley Chance ~~

Inquiry No. 21-Q-0312-002 er 1--ri
January 25, 2022 ::t 1"11


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This agreement is entered into between the Ohio Ethics Commission (Commission) and

Ashley Chance pursuant to the Commission's authority under Ohio Revised Code Section

102.06(G)(l ).

SUMMARY: The Commission opened an investigation into potential ethics violations by

Ashley Chance, Council Member for the City of Mason. Specifically, the Commission received

an allegation that Chance failed to disclose his ownership interest in properties and a business in

Ohio on his annual personal Financial Disclosure Statements filed with the Ethics Commission.

FACTS: Ashley Chance was first appointed to Mason City Council in September 2015

and later elected to his current position as a member of City Council on November 7, 2017 and

November 2, 2021.

The investigation found that Ashley Chance failed to properly di close his ownership

interests in real property and the names of all the businesses he owns, operates, or was an agent

for on his Financial Disclosure Statements for calendar years 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

In 2011, Chance and a busine s partner started Eco Development, LLC. In 2015 Chance

and the business partner started Eco Logistics, LLC. In 2017, they started Eco Inve tment Group,

LLC. According to Chance, this is a real estate holding company. In 2020, they started Eco
Ashley Chance
Settlement Agreement
January 25, 2022

Partner Solutions, LLC. According to Chance, they operate Eco Development as the parent

company and the other three businesses are operated under Eco Development.

Over the years, Chance has started numerous additional businesses. In 2006, Chance set

up Chance Development, LLC for his brother. Chance is the statutory agent only. In 2009, Chance

started Ashbrook Marketing Group, LLC. According to Chance, he has a fiduciary interest in this

LLC, it is inactive, and he receives no income from this LLC. In 2010, Chance set up Our Street

Advisor, Inc. Chance is the statutory agent only.

In 2013, Chance set up Tri-Leaf, LLC. According to Chance, he has a fiduciary interest in

this LLC and he receives no income from this LLC. In 2011 Chance set up Javeco Concepts, LLC.

According to Chance, this business has not been active since 2011. In 2015, Chance set up Kevin's

List, LLC. According to Chance, he had a fiduciary interest in.this LLC and he received no income

from this LLC. Kevin's List was set up to develop an application for disabled drivers to locate

handicap accessible hotels, restaurants, etc.

In May 2021, that LLC was dissolved. In 2016, Chance set up Humble Change, LLC.

According to Chance, he had a fiduciary interest in this LLC and he received no income from this

LLC. Humble Change was set up as an apparel company to create a Christian clothing line. In

May 2021 that LLC was dissolved. In 2016, Chance set up both Fundraise Adventure LLC and

Fidelium LLC. According to Chance, Fundraise Adventure does business under Fidelium. Chance

stated that Fidelium is still active; however, he only has a fiduciary interest in this LLC and he

receives no income from the LLC. Fidelium was set up as a platform to raise money for non-profit


Ashley Chance
Settlement Agreement
January 25, 2022

In 2018, Chance set up 125 E. Main St., LLC. Chance stated that he had a financial interest

in this business and that this business was subsequently quitclaimed to Eco Investment Group,


Staff reviewed the results of its investigation with the Commission at its regularly

scheduled meeting, in executive session, on November 13, 2020. The Commission found that the

facts support a violation of R.C. 102.02(D) because Chance failed to properly disclose his

ownership interests in real property and the names of all the businesses he owns, operates, or was

an agent for on his Financial Disclosure Statements for calendar years 2017, 2018, 2019, and

2020. See R. C. 102.03 (A)(2)(a). The Commission determined that this matter should be addressed

through its settlement authority under R.C. 102.06(0) based upon the following factors in


MITIGATION: In mitigation of any violation, Chance did disclose some, but not all, of

his businesses as sources of income, names of business, and as offices/fiduciary relationships.

According the Chance, many of the businesses he started did not get off the ground and/or have

been inactive since the beginning. In addition, Chance was cooperative with the investigation.

RESOLUTION: Per the terms of this Settlement Agreement, Ashley Chance

acknowledges that he violated R.C. 102.02(D) when he failed to properly disclose his ownership

interests in real property and the names of all the businesses he owns, operates, or was an agent

for on his Financial Disclosure Statements for calendar years 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. In lieu

of a referral of this matter to the appropriate prosecuting attorney, Ashley Chance accepts a

Ashley Chance
Settlement Agreement
January 25, 2022

reprimand from the Commission and agrees to correct his 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 Financial

Disclosure Statements by filing addenda to reflect all of his income from his busine interests;

names of business properties; names of businesses; business investments greater than $1,000; and

offices/fiduciary relationships within thirty days of signing this Settlement Agreement. Chance

further agrees he will not make any public argument in defense of the acknowledgement contained

in this settlement agreement by stating that he did not do anything wrong, that the facts do not

support a potential violation of the Ohio Ethics Law, or that the resolution of this matter is legally

or factually deficient for any reason due to the investigation or processes of the Ethics Com.mission.

A copy of this Settlement Agreement will be shared with the City of Mason Prosecutor's Office

and the Warren County Prosecutor. This Settlement Agreement will be a public record. Finally,

Ashley Chance acknowledges that any future alleged violations brought to the Commission or the

Prosecutor's office will be fully investigated and, if warranted by the facts, recommended to be

prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Pursuant to R.C. 102.06(0)(3), if Ashley Chance breaches this settlement agreement, the

commission or prosecuting authority, in the commission's or prosecuting authority's discretion,

may rescind the agreement and reinstitute any investigation, hearing, or prosecution of Chance.

No information obtained from Chance in reaching the settlement that is not otherwise discoverable

from Chance shall be used in any proceeding before the commission or by the appropriate

prosecuting authority in prosecuting the violation. Notwithstanding any other section of the

Revised Code, if a settlement agreement is breached, any statute of limitations for a violation of

this chapter or R.C. 2921.42 or R.C. 2921.43 is tolled from the date the complaint or charge is filed

until the date the settlement agreement is breached.

Ashley Chance
Settlement Agreement
Januazy 25, 2022

Per the terms of this Settlement Agreement, the Commission will hereby close its review

of this matter in lieu of any referral of this matter for prosecution.

( .

Ashley .
.. . - - . .


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