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Fluid Mechanics-1

Lecture -8

Flow through Orifices + Vortex Flow

Measurement of Discharge

Dr. Mansoor Ahmad

Introduction of Orifices :
 “Orifice is an opening in a vessel through which the
liquid flows out.”
 This hole or opening is called an orifice, so long as
the level of the liquid on the upstream side is above
the top of the orifice.
 The usual purpose of an orifice is the measurement of
 It can be provided in the vertical side of the vessel on
in the base. But the former is more common.
Types of Orifices According to:

• Small
Size • Large

• Circular
Shape • Rectangular
• Triangular

Shape of the • Sharp-edged

• Bell-mouthed
Nature of • Fully submerged
• Partially submerged
Important Terms:
 Jet of Water:
“The continuous stream of liquid, that comes out or
flows out of an orifice, is known as Jet of water.”
 Vena Contracta:
 Vena contracta is the point in a fluid stream where
the diameter of the stream is the least, and fluid
velocity is at its maximum.
Jet distribution
Vena Contracta:
 Consider a tank, fitted with an orifice. The liquid particle, in order
to flow out through the orifice, move towards the orifice from all
 A few of the particles first move downward, then take a turn to
enter into the orifice and then finally flow through it.
 It may be noted, that the liquid particles lose some energy, while
taking the turn to enter into the orifice.
 It has been thus observed that the jet, after leaving the orifice, gets
 The maximum contraction takes place at a section slightly on the
downstream side of the orifice, where the jet is more or less
horizontal. Such a section is known as vena contracta as shown by
section C (1-2) in figure.
Vena Contracta:
Hydraulic Coefficients:
Following four coefficients are known as hydraulic coefficients
or orifice Coefficient.

1) Coefficient of contraction
2) Coefficient of velocity
3) Coefficient of discharge
4) Coefficient of resistance
1. Coefficient of Contraction:
 “The ratio of area of jet, at vena contracta, to the area of
orifice is known as coefficient of contraction.”
 Mathematically,

Area of jet at vena Contracta

Cc =
Area of Orifice

 The value varies slightly with the available head of the liquid,
size and the shape of the orifice.
 An average value of Cc is about 0.64.
2. Coefficient of Velocity:
 “The ratio of actual velocity of the jet, at vena contracta, to the
theoretical velocity is known as coefficient of velocity.”
 Mathematically,
Actual velocity of jet at vena Contracta
Cv =
Theoretical velocity of jet

 The difference between the velocities is due to friction of the

 The value of coefficient of velocity varies slightly with the different
shapes of the edges of the orifices.
 For a sharp edged orifice, the value of Cv increases with the head of
2. Coefficient of Velocity:
 The following table gives the values of Cv for an orifice of 10mm
diameter with the corresponding head (given by Weisback).

H 20mm 500mm 3.5m 20m 100m

Cv 0.959 0.967 0.975 0.991 0.994
 An Average value of Cv is about 0.97.
 The theoretical velocity of jet at vena contracta is given by relation
V = 2 gh
Where, h is head of water at vena contracta.
3. Coefficient of Discharge:
 “It is the ratio of actual discharge through an orifice to the
theoretical discharge.”
 Mathematically,
Actual discharge
Cd =
Theoretical discharge
Actual velocity x Actual area
Theoretical velocity x Theoretical area
= C v x Cc
 Average value of coefficient of discharge varies from 0.60 to
4. Coefficient of Resistance:
 “The ratio of loss of head in the orifice to the head of water
available at the exit of the orifice is known as coefficient of
 Mathematically,

Loss of head in the orifice

Cr =
Head of water

 The loss of head in the orifice takes place, because the walls of the
orifice offer some resistance to the liquid as it comes out.
 The coefficient of resistance is generally neglected, while solving
1. A jet of water issues from an orifice of diameter 20mm under a head of 1m.
What is the coefficient of discharge for the orifice, if actual discharge is 0.85lit/s.

d = 0.02 m
Qactual = 0.00085 m3/s
V = sqrt(2gh) = 4.429 m/s
A = π/4 d2 = 0.000314 m2
Qth = AV = 0.001392 m3/s
Cd = 0.61
1. A 60 mm diameter orifice is discharging water under a head of 9m. Calculate the actual
discharge through the orifice in Lit/s and actual velocity of the jet in m/s at vena contracta,
if Cd = 0.625 and Cv = 0.98. (Ans, Q = 23.5 lit/s & Vac = 13m/s)

d = 0.06 m
Vth = sqrt(2gh) = 13.288 m/s
Ath = π/4 d2 = 0.0028 m2
Qth = AV = 0.0375 m3/s
Cd = 0.625
Qactual = Qth * Cd = 23.48 l/s
Cv = 0.98
Vactual = Vth * Cv = 13.55m/s
Vortex Flow
 In fluid dynamics, a vortex is a region within a fluid where
the flow is mostly a spinning motion about an imaginary axis,
straight or curved. That motion pattern is called a vortical
 Some common examples are smoke rings,
the whirlpools often seen around the boats and paddles, and
the winds surrounding hurricanes, tornadoes and dust devils.
Vortex Flow:
 If we take a cylindrical vessel, containing some liquid, and
start rotating it, about its vertical axis, we see that the liquid
will also start revolving along with the vessel.
 After some time, we shall see that the liquid surface no longer
remains level. But it has been depressed down at the axis of its
rotation and has risen up near
the wall of the vessel on all sides.
 This type of flow, in which a
liquid flows continuously round
a curved path about a fixed axis
of rotation is called vortex flow.
1. Forced or Rotational Flow
2. Free or Ir-rotational Flow

Vortex created by the passage of an aircraft

wing, revealed by colored smoke.
1. Forced Vortex Flow:
 It is a type of vortex flow, in which the vessel, containing a liquid, is
forced to rotate about the fixed vertical axis with the help of a torque.
 If the applied torque is removed the rotational motion will be slowly
 Now consider a cylindrical vessel containing a liquid initially up to AA as
shown in figure.
1. Forced Vortex Flow:
 Let the vessel be rotated about its vertical axis O-O. It will be
noticed that the liquid surface, in the vessel, no longer remains
level. But it has depressed down at the axis of its rotation and
has risen up near the wall of the vessel on all sides (Fig. b).
 If the vessel is revolved with the increased angular velocity, it
will be noticed that the liquid has depressed down to greater
extent at its axis of rotation, risen up to greater height near the
walls of the vessel (Fig. c).
 If we further increase the velocity of rotation, the liquid will
spill out of the vessel and ultimately the axial depth of liquid
will become zero.
2. Free Vortex:
 It is a type of flow, in which the liquid particles
describe circular paths, about a fixed vertical axis,
without any external force acting on the particles.
 The common example of a free vortex occurs when
the water escapes, through the hole in the bottom of a
wash basin.

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