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DATE: 11. 01. 2023 TIME: 16.00 hrs VENUE: PMC Meeting room
1. Mr. Prabhu - Apologies 1. Mr. Vijayakumar
2. Mr. Sukumar 2. Mr. Arvind - Apologies
3. Mr. Mohan 3. Mr. Jerold
4. Mr. Guna


A. Review of previous minutes:
A.1. Gap Analysis discussed. PMC insisted to remove the Mr. Vijay 20 – 25. 01.2023 New joiners
non performing Safety Officers (2Nos). Apex said that will join after
they will increase the safety team capacity to 1 + 5. Pongal
A.2. PMC highlighted the submitted HIRA/ JSA to be Mr. Jerold
reviewed since found some of the hazards been not
identified and / or addressed.
A.3. Apex has submitted HSE statistics and started Info
following the checklists which are given by PMC.
A.4. Apex medical fitness certificate copies of the workers Mr. Jerold 22.01.2023
are to be submitted to PMC. Apex to collate the
COVID Vaccination details and submit to PMC.
A.5. Drinking water for workers - RO water plant capacity Mr. Vijay TBA
(100lits per hr) is not sufficient. Apex to increase the
capacity to 200 lit per hour. Apex will update the
procurement status ASAP
A.6. Apex Informed visitors PPE is ready at L3 Info
A.7. TC2 tower crane 3rd party inspection passed with Mr. Jerold TBA
comments. The comments to be complied by Apex.
Fire Extinguisher kept in the operator cabin. Aviation
lights, Anemometer, SWL marking in hook, Proximity
sensor, Lightning arrestor to be installed.
Apex to submit OEM Letter stating the omission of
lightning arrestor. Apex to update the anemometer,
proximity sensor procurement details at the earliest.
A.8. Fire watch and welders were given the basic Info Schedule will
firefighting training (internal) on 27.12.2022. be update to
Apex to extend the training to other remaining PMC
A.9. Existing electrician are licensed (Lineman) at Odisha Mr. Vijay 25.01.2023
state. PMC requested to provide C license from
Tamilnadu EB Dept.
A.10 Apex said that they change all the temporary DB’s to Mr. Vijay / 13. 01. 2023
newly procured DBs. 1 DB remaining to change. Mr. Jerold

A.11. All damaged and irreparable tools removed from site. Info
A.12. PMC commented that almost all the work at height Mr. Vijay/
activities are happening without following the WAH Mr. Jerold
procedures. No ladder access to the platform,
scaffold standards are not in plumb, ledgers are being
removed in one side of the scaffold for form work
insertion, Improper anchoring of the lanyard etc.,
Moreover there is no WAH training been given to the
workers. All these compounded together to make
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WAH activities high risk. Apex the material arrival on
13.01.2023. WAH training at site daily at 12.30 for
small groups.
A.13. Apex to prepare monthly training calendar and form Mr. Jerold 12.01.2023
Safety Committee at the earliest.
A.14. Apex fixed some safety signage. Still improvement is Mr. Jerold 13.01.2023
required. Apex will use the scafftag and more signage
A.15. Site toilet for workers will be made ready ASAP. Apex Mr. Vijay Next week
said it will install the toilets in the next week.
A.16. Housekeeping to be improved at site. Material Mr. Jerold 11.01.2023
arrangement, timely removal of rubbish, Rubbish
dumping area identification etc. to done by Apex.
Below slab tunnel lighting to be improved.
B. HSE Statistics
B.1. Safe Man Hours worked without LTI -
No. Incidents / Accidents -
No. of Near Miss Incidents -
No. of Observations -
C. Agenda (to be discussed)
C.1 Apex HSE Organization chart
C.2 Apex Safety Committee formation and monthly
C.3 HSE Statistics reporting
C.4 Legal compliance
C.5 PPE Status
C.6 HSE Audits (Internal & External)
C.7 HSE Penalty status
C.8 Mock Drills
C.9 Environmental Monitoring status
C.10 Colour coding of the month
C.11 Temporary electrical system
C.12 Fire Fighting equipment
C.13 Workers camp status – FA Box, Fire Extinguishers,
Emergency contact no. to be fixed at the camps.
C.14 Pest Control status
C.15 HSE Training calendar status
C.16 HSE Promotional activities – Planning going on. Will
be updated in the next meeting.
D. Any other concerns

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