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League of Legends: SOLympics

This tournament is for students of SLU School of Law to be played as a 5v5 on the map
“Summoners Rift”. The tournament will be BO3 (Best of 3) round robin until the top 2 with the
most wins will face off in another BO3 for the championship.

Winners are required to take a screenshot of their victory for purposes of reporting and disputes.
The screenshot must be sent to the messenger group chat.

Participants and Commitment

Only enrolled students of the School of Law with a Garena League of Legends Account are
allowed to participate. Additionally, every participant must fulfill the following conditions:

● Participants in the tournament must without any reservations comply with the rules and
regulations and with the statements and decisions made by the game masters.
● Participants must assent to the right of modification for the game masters to modify the
rules and regulations, provided notice is given.
● Participants must respect the game masters and other participants. Insults and
disrespectful behavior, vulgar, racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise offensive remarks
towards the game masters or other participants will merit the disqualification of the
offending participant.
● Participants must ensure that their League of Legends game is updated before a
scheduled game is to be held. Any delays in the maximum of 5 minutes after the
scheduled time for the game by reason of an update or technical glitch by a participant
shall merit a loss for their team.
● Participants must register their team name and the in-game names of the members
designating one participant as the team captain.
● Feeding is not tolerated. The participant must try his best to win the game for their team.
● Vulgar, racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise offensive participant names are
forbidden. First offense warrants the disqualification of the member. Necessary changes
must be made before the scheduled game.
● Every participant in the tournament consents to the collected footage of photo and audio
material displaying or voicing them during the tournament to be stored and used for
announcements, website content and other publications by the organizer restricted and
unlimited in terms of time and place.

Rescheduling / Postponing

Postponement or rescheduling of a scheduled game may be made by the game masters only.

Participants must be available 5 minutes before the match. Unavailability of a participant during
this period shall warrant a loss for a game by default. The team may assist in requiring the
absent member for the next match.

Game master may extend the punctuality deadline in exceptional circumstances to get the
match played.

Game Mode

Each 1v1 must be played in a Custom Lobby with the following settings:

Map: Summoners Rift

Team Size: 5

Name: “Team name A” vs. “Team name B”

Password: Choose a password and share it with your opponent

Game Type: Blind Pick

Allow Spectators: Lobby Only

Side Choice: The first team mentioned on the match (page) is playing on the blue side [Team 1]
for game 1. The team mentioned second on the match (page) is playing on the red side [Team
2]. The players have to swap their side in each following game. Players may opt to Rock Paper
Scissors for the 3rd (BO3) or 5th (BO5) match to determine a side.


Each participant has to write a single ban in the lobby totalling 10 bans for all players in a single
game. Players will alternate sides with the initial blue banning first.

Bans have to be written in the chat before the lobby starts.

Win Condition

Each match is won by destroying the opposing team’s nexus. Otherwise, a surrender vote made
by the opposing team in game will also merit a win for the other team.

The first team to achieve two victories in a row will be the winner of the round in the round robin.
If each team has one victory each then a third game will be played to break the tie.


The usage of any tool which manipulates the game is strictly forbidden

Use of a Virtual Private Network is strictly prohibited.


Protests regarding a match have to be brought to the attention of a game master and not later
than 15 minutes after the match has finished. The protest must contain all necessary evidence
(screenshots, replay etc.). If no sufficient evidence is provided the protest will be discarded.

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