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Assessment of Learning 1 (by Y. Gabuyo, et. al) MR. EDWIN C.

Week 1
General Instructions: Hello everyone! You are given with this notes that cover important points about the topic(s)
for the week. You are expected to read, study, and answer the activities given at the end of this self-learning
handout. You are also encouraged to use other learning resources about our topic. You can approach me for
some queries thru my messenger (Edwin Serina) or thru my email ad ([email protected]).
Within the week, you are expected to learn the following skills:
1. Define the terms: assessment, evaluation, measurement, test, testing, formative assessment, placement
assessment, diagnostic assessment, summative assessment, traditional assessment, portfolio assessment,
performance assessment;
2. Discriminate the different purposes of assessment; and
3. Differentiate the different types of assessment.

The key role of the teacher is to guide students in order to help them learn.

Assessment of learning – refers to the measurement of individual performance or behavior in relation to

intended learning outcomes.
- focuses on the development and utilization of assessment tools to improve the teaching-
learning process.
- emphasizes on the use of testing for measuring knowledge, and other thinking skills.
- a means of finding out what learning is taking place and changes in behavior related to
personality, social skills, interests, and learning styles.

Assessments may be made during and at the conclusion of the learning activity. Learning assessment
made during the activity may help reinforce learning and provide a point of reference for the learner's

How is assessment done?

1. Ask the learner to recall facts or principles (What is…)
2. Ask the learner to apply given or recalled facts or principles (How does …help you solve the problem?)
3. Ask the learner to select and apply facts and principles to solve a given problem (What do you know that will help
you solve the problem?)
4. Ask the learner to perform tasks that shows mastery of the learning outcomes.

Assessment, Measurement, and Evaluation

Assessment refers to the different components and activities of different schools.

- an act or process of collecting and interpreting information about student learning.
- a systematic process of gathering, interpreting, and using this information about student learning.
- used for testing and grading by teachers.

Test – is formal and systematic instrument, usually paper and pencil procedure, designed to assess the quality, ability,
skill or knowledge of types of assessment procedure used to gather information about the performance of
- one of the different methods used to measure the level of performance or achievement of learners.

Forms of assessment: oral questioning, observations, projects, performances, portfolios

Measurement – is a process of quantifying or assigning number to the individual’s intelligence, personality, attitudes
and values, and achievement of the students.

Example: The teacher gives scores to the test of the students using the numerical values to represent the performance
of students.

Evaluation - refers to the process of judging the quality of what is good and what is desirable.
- a comparison of data to a set of standard or learning criteria for the purpose of judging the worth or
Classes of Classroom Assessment Procedures
 According to the nature of assessment
 According to format of assessment
 According to use and role of assessment in the classroom instruction
 According to methods of interpreting the result

Nature of Assessment
1. Maximum Performance – used to determine what individuals can do when performing at their best (aptitude test and
achievement test).
2. Typical Performance – used to determine what individuals will do under natural conditions. (attitude, interest, and
personality inventories, observational technique and peer appraisal)

Format of Assessment
1. Fixed-choice Test – used to measure knowledge and skills effectively and efficiently (standard multiple-choice test)

2. Complex-performance Assessment – used to measure the performance of the learner in contexts and on problems
valued in their own right (hands-on laboratory experiment, projects, essay, oral presentation)

Uses of assessment in classroom instruction

1. Enhances learning in the instructional processes
2. Evaluates the teaching methodologies and strategies of the teacher
3. Used to make teaching decisions
4. Used to diagnose the learning problems of the students.

Important: Teachers make decisions from the beginning of instruction up to the end of instruction.

Four Roles of Assessment in Instructional Processes

1. Placement Assessment – a type of assessment given at the beginning of instruction.

- concerned with the entry performance and typically focuses on the questions.
- determines the prerequisite skills, degree of mastery of the course objectives and the best mode of learning.

It focuses on the questions:

1. Does the learner possess the knowledge and skills needed to begin the planned instruction?
2. To what extent has the learner already developed the understanding and skills that are the goals of
planned activities?
3. To what extent do the student’s interest, work habits, and personality indicate that one mode of
instruction might be better than another?

2. Formative Assessment – a type of assessment used to monitor the learning progress of the students during the

Purposes: 1. to provide immediate feedback to both student and teacher regarding the success and failures of
2. to identify the learning errors that are in need of correction;
3. to provide teachers with information on how to modify instruction; and
4. to improve learning and instruction.

3. Diagnostic Assessment - given during the instruction;

- a type of assessment given at the beginning of instruction or during instruction aims
to identify the strengths and weakness of the students regarding the topics to be

1. to determine the level of competence of the students;
2. to identify the students who already have knowledge about the lesson;
3. to determine the causes of learning problems that cannot be revealed by formative assessment;
4. to formulate a plan for remedial actions; and
5. to give feedbacks on the part of the teacher.
4. Summative Assessment – given at the end of instruction or end of a course or unit.

1. to determine the extent to which the instructional objectives have been met;
2. to certify student mastery of the intended learning outcomes as well as use it for assigning grades;
3. to provide information for judging appropriateness of the instructional objectives; and
4. to determine the effectiveness of instruction.

Summary of Different Types of Assessment Procedures [Gronlund, Linn, and Miller (2009)]
Classification Type of Function of Assessment Example of Instruments
Nature of Maximum It is used to determine what Aptitude tests, achievement tests
Assessment Performance individuals can do when performing
at their best
Typical It is used to determine what Attitude, interest, and personality
Performance individuals will do under natural inventories, observational techniques,
conditions peer appraisal
Form of Fixed-choice test An assessment used to measure Standard multiple-choice test
Assessment knowledge and skills effectively and
Complex- An assessment procedure used to Hands on laboratory experiment,
performance measure the performance of the projects, essays, oral presentation
assessment learner in contexts and on problems
valued in their own right
Use in Placement An assessment procedure used to Readiness tests, aptitude tests,
classroom determine the learner’s prerequisite pretests on course objectives, self-
instruction skills, degree of mastery of the report inventories, observational
course goals, and/or best modes of techniques
Formative An assessment used to determine the Teacher-made tests, custom-made
learner’s learning progress, provides tests from textbook publishers,
feedback to reinforce learning, and observational techniques
corrects learning errors.
Diagnostic An assessment procedure used to Published diagnostic tests, teacher-
determine the causes of learner’s made diagnostic tests, observational
persistent learning difficulties such techniques
as intellectual, emotional, physical,
and environmental difficulties.
Summative An assessment procedure used to Teacher-made survey test,
determine the end-of-course performance rating scales, product
achievement for assigning grades or scales
certifying mastery of objectives

Activity for Week 1

1. Elaborate the statement: “Teaching and Learning are reciprocal processes that depend on and affect one another”.
Differentiate and cite examples:
2. Assessment and Testing
3. Measurement and Evaluation
4. Testing and Test
5. Diagnostic Assessment and Placement Assessment
6. What are the different roles of assessment in the instructional decisions?
7. Choose one use of assessment in classroom instruction and explain.
8. Teachers make decisions from the beginning of instruction up to the end of instruction. Do you agree on this? Why?

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