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Listed below are the basic dance steps in ¾ time that are grouped according to note patters and their
corresponding counts as suggested by the number of movements.
A. Note Pattern: 1 2 3 = 1 measure
1. Waltz step Step R (Frd./swd/bckd); close L to R. step R in place
2. Cross waltz Cross-step R across L; close L to R; step R in place
3. Waltz balance Step R (swd./frd.); close L to R and raise both heels, heels down
4. Mazurka step Slide R; cut (displace) R with L, and swing R backward in front of L
5. Redoba Slide R (diagonal frd); cut R with L. cut L with R
6. Step-swing-hop Step R (any direction) swing L across R in front; hop on R
7. Step-brush swing-hop step R (frd./swd) brush l and swing frd; hop R
B. Note Pattern: 1 2 3 = 1 measure
1. Touch step Point R (frd./swd./bckd.); close L to R
2. Bleking step Heel-place R (frd./swd); close L to R
3. Close step Step r (any direction); close L to R
4. Slide step Slide L (any direction); close L to R
5. Cross step Step R swd ; cross-step L across R
6. Hop step Step R (swd./frd); hop on R
7. Brush Step Step R (frd/swd); brush L
8. Swing step Step R (swd./frd); swing L across R
C. Note Pattern: 1-2 3 1 2-3 = 2 measures
1. Sway balance with Step R (diagonally frd); cross step-L
A point across R; step R bckd; point L in front
2 . Sway balance with Step R (diagonally frd); cross-step across R; step R bckd;
A raise raise and swing L in front
3, Sway balance Step R (diagonally frd); cross-step
With a brush L across R; step R bckd; brush L frd.
4, Sway balance with Step R (diagonally frd) cross-step L across R;
A hop step R bckd; hop on R
1. Sway balance with Step R (diagonally frd); cross-step L
A Waltz Across R stepbckd; close L to

2. Engano with a Step R swd; cross-step L, across R; step R swd; close L to R

D. Note Pattern: 1-2 3 1 2 3 =2 measures
1. Sway balance with Step R diagonally frd; cross-step
A waltz L across r step R bckd; close L to R; step r in place
2. Engano with waltz Step r swd; cross-step L across R; step rswd; close L to r step r in place
E. Note Pattern 1 and 2 and 3 and = 1 meassure
1. Mincing steps With and heels raised, take as many
Tiny steps swd. (1 step on every count)
2, Shuffling steps With feet flat on floor, make small slides frd. (1 slide on
every count)
2. Chasing steps With one foot leading, execute successive close steps to any direction.
F. Note Pattern: 1 and 2 3 1 and 2 3
Kuradang step Step R (diagonally forward); close L, to R; step R diagonally fwd; cross-step L
across R; step R diagonally
Bkwd R; close L to R; step R; point L

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