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(334) 242-7300
January 26, 2023

The Honorable Kevin McCarthy

The Speaker of the House of Representatives
United States Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

House Committee on Energy & Commerce

ATTN: Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers
2125 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Mr. Speaker and Chairwoman Rodgers:

As the chief legal officers of our respective States, the undersigned

attorneys general write to urge the new Congress to modify, clarify, and rescind
the emergency-use authorization authority under which the Department of Health
and Human Services (“HHS”) and the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”)
approved novel COVID vaccines, override any such emergency-use authorizations
that may still be in effect, prevent any future abuse of this provision, conduct
rigorous oversight to establish what mistakes were made in this regard, consider
revising the liability protections provided by a prior Congress, and confirm what
President Biden has admitted and what the American people in their sound
judgment know: any valid grounds for claiming a state of medical emergency due
to COVID have ended; normalcy and the rule of law must be restored.
HHS and FDA continue to misuse the authority granted to the agencies for
times of emergency. In particular, they continue to rely on emergency powers to
justify numerous uses of novel vaccines that are not only failing to halt the
transmission of COVID, but are also exposing young people (who are least likely
to be harmed by COVID) to unnecessary risks. And while some vaccines have
received full approval for some uses, shockingly, as recently as last month, FDA
is still invoking its emergency use authorization authority to push vaccines out to
infants. 1
“The pandemic is over,” 2 according to President Biden. Yet, despite the
President’s proclamation 3, his Administration continues to operate under

President Biden’s declaration that the pandemic is over should also be understood as an admission against interest:
his Administration’s continued actions invoking emergency authority, including but not limited to any emergency use
authorizations for vaccines, now lack any valid basis they may once have had.
emergency authorities. From student loan forgiveness to a moratorium on
evictions, the President and his Administration continue to attempt to push
through an authoritarian agenda based on an emergency that, according to the
President, does not exist.
When emergency authorization was granted two years ago to get the first
vaccines distributed, that authorization inherently considered the voluntary nature
of the vaccine and the understanding that though the potential risks were not fully
known, the benefits were believed to outweigh the risks for those most vulnerable
to COVID. Of course, that was long before the federal government sought to
mandate the vaccine nearly nationwide, and we have since learned far more about
the vaccines, their efficacy, and their potential risks.
In short, things have changed. The American people, in their characteristic
spirit of resilience, have learned to live with COVID. Even President Biden noted
that people generally are no longer wearing masks, and mandates to do so have
disappeared from all but the most sensitive areas. Schools, shops, restaurants, and
businesses are open. City streets are bustling. The idea that we are still in the
midst of a medical emergency flies in the face of the facts on the ground. Yet,
HHS and FDA continue to perpetrate the myth that an emergency exists to
aggrandize their power at the expense of people’s freedom.
While many local abuses of authority have subsided, the Biden
Administration continues to abuse and attempt to expand its authority even today.
Therefore, the new Congress should act swiftly to clarify and amend the various
statutory emergency authority provisions which FDA and HHS have abused in
their unrealistic and impractical quest to operate under emergency authority
indefinitely. Among other things, Congress should further narrow the unilateral
authority that agencies and the President have during times of emergency,
restoring the rightful balance between the branches of government. Given the
lengths the Administration has gone to over the last two years to implement its
agenda, it is without doubt that the Administration will use any emergency hook
to clothe itself in powers previously unanticipated by Congress. These reforms
will both bring an end to the ongoing attempt at medical tyranny, and ensure that
the American people will never again be subjected to such an onslaught.
Additionally, the new Congress should reconsider the exceptionally broad
liability protections which were enacted in 2005 in the form of the Public
Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 247d–6d. While
some form of claims limitation may be appropriate to ensure America has a robust
domestic supply of vaccines and other medical products, the PREP Act is
particularly sweeping in scope. By its terms, it provides immunity to all state and
federal claims for loss from vaccines and other “covered countermeasures” under
emergency declarations by the HHS Secretary; purports to insulate the Secretary’s
actions under the Act from all federal and state judicial review, including
mandamus; and separately preempts “any provision of [state] law or legal
requirement” that might bring accountability for “covered persons” whose actions

in the area of vaccines and other measures may harm the states’ citizens. 4
Particularly in light of this Administration’s willingness to embrace a never-
ending state of emergency, it is clear that the PREP Act deserves reconsideration
and possible reform.
Currently, for an emergency authorization, the law requires the Secretary
to conclude that the medical product in question may be effective in “diagnosing,
treating, or preventing” a disease or condition. 5 While this may have been an
acceptable position for the first approval in 2020, we now know much more about
both the disease and the vaccines. In 2020, the vaccines were supposed to stop
the spread by limiting who would get COVID. 6 In early 2021, reports were that
the vaccines were in fact successful at preventing transmission. 7 However, we
now know that people, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, who are vaccinated, boosted,
and boosted again, still can get COVID. 8 Repeatedly. 9 Nor do the vaccines assist
in diagnosing or treating COVID. While those who are vaccinated may in some
cases have less severe symptoms, that does not constitute treatment. The vaccines
are not offered to people once they have COVID; they’re offered to people prior
to getting COVID. This is because COVID treatment and management for the
overwhelming number of Americans is rest. According to the CDC, “[m]ost people
with COVID-19 have mild illness and can recover at home. You can
treat symptoms with over-the-counter medicines, such as acetaminophen
(Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), to help you feel better.” 10 Based on this
knowledge, the vaccines, if considered today, likely would not pass the threshold
question of whether the HHS Secretary could authorize them for emergency use.
Nevertheless, HHS and FDA persist. This is made worse by incidents of
illness in younger people who are by and large not at high risk from COVID. In
fact, the vaccine authorization panel concluded that the vaccines do not prevent
passing the virus to other family members. This was after FDA’s approval of the
vaccines for the child immunization schedule. This Administration has
increasingly become a global outlier in its insistence that all children should be
vaccinated. More needs to be done—legislation, oversight, administrative reform,
and public education—to stop this power and profit grab from continuing to
steamroll our young people.
The emergency must have an expiration date. The Secretary of HHS has
authority to approve the “emergency use” of certain products, but if the
emergency never ends, then the Secretary has the authority to unilaterally issue
final approval. Any declaration of emergency, for whatever purpose, can be an

Possible recourse is limited only to situations in which someone can prove “by clear and convincing evidence willful
misconduct by each covered person sued and that such willful misconduct caused death or serious physical injury.”
42 U.S.C.A. § 247d-6d(c)(3), (d). Even proving “recklessness” is not enough. Id. § 247d-6d(c)(1)(B).
See 21 U.S.C. Sec. 360bbb-3(c)(2)(A).
infection.html (“Pfizer and BioNTech announced Monday their coronavirus vaccine was more than 90% effective in
preventing Covid-19 among those without evidence of prior infection . . .”).

end run to get around pesky and inconvenient statutes, regulations, public
comments, etc. And if these emergencies never end, “the liberties our
Constitution’s separation of powers seeks to preserve would amount to little.” 11
Congress cannot allow bureaucrats buried deep within an agency to run
roughshod over the President and Congress itself. The President has declared the
pandemic over. Congress, too, is back to ordinary business. When we turn on the
news at night, we rarely see masks worn by Administration officials,
Congressional leaders, or even staff and media surrounding them. The White
House Briefing Room appears as crowded as it was in 2019. Americans of all
backgrounds and ages understand that the pandemic, and thus the emergency, are
over. Federal agencies cannot be allowed to usurp Congress’ authority and
implement backdoor vaccine approvals (or other policies) by simply claiming an
We encourage the new Congress to move quickly to limit HHS’ and FDA’s
ability to unilaterally declare an emergency and approve unproven drugs that
could cause harm to Americans, override any remaining emergency use
authorizations for COVID vaccines, consider reforms to the sweeping liability
shield created in 2005, and ensure that our liberties and system of government are
robustly protected against any such future attempts at medical tyranny.


Steve Marshall
Alabama Attorney General

Treg Taylor Tim Griffin

Alaska Attorney General Arkansas Attorney General

Raúl Labrador Todd Rokita

Idaho Attorney General Indiana Attorney General

Nat'l Fed’n of Indep. Bus. v. DOL, OSHA, 142 S. Ct. 661, 670 (2022) (Gorsuch, J., concurring).

Brenna Bird Kris Kobach
Attorney General of Iowa Kansas Attorney General

Daniel Cameron Jeff Landry

Kentucky Attorney General Louisiana Attorney General

Lynn Fitch Austin Knudsen

Mississippi Attorney General Montana Attorney General

Mike Hilgers Alan Wilson

Nebraska Attorney General South Carolina Attorney General

Jonathan Skrmetti Ken Paxton

Tennessee Attorney General Attorney General of Texas

Sean D. Reyes
Utah Attorney General

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