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A Birthright of Joy and Effortlessness

B: All right, I’ll say: how are you all this dreamtime of your time, as you create
time to exist?

AUD: Great. Fine. Et cetera…

B: Allow us to begin this interaction this evening of your time with a little bit
of a reminder of certain ideas we have spoken of briefly, which we now find we have
an opportunity to speak of more and more often, as you have now entered through the
doorway of your new year. Thus indicating to yourselves that you are embarking upon
ideas and attitudes and perspectives and levels of consciousness that you have
hitherto not explored up to this point.

Allow yourselves to realize that you have entered quite realistically a type of
play time now: the idea that your physiological reality is becoming one of
effortlessness, of ease, of synchronicity, of harmonious creation -- without
struggle, without strife -- and that you have now the opportunity to leave far
behind you all the methodologies that cause pain in your reality. All of the
endeavors and all the explorations of yourselves do not have to come in the format
you call pain.

Every single thing that you could possibly discover about yourselves, or need to
discover about yourselves, can be presented to you, by yourselves, in a format of
ecstasy -- in a format of effortlessness, in a format of play and discovery and
challenge in a positive way. Are you all following along so far? Is this
translating to you?

AUD: Yes. Yes.

B: Recognize, therefore, that many of the ideas we will undertake from this point
forward -- now that you have passed through the doorway we have spoken of for so
many months of your time -- that this is the doorway that allows you to now know
that you have an effortless path spread out before you. That the path you have
chosen to be can be walked in full light and full ease and full joy, so that you
can run and jump and play along this path.

No need any more to consciously watch for every little foothold. “Is there,” as you
say, “a pothole there? I cannot see; there are so many shadows crossing my path. I
do not know when I am going to fall into the deepest, darkest chasm of my
consciousness, because I do not know what lies out ahead of me. There may be many
rocks against which I will stub my toe, my shin. I will fall on my face, land in
the dirt and I will not be able to fly my way. I may come to many crossroads and I
may be confused as to which direction to take.”

All of these ideas of confusion in a negative sense -- now that you have entered
this doorway -- are long since past. Each and every one of you, in being willing to
form a gathering, in being willing to look at your lives in a joyous way, will now
begin to allow that life to unfold in effortlessness and ease.

And allow the path, no matter how many junctions you have created in that path, to
be one that is always fully illuminated by the light of your own knowingness, the
light of your own trust and the light of your own faith -- which is a light that
shines most brightly within you. One that you can let out to illuminate the path,
so that there remains on that path no longer one single shadow of a doubt about who
and what you are, and about what ideas in life and what experiences in life are
true for you.

For one of the first and foremost things you will learn upon this path is that, as
you interact with all other beings in your reality, you will discover first, and in
a very physical way, that “the” truth is composed of all truths and that every
single individual’s truth is real and correct for them.

And that the idea of all the unity you will now begin to experience in a more
accelerated way upon your planet -- all the desire you have had for peace and
harmony upon your planet, all the desire for oneness, to express yourselves through
your society in a degree of oneness -- will be most easily created upon your planet
when each and every one of you learns to allow for the infinite diversity of every
single individual to be expressed to its fullest extent.

The unity you desire will be the result of the allowing and equalization and
validation of each and every path, of each and every method that exists upon your
planet -- knowing that each and every way is simply that individual’s way of
choosing to learn what they need to learn.

And that you can simply, by living the path that is true for you, shine like a
brilliant light, set an example to those individuals -- not that they have to
choose the idea of effortlessness and ease. But that if you set that example, they
can see within you a reflection within themselves that allows them to know, “If you
can live a life of effortlessness, so can I. For I deserve it just as much as you,
and you deserve it just as much as me, and we both, all of us, deserve it just as
much as anything.”

For creation gives you the birthright of ecstasy; you are created of love, you are
created of ecstasy. Happiness is your divine right, as you say, and there is no
reason now, from this point forward, that you should have to create a life of
suffering in order to learn the things you need to learn. Are you all following

AUD: Yes. Yes.

B: We will, therefore, a little bit later on in this interaction, share with you a
specifically designed exercise, meditation, that will allow you to get in touch
with the child within yourself, to allow you to understand that you can play now,
as a child -- not so much in a childish manner, but in a very childlike manner.

And that this is one of the ideas that will allow you to begin to experience in
your physical reality true agelessness, true living in the moment and true
longevity -- as you begin to refresh and rejuvenate yourselves through your very
attitudes, through your very perspectives, through your very points of view. And
through, most of all, your willingness to give birth to that child within you once
again, and to no longer keep it buried within you as your society has taught you to
do. All right?

AUD: Yes. Yes.

B: We will open up this time, therefore, to the interaction of sharing.

A Birthright of Joy and Effortlessness

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