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● As Catholic University, it proceeds ex corde - Only the person with fortes in fide can act

ecclesiae - from the heart of the Church justly

- The heart of the Church (people) is God. In d. Ad Majorem Del Gloriam - “for the Greater Glory of
the Christian tradition, Jesus God”; humans have no power to make God
(God-made-man) is the heart of God’s greater
people. - We ssay/do things for the greater glory of
- This is the main reason why Catholic God; we offer to God everything that we
Theology is offered in your curriculum do that wheneverwe accomplish in life, we
hence, enrolled in a Catholic University attribute success not to our personal effort
- However, Ateneo fosters interreligious and capacities but to a glorious God
dialogue with non-Christians and - St. Ignatius as a knight, found his swordas
ecumenism with other Christian traditions symbol of his being a soldier; offered his
Why Theology in Ateneo?
sword to God (Take Lord Receive”
- Indicative of the ateneo identity
● As Jesuit University, it appropriates the mission of the
- Addu is a catholic, jesuit and filipino university
Society of Jesus and the spirituality of St. Ignatius of ● As Filipino University, it prepares students to benefit
- In Davao, there maybe many schools, some
Loyola. from, contribute to, and serves Mindanao.
colleges but with a small number of universities
- Ateneo is administered by the Society of - Ateneo way of education is grounded on its
- Among higher learning institutions in Davao, many
Jesus founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola. context, Mindano, and directed towards
are administered by catholic congregations;
- The mission and spirituality of the Jesuits are the development of Mindanao and east
however only ateneo de davao bears the
expressed in the core values of Jesuit Asian neighbors
trademark of a catholic, jesuit and filipino university
education: - An Ateneo graduate can engage with
As a university, it is a community engaged in excellent
a. Magis - “becoming more”; an ignatian value that people of different culture by being
instruction and formation, robust research, and vibrant
fosters an inner disposition to strive for excellence in culturally resilient
community service.
all aspects of human life in the context of the - In the spirit of inter-religious dialogue and
common good ecumenism an Atenean can peacefully
Excellent instruction and formation in Ateneo is wholistic. It
- Move from his/her comfort zoneto become coexist with a non-Christian/Catholic
creates an integrated development of the mind, heart and
more developed, learned, better individual brethren in Mindanao
praxis (behavior), promoting values consistent to its Jesuit
before others and God
tradition of excellence.
b. Cura Personalis - “personal care”; trademark of an
Ateneo graduate
1. composed of people who may have shared
- A man/woman for others
something in common but most likely different in
c. Fortes in Fide - “strong in faith”; school motto
many ways
- One of the qualities of a AdDU sui generis
2. engaged in excellent instruction and formation
leader; possesses a strong faith that does
3. Engaged in robust research
4. Engaged in vibrant community service
LESSON 2 - “Revelation is the self-communication of God. It is God with a sincere heart, and moved by grace, try
the process which God initiates and which we in their actions to do His will as they know it through
Theology recognize and accept because of our radical the dictates of their conscience, may achieve
- Literally defined as discourse about God capacity to be open to the presence and action of eternal salvation” (LG 16)
- About God, faith, beliefs, and belief system God in our history and personal life” Mc. Brien p234 Sacred Scriptures
- Discourses has ancient origin been conterminous DIVINE REVELATION IN THE REFLECTION OF THE CHURCH - The written Word of God which reveals the
with human history and culture - CFC 61: “It pleased God, in His goodness and accompaniment of God in the history of His people
- Old-aged discipline, been tested through time by wisdom to reveal Himself… By this revelation, then
radical thoughts but managed to continue the the invisible God, from the fullness of His love, THEOLOGY AND OTHER DISCIPLINE
discourse to the present time addresses men as His friends, and moves among - According to Christian faith, the full revelation of
- Firm conviction of their science comes not solely in them in order to invite and receive them in His own God is found in history: tthe historical life, death, and
facts but by faith and reason; assertions are valid company” (DV 2) resurrection of Jesus Christ
because they do not come from their own mind & - Christian life is based on the conviction that God - By relying on the method of literary and historical
thoughts alone but from their reflections of the has spoken to us and that the central truths of our studies, the evidence from natural and human
written wisdom of great men of faith who attributed Faith are given in this revelation.. The Christian sciences, and insights and skills of philosophy,
every good thing to God Scripture attest that “in times past God spoke in Theology studies the Christian faith tradition for the
- This God, source of all knowledge and wisdom, is varied ways to our fathers through the prophets; in ultimate meaning of human life in this world in light
the Creator of nature and the sustainer of life; living this, the final age, He has spoken to us through His of the data yielded by all the other disciplines
and communicating His divine self in history Son” (Heb 1: 1-2) - Integrating and transcending their specific modes
- we humans have the intellect and will which are of inquiry
naturally bestowed by the Creator, theological SOURCES/WAYS OF DIVINE REVELATION - In methodology, Theology is inclusive of history,
discourses go on Creation science, philosophy and even literature hence
- Faith lives and beliefs hold together the community - the creative act of God is a revelation of God. God’s revelation to humans takes place in this
of faith Nature is what arises from the creative act of God material world within the framework of human
(Mc Brien) experience and reason
WHAT IS DIVINE REVELATION? History - However, Theological knowledge is always
- Revelation = “revelare” (Latin - to disclose or - We may come to the knowledge of God when we grounded in the revealed truth of the Scriptures, the
uncover) reflect on the principal events in our history. Word of God
- In the Old Testament, God manifested His glorious Jesus Christ
Self and power (Theophany) - As the incarnate Word of God, Jesus is the fullness of
- God discloses Himself to Abraham and the God’s revelation in the Christian faith experience
patriarchs, He formed a covenant with them. Church and Other Religious Tradition ● Theology as faith seeking understanding may have
- He made known His will to Moses and - The church as a community of disciples founded by different branches according to religious traditions
communicated His plans for his people through the Jesus is witnessing the Good news of Jesus Christ and Faith communities; have different sources of
prophets - Even non-Christians “who do not know the Gospel knowledge and Faith
of Christ of his Church, but who nevertheless seek
Branches of Theology according to Sources of Faith and Knowledge
- Faith is an indispensable component, a dimension, - Orthopraxis is a constitutive part of authentic faith
Religious traditions about God of human life “Faith without works is as dead as a body without
breath” (James 2:26)
Hinduism (oldest religious Vedas, Mahabharata written in
tradition that started in Indus Sankrit LEVELS OF FAITH - Faith can coexist with sin (Council of Trent)
Valley 5000 BC) Human/Anthropological - Faith as doing or obedience includes:
- Can be directed towards anything or to anyone acknowledgement of failures, repentance,
Judaism (1st monotheistic Tanakh (Torah, Naviim,
religion, founded by Abraham Ketuvim) written in Hebrew
- Have faith in something or someone beyond one’s contrition and metanoia
in the ancient Mesopotamia) Talmud (oral tradition) control yet reliable 🗸 Faith is TRUSTING
Religious Faith - Act of trust and confidence (pagtitiwala)
Buddhism (founded in India by Tripataka or Pali canon written
- object/subject is Someone, a transcendent Reality, - In faith we enter into a relationship with God as the
Prince Siddharta Gautama, the in Pali
first Buddha 500 BC) a greater Being, who surpasses human knowledge, ever-reliable rock of our salvation, and as the all
wisdom, goodness and generosity powerful and loving Savior
Christianity (founded by Jesus Bible and the Magisterium
- Omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), - To believe is to trust in God through all our tials and
of Nazareth in Palestine in 3033 (teaching authority of the
A.D.) Church varies according to and omnipresent (present everywhere) sufferings; this aspect of trust that we express in
faith communities) Christian Faith prayer and liturgical worship
- object/subject is Jesus Christ, “Word made flesh’ 🗸 Faith is a GIFT
Islam (founded by the prophet Qu’ran, Hadith written Arabic
who dwelt among God’s people, the Sone of God - Gift of life; to be lived, developed, deepened,
Mohammad in the Arabian
desert 600 A.D.) who is the perfect revelation of God to humans practiced
- A living force to be nurtured, cultivated and
Fortes in Fide as an Ignatian core value is not only operating fostered in prayer, study, sacrifice, good works and
in the level of human relationship. In the Ignatian tradition, by sacramental practice
- “Fides quarrens intellectum” i.e. faith seeking
faith is stronger when is anchored to a transcendent Being. - Bestowed by God to be received freely
understanding according to St. Anselm
- It is the more of less systematic effort one makes to
CHARACTERISTICS OF CHRISTIAN FAITH - Can not be inherited; nor one can have it by proxy
understand and express the fundamental
CFC 119- 122, NCDP - Can not be lived out by custom or routine, should
experience God
🗸 Faith is BELIEVING be an act of the believer’s own self
- Personal act of faith is an act of belief (paniniwala) - Personal decision to accept and commit oneself to
- ”Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the
- Act of faith is an act of the intellect; thinking with Christ
conviction of tings not seen” Heb. 11:1
assent - As a personal decision, Faith involves the whole
- “Faith gives is the assurance and conviction that
🗸 Faith is DOING person ecompassing three main dimensions of the
makes life manageable; It relates to something or
- Acting in obedience to God’s will (pagsunod) head: a grasp or conviction of the truth; hands, an
someone that we do not completely control,
- One who hears the Word of God and keep it has active obedience and commitment to God’s will
nevertheless, we trust that someone something not
authentic faith (Lk. 11:28) and Heart: a filial trust shown in prayer and worship
let us down.” - Ian Knox (Intro to Theo)
- The true friend of Christ is one keeps the
commandment (Jn 14:15)
- But faith is an essential aspect of Theology
🗸 Faith is REAL KNOWLEDGE WHAT IS A BELIEF? b. Tradition
- In Christian faith, we know and hold something to - Any expression of faith c. Doctrine
be true because we believe God has revealed it a. Personal Belief d. Dogma
- God expresses His truth to us in terms of our intellect - What do you believe in? e. Magisterium
and will - Why do you believe in them?
- God communicates His true self through the - Subjective, based on personal
revealed truths of the Gospel, to know God in faith experiences and subject to
by assenting to, meditating on, living out, the truths individual interpretations
Christ exemplified and taught - Ex. believing on a soulmate of
🗸 Faith is a LIVING PROCESS destiny in love
- Not a static possession; must grow because it can b. Communitarian Beliefs
become weak and die - What are the beliefs of your faith
- The principle of growth is love community? - The Old Testament Canon of the Catholic Christian
🗸 PROOFS of Faith - Why do you believe them? Bible
- The Gospel norm: “By their fruits you shall know - Grounded on a communal
them” Mt. 7:16,20) experience which meaning are
- Pope Paul VI: IIt is unthinkable that a person should discerned by a group of people
accept the Word and give himself to the kingdom - In religious traditions, beliefs are
with out becoming a person who bears witness to it revealed to a particular people,
in his turn” (EN24) who adhere to it
- Creed, cult, and code provide the best practical - Sources of Religious Beliefs
check on the authenticity of the Filipino Catholic
- The New Testament
- No on ebelieves in Christ in isolation; always in the
company of those accepting the witness of the
Christian community, united as disciples of Christ,
inspired by His indwelling Spirit
- Personal faith is supported and sustained by the
faith of the community, while at the same time
contributing in its turn to the growth of the
- Christian faith is by nature ecclesial, communitarian

DIVINE REVELATION, THEOLOGY FAITH AND BELIEFS - Sources of Beliefs in the Catholic Christian Tradition
a. The Bible
- Centers on the gratuitiousness of God as Creator to - Latin term gratia = Greek word charis, bears similar - Father almighty power is the re-creating
all of the creations meaning “favor”, “gratuitious gift”, “benefit” personal energy of non-violent love
- This graciousness of God is evident from the time of - Grace literally means favor, gratuitous gift or a - This loving power of the father, His
creation and in the entirety of the history of the benefit “kagandahang-loob” is revealed especially
world - In Christian experience, Grace, is a divine favor, a in Christ our Lord , present among us in the
- The God of creation is the God of history gratuitous gift from God and unmerited benefit Spirit.
- God’s grace infused in nature by the Holy Spirit bestowed by the transcendent being - God keeps us as his “segullah” –the apple
sustains all the creative activities, beauty and life of his eye
ithe world. Who is the source of Grace? - His almighty love is forever yearning to do
- Bestowed with the highest faculty of intellect and - In the Catholic Christian tradition, the Trinitarian more for us , in the spirit of malasakit as
will, appointed to be stewards of the rest of creation (Triune) God is the source of all grace Christ pictured for all in his parable of the
are called to participate in the divine life of grac 1. Father - work of creation is attributed to Good Shepherd.
and to be channels of God’s blessing to other 2. Son - the redeemer 3. MYSTERY - Something we may understand but not
creatures 3. Holy Spirit - the sanctifier fully grasp
- However, the sublime potentials of humans, the - In the Catholic Christian faith, “all three Divine - God's being almighty is a mystery because
intellect and will are oftentimes misused to pursue Persons act together as one God in creating, if he is powerful , why is evil existing ?
human disordered passion contrary to the goodwill redeeming and sanctifying” - It seems that God's power appears as
of God - Catechism for the Filipino Catholics powerlessness as thus manifested in the
- So humans maybe agents of the proclivity of love passion and death of Jesus
when they do according to the will of God or may Why does God bestow grace? - Yet St. Paul says “ Proclaim Christ crucified,
be perpetrators of sin in the human society and in The Catholic Creed proclaims God Almighty a stumbling block to the Jews and
the natural world 1. UNIVERSAL - God is Almighty or Omnipotent foolishness to Gentiles , but to those who
- Christian Theology which is centered on the faith of because His power is universal are called…
the resurrection of Jesus firmly believed that the - Pantokrator, the creator and ruler of all - Christ the power of god and the wisdom of
mercy of God is greater than human weakness things, the infinite Father beyond human god… for the foolishness of God is wiser
- When sin abounds, grace abound all the more experience than human wisdom, and the weakness of
- Creates out of His divine goodness, to share God is stronger than human strength
His goodness with others; creates by a free,
intentional and purposeful act
- God creates out of nothing, that is not from
any matter or existing

2. LOVING - Almighty in the bible is not some

impersonal , arbitrary , self-seeking , force imposing What Grace are gratuitously given to humans?
What is Grace? terror A. At the moment of Creation…
- Hebrew word hen = favor, hanan = to show favor
- God has created humans in divine image - “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at WHAT IS SIN?
and likeness hand.” - An offense against reason , truth , and right
- God has given human the intellect and free - Moved by grace, man turns toward God conscience
will; the intellect makes us know God and and away from sin, thus accepting - failure in genuine love for God and neighbor
the free will is to love God forgiveness and righteousness from on high” caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods
- God has placed in man a longing for truth - Justification is not only the remission of sins, - “ an utterance , a deed , or a desire contrary to the
and goodness that only He can satisfy. The but also the sanctification and renewal of eternal law”
promises of eternal life respond, beyond all, the interior man - Wounds the nature of man and injures human
hope to this desire. - soliditary
- Human life is God-given, it is a gratuitous gift UNDERSTANDING SIN IN RELATION TO GOD’S GRACE WORD OF GOD:
from God; freedom is from god and serves - Too conscious of our shattered world in which so - “You may freely it of every three of the garden; but
well when exercised according to the many more involves , both personal and social , of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you shall
divine will affect the human race not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall
B. By the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus - St. Pauls “WORKS” of the flesh: lewd conduct, die”
- The father loves me for this: that i lay down impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, hostilities, DYNAMIC OF SIN
my life to take it off again. no one takes it bickering, jealousy, outbursts of rage, selfish rivalries,
from me: i lay it down freely. dissensions, factions, envy, drinking bouts, orgies
- “Our Lord Jesus was once and for all to and the like
offer himself to God the Father by his death - The mystery of evil is already at work; face the sin
on the altar of the cross, to accomplish an that obstructs the coming of Christ’s Kingdom
everlasting redemption” - Scene is not simply “ doing something wrong” or “
- Jesus saved us by a perfect-self giving love making a mistake” which we can easily rectify at
for his Father and for us, a love lived out to will
the death, CFC 558 - John Paul II: Sin is a product of man's freedom
C. By the Holy Spirit - there are factors at work which place it
- In the Nicene Creed, The holy spirit is beyond the merely human, in the border
professed as the Lord, the giver of Life, the area, where human conscience, will, and
life of God who is love sensitivity are in contact with the dark
- The Gospel of John called the Spirit the forces which are active in the world
Paraclete: “ who is called to help”. - Mystery of sin: “Hates the light”
- the holy spirit is our Advocate, Helper and - Reflect on it deeply:
Counselor. 1. The truly appreciate god's everlasting
- 1st work of grace is Conversion: Affecting merciful love
justification in accordance with Jesus’ 2. to correct common distorted ideas of god , THE GRAVITY OF SIN
proclamation at the beginning of the the church , conscience , law, and the A. VENIAL
Gospel sacrament of reconciliation Important Conditions:
- Less serious matter SIN
- Does not observe the standard prescribed by the - Creates a proclivity to sin
moral law, or when the moral law is disobeyed in a - Engenders vice by repetition of the same acts
grave matter - Results in perverse inclinations which cloud
- But without full knowledge or without complete conscience and corrupt the concrete judgment of
consent good and evil
Consequences to Spiritual Life: - Tends to reproduce itself and reinforce itself, but it
- Weakens charity; a disordered affection for created cannot destroy the moral sense as its root
goods LOVE
- Impedes the soul’s progress in the exercise of virtues - Creates a proclivity to love
and practive of the moral good - Engenders Charity by repetition of the same acts
- Merits temporal punishment - Results in good inclinations which form conscience
- Deliberate and unrepented venial sin disposes us to and clarify the concrete judgement of good and
commit mortal sin evil
- Not direct opposition to the will and friendship with - Tends to reproduce itself, but strengthens the moral
God; does not break the covenant with God senses as its root
- Humanly reperable with God’s grace PROLIFERATION OF SIN
- “Venial sin does not deprive the sinner of sanctifying 1. Sin is a personal act
grace, friendship with God, charity, and - responsible for the sins committed by others
consequently eternal happiness” when we cooperate in them
B. MORTAL 2. Participating
Important Conditions: - Directly and voluntarily in them
- Object is grave matter committed with full - Ordering, advising, praising, or approving
knowledge and deliberate consent them
Consequences to Spiritual Life: - Not disclosing or not hindering them when
- Loss of charity and the privation of sanctifying we have an obligation to do so
grace, that is, of the state of grace 3. Protecting evil-doers
- If not redeemed by repentance and God’s
forgiveness, cause exclusion from Christ’s Kingdom
and the eternal death of hell
- Our freedom has the power to make choices for
ever, with no turning back
- However, although we can judge that an act is in
itself a grave offense, we must entrust judgment of
persons to the justice and mercy of God

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