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ASME PCC-3–2017


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ASME PCC-3–2017

Table A-1 Damage Mechanism Definitions

References From
Damage Mechanism Definition Attributes Section 16
885°F 885°F (475°C) embrittlement is a loss in toughness The embrittlement can be removed by API 571
embrittlement due to a metallurgical change that can occur in alloys soaking at somewhat higher tempera-
containing a ferrite phase, as a result of exposure in tures for several hours.
the temperature range 600°F to 1,000°F (316°C to
Abrasive wear The removal of material from a surface when hard parti- ... ASM Handbook
cles slide or roll across the surface under pressure. The Vol. 11, Failure
particles may be loose or may be part of another sur- Analysis and
face in contact with the surface being abraded. Prevention
Acid dew point Corrosion that occurs when gas is cooled below the sat- Can be similar to atmospheric attack. ASM Handbook
corrosion uration temperature of condensable acidic species con- Vol. 11, Failure
tained by the gas. Analysis and
Adhesive wear The removal or displacement of material from a surface ... ASM Handbook
by the welding together and subsequent shearing of Vol. 11, Failure
minute areas of the two surfaces that slide across each Analysis and
other under pressure (a.k.a. galling). Prevention
Amine corrosion Amine corrosion refers to the general and/or localized Corrosion depends on design and API 571
corrosion that occurs principally on carbon steel in operating practices, the type of amine,
amine treating processes. Corrosion is not caused by amine concentrations, contaminants,
the amine itself, but results from dissolved acid gases temperature, and velocity.
(CO2 and H2S), amine degradation products, heat sta-
ble amine salts (HSAS), and other contaminants.
Amine cracking Amine cracking is a common term applied to the crack- ... API 571
ing of steels under the combined action of tensile
stress and corrosion in aqueous alkanolamine systems
used to remove/absorb H2S and/or CO2 and their mix-
tures from various gas and liquid hydrocarbon streams.
Amine cracking is a form of alkaline stress corrosion
cracking. It is most often found at or adjacent to non-
PWHT’d carbon steel weldments or in highly cold
worked parts.
Ammonia grooving Ammonia grooving occurs in copper alloy condenser Ammonia carryover in the steam is nec- WRC 490
tubes in the form of a groove adjacent to support essary for this kind of corrosion. The
plates. Ammonia carries over with the steam and is cor- ammonia may come from either the use
rosive to copper alloys. of hydrazine or its derivative as an oxy-
gen scavenger or from ammonia used
as a pH-control chemical.
Ammonia stress Aqueous streams containing ammonia may cause Anhydrous ammonia with < 0.2% water API 571
corrosion cracking stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in some copper alloys. will cause cracking in carbon steels.
Carbon steel is susceptible to SCC anhydrous Stresses required for cracking can be
ammonia. from residual stresses.
Ammonium Aggressive corrosion occurring in hydroprocessing reac- Several major failures have occurred in API 571
bisulfide corrosion tor effluent streams and in units handling alkaline sour hydroprocessing reactor effluent sys-
(alkaline sour water. tems due to localized corrosion.
Brittle fracture Brittle fracture is the sudden rapid fracture under stress Material toughness, crack size, and ten- API 571
(residual or applied) where the material exhibits little sile stress are generally the three fac-
or no evidence of ductility or plastic deformation. tors that control the susceptibility to
brittle fracture.

ASME PCC-3–2017

Table A-1 Damage Mechanism Definitions (Cont’d)

References From
Damage Mechanism Definition Attributes Section 16
Carbonate stress Carbonate stress corrosion cracking (often referred to ... API 571
corrosion cracking as carbonate cracking) is the term applied to surface
breaking or cracks that occur adjacent to carbon steel
welds under the combined action of tensile stress and
corrosion in carbonate-containing systems. It is a form
of alkaline stress corrosion cracking (ASCC)
Carburization Carbon is absorbed into a material at elevated tempera- A material dependent process, carbon API 571
ture while in contact with a carbonaceous material or can react in the metal to form carbides
carburizing environment. which tend to embrittle the material or,
in low alloy steels, act as a potential
hardening agent if the materials
undergo an appropriate thermal cycle.
Casting Voids that are created in a casting during solidification. ... ASM Handbook
porosity/voids The voids are typically in the last part of the casting to Vol. 11, Failure
solidify Analysis and
Caustic corrosion Localized corrosion due to the concentration of caustic Generally, very localized attack. High API 571
(caustic gouging) or alkaline salts that usually occurs under evaporative pH values >9.5 to 10.
or high heat transfer conditions. However, general corro-
sion can also occur depending on alkali or caustic solu-
tion strength.
Caustic stress A form of stress corrosion cracking characterized by sur- Caustic cracking is often adjacent to API 571
corrosion cracking face-initiated cracks that occur in piping and equip- nonpost weld heat-treated welds.
(caustic embrittle- ment exposed to caustic, primarily adjacent to non-
ment) PWHT’d welds.
Cavitation Cavitation is a form of erosion caused by the formation Mechanical honeycomb or no corrosion API 571
and instantaneous collapse of innumerable tiny vapor product visible. Significant pressure
bubbles. The collapsing bubbles exert severe localized and extremely high local forces at work.
impact forces that can result in metal loss referred to
as cavitation damage. The bubbles may contain the
vapor phase of the liquid, air, or other gas entrained in
the liquid medium.
Chelant corrosion Corrosive attack caused by excessive chelants. Dosing by chelants in excess of require- ASM Handbook
ments, e.g., EDTA, general and localized Vol. 11, Failure
attack often linked to flow irregularities. Analysis and
Chloride stress Surface initiated cracks caused by environmental crack- All 300 Series SS are highly suscepti- API 571
corrosion cracking ing of 300 Series SS and some nickel-based alloys ble: duplex stainless steels are more
under the combined action of tensile stress, tempera- resistant, nickel-based alloys are highly
ture, and an aqueous chloride environment. The pres- resistant.
ence of dissolved oxygen increases propensity for
CO2 corrosion Carbon dioxide (CO2) corrosion results when CO2 dis- Partial pressures of CO2 are a critical API 571
solves in water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). The acid factor and increasing partial pressures
may lower the pH and sufficient quantities may pro- results in lower pH condensate and
mote general corrosion and/or pitting corrosion of car- higher rates of corrosion.
bon steel.
Cold cracking Cracking in a weld that occurs typically during cool- ... ASM Handbook
down of the weld at temperatures below 600°F Vol. 11, Failure
(316°C). The cracks can form hours or days after Analysis and
welding. Prevention

ASME PCC-3–2017

Table A-1 Damage Mechanism Definitions (Cont’d)

References From
Damage Mechanism Definition Attributes 16.1
Corrosion-fatigue The combined action of repeated or fluctuating stress An observed dependence of fatigue ASM Handbook
and a corrosive environment to produce cracking. Cyclic strength or fatigue life on frequency Vol. 11, Failure
loading plus a corrosive environment. often is considered definitive in estab- Analysis and
lishing corrosion fatigue as the mecha- Prevention
nism of failure. Beach marks and
corrosion products. Similar to mechani-
cal fatigue but cycles to failure often
lessened. Usually transgranular.
Corrosion under Corrosion of piping, pressure vessels, and structural Damage can be aggravated by contami- API 571
insulation (CUI) components resulting from water trapped under insula- nants that may be leached out of the
and corrosion tion or fireproofing. insulation, such as chlorides.
under fireproofing
Creep/stress At high temperatures, metal components can slowly A change in dimensions that can result API 571
rupture and continuously deform under load below the yield in failure. Long term elongation of com-
stress. This time dependent deformation of stressed ponent. Can progress to stress rupture
components is known as creep. Deformation leads to resulting in internal cracking. Material
damage that may eventually lead to a rupture. will elongate until intergranular tears ini-
tiate which can then join together to
form a stress. Temperatures greater
than 0.4 times the melting point "soft-
ens" alloys.
Crevice corrosion A type of electrolytic concentration-cell corrosion at a Any layer of solid matter on the surface ASM Handbook
joint between two metallic surfaces or between a metal- of a metal that offers the opportunity Vol. 13,
lic and a nonmetallic surface or beneath a particle of for exclusion of oxygen from the surface Corrosion
solid matter on a metallic surface or for the accumulation of metal ions
beneath the deposit because of
restricted diffusion is a probable site
for crevice corrosion. Mechanism and
appearance similar to pitting attack.
Decarburization A condition where steel loses strength due the removal Loss of carbon from the surface of steel API 571
of carbon and carbides leaving only an iron matrix. can occur during heat treatment if the
Decarburization occurs during exposure to high furnace atmosphere is oxidizing. The
temperatures, during heat treatment, from exposure to surface will be soft and low in
fires, or from high temperature service in a gas strength.
Dissolved O2 attack Corrosion that occurs as a result of exposure of a Differential oxygen concentration cells. ASM Handbook
corrosion metal to dissolved oxygen. Localized attack patches. Vol. 13,
Electrical discharge A pitting mechanism caused by passing electrical cur- Typically found in bearings and shafts ASM Handbook
rents between two surfaces. If current is high enough, associated with electrical equipment Vol. 11, Failure
very localized melting can occur. such as motors or generators Analysis and
Erosion Destruction of materials by the abrasive action of mov- Horseshoe-shaped indentations, particu- ASM Handbook
ing fluids. larly for copper alloys. Other alloys may Vol. 11, Failure
have a scalloping effect. Special case Analysis and
turbulent flow accelerated corrosion Prevention
Erosion/corrosion Erosion is the accelerated mechanical removal of sur- Generally a roughened surface with API 571
face material as a result of relative movement between flow patterning lines visible.
or impact from solids, liquids, vapor, or any combina-
tion thereof. Erosion/corrosion is a description for the
damage that occurs when corrosion contributes to ero-
sion by removing protective films or scales, or by
exposing the metal surface to further corrosion under
the combined action of erosion and corrosion.

ASME PCC-3–2017

Table A-1 Damage Mechanism Definitions (Cont’d)

References From
Damage Mechanism Definition Attributes 16.1
Erosion—droplets Erosion accelerated by two-phase flow. Flow-oriented patterning ASM Handbook
Vol. 11, Failure
Analysis and
Erosion—solids A form of erosion in which the suspended particles are Often a polished surface. ASM Handbook
solid. Vol. 11, Failure
Analysis and
Fatigue, contact Cracking and subsequent spalling of metal subjected to ... ASM Handbook
alternating Hertzian (contact) stresses Vol. 11, Failure
Analysis and
Fatigue, mechanical Fatigue cracking is a mechanical form of degradation Characterized by incremental propaga- API 571
that occurs when a component is exposed to cyclical tion of cracks until the cross section
stresses for an extended period, often resulting in sud- has been reduced so that it can no
den, unexpected failure. These stresses can arise from longer support the maximum applied
either mechanical loading or thermal cycling and are load; often mistakenly called “crystalli-
typically well below the yield strength of the material. zation.” Progress of crack usually indi-
cated by appearance of “beach marks.”
The majority of fatigue cracks in welded
members initiate at a weld toe or at a
termination near a stiffener or other
attachments such as gusset plates.
Circular striations noted emanating
from the origin or point of the stress
Fatigue, thermal The progressive localized permanent structural change Caused by a temperature change acting ASM Handbook
that occurs in a material subjected to repeated or fluc- against an external or internal restraint. Vol. 11, Failure
tuating thermal stresses. Cyclic loading caused by ther- Low cycle thermal fatigue failures may Analysis and
mal cycles. The cracking is often enhanced by be characterized by multiple initiation Prevention
oxidation. sites, transverse fractures, an oxide
wedge filling the crack, or transgranular
fracture. Also, may involve differential
alloy expansion/contraction rates
Fatigue, vibration A form of mechanical fatigue in which cracks are pro- Typically start from areas of stress con- API 571
duced as the result of dynamic loading due to vibra- centration such as notches, sharp
tion, water hammer, or unstable fluid flow. edges, grooves, etc.
Filiform corrosion Corrosion that occurs under some coatings in the form Pattern — network surfaces effect often ASM Handbook
of randomly distributed threadlike filaments. interacting series of crisscross lines. Vol. 13,
Thinned surfaces, cosmetic problem. Corrosion
Flow accelerated Thinning corrosion usually associated with high purity, Loss in thickness at bends and regions WRC 490
corrosion (FAC) low oxygen steam condensate caused by the relative of localized turbulence.
movement of a corrosive fluid against the metal sur-
face. It does not involve or require the formation of
bubbles due to cavitation. Metal loss results from the
dissolution of the protective oxide film by localized

ASME PCC-3–2017

Table A-1 Damage Mechanism Definitions (Cont’d)

References From
Damage Mechanism Definition Attributes 16.1
Flue gas dew point Sulfur and chlorine species in fuel will form sulfur diox- ... API 571
corrosion ide, sulfur trioxide and hydrogen chloride within the
combustion products. At low enough temperatures,
these gases and the water vapor in the flue gas will
condense to form sulfurous acid, sulfuric acid and
hydrochloric acid which can lead to severe corrosion.
Fretting Wear that occurs between tight-fitting surfaces sub- Very clean surfaces, often noted in ASM Handbook
jected to oscillation at very small amplitude. This type localized zones. Can also occur in aque- Vol. 11, Failure
of wear can be a combination of oxidative wear and ous environments, e.g., heat exchanger Analysis and
abrasive wear. tube bundle rubbing. Prevention
Fuel ash corrosion Fuel ash corrosion is accelerated high temperature wast- ... API 571
age of materials that occurs when contaminants in the
fuel form deposits and melt on the metal surfaces of
fired heaters, boilers, and gas turbines. Corrosion typi-
cally occurs with fuel oil or coal that is contaminated
with a combination of sulfur, sodium, potassium, and/
or vanadium. The resulting molten salts (slags) dis-
solve the surface oxide and enhance the transport of
oxygen to the surface to reform the iron oxide at the
expense of the tube wall or component.
Galvanic corrosion A form of corrosion that can occur at the junction of The corrosion is more severe near the API 571
dissimilar metals when they are joined together in a junction of the two metals than else-
suitable electrolyte, such as a moist or aqueous envi- where. Galvanic corrosion is usually the
ronment, or soils containing moisture. result of poor design and selection of
materials. Two different metals in con-
tact with an electrolyte. Interfacial junc-
tion attack usually within 3 to 5
diameters of a junction.
Graphitization Graphitization is a change in the microstructure of cer- Reduced ductility primarily in weld heat API 571
tain carbon steels and 0.5Mo steels after long-term affected zones due to presence of flake
operation in the 800°F to 1,100°F (427°C to 593°C) graphite.
range that may cause a loss in strength, ductility, and/
or creep resistance. At elevated temperatures, the car-
bide phases in these steels are unstable and may
decompose into graphite nodules. This decomposition
is known as graphitization.
High temp H2/H2S The presence of hydrogen in H2S streams increases the ... API 571
corrosion severity of high temperature sulfide corrosion at temper-
atures above about 500°F (260°C). This form of sulfida-
tion usually results in a uniform loss in thickness
associated with hot circuits in hydroprocessing units.
Hot cracking Intergranular cracking in a weld that occurs during ... ASM Handbook
solidification of the weld. It typically occurs at weld Vol. 11, Failure
metal temperatures above 1,200°F (650°C). Analysis and
Hot tensile Occurs when the stress in a component exceeds the at- Discoloration and distortion. Materials ASM Handbook
temperature tensile strength of the metal. have permanent and detrimental Vol. 11, Failure
change in properties. A mechanical Analysis and
phenomenon. Prevention

ASME PCC-3–2017

Table A-1 Damage Mechanism Definitions (Cont’d)

References From
Damage Mechanism Definition Attributes 16.1
Hydrochloric acid Hydrochloric acid (aqueous HCl) causes both general ... API 571
corrosion and localized corrosion and is very aggressive to most
common materials of construction across a wide range
of concentrations. Damage in refineries is most often
associated with dew point corrosion in which vapors
containing water and hydrogen chloride condense from
the overhead stream of a distillation, fractionation, or
stripping tower. The first water droplets that condense
can be highly acidic (low pH) and promote high corro-
sion rates.
Hydrofluoric (HF) Corrosion by HF acid can result in high rates of general ... API 571
acid corrosion or localized corrosion and may be accompanied by
hydrogen cracking, blistering, and/or HIC/SOHIC.
Hydrogen damage Hydrogen damage occurs in high pressure boilers, usu- ... WRC 490
ally under heavy scale deposits, on the waterside of
the boiler tube. The damage develops first in the high-
est heat-release zones of the furnace, often just down-
stream of welded joints. Regardless of whether the
conditions are acidic or basic, hydrogen atoms are pro-
duced by the corrosion reaction. The hydrogen is
trapped between the scale and the steel, and some
hydrogen penetrates into the steel. Since hydrogen is a
small atom, it can easily diffuse into the steel where it
reacts with iron carbide to form methane and iron.
Methane is a large molecule and cannot easily diffuse
and therefore collects at the grain boundaries within
the steel. When sufficient methane collects, a series of
intergranular cracks that weaken the steel are formed.
Hydrogen A loss in ductility of high strength steels due to the The degree of hydrogen embrittlement API 571
embrittlement penetration of atomic hydrogen can lead to brittle is highly dependent on the strength
cracking. Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) can occur during level of steel. Primarily intergranular
manufacturing, welding, or from services that can low ductility fracture, generally without
charge hydrogen into the steel in an aqueous, corro- corrosion products. Nascent hydrogen
sive, or a gaseous environment. evolved at cathodic surfaces diffuses
into matrix of alloy and forms molecu-
lar hydrogen leading to overpressure.
Hydrogen-induced Hydrogen blisters can form at many different depths Nascent molecular hydrogen transmutes API 571
crack (HIC) from the surface of the steel, in the middle of the after diffusion in alloy matrix.
plate, or near a weld. In some cases, neighboring or
adjacent blisters that are at slightly different depths
(planes) may develop cracks that link them together.
Interconnecting cracks between the blisters often have
a stair step appearance, and so HIC is sometimes
referred to as “stepwise cracking.”
Intergranular Preferential dissolution of the grain-boundary phases or Susceptibility to intergranular corrosion ASM Handbook
corrosion the zones immediately adjacent to them, usually with is usually related to thermal processing, Vol. 13,
slight or negligible attack on the main body of the such as welding or stress relieving, and Corrosion
grains. can be corrected by a solution heat
treatment or alloy trace additives. Micro-
scopic examination reveals attack at
grain boundaries.
Knife-line attack Intergranular corrosion of an alloy, usually stabilized See “Sensitization.” Very well-defined ASM Handbook
stainless steel, along a line adjoining or in contact with line, attack. Vol. 11, Failure
a weld after heating into the sensitization temperature Analysis and Pre-
range. vention

ASME PCC-3–2017

Table A-1 Damage Mechanism Definitions (Cont’d)

References From
Damage Mechanism Definition Attributes Section 16
Lack-of-fusion Weld fusion that is less than complete, also known as .. . ASM Handbook
incomplete fusion. Vol. 6, Welding,
Brazing, and
Lack-of-penetration Joint penetration which is less than that specified. .. . ASM Handbook
Vol. 6, Welding,
Brazing, and
Liquid metal A form of cracking that results when certain molten Usually involves the softer alloys such API 571
cracking (LMC) metals come in contact with specific alloys. Cracking as Pb, Hg, Cd, Cu, Zn, Al, etc., as the
can be very sudden and brittle in nature. liquid metal. Formerly called liquid
metal embrittlement (LME).
Liquid slag attack A process in which slag forms on the surface of a com- Molten slag usually, but not always, EPRI CS-5500-SR,
corrosion ponent causing fluxing of the normally protective oxide involves a sulfur or sodium bearing Boiler Tube
scales on the alloys and results in accelerated oxida- compound. Failures in Fossil
tion and metal loss Power Plants
Metal dusting Metal dusting is a form of carburization resulting in ... API 571
(catastrophic accelerated localized pitting which occurs in carburizing
carburization) gases and/or process streams containing carbon and
hydrogen. Pits usually form on the surface and may
contain soot or graphite dust.
Microbiological A form of corrosion caused by living organisms such as Most common attack is due to sulfite API 571
induced corrosion bacteria, algae, or fungi. It is often associated with the reducing bacteria. Very deep pitting,
(MIC) presence of tubercles or slimy organic substances. high concentration rates
Naphthenic acid A form of high temperature corrosion that occurs pri- The various acids which comprise the API 571
corrosion (NAC) marily in crude and vacuum units, and downstream naphthenic acid family can have dis-
units that process certain fractions or cuts that contain tinctly different corrosivity.
naphthenic acids.
Oxidation corrosion Oxygen reacts with carbon steel and other alloys at Usually referred to as dry or high tem- API 571
high temperature converting the metal to oxide scale. It perature attack.
is most often present as oxygen is in the surrounding
air (approximately 20%) used for combustion in fired
heaters and boilers.
Phenol (carbolic Corrosion of carbon steel can occur in plants using phe- ... API 571
acid) corrosion nol as a solvent to remove aromatic compounds from
lubricating oil feedstocks.
Phosphate attack A continuous addition of phosphate to keep boiler Linked to sodium phosphate water treat- EPRI CS-5500-SR,
corrosion water in specification could cause a boiler to operate ment in boilers. Also known as phos- Boiler Tube
in a zone that may result in acidic phosphate corrosion phate hideout Failures in Fossil
causing failures. Power Plants
Phosphoric acid Phosphoric acid is most often used as a catalyst in Corrosion rates increase with increasing API 571
corrosion polymerization units. It can cause both pitting corro- temperatures. Corrosion can penetrate
sion and localized corrosion of carbon steels a 1⁄4-in. (6.35-mm) thick steel tube in 8
depending on water content. hr.
Pitting corrosion Extreme localized corrosion caused by a concentration- Pitting can cause failure by perforation ASM Handbook
cell that generally produces sharply defined holes; while producing only a small weight Vol. 11, Failure
occurs when an area of a metal surface becomes loss on the metal. Analysis and
anodic with respect to the rest of the surface Prevention

ASME PCC-3–2017

Table A-1 Damage Mechanism Definitions (Cont’d)

References From
Damage Mechanism Definition Attributes Section 16
Polythionic acid A form of stress corrosion cracking normally occurring ... API 571
cracking during shutdowns, start-ups, or during operation when
air and moisture are present. Cracking is due to sulfur
acids forming from sulfide scale, air, and moisture act-
ing on sensitized austenitic stainless steels. Usually
adjacent to welds or high stress areas. Cracking may
propagate rapidly through the wall thickness of piping
and components in a matter of minutes or hours.
Porosity Cavity-type discontinuities formed by gas entrapment ... ASM Handbook
during solidification. Vol. 6, Welding,
Brazing, and
Selective leaching Dealloying is a selective corrosion mechanism in which Generally leaves one of the phases of API 571
(dealloying) one or more constituents of an alloy are preferentially the metal with the same geometry as
corrosion attacked leaving a lower density (dealloyed) often the uncorroded metal. Results in a sig-
porous structure. Component failure may occur sud- nificant loss of strength without a visu-
denly and unexpectedly because mechanical properties ally apparent corresponding loss in
of the dealloyed material are significantly degraded. metal thickness. Matrix of component
often seems unaffected.
Sensitization In austenitic stainless steels, the precipitation of chro- ... ASM Handbook
mium carbides, usually at grain boundaries, on expo- Vol. 11, Failure
sure to temperatures in the range of 1,000°F to Analysis and
1,550°F (550°C to 850°C). Leaving the grain bound- Prevention
aries depleted of chromium and, therefore, susceptible
to attack.
Sigma and chi Detrimental phase formation in austenitic alloys as a Components in heaters and furnaces ASM Handbook
phase result of long-term exposures in the 1,200°F to exposed to the appropriate temperature Vol. 11, Failure
1,600°F (650°C to 870°C) range. Susceptibility is range for extended periods. Noted and Analysis and
greater in higher chrome containing alloys. identified after metallurgical examina- Prevention
tion under a microscope.
Sigma phase Formation of a metallurgical phase known as sigma Sigma phase is an iron–chromium com- API 571
embrittlement phase can result in a loss of fracture toughness in pound of approximately equal atomic
some stainless steels as a result of high temperature proportions of iron and chromium. It is
exposure. extremely brittle and hard. Noted and
identified after metallurgical examina-
tion under a microscope.
Softening (over Caused by exposure to elevated temperatures, gener- ... ASM Handbook
aging) ally less than 1,300°F (705°C), which lowers the ten- Vol. 11, Failure
sile strength and hardness of the metal as well as Analysis and
increasing the ductility and reduction of area. Prevention
Sour water corro- Corrosion of steel due to acidic sour water containing ... API 571
sion (acidic) H2S at a pH between 4.5 and 7.0. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
may also be present. Sour waters containing significant
amounts of ammonia, chlorides, or cyanides may signif-
icantly affect pH but are outside the scope of this

ASME PCC-3–2017

Table A-1 Damage Mechanism Definitions (Cont’d)

References From
Damage Mechanism Definition Attributes Section 16
Spheroidization Spheroidization is a change in the microstructure of The change from the laminar pearlitic API 571
steels after exposure in the 850°F to 1,400°F (440°C structure to the spheroidized carbides
to 760°C) range, where the carbide phases in carbon generally produces a slight reduction in
steels are unstable and may agglomerate from their nor- tensile and yield strength and a corres-
mal plate-like form to a spheroidal form, or from small, ponding slight increase in elongation.
finely dispersed carbides in low alloy steels like
1Cr–0.5Mo to large agglomerated carbides.
Spheroidization may cause a loss in strength and/or
creep resistance.
Strain aging Strain aging is a form of damage found mostly in older Strain aging can produce an increase in API 571
vintage steels and C–0.5Mo low alloy steels under the strength but generally produces prob-
combined effects of deformation and aging at an inter- lems in deep drawing the rimmed or
mediate temperature. This results in an increase in capped steels.
hardness and strength with a reduction in ductility and
Stray current Corrosion typically caused when two pipes are in close ... ASM Handbook
corrosion proximity of each other and one pipe is cathodically Vol. 13,
protected. The other pipe can act as the anode and Corrosion
will corrode
Sulfidation Corrosion of carbon steel and other alloys resulting ... API 571
from their reaction with sulfur compounds in high-
temperature environments. The presence of hydrogen
accelerates corrosion.
Sulfide-stress crack- Cracking under the combined action of tensile stress ... ASM Handbook
ing (SSC) and corrosion in the presence of water and hydrogen Vol. 11, Failure
sulfide. Analysis and Pre-
vention; NACE RP
0472, MR0103,
Sulfuric acid Sulfuric acid promotes general and localized corrosion .. . API 571
corrosion of carbon steel and other alloys. Carbon steel heat-
affected zones may experience severe corrosion.
Temper Temper embrittlement is the reduction in toughness Temper embrittlement causes an API 571
embrittlement due to a metallurgical change that can occur in some increase in the ductile to brittle transi-
low alloy steels as a result of long term exposure in tion temperature but the condition can
the temperature range of about 650°F to 1,100°F be reversed by retempering at a temper-
(343°C to 593°C) . This change causes an upward shift ature above the critical range followed
in the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature as mea- by rapid cooling.
sured by Charpy impact testing. Although the loss of
toughness is not evident at operating temperature,
equipment that is temper embrittled may be suscepti-
ble to brittle fracture during start-up and shutdown.
Under deposit A special version of crevice corrosion Solution chemistry under the deposit is ASM Handbook
corrosion different than the bulk solution. Often Vol. 13,
occurs under deposits. Particulates may Corrosion
be transported corrosions products.
Uniform corrosion The deterioration of metal caused by chemical or elec- Gross topographic features are general ASM Handbook
trochemical reaction of a metal with its environment metal loss over a large area, not local- Vol. 13,
over a uniform area ized like pitting. Can be attended to by Corrosion
corrosion allowance.
Weld decay A band of intergranular corrosion next to a weld in the Similar to intergranular type attack, but ASM Handbook
base metal of a nonstabilized stainless steel (e.g.,304 localized close to weldments because Vol. 11, Failure
stainless steel). temperature from welding puts local Analysis and
region in sensitizing range. Prevention

ASME PCC-3–2017

Table A-1 Damage Mechanism Definitions (Cont’d)

References From
Damage Mechanism Definition Attributes Section 16
Weld metal crater A crack in the crater of a weld bead. The crater, in arc ... ASM Handbook
cracking welding, is a depression at the termination of a weld Vol. 6, Welding,
bead or in the molten weld bead. Brazing, and
Weld metal fusion A crack at the interface between the weld metal and ... ASM Handbook
line cracking the area of base metal melted (fusion line) from Vol. 6, Welding,
welding. Brazing, and
Weld metal longitu- Cracking parallel to or along a weld. ... ASM Handbook
dinal cracking Vol. 6, Welding,
Brazing, and
Weld metal root A crack in the root of a weld. The root is defined as the ... ASM Handbook
cracking points, as shown in cross section, at which the back of Vol. 6, Welding,
the weld intersects the base metal surfaces. Brazing, and
Weld metal toe A crack in the base metal occurring at the toe of a ... ASM Handbook
cracking weld, which is the junction between the face of a weld Vol. 6, Welding,
and the base metal. Brazing, and
Weld metal trans- Cracking across (perpendicular to) a weld. ... ASM Handbook
verse cracking Vol. 6, Welding,
Brazing, and
Weld metal Cold cracks that are most frequently encountered when ... ASM Handbook
underbead welding a hardenable base metal. Excessive joint Vol. 6, Welding,
cracking restraint and the presence of hydrogen are contributing Brazing, and
causes. Soldering


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